#and drank beer in the streets
I personally read it as Jamie messing with Roy/ really hyping up the dick head persona, mainly because even in S1 when he was at his worst, outside of the team everyone we saw Jamie interact with he was perfectly polite (especially kids). But there is also a fair chance he was part of something, a bunch of drunken academy boys on a flight, but I doubt he did anything by himself
Yes, I agree! I just love Phil Dunster’s delivery here that it makes me laugh every time and then I’m like “wait what?” And 85 other things happen in the episode that I then forget.
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sp0o0kylights · 8 months
Part One
The drive's short one. 
Steve gets out of his car, opening the passenger door for Chrissy and escorting her up to the house, quietly envisioning what Jason would look like if a real monster got him.
What would he say, staring down the crazy, five-starred head, filled with teeth and drool? Would he turn back? Or run?
(Steve swears he doesn't take great pleasure in imagining Carver getting eaten, but he'll admit to taking a little.)  
"Chrissy do you have any idea--oh." Mrs. Cunningham startles, grasping her robe at the front as she spots Steve standing next to her daughter.  
"Hi Miss Cunningham." He says.
"Hello." She says suspiciously. "And who are you?"
"I'm Steve Harrington, ma'am." He watches as her mother straightens immediately at his name, and sinks right into the ol' Harrington charm, knowing instantly it will work. "I know you were expecting Jason, but I'm afraid he wasn't able to drive Chrissy home." 
"Oh, Steve! It's so late I almost didn't recognize you." She titters, suspicion gone. "Your mother and I are on the same charity board." 
Of course they were.
"I thought you were dating that nice Nancy girl." She says with a squint that mimics Chrissy's, because even in the midst of a crisis he can't escape the gossip that is Hawkins upper echelon. 
"Nance is waiting in the car." Steve lies smoothly. "I just wanted to make sure Chrissy got home safe." 
"What happened?" Chrissy's father appears, ushering them both in while blatantly peering around them, eyes sweeping the street before closing the door.
Steve recognizes the move. He's checking for nosy neighbors. 
"Jason and I broke up." Chrissy admits.
"We..." She falters in front of her parents. 
"What happened to Jason?" Her father asks, tuning back in once they're safely away from peering eyes.
"I'm afraid Jason and some of his friends brought beer to the party." Steve steps in to explain.  
"Oh Chrissy, it's a high school party. That's no reason to break up with him." Her mother fusses, face flushing in embarrassment. Her eyes dart from her daughter to Steve and back, and Steve knows he needs to start damage control. 
If he plays it right he can burn Jason while he's at it. 
"He was horrible, mom. Just awful." Chrissy says, but Steve can tell she's shrinking under her mothers gaze. 
"He drank quite a lot, Miss Cunningham." With a theatrical wince, Steve turns to face Chrissy's dad, lowers his voice and says "I'm going to have to talk to Coach about it." 
He gets the intended response, which is a raised eyebrow. "That bad, huh?" 
Steve nods once, painting a pained smile on his face. "He made a real fool of himself tonight, Sir. The basketball team has a reputation to uphold." 
"Oh." Mrs. Cunningham says, hand fluttering in front of her face. "I never would have thought…"
"He's normally a good guy. I don't know what got into him." Steve has them both eating out of the palm of his hand, attention neatly off Chrissy and onto the story he's feeding them. 
Its worth it to see her shoulders relax. 
"I couldn't let him take Chrissy home in the state he was in Sir, and he got very…" 
Steve pauses. 
Fills his voice with tempered disappointment, channeling his dad. "Belligerent. Said some nasty things."  
"Really?" Mr. Cunningham says, with a low whistle, and Steve knows by his tone alone that he's bought in.
Hook, line, sinker.
Steve nods once. "I have to get back to my girlfriend, but Chrissy'" He turns earnestly here, to let her know he's not faking this next bit. "Let me know if Jason bothers you at school. I'll set him straight again if I have to." 
"Thank you Steve." Mr. Cunningham says, as Chrissy's mom hustles her daughter towards the kitchen. 
Steve shakes his hand, then waves at Crissy as she calls her own thank you over her shoulder, before disappearing out the door and back to his car.
The same one where Nancy very much isn't. 
That's a problem for tomorrow Steve.
Tomorrow Steve gets into an argument with Nancy. 
She can't recall that Jonathan took her home, or that he's bullshit, their whole relationship, bullshit--
But she also can't tell him she loves him.
So Steve snaps at her. Storms off.
 Play’s more basketball.
It takes less than two hours for him to get mopey and another three for him to spiral into deciding he was wrong somehow.
That's what his mom said all the time anyway, wasn't it? The man's always wrong Steven, and he's the man here so…
He gets flowers, chocolates, and fucking waylaid (by Dustin Henderson with his Grow a Monster) and things go sideways from there.
 Train tracks and a junkyard and demodogs make time speed up. An encounter with Billy and a dinner plate causes Steve's recollection of the evening to be fuzzy. 
He just knows that in the middle of dodging death, he has the realization that Nance wants to break up with him.
That he should let her. 
Even if it hurts, even if he doesn't want to. 
She wants to be let go.
So Steve does. He respects her, and when he has a moment after its all over, he tells her to go with Jonathan.
(At least he permanently gets the squirts out if this. Or at least everyone but Mike.
Even if most of them are shitheads and one of them's Hargrove's step sister.
But when Dustin keeps pestering him, demanding Steve drive him all over Hawkins and then drags him to the movies, well.
It might be the best something Steve's had in his life so far. )
"Oh shit. Is that from Caver?" Eddie asks, popping up near Steve's car like the clown in a jack in the box. 
"Carver can't hit for shit. This was Hargrove." Steve replies, attempting an eyeroll before remembering that his entire face is a bruise. 
One, giant, never ending bruise. 
"I guess his step sister gave him the slip to come hang out with these kids I watch sometimes. I didn't know she wasn't supposed to be there." Steve shrugs, because it's the technical truth. 
If you turn it sideways and squint anyway. 
"Asshole tried to threaten the kid Max is into by slamming him into a wall and screaming shit, so I stepped in, and--" He waves at his face. 
The same one he's already getting looks for. 
"I was winning." Steve sighs theatrically. "He broke a plate over my head."
The story seemed to freeze Eddie but he recovers with a quick shake of his head. 
"You poor thing." He tuts. "Let me guess--you were more worried about the hair than the wound?" 
Eddie's hands flutter like he's going to touch Steve's head but he seems to contain himself at the last minute.
The hospital threatened to buzz it for stitches." Steve says darkly, playing into the bit. 
(He had not gone to a hospital. 
None of them had.)  
"What would our King be without his crown of hair?" Eddie laments, in a falsetto that was half insult half oddly sincere. It was jarring in that it was hard to get a read on, but the more Steve was around the guy the less it seemed malicious and the more it came off  as just….goofy.
Eddie Munson, Steve decided, was not a freak.
 He was a dorky little weirdo, just like all the other kids Steve now hung out with. 
Just older, and with slightly better hair. 
"Hey Eddie." Another boy calls out, approaching cautiously. 
He's got a leather jacket on, and if Steve thinks hard enough he can sort of conjure up a memory of the guy at Eddie's lunch table, throwing a piece of bread at a pale sophomore decked out in plaid. "You good man?" 
"Yeah Jeff, just checkin' in on the Hair here." Eddie sticks a thumb towards Steve, who raises his hand and waves. 
The falsetto comes back, somehow higher as the older boy swoons over Steves arm. "Soothing his poor soul after that brute Hargrove almost killed him." 
"Has anyone ever told you you're a lot like Bugs Bunny?" Steve asks, the thought leaving his mouth the instant he had it.
(He doesn't care, it's a legitimate question.) 
It has the effect of making Munson look downright chuffed. "I have actually, but only by my Uncle." 
"Why are you checking in?" Jeff interrupts, before seeming to realize he said it out loud. " Ah, I mean--"
"Oh he didn't tell you?" Steve says, as casually as he can muster. "Eddie claimed me and Chrissy at a party last weekend." 
See Munson? Two people could play the weird bit game. 
They've attracted more of Eddie's friends now, two more boys in leather jackets edging closer like frightened deer. 
(One of which is the aforementioned younger man Jeff threw bread at, and Steve vaguely thinks the guy's name starts with a g.) 
"Apparently we're his minions now." Steve tells Jeff in a rather put upon manner. 
"It was just you, the fair maiden chose otherwise." Eddie counters dismissively, voice dropping down low. 
Steve snorts. Hums a sarcastic; "Like you'd let us choose." 
Eddie finally abandons whatever voice that was supposed to be (a villain, Steve thinks, and wonders if it hurts Eddies throat to drop from a false high to a deep low that quickly.)  to say:
 "Mock me all you like, Harrington, but you can't deny the bit worked." 
Steve automatically went for another eye roll, and gets a flash of pain for it. "Who said I was mocking you, you dork? Just stating facts." 
Yet again, Eddie reacts weird to the comment. He looks almost bashful for a second, before he recovers, tugging his hair in front of his face as he plays with it.
The bell rings once in warning, and Steve makes a face towards the doors. 
"I gotta go, Mrs Clicks out to fail me. See you around, Eddie. Jeff." The way his eyes are bruised up he can't quite make out the face Jeff makes at that, but Steve's pretty sure the guys mouth was open. 
"She's a nasty one, my minion, best stay on your toes around her." Eddie calls, and Steve waves a hand in the air to show he heard. 
"What just happened?" Jeff asks, far too loudly for how close Steve still is. 
It makes him chuckle a bit, even as one of the other guys says something in a far quieter voice that has Munson squawking and flapping his arms like a bird. 
The winding little feelings in his chest squeeze his heart, and Steve shakes his head, refusing to be fond of Eddie Munson. 
College rejection letters come in, one after the another.
Steve could have made it into a few schools he's certain, except he hadn't really applied to any.
Not that any college other than Penn Hurst mattered. His dad wanted him to be a legacy, come hell or high water.
Steve's punishment was hand picked by his parents, and he gets the sailor outfit his new minimum wage job requires is supposed to be a part of it--that his dad made him apply because it was the most embarrassing thing he could think to subject Steve too-- but honestly? 
It's not that bad. 
Not even with Robin, the manager he met yesterday, and who positively, completely and totally, hates Steve’s guts.  
He figures he has time to win her over. 
All the time in the world, now that demons aren't trying to eat his, or any of the kid's, faces. He can focus on the small things. Build himself back up.
Figure out the person he wants to be, now that he's no longer King Steve. 
It’s the thought that kept him from attending any graduation parties. To go felt like backsliding into old habits. 
‘If the kids--if it comes back again--’ 
Getting drunk at night in a random house seemed almost irresponsible.
Particularly not with people Steve has history with, without anyone he really cares about being present. Certainly not Nance and Jonathan, who he wishes he didn’t know are at some end-of-year game night one of Nancy’s friends is hosting. 
(Steve can’t think about that for a number of reasons. 
When he does--because of course he does-- he makes sure to focus on the weirdness that is Jonathan Byers being someone he cares about, instead of the fact he can’t seem to kill his love for Nancy. 
Or that he's horrifically jealous of their relationship. 
That the best sleep he had ever had was between them, two nights after the lab, when they crammed themselves into Jonathan's bed because they all couldn't quite believe it was over.
That night had been so incredibly weird, but grouping together felt safer. Smarter.
Not in a way Steve wants to put into words. 
Not in a way he wants to confront at all.) 
His parents hadn’t been able to make it home to watch him walk at his graduation--his father landing a last minute meeting with some important person or other. 
Faked apologies were given, money transferred, and Steve, not wanting to sit in his too-huge house, had meandered to Family Video. 
Tried to forget his father’s cold voice in the background of his mother’s call, loudly announcing he’d have made it a priority to see Steve graduate-- if he’d gotten into Penn Hurst. 
Steve just shakes his head. Pushes those thoughts into the back of his head, into the same place all his other weird thoughts live.
The glare he gets from the tall, pimple-ridden guy working the rental counter was expected.
Chrissy Cunningham, was not. 
"I thought you’d be at one of the parties.” He tells her, when he turns down the romance aisle and finds her staring blankly at a shelf. 
She startles, before recognition flits over her face and a warm smile is directed his way. 
“I'm honestly not a fan of parties." She confides in him, hand clutching a tape in her hands."Not those kinds, anyway.” 
"More slumber parties, less keg stands your speed?" Steve guessed, blatantly turning his head sideways in order to read the title.
She awards him with a wider smile. "Exactly." 
"Chrissy Cunningham. Are you renting Jaws?" He teases, leaning in just a touch.
She flushes, but turns and squares up to him. Steve's delighted to see it. 
"Why yes I am. I'll do you one better and even admit it's one of my favorite movies." 
Steve grins at her, and sees the way she lights up on response, eyes bright. 
This is the Chrissy that Carver had tried to kill. The strength and pure fun that radiates off her enhances the beauty she has to something almost otherworldly. 
Steve has seen enough beauty in his life to recognize when it will stay. That Chrissy wil one day be 80 years old, with gray hair and knit sweaters, and she'll still be able to light up a room. 
"Like sharks killing people that much huh?” He teases. And it’s easy, slipping into this part of himself around her. The part he’s been trying to get back. 
The confidence that he walked with, before monsters crawled out of the ground, and Nancy put a hole in his heart.
"I'll let you in on a secret. ." Chrissy leans in, dropping her voice low enough that Steve has to lean in a bit too to hear. "My favorite character is the shark." 
Steve playfully gapes at her, and for the first  time in a long time, feels like things will be okay. 
He’ll be okay.
He won’t be King Steve. He’s not Nancy's Boyfriend Steve either--but someone else. Himself.
A Steve who exists outside of Hawkins High, outside his family name. 
He likes it.
"I told you that was his car. Steve!" A too familiar voice calls and Steve can't mask the despair that hits him as he turns to his (now least) favorite shithead, whose storming through Family Video’s doors. 
"Dustin." He identifies, with an edge to his voice he can only pray Chrissy doesn't pick up on. "Other brats. What are you doing?" 
Mike stands stubbornly at Dustin's right, Lucas nervous at his left. 
Will Byers is situated next to Mike but Steve's not as familiar with him, and has no idea how to interpret the kid. 
If he had to guess based on the face he’s being sent, Will’s more nervous then the rest--but equally determined. 
(This does not make Steve feel better. It in fact, somewhat convinces them they’ve run headfirst back into trouble.) 
"Well we were going to go to Lucas’s, but now, we're bumming a ride from you!" 
"I'm busy." He says flatly. 
"I didn't know you had a brother." Chrissy says, hand covering her mouth. 
Looking back at her, Steve's pretty sure she's trying to physically hold back laughter. 
If one could shoot lasers with their eyes, Steve would be nailing Dustin for ruining--whatever it was that was happening here. 
"He's a rescue" Steve says flatly. "It’s not working out though. We're planning on returning him to the shelter.” 
"Wow Steve." Dustin returns, offended. "First of all, if anyone's rescuing anyone I rescued you, or did you suddenly forget that you show up to family dinner every Thursday at my house like a sad orpha--mmpphh!" 
‘Mmpphh’ because Steve had taken several long strides across the store to smack his hand over Dustin's mouth. 
"Sorry Chrissy, it would appear the asshole children I am paid to babysit escaped whoever is supposed to be watching them." He shakes Dustins head, in lue of strangling him. “Hit me up later we’ll discuss the shark’s best kills.” 
“Will do.” Chrissy says, as Steve begins the process of shoving his four smaller friends out the door. “Drive safe!” 
“No you don’t, and you’re gonna prove it by swinging through McDonalds for us.” Dustin sing-songs, swinging himself into the passenger side of the Beemer. 
“You assholes owe me, big time.” Steve hisses, as Lucas and Mike instantly begin making kissy faces the second they’re out into the parking lot. "I had plans tonight!"
“Do you have McDonalds money?” Steve asks, only to immediately wince at himself because fuck did he just sound like a soccer mom. 
“I have money I took out of my mom’s wallet.” Mike says as he settles into the car with his friends.
“Fine.” Steve sighs in defeat, starting the car. 
He determinedly does not ask if the idiots walked here, because there is a suspicious lack of bicycles, if only because he hit his mom quota for the day and Steve refuses to say anything else that might edge out his cool persona.
The one he swears he still has.
("Does my mom really pay you to watch me?" Dustin asks a while later, when the other brats are distracted. His voice is painfully honest, and softer than it normally is. 
"In food, yes." Steve says, because he’s not that much of an asshole--and maybe, because Dustin is truly his only friend right now.
Steve honestly looks forward to those Thursday dinners, helping Ma Henderson and having her fuss over him in a way his parents never had. 
In a way no one ever had. 
Dustin lands a solid kick to his ankle, making Steve curse. "That's not payment you ass!"
"Ow, God Dustin--" 
"Just admit you're my actual friend, you dick!" 
"Language! I swear your mom stole you from wolves, you animal--" Steve swatted at him. 
Maybe, possibly later, he will go on to admit that yes, Dustin is his friend. 
He will even agree to making up a stupid handshake for it. 
It involves lightsabers and gore at least, which Steve insists is very cool.)
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reminiscingtonight · 2 months
baking kitchen mess (aitana bonmatí)
Recipe For Relaxing (Aitana Bonmatí x Reader)
A/N: Barca you're massive 💪
[WOSO Masterlist]
It’s been a long day.
First, your ever lovely girlfriend drank what was left of the coffee and left for an early training without even telling you.
Then your alarm clock seemingly forgot how to do its job, leaving you, still barely awake with no caffeine in sight, to scramble to make it to work on time.
The meeting you slipped into was already in motion, multiple eyes zeroing in on you as you tried to sneak in undetected. So with a healthy dose of tiredness and shame following you to your classroom, you really hoped that your rambunctious lot of third graders would magically surprise you with manners fit for royalty.
It really shouldn’t have irked you as much as it did when all twenty-five of them seemed to catch the wiggle-bug. Nobody was able to sit for more than a couple minutes without jumping or shouting what was on their minds.
By the time the clock signaled the end of the school day you were more than ready to rip out your hair. As politely as you could you wished all of your students goodbye, waving at their grinning faces as their parents herded them away.
Any hope you had at relaxing was dashed when you noticed the cars lining the street all the way up to your driveway.
Sighing, you drove a bit further away before parking on the curb, knowing better than to expect the girls to leave you a clear spot to park in your own driveway.
Mumbling under your breath you stepped over the shoes discarded carelessly by the door. Although you could hear laughter wafting from the living room, you took the side door to get a well needed beer from the fridge. As much as you loved Aitana and all twenty of her clubmates, you needed something to help rewind before even entertaining the idea of playing host.
The second your foot crosses the doorway leading into your kitchen however, you freeze. Your fingers tighten against the doorframe as you take in the sight in front of you.
Something was baking in the oven, but dirty bowls littered your counters, as did half-used ingredients. Flour covered almost every surface, even tracking throughout the ground. 
Clearly the girls had never heard of leaving things as they found it. 
You shut your eyes, jaw clenching so hard that you know your dentist will be giving you an earful when you see her next.
“Aitana Bonmatí Conca, what the hell did you do to my kitchen?!”
The chattering ceases instantly. 
Angrily turning around, you stomp into the living room to give the girls a piece of your mind.
You’re met with wide guilty eyes, the footballers looking scolded before you even started. 
“Hola bebé, you’re home early.” Aitana gives you a timid grin but you’re not amused.
Your nose flares angrily as you take another step forward. Everyone flinches when you shove a finger into Aitana’s chest. “Clean up my kitchen. Now.”
The air is silent as no one dares to move.
You quirk an eyebrow, tilting your head to make eye contact with the rest of the team. “Now! Pronto! Move your asses girls! I wanted it spotless yesterday!”
It’s like a hurricane storming when everyone scrambles up all at once. Quiet apologies are thrown your way as they pass by, everyone eager to escape your anger.
Aitana tries to sneak away with her teammates but your hand clamps down on her arm before she can even take a step.
“I love you?” she tries, deflating when she sees your unamused look.
“Aitana, babe, love of my life, I love you but you’re the bane of my existence. I’m exhausted and would love it if you could reign in the girls and not make messes for me to clean up.”
A look of determination crosses her face as Aitana nods quickly. “I will do a better job of cleaning up.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, relaxing a bit when Aitana timidly leans forward to give your forehead a soft kiss.
Your girlfriend takes it as a win when she wraps her arms around you and you instantly sink into her hold. The exhaustion from your day seemingly catches up to you as you sway dangerously, ready to go to bed despite it still being early. 
Sighing, you rub at your eyes before gently pushing Aitana off of you. “Thank you for putting up with me. ‘M sorry for yelling.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ve had a long day. Is there anything I could do for you?”
Humming, you give her a kiss when she leans forward for one.
“Could you go get me a beer and tell the rest of the girls that they don’t have to hide in the kitchen from me?”
“I--” Aitana winces. “I think we’re out.”
When Ingrid pokes her head out of the kitchen a couple minutes later, selected by the bunch as the least likely to get her head bitten off by you, she’s met with the sight of you sitting on the couch, feet thrown up on the table as you mindlessly flip through the TV.
You hold up a stack of papers towards the Norwegian. 
“Got a new team bonding activity for you heathens.”
Aitana sighs when she catches sight of the rest of her teammates with each of their own personalized shopping lists at the store down the street. 
“She got you guys too?”
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
what's a kiss between friends?
you don't treat anyone else like this. just me.
- Maddy Perez
you don't treat anyone else like this. just me.
what's a kiss between friends?
Pronouns: they/them/theirs, gender neutral!reader
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You watched Maddy fiddle with the speakers from the comfort of your bed, one cheap beer can in hand while the other kept your head propped up. She grinned when the music finally began flowing from them and tapped on her phone screen a few times until a Kali Uchis song began playing. Maddy spun on her heel to face you, her hair flying from one shoulder to the next with her movements, and she began to sing along to the song. 
"I just wanna get high with my lover Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo Kiss, kiss"
You chuckled and pushed yourself up to lean back against the headboard, eyes trailing after her as she danced along to the song, swaying her hips and using her half-empty beer can as a microphone. You nodded along to the beat, unable to resist the smile spreading on your lips while Maddy continued her performance. She moved onto the end of the end after setting her can aside, kneeling at the edge, and continuing to sing along with a wide smile.
"But I know a place we can escape Find out how it feels to let go of everything, be free When you're here with me"
Better to see Maddy loose and carefree than agitated over Nate or her parents. She seemed fully in her element, laughter occasionally escaping her and the smile never leaving her face. She leaned down, crawling toward you with a mischievous grin and stealing the can right from your hand once close enough. She flopped onto her back and drank the last remaining drops of beer before setting it on the nightstand and tilting her head toward you, resuming her singing and dramatically resting her hand over her chest. You stayed silent, keeping your teasing at bay for the night. She needed a good time after what Cassie had done to her.
"There's nothing like peace of mind And you take the time to make sure that I'm okay I know I can put stress on your brain"
Maddy trailed off toward the end of the lyrics, her lips pressing together and pursing lightly as she stared up at you. You quirked a questioning brow at her and reached out to brush raven-colored strands out of her face. She swatted lightly at your hand and mimicked your position, curling her arm around her pillow and tilting her head. 
"What is it, Maddy?" You prodded, shifting to lay more on your side and look at her better. She ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it back and fully out of her face, her eyes still lingering on yours. 
"You ever thought about, like..." She trailed off, the tip of her acrylic nail scratching lightly against her jaw. "Kissing?" 
"I had my first kiss years ago, Mads, and you did too."
"That's not what I mean, asshole," She huffed lightly, lightly pushing your temple with two fingers and rolling her eyes dramatically. Her hands moved to the ends of her hair, combing through it thoughtfully. "I mean, like... us." 
Us. It almost sounded like it had a double meaning, as if it meant something more than friendship. You'd known Maddy quite literally your whole life, practically since the womb. Your mother had fallen pregnant around the same time as Mrs. Perez, and as a result, they'd often exchange tips or simply talk about how life had changed for them. It'd almost been fated, really, to become best friends with the girl across the street. You'd seen it all: her rise in popularity, the cheerleading practices, her circle of friends growing, the turbulent relationship with Nate Jacobs. the anger, the sadness. The very definition of ride or die.
"What's a kiss between friends?" She lifted her brows at you, but you knew her too well to miss the hint of nerves. The way her fingers combed through her hair, the slightly pursed lips, the way her eyes slipped away every so often. It would've been a shock to the girls if they learned nothing had ever happened between you and Maddy. They joked about it often, and you were fairly certain they believed Maddy turned to you whenever something went wrong with Nate. She did, of course she did, but not in the way they thought of. 
"Friends." You repeated airily, your finger drawing shapes on the sheets. "You know, you don't treat anyone else like this. Just me. Everyone else thinks you're always acting like this cool girl when you're just a dork."
"A dork?" Maddy scoffed softly, the ends of her lips curling upward. "The fuck you mean, a dork?"
With a soft snort, you leaned forward, planting your lips against her in a swift peck. Her typically colored lips were clean and soft, with only the taste of cherry chapstick. Maddy made a soft noise of surprise, her body growing motionless, but by the time the surprise had faded, you'd already pulled away, slumping back into the pillows and listening to a new song fill the room.
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mr2swap · 7 months
wedding gift for "dad"
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I feel terrible about how things turned out for me and my son David, but there is nothing I can do now. All I can do is live the life David always wanted for himself and his husband, Andrew.
I met Andrew when he was just a little boy who used to come every afternoon to play with my son David, the two of them were inseparable so much that I came to consider Andrew as the second son I never had, the years passed, and I saw how Andrew and David became men, until that moment I never believed that there was more than friendship between them, they were always so fanatical of spending their afternoons training in the gym until long hours of the night, studying in long sleepovers that lasted all weekend week and rehearsing their choreographies for the dance club they were both enrolled in. I guess I should have seen the signs.
10 years ago while the whole family was together and David was next to him, he decided to tell us the truth, they had been secretly dating for so long that I almost choked on a mouthful of my wife's delicious meatloaf, they all seemed quite happy at that moment everyone except me.
I was so stupid back then that at that moment, I decided that the man in front of me was not my son anymore, I started treating him differently, I cut myself off from him and Andrew completely, damn it! I even felt sorry that everyone on our street knew about it before I did. I'm 59 years old, in my day all that shit was kept secret, of course there were gay people, but I never thought David would be one of them.
For the good of the family I decided to just ignore David, but when he and Andrew came to my house with an invitation to their wedding I just couldn't help myself anymore, I told David that I didn't agree with his lifestyle and if he wanted to be gay had to be done outside this house and forever, I wouldn't attend the wedding of two fagots, let alone let someone from my family know about it.
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From that moment I did not see David or Andrew again, until their wedding day, I was alone at home watching the football game on television, my wife had betrayed me and left me alone to go to the wedding from David and Andrew, I drank a six pack of beers just to forget today's wedding, but while you were watching the game something strange happened, I don't know if it was the effect of the beers or maybe the strange wish that my son made, I swear that In a simple blink that I lived in slow motion I was transported from the comfortable sofa in my house to a hotel room.
I looked around surprised because my living room had become an elegant room on the twelfth floor of a hotel, believing that I was in an extremely realistic dream, I looked at my hands, they were no longer old and wrinkled, now they were firm and young, my clothes I had also changed instead of a dirty tank top that highlighted my huge belly and yellowed boxer shorts I was now dressed in a fancy tuxedo, I looked down in surprise that my belly didn't obstruct my vision to see my feet which were now in a pair in elegant black shoes.
-This must be a dream…-
I said out loud and startled by the sudden change in the tone of my voice, something seemed familiar in that voice, but I didn't know what it was, I decided to believe that I was in a lucid dream thanks to all the pain that I normally suffered in my back and on my knees they disappeared, with my long and firm fingers I held my hard and firm pectorals, even the sensations on my skin were different and for some reason my nipples were also much more sensitive.
I kept using my fingers to highlight each of my muscles, I continued down towards my chiseled abs, surprised to find myself with the hardness of my muscles instead of a grotesque round belly, I looked to the sides trying to find a mirror, so I could see myself better, and luckily I found one that was on the other side of the huge hotel room.
When I first looked at my reflection, I immediately recognized the face that was now mine.
Indeed, that was not my face, it was the face of my son David, I fell backwards terrified by the impact of seeing my son again and at the same time knowing that I was him, I remained silent for a whole minute making movements slowly while crawling to the mirror my eyes did not take off for a single second from the reflection in the mirror that imitated each of my movements.
As I knelt in front of the mirror, I examined my son's mature handsome face, his perfectly trimmed beard, his whitened teeth, and his hair which I had recently painted black.
-What the fuck is… This?-
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I caressed my new face while making strange expressions with my son's face in the mirror, to verify that it was me who was there. Suddenly, from the other side of the room, the ringing of a telephone made me wake up from hypnosis in who was submerged while looking at my face.
I stood up and awkwardly walked to the phone now that I was aware of the vast difference between my obese body and the young body of my gay son.
Before I had the phone in my hands I looked at the number, immediately recognizing it was the number we had had in the house for years, less and less convinced that this was a dream, I picked up the phone and simply answered it.
For five long seconds that seemed like an eternity the phone remained silent, a hoarse and thick voice broke the silence in which we were.
-Dad are you?-
-Who speaks? David? for the love of god what's happening?-
-Oh shit! If you are the one in my body, I… I'm sorry, I think this is my fault.-
-David, where the hell are you? and where am i? why is this your fault?
I had to sit down for the long conversation we had that day, he doesn't know exactly what happened, he was just getting ready to go down to the reception and be on his wedding day, but it seems an unexpected gift arrived, from out of nowhere a mysterious gift appeared on the floor, it was in front of the door so I guess it was a gift from her future husband or maybe the reception had sent them something in gratitude for renting the ballroom, the gift box was simple and it only had a name on it.
From: Mr2 Swap
He thought the gift was a mistake, that it simply wasn't for him and one of the hotel workers had got the wrong room, but for some reason he couldn't leave the gift unopened, it was almost as if he was calling him .
When he finished dressing, the gift was still there and David could not resist the supernatural curiosity that invaded him, he took the gift in his hands and opened it, he was not expecting anything specific, but what the box contained surprised him, it was a simple golden ticket
"Valid for one wish"
David looked everywhere, but there were no more letters or signs of who had sent the ticket.
-A wish huh?… I just wish dad was here to see how I get married-
And after that we both woke up in each other's place, while there Disney was counting all this madness I looked everywhere even under the bed, but there was no ticket not even a gift box it was like after his wish was fulfilled would have vanished.
While I was still looking for some clues as to where that strange gift had gone, my wife also dressed in an elegant dress entered the room, as soon as I saw her I knew that she had to find out what had happened to me and David But the words wouldn't come out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried I couldn't say a single word about the exchange or about the real David now being drunk in my body thousands of miles from here.
-the wedding planner is waiting for you son, if you take longer on the phone, we will have to postpone dinner-
Caught by the magic of the ticket, I act exactly as David did, I took one last look in the mirror and with a smile I fixed my hair, I definitely wouldn't act like this in a situation like this, but David's personality was so dominant in to my mind that now that so much time has passed since then I can't believe that I actually married another man.
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I drank a couple of drinks to ease the tension but as soon as I saw Andrew for the first time through my son's eyes it was like seeing him for the first time, he was a bit taller than me he had a lovely smile and had a body so fucking hot in that body hugging black suit that a boner formed when I kissed him in front of my family and David and Andrew's friends
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I will never forget my first kiss with Andrew, his lips were firm but soft, his tongue was so wild that I was carried away by the intoxicating taste of his saliva and that slight taste of champagne, with his long and strong arms he caressed my round butt giving me a prelude to what would be my wedding night, the grip on his fingers dug into the meat of my ass like teeth, in my old life I never allowed myself to be weak, but now I enjoyed my newly husband's manipulations.
By the time the wedding ended I was drunk enough to let myself go, the real Andrew noticed my nervousness a bit, but he thought it was just the nerves before the wedding, I hadn't seen my son or Andrew in years, I knew what enough for the time we were together and for what his mother said to convince him that I was the real David.
Hours went by and it got darker and darker, when all the guests had left and me and Andrew went up to the room, the real performance began, the second we walked through the door immediately Andrew took my hands and he tossed me onto the bed like I was a wild animal I stripped naked revealing my son's years worked muscles, my heart was pounding like crazy as I watched Andrew take off his shirt in front of me, I had seen Andrew shirtless a lot of times when I was in my old body, but now it was very different.
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As if they had a life of their own my hands began to adore Andrew's massive hairy pecs, I pinched those nipples that were in front of me and buried my face in the middle of his pecs, the smell was delicious, sweat, and a slight scent of champagne spilled on his shirt, Andrew seemed to be enjoying it even more than I was, his moans that must have seemed repulsive to me before now only turned me on more and more as he released one.
Andrew I can't contain myself for another second he took me by the waist and turned my body so that I was lying face down towards the bed, my legs settled as if they knew exactly what was happening, I arched my back and lifted my ass to display it in front of Andrew, this time the moans that filled the room were my own.
Andrew had plunged his face into my ass and with the same ferocity that he had desecrated my mouth he did with my anus, even though he had magically acquired the personality of my son David, all the sensations will be new to me, and my God. , what fucking incredible sensations!
As he used his tongue to please me with his strong, calloused, firm hands, he took my penis and began to masturbate it, for a straight man and I have done the old-fashioned like me all these pleasurable sensations were incredible.
But neither me nor Andrew were satisfied, Andrew stuck his tongue out of my hairy ass and slowly inserted his cock inside me, it was a painful sensation, but somehow familiar and pleasant, he fucked me so hard that day that surely we didn't let sleep to the people in the next room.
He was so drunk and so tired that day that I didn't realize when he had put me to sleep, and when I woke up to the rest of Andrew, I almost fell out of bed. Immediately, all the memories of the day before came to mind. I got out of bed as quietly as possible, took the phone and unlocked it with Andrew's face, it had 58 calls from the real David.
I changed into a pair of my son's tight revealing underwear and went into the bathroom, called David and told him everything that had happened that night, completely avoiding that Andrew and I had fornicated.
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It was strange hearing my son cry in my old voice, but there was nothing I could do to comfort him, I just promised him that he would try to figure this out and not ruin his life or his new marriage.
Since that day I have been pretending to be David, every day is something new and to be honest it is exciting, thanks to my new personality I was able to fully adapt to David's gay life the new ideas did not seem disastrous to me as they would have seemed to me in my Old body, I always thought my son was a model or something, I soon found out that he and Andrew were the best strippers in the city where we now live, we had loads of money, I never thought fagots would pay so much just to see me dance, having fun, kissing and stroking my husband's cock in public.
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It's been three years since then, Andrew and I have a nice house that we remodeled, a lot of savings in the bank, and we recently started an OnlyFans account as a couple, and he never suspected that she married her boyfriend's father.
Actually no one ever found out about the body swap, that's still our secret between me and David, and speaking of David we talked again after the swap, he has a hard time adjusting to his new life as a bigoted middle-aged man, all those stupid ideas that used to be in my head are now in hers but I think she's adjusting to her new gay son.
It's a bit hard to admit, but I prefer my new life, so I'll try not to open a mystery gift from Mr2 swap again.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 2 months
"Dude, I took over your dad's body.."
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"...and goddamn is there a lot of him to work with! I've been a ghost for years now, but I've never been inside a 6' 3" ex-linebacker! I've been checking him out all afternoon, and let me tell you that this man is big and hairy all over," he punctuates his comment with a wink.
Your dad, the man you've looked up to your entire life, is saying things you don't want to think about while casually laying on the couch in nothing but a robe and booty shorts. The urge to puke is suppressed, but you know that Jimmy has crossed a line here. Your deceased friend has possessed bullies, professors, and more, but he's never had the balls to take over your own family. What was he thinking?
"I jumped into him while he was at work. I think his coworkers probably found it strange when I picked up his briefcase and waddled his ass out the door," Jimmy chuckles at the memory, "But don't worry. Your old man had plenty of sick days he wasn't gonna use."
It doesn't take long for you to burst out in anger at the spirit controlling your father. Your face is hot, and you can't stand to watch your dad get puppetted around like a fool!
"Calm the fuck down!" he swears uncharacteristically, "Give this big guy a hug. Come here. Daddy needs some love..."
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The thought of hugging your father while he's being forced to act like this feels wrong, but you relent. A part of you is glad for the embrace. It might not actually be your dad, but paternal comfort is exactly what you need right now, and your real dad isn't the type to give his child a hug.
"That's it, son," Jimmy pets your head with your father's thick hands, "Let daddy take care of you. Let your dumb old fart-of-a-father give you some much-needed attention."
You can't help but chuckle at the self-deprecating joke. Your real dad was too proud to laugh at himself, and he'd never made an effort to be anything other than distant and formal with you. In fact, there was a lot your real dad would never do; he'd never leave the office in the middle of the day, he'd never lay around the house like a lazy bum, and he'd certainly never let his hairy chest and thick legs be on full display in front of his disappointing gay son.
Suddenly, while still embraced, you realize there's something poking into your waist.
"Sorry, dude," your father whispers in your ear, "I guess your dad is just happy to see you."
You push him away, insisting that Jimmy needs to stay out of family members' bodies because this just feels so wrong! You search the pair of unnaturally blank eyes for any sign that Jimmy might be listening to you.
"You need to relax, bro," your dad (Jimmy) groans in annoyance. He looks disappointed, but then he sparks up and gives you a new look of excitement. "Son," he says with exaggerated machismo, "Take a page from my book and learn to chill out. It doesn't matter what the world thinks about you or me. I'll prove it to you..."
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With a placid grin and blank gaze, your father lumbers past and marches straight out the front door of the house. You're almost too stunned to follow. Was Jimmy really going to parade your dad's body around the neighborhood in nothing but his robe?
"Afternoon, neighbor," your father's rumbling tone bellows across the street, "Lovely weather, today. My son thought I should take my fat hairy gut for a little stroll in the sun. You know us dads have got to keep our boys happy. Am I right?"
Mr. Jones stares at your father from his porch, just as shocked as you are. He often drank beers with this man and every other neighborhood dad at backyard barbecues and living room game watches. This was not how he normally interacted with the man, and it obviously struck him as weird.
"You alright, Bob?" he asks hesitantly.
"Right as rain, neighbor!" Jimmy answers with a tone that's too goofy to pass as my dad's, "If that's how you're staring at me now, I wonder what'll happen if I take this robe off..."
Before Mr. Jones can process the flirtation in your father's voice, you shuffle your dad further down the street and away from the whole interaction. That may have been hilarious, but Jimmy was going to destroy any reputation and respect your father had around here!
You demand to know where Jimmy is going with this body. It's not like you have any ability to even slow the ghost down when he's got the weight and strength of your 200 lb father.
"I'm thinking the park. Your dad could use some cardio," he smirks, an unfamiliar expression on the grown man's face, "Or maybe the public bathroom on the north end. You know, it has that hole in the stall..."
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No amount of reasoning or arguments can change Jimmy's mind. Apparently he's set on wearing your father to the city's most notorious gay hookup spot.
"Don't look at me like that," his gravelly voice sounds amused by your frustration, "With me in charge, your dad will be the dirtiest slut that bathroom's ever seen. Don't you think it'll be funny to see such a massive, manly bear serving man after man in there?"
You sigh in disbelief.
"Or...maybe I don't have to rent out your dad's body to a bunch of strangers..."
You wonder where he's going with this. It sounds like an ultimatum is coming, and you don't like the idea of your crazy dead friend giving you an ultimatum.
"...your dad could hold off on bottoming for strangers...if...you let him be your submissive little bitch."
The choice is an annoying one, but you're pretty sure you can't let your dad have unprotected sex with strangers in a public place. This is what he'd want right?
"That's what I thought," the grin on your father's face twists maniacally. He tussles your hair like he's the proudest dad in the world, "Let's head on back home, buddy. Daddy's gonna lick every inch of sweat off that body of yours. He's got years of emotional absence to make up for."
One of his beefy arms cradles your back and turns you around. You're relieved to no longer be headed towards the public bathroom, but you're still a little nervous about what awaits you at home. How does Jimmy expect you to enjoy any of this when it's your dad doing all these things to you?
"Daddy's gonna treat you to a night that's all about you," he goes on, "Cooking you dinner, rubbing your feet, cuddling on the couch, and so much more. I want you to think of some humiliating things daddy can do for you while we walk back. Make sure they're extra degrading or your dad will just have to step out of the house and degrade himself where the entire city can see..."
The last comment gives you butterflies in your stomach, but it also gives you a bit of a hard-on. Maybe Jimmy playing with your dad wasn't so scary of an idea after all. With him possessed, anything was on the table: personal affirmations, some much needed bonding, roleplay, revenge, humiliation. Heck, you could even give your father a golden shower and Jimmy would have him smiling through it!
Walking home, you steal glances at your dad, towering over you as his rotund gut leads the way. Home can't come fast enough!
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A Beacon in the Dark |1|
Pairing: Joey x Reader
Summary: Joey likes helping people, it's what she's best at. Hunting down the monsters of myth and legend might be the best way to save people.
Warnings: Slight spoilers from the movie
Word Count: 3.8k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1
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“Let’s go!” Ana yelled from the kitchen. “You’re going to be late!”
“Coming!” Caleb called out. Not a second later he came stumbling out of his bedroom, struggling to get the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.
Ana sighed, quickly helping him straighten out his backpack. She handed him his breakfast burrito before ushering him out the door. They quietly walked down the street towards the middle school. She couldn’t afford the nicest apartment, but she was happy to get one within walking distance of Caleb’s school, especially considering she didn’t own a car.
She finally worked up the courage to say something to Caleb when he suddenly took off running. She looked up to see they had arrived at the school. “I’ll pick you up right here at three!” she called out.
“Okay!” Caleb called out, waving a hand back as he focused on meeting up with his friends.
“I-” she began to yell but her shoulders quickly slumped when she saw Caleb smiling and laughing with his friends, not bothering to look back at her. “Love you,” she whispered to herself.
She let out a shaky breath before digging in her pocket and pulling out a little sucker. Things were getting better, well, she wasn’t trying to survive a vampire trying to kill her, she was just trying to be a mom to her son which was a whole other struggle apparently. As soon as she left the mansion, she cleaned off all the blood and went to her son. Frank might have been an asshole, but he wasn’t wrong with what he said to her. She needed to stop making excuses, stop worrying about being a bad mom, she just needed to show up and be a mother to Caleb.
When she showed up on her ex’s doorstep he only scoffed, leaving the door open as he walked away. Ana hesitantly stepped into the apartment, taking a look around, the trash was full of takeout containers and beer bottles. Her ex wasn’t the best by any means, he drank too much and couldn’t usually hold down a job. It was hard for her to admit but he was still a better parent than she was, at least compared to who she was before. He might not have been an active part of Caleb’s life, but he still managed to be responsible enough to make sure Caleb had clothes to wear, food to eat, and that he got to school.
Well, that was putting it kindly, before Ana left Caleb with his father, she asked the nice lady across the hall to make sure Caleb was okay and to call if anything happened. The woman was sweet to everyone, she actually had her shit together, Ana wasn’t sure how many times she ended up so high she’d be late for getting Caleb from school and the woman would walk him home after picking up her own daughter.
The neighbor didn’t hold judgement in her eyes when Ana dropped Caleb off with his father, there was just disappointment. She’s been through a lot in her life but seeing a stranger look at her with disappointment because she couldn’t take care of her own son was the most painful thing in her life.
“Mom?” Caleb had asked. She had been in the apartment less than a minute and was already turning to face her son.
Ana opened and closed her mouth a few times. “Hi,” she finally settled on. “I-I’m back,” she gave him an awkward smile. Caleb didn’t say anything, he just gave her a sad smile and walked back to his room.
It took everything in Ana to not break right there. “I’m here to take him back,” she said, turning to her ex.
“Now you want him,” her ex scoffed. “Whatever, take him,” he gave a dismissive wave of his arm.
As Ana turned to go down the hall to Caleb’s room her ex spoke again, “I want him every other weekend.”
Ana slowly turned around meeting the stupid smirk of her ex. “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. She didn’t want him to have anything to do with Caleb anymore, but she didn’t have a right to keep him from his son. As much as she wanted to, she knew if she tried to fight him, he could go the legal route and with her past, there was a chance she’d lose Caleb forever. Her ex might have been even more fucked up than her but on paper he came off a lot better.
Caleb didn’t argue when she asked him if he wanted to come live with her. He didn’t seem overly excited about that idea, but it seemed that he definitely didn’t mind leaving his dads. There was a part of Ana that thought Caleb probably thought he didn’t have a choice, that he was always going to be stuck doing whatever his screwed-up parents wanted. Ana was trying though, she wanted to prove to herself, but mostly to her son, that she could provide for him and offer him a good life, even if she was a little late.
She made sure to thank the neighbor that took care of Caleb before they left, offering to repay her. The lady refused to accept any form of payment and told her to ‘not fuck things up this time’ and Ana assured her that she wouldn’t. It also hurt the way Caleb ran up and hugged the woman as Ana took him away. Caleb hadn’t hugged her since before she left the first time, he hadn’t said I love you since then either.
It had been a couple of months since the whole incident with Abigail and since reuniting with her son. She had an apartment, she walked him to and from school every day. It took over a week for Caleb to begin talking to her, to finally ask her for something. It had been a small victory but a victory, nonetheless. Over the weeks they only got more and more comfortable with each other, Caleb seemed sad to go to his fathers every other weekend and would almost lighten up when he got home to Ana’s. He still didn’t fully open up to her, she heard about his classes and sometimes he’d mention his friends, but he didn’t provide her with too many details. She broke his heart and his trust when she left, she didn’t deserve his forgiveness, but she would work tirelessly to get back whatever he’d give.
“Ana Lucia Cruz?” She heard someone ask, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked around, realizing all the kids had gone inside but she was still outside the school.
She turned around, furrowing her brow when she saw you standing there. She had never seen you before, you didn’t look like you belonged there, your eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses, and you didn’t seem to be dropping a kid off either. “Who are you?” She asked.
“My names Y/N,” you held out your hand to her.
She kept her hands in her pockets, only sparing your outstretched hand a glance. “How do you know me and what do you want?”
You dropped your hand, tilting your head as you wore a small smirk on your face. “I’m here with a job opportunity.” Ana shook her head giving you an eye roll. “My boss thinks you’d fit in perfectly our…” your smirked deepened. “Particular line of work.”
She scoffed at that. “Not interested,” she brushed right past you, refusing to give you another second of her time.
“The pay’s good!” You called out but she could tell you hadn’t followed her.
She only bothered to give you a wave with the back of her hand. She almost flipped you off, but you weren’t being over barring, so she decided not to be rude. She didn’t care how good the money was, she didn’t care if she was struggling, she knew what you were asking, and she didn’t do that kind of work anymore.
“I’ll be at the diner two blocks over later tonight,” you shouted as she continued to walk away. She shook her head; you were persistent and rather arrogant it seemed. “Just in case you change your mind… Joey.”
Ana stopped dead in her tracks, her entire body froze at the simple code name. That had been her code name on the last job. Everyone who knew her by that name was dead, besides Abigail and her father, Lazar. When Ana turned around you were already gone, not a trace of you insight.
Ana quickly walked home, looking over her shoulder the entire time way, though she never caught sight of you again. The only way you could have known she was given the code name Joey during that job was if you were connected in some way. Abigail did say ‘see you around’ so there was a high probability you worked for her. There was also the chance you worked for her father, Lazar hadn’t exactly wanted to let her go, maybe sending you was a way to keep an eye on her. There was also the smallest chance you worked for Lambert, and you knew about the job before and with everyone else dead you were coming to Ana now.
The only thing Ana was sure of was that you weren’t a vampire. You had approached her outside, in the middle of the day, though you wore sunglasses that wasn’t exactly the most uncommon thing in the world. You also approached her right outside her son's school, right after she had dropped him off, meaning you had been watching her before you decided to approach.
When she got back to her apartment, she instantly plopped herself down on the couch, like she always did now after dropping Caleb off. She opened up her laptop, going straight to her email like she has every day since her last job. The first thing her eyes saw was the little blue dots showing all her unread emails, each email started with ‘we’re sorry’ or ‘unfortunately’ a few even had ‘application has been rejected’. She let out a tired sigh as she began going through all the rejection emails.
She was trying to go straight. No hospital wanted to hire her with her military record. Despite her years of exemplary service, it only took one mistake, one huge mistake. She couldn’t even get a job at the pharmacy in Walgreens or even at a coroner's office. Her only options were seeming to be an at home caretaker, which she’d rather not, she wanted more consistent hours to be able to spend more time with Caleb. That left her with a standard minimum wage job, food service, retail, maybe she’d be lucky, and she could get a job at a 911 call center or something, at least she could be helping people there.
After getting through all the emails she went job hunting again. She spent the hours while Caleb was at school like she did every day, scrolling and clicking for job post after job post, applying for everything she qualified for and all the ones she was overqualified for. She knew they’d come back the same as all the others with a big ‘REJECTED’ at the top of each application. She didn’t technically have a criminal record; she had never actually been caught doing any of her various jobs over the years but stealing drugs from the military was a way to be instantly blacklisted from any legitimate establishment. She was hoping if she applied to enough places, if she wasn’t picky, then someone would take a chance on her, and she could prove herself. She didn’t care what it was, she would start at the bottom and work her way up again if that’s what it took to give Caleb a better life and become the mother that he deserved.
A loud beeping made Ana nearly jump off the couch. She looked around until her eyes finally landed on her phone, where her alarm was going off. “Shit,” she mumbled. She quickly turned off the alarm and ran a hand through her hair before making her way out the door again, it was already time to get Caleb.
She got to Caleb’s school a few minutes before they let out. She set an alarm every day so she wouldn’t forget when she got caught up with something. She got there early in case anything ever delayed her, she never wanted Caleb to walk out of school and think she abandoned him, again.
With where she was waiting, she had the perfect view of the glowing sign for the diner at the corner just two blocks away. It was a restaurant that had been around forever, open 24 hours 7 days a week, it was where you said you’d be waiting. A part of her wondered if you were there now, waiting for her to show up. It annoyed Ana like no other that you said you’d be there that night, as if you expected her to change her mind.
“Mom?” Caleb’s voice came, cutting through Ana’s thoughts.
“Sorry,” Ana said, smiling down at Caleb, who managed to offer her a small smile in return. “Ready?” Caleb only nodded.
The rest of the night went on like all the others, Ana walked Caleb home, she made dinner, and sat next to him as he did his homework. She wanted to be available to help with his homework if needed, though he never asked. After Caleb finished his homework, he went off to his room to play video games and talk to his friends while Ana stayed in the living room. She usually took the rest of the night to apply for a few more jobs.
When she opened up her laptop again, she saw she had already heard back from several of the jobs she applied to earlier, all of them rejections. She slammed her laptop closed a little harder than she meant to, burying her head in her hands as she gripped her hair tightly. She had money stashed away from previous jobs, she opted to save most and get a cheaper apartment, that way she could have it for an emergency or preferably for Caleb to go to college if he wanted, even if that was still around six years away. She picked up the occasional job from her previous line of work, small stuff, such as removing a bullet or stitching up a knife wound. She was trying to go straight, she only accepted simple jobs to continue getting by, but once she found something legit, she would get out of the life fully.
Ana shot up from the couch, quickly walking down the hall to Caleb’s room. She cracked open the door, peeking her head in to see Caleb sprawled out on his bed, half hanging off but completely passed out. She closed the door as quietly as she could, then made her way back to the kitchen. She slid open one of the drawers, reaching in and feeling around the top until she felt the cool metal of her gun. She pulled it out and looked it over before grabbing a clip; after making sure it was full she inserted into the gun and slipped it into her waistband, making sure to hide it with her shirt.
She scribbled a quick note, sticking it on the counter in case Caleb happened to wake up before she got back. She didn’t bother lying, writing that she was simply going to the diner a couple blocks from his school. It was probably a bad idea, she was trying to get out of her previous life, and if you were connected to Abigail or her father in any way, you’d surely be dragging her right back in. It didn’t seem she had any other option though, she needed to at least hear you out and if things went sideways at least she could shoot you.
After a quick walk, Ana pushed open the door of the diner, the little bell at top jingling as she did so. “Welcome in,” one of the girls behind the counter greeted, not looking up as she wrote something on her notepad. “Sit wherever you’d like.”
Ana did a quick scan of the diner; it seemed the only staff was the woman at the counter and the man in the back cooking. The diner wasn’t busy, just a guy at the counter, who seemed to be a trucker based on his hat and the way he was downing a cup of coffee and a few more people scattered, all seeming to be minding their own business, all exhausted from the long day of work. Then there was you, sitting in the far corner of the diner, in a booth, giving you a complete visual of the place and the front door, still wearing your sunglasses.
Ana put on her work face before making her way over to you. The only move you made was to bring the cup of coffee in your hand to your lips. Ana dropped into the booth, sitting across from you. She kept her face neutral as you continued to not say a word, enjoying the long sip of your coffee. “You came,” you said, setting your cup down.
Ana tilted her head, not missing the slight smirk on your face. “I’m leaving,” she said, she could feel the arrogance radiating off you and she wasn’t dealing with that again.
Ana was halfway out of the booth when you spoke again, “Aren’t you curious how I know about you, Joey?”
Ana froze, half in the booth, half out of it, you said that name again. She clenched her jaw before slipping back into her seat. “Who sent you?” she demanded.
“My boss,” you said as if it was obvious. “I told you; they want to offer you a job.”
“Who’s your boss, Lazar?” You only scoffed at that. “Abigail?” Your smirk got bigger. “Lambert?” She raised an eyebrow; she was running out of people who you might work for. You only rolled your eyes at his name. “Then who?”
“Can’t say yet, they prefer their digression, I’m sure you understand.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m done with that life, I’m going straight.”
“How’s that working out for you?” You leaned forward, resting your arms on the table.
Ana only glared at you, she should just walk out of the diner, she didn’t need whatever mess you’d surely bring into her life. “The job I want you for is not what you think,” you said, ending her debate about leaving.
“It’s not something illegal?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. There was no way you knew anything about what happened on her last job without you being involved in similar activities.
You bobbed your head back and forth. “We’re not exactly above board.”
She knew it. Ana nodded and then moved to stand again, she just needed to get out of there as quick as possible. “Wait,” you said, reaching across the table. Your fingers only grazed her arm before she was back in the booth, this time pointing her gun at you from under the table.
“Easy,” you said, slowly taking your hand off her. She knew you had heard the click of the gun. “Let’s not cause a scene.”
“Then let me leave,” Ana said.
“Just hear me out,” you slipped off your sunglasses, raising your hands in surrender.
Ana studied you for a moment, you were calm, much calmer than someone should be, considering she had a gun pointed at you. “You have two minutes.”
“There is another world within our own,” you lost your smirk and had gotten serious. “One full of monsters, which you’ve seen firsthand.” Ana shifted in her seat; her eyes remained unblinking as she watched you. “You survived; you have the skills my boss is looking for to help others.”
You shifted in your seat to lean across the table. Ana’s entire body tensed for a moment, but she leaned closer when you gestured for her to. “There’s a lot more out there than just vampires,” you whispered into her ear.
Ana’s eyes went wide as she moved away from you, leaning back against the seat. “How do you know about that?”
“My boss does their research, this is what they do, they search and scour, listening for unusual reports,” you glanced around as you talked quiet enough for no one to overhear. “Looking for people that get caught up in something they never should have.”
“And you, what, save them?” Ana let out a little scoff. The idea of someone going around and fighting creatures of the supernatural world seemed rather ridiculous.
“We try to, sometimes we’re to late.” Your eyes dropped to the table. “The overall goal is to stop these monsters from continuing to hurt people.”
“So, why me?” Ana gestured with her hand that wasn’t holding the gun, slumping back in the booth.
“Because you survived,” you looked up, emphasizing the last word. “The only ones who understand what we’re up against is the ones who have already survived it.”
“Your boss has been through this?” Ana’s eyes widened.
“Not vampires but she’s certainly been through something similar.”
“And you?”
For the first time since Ana walked into the diner, she saw your entire body tense up. It was only for a second before you leaned back, trying to make yourself look more relaxed. “We all have a history,” is all you said.
“So, what do you want me for?” Ana relaxed her hand that had the gun, she was considering no longer shooting you.
“To offer you a job,” you said again. “It’s not conventional, there might be some slight law breaking,” you gave a little shrug. “But we’ll be doing good, stopping very bad people from hurting innocents. Look, just meet with my boss, she can explain it better.”
Ana tapped her fingers on the table as she took in everything you said. She wasn’t getting a normal job, despite what she would like. What you were offering sounded to good to be true, but she did witness the world you were talking about herself, she knew vampires were out there now. If you were telling the truth, then joining you would allow her to truly help people.
“When would this meeting be?” she asked. Your eyes instantly lit up, leaning forward excitedly as you opened your mouth to answer. “I’m not committing to anything yet,” she held up a finger, giving you a pointed look.
“Of course,” you said. “Tomorrow? I can take you to her after you drop your son off at school, you’ll be back before he gets out.”
Ana let out a long sigh, she still didn’t like the fact that you knew where her son went to school. “Okay.” There was no harm in a meeting after all and if things went sideways, she could still always shoot you.
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recuira · 9 months
after hours
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after hours : a live action buggy x fem!reader fanfiction
for some odd reason, you have no idea who he is. and he fucking loved that.
chapter one chapter two
chapter three | waves. wanted. wasted.
his pov;
A few weeks passed by and I had not heard from or seen Y/N. It worried me but due to her emotional episode the last time we spoke, I decided to allow her a bit of space without me breathing down her shoulder. It was difficult, but I sufficed. It was odd enough that I had a slight obsession with the poor girl, why must I infest her life as well?
Part of me believed she needed me. Like at any moment, I could sweep in and save her from whatever danger or predicament she was in. I wanted to be there for her. But it deemed up to her whether that could happen or not.
And due to her absence, I took up drinking again.
Stupid, I know.
But I was alone with my thoughts. I wanted to at least drown them out. So I sat by myself night after night, sitting on someone's old fishing boat, a warm bottle of beer in my hand. After the third bottle, which was tossed on the deck, I laid back, arms folding behind my head as I attempted to count each star in the sky without thinking of her. But the farthest I could ever go was seven. After seven, Y/N's sweet, precious smile wafted through my mind like smell of her decadent perfume. Vanilla and coconut. God, I missed it.
I repeated this each night. And tonight, I kept up with the schedule. But I only counted to six before her laughter soothed my aching heart. I smiled to myself, my eyes closing as I thought of her- thought of us. I imagined how pleasant it would be to wake up next to her. To see her sleeping stature as she buried her face into one of the pillows, surrounded by both my arms and blankets would be such a heavenly slight.
The alcohol did nothing to me.
I was still sober no matter how much I drank.
But I was drunk on her.
I shook my head and sat up, taking one last swig of beer before standing up. I gripped the neck of the bottle tightly then tossed it into the calm sea, watching it dip below the surface before it bobbed back to the top. I observed as the tides crashed, causing the boat to glide along the waves. It was a simple sight, but I wanted more. I wanted to be entertained. I didn't want to be alone.
Ever since- no, no, no. I'm not going to think about that.
I left the trash of empty beer bottles and crawled off of the ship, making my way back to the rocky dock. I made my way down the street, not spotting a single soul. It was rather unusual due to the swarms of pirates this small town received. But it was quiet. And I liked it. The sounds of the black shoes echoed as I stepped forward then walked down a small stairway, heading down to the place I liked to call home. It wasn't anything too special, but it was mine. It was somewhere I could be completely alone and relax.
I nudged the stone door open then shut it behind me, the sound of it slamming a little too loud for my liking. I squinted and fumbled around for the lantern that lit up the small abode. I used the dim moonlight to spot the box of matches and I used one to lit the lantern.
I stumbled to my bed, pressing my left foot against my right calf to discard of my shoe, then I repeated it with the other foot. I unbuttoned the striped vest I wore and let it slide down onto the floor. I pulled off the bandana around my neck, dropping it. A puddle of clothing sat by my bedside. Once I was finished, I laid down on the left side of the bed, my arm slung over my forehead.
But a rapid banging noise erupted, causing my body to jump up. It almost felt like I was falling.
Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the door and groaned.
What drunken idiot decided to disturb me tonight?
I slapped my hands over my ears and closed my eyes but the knocking continued, only growing more frequent and forceful. I couldn't take the loud banging anymore and I pushed myself up from the bed, starting to the door. I grabbed the rusted doorknob and yanked it open. I was seething at this point. Who, in their right mind, would disrupt someone's sleep at this hour?
The door opened quickly and I buried my face in my hand, growling. "What the fuck do you want?"
"Oh, I- I'm sorry."
I dropped my hands and my eyes widened upon the sight of Y/N standing in front of me, her hands buried into the pockets of the coat she wore. My coat. "Oh, fuck," I muttered. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you. Y/N, I didn't mean it."
She waved her hands and smiled. "Don't worry about it, it's okay," She said and her eyes trailed down to look at my body. "Uhm, did I come at a bad time?" She pointed at my shirtless figure.
I cocked an eyebrow then met where her eyes were looking and I gasped, stepping back. For the first time, most likely ever, I felt embarrassed. "No, no, I was just heading to bed," I said with a yawn. I stood back, pulling the door open. "Want to come in?"
"Yeah, thank you."
Y/N took a step inside and I closed the door behind her. I watched her closely as she walked toward my bed then took a seat on it, her hands folding in her lap. Apart from the jacket, she was only wearing a black shirt with baby blue shorts. Her eyes dropped to stare at my discarded clothing which I quickly kicked to the corner of the room. She laughed at this then her hands slapped together. An uncomfortable silence fell upon us, the only noise heard being the crackling of the flame inside the lantern. Hesitating, I started toward the bed then took a seat beside her, maintaining a distance between us. Her head dropped to look at her hands. "So," She began, fiddling with her fingers. "I'm sorry to intrude like this, I just-"
"How did you know where I lived?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I turned my head to look at her.
"Oh, well, uh-" She scratched the back of her neck and clenched her jaw. "It sounds really weird so please don't call me creepy but I saw you a week or so ago. You were sitting on a boat. I followed you back to your home but before I could talk to you, you headed inside. I know it sounds so weird and I promise I wasn't stalking you! I was just too nervous to talk to you," She admitted, her head dropping into her hands.
So, I wasn't the only one. I smirked to myself and I watched her, admiring how nervous and timid she was. I tilted my head. "Don't worry, it's okay. Don't be scared to talk to me, though. I don't bite."
The girl chuckled, nodding her head. "I wanted to give you your coat back. I really appreciated the gesture but I don't want to take anymore from you than I already have," She mumbled as she let the sleeves fall from her shoulders. She folded the clothing and sit it on my lap. "And I don't have your money yet, I'm sorry."
"Y/N, don't apologize. I told you you didn't need to pay me back."
"But I can't accept it without paying you back. You've already done so much for me. You lent me your jacket, paid for my meal, listened to my woes, and gave me forty-three hundred berries. You're doing too much for me. I don't deserve it."
"You do deserve it. What makes you think you don't?"
"I don't know. It's stupid."
"Y/N, come on, tell me," I begged, reaching to put my hand on her shoulder. I was still wondering why she was here. Well, I understood, but why so late? It was well past midnight. Did she realize how dangerous it was to walk alone at this god forsaken hour?
"If I tell you, you need to tell me your problems, okay?" She said with a stern tone that I've never heard before. It was hot.
I held my hands up, nodding my head. "Yes, alright." I scooted back, letting myself rest against the pillows. I folded my arms over my chest, still feeling slightly exposed. “Oh, uh, do you want something to drink?”
“Do you have anything other than beer?”
“Not really, no,” I admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Then I’m okay.”
I bobbed my head then proceeded to remain quiet.
“I just- I’m just me, ya know? I’m not anyone special. Yeah, I have a sad life because my dad left and I have not a single berry to my name, but other than that, I’m like everyone else. I don’t like pirates, I hate alcohol, and I eat dessert before the main course. How am I so different?” She threw her hands up to exaggerate her point. “Why are you doing all this for me? I don’t get it.”
“I see myself in you, or something. I don’t know.” I didn’t want to tell her how infatuated I was with her. Well, I wanted to, but how could I? She’d either run back home or tell me she wasn’t interested. Who would be interested with a nose like mine?
I grimaced to myself. “You’re a nice girl. And you seem sad all the time. I never see you smile. I’m always smiling.”
“That’s because it’s painted on your face.”
I clenched my jaw. “Good point. But you know what I mean. There’s a lot more to life than sadness. I get it, it’s hard. Life fucking sucks sometimes. Before I met you, I was, uhm, I wasn’t that great of a person. I was mean, conniving, evil, some would say. I was an asshole. I was selfish. But I decided to give that all up and move on, start a new life. Being sad and depressive all of the time just causes you to miss our on the good things. I get to see the sun shining each morning. I get to share a meal with a friend like you. Hell, I am fortunate enough to know someone like you. I want to help you. I was in your boat. And now I wanna help you back to shore,” I said as I reached out and let my hand rest on her thigh. Not in a perverted way, no, but as a way of expressing my deepest condolences for her.
Y/N frowned and let her hand rest on my own. “I don’t feel like I deserve it. I don’t give you anything in return.”
“You give me your friendship, your presence. I’m lucky to be friends with someone like you.”
“You consider us friends?”
“Well,” I gulped. “If that’s alright.”
“No, it is. I think we’re friends. too.”
I smiled at that. “Good.”
“Buggy,” The girl started, removing her hand from mine. “This is a big question and you already do so much for me. I’d hate to ask any more from you.”
“Go on.”
“Can I stay here? Just for tonight?”
“What? Of course you can. My home is your home.”
“My mom and I had a little fight earlier and I got kicked out for the night. I told her how I felt about my father and she told me she held no grudge toward him. That I was disrespecting him by saying I hated him for what he did,” She frowned and dropped her head. “Is that so wrong of me?”
“Of course not. You’re entitled to your own feelings.”
“Thank you, Buggy.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Y/N nodded her head, sending a warm smile my way. It was such a heavenly sight. So beautiful, so sacred. To see someone as precious as her so sad made my heart ache. I could physically feel it. But I was determined to make her feel better. I wanted to show her that laughter truly is the best medicine.
I watched her closely, admiring the soft features on her face. She was perfect- beyond perfect, even. She was a goddess. And I’d worship the ground beneath her feet if I could.
“What time is it?” She asked.
“I think around two in the morning. It’s very late. Are you tired?”
“A little, yeah. I just had a long day.”
“Go to sleep then, come on.” I pushed myself up and off of the bed, landing on my bare feet. I pulled the sheets down and allowed for Y/N to crawl underneath them. She was shivering. “Do you want to wear the coat?”
“If it’s okay, please.”
I smirked. “Of course it is.”
The girl slipped her arms through and wrapped the lapels around herself before tucking the sheets around her body. Her head rested on the pillows and she hummed, a small smile settling on her face. “So cozy.”
“I know. It’s perfect for when I need my beauty sleep.”
“Oh, come on, you don’t need beauty sleep,” She mumbled, turning to let her cheek rest atop the pillow. Her eyes closed, her long eyelashes casting a dim shadow along her cheeks.
What did that mean?
I peeked an eyebrow up as I stared down upon the restful angel, watching as she made herself comfortable.
“Have a nice sleep, Y/N.”
“Where are you sleeping,” She asked, her eyes closed.
“Don’t worry about me. Just get some shut eye.”
“I’m sorry for stealing your bed.”
“I’d lend you the very clothes off my back if it were to help you.” I patted the bed. “Now, come on, get some sleep.”
The girl nodded her head and remained silent now. Her lips parted as she breathed softly through them. How is it she looked even more angelic when she was sleeping?
I decided to follow my own advice and attempt to get some sleep. While not comfortable, I didn’t care. I say against the bed, resting my head back against the soft mattress, my eyes closing, and my arms folded across my chest.
It took a while but I fell asleep before I knew it.
her pov;
I woke up with a sudden jerk, my body tensing as I sat up. A soft groan left my lips and I bawled up my hands to rub at my tired eyes. It was still completely dark out. The small window allowed little-to-no light inside which was nice if I was able to fall back asleep again. But a cold sweat broke over my body and I pulled the sheets off of me. The thick, suede coat I wore slipped from my shoulders and I let it pool around me. My arms wrapped around myself and I leaned back, closing my eyes.
No nightmare or bad dream clouded my sleep so I was unsure of why I was awake. What time was it even? From what I could see, the sun was invisible and the moon shined dimly in the starry, yet cloudy sky. I pursed my lips and continued to rub at my eyes before letting my vision trail down to the sleeping man beside the bed. Buggy, for whatever reason, was fast asleep while sitting upwards, his arms tucked around his chest. He was snoring. Maybe that's why I woke up.
Clenching my jaw, I turned over to face the wall, allowing my eyes to drift to a close as I tucked my hands underneath my cheek. I wanted to fall back asleep because it seemed to be either late at night or early in the morning. I couldn't tell. But when a loud crack of thunder sounded almost directly outside, I realized why I was awake. The echoes of pouring rain followed almost immediately after, the pellets of water drumming upon the tin roof. Normally, the sound would serenade me to sleep but I was wide awake. For hours, at least, I remained awake, staring at the wall in front of me. I tossed and turned, attempting to remain comfortable but the only way I could rest was with a pillow between me legs, and the ex-pirate's coat tucked underneath my head. I sighed and closed my eyes. The rain continued and soon, there was a shuffling heard from behind me. A groan left Buggy's lips as he seemed to be stirring from his sleep. Light finally shined in through the window, the shadow of the man behind me rising from his comfortable spot on the floor. I turned over, my eyes closed to show that I was still asleep, or pretending to me. I squinted my eyes to watch the man as he pushed himself up, groaning while stretching his arms. He cracked his neck and rubbed at his eyes, only continuing to smear the face makeup he wore proudly. His red nose was definitely different but I didn't understand why he needed to follow along with the stereotype and paint his face to match. He wasn't a clown.
"Are you awake, Y/N?" His raspy voice asked which resulted in my eyes gluing shut. The feeling of the sheets lifting off my body appeared before the blankets settled underneath my chin.
"I'm gonna go out for a bit, just to get stuff to eat and drink. I won't be long," He whispered. I peeked my right eye open, watching as he fumbled to put his clothing back on. He buttoned his vest, attached his belt, tied his bandana back around his neck, then pulled the red-and-white striped wrap from his blue hair, a sudden wave of thick, blue hair running down his back. My eyes widened at the sight. He had long hair? Since when?
Buggy swooped his hair back into a ponytail, twisting it in a loop, then tucked it back underneath his bandanna. I closed my eyes again, still completely flabbergasted. I never would've guessed he had long air. That's so shocking.
I only realized that he left when the stone door slammed slut.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes then crawled out of the bed, moving to stand on my feet. Since I was his guest, I decided to tidy up while he was out. I started by making the bed, tucking the sheets and fluffing the pillows to make the bed look comfortable and well-made. Then I moved on to wiping down the nightstand. It was dusty and rather dirty but I wasn't one to judge. I moved on to cleaning the lantern before opening the drawer below. Inside were a few pairs of jewelry and a stack of books. I smirked. Buggy reads?
I sat down and pulled the novels out. I sorted through them, finding nothing to be eye-catching- just boring books about boring subjects. I pushed myself onto my knees and went to tuck the books back into the drawer but something caught my eye. I raised an eyebrow and pulled out a folded piece of crumpled paper. The edges were slightly burnt and torn. I pulled it apart and flattened it before turning it around.
My eyes widened.
Before I could properly react, the door pushed into the hinges, creating a loud noise like metal scraping against metal. I scrambled to hide the paper back underneath the books and I closed the drawer. Just as I stood up, the door slammed open and there Buggy stood with a parcel of fruits and two jugs of orange juice. "Oh, look who's awake," He said with a small smile as he kicked the door closed behind him.
I gulped hard and sat down on the bed.
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Y-Yeah, I did," I whispered in reply.
He cocked an eyebrow up, looking to be puzzled by my sudden disturbed exterior. Dropping the items down on the countertop, he started to tear into the bags. "I figured you'd be hungry so I got you some stuff to munch on for breakfast. I got apples, too. Don't worry, they're not rotten." He chuckled.
"What do you want? I can make you a plate." He looked at me as he started to cut into one of the fruits.
"I'm not hungry."
"What? You don't want anything to eat? Not even some orange juice?"
"No, I'm fine."
Buggy opened his mouth, his eyebrows scrunching together as he approached me. He squatted down and grabbed my arms, almost to hold himself up and to show me how serious he was. "What's wrong?"
Shaking my head, I declined whatever he meant. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"No, something is wrong. Tell me," He instructed, his face remaining cold and serious, as if he were trying to interrogate me- like I committed some horrendous crime and he wanted me to come clean. I continued to reassure him, lying to him but for whatever reason, he saw right through my guise and gripped my arms. "Y/N, please tell me. Why do you seem so scared?" He frowned then his eyes grew wide. He dropped his hands. "Did I do something?"
I remained quiet, a frown stuck to my lips.
"Please just tell me."
I opened my mouth but nothing came out. The blue-haired man frowned and stood up, letting go of me. "Fine, don't tell me then." His eyes rolled and he approached the counter again, continuing to slice into the fruits. He seemed angry- very angry. The knife was practically slamming into the apple. "See if I care." He continued to talk. "My fault for trying to help you. Last time I'll do that."
A sullen look crossed my face and I looked down at my lap then back toward the bedside table. I reached for the handle. Buggy watched me and he scowled. "What are you doing?"
I jerked my hand back and frowned. "I promise I wasn't snooping."
"What do you mean?" He tossed a slice of apple into his mouth.
"I was cleaning up a bit. I made the bed and I dusted your nightstand."
"Okay?" He raised an eyebrow, now slowly chewing. "Thank you?"
"And- And I was looking in the drawer and I found-"
"What did you find?" He looked skeptical and he dropped the knife.
"Your wanted poster."
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vanillawurld · 8 months
༊*·˚How To Disappear
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✧.* Pair - Johnny Cage x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Cursing, angst, pregnancy, acceptance, distance, love, slight fluff(?)
✧.* Summary - Y/N remembers the life she had with Johnny. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beauty. After a while of being a young single mother, she finally realizes that in order to move on, she needs to accept her past.
✧.* Extra - FINISH ME JOHNNY also I'm bad at summaries... also "D/N" means daughters name :3
✧.* Word Count - 1,884
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Y/N hated reminiscing on her past with Johnny cause if she thought about the good things that happened, she also had to think about the bad things. She hated thinking about the ugly part of their relationship. Every time he was upset with her, she felt like she failed him as a girlfriend and a person in general. Every time she was upset with him, he felt like the shittiest man on earth. Their arguments didn't make things any better.
But even through all the tears, anger, and arguments, Y/N loved Jonathan more than anything in the world. Johnny Cage was just his persona that all of Hollywood knew, but in her arms, he was just Jonathan Carlton. He had no issue with it either. People described Johnny as a sarcastic actor who wanted all of the attention on him, but not in Y/N's eyes. In her eyes, Jonathan was a loving man who was nothing like what the people said.
Y/N still remembers the night they met. They met on Venice Blvd on a summer night which was lit up by the cars passing by and the street lights. Y/N wasn't at her best when they met. She felt like everyone was out to get her and life was treating her unfairly. She couldn't help but cry at the fact that her life was going downhill. Johnny saw her sitting on the sidewalk and felt like he needed to do somethin in order to cheer her up, or get to the bottom of why she was so upset.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" Y/N heard a deep voice ask her. Y/N looked over her shoulder and saw a handsome man that she recognized.
"Oh... I know you. You're Johnny Cage," she smiled a bit "My little brother loves your movies." Johnny smiled at the recognition, but he ignored his pride and ego to make sure the woman in front of him was okay.
"Are you okay?" he gently asked her.
"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you." She said while wiping a tear away, but she wasn't fine and Johnny knew this.
"Well, if you were fine, you wouldn't be sitting alone on the sidewalk, crying at night," he sat next to her and took a good look at her face. She was gorgeous. Johnny was taken aback by how stunning she was. Even though her face was full of tears, slightly puffy lips, and she was feeling very vulnerable, she still looked like an angel according to Johnny. "Come on pretty lady," he commented "hit me. What's up?"
Y/N looked at him and realized that he actually wanted to listen to her. She looked down at the road in front of her and couldn't get her reasoning for feeling miserable. She managed to say one vowel before breaking down crying. Y/N was never good at expressing her bad emotions. Especially sadness. Before she can say anything while she's crying, her throat closes up and her mind just keeps telling her to cry.
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, feeling concerned and bad for her. He gently guided her head on his shoulder and let her cry it out. It was the least he could do. He knew he couldn't force her to tell him what was wrong.
From that day forward, was a beautiful, blossoming relationship. Johnny would contact Y/N any way he could to get her to hang out with him and sometimes his friends. Y/N only liked hanging out with Johnny. She didn't like his friends. They were all so aggressive and she never understood why Johnny would hang out with people like them. Whenever Johnny and Y/N would hang out with his friends, she would watch them hit each other "playfully" and spew insults, while Johnny just watched and drank beers.
Throughout the whole relationship, Y/N was there for Johnny. No matter what he did, she was always there. When he would practice martial arts with someone, she was there to heal the wounds. When he was drunk after a party, she was there to help him sober up. When he was having any trouble, she was there for him. And that's one thing that Johnny always acknowledged.
Johnny admired how strong Y/N was. She was always there for him even if he managed to fuck up. He realized that Y/N was actually in love with him and not after his fame. For the first time in a good while, he had someone who was willing to be there for him. She wasn't like his ex who would point out his every flaw or his friends who would just mess around for the fun of it. She was a unique woman who managed to capture his heart.
Their relationship seemed perfect. Both Johnny and Y/N believed there was nothing in the world that would pull them apart! Which was what Y/N believed. When they hit their 3 year anniversary, that's when things started to go downhill. The more Johnny started to fuck up, the more tired Y/N was getting. She developed a bad habit of trying to make excuses for him. She hated it. She hated hearing him say "I'm sorry baby, I'll change for you." Every time he would say that, it was like nails to a chalkboard. Every time he would say that, she knew he was bullshitting. He never changed.
Y/N believed that his Johnny Cage persona was taking over. She didn't recognize her Jonathan Carlton. The same man who was there for her on Venice Blvd. He used to be so kind and welcoming to her. She never understood what happened to that man. Every time he would make her cry, she just wanted to disappear. From him, from herself, and from the world. Y/N believed that Johnny made her cry more than she cried when she was a kid. Every time he made her cry, she wondered what she did to deserve the treatment he was giving her.
'Is it me? Am I not pretty enough?'
'Is he talking to someone new?'
'Am I too possesive?'
'Is he tired of my jealousy?'
(Granted, Johnny never talked to any woman in any way. He never cheated on Y/N because he thought cheating were for weak and ugly people.)
Whenever Johnny found Y/N crying because of him, he would feel like complete shit. He hated making her feel that way, but he didn't understand why he kept unknowingly doing it.
When the relationship ended, it felt like both Y/N's and Johnny's world were crashing down. Johnny knew the day was gonna come, but he never knew when. He begged her to stay and try to remember all of the good times they had, but Y/N just wasn't having it. Johnny still remembers what she told him that made him realize it was all his fault.
"No, I'm done. For years I've been defending you not for the public, but for me. I would give myself multiple reasons not to be mad at you and try to figure out... everything, but all you did was make things worse! I'm tired and honestly, I've been tired. Of you, the fame, and everything. I tried to make things right with you and it seemed like you didn't want to."
What she told him on that day, will forever be engraved in his head. He lost the love of his life on that day.
Y/N didn't want to leave, but she had no choice. Even when she walked out those doors, she still loved him. Even though she was upset, she still wanted to run back into his arms for one last moment of comfort. But she held herself back, which she both hated and was proud of herself for.
What Y/N didn't know was when she was walking out of Johnny's life, she was entering a new one. She was pregnant with Johnny's baby and she didn't even know it, neither did he! When she did find out, part of her thought her life was ruined, but the other part thought this was a new start for her. She wanted to get rid of it but decided against doing so since she believed she would live to regret not taking advantage of the chance to become a mother.
When she had the baby, it was a living hell for her. She had family that helped her out, but the person that she needed was Johnny. She needed Johnny on her side, but she couldn't just show up on his doorstep randomly and give him the baby. She hated the fact that she still missed him. She let that hate consume her and pledged to do motherhood on her own without "that low-life Hollywood scum" in her life. Even though deep down, she knew she needed him back.
A few years forward, Y/N managed to get a beautiful home with her beautiful daughter and two adorable Siamese and Siberian cats. She was doing well in life. The new city she lived in was just as beautiful as Venice. She loved her life. She loved her daughter, she loved her cats, she loved her home, and she loved... her Johnny. Y/N accepted the fact that she will always love Johnny and in order to move on from her "hatred" she had to accept she had a life with him.
Every time she looked at her daughter, she saw a bit of Johnny in her. Which made her smile every time. From time to time, Y/N regrets the fact that she never tried to get in contact with Johnny to tell him about their daughter.
"Mommy, you got a letter!" D/N said. Her voice made Y/N snapped out of her thought bubble. She grabbed the letter and realized the handwriting on the envelope.
'No... is it really him?'
She grabbed a knife to open the envelope. Every second it took for her to open the letter, her heart began to pound harder. When she finally opened it, she felt like crying. It really was him.
'Dear Y/N, I know it's been years since we've even seen each other. A lot has changed since you've been gone. I went on this wild adventure that I'd love to tell you about someday. If you even want to meet up. The last time we spoke was a depressing day and I understand if there is still hard feelings there. Anyway, I got in contact with one of your cousins and they told me that you're now a mom! Congratulations! I asked about the father, but they wanted to keep that private which I understand. The only thing they told me was that he was out of your daughter's life. I hope you're doing well in life. If there is any trouble, don't be afraid to contact me (XXX-XXX-XXXX). There's so much that I want to discuss with you, but again if there are still hard feelings, I understand. I hope this letter reaches you. The last thing I want to tell you is that, no matter what happens, I will always be there for you.
Sincerely, Jonathan Carlton"
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
also I was too lazy to proof-read so, oops
im back i think... idk i'll write if i feel like it tbh
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issdisgrace · 10 months
Shit I'm sorry I didn't notice the request info-
Okay, can I please request Thomas Shelby x Tall and buff male reader who's the sweetest thing on earth but has one "flaw".
He's too damn handsy. Place, time, people, pffff, suit, shirt, naked, he doesn't care.
He just really loves Thomas man tits and his ass.
Not in a teasing way, it just makes him relax.
Just Thomas's reaction and how he's dealing with it. Whatever.
Thank you~ 💕
WARNINGS: Accidental groping, purposeful groping, swearing, yeah thats about it.
A/N: I hope you like this. I had a fun time writing this, so please feel free to request again.
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Y/n was a tall and buff man. He looked like he could kill anyone without a second thought. But in reality, he was the kindest and sweetest thing to ever walk the earth. He was a gentle giant in all senses of the word. But there was one thing about the man that many would consider a flaw. It was the fact that he was handsy, very handsy when it came to his partner, Thomas Shelby. The man couldn’t keep his hands off Tommy. So here are 4 scenes in which Y/n couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
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Walking down the streets of Birmingham on the way to The Garrison. It was quiet and peaceful; the sun had actually been out. Unlike most other days in Birmingham. Y/n had his arm wrapped around Tommy’s waist as they walked, casually talking. Tommy hadn’t realized Y/n’s hand slipping closer and closer to his ass until the man squeezed it, causing Tommy to yelp in surprise.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t expecting it, that all.”
Tommy says brushed it off, and the two continued their walk.
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The Garrison was loud with hustle and bustle of the man drinking inside. In a corner booth sat the Shelby family and, of course, Y/n. The family talked and drank, Y/n adding in every once in a while not want to interrupt those who were speaking. Y/n threw his arm overs Tommy’s shoulder and continued onto listening to the conversation at hand. Without even realized himself, his hand moved down and now was on Tommy’s chest. It wasn’t until John made a joke about it out that he and Tommy realized.
“Y/n, you done feeling up my brother for the night? It’s a bit distracting.”
Y/n’s face flushed, and he quickly unwrapped his arm around Tommy, covering his face in pure embarrassment.
“Sorry.” He mumbled in his hands as the family had a laugh.
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It was sometime after 10pm when Y/n managed to covince Tommy to call it quits for the night and join him in bed. Y/n sat in bed paeintly waiting for Tommy to be done with his night routine and join him. Eventually Tommy join him and they curled up togeather. They talked for a little bit until Tommy relized Y/ns hands found there way to his chest.
"My prince, can you explain to me how your hands always seem to find my chest."
"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to."
"Shh. It is ok my prince. Im just curious."
"I dont know. I guess touching them grounds me. It makes sure i know that everyting going on is real. But i guess it also calms me. I'm sorry if i make you uncomfortable. I can stop."
"Its fine my prince. I dont mind."
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Tommy was hosting a party for the Peaky Blinders in order to celebrate some of their new achievements. The rowdy men happily drank the beer that was in the house and chatted. Tommy leaned against the bar, talking to Polly when Y/n came up behind him, grabbing his ass gently with both hands. Then resting his head on Tommy’s shoulder. Tommy turned his head slightly to look at you.
“Do you need anything, my prince?”
“No, just a little bored.”
“Ok.” Tommy said, then returning to talk to Polly.
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The Shelbys, minus Tommy, who was nowhere to be seen, were sitting around having a drink at The Garrison
“Is it me or is Y/n really handsy with Tommy? I feel like half the time I see him with him, he’s either grabbing Tommy’s butt or his chest. It’s fucking weird.” Arthur slurs slightly, the alcohol getting to him a bit.
“Oh no, he is. You're definitely not imaging it, Arthur.” Ada says.
“Sometimes I think the poor thing doesn’t even realize he’s doing.” Polly adds in.
“Its fucking funny as hell. Have you seen the way some newcomers react when they see it happening? It’s fucking priceless. Their eyes get all wide and shit and they look like they’ve seen the most traumatic thing in the world.” John said.
“I’ve heard some newcomers people ask around, asking if it was a normal thing.” Finn adds.
“I know it’s also grate to see their reactions when they're told it’s a normal occurrence.” John says. After he says that, out of nowhere Tommy appearing
“What are we discussing this fine evening?”
“Nothing.” The other Shelby boys say at the same time like a kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
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zqcky01 · 2 months
Stone x fem(/nf)!reader
Fem!reader who loves to hug and give physical attention to Stone
Stone who hates the physical touch, but he secretly craves it <33 (NOT NSFW!!!)
Fem!reader who loves to follow Skipp, (father figure fr <3) always trying to do good but also not get caught when bad
Stone who follows fem!reader like a lost puppy, (🥺) loving following them around as watching as they screw up things or trip, ect ect..
Fem!reader who always gets flustered by flirts, but can flirt (mostly when drunk "drunk words, sober thoughts" fr 😭
Stone who loves to flirt, he can and DOES get all flustered when fem!reader tries to hug him and compliment him (NOT NSFW!!)
Hugging is My Favorite!
Stone x Reader
a/n: I literally jumped in joy when I saw this! Mainly because I was running out of ideas, SO YIPPEE!! What I will is I will do every single of these because why not! It may take a little time, but like it’s worth it! Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! (also imma like combined the first two cuz im a genius 😈 YOU’LL SEE)
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Stone was resting in a lone alleyway near one of the most popular streets in Ramshackle. He stared at his beer bottle. “Stone!” You called out from the entrance of the alleyway. Stone perked up, before grumbling rolling his eyes. You ran over to him, plodding down next to him. “How are you?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his free arm while his other arm was holding his beer bottle.
“I was doing fine before you came over and decided to harass me with your—touch.” Stone grumbled as he squirmed a little. “Oh stop it, you know you love it!” He did in fact love it. “It’s gross, I hate it.” “But you never pull away?” You said, giggling. “That’s so I don’t have to listen to you bitch and moan.” Stone sighed as he drank from his bottle.
“At least I get what I want.” You said, shrugging as you held onto Stone’s arms tighter. He glanced away—his face all flushed.
Vinnie and Skipp stared at you two, confused. You were all over Stone. Has in, your arms around his neck. His arms were dangling off to the side, his face flushed. “For the time of knowing Stone, I never expected him to allow this.” “I’m pretty sure that’s because he’s touched starved.” Skipp said as he smirked a little, giggling. Vinnie joined in on the giggling. Which lead to you giggling. “I will cut all three of your tongues out!” Stone said, rolling his eyes. “I need a drink.” He sighed, his gaze going to you.
“And I can’t even reach and grab it.” Stone groaned as he frowned. You perked up, moving one of your arms into his vest and grabbing an alcohol bottle. Stone froze a little, his cheeks becoming red. “Thanks.” He muttered, thanking the bottle and drinking it.
You stared up at him, cheating your chin on his chest. “You look weird from this angle.” You said, titling your head to the side. “You look like a troll.” He said, staring down at you, raising an eyebrow. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
Stone glanced over to Vinnie and Skipp, noticing that they were talking about something else weren’t looking at you two. He grumbled as he placed his hands onto your waist. “You’re so annoying.” He muttered, before he huffed and let go.
Your cheeks flushed as you blinked slowly like a frog. You glanced away, before you got onto your tippy toes. Reaching up to the tip of his nose. Before you poked his sides.
“Ow!” “You smell bad!”
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thelaisydazy · 3 months
Band!141 x Reader - Roach
“Thank you, we’ll call in a few days..”
Your stomach churned. Were they really going to call you? Or, was that just what they told the dancers they weren’t satisfied with? 
Your feet carried you down the street, pushing past the crowds of people that flood into the city every day. Your stomach growls. In your rush to get to the audition, you hadn’t eaten breakfast today and you were starving. You take out your phone to check what’s around.There was a little diner open nearby, it wasn’t exactly the fanciest place, but it was cheap enough for your budget. You turn to head towards the diner only to walk directly into someone, your phone clattering to the sidewalk. 
You stumble back to see a young man, perhaps only a few years older than yourself. He’s tall, though certainly not the tallest you’d seen today. He’s got spiky brown hair, which you imagine might be soft and fluffy without all the gel in it, and soft brown eyes. He’s wearing a tight fitting black muscle-tee that cut just slightly too short, showing off his midriff and a pair of fitted black ripped jeans. Just how many punks were you going to run into today?
“Woah, hey sorry,” he said, bending over to pick up your phone and offer it back to you. You quickly take it, frowning as you see the screen is cracked now. “Oh damn it, sorry ‘bout that.”
“It’s… it’s fine,” you say dejectedly. It’s not, but it’s not his fault you walked right into him and dropped your phone. 
“Hey, I’m going to meet some friends for lunch,” he says. “Why don’t you come along? My treat, I feel bad about your phone.”
You look him over cautiously. “I don’t even know your name,” you say. 
“My friends call me Roach,” he says with a grin. “But you can call me Gary if you’d rather.” 
“It’s nice to meet you Gary,” you say, giving him your name as well. “Roach is a funny nickname.”
“Yeah, my mates and I used to mess around with fireworks,” Gary explains. “Couple times I didn’t get away fast enough, somehow I didn’t get hurt though. My mates said I was like a roach, just surviving anything.” He chuckles at the memory. “How about that lunch then?”
You think for a moment. Is it really safe to go with a perfect stranger? The band you met on the subway jumps into your mind. They’d been nice enough to stop the train for you and offer you a seat in the full car, perhaps Gary was just as nice.
“Sure, why not?” you say. “Couldn’t hurt.”
Gary grins at you and you can’t help but smile back. There’s just something friendly about him, you just hope his friends are as nice.
“Roach! You made it!” A familiar voice calling from a booth at the back of the bar shouts out. You turn to see the same group of men you’d met just earlier that day. It’s Kyle that spots you first out of them, that amazing smile crossing his face. “I see you met our new friend.”
You and Gary walk over and you take a seat near the middle of the table, between Kyle and Gary. You look at the latter. “You know, when you said you were meeting friends, I should have guessed this is who you meant,” you say with a giggle. Looking around the table, Johnny and Ghost were sitting at the far end from you, Ghost having just pulled his mask back up to cover his face when he saw you walk over. John was sitting on the other side of Kyle from you, he drank from his beer and smiled at you.
“How’d you get on at your audition, love?” John asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Did’ya get in?”
“Oh uh.. They said I should hear back in a couple days,” you say, fidgeting with your napkin. You still weren’t so sure the instructors had actually meant it though. 
“I see..” John said thoughtfully. 
“Bonnie thing lek ye?” Johnny chimed in from his seat next to Ghost. “They wis probably speechless or summat.” Ghost nudged him in the ribs with a sharp look.
“Audition?” Gary asked, looking at you. “Whatcha tryin’ out for?”
Before you could answer, Kyle wrapped his arm over your shoulder, though he kept his grip light enough that you could slip away if you wanted to. “Ballet, that fancy place,” he said. “Gonna be a real principal dancer one day.”
Your face feels hot at his confidence. “Oh well… I don’t know about all that,” you say nervously. “I mean.. I’d just be happy in the corps de ballet really.” You’re not really certain you’ve got what it takes for a lead role anyway. “How did that recording go anyway?” you ask, trying to change the subject. 
“Fine, if Soap would focus,” John rumbles, shooting the younger man a look. 
“Haud yer wheesht!” Johnny exclaims looking a bit flustered himself. “Aye wis jus’ think’n alood.”
“An’ not staying on beat,” Kyle teased back.
“Oh I’m sorry..” you say, feeling bad for asking now. 
“Dinna fash, leannan,” Johnny laughs. He starts to stand up. “Am gett’n ‘nother round.” He returns a few moments later and slides a bubbly red drink in front of you with one of those little paper umbrellas in it. 
“What is it?” you ask. Johnny only grins and shrugs at you. Despite your better judgment you take a sip, surprised not to taste any alcohol in the cherry flavored drink at all. “Is this a Shirley Temple?” Your surprised reaction makes the table laugh. 
“They’re not a kid Johnny,” Kyle laughs. He looks at you. “Lemme know if you want a real drink.” All you can do is nod quietly in response as you sip your Shirley Temple.
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memoiremunson · 11 months
Fright - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie grows protective as you disappear on a night out with the gang.
A/N: Woah, it truly has been forever since I've written something but I wanted to dip my toes back into writing for my love, Eds! I wanted to pop this out as a trial run for how I feel about writing fics again so please enjoy!
Word Count: 811
Warnings: angst, kissing, fluff, alcohol, panic/anxiety attack, protective Eddie
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The night had been going so well. You and Eddie had decided to take advantage of the cool summer night and managed to convince the entire group to go out. 
The alcohol had been flowing and the atmosphere was electric as you all met up at the bar. Steve suggested bar hopping which led the group to bounce from various bars and clubs before settling on one to finish out the night. 
The final bar had a classic bar top table and further inward had a hidden indent where it transformed into a club atmosphere. Laughs and smiles were thrown left and right as you danced and drank with Nancy, Robin, Steve, and your doting boyfriend, Eddie. The flashing lights illuminated Eddie’s wild curls, spotlighting his happy aura. 
Eddie then leaned down to your ear, shouting over the music, “I’m going to get another beer. do you want something?” 
You giggled as the vibrations of his voice tickled your ear.  
“No babe, I’m good, thanks!” 
Gently caressing your elbow, he asked “You okay here?” Eyes dancing across yours to ensure that you truly felt okay to be alone.
You nodded your head enthusiastically as you flashed him one of your infamous smiles solely reserved for his pleasure. 
Happy to see you so happy, he matched your smile and gave you a kiss on the cheek, making his way through the various pressed bodies and exiting the dance floor. 
You continued having fun and dancing until you felt a sudden wave of anxiety creep through you and wash over your entire body. 
Instantaneously, your heart began pumping. You grew extremely conscious of your body, and the urge to cry was so strong that you felt the tears threaten to drop down. The only thing on your mind now was getting out of the space immediately.
You quickly grabbed onto Robin’s arm, shouting out that you were going to get some fresh air for a moment. She asked, “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah! Just need some fresh air, I’ll be right back, I promise!” you replied, giving her a tight-lipped smile, attempting to mask your panic before weaving quickly through the sweaty bodies. 
As soon as you stepped through the club door, the crisp cool air granted a sudden relief. You exhaled a deep sigh and closed your eyes as you felt the fresh air enter your lungs. 
The street was busy with laughter and smiling drunken faces, somewhat easing your feelings of discomfort. You looked both ways down the street before deciding to veer off to the left in hopes of walking off your heightened nerves around the building. 
Your racing mind seemed to slow as you watched your shoes move forward on the pavement. Tuning into your breath and grounding yourself came naturally as you continued to round the street. 
As you circle your way back to the front of the club entrance, you catch a mess of dark curls bobbing frantically around. You recognize the curls immediately as you’ve come to know them quite intimately and quicken your pace to catch up to the bouncing figure. 
You finally meet his panicked brown eyes, instantly stopping him in his tracks.
“Sweetheart, where were you? Are you alright?” He asks as he tightly grabs your shoulders, leaning over to scan his eyes across your figure for any signs of distress or injuries. 
“I just needed some fresh air. I mean ... I told Robin I’d be right back.” You reply, voice soft as you can see how frightened and frazzled he seems. 
“You should’ve let me know, sweetheart, I got nervous something happened!” His grip slightly tightens as his voice grows louder, more on edge. 
“Then I thought I heard an ambulance and got even more scared and- … ” You cut him off by placing a hand on his cheek.
 “Hey … I’m ok, I promise…” Your eyes both search each other for a moment before his finally soften and melt into yours. 
“I’m sorry I scared you … I really didn't mean to,” you say softly. 
He carefully brings your hand to his lips, pressing a delicate kiss into your warm palm before bringing it down and clasping it with his much larger hand. 
"Alright...how ‘bout we call it a night, yeah?” You felt guilty at the potential of ruining the fun everyone seemed to be having but eventually gave in to the signs your body seemed to be giving you. 
“Ok, Eds…” Eddie then slung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you in tightly to his body before doing your rounds of goodbyes to the rest of the group. 
As you leaned your head against the window of Eddie’s van, you couldn't help but grow warm at the thought of Eddie being so protective over you and how you are so very lucky to know you are cared for intrinsically. 
Thank you for reading, Angel! <3
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saintship · 10 months
Hear me out on this one. Stupid as hell idea but I think it'd be funny.
Price has a daughter. She's a civilian and for security reasons she no longer has the same last name.
She starts to date Kyle (gaz) and they hit it off.
I just think the confrontation would be kinda funny if none of the three actually knew.
-ed anon (Eda)
Finally getting some length back in my fics (not like that.)
Warnings because I've forgotten them the last like 10 fics: Meet-cute, fluff, swearing, Gaz having a british tantrum, Soap being a little shit
I’d do it again - Gaz x Price’s daughter!Reader
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“You like her?”
Gaz startled slightly at Soap’s question, glaring in response. “What?”
“The lass.”
He looked to where Soap nodded subtly, at the girl he’d been downright staring at moments before. She just had a glow about her; from her clothes to her eyes, and when she laughed, air seemed to catch in his lungs.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about..” Gaz drank from his beer, tearing his gaze away.
“Oh, don’t give me that!” Soap gave what was meant to be friendly shove, but ended up causing Gaz to spill beer onto the front of his white sweater.
"Oi! Bellend, you are! You fuckin'-"
"Do you need some?"
Gaz was distracted from tackling his friend to the bar floor when your voice sounded beside him, soft and questioning. You held a handful of napkins under one arm, the other hand holding out a few to him.
"Thank you.."
Gaz took the napkins gently, gazing at you as if he'd been hypnotized.
"No problem." You smiled as your friends called obnoxiously for you to come back, waving quickly before returning to your seat.
"That was horrifying." Soap murmured, staring after you.
"Oh, shut up!" Gaz kicked his ankle, trying to soak the beer off his front. "You're the worst, this was brand new.." He complained.
"What I'm getting from this is that now you have an excuse to talk to her." Soap retorted proudly.
"Oh, right, like, 'Thanks for the napkins, wanna go out? I know I smell like beer, but that's all part of the charm!'" Gaz crushed up the napkins, setting them down next to his bottle.
"You've got it figured out!"
Gaz only groaned, resting his forehead briefly on the polished wood counter.
"At least Price stayed back, aye? He's a lot worse than me." Soap whispered as if Price would hear him from base.
Gaz hummed in agreement, recalling how a young woman had approached their Captain and only left with several embarrassing facts about Gaz rather than anything about the man she'd walked up to. He'd stayed back to catch up on work, encouraging Gaz and Soap to go on. As for Simon, he was where he'd gravitated toward at the beginning of the night; dominating the entire bar at pool one man and woman at a time.
"I'm heading back; do not follow me! Talk to her." Soap eased off his stool, leaving a bit of cash on the counter, and leaving Gaz with a clap to his shoulder.
"Night.." Gaz's focus returned to you, and with a quick breath, he downed the tail end of his drink and stood to approach you. You were at the jukebox by yourself, just scanning the options as an easy 70's track currently carried through the room.
He made sure you could see him coming as not to startle you, and to his surprise, you smiled.
"Hey.." He began gently.
"Hi. Looks like you got most of it out." You gestured to the slightly faded stain.
"Yeah.. thank you, by the way, for the uh.. napkins." Gaz inwardly cringed at himself, shifting his weight compulsively.
"Any time..." You tilted your head in question, and his heart exploded.
"Kyle. I'm Kyle.." He spit out.
You introduced yourself in return, and smiled a bit wider when he shook your hand.
So that was how you and Gaz began; over spilled beer in a 70's dive bar. Over the next month, you learned so much about each other it felt like you'd known him for years. Dinners, late night drives in his car with the top down and the street lamps reflecting off his stupidly perfect teeth. He couldn't help it when you knew exactly how to make him laugh, deeply and truly, especially when it felt like he never would again. You knew you couldn't know much about his job, and you decided it would be okay until something proved it wasn't. He was a breath of fresh autumn air; strong, patient, funny. You were done for.
When he offered to show you the primary SAS base he worked in, you nearly cried, which confused him and flattered him all at once.
"It's nothing special, really, it's-"
"It's a huge part of you." You'd replied firmly. "What's important to you is important to me."
And then Gaz was the one who's eyes were stinging.
It was a lengthy process to gain visitor clearance, but each step of the way only made you more ecstatic. He had asked the 141 to be in the common room for a bit, wanting to surprise them. When he pushed the door open, Soap and Ghost were there. He was slightly confused, but figured his Captain was the busiest of all of them.
Soap was warm and excitable as expected, making sure to embarrass Gaz as deeply as possible by recounting the events of the night you met. Ghost mostly observed, but appreciated your awareness and respect of his space. You answered his questions truthfully, and weren't afraid to quip back.
"Hate to leave so soon, lass, but we've got a meeting." Soap clapped Ghost on the shoulder as they both rose, and you followed suit.
"Good to meet you." Ghost murmured, shaking your hand with a surprising control of strength. You smiled and said your goodbyes, only turning to Gaz after they'd rounded the doorway.
"Was that okay?" You asked, fidgeting with your hands.
"Are you joking? They love you.." Gaz took the risk of kissing you in the open, stroking your cheek as he pulled away. "Not as much as me, though.." He said softly against your lips. You smiled into another kiss, leaning into the hand that stroked your back as he pulled away.
"I want to try to find Price.." He muttered, looking down the hall. At the first mention of his Captain's name, he noticed your eyes sharpen a bit, but focused on a doorway ahead, pulling you along gently.
Gaz stopped at a door and knocked. Your brow furrowed as your mind started to turn over, deflecting any thoughts that your boyfriend's military Captain could also be your-
"Dad." Your voice wavered nervously as you came face to face with exactly who you'd prayed this man not to be.
"Sweetheart?" Price murmured. He looked between you and Gaz a moment, then at your joined hands.
"She's not.." Price pointed at you as he muttered to Gaz.
"She is.. I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"
"Didn't know you were shagging my daughter?"
"Dad!" You hissed, at which he huffed, but conceded to settle down.
"Sir, I swear to you, I had no idea." Gaz released your hand to show his palms in surrender, fear flickering in his eyes.
"Fuckin' hell.." Price leaned back on one foot, one hand on his hip while the other stroked his jaw.
Gaz glanced back at you. "Why don't you have the same-"
"Why do you think?" Price snapped.
"It shouldn't matter, he's the best guy I've ever been with." You defend your relationship fiercely.
"Really?" Gaz murmured.
"Sergeant." Price grunted. Gaz returned to his meek position of silence. 'Is that really true, darling?" He asked you softly.
He sighed deeply, his head rocking from side to side for a moment as if to satiate the angel and devil on his shoulders. "Let me ask you something." He pointed to Gaz. "If you had known. Would you still have been with her?"
Gaz squirmed under the intense pressure, but couldn't bring himself to lie.
"Yes, sir. I would."
Price laid a gloved hand on Gaz's shoulder, and the young Sergeant looked near ready to faint. A beat of silence passed, before Price spoke, his words all the confirmation that any of them needed.
"Good lad."
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justabigassnerd · 9 months
Newest Team Member
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Pairing - Ethan Hunt x daughter!reader
Word count - 5,320
Warnings - violence (guns), death, child endangerment (not on Ethan's part), allusions to sex, swearing, angst
Summary - a one night stand changes Ethan's entire life
A/N - hey y'all it's time for another part of the Lil' Hunt universe!! I'm sorry it's taking me so long to churn out fics I swear I am trying. since this is the first fic to come chronologically in the universe despite it being my second Lil' Hunt fic, I will be making sure the masterlist (when it's posted) will be in chronological order although they can work as standalones. anyways I'll stop rambling now, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Ethan often found that he never knew what to do with himself in between missions. His life was entirely taken over by the IMF so being in between missions was a horrible state of limbo for him. He itched to be handed a message detailing his next mission and to be told it would mean he had to get to work almost instantly. With nothing to do but sit in a safe house and twiddle his thumbs until he gets his next mission, Ethan decides to go for a walk around the city he’s in. He wanders the streets until he stumbles across a bar. It wasn’t anything flashy, but he figured he earnt himself a beer or two.
As he walks in the bar he’s greeted by the overwhelming stench of beer and sweat. He skillfully manoeuvres himself through the sea of patrons to get to the bar and order a drink for himself. As he’s handed a beer bottle, he notices a woman sitting a couple of seats away from him and when he sees the forlorn expression on her face, he decides to cross to her.
“Is this seat taken?” Ethan asks, pointing to the empty seat beside the woman as she looks up at him, eyes slightly wide from the shock of Ethan sneaking up on her but she soon relaxes.
“Knock yourself out.” The woman says, gesturing to the seat and turning back to the bar as Ethan seats himself alongside her, placing his beer in front of him.
“I know I’m a complete stranger, but I noticed you looked a bit down. Is everything okay?” Ethan asks, loud enough to be heard over the music and commotion, but quiet enough for the words to stay in between the two of them. She stays silent for a moment before deciding to speak.
“Just an argument with a friend. Nothing can be done now.” She says with a shrug, smiling sadly before lifting her cocktail to her lips and taking a sip.
“Anything I could do to help?” Ethan then asks, always driven to help people as best he can.
“You could tell me your name.” The woman says with a chuckle, looking over at Ethan who lets out a small laugh himself at the realisation that they had in fact not exchanged names.
“I’m Joe. What’s your name?” The fake name comes quickly to Ethan, knowing it’s safer for both her and him to use a fake name in case anyone who may be a danger sees them together. The woman purses her lips slightly, looking him up and down before letting out a laugh.
“Sorry, you don’t look like much of a Joe. Your parents should’ve thought twice about that name. I’m Abby.” She says, introducing herself after having a laugh about Ethan’s fake name. She then holds her hand out for Ethan to shake which he does with a grin.
The pair continue to have drinks while discussing everything and nothing at the same time. Ethan was just grateful that for most of the questions she asked about him, he had preset lies ready to tell her so she wouldn’t find out about the real-life he led. Before they knew it, they heard last orders being called and Ethan suddenly realised how long he’d been at the bar for. But with the handful of beers he had drank he found himself too tipsy to care.
“So… Joe, your place or mine?”
Ethan woke up the next morning alone in a hotel room. He furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about how he got there in the first place, his memory fuzzy from the night before. He sits up slowly, blinking to adjust to his surroundings as he glances around, immediately catching sight of his clothes strewn all over the floor. When he realises what happened his eyes widen in horror, and he hurriedly gets changed before searching for any kind of note Abby could have left for him since she was nowhere to be found. As he prepares to leave the room, memories flash in his mind of coming back here with Abby and ending up in bed with her. After Ethan has changed and determined that Abby is gone with very little chance of returning, he exits the hotel, retreating to the safe house quickly vowing to not do something like that again.
Ethan would not see Abby again until almost ten months later.
Ethan was placed on a team tracking down a group that was rapidly becoming a bigger threat. When they first emerged, the IMF thought very little of them and figured local police would track them down and stop them before they got any bigger and their faith in that assumption was proven when they disappeared before reappearing after nearly ten months. Ethan and his team had very little trouble in tracking down the group’s main operating warehouse and when they entered the building, they were only moderately surprised to see a group of henchmen with guns staring them down. Ethan and his team were of course very quick to pull out their own guns and get locked in a standoff. Every person itching to pull the trigger but not wanting to initiate a gunfight in fear of injury and death. A couple of minutes pass and all of a sudden, a door is thrown open and a woman marches in. A woman Ethan recognises.
Abby storms in, glancing around at her men before noticing the team opposite her and a sadistic smirk comes to her face when she recognises Ethan.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Joe… or should I say, Ethan Hunt?” Abby says, pacing gleefully before she approaches one of her henchmen, whispering in his ear and sending him off while Ethan’s eyes widen slightly at the fact, she knew his name.
“Oh, don’t act all surprised Hunt. I knew who you were the moment I saw you in that bar. You can’t be one of the IMF’s top agents and expect us to not know who you are. You caused us a lot of problems Hunt.” Abby says, a ferocity covering her face that Ethan had never expected to come from her. Ethan struggled to process her words, surprised he never figured out she knew who he was or that she was working for the group that he had been tracking.
“So you guys hid because I met you? You were that scared of me that you hid away for almost ten months?” Ethan asks, grip tightening on his gun as he stares Abby down who merely laughs at his words.
“We’re not scared of you. You have one hell of an ego to think that. No, in fact, it’s hard to run a business like this when you’re pregnant.” As if it was cued, the henchman who had been sent out of the room mere minutes ago emerged with a baby in hand. Abby takes the baby and holds them with a look of disgust.
“You know I never wanted kids. But when a one-night stand like you knocked me up. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to get you off our damn backs.” Abby says and Ethan’s eyes widen at her words, lowering his gun slightly to study the baby in her arms.
“Oh yes, Ethan. This brat is yours. We ran a DNA test and everything the moment she was born.” Abby says, glee overtaking her features as Ethan lowers the gun completely, shocked at the revelation.
“Ethan, what are you doing?” One of his teammates, Jamie, hisses as he notices Ethan lowering his gun.
“Hunt, get it together she’s bullshitting you.” Elsie says harshly, glaring over at Ethan who doesn’t lift his gun, still in shock with his mind swimming with a thousand thoughts.
“I’ve had enough of this.” Daniel mutters, pulling the trigger on his gun and the bullet hits one of the henchmen in his heart. That action caused a gunfight between the two groups. Ethan and his team dove behind cover while the henchmen did the same. Ethan glared over at his teammates who simply shrugged and continued to fire back at the enemy. Taking a quick peek over the box he had hidden himself behind, Ethan was shocked to see that Abby had run off and that the baby was on the floor in the middle of this gunfight. The second Ethan heard the cries of his baby girl it was like something snapped inside him. He steadied his hands and took out the remaining henchmen like he was doing nothing more than playing catch in the park.
“Go and check the rest of the building!” Ethan yells over to the team, already sprinting forward to grab the baby girl who is still sobbing.
The second you were scooped up into Ethan’s arms you began to settle down, tears still in your eyes but Ethan began to wipe them away carefully, holding you closer to his chest as his team thundered down the halls in search of other members of the group.
“I got you, sweetheart. It’s okay.” Ethan whispers soothingly to you as he begins to bounce you lightly in his arms moving away from the bodies that littered the floor and instead moving towards the entrance, continuing to bounce you gently as he waits for his team. He hears no gunshots, and no evidence of anyone else in the building, giving away to him that those of the group that were in the building when the fight happened, had run for their lives.
“Anyone who was here ran for it. This place is deserted. Even that girlfriend of yours ditched.” Jamie says, taunting slightly as Ethan’s jaw clenched.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Ethan says lowly, glaring at Jamie who shrugs unapologetically.
“Well, you knocked her up.” Daniel accuses, pointing at you snuggled in Ethan’s arms making him hold you slightly tighter.
“I don’t think she’s yours. They’re lying to you Ethan to get you out of the way they said it themselves. Ditch the baby and let’s go.” Elsie says harshly, her words almost a hiss as she looks at Ethan.
“Whether she’s mine or not I can’t just leave a baby here. She’s coming back with us.” Ethan says firmly, glaring at each of his team members in turn who all shrink away from the intensity of Ethan’s glare. Ethan may not have confirmation of whether you were actually his baby or not, but everything in him was screaming that Abby was telling the truth. She may have been using this information to mess with him mentally, and his team was convinced there was no truth to her words. But Ethan’s heart knew different, and when he reached out to gently run the back of his index finger along your cheek and you grabbed it in your small hand, he had no doubt in his mind that you were his baby girl.
“We should head out. We don’t want to get caught by any local police or anything. We’ll get back stateside as soon as possible.” Daniel says and the team quickly exit the building, climbing into the van. As the van begins to drive off, Ethan notices that you’ve begun to doze off and a small smile comes to his face. On the journey, Elsie manages to find some plane tickets back to America, but all the flights have different times. Ethan was granted the earliest flight back which meant the team had to quickly put together a passport for you as well at Ethan’s request to ensure you could make it back to America as well.
When the team made it back to the safe house, Ethan packed his belongings, keeping you in his arms because the moment he tried to lay you on the bed so he could pack quicker you began to cry, only soothed by the feeling of being in Ethan’s arms.
“Okay, we’ve got a bit of time to kill before our flight so let’s get you some supplies, huh?” Ethan asks you softly as he grabs his bag and smiles down at you. He knew he wasn’t going to get a response out of you, but the way you looked up at him curiously was enough for him. After exiting the safe house, giving his team no more than a half-hearted goodbye as he went, Ethan heads in the direction of the nearest shop that sells baby supplies and heads inside, grabbing the basics just to last you until he gets back to America and can buy more.
After getting what you need, he heads to the airport and finds somewhere to change you before having to go into one of the airport's cafes to ask if they could heat a bottle for you which they do so with a smile. After getting the bottle back and at the perfect temperature, Ethan finds himself somewhere to sit and gently offers you the bottle which you grab eagerly, drinking as quick as you can.
“Whoa, sweetheart, slow down a little. Don’t want anything bad happening from you drinking this too fast.” Ethan warns softly, moving the bottle away from your mouth as you squirm to reach out for it. He figured you might’ve been at least a little hungry but the way you were acting indicated that you were more than a little hungry. Ethan gently brought the bottle back to your lips as he began to wonder if this was something he needed to be worried about or if he was just reading too much into it. After all, he had never really been around babies before. When you finish the bottle, Ethan has to think about what to do next, he knew some basics of baby care but some of it was still fuzzy in his memory. A woman noticed Ethan’s concerned expression as he looked down at you and took pity on him, telling her toddler to stick with his dad before getting up from her seat and crossing to him.
“Forgive me if I’m intruding but do you need a hand?” The woman asks gently, looking down at Ethan as he looks up at her.
“I just can’t remember what I’m supposed to do after a feed.” Ethan admits, a slight blush of embarrassment flushing across his face as he sits you up on his lap.
“You’re already on the right track. Sitting your baby up is good and then gently burp them just to make sure there’s no trapped air. After that, they’ll be right as rain.” The woman says, her kind smile never leaving her face as Ethan’s eyes widen in realisation, instantly positioning you correctly and gently patting your back.
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.” Ethan says gratefully, smiling up at the woman who shakes her head.
“Just helping out a fellow parent. Someone helped me out when I had my first baby, so I do my best to help people out now too.” The woman says softly, nodding at Ethan before bidding him goodbye and crossing over to her family. Ethan watches as the little boy hurls himself into his mother’s arms when she returns and Ethan softens, looking down at you where you had settled on his shoulder after the burping. When it came time for him to board the plane, you had practically dozed off in his arms. He boarded smoothly and found his seat, keeping you securely in his lap as he settled himself in his seat. You remained sleeping until the plane began to take off and your eyes opened, and you looked up at Ethan with teary eyes, clearly scared of the engines and feeling of taking off.
“Hey, it’s okay sweetheart. It seems scary and loud, but I promise you’re safe.” Ethan says soft enough to provide some comfort as you stare at him, reaching your little arms up and placing your hands on his cheeks, bringing a smile to his face that in turn brings a smile to yours. Ethan bounced you on his knee ever so slightly which made you giggle before snuggling back into Ethan’s chest, moving your hands from his face to his shirt where you grabbed a handful of his shirt and began dozing again. Ethan braced a hand on your back and rested his head against the seat and let his eyes slip shut to sleep for a while. He only had to get up once to change you and the rest of the flight was smooth and he soon found himself back in America. He was tired from the day he had, his sleep on the plane helped but he was sure he needed a proper sleep in a proper bed. Despite having the thought of wanting to do nothing more than collapse into bed, Ethan had to make a quick pitstop at the IMF headquarters to talk to the Director about what happened. He begins the journey from the airport to the IMF headquarters, entering the building once he arrives, avoiding the stares of fellow IMF personnel who stare at him with raised eyebrows when they see the baby in his arms.
“Director Brassel, forgive me for intruding but could I have a word?” Ethan asks, knocking on the Director’s office and entering upon gaining permission.
“Ethan, back so soon? And… you have a baby?” Director Brassel says, faltering when he sees Ethan setting down his bag and adjusting the way he’s holding you so you can be more comfortable in his arms.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about, sir.” Ethan says, launching into the full story of what happened from when he met Abby that night in the bar to right now. He saw the variety of emotions swimming through his Director’s eyes as he told the story and all he could hope as he spoke was that he wouldn’t be cast out of the IMF. By the time Ethan finishes his story he’s almost out of breath, having explained everything he deemed important.
“Ethan… that is a real turn of events. And you’re sure this baby is yours?” Director Brassel says, easing himself up from his seat and slowly making his way over to Ethan.
“I was going to head down to the med bay after this to get her checked out and also to have a DNA test run. But I’m confident already in saying that she’s mine.” Ethan says, bouncing you slightly as you let out a giggle. Brassel stops himself in front of Ethan looking down at you and then at Ethan.
“May I?” He asks, holding his hands up as Ethan looks down at you and then back up at Brassel before nodding and handing you over to him so he can get a look at you. However, the moment you were out of Ethan’s hands you began to cry, squirming and reaching in Ethan’s direction as Brassel quickly handed you back over, your cries quickly turning into sniffles as you settled in Ethan’s arms once again.
“I am so sorry, sir.” Ethan apologises, wiping your tears gently and rocking you to soothe you.
“No need to apologise. She clearly feels very safe with you.” Brassel dismisses with a chuckle, smiling at Ethan. Looking down at you one more time, Ethan is reminded of what he came here to ask about in the first place.
“Sir, I was wondering if I could have a couple of days off? Once I get the DNA results back, I will need time to think about my next move, whether I give her up, keep her, or maybe there’s a secret third option I don’t know, but I’ll need time to think about it. As much as I enjoy the work I do here I need to have a clear head for whatever I do next.” Ethan asks as you snuggle into him, not paying attention to either of the two men anymore. To Ethan’s relief, Brassel’s smile doesn’t leave his face and he nods.
“Of course. Take as much time as you need and just get in contact when you’re ready to get back into the field.” He says, making the tension that had been sitting within Ethan dissipate almost immediately upon hearing the words. Now relaxed, Ethan nods slightly.
“Thank you so much, sir.” Ethan says gratefully, giving his Director a quick nod of acknowledgement before being dismissed and heading down to the med bay to get you checked over by the medic. When Ethan reaches the med bay, he’s greeted by one of the medics and ushered into one of the private rooms.
“Ethan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Jane asks as both adults sit themselves down on chairs.
“I rescued this little girl earlier today. I just wanted to have her checked over and make sure everything’s okay.” Ethan says, drawing Jane’s attention to the baby in Ethan’s arms and she nods before looking back up at Ethan.
“What else can I do for you? I can tell by the look on your face that there’s more to this story.” Jane says, beginning to dig around in her equipment for the things she needs to give you a check-up.
“She’s the daughter of a woman I slept with almost ten months ago. There’s a good chance she’s my baby so I need to have a DNA test done.” Ethan admits, slightly embarrassed that Jane had seen through his façade so quickly. Thankfully, Jane nods and digs around for the equipment she needs for the DNA test while encouraging Ethan to sit you up on his lap so she can examine you. You didn’t take too kindly to the poking and prodding, as well as the cold stethoscope that was used to listen to your heart and lungs. You didn’t like when you had to be sat down out of Ethan’s embrace to have your weight checked but soon settled once you were back in his arms. Finally, Jane took a small swab and rubbed it on the inside of your cheek to collect what she needed for the DNA test. While Jane recorded everything and put the swab into the DNA tester, Ethan gave you all the fuss and attention you required as you giggled.
“Well, the good news is, her heart and lungs are strong, and she seems to be a strong girl. However, she is a little underweight for her age, so I’d just suggest giving her a little extra when you feed her, just so she gets that weight up a little.” Jane says, looking at Ethan who nods, realising that Abby and her group must not have been feeding you enough and he tenses his jaw to prevent his anger from coming out through words. Before another word could be spoken between the two, the DNA test machine prints something out and Jane picks it up, eyes scanning the words before looking back up at Ethan who without thinking, begins to hold his breath in anticipation.
“Well, congratulations Ethan this little bundle of joy is yours.” Jane says, a soft smile covering her face as she looks up at Ethan who releases the breath he had been holding before smiling with a nod in Jane’s direction before looking down at you as you let out a giggle, seemingly sensing Ethan’s happiness. Ethan ducked down to press a tender kiss to the top of your head and his heart swelled as you giggled further before the realisation of his decision hit him like a ton of bricks. He now had to make the decision to keep you or give you away.
Thanking Jane, Ethan gets up, leaves the room and then exits the IMF building before making his way back to his designated safe house. Once he reaches the safe house, he feeds and burps you before pulling his phone out of his pocket, staring at Luther’s contact in his phone, debating whether to have Benji and Luther come over to help him make a clear decision. After a few minutes of internal debate, Ethan texts Luther, telling him to get to the safe house as quickly as possible and to bring Benji with him. Bouncing you gently as he looks down at you, Ethan can’t help but smile.
“I guess I need to figure out a good name for you, huh sweetheart?”
By the time the two men arrived, Ethan had changed you and the two of you were now dozing on the sofa but the entrance of Benji and Luther stirred Ethan who quickly shushed the two the moment they came into his line of sight, carefully getting up from the sofa and crossing to them, ignoring the look of shock and confusion that covered their faces at the sight of a baby nestled in Ethan’s arms.
“Ethan… have you stolen a baby?” Benji asks, eyes wide as he looks from the bundle in Ethan’s arms to Ethan’s face. When Ethan looked over at Luther he could see a similar expression, however, Luther was better at hiding his shock than Benji. Luther’s shock all laid within his eyes whereas Benji’s shock was across his face as clear as day.
“No Benji, I didn’t steal a baby. I slept with someone a few months back and well… she ended up being a part of that group I was tracking and when she showed me her, I just couldn’t leave her behind so, Benji, Luther, this is my baby girl.” Ethan says introducing you to the team despite the fact you were still sleeping happily in his arms. He then watches Benji and Luther process the fact Ethan admitted to sleeping with someone from an enemy group, albeit accidentally, before they focus on you.
“Does she have a name?” Luther asks, a softness to his voice that not many get to hear as he watches you sleep against his chest.
“I’ve been doing some thinking and I think I got it. y/n Hunt.” Ethan says with a gentle smile, looking from you up to Benji and Luther who break out into the softest of smiles.
“Is this why you wanted us here? To meet her?” Luther then asks, watching as Ethan’s jaw tenses slightly as he shakes his head ever so slightly, the movement so minute it could’ve been missed entirely if Benji and Luther had not had their full attention on Ethan.
“Yes and no. I wanted you guys to meet her, of course. You’re two of the people I trust most. But I’ve got a difficult choice to make. I need to decide whether I keep her or give her away.” Ethan explains, looking at his closest friends, a deep pleading in his eyes that makes the two men exchange a look before focusing back on Ethan.
“This isn’t an easy choice, Ethan. It’s a dangerous life we lead.” Benji starts, his brain working as fast as possible to weigh up every pro and con of both situations.
“But we know the best ways to keep her safe. If she’s sent away, people could find out she’s yours, especially if that group tracks her down.” Luther then says, countering Benji’s point gently, both of them sharing a quick glance as they realise the other has made a valid argument. The three men share different viewpoints on the pros and cons of each decision. After about ten to fifteen minutes of debating Luther speaks up.
“We’ve debated this as much as we can, but this is up to you at the end of the day. She’s your little girl and we know you’ll pick what’s best for her. And we’ll support you every step of the way.” He says gently, watching as Ethan looks down at you, gently brushing your soft wisps of hair away from your face as you curl closer into his chest. Benji and Luther could see the internal debate going on within Ethan, how he struggled with knowing that you could be in danger regardless of what he decided to do. After a minute of silent debate, Ethan looks back up at his team.
“I’m keeping her. She’ll be safer with me, and I can protect her from anyone who would try to hurt her.” Ethan concludes, watching as Benji and Luther nod with gentle smiles.
“Looks like we have a new teammate now.” Benji says with a soft chuckle, looking over at Luther who lets out a light scoff, shaking his head at Benji’s words.
“Can I hold her?” Benji then suddenly asks, looking at Ethan for permission who hesitates.
“You can try, but so far, she’s not liked being out of my arms for more than a second so please don’t be offended if she starts crying.” Ethan says, handing you over to Benji, trying to be as gentle as possible to not rouse you. As Benji held you, your eyes blinked open, and you looked up at the man who was now holding you in place of Ethan and Ethan found himself once again holding his breath. To his shock however, you just smiled up at Benji and snuggled further into his arms, giggling at the shocked expression on Benji’s face before a huge grin crossed his face. Both Ethan and Luther could tell how instantly smitten Benji was with you as he watched you quietly as you reached up and grabbed his pinkie finger in your hand, melting Benji even further.
“I’ve known her for about ten minutes, but I’d already die for her.” Benji states, looking up at Ethan who can’t do much more than smile back at Benji, fully understanding how Benji is feeling because it’s exactly how Ethan felt himself when he held you for the first time and saw how you settled so quickly in his arms. Benji continued to coo and fawn over you while you just giggled at the light tone in his voice, clearly as smitten with Benji as he was with you.
“May I?” Luther then asks, looking at Ethan who nods before glancing at Benji who passes you over hesitantly, visibly upset at having to give you to Luther. Just like you did with Benji, you accepted being in Luther’s arms instantly, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and curling closer as Luther watched, melting with each movement. Ethan and Benji had never seen Luther melt like this. He was usually so stoic, but you had reduced him into a puddle within seconds.
“You comfy there, Lil’ Hunt?” Luther says softly, so softly in fact that Ethan and Benji had almost missed the comment entirely. When they realised what he said, the two melted further at the nickname that they were sure would stick. Luther continued to talk to you in whispered tones as Ethan and Benji watched on.
“Shit, I forgot to buy more things for her and now all the shops are closed.” Ethan swears quietly, immediately ending up on the receiving end of a death glare from both Benji and Luther.
“It’s okay, we can figure all that out tomorrow. For now, I think little y/n deserves all the fuss in the world.” Benji says, before asking Luther if he could hold you again. The two of the men begin to bicker lightly with each other as they argue over who gets to hold you while Ethan watches with an amused grin. It was reliving for Ethan to see how Benji and Luther took to you immediately, but it was a million times better to see how quickly you took to them, evidence to him that you felt safe around his two teammates, and he knew he could trust them to look after you no matter what.
That day, Ethan and his team got a new mission, a permanent one, to keep you safe and protected no matter what.
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theycallmemarcy · 3 months
stu macher dating headcanons
stu macher x reader
warnings: none.
a/n: this is short but sweet, hope you enjoy it!
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always greets you with a kiss on the cheek. no matter where or with who you are.
for date nights, you guys go to a blockbuster to pick a movie, which mostly ends up being a horror movie. the one that you’ve seen the most has been a nightmare on elm street.
stu gets really cuddly watching horror movies, getting comfy with a bowl of popcorn over his lap, because he says that “i can’t trust you with that bowl, you might spill it! you are very jumpy you know?” 
to which you tried to prove him wrong once which ended up with popcorn being scattered all over his bed “i told you y/n ! i’m never letting you hold the bowl again” he put on his best puppy pout, but he got up “c'mon don’t worry sweets let's clean it up together” he said as he pecked you on the cheek. once you got every single piece of popcorn back into the bucket, he placed it on his lap, gave you a quick kiss and put his arm around you while hitting play.
you guys are both in charge of buying all party related stuff. you both have defined roles: he buys the booze – because his appearance makes him seem older – and you buy the snacks. Since you both share a love or beer he buys the one you guys drank together for the first time, you asked about it one time and he said “it was the first one we drank together, it's like a little reminder of us” he said giggling. as for snacks, you bought some barbecue chips since those were his favorite, and then you usually got some buttered popcorn along with other snacks. you guys enjoyed doing this together, since you got each other's favorites.
he shares his earbuds with you all the time
since his parents are almost always out of town, you have slept over at stu’s various times. he will call you in a whiny voice every time this happens – “babes, my parents are out again, and i feel so so so lonely, what to keep me company?” you feel his stupid smirk through the phone. “what do I get in return stu?” – “a night full of horror movies and your favorite boyfriend” – “you are my  only boyfriend stu” he can hear your giggles through the phone, to which he replies “yeah that’s why I am your favorite!” – “okay i’ll go” you hear him whisper a triumphant yes on the other side “but only if you pick me up!” – “sure thing sweets, i’ll be there in 10” 
most of your hangouts include billy and sidney. since she’s your best friend it's just the best that you all get along.
really touchy. stu has to have his hands on you all the time. you guys are at the video store? he wraps his arms around your waist as you browse the horror section. in class ? he always tries to brush his knee against yours. during breaks? he lays his head on your lap. late night drive? he puts his hand on your inner thigh. basically, he needs to be touching you at all times, otherwise he’ll get all whiny.
stu’s a really jealous guy, if he sees any boy near you, especially randy (he thinks you guys are so compatible because you both like horror movies), he’ll immediately wrap his arm around your shoulders and kiss you a bit, he just can’t stand another guy being near you without him around - especially if the guy doest know that you're dating Stu, even though he flaunts you guys’ relationship everywhere.
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