#although they’re actually scrapped characters
the-meme-monarch · 7 months
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(comes in staggering covered in blood) hey gang
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gojoroui · 14 days
BAMBI. you are the next one on my list to convert to a hsr / genshin papa enthusiast >:)
bambi…. do u have any thoughts abt hsr and genshin papas (twirling my hair as i type)
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ft. jing yuan, blade, dan heng, aventurine x fem! reader (separate)
content. literally so much fluff u can consider ssfw (super sfw), BUT is kinda suggestive, established relationship (marriage), dan heng’s part is slightly il dan heng, lots of mentions of pregnancy, parental au, somewhat a headcannon w little blurbs in between !!!!, lots & lots of kisses, pet names used for reader, not proofread
notes. IM SO SRRY IT TOOK THIS LONG; hopefully i cooked/redeemed myself w this 😞🙏 made a specially for @neuvistar — maryse !! i also made the writing smaller bc i don’t want it to look longer (srry if it’s hard to read :’)) i doubt myself w this idk if it’s even good (i cut off half of the characters i was gonna write bc i honestly idk 😾 & i did some of them dirty IM SORRY) </3 but i actually do have thoughts, but i hate when i have smt in mind & i js can’t seem to write it down SHAKES YOU IN FRUSTRATION
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JING YUAN — is literally father and daddy coded you cannot persuade me that he isn’t (i will throw hands at you) he’s super sweet and gentle with you before and after your pregnancy, he’ll actually probably treat you the same after you get your children — although maybe he’ll be more patient. overall he’s on the chiller dad side. personally, jing yuan would naturally know how to handle his children even when they’re a few hours after birth. he would cradle them with so much care and gentleness like your baby is made of fragile glass. but what’s to expect? he has yanqing to deal with in the first place.
JING YUAN — would be the man to kiss your forehead multiple times during pregnancy, he’ll actually transform into a male wife, he’ll also go as far as canceling all of his meetings and not give a damn about each one, even if you tried telling him to; he’s stick by your side like super glue. he’s SO reassuring. it’s a shame fu xuan had to deal with a man like him, he’ll never focus properly even if he went to work. all he has on his mind is you and his soon-to-be little versions of you and him.
“take it easy, love. i’ll be right by your side if you need me.”
JING YUAN — who would and will have two daughters, he’s such a girl dad i can see it. i feel like he wouldn’t (??) have twins, just like one child at a time, a very supportive dad. he could easily cheer up his daughters anytime, like when they trip, fall, scrap their knee, need help on homework, need assistance on changing, and so much more.
JING YUAN — who takes naps with his daughters anywhere, anytime. his daughters definitely inherited their father’s love for sleep (and his lazy personality), they enjoy sleeping just like their sleep deprived father. you’ll as often walk in on the three sleeping together — the children wrapped in jing yuan’s warm, muscular arms. unfortunately, you go a long way just to wake up your husband, what makes you think waking up your husband and two more lazy children that have the same ego as their father help?
“mommyy… 5 mor’…”
“mhm, what she said… just 5 more minutes, darling… how about you join us..?
JING YUAN — spoils his daughters. he doesn’t spoil them too much, or else they’ll grow up to be greedy, so he’ll spoil them just a right amount that they know how to behave properly when receiving something thoughtful. he cherishes the moments he gets to spend with you and the children together — he occasionally schedules times so he can get home at a specific time to spend with his family. eating dinner, playing games, and just enjoying his family. on rare occasions, his girls will wake up early and even come to your’s and jing yuan’s bedroom to wake you two up in the morning! leading to a huge cuddle session and cute babbling from your mix of you and jing yuan.
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BLADE — is quite the dad, actually. he obviously won’t show it, but he’s in between being extremely nervous and extremely excited on being a dad. he’s not sure if it’ll be worth the shot even being a father, due to all of the trauma and greif he’s had in his life. but after he met you, he’s started to diminish his need to disappear. additionally, you’ll be there to reassure him.
BLADE — is a very good father. like before, he’s nervous, but he has soft spot for you — which means he has an even softer spot for his own children. he’s a girl dad; one daughter and i can see it. he takes REAL good care of her when she’s just minutes out the womb. just the way blade’s eyes softened so much and his mouth slight gaped can tell how blade sees his beautiful daughter. the man to tuck his girl’s stray hairs out of her face and kiss her face afterwards.
“she looks just like me..”
BLADE — who's so gentle with his daughter. despite being a wanted criminal who fights with much skill and discipline, it’s a true surprise to see him so vulnerable while using his rough hands to softly cradle his daughter who’s ten times smaller than him. he’ll let his daughter play with his bangs and long luscious hair, even if he has to brush it all over again. he doesn’t give a single care about his hair, as long as his daughter gets her entertainment. he’ll let her slap his face, squish his cheeks, bump his nose, whatever (he probably wouldn’t let them all slide). on some days, when blade’s not running around and escaping from soldiers, he lets his daughter go ALL out on him. the two will definitely play — dress up, dolls, tea party’s, and much, much more (but it’s not like he can say no).
BLADE — who unfortunately “becomes” a pretty princess once his daughter gets to work. neon clips, silky ribbons, fake makeup, pink hair ties, jewelry, everything. and when you witness it, it’s more than difficult to hold in your laugh.
“blade!… blade?-”
BLADE — is a pretty accurate protective father, but sometimes, it’s not even his protectiveness that’s acting. just a small glance or look from him can scare any boy from staying near or close your daughter. you remind him constantly to give his daughter some freedom, but what’s he gonna do if he’s doing nothing — but staring at the boy? it’ll take time for him to accept a guy that your daughter actually really likes and wants to be with, but don’t worry, blade will be “kind” enough to do it for his daughter. but don’t expect him to accept a man so easily (and the man to accept a dad-in-law so… scary), he’ll definitely have them take a “trial” on something to be able to be his daughter’s lover. heads up, if any guy hurts his daughter in any way, physically, mentally, or emotionally, they better count their days.
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DAN HENG — is literally the sweetest dad to ever have, it’s tooth rottening. he’s like the entire package. he’ll make sure his children get a good education, live in a good environment, provide them with a decent life style, and hope they grow up to be amazing people (i’m crying rn). but before actually receiving you giving birth to your child, dan heng was the biggest nervous thing ever. he never thought to ever have a child of his own, and doubt how he’ll have to work it out. but you reassured him, and true to your words, he was.
DAN HENG — stays by your side almost all the time during your pregnancy. even when he had lots of trailblazing with the crew, he insisted to stay back to care for you and his future children. fortunately, he was allowed to by himeko and welt — unfortunately for march 7th and the trailblazer, they were missing a member to provoke. he can and will do everything and anything for you; the whole princess treatment. need water? right on top of your bed stand. need a pillow? he’s already rushing for a spare one. need something to eat? he’s already provided it (breakfast in bed guys). don’t forget the cuddles on the side, he’ll provide that anytime. his cuddles are literally so warm it warms up your body in the process, he’s like your personal heater. dan heng will definitely rub soothing circles on the belly — he knows it gets difficult to be a mother (not by experience guys get it out of your head), so he hopes all his acts of service helps you.
“shhh… take it easy love.”
DAN HENG — would have 2 children, a son and a daughter. unless it’s il dan heng, then that’s something else. i’d say the son is the oldest, although i don’t exactly 100% see it. there will be tears when he gets to see his very first child, holding them like it’s like his very last chance of living. he’ll immediately kiss your forehead after you’ve given birth to your and his’ child, promising to care for your son (and future daughter) ‘till the day he dies. he’ll also be by your side when your in the process of delivering your child. rubbing circles on your hands, lightly hushing and kissing you, intertwining hands, and saying the most supportive and loving words ever. and you maybe even cried during it because you can’t believe to have such an amazing husband like dan heng by your side (i’m crying again). additionally, the way his heart and eyes melted when you send him a small smile and slowly closed your eyes to rest.
DAN HENG — who like blade, would let his children play with his hair. sometimes, he’d transform into his vidyadhara and let his children play with his long hair; clipping clips, tying his hair, fashioning it, etc. i guess the son wouldn’t be so into that, but he’ll help his sister dress up their father. you melt whenever you happen to see your little toddlers play and try to chase after their father’s dragon tail. careful not to have them trip or fall, dan heng enjoys teaseing them and having them run after his tail — like a puppy, hoping that they manage to catch his tail and play atop it. i also can’t help but think of the thought dan heng would have his tail “turn” into a slide for his little children! they would just slide down and run back to their father for another round until they’re exhausted.
“hehe... again! again!”
“alright, you can slide some more, but then it’s gonna be your nap time.”
“ok, daddy!”
DAN HENG — who lovingly tucks his kids in their bed or crib when it’s their nap time, or it’s their bedtime. it’s such a heartwarming scene to witness, it could easily melt even the coldest of hearts. i think dan heng would sing them lullabies, but occasionally when he feels like it’s time for them understand the meanings of his songs. dan heng slightly blushes when he sees you in the doorway, flustering that you got to see how vulnerable he is, but that’s not a bother.
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AVENTURINE — is one of the funnest and dedicated dads. he just loves his children so much, even if he has a side job, he always manages to make time for them and you. would definitely cry tears of joy and happiness when he receives them, stroking their small heads and holding them so tenderly. he loves you so much for giving him his children; he'd babble on forever about how you're such an amazing wife for working so hard for him and you, probable crying while saying all those heartwarming things. he's more than grateful to have his little children.
AVENTURINE — is such an AMAZING dad and supporter oh my goodness. he's so caring when you're a few months and/or weeks pregnant. maybe he becomes a male-wife (??), that's very visible in my brain. for awhile, he would take a break on going to the casino — to stay home and care for you. would easily decline any offer from any opponents that want to gamble. you would sometimes just wake up in the morning and hear his conversations to somebody about some business.
"no... im good... listen, for the last time, im not. please and thank you." hangs up.
"oh! mornin' babe. huh? — oh, its nothing, just some brat."
AVENTURINE — is a girl dad, but i feel like he would have one son and two daughters. he would love them all equally and take care of them so much; giving them a childhood he never managed to have. aventurine i guess i pretty known for being quite a guy, but his kids would be the sweetest ever — which he said was inherited by you. but just like their dad, they have another side (😈), they can be SO troublesome and little maniacs if they want to.
AVENTURINE — who gets tackled to the ground whenever he gets home from work by his children. it’s so cute and entertaining to see him get beaten to the ground by kids so much younger than him. they would just tackle his — grabbing his hat and coat and wearing them themselves ITS SO CUTE. additionally, i see aventurine taking the three bundles of joy to his gambling games and have them like sit on his lap and let them experience it. and also watching their dad ‘win’, is what he said. but after a couple weeks of their visits, aventurine eventually had to limit their visits because they kept exposing his cards; throwing them, playing with them, shouting out his cards, etc.
“daddy has only two more blue cards!”
“and one yellow!”
“oh! hehe… don’t shout out, love, it’s rude.”
AVENTURINE — who does the weirdest things with his kids. he would one hundred percent (sorry not sorry) dab up his son and teaches him the weirdest shit ever. like it’s kinda not surprising at all. he would also let his daughter play around with his necessary stuff. many of his other stuff needs to been hidden well, because you know, his kids are pretty curious.
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annymation · 6 months
Reimagining the Characters in Wish
(Part 4- The 7 teens)
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Yup, you read that right, I’m rewriting AAAAALL these fellas, or rather, just giving more substance to them because as they were in the movie we barely got CHARACTERS, just a 7 dwarfs reference, heck, I doubt y’all remember their names.
If you’re new here, hi, I’m rewriting all the characters in Wish before I start sharing my rewrite, here’s part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Now you may wonder, why am I even keeping the concept of the 7 teens in my rewrite, when just scrapping them all together would make my life so much easier instead of writing lines of dialogue and character motives to all of them?
Well the answer is that I like to make myself suffer I think they actually have a lot of potential, and I really like their designs.
Sooo lets meet the gang.
Who are the 7 teens?
So in my rewrite, the 7 teens will be a little bit more than just Asha’s best friends. Because each one of them will be the sons and daughters of some members of the royal staff.
I’ll be specifying in this blog the following things about each one of them:
- Their personality.
- Who their parents are.
- How they met Asha.
- What purpose will they serve in the story.
So buckle up because this blog might get a lil bit long hahaha I regret this already.
Dahlia 🍪
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- Dahlia is a 17 year old girl, she has mobility issues, so she has to use a crutch to walk.
- She’s very organized and proactive, always doing her best to get things done. She’s often the one who takes the lead when planning things for her friends such as surprise birthday parties or deciding where to hang out (or whatever teenagers did back then aside from dying from the plague).
- She has an habit of making lists with the step by step of everything she has planned, which her friends find pretty amusing. Her ideas always turn out to be a lot of fun, although she really needs to learn how to let go of this need of control and just let things play out naturally.
(She’s kinda like Twilight Sparkle… this will not be the last time I’ll mention a My Little Pony character in this blog)
- Sometimes when things don’t go according to plan or she gets anxious she starts stuttering and replacing words
(much like how Doc from Snow White did constantly, I’m shocked they didn’t reference that once in the movie, it’s such an awkward teenager thing to do)
“Asha! We shook— I mean LOOKED everywhere for you la-last night! Why would you fun- I MEAN RUN away from the hackle like that??”
“… I think you mean castle-“
- But overall she’s a very kind and supportive friend to Asha, something they both have in common is that they enjoy working hard to achieve their goals, even though Dahlia still wants to give her wish for the king.
- I might’ve made her come off as a bit of a control freak but really she’s very easygoing and kind. Even when things don’t go according to plan she knows anything with her friends will be fun and work out in the end.
Even if what doesn’t go according to plan is a heist mission to infiltrate the castle?
She’s the daughter of the royal cooks
- Her mother is the royal baker and her father is the royal lead chef.
- They both work in the castle, and Dahlia sometimes goes with them to lend a hand when they’re short staffed or to learn the family business.
- Dahlia has witnessed first hand how the royal couple can be not so sweet when they’re away from the public eyes:
King Magnifico: Diner yesterday was absolutely dreadful, what happened? Have I granted your wish to be the greatest chef in the land for nothing?
Dahlia’s father: m-my deepest apologies sire, you see, the queen took all the salt from our storage yesterday to make her potions so-
King Magnifico: Blaming my wife for your incompetence now, I see
Dahlia’s father: n-no! I’d neve-
King Magnifico: If you got no salt, find a work around, I’ll not be accepting any less than the finest meals from you, was I clear? Dismissed.
Dahlia: … Dad, that wasn’t your fault, you can’t let him talk to you like that.
Dahlia’s father: He’s the king, Dahlia, he’s always right. Besides, it’s thanks to him granting my wish that I know how to cook at all, the least I can do is not disappoint him.
- Because she got to see this behavior, it’s easier for her to believe when Asha tells her the king and queen’s true colors.
- She’s expected to follow her parent’s foot steps, and become a great cook, but all she really knows how to bake is cookies.
- She sees cooking a lot more as a past time than something she’ll be doing for the rest of her life, but she doesn’t want to let her parents down, she keeps trying to develop some interest in cooking, so she can wish to be a great cook once she turns 18
(Just wishing for it without having truly the interest in cooking wouldn’t work, because a wish has to be something that you really want and comes from the bottom of your heart)
She was the first one that met Asha
- Dahlia was helping her mom sell her baking goods to the neighborhood, so she went all by herself with a little cart carrying a bunch of sweets (like a Girl Scout)
- She knocked on Asha’s house and was greeted by lil 6 year old Asha with her grandpa, they bought some sweets, but as she was walking away Asha noticed she was having some trouble carrying the cart while walking with her crutch.
- Asha looked at her grandfather who gave her a reassuring nod.
- Asha offered to help Dahlia carry the cart.
- They talked while they walked door to door for a while, and after there were no more sweets in the cart they went to play together, and that’s how they became best friends.
She will be the leader
- I mentioned briefly in my blog about reimagining Asha that after her grandfather passed away she started living with Dahlia, so they’re basically sisters, and as such, Dahlia is very protective of Asha and becomes increasingly worried when Asha starts acting weird after her meeting with the king and queen, like she’s hiding something… and why the heck she has a friend that dresses up like a prince now?
- There will be a point in the middle of the story where Asha and Aster run away from the kingdom
(for reasons that I really should explain soon because the whole middle chunk of this rewrite is yet to be shared on Tumblr, I’m so sorry, I’ll get to writing it here soon)
- And Asha is seen now as a traitor, so, the 7 teens are conflicted.
- Should they believe their king, who says that Star guy is dangerous and Asha was plotting to betray them? Or should they trust their best friend?
- Dahlia is the first one who rises up saying they should go after Asha and help her, pack their stuff, tell their parents they’re going to make a sleepover or something, and just go to the middle of the woods.
- Everyone is a little unsure at first (specially Gabo and Simon) but after she gives them a little speech and reminds everyone of all the things Asha did for them, they’re convinced to go.
- Once they do find Asha and Aster, she helps a lot when they have to make a plan on how to defeat the royal couple.
Simon 💤
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- Simon is a 21 year old young man, the oldest of the group, and since the day he gave way his wish he hasn’t been the same.
- Simon used to be very energetic and hard working, now, he’s in a constant feel of exhaustion that doesn’t go away, no matter how much he sleeps, he doesn’t feel motivated to do anything.
- His friends are very understanding tho and every time they hang out they always bring a pillow in case he needs a nap (which he always does need).
- They assume Simon has been so exhausted since he turned 18 because after that his father has been more demanding of him and his training, we’ll talk more about that later.
- Even tho he’s overwhelmed with sleepiness, Simon is still very protective and caring with his friends, he always tries his best to stay awake when they’re having fun together, he doesn’t want to miss a moment with them.
- He was even more protective before he turned 18 of course, he was like the older brother of the group, but since now he’s way too sleepy to be the voice of reason, that role is now Asha’s, the second oldest.
He’s the son of the captain of the royal guard
- The training I mentioned before was sword fighting, horse walking, navigation, tactics and a bunch of other exhausting things.
- But for whaaaateveeer reason Simon has lost all interest in learning about them since the day he gave away his wish, gosh I wonder what that wish wa— It’s the same that it was in the movie.
- Simon wished to become the next captain of the royal guard, just like his dad, so he can make him proud and protect his friends.
(Omg Simon is Papyrus Undertale confirmed)
- Magnifico is waiting for Simon’s dad to pass away so he can grant Simon’s wish, can’t have 2 captains of the royal guard at the same time, now can he?
- The tragic irony of it all is that a wish that Simon made to make his family proud just made him become an embarrassment to his father, who now doesn’t even try to teach him anything, knowing his son is just gonna fall asleep during his lessons.
- Simon is very distressed by all this, deep down he knows that he might feel this way because, for whatever reason, the king hasn’t granted his wish yet
- Whenever he tries to explain that to his father tho, he just angrily cuts him off for even daring to question or blame the king for his own failures, saying he must always be loyal and thankful to the king… Always.
(His father is mean like that because he wished to be the king’s most trusted and loyal knight so he literally is incapable of questioning Magnifico, even if that means he hurts his son in the process)
- After getting these speeches from his father so many times Simon just accepted that the problem was him, and it definitely wasn’t the king’s fault
- However, Asha did suspect that Simon’s wish wasn’t granted, just like how her grandfather’s wish wasn’t either, she recognized how Simon shared a lot of behavior patterns with her grandfather.
“You know Simon… Maybe you should ask the king if your wish was granted at all, don’t you think? You haven't been acting like yourself for 3 years now”
“What? Oh no no no I… I shouldn’t bother him with something so silly, I mean, of course he granted my wish… And if he didn’t then he must have his reasons and I just gotta wait haha but it doesn’t matter either way, after all I’m totally fine… I’m fine…”
Simon is the only one in the group who has absolutely no criticism about the king.
He was the second one that met Asha
- Simon was 10 when he started training sword fighting on his backyard, he’d use some scare crows as his opponents, and he made some wood swords by himself.
- Asha and Dahlia were hanging out when they saw Simon training, Asha thought it seemed fun so she asked if she could play too.
- Simon really could use some more lively opponents so yeah, why not?
- They played sword fighting the whole afternoon while Dahlia cheered for Asha and joined in the fun too.
- Since then they were very close friends and Simon taught Asha how to properly sword fight during their preteen years… they haven’t done that in a while now.
He’ll be the traitor
- Yup, oh sweet sleepy lil Simon betrays them in my version too, but don’t worry, it’s not just because he wants to get his wish granted like it was in the movie
(because that was a jerk move that made Simon feel very unlikable, like I get it he’s constantly exhausted and depressed and wants it to go away but bruh couldn’t even look guilty when doing it)
- So, like I mentioned, they all go after Asha and Aster in the forest. Simon at first is very resistant and the others even say it’s okay if wants to stay.
Dahlia: It’s okay Simon, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.
Gabo: OH SURE! I’m a jerk for calling this a suicide mission, but the strongest and oldest of the group not wanting to go is completely understandable, I see how it is.
Simon: …hmm
Dahlia: Simon’s case is different Gabo, if his dad realizes he’s missing then we might have even more guards on our tail.
Safi: Besides, Simon might be a liability.
Simon:… what’s that supposed to mean?
Safi: Ah… shoot- eh you know like… it’s getting pretty late and you didn’t get a nap this afternoon so—
Gabo: He means we can’t carry you through the woods like a sleeping beauty waiting for a kiss, Simon.
Hal: Wow Gabo, very classy (sarcastic)
Gabo: Hey, just saying what we’re all thinking-
Simon: I’m going.
- Simon decides he has to go because someone has to be there to protect his friends, not just from the woods, but most importantly from that star guy the king warned everyone about
- May seem contradictory that Simon believes both in the king and Asha, but truth is that he’s holding up hope that this is all some big misunderstanding and Asha just misunderstood something the king said, or she’s being brainwashed by that star, or anything else.
- He just can’t accept that the king is truly evil.
- So, when they’re packing up their things to go, Simon grabs a little something from his father’s room.
- A magic mirror, used only by the king’s most trusted knights, that gives direct contact to the king's study.
- He planed to just use it in case that they needed help if they found out the star was really harming Asha.
- However, once they did find Asha and Aster, it became undeniably clear that the star wasn’t harmful at all, which left Simon very confused.
“Maybe the book the king read about wishing stars was wrong, I should just explain to him that he made a mistake!”
(Oh poor naive boy)
- After planning how they’d defeat the king and save the wishes, Simon just lied saying he was gonna take a nap behind a tree, and thus, he entered in contact with the king and queen
- Magnifico at first dismisses Simon like he’s just messing with his father’s stuff until Simon mentions he knows where Asha and the star are, that peaks his interest, but he and Amaya disguise their enthusiasm perfectly by pretending to be worried for his safety.
“Oh my, are you alright? Has it done anything to you? Where are you? We can send help immediately”
- He says they’re fine, and tries to explain that maybe the king was wrong about star, and there has been some misunderstanding that lead to Asha thinking they were bad people, if they just talked things out everything would go back to normal.
- Like I mentioned in part 2, one of Magnifico’s abilities is hypnosis through eye contact, so he’s able to make Simon see things his way.
- He manipulates Simon into thinking that the star is tricking all of them to get to the wishes, and the only way for Simon to save them is doing EXACTLY what Magnifico says.
- He asks Simon to tell him what their plans are, so he can stop them from… doing anything they might regret.
- Simon, even under the influence of Magnifico’s power, is still conflicted and asks if his friends will be in trouble after this is all over.
“Trouble? Oh heaves no, dear boy, I wouldn’t dream on letting any harm come to them, trust me, your friends will be perfectly safe… If you do as I say.”
“… “if”?…”
“Enough chit chat, now, what are they plotting exactly? Don’t leave any details”
- Of course, Magnifico also offers to grant Simon's wish if everything goes according to plan, Simon is fully convinced.
- Simon agrees to lock his friends in a room during their invasion to the castle, the king convinced him that's the best way to keep them “safe” (Asha will be locked in a different room tho, for… reasons)
- But once he does lock them up, he hears his friends screaming and arguing with him through the door, eventually he has a change of heart and lets them go, so they can stop the king and queen together.
- Simon first betrayed his friends, but then he betrayed the king, and as he’ll find out in a very painful way… Magnifico really doesn’t like being betrayed.
(See what I did there? That’s a line Magnifico says in the Wish movie hehe… okay moving on)
Gabo 😡
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- Gabo is a 17 year old teen, he’s also a little person.
- He’s a menace to society the brutally honest of the group, always with a sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue, sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re way too harsh, but he often apologizes if he goes too far, he doesn’t mean to hurt people, being blunt is just how he expresses himself.
- You may wonder why his friends even hang out with him if he’s so… grumpy all the time, well, his friends understand that he has a lot of pent-up anger inside because of personal stuff, so they try to help him through it.
- He also has a more soft side to him, he can be very wise for his age when his friends need some advice, and he’s always loyal, even when they disagree, he’d go anywhere they go.
- He’s specially loyal and supportive to Asha and most of the time refrains from throwing shade at her, actually he’s mostly just blunt when talking to the guys, he’s a lot more respectful to the girls.
(Ironic considering Grumpy hated Snow White at first just because she was a girl lmao)
He’s the son of a soldier
- His father is just a random soldier, nothing special really.
- However, once when Gabo was a kid, he was visiting the castle with his father and he wanted to explore, so he sneakily grabbed his father’s keys to the dungeons and went to see how was it like, ya know, boys will be boys.
- He got in, and at first there wasn’t nothing out of the ordinary, just your average scary dark and gloomy dungeon… except that by the end of a hall, full of empty jail cells, there was a door.
- And he could hear someone screaming from behind that door, like they were pleading, and he saw light coming from the key hole… It looked like the king’s magic, except it was green instead of blue.
- He tried to use the keys to open it, but none of them worked.
“Ugh why don’t any of these keys work??”
“Because this area is forbidden, little one”
- He turned around quickly to see who was behind him, and there she was, the queen was smiling down at him, a sweet and tender smile, like she wasn’t hearing the sounds of desperate cries coming from behind the door.
“I- sorry your majesty but umm… it sounds like someone is in trouble in there, shouldn't we help?”
- Then he heard the distinct sound of something made of glass breaking, and suddenly… silence, no more crying, no more screaming, and no more light coming from the door.
“I don’t hear anything my sapling, poor thing, you must be imagining things. Now, why don’t you just hurry along back to your father? He’s looking for you… And remember, this is our little secret~”
- And Gabo never told this to anyone, he knows no one would believe him.
(If you’re wondering what was going on behind that door… let’s just say there’s STILL more evil stuff Magnifico does that I couldn’t fit in my blog about the villains, what’s that you ask? *maniacal laugh* I’ll let you guess)
- Gabo always had the feeling that there was something WRONG with Rosas, but he couldn't quite pin point what, and that experience in the dungeon made him start questioning if the smiles he saw plastered on the king and queen's faces everyday were real or fake.
- This feeling that there was something wrong but there was nothing he could do about it made him, for a lack of a better word, grumpy a lot of the time.
- Needles to say, when Asha explained that the king and queen were actually evil, Gabo believed in a heartbeat.
- Because he’s a little person, Gabo is not expected to follow his father’s foot steps, and that makes him furious, because he wishes he could be seen as strong like he sees himself, but he’s constantly underestimated and treated like a kid.
He was the third one to met Asha
- During a kite festival in the kingdom, Dahlia, Simon and Asha were flying their kite when they noticed a boy sitting down on the grass, next to a broken kite.
- The boy looked very grumpy, so Asha tried offering him a hug, Gabo quickly pushed her away, saying he wanted to be left alone.
- Simon and Dahlia suggested they should just leave him be, but Asha insisted they should just give him some time to calm down.
- They sat a little bit far away from Gabo and started to just talk. Gabo appreciated that even though Asha didn’t even know him she was willing to wait for him to get some alone time and try to reach out for him later, most people just walked away when he had his anger episodes.
- After a few minutes, he got up and asked if he could play with them.
He will be the comedy relief, and the straightforward voice of reason
- Comedy relief is also an important role in a story, to alleviate the the tension and just be that one character that gives more contradictory remarks, otherwise everyone just agrees with each other and really where’s the fun in that?
- Also, after they figure out Simon betrayed them, he’d be the one who snaps Simon out of the idea that the king is a good person, throwing some facts to his face and like, not sugarcoating it, just straight up calling Simon out for being a dirty traitor, an awful friend and an absolute idiot, which may seem harsh but was exactly what Simon needed to hear to realize he was making a mistake.
- Like, Simon just opens the door apologizing in the verge of tears while Gabo keeps kicking his leg to let out his anger while everyone else is staring at Simon very disappointedly, comedy gold.
Bazeema 🥰
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- Bazeema is 17 years old, who’s very shy.
-In this rewrite she is pretty much the same except for a little design and background change, you see, I found this piece of concept art
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- Do you see it? Bazeema seems to be wearing a hijab, I like that, we don’t get enough Muslim representation, so there, Bazeema is Muslim and she wears a hijab now, her religion won’t affect anything in the narrative tho but I just wish they kept this detail in her design.
- Also I’m keeping that gimmick that sometimes she appears out of no where and scared the hell out of Gabo, because yeah I think it has comedic potential.
- She’s a very sweet and gentle girl, very soft spoken and likes to have some alone time once in a while “us introverts need sanctuary” as she said.
(She’s kinda like Fluttershy, see? I told you I’d mention more my little pony characters)
She’s the daughter of the royal gardeners
- Nothing much to it, Bazeema just saw the queen being rude to her mother once because the flowers were red instead of white. So again, when Asha sas the royal couple is evil she believes her just fine.
- Also she knows about a secret passage inside the palace’s garden, in the center of a hedge maze, that leads to inside the castle.
- Specifically to an underground storage room where her parents keep some gardening tools, but, if they can get in there, they might find a way to get inside the castle through the underground.
- She doesn’t mind following her parents footsteps at all, in fact, she loves the idea of just talking to flowers all day.
She’s the fourth one who Asha meets
- When Asha was 10, she and her friends went to watch a kids play telling the story of Rosas, Bazeema was playing the queen.
- But Bazeema got stage fright, and ran to the back of the stage, embarrassed that she forgot her lines
- Asha followed the sound of her crying and reassured her that it was alright and she could take as long as she needed to feel ready, and complemented that she looked beautiful in her Queen’s dress.
- Bazeema really appreciated that, and she went back on stage, although, she tried keeping her eyes closed to not see the crowd.
She’ll give important info on how to get inside the castle
- Like I mentioned before, Bazeema has info on how to get inside the castle through the garden, so she’ll just assist on that part of their plan.
- Also comedic relief, with her gimmick of disappearing then showing up out of nowhere.
Dario 💎
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- Dario is 17 years old, and in this rewrite, he’s mute, not deaf tho, just mute, so he communicates through sign language. That’s to reference how Dopey, the dwarf he pays homage to, was also mute.
- I wouldn’t say Dario is dumb in my rewrite, he’s just really easily distracted, sometimes when his friends are talking he’ll just doze off and look at some flowers he finds along the way or collect rocks, and they don’t really mind.
- Dario is very emotionally intelligent tho, and among all the 7 teens, he’s one of the quickest to believe that Asha is innocent (Right after Dahlia)
He’s the son of the royal announcers
- Ya know those people with the big trumpets that give announcements to the kingdom? Yeah that’s what his parents do.
- Due to his disability Dario can’t really become an announcer, at least not a verbal one, he doesn’t really mind tho.
He’s the fifth one that Asha meets
- Asha was 11 when she and her friends met Dario, he was new in their class because he and his parents just moved to Rosas.
- Since he was mute, he had a really hard time making friends, so, Asha and her friends went to the library and found a book teaching about sign language
(I’m not gonna pretend you can actually learn ALL about sign language with just a book, I should know, I had ASL class in college, with a deaf teacher, and even then I don’t know even half of what there is to know, but this is a fantasy, so let’s pretend these kids learned the whole language, because it’s wholesome)
- So they make this effort to communicate with him and that makes Dario really happy, and he quickly joins the group.
He’ll be the silent comedic relief and also help creating a distraction for the king
- Most scenes when everyone is talking and focusing on more serious things, Dario is easily distracted and can be on the background doing the most random things, it’s not that he doesn’t care tho, he’s listening, and sometimes he comes up with creative ideas of his own.
- Also, as the son of the royal announcers, he goes tell them he has seen the star on the north side of the forest, his parents obviously believe him, and announce to the guards and the king, thus they can get inside while Aster distracts Magnifico.
Safi 🤧
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- Safi is the youngest in the group, he’s 16 years old, and he has a tendency to sometimes not thinking before he speaks, so he kinda blurts out things that might come off as indelicate, but he never means to be rude. Also he’s allergic to EVERYTHING under the sun, so, of course, he sneezes a lot.
- I gave him this characteristic of blurting out things that he’s not supposed to say because it kinda reminds me of a sneeze, uncontrollable and sometimes inconvenient, but this way it gives him more character.
- Also if it was only Gabo saying inconvenient stuff and everyone else were saints this would be no realistic group of teenagers, teens are relentless when it comes to saying dumb stuff with each other y’all, they just don’t care.
- Safi is also a germophobic, always avoiding situations that might get him sick, like flowers, animals, dust, humidity, flour, the rain-
- And even though he’s terrified of everything that might give him a sneezing fit, his friends are always there to help him get through it.
He’s the son of two members of the cleaning staff
- So, as you can imagine, Safi really doesn’t want to follow his parents career path, with a job that is all about cleaning dust.
- One day, he was asked to help them clean the castle so he could at least try to learn something.
- While he was helping, the king showed up and started complaining with his parents that his study wasn’t clean enough
- While he was busy talking with them, he left something very important lying around.
- Safi saw the king’s magic staff leaning on the wall.
- Safi wanted to get a closer look, so while the king was distracted he approached the staff, but then, he felt it, a sneeze was coming up.
- He tried to hold it in but it was too late, Safi sneeze was so strong the staff got out of balance, and when it was about to hit the ground Magnifico managed to grab it just in time.
- Safi looked relieved and even chuckled to himself thinking the king would do the same. But the expression the king had was something he never seen from him before… Safi saw pure rage.
- Safi was pressed against a wall apologizing frantically and so were his parents.
- The king took a few deep breaths, and as if nothing happened his expression went back to his usual charismatic smile
“Maybe cleaning duty just isn’t your calling, lad. You’re dismissed from assisting for today, or any other day for that matter.”
- So Safi is not allowed inside the castle anymore.
He was the sixth that Asha met
- Safi was terrified during the festivals celebrating the foundation of Rosas, because the kingdom was decorated completely with, well, roses.
- There were roses everywhere, and he couldn’t stop sneezing with all the pollen in the air.
- Asha and her friends noticed him distressed, and decided to help him by taking Safi away from the kingdom.
- Safi was sad he couldn’t join in the party, but Asha and her friends said they could bring the party to him, so they danced and played instruments all day long.
This boy whose only personality trait was SNEEZING is literally the one who provides the info they need to defeat the villains, no, I’m not joking
- Like I mentioned before, Safi had a interaction with the king where he heard the king say “You could’ve ended all magic in Rosas” but he never understood what Magnifico meant by that.
- It’s not like all the king’s magic is stored in that one staff right?… but what if it is.
- When they’re coming up with a plan to defeat the king, Safi brings up this information, and there you have it, now they know what’s his weakness.
Hal 😄
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- Hal is 17 year old, and judging by her earrings that resemble the “Jaaro dibbei” earrings from the Fulani tribe, so with that in mind, in this rewrite she came from Africa but moved to Rosas with her family as a kid.
- Hal is a very extroverted and joyful person, it’s rare to not see her smile, unless the situation really gets serious.
- Shes contagiously optimistic.
- Is often practicing her jokes with her friends, or just throwing some quick witted quips to lighten the mood.
(She’s a lot like Pinkie Pie… All the girls are My Little Pony references)
She’s the daughter of the royal entertainers
- Hal used to practice a lot of juggling and try acrobatics when she was little, but she quickly realized that kind of act wasn’t her calling
- She much prefers telling jokes and funny stories to the king and queen wherever her parents bring her with them to perform
- Hal noticed how the laughs and smiles the king and queen made during her acts always felt kinda forced, like they didn’t mean it.
- However the king would often burst with laughter whenever a performance from her parents went wrong, that always rubbed her the wrong way.
She was the last to met Asha
- When Asha was 13, she and her friends saw Hal practicing juggling near the forest, and she was really struggling with it.
- She told them she was really nervous because she had to be ready to perform for the royal couple in a few days.
- Asha suggested she should try a different kind of act, so she and her friends helped Hal come up with stories to narrate to the king.
- Hal discovered a new passion for story telling, and that became her new act.
She's the one who encourages Aster to confess his feelings
- Our Star Boy wasn’t actually that confident with confessing how he really felt about Asha, after all Aster knew that after granting her wish they would never see each other again, so what was the point in confessing?
- Hal encourages him with her optimism and explains that if he doesn’t tell her he’ll just regret it forever.
- That leads to the “At All Cost” scene
- So thank Hal for playing cupid
- Oh and Bazeema will help encourage Aster too
Final Thoughts
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Welp this was a doozy one, but I’m pretty satisfied with how they turned out, everyone now feels like they got something to do and some actual backstories.
The way I’m planning to actually introduce in the story how they all met Asha is through a musical flashback that we see Asha going from a little kid to a teenager, think of it like the UP intro or “Do You Want To Build a Snowman”.
Like the movie would have in the beginning Asha’s grandpa reading to her the story of Rosas and we get a sweet scene of them interacting, then it cuts to this musical sequence (probably with no lyrics like in UP) where we see how Asha met each one of her friends, and also show how as time went on her grandfather grew more and more senile and dependent on her.
The sequence would end with Asha’s grandfather’s passing, and her friends being there to support her. Just like that in a flashback sequence with no dialogue we understand who are Asha’s friends, who was her grandfather, how Asha cares about all of them dearly, and with all that established the story begins.
Like can you imagine that? Introducing why we should care about Asha’s friends by showing to us who they are instead of just telling us and throwing them in the story with no explanation? What a concept, I’m sure glad a certain multibillion company didn’t just waste them…
Anyway, I’ll start actually sharing the chapters of my rewrite here pretty soon, I’m already confident enough to do it!
I was gonna first share a blog about how I’d reimagine Valentino buuuuuut I think it’s gonna be a pretty short blog that I can write later, and I can tell some people really want me to just tell the story already, and I want to start doing it too so let’s gooo!
Thank you so much for reading!
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mipexch · 7 months
thinking about a potential ultrakill lethal company au type crossover for fun. long ramble of headcanons under the readmore. feel free to add on, i’d love to start something silly
i haven’t thought too much on the possibilities of an Actual fully fleshed out au complete with designated planets being certain layers so all of this is made under the idea that it’s just these characters tasked with doing what the employees do. all the headcanons i’ve made are just how i feel these characters would act :)
gabriel is.. he’s gabriel. his ass is getting fired IMMEDIATELY. he’s smart sometimes but his impulsivity & arrogance gets the best of him. he doesn’t need a flashlight— or a walkie-talkie for that matter. what is he, a husk? he goes in empty handed and comes out empty handed. his pride wont let him return to admit his tactic was shit so at best he steals another piece of scrap someone may have set at the front to bring back. sure. it works. he agrees to bring a walkie-talkie but sticking with the group is completely out of the question.
being the one on the monitor isn’t too difficult for him but it gets VERY stressful for the ones actually inside the facility. he’s going to yell at you to go a certain way and alert you to a nearby enemy only when he feels it’s absolutely necessary. he switches cameras very often and tasks himself with keeping everyone safe. if you stand still for more than 4 seconds he’s going to declare you dead and stop checking. (unless it’s V1)
if a dog happens to come by while he’s monitoring he’ll try hard to stay quiet for a short amount of time before fear gets the better of him and makes him start the ship (even if there’s still people inside). goes inside the facility half the time and stays back the other half. he enjoys reading through the bestiary and organizing all the scrap people dump onto the floor of the ship. very prone to getting attacked by snare fleas. he checks his surroundings but Not above him. dumbass
V1 is going in with nothing but a shovel and…another shovel. you cant even wield both but that doesnt stop them from wanting another. no one’s entirely sure how they have so many on hand except for gabriel. if he isn’t around to reluctantly buy them a shovel they’re going to buy as many as they can before they get caught. (gabriel makes sure to keep an eye on the terminal when they’re using it for this reason alone)
they beat the shit out of every enemy they find and disregard scrap completely. it’d probably beat another crewmate to death. whether it was on accident is up to you. they’re able to outsmart and survive certain enemies given they can hear them. they’d probably do very well at sneaking around dogs, although their first instinct is to make a run for it when there’s a forest giant. (they’re fast dont worry they can make it) the only creature they wouldn’t be able to survive and potentially beat to death is the bracken. explanation should be self explanatory given the enemy list i’ve made but they are Bad at frequently checking their surroundings and are very easily caught off guard. they can defend themselves quickly, but the bracken is. hm. yeah. you get it.
the only help they can offer their crew is being the only one brave enough (if you could even call it that) to retrieve someone’s corpse and successfully bring it back to the ship.
LOVES to scare other people by chasing after them with shovels but minos wrestles the damn thing away from them every single time
V2 is less like their predecessor but they still take after them quite a lot. they’re smart and actually have the decency to take a walkie talkie with them, but they don’t communicate much with it. it’s less of a necessity to them and more of a tool that may or may not prove useful in certain cases. they don’t particularly like being given orders (even if they know it’ll help) so it’s turned off half the time anyways. they’re smart in that they’ll actually look for and bring back scrap, but they have a bad habit of attempting to hold as much as they can instead of bringing more important things back to the front. they enjoy bringing back a big haul— it’s affirming. if V1 is with them, they’re going to try their hardest to avoid them but still follow their trail because they know every enemy they encounter will either be dead or chasing after the other. there’s a high chance there’ll be scrap V1 has ignored along the trail anyways. it’s smart until the frantic running stops and suddenly they’re face to face with a bracken. they’ll figure out a way around this eventually i’m sure.
they’re also really bad at jumping across platforms. they jump without looking and often take chances with jumps they can’t see. LOVES closing the ship door on V1 but if gabriel’s there its gonna be opened in under a few seconds & V1 will promptly chase them down with a shovel (and kill them!)
ferryman has a horrible case of GET SCARED disease but generally they do pretty well! they tend to follow around other crewmates but on the offchance they’re going alone or somehow get lost they ALWAYS bring a flashlight. they’re bad at navigating through the dark but they have a Really good sense of direction and can find their way back very easily. always the one tasked with investigating steamy rooms because they usually find the valve pretty quickly. surprisingly good at defending themselves against enemies given they have a weapon and a warning given before it shows up but coil-heads are a nono. they’re bad enough at prolonged eye contact as it is.
can’t work the monitor because they’re way too quiet for anyone to hear and they get really nervous about the forest giants (dogs are okay with them. they’re good at being silent) but they really like reading the logs people find. also really good at making jumps between platforms
swordsmachine ACTUALLY DOES THEIR JOB!!!!! SOMEWHAT!!!!! every piece of scrap they find goes to their designated corner at the front of the building. no one is allowed to take their scrap back to the ship. Their Pile. Will die everytime they land on a stormy planet because of their refusal to put their shit down. they’re smart but i think their scrap is too important to them and they think making a mad dash for the ship might give them enough time to get back before they get struck by lightning and explode. they bring NOTHING with them. they need all the space available to hold as much scrap as possible. if V2 is on the ship they tend to to tag along with them.
mindflayer reads as pretty lazy to me. im not sure why. they’d go into the facility but once they find one or two items they’re gonna return to base and camp out there for the rest of the time. they LOVE the mansions though. will stay in there for much longer than they should. steals all the keys people have collected overtime for mansion expeditions & unlocking all of the doors. very fond of almost every enemy EXCEPT the forest giants. they’re bad at not getting spotted
minos is like the Only level headed person on this entire fucking ship. does what he needs to! does it well! he heads into the facility when there’s less people going in (or the only ones going in don’t typically do much) but most of the time hes at the monitor. very good at calming people down when there’s an enemy near them. tends to lead the group whenever he actually goes inside. when he delivers back his first haul of scrap he always checks the monitor just to make sure everyone else is doing okay. he’s gonna go after them if he feels like they’re in a tight spot. instinctually goes for the fire exits instead of using the main entrance because he believes it’s better for some reason.
he has a nasty habit of staying in the facility for Far too long but he’s pretty diligent about getting back safely and with everything he’s found. if he feels particularly worried he’ll drop everything and run for it.
sisyphus is also pretty great. makes a lot of jokes over the walkie talkies whenever he’s doing monitoring (much to the dismay of whoever is being chased by creatures). he Will lock you in a hallway for shits and giggles but he’ll let you out after a few seconds. he does really well actually within the facilities but he’s mostly doing work outside with bringing scrap people leave outside back to the ship. loves jumping out of the ship before it lands so he can get a head start. if he hears or somehow knows that someone around him has just died he’s going to do everything in his power to bring their body back to the ship. he feels strangely obligated but in a way he enjoys. LOVES the jetpacks. buys one whenever it’s possible. weirdly bad at making the jumps between platforms
mirage really loves the mansions. will bring scrap back but leaves to explore the planets rather than focus on the job at hand. turns off her walkie talkie and keeps the flashlight just to stay out a bit later but always makes it back within the nick of time. if the monitor person dies (or everyone else does) she’s usually the one to start the ship and go. knows most planets like the back of her hand. if the mindflayer on the ship hasn’t already taken the stored keys then she probably will. not one to explore the facilities in the dark but she does really enjoy it when she gets to be alone. knows when it’s about time to leave if she starts hearing other people screaming. not intimated by the bracken- if anything she enjoy its company. her favorite piece of scrap are the paintings
POTENTIAL enemy list….
thumper - filth (ignore the staggering difference in power these two have)
spore lizard - cancerous rodent :)
bracken - something wicked. loves to target v1 specifically
snare-flea - ??? help me out here
hoarding bugs - swordsmachine would make SO much sense but for the sake of them actually being a crew member on this hell of a ship i’ll say a swordsmachine copycat. a scraphead
spider - i’m running out of enemies. spiders exist on earth too so i think it’d make sense for it to be a husk of some sort. nothing specific
baboon-hawk- drone :)
forest giant - i think corpse of king minos is most fitting. let’s just pretend he isnt 20 stories tall for the sake of this. cerberus would also make sense. either of them work
eyeless dogs - imagine a giant maurice rolling around. now imagine many of them. cant exactly see you because it’s made of fucking stone but it sure can hear you & you’ll definitely hear it when it comes barreling towards you before running you over
earth leviathan (worms) - EASILY the leviathan
coil-head - mannequin. maybe. bonus points if she gets to strike a different pose everytime she moves
ghost girl - i think it’d be funny if it were that one council member. any council member, honestly. they go after gabriel specifically
jester - im actually not sure! the skull looks most similar to minos’ parasites but at the same time having it be some weird hell-made husk machine would also be cool
jeb - it’s a bit lazy but hell itself would fit very nicely
turret - sentry. pink dot instead of orange
i’m ill. thanks for reading
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ericadrawsstuff · 25 days
The Fallout show got me playing FO4 again. This time around I’m playing default Nate galacanting around with Buzz Lightyear Zaddy (aka Paladin Danse).
I’ve romanced him in the past with my female character and I always thought the lines where they flirt were a bit awkward. It’s really hard to pinpoint why, but it feels a lot more natural with a male character.
I think I support the headcanon that Danse is gay (plus him being closeted and maybe not even realizing it himself would just pair with canon perfectly). I also think he has a super avoidant attachment style.
I also might have to break down and write a fanfic because I’ve always really liked his character and I was so mad FO4 didn’t give him a full character arc. There’s so much to be said about the trauma of having your entire life fall apart and having to start over, but when you’ve spent over a decade of your life caught up in a fanatical organization that doesn’t let you fraternize with the locals (it comes on the loudspeaker often on the Prydwen) that could have been explored.
I think he deserved an arc where he comes to terms with that and begins the process of deradicalizing. I see him as somebody whose rhetoric is out of loyalty to a group he believed cared about him rather than his own hate. Not entirely, anyway.
He totally hate’s super mutants because of what they did to Cutler. That will probably be the one that won’t change much. Once he deals with his own internalized dislike of synths, I don’t see him having an issue with the Gen 3 ones, although he has a hard time bonding with them because coming out of the Brotherhood makes him feel alienated .
I actually don’t think he has much of a problem with ghouls and that’s totally the Brotherhood talking. There’s no personal beef with them like there is super mutants. Even his reactions in game when you have positive interactions with ghouls are inconsistent. Usually he dislikes it, but there are times where he seems fine with it (or at least doesn’t disapprove).
He doesn’t seem like someone who’s unreasonable or dogmatic in and of itself. In fact, it’s funny when you push back against something he says in the dialogue options just the tiniest bit and he’s like “you’re right, how could I have been so blind?” It just seems really funny to me that he would be that even keel and hold such a high rank in such a fanatical organization. It’s almost like he knows deep down a lot of it is bullshit, but lectures you about the rhetoric to convince himself more than anyone.
Looking past the bigoted rhetoric, his biggest character flaw is his loyalty because he clings to something that is demonstrably bad and puts blinders on in order to defend that thing because he is so loyal. He’s still responsible for unlearning that, but I think it also speaks to the predatory nature of the BoS that manipulates vulnerable people. His earliest memories (whether they’re real or not are irrelevant) are of him being an orphan picking scrap in the Capital Wasteland. Of course he’s going to join the Brotherhood of Steel.
Honestly, there’s a lot of parallels between him and Maximus in the show (Maximus is my favorite and must be protected). They were in extremely vulnerable positions in their lives and along comes this organization that gives them a sense of belonging. It’s the reason a lot of people join the military in the first place. It isn’t idealism, but instead pragmatism.
Tl;Dr Danse deserved better.
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theresattrpgforthat · 11 months
Excuse me, would you tell me of some games with consequences for losing fights more interesting than having the story end because all the protagonists are dead baked into the rules, where losing fights is expected to happen more than once in a blue moon?
THEME: Failure In All Its' Forms
Hello friend! I had a couple of different thoughts about how failure in conflict might manifest itself in games. I decided to give you a few examples of different game types, and hopefully diving into these kinds of genres or playstyles gives you even more options!
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24XX: Dire Pulse, by Matt Kaley-Burton.
BUILD A BETTER TOMORROW – Only the Company stands between humanity and extinction. Help us reverse environmental collapse with Project Omega! Injured on the job? Unable to work? Our cutting-edge exoskeletal rig (Exo-Rig™) technology gets you contributing again. Sign up today! 
In Dire Pulse, losing a fight and even dying aren’t the end of your character. You are in a setting where air-borne nanites will reconstruct you in the event of your loss, although they will also resurrect anything you kill as well. For your characters, the Company has your life in their iron-clad claws and they don’t want you to die until the job is done.
I think the narrative stakes presented in the character creation options are interesting to look at when considering failure in this game. Characters work for the Company for a number of reasons - they might be in debt, they might rely on the company’s technology, they might be getting blackmailed! So the threat that hangs over your character’s head in case of failure likely takes shape in Company retribution, although there’s no rules about how to role-play this in game. Then again, for these kinds of games, OSR rulesets rarely spell it out for you.
Mectors, by Chubby Crow Games.
In Mectors, players take on the role of a farmer, miner, fisher, carpenter, or some other worker in a labor intensive field. Mector Owners come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some own a Mector that’s been in their family for generations. Others came across theirs recently, through purchase or luck. And a rare few have managed to piece their own together using scraps from decommissioned Mectors, but this is even harder than it sounds. No matter how they got it, they now have a powerful tool with a long history.
Mectors has a really interesting take because it incorporates mechs into a more slice-of-life style game. Your characters are going to meet with challenges, but the focus is less on adventure and more on helping your community thrive. The consequences for a bad roll in this game might injure you, but they’re just as likely to add stress and scars that will affect you down the road. Your characters also have plenty of tools to avoid or minimize failure; having strong relationships is one way that you can avoid or cancel an incoming consequence, for example. The game system is Charge, which takes a lot of cues from Forged in the Dark games, so if you liked Blades or a similar hack, you might want to check this game out!
Swellbloom Kids, by lampara games PH.
SWELLBLOOM KIDS is a ttrpg built around Filipino beliefs and folklore. It features reimagined mythical figures, from the moon-eating snake Bakunawa (here, a primordial force of chaos seeking to swallow reality) to the personified cold La Niña (here, a rain goddess that warps time).
The setting stars the eponymous swellbloom kids, whose moods rise and fall due to cosmic El Niño and La Niña, respectively. Sensitive to the movements of the universe, they are gifted supernatural abilities thanks to The Twelve Guardians, deities watching over the different parts of the year and forming a zodiac of sorts.
Games about kids with powers are usually designed so as to give you the ability to take on a lot of big threats without actually threatening your character’s life. In this case, the player characters are kids blessed by gods, but this could easily work for magical girl games or games about superheroes of some kind. Losing a fight means you get taken out, but you’ll be able to come back later - what you might lose is your confidence, or perhaps you harm your relationship with your patron. I find this game really interesting because it’s rooted in Filipino mythology, and that makes this kids-with-powers game really unique!
Legacy, Life Among the Ruins, by UFO Press.
Legacy is a game of survival and rebuilding in a world ravaged and altered by incomprehensible calamity. Craft characters and families, head out into the wasteland and create true, lasting changes in the world. With cutting edge rules, a highly flexible multi­-generational system, and more than a dozen character playbooks to choose from, Legacy has everything you need to start playing.
In Legacy, you play not just as a single character, but as a faction. Losing one character to death or time won’t prevent your faction from success in the long run, and failure is more likely to affect your family’s assets and status in post-apocalyptic society than it is to wipe them out.
Legacy games are meant to be played over long stretches of time - at the end of each cycle, the group will move the clock forward one year, ten years, heck even 100 years to see how your family changes over time. When you zoom in to moments and certain conflicts, you’ll pick up a singular character who is meant to represent your family, someone with notable skills and a valuable role to play. These characters might live into the next cycle, but their role will likely change, and they are just as likely to fade into the background - and if they do die, their death has a big mechanical impact that doesn’t end the game but rather pushes it forward.
Court of Blades, by A Couple of Drakes.
Court of Blades takes place in the vibrant, fantasy renaissance city-state of Ilrien, in a world populated by scheming nobles, court magicians, and dashing duelists.
As a noble retainer, you will engage in the polite civil warfare of the great families. You will host lavish balls, and manipulate the courts, uncover the plots of your rivals, protect the city from arcane dangers, manage your own intrigues and personal scandals, leverage your reputations, connections, and so much more.
You’ll likely get into fights in this game, but the stakes are not about killing your opponent - in Court of Blades a duel is about understanding your opponent, upholding your honour, and managing others’ perceptions of you. Losing a duel is more likely to tank your social status than it is to threaten your life, and I can see some battles being completely without weapons - a duel of words, for example, or an attempt to gain more information.
The game is inspired by the warring families of history, as well as the Montagues and Capulets of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. If you like the intrigue and scandal of a noble court, and you want to damage your opponent’s reputation more than you want to rip off their limbs, I recommend checking out this game.
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seriouslysam8 · 6 months
Thoughts on Gary Oldman as Sirius?
Look, Gary Oldman is a great actor… but he’s not Sirius material. He was too old (though there wasn’t much they could do since they cast Alan Rickman as Snape who was too damn old and unpopular opinion but I don’t think he should have been cast as Snape for age alone), he didn’t look like Sirius in my mind, and he didn’t play Sirius the way I imagine him in my head. The only thing I liked about Gary Oldman’s Sirius was how soft he was with Harry. It’s a softness that I wanted to see more of in the books and appreciated we got to see those two damaged boys hug in the movies. Although, the movies cheapened their relationship dramatically when Sirius called Harry his father’s name.
But, I mean, we didn’t get any depth from Gary Oldman. I’m not blaming him entirely. The writers are a big part of it too. Sirius’ character was watered down dramatically in the movies. I mean, we got him raising a glass and chuckling during Christmas dinner. Where the fuck was drunk Sirius singing at the top of his lungs?? Where was a socially intelligent Sirius in GOF explaining dynamics in the first war to Harry and practically working out the entire plot with info from some teenagers and scraps of newspapers? Where was the Sirius who wrote Harry every day leading up the final task? The Sirius who was bitter at Grimmauld Place? The Sirius who loved Harry more than anything??
One of the most tragic things in the entire series was how the Marauders era was robbed of their adulthood. They were young, arrogant kids who thought they knew everything but really knew nothing at all. They fought thinking they were more clever and could actually win. They were just kids. I mean, their brains weren’t even fully developed yet. I make a huge effort to point this out in Brumous. Sirius knew they were dumb kids back then. They made a lot of stupid mistakes. They thought they were smarter than they were. That part of the generation who survived was just bitter and cynical when Voldemort came back. Meanwhile, Harry and co are the dumb kids now. They’re diving in head first thinking they know better when they don’t. I think a lot of this nuance was missing from the movies.
You guys now I love to make parallels between characters and situations in my writing. This was done so subtly in the books as well. The parallels between Sirius and Harry, James and Ron, Draco and Regulus, Lily and Narcissa, Harry and Voldemort. It all revolves around the choices these characters made when they’re only kids. Who was raised in a moral environment, who wasn’t able to escape the indoctrination, who escaped the indoctrination. It’s fascinating to read who realized their mistakes in time and who didn’t. I seriously think having the Marauders characters aged up so dramatically (and let’s face it, the actors looked older than their age as well) cheapened these parallels. Because your mind sees how old these characters are and don’t appreciate just how young they truly were. It takes away a lot of the devastation because they were just kids who didn’t know what they were doing or getting into. Instead, you view them as adults who made the right choice and adults who should have known better.
I have never once pictured Gary Oldman when I write Sirius. Never. I’ve never pulled up pictures or videos of him when I write to base looks, facial expressions, or mannerisms off of.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk. 🤣🤣🤣
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I has 30 asks! :0
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(Ask in question)
I’m gonna be honest, I took it that way. I thought it was a rude ask that was criticizing my versions of the Wario bros for no reason. Even though they’re still gonna be the flamboyant and comedic gremlins that we all know and love. And even if they weren’t, and they were gonna be completely new and gentle characters, so what? Its just an AU version of them. 
But even so, I’m glad I responded to that ask. So that you had the chance to clear this up with me and so I didn’t have to block someone over a misunderstanding-
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I imagine he likes some friendly company. But not to worry! He’s not lonely down there or anything, he’s got Gregory and Foxy to keep him company!
Also thank you! :DDD
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It doesn’t fit at all actually- 😅
I have no plans for E.Gadd. And when the bros found King Boos mansion they were in, out and over with it in under a day :0
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@pixelinrgb-rebirth (Post in question)
:D Yes! It is! And I’ve actually thought of some ideas already. Making my own ways for how the Iron Golems work, how the villagers work, why this mob does this, etc. But its mostly just been worlds with my OCs in them. Nothing about Steve yet. :/
As for the Power-Up/downs. There are no “power-downs”. Power-ups are supposed to be these items of pure energy, and although they can be dangerous, none of them explicitly exist just to cause harm. Like the poison shroom for example. That one exits but its not a Power-up. Its just a blatantly poison mushroom without any special powers behind it.
And when it comes to what powerups are in the AU, I only really add the ones from games that I’ve played. Soooo Mario kart Wii, New super Mario bro Wii, Mario 64 on the ds, super Mario 3D world.. plus a few others I bet I’m missing. Mostly mainstream games basically. No Paper Mario or partners in time or anything-
As for my AU’s name.. I haven’t thought of one yet ;-; ... 
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Me about to post Kirby OCs that was partially motivated by an ask/request-
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@mister-jedblack​ (post in ask)
Happy Valentines day! And I hope to get back to the AU soon. I’ve been thinking about it everyday and am trying to really iron out Vanessa's storyline atm. Hopefully soon I can finally stitch this this thing back together and continue sharing it!
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I haven’t played those games.. :(
But I wanted to add the wing cap from super Mario 64 on the DS. And I tried to think of ways to add the yellow super cape from the old games too :0 
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I’ve seen some screen shots of it but never looked into it, looks spooky! :0
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I’m assuming you meant this post? If that’s the case I think I went off the idea that Sword was infected with a monster that was intended for Kirby.
A monster that caused crazy hallucinations mostly, and great pain in the eyes and head. I had a mini comic where Blade was trying to talk to him and he saw Blades face as distorted and grotesque. Scaring the crap out of Sword and making him either run or just cover his eyes in panic. Fun stuff! :D
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I’m so glad to hear that you like my content!!
As for your questions, Monty is innocent. But he blames himself for Bonnie’s decommission. Something in Monty golf destroyed Bonnie. And because of Monty, they didn't have enough money to repair Bonnie. And because of Monty, the Glamrock era began. In which Bonnie was left behind.
Monty was never jealous of Freddy or Bonnie, and he still isn’t. He’s was happy with the way things were.. he wasn’t the one who hurt Bonnie. As for who or what did? That’s a mystery to be revealed later :0
Also. Bonnie and Foxy are supposed to be shut down. If workers saw them, they would be shut down again and put back in the basement. Or maybe even scrapped! :0 Also the workers could possibly find Gregory, which would not be good- Its also not up to the workers on whether or not they get fixed. That’s all up to the higher ups..
And the reason why Freddy is keeping Gregory a secret.. is because he thinks if Chica, Roxanne, Monty or the others saw him, they would call security. Which means Gregory would be caught by Vanessa and/or taken away by authorities. Freddy doesn't’ understand it yet, but he loves Gregory. And he wants to keep him safe, and with him. So he hides him from his friends in fear that he will be taken away. :( Also Gregory is terrified of the others so there’s that--
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I haven’t planned out a scenario where Luigi dies and is revived. But if that ever happens? Mario would be devastated. It would just.. it would destroy him. Especially if he witnessed his baby brother being killed or wounded.. it.. it would just be awful.
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I would like for Luigi to find a 1-UP, and then die in some horrible way- but I haven’t thought of anything super interesting yet. :/
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I haven’t actually played those games before.. so I have zero knowledge on them :( But they look really cool! And I bet they’re really fun games :}
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(Also thank you!! :DD)
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AAA THANK YOU!!! Also I’ve been drawing for... basically my entire life XD some of my earliest memories are drawing tails the fox on sticky notes and in old school note books. Ahh those were the days.. where the only thing that existed to me was tails miles prower..
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@bloonmonnie​ (post in question)
Yeah, I kind’a pictured domesticated/home grown Piranha plants (which is what Piñata is-) to have more of an animal level of intelligence. Like maybe that of a dog? She also kind’a just tends to mimic what Waluigi is doing. If Waluigi is angry and defensive Piñata is smart enough to know that she should act angry and defensive right alongside him.
If Waluigi is soaked in blood and is moving oddly slow.. well, she’ll get quiet and move slow too..
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My favorite character from the Anime AND the games is Metaknight! :DD In the Anime he has a deep lore that explains why he’s edgy and it explains motives for his actions and its really cool- also in Super Star Ultra Metaknight was really fun to play as-
As for Kirby? I don’t really have anything outstanding to say about the lil guy. I like him as much as anybody else. He’s just a lil gumball, not my favorite character, but I don’t have any hate for him. :0
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My last submas post was made in July 2022 :x So not recent..
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I haven’t given them much thought actually.. I should look into that more :0
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(post in question)
XD He’s to dumbfounded to speak at this point
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I think they’ll mostly just be doing stuff in the background :0
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I have not actually! :0 Although I’ve heard a lot about that game, it sounds fun!
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Ooooo adding Ashley is a fun idea! :D
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There’s a lot of pain and fear on both sides really.
Bowsers entire world and view of himself was flipped on its head. He was defeated. By this.. person.. no, this thing. He now no longer feels safe in his own kingdom. He no longer feels strong enough to protect his kids..
And for the bros and princess, a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights are had. Mario and Luigi have to sleep in the same room lest they both suffer anxiety attacks. Even Peach, who is royal and posh, and has an image of strength and stability to uphold.. even she was tormented with anxiety. And could not sleep without her advisor Toadsworth nearby..
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I don’t remember much of Villainous, but I remember liking Dr.Flug! 10/10 would recommend the wacky scientist man XD
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(Video in ask)
I have not actually :0 but I’ve heard good things about the game! Maybe I should watch a play through sometime.. 🤔
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XD Oh yeah, it was all fun and games being tall and strong.. until it wore off. And the muscle soreness set in :(
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The only star powerups I have considered is the basic super stars that make the bros invincible. I'm not familiar with those other games and sorta forgot about the big stars from 64--
Basically. Its just the default star power-ups. Mostly because I’m not familiar with the games the other ones are from..
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Ghost Tour
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Prompt: “You love this, don’t you?”
Summary: Kol and Y/N are dating, and Kol lost a bet they had going. Now, he has to dress up like an old-timey ghost and scare a bunch of tourists as consequences for his loss.
Category: Fluff, Humor
Word Count: 1,198
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"You love this, don't you?" asked my boyfriend, Kol Mikaelson, as he frowned at himself in the mirror.
"What, watching you dressed up in a ridiculous outfit, about to head out into the city to make a fool of yourself? Yeah, actually, I do love that."
Kol huffed a sigh, clearly unhappy. He'd lost a bet with me about how many times we could sneak a piece of scrap paper into Elijah's hair before he'd catch us (less than twice, like I'd said), so now, he had to dress up as a ridiculous old-fashioned ghost (using his own old clothing, which I kept making fun of him about) and pretend to be a ghost to freak out a New Orleans tour group.
I'd been counting down the minutes all day, and now, it was finally time.
I'd given him some makeup to make him look more pale, and his cheeks and eye sockets more hollow and sunken, and then I'd draped fake cobwebs all over his outfit. He looked perfect, if I did say so myself, and I couldn't wait to put my idea to the test.
Messing with Kol and pranking tourists? I couldn't have asked for a better evening activity.
"Are you seriously going to make me do this?" he asked, finally turning away from the mirror to look at me. I just smiled as I crossed the room toward him, gently putting my hands on his cheeks and being careful not to mess up the makeup. I gave him a gentle, soft kiss and then pulled back with a grin.
"Kol. My love. My best friend. You absolutely must know me well enough by now to know that the answer is yes." He groaned dramatically and threw his head back, which only made me laugh. "C'mon, out the door! We have places to be, after all."
"Alright, they're looking up at the buildings and the guide just finished her bit about ghosts. Now's your moment, go."
I muttered under my breath as I watched Kol, half-hidden behind a pillar on the other side of the street. Thanks to his supernatural vampire hearing, I could whisper instructions in his general direction from pretty far away and he could hear me, no walkie-talkies or other technology needed.
Kol glared at me, and I could tell he was still not happy to be stuck doing this. Unfortunately for him, however, the vampire hearing was a one-way street, and as a human, I had no shot of hearing him unless he yelled at the top of his lungs. The most whining he could do was some pouty looks.
I saw him take a deep, dramatic sigh and throw his head back, and then he dropped into character as a creepy, lurking ghost. He wandered towards the tour group, really hamming it up that he was lost, confused, and definitely definitely dead.
Although, I guess technically, he really was dead.
It took a few minutes, but slowly, the tour group started noticing Kol. A couple of college kids nudged each other and nodded to Kol, smiling at the goofy ghost they assumed the tour had hired to spook them. A few people tried to sneak pictures of him, and one person even waved at him. He didn't react. Instead, he just swayed in place, playing the part of a dreamy ghost perfectly. All the tourists still thought it was fake (and technically they were right), but once Kol had just about everyone's attention, it was time for him to make his move.
He took a few dreamy, stumbly steps forward, and the crowd followed his movements with their eyes. They smiled and whispered to each other, clearly enjoying what they thought was a planned performance. Then, Kol reached a massive pillar on the sidewalk, opposite to the one he'd been hiding behind before. The people watched him as he disappeared behind it, and then so fast that I didn't even catch the move, he used his super speed to essentially disappear.
I grinned as I saw the tourists' faces change from delighted to confused when Kol failed to reappear from behind the pillar. After waiting a few moments, one of the more curious people stepped forward to look behind the pillar for Kol.
Her face when she realized he was gone was priceless.
The rest of the group quickly caught on that they ghost they'd seen had disappeared, and they all whirled around in different directions, looking for any sign of my boyfriend. I grinned, trying not to look too suspicious even as I watched the chaos.
"Happy?" I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me, then whirled around to find Kol. He had one eyebrow raised at me, but I could tell he was enjoying the chaos and confusion we'd caused just as much as I was.
"Very happy," I said, giving him a big smile. "But we can't hang around here in plain sight. The whole thing's ruined if one of them sees you!"
"Darling, say no more."
With that, he wrapped an arm around my waist and picked me up, using his super speed to whisk us away before I knew what was happening. We came to a stop outside the Mikaelson compound, and I had to grab onto Kol's shoulders to keep from falling over.
"I hate when you do that," I said, still swaying a little as I got my bearings.
"Sorry darling," he said, grinning as he spoke and not sounding sorry at all. "But you're the one who said we needed to get out of there quickly."
"Yeah yeah, whatever," I grumbled. I took a step away from him once I felt sturdy enough to stand on my own two feet, and then looked up at him with a smile. "So? The punishment for losing the bet could've been worse, right?"
"...I hate to admit it lest you start getting ideas, but... that actually was sort of fun. Did you see how freaked out they all looked when I disappeared?"
"Of course I saw it! It was fantastic." We shared mischievous grins, then Kol threw an arm around my shoulders and started heading towards the house.
"So, now that our bet and punishment have been officially completed... what do you say we find something else ridiculous to bet on?"
"Oh, bring it on," I said with a grin. "I've already got at least three ideas for what I'm going to make you do when you lose this next bet."
"Mhmm. I guess we'll just have to see, won't we?"
"I guess we will."
We headed into the house together, arms around each other and smirks on our faces. Whether or not Kol lost the next bet we made, I knew every step of the process would be a blast. Even in the midst of all the supernatural drama that came with the Mikaelson family, we found ways to make each other laugh.
We were the perfect pair. And not even endless amounts of making each other do ridiculous shit would ever break us apart.
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doweesig · 6 months
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I still can’t believe Wapeach actually exists. Anyway thoughts on her and also the other scrapped Mario character, potato, as well?
Yeah it’s crazy. I think they’re pretty neat.
Although I can understand the creator’s vision on designing Wapeach, I feel like she looks way too similar to Peach imo. As seen with my latest drawing of her, I think she could use a bit more “WAH” in her appearance to make her look like a bizarre doppelgänger of Peach just like how Wario and Waluigi are with Mario and Luigi.
I don’t have much to say about Potato other than that I think her design is cute. I guess she was gonna be one of those original human characters that only appeared in a few Mario Tennis/Golf games before Nintendo stopped bringing them back in later entries.
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stars-n-zeds · 2 months
Hiii I really enjoy your tugs ocs, and I was wondering if you had any other fun facts or doodles of them.
@6lovelytenders (because the fact you can't send asks from a sideblog infuriates me)
aahhh thank you sm for liking them!! they’re very much my beloveds [also yes it is very aggravating you can’t send asks from sideblogs but that’s another time]
this is my actually decent first attempt at a half-body design for mockingbird! and if you're wondering yes that is boo perched on her
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Mockingbird is GREAT at mimicking bird calls [obviously like her namesake] and it’s a little quirk she picked up from living upriver since there were so many more birds at her old port.
She also has very extensive albeit pretty useless knowledge about all sorts of animals, whether they be land, air, or water.
Mockingbird is biromantic! She likes guys and gals.
She’s taught Boo a few basic words like hello, friend, bye, and trouble. He’s been trained to come back repeating “Trouble, trouble!” whenever he spots something wrong, like a ship needing help and similar situations.
She's VERY quick to defend Sea Rogue whenever anyone tries to bring up the pirate situation upriver since word of it got there. Hell no is anyone gonna try to accuse her older brother of being an actual damn pirate. [i do want to do a post ab this in the future hehe]
Boo is also very fond of bringing Mockingbird trinkets, making a neat little pile at the top of her dock that is specifically off limits for workers who clean her off every now and then.
Contrary to popular belief, Boo doesn't only hang out with Mockingbird [even though he does a majority of the time] and actually will hang out with Zebedee too, as he's the only one of the Z-Stacks that doesn't flip out when he lands on them [besides zos of course, she doesn't really care].
Boo also has a weird feud with Top Hat since the railway tug really doesn't like birds, but he knows better than to make a snide remark about the crow whenever Mockingbird's around otherwise he'll definitely get an earful. [or whatever the tug equivalent of ears are]
In more general headcanons, here's what I imagine both Mockingbird and Zosteria's voices to sound like!
Zosteria -
[very VERY different from each other but they fit both characters pretty well]
While Zosteria does look pretty intimidating and it can be a little difficult getting close to her since she's so tough-shelled, once she lets her walls down a bit she's a great listener and gives pretty good advice.
She definitely has a soft spot for younger tugs and tries to look out for their well-being, even from afar.
One rule of thumb that you should always remember when you're around Zos is to never try to wake her up after a long day unless it's absolutely necessary. Because you'll have a considerately grouchier and angrier Zosteria on your hands, which is is not a very fun time.
Although she'll never admit it aloud, Zosteria has a big soft spot for dogs. She's the one that pushed [well, more so forced] Captain Zero into giving food scraps to the small packs of stray dogs that live around and in Bigg City Port, and she secretly hopes one of them will imprint on her hard-shelled captain one day. One day!
She has a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor which is very true to the current situation of the 1920s/1930s.
Zos doesn't really tell the story of her scar that often because it's source is actually pretty stupid, and she finds it funny listening to boats come up with some WILD ways she got it.
Zosteria is very AroAce. No romantic or sexual relationships for her, the only ones important to her are platonic ones.
Though it might not seem like it from first glance, Zosteria has many, many stories she's willing to tell to those who want to listen.
I didn't mention this on Zos's main bio but she also considers Lillie as a decently close friend. Zosteria and Hercules are the main ships Lillie sees from her point at Dem Der Rocks, and it's always nice to just meet up there and talk whenever they want a little bit more time away from their fleets. [although Zosteria is always quick to skedaddle whenever Lillie and Hercules want to be alone with each other]
Something else I also forgot to mention is that Zosteria and Zip are supposed to be a reflection of Hercules and Ten Cents, mostly because I love the younger switcher sibling looking up to their older ocean tug sibling VERY much.
i'll probably make more as i develop them [and hopefully others!] more, but that's all i got for now :)
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r-2-peepoo · 4 days
So when Obi-Wan dedicates his life to Anakin because he loves him, it's seen as admirable or at the very least is an interesting and worthwhile story beat to you, wrapped in an interesting tragedy. But if Padmé has compassion for Anakin after he's lost his mind (her husband btw, which is just as significant as Obi-wan being his master if not more because they're bound family) it means you were robbed of a Padmé who acted like a person'? I'm not following.
You said, “He loved him so much, even when anyone else would've given up, and in the end, Anakin was the one who killed him."
Sound familiar? So why does Padmé get treated with weird kid gloves but Obi-Wan is praised for his characterization?
Especially when Luke himself did the same thing as Padme and no one hand wrung about how they were robbed of a ‘real person' then
Firstly, it wasn’t Padmé’s compassion that was the problem. That’s actually my favourite trait of hers. It actually was very little to do with how she herself behaves and more about how the narrative treats her.
Obi Wan got to try to reason with Anakin and fight back. He got to defend himself when Anakin threatened him. Padmé was choked until she was unconscious and then died shortly after and that’s it for her. Obi Wan lives another nineteen years and gets his own show and is acknowledged as one of the most important Star Wars characters of all time. Padmé gets alluded to a couple of times and that’s it.
Luke gets his own trilogy of movies, in one of the most iconic characters of the franchise, features in TBOBF and The Mandalorian AND comes back in the sequels. He is the infamous Luke Skywalker, not Anakin’s son. That’s not what he’s known for. I just wanted more emphasis on Padmé’s political accomplishments than her being Anakin’s wife.
And Obi Wan doesn’t directly dedicate his life specifically to Anakin. I was being hyperbolic for the post. It can be viewed that way, but it’s not literally what happens. I just felt like posting something melodramatic about Obi Wan. He spends his life protecting Anakin’s children, not Anakin. But for the record: I don’t even like calling them Anakin’s children. He caused them nothing but pain, however Padmé only couldn’t raise them because Anakin took her away from them. As far as I’m concerned, Leia has two mothers and a father. One of the mothers is Padmé but the father is definitely not Anakin. He is blood related to them and that’s it. It was just for the post.
Everyone who knew Anakin eventually ends up having compassion for him at one point or another, and I don’t think I’ve ever said I don’t like that Padmé does. Anakin’s story is sad and her compassion is so moving and is a huge part of what makes ROTS so powerful. There’s nothing wrong with it, it's the fact that she dies shortly after and most of what she does in the prequels is centred around Anakin. Her scenes which show her as a key founding member of the rebellion were cut, the version of the script where she carried a dagger to fight Anakin was never even written and there were so many concepts for her that were scrapped which would’ve fleshed her out more.
This was also just one post. It’s far from all my feelings on the topic, although I’m not sure which of my ones about Padme you’re referring to. I post about Obi Wan because he’s my favourite, it’s not deeper than that but I have many many complicated feelings about his treatment as a character too. I dislike basically every single Obi Wan centric storyline in TCW because they’re out of character, but it’s simply too controversial a topic to get into. I can justify that take easily. I’ve written a literal dissertation on the topic with a full bibliography, but like I said, I don’t like arguing on the internet. It’s pointless and no one ever changes anyone’s minds on anything. I think Obi Wan in animation is the worst representation of him that there is, but it’s just too lengthy of a conversation to have online. You probably look at that statement on its own with nothing backing it up and make a million assumptions about me and my ability to critique the media I consume, and I don’t blame you. It just takes too long to have these conversations properly and there is little payoff. I just feel more strongly about Padmé so I dip into that conversation now and then, but I always regret doing it because there are always people who misunderstand, as is the case with every opinion posted on the internet.
By the way, the reason I didn’t mention Padmé in the post about Obi Wan is because I was thinking specifically about his relationship with Anakin at the time, not because he doesn’t think Padmé is important. A lot of the time, I don’t like to get into the specifics of Padmé’s character arc because she makes me too sad, not just as a character, but because of how many female characters have been treated in exactly the same way. Once you spot these pattern of how women are treated in media, it colours everything you watch after the fact.
I do regret calling Padmé “Anakin’s wife” in that post btw. The intent was to highlight how everything Obi Wan does comes back to Anakin, but I want her to be more than that and that’s my entire issue with her character. I know what I meant but it doesn’t read in the way I want it to.
There’s also the fact that there are a certain kind of Anakin fans who get very defensive when you criticise him, and it’s hard to discuss Padmé at length without doing that, so I have probably a dozen drafts just about her that will never see the light of day. I’ve been more Anakin-critical lately, but I don’t like online discourse if that isn’t clear. I don’t mind having a calm conversation with someone, but arguing with people on the internet is a waste of time to me.
The difference ultimately is that Obi Wan is male. I hate that that’s what it comes down to but it does. You cannot analyse Padmé in a vacuum because sexism is integral to all the problems I have with how she’s written and how she’s treated. There’s no long running history of men being killed to define female characters in media. There’s no long history of men being treated violently or objectified by women. I’ve never posted my opinions on Satine because they are too long and complicated but she ultimately faces this fate too. Star Wars has had male writers for the longest time and you can tell. If the women aren’t dying, something else is happening to them. George Lucas particularly always gets so close to making amazing characters and then falls short.
Leia is this super intelligent, brave, free-thinking political figure and member of the rebellion BUT she’ll spend a huge part of the last movie in the slave bikini. A really cool female Jedi is established in the prequels BUT we barely see her and also she’s basically just wearing a bra to fight in a war despite being a General. Ahsoka is going to be Anakin’s padawan which is such an exciting concept BUT she’s fourteen and barely clothed. Satine has a super intense backstory and very strong political views she risked dying for BUT her legacy is being murdered to get to Obi Wan and the most popular fan theory which the actors even encourage is that she got pregnant as a teenager (do not get me started on that).
Even Hera falls victim to the pregnancy trope, although we can’t blame George for that one. I find it hard to believe that someone who is so important to the rebellion is getting pregnant in the middle of it. Why does it always come back to pregnancy? If you like that trope, fair enough. I do not. I hate it almost every time but that’s more to do with how it’s handled rather than the fact it happens in the first place.
And then there’s Rey. I love her so much, but I don’t even want to get into all the ways she was done dirty by the writing of the sequels because sequels discourse is so overdone and exhausting. I have a lot I like about them and at this point, that’s what I’d prefer to focus on.
I can’t go through everyone because it would take so long, but the only significant female Star Wars character whose treatment I don’t have a single issue with is Omega and her show only ended a month ago and I am fearful for her potrayal in the future now that she’s an adult. I want better for my girls and Padmé treatment is just the biggest example. Her arcs in TCW are not significant enough for me that they offset her arcs in the prequels. Padmé didn’t even have to die then. It actually broke canon at the time that she did. She likely wouldn’t have lived super long, but we could’ve seen a little more of her fighting the Empire had she survived, but George would rather push the star-cross lovers narrative than let her stand on her own two feet.
I don’t mind many of Padmé’s choices on their own, I just wish she got more to do outside of him. She isn’t being treated with kid gloves, I just want more for her. Her relationship with Anakin shouldn’t be downplayed, but she had over a decade of political experience before she even started her relationship with him. I’ve read the novels about her and they are beautiful and I want more of that.
I’m just tired of women being used as tools to develop men when they have so much more potential than that. What I’m asking for really is more Padmé, not to change any of the creative decisions that have already been made. Add to it, don’t diminish it.
TL/DR: Padmé’s compassion is her strength and her love for Anakin isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s her best quality. I just want to see more of her. A few posts don’t represent my complete range of opinions. Even this post doesn’t do that. It’s a very long conversation, but hopefully this post makes sense.
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twilightmalachite · 1 month
Poltergeist - Garbage Heap Sketch 4
Author: Akira
Characters: Madara, Natsume, Tsumugi, Arashi
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Revoltrad
"Mikejima-senpai, I have a first job for you to complete right awAY. There’s a pile of fuzzy garbage lying right heRE, could you clean it up and throw it awAY?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Maizuru House (Recreation Room)
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One hour later…
Natsume: —That’s aLL. That should be everything you need to be aware of around the faciliTY.
Madara: Mhm, I’ve got the general floor plan of the facility dooown. It’s not a big place; it’s the size of a peeea compared to Starmony Dorms!
Natsume: Things have a tendency to be needlessly exorbitant theRE. If only I knew who brought that gaudy taste of “luxury” into the pictuRE…
AnyhOW, this facility is equipped with everything these children need to liVE. There are rooms for both the children here and the staFF.
Madara: So the staff works here overnight too, huuuh?
Natsume: We’re in a position where it’s fine for us to commuTE, thouGH.
It might be the holiday period for New YeaR’S, but we’re popular idols in demaND, after aLL… We still have a considerable amount of work to dO.
Madara: While I can’t say I’ll be able to work here 24 hours a day… I have the time, so I’d be open to staying here.
Natsume: Well in that caSE, it's up to yOU. If you’d like to stay heRE, you can fill out some paperwork to get a room prepared for yOU.
They appear to have a number of spare rooMS, so it shouldn’t be any trouble.
Madara: True, that does seem to be the caaase. Although this place is tiny compared to the Starmony Dorms, it’s still sufficiently sized—It could accommodate up to a hundred people or so, I’d say?
Yet, there are only about thirty children living here. Even if you include staff, the number wouldn’t even exceed fifty, would it? There’s more than enough room heeere.
I suppose this facility isn’t a popular one, is iiit? Even though everything about the buildings looks shiny and new…
Natsume: It seems to just be a new buildiNG. It’s likely not even a couple years oLD.
Madara: Hmmm… Rebuilt after a fire, perhaaaaps?
Come to think of it, there were things like charred scrap wood abandoned outside of the building.
Natsume: FuFU, weLL, I’ll give you an explanation about that latER…
In addition to living spacES, the facility is equipped with a large public bath and a dining arEA, as well as having simple items like daily necessities available for purchaSE.
That way there will be no shortages or inconveniences that will prevent the children from living a normal liFE.
Madara: Sounds like a rather ordinary orphanage, surprisingly.
Like finding accessible baths for elderly people in nursing homes, there’s nothing unusual… It resembles a very ordinary boarding house or hotel.
Natsume: It’s not that there’s nothing unusuAL, thouGH. As you sAW, there are things like soundproofed “lesson rooms” throughout the faciliTY.
This facility is focused around idol-like education and entertainmeNT.
The children residing here sing and dance daily in accordance with the facility curriculUM.
This Maizuru House here is to cultivate idol egGS, so to speAK.
Madara: Sounds like something I’ve heard befooore! So basically, this is a mini-version of ES or Yumenosaki?
Natsume: I’m not sure if it’s something of that much importanCE… I’ve only learned about this through rumoRS, but I heard that the person who built this facility was a bigwig in the idol industRY.
Madara: …I don’t have any good impressions of anyone who is a “bigwig in the idol industry.”
Natsume: AhaHA, it means something’s actually suspicioUS, doesn’t iT? ♪
Madara: So it’s because the facility has a close association with idols that it’s been chosen as the location for this project, is it? That’s what I’ve gathered.
Natsume: That’s correCT. It’d be difficult as amateurs to work with regular kiDS, but if they’re idol egGS, we may be able to teach them a thing or tWO.
FuFU, it’s nostalgIC. When I was a chiLD, I went to something like a small idol training school for a whiLE.
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Tsumugi: Ahh, back then you were still “Natsume-chan”, right Natsume-kun? …So nostalgic. ♪
Natsume: Mikejima-senpai, I have a first job for you to complete right awAY. There’s a pile of fuzzy garbage lying right heRE, could you clean it up and throw it awAY?
Madara: Aye aye, sir~! ♪
Tsumugi: Wait, you’re just kidding, right!?
I might be a garbage human being, but there’s no trash lying here! I cleaned up the area properly!
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Arashi: Right, the two of you sure do get along… don’t you? ♪
You know, I’ve actually never been interested in doing this sort of housework, so I’m not used to it at all. I’m exhausted~.
Tsumugi: Fufu, thank you for your hard work, Narukami-kun.
[ ☆ ]
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annwhiskers · 2 months
6th Birthday
Today is the day I made my main two boys, Rune and Hyde, exactly 6 years ago, in 2018. These are the only two I keep up with with that, since they’re my longest lasting ocs and I like to use it to keep up with my progress every year. So I thought I’d share the drawings I made for them on their birthday every year, including the first drawings I ever made of them and share a bit of their history. And give a brief history of my art journey along with that.
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These are their very first sketches, before I figured out their personality, backstory, or even that they’d be a couple. Some key elements are already there, like Rune’s earring (which I’d actually forgotten about for a while until I looked at this sketch again), and Hyde’s scar on his lip (although, not very visible.)
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I made this not long after. They were originally part of a cast of characters which was supposed to be more of a found-family thing. I thought they were going to be side characters and that Selene would be the main character. But as the story developed, I grew to love them more and wanted to focus on them. Half this cast is gone now, and the ghost girl is no longer a ghost, simply a human (that’s Raven). This world no longer has mermaids, that’s become entirely its own thing. The purple mermaid stuck around for a while as a human, as more of a regular friend to Hyde in the village, but in the end, I also got rid of her. The only one I kinda miss is the zombie boy, he was cute. But he didn’t serve much of a purpose, other than his existence hinting at Selene’s experiments. I guess he’s been replaced by a rat now, poor boy.
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This was their first birthday, when I started getting more comfortable with digital art. I was quite wishy-washy about Rune and Hyde’s dynamic for a while, which one of them would be wearing the pants, sort of. That’s probably why Hyde is so small here. Now, neither are more dominant in the relationship than the other.
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I didn’t do much for their second birthday. I didn’t draw much at all that year. Especially not them, because 2020 is the year where I lost interest in them for a while and started developing both Team of Thieves and Merfolk. (More on that another time.)
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In 2021, my interest in them still hadn’t come back all the way, but I did still care about them. They look a bit awkward, because I was developing a lot in my style and hadn’t drawn them in this new style before. I did a lot with markers at this time, so I made a marker drawing.
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2022 is when my interest in them finally came back. I started reworking the book that I’d already written before, an early version of Please, Go Home, and I started making illustrations for it. At the end of the year, I scrapped all of it and began completely rewriting it into what it is today. This was around the point where about 90% of my art became digital. I still like traditional and I want to do it more often, but digital is just so convenient.
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This illustration was originally supposed to be animated for a school project (which is why Hyde’s hands are hidden in his sleeves, much easier to animate), but that ended up falling through. So I made it into a more detailed illustration. A lot of the art I made around this time was school work, so I had to shove my characters in wherever I could.
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And here we are today, 2024. They’ve been a consistent presence in my art all this time, and now they have their own book out there, and their sequel is currently being written. These two have been with me for six years and I don’t see them ever leaving.
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These long illustrations are made for bookmarks, which I may or may not actually get printed. Which is why they’re so long. Perfect for a phone background, though :)
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byakuyasdarling · 5 months
It’s always hard for me to place who would actually be invited to Andreagami’s wedding because of the “Byakuya factor™️”. I know for a fact none of the original cast from the non-de//spair timeline will be invited on his behalf due to his ending dialogue in U//DP and DRS:
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Compared to others’ graduating dialogue:
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Byakuya shows no hints or even a scrap of heart-felt emotion towards leaving the academy or his classmates, even despite multiple dialogues of people at least noticing some sort of change in him.
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Though it seems minor compared to the main timeline. He’s still impersonal in his responses and lacks care to the other person or what they’re communicating — as quite simply, he doesn’t care about the person he’s talking to beyond what he can use them for. It’s very obvious he just saw this as another footnote in his life of accomplishments and nothing more. Like most people, he moves on past high school and the people there.
But in the main timeline? I’m still not sure. He’s a great deal more respectful, cooperative, and recognises others’ worth in a more emotional sense — he demonstrates an ability to empathise; which is, in all essence, who Byakuya really was behind the facade. But his interactions with others are still fairly impersonal as it’s fairly obvious he struggles with emotional connection and/or doesn’t care to make any. Even at the end of U//DG when he remembers Mak//oto’s line here:
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He’s not smiling at the reflection of Ma//koto saying it. He’s clearly remembering it contextually as hope overcoming despair and a hope of a better future — something Byakuya values.
To further Byakuya’s confusion over emotional attachments, in the D//R2 epilogue where he expresses concern over the survivors turning back into Ult. Despair and Kirigiri’s comment that the feelings they cling on are proof they are not who they were in the past, he has this to say:
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Although there’s understanding in his tone of how he vocalises this line, it also shows he isn’t hopeful about feelings and emotional connections driving people’s actions still, as he personally cannot empathise or relate to that.
To which Byakuya cannot relate to, he cannot understand (proven in chapter 4, T/HH).
His impersonal nature towards the survivors and his lack of understanding regarding emotional connection proves he doesn’t care for the survivors in a deep manner — his positive actions towards them are clearly driven by respect and duty, nothing more.
And to be honest, I wouldn’t want to change this for Andreagami’s AU either, it’s his character. Sure, he’s emotionally attached to S/I a great deal, but he still gets confused over her emotional responses at times and it’s developed in a way that wouldn’t extend to other characters.
I think if it were ultimately up to Byakuya, he would prefer it were just him and S/I in their wedding day — completely private. Maybe in the non-de//spair timeline they would have to have a wedding for show due to his family, but their actual wedding would be just the two of them.
But I don’t really know for sure, tell me what you think!
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2309analysis · 4 months
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She sometimes write to her mother. In her diary, of course. About all the adventures she had, the friends she made, and it’ll start and end with “dear mother, love, your daughter, Nico Robin.”
She takes pictures of the islands their on. She studies the island’s history through it.
She likes acting because she doesn’t feel pressured to act anymore. You can tell how naturally it comes to her because she had to survive for the past 20 years acting and facading for others. It only makes sense that she’s going to be great and fast to get into character. It’s second nature to her.
Robin has a skinny waist because she barely had time to eat a proper meal. Let alone eat anything healthy. She had to scrap from trashcans and force eat stuff she probably hated.
Doesn’t have a sweet tooth. Likes to stay healthy, hence why her favorite food is a salad sandwich. Although, she would not mind have a few snacks occasionally.
She grips the bedsheets when she is having a panic attack. She cowers her head in the sheets with her hands. Sometimes it’s so bad she’ll sleep with Nami that night. It’s usually over her mother / enies lobby. She’ll be more silent that day and maybe rant to luffy.
She really likes reading outdoors. The scenery gives her a peace of mind, alongside nature’s way of giving her something to peacefully listen to. She tends to have a better time focusing when not much is going on in front or around her.
She doesn’t have much of a music taste. Although, running from so many towns and cities, she did develop a sense of what ‘good’ music sounds like. She prefers the jazzy soft and slow kinds of music. She also doesn’t mind soft rock with a little bit of a tendency to listen to those kinds of songs. (Examples: Back to the Old House — The Smiths / Heros — David Bowie / Pictures of you — The Cure / Mad World — Tears for Fears)
She likes to have occasional peppermints or small candies throughout the week. Usually two to four a week. She doesn’t really think about it much, but sometimes a small candy or fruit will satisfy her appetite.
When she was told the specific line “just being alive, just being who you are, is never wrong.” Really started her down the path of finally looking at herself and life differently. She was starting to understand that the Straw Hats would sell an arm and leg for her, so why not make that worth a while.
She’s really good at calculating. Especially on graphs and charts. Mostly with Nami’s help, but Robin pulls her weight for the average bill for the Straw Hats. She gets one of the cheapest deals.
When Robin became tired, she shifted towards a chair or desk to rest her head. Usually around nobody or in a dim lit room. Especially before Enies Lobby, and she tried to hide her sleepiness. Even though Nami reminded her daily she’s allowed to get sleep when zoro or sanji is watching for the night.
Her dark humor actually comes from her being really social awkward. Especially since the Straw Hats’ are really the only friends she has and lines with. Her humor is basically a desperate attempt to be funny or lighten up the mood.
Shes the reason Luffy can write sentences. She’s the reason zoro can read. She’s the reason they’re allowed to read chapter books.
She has a childish imagination because she still wants to connect with her child-self. She wants to give her the colors she didn’t have when she was really a child. To amend for the coldness built through and up in her life. It also makes it very easy to connect with children when she is taking care of them.
Robin actually adores it when she is being taken care of. Especially by the crew; even more so by them. When she is overwhelmed by an opponent, and a Straw Hat tries to come and help her, her heart is uplifted and she becomes more motivated to finish up the fight. Knowing she can lean on people to help her. Especially franky, brook, and luffy.
She wouldn’t mind having or listening to any other kinds of music other than soft rock (70 - 90s) and jazz. She enjoys seeing others jam out and it makes her happy; which can help tolerate their own taste.
Robin probably has a dimple-smile, no, I mean her genuine smile. Since she’s a normalized smiler, but a smile? No, that’s rare. So when she smiles, small soft creaks form around her lips / cheek to form a small lump of skin around her. It’s a little thin, and hard to see from afar, but it’s there.
She has acne. Yet it’s show mostly around the back side of her neck. (Projection) She has a soft spot that has about hundred acne’s covering themselves. Their little time lumps of folded bumps imbued with each other. It’s hard to get them normally, but when they go shopping she searches for certain kinds of skin care. This started to be discovered because of the constant pressure building up on her skin. Plus, climate change.
She has sensitive skin. Not the slight touch or easily burnt, but the skin that gets acne and bumps. Mostly around her back and shoulders, plus soft intimate areas like thighs.
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