#altmodes and alchemy au
pipermca · 3 months
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(via @ao3commentoftheday)
Barrage straightened to his full height but tipped his head forward slightly. "I would like to express my misgivings about the bounty hunter. He is not Praxian, and we know so little about him. We have made some discrete inquiries, but those efforts have not turned up much information." As the frown on Smokescreen's face grew, Barrage bowed but continued. "Forgive me this impudence, your Majesty."
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dirtydragonthoughts · 6 years
Now that I’ve got my new video card in and most of my key program reinstalled, my battlestation is once again fully operational! Mwahahahaaa!
I spent the day doing chores  and then climbing a ladder repeatedly (the gutters needed to be cleaned, we had wee trees growing out of them), so I am pooped. I’m also hoping to get a progress report posted on my writing Tumblr, since I haven’t done one of those in a while.
I also want to get a bit more writing done tonight, but... I’ve been plugging away on the sequel to The Renegade and the Hound, and it’s been slow going. I keep having stabs of “why would anyone ever want to read this??” :(  Hello, self-sabotage. At the very least I really want to finish up this chapter... The next one has Bluestreak having a spark-to-spark with his carrier, and I’ve been wanting to write that for ages.
My muse also really wants me to write what happens between chapters 18 and 20 in Renegade, but from Prowl’s point of view... After he thinks that Bluestreak died. The sequel I’m working on gets a bit into that, so actually having it down might help me work out a few things. 
Maybe I’ll take a break from that sequel and either work on the songfic or work on that POV piece.
Anyway, I’m around tonight if anyone wants to ask me stuff about what I’m working on. :)
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codys-writing-wall · 3 years
FE3H AltMod AU - Mixtures
I have yet another FE3H AU I wanna start writing for, and it’s gonna have ridiculous bullshit in it since it’s centered around elements of The Sims. For context, Claude is a Fairy and Dimitri is a Werelion based on the TS3 Supernatural EP. Anyway, let’s just get to it.
“It’s up top.”
“It’s literally up top. Right there on the shelf.”
“Felix, you need to be more specific, there are multiple elixirs here.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake-the orangeish one right in front of your face!”
“Ohhh, THERE it is.” Claude reached up and took the flask from the shelf, turning it this way and that to examine it. “You could’ve just said that, y’know.”
“Claude you are literally taller than me and could see the stuff on the shelf better, not to mention you could just float up and look since you can fly, don’t give me that. I’ll knock that Plumbob right off the top of your head.”
“Yeah yeah, let’s just get this mixture done.”
The other ingredients had already been gathered for this new experimental mixture that Claude and Felix had been trying, and waiting by the Alchemy Station by the time they returned with that elixir. The process was slow and careful; adding the smaller ingredients into the cauldron first, mixing thoroughly, waiting for any odd simmering to slow, and repeating with the other ingredients as they progressed. Looking good so far. But now it was time to add that elixir Claude had grabbed.
“What do you wanna bet this will explode?” Claude asks as he comes closer to the cauldron and removes the cork in the flask.
“Don’t fucking say that, Claude, we can’t know until we try it. You’ll just jynx that shit with your pixie powers or whatever.”
“Hey now.”
Neither of them continued that thought, though Claude’s wings flapped a little quicker in annoyance at what Felix had just said. With a little countdown, Claude got ready to pour. Three, two, one, pour-
Oh. Oh that’s not good at all.
The cauldron growled after the elixir was poured in. That got the two to pause and look at each other as their eyes widened.
“...Did you hear that?”
“Yeah. It growled at me.”
“Wait...what elixir did you actually grab-”
No time to finish that question when the mixture began growling and snarling at them both even more, and began to thrash so much within the cauldron that it began to shake a little. A loud howl answered Felix’s question.
The rain tapped against the windows, making the quiet in the house much more peaceful as Dimitri and Ashe did their own thing, just taking time to relax a bit.
“It’s been a while since we had such nice rain outside, huh?” Ashe asked with a smile as he stood to go put his book he’d been reading away in the bookshelf close to the couch.
“Indeed, I’ve missed it. Not to mention it should be clear later on, so the full moon will be visible and I can go outside and make the most of it.”
“Oh yeah, you always turn during the full moon and go outside during it, huh? What’s that like, actually? Is it the same as werewolves?”
“Ah, I’m not quite sure, actually,” Dimitri said with a small laugh. “My kind is rare. Any other kind of animal to be found of this variety isn’t common at all, though I would like to think it’s close to the same? Though of course there’s no howling at the moon, considering I’m a lion.”
Ashe and DImitri almost fell off the couch from how startled they were as Claude and Felix stormed back up into the main house in a hurry, panic evident on their faces as they hurry past to get to the kitchen.
“Wh- Wait, wait, what’s going on?!”
“No time, Ashe! Claude fucked up!”
The two were yelling and arguing the entire time they’d been hurriedly digging through the kitchen to grab assorted random things (to Dimitri at least), then bolted back out of the room and back down into the basement before the phrase “sul sul” could begin to be said. The stillness and silence in the house after that was a little uncomfortable.
“Ashe, what...was that?”
“I’m not sure?”
“You have quite a bit of experience in alchemy as well, do you know what they could’ve done?”
“Knowing how those two dabble so far away from standard routine in their experiments, they could’ve done all sorts of things...”
“Let’s just hope they didn’t open another otherworldly portal again...”
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anarkhebringer · 4 years
I’m in a rambly mood today, so I’m gonna due a long AU ramble again. This time about my new AltMod AU. Under a cut due to length.
Due to how it was thought up, it’s a Sims-esque world, where there are MANY possibilities. It’s also a very open-ended and creativity-driven AU as a whole, so there is no established area for an official place that Claude, Dimitri, Felix, and Ashe live. Despite this, I commonly put them in a modified and more urban version of Moonlight Falls.
This universe may be Sims-esque, have dominantly Sims traits in the worldbuilding, but there are some key differences. Like language, for example. Simlish is considered a dominant language, but isn’t the main one. It’s a universally known language by most that dwell within the world itself, but almost everyone is at least bilingual, no matter where you go. Claude, Dimitri, Felix, and Ashe all know Simlish and English as dominant languages, but Claude and Felix are multilingual, so they know other ones, too.
Age is also another modified thing here. The years are the same as they are in the real world, with all the same holidays, and Sims age normally as time comes, with no sudden transitions into the next age group. The Grim Reaper still exists, though, and negotiations to be brought back to life, or to let souls wander freely, can be arranged. Usually people with higher Charisma can manage to sweet talk their way into getting another round of life from a younger age if they pull the right strings. In this case, Claude would be able to not only talk into letting himself relive his youth, but could likely manage to get the other three another round of youth too, if they all died when they were older. He’s a bit more willing than canon Claude to pull some shady strings and do some questionable things if it ends in his (and/or his loved ones’) favor.
To the main group themselves, and listing out their Skills and such to start off.
Claude currently has max Charisma, Alchemy, Riding, Science, and Logic. His Cooking, Guitar, Handiness, Writing, Martial Arts, Fishing, Gardening, and Inventing Skills are all very close to being maxed out as well. His lowest level skills are Violin, Painting, and Photography, all at level 5.
Dimitri has max Athletic, Martial Arts, and Riding. He also has level 5 Charisma, level 3 Handiness, level 4 Fishing, level 3 Gardening, level 3 Piano, level 3 Drums, and level 6 Logic.
Felix has max Athletic, Martial Arts, and Logic. He also has level 6 Writing, level 7 Charisma, level 8 Handiness, level 5 Photography, level 2 Painting, level 2 Violin, level 4 Alchemy, and level 5 Fishing.
Ashe has max Cooking, Charisma, Gardening, and Handiness. He also has level 9 Logic, level 8 Writing, level 8 Alchemy, level 6 Inventing, level 2 Painting, level 5 Photography, and level 4 Violin.
As shown, the group has a lot of experience and skills on their belts. These things will not only make their lives more enjoyable, but can come in handy in all sorts of situations. For example, Claude, Felix, and Ashe can all forge the writing styles of others in serious situations. Claude, Felix, and Ashe are also very good at playing the minds of others if needed, despite Felix not really seeming that his Charisma is very high due to his rustiness with his social skills and bluntness with speech, and Ashe being too friendly and focused on others being happy and well to be the kind to do anything like that. Felix’s more shows in how well he can say the right thing to get what he wants from others, or to hit where it hurts the most. His Charisma is only so high, and he’s so good at sweet talking when needed, due to being hand-in-hand with that max Logic of his. Ashe is also much more keen and clever than he lets on, and he lets his cute face be that perfect distraction if he needs to play mind games.
But luckily, they all don’t need to put their skills into play for serious situations often at all. They all mainly use them to help others, and to make their lives more enjoyable and fun, and to open more doors for opportunities. With their vast skillset between them all, paired with their financial situation, they can do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want.
They’re among the rare cases where “eat the rich” doesn’t apply to them despite their massive mountain of cash. Their estimated household net worth is over 99 million Simoleons, and this makes it to where they have more money than they’ll ever spend in their lives. And because of this, they do good things with it. When the neighbors look out the window, wondering why their rich neighbors are always at the mailbox, it’s due to how often they’re sending in donations to reputable causes. They’re always researching charities, events going on in the world with financial assistance set up, etc, and they send in donations in the thousands. They’ve helped countless people in need, and it only drives them to keep at it, since despite doing this almost daily, multiple times, for quite a few years, they don’t even have a dent in their total amount of money yet. And their bills are over 1K a month in the common household I have them in due to its size and what it has included, so this says a lot. They like to use their riches and their added privileges in their specific personal situations to help the less fortunate.
They do still have jobs that keep that money coming in, of course, since they feel like they’d become lazy and entitled if they didn’t have jobs, and they don’t want that. Ashe is shooting right up in the culinary career path due to being a Natural Cook, and he’s already achieved his “The Culinary Librarian” lifetime wish, and now strives to fulfill his “Celebrated Five-Star Chef” lifetime wish. Claude and Dimitri are well known politically due to how well they’re doing in that career field, and their shared lifetime wish of “Leader of the Free World” makes this a VERY GOOD thing to them. Felix may have achieved his lifetime wishes of “Perfect Mind, Perfect Body” and “The Cat Herder”, but he’s still not quite sure what he wants to do in terms of a career, so he keeps it small but involving what he loves, and is a trainer at the gym, and also volunteers at animal shelters. He’s debating on whether he pursues his athletic skills in his long-term career, or his veterinary knowledge. Due to how much focus that’d go into one over the other, he’s thinking he may just keep to regular jobs involving these two areas, and not pursue anything too big in terms of careers. He may LOVE to break a sweat all the time, but he loves animals, too, and pumping iron too often will leave his hands full with barbells instead of free to pet the heads of the lovely furry angels he’ll encounter when he’s outside.
Speaking of animals, Felix has a cat named Soap that had scurried into their home one night as a kitten when the front door was opened, and Claude had randomly blurted out a name for while drunk. It stuck though, and all four of them love Soap dearly. He’s a cuddly fella, and super chill but talkative. When Felix is wandering around in the same room that Soap is in, just doing his own thing, Soap will sometimes randomly speak up with a curious meow or “brrrr” kind of noise, and Felix will respond with what he’s doing.
“Yup, just making sure the books are organized.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Oh? That so?”
Every time Ashe sees Felix talking with Soap like this, he wants to die from the cuteness.
For now, I’ll call it good, since I got the rambling mood out. I’ll pick up on this later with more specifics.
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pipermca · 2 years
(Err, reposting this separately because I realized I was glomming a whole side "me! me!" post onto @decepti-thots' post about the Megastar book, and that was not my intention. So... Go read their post and then come back here. XD)
Oh man, that Megastar book!
I've had this book on my To Read list for ages. It's an absolutely ridiculous amount of money if I wanted to order a physical copy from the bookstore (it's only available here in hardcover for some reason???) but it's extremely reasonable on the Kobo ebook store. Maybe I'll buy it for my next book to read.
(No live blog/reading because then I'd never get through it, but I promise I would share my thoughts after I am finished with it.)
But also... I've had vague thoughts about possibly filing the serial numbers off of The Renegade and the Hound, and rewriting it as a were/shifter furry novel. (I've never made any attempt to hide the fact that I've been a furry forever, but if this is news to you... Well, now you know.)
Renegade is just a standard mid-fantasy adventure romance/chosen one trope with robots. Turning it into a furry novel would mean a bit of reworking of some of the "lore" (for example, managing to find a method for Shockwave's dark combiner magic to work - it's probably gonna be gruesome, lol) but I think it would translate extremely easily. Plus, no one outside the fandom (and very few inside the fandom, really) give a shit about Bluestreak and Hound, so it's not like people would read them and go "Hey I think this is Hound from Transformers." XD
Also, I have no intention of ever trying to sell it to a larger publisher; if anything it would be a self-pub, or I might market it to one of the small furry presses that are around.
Anyway, I've had that on the back burner for a few years. If I ever find my interest in TFs seriously starting to wane I might pull out my red pen and start marking up Renegade to see how ridiculously fuzzy I can make it.
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pipermca · 5 years
Rating: Mature Relationships: Bluestreak/Hound, Smokescreen/OC, Jazz/Prowl Warnings and Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Spark Sexual Interfacing, Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Romance, Bigotry & Prejudice, Religious Fanaticism, Dementia, Politics, Character Death, Family Issues, Angst and Feels
Summary: After saving Cybertron from destruction, Bluestreak made a promise to his eldest brother Smokescreen that he would return to Praxus to celebrate his bonding to Hound. But when he arrives in the walled kingdom, Bluestreak finds himself plunged back into the same oppressive morass that he escaped from… Except this time, someone is out to kill him and his brothers.
Chapter 21: Life goes on.
It’s done! It took me a year to finish, but I’ve finally completed the second long fic in this AU. :D 
If you wanted to start at the beginning, here’s a link to the beginning of the story. 
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pipermca · 6 years
Rating: Mature Relationships: Bluestreak/Hound, Smokescreen/OC, Jazz/Prowl Warnings and Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Spark Sexual Interfacing, Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Romance, Bigotry & Prejudice, Religious Fanaticism, Dementia, Politics, Character Death, Family Issues, Angst and Feels
Summary: After saving Cybertron from destruction, Bluestreak made a promise to his eldest brother Smokescreen that he would return to Praxus to celebrate his bonding to Hound. But when he arrives in the walled kingdom, Bluestreak finds himself plunged back into the same oppressive morass that he escaped from… Except this time, someone is out to kill him and his brothers.
Chapter 19: Smokescreen and his brothers struggle to come to terms with what happened.
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pipermca · 6 years
The Renegade and the Hound - Flashback
You know what pisses me off? I was all set to do some writing on Monday and then Tumblr had to go and drop its fucking shorts, so I spent the evening dealing with that.
Anyway, have some writing. I’m going to crosspost this to PF as well, but here’s a flashback to a scene before The Renegade and the Hound... The incident that started that whole story rolling: when Silverstreak was discovered with his lover. I wrote this for my Nanowrimo story, but it works as a standalone flashback as well.
Warnings for: non-explicit sticky sexual interface, spark sexual interfacing, canon-typical violence, extreme bigotry, extreme sads. It also contains an interrupted spark merge, which I interpreted as being close to a ripped apart drift from Pacific Rim.
I might come back to this concept in a different story because it’s something I think I’d like to play with. :)
Prince Silverstreak strode through the palace corridors confidently. Or rather, he hoped he looked confident. He was trailed by his contingent of guards, who kept a slight distance behind him.
He knew why they hung back so far. He knew – as did they – that an unseen mech walked immediately behind Silverstreak. The prince wasn’t able to detect the other mech with his wing sensors, but he knew he was there. The charm Silverstreak had made had been foolproof the last few times they’d used it, hiding the mech from optics and sensors completely.
But he also knew that it wouldn’t last long, so they had to hurry.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long to reach Silverstreak’s apartments. And once they were there, they would have all night together, instead of just the few stolen hours here and there that they’d had in the past. Silverstreak’s steps quickened as he thought of the night ahead of him.
Redline opened the door of the prince’s apartments and inclined his helm at Silverstreak. “Have a good night, Your Highness,” he said, his face giving no trace that he knew exactly what the prince was intending to get up to in the privacy of his suite.
Unable to contain his joy, Silverstreak’s door wings fluttered slightly as he smiled at Redline. “Thanks. You too!” He waited a moment to give the unseen mech a chance to get inside the apartments, then entered and let Redline close the door behind him.
Silverstreak unclasped his cloak and flung it over a chair. “We made it! That was a lot easier than I thought it would be,” he announced to the seemingly empty room. “Of course, I don’t know exactly what I was thinking might happen, unless we ran into someone who was using some kind of perception enchantment. I’m not sure why anyone would be doing that now, though. Court’s not in session and there’s no Temple holidays coming up. Even Smokescreen’s away on one of his hunts.” He spun around, looking for any signs of his lover. “So... Are you going to make me play find the mech?” he asked with a grin.
He caught a flicker of motion off to his right, against the wall separating the sitting area from the berth room. A shimmering form gradually coalesced into the shape of a mech: tall and lanky, with a chevron that swept back from his helm. Within moments, Silverstreak was able to clearly see the grey and red mech who was watching him with golden optics.
“Maybe we can do that next time,” Tempest said with a smile, unclasping his own cloak and setting it on top of the prince’s. He stepped closer to Silverstreak and slid his arms around him. “But I didn’t want to delay being able to do this.” He caught Silverstreak’s chin in his digits and held it still, pressing his lips against the prince’s.
Silverstreak closed his optics and leaned against Tempest, filling his olfactory sensors with his lover’s scent. The grey mech opened his mouth, and Silverstreak’s glossa eagerly flicked inward, grazing Tempest’s dentae. Tempest reacted by drawing Silverstreak closer, one hand brushing against the hinge of the prince’s wing.
Arching into the touch, Silverstreak leaned back and grinned at Tempest. “Eager, are you?” he said. He rested his hands on Tempest’s hips for a moment before sliding them back to grip the commoner’s aft. “You don’t even want a drink first? A chance to loosen up your lover’s panels with some high-grade? Or something to take the edge off of our daring rendezvous?”
Tempest shook his helm, his engine growling. He smashed his lips against Silverstreak’s again, his mouth moving as if wanting to devour the prince. When their lips parted again, he rested his chevron against Silverstreak’s and stared into his optics. “Maybe later, Shiny,” he said. “But right now, the only thing that I want is you.” He stroked a hand down the side of Silverstreak’s helm, his thumb tracing the edges of his vents.
Silverstreak brushed his nasal ridge back and forth against Tempest’s. “Well, you know where the berth is. What are you waiting for?” he murmured.
His optics brightening, Tempest pulled Silverstreak into the berth room, and waited while the prince pushed the door shut behind them. As soon as the latch clicked, Tempest grabbed Silverstreak’s helm in both hands and kissed him again, even more deeply than before.
Silverstreak melted into the kiss. He pawed at Tempest’s chest, his digits catching in the gaps in his shoulder armor. “I was thinking about this all deca-cycle,” Silverstreak said in a gasping burst as Tempest’s lips roamed down his jaw to his neck cables. “The entire time we were doing our maneuvers, you were always in the back of my processor. Every night when I laid down in my tent, the last thing I thought of before falling into recharge was you.” Silverstreak whined when Tempest nipped lightly at a cable. “You’re very distracting, love.”
“I’m distracting you?” Tempest asked, smiling as Silverstreak’s lips traced up the edge of his helm. “Well, maybe we should stop doing this. I don’t want to risk a military incident, where the High Commander of the Praxian Calvary can’t focus on his work.”
Lifting his door wings, Silverstreak put on a haughty look. “I can multitask! I can think about you and give orders at the same time.”
“Prove it,” Tempest purred into Silverstreak’s audial.
Silverstreak slid his hand down Tempest’s abdominal armor and rested it against his panel. It was hot to the touch. “Open this,” Silverstreak said with a growl. Then he grinned as Tempest complied immediately. “Well done. Now, I’m going to show you exactly what I was thinking of doing to you the whole time the Cavalry was out on maneuvers.” He gently pushed Tempest backwards onto the berth and climbed atop him, covering his lover with his frame, and revelling in the enthusiastic way that Tempest submitted to his hands, his lips, and his spike.
It was later, when Silverstreak was lying on his back with Tempest curled into his side, after the buzz of their overloads had faded, that Tempest thoughtfully traced the seam that ran down the center of Silverstreak’s chest armor. “When is the first formal dinner with your promised planned for?”
After a brief hesitation, Silverstreak said, “In about two deca-cycles. Right before the Lunar Festival.” He pulled Tempest closer against him. “But it’ll be at least a full vorn before we’d bond. And it’ll be five vorn before the Temple even starts complaining that we need to get on with it.” He kissed the top of Tempest’s helm. “We still have time.”
“But it’ll still happen,” Tempest said quietly. He tilted his helm to look up at Silverstreak. “And what then? What if he finds out we were together? Will he care? About... this?” He flattened his hand against Silverstreak’s chest armor, right over his spark. “Will he...” Tempest’s whole frame suddenly shuddered, his golden optics bleaching briefly to white with the fear that had tainted their relationship since the beginning.
Silverstreak turned, putting his hand on the side of Tempest’s helm and holding it so that Tempest’s optics looked right into his. “I trust Greenbough. Out of all the mechs the Temple could have chosen for me, Greenbough is one of the best. He’s kind. He’s sympathetic to mixed-frame mechs. He’s even helped out at the fuel hall, remember? I don’t think he will turn you in, love.” He ran his thumb down the side of Tempest’s helm vents. “But if I even get an inkling from him that he’ll report you to the Temple, Redline will get you out of Praxus. Remember when we talked about that?” When Tempest nodded wordlessly, Silverstreak continued. “I talked to Redline about it after the last time we were together, and he’s agreed. He’ll get you across the border, into Petrex, and from there you can get to Altihex. There’s a group there who helps mechs running from Praxus. You should be safe with them.” Silverstreak tipped his helm forward and rested his chevron against Tempest’s, thinking of all the plans he’d made to keep Tempest safe, and hoping that they wouldn’t be needed. “I will do anything to keep you safe. I will not let anyone harm you.”
Tempest closed his optics. “I wish things were different,” he whispered. “I wish I was pure, or that you weren’t. I wish we lived someplace without these horrible laws. I wish we didn’t have to worry about being caught. I wish we could just be together whenever we wanted, without this sneaking around. I wish we were free.” He opened his optics again and looked into Silverstreak’s, coolant glistening in their corners. “I wish it could be just you and me, together, alone, forever.”
Silverstreak felt a heaviness in his vents, and buried his face in Tempest’s neck to stop his lover from seeing his expression. “I know. I wish that too. But all we can do is try to make the most of what we have, while we have it.”
He leaned back when he heard the distinctive clink of Tempest’s chest armor unlocking. “Please?” Tempest asked, the light from his spark shining through the widening crack in his armor. He smiled. “Every time we merge I feel like I get more of you, and... I want to remember everything, Shiny. I want to know as much as you’ll show me.
Silverstreak was already nodding as Tempest spoke, his own chest armor unlocking. “You already have my spark, love. Even when I’m bonded to Greenbough, I will always have a part of you with me.” He pulled on Tempest, encouraging his lover to roll on top of him. “Come on,” he said as his armor parted completely, baring his spark. “Let me give you as much as you’ll take.”
Tempest nodded, lowering his chest down to Silverstreak’s.
The prince hissed as the leaders of their sparks met, leaping out as both sparks recognized another that they knew and loved. Silverstreak kept his optics locked on Tempest’s as everything they were fell into one another, swirling around each other and becoming one.
The first time they had merged had been a revelation to Silverstreak. They’d been interfacing for almost a vorn, playing a dangerous game where either of them could lose everything if they were caught. But once they admitted to each other that they loved one another, it was Silverstreak who had first suggested that they share sparks.
Before their first merge could happen, though, they both needed ignition blocks installed. That meant finding a medic who could be trusted to keep quiet. Once a medic had been located (and paid handsomely to keep the Prince’s secret), Silverstreak booked a room for them at a sketchy inn deep in the slums of the capital.
His guards hated it, of course. Silverstreak took pains to disguise himself when he entered the inn, but having several guards follow him in would blow his cover. So he made them wait several blocks away.
All of it - the expense, the pain of the block installation, the argument with Redline – had been worth it the moment that Silverstreak’s spark touched Tempest’s, and he felt the commoner’s utter love and devotion for him.
Silverstreak had had vague suspicions, based on his own insecurities, that Tempest was only interfacing with him because he liked the danger, or because he got a kick knowing that he was fragging a member of the royal family. Or maybe Tempest was with him for worse reasons. Maybe he was planning to blackmail Silverstreak.
But when they merged for the first time, all of those suspicions were put to rest, and Silverstreak felt awful for harbouring them at all. He knew on that first merge just how much Tempest cared for him. Tempest thought he was kind and generous, and beautiful and funny. Tempest adored the way Silverstreak chattered away when he was trying to think through a problem, and he thought the way Silverstreak tipped his helm to the side when he was listening intently to someone was cute. Tempest daydreamed about how elegantly Silverstreak moved his door wings while he spoke, and his spark spun just a bit faster every time Silverstreak smiled at him.
No, the first time they merged, Silverstreak realized that Tempest loved him just as much as he loved Tempest. It was humbling and delightful at the same time.
Every merge since then, their love was only deepened and reaffirmed. But with each merge came a new tinge of sadness at the knowledge that this couldn’t last forever. They’d thought about running, leaving Praxus behind them, but that was too dangerous for Silverstreak. The Temple would stop at nothing to recover a full-framed mech, especially a member of the royal family, and would hunt them down to the ends of Cybertron to bring Silverstreak back to Praxus.
As Silverstreak felt himself sink into everything that was Tempest, he felt both his lover’s deep love for him and his grief at having to lose him when he was bonded to his promised partner. Silverstreak pushed comfort through the merge to Tempest even as he struggled with his own sorrow: they would still have this moment and these memories. No one could take that away from them. The emotion coming from Tempest slowly shifted to acceptance. Neither of them had gone into this blind regarding what would have to happen eventually. As their essences became one, just carefully shy of forming a permanent bond between them, they resolved to set aside their troubles for now and to just enjoy being in each other’s presence.
They were so deep in the merge that the commotion outside the berth room went unnoticed until there was a banging noise, and then a shouted order from a deep voice, just outside the door. “Knock it down!”
Tempest was still straddling him when the door burst open: their chests open, sparks entwined, chevrons pressed together and optics fixed on the other’s. Sluggishly, Silverstreak tried to turn his helm to see what the noise was when Tempest was suddenly gone.
Where Tempest’s presence had been in his spark was now an empty space. His spark shuddered at finding itself suddenly alone, and it flared brightly as it tried to find the spark it had been entangled with just a moment before.
His spark blazed with pain. Silverstreak heard a soft keening noise, and then realized it was coming from his vocalizer. His consciousness faded into the half-dreamlike state it went into during a soft reboot.
As the burning sensation slowly faded, Silverstreak cycled his optics. He tried to re-engage his processor, forcing it back to full power. He tried to make sense of Tempest’s absence, and the shouting he was now hearing.
“How dare you! How dare you defile my creation, a noble – a prince, even! – in this way! What were you trying to get him to do? How did you get in here?”
Silverstreak’s chest armor had closed and his addled systems had finished their soft reboot before he was able to take stock of what was happening in his berth room. He sat up, cycling his optics again to clear the static from his visual field, and saw his sire yelling at a mech who was being held by the arms by two guards. The King grabbed the mech by his chin guard and tipped it upwards as he screamed into the mech’s face.
Screamed into Tempest’s face.
Tempest was also just recovering from their merge being ripped apart, his optics flickering as he tried to respond to the accusations being yelled at him. He shook his helm as he realized what was happening and tried to pull free from the guards who were holding him. “I wasn’t... Please, Your Majesty, please, your forgiveness. I meant no harm, truly...”
“Sire!” Silverstreak scrambled off of his berth clumsily, grabbing at the king’s arm. “It’s not his fault. It was my idea. He’s innocent!”
“Innocent?!” King Cygnus whirled on Silverstreak, his face a mask of rage. “I come in here to see my youngest creation being pinned to the berth by a... A wretch from the fuel halls! I knew I should never have let you waste your time in that horrid place.” The king angrily shook off Silverstreak’s hand and gestured at the guards. “Take this thing down to the dungeons and call the High Priest. I want this dealt with immediately and discreetly.”
A cold wash of fear ran through Silverstreak’s lines, knowing the sentence that High Priest Barricade would level against Tempest. The shout that was ripped from Silverstreak’s vocalizer was mirrored by the one of terror from Tempest. “No! Sire! Please listen to me!” He leaped forward, trying to grab the commoner as the guards hauled him out of the berth room.
As he was dragged into sitting room, Tempest started to struggle, still pleading with the guards and the king. “Your Majesty! Please have mercy!” He kicked a leg out, and his pede knocked over a chair as the guards firmed their grip on his arms. “I’ll do anything. Please! Don’t do this!”
As Tempest begged to be let go, Bluestreak’s optics darted to the open doors of his apartments. His guards must still be outside. Maybe... He ran towards the foyer, calling to his guards. “Redline! Where are you? Stop them!”
He skidded to a stop in the foyer. In the entrance of his apartments, Redline and Silverstreak’s other two guards were face down on the floor. A palace guard knelt beside each of them, pinning them to the ground, while another guard stood over them with a sword drawn. Redline had a second guard kneeling on his legs, holding the huge mech firmly to the floor. Redline’s helm turned at the sound of Silverstreak’s voice, and their optics met. “Your Highness,” he croaked. “Forgive me. They forced their way in. We tried to stop them –“
“Shut him up,” said King Cyngus, and the palace guard shoved Redline’s face down into the flooring. “Take these three as well. Find out what they knew. And locate the prince’s other two guards. I want them all interrogated.” He turned and glared at the guards holding Tempest, and snarled. “What are you waiting for? I gave you an order!”
Tempest cried out as he was yanked towards the door, past the guards on the floor. Silverstreak ran towards him. He didn’t know what he was going to do: stop the guards, free Tempest, and... what? Jump out the window? Fight their way free of the palace? But before he could get more than a step or two, the king’s guards grabbed him by his arms and held him as Tempest was dragged past.
“Tempest!” Silverstreak cried, struggling to pull himself free of the guards’ iron grips. His optics were locked on Tempest’s as the commoner was hauled to the door.
The stark terror in Tempest’s optics cut straight to Silverstreak’s spark. The lingering remnants of their merge – all the love and affection that they had felt for each other – evaporated in the face of Tempest’s fear of knowing what was about to happen. “Shiny!” Tempest yelled, twisting his helm around to look at Silverstreak for as long as he could as he was pulled into the palace hallway. “You know I’ll always love you!”
Then the guards dragged him around the corner, and he was gone.
“Disgusting,” King Cygnus muttered. He whirled to face Silverstreak. “As for you,” he snarled. “You are confined to your apartments. I’ll have Lord Greenbough brought to the palace, and the two of you are going to bond immediately, properly, legally, and in the presence of the Temple. I’m going to select new guards for you, and you are now forbidden from going to that accursed fuel hall.” Cygnus’ door wings flicked once, twice, and a third time as he sought to settle them, but his agitation kept them moving constantly. “And to think that if I hadn’t needed immediate information about our troop movements from you, I wouldn’t have known this was going on. Who knows what might have happened? What if you’d lost control and formed a bond with him?” The king’s door wings visibly shuddered. “You would have been ruined.”
“Sire, please,” Silverstreak pleaded, coolant pooling in the corners of his optics. His processor whirled, still trying to concoct a plan to save Tempest from the execution that he was surely facing. “Punish me, of course, but please let Tempest go. Banish him, send him to prison, whatever you think is right, but please, please... Don’t kill him!”
King Cygnus’ expression softened, and for a shining moment Silverstreak thought that his sire was going to relent. But then the king put his hand on Silverstreak’s shoulder. “If he’s dead, there will be no temptation for you to go after him,” he said. He lifted his door wings the way he did when he had made up his mind about something. “And once you’re bonded to your promised, there’s nothing that the Court can do to make trouble for you on that front. This is for your own good, Silverstreak.”
Silverstreak’s mouth dropped open as he stared at his sire, and he felt anger flare in his spark. “My own good?” He lunged at the king, but was held back by the hands on his arms. “You’re sentencing one of the kindest sparks I’ve ever known to death for my own good? Sharing sparks was my idea, not his. I was the one who asked him to do it the first time. If you should be putting anyone to death it should be me! There’s no difference between the two of us besides our frames. You’re going to kill him just because of the frame he was created with!”
The king’s door wings fell slightly as Silverstreak spoke, but lifted once more at his last words. “I knew I should have stopped you from hanging out with all those vagrants,” he said. “They’ve made you lose sight of your true duty to Primus and to Praxus.” He poked a digit into Silverstreak’s chest armor as he spoke. “You will learn your place, and you will fulfil your role as a pure Praxian.” Cygnus made a curt gesture at the guards. “Keep him here until I send for him.”
As the king strode out of his apartments, Silverstreak tried to pull himself free of the guards once more. “Please, sire!” he yelled, his vocalizer becoming peppered with static. “Please don’t do this. Please! I love him!”
King Cygnus paused at the doorway and turned back to look at Silverstreak. “That’s why I have to do this, my creation,” he said quietly. “Because you can’t see your own folly.”
As the door closed behind the king, Silverstreak’s knees gave out and he sank down to the floor. The guards let him fall where he was, and he pressed his chevron against the cool floor. His spark ached. He wasn’t sure if it was from the interrupted merge, or from knowing that he would never see Tempest again.
In that moment, though, they felt the same.
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pipermca · 5 years
Rating: Mature Relationships: Bluestreak/Hound, Smokescreen/OC, Jazz/Prowl Warnings and Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Spark Sexual Interfacing, Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Romance, Bigotry & Prejudice, Religious Fanaticism, Dementia, Politics, Character Death, Family Issues, Angst and Feels
Summary: After saving Cybertron from destruction, Bluestreak made a promise to his eldest brother Smokescreen that he would return to Praxus to celebrate his bonding to Hound. But when he arrives in the walled kingdom, Bluestreak finds himself plunged back into the same oppressive morass that he escaped from… Except this time, someone is out to kill him and his brothers.
Chapter 20: The brothers make their promises and say their goodbyes.
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pipermca · 6 years
How about Prowl and Magic for the Halloween prompts?
Rating: TContinuity: G1 Warnings: Brief description of “bloodletting” with a needle, teen-aged Prowlbeing a little shitAU: Alt Modes and Alchemy, takes place several years before The Renegade andthe Hound (minor spoilers for that story, but only if you think hard)
This is another story that totally got away from me in terms of length. :)
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Putting truth to his designation, Prowl crept silently downthe darkened hallway and paused at the door of the alchemy lab. He held hisdoor wings out, feeling for any movement in the lab or down the hallway.
He could sense nothing. He was alone. Everything was goingaccording to plan.
Flicking his door wings happily, Prowl carefully opened thedoor and slipped into the lab. He closed the door behind him and palmed on theillumination. In the flicker of the lab’s lights, Prowl made his way to themain workbench and set down his bundled scrolls.
He had memorized the list of items he needed: copperfilings, mica flakes, solution of feldspar, calligraphy ink, a small iron disc,a crystal needle, a torbuk antler stylus, tongs, and an ampule. The last itemwas in a basket on the top shelf of the storage room, and Prowl had to drag astool across the lab to reach it. But finally he had everything assembled onthe workbench, and he reviewed the recipe he’d transcribed from the book inMaster Auger’s personal library.
Prowl took a deep vent and picked up the needle. He figuredthat he might as well get the unpleasant part over with first. Then hehesitated. It had sounded so simple when he’d read it the first time: simplypoke a hole in his glossa, and collect the energon on the stylus. He read the recipeagain. How much energon did he need? And did it have to come from his glossa?
After another read-through of the recipe, Prowl steeledhimself. Yes, it had to come from the glossa. That made sense: the glossahelped shape the words that came from the vocalizer. At least he didn’t need apiece of that.
He picked up the needle again, stared at it, and then set itback down. He slid off of the stool and ran across the lab to fetch the littlemirror the Master kept in his desk. After climbing back onto the stool, he lookedat himself in the mirror.
After staring at his reflection for a long moment, Prowlopened his mouth and stuck out his glossa. He lifted the needle and held it up.It’ll only hurt for a moment, hethought. Just a quick stab and it would be over. Still he hesitated, unable tobring the tip of the needle to his mesh.
This whole plan had seemed a lot easier when he was back up in his rooms.
Prowl closed his optics tightly and held the needle betweenhis digits tightly. On the count of three,he thought. One… Two…
“Whatcha doin’, Prowl?”
Prowl’s engine squealed and he whirled on the stool,dropping the needle in the process. Behind him, he saw the youngest princestaring up at him. The blue and silver youngling’s yellow chevron was barelyhigher than the workbench.
“What are you doing here, Silverstreak?” Prowl hissed, andslid off of the stool once more. He started hunting on the ground for theneedle he’d dropped. “Aren’t you supposed to be in recharge?”
“I’m returning the book Master Auger loaned me,”Silverstreak said, holding up a thick tome. The cover of the book read Beasts and Creatures of the Praxian Wilds.“I borrowed it so I could read about the hellhounds, but it was a little too…”Silverstreak hesitated, his door wings flickering back and forth, obviouslyunwilling to admit that he had been frightened by a mere book. “I didn’t wantthe book in my room anymore, so I’m bringing it back. Master Auger said I couldjust drop it off when I was done. So I’m dropping it off now.” He slid the bookup onto the workbench next to Prowl’s scrolls, then frowned at his brother.“You’re supposed to be in recharge, too. And…” Silverstreak glanced at thedoor, which was slightly open. Prowl caught a glimpse of a mech standingoutside the door. “Where are your guards? Redline didn’t think there was anyonein here because your guards weren’t outside.”
“I… was just making a quick stop here,” Prowl said quietly.“They didn’t need to come along.” Prowl left out the fact that he’d snuck downthe trellis outside his berthroom’s balcony so that his guards wouldn’t knowhe’d left them behind. Stooping to pick up the dropped needle, Prowl glared atSilverstreak. “And now that you’ve returned the book, you can go.”
Silverstreak’s optics had narrowed, and he crossed his armsover his small chest. “What’s with all the stuff you got out, huh? Why are youhere in the middle of the night?” he asked. “You finished your alchemy studieslast vorn, so you’re not doing schoolwork. You’re making something you’re notsupposed to, aren’t you?”
Prowl’s door wings were flicking up and down as his brothertalked. Fantastic. He knew that Silverstreak wouldn’t let this go now. If hetried to get his brother to leave, Silverstreak would just refuse, or – worse –he might tell someone what he saw Prowl doing. “I’m just… I’m makingsomething to help me with my studies,” Prowl said finally. “And yeah, Ifinished alchemy already, but what’s the point of studying something if younever get to use it?”
Silverstreak considered this, then nodded. “That makessense,” he said, then smiled. “Can I help?”
“No,” Prowl said with a soft vent. “But you can watch, onlyif you promise not to tell anyone.” Silverstreak nodded, grinning widely. “But keepyour voice down! And go close the door, ok?” Then Prowl paused. Silverstreak’sguard standing outside would be a dead giveaway that the prince was in the lab. “Wait. TellRedline to come in, then shut the door behind him.”
As Silverstreak ran back to the door, Prowl found a clothand cleaned off the needle. He briefly considered asking his brother to help bydonating his energon for the spell,but – Prowl shook his helm. No, this was his project. Besides, Silverstreakwould probably whine or cry when his glossa got pricked, and it was importantto stay quiet. He didn’t want the Master to wake up.
Prowl focused on his reflection again as Silverstreakclambered onto the stool next to him. Prowl stuck out his glossa once more, butfroze when he heard Silverstreak’s exclamation. “Prowl! You’re not going to…Energon cantrips are dangerous!” Silverstreakwhispered. His door wings sat straight up and quivered slightly as he stared atthe needle. “Master Auger said only experiencedalchemists should use recipes with fresh energon in them!”
With a growl of his engine, Prowl steadied the mirror again.“I’ve finished my studies, so I’m experienced enough,” he said, trying to soundconfident. “And it’s just a drop… Just enough to activate the energies in theother materials.” Then, before he could lose his nerve again, Prowl shut hisoptics and stuck the needle into his glossa.
It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. A singleprick of pain, and it was over. Prowl realized that the buildup had been muchworse than the actual event, and he filed that information away for later.
He collected a few drops of his energon on the torbuk stylusas Silverstreak watched with wide optics. Then he smeared the bright energononto the iron disc and carefully started mixing the other ingredients in theampule.
It didn’t take long at all. Silverstreak peppered him withquestions as Prowl carefully dotted the disc with the mixed ingredients. Prowlanswered his brother as best he could, proud to show off his knowledge.
Prowl lit the workbench’s burner and used the tongs to holdthe disc in the flame. In a quiet voice he recited the cantrip from theMasters’ scroll. “Listen for me. Speak to me. Hear for me. Recite to me.” Heturned the disc over and heated the other side until it glowed a bright red.“Serve as my audial’s glossa. Remember the words of the past, and speak them inthe future.”
He carefully set the disc on the workbench for it to cool.Silverstreak peered at the disc, his door wings still held out behind him. “Thatseemed simple enough. What does it do?” Silverstreak asked quietly. He lookedup at Prowl. “I know it’s a charm of some kind, but I don’t think I’ve studied anythinglike this stuff yet.”
Gathering up the ingredients, Prowl said, “It’s a recordingdevice. It’ll listen to what the Masters say, and then repeat it back to melater, when I’m studying.” He set the jar of copper filings into its place onthe shelf. “This way, if I miss something in one of their lectures, I can justplay it back.”
Silverstreak slumped onto the workbench, and his door wingsdrooped slightly. “It figures you’d just be looking for a more efficient way tostudy,” he groused. “Here I thought you were making something fun.”
Prowl smiled as he slid back onto his stool. “Well, I thinkthis is fun,” he said. He tentatively touched the disc, then picked it up whenhe felt that it was cool enough to hold. “Now let’s see if it works.”
Ignoring Silverstreak as the youngling leaned closer, Prowltapped the center of the disc. His door wings wiggled in excitement when he sawthe disc begin to glow with a pale yellow light. “Ruby is red and sapphire isblue, I’ve grown the sweetest crystals for you,” Prowl recited softly, thentapped the disc again. The glow faded out.
Silverstreak stared at the disc. “How do you make it playback?” he asked, his door wings wiggling in almost the same way as Prowl’s. Hisearlier boredom with the charm seemed to have evaporated after seeing it inaction.
Prowl flipped the disc over and tapped the other side. Theyellow glow returned, and Prowl’s voice emanated from the disc. “Ruby is redand sapphire is blue, I’ve grown the sweetest crystals for you.”
“Neat!” Silverstreak’s door wings popped back up above hisshoulders. Prowl could almost see his younger brother’s processor coming upwith ways to use the charm in a prank on Smokescreen. “And can you make itremember more, or does it only remember one thing at a time?”
Prowl was about to reply when the charm repeated the sparklingrhyme it had recited before. “Ruby is red and sapphire is blue, I’ve grown thesweetest crystals for you.” It sounded a bit louder than it had been.
Frowning, Prowl tapped the disc, trying to make the glowfade out again. It only grew brighter… and still louder. “Ruby is red and sapphire is blue, I’vegrown the sweetest crystals for you.”
“It’s not supposed to do that, is it?” Silverstreak asked.He glanced at the door at the far end of the lab, which led to a stairwell thatwent straight up to Master Auger’s apartments. “Uh, Prowl, how do you make itstop? Or make it quieter?”
“I don’t know,” Prowl said, his door wings rising in alarm.“This is supposed to make it stop!” Prowl frantically stabbed his digit intothe disc, then tried the other side. Nothing he did seemed to have any effect.In fact, the rhyme got even louder.
“Ruby is red andsapphire is blue, I’ve grown the sweetest crystals for you.”
Looking up wildly, Prowl saw Silverstreak’s guard standingby the door, looking for all the world like he was trying to suppress a smile.Prowl glanced around the room, trying to find something to muffle the soundwith. When he couldn’t find anything, Prowl shoved the charm into hiscompartments. It did very little to muffle the sound; if anything, it seemed toamplify the voice.
Silverstreak had sidled his way off of the stool and half-walked,half-ran towards the door. “Um, well, I guess you’ve got some kinks to work outof that charm,” he said, raising his voice over the one echoing out of Prowl’scompartments. “Like you said, I should probably be in recharge, so… Let’s go,Redline! Night, Prowl!” Silverstreak yanked opened the lab’s door. Then hejumped back with a squeal when he saw there was a mech standing just outside.
“Your Highness,” said Trident. Prowl’s guard took a stepinto the lab, his optics sweeping the scene: Redline standing with PrinceSilverstreak near the door, while Prince Prowl sat on a workbench stool, curledinto a ball as he tried to muffle the voice coming from his midsection. Tridentcrossed his arms over his chest. “I see that you’ve made use of the trellisagain.”
“I’m sorry, Trident!” Prowl said over the booming voice. Hehopped off the stool and ran towards the door. “But not now! Just get me backup to my –“
A new voice thundered out from the far end of the lab. “Bythe wings of Primus, what is going on here?”
Everyone froze as Master Auger stormed out of the stairwellthat led to his quarters. He glared around the lab. Silverstreak stood halfbehind his huge guard, his door wings flat against his back and his optics wideas saucers. Trident still stood by the door, his arms crossed and a bemusedexpression on his face. And Prowl hunched over, desperately willing the charmto stop talking, or for the floor to open up and swallow him. Either one wouldhave been gratefully received.
“What is that noise? Is it coming from you?” Auger strodeover to Prowl and stood in front of him with his hands on his hips.
Prowl slowly straightened from the partial crouch he was in.It took an effort, but Prowl spread his door wings wide and lifted his chin. Hepulled the charm from his compartments. “Yes, sir,” he said.
Auger held out his hand for the charm, and Prowl handed itto him. Auger held it up to his optic and looked at it closely.
“A dictation charm, hmm?” He stared at Prowl until the youngprince dropped his optics.
Prowl nodded. There wasn’t any point in trying to lie to theMaster Alchemist.
With a grumble from his engine, Auger strode over to themercury tank against the wall and dropped the charm in.
The charm was silenced instantly. Prowl’s door wings sank. That was all he’d had todo? That would have saved him fromthis trouble?
“You’re a good student, Prowl. I’m surprised you didn’tremember how to counteract minor charms,” said Auger, and smiled as realizationspread across Prowl’s face. “But I’ll deal with you in a klik. What are you doing here, Prince Silverstreak?”Auger asked, turning to the other prince. “Both of you know better than toenter my laboratory and use the equipment without permission. But I’mespecially surprised at you, Silverstreak, since we just finished going overlab safety a few cycles ago.”
Prowl could tell that Silverstreak was bravely trying toraise his door wings, but couldn’t quite manage it. He watched Silverstreakgnaw on his lower lip before saying, “I’m sorry, Master Auger.” Silverstreak’svocaliser quavered as he spoke. “It… it won’t happen again.” The youngprince’s door wings fell flat against his back again as soon as he stoppedtalking.
“He didn’t do anything with the charm, sir,” Prowl said.When Auger turned to face him, Prowl stood as tall as he could. “He justhappened to be here returning your book. The charm was all my doing.”
Out of the corner of his optic, Prowl saw Silverstreak givehim a grateful look.
Auger glanced at the workbench, where the book satforgotten, and nodded. “Off you go, Silverstreak,” he said. “But I expect youto be on time for your studies tomorrow.”
“Yes sir thank you sir good night sir!” Silverstreakchittered, then bolted from the room, Redline on his heels.
“As for you, Prince Prowl,” Auger said coldly, and Prowlfelt his spark sink. “Let’s see what you were up to.” The Master picked up thescroll that Prowl had transcribed and read it over.
Every moment of silence felt like a vorn to Prowl. He’d‘borrowed’ the book from the Master’s private library without permission. He’dtranscribed the recipe. He’d created a charm using fresh energon. He’d used thelab and the Master’s materials without permission. Prowl closed his optics andwaited. There was no way he was going to get out of this without some kind ofpunishment.
“Do you have any ideas about where you went wrong, Prowl?”
“Sir?” Prowl opened his optics and looked at the Master, whowas smiling at him. Prowl gaped at the Master. “Um…” Prowl’s door wingsswiveled as he thought. “No. I don’t.”
Auger set the scroll back down on the workbench. “You made asimple transcription error, and left out an ingredient… which you probablywould have noticed had we spent more time on energon charms. But you know oftheir danger… That’s why we didn’t study creating them in any depth.” Augersmiled. “My fault, I suppose, for not at least covering the basics of theircreation.”
Prowl blinked at Auger, unable to believe his audials.“Sir?” he asked again, and dared to lift his door wings.
“Which is not to say that you’re forgiven for using the labwithout permission, or for attempting to create an energon charm,” Auger said.He rolled up Prowl’s scroll and waved it at the prince. “But if you returntomorrow morning with Silverstreak, we’ll go over the basic components ofenergon charms… And we’ll review why you shouldn’t use them.” When Prowlnodded, he added, “And then I expect three scrolls of research afterwards fromyou explaining why energon charms should be avoided. If you do that, then… Idon’t think your sire needs to know about your little failed experiment here.”
Relief cascaded through Prowl like a warm oil bath. “Yes,sir!” Prowl said immediately. He bowed to the Master Alchemist. “Thank you verymuch, sir!”
“All right, get out of here. I think you’re going to get anaudial full from your guard next,” Auger said, smiling at Trident. One look atTrident told Prowl that Auger was probably right. “I’ll see you in themorning.” As Prowl turned to leave, he said, “Oh, and Prowl? Next time… Justask for permission.”
Prowl ignored the quiet chuckle from Trident. “Yes sir. Iwill. Have a good night.”
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dirtydragonthoughts · 7 years
Yesterday, I was going for a walk at lunch to clear my mind of work stuff, when I was struck by a serious "but what IF" thought about the twins in my Altmodes & Alchemy AU.
Muse: What if... (*tells me something that the twins know*)
Me: Yeah, that's interesting, but so what? I can't see a way to hang a plot point on it. So that's a thing they know. Whoopdido.
Muse: But what do the twins think about knowing that information?
Me: ...Oh... omg.
Muse: Think it through...
Me: Oh. Oh, yeah. Sideswipe won't really care, but Sunstreaker... Holy shit would he care!!
Muse: 🤗
Me: This would create a major crisis for Sunstreaker! And... Yeah, Sideswipe would try to help him through it, but... Oh, geeze.
Muse: Have fun!
So now I need to figure out where this fits chronologically, since I think there are some overlapping stories here.
Wow. *gleefully rubs hands*
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pipermca · 7 years
All done! Now I can work on some other stuff. :)
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dirtydragonthoughts · 6 years
What are your thoughts on baby robots/robot reproduction?
Let me preface this answer by first establishing that I am not a baby person. 
I know that kinda horrifies some people (? “who doesn’t like BABIES??”) but I’ve just never been interested in them in any way. When people at work bring in baby pictures my reaction is generally “Yup, you sure made a miniature human, good work.” My mother bemoaned the fact that I never gave them grandkids… until she saw me holding my infant nephew and said that was the most uncomfortable she’d ever seen me look. (I was sure I was going to break him or something.) I don’t hate babies? … I just don’t find them interesting in the least.
That being said, the very first TF fanfic I ever read (which made me go find more TF fics) was a mechpreg fic, so make of that what you will. XD My interest in the story, though, was more about the characters and their reactions to the knocking up, rather than the wee baby robot that was eventually produced.
So. Baby robots. I don’t mind fics with them, and don’t actively avoid them… But I don’t seek out those fics. On the same vein, I can’t ever see myself writing a fic revolving around a baby robot. I’ll probably eventually delve into that at some point (especially in the Altmodes and Alchemy AU… I have plans for those stories that might involve baby robots at some point?) but it’ll probably be handled all “off-screen” or in a very glossed over way. 
(Robot kids, on the other hand, are cool. Because while I am supremely discomfited by actual babies, kids are fucking awesome.)
For the actual mechanics of reproduction, I generally ascribe to the notion of sticky interfacing plus spark merge being required for creating a newspark. (And I really liked how @ntldr-writes explained it in the Iacon Prophecy stories, where the barbarians “grow” the frame for the newspark ala pregnancy, while the city mechs had someone build a frame for it. The culture clash there was really interesting.)
On the other hand, I’ve had some Thoughts™ about the IDW/G1 versions of creating new mechs. There are Things That Could Be Said about a species that’s been at war for eons, knowing that all of the sparks that could ever be have already been created, and that everyone living now is the entirety of your species. It gives an interesting perspective on what it means to kill someone in cold blood when that is a fact.
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pipermca · 6 years
@rizobact replied to your post: “Writing Update”
woohoo! So many things!
XD This is actually a fairly low number of WIPs for me. I really want to focus on the next Altmodes and Alchemy story, so I’m been trying to reign in the muse.
I do have one WIP that I didn’t list, but I think I may have permanently abandoned it. I originally conceived it as a video/movie that I could make with my toys, but I’d need a stop motion rig and I haven’t gotten around to setting one up. So I tried writing it just as a prose story and it’s simply not working. Maybe I’ll come back to it later. >.>
@blushlouise replied to your post: “Writing Update”
Oooh! I was just rereading the Sparkr stories the other day, so excited to see more coming!
Yay! Yes, they’re good smutty fun, aren’t they? XD The story “Peer Review” is actually the next Sparkr story, and I have three more planned after that one. It’s the AU that keeps on giving.
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dirtydragonthoughts · 6 years
This next prompt is turning into a whole story, too. There’s bunnies and then there’s....
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So.... Who’s up for 2500-ish words of teenaged Prowl (from the Alt Modes and Alchemy AU) getting into trouble? :3
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pipermca · 6 years
(going for my lunchtime walk, during which I usually "prewrite" whatever I want to work on that evening)
Me: Ok, let's get that last chapter for Pulling Strings nailed down.
Muse: Nah. Instead, have a half-hour of nothing but an examination of the different types of magic in the Altmodes and Alchemy AU.
Me: ...Ok, sure.
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