#alvita’s answers
oneirataxia-girl · 8 months
got any kenji headcanons you'd wanna share? he is the handsomest lil blacksmith i love him sm
do I?? the question should be when do I don’t have stuff to share abt our king frfr
after Kenji got separated from his birth family, he was taken in by the mayor of Scarlet Village, hence his surname, Himura
while he was there, the mayor’s wife and their twin sons introduced Kenji to more passive interests like writing, and Kenji never loses the habit of keeping a diary (he made a special lock for it to make sure no one can sneak a peek)
Kenji is remarked as exceptionally talented in the art of metalworking. his pa taught him most of what he knows and he refined his skills in Scarlet Village with the help of the local blacksmith; by the time he left to find his birth family, Kenji already had a small amount of fame
even though his name is largely associated with weaponry, Kenji’s proudest work at the start of the story is a set of twin rings, Kenji helped the commissioner pin down a design and even suggested the jewels for the rings himself
the end product still holds a special place in his heart and he sometimes wonders if the man was successful in his proposal, and if he wasn’t, could he ask for the rings back to get some good pictures to use as reference for commissioners
jewelry making is honestly one of Kenji’s passions, his design notebook has a lot of scribbled ideas that he wants to bring to life someday
he’s very good at handling delicate things, which is obvious given his profession. Kenji is also very protective of his hands, like has-a-whole-nighttime-routine-for-his-hands protective
I like to think that while Franky can make small and delicate stuff no problem, he gets Kenji to do all those because Kenji is much faster than him in that department
aboard the Sunny, Usopp thinks up gadgets and stuff that can be used in fights, Kenji brings them to life if it’s out of Usopp’s skill set and maintains the ones that are in use (such as Zoro’s swords and Mari’s kunai), and Franky takes care of the ship
but they all chip in to help build Battle Frankies, and when they do, the other Strawhats better grab their earplugs bc they are loud when they get frustrated lol
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supermarine-silvally · 7 months
❤️ + Portada pls!! -🍂
Part 2 of this!
❤️ first kiss / realization
Something was terribly, horribly wrong. 
Ace had first noticed it at breakfast. He had stuffed his plate with as much bacon as Thatch would let him get away with and sauntered over to his usual spot, wedging himself between Yara and Marco. The First Division Commander had greeted him as per usual, but Yara didn’t even bother to glance up from the saddest bowl of oatmeal Ace had ever seen; the only garnishing on it two solitary raisins. 
(He knew for a fact that she didn’t even like raisins. They reminded her too much of the crappy communion wine at the convent she grew up at, she’d told him once, scrunching her nose up in that adorable way she did whenever she found something particularly unsatisfactory.)
Throughout the rest of the day, things seemed to only get worse. She kept her gaze down and her answers monosyllabic whenever he tried to interact with her-- and that was when she didn’t outright leave the room as soon as he entered. 
“Trouble in paradise, yoi?” Marco had asked him when he caught Ace moping around on the Moby Dick’s upper deck.
Ace let out a massive, depressed sigh in response, draping his arms over the gunwale. Part of him almost wished a strong gust of wind would come along and knock him into the water. “I think I did something wrong, Marco. I haven’t seen her this upset with me since before I officially joined the crew.”
The doctor placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You need to talk to her about it. I’m sure whatever it is can easily be fixed. Yara may be stubborn, but she’s not unreasonable.”
“That’s… true,” Ace conceded. He stood up straight, his determination renewed. “I’ll go find her. The sooner I can sort this out, the better.”
“Good luck, yoi,” Marco said, giving him a firm pat on the back. 
And that was what led him here, hanging out near the entrance to the mess hall, biding his time. There was no way that Yara could avoid him forever… could she?
He instantly perked up, a relieved grin spreading across his face as he caught sight of her heading towards him, a file stuffed with papers tucked under her arm. She, however, did not return his joy, but instead stared emotionlessly back at him as she handed him the file. “Pops said to give this to you.”
He nodded, receiving it from her. “Oh, thanks! …Right, these are the maps I wanted to see.”
Yara gave him a curt nod in return before pivoting back towards the entranceway.
“Wait, where are you going?”
She stopped, turning to face him again, her eyes narrowed. “I came. I gave you the file. And now I’m leaving.”
“Yara!” Ace called out after her, dropping the file onto a nearby table. He reached for her hand, but his fingers passed straight through her. His brow furrowed, confused. Now she was using her Devil Fruit powers with him? She never did that.  
“I’m not in the mood, Ace,” was all she replied, her tone icy.
His entire body wilted, heart thudding pitifully in his chest as she left the mess hall without so much as a second glance. Oh, he had definitely fucked something up. 
“Yaraaaaa…” Ace knocked on her bedroom door. “Can we talk? Please?”
He held his breath, waiting. Finally, after a moment, the latch clicked. Yara opened the door a crack. She was wearing her nightdress, her loose hair cascading down her shoulders. Ace couldn’t help but notice the dark circles lingering under her eyes as she stared at him. 
Swallowing, he took a step back. “Hi.”
“It’s late, Ace.”
“I know. I couldn’t sleep.”
“Then I suppose you’ve come to let me down easy,” she said with a sigh.
His brow furrowed. “Let you down what?”
“Never mind. I shouldn’t delay the inevitable. Shall we go somewhere more private than the living quarters?”
Nodding, he allowed her to step out of her room before following her down the hallway. She led him down the stairs and outside to the second level balcony. The stars glinted overhead as the Moby Dick gently careened along its path, cutting through the ocean’s calm surface. Yara leaned against the railing, the faint breeze catching the edge of her nightdress. Just the sight of her underneath the moon’s light was enough to make Ace’s stomach twist into knots. 
He sucked in a breath. There was no way he could let this go on any longer. “It’s the stupid dare thing, isn’t it? That’s why you’re upset with me.”
“I’m not upset with you,” Yara replied evenly. “I’m upset with myself.”
“What? Why?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does. It matters a lot. Especially if I… if I did something to hurt you. Please, Yara. You’re…” He swallowed. “You’re one of my best friends. Whatever it is, I’ll make it right.”
Yara glanced away from him, a conflicted look flickering through her eyes. “I… made a foolish miscalculation,” she said after a moment. “I thought that… perhaps you might…” She hesitated. For a moment, he could’ve sworn he saw a faint blush spread across her cheeks. “That, well… That kissing me wouldn’t have been as intolerable for you as it evidently was.”
“Intolerable?” His brow furrowed. “Kissing you wouldn’t be intolerable.”
“Oh, please.” Her glare narrowed as it returned to rest on him. “You dragged your feet and then turned away at the last second. How the hell else could I possibly interpret that, Ace? From my standpoint, it was a fairly obvious rejection.” 
Ace’s heart was practically beating out of his chest as the realization slowly dawned on him. “Hold on a minute. You… wanted me to kiss you?”
Yara’s nose scrunched up, her mouth drawing into a tight line like it did whenever she was frustrated by something. Finally, she turned away with a sigh. “…You’re an idiot of the most hopeless variety. Let’s just forget this ever happened.”
“Yara, wait.” He reached towards her, catching her hand. This time, her flesh stayed solid, and he curled his fingers around hers as he pulled her in. 
She let out a surprised gasp as one of his hands moved to her waist, the other tenderly cupping her face. Her skin felt so soft as he lightly stroked her cheek, the butterflies that had been nesting in his stomach bursting to life. 
“Last night, I really, really wanted to kiss you,” he breathed. 
“Then why didn’t you?” she whispered, eyes widening as his fingers traced along the small of her back. 
“Because I didn’t want our first kiss to be something either of us would regret,” he confessed. “You’re too special to me for that.”
“I never thought I’d meet someone like you, Yara. Someone who just… accepted me so easily. Who didn’t care at all about my good-for-nothing father. The last thing I ever would’ve wanted is for you to think I only kissed you because Haruta dared me to, and not because I’m madly, stupidly in love with you, and I have been ever since Pops brought me onto this ship.”
Her eyes went unnaturally wide. “What?”
“Oh.” Ace blinked, his hand leaving her waist to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck. “Shoot, did I just say that out loud?”
He took her stunned silence as an affirmative. “So, uh… would it be okay if I kissed you now?”
“Please,” Yara breathed, leaning in. Their foreheads pressed lightly together, noses brushing as they revelled in each other’s warmth. His arms wrapped around her waist, the cotton fabric of her nightdress bunching between his fingers as he pulled her tight to his chest. She clung to his bare shoulders, the tips of her fingers smoothing along his collarbone, each feather-light touch setting off fireworks in his stomach.
“You’re so beautiful, Hellcat,” he murmured against her lips, feeling her breath hitch. 
“Kiss me already, Fire Fist,” she whispered, the neediness in her voice sending a jolt of pleasure throughout his entire body, small flames flickering involuntarily off his skin.
He wasted no more time in closing the gap between them, lips slotting into place as if they were always meant to do so. The whole world ceased to exist around him as their mouths moved in sync, the taste of her flooding his senses, all the pent-up love he’d kept locked in his heart for so long finally flowing freely through him.
One hand slowly drifted upwards, tangling in her long violet hair as he cupped the back of her neck, pressing himself forwards to dip her down, stealing a tiny gasp of air before continuing the kiss. He could feel Yara’s lips twitch upwards, the sensation making him grin into the kiss as well. 
They broke away, foreheads coming to rest against each other’s as Ace cradled Yara’s cheek in his palm. “I love you,” he admitted. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, and for being such an idiot last night.”
Yara laughed softly. “After that kiss, you’re definitely forgiven. And I…” Her face flushed, looking away for a moment before returning her heterochromatic gaze to meet his dark eyes. “I love you too, Portgas D. Ace. You dummy.”
“You love me too,” he repeated, unable to keep himself from grinning wildly. His heart felt as if it were on fire, burning with an intense, aching passion. I never thought I’d ever hear anyone say those words to me. I’m hardly deserving of them, yet… Yet it still feels so nice.
He slipped an arm around her waist, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as they both gazed out at the moon and stars beyond. “So… where do we go from here?”
She shrugged. “Wherever we want, I suppose. We’ll figure it out together.”
Smiling, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “That sounds perfect.”
tagging: @auxiliarydetective @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene (and @box-of-bats too if you want the narrative resolution to the last prompt hehe)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
all cute character questions for my birthday twin Catie?? -🍂
Ahhhh, okay, I am so sorry this took me so long (😭), but I answered this one already and forgot to tell you!! Here’s the post, and again, I’m so sorry this took me so long!! <3
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stridingwriter · 10 months
Ares x Viktor + if they had a kid pls?? -🍂
Oh I have notes for their kid (it was for an AU but also plot changes happened so MAYBE they might become canon which is :3c)
Name: Skye
Gender: ?? (undecided)
General appearance: They have Ares' brown hair but Viktor's curls! Also has Viktor's (almost) black eyes, however, has that brightness in their eyes like Ares. Also been tossing around that they have something closer to Ares' more tanned skin tone but they have freckles!
Personality: Straight up the most spoiled kid with many many found family members and has the spirit of optimism from both of their parents but will also pick fights like Ares. They don't take much bullshit (most likely a trait that they've taken from Viktor) which means they're a bit of a handful if they see something that they believe is wrong.
Special talents: Currently a bit undefined seeing as they take more from Ares' powers but they manifest like Viktor's so really they just get glowing eyes + their freckles glow!! Currently their powers haven't completely manifested that much so they're mostly still developing it all.
Who they like better: Probably Viktor if I'm being honest cuz with Ares, they have a legacy to live up to (they have a legacy either way, Viktor just cares for it less)
Who they take after more: ... Ares. It's all about that attitude and their refusal to take any bullshit, which means yeah, they will throw hands if they see it.
Personal headcanon: I do love the idea that they're technically the next leader for the Cardinals in general. Kinda like a legacy character as they're basically a combination of both of their parents and are taught how to lead quite early on!
Face Claim: N/A (oh so very bad at finding face claims lol)
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floraviee · 11 months
amberlieee this is such a cute idea!! i’m sure that you’ll achieve all your goals <33
aw alvita thank you !! <3 that means a lot, i really hope i can!
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stridingseer · 1 year
TECHNICALLY TECHNICALLY they weren't planned to be PJO OCs but I want Luke to have (2) older boyfriends so UH HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!
More below the cut:
Whiskey (Julius)
Ex-military operative (has lost one of his legs during combat, now he has a prosthetic and is retired (?)) and Asian (he refuses to say where his family is from)
Currently working in a tiny diner/cafe and takes the night shifts.
He has a knack for really dumb humour and will most likely take a single word from another person's mouth and spin it into a joke
Overall a seemingly nice/sweet person but at the same time he's an extremely proficient fighter. Has absolutely NO issues killing someone to achieve his goal. If they are in his way, they will go down. (what is his body count? probably in the triple digits)
Retired in the sense that he can get reactivated at any time because his contract sucks and so does the pension
Still uses his code name/alias of 'Whiskey' from back when he was still in service as a connection to his past. It is what people know him as.
Kill Them With Kindness aka free drinks and food (Luke has taken massive psychic damage)
Ironically despite being known as Whiskey, he doesn't drink. Really he's heard all of the jokes. Instead he's a decent cook, only for Chinese dishes though. Absolute snob over tea however, no sugar and no milk because he thinks it ruins the flavour.
His actual name is 'Julius [REDACTED]', last name is unknown and its heavily implied that he used to be married (to whom it is unknown). In fact he straight up doesn't talk about it. It's clearly a very sore spot.
actually left home once he turned 18 to join the force since there wasn't anything worth staying at home for (was it because he was queer or was it because he actually wanted to fight for something he believed in?)
Very Mortal, Incredibly So. Very aware of how fragile his life is, he just says he's lucky
Sees Viktor as Pain in my Ass (affectionate) and will roast the fuck out of him
Man is getting close to his 40s (he's actually 36 and he's not getting any younger; still a badass)
Viktor Shui
Technically also ex-military but he prefers 'ex-government', more likely to say that he didn't work under them as much as someone who was a tool for them. Technically he's gone rogue.
Mortal in a sense that you would call a robot technically mortal (I've said too much)
That being said, his alias during his service was simply 'Seven'. Was he the seventh member? The seventh version?
Beloved trans man who has absolutely NO fucks to give
Has NO records in any system and straight up feels like a guy who appeared from nowhere, disappeared and then came back. Very vague about his own background and history, certainly sounds like he never had a family which is... very iffy.
Casually unhinged, he will say the most batshit insane shit completely deadpan and you cannot tell if he's being serious. Like he hears that Luke tried to destroy New York and goes 'yeah buddy, me too.' Lays it on thick that he thinks Luke isn't as bad of a person as he thinks he is.
Jokingly starts calling Luke by 'boy scout' and it STICKS (goddammit old man)
Has a body count (only one case is known and he's killed a politician. Viktor feels bad about having to do it but also doesn't feel THAT bad about it)
"So you're a hitman?" "Anarchist actually."
Trying to reform the system if so someone help him for what he has gone through. No he will not talk about it willingly. Maybe do it when he's high on adrenaline or something.
Despite looking East Asian and knowing Mandarin... Viktor unfortunately cannot cook to save his life and lives off of coffee.
Exactly a decade over than Luke but younger than Whiskey by a few years. He only knows Whiskey because Whiskey makes coffee the way he likes it and he chills at the diner to get a degree of social interaction. Outside of the diner, he's just Awkward and Mean around people. It's very much his safe place to get away from his problems.
What's his relationship with Whiskey? Clearly, well, it seems that they're flirting to some degree. Or maybe they're already together, they don't even know themselves.
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bluejay-in-flight · 2 years
Alsjaksn I can accept that, don’t stop me now is really good too lol
Thank you kind soul for absolving me of my crimes 😋🤣
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
asker!Alvita reporting for duty!! could I have all of this ask game for Cora and Lily??
Oooooooh, long post incoming!
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1. Can your OC admit to mistakes or weaknesses? Can they accept help?
Cora can do all of these things, at least around people she trusts. Mistakes are human nature, and she'll admit to making them. Weaknesses? Definitely. She likes to remind people that she is, in fact, not a swordsman, and that her devil fruit has limited battle usability. (She's somewhat wrong about this, but let her talk.) Also, she can definitely accept help. Otherwise, her relationship with Zoro would be in trouble, because the only way this man knows to express his affection is to conveniently do things for her. Of course, he's not doing them for her, he's doing them because he feels like it. Totally not in love. Never. Sanji also loves spoiling his princess. The man would bridal carry her everywhere if she asked. She also frequently calls both of them for help against stronger enemies if she realizes she can't beat them and knows they have time.
Lily is very good at all three of these things and she will cry about it. She'll be fighting on enemy three times her size one moment and run into Sanji's arms the next, crying in fear about how she's too small to fight and how she wants to go home. She's also still learning about the world, so there's a lot of things for her to be wrong about and she doesn't mind being corrected.
2. Is your OC more emotional or more stoic? How do their emotions show and how do they feel about them?
Cora is more emotional, definitely. Not overly emotional, but her emotions do show. Fun fact, she's an angry crier, which automatically ends any verbal fights she might get into, either because her opponent is Sanji and he folds instantly at seeing her cry (it's similar for Zoro but not as instantaneous) or because Sanji has come to her defense because the person she's up against made her cry. Generally, Cora has fairly physical reactions to her emotions, as in she shakes heavily if she gets scared and she cries easily. She thinks she's a bit of a crybaby and a weakling, but Sanji will immediately tell her otherwise.
Lily? Oh boy, Lily. Her whole devil fruit is centered around emotions. Not only does it contribute to her being very emotional and having intense mood swings, it also converts her emotions into various effects, such as making the lights flicker, changing the weather, and, most prominently, turning her back into five-year-old when she gets too scared. She doesn't really have an opinion on her emotions, they just... happen.
3. Does your OC cry a lot? Why or why not?
I guess I already answered this, didn't I? Yes, both Cora and Lily cry a lot. For Cora, it's partially because that's just who she is, partially because of trauma, whereas Lily has her devil fruit, her mood swings and her (mental) age to blame.
4. Does your OC talk a lot? Are there things they tend to ramble about?
Cora probably talks a regular amount, but she loves to ramble about fashion. If you want to keep her talking for whatever reason, ask her about fashion, or sewing, or designing... Just anything that has to do with her work as a tailor. She could also talk about her boyfriends for ages if prompted and in the right environment.
Lily does talk a lot. Or rather, she rambles a lot. She's the kind of person who will sit in a car and point at and name not only animals or landmarks you pass but also every car she recognizes or finds odd or funny. She just loves to learn and explore. It's not that she doesn't know how to be quiet. She does! But she's also talkative, so she'll talk if there's no reason for her not to.
5. Are they a romantic?
Cora is definitely a romantic. Not as much as Sanji, but she does love romance, so these two together are a walking romance novel. If you want to impress her, a candlelit dinner with good food and pretty clothes is the perfect way to do it.
Lily is probably a little too young to be a romantic in that sort of sense, but she does romanticize life, in a way. A more or less childish way. She just loves to be alive and to see the world and... Yeah. Does that count?
6. Are they dramatic?
Cora is very dramatic, but only as a joke. She usually swallows her problems until she has to throw them back up, but if she has the chance to annoy Zoro by being dramatic, she'll be dramatic as hell. It gets even funnier if Sanji or someone else plays along. Nami especially is a great ally for weaponizing the drama, second place goes to Usopp.
To be fair, Lily isn't very dramatic. She's just a kid, and Zoro has to constantly remind himself of that if he's about to call her dramatic for crying about him stepping on a bug or something.
7. How would they prefer to die?
Cora would probably like to die quickly and painlessly, but if it has to be long and painful, she'll take it, as long as it helps her friends in any way.
Not at all? Lily doesn't think about dying, she's too busy thinking about how many marshmallows she can fit in her mouth or how quickly she can climb up to the crow's nest. But she'd probably prefer the quick and painless route.
8. What is guaranteed to make them angry?
For Cora, it's pretending to be a member of the Akaito Clan. There are so many fakers out there and she intends to personally commit arson against every single one of them and burn down their bootleg clothes and designs. It's just a huge disrespect to her family, their tradition and their name.
For Lily, I'd say it's hurting her friends that makes her the angriest. Depending on how big and tough the enemy is, she may also be very scared, but if you want to find out the quickest way to have a feral fennec fox biting and clawing at your neck, this is it.
9. What do they get really petty about?
Cora gets extremely petty about the difference between swordfighting and fencing. She is not a swordfighter because she uses a rapier and a rapier is used for fencing. Sworfighting is what Zoro does. You wouldn't be able to start a proper fight between someone using a katana and someone using a rapier. Thus, they must be two separate fighting styles. immaculate logic. Also, sewing and fashion. This color is the color she says it is, not any other.
Lily actually doesn't get petty at all. Or at least not often. She's just happy to be talking. But if you call a Zoan user a Mink or the other way around, you might be in trouble. They're two very different things.
10. What do they identify as?
See, this is why I kept this question that open and didn't limit it to gender identity or sexuality. Makes it a lot easier to answer.
Cora is bisexual and proud, as well as proudly polyamorous. She has two hands, why not use them? She also strongly identifies with her heritage as a member of the Akaito Clan and being a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.
Lily doesn't really think about gender identity or something as weird as sexuality. To be honest, I don't think she has even had sex ed yet. Does she even know what sexuality is? I mean, she knows what sex is, probably, but... Does she know what gender is? Anyways, a huge part of her identity comes from her being a fennec fox mink. Well, half, but she likes to omit that fact. Sometimes, she just refers to herself as simply a fennec fox, as in: "Of course I'm cold! I'm a desert fox, not an Arctic fox!" That's why she also identifies with her epithet. Also, the Straw Hat Pirates. The moment she lies about being a part of their crew is the day that hell freezes over. That's her family right there.
Thank you so much for your ask, Alvita! Have a lovely day <3
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @daughter-of-melpomene @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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catohphm · 1 year
hiii it’s me, the cardverse anon! i want to know his aesthetic so that i can make the moodboard you asked for <33
Hi Alvita! I actually prefer it you're writing to me off anon so that you'll be able to see when I answer your ask. Apologies for the delay! Anyway, considering what @ariparri told me about his kingdom, Cato's aesthetic would be a mix of forest, elven fantasy, and that as Ace of Clubs he is the head of the kingdom's army. He's a calm, collected and thoughtful leader who strives to protect the peaceful nature of his country, with a speck of adventure and curiosity in addition.
Thank you so much! @oneirataxia-girl I look forward to the final moodboard for Cato^^
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mag200 · 4 years
Hiii! Wanted to let you know I finished Thirteen Storeys (and naturally immediately started rereading). You're one of the people that made me go "okay I've GOT to read this". I went in with only the knowledge of you saying "oh, eat the rich literally" and Sasha saying Jonny had been recording blood curdling screams for the audio book, so that was fun 😂 definitely recommend the audio book btw! The voices of all the different people are great and fit so well, and Tobias' screaming was SO satisfying (also hearing Jonny as Tobias for the first time was SUCH a wild combination of extreme delight at hearing Jonny and extreme rage and frustration at the posh voice). Anyway, thanks for the hype and lovely art I can finally safely look at! I'll go back to listening 👋
AAAAA im so glad you enjoyed it <33 i agree the audiobook is incredible, they did such a lovely job with all the actors each chapter. and yeah ajflda. eat the rich literally <333
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
Hello! I'm @oneirataxia-girl but you can just call me Alvita and I have you on my bingo card! So I've popped around on your blog and I noticed that you have a ton of TUA ocs! That's amazing! Can you tell me a bit about some of them?
Hey hi! Nice to meet you Alvita, my name is Anna! I'm glad you are interested. I have already answered for most of them in this post, however, I have a couple left that I haven't gotten to discuss so let me do that here!
We have DJ Doiley (who is Dilton Doiley from Riverdale, but my version is related to two of my Riverdale OCs, long story lol). Anyway, after graduating High School, DJ skips town with his cousin Benji and his friend Misty. They end up in The City where DJ is still reeling from his past when he is introduced to Jinx Hargreeves through Benji and the operation he works for. The two start having feelings for each other which are complicated by the impending end of the world. He is a part-time DJ while also attending college. DJ is sweet and soft-spoken but also troubled by a past in a town corrupted with crime and murder. He loves nature, science, playing board games. He's gay but didn't admit this to himself till his senior year in High School.
There is also Valentino DeJesus who is Rudolph's apprentice/confidant/honorary son. He was turned into a vampire in the 1920s and shortly afterward found and taken in by Rudolph. Valentino is eager to please and always tries to help which often bites him in the ass whenever he screws up. Most of the time Rudolph can look past his mistakes, but when Valentino turns Aiden into a vampire to try and cheer Rudolph up after he accidentally almost killed him, Rudolph gets so mad at him he kicks him out and only lets him back in when they realize the world is ending and they need to find a way to stop it. Valentino is kind and welcoming but also a bit of a troublemaker because he never truly thinks anything through.
Next, we have Sam Carter and Kyle Mori, who are Jinx Hargreeves and DJ Doiley's biological brother and half-brother respectively. Neither of them knew of the existence of their brothers until the almost end of the world and they travel to The City to get to know them. They also knew Misty's older sister Rain from their time at boarding school. Sam was born just over a year before Jinx and his mom never told him about the brother she gave away for adoption. He is a film student and is considering moving from NYC to The City to work with his old friend Kyle. Kyle was born to Daryl Doiley and an affair he had a couple of years before DJ was born and given up for adoption. He was raised in NYC but moved to The City in his early twenties to work on movie sets.
These are some of the ones I have as well. Valentino, Sam, and Kyle aren't totally developed but hopefully, I will get back into it soon!
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oneirataxia-girl · 1 year
also if Satomi was to hypothetically meet any of the spiderverse characters (e.g. Pav, Gwen, Hobie, Noir, Ben Riley, Peter B. etc) who do you think she'd get along with best? who do you think she meshes with?
⇝ hmm… Satomi would immediately claim Hobie, Gwen, and Noir (i think Noir’s a teenager?? i’m not sure tho) as her younger siblings; she’ll protect Pav with all her might bc she doesn’t want his sunshine to fade, and I think she’ll vibe well with Peter B.? once she gets over the fact that they’re the closest in age but he has his life in some semblance of put-together (Peter B. has to give her the whole rundown of ITSV and she bonds with him due to they both having mid-life crises). Satomi would like Jessica very much and they’ll def have girls night after Spot’s been dealt with, but Satomi doesn’t vibe with Ben at all at first, his angsty tendencies hits to close to home for Satomi’s comfort, but i do think it’s very one-sided and Satomi and Ben do become friendly later!!
honorable mentions to Peni who Satomi is the bestest older sister to, and Spiderbyte who Satomi compares notes on tech with as well as Peni, Peter Porker who Satomi is politely disturbed over bc she likes bacon, and May Parker who Satomi tries to keep a distance with bc she doesn’t know how to cope with a baby <33
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
*dropkicks the door* HII Yara!! is there a particular plant you like the most?? -🍂
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Somewhere, Rouge's ghost is nodding in approval.
Ask Yara (or any of my OCs) anything!
taglist: @auxiliarydetective @daughter-of-melpomene @box-of-bats
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DOLLYPOP i just realized with horror that im not on your taglist 😭 here is my official request to be on it pls!!
Can I just say I love that you call me Dollypop <3.
And of course you can!! I can't quite remember if I already asked to be on yours or not (😅), but if I haven't, I would love to be added to it as well!!
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stridingwriter · 2 years
3&21 for all your kids :DD
Putting this under the read more w/ the main muses (if you want someone off of the muse list, let me know lol)
3. What type of personality type are they?
Ethan Xiao - I'd characterize him more as INTJ? There's always been a thing about his character and improving the system. In the case of Carpe Noctem, it's through cutting the strings which the Imperium has over everyone. And in the original work... he never quite taps into it but he does want a better life for everyone.
Hugo Wright - ISFP most likely. He's far tamer of a person who's a bit more obvious in how he cares for people. Less willing to bite and a lot more willing to go with the flow compared to his best friend. If there's one way to put it, I'd say that Hugo is softer in a sense.
Feng Ming - In contrast to both Ethan and Hugo, he's a lot more out there. Hence, ENFP and someone who approaches life with this fire that no one else seems to have. To him, new people are new opportunities and he looks forward to testing what everyone around him can do. Also the guy who appears in almost every AU, he's that powerful.
Yin - ISFJ, a protector through and through. They don't particularly care about people outside of their circle. That being said, they want the best for those closest to them and will keep the traditions even if it's the only thing they have left.
Elliot Zhang - ESFP with a knack of being a bit of a menace. He knows how to get people to smile and you bet he's going to do his best to make it work. He basks in the presence of people more than his sister and seems to enjoy the spotlight.
Elina Zhang - ESTJ, more of a leader than her younger brother. Elina is someone who approaches a gig with surprising patience. She's going to figure out the best way to do things and she has her own system for it.
21. What element would they be?
Ethan Xiao - Fits the vibe of water. Fluid enough to change between the people he talks with and is overall chill enough despite his intensity. I guess you could consider him the ocean in specific to water?
Hugo Wright - Fits the vibes of air quite well. He's a bit more 'floaty' but is also one who has a temper that can flare when the conditions fit. Usually though, it's a soft gust of wind.
Feng Ming - Air but not in the same sense as Hugo. Instead Feng Ming is the type of gust that blows so hard that your umbrella becomes upturned in his wind. A lot more volatile. Also his genshin element so :3
Yin - Fire, always been fire in how they seemingly burn with passion for those they care about. For them, their loved ones are the ones they will destroy an entire world for. They keep everyone else around them warm with how they take care of those in their small family regardless if they know each other well.
Elliot Zhang - Would it be odd to say wood from the chinese elements? Cuz he's always growing, always changing as the situation changes and it's not quite in a way that Ethan shifts between states of matter. If anything, I'd compare him to a weed (affectionate).
Elina Zhang - Earth, far more grounded than everyone else and is someone who doesn't go with the flow. What she wants is what she will get. There's a reason why she has a system and everything and why neither twin has gone into prison for their (multiple) crimes.
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do you OCs have any name meanings?
I have answered this before but I can’t find the post so:
Mywin’s name comes from “Winnifred”, a Welsh name that means “blessed peacemaking”. Her mother called her “‘My Winnifred” and so her nickname is “Mywin”. Her mother’s name Kalnor means “starry sky” in Darnassian. I came up with Tavanar and the closet name like that is the surname “Taverner” that is French for a tavern keeper. The priestesses in my AU are Aceso (coming from Akeso, the Greek goddess of the healing wounds and curing illness), Hebe (Greek goddess of youth) and Eir (meaning “mercy” in Norse). Mywin’s childhood friend is named Tristan which means “bold” in Welsh.
Aleeia is an amalgam of “Ally” (Celtic meaning “noble”) and “Leah” (Hebrew meaning “weary”). I also created her sister’s name, Imeyah. The closest name for her is Amiyah that means “delightful” in Indian. Her father Krol’sha’s name means “broken light” in Eredun and her mother’s name, Ra’mi, means “ "the one who throws the arrow” in Arabic.
Màoxāin’s name literally means “adventure” in Mandarin. All her family have Mandarian or Chinese, or otherwise Asian names. Her distant grandmother Chyou’s name means “born in the autumn” and her sister Noni’s, Moaxian’s distant aunt, name is a tropical evergreen shrub native to Southern Asia. Màoxāin’s father is Disung and I can’t actually recall what it means. Jiao is her mother, name meaning “beautiful; lovable; to teach”. Her brothers and their name meanings are: Aigou (“patriotic”), Huan Ai (“happy love”) and Liko (“protected by Buddha”). Her sisters names are Zhi Rou (two Chinese herbal plants: zhi, angelica, and ruo, pollia) and Ru Shi (the name of the famous Chinese courtesan and poet Liu Rushi). Her sister-in-law married to Aiguo is Yu Yan (the name of a popular female character written by Jin Yong, Yu Yan is drawn from the phrase “yu xiao yan tan”, which describes women who have beautiful smile”. Their daughter is called Mei (“beautiful”).
Teggie’s name derives from “Theresa”, Greek for “harvester”. Her surname Lilliput comes from the term “lilliputian”, an adjective meaning "very small in size". Her mother is Brenna (Irish for “descendant of the sad one”) and her father is Angus (Anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic and Irish Aonghas, which is composed of Celtic elements meaning "one", and "choice"). Her little brother is Brann (Gaelic for “raven”).
Another name I made up. The closest name I can find is Rony, Hebrew meaning “my song; my joy”. Her father Ayaan’s name is Indian, meaning “Gift Of God”. Her mother Neria (Basque meaning “mine”).
Another made up name. Closest is “Pangea”, a hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses of the world. Her father’s name Kanan means “merchant” or “trader” in Arabic. Her mother Odelia’s is Hebrew for “I will praise the Lord". Her brothers are Elio (A Spanish name meaning sun, and Italian given name which refers to the element helium or from the Latin for the Greek sun-god Helios) and Surya (Hindi for “sun god”. Her sister Thea’s means “goddess” in Greek.
Yep, another made up one! Closest I can get is an amalgam of “Tatiana” (Russian for Fairy Queen/princess) and “Hilda” (“battle” in Norse”. Her grandmother’s name Ligani is also made up and I can’t find a closet version. Her grandfather is Akuji (coming from many African countries to mean “dead and awake). Her mother’s name is Ulga (closet match is Olga, derived from Scandinavian Helgi, rooted in Norse to mean hearty; blessed, holy) and she has two older sisters, Tahiliana’s aunts: Alvita (Latin for “lively”) and Trinika (Jamaican for “beauty”). Her father’s name is also made up and he is Zen’tec. He has a brother though, Jevan (Nigerian for “life”). Tahiliana has three older brothers: Azacca (Jamaican, name of the spirit guide of agriculture), Ghana (a West African country) and Ziggy (German, composed of the elements 'sig' meaning “victory” and 'frithu' meaning “peace”).
An amalgam of “Arietty” (derived from the English “Harriett” meaning “estate ruler") and “Celeste” (Latin for “heavenly”). Her father’s name Raska has an unknown meaning. Her mother’s Analeise means “graced by God’s bounty” in Latin. She has two sisters: Adara (Hebrew for “noble”) and Heidi (German for “noble birth”). Her mother has a younger brother Nadir (Hebrew for “precious”). Arieste’s husband is Vendris, another made up name but his brother’s is German also meaning “noble”. Her mother-in-law is Ethel (from the Old English name Aethelthryth, meaning “noble and strength”) and her father-in-law is called Marquis (French for noble).
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