#alyssa's dreams
fallfromgrace-cas · 7 months
I've been having some funky dreams and my spouse said I should start journaling them since parts are recurring, so here we go.
TW: mentions of suicidal thoughts/actions, depressive thoughts, and threat of pregnancy loss but only briefly!
I'm pregnant currently and I know that can cause vivid dreams (this isn't my first pregnancy.) But my dream involved the cast of Superstore, but it was set in space on a space ship. Amy was the ship captain and everyone else (main cast) was there, too.
The first part of the dream involved me and other folks remodeling the commissary to be les chaotic and cleaned up and I remember really focusing on cleaning the kids corner (even though I saw so children in this dream). We were all very proud once we were done.
Then there was a big speech in this huge auditorium setting where Amy and everyone sorta decided to do what they wanted as they have been micromanaged for too long, so as per usual in the show, things go of the rails pretty quickly. People were not following safety protocols and they launched indoor fireworks and pyrotechnics for this beauty pageant that was going on and one of the fuzzy sounndproof thingies caught fire, so Amy, someone else, and I worked together to try and wrangle the people and put out the fire. The work took a toll on Amy and she grabbed her briefcase and walked up this huge wooden staircase like in the movie, Titanic.
Now the perspective of the dream shifted to where I was now Amy. I heard people whispering and mentioning that I looked awful and some woman said "it's her awful mental health." I remember feeling really bummed as Amy and really depressed. I kept walking up the stairs and Jonah from Superstore was following close behind because he knew something was off. I/Amy made it up to the top of the stairs and I just jumped off this very tall stairs. Jonah grabbed my hand right as I was beginning to fall, but we both fell. I remember feeling the weight of Jonah's hand and the weightlessness you feel when you're falling. Then as I/we hit the ground, her perspective went black.
Then it shifted back to my perspective. I ran up from the back of the shop to the middle by the stairs and saw the commotion. Amy was not there, but Jonah was. I asked him what happened and he was banged up and his face was stricken with tears and I remember looking into his glassy, red, tear-filled eyes where he said that Amy jumped and "killed her baby."
Note: this along with the jump are what stuck with me the most and I've been thinking about it all day. :(
We saw an ambulance arrive to pick up Amy as she survived her jump and it seemed that the baby was okay! But as this was happening, the dream shifted to a weird burglary/heist sorta thing where a group of 4 space pirates decided to rob the ship and try to steal Amy's suitcase because it had all the ship's confidential and financial info in it. But myself along with a kitchen chef Home Aloned these pirates and saved our information, so yay! And Amy made a full recovery while also now speaking Spanish and English? That's how everyone knew she was okay?
THEN the dream made an even more dramatic shift and ended with Amy and Jonah getting married and all of us having to do a Superstore college test, but Amy came back in her wedding dress and all after leaving the reception saying that we didn't have to do the test and we could go home.
Then my toddler woke me up for the day. HOW BONKERS IS THIS? What in the world is bothering me?
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ornithorynquerouge · 2 months
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Splendid Arce Alyssa, great tan
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jenniferconelly70 · 2 months
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Jennifer Connelly in the 90s
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sundewhasaudhd · 25 days
DSMP and Vocaloid fans of Tumblr, I summon thy
So, I’m working on a project that involves this Miku playlist:
So basically, for my first big animation project, I want to reanimate this as DSMP characters, which works perfectly, because there are 39 characters in DSMP (not including characters like Dream XD or Kristen or anything like that). And I want all the songs to fit the characters. This is what I have so far:
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Can some of you guys out there please help me figure out what to do for most of these goobers? All I’d need is for you to comment under this post, or reblog, or ask me about a suggestion you have, and the reasoning behind it. Thank you for your time, and have a great day/night :]
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uswntpoc · 7 months
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uswnt Just us and the 🐐
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lazy30 · 1 month
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Don’t messed up with them, they’re just being silly >:3
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alyssa-ai · 25 days
Following this space sci-fi movie evening, I drift off to sleep imagining myself as a spaceship pilot. 🪐🚀👽
Wouldn't you feel safe with me in command? 😊
Love the power of dreams ... 🤩
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thesummerrtriangle · 9 months
there is a right answer to this
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venshot-artist · 12 days
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And today we have Alyssa! In fact, I really love this character, even though he appeared... very little. I've come up with so many headcannons for her, you should know.
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I'm... honestly kinda tired of tumblr. Like, I like it here but also seeing people I care about get deleted by staff sucks. Seeing the 'queerest place on the internet' be extra draconian to queer (and especially trans) people is miserable.
I dunno.
I have a following here, but... like... I don't care? If you follow me I appreciate you, genuinely, but also my follower count has been high enough to stress me out for years now. I have been using addons to block that number everywhere I can, but I still end up seeing so many notifications that I know how many people are there anyway.
Like... I make a big deal out of being extremely abrasive on here, and while I do agree with everything I say, I also word it in such incendiary ways specifically to try and get people to avoid me. Which I think just made me a bigger target for that one... I don't even know what to call it. It wasn't a callout (to my knowledge), just a really weird wave of targeted harassment against me and my friends and it sucked.
I'm half tempted to just vanish off this site at some point and not tell anyone. Y'all wouldn't even notice anyway, I got 2 months worth of posts queued up. I posture a lot about how none of this bothers me, but the fucking panopticon of social media is a hellscape and I don't want to deal with it anymore. I'm sick of having to justify my own existence to people. I'm sick of having the things that make me unique erased for the benefits of some, while also being enlarged as a target for others still. I'm sick of having to feel like I need to hide who I am because I don't fit into other peoples mold.
I'm sick of meeting knew people who I thought were my friends, only to learn they have been disgusted by stuff I'm passionate about ever since they met me. I'm sick of being stuck on the outskirts of issues while being held at gunpoint to choose a side. I'm sick of people trying to make me into what they want me to be. Of being expected to be something specific. Of being in the middle of issues so caught up in presentation that if you use the wrong semantics you are torn to shreds but if someone else uses the wrong semantics you are a bitch for missing the point.
I'm fucking sick of spending my time on this website constantly looking at the Sword of Damocles dangling and wondering when it will finally fall on me and cost me everything. When the harassment will turn from people being shitty to and about me, to people wanting me dead for who I am. Of every complaint about systemic violence I've been affected by being met with "Okay but are you REALLY affected by this, or are you just playing victim?"
I'm sick of the fact that even here on my own little slice of the internet, there are parts of myself that I'm desperate to share but never can, because I know they will be used against me.
I'm just so fucking tired.
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x-i-l-verify · 2 days
Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Characters: Dream, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Technoblade, Philza, ItsAlyssa, Awesamdude, Dream SMP Ensemble Status: complete Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dehumanization, Fantasy Racism, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Relationships, Hugs, Headcanons, Worldbuilding
In a timeline where Players are not whitelisted to the Dream SMP until they reach the age of majority, there is no drug van, no L'Manberg, no Doomsday, no Disc Finale, and no Pandora's Vault. However, in the aftermath of Sapnap's latest bout of trouble-making, the Egg awakens and establishes its empire, and despite the server's admin debugging the virus down to bedrock, the Dream SMP now has a brand-new public enemy number one. (or: Due to one simple rule change at the Dream SMP's creation, BadBoyHalo is now the reviled and distrusted villain of the server instead of Dream.)
link to fic
link to my BigBang partner's art
I wrote a thing for the @dreblr-gen-big-bang! Took me 3 and a half months but I did it. ;v;d Pls go check it out if it sounds cool to you.
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ornithorynquerouge · 5 months
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Arce Alyssa on the racetrack, Ford GT 40
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jenniferconelly70 · 2 months
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Jennifer Connelly, 1991
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kay-no-lies · 1 month
pls for the love of all things USWNT, pls let Alyssa mf Naeher be okay.
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raiweljace · 11 months
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Pics for my fairy au!
Tommy is a master of the sidhe hills and he's befriend with little fairy Drista. It'll be more connected sketches under the spoiler.
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alyssa-ai · 20 days
Obviously after a TV series evening, we end up falling asleep like an Angel ☁️🪽
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