#am I insufficiently kinglike?
mankillercalledbunny · 4 months
One of the sweetest things is when you post a new work on AO3 and then one of your old works gets a comment because it means that somebody read the new thing and liked it so much that they went and checked what other stuff you wrote and they liked that enough to tell you about it and I just think that is so fucking precious!! thank you thank you thank you to the people who do that, keep doing it it's the best feeling as an author
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voidartisan · 11 months
sometimes i'll be functioning normally (for me, anyway) but then onea realia realisa onum he couldn't offend the gods with a pointed stick eddis doesn't make the same mistakes twice "war, then" i look forward to hearing of your future adventures he can bear his god a little longer i took the attolian's arm as if we were good friends so so so i clean up nicely don't i? am i insufficiently kinglike?
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sounis-sophos · 5 years
Hi, it's Kain from @masteroffoolhardyplans and @fromryloth-tocorellia
I'm not sure what happened to my main but I have contacted support and hopefully they can get it restored soon. Until then you can find me here.
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mankillercalledbunny · 10 months
Okay fire dungeon and Legos let's GOOOOO
So excited for team girlboss
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mankillercalledbunny · 7 months
Me when my disability is disabling:
Tumblr media
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mankillercalledbunny · 8 months
The leverage ot3 really are THE ot3 aren't they? Jfc the look in Eliot's eyes in the finale when he looks at Hardison and Parker, after his little exchange with Nate? "I don't have to search anymore"? And with Sophie: "Promise me you'll protect them?" "'Til my dying day."
GODS I have so many fucking feelings about them
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mankillercalledbunny · 3 months
VR-LA becomes the subject of the next red string board just because the crew needs to keep track of what fucking gods, demons, and eldritch beings this poor bastard has a tie to
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Hey gang can I get some Fantasy For Grown-ups recommendations (especially if they're available in audiobook format but NOT audible exclusives bc I use Libby)? I've been listening to a lot of T Kingfisher's fantasy lately all of which centers around grown ass adults but keeps a lot of the things I loved about fantasy growing up: fun and creative worldbuilding, competent protagonists, humour and clever dialogue, and intriguing narrative. I also like Pratchett, especially the Watch set and the Witches. I like stories that feel like they could conceivably have been a Dungeons and Dragons campain, or are subversions of a traditional fairytale. I don't mind romance subplots (as long as they're established well and don't feel tacked on because the author felt obligated) but I'm not one for Romance Novels specifically, which is why I don't use the term Adult Fantasy because for some reason people take that to mean porn with some dragons thrown in. I'm definitely up for some Sci-Fi in my fantasy, too!
Books I loved:
T Kingfisher
Nettle & Bone
Bryony and Roses
Paladin's Grace (currently reading)
Other authors/works
The Watch Cycle (Terry Pratchett) and other Discworld
The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
Lamb by Christopher Moore
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
16 Ways To Defend A Walled City by K J Parker (and sequels)
The Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
Books I liked as a kid that are in the same vein
Redwall by Brian Jacques
Lockwood & co by Jonathan Stroud
Everything by Rick Riordon
The Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull
Please don't recommend anything by Sarah J Maas, Brandon Sanderson, or Leigh Bardugo, I've already got the big names on the list.
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mankillercalledbunny · 7 months
Love the intensity of the emotion in Athena's intro to The Trial and how vicious she is in the middle section when she cries out "you CLOISTERED CHILDREN" like? The self-martyrdom? The hypocrisy? The double standard? It's JUICY and explores how her strengths became flaws SO well.
She's such a well-done character and honestly any of the final responses make sense, despite usually going green main I like the blue ending for that song. I think it honours the character best, I feel like she'd struggle hardcore with just being forgiven.
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mankillercalledbunny · 2 months
The worst part about having OCs that you really like and find really interesting is that you have to provide all the stuff for them. I'm sitting here and I'm like "I want to know more about his story" but I'm the only one who can write the fucking story. I want to read more about these little guys on their adventures but I have to come up with and write the adventures. The stories cannot simply spring fully formed onto the page and it is so annoying.
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mankillercalledbunny · 10 months
Sometimes when you're overwhelmed you just need to sit and quietly talk yourself through simple actions with the kindness and gentleness of a preschool teacher helping an overwhelmed 3-year-old, with plenty of "that's it, you're all right, it's okay"s and maybe occasionally rubbing your shoulder to reassure your inner 3-year-old that yes, it is, in fact, gonna be okay, and you are doing a good job, and that is not only okay but actively helps a lot in giving yourself the grace you need without judging yourself and shame-spiralling. Life IS a lot sometimes, be kind to your inner 3-year-old. You're doing the best you can right now, and that's all we can ask of ourselves. It's a lot easier when we're asking gently.
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Sometimes your OCs inform you of things and you just have to sit there like "you're killing me. Do you understand? You're killing your parent"
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mankillercalledbunny · 3 months
I am SO behind on And Back Again (I'm only listening to episode 2) but listening to Dillin playing the absolute Silliest Little Guy as Petaur after playing literally Thee Most Stressèd Character Ever as Atelut is the funniest fucking heel change and I love it
The funky little voice? The mirror pronouns? The CARD TRICK? It's so beautiful I knew I was right to be excited
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If anyone has any favourite Baldur's Gate 3 mods especially appearance mods for the player character please send them to me, I wanna make my little guys look right
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mankillercalledbunny · 6 months
I listened to the whole of the fucking UC Post office one shot and FINALLY REALISED THAT THE PERSON IN THE VOLCANO IS FUCKING TIFFANY
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