#am i getting crazier bc i just get worse as i get older or am i giving myself brain damage
waste-0f-spacee · 2 years
just chugged cough syrup the way adam sandler does in Click
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skubean · 2 years
Omg hiiii. I was wondering if you could do a Saiki K request? Basically he meets another psychic that’s not attracted to him and she’s in the grade above so she practically acts like his older sister and fights off Kusuke AHAHAHAH
Thanks again💜💜
hello, anon! thank you for the request. i thought this idea was really funny since it's random but i like it a lot!! i'll try my best and hope u liked it! (i'm also really sorry it took me so long to do this)
psychic! reader fighting kusuke ft. kusuo saiki (hcs)
notes: fem reader, platonic, reader acts like saiki's older sis, just crack
kusuo was unamused, to say the least. here he was, listening to you rant about how powerful you were in comparison to him, in which he absolutely disagrees. but who was he to say anything? you clearly weren't listening to him, nor did you care.
he should've acted quicker when he felt your presence in his school, a senior a year older who was looking for him. knowing that kusuo could hear your thought, you told him to befriend you if he wanted you to keep your mouth shut over the fact that the both of you were psychics.
which is why kusuo is stuck with you after classes, and during recess (in which kokomi was not pleased).
a part of kusuo thought that you were one of the girls that were chasing after him (you were so offended he thought of you like that, the disgusted face you made was enough to serve as proof that he was wrong).
to add insult to injury, kokomi came across you ruffling kusuo's hair once, so now the misunderstanding just keeps getting worse.
tbh, you were doing it on purpose since kusuo was always so stone-faced and it just intrigued you.
in all truth, the reason you approached kusuo was to stop his older brother, kusuke from wrecking the whole entire world.
although kusuo doubts his brother's capability in doing so, he knows it's possible. he knows. because it's kusuke.
but what kusuo wasn't expecting was how much he liked having your company around, much to his dismay. having you around made him feel like he wasn't alone (in terms of being psychic)
and to be honest, you liked hanging out with him too! as much as he tried ignoring you, you just couldn't help but be around him.
and then the day came, and you had to face kusuke.
kusuke was 100% annoyed that you existed T.T like wtf you doing around my brother typa beat.
and you were actually right, the man was tryna destroy the world! so you and kusuo had to play kusuke's little game of hide and seek and eventually managed to win.
kusuke was amused, the least to say.
now imagine him tryna research on you bcs he's never seen someone on the same wavelength w his bro.
to conclude, now kusuke was constantly on your ass and kusuo is the least bothered by it.
your everyday life just got more crazier
a/n: i am so SORRY this took so long i actually passed out mid writing bcs i was so sick KJSDKSAHDK and then forgot i was writing abt this and im sorry this just dont make no sense T.T
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Hi Sarah, I hope your sunday is going well :) if you dont mind answering this, could you help me? I always thought I wanted to be a mom and have kids all the stuff. I am turning 30 next month and I am single and not a person who have relationships in my book haha. I am an aunt of 2 and love them so very much and I do everything (I changed so many diapers, I give food, play a lot with them, put them to sleep etc). But seeing how much work and the forever work it is Did make me think about it …
... did I used to say I wanted to be a mom bc of society or pressure of my traditional family? Or I am saying I don't want to be a mom bc I don't think I will be able to do it? Anyway, even being single sometimes not knowing whether I want to have a kid it gets to me you know? I know how personal this is so I am sorry if is this is a sensitive topic and feel free to not answer or post. I am asking more bc you are always so eloquent and helpful and thoughtful in your asks.
Hi! Oof, friend. I'm really honoured and grateful you'd feel this was a safe enough space to come to to ask these big huge life questions.
To be honest, one topic I am always happy to honour and talk about is the choice of motherhood/parenthood. Namely, for me personally, the inverse of that choice and actively choosing to be child-free. I'm really open in my personal life about it and choose to be open about it in this space because it's important to me to normalize and to talk about.
It's obviously one of the most personal choices that you can make in life - and within that choice of wanting parenthood there are even then so many different roads to go down depending on which makes the most sense for you. The choice to be married and have kids with someone. The choice to not be married but have kids with someone. The choice to not be married but have kids by yourself. I have people in each of those categories in my life, alongside friends who - like me - do not want to have children (I'm so excited to have more cats, though!).
I think there is indeed so much pressure, especially as we get older, to get on society's expected conveyer belt of choices. It upsets some people when you don't do things in the conventional order. Or, even worse, when you choose not to participate at all (I am also turning 30 in a few months!).
I can't make this choice for you, but I can tell you that it's okay to be intimidated by the work (forever work is a great term for it) of raising a human. And it is hard work - with no time off or vacation days (though of course we know it takes a village). I have a lot of admiration for people who choose to put that work in to rear tiny humans. I'm sure one is never 100% ready to be a parent because it's a terrifying and forever life changing decision. But I know for many that the hard work feels worth it for the joy of being a parent. In fact I would say it's crazier to not feel intimidated by the amount of work it takes to raise a human. I think it just says that you know from personal experience (by the way - cheers to you for being such a supportive aunt/sister) how hard it is and that you honour and take seriously the commitment of being a parent. You understand it isn't a frivolous decision. To me that just says you take it seriously, not that you are incapable of taking that choice on - if you ever do, of course.
And if for whatever reason (there are many!) you may not want to have children - that is okay and valid, too.
Thinking of you fondly, friend, and will always be in your corner no matter your choice as a happily child-free person.
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manhattan-gamestop · 4 years
YEAH IKR????? My pit didn’t collapse (outdoor venue), but I am DEFINITELY not surprised. My experience in the All Time Low pit was a Buckwild Experience, and legitimately has made me not go Pit to a concert since
I went pit for All Time Low at Warped 2018 at the end of the festival, so I was already hella dehydrated and sunburnt and what-have-you. I was in like the fourth row to the barrier, which, as you may know, is a BAD PLACE to be!!! because that tends to be where crowdsurfers (who ATL Actively Encouraged) get dropped on you. I was also surrounded by tall, sweaty people and slowly getting separated from my group of Older Peers, so I was not having a Great Time. This Not Great Time was made worse when at like the third-to-last song, the lead singer says something along the lines of “IF YOU CAN CROWDSURF OVER THE BARRIER I’LL KISS YOU”
Since I was a 5′3′‘, 17 year-old babygay, who was now fully separated from my group of my older sister and her buds, that was the WORST news I could ever hear. And, to make a long story short, with the rate people were being dropped on me and the gradually building fear that I was just gonna Die like this, I ended up having a full-blown panic attack in the pit.
My sister eventually found me, and because I was in roughly the fourth row to the barrier, the best way to get me out of the pit was to have me crowdsurf the four rows and get taken out by security. However, (I don’t remember this part but my sister told me afterwards), several fans didn’t LET me crowdsurf to the front, because they thought I was trying to get to the front to Kiss the lead singer, which is. Bullshit bc I was like. bawling and shaking and very visibly Not Okay at this point. My sister eventually talked to the security guards that would be taking me out, and they forced some of the crazier fans to comply. But, I will say that there were some genuinely good people who helped me out and confronted those die-hard fans about how ridiculous they were being. And I very much appreciate those people in hindsight.
But yeah! I’d been in SEVERAL pits before that one (like Panic! At the Disco, Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness, Weezer, Black Veil Brides, Mayday Parade, etc.) and NONE of them had a pit that was that batshit insane. I talked to one of my sister’s friends after I’d recovered from the panic attack, and she said All Time Low crowds are SUPER scary. Though, she ALSO said that they’re calmer on the East Coast, which your ask kind of contradicts. Wild! While there’s a lot of things I miss in the pandemic, concert pits aren’t one of them, and if it takes a few years of chiller concerts to transition to normalcy, I’m more than okay with that lmao
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aures-rose · 4 years
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Disclaimer: Very much and very little have happened since my last update. I broke my ankle last month and that’s kept me from really roleplaying and writing like I might normally in frequency, quality, and duration. Despite this, I have a lot to write since a lot of this happened before my incident. Anyways! To the entry!
Dear Diary,
So much has happened since my last entry! Where do I even start? I had my first practical potions lesson this year! Deputy Headmistress is teaching it, and she had a cauldron of a love potion called Amortentia. It smelled like firewood and the ocean and flowers, wisteria I think. Maybe lavender. Someone, I think it was Eve, said it smells like whatever you find the most attractive. So I guess I like campfires by the sea. Which makes sense actually, we always had that campfire under the pergola where Mother’s wisteria grew. Anyways, Eve and I brewed the Antidote to Common Poisons which seems like a useful thing to be able to brew. I didn’t even know I could brew, but I didn’t mess up!
After class, Eve and I went down to the campsite near Dumbledore’s grave and we hung out for a while. She told me how she and Marigold had talked about doing a group Halloween costume for the bash this year as plants that can be found in the forest. Eve really likes herbology you see and she got a book from her mum about different plants, I think she said they may have been Victorian plants, I can’t remember. She was talking about going as some kind of mushroom and I had the idea of being a rose, with a paper mache rose head on or something.
Later on I ran into Margo again. She was heading back to the common room and since I knew a shortcut through Lady Prudence, I showed it to Margo. I told her it really pays off to talk to the portraits in school and she said she’d have to talk to more of them. She invited me into the first year dorm where she was supposed to meet Venus- another first year. Venus was going to tell Margo a secret. Margo took me to their dorm and introduced me to Venus who seems really nice and likes plants. Her mum plays music too, piano I think she said. I promised to show her where the music room is sometime, a lot of first years seem to not know about it, I guess because we have no music professor this year. Venus and Margo both showed me their beds, Margo likes plants and Venus also likes stars! Then Venus told us she’d overheard a friend talking to a boy and she’d learned of a secret room through one of the portraits. She was supposed to show us the next day but I ended up being really busy. I’ll have to ask Margo to show me sometime. Also, I think I really like the name Venus. I know it’s a planet and a Roman Goddess, but I like it because how romantic it sounds.
Anyways, I had Herbology with Eve next. I really do hate Herbology. I mean, I like looking at flowers and plants but I just don’t get it. But in class we were collecting mushrooms from the edge of the forest. Venus asked me to partner with her but I’d already partnered with Eve so I had to tell her no. Eve and I talked about herbology for a while and mostly she picked all the mushrooms with these really nice scissors she had. After class, we sat in the courtyard and talked. We decided instead of going by the dock, we were going to sneak brooms and fly to a secret place on the castle which will become our secret place. We’ll bring supplies like blankets and stuff and we’ll hide out there for our sleepover.
We also talked about Ghoul Studies because it was going to be our next class. We talked about Professor Esper and how romantically he talks and also how he wears… a flower on his suit which Eve says represents mourning, or it did in Victorian times. I wonder if Professor Esper is mourning a long dead sweetheart from his days as a student. Wouldn’t that be romantic? In class the Head Boy, Elliott sat near us and we both told him we’d bet money on him with Nora for the TriWizard Cup. Professor Esper also had asked Eve to cast a spell and levitate all the homework to his desk but she couldn’t do it. She asked me for help and I was actually able to do it!
Then came DADA. Not the good DADA though. No. DADA with stupid Professor Vikander. Can you believe he took TWENTY POINTS from Gryffindor just because some boy’s spell backfired? That made me so mad! My blood actually started to boil, I swear! Actually, my hands did get really hot and so did my face and the edges of my eyes got real blurry like… I couldn’t help it and I ended up yelling at Professor Vikander. I… said some not nice things about how he didn’t care about his students and I wished I was a Hufflepuff because Professor Priaulx is better and actually cares. I can’t believe he let me get away with everything I said, really. Tom and Eve were trying really hard to calm me down and I think that’s the only reason I really left the class. It’s so embarrassing getting angry like that. I need to remember to take my calming drought always. Anyways, we were making our way down the tower and there was a crowd at the bottom. And in that crowd was the boy who’d lost us all those points. I couldn’t help myself! I tried to petrify him… from there it all went crazy. Everything happened so fast but Eve tackled me and my spell hit Talula I think. Elliott came down and pulled Eve off me and she explained she wasn’t attacking me, she was trying to stop me and then everything got even crazier!! I don’t remember everything that happened because Eve surprised me so bad and I started to feel really embarrassed and ended up crying. Eventually Professor Vikander came down and everything was still crazy but Talula gave me a calming drought bc the one in my backpack got shattered. Then Professor Vikander sent Eve and I to the Hospital Wing. I apologised to her there and she told me I had nothing to be sorry for and…. That Lex… Lex Ashworth had said something very cruel. He’d been talking to Aloy but he called her a fire flinging freak and… I mean… sure, he was mad at Aloy but… if that’s what Lex thinks of her… what about Talula? Or me? My family? I come from a line of fire flinging freaks even if I’ve never managed it myself…
After that, I kind of laid low for a while, avoiding everyone. Especially since… after that, my eye got even worse. I don’t know why but instead of two pupils, now there’s three. Am I doomed to just keep getting more and more? Will my other eye become freaky next? I don’t know what to do about it but I can’t keep ignoring it so I’ve been trying to do research on curses and what kind might have caused this. I plan on speaking to Professor Macauley about it as soon as possible and if he doesn’t have answers I’ll go to Professor Blightly and then O'Keeffe if she doesn’t. I have to figure this out and how to go back to normal or at least how to stop it.
Then it was announced there was going to be a fashion show. I don’t know anything about fashion and I don’t really care but Gwyn, my mentor, was running the meeting so I decided to go to support her. Somehow I ended up being chosen to represent our house in the casual category. I ended up wearing my red jumper dress with a white t-shirt, a red flower crown of flowers I don’t know what they’re called but they remind me of the Christmas flowers, red flags, my red backpack, and of course, my violin case. I also put stars on my face, because I like decorating myself. The fashion show was really scary honestly but Talula put some lipgloss on me and everyone was really supportive. It was scary walking on stage on front of everyone and I was afraid I’d like or fall off stage but I did it! And I never want to do it again! I’d watch it again though!
Talula also ran a club called Spark Club this month. Spark Club is where you can meet new friends or dates. I only wanted friends so I put that when I signed up. Somehow Talula pairs you with three people, I don’t know how, and you spend a few minutes talking and getting to know each other with the talk starter Tal gives you. My first pair was Bailey but I think he was late getting there so Margo and her match, Dana, who is a first year in our house talked to me for a little bit. Margo said I could be a model because of how tall I am but I definitely don’t want that. Eventually Bailey showed up and we talked about getting into trouble a little bit. My next pair was named Gage but he never showed up so I sat around and watched everyone else for a bit. Lastly, I was paired with Eve! Talula said we were too cute not to pair up and I told Eve it was destiny! She was talking to an older student named Romi Clementine. Romi is a fourth year I think and she’s really pretty, like a doll. She was even dressed like a doll in this frilly red dress. She said she liked charms and Homemaking Magic and that the Spark Club was a little too noisy for her which I totally get.
Oh, Eve also gave me a book at Spark Club. It’s called Coraline and she said she wanted us to choose characters from the book for our Halloween costumes instead. I’m going to start reading it tonight, just as soon as I finish writing in you. She said it was one of her favourite books and I think it’s nice to see what your friends like if you want to get close to them. She also said she’d like it if we all started a book club. So I’m going to read some of this and then maybe we can sit around and have a talk about it!
Oh! The Triwizard Tournament is closing in, I don’t remember if I told you but Hogwarts is hosting it this year. Saturday the other schools arrived. It was amazing. The Beauxbatons students are so elegant and graceful! They arrived in a blue flying carriage pulled by winged horses that were all golden! When their Headmistress stepped out she looked like an ice princess with all these feathers on her dress. Then the students came out with all this beautiful water magic and there were golden sparks and it was all amazing. The Durmstrang students were intimidating! It’s crazy to me to think that if Grandmother Banon had remained in Bulgaria, I could have been a Durmstrang student too. I couldn’t imagine that! They’re so serious and like… They arrived in a ship that came out of the lake, bursting through the ice alongside all these patronuses! The students came marching off the ship with these torches held over their heads and then the flames leapt from their torches and made this arc and the Deputy Headmistress came marching off. I don’t think anyone’s seen the Headmaster yet, apparently he wasn’t feeling well. 
There was also a HUGE feast where Headmistress O’Keeffe explained all the rules of the tournament, apparently you can only participate if you’re 17. Then she revealed the Goblet of Fire! It’s got these blue flames and it was super cool to watch. There’s also these blue flames around the Goblet which apparently keeps anyone under 17 from trying to put their name in. I wonder who will be chosen from each school… I can’t imagine being chosen for Hogwarts… I hope though… I hope one day I can be in the Triwizard Tournament. Could you imagine? Aures Truegarden, Triwizard Tournament Champion. I’ve heard some students talk about trying to sneak their names into the Goblet but I’m not ready and I know that. I’m still just a kid. But one day!
That’s almost everything, I think. The only thing left is to tell you I’ve found a new project! I’m going to try to learn a musical piece called The Devil’s Trill. It’s by Tartini. I was reading a music book and I found a story about it and really wanted to learn it after that. This composer, Giuseppe Tartini was having a hard time making money as a violinist. He decided he wanted to die- that’s sad isn’t it?- but before he did, he wanted the chance to dream for one last night. That night he dreamed of the devil! Or is it, a devil? Anyways, he told his friend,some French astronomer that he dreamed the devil came and asked him to be his teacher. At the end of their lesson, Tartini gave the devil his violin and asked him to play, to see how good the Devil was. The devil played so amazingly that it took Tartini’s breath away. How I wish I could play that well. Anyways, Tartini woke up with a jolly and jumped out of bed, immediately writing down the sonata and trying to catch what he’d heard in his dream. The Sonata became super successful! Everyone said that you could hear bells and chimes during the performance and that it felt like the room was getting smaller and smaller but Tartini said it was nowhere near as perfect as what he heard in his dream. I want to learn to play The Devil’s Trill and make people feel something. Anyways, I should start this book but… goodnight diary! Thanks for always listening!</p>
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