#i’ve already beat myself in the head today just because i dropped a q tip on the ground
waste-0f-spacee · 2 years
just chugged cough syrup the way adam sandler does in Click
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faangirl101 · 6 years
Webbed and flirty, Peter x reader
Peter parker x reader
Anonymous asked: Could you write a Peter Parker x reader where the reader is Peter Quills daughter and when her and Peter meet its like flirting plus Tony and Peter Q being dad’s? Thank you
Authors note: all you have to know is that Peter Quiell is “papa” and Tony stark is “dad”
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“Parker”, my dad, tony stark, turned his back to me as he whispered low into the phone. The rest of the conversation was hard to judge from the whispered words i actually caught.
“tell your aunt it's the internship”
He was talking to peter parker, of course. I mean, i am Tony stark's daughter after all, did he really think he could hide the fact that spider boy is peter parker? We used to go to the same school, peter and i, and still after being extremely attracted to him, i did not once have a real conversation with him. Then we graduated and everything was lost, well until i eavesdropped on my dads and overheard them mention peter parker. After that it wasn't hard to figure out the rest.
Peter Quill, my papa (which i called him to not mix him him up with my other Tony), sat trying to handle the ipod he got from Tony on his birthday. “Yo”, he bumped his shoulder with mine “this thing can keep like, 300 songs, can you pinch me darling, i just wanna be sure i'm not dreaming”. I rolled my eyes, trying to look uninterested, even if a smile was threatening from him being this happy “Dad, its 2018, catch up”.
He pointed his tongue out at me before putting his headphone in. Music streamed out, reaching my ears.
I was bored again. “Daaaaaad”, i muttered getting up and started walking after Tony. “Not now, pumpkin”, he reached out a finger in front of me shushing me. I don't like being hushed, long story short. i tried to speak again but Tony hushed me again. “No you don't have to bring your own own pyjamas, i've told you i've already made you a new suit”.
Before any of us really could react, i snatched the phone out of Tony grip and placed it onto my own ear. “Heya peter”, i tried to calm my beating heart and rising blush. Tony tried to take the phone back but i slipped out of his reach and jumped up on the coach were Peter was sitting. “h-hey”, i heard the teenage boy stutter on the other line. “y/n Stark, Tony's daughter here, we went to Italien class together”. i heard a nervous laugh on the other line “right. Starks daughter. Ummm, we never really talked, not the same friend circle”. I felt the blush rising up in my scalp, no matter how hard i tried to cool it down. I saw Tony grimace behind the yellow sunglasses as he mouthed “give it back”. But i wasn't done messing with him just yet. “Well that's all going to be changed when you come here, Spider boy, i can't wait to catch up with you”, i said with the sweetest voice i had, fluttering my eyelashes even if dad was the only one who saw. Then i bounced down from the couch and handed Tony back his phone. He was surprised, to say at least, not only because i knew Peter was spiderman… but also because i just flirted with him. Dad gave me one last warning look before leaving the room with the phone pressed tight against his ear. Right before the door slammed shut i heard him say “That, Penis parker, is my daughter. She's off limits, don't look at her and don't even think of her”. I couldn't wait until Peter got here.
Two hours later, after 1 pound of makeup and the cutest summer dress i had Peter finally arrived to Avengers tower. My face was glistering of highlighter and my lips covered in a soft pink making them look more swollen. The dress was simple, yellow and off shoulder. The end of it reached my mid thighs and showed of my new shaved tanned legs. My hair was just half up and half down, to keep it out of my face. Okay, i will admit i made myself this cute because Peter fricking Parker, was going to show up. And… well because i wanted to piss of my dad. I looked in the mirror, grimacing in different “cute” smiles to myself. “Hey peter”, i said to my reflections while fingering on the end of my hair tipps. I wasn't being cute, i looked like a complete idiot. Plus, i had nothing on Liz, makeup or not. It was a well known fact about Peters crush and who really blames him. Liz was so cute and incredibly smart and supportive, you just couldn't hate her. Its weird i had two dads that both are considered beautiful but still ended up looking compelly average. “Peter”, i smiled honestly into the mirror “hows life?”. How's life? really? I blew out a nervous breath while fixing my hair. Maybe i should just stay up here, safe with a book.
“Y/n”, My papa called “That pete kid is here”. I could feel the familiar blush rising again, fuck, i never blush this often. “Umm, peter, Mr Quill”, i heard Peter correct him and just to hear his voice made butterflies scatter in the depths of my abdomen. “Coming!”, I called back as i took one last look in the mirror. At this point, he was probably dating Liz so it really doesn't matter what i look like. I swung up the door, tripping out in the corridor out in the living room. And my entire body went into “i'm screwed” mode. Peter fucking Parker got hit by puberty. Real good. His hair was longer now, flowing down his forehead in small curls. I could see pure muscles through his his tight star-wars t-shirt. His usual blue hoodie was wrapped around his firm waist, and i thanked god he made the day hot enough for him to take of the hoodie. He was taller now, at least a head taller than me. Jesus, this boy always found new ways to make me shake of adrenaline. I decided it was weird to continue to stare like this so i walked forward to my dad. Peter looked at me, his jaw fell open i shock at the look of me, but it looked like he caught himself when Tony gave him a warning look. “Peter!”, I smile at his t-shirt “ha, nice one”. He looks down the t-shirt which says “i could make a star wars pun, but i don't wanna force it”. He smiled back up to me as he rubbed the backside of his neck nervously “umm thanks, i like your dress”. I blush again, dammit. “Watch it, kid”, i heard Tony mumble under his breath. Papa put a hand dad's shoulder and gives him a meaning look. Dad seems to relax a bit of his husbands hand. “What are you working on”, I asked looking past Peters shoulder. On a table was peter suit firmly folded. “Well, Peter keeps cutting out the baby monitor protocol”, Tony put his arms over his chest stubbornly. I rolled my eyes “come on dad, he's 18”. Even if i know Dad probably mouthed my words childishly for himself i chose to look at Peter instead “you hacked into the suits safe system through the video cord right?”. Peter nodded and i laughed for myself “yeah, weak spot. That's how i hack myself into the surveillance camera he put in my room”.
Peter smiled impressed “well, i tried taking away the support wheel protocol with the same tactive but the video cord was too deep so i  needed Ned´s help, he was pissed at me cause he rather build the death star lego set with me…”. The Boys eyes shots upen as he looks down at the ground stumbling “why would you say that, peter”. His nervosity was adorable. “How many pieces?”, i ask and can't help but to look fairly intresseded. I'm such a nerd, jesus. Peter take a step closer like he's about to whisper “3803”. I wrinkle my forehead “what? no way? its like 4016”. He chuckles shaking his head “nah nah, its a common knowledge that its 3803 pieces”. I laugh mockingly at him “oh god, you're such a noob, everybody knows it's 4016, look it up, jar jar”.
He pretend to look offended by my comment “Did you just call me jar jar? i'm obviously Han”.
I take a step closer without really thinking about it “yeah? who am i then, obi wan?”. He gives me something i would judge as a flirty smile “More like Leia”.
We are so close to eachother now i can feel his breath on my face. I make sure to look at his lips before dropping my risky line “why? because you wanna see me in a golden bikini?”.
That shuts him up but i still catch him looking at my lips, if only for a second.
“Hey! Hey”, Tony push me gently out of the way “That's enough”. While Dragging Peter down to the lab i can hear him mumble something similar to “Kids nowadays”. Papa putts a arm around my shoulder “take it easy on your dad, kay?”. I nod but in the back of my head i'm screaming “lies”. My papa's beard tickle me as he bends down to whisper in my ear “yeah, by the way, keep messing with your dad. I haven't seen him this ireeterad since his and Stevens fight. he's really hot when he's bothered”. I groan pushing him away “Ewww, papa?! i didn't need to know that. Eeeww, pictures in my head”. Papa winked at me while clicking his tongue “plus i think that Peter kid really likes you. he's a good kid that would do  good to you”.
“Peter?”, i whisper scream while looking around the lab. According to JARVIS, Dad left about 20 minutes ago and Peter is still in the building. When i dint get an answer i tip toe further into the room “Parker?”. I hear a thumb followed by some swear words. On a bench, Peter sat grasping onto his head while groaning. I whine for myself before speaking out “I'm sorry if i startled you”. peter lets out a mix of a chuckle and a gasp “no problem, my spider senses should have sensed you coming in”. I walk over to him, seemed to surprise him the second time this hour by putting a hand on his head. “Lemme look at it”, i whisper as i try to ignore how good his soft locks feel between my fingers. He nod as he moves the chair under him so he sits right in front of me. I move my fingers gently through his hair, careful not to accidently press to hard. “You have soft hair, what conditioner do you use?”, i say jocklingy to light up the situation. It seems to work as he chuckles under me. It was like a silent approval to make him laugh as i smile proudly. Even if i'm way past looking for a wound, i continue to move my hands through his soft hair. i can't help it. it smells so good and i can't help but to think how it would feel between my hands while he eats me out. A warmth spreads through my stomach as i try to swallow down my desire. “That feels good”, he mumbles so low i just barely managed to hear him. “for both of us”, i whisper back as i can feel him push his head closer to me like he's chasing my touch. In the action the stroller on the chair bumps into my shoes, knocking me out of balance. But Peter seems to see this seconds before me as im suddenly  being catched by my waist and falls forward instead. I land on top of his lap, my sundress flying up to fall like a duvet over his jeans and my thighs. I'm out of breath, so surprised over the past seconds. His hands are still on my hips, keeping me from falling again.
I realize the situation i'm in. This looked wrong, sure, but it felt so right. “Thanks”, i mumble and do the mistake to look into his eyes. He's looking right ame me at the same time, and were stuck in eachothers iris. His eyes are dark, dangerously dark, like a promise about the things he could do. They pupil dilate at the sight of you. I lick my dry lips and he follows the action. I can feel the touch of his hands burn though the material of my dress and mek me all hot and giddy. I can feel his muscles as my hands are on top of his shoulders.
He looks down, like he's hiding a smile. I swallow the lump of anxiety threatening in my throat. “Umm”, he muttered as he slowly looks up at me “i really-y, like reeeeally want to kiss you right now”. I can feel the smile i try to hide escape and light up my face. My heart is so painfully big, that's what it feels like, like it's going to explode inside me. “You better, i've been waiting on it since the first year on collage. Kiss me now, Han”.
He gives me a honest smile, like a kid on christmas morning as he starts leaning in.
I close my eyes as i wait for his lips to meet mine. But instead i feel his hot breath on top them as he mumbles “you know, i had a major crush on you but then i became Spiderman and Tony and i decided to try to keep you out of this life”. I chaste a small peck against his soft lips “just kiss me, parker”. He olbigates at one's and move his head to the side to press his lips against mine. Finally after 3 years of longing he kiss me so i can't really hold back the moan. that only seems to spear him on as hand hug my neck so he can press me closer. He taste like green tea and lemon mints. My hands go back to his locks, still surprised over how soft they are. His tongue swipes over my inner lips, begging for permission. I smile against the soft sensation but dont grant him he pleasure. His hand suddenly squeeze my ass leaving me gasping of shook. He takes advantage of my open mouth to move his tongue inside my mouth. It's so much, his wet lips, his hand, his curls bouncing between my fingers. I press my lower part hard against him out of pure instinct. I realized it turned out almost like a grind against his pants. He didn't seem to mind. “Fuck”, he groans as he starts kissing my jaw in tickles soft pecks “you are perfect”. I giggle as his pecks finds their way to a ticklish point. “Come here, big boy”, i'm completely out of breath from the kissing but can't wait another minute for his lips against mine again. Just as he's about to kiss me again we get interrupted by a loud voice “Parker?!”. Fuck. We stumble away from him and i stroke down my dress as fast as i can. “I told you one thing”, My dad point at Peter, who looks like a scared child getting caught doing something bad “not to touch my daughter”. At this point i'm starting to get tired of Tony “please daddy’”. I rarely call him daddy, and it seems to actually catch is attention. I walk forward and place both of my hands on his bearded cheeks “Just.. its 2018 dad, i don't need your approval, okay. I really like Peter. Not to be rude or anything, but could you maybe leave not, old man, we were in the middle of something”.
Dad scoffs offended but still lowers his finger. I can hear Papa laughing from the middle of the lab “yeah, tony, let the kids have their fun”. Like usually, i'm thankful Peter is actually my cool dad. “You heard your husband”, i smile, almost mockingly “let me have my fun”. Tony scoff again before pointing at Peter “i swear on my stark industri, if i found out you two have…. cuddled, i'm going to make sure to pull enough strings so you can't get a job in all of America”. Peters is beyond terrified as his adams apple move “yes, sir”. i nod as a silent “thank you” to Tony as i make my way back to Peter. “So”, i slide my hands over his shoulders “where were we?”. He shift his eyes between my dad's and i “i don't really feel safe kissing in front of them”. I chuckle well pressing my nose against his “they will just have to deal with it”. Then he pressed his lips against mine softly and sweet. My dad might not be 100 % okay with Peter at the moment, but i know he will eventually. So right now, it's all good.
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