#amaretto part 4
azsazz · 2 years
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Anon Requests: "So I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for like a month now but an Az fic where the reader is the youngest of the autumn court high family and like Lucien, Hellion is her father, but unlike Lucien she bears obvious resemblance (she has red hair like her mother but has these golden markings or something that shows off the day court in her). So Beron had her locked in the dungeons since she was a child for centuries like no one even know the Vanserras have a sister. After years of isolation she becomes a shadowsinger as well. I’ve tried to write this like 4 times now but I’m just not a writer the best I can do is summaries like this 😭😭" and "Daughter of Beron escapes to night court fic?"
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,772
Notes: Lucky for you my dear anon, I do dabble with writing 😂😅
Posting this today because I want to post the next part of Cupid's Chokehold on Thursday 💙
On the day you were born, the sun was not shining.
Thunder rumbles throughout the Autumn Court, shaking even the sturdiest of trees that have been growing across the lands since even before Beron ruled. The Woodland House shakes in the aftermath, lightning crackling across the sky, brightening the halls he paces, the deep velvety greens of the walls more menacing than they normally are. The High Lord swears he can see the glow of a forest fire in the distance.
It had been the driest summer in Autumn Court history, and Beron could feel a magic rivaling his own throughout the arid season. The sun shone brighter by the day, hotter than it had ever been, sucking the life from the normally colorful leaves, crisp and drained, browns and dull reds instead of the vivacious crimsons and creamy oranges he was used to.
Not even the winds of Autumn were the same, usually a breathy kiss of cool air, whispers of the forest breezing throughout the towns, had been tampered with. No longer did Beron feel the familiar ruffle of the fresh winds through his flaming hair, no, it seemed as if his court had stopped feeling the supple breeze at all, the air becoming stuffy with the lack of movement, like all of a sudden his lands wanted to feel the burning heat of the day.
It was as if the sun and moon were fighting, her beautiful shining face longing to meet her partner in the sky, staying out longer each day that passed as if they might meet high above the Autumn Court and kiss.
The moon did not make an appearance.
He’d be lying if he said that he wasn't put off by it. Never in his centuries of life had he experienced anything like this, and he’d holed himself up in his private library for weeks scouring the books for any sign of what was happening.
Beron hadn’t uttered a word to his trusted advisors, whom he urged to keep from asking questions with a red-hot stare. They shrank from his gaze and did as their Lord instructed, trying to do what they could to save the crops, keep the lush trees from drying out, and help the citizens who’d been harmed from the heat.
The Lord did not even tell his wife of what was going on. His relationship with Amaretto had been strained for decades, ever since the birth of Lucien, the child that looked nothing like him.
Such a disgrace, to him, to his court, this child was. The hatred had consumed him, fury burning hot beneath his skin. Even his brothers had questioned why their youngest brother did not look right. He didn’t don the pale, creamy skin he and his wife shared, and the orange of his hair was not that of a flame, but of the sun.
It had taken time for him to even think of having another child that Amaretto begged him for. Beron was incredibly hurt by the actions of his wife that he’d barely been able to sleep in the same room as her, often finding himself drifting off at his desk or one of the many other rooms within the palace, a bottle clutched in his grasp. He had not been the best husband, but he was better than that filth from the Day Court. If he hadn’t been so trained in burying his feelings he’d have burned out by now, but still he ruled. 
Although Amaretto had borne a child that was not his he would raise it, keep both his wife and the child as close as he could. But every time he looked at the boy all he could see was the gleaming golden eyes of the cocksure male of Day, the one who paraded around without a care in the world. Beron knew that the Lord didn’t know, and he’d be saving that information for when it was dire, when he needed to bargain with the stupid Lord he deemed below him in every way.
Eventually he’d given in to her pleas, as her beauty was far too persuasive to keep himself at bay. Amaretto had thought that the introduction of another child would mend the rift between them. Beron didn’t deign to tell her that it could never be fixed.
He paces outside of the birthing room, up and down the long corridor, bright with burning faelights lighting his way as the storm rages outside of the palace.
He can see it from where he stands, the usually airy and open hallways of the High Lord’s palace now black with rolling clouds, lightning striking mere meters from his home, hot and white across the sky. The rain pelters the shields protecting the Woodland House, normally never in use as the heavens hadn’t shed a singular drop all summer.
His first daughter. Beron could hardly believe he was so lucky to finally be having a girl. Seven sons over centuries of years, each one more ungrateful than the last. You were an omen. The first female of the Vanserra lineage and you were bringing the rains the lands so desperately cried for after the cruel summer they’d experienced.
You are going to be the Autumn Court’s salvation.
The High Lord has been muttering the same prayer for the past twenty hours, and each time he finishes he starts anew, glancing outside to see if the storm had let up. As if his breathy pleas to the Mother would force the dreary weather away from his doorstep.
He’d gone through this seven times and still his heart raced, ached for his wife. He had no idea how she did it, but he worshiped the ground she stood for doing so, for giving him a brood of potential sons that he could pass his crown to.
Beron releases a breath that sounds awfully like a sob as he hears your wail from behind the thick oak door. He braces himself against the wall as his body slackens with relief at the sound. For a heartbeat it doesn’t matter that there’s a storm raging outside, only that you’ve entered this glorious world.
The door creaks open and he stands tall, a midwife scurrying straight for him.
“My apologies, High Lord,” she curtsies. The nursemaid is a mousy little thing, wringing a towelette between her nimble fingers. Her skin is ashen and sweat lines her upper lip, rich chocolate eyes darting frantically around the hall, her nerves getting the best of her. Her voice trembles and Beron thinks something has gone wrong with his daughter's birth.
“What is it? Is my wife alright? My daughter?” he asks frantically, stomach dropping to the chestnut wood below. He doesn’t know what he’d do without his wife by his side, how he could possibly take care of a daughter all on his own. His heart slams in his chest, eyes darting to the open door.
“They are both alright,” she assures him, cheeks glowing red from having set him worrying for no good reason, “Both alive and well.”
He squeezes his eyes shut, releasing a breath he was unaware he was holding. “Thank the Mother.”
“Very good news, Sir,” the nursemaid agrees, and he’s not sure why but she has a spooked look on her face, wringing her towel between her hands anxiously.
The baby cries out again and she jumps, worried eyes flitting to the door.
“May I see them?” He asks, although he doesn’t need the permission, it’s his turn for nerves. The thought of seeing his beautiful Amaretto and daughter, half-his, his heart flutters at the thought.
There’s something about how the nursemaid is acting that’s off-putting, but no more so than the storm raging outside of the palace walls. Usually, when royal babes are born in the Autumn Court it is a joyous occasion, everyone involved, basking in the lifted spirits of the Higher Lords and Ladies.
She gives a slight nod, bowing her head. Her hands are shaking as she pushes open the door and he stops at the sight of his wife, a tiny little thing bundled up in her arms. She’s as beautiful as the day he met her, even if her hair is drenched with sweat, exhaustion pulling at her bright eyes. She startles slightly, sending a look to the nursemaid that has her spinning on her heel, fluffing the blankets in the bassinet built for the babe.
“Come closer, my love,” Amaretto urges, a smile so small that it has that male hesitating. “It’s time to meet your daughter.”
Beron makes his way closer, steps slow and calculated, sensing that something is not quite right. Each inch towards them he’s preparing himself, clearing his mind, breathing even until–
Beron freezes in his spot as he stares down at you, heart screeching to a halt in his chest. The babe looks everything like her mother, nose, pink lips, but then she yawns and her beautiful eyes flutter open–
They’re not like hers. Or his. 
His mate clutches the babe closer to her chest at the sight. Tears burn his eyes as he stares down at his child and it all begins to make sense, the dry summer, the burning sun, the brightness of your gaze, gold gleaming in your eyes.
You are not his daughter, but a child of Day.
.·:·.☽ ✦ ☾.·:·.
Ever since you could remember your father had not been a nice man.
You had chalked it up to being a female. You weren’t different from your brothers in any aspect other than that. You had the same pale skin as them, the same ruddy red eyes as Eris, a smattering of freckles like Pyrolas, and the same shining auburn hair like Lucien’s.
Yet you were treated like you did not matter. You hardly saw your father for things other than awkward family dinners and the occasional times he’d stop by your training, assessing how you were developing in weaponry and hand-to-hand.
He cared little of your studies, reading to your heart's content long after the faelights had been turned out, huddled up under the thick blankets, a soft glow you emitted from your chest the only light.
It was unlike Oak’s powers over flame, how he could conjure a lick of fire with a single snap of his fingers, or how Conleth could grow the raging infernos in the hearths when his temper struck. You could do both of those things, or would be able to with a little more training, but you could do other things, things that you’d never seen them do.
Along with flame, you could omit a glow, only faint enough for menial tasks like reading late at night or lighting your path to the restroom in the early hours of the morning when not even the sun had awakened. Useless perhaps, but it always puts a smile on your face. It was your little secret.
Beron stands at the entrance to the training ring, hands clasped behind his back, watching you closely as you work with the instructor, your first time using a steel blade in your training. You were good, he could admit that as he watched you block and parry from the blow your teacher had sent your way. You’d be able to compete with your brothers soon enough.
You’d been studying, not only by practicing when you were unable to sleep, but from the books in the library that Lucien had told you about. You drank in the knowledge the pages had to offer, learning everything that you could and implementing it in your strategy. Even your instructor was thoroughly impressed.
And you catch that gleam in his eyes, so distracted by it that you miss the next block, the cold metal of the trainer's blade slicing cleanly across the skin of your arm.
You gasp, nearly dropping your own weapon in favor of clutching the wound to your chest.
Your heart jumps as you stare down at the wound and Beron’s eyes go cold at the sight.
He stalks from his spot, snatching your arm to get a better look. You yelp as his harsh grasp tugs at the slowly closing wound, glinting in the daylight.
You’re just as confused as he is. There should be red blood dripping from the wound, but instead it’s golden, catching the rays of the sun and cuddling them close. You can feel the warmth as it leaks across your skin, looking like molten gold itself.
It’s then that Beron realizes that the omen wasn’t that you’d save his court, but that you’d burn it to the ground.
“Dad?” you whimper as his hold flexes and his eyes darken, and though he’s been convincing himself of his hatred for you for fifteen years his heart still burns in his chest. The auburn eyes of his own that he’s glamoured on you since he saw you for the first time are wide, scared, your pale skin marred with injury. It wouldn’t be the last time either.
But his gaze is harsh, unrelenting as he stares at the wound. The honeyed blood only proves what he’d known since he first laid eyes on you. 
You are far more dangerous to his court than he could’ve imagined.
Beron meets the eyes of the trainer, a friend for many years, the one to train all of his sons and now you, staring between you and the hurt, brows pulled taut in confusion.
The High Lord grimaces, taking the sword from you gently, and in a swift move he shoves it up into the trainer's head from the swell of his throat, steel sticking out the crown, his eyes rolling back as he falls limp at the both of your feet.
Your blood curdling scream scares the ravens away, Beron’s grip tightening on your arm as you try to prize his fingers off of you.
It is the second fae of his court he has slain because of you. The first, the nursemaid that had birthed you, slaughtering her before she could gossip to the other healers about the Day born female in his court. He’d snapped her neck in a sudden movement, and Amaretto had clutched you tighter to her chest as the sound of cracking bone woke you, her rich brown eyes terrified of her husband as he neared.
But he simply waved a hand and your teary golden eyes had changed to a replica of his own. If he had to deal with his wife bearing another of Helion’s miscreant children in his court, she would deal with the fact that every time she looked at you, she was staring at him.
The High Lord of Autumn had left the both of you with a last sad look.
Tears stream down your face, you couldn’t stop staring at your instructor, laying limp at your feet with a sword embedded into his skull. Why would your father do such a terrible thing? 
Beron swipes the gleaming blood from your arm. The wound has healed but left in its wake is a sliver of a golden scar.
If anyone saw it they would know immediately, and he couldn’t have that.
He personally dragged you to the chambers beneath the house himself, hardly struggling as you put up a fight, thrashing and screaming until he’d lit a fire inside of your throat, the burning so intense you could hardly breathe. 
You gasped for air as he threw you into a chamber at the bottom of the stairs. It smelled of burnt flesh and it was damp, the dirt floors moist and clinging to your fighting clothes, your exposed skin.
You scramble to your feet, lunging as the iron doors clang shut. You reach between the bars, sobs silent as you couldn’t make a noise, the metal biting into your skin. There was no light down here and you already felt suffocated, not from the stifling flames clawing at your esophagus, but because you couldn’t see or feel the sun. 
You swear for just a moment that you spot regret in his gaze, stepping away from your reach. He doesn’t have to do this, if he would just explain what was going on maybe you could–
Beron’s mask falls into place again and the glaring look he gives you is so cold that it makes you shrink away from the iron bars.
He spits at your feet, muttering something in a language you hadn’t learned yet before he spins on his heel, leaving you all alone in the foxholes of the Woodland House.
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batbirdies · 6 months
I’m here with impress-your-friends advice and make-your-dessert-extra-amazing advice in one.
If you like whipped cream this advice is for you! The short version, if this post is too longer for you. Is make your own whipped cream! Add 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar to 1 pint of heavy cream and whip until stiff. There you go!
For more detailed instructions and some explanation, read on:
My family has always been kind of foodies but also very unpretentious. I enjoy lots of things but certain homemade versions of the store bought stuff are just way better and easy enough to make that I will go to the trouble.
Whipped cream is one of them. My family has always made whipped cream “from scratch” rather than getting the canned stuff. And I never realized just how few people have ever made whipped cream themselves.
I just went to a potluck style dinner and brought a frozen Sara Lee Dutch apple pie and a thing of homemade whipped cream and the amount of amazement that I made the whipped cream was surprising! People asked if I had a big stand mixer to use, and how I did it.
And I’m here to tell you it is EXTREMELY EASY and so worth it in my opinion.
Whipped cream is typically two ingredients, heavy cream (or whipping cream or heavy whipping cream depending where you buy it, (cream with a fat content of 36%)) and powdered sugar.
My recipe is typically:
1 pint heavy cream
3-4 tablespoons powdered sugar
(You can add as much sugar as you want but I prefer mine not to be super sweet)
I usually just dump the entire 1 pint container of cream in a bowl and use a hand mixer (on low for me because my mixer is insane but usually medium to high speed) until it starts to thicken. (This should happen quickly. Within a minute or two or you need to up the speed) Once you start seeing indents in the cream that stay when you move the mixer I add three to four tablespoons spoons of powdered sugar and continue mixing until the cream is thick enough not to drop off the mixer when I raise it out of the bowl. You can also add the sugar in at the very start but I personally find it whips up faster if I don’t.
This is the part to be careful at because you can over whip it and it will turn to sweet butter. Which is good! But not great to eat by the spoonful. Just check frequently and taste as you go (with a clean utensil!) to check for your desired level of sweetness. Once the cream is thick enough to keep its shape STOP mixing.
And there you go you made whipped cream. Spoon it into a Tupperware and take with your pie.
You can also customize by adding flavors! I am partial to a tiny bit of vanilla extract or even a little amaretto for a nice boozy fruity flavor if it’s paired with a chocolate dessert.
The only draw back to this vs canned whipped cream is that it doesn’t last. You can keep it in the fridge for a few days. (3-4 in my opinion) but it will start to melt a little before then and you might see liquid cream in the container when you open it, becoming more so with time.
Technically it is probably a little more expensive as well but that’s because the first ingredient to canned whipped cream is WATER. Which is why the flavor of homemade is much stronger and fattier/luxurious.
(If you do accidentally over do it. Go ahead and keep at it until all the liquid comes out and you have a nice firm butter and bring that with you anyway, people will be even more impressed and you can have it with your dinner rolls or something. )
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latinapoetbts · 1 month
You, I Want You - KTH | Y/N ~ Reader Insert [Latina/Noona love]
Summary: Y/N Latina Noon Reader is separated from her asshole husband. He has been verbally and psychologically abusive. She is in the process of reinventing herself by pursuing her master's degree. She gets invited to the club and feels out of place as if she doesn't fit in with this crowd of younger college students. Tae Hyung is determined to show her that she belongs and that he finds her more than just attractive.
Labels: Smut/ Sex & alcohol, reference to mental health struggles (anxiety, depression), Cheating/Separated, club scene, age gap better reader and KTH, reader older by at least 4 to 5 years, jealousy. (3 part one shot, I am copying this from my AO3 Account)
You, I want you| Chapter 1:
You weren’t exactly sure why you were here.  At first you told yourself it wasn’t a big deal, you're still young. You often told yourself, ‘so what if you're not a traditional college student, you're in a masters program’ .  Your classmates often commented they never thought you were older than 25. But their youthful and single club shenanigans were a constant reminder that you were 8-10 years older. You were the only one with a child and the second married person in the class. Yet for some reason they insisted on you coming with them. You had been with them plenty of times to have a drink after late night classes but that was different than going to a club. You had told them “no” everytime, yet this time they were not willing to take no for an answer. Now here you were trying to get an amaretto sour at the local hot spot, Club Posh. Your patience was thinning you knew you were getting ignored by the female bartenders. Gone where your young days when you would have flashed a confident grin and charmed your way to the front and even earned free drinks from the female bartenders. You had lost your light, lost your way, lost who you are inside. Who could blame you, if they only knew what heartbreak you had gone through. Your soul felt crushed. 
You were ready to give up, tired of getting ignored, willing to just pick up wine from the store and head home. That was until you felt someone brush up against you, then the sudden warmth of breath on your ear, followed by a hand to your waist right at the small of your back. 
“Looks like you could use some help? What is it you want?” You knew that voice well. Your breath hitched and a shiver traveled down your spin, tingles pooling at the pit of your abdomen. You turn slightly towards the voice catching the nearness of their side profile. Pointed round nose, chiseled jawline, soft black curls framing their eye and tip of their ear. Your lips inches from their cheek. You unconsciously swallow followed by licking your lips. You knew you were in trouble. 
‘You, I want you’ , your mind was slowly unhinging. The words nearly bursting out of your lips. You faced forward, keeping your unhinging thoughts at bay.
“I--um, I wan--ted, an amaretto sour.”. Another lick of your lips and reflexive swallow. 
“Ah, that’s a good cocktail, let me help you.”, he makes eye contact with you, flashing you that confident boxy sexy smile that has been known to distract you class quite often. This time you bite at your lip nervously and nod unable to do anything else. He leans in one more time, “Stay here”. You only nod in agreement.
You watched as he quickly made his way to the bar. Watching his animated talk, the female bartender who was ignoring you previously was providing him with her full attention even using her arms to push up her cleavage as she flirtatiously leaned over the bar.  
You watched their interaction. He was something , confident, playful and sexy. You haven't seen him this way ever, till now. To be exact, he was always emanating confidence with a sexy aurora just by existing or doing the bare minimum but seeing his flirtatious charm was a first. 
You felt yourself picking at your nails in nervousness. The growing sensation of feeling insecure was starting to spill out. You were losing your nerve. 
‘I shouldn’t be here, I don’t belong. What the hell am I doing, I’m the only one here other than him’ .  You wondered why the girls were not here yet. Your heartbeat quickens and you felt the panic start to build in the pit of your stomach. 
‘He probably feels sorry for me, this is embarrassing’ , frequent critical self hating thoughts raced through your mind. You glanced down at what you were wearing a grimace forming or your lips. You look towards the entrance feeling ready to dart to the exit.
‘You look like an old cougar trying too hard to look sexy, how could you wear that hideous outfit’ , You pulled at the strap of your form fitting, deep green one sleeve tank top with a plunging v line. Your eyes landing at your exposed cleavage. Yes, you felt very exposed and self conscious. You pulled at your cascading locks of hair attempting to hide your shoulders and some of your cleavage.
‘What the hell were you thinking, you're a mom you can’t wear something like this. You're not even sexy anymore’. It was all too much, you just couldn’t silence the bartering words in your head. That's when you decided to turn and walk towards the exit. 
“Hey where are you running off too, I have our drinks”. You stopped at a quarter turn and faced him. A smile on his lips illuminated his face. You were frozen ‘why was he being so kind’, you wondered to yourself, ‘pity’ was all you could hear ringing in your ear. 
“Oh, thank you so much. oh wow, that’s some talent there, holding two drinks in each hand and that’s a lot of amaretto…. hereletmegiveyoumoney”, The words spilled out jumbled in your nervousness. You take two glasses out of his hand, your fingers skimming over his. His skin soft and supple, not rough like yours. 
“No way! I am not letting you pay for drinks tonight. You deserve to have fun and let loose! And not really talent, I was just fortunate to be born with big hands and loooong fingers.” He flashes you his free hand wiggling his fingers. Another unintentional hard swallow and nibble of your bottom lip escaping you as your eyes stayed glued to his waving fingers. Oh yes, you had noticed those hands and long nimble fingers since day two of classes. He was your escape from your life of pain, sorrow and regret. He was a wonderful distraction from deep rooted hopelessness that you masked with laughter and your outgoing personality. You were ashamed to admit you imagined often what those hands and fingers could do to you. 
“Thank you, that's really sweet of you, I’ll get the next round”, you say followed by chasing down your drink quickly as possible.
“Woah, someone is out to have a really good time tonight and I can't wait to see it (grinning) and I said no, I got the hook up with Lacey back there and besides I told you, I’m not letting you pay for any drinks tonight, with or without a hook up”. He cocked his head to the side raising one prominent eyebrow, as in daring you to defy him. His stern look melted away to a smile as you yourself could not help but smile shly in return. You were touched by his kindness but also felt slight embarrassment, the critical voices in your head battle for dominance. You start on your second drink and decide getting tipsy might be a good idea in order to calm your nerves. You were going to need some shots. You glanced towards the bar studying this Lacey, she was beautiful and seemed to be around the same age as him. You did not have one doubt in your mind about his story. You were sure she offered him free drinks for the night in hopes of something in return. You smiled flatley, ‘what I would give to be her right now, I’d give him anything he wanted’ you told yourself letting out sigh. You turn to him but avoid eye contact.
“Free drinks huh? Wow, lucky you and she’s hot. Looks like someone might get lucky…”  You say as you reach out to playful swat his arm, yup, you were definitely feeling more comfortable. You let your hand linger a little too long feeling the firmness of his muscle underneath your touch. He brings his glass to his lips taking a drink, your hands standing still moving with his movement. His eyes peer over his glass making eye contact with you and holding your gaze.
“Na, she’s not my type. And...I have my eyes set on someone else...” His eyes lingering and locked with yours, you felt your face flush under his intense gaze, ‘who could it be, could it be possible, me? ’ He  breaks eye contact and peers over your shoulder as you hear a loud high pitched familiar voice.
“Tae Hyung! I’m so glad you're here!” her squeal was shrill, she shouldered passed you and wrapped her arms around him. You instantly felt your heart sink, ‘what was I thinking? I'm that buzzed already that I would even think he is referring to me, an unattractive cougar with a kid’. You let out a small laugh, laughing at the audacity that you would even rometly think he would even consider you worthy of a drunk fuck. You needed to get away from him. He was just too intoxicating and you were starting to feel the effect of the alcohol yourself. You knew you would embarrass yourself around him the more you drank. You turned on your heels, your eyes resting on the club entrance once again. The voices in your self conscious mind swirling. You take a step forward in hesitation, leaving them standing in a lover's embrace.
‘That’s right, you don’t belong, no one really wants you, not even your husband, look at you, that’s why he did what he did to you.’
‘Fuck, not that’ , you curse yourself. Panic fills your lungs as you freeze feeling loooong fingers wrapping around your wrist. ‘What are you doing, please don’t’, you thought to yourself. 
“Hey, where are you going Y/N, trying to run away on me again?” His fingers still circling your wrist holding you back. You stood still thinking of what to say, his touch was grounding nearly hypnotic. 
‘Run away? That’s what I most certainly should do but you trapp every time with your captivation’
“What? Run away? I don’t think so unless using the bathroom is considered running away and what would I be running from?” You felt a wave of confidence wash over you taken back by your own question. 
“I’m not exactly sure but my gut says you're running from my unrelenting charms”. He follows with another raise of his eyebrow. He was right about his unrelenting charms and needing to get as far from his as possible but a smile formed on your lips. As you turn to face him full on and draw your wrist from his grasp you let out a slight scoff to mask any nervousness you still might be emanating. 
“Unrelenting charms that work on barely legal girls not grown educated confident women such as myself. Thus, I’m not running from you Kim Tae Hyung.” You flashed him a grin. Your eyes searched for Amanda, who stood feet away nearly gawking at the two of you. You were not sure why, but You loved that she seemed flustered by what she saw. 
“Here’s my other empty glass, I’ll be back”. A wide smile spread across his lips lighting up even his eyes. He seemed surprised and pleased with your response, letting out a soft chuck.
“Cheeky and I like it. Are you ready for a few more? Or would you like something different?” Him still grinning at you. 
“Ya I’ll take two more of...oh just surprise me”.
“Tae Hyung, I want two as well of whatever you both are having….” Amanda standing only inches behind him, slipping her arm in the space of his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. Neither you or him had noticed when she had moved so close. You quickly spun around making your way to the bathroom. You did not want to see their interactions any longer. 
‘Keep it together y/n’, you told yourself. ‘Where is the group?’ you wondered as he neared the bathroom. 
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nicistrying · 10 months
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Just some random pics of things that have made me happy the past few days. Work has sucked so bad. I'm tired of trying to be the positive voice when everyone else is totally justifiably pissed off bc we've had all our duty manager privileges taken away (but we're still expected to do the job. Without access to rotas or sickness process which is a pretty big part of the job). I give up, I'm pissed off too. So anyway, I had a lovely little walk with Maggie the other morning and we saw her best friend Lucky ❤️❤️ I love watching them play. And tonight I was supposed to be going out to a 90s rave club night with my sister and a few of her friends and I did really want to go but I was so tired and grumpy after work that I just put my joggers on and had a little amaretto in the garden in the sun. Had a beige buffet of nugs and fries for dinner bc I just didn't have it in me to cook lol. But now I have 10 days off and I'm sooo ready for it 😍😍😍 packing tomorrow, 4 days away with Matt and Maggie, 4 days away with my sister and the kids. One day to recover 😂🤘
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ayliamc · 8 months
Day 3 - Lemons: on the coast!
Steps walked: 11,682
Flights climbed: 4
Vehicles ridden: 3
Points of interest visited: 1
Lemons spotted: mostly ceramic and embroidered
We woke up and made ourselves breakfast with the rolls and fruit and jam available at our hotel (along with some vegan cheese we bought yesterday). Then we had an hour to kill before walking to Carol’s* hotel and meeting up with her and her group to take cars to Positano. So we napped.
A little before 11, we joined Carol et al aboard taxis that took us on the 45 minute drive. As soon as I sat down, facing the back, in the center of the car, I knew I was going to feel sick. So as rude as it likely made me seem to those I was facing, I focused on nothing but breathing as we wound through narrow coastal roads, slowing and accelerating with each bend.
A note here on Italian drivers: they have all the audacity of an overconfident Atlanta driver but with actual skill. Regardless of the size of the road or the size of the vehicle, they will weave in and out of pedestrians, traffic, and buildings and I have yet to witness an accident. All the while, they’ll be tailgating you or passing you and in true Hannibal Lector style, their heart rate never seems to exceed 60. I see nothing but relaxed and passive faces despite the aggressiveness of their maneuvering.
Positano is a city on the Amalfi coast with expensive shops lining the street which serves as both a sidewalk and road for drivers. Every other shop features lemon embroidered linen clothes, lemon ceramic sculptures, or limoncello.
I resisted! Aided in part by the cost of anything of interest.
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We had some beautiful views and got some lunch at a pizza place where I had a marinara “pizza”, and in an attempt to make it more than just dough and marinara sauce, I added cherry tomatoes. It was fine. We meandered up and down the hill, dodging cars and Vespas and other tourists, got a nice view, but were otherwise pretty much done with Positano a couple hours before our car came back to pick us up. We got smoothies at a cafe to kill time and chatted with Carol before I braced myself for the drive back to Sorrento. I was successful in not being sick both times, but felt like shit for the duration of the trips.
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In Sorrento we took a cab into the city square and ate at a big tourist friendly restaurant that had a vegan menu. They gave us complimentary helpings of Prosecco while we waited for a table to be ready for us, Dan and I happily ordered a pesto fusilli with tofu dish, and they also brought us small tastings of what I think was a cherry amaretto that went down very easily.
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We had a great time, but Dan and I were ready for an early night because we have a long day ahead of us. So we walked the half hour trip back to our hotel and turned in.
*Carol is Dan’s mom, my mother in law. I was brutally scolded for not including that information earlier for anyone who may not know.
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enter-the-phantom · 8 months
Enter Writes A Blog - Oct 4, 2023
In Which I Get A New Job (Sort Of) and Meet the Dance Commander; Nearly Die of Queer Joy
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A few life updates bc I’ve just been too tired to post regularly recently! Gonna start doing these since I’ve always admired people who keep little journals. Enjoy.
I got a new seasonal job a few weeks ago at a local theatre and costume shop, which sounds like it would be perfect for me but is…definitely not. The pay is abysmal, it’s $9 an hour with no benefits, and the job itself is so mind-numbingly monotonous that I’m actually depressed. There’s a lot going on and I don’t think I’m going to make it—I need a challenge and I can’t shut my brain off for eight hours a day with nothing to do. Not being able to think creatively and solve puzzles is really messing with my head. Plus the hours are really bad for me, getting up that early and getting home in the evening is really draining for someone with my circadian rhythm. It’s just not for me. As bad as I feel about it (bc I do like my coworkers!), I’m going to quit sometime in the coming weeks and focus on building up my Etsy and working on my art offerings. It won’t make money but it also won’t make me so depressed I can do nothing but sleep on my days off. I just can’t handle traditional work, it’s not good for my brain and my mental health and it’s affecting me physically too. I can’t risk another colitis scare and the stress just isn’t worth it.
On to better news that, if you know me, is gonna have you jumping for me bc everyone I’ve told is freaked.
If you know me you know by now that Electric Six is my soul band and means the world to me. You know what I’ve been through and how happy they make me. Finally got to see them in person on Friday night and it was a spiritual experience. I ended up not only against the stage, but the closest one to The Man himself. Nearly got hit with the mic stand boner multiple times. Eye contact happened. Moments happened. They were magical. He is magical. As I said to @mosshugs, there is truly nothing like the joy an aroace person feels for their squish. It’s the purest form of love there is and my god, do I love that man. Multiply it with the love a performer has for their muse and I’ve been emotional all week.
Every E6 experience I’ve ever had involved lovely strangers who became friends and this was no exception. We just all come together to watch a bunch of goofy guys play goofy songs and do goofy dances together. Met the most lovely family of Crazies with daughters me and my sister’s age, we hung out with them all night, kept an eye on each other and just in general had a great time making new friends! My new local friend is super sweet and we have a lot in common, so that’s really neat! Hoping to talk to her more if I don’t get super nervous about it bc she’s really cool. Also she was providing the strongest moral support when she saw just how close I was to Dick Valentine. Mad props for recognising I was having several moments. When he knelt down on that speaker and started rambling about Lyme Disease she had my back quite literally. Such a real one. Also sent me all her photos and vids bc I was too busy ascending to even remember my phone.
But my god, do I love the Crazies. Herb S Flavorings (who was a treat as always to watch) flicked us a pick, missed, it hit someone else and dropped to the floor. Everyone immediately stepped back and helped find it. Setlist got passed down to me by not one but two other people who saw just how much this concert meant to me and thought I should have it I guess? Also met up with some guys from the Facebook group as I was leaving who wanted to meet “the E6 artist” and demanded to know if I got the prints delivered—I love this dumb little fandom. Also The Flashy Jacket™ was a hit!
And of course the part ya’ll we’re waiting for—I got to meet my hero, Dick Valentine himself. Spotted him coming down from the green room to get his customary post-show amaretto sour and I asked if we could talk when he had a minute (mostly just wanted to deliver the art prints) and he was so immediately friendly and approachable. He had a few people coming up to say hi, and what really struck me was how careful he was to make sure I knew he hadn’t forgotten I wanted to talk to him. I’m sure he had no idea how much that truly meant to me—it’s such a little thing, just to have someone give you a reassuring look that you haven’t been forgotten or ignored and they’re going to make time—but for some people they never get that and it truly means the world. To get it from someone who does not know me, but who has gotten me through so much, was really incredible. I started tearing up and apologising for being emotional and he was so reassuring, reiterating that it had been a long night and it was okay to be emotional and he was glad he and his silly little band had done so much for me. Art was delivered, he loved it—and apparently John (and Da Ve??? I’m in on a secret I guess) are going to be back for the Detroit show or at least there, so he promised to deliver them then. My extra print of his was signed, and so was my setlist! Also I got a hug and some very cute photos. Just truly the sweetest, most down-to-earth gem of a man with the most shockingly calming presence. We all knew he was pretty special, all the guys are, but in person he’s really something else. Thank you again, Dick/Tyler (bc we love the persona but the man himself is just a good guy) and if you ever see this, I promise I’m not crazy and I’m not attempting to clone you in my basement—you just genuinely are my hero. Please don’t push yourself too hard on this tour; we all love you and want you to take care of yourself. ❤️
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Anyway. If you read the end of this welcome back to our regularly scheduled nonsense on this blog. I’ll be doing a lot of social media stuff once I quit my job so I can get serious about building up my platforms and working on art and design stuff, so stay on the lookout for that! LOTS of art coming soon. Selfship and fandom friends, I have some amazing new stuff coming out, including some cool commission options you’ve never seen before. Also going to attempt this TikTok thing I guess.
Glad to be back and I missed you all! I hope my mental health will be better once I can focus on working creatively, the way I need to. Love you all! ❤️
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pwn887 · 1 year
 Best Male Perfume
Discovering the most effective perfume for male  is a challenging endeavour. I would know since I've been looking for it for days. I made the decision to get a new perfume last year. I've never been a great fan of perfume in general—I've met far too many individuals whose perfume overwhelms you as soon as you meet them, their lavender or citrus notes hitting you square in the face—but something about the year before that has made me want to part with money on a new male perfume.
The elements and aroma layers that make up a fragrance are referred to as a perfume's notes. The top, heart, and base of a note are three main categories of notes that can be divided into. Top notes are the first fragrances to be recognized while spritzing a perfume. They disappear quickly, lasting about 5 to 15 minutes. Top notes are often lighter than the other notes. 
On the other hand, heart notes add fresh smells while additionally offering a seamless transition from the top notes. Heart notes, as the name implies, make up the majority of the final aroma and may stay for up to an hour.
Top 6 perfume brands for male
1.Al Haramain L’aventure Knight Cologne 
Al Haramain Perfumes' L'Aventure Knight is an Amber Fougere smell for men as well. In 2018, L'Aventure Knight was released. Lemon Verbena, Bergamot, and Tea are the highest notes; Violet Leaf and Iris are the bottom and base notes, however; Powdery Notes, Ambergris, Sandalwood, and Musk are the notes that are strongest.
2.Chanel Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfume
2010 saw the release of Chanel's refined and elegant fragrance, Bleu de Chanel. In the summer of 2014, Chanel released Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum, an improved version. The scent is dedicated to independence—to unlimited, profound, and eternal freedom.
Jacques Polge's woody-aromatic piece maintains the initial path whilst deviating into the sensuous and exotic amber realm. This variation's wood remains the original's freshness while being complemented with rich, smooth amber woods.
3.Dior sauvage perfume 
Male's Sauvage Parfum by Dior is an Amber Fougere aroma. In 2019, Sauvage Parfum created its debut. Francois Demachy is the nose who developed the scent in question. Bergamot, Mandarin Orange, and Elemi are the top notes; Sandalwood, is the middle note; and Olibanum, Tonka Bean, and Vanilla, the base notes.
4. Al haramain Opulent Saffron Cologne
Al haramain Opulent Saffron Cologne boasts balsamic, powdery and floral accords for a tender but seductive aroma it truly is sure to get you noticed in any room you enter. Top notes of bergamot cherry blossom create a stellar starting that is each zesty and complex. Meanwhile, middle notes of amaretto, rose, heliotrope and other powdery notes simplest similarly decorate the charismatic bouquet. Finishing the elixir are base notes of tonka bean, amber and suede for a heat, soothing comedown you'll need to have lingering to your clothes for hours into the nighttime.
5.Hermes H24
Hermes H24 perfume is the label’s first fragrance for “the current man”. It contains the function notes of narcissus, clary sage, and rosewood. This perfume is perfect for the summer and springtime, plus the warming rosewood makes it a year-round favourite too. In case you don’t like to wear the identical fragrance days in a row, maybe this one trades your thoughts. It’s very lengthy-lasting and perfectly particular.
6.Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden The Last Day of Summer
Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden The Last Day of Summer is a work of art, from the whimsical lacquer bottle to the warm, spring scents that live inside. Just like the name suggests, this is a fragrance harking back to the ultimate days of summer season spent lazing around in lush gardens. Inspired with the aid of alchemy, Gucci creates an addicting heady scent that promises warmth to the wearer. That is a fragrance that is best for layering, letting the consumer create their very own personalised combination of scents.
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Cook of Love
Cook of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x OC (July niece of Leonardo)
Prompt: Day 4 [august 12th] - Cooking // "Well, I tried to warn you."
Part of  Napoleon week 2022 held by @xxsycamore and @batteryrose
Tag: Domestic Fluff Secret kisses
Word Count: 1.466
Author’s Note: Sort of prequel of Ambition of Love
Created to show my love for Napoleon with gratitude to the creator of thsi wonderful challenge, here it is a piece centered around our boy and his native island, along the adventure he has with his childhood lover and future bride July, appearance of their families and of his sibling Joseph, who by the way always has been easy to boss around for his younger and more determined brother Napoleone, for their names I used the corsican language version they must have spoken in reality. 🧐
I hope so much you will like it and I can not wait to hear my dear mutual @kissmetwicekissmedeadly opinion on it. 😉
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @klutzyroses @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it. 😊
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Corsican summer were famous to be warm gifted by a sun whose heat know no boundaries, bathing everything in sight in his bright rays as a gentle breeze brushed through flowers bushes and fruits trees carrying their scent in the air amidst the village houses where a peculiar mediterranean melody was being played with clangor of pots and cutlery resonating along hearty laugh and chit chats, dog barking in the distance accompanied the screeching of the seagulls and the sounds of the cicadas typical of the lazy atmosphere taking over the village after meals with adults busy to talk over serious stuff, such as politic and dowry matter sipping coffee and light liquors like amaretto all accompanied with sweet treats while children playing freely around the grass fighting and making peace in few seconds, bonding over to sneak unnoticed some sweets to hide in their clothes to eat together away from prying eyes to avoid getting scolded.
Meanwhile a peculiar pair of youngsters preferred to stay inside, where a boy was too busy preparing a lavish dinner to waste time outside, helped by his best friend, who even though was guest of his along her family preferred help him rather than facing inappropriate questions about engagement and marriage, things she did not confessed but dare say despised to think when not involving him but too shy to confess her desire she chose to hide away in the kitchen with him, the one and only boy who caught her eyes and stole her heart since the first time he protected her from the bully pestering her, sticking with her ever since.
All the home was by sunset warmed by the heat of boiling pots as a delicious scent was carried over by the air reaching even the open aired leisure area, its warm colors tinting everything in sight as a pair of voices resonated in the little kitchen melted with accomplices whispers and hearty laugh of the two improvised chefs, seeing her intensely looking at the red juice boiling happily in the pot he was stirring he dipped a spoon in it, blowing lightly over it before giving to to her
“Careful is hot.” she nodded swiftly before sliding a side of the wooden spoon with the tomato juice between her lips savouring it, letting its rich taste invade her palate even though he was not wrong about the temperature and she should have listed to his advice, wasting no time she took poured herself a glass of water from pitcher, gulping it down trying to refresh her burning tongue 
“It is not hot Leone … it boils.”
“Well I tried to warn you.” he shook his head faking exasperation at her friend stubbornness but then her green eyes took on such faked sad expression pouting like a child he could not help surrender to her adorableness, reaching to caress her cheeks as he murmured softly 
“You should have been more careful July.”
“I know…but your cooking is delicious and I wanted a taste.” she confessed an innocent smirk curled her lips 
“Ahh my impatient little nunuche, what should I do with you ?” a foxy expression glimmered in her green eyes as she smiled at him “Maybe a kiss can heal it ?”
“You are such a naughty girl.” he murmured, caressing her chin “How can I deny you something when you ask so nicely ?” gently he leaned over melting his lips softly on her, feeling the grip of her fingers on his shirt as she tried to steady herself, slowly they pulled away panting heavily as he leaned his forehead to her whispering few inches from her lips
“Je t'aime tellement ma Reine, toujours et pour toujours.” 
“Je t'aime aussi mon Roi, les mots ne me suffit pas.” 
A sudden noise make them jolt back toward the door, her hands reaching for his squeezing it in fear as he reassuringly brushed his thumb over her back to reassure her, hiding them both behind his back as an unexpected visitor popped up in the kitchen, short brown hair and meek hazelnut eyes stared at them hesitant in his words coming out in a mild quiet voice
“Someone out there is a bit hungry and they sent me to ask how it is going ?” he confessed shyly looking up at his brother, whose authority never failed to make him obey every command of his spoken with the wisdom and might of an older brother the same he should have had but failed to, shifted to his determined and ambitious younger sibling.
“Everything is almost ready Giuseppi, you can start adjusting the dining room.” 
“Alright Napulione if you need a hand call me.” 
“Thank you but I already have one.” she chuckled lightly as he squeezed her hand 
“We were lucky it was him.” he said as he slide away to obey his order 
“I know… we have to be careful.” 
“We should but you are too cute … I want to spend all eternity kissing you.” 
“Me too.” she left a light kiss on his cheek enough to leave them desiring for more to which both yearned to give in once they would have been properly married after their engagement or so their families said, not before dowry and house matters would have been settled down that was.
They continued to cook side by side until everything was ready to be served, yielding compliments to the chefs all through dinner they both accepted radiating with happiness but humbly brushing them away, their cheeks flushed with shyness as their gazes were locked to one another smiling softly at their kisses a secret only for them to know, looking away only when their parents started talking again as they found themselves involved in their discussion, unknowingly brushing their fingers over their lips where a certain warmth lingered from the forbidden deeds they gave in away from prying eyes in the kitchen, far from being the first time eliciting in them emotions making them feel like it was.
By the time the dinner finished it was so late his family invited them to over, free to take the place they so often occupied in two guest room of the house, leaving the moon only witness of the peculiar exchange of bed later that night as a certain girl slide noiselessly around the house to sneak into his best friend bedroom leaving his older brother sleep soundly in what should have been her bed, his jade eyes widened with surprise as a triumphant grin appeared on his lips making hard for him to suppress a laugh at her boldness but after all he was not surprised for this was far from being the first time she dared to do such naughtydeed for too many nights to count were spent that way thanks to the bond between their families, still they were no children anymore and they were well aware that what was once an innocent act was now becoming dangerous and forbidden, an heavy sigh escaped his lips as he was looking wistfully at her sliding carefreely as usual under the covers, the air was not so frizzy but a cold shiver run down his spine at the thought someone could have discovered them, they were doing nothing wrong but still rumors would have very much spread around town at this her reputation would have been irreparably tainted more than his, the mere idea of not seeing her anymore forced to a displeasing marriage was enough to make his heart clench painfully, he shook his head clearing his mind setting aside his fear only to make her happy, a glimpse of playfulness flickered in her green eyes smiling proudly at him brushing off doubts and fears with her sweet voice “Good morning Leone or better good night.”
“You never learn do you ?” he smiled softly at her sliding his fingers on her cheeks whispering softly “Mia piccola nunuche.” she giggled softly proceeding to sweep away the tension he felt a moment before with her innocence and carefree chats and sooner than he realized they found themselves engrossed in talking about dreams and expectations, sharing secrets and projects with light forbidden kisses chuckling like children under the warm comfortable duvets faking to sleep whenever they heard strange noises around the house, the aster only witness of that peculiar sleepover engulfed in love.
Switching places only at dawn smiling conspiratorially all through breakfast ready for another day they would have spent together, enjoying every moment of that lovely warm summer they would have always come back to recall to one another, smiling happily in their shared bedroom in the Royal palace all their to rule their country from with the deep rooted love they felt for one another all eternity.
Mia piccola - My little
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It's interesting to see him asking his mommies about lemon trees, 🍋 a possible indication that it wasn’t water he drank 🤔 There are multiple varieties of lemon trees, but which one will His mommies choose to plant at home to please him?🤷‍♀️
Classic Cocktail - A true Scotch Whisky Sour is 150 years old, yet you’ll still find it in the trendiest bars. Give this cocktail a go with your favourite scotch! With egg white included, it is sometimes called a Boston sour; when the whisky used is a Scotch, it is called a Scotch sour.
The Whisky Sour was invented in the 1860s, but British Navy sailors🇬🇧 had been drinking something very similar for a long time before that. Fresh and clean water was difficult to find on long sea journeys, so sailors commonly used whisky, rum and other spirits to substitute.
In the 19th century aside from lack of clean water, many sailors suffered from scurvy, a potentially fatal disease caused in part by lack of vitamin C. Sailors consumed lemons and limes to help prevent the disease from spreading. For many years, sailors on the sea drank whisky sours. Their popularity grew when they finally arrived on the shores of the United States.
There are three main references on the official record. The first record is written in Jerry Thomas' seminal 1862 book, The Bartender's Guide: How to Mix Drinks. The second reference comes from a Wisconsin newspaper, the Waukesha Plainsdealer in 1870. The final record is in 1872 and states that Elliot Staub, a former ship steward, "invented" a drink called the Whisky Sour in a bar in Iquique, (then part of Peru) now Iquique is a port city and commune in northern Chile, 🇨🇱 after the Pacific War (1879).
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2 ounces Scotch whisky
3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 ounce simple syrup
1/2 ounce egg white (optional)
Garnish: Angostura bitters
1 Add Scotch, lemon juice, simple syrup and egg white, if using, to a shaker, and dry-shake for 30 seconds without ice.
2. Add ice and shake again for 15-20 seconds, until well-chilled.
3. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice, or into a coupe without ice.
4. Garnish with 3-4 drops of Angostura bitters.
Egg white adds viscosity and mouthfeel to cocktails and drinks such as sours only taste their best when made with added egg white. Egg white can also add an attractive foamy head to cocktails and the amount of foam produced can be extenuated using a “Dry Shake” refers to shaking ingredients in a cocktail shaker without ice.
Although raw egg whites are optional in the Whisky Sour, they are required in drinks such as the Ramos Gin Fizz, Amaretto Sour, Whisky Sour, Clover Club, Tequila Sour, Sloe Gin Fizz, Pisco Sour, Eggnog and White Lady. You can also use dried egg white powder.
Any recipe containing egg requires a vigorous dry shake for at least 30 seconds to ensure that the egg white combines with the other ingredients and produces a smooth, frothy texture.
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Do remember that drinking and serving alcohol responsibly is a must. Cheers drinking classic cocktails — safely!
Posted 12th April 2024
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daniela--anna · 1 year
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•1 pack of vegetable whipping cream (such as Oppla')
•1 glass of milk (also vegetable)
•1 spoonful of sugar
• Strawberry jam (better without sugar)
•Savoiardi biscuits
In a bowl, mix the ricotta well with a spoonful of sugar until it is creamy and homogeneous.
Apart from whipping the cream and when it is nice and compact, add it to the ricotta, incorporating it delicately.
Prepare 4 glasses and put a little cream in each one, then put 2-3 teaspoons of strawberry jam and top with a few pieces of ladyfingers soaked in milk.
Proceed like this in layers until the ingredients are finished.
Lastly, garnish with a strawberry cut in half and some crumbled amaretto biscuits to taste.
Keep in the fridge.
•250 g. ricotta
•1 confezione di Panna da montare vegetale (tipo Oppla')
•1 bicchiere di latte (anche vegetale)
•1 cucchiaio di zucchero
•Confettura di fragole (meglio senza zucchero)
In una ciotola lavorare bene la ricotta con il cucchiaio zucchero finché risulterà cremosa e omogenea.
A parte montare la panna e quando sarà bella compatta, unirla alla ricotta incorporandola delicatamente.
Preparare 4 bicchieri e mettere in ogniuno poca crema, poi mettere 2-3 cucchiaini di confettura di fragole e sopra qualche pezzetto di savoiardi bagnati nel latte.
Procedere così a strati finché non saranno finiti gli ingredienti.
Da ultimo guarnire con una fragola divisa a metà e qualche amaretto sbriciolato a piacere.
Conservare in frigorifero.
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azsazz · 1 year
Bloody Knuckles and the Songs of Death (Part 4)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Reader is everything that Azriel is not. Opposite feelings but equal death in the end.
AKA: Half a rewrite of chapters 43-47 of ACOWAR where reader is now there as part of the Autumn Court, excited to meet Azriel. The other half are my own ideas.
Warnings: Major themes of death, ACOWAR spoilers, blood, gore, mentions of abuse, smut.
Word Count: 1,621
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part 3)
Beron shields barely fast enough to block Feyre, but the wake singes Eris’ arm–right through the thick, emerald cloth. And the pale, lovely arm of Amaretto.
The others shout, shooting to their feet, but Feyre isn’t stopping yet. Her point hasn’t been made, and her wild gray eyes are consumed by the inferno she’s wielding at the flame master himself.
She stands, instead sending a wave of water from the reflection pool to encircle Beron and his chair. A bubble without air.
Flame pounds against it, turning water to steam, but she pushes harder.
She looks like she might kill him, and although you’re slightly disappointed it’s not the shadowsinger to take his life, you’re very happy at the sight before you.
Beron’s flame barrier slams into her water one, hard enough that ripples begin to form, steam hissing amongst them.
She bares her teeth and sends a fist of white light punching into that fiery shield–the white light of Day. Spell-breaker. Ward-cleaver.
Beron’s eyes widen as his shields begin to fray. As that water pushes in.
You shift onto the edge of your seat, eager eyes unable to look away. The taste of his panic is sweet on your tongue.
Rhysand stands before her, capturing her face in his soft hands. “You’ve proved your point, my love,” he says to her. “Kill him, and horrible Eris will take his place.”
She doesn’t say anything aloud but he answers her as if she had. 
“As interesting an experiment as that might be,” Rhys croons, “It would only complicate the matters at hand.”
It’s silent for a long few heartbeats. 
And then she lets go of her magic.
Beron’s flames explode like an unfurling flower–and bounce harmlessly off of the shield Rhys had thrown around them.
Not to shield against Beron.
The other High Lords are now on their feet.
“That was how you got through my wards,” Tarquin murmurs.
Beron’s panting so hard he looks like he might spew lava. His heated gaze turns on you in a silent command to kill them all, right here and now, but you’re too busy watching what the others are saying.
Helion rubs his jaw as he sits down once more. “I wondered where it went–that little bit. So small–like a fish missing a single scale. But I still felt whenever something brushed against that empty spot.” A smirk at Rhys. “No wonder you made her High Lady.”
“I made her High Lady,” Rhys says simply, lowering his hands from Feyre’s face but not leaving her side, “Because I love her. Her power was the last thing I considered.”
Helion asks Tamlin, “You knew of her powers?”
Tamlin only watches Feyre and Rhys, his declaration hanging between them. “It was none of your business,” is all Tamlin says to Helion. To everyone.
“The power belongs to us. I think it is,” Beron seethes.
Mor levels a look at Beron that would send lesser males running.
The Lady of Autumn is clutching her arm, angry red splattered along her moon-white skin. No glimmer of pain on that face, though. Feyre says as she reclaims her seat, “I’m sorry.”
Amarettos eyes lift towards her gray ones, round as saucers.
Beron spits, “Don’t talk to her, you human filth.”
Rhys shatters through Beron’s shield, his fire, his defenses.
Shatters through them like a stone hurled into a window, and slams his dark power into Beron so hard he rocks back in his seat. Then that seat disintegrates into black, sparkling dust beneath him.
Leaving Beron to fall on his ass.
You truly do like the Night Court.
Glittering ebony dust drifts away on a phantom wind, staining Beron’s crimson jacket, clinging like clumps of ash to his brown hair.
“Don’t ever,” Rhys says, hands sliding into his pockets, “speak to my mate like that again.”
Beron shoots to his feet, not bothering to brush off the dust, and declares to no one in particular, “This meeting is over. I hope Hybern butchers you all.”
But Nesta rises from her chair. “This meeting is not over.”
Even Beron pauses at her tone. Eris sizes up the space between Nesta Archeron and his father.
She stands tall, a pillar of steel. “You are all there is,” she says to Beron, to all of us. “You are all that there is between Hybern and the end of everything that is good and decent.” She settles her stare on the High Lord of Autumn, unflinching and fierce. “You fought against Hybern in the last war. Why do you refuse to do so now?”
Beron does not deign to answer. But he does not leave. Eris subtly motions his brothers to sit.
Nesta marks his gesture–hesitating. As if realizing she indeed holds their complete attention. That every word matters. “You may hate us. I don’t care if you do. But I do care if you let innocents suffer and die. At least stand for them. Your people. For Hybern will make an example of them. Of all of us.”
“And you know this how?” Beron sneers.
“I went into the Cauldron,” Nesta says flatly. “It showed me his heart. He will bring down the wall, and butcher those on either side of it.”
Truth or lie, you can’t tell. Nesta’s face reveals nothing. And no one dares to contradict her.
She looks to Kallias and Viviane. “I am sorry for the loss of those children. The loss of one is abhorrent.” She shakes her head. “But beneath the wall, I witness children–entire families–starve to death.” She jerks her chin at her sister. “Were it not for my sister…I would be among them.”
“Too long,” she continues. “For too long have humans beneath the wall suffered and died while you in Prythian thrived. Not during that–queen’s reign.” She recoils, as if hating to even speak Amarantha’s name. “But long before. If you fight for anything–fight now, to protect those you forgot. Let them know they’re not forgotten. Just this once.”
Thesean clears his throat. “While a noble statement, the details of the Treaty did not demand we provide for our human neighbors. They were to be left alone. So we obeyed.”
Nesta remains standing. “The past is the past. What I care about is the road ahead. What I care about is making sure no children–Fae or human–are harmed. You have been entrusted with protecting this land.” She scans the faces around her. “How can you not fight for it?”
She looks to Beron and his family as she finishes. Only the Lady and Eris seem to be considering–impressed, even, by the strange, simmering woman before them.
Beron only says, “I shall consider it.” A look at his wife and sons, and they vanish, leaving you and Eris in their wake. 
Eris is the last to winnow, something conflicting dancing over his face, as if this was not the outcome he’d planned for. Expected.
The look he gives you is an order. One that has your stomach twisting with both excitement and nerves. He knows that he himself cannot stay here, not while Beron is beyond himself with anger, so he’s telling you to stay, to talk to the Night Court for him.
You nod, and he disappears.
Kallias asks Feyre quietly, “Did you master the ice?” 
She gives him a shallow nod in return. “All of it.”
Kallias scrubs at his face as Viviane sets a hand on his arm. “Does it make a difference, Kal?”
“I don’t know,” he admits.
But Tarquin says, “You saved us Under the Mountain. Losing a kernel of power seems a worthy payment.”
“It seems she took far more than that,” Helion argues, “If she could be within seconds of drowning Beron despite the wards.” 
Helion’s power, warm and clear, brushes against their shield, trawling through the air between everyone. As if testing for a tether.
Thesean declares, “What’s done is done. Short of killing her,”–Rhys’s power roils through the room at the words–“There is nothing we can do.”
Feyre stands, staring Thesean in the eye. Then Helion. Tarquin. Kallias. Even you, the representative for Autumn, exactly as Nesta had done. “I did not take your power. You gave it to me, along with the gift of my immortal life. I am grateful for both. But they are mine now. And I will do with them what I will.”
Her courtiers have risen behind her, now in rank, Nesta at her left. Rhys steps up to her right, but doesn’t touch her. He lets her stand on her own like Eris is letting you, to stare everyone down.
She says quietly, but not weakly, “I will use these powers–my powers–to smash Hybern to bits. I will burn them, drown them, and freeze them. I will use these powers to heal the injured. To shatter through Hybern’s wards. I have done so already, and I will do so again. And if you think that my possession of a kernel of your magic is your biggest problem, then your priorities are severely out of order.”
The High Lords and their retinues say nothing.
But Viviane nods, chin high, and rises. “I will fight with you.”
Cressida stands a heartbeat later. “As will I.”
Both of them look to the males in their court.
Tarquin and Kallias rise.
Then Helion, smirking at Feyre and Rhys.
And finally Thesean–Thesean and Tamlin, who did not so much a breathe in her direction, had barely moved or spoken these past few moments.
All eyes turn toward you. You cannot speak for the High Lord that you serve, but you can for yourself. For yourself and for Eris, you stand, and nod, pledging your allegiance.
“I will also fight with you.”
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mooseandsadie · 1 year
What Are the 23 Flavors in Dr Pepper?
If you love Dr Pepper, then you have likely heard of the unique soda's 23 flavors. But what makes these flavors so special?
It's a deliciously complex carbonated drink that has been delighting taste buds for 135 years. Invented by pharmacist Charles Alderton in 1885, it was named after his favorite doctor.
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What Are the 23 Flavors in Dr Pepper?
1. Cherry
Cherry is a fruity flavor that adds an extra layer of sweetness to the beverage. It’s a delicious addition to your diet and a great way to satisfy sweet cravings.
It’s also a popular ingredient in cakes and marinades. Try adding a bit of Dr Pepper to your next recipe for an unexpected twist!
Dr Pepper is made with a blend of 23 unique flavors that come together to create its classic taste. Some of these include cherry, licorice, amaretto (almond-flavored liqueur), blackberry, caramel, cola and more.
2. Vanilla
Dr Pepper is a sweet and refreshing soda that has been satisfying thirsts since the late 1800s. Its unique blend of carbonated water, sweetener (like sugar or high fructose corn syrup), caramel color, phosphoric acid for tanginess and natural & artificial flavors along with preservative sodium benzonate makes it the perfect choice for a satisfying refreshment.
The taste of vanilla in dr pepper can be very reminiscent of strawberry, marshmallow and cotton candy. It is considered a classic cream soda flavor and has been praised by many people.
It can be served on its own, mixed with your favorite spirits or flavors for a creative cocktail or paired with ice cream for a sweet twist on the classic float. However you choose to enjoy dr pepper, you'll be sure to have a good time! This popular soft drink is available in more than 170 countries and territories.
3. Caramel
Caramel is a popular flavor in dr pepper because it adds a sweet, buttery flavor that gives the soda a unique taste. You might also notice a hint of vanilla in this flavor as well, which helps bring out the sweetness and depth of the drink.
Dr Pepper fans have a chance to try this new flavor soon! It will be part of the company's Fansville Reserve collection.
However, a recent petition by the Center for Science in the Public Interest to ban the use of caramel coloring has put the ingredient under intense scrutiny. CSPI said that the coloring contains 4-methylimidazole, a chemical known to cause cancer.
4. Ginger
The flavor of ginger in dr pepper is an inviting blend of sweet and spicy flavors. It’s a classic combination that gives the drink an unforgettable taste.
The story behind the creation of Dr Pepper goes back to 1885 when a Brooklyn-born pharmacist named Charles Alderton began experimenting with a new soda in his Waco, Texas drug store. He noticed that patrons enjoyed the sweet smell of the fountain and decided to create a new soft drink.
The soda has a unique blend of 23 flavors that give it a one-of-a-kind taste. The flavor profile includes sweet notes of cherry, licorice, amaretto and caramel as well as spicy notes of ginger and peppermint.
5. Amaretto
Amaretto is a sweet almond liqueur that can be used in a variety of drinks. It can also be used in desserts and savory dishes.
Amaretto can be found in many different stores and is usually made with distilled alcohol. This means that it should be gluten-free as long as the base is not made with wheat or rye.
This liqueur can be served straight or mixed with other spirits. It can also be poured over ice for a refreshing drink that is sure to please.
The drink has a unique flavor that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It contains no high fructose corn syrup and is made with natural cane sugar. This makes it a great option for those who want to stay healthy.
6. Blackberry
Dr Pepper Dark Berry is a new twist on the classic soda. It starts with the OG Dr Pepper flavor that fans know and love, but adds darker fruit flavors like black currant, blackberry and black cherry.
This new beverage is available nationwide in 12-packs of 12-oz cans for $5.29 or 20-oz bottles for $1.99. The flavor is also available in a zero-sugar variant.
When I tried this soda, I immediately noticed the berry flavor. But the aftertaste reminded me of a blue ice pop.
If you’re looking for a new drink to try this summer, give this one a try. It’s a unique blend of 23 flavors that come together to create a one-of-a-kind taste.
7. Almond
Dr Pepper is a soft drink that has been around for over 135 years. It is one of the most famous sodas in the world, and it has a unique flavor that sets it apart from other brands on the market.
It was invented in 1885 by pharmacist Charles Alderton. He was experimenting with different fruit flavors in his pharmacy, and he created the flavor we know today.
He wanted to recreate the smell of his pharmacy, and he came up with the taste of Dr Pepper as a result. The drink is made up of 23 different flavors, including cola, cherry, licorice, amaretto (almond), vanilla, blackberry, apricot, caramel, pepper, anise, sarsaparilla, ginger, molasses, lemon, plum, orange, nutmeg, cardamon, all spice, coriander juniper and birch.
Dr Pepper is a delicious and refreshing soft drink that can help you maintain a healthy weight. It has less sugar and caffeine than Coke, and it is also low in calories.
8. Black Licorice
Dr Pepper is a unique carbonated soda that features 23 flavors. First made in 1885 in Waco, Texas, it is one of the oldest major soft drinks brands in the United States.
The original formula was created by a pharmacist named Charles Alderton at Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. He was inspired by the smell of his pharmacy, and he wanted to replicate it with a carbonated beverage.
Many people believe that the flavor of dr pepper is made up of amaretto, almond, carrot, clove, cherry, caramel, blackberry, black licorice, cola, ginger, juniper, lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, pepper, plum, prune, raspberry, root beer, rum and vanilla.
In addition to its signature flavor, dr pepper has been used in a variety of different recipes throughout history. You can mix dr pepper with ice cream for a refreshing milkshake or simmer it along with spices to create a unique glaze for meats or vegetables.
9. Carrot
Carrots are a super food that's packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Each serving of carrots offers more than half the recommended daily vitamin A requirement, as well as potassium and folate.
A carrot is also a low-calorie, high-fiber food that can help you feel full so you won't overeat, reducing your calorie intake and supporting weight loss. They also help control blood sugar, making them a great choice for people with diabetes.
The flavors of carrots vary widely at a molecular level and are largely due to the volatile compounds called terpenoid-based flavor compounds. Variations in the fraction of these terpenoid-based flavors are what give different carrot cultivars their unique aromas and tastes.
10. Clove
Dr Pepper is one of the most famous and iconic sodas in the world, and it has a unique flavor that sets it apart from the competition. It contains 23 flavors that come together to create a complex and unique taste that you’ll never find in any other soda.
A staple in the beverage industry, Dr Pepper has been around since 1885. It’s one of the oldest and most popular brands in America, and its recognizable logo and campaigns make it easy to spot in stores across the country.
The drink was invented in 1885 by pharmacist Charles Alderton who formulated it while working at a drug store in Waco, Texas. He was inspired by the smell of a particular soda fountain and decided to recreate the same taste in a drink
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chefilona · 2 years
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Tiramisu, the legendary Italian dessert as we know it today, is said to have found its origins in the 1960s in the Veneto region, with many rustic or simple versions have been recorded since the 1800s.
The original version is made with egg yolks which a tempered into a custard called, zabaglione. This custard is mixed with an ultra-rich version of a fresh cream cheese called mascarpone. This mixture is layered with a boozy and espresso dunked lady finger biscuits.
This dessert took North America by storm in the 1980s and was seen on menus in restaurants and on many tables in home kitchens. This dessert is so easy to love as it echoes the familiar creaminess of cheesecake with our coffee-obsessed continent. Tiramisu is also really easy to make, which made it a popular and trendy dessert to serve at home.
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My version takes out the challenge of making a zabaglione, which is a definite departure from the traditional version, and I opt instead to incorporate cream cheese instead. The cream cheese has stabilizers in the ingredients list which will allow the dessert to last longer in the fridge without and liquid weeping out of the works. I whip together the mascarpone and cream cheese, which then has stiffly whipped heavy cream folded into it.
For the alcohol in the espresso dunk, I have opted to go with Amaretto. Amaretto is Italian for "a little bitter." Amaretto is a liqueur with an almond flavor, but interestingly enough, it may or may not contain almonds. The standard base of the liqueur is made with either apricot pits, almonds, or both. The original version was made in Saronno, Italy. It is believed that the Lazzaroni family of Saronno are the ones who invented this popular liqueur. It pairs quite well in coffee and is often found in after-dinner specialty coffees. If Amaretto doesn’t tickle your fancy, rum or coffee liqueur will also do quite well.
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Amaretto Spiked Tiramisu Created By Chef Ilona Daniel
Makes enough for up to 6 (or if you love tiramisu as much as me, 1 generous portion!)
1 ½ cups whipping cream
1 cup Mascarpone cheese
1 package cream cheese
½ cup icing sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbs amaretto
1 cup strong cold coffee
1 package lady fingers (savoirdi biscuits)
cocoa, for dusting
Whip whipping cream, sugar and vanilla, and in a separate bowl whip Mascarpone cheese, cream cheese
and amaretto. Combine the two together
Pour coffee into a shallow dish. Dip enough ladyfingers in coffee to cover the base of a 6×9 inch (15×24
cm; 4 cups volume) square dish. Add a part of the cream mixture and level out. Repeat layers 1 or 2
times, ending with the cream.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust with cocoa before serving.
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swwan · 2 years
the signs as cocktails with pretty names
Fill glass with ice
1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Cherry Liqueur
3/4 oz Cream or Milk
Strain into chilled glass
Fill glass with ice
1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Black Sambuca
Strain into chilled glass
Garnish with Lemon Twist
Fill glass with ice
3/4 oz Apple Brandy
3/4 oz Benedictine
1 tsp Triple Sec or Curacao
1 oz Lemon Juice or Sour Mix
Strain into chilled glass
Turtle Dove
Fill glass with ice
1 1/2 oz Dark Rum
1/2 oz Amaretto
Fill with Orange Juice
Pour into glass
White Swan
Fill glass with ice
2 oz Amaretto
2 oz Milk or Cream
Pour into glass
Fill glass with ice
4 oz Sloe Gin
1 Egg White
1 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Rasberry Syrup or Grenadine
Strain into two chilled glasses
Silken Veil
Fill glass with ice
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Dubonnet Rouge
Garnish with twist.
White Lily
Fill glass with ice
1 oz Gin
1 oz Rum
1 oz Triple Sec
1/4 tsp Pernod
Strain into chilled glass
Fill glass with ice
1 oz Rum
1/2 oz Amaretto
1/2 oz Banana Liqueur
Fill with equal parts Orange Juice and Pineapple Juice
Pour into glass
Black Rose
Fill glass with ice
2 oz Rum
1 tsp Sugar
Fill with cold Black Coffee
Pour into glass
Wedding Cake
Fill glass with ice
1 1/2 oz Amaretto
1/2 oz White Creme De Cacao
Fill with equal parts Milk and Pineapple Juice
Pour into glass
Diamond Fizz
Fill glass with ice
1 1/2 oz Gin
Dash of Sour Mix
1 tsp Powdered Sugar
Strain into chilled glass
Fill with Champagne
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soliavenne · 3 years
A Holiday Episode for The Sand Family: What Would Be Their Perfect Holiday Drink?
Alright ya’ll, this had been a running late holiday episode I was supposed to post a few days ago, but I just got to finish finalizing the recipes and the drawings the other day haha. Either way, here it goes! 
Hope you enjoy! :)
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Temari starts off by finely chopping her pre-cooked, roasted and peeled chestnuts. She places the non-stick pan on medium low heat before pouring the chopped chestnuts in it, followed by the whole milk.
She then proceeds to chop the stick of vanilla bean into two pieces, takes 2/3 of it for the drink; with the remaining 1/3 of the stick to be set aside to flavor the whipped cream later. Temari splits the vanilla bean in half, lengthwise, and scrapes out the vanilla pulp inside and stirs it right into the simmering milk. The same step will be done later to the remaining vanilla bean. Temari prefers using vanilla bean instead of vanilla extract, as the vanilla extract contains unnecessary ingredients and tastes weaker compared to the vanilla bean itself.
Temari doesn’t like using ground cinnamon, as it doesn’t dissolve into the drink. To still have the cinnamon flavor, she throws in a small cinnamon stick into the milk.
Knowing from bad experience, Temari doesn’t leave the simmering milk unattended. She diligently scrapes the bottom of the pan every 1-2 minutes with a rubber spatula so it doesn’t form a film of milk solids that could burn if left neglected. She cracks up the heat a little to medium high to bring it to a boil. After so, Temari reduces the heat at the lowest setting to allow it to simmer, still stirring it occasionally for five minutes before taking it off the heat.
Temari likes using bittersweet chocolate instead of cocoa powder, as the butter content of chocolate allows for a richer taste. She chops the chocolate very finely to have it dissolve faster into the hot milk. Since bittersweet chocolate doesn’t taste as sweet, she adds two tablespoons of light brown sugar and stirs it to dissolve. After that, she takes out the cinnamon stick.
Temari prefers to blitz her hot chocolate in her high-speed blender as it allows her clean the counter and wash the utensils for the meantime as it blends. It leaves little to no trace of remaining chestnut pieces and usually results to a very smooth consistency.
After dividing the nutty, hot chocolate into her mugs and Shikamaru’s mug, she stirs in the Bourbon.
Temari prefers to whip her cold, heavy cream to a medium peak with a hand-held mixer alongside 2 tablespoons of confectioner’s sugar and the scraped vanilla bean from the left stick.
She tops off the drink with a healthy amount of sweetened, vanilla whipped cream, roughly chopped roasted walnuts (as expected), and a drizzle of her own chocolate sauce on to finish it off.
Bonus recipe:
Temari prefers homemade to store-bought if it doesn’t take much of her time to do it, one of the things she swaps for a homemade version is chocolate sauce, knowing it’s a one-pot no brainer recipe. So how does she do it?
Temari’s Homemade Chocolate Sauce
1) 1 ½ cups water
2) 1 ½ cups white sugar
3) 1 cup cocoa powder
4) 1 dash salt
5) 1 stick of vanilla bean.
Pour in the water, sugar, cocoa powder and salt into the pan and heat it over low heat. Stir the mixture constantly until it thickens up and comes to a simmer. Take it off the heat and then stir in the scraped vanilla bean. You can serve it warm, or make it in advance and store in a container into the fridge until ready to be served.
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Kankuro gets cold easily, and he likes to be experimental at times with the food he eats. Hot chocolate with Tequila and a little kick of cayenne? Yep, you got him intrigued. He would certainly give it a shot.
Kankuro usually goes for whole milk, but he decides to go for full cream milk this time to balance off the taste of alcohol and spice perfectly. He does find it resulting to a thicker, decadent hot chocolate, which is something he’s not shy to indulge himself upon.
He prefers to use both parts of milk chocolate and semisweet chocolate. There are times where he opts to not add sugar at all due to the sugars present in his chosen types of chocolate, but if he’s feeling a little kick of a sweet tooth, he would use light brown sugar.
He starts off by finely chopping his chocolates and placing them onto the bowl. Last year, he thought he could chop it at the same time as he allows the milk to boil, but he ended up losing his concentration as he found joy in the sound of chocolate being chopped by his freshly-sharpened knife. The milk boiled over, and the panic had him throwing the chocolate into the scalded milk; with the weight of the chopping board tipping over the pot and resulting to a hot chocolate-less night. Never again. He knew better now. He learns the best after his own mistakes.
To make his favorite hot chocolate, pour in the milk, sugar, salt, ground cinnamon and cayenne pepper into the pot and heat it over medium low. As he only makes this once a year, specifically for the holiday as a sort of little tradition for himself as he dons his holiday sweater, Kankuro is extra mindful to scrape the bottom of the pot until it reaches a gentle boil. He reduces the heat to the lowest setting before pouring in his finely chopped chocolate from his fancy little glass bowl. After stirring it to dissolve, he removes it off the heat and then uses a ladle for extra precaution to transfer it to the mugs.
Stirs in the tequila into the hot chocolate.
Kankuro likes to top it off with a thin layer of store-bought whipped cream. He then sprinkles a small amount of roughly chopped milk chocolate to sweeten the cream, and pinch of cayenne for an interesting contrast.
Note: I forgot to add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder into the recipe image, but the recipe does call for it! I’m sorry for the error!
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Gaara is not very keen on overly-indulgent, sweet drinks. Already thinking that chocolate is very rich itself, Gaara chooses to use low-fat milk. The lessened percentage of fat from his preferred type of milk is complemented by the butter content that the semisweet chocolate offers. The unsweetened cocoa powder packs in a deep, flavor of strong cocoa minus the fat content. This combination results to a less thicker form of hot chocolate, which Gaara prefers the most. To balance off the bitterness and the acidity, he adds a teaspoon of light brown sugar.
Same old step, Gaara combines the simple, yet the highest of quality products in his non-stick pan. Highest of quality meaning having it exposed less to commercialized practices, as Gaara opts to buy his commodities from Suna’s own, proud farmers as a form of his utmost support. Suna had propositioned to buy additional farmlands from Konohagakure, and their own agriculture business is now thriving for the better.
There are times where he visits the farmers himself, and they are more than happy to welcome their beloved Kazekage with an enormous feast of the freshest of their harvest. Gaara vowed to bring Shinki, Araya, and Yodo next time to introduce this practice he upholds in hopes of passing on the economical and moral importance of supporting their own people and own products to the next generation.
Since it is the holidays after all, he lets himself slide off a just a bit by topping his drink off with his own recipe of espresso whipped cream. It’s fairly simple, he whips the cold heavy whipping cream alongisde a small amount of vanilla bean and a teaspoon of instant espresso powder. It may come off as a surprise that he adds another shot of sugar into this as he wasn’t a person with a sweet tooth at all, but he does find that the molasses flavor of the brown sugar balances the concentrated caffeine flavor of the espresso perfectly.
He then proceeds to counter the sweetness from the brown sugar with a healthy sprinkle of sea salt on top, which Chojuro gave as a gift from the previous Five Kage meeting in hopes advertising it as an international product considering they were the ones who discovered it due to Kirikagure’s being surrounded by large bodies of seawater. It was still a new business, the Mizukage said with a chuckle, but the Kages, including Gaara himself, were intrigued and happy to try it.
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Shikamaru loves coffee. It was what kept him going from the long, dragged afternoons spent in the office doing paperwork ever since he started working for the Sixth Hokage up to the Seventh Hokage. The holidays doesn’t faze him to try something entirely new, it’s got to have a punch of caffeine in it, no ifs, no buts. Alcohol and chocolate? Sounds great to indulge himself in once in a while, but the taste of coffee needs to roll familiarity in his tongue for him to enjoy it fully; so an alcohol-spiked mocha is the perfect stroke to tickle his spots.
It’s nothing too fancy, set up a kettle to boil water for the coffee later as he heats up the milk for the hot chocolate to a gentle boil on a very low heat so it’s less of a risk to burn in case he forgets to stir it now and then. Once it does, he tosses in the semisweet chocolate chips, as the whole chopping business thing was something he didn’t want to trouble himself with. Once fully melted and combined, he takes it off the heat.
Shikamaru then proceeds to dissolve the instant coffee powder and the light brown in the boiling hot cup of water.
The ratio he goes for is to fill the first 1/3 of the cup with hot chocolate, then other third of it with the fresh cup of hot coffee. He then stirs in the amaretto, and a tops it off with a thin layer of store-bought whipped cream or Temari’s leftover whipped cream if he runs out of the previous choice. A little dusting of sweetened cocoa powder for the taste and the aesthetic.
Enjoys his second round of Amaretto-spiked Mocha the best when Shikadai is already asleep upstairs, leaving him and Temari alone to accompany each other as they sit together in the couch, cuddled and laughing under the warm blanket as they savor the cold holiday night in Konohagakure together.
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Shikadai would rather have a freezing milkshake than a hot chocolate because he doesn’t like waiting for the hot beverage to cool down as his mother and father had already gulped half of what they’re having.
Cookies and Cream milkshake was one of the specials that they only offered for the special milkshake month in Thunder Burger Restaurant during September. Since there was no way he could order it by the time the holidays arrive, he asked for Chocho and Inojin’s help to devise his own favorite milkshake recipe. Soon enough, he was able to perfect it; as approved by his own teammates, and Temari’s own highest standards.
Shikadai’s prefers to use skim milk, as he had discovered that the presence of egg yolks in his favorite french vanilla ice cream is what makes it creamier and richer than the usual vanilla ice cream. The lack of fat content in skim milk would balance off the french vanilla ice cream’s richness to prevent it from tasting too indulgent.
Shikadai allows the ice cream to soften up a bit to room temperature where it’s just a little melty. After that, he combines the ice cream, cold skim milk, half amount of the scraped vanilla bean, powdered sugar and chopped, seven pieces of oreo cookies into a high speed blender. He turns it off once he sees it is fully-blended.
He likes to drizzle the homemade chocolate sauce that his mother makes onto the milkshake glass, both for taste and aesthetic as a genetic nod to Shikamaru’s mentioned choice with the dusting  of cocoa powder. One of his favorite parts in drinking this milkshake is whenever he uses his straw to scoop up the chocolate sauce that dribbled down onto the bottom of the glass.
Prefers to buy store-bought whipped cream to ease his job and just add the remaining half of the scraped vanilla bean to flavor it. He then proceeds to roughly crush 2 oreo cookies and mix it in with the vanilla-flavored whipped cream. After topping his milkshake with it, he likes to garnish it on top with a whole piece of oreo cookie.
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Shinki’s disciplined behavior renders him uneasy in consuming so many indulgent foods in one night, considering every holiday within the Kazekage’s household had always been a feast. Braised stew and gizzard? Fine, everyone has their weakness, and he might find himself slipping up a little, but with his chosen drink, he would like to tone it down a bit.
Shinki’s health consciousness encourages him to try different healthier alternatives of the popular foods they consume on a daily basis. His latest endeavor was focused on the swelling trend of plant-based milks in the market. He studied the differences between a plant-based milk and regular milk, and he found notable information that he once shared with Gaara over dinner. Gaara smiled at Shinki’s interesting thought, and was now intrigued as well to try it, urging Shinki furthermore to give it a shot.
He went home once, paperbags filled with different cartons of different types of milk. He poured each one of it into small glasses for a taste test. Apart from the difference in the tastes, he also discovered that there were certain milks he thought would pair the best with a specific function. He liked oat milk the best if they are paired with cereal, and the notable creaminess and less nuttier taste of cashew milk paired well with coffee.
Coconut milk was better off for dishes where you naturally expect it to have a “coconutty” taste, since it was distinctly overpowering. Soy milk on the other hand… was an acquired taste for Shinki.
Now that he has the background information as to how it is supposed to taste like, he knew that he would increase its chances of being entirely healthy by making it himself. He wasn’t sure about it at first though, as he would opt to buy it if the recipe calls for professional skills and labor, but once he discovered how easy it was to make by the time he read the recipes Gaara printed for him, he was undeniably excited despite how stoic he looks like on the outside. If you look in close enough, you would see a curt, small smile on his lips.
Out of all the attempts of making almond, oat and cashew milk at home, Shinki found himself favoring cashew milk than the other two. Almond milk required straining it with a nut bag, and tasted prevalently nuttier, oat milk on the other hand ended rather a little slimy. Cashew milk was the easiest, as he didn’t need to do the extra job of straining it, and it resulted to a perfectly creamy milk with with a subtle, nutty note that goes well with his usual go-to drinks, such as coffee and tea. It was his perfect choice.
He might not make it as often as he wants to, but on the holidays, he makes it a day in advance prior to making his reverse whipped coffee.
Shinki pours in the overnight-soaked, softened raw cashews into the high-speed blender, alongside water, Gaara’s favorite sea salt, and the vanilla bean. Shinki likes to use preserved, pitted dates as a sweetener as it also offers another depth of flavor into the milk. He then starts it off by blending in low speed, and then cracking it up to a higher setting until it is fully smooth.
Shinki has his own labeled jar for his homemade cashew milk. To give it another depth of flavor, Shinki likes to throw in two small pieces of cinnamon sticks into the empty jar prior to filling it in with the cashew milk, allowing it to steep the spice’s flavor slowly as it stores in the fridge.
The next night, Shinki starts off by putting in the instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water into a medium sized bowl. Shinki used to do it on the coffee mug itself, but the found out that it took  longer to thicken up due to the lack of air circulation within the small area of the mug. He scrapes the bowl clean using a rubber spatula as he transfers the whipped coffee into his mug.
He then proceeds to heat up his cashew-milk to a gentle boil alongside one piece of cinnamon stick. Shinki leaves the other to steep in further into the left cashew milk. Shinki uses a fine mesh sieve to strain some small pieces of cinnamon from the stick as he would prefer the coffee to be thoroughly smooth.
The aeriated, whipped coffee adds a natural foam on top of the coffee. Shinki doesn’t like to add further garnishes.
Likes to keep it bitter and less sweet because he’s secretly eyeing the dark chocolate cake Gaara only buys during the holidays for later consumption.
Bonus recipes to try from Araya and Yodo!
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A happy, happy holidays to all of you lovely people! :)
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americasass91 · 4 years
Revenge on Ransom
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So since I had so much fun writing my last fic, I just had to indulge on another one! This one is starring everyone’s favorite Mean Sweater Murder Daddy, Ransom! I didn’t intend for it to be this long. But I’m really quite happy with how it came out! Let me know what you think! Thank you so much for reading!! This is of course for @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​ #shamelesshoesforchris
“Please don’t go”
“Don’t you dare take another step”
Rating:Explicit(I mean come on, it’s Ransom)
Warnings:Smut, Angst, Embarrassment, Ransom being an asshole as usual
“A threesome.”
You scoff and roll your eyes while continuing to rub circles on your lover’s taut stomach.
“Of course you’d say a threesome. Such a typical male response.”
“What? You asked me what some of my fantasies were and that’s one of them sweetheart.”
You prop yourself up on your elbow and glance down at the unfairly attractive man below you.
“At least be original with your fantasies. And besides, you expect me to believe that you, Hugh Ransom Playboy Drysdale, have never had a threesome?” You quirk your eyebrow as you look at his stupidly handsome face in disbelief.
He smirks at you. “Believe it, sweetheart. I mean I’m aware I’m a sex god, but I’ve never divulged into more than one woman at a time.”
You once again roll your eyes. “Okay pretty boy, whatever you say.” You lay your head back down on his chest, enjoying this rare moment of cuddling between you 2. Yeah sure you guys were, well whatever you were, you still never put a label on it. But Ransom usually didn’t spend a lot of time cuddling.
“What about you, baby girl? What’s another fantasy of yours. Besides tying me up, which won’t be happening anytime soon.” He starts running his fingers through your hair, instantly making your eyes droop. You adored when someone played with your hair.
You did have another fantasy in mind. You were debating on whether or not you wanted to share. It was rather different. Then again the last time you had revealed one of your fantasies to him (public sex) it led to the most intense orgasm you’ve ever experienced. It also led to you getting kicked out and banned from Saks Fifth Avenue.
You’d never had this fantasy before, it was all his fault really. With his stupid toned, body. And his stupid bulging biceps. And his stupid handsome face. God you really hated him sometimes.
“Okay, I’ll tell you. But you should know I’ve never had this fantasy until I met and started sleeping with you. So, it’s your fault really.”
He smirks down at you. “Well go on and share with the class, baby girl.”
You look away from him and stare down at your hand that’s rested on his toned stomach. “Okay, so I know this might sound crazy but I’m super attracted to your arms. Like they really do it for me. So one of my fantasies is riding your bicep.” Your voice got quieter near the end of your admission.
His fingers stop running through your hair. You tense up waiting for his reaction. You chance a glance up at him. He’s staring at the ceiling, no expression on his face.
Next thing you know you feel his chest start to shake. He starts laughing uncontrollably. He has tears in his eyes. He reaches up to clutch his pec. You’ve never seen him laugh this hard before.
You feel your cheeks flush in embarrassment and you start untangling yourself from him. You just want to go crawl in a hole and die. You knew you should’ve just kept it to yourself. You feel his hand grab your wrist.
“Oh c-come on, sweet-sweetheart. You don’t h-have to leave.” He tries telling you in between fits of laughter. You yank your hand away and grab your clothes, standing to pull them on.
He finally realizes you're actually going to leave and stands up and gets in front of you. “I’m sorry baby girl, it just caught me off guard. Plus it’s just stupid. Really? You get to have my cock and you want to ride my bicep?”
You look up at him, cheeks still flushed red. “Sorry but you asked. Can we just forget I said anything? Go back to how it was before?”
He reaches forward and grabs your hip and pulls you closer to him, dropping a kiss to your forehead. “Sure thing, my strange little girl.”
“You’re not going to tell anybody about this right? I know you like to brag to your friends about our sex life. Kyle is still giving me shit about getting kicked out of Saks.”
“I promise I won’t tell anyone about your stupid fantasy, Y/N. Now can we please just go back to bed? I wasn’t quite done with you yet. Please don’t go.” He tries pushing you towards the bed but you reach up your hand and push against his chest.
“I can’t Ransom, I’ve got to go home and start on my thesis. I’ve been here for 3 days now. I can’t keep putting it off.” You walk around him and grab up the rest of your stuff.
“Oh, so since I won’t let you indulge on your stupid fucking fantasy of riding my arm, you’re leaving. That’s a real bitch move, sweetheart.” He brushes past you and slams the door shut to his bathroom.
You stand there in disbelief. You really did need to go home and work on your thesis. And yes part of you was leaving a little earlier than planned but you didn’t really feel like being laughed at and judged anymore.
“God you are such a prick!” You scream at the closed door. You turn and stomp your way down the stairs and grab your coat and purse by the front door and slam it behind you.
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You don’t hear from Ransom for 4 days. Which honestly you’re surprised you hear from him this early. Usually when you guys fight, you’re the one texting or calling him first. And yes you are aware of how pathetic that is but you love the douchebag, unfortunately.
Just as you’re taking a break from your thesis to watch a little Netflix, your phone starts to ring. You glance at the screen and are surprised to see Ransom’s number.
“Hello?” You pick up after the fourth ring.
“Hey, sweetheart. Listen I just wanted to apologize about how I acted when you had to leave. I’m sorry. I know your thesis is important and I was being selfish. Is there any way you can find it in your heart to forgive me?”
You have a few thoughts that run through your head. First thought, you wondered if this was really Ransom. You pulled your phone away from your ear and double checked the number. Yep it was him. The Second thought was while the apology was really sweet, you noticed he didn’t say anything about your little reveal to him. That was fine. Maybe he was respecting your wishes and pretending it didn’t happen.
“Thank you Ransom, your apology means a lot. I’ll forgive you.” You head into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Thank you sweetheart. I miss you. How is your thesis going?”
“Great, I’m actually taking a break for the day, I don’t want to burn myself out.” You head into the living room and plop down on the couch, grabbing the remote to get Netflix ready.
“That’s a good idea, beautiful. So does that mean I can see my girl tonight?” He sounds hopeful as he asks.
“Sure, your place or mine?”
“Actually some of the guys wanted to get together tonight and they are bringing their significant others so I was hoping you would want to come with me?” Once again sounding hopeful.
“Sure, it would do me some good to get out of the house. What time?” You glance at the clock on your wall and see that it’s 3:30.
“They want to meet up around 7 if that works for you? I could come over now and help you...relax.” You can just feel his smirk through the phone.
“As amazing as that sounds I really need to try to get a nap in. I’ve been working on my thesis non stop and haven’t gotten much sleep, is it ok if you just pick me up later? I’ll stay the night with you to make up for it.” You grab the blanket off the back of your couch and get comfortable.
“Sure, sure sweetheart. You go ahead and get plenty of rest. You’ll need it for when I get you home later.” He all but growls into the phone.
You clench your thighs together in anticipation. “Sounds good handsome, I’ll see you around 6:30?”
“Yeah, sounds good baby. Get some sleep, I love you.”
Once again you pull the phone away from your ear, Ransom rarely ever tells you he loves you. Sure he shows it, ok sometimes he does, but he rarely ever says it. He must feel really bad about how he treated you.
“Love you too, babe. Goodnight.” You hang up and set an alarm for 5 so you’ll have plenty of time to get ready. You put Friends on Netflix and drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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You arrive at the bar with Ransom at around 6:50. Ransom helps you out of his Beemer and practically drags you inside. “Whoa, is there a fire? What’s the rush?” You say as you almost trip through the door.
He stops and looks back at you. “Sorry, Y/N.The last one to show up always has to pay the bill.” He turns his head and searches the bar for his friends.
“It’s not like you can’t afford it. Oh look there they are!” You smile and wave at them as you start walking towards the table. You actually don’t hate his friends entirely. Kyle is here with his girlfriend Kate and Todd is here with his fiancée Lily.
You quickly grab a seat next to Kate, she’s become a real good friend of yours. You wrap her in a hug. You say hi to everyone and turn to see Ransom standing there looking at you. “Hey babe, you gonna sit?”
“Yeah, just going to go get us some drinks first. What’s your poison tonight sweetheart?” He asks as he shrugs out of his coat and hangs it on the back of the chair next to you.
“Hmmm. I think an amaretto sour sounds amazing.” You smile up at him and he nods and heads to the bar. You turn back to Kate. “So are we the last ones to arrive?”
She laughs. “Nope, we are still waiting for Zac to show up. So everyone can thank him for the drinks tonight!” You inwardly cringe. Zac was the one friend of Ransom’s you couldn’t stand. You thought Ransom was a trust fund prick baby. Nothing compared to Zac. He walked around assuming his shit didn’t stink. You had asked Ransom once why he was still friends with him and Ransom just shrugged and said he was his longest friend. Going all the way back to childhood. So you put up with him for your boyfriends sake.
Ransom comes back with your drinks at the same time Zac shows up. He greets everyone and settles down right across from you. “Hello, Y/N. Nice to see you again.” He gives you a wink that makes you try your best not to throw up in your mouth. Ransom puts his arm around you and starts talking with Zac about some sports team or something. You’re not quite sure. You turn your attention to Kate as you, her, and Lily get into a discussion about the current gossip of the town.
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About 2 amaretto sours later and it was just you and Kate left at the table. Todd and Lily left around 9:30, needing to get home to relieve their babysitter. And the rest of the guys were currently playing pool.
“So how have you and Ransom been doing? I remember you said the last time you guys were fighting a lot.” Kate asks as she takes another sip of her third cosmo.
“We’re doing great actually. Not fighting as much. I’ve been staying over a lot. So you know we haven’t been sleeping that much.” You giggle as you take another sip. Kate giggles with you, knowing how insatiable Ransom can be what with all the stories you’ve told her.
“Not gotten kicked out of any more stores have you?” She teases. “Oh my god that was one time!” You groan. “And totally worth it.” You wink at her as you look towards the guys. Ransom looks up at you and bites his bottom lip. Uh oh. You know that look. The last time he looked at you like that, you ended up pinned between him and the bathroom wall. Not that you minded.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom, babe. I’ll be right back.” Kate tells you as she grabs her bag and heads towards the back of the bar where you know the restrooms to be. You grab your phone and start mindlessly scrolling through Insta.
You hear the chair pull out from beside you. “Well hello there gorgeous, why are you over here all by yourself?” You turn and see Zac leaning casually against the table, looking at you expectantly. “Oh, I’m just waiting on Kate to get back. Are you having fun playing pool?” You ask trying to be polite while silently praying he’ll leave you alone.
“Nah, they aren’t much fun to play against. I already kicked their asses.” He smirks as he scoots just the tiniest bit closer to you. You glance over at the pool table and see Kyle and Ransom hanging up their cues, getting ready to head back. You inwardly sigh in relief. “Well that’s nice.” You don’t really know what else to say to him.
Kyle and Ransom make their way back over and sit across from you and Zac. You smile at Ransom and try to silently tell him you’re ready to go. He just brushes you off and turns to Kyle, engaging him in another sports conversation. You roll your eyes and smile once you see Kate coming back.
“Hey boys, done playing already?” She wonders as she takes her seat back beside you. “We were tired of getting our asses kicked by Zac here.” Kyle jokingly says as he takes a swig of his beer. You get ready to turn back towards Kate when Zac puts a hand on your shoulder and leans closer.
“You know I’d let you ride my arm if you wanted hot stuff.” Your eyes immediately go wide as the table goes silent. You can’t seem to tear your gaze away from your hands. “What the hell Zac, that’s a fucking weird thing to say. Even for you.” Kate says disgustedly, glancing at you and seeing your expression.
“Well just ask her, it’s a fantasy of hers. One Ransom doesn’t want to participate in. So I thought I would offer up my services.” He starts chuckling, squeezing your shoulder a little harder. Kate looks at you with an odd expression. “What’s he talking about, Y/N? Is that really one of your fantasies?”
“That’s fucking weird.” You hear Kyle mutter under his breath. “What kind of freak are you dating, Ransom?” He turns towards Ransom with a chuckle. Ransom looks at him and starts chuckling himself. “I don’t know man, we were talking about fantasies the other night and she told me that was one of hers.”
You honestly couldn’t believe that he was sitting there talking to Kyle like you weren’t even in the room. You could feel the stupid tears start to well up. You had to get out of there before they fell. You push your chair back and grab your coat and purse. Ransom stands up with you. “Oh come on, baby. It’s funny! We can all laugh about this!”
You were having a hard time finding humor at your expense. You asked him specifically not to tell anybody and he fucking did it anyway. And to Zac of all people! God what an asshole.
You don’t even spare him another glance as you head for the entrance. “Y/n? Are you ok? You’d don’t deserve to be treated that way.” You turn around and see Kate standing there with a worried look on her face. “I’m fine, I just can’t be around him right now.” You see Ransom hurriedly coming toward you. “I’ve gotta go.”
You run outside and look around for a cab. Of course you don’t see any. “Y/N! Where are you going?” You start walking down the street. You know if you look back at him you’ll start crying. God what an asshole. You can’t believe he told your secret.
“Y/N! Will you stop acting like a bitch and come here so we can talk?” Oh, now you were pissed. You whip around and find him still a couple feet away from you. “Excuse me? I’m acting like a bitch? You’re the one who told your perverted friend my fantasy about you. What does that make you?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh my god why are you so upset about that? I told him because it’s fucking hilarious! My pathetic, dumb baby is so turned on by me she wants to hump my fucking arm. It’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Of course I had to tell someone!” He starts walking closer to you.
You take a step back for every step he takes towards you. “No Ransom it’s not fucking funny! You fucking asked me what fantasies I had and as my partner, I trusted you enough to tell you. I thought I could confide in you. That we shared something but clearly I was fucking wrong.”
“Dear god what is wrong, are you on the rag or something? Is that why you’re so upset?” He had at least stopped moving towards you.
Well that pissed you off even more. “Jesus fucking Christ. I’m dating a fucking child. Correction, WAS dating a child. Not any more I’m not!” You turn around and stomp down the street. Now more pissed than anything.
“Don’t you walk away from me, sweetheart!” He had now caught up to you and grabbed your arm, turning you towards him. “You don’t get to turn your back on this relationship!”
“What relationship Ransom! If I can’t trust you with a secret that I specifically told you not to tell anyone then what do we have? You promised you wouldn’t say anything. And on top of all that, you made me feel so stupid to even have those feelings in the first place!” You can feel the tears again. You yank your arm away.
“You expect me to not laugh and not make fun of your stupid fantasy when it’s something as stupid as humping my arm?” He throws his hands in the air, looking at you like you’re insane.
“Yes Ransom I do! Because I seem to remember a few months ago you confided in me that you wanted me to fuck you with a strap on and did I laugh or judge you? No!”
Ransom looks around wildly. “Jesus, will you shut the fuck up about that! I don’t want people knowing that!”
“Why not? It’s ok for you to judge me and make fun of me for a fantasy but it’s not ok for me to tell people YOU LIKE TO SOMETIMES GET FUCKED IN THE ASS?” You screamed the last part as loud as you could. Looking past him to see Kate laughing so hard that Kyle had to hold her up. Zac just gives you both a look of disgust.
“Fuck you, Y/n. We’re done!” Ransom turns around and starts walking away. “THANK GOD! AND HEY I WANT MY STRAP ON BACK.” You smirk triumphantly and head the opposite way down the street. Ready to go home and cry your frustrations out.
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It’s been about 2 weeks since your whole ordeal with Ransom. According to Kate, he’s been miserable. Good that made you feel a bit better.
You hated that in spite of everything, you missed him. You were in love with him. Those feelings weren’t just going to go away anytime soon. He tried calling and texting you. You didn’t have the energy to answer.
You were currently working on your thesis when you hear a knock on your door. You get up and open it assuming it’s Kate. She had been checking on you every other day. Instead you meet the blue eyes of your ex.
“Hello, Hugh. What do you want?” You cross your arms over your chest and stand in the doorway so he can’t get inside.
You see him wince when you call him by his first name. “I just wanted to talk, Y/N. Can I come in? Please?” You stand your ground. “No, whatever you want to say to me you can say it here. Go ahead.” You raise your eyebrows expectantly. Waiting to see what pathetic excuse he has.
He sighs. And that’s when you look at him a little closer. His hair isn’t as neat as it usually is. His eyes are red. From crying or not sleeping, you can’t tell. Your resolve breaks just a little. “I just wanted to apologize. Do I have to do it from the hallway?”
You sigh and step aside, letting him in. “Fine, you have 5 minutes.” You tell him as you head towards the kitchen counter and lean against it.
He nods his head. “That’s fair. First off I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I’ve thought a lot about everything these past few weeks and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m an asshole.”
“Wow it took you the full 2 weeks to realize that huh?” You knew you were being a bitch, you didn’t care. He deserved it.
“I deserved that too. But what I’m mostly sorry for is how I treated you. You were completely right. It wasn’t fair of me to make fun of your secret. And to tell Zac. Whom I’m no longer friends with by the way. Not after he hit on you like that.” He makes eye contact with you and cautiously takes a step forward.
“I’ve missed you so much, sweetheart. I should’ve come after you as soon as you turned away from me. I regret that the most. Because despite what you believe, I do love you, Y/N. So damn much. These past few weeks have been hell. I can’t sleep without feeling you next to me. I know I’m asking for a lot here but is there any way we can start over? It’s killing me not having you in my life. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can't let you go. You’re too important.”
By now you have tears falling, but so does he. You’ve never seen him cry in front of you before. God you hate him! You don’t want to forgive him that easily but you also want to go and hug him and soothe him until he stops crying.
“I don’t know, Hugh. You really hurt me.”
“I know baby, I know. Let me make it up to you. I’ll never betray your trust again, I promise.” He puts his hand over his heart and stares at you hopefully.
You can feel your walls breaking down. Dammit.
“Okay Ransom. But this is the last time, I swear to God.”
You’ve never seen a smile that big grace his face. He strides towards you and grabs your face. “Thank you, baby. You won’t regret this.” He tilts his head until his lips are touching yours. You smile into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him a bit closer. “You want to watch a movie with me?” You ask as you pull away.
He nods. “Anything you want, sweetheart.”
You head over to the couch together and get comfortable. You’re leaning into his side with his arm around your shoulders. You finally find a movie you think you’ll both enjoy and hit play.
You both last about 40 minutes before the making out starts. You started it. You couldn’t help it. It’s been 2 weeks too long. You’re now straddling him with your hands fisted in his hair. You grind down on his evident bulge and get a groan from him. He has his hands on your hips, moving you harder down on to him. “Baby, should we move this to the bedroom?” He whispers in your ear as he moves his lips down your neck. You quickly hop off of him and skip to the bedroom. Not even bothering to see if he’s following, knowing damn well he’s right behind you.
He turns and shuts your bedroom door and saunters over towards you. He grabs your hips and pulls you against him. He goes in for another kiss but you put your hand up to his mouth. He pulls back with a confused expression.
“You know if you’re really sorry, you’ll let me indulge in a fantasy.” You smirk up at him. “Oh yeah, what did you have in mind, beautiful girl?” He asks as he starts nipping at your neck. “I think you should let me tie you up and take advantage of you.” You giggle into his ear.
He pulls back away from your neck to look you in the eye. “Is that what you want? To tie me up so I can’t touch you? To ride my fat cock and take your pleasure from me?” You shiver in anticipation and nod your head enthusiastically. “Alright sweetheart, just to show you how sorry I am, I’ll let you tie me up.”
You jump up and down and clap your hands. “Ok, strip for me big guy.” You don’t wait around to watch, sadly. You head into your closet to find some scarves you can tie him up with.
You find some that you think are going to be sturdy enough and head back into the bedroom. You find Ransom sitting against your headboard, naked as the day he was born, stroking his enormous cock. You lick your lips at the sight. “See something you like, babygirl?” He smirks, knowing you do.
“Oh, you have no idea.” You head over and tell him to lay on his back. He obeys obediently and stretches his arms and legs out. You start by tying his feet to your four poster bed. Once you're confident he’s secure, you head over and start tying his left hand to the bed. Once you get it tied you ask him to try to break away. He does and is not able to. You head over and tie his right arm the same way as his left.
Once he’s all tied up you back away and gaze at your work. Nodding in satisfaction you make eye contact with him as you start slowly stripping. He bites his lip as he stares hungrily at each new body part that comes into view. “Fuck baby, I need you so bad.” You glance at his cock and see he’s standing proud and at attention for you.
“All in good time, handsome. I’ll make it worth your while, don’t you worry.” Once you get completely naked you grab your panties off the floor and crawl up and straddle him right above where he wants you most. “I don’t think you’ll really need to be talking” You let him know as you stuff your panties in his mouth. His lust blow eyes look amused at your sudden dominant side. He thinks you’re adorable pretending to be a dom.
You start by pressing kisses down his neck and slowly moving your hips until you’re right above his cock. You lower just enough so that you can grind your drenched pussy on him. He groans and pushes his hips up into you as best he can. You glance up at his restraints and see he’s pulling on them and trying to get free. And then your gaze moves down to his bulging arms. That’s when the lightbulb goes off in your head. You lean down until your mouth is at his ear. “Well I guess since you’re all tied up I can go ahead and fulfill my other fantasy.” You whisper as you climb off of him.
He looks confused and pissed. Until you straddle his right arm and smirk down at him. “I’m taking what I want from you, right?” He eagerly nods and flexes his muscles, making you groan out in the process.
It takes you a minute to comprehend you’re really straddling his arm. You’re getting what you wanted. This almost never happens. You start off with a slow grind. You are so fucking wet. You know you’re drenching his arm and it’s running to the sheets. You don’t care. You feel so empowered. The feel of the vein in his arm dragging across your clit is exquisite. You start grinding a little faster, a little harder.
“You like me taking what I want from you pretty boy?” You glance down at him and he’s just looking back at you with lust blown eyes. He nods his head. You look over at his cock, it’s angrily leaking precum. “You’re such a slut for my pussy aren’t you, Ransom? Getting all worked up at me riding your arm. What a whore.” You spat as you pick up your pace, smacking his face in the process. You earn a growl from him. You know you’re gonna cum soon. You can feel the coil tightening. You throw your head back and moan his name out loud, grabbing your breasts and pinching your nipples.
Ransom has never seen anything so erotic in his life. Why was he denying you this in the first place? He doesn't remember. He’s so entranced watching you get yourself off on his bicep. He has to stop himself from coming.
It’s there, you feel it. You grab a fistful of his hair and grind down just a little harder and you feel the coil snap. You come so hard, your legs are shaking, screaming Ransom’s name. You have to grab onto his chest to keep yourself upright.
You glance down and see that he’s breathing heavily, cock leaking cum. “Awe does my poor pussy slut need to come?” You tease, letting your breathing calm down before you crawl towards his cock, ready to let him blow his load in your mouth.
You lower your mouth and kitten lick the very tip of his cock causing a loud growl to erupt from his chest. You are about to stuff him down your throat when a thought occurs to you. You sit back on your knees and look over at him. He’s looking back at you with an incredulous look on his face. “You know, I don’t really think you’re quite sorry enough yet for what you did to me. I think you need to lay here and think about it some more.” You tell him as you get off the bed and grab for your clothes. You start redressing and glance back at him.
He’s beyond pissed. He’s trying his hardest to pull at the scarves to break free. He’s yelling at you. It’s all mumbled around your panties that are still lodged in his mouth.
You head over to the door and open it. You turn around before leaving the room completely and look back at the pathetic man tied to your bed. “Maybe next time you want to laugh at one of my fantasies, you’ll remember this moment, Hugh.” You smirk about to close the door behind you. Ransom must have gotten the panties out of his mouth because the next thing you know, you’re being yelled at.
“Don’t you dare take another step, Y/N, you bitch! Get the fuck back here and untie me you fucking cunt!” You just close the door and laugh and head to your couch seeing that Netflix is still pulled up. You pick your favorite episode of Friends out and settle in. You turn it up to drown out Ransom who is still rudely yelling at you. You smirk to yourself and decide you’re going to leave him tied up for at least a couple of episodes.
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