#amaryllis wedding
iheartnimbassacity · 1 year
i need some tylenol. these people are fucking idiots.
[An embedded link from the Nimbassa City Times, containing the followning article.]
Professor Amaryllis; Public Danger?
[A large photo takes up the top portion of the article. Bellamy Amaryllis is centered, anger on their face, one hand out over the pokemon to the left of the image. To his right stands Dave, a step back with his mask up, expression unreadable. The mareep to the left crackles with static, the bright sparks lighting up the professor from below, making quite a sight in the darkness.]
As many of our readers know, last night, April 14th, 2023, Professor Bellamy Amaryllis, known for his successful TV show, 'Wild Days' was married to a man only known as "Dave". The union has been rightfully questioned, for the 12 year age gap, for the seemingly impulsive nature of the wedding, and even the supposedly platonic union. 
But, that is not why we are here today, as late last night one of our reporters gained access to exclusive information in regards to this wedding, and the relationship between the "happy" couple. Late last night, one of our reporters who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons you will soon see, went up to the couple for a interview, and snapped this photograph.
[A photo with flash, Dave and Bellamy are faceing eachother, Amy's arms around Dave's shoulders, Dave holding one arm around Amy's waist, the other grasping onto a cane. Daves pant leg is ripped, some blood can be seen on the fabric around the tear.]
This photo seems completely normal, just the happy couple in a lovers embrace, but look back at the groom's right leg, a gash! Now, a small gash like that wouldn't need a cane, so we suspect that the groom's leg had been poisoned! It is common knowledge that the Professor is a poison type specialist, so we are sure our lovely readers can connect the dots 
That's right, the Professor poisoned his own boyfriend! But why? Was he planning on running? Maybe to look like he was a hero for helping the groom walk? It truly is a mystery, and a very telling one that Amaryllis never made a true comment on! When our brave reporter tried to ask she was attacked by the Professor, threatened by the violent creature he keeps by his side. Luckily our brave reporter came out unharmed.
What do you think, dear reader? Comment below!
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aegislash-logs · 1 year
I feel so. small around here.
I'm just gonna sit somewhere and wait for Yinny-
At least Floetta and Bouncé are having fun
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belamew · 1 year
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Forgot to post but!! Wedding time :D realized this is technically a face reveal oop
It was a bit of an impulse decision to go, but I don’t really get out much and I think it’ll be really cool to meet everyone! I’m also really excited to see Caroline again 💕
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caoimhe-from-hoenn · 1 year
Hah there are so many people here
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oh-shinx · 1 year
@professor-amaryllis hAPPY WEDDEDEDEDING PrOFESSSOR I THINK!!!!!!!!! It looks funnnn from what rototototomblr iss showing moi!!!! I am sooO sorryy I could nott come and I cannnot come espeecially now becuase sicknesssssss but happpppyyyyyy wednesday!!!!!!!
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
I'm at Professor Amaryllis' wedding and it feels so weird. I'm surrounded by people I've only seen in pictures and feel like I'm not really supposed to be here. I might just go hide in the corener for the rest of this.
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Of course I'm eating one of the very few full sized pizzas <3 @professor-amaryllis wedding was amazing! I hope everyone has a good time ^^
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Thanks to @jade-la-crystal for taking my picture! My hair looks so much shorter in this angle XD
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jax-and-winstrate · 1 year
someone in the big group of paparazzi just called my hair weird. who the hell let them in here
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Ok so I’m here now. At the wedding. Never been to a big social thing. Closest thing was that one time I was the guy who stopped the legendarys from fighting. Anyway I put Bitey away cause Garbodor. I’m so sorry for anyone who runs into Razor, he stole a suit and tophat on the way over here and he’s trying to act like Tuxedo Mask. I made sure he wouldn’t actually hurt anyone and he’s just somewhere.
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There are definitely a lotta people here
surprised nobody's asked about me yet tho
<A selfie of Vaide on his Miraidon, his leg in a cast just barely in view. There's a robotic Scrafty on his lap. He's wearing his dark purple vest with neon accents, not exactly regular wedding attire.>
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iheartnimbassacity · 1 year
im worried that stalker thats after the subway bosses will show up...
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aegislash-logs · 1 year
Bishop got out of his pokeball-
[ Insert picture of a Pawniard wrapped in a lot of bubble wrap to cover his bladed parts. He seems content, eating away at a mini pizza while sitting on the chair next to Riv's. ]
Little snack thief went off to grab snacks but only came back with one.
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belamew · 1 year
There's so many people here oh my god.
I'm just hanging out with a little guy that i didn't even notice was climbing up my leg because I'm so used to it lmaaooo
If someone is missing their zorua, they're aight
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caoimhe-from-hoenn · 1 year
Sassy Appreciation Corner in the Smallest Quiet Room
bring snacks
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Yay for Amaryllis! Yay for Dave! Yay for weddings! Yay for platonic love!
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
This wedding has been fun. I was a bit uneasy at first cause crowds but I've generally had fun. Ran into some people I never thought I'd meet in real life.
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