#amaurotine AU
akirakirxaa · 28 days
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Auraugust Day 25: Myth
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑝𝑜𝑒𝑚 𝐼 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐼𝑡 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑
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finalfantabee · 10 months
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The Advisor and Former Seat of Emmerololth.
Credits: -Blucifer08 for the boots and dress. -Himsshelby for the glyph. -Bread for the ribbon.
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bloochouli · 2 months
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
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And so, with the icons all made...! Here's the full gpose shot of each one that I used! I've done my best to represent everyone, especially since some of them need proper skips to be where they're meant to be...
But-! This is the full cast! I look forward to writing them with y'all.
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duunswitch · 1 year
@amaurotine || lahabrea called he wants bail money
"Sir!" She ducked past another researcher, trying to catch up to Hythlodaeus without dropping any of the files she was holding. "Do you have a moment? Lahabrea wanted me to give this to you-!"
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trans-estinien · 10 months
dude eleutherios is having an amazing time with the endwalker btn/min quests rn
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mjm5655 · 1 year
Acutely aware that he's being observed, 𝐇𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐒 withdraws his avid attentions from the venus fly trap he'd been toying with, its verdant jaws clamping repeatedly around his index finger.
❝ May I help you ? ❞ he queries politely, tilting his head and donning a polite smile as he studies the man before him with interest.
unprompted asks // accepting ! // @amaurotine
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he was told not to make his presence known here, & yet, this ancient had somehow sensed him. majima was curious more than anything of this amaurot place. it was kind of wild to think the ancients had essentially created so many things, even when he was exploring elpis, he saw the more lively creations at action, some of them not unlike the monsters he faces in the current day. then there was pandaemonium, a home to most deadly of concepts ... something weird was going on in that place.
it was mad that a civilization such as this was brought down to ruin so quickly. they had literally brought about elder primals. he guessed shades of them still remained today, even he was somewhat of one, he had came to know them as azem ; an individual somewhat close to emet-selch & hythlodaeus, though he had no proper memories from azem to know the specifics of the relationship.
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❝ ... was honestly hopin' i wouldn't be noticed. ❞
the au ra hoped he had not messed the timeline up further than he had, he had already went & explained to emet-selch what kind of mad man he would become ... the ancient simply refused to believe it. he hadn't known if he ever did consider his words to be true.
❝ i was just wanderin' 'round again, not gonna lie, this place is really interestin', lot more interestin' than what's goin' on right now. ❞
there was really nothing happening, the scions had all went their separate ways, occasionally he met with estinien, & that was about it for contact, otherwise he was just doing random jobs to keep himself from falling low to boredom.
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yloiseconeillants · 10 months
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it's been a while since i fucked around in my 2010 freeware photo editor so have an incredibly unlikely nesting AU (this is what, the 80s Amaurotine AU of the Modern Era AU of the Blorboverse AU)
anyway *hands you an Ariadne*
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umbralaether · 11 months
Hello! You can call me Blue, and here you can expect lots of my hyperfixations. Primary content is listed in the bio above, and I tag them all accordingly. If you need something specific tagged, let me know and I’ll include it in my common tags :)
I like writing and do take requests should anyone wish for something specific, bear in mind that I sometimes take a bit to create due me being super picky about what I share lol
Writing links: bg3 & ffxiv
Basic Info
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Character’s full name: Eisha Pantera (ee-sha pan-terra)
Birthday: 10th sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Class: Summoner, Astrologian, Reaper
Ships: G’raha Tia (Main ship), Haurchefant, Thancred Waters (AU), Azem x Emet Selch
Screenshot tag: eisha screens
Lore/Answers: eisha lore
Azem: Astraea
Physical appearance
Age: post endwalker -> 28
How old does he/she appear: 25
Body build: Slim w/ lean muscle 
Eye color: Aqua (post shb left eye became pale aqua)
Glasses or contacts: neither
Skin tone: blue-gray
Distinguishing marks: faded dark blue tribal marks across cheeks; vertical scar over left eye
Hair color: dark blue with light blue highlights 
Type of hair: medium thickness, straight texture  
Hairstyle: short w/ a crown braid  
Overall attractiveness: unintentionally alluring  
Physical disabilities: post-endwalker she has bouts of muscle spasms due to fluctuating aether
Usual fashion of dress: relaxed, modest, casual
Favorite outfit:
Ala Mhigan gown in raptor blue
YoRHa Type-53 bottoms of casting
Shadowless boots of casting
Jewelry or accessories: usually wearing the edengate earrings, Cait sith neck ribbon, Halonic auditor’s bracelets, crystarium ring and amaurotine ring 
Good personality traits: Caring, Forgiving, Easy-going, Patient, Polite, Smart
Bad personality traits: Avoidant, Anxious, Self-Sacrificing, Passive, People-pleaser
Mood character is most often in: Inquisitive & calm
Sense of humor: finds joy in the small things in life; puns and cheesy jokes will make her laugh
Character’s greatest joy in life: helping those who cannot help themselves, and reuniting with her soulmate
Character’s greatest fear: failure, loss
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: a death of one of her loved ones. Loss is not something she wants to go through at this current moment
Character is most at ease when: she’s near the beach & can hear the waves
Most ill at ease when: she has to make a public speech
Enraged when: mercy is not shown when it could be
Depressed or sad when: life is lost because there was nothing left to do 
Priorities: finding happiness & making it for others; have a family; publish a memoir
Life philosophy: treat others how you would like to be treated
If granted one wish, it would be: to live in a fair & just world where everyone looks out for one another
Character’s soft spot: *cough* villains who just needed love instead *cough*
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Hopefully not, she would be so embarrassed 
Current location: the Lavender Beds
Currently living with: her husband, G’raha Tia
Pets: Pickle the Lunatender, Squash the Royal Lunatender
Religion: “You can only save yourself”
Occupation: Adventurer & food connoisseur
Finances: well off due to a friend’s crafting business
Mother: Elesia Pantera  
Relationship with her: complicated. Eisha was supposed to become the matriarch of the clan once she became of age but instead she ran away after they fought about it. Then the calamity hit and she never got to see her family or clan again.
Father: unknown
Relationship with him: never met him, no clue if he’s alive
Siblings: a sister, Elva Pantera, who died when Eisha was 13  
Relationship with them: estranged before her death, because her mother had chosen Eisha instead of her to lead.
Spouse: G’raha Tia
Relationship with him/her: soulmate.
Children: currently expecting one child, gender unknown at this time
Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Brown (just not her style)
Music: a fan of violin and piano
Food: ramen; breakfast foods; sushi; pasta dishes
Form of entertainment: reading, sightseeing, cooking!
Location: Thavnair
Weather: Clear skies with any range of heat!
Most prized possession: all of her trophies from her battles
Hobbies: cooking, reading, exploring
Plays a musical instrument?: she is learning ukelele 
How she would spend a rainy day: snuggling up indoors with warm food and a good book/her significant other
Spending habits: impulse purchases for herself & others happens quite a bit 
Smokes: occasionally 
Drinks: special occasions 
What does she do too much of?: daydreaming, thinking, & learning
What does she do too little of?: taking a breaks & getting proper rest  
Combat skills: healing, magic arts, recently competent at physical combat    
Nervous tics: tends to tap her fingers on the table, or  mildly lash her tail 
Usual body posture: relaxed
Mannerisms: is formally polite around new people, bordering on shy. When she gets to know someone, she is sure to remember things from past conversations to catch up on.  
Peculiarities: will occasionally feel the aether of those who have passed on around her. Has flashbacks of pre-sundering events that feel like dreams.
Optimist or pessimist?: realist. both bad & good happen in equal amounts
Introvert or extrovert?:  introverted
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?: leans more towards emotional but it is situational
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, everything has a place and she knows where it is.
Prefers working or relaxing? She becomes guilty when she takes a day off, and likes to stay busy.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? She is confident in her abilities, yet unsure about her mental fortitude.
Animal lover? Adores all creatures of every shape and size!
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starsandauras · 1 year
Prompt 12: Dowdy
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 12: Dowdy Say hi to Streamer AU again!
“A bit old fashioned, wouldn’t you say?” Hades drawled as Brigid looked up from her sewing machine. “When we have such a wonderful invention in harnessed levin?”
Somehow, Brigid still wasn’t sure about the particulars, Hades had wound up in her studio and commandeered a chair as though he was some pretentious emperor, presiding over all the surveyed. She narrowed her eyes up at him, then huffed, hand coming up to start her machine again, easily getting back into the rhythm of treadling. “We’re also havin’ marvelous inventions in gags,” she shot back. “If you’re just comin’ ‘round to be complainin’ ‘bout me methods, you’re welcome to be leavin’.”
Hades hummed softly, but he otherwise fell silent, sitting back in his stolen chair.
At least for fifteen minutes.
“I suppose we should be thankful you’re not doing it entirely by hand,” he eventually said. “I can’t imagine how long it would take then.”
“A moon,” she retorted, not looking up. “‘Tis thankfully a great deal of long seams. Nay as though ‘tis bein’ any of your business, as ‘tisnae anything you’re payin’ for. And finishin’ work’s still bein’ done best by hand.”
He sighed. “Yes, yes, fastenings and trim, structure elements, I’m aware. I do know something of garment construction.”
Which made sense, really. As the owner, operator, director, and producer for the Amaurotine Opera House, it would behoove him to have learned how the various departments would work, even if only in theory. It still didn’t stop him from irritating the living fire out of Brigid.
“Remind me why you’re bein’ here ‘gain?” she grumbled, pulling the fabric from her machine and finger pressing the seam allowances open. It wasn’t as good as a proper pressing from a proper iron, but as Hades was sitting next to the iron, she wasn’t in an especial hurry to bother.
“Why, can I not visit a most reliable acquaintance simply because I enjoy her company?” he asked, voice full of innocence.
“Nay,” Brigid shot back flatly. “Nay, you cannae.”
“And you’re quite right,” he agreed, finally standing from Brigid’s chair and placing a bag onto a cleared space of her work table. “I’m here to drop off the remainder of my payment for your previous job.”
“Mm, aye, the four thousand gil was bein’ more generous than our agreement,” she said, setting her project to the side and going over to the table, ready to examine the fabric she knew would be waiting for her.
“It was pointed out that it was only proper to increase my payment in gratitude for your speedy and ever accurate work,” he nearly huffed, rolling his eyes. Dramatic shit. Hythlodaeus probably told him his previous offer was too low. “You will also find fifteen yalms of silk, instead of the ten.”
Brigid blinked up at him, schooling her expression enough that only an eyebrow raise showed her surprise. Oh yes, Hythlodaeus’s fingerprints were all over this turn of events. “Well, you are always callin’ me in at last minute, ‘tis only bein’ fair you’re addin’ extra.” Brigid picked up the bag, deciding it was heavy enough to hold that quantity of fabric and trusting that Hades hadn’t shorted her. He had yet to do so, after all.
Hades sighed. “Our agreement is concluded, then?” he asked, as though he was the one suffering in this ordeal.
“Aye.” Brigid sat back down at her old fashioned treadle sewing machine. “You can be leavin’ me house now.”
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abimee · 5 months
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thinking about amaurotines being like 70 ft tall and althaea coming back as a little 6'9 elf woman in a non canon au and converging those two thoughts momentarily into ''pick your tiny wife off the floor hythlo''
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Vonny!
Age group: 30+, at 33 years young.
Pronouns: She/her or they/them.
Favorite color: If I had to pick, I'd say dark red, like burgundy or something.
Favorite food: Chicken alfredo.
Tattoos/piercings?: Only pierced ears right now, but I'm planning to get a tattoo in the semi-near future-ish -- an Amaurotine mask with the Azem crystal leaning against it, and the quote, "Darkness and Light. Despair and Hope. As goeth one, so goeth the other", as a reminder to myself that these contrasting elements go hand-in-hand; you can't have one without the other, and that's okay. It's the balance of life. Something something struggled with depression and stuff for most of my life, something something about Endwalker being a truly profound experience for me when dealing with this, my trauma, and my grief.
Current song stuck in your head?: I have been listening to Aviators' "Blood and Snow" nonstop these past like three days while writing replies and shit lol.
Pets?: Six cats, one pupper!
Favorite book?: The Count of Monte Cristo, hands down, always and forever.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: I have many, but. On my birthday following our mom's passing, my sister got me this teddy bear with a little necklace around its neck, and it has my mom's fingerprint on one side, while the other side says "A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go". I still can't read the saying without tearing up(as I am sniffling right now over it), but it's definitely my prized possession.
Dream job: I used to want so much to be a character designer for Squaresoft/Square Enix, back when I used to draw 24/7. But now? I think I'd love to be a museum tour guide or something like that. Something involving sharing my love of history.
Tea or coffee?: Coffee. Never been much of a tea person.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing(including roleplaying, of course), singing, gaming, uh. That's about it, I think.
How long have you been role-playing?: I started on this really shitty chat site when I was 12, then it was all downhill from there lol. So like 21 years.
Who is your most active muse: Definitely Elwin. I've been neglecting my poor Quintus muse. :( But it's okay, because I'm having an absolute blast.
Significance behind your url?: OKAY, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS -- I actually went with this one specifically because of this blog being centered around the AU idea of Elwin being resurrected by Phoenix's flames. Very impressive, I know.
Tagged by: @heartsurpluss
Tagging: @rosxrian because he's a fucking nerd(affectionate), and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do this!
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twicesung · 10 months
🌸 independent & selective little multimuse featuring drakengard, nier, and fate blorbos, penned by tea. 🌸 must be 18+ to interact (minors dnf) 🌸 non-rp blogs please dni with my threads 🌸 low activity 🌸 AU & crossover-friendly, even though i suck at it 🌸 pr*shippers pls dni 🌸 we only use the beta editor in this household!
anyway hi hello, welcome 2 my super secret baby multi. i really suck at having multiple blogs so this blog will probably be low activity. find me over @amaurotine, bc hyth is still my main squeeze. but yeah, no graphics or icons or anything rn because fuck it, we ball. please be nice to me because i don't know a lot abt the fate fandom and i'm v v rusty on drakengard and nier stuff u.u
anyway, have a look at my rules and my muse list :•)
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cynthffxiv · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023 Prompt 26: Last
Cynthia's mother taught her a few songs that were so old, nobody remembered what the words meant anymore.
But she didn't realize just how old the songs were.
(The second part of this takes place during my post-ShB EmetWoL AU)
“Mama, mama! Play the pretty song again!”
Her mother giggles, reaching out a hand to mess up the young Viera’s hair. “Which one, kitten? You call all of the songs I play pretty.”
“The last one, with the funny words! I wanna learn it!”
“You remember it’s a duet, right?”
“Then teach me all the lyrics!”
Laughing again, the older Viera puts both hands back on the lute. “Very well. I’ll teach you the main part first. But this is the last song I’m playing before you go to sleep.”
Kuwata tsuno wovalai
Tsurizhi pura alekai
Kondəvain umbu fərtun blonnuwail
Shurtətei chegi hiato
-years later, on the First-
Emet-Selch is in utter shock. Of course, his eyes don’t turn away from where Cynthia’s hands delicately pluck the strings of the lyre he created, but he can barely believe his ears.
She’s singing in Amaurotine.
Singing a song he hasn’t heard in over twelve thousand years.
Barely able to wait until the last note fades out, he quietly asks, “Didn’t you say this was a song from your home?”
She nods, still plucking the strings absent-mindedly. “Yeah, my mom taught it to me when I was really little. She didn’t know what the lyrics meant, though. So I don’t either.”
“...I know that song.”
At this, she puts down her instrument and looks up at him, tilting her head. “But you told me you’d never actually interacted with Viera before.”
“I haven’t. Cynthia, that song is from before the world was sundered.”
“...Oh.” Awkwardly laughing, she adds “I guess that’s why nobody remembered what the lyrics meant. I was told it was one of our older songs, but… I didn’t think it was that old. I… think one of the others I was taught was in the same language, if you’d like to hear it?”
He nods, and she picks her instrument back up.
Sjool paran moy'hi
Ar jar'ruk noy' sin
Dha gya'left tal fooyryuu
Malich fuide aslaat erensboiye
Both songs are from NieR, the first being Song of the Ancients, and the second being Kaine / Salvation.
I know that logically the language they spoke before the world was sundered was Latin, but like... the song is called Song of the Ancients. I had to. Also I cannot help putting references to NieR into everything I do
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nossumusmanus · 2 years
My partner asked how I think Quintus would be as a father in our AU, and now I'm metaphorically laying face-down on the floor in a puddle of my own tears.
Like I told him, he'd probably be rough around the edges at first, very distant and aloof. But he'd quickly find that the twins have endeared themselves to him, and he'll come to adore them.
He'll very quietly fawn over them, do things like sit with them while they play and maybe even on occasion join in with them. He'll look after them as much as he's able to, and protect them just as much. He'd be a little self-conscious about his age, from the perspective of being so much older and thus not being sure how much time he has left in life to be with them --
but he'll find them to be something worth continuing to live for, for however many years he does have left. And he'll probably do everything in his power to teach them about Garlemald, from its history, to its culture and customs, about House Cinna's heritage...
But most importantly, he'll tell them all about those who sacrificed themselves for Garlemald, all of the loved ones that their people have lost. He'll teach them what the red link in the center of the Garlean chain represents, why it's so important -- not to feed them propaganda or try to indoctrinate them into the beliefs that he grew up with, but for much the same reason that Emet-Selch asks us to remember the Amaurotines at the end of Shadowbringers.
To keep them all alive through memory, so that they will never truly disappear.
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atdutiesend · 2 years
{ About Enyo }
!! Outdated! Read the about page !!
Under spoilers for SHB and EW spoilers!
Enyo defaults to having apprenticed under Emmerololth before Venat. They have a uniquely strong ability to sense magic bearing some resemblance to soul sight. When interacting with other Azems, an Emmerololoth verse is available!
They are a master of memory, warding, and healing. They also have absolutely no sense of direction, and are an ADHD disaster.
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Sundered Self: Dove Iteiya Gender: Fluid Height: 5'6 or equivalent. Eyes: Light teal-blue, with a piercing gaze. Hair: Silvery white, worn in a bob with several locks allowed to grow longer. They like to weave it into a headband to keep it under control. Complexion: Pale but not unhealthily so; Enyo is prone to burning and dry skin. Often has chapped lips, made worse by chewing on them as a nervous habit. Physique: Stocky, more physically active than the average amaurotine, but without visible muscles to show for it. Age: An Adult, but relatively young. Go with what suits your aging headcanons here! Appears to be in their mid-20s at most. Soul Color: A pale, dusty green - adamantoise green, essentially.
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Enyo uses creation magic to shift their physical form to suit their current genderfeels, most often presenting somewhere around neutral to feminine. They/Them is always correct, but if I consistently use other pronouns in posts, you’re free to match them - IE, sometimes Enyo is very he, or very she, instead of they. Their transformation is rather draconic looking, bearing a strong enough resemblance to Dove that post-Elpis, they received quite a few side-eyes over “their familiar”.
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Not that this is an unusual occurrence - they receive quite a few looks for their eccentricities. They apprenticed under Emmerololth directly out of the ancient equivalent of high school, rather than continuing on to the akademia like their peers, and prior to taking the seat of Azem, it was widely rumored this apprenticeship was not… fairly earned.
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AU: Harmonia - A shared verse, adaptable to partner preferences/headcanons.
Tags: #successorposting for IC posts. #v; broken harmony for AU: Harmonia
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