#amazing pocket friends
burningaurora · 2 years
[Podfic - TTS] It Wouldn't Be An Adventure Without You by myheadsgonenumb
Series | Length: 6:18:28 | Rating: M
On the night of the full moon, Peter Pettigrew - servant to Lord Voldemort - set off to rejoin his master, and Sirius Black was forced to flee for his life. But instead of going into hiding, he decides to continue his work of the past year - hunting down Wormtail and preventing the Dark Lord from rising again ... Only Albania is a *LONG* way away ... and preventing a war and saving the wizarding world just won't be any fun without Remus. Together they embark on a journey across Europe - trying to find Peter before he reaches Voldemort and helps him regain his powers. But the Ministry of Magic is hot on their heels, and their way is barred by all manner of dark and dangerous creatures, and the going is going to be tough for the most wanted wizard in Britain and his werewolf best friend. It's the trip of a lifetime ... just ... no one call it an "adventure".
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
So many people to call out special thanks to on this guy. @itsaash @msalexwp, @r33sespieces, and @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur to name a few. You guys all listened to my silly little clips while I was trying to make decisions are were beyond supportive. I'm so grateful for all of the friends I've made in this fandom. I can't thank y'all enough for dealing with me and these podfics.
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yardsards · 8 months
going to other people's houses for dinner is wild because it's such a crapshoot on what kind of culinary experience you're about to have. some places it's just delightful and you feel like you're in that one scene in ratatouille where it's all colourful when he tastes the ingredients. other places it feels like whatever the fuck is on your plate is a close cousin of the pulp they use in paper manufacturing and you wish you had pulled a hillary clinton and smuggled some hot sauce in your bag
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we know mans only plays solitaire cuz his kids r to busy to play board games with him and hes too emotionally constapated to actually ask them to make time for it.
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saturniade · 7 months
cars 2 is so fucking good if you don't have a little bitch in your ear telling you it's cringe
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
hearing jane play in baka gaijin gave me severe whiplash ngl
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the-mehlwurm · 5 months
I am now at my friend's house because their partner sucks and I was worried
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shegottosayit · 8 months
I lost two friends in 2023. Two of what were four.
One “friend” of two years ghosted me after little time (month) of being barely responsive. Another was a fast friend from this past spring who last month didn’t respond to me saying “I don’t know why we can’t openly communicate.” in response to something that’s not friendship-ending-significant.
While that’s shitty and I feel lonely without them and possible social plans I’m left with what I know to be two great friends. People I know I won’t loose over communication issues because they’re mature adults who know how to address any issues within a friendship and if for any reason they want to end the friendship I know it would involve words rather than ghosting. I don’t want to cry but I’m almost tearing up. Not over the lost friends. Over the fact that I have two great friends I can be my open self with and I know are there for me as I am for them.
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robertalpascal · 1 year
what would you know about being a girl? adding someone to your favorite people's list is like "oh God fuck no, now i have to pray for this fucker's well being as well"
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fuckedliar · 1 year
If I do one thing — it’s gonna be project my childhood fav girlies into my female muses. Barbie? Polly pocket? Bratz? My scene? Monster high? FUCKIN BET!
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davnittbraes · 1 year
Hope you’re having a great day babe!!!
you deserve all the hugs in the world
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sending good vibes to a STELLAR human being, one I appreciate greatly and you deserve to know it
-sincerely, Prick
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Thank you, I really needed this today 🐙🖤
*infuses your good vibes with even more good vibes so they’re the goodest vibes and sends them back to you*
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what a beautiful day outside.
Perfect for making a sans cosplay
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burningaurora · 1 year
50 Podfics!!! Well technically 51...
I'm sitting here pondering how I'm already up to 51 podfics. I found the wolfstar community less than 2 years ago and decided I wanted to start podfic'ing in July of 2022. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I went into this, but knew I need more audio content not only for myself but for the world. When @heartofspells gave me permission to post my first TTS podfic I was floored and not really sure anybody would listen to it, but here we are 5 months later and I have an entire portfolio of them.
@r33sespieces and @msalexwp have been some of my biggest supports and have essentially let me have free reign over their fics. I knew I wanted to do something special for "post number 50" and felt that creating something for these 2 was the best way to do it.
There are so many other creators out there who I have interacted with in the past few months that have made this whole journey possible - @sliebman10, @theresthesnitch, @aqua-myosotis, @squintclover, @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur, @fonkeloog to name a few. I don't know that I can tag everyone, but know that I see you and I appreciate you. An extra special thanks to @itsaash for being my constant sounding board and overall just amazing friend. This fandom is truly amazing because of the wonderful people who choose to interact with it. 🥰
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poepill · 2 years
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[Alt text: a man with the image of Gengar imposed on their face is throwing a rat at the viewer. The rat has the words "POEPILL is now WOEPILL" on it. The image has top text that reads "WOEPILL" and bottom text that reads "BE ME". End of alt text.]
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swiftlythebest · 2 years
Highly recommend going to the wedding of your love with your other loves. It is the most incredible time.
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umemiyan · 7 months
that ushiwaka baby thing has me thinking horrible infidelity thoughts lmfao i need euthanasia
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star-mum · 1 year
I was supposed to rot in my bed today until later in the afternoon where I’d go meet my friends to play board games/rpgs
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