#remus needs to get his insecurities figured out
burningaurora · 2 years
[Podfic - TTS] It Wouldn't Be An Adventure Without You by myheadsgonenumb
Series | Length: 6:18:28 | Rating: M
On the night of the full moon, Peter Pettigrew - servant to Lord Voldemort - set off to rejoin his master, and Sirius Black was forced to flee for his life. But instead of going into hiding, he decides to continue his work of the past year - hunting down Wormtail and preventing the Dark Lord from rising again ... Only Albania is a *LONG* way away ... and preventing a war and saving the wizarding world just won't be any fun without Remus. Together they embark on a journey across Europe - trying to find Peter before he reaches Voldemort and helps him regain his powers. But the Ministry of Magic is hot on their heels, and their way is barred by all manner of dark and dangerous creatures, and the going is going to be tough for the most wanted wizard in Britain and his werewolf best friend. It's the trip of a lifetime ... just ... no one call it an "adventure".
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
So many people to call out special thanks to on this guy. @itsaash @msalexwp, @r33sespieces, and @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur to name a few. You guys all listened to my silly little clips while I was trying to make decisions are were beyond supportive. I'm so grateful for all of the friends I've made in this fandom. I can't thank y'all enough for dealing with me and these podfics.
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luveline · 4 months
hiiii if you’re still looking for remus centered requests, i rly liked your best friend steve giving reader a hickey and couldn’t help but think of Remus too! like him helping a shy reader not feel insecure about being the ‘inexperienced’ one of their friend group… by giving her some experience 👀💞? love ya lots!
love u thank u for requesting<3
—Remus gives you your first kiss, and then a little more than that. You know, between friends. fem, 1.2k
“Will anyone kiss me tonight, or shall I go unkissed, like some leper?” 
You laugh at Sirius’ drama. “It’s not so terrible,” you say, coming up the hallway behind him and James, your face bitten by the cold. 
“I know, my lovely little blueberry muffin,” Sirius croons, leaning back and prodding at your cheeks, the smell of cider stuck to him like a cloud, “how you remain unkissed is a mystery to me. Shall we fix that now?” 
Sirius is your friend, he doesn’t poke fun, but you flush nervously at his question. James grabs Sirius by the shoulders and yanks him away from you toward the kitchen, “Stop teasing!” 
“I’m not teasing! I would love to kiss you, sweetheart, just as soon as I can figure out which one of you is the real one,” Sirius says. 
Remus laughs and closes the front door, the last one in. He wraps his hand around your shoulders. “He’d be so lucky,” he says loudly, sending a sulking, pouting Sirius in the opposite direction, James on his tail in giggles promising to feed him some unbuttered toast if he doesn’t chill out. 
Remus’ arm falls behind your back. “Why does he act like that? Four drinks and he’s in love with everyone. He gets so urgent.” 
You confess slowly, “I can’t say I blame him. Sometimes… I wish someone would kiss me quite urgently, and I don’t even need to get drunk.”
“You do?” 
“Just because I’ve never had one doesn’t mean I don’t want one,” you say, “it’s really weird being the only one who doesn’t– who isn’t dating anyone.” You fluster at your confession, worried it’s too much to share, even while his thumb rubs affectionately into your shoulder. 
“I’m not dating anyone,” Remus says. 
“No, but, going for hookups and stuff–”
You falter as he laughs. “You want one night stands?” 
“No,” you say honestly, “but still. You’ve all done that stuff and I’m like, a twenty something loser.” 
“You listen to Sirius too much. You have an entire life to find someone to kiss you.” 
“I sort of want it now, though,” you say meekly. 
Remus laughs again, his arm wrapping tightly behind your back. You’ve both had a drink too, not tipsy like Sirius but the buzz of it perhaps the cause of your loosened tongue, and his easy touching, his teasing. He smiles down at you kindly, “You want a kiss, is that it?” he asks, “Sirius has upset you and a kiss will make it better?” 
You find you love the feeling of his chest pressed to yours, “I don’t know. It would be nice to have one just so he can stop talking about it.” 
He pulls you right into him and angles his face against yours like he’s going to kiss you, his laughing a soft warmth on the tip of your nose. “You want it right now?” he asks, his hand rubbing sweetly into your back. Layers of fabric feel useless; it’s like he’s caressing naked skin. 
“You can’t kiss me,” you say. 
“Why not?” 
“We’re friends.” 
“What’s a good kiss between friends?” He’s following your eyes, he knows all your tones, Remus wouldn’t play with you like this if he thought it wasn’t what you wanted.
“I won’t know how to do it,” you warn in a whisper, you’re reluctance clearly fading.  
“Well, you’re very pretty, so any bad kissing cancels out.” 
You bend into him as his arm pulls you up, your noses nearly touching, closing your eyes as he leans in. 
“You sure?” he asks. 
“Mm,” you hum, though he doesn’t kiss you until you nod. 
Your noses press together most of all, the strongest sensation, but then there’s heat as his lips part so slightly and press into yours. He kisses upward and you have the sense to keep pressing down, letting his soft kisses move you with him, like an ebbing wave. You take an instinctive step back and he pauses, until you attempt to kiss him again and prompt him into movement —he takes the lead. His hands grasp at your back like you’re water slipping through his fingers, letting a sound of pleasure filter from his lips into yours. 
It’s so peculiar. It’s like fireworks, like all the books and movies say, but it’s more. It’s so warm, and his lips are soft even as his kissing turns rougher, as he tilts his head to the side and his lips come apart against yours. Your hand climbs hesitantly against his side, then up, then stuck at the place just above his ribs. 
“Touch me,” he says gently, breaking the kiss as your breath comes fast, “wrap your arm around me, it’s alright.” 
“Am I hopeless?” you ask, placing your arm behind his shoulder and tipping back to see his face. 
He shakes his head, frowning, why is he frowning? “Hopeless?” he repeats. His hand comes up to your face, and that’s almost as bad as the kiss, the heat of his palm on your face and his thumb stroking over the slope of your cheek. He uses that movement to turn your head, and when he ducks in for another kiss, he murmurs, “No, I wouldn’t say hopeless,” the end of it lost on your lips. 
This kiss is rougher again. Your heart beats so loudly you can hear the thump of it in your ears as your eyes close and you attempt to fit a hundred wanted kisses into one. He just squeezes you close and returns your enthusiasm, until you can’t breathe, forced to hang your head over his shoulder as you pant for air. 
Remus kisses your neck. It’s a shock: you squirm at the sensation but let your head fall to the side as he does it again, not nearly as insistent as his lips had been on yours but something unsaid in the trail of his nose as it runs back up your neck and he kisses the skin below your ear. He slows, and slows, until he’s pulling away to stare at you. 
You lift yourself up, nonplussed. “I didn’t know it felt like that.” 
Remus shifts his hand from the side of your neck to the front, wiping at the marks of his kissing with his thumb where it wets your skin. “It doesn’t always.” He smiles at you with just a hint of smugness in his eyes. “I don’t suppose you want to know what a love bite feels like?” 
“Oi!” James calls from the kitchen. “What are you two doing?” 
You pull apart slowly from one another. You think he might’ve forgotten where you were, as did you. 
James catches the fall of Remus’ hand where it had been on your cheek and squints suspiciously. “What are you guys doing? I made toast.” 
You can’t look at him. Remus saves the day. “We’re looking for her earring.” 
“You won’t find it with the lights off.” He glares again with suspicion before turning back to the kitchen. “I didn’t even know she wore earrings,” he mutters. 
Remus gives you a sideways look. “Maybe I can show you what it feels like after?” he suggests, voice measured. 
“Between friends?” you ask. 
“No.” He puts his hand to the small of your back and gives you a gentle nudge down the hallway. “Not between friends.” 
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
I have a request for whenever you can get to it no rush what so ever 💕 So in therapy the reader is learning and growing but with that comes changing. So she kinda shuts down stops putting effort into her friends and Remus thinking that they won’t like the new her. Anyways he figures it out either her finally opening up or him just knowing her so well and just kinda reassures her that he will always be there.
thanks for requesting, hunny! Remus Lupin x fem!reader
cw: insecurity, hurt/comfort
783 words
hey sweet girl, i’m going to stop round your house to grab something if that’s okay? xx.
This was the text that sent you into panic. You had known you were pushing your limits, but this was all too soon. 
There were two parts of the text that made your skin prickle. The first was the “I’m going to grab something.” It had been so long since the two of you had spent any quality time together, so long that he felt the need to take some of the essentials he had left over back. 
The second part was the fact he felt he had to ask permission. He had a key to your place, as you did his. You both had an open-door policy, oftentimes turning up out of no-where.
Thankfully, you didn’t have much time to stew before you heard your door creaking open. You drew your feet up onto the couch with you, knees up to your chest, subconsciously guarding yourself. 
“Hey, dovey.” He rounded the couch, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
“Hi.” You said, shyly. “What are you getting? I can grab it for you.” You looked down at your fidgeting hands. 
“That’s okay.” His hand was still on your face, thumb gently stroking at your jaw. “I’ll get it later. I want to talk to you first.” He sat down on the couch, turning to face you. You felt your blood run cold, but you tried to remain stoic. 
“Oh. Yeah, of course.” You said quietly. You kept picking your nails. You heard Remus take a deep breath. 
“Can you look at me, please?” Even though he was likely going to completely shatter you with his words, he was still speaking gently enough to make your eyes burn. You turned your body to face him, but you didn’t meet his eyes. 
“What’s up?” You struggled out. 
“I was about to ask you the same thing, dovey.” He said gently. That surprised you. 
“Come on, darling. You’ve been avoiding me. I want to know why.” He said, pulling your hands apart and into his lap. “You know you can tell me anything. I just-” He pressed his lips together. “It hurts. And it worries me. I know you’ve been... Working on things lately. Not sure why you feel the need to hide from me.” Distaste slipped into his tone. 
“I’m sorry.” You said shamefully, swallowing down the lump in your throat. “I wasn’t trying to be mean.” 
“You’re not mean, baby dove. I’m just worried.” His voice was terribly gentle. “I just want you to let me in.” 
You breathed out a shaky breath. “I’m just-” You squeezed his hand. “I’m just really worried about the future, you know?” You quickly glanced up at his face, the love in them being too much. You looked back down at your joined hands. 
“Yeah? What about the future, honey?” He coaxed. Your walls collapsed like a house of cards.
“Do you think I’m changing, Rem” If your bluntness surprised him he didn’t show it. 
“Well, yeah. Probably. But it’s not a bad thing.” He stroked the inside of your wrist gently. I don’t expect you to stay the exact same, that wouldn’t be fair. I’m sure I’ve changed too.” 
“But what if you-” You cut yourself off. 
“What if what, darling?” He ducked his head, trying to see your face. “You can tell me.” 
“What if you don’t like me anymore?” Your deepest insecurities were spilling out. Through your mouth, and now through your eyes. You blinked hard but tears still spilled out. 
“Sweetheart,” Remus sounded miserable. “Look at me.” He placed a large hand under your jaw, forcing your watery eyes to meet his warm brown ones. He wiped at the tears trickling down your cheeks. 
“What if I’m not the person you fell in love with anymore?” You placed one hand around his wrist, holding his hand against your face, desperate for comfort.
“No, you’re better. All I want is for you to be happy. If being happier changes you, then I want those changes.” He grabbed your other hand and pulled you into a hug. He pressed your face into his neck, smoothing his hand up and down your back. “It doesn’t change a damn thing between us. You’re still m’ sweet girl. I still love you to bits and fucking pieces. Okay?” 
“Okay.” You said wetly. You pulled out of his neck to look at him and he pressed a long kiss to your forehead. “I love you so much, Rem.” 
“I love you too. And I’ll love every version of you.” And you knew he would.
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moonstruckme · 6 months
i sent the marauders question, tysm for answering :) could i request reader being embarrassed about her stutter and getting reassurance or maybe ordering at a restaurant? your writing always makes my day - thank you for doing it!
Thank you for requesting lovely!! I based the way I wrote this on a friend I had with a stutter, but that was some years ago so if it's inaccurate please let me know <3
cw: reader experiences anxiety/insecurity around stuttering
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 817 words
Remus can feel the tension radiating from you before the waitress even stops at your table. Your knee starts bouncing lightly. 
“Hi, are we ready to order?” She glances between you, and Remus lets you nod for the both of them. “Perfect!”
Her eyes go to you, but you turn to Remus, a desperate look in your eyes. He clears his throat. 
“Um, may I have the chocolate crepe?” he asks. The waitress blinks, refocusing on him. 
“Sure, with bacon or sausages?” 
“Sausages, please.” 
“Alright. And for you, love?” 
Your jaw is already tight, an anticipatory act Remus recognizes. He sets a hand on your knee under the table. You stop jiggling it, taking in a subtle breath. 
“May I please have the b…blueberry p…p…” Remus glances at the waitress. There’s new awareness in her expression, but otherwise it reads of nothing but patience. He rubs the side of your leg, and you try again. “Can I have the blueberry p…” 
Your hands have started to shake. Remus gives your knee an encouraging squeeze, but it’s no use. You look to him, a silent plea in your eyes. 
“The blueberry pancakes,” he says to your waitress. 
“Sounds good,” she says easily. “Short or tall stack?” 
Remus looks at you, but you’ve turned your head down towards your menu. 
“Tall,” he says. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” She gathers up your menus. You don’t look up. “Let me know if you need anything else.” 
He waits until she’s well out of earshot to take your hand in his. It’s still trembling gently, like a butterfly flittering against his palm. 
“Sweetheart,” he says softly. “Hey, you’re okay.” 
You shake your head, angling your body towards his and away from the rest of the restaurant. He’s glad when you look at him, though the shame in your expression has spiderweb cracks spreading across his heart. 
“I’m s…so emb…b—” Your eyes pinch shut, and you blow out a harsh breath. 
Remus hates when you do this. When your tongue gets stuck and you let it lie. There’s so much defeat about you afterwards, it floats over your head like a gray cloud. But he knows this isn’t the time to push you. 
“You don’t need to be,” he tells you honestly. “You were doing great. Really, you know I don’t mind stepping in for you, but you could have handled it on your own.” 
You press your lips together and try to pull your hand from his, but Remus interlaces your fingers. He can feel your pulse pounding against the butt of his palm when he presses down. 
“Relax, dove.” 
You take a breath. Swallow. “She was annoyed with me,” you say.
He shakes his head. “She didn’t care.” 
“I was using up t…too much time.”
“How do you figure?” 
“She has other tables.” 
Remus smiles slightly, stroking his thumb up the length of yours. “Look around, sweetheart. This place isn’t packed. I don’t think she was in any rush.” 
A flicker of uncertainty crosses your expression. Your knee starts to bounce again, but this time Remus only setting his thigh against yours gets it to stop. 
“I think,” he says quietly, “that you have a tendency to assume you’re bothering people when you’re not.” Your gaze flits away from his eyes, then back, and Remus holds it there. He hopes you can see all the sincerity he feels in them. “She didn’t give a shit how you were speaking. She wasn’t annoyed with you, she was probably just thinking about the next question she’d have to ask. Anyway, everyone likes pretty girls. That’s just basic psychology.” 
You snort. “If you want me to really start stuttering, keep flirting with me in public,” you say. But something about you has loosened, and Remus feels himself relaxing in response. 
“If you want to keep me from it,” he replies, “you’re going to have to come up with a legitimately troublesome consequence.” 
You turn away from him, but not before he sees the edge of the smile you’re trying to hide. He gives your hand a little tug. 
“I have a question for you, darling.” 
“No, I think you’re d…done.” 
“Come on,” he urges, “it’s a serious question.” 
When you turn back around, you’ve stowed away your amusement but it’s poorly concealed, shining through your eyes. “Hm?” 
“Are you going to be able to enjoy your pancakes here,” he asks sincerely, “or would you rather I get us boxes so we can eat at home?” 
You think on it for a minute, your gaze wandering about the restaurant. Remus can speculate what you’re looking for: gawping tables, kids turned around in their booths to listen, your waitress whispering furtively by the host’s station. You don’t find any of it. 
“I think I’ll b…be okay eating here,” you tell him, turning your eyes up to his almost sheepishly, “thanks.” 
Remus gives your hand a squeeze. “Attagirl.” 
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
i just don't get how anyone can say that patton is a good friend
when he's literally so fucking two-faced to every single side
almost every compliment he gives logan is backhanded. and he pokes fun at logan in ways that completely target his insecurity with no remorse or apology.
he guilt trips roman to holy hell whenever he doesn't get his way, and basically turns roman into a pawn to control, disguising it as "father figure love", and he completely threw away his relationship with roman so he could get closer to janus.
he has nothing but good things to say when janus is around, but when he's not there, he doesn't try to defend him when the others lay in on him.
patton literally doesn't want remus to exist. he literally despises remus and does not think anything he has to say or contribute is of value.
and don't even get me started on virgil. he constantly uses infantilizaing to the point of degrading nicknames and still has not stopped, even though virgil expressed outright that he was uncomfortable. and he betrayed virgil's trust by prioritizing janus' feelings over roman's and his own.
i'm not saying patton is evil but he is a two-faced bitch. a friend to all is a friend to none. he is literally prioritizing LOOKING LIKE A GOOD FRIEND over actually BEING a good friend and it makes me so mad.
"but patton is so nice and everyone is shutting him out-" LITERALLY SHUT UP. nice is different than good, and the other sides are not "shutting him out" they are rightfully protecting their peace because they learned from experience that they CANNOT TRUST HIM.
patton needs to learn his lesson. he can't just switch up on friendships whenever it's convenient for him. friendship requires loyalty and trust.
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wolves-and-stars · 5 days
Remus in his Element: FIC REC LIST
(A list of fics where the authors dont fuck up remus lupin, the most brilliant, wonderful man to have existed.)
Okay i would like to preface this by saying that i went throught the 2014 remus lupin is a nerd era (and thats not to say he isn't, just not thr way they made him out to be) and it was the worst. So, here are some fics that give REMUS LUPIN.
1. Subtlety, Thy Name is Sirius Black by rekahneko (ffnet) 21k
Remus thinks sirius needs to be more subtle with his flirting, sirius thinks remus is full of shit. So they make a bet to see who's right. Remus has to manage to subtely get the girl (cough cough) he has a crush on to ask him out, before sirius can agree someone else to ask him out.
Remus is so self assured and comfortable with who he is and what he wants without comprimising on his affection and actual personality.
Fire fic.
2. The lad that loved you by mollymarymarie (ao3) 81k
Remus and Sirius get into a relationship, naturally the next step is to pretend they hate each other and give james a heart attack.
Remus is so sexy in this one. The final chapter is (SPOILER) so fire when he punches snape.
3. Ten reasons (to go to michigan) by greyeyedmonster18 (ao3) 59k
Remus is a newly divorced and a best selling author, unfortunatley he has nothing left to write. So, he books a flight to the upper peninsula where he grew up. He happens to meet a starnger in a coffeeshop, who happens to change his life.
There's a scene with his ex husband, where he throws down his credit card and it is such a breath of fresh air with all the pushover remus characterizations.
4. Dating Remus Lupin by children_of_the_shadows (ao3) 83k
You will never find a fic with such brilliant characterizations of all of the marauders. All 4 of them are so unique and funnily written. Sirius is so unhinged its crazy. Hes giving bimbo, but deliberate bimbo yaknow? And remus. Ohmygod remus in this fic.
He is so emo, aloof, nonchalant. And it drives sirius up the wall. Remus gives so hard in this fic.
5. Sex pistols by Artificialaorta (ffnet) 86k
Remus is the lead gutairist for belladonna a punk rock band. His character is so cool and so sauve, but irl he is not so cool and not so sauve about sirius black, lead singer for pop band the marauders.
I love fics that dont put his character down by making him someone that just gives into everything sirius and james say and do. But still manage to keep him, himself you know?
6. Stalking sirius by remuslives23
Remus is very self assured and confident in the way he acts in this. Hes a journalist that stalks sirius and happens to be the only one that gets under the mysterious mans skin.
7. Highland Fling by Picascribit (a03) 38k
Sirius goes backpacking through scotland and happens to meet a cute bartender at the pub. Except hes staright, lives in america, and set to be engaged.
Again self assured remus. No insecurity or digs at his personality.
8. This is the Life by 1electricpirate (ao3) 15k
After the war, Sirius becomes an uptight, high-ranking Ministry official; but when an old childhood friend comes unexpectedly back in his life, he learns what it is to let go and live and love once more - the question is, will Remus let him?
Love remus in this one.
9. Rumor has it by Remy_writes5 (ao3) 15k
No student had ever figured out why Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin seemed to hate each other so much, and at this point in the year the seniors were done trying. All they had time to focus on now was finals and graduation, although the annual class trip provided a welcome distraction. Three days on a lake with their four favorite teachers and plenty of time to gossip had to be a good time, right?
10. The London Underground Book of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
The cardinal rule of the London Underground is to never, ever make eye contact. It is a rule that, among many others, Sirius tends to follow despite his otherwise rebellious, non-rule-following nature. So the first time he makes eye contact with a human being in the subway comes as much of a shock to him as anyone else. Especially when he's unable to look away.
Remus is so cute and fluffy in this.
11. Everything's Connected by mizdiz (ao3) 44k
When he's seven years old, Sirius Black has a brief encounter with a strange boy in the woods, who, in their short exchange, teaches him an important lesson about the nature of the Universe, only to then disappear without a trace.
Nine years later, Sirius, along with his two best friends, is a student away at boarding school, with a brand new transfer student as his roommmate--a foul-mouthed, astronomy nerd named Remus Lupin.
Between school, hormones, relationships, and the fact that he is keeping a (magical) secret away from everyone--Sirius' year starts to go a little off the rails.
Not to mention, there's something familiar about that Remus Lupin kid that he just can't seem to shake...
Remus lupin is magic in this one.
12. Play Dates by DeathjunkE (ao3)
Remus and Sirius are Single Parents who meet by chance and become interested in one another.
Remus is just a simple, good, kind, baker.
13. Wizard beat by eprime (ao3) 6k
Sirius is a fanboy.
14. Remus Lupin's Guide to Successful Courting by Children of the Shadows (ffnet)
Remus has lived for twenty five years now. Due to his incapability to emote or feel many complicated things at the same time, he has always maintained a straight face, his facial features sitting at an angle of approximately a hundred and seventy four point two d though he has practiced it many times before in front of the mirror, Remus has truly never smiled.
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hey ! I was wondering if you could do something with Remus and it’s a reader that’s not curvy at all like small everything. If not it’s totally ok ! P.S I really love your work ! Have a great day/night !
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
See also… All marauders versions in my marauders masterlist<3
Thank you so much nonnie! Make sure to take care of yourself<3 have a nice day/night too. Hope u like this:)
-Remus is not one to look at bodies and judge or make determinations based on that. He loves you and you love him, that's it.
-Gender and beauty standards are made up and fed to us to make us feel bad about ourselves, so fuck that shit!!!!!!
-He doesn't even do it consciously, he loves your body that much is all
-"You're gorgeous, bug" and trails your body with his hands while looking at you lovingly ugh <3
-Adores you in his sweaters as well
-Girls look better in real tight sweaters no matter the size of their boobs!!!
-Sleeps on your chest under his sweaters, yes. Yes, for comfort.
-He loves how you look in his Bowie shirts because they're loose enough on the chest area but not enough that he can't see how your nipples perk all cute n shy<3333
-Saliva strings from his lips all the way to your tits, you swear you haven't seen a prettier thing in your time alive
-Loves kneading your ass when you cuddle or make out<3
-Nicknames related to beauty. It helps when you call him "pretty boy" or "handsome"
-So he figures they help you too when you struggle a bit with confidence!:)
-"Morning beautiful", "Need help pretty?", "Let me get that for you gorgeous." ALL IN THAT THICK WELSH ACCENT IM GOING TO FAINT.
-Ofc if it makes you feel patronized in any way, he'd stop, but if you like them boy oh boy
-He showers you in them.
-If someone from this trio knows how cruel people can be is him
-Won't stand up for anyone's shit if they comment something on how he "could do better" or sorts
-Will and has walked up to the person talking shit and confront them. "Seems like you have lots of shit to say, huh? Go on, m'here now"
-Makes them apologize to you directly, rather aggressively
-He thinks people who talk crap about other people's bodies are the absolute scum of this Earth, so you can imagine how he gets when it's his girl they're talking about.
-Remus knows how it feels to be ashamed of something that you can't change and how people make you believe there's inherently something wrong with you
-Both of you are so very supportive of each other in terms of body insecurity (in other aspects as well ofc)
-You help each other heal and understand that you've never seen someone as pretty as the other. You don't need to fit a preconceived idea of beauty. You're gorgeous.<3
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fictionalwhores · 2 years
Dating Remus Lupin would include...
Tumblr media
A/N: I already want to make a part 2 to this
-The marauders always tease Remus about girls but when they see you give Remus his book back they almost fall on top of each other trying to rush to him because holy shit, Remus lent you a book? You must be pretty special, what’s going on here 
-So many nights in the common room reading together until you’re falling asleep in each other’s arms 
-The werewolf ordeal. Listen, this goes one of two ways, he either keeps it from you forever and the boys have to push him to tell you OR you figure out in the first 3 months of your dating and he's baffled no between 
-Remus isn’t big on PDA but sometimes around the full moon he gets so overstimulated and he just needs you to ground him. Sometimes this means him just burying his face in your neck, arms around waist and trying to block out every noise, light, and unwanted thoughts 
-Keeping him company in the library and making sure he takes breaks before he rots his brain out with stress, he’s fairly quiet but you can get him going on a ramble if it comes to his favorite studies 
-Getting him out of bed is impossible so have fun with weekly morning cuddles when you spend the night and him groaning anytime you try to leave 
-During parties Remus tends to stand closely behind you, sometimes resting his chin on your head while you guys talk to other students. HUGGING FROM BEHIND ugh 
-The other marauders love and adore you but tease you all the time about stealing their moony 
-You help him around his time of the month and he’ll help you around your time of the month.. If they happen at the same time.. Lord help us all 
-Remus is insecure about his scars, so when he allows you to touch his skin under his clothes, thats a big deal 
-And this boy is a sucker for back scratches under his sweater so buckle up 
-I imagine Remus being patient and wouldn’t get too worked up with you unless it was too close to the moon but you would know what time of the month it was and he would make sure to separate himself for a couple of hours to calm down before he lashes out 
-He’s also patient in the sense of teaching you things, he’ll walk you through any homework assignment if you need it 
-This boy is a radiator you cannot convince me otherwise, stick your hands under his shirt for warmth and you shall find he finds it so amusing
-he likes to play with your hands if he gets anxious and does the “wow my hands are so much bigger than yours” comparison 
-He’s so tall he could kiss the top of your head with ease and does 
-Borrowing his sweaters 
-Remus TRIPLE checks the lock on the dorm room when you guys do steamy things because the other marauders walked in once and they still do not let it go 
-Jokes about height differences 
“You are so tall” 
“Maybe you’re just abnormally short” 
“You’re practically a tree! I have to break my neck to talk to you” 
“You’re one to talk, I lose you in a matter of seconds with how easily you disappear!”
“I’m right here” 
“Yet I can look over you without any effort, you just disappear from my line of sight”
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The ship fics are adorable, however I am also aro as heck and I have a proposition: Aromantic (possibly acespec, idrc whatever you wanna do there that's not the main focus) Logan being absolutely baffled because the other sides are flirting with each other and getting into relationships and flirting with him (not that he picks up on it) and he's just like. What. (long ask, so cut for brevity) - anon
Could you write a fic with aromantic or aro-spec Roman in it? – monkeythefander
*materializes into existence* Hi :D Mayhaps I request some Logince (Logan and Roman) hurt/comfort? Logan has a nightmare and Roman comforts the touch-starved Logan. Logan being a bit overwhelmed by all his emotions. Roman grounding him and giving him all the affection. Maybe some insecure Logan? Random Headcanon: Roman calls Logan "Erudite" as a comforting, loving nickname? Cause Lo is a lil nerd. Do what you will. Have fun :D – oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT!! This has been on my mind for a while Names, as we have learned, are very important to the sides. (this ask is super long so not all of it is here) - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: mild arophobia
Pairings: background virgil/patton/janus/remus
Word Count: 3123
Logan blinks awake with sweat soaking his sheets and an ache in his muscles. In the middle of the night, the only solace he can find is with someone who might understand.
Logan blinks awake with sweat soaking his sheets and an ache in his muscles.
"That's it, come on, now…"
There's a voice. Someone is speaking to him. Is it in his head? No, he would not have used such a phrase for himself at this moment.
"Stay with me, come on, I'm right here, wake up, L."
'L.' Ah. Virgil. Logan blinks again, stirring and wincing at the tug in his limbs as a blurry face swims into view. Virgil smiles at him—at least, he presumes he does, it is difficult to tell without his glasses—and ruffles his hair.
"Hey, there, buddy. You doing okay?"
"Virgil?" He swallows through his dry throat and tries again. "Virgil?"
"Yeah, buddy, it's me. You were having a nightmare, do you remember?"
His brow furrows as he tries to recall it. No images come to mind—though perhaps that is for the better—but the ache in his limbs coalesces into a strange and heavy soreness that isn't reminiscent of any sort of muscle pain. On instinct, his hand moves toward its center to try and figure out what's going on, but his fingers only scrabble uselessly against the soft fabric of his shirt.
"Hey, hey, uh-uh," Virgil interrupts, taking gentle hold of his wrist and pulling it away, "stay here. You with me?"
"I'm with you. I don't—I don't remember my nightmare, but my chest—my chest hurts."
"You think it's from hyperventilating?"
He shakes his head. "Not that kind of hurt."
Virgil nods, the mattress creaking slightly as he leans back to give Logan his space. "You wanna talk about it at all? You need to be grounded?"
"Can—?" His throat dries up again mid-question. "Can I have some water?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure, I'll be right back."
The mattress squeaks again as Virgil's weight leaves it, the light to the bathroom and the sound of the sink following shortly. Logan drifts in the strange fuzzy half-dark of his room for several moments more before Virgil reappears with a glass of water. He sits up, carefully, and drinks about half of it.
"Thank you."
"Sure thing, bud. You need me to stay for a little longer?"
The soreness hasn't receded, but the prospect of letting Virgil stay makes it…worse. His fingers twist into the blankets. Virgil waits patiently until he sighs and his shoulders drop. "Can you see if Roman's awake, please?"
Surprise flickers across Virgil's expression, but he nods and stands. "If I can, I'll send him up. If not, do you want me to come back?"
"Just to say you couldn't find him, or he isn't awake. You don't have to stay."
"I don't mind," he says softly, but Logan shakes his head. "Okay. I'll see what I can do."
Virgil sinks out and Logan lets out a breath he hadn't been sure he was holding, putting the glass on his nightstand before his hands can shake too much to spill it. He rubs his chest. The soreness hasn't abated, but the lancing pain atop it has. Despite knowing how ill-advised it is, he finds himself once again trying to remember his nightmare. His fingers worry the creases in his shirt.
A knock on the door startles him out of his thoughts.
"Logan? It's Roman, Virgil said you were looking for me?"
"Come in."
Roman opens the door and glances around, spotting him in the bed and smiling. He looks…far too awake for the middle of the night, but at least he's dressed down in a T-shirt and sweatpants.
"Hi, Specs," he says quietly, shutting the door behind him, "what can I do for you?"
Roman's brow furrows when he cuts himself off, taking a small step away from the door. "Can I come over?"
Logan nods and he comes to sit on the edge of the bed, still a respectful distance away, but close enough to lay a hand encouragingly on Logan's blanket-covered knee. Even through the fabric, the touch grows warm in a rush. Roman's hands are callused, he realizes, from years of swordfights and writing alike. His thumb makes little strokes back and forth, filling the room with the sound of fabric rustling.
"Logan?" Roman smiles when he looks up. "I think I lost you for a moment there."
"Don't apologize, I'm pretty sure it's my fault." He indicates his hand. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Okay, then." He pats his knee. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but I can't imagine midnight socializing works its way onto The Schedule, so—"
Logan snorts.
"—if you wouldn't mind telling me a little bit about what's going on in your head right now?"
"I had a nightmare."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Virgil was here, he…he woke me up. He got me water." Roman nods. "He…asked if I wanted to talk about it."
"And did you?" Roman prompts when he doesn't finish. "Is that when you asked him to get me?"
"Do you…want to talk about it with me?"
His mouth hardens into a thin little line.
"You don't have to," he continues, softer now, "I can just babble on and distract you until you get bored enough to fall back to sleep."
"That's not—" he touches his shirt again— "my chest hurts."
Roman blinks. "Okay. Um, do you want me to have a look at it?"
"…can you?"
"Of course, Specs, can I come a little closer?" Logan nods and Roman scoots up the bed. He briefly mourns the loss of the hand on his knee only for his breath to stutter when Roman's warm hand comes to rest gently on his chest. "Is this alright?"
He nods, not trusting his voice. Roman carefully rubs his hand back and forth, back and forth, in small circles, then bigger circles, then side to side, then down his sternum. A small furrow appears between his brows as he goes. When he's finished, he lays his hand right over Logan's heart and closes his eyes.
A few moments later, he opens them again.
"I can't feel anything wrong," he says, looking up at him, "but it does…I can feel something a little sore. Is that what it is?"
"Do you think it's just from the nightmare?"
"I don't even remember what the nightmare was."
"Okay, that's okay." His fingers tap lightly against his chest. "Is—can I keep asking questions?"
"Thank you. Does it have anything to do with why you sent Virgil to look for me?"
Logan's quiet for a moment. Roman waits patiently, his fingers still drumming lightly against his chest. "I…it didn't feel right."
"To ask Virgil."
"Why not?"
Roman makes a soft oh sound and scoots the slightest bit closer. "Is it because the others are in a relationship now?"
It had been a long time coming, if the others were to be believed. Patton and Virgil and Janus and Remus—the four of them had recently started to explore the dynamics of a polyamorous romantic relationship and it had been going well. The four of them had been…happier than Logan could remember seeing them.
The thought of it is enough to twinge the ache.
"Hey," comes Roman's gentle voice, "stay here with me?"
"I'm here, I'm here."
Roman carefully pats his chest. "I'm guessing that was it?"
"Do you want to talk about that?"
Logan's mouth thins again. "It's stupid."
"If it's giving you nightmares, Specs, it's not stupid."
"It's not—" his head snaps up to look at Roman, who meets him with such soft and patient understanding that Logan's hand twitches toward his unconsciously— "do you…think that's what it was?"
"You woke up without being able to remember the nightmare except for this ache in your chest," he says, "you didn't feel comfortable letting Virgil comfort you, and you asked specifically for me."
Logan swallows. "Your logic is impeccable."
"Why, thank you."
"Still, it seems like an inappropriate thing to have a nightmare about." He shifts to ease a cramp in his leg. "The people that matter to me have gotten together and are happy about it. How is that supposed to give me a nightmare?"
Roman doesn't say anything, just looking at him expectantly. He sighs.
"I don't know, Roman."
"Do you want to try and figure it out, or do you want me to distract you from it until you can fall back asleep?"
"It'll frustrate me if I don't know why."
"Then let's figure it out."
"But that's hard," Logan mumbles, mostly under his breath. Roman chuckles and strokes his thumb across a wrinkle in his shirt.
"You like hard problems."
"Not when they keep me from sleeping."
"Come on, then, Braniac," Roman encourages, "let's get you thinking."
Logan sighs again, leaning back against the headboard. Roman goes to lift his hand from his chest but without thinking about it, he covers the hand, keeping it there. Roman makes a surprised noise.
"No, no, it's alright." His hand shifts to get comfortable. "Can I ask why—would it be helpful if I asked you questions to help you think, or do you want to do it on your own?"
"You can ask."
"Thank you. Can I ask why you felt more comfortable asking for help from me than from Virgil?"
"We went over that."
"Say it again for those of us in class that aren't as clever as you."
Logan frowns slightly—Roman is clever. "Virgil has recently entered into a relationship."
Logan turns to look at him. "What do you mean, 'so?'"
"What does that have to do with Virgil comforting you?"
"I'm not part of the relationship." Roman gestures for him to keep going. "That should—I'm not one of the people Virgil loves. Yes, yes, I know," he interrupts before Roman can say anything, "Virgil might love me, but he's not in love with me—he does not feel romantic love for me."
"I'm going to keep asking you why this matters, Logan."
"He's not—shouldn't he be doing that for his partners?" Irritation bleeds into his words. "Isn't that how that works?"
"How what works?"
"Romance," Logan spits, only belatedly realizing that Romance is Roman's thing, "as soon as you enter a romantic relationship with someone, they become your one and only priority, or whatever, they're who you're supposed to comfort, to seek comfort from, it doesn't matter what other relationships you might have, or might have worked on for years, as soon as someone gets the label of romantic partner, everything else might as well not exist."
Only after he's finished speaking and he sees Roman's expression does he realize what he's just said.
"You're worried the others won't think about you as much anymore," Roman summarizes with devastating softness, "and that they won't see their time with you or their relationship with you as important, is that right?"
Logan nods, shame bubbling into tears that Roman wipes away with a gentle noise.
"Does it scare you?" He nods again. "Oh, Logan…it's okay, can I hug you?"
Logan barely has time to nod again before Roman's sliding up and wrapping his arms around him and oh, Roman is big and soft and warm and his brain isn't coming up with good words anymore and he doesn't care because Roman's still hugging him and the ache in his chest is glowing and he's all warm and it almost burns and it—and—and—and—
"Shh, shh, Logan," he hears from a great distance, "it's okay. I'm right here, okay? I'm right here."
He decides he's not going to think about anything else. Nothing that isn't the fingers running lightly up and down his back. Nothing that isn't being rocked against a strong chest. Nothing that isn't the soothing murmur of words in his ear.
"I've got you, Logan. It's gonna be okay. I'm not going anywhere."
When he next surfaces out of swimming in the sensation of warm soft comfort Roman safe, he realizes Roman's moved them. He's leaning up against the headboard, Logan balanced halfway across his lap. He looks up from where his head is pillowed against Roman's shoulder. Roman smiles.
"Hey," he calls, running his fingers through his hair, "you feel any better."
"That's good." He returns to scratching lightly between his shoulders. "If it's any consolation at all, I'm sure the others wouldn't be upset at getting able to comfort you at all. I think they'd miss it, actually, and start passive-aggressively fighting for the chance to do it again."
"That's kind of you."
"I'm serious! Mark my words, they'll be squabbling for the chance before you know it."
Despite himself, he laughs at the mental image of it. Roman's chest rumbles with a laugh of his own. "I don't think I would mind so much," he mumbles, tongue loosened by Roman's warmth, "if I didn't know it wasn't for me."
"If what wasn't for you?"
"That sort of thing." When Roman still looks confused, he sighs. "Romance…all of that. That sort of thing."
"What do you mean, romance isn't for you? Not that it's a problem," he says quickly, "that's your decision and you're welcome to make it, I'm just…curious."
"I'm aromantic."
"Oh. Me too."
"I just mean that—" he stops and looks up. "You're what?"
"I'm aro too, Logan," Roman says, smiling softly and running a finger down his cheek. "What's that look for?"
"You're—you—but you're Romance."
"And Janus is perfectly capable of honesty even though he's Deceit. Just because that's what I represent to Thomas doesn't mean I have to experience romantic attraction." Roman shrugs. "It's not like I'm against it, or for it, it's just…well, like you said. It's not for me."
"But—but—" Logan's still trying to make sense of this image— "but you flirt with the others all the time."
"It's fun."
"It's not fun, it's confusing. I get accused of flirting all the time and I don't even know what I'm doing that counts as flirting."
"Well, they're probably guessing that the way they flirt with you is how you'd flirt back at them."
"But that doesn't—"
He stops again. He furrows his brow. He bolts upright to stare hard at Roman.
"What do you mean, how they flirt with me? They don't flirt with me!"
"Yes, they do," Roman says patiently, "believe me, the only reason I know that is because I walk in on them scheming on how to flirt with you."
"They—you what?"
"Look, just because I'm Thomas's Romance doesn't mean I understand all of it myself."
"Why is this so complicated and confusing," he grumbles, letting Roman chuckle and coax him back into a hug, "why can't everyone just make sense?"
"I don't think they'd be themselves if they made sense 100% of the time."
Logan begrudgingly grumbles an acquiescence, but he doesn't have to like it. Judging by the way Roman laughs again and ruffles his hair, he won't hold it against him.
"You look better," he observes softly, smiling, "do you think you might be able to fall back asleep?"
He toys with the edge of Roman's shirt. Most of the ache is gone, but there's something still lingering that he can't quite figure out how to dissipate. "I don't—alright, this next part is going to sound stupid."
"Great. I love stupid-sounding things."
"They have…they're going to have secrets now. And I…I don't…" He sighs. "Do you remember when Patton told Thomas my name?"
Roman nods. Logan rubs the hem of his shirt between his fingers. After a moment, Roman hums. "They shared something private of yours, and now you don't know how to feel that they know everything about you and you won't be able to reciprocate?"
"When did you get so perceptive?"
Roman just chuckles. "I am sorry about the name thing, I don't—"
"It's fine. It was going to happen at some point."
"Still, Logan, you should've gotten to do that on your terms." Roman drums his fingers against the small of his back. "What if…what if we did it over?"
"Did what over?"
"What if you had a name—or something, that was just a private one? And then you could keep it, it could be your secret, and you could decide how you want to tell them about it, if you ever do?"
Heat begins to color his cheeks. "Like—like a pet name?"
Roman looks down. "If you wanted?"
"If you're not comfortable—"
"If it's you," Logan butts in, "only if it's you."
Roman pauses, looking at him, before a soft smile spreads across his face. "Okay. I'm okay with that. Do you have anything in mind?"
"You're Creativity," Logan mumbles, trying to hide his blush in Roman's stomach, "you think of one."
Roman tugs lightly on his hair in retribution but settles, humming as his fingers card along his scalp. Logan finds himself drifting off under the gentle touch, roused here and there by Roman trying out different names. Starlight is too close to his nickname for Virgil, all the generic ones are taken because the others might use them, anything to do with Logic is too impersonal…
Logan stirs. He looks up. Roman cups his cheek and strokes his thumb across his cheekbone.
"Erudite," he says again, voice gentle and tender, "what about that?"
A lump appears in Logan's throat.
"Is that okay, Erudite?"
He sniffles.
"Oh, it's okay, Erudite, come here…you fall asleep for me now," Roman coos, cuddling a sleepy, weepy Logan to his chest, "shh, Erudite, it's okay…it's okay, let's try and sleep now…"
The ache in his chest fades away as he falls into a dreamless sleep.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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nikholascrow · 10 months
more hcs cause im having far too much fun-
if you like these check out the others
James Marlene Peter Xenophilius Evan
regulus head canons!!!
he gives me big gay (mlm) trans masc vibes
Walburga let him transition after Sirius ran away because they needed a male heir (she’s not supportive it’s purely for personal gain)
Regulus cannot express his emotions properly because he was never allowed to or taught how so he snaps at people sometimes because he gets frustrated with himself
he’s definitely tried to burn James’ crocs more than once
still has the cat stuffie Sirius got him on his 5th birthday (their name is mittens) but would never admit it (Sirius knows but won’t say a word because he doesn’t want Reg to get rid of it)
got a leo constellations tattooed under each of his top surgery scars
he jokingly flirts with Remus cause it annoys the shit out of Sirius
is closest with Evan Barty and Remus
Effie absolutely adores this boy like she sends him hand knitted or crocheted gifts and baked goods constantly
definitely kissed Barty at some point during like 3rd year to figure out what kissing felt like
lactose intolerant idk why he just gives off the vibes of someone who’d eat cheese even tho it only causes him pain
reads classical work and poetry but also started reading cheesy romance books when he met James and now he kinda likes them but if you ask him he’ll deny it point blank
really good artist doodles on all his homework and sometimes his friends arms if he’s in a good mood
really good at healing because he had to learn to patch up Sirius when they were younger
constantly cold wears hoodies in the summer and hates going outside in the winter
steels Barty Evan Remus and James’ sweaters all the time
biggest insecurity is his temper he hates when he gets angry because it reminds him of his mom
bitch is ripped!!! very strong boy
loves his name because it was the first thing he chose for himself
learned to play quidditch just to hang out with Sirius
way too good at flirting for his own good
shares clothes with Sirius cause they’re both short and have great taste
very blunt no bullshit kinda guy when he’s comforting someone but it works he’ll just straight up tell you to cut them out of your life if they really deserve it and he’s usually right about that sorta thing
does not know how to cook at all
Sirius immediately figured out James and Regulus liked each other and teases Reg relentlessly
Regulus flirts with James so much- James is oblivious James flirts with Regulus even more Reg is worse
feel free to send me asks if you want me to do any characters i haven’t done yet i love doing these :]
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galaxostars · 2 days
If you had to choose your top five favourite marauders era characters and ships, what would they be?
This question was actually so hardddd haha and I feel like you could ask me again in a month and my answer would be different bc I’m such a multishipper that… yeah xD but for now here it issss :
Fave characters :
1. James Potter : mhm I love myself an arrogant goofball who’s actually smarter than people give him credit for, who’s got so much love he’s impulsive with it and hurts the ones he loves, who doesn’t know what to do with the loneliness that grips him sometimes, who defines himself by his ability to help people, who rarely allows himself to express himself negatively (ex : sadness/anger/frustration) because if there’s one thing that he fears the most, it’s hurting people. Plus, he hasn’t got any trauma or anything so why should he complain, yk?
Basically I love a good flawed James, and the sort of character where you wouldn’t expect him to have issues yk
2. Sirius Black : I mean… cmon do I even need to explain? ‘Cause if I start idk when I’ll stop, like literally. Ive had a crush on this character since I was eleven and never grew out of it, its almost embarrassing if it wasn’t completely justified (and the only reason he’s not number one is just because I write him less than James so I feel like I know him less intimately but like if you’d have asked me before I started writing I’d have put him number one for sure)
3. Regulus Black : !!!!! sorry but indoctrinated younger ‘abandoned’ (in between quotes bc he was not Sirius’ responsibility and Sirius was right to save himself but it’s also very normal for regulus to feel that way etc etc… we know the drill) sibling who’s faced with sudden delusion about this superior figure he’s followed/served, everything he’s lost in the process, and who redeems himself by going on this suicide mission that ends up being useless? (And unknown by Sirius AHHHH.) The guy is literally so smart and technically such a loser bc he doesn’t serve much for the plot and that’s what compelled me so much the first time I read hp 😭 he’s so tragic I love it
4. Narcissa Black : younger sibling; once again similar pattern to regulus but she survived, she’s so smart I’m, like, shaky in the knees, (esp i love female characters who do what they have to do to survive), she’s powerful too, and jkr is shit at writing female characters and I will never not be pissed abt it but I do think cissa was very compelling (+ Helen McCrory’s acting game was sooo perfect), very protective of her family and will stop at nothing to protect them, and that’s a value I respect so much. I will say, in general, any member of the black family is very compelling to me. Bellatrix would come right after narcissa in terms of fave from that family.
5. Barty Crouch Jr : listen if you know me, you know I’m… idk how to define myself actually, but I like unhinged stuff so. This is like. Peak unhingedness. Paired with intelligence bc we know canonically that man was smart af, and daddy issues? Dark hair, too? You just described my type. He’s even more compelling in tragic storylines (like past bartylus and barty joining Voldemort for regulus and then faced w the delusion and the grief? Gut wrenching) so yup.
Favorite pairings :
1. Moonshine (remus/james) : I know this sounds weird but a certain fanfic re wrote my brain chemistry and ever since then I’ve been obsessed. I just think they’re so tragically beautiful together. They’re both very selfless beings that just give and give and never prioritize themselves and together it’s a mess. They keep hurting each other because they’re so selfless, they’re not very good at reading each other and they let their insecurities get the best, they’re both frightened of how much they love, of the other not wanting them, of needing to « tame » their emotions. I love them.
2. Prongsfoot : FUCKING FOAMING AT THE MOUTH ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Together they’re. They. Just. I hate them bc of how much I love them if that makes sense. They’re everything. A law of the universe and whatnot. I love everyyyy fucking version of them. They make me cry they make me scream they make me smile they make me laugh, they’re literally my comfort ship.
3. Jegulus : they’re kind of the pairing that made me join the fandom, and though I don’t read them as much as I used to, they’ll always make me so soft. Enemies to lovers? Yeah, well I’m not immune yk. Best friend’s brother? Even better. Tragic and doomed? Yeah sign me the fuck up. I will say I like them just as much when it’s jegulily, but that’s also because I think poly relationships are so complex and compelling.
4. Moonwater : and not platonic haha, i have to say that basically i ship anyone who’s very smart imo with regulus, and Remus passes the test. Plus he’s also introverted, a book nerd, done with James and Sirius so i feel like they could bond very easily. I prefer them in a non canon sitting tho for some reason, but yeah I’m. So fond of them. They get into heated debates. Even their ship name is so dear to me because, that’s like both their biggest fears and pairing them in one name feels like they can overcome them if they’re together ? 😭 it’s so sweet (plus, it allows me to ship prongsfoot on the side lmfao)
5. Regulily : same reasoning as up there but like they’re probs the only het pairings that I really really love. i never expected them to be so important (but *cough cough* disintegration happened…) but honestly they make a lot of sense? I feel like Regulus would be more confident with Lily, and Lily would feel more calm with Regulus? They’re that scary hot powerful quiet couple yk. Anddd they can bond over siblings angst lmao.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 years
Saw a few people saying the sides getting mad at each other is uncharacteristic of them considering how much progress they've made (particularly virgil's anide comment about oattin giving thomas permission). I don't think it is uncharacteristic though....... I think it's perfectly natural because Thomas himself is sitting there with inner turmoil berating himself and having conflicting feelings. If he ain't getting better on his own it's cause the lad needs
Remus had a point- Logan can't fix Thomas alone. All his sides need to be on the same page and currently they absolutely aren't! Big divides in many places for many topics!
We have Roman's ego insecurities causing him to try and be kinder but continuing to be punished for doing what he's been told is supposed to be the right thing.
We have Patton trying to let go of control while doing whatever he can to try and reassure Thomas but that's causing him to be more open and its making some of the others not trust his judgement.
We have Logan never being listened to and dismissed and the boiling frustration that keeps building in him is just screaming to get out because he is reason and logic and everything stifling him is a Big Problem.
Janus is finally being listened to but only in fucking baby steps because he is still fighting to figure out a good way to get them to hear him without mistrusting him.
Remus Knows What's Up but also he is Remus so rhe chaos is fun. He was fucking right in the episode with Logan and the orange eyes and he's definitely communicating deeply subconscious messages and fears that Thomas doesn't want to think about. He needs to be listened to as well.
Virgil is ao fucking insecure. All the fears of everyone else around him and he's also worried about what Thomas will think of him and he's lashing out at Patton because he doesn't trust Janus because they and Remus obviously have a history so it's distracting him.
I am craving the 4 part episode so in the meantime I will talk about it.
Somebody please come talk to me about sanders sides.
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cryforwolfstar · 10 months
Rec: "The Lab". Autor: @de-sire-blog
“I don’t get it,” Sirius says truthfully. “Remus is such a nice person, why does everyone pretend like he’s some kind of wicked stepmother?”
James laughs joyfully and winks at Sirius. “Are we even talking about the same person?” He holds out his hand above his head. “Big guy, about this tall, curly hair? Temper like a sleeping dragon? Smart, but a bit full of himself? Can kill you with his eyes?”
Sirius raises his eyebrows and laughs as well. “No, I don’t think we are talking about the same person at all.”
A love story about healing, new beginnings and growing up. Academia! Romance! Shared cigarettes, cute cats, lots of coffee and the most amorous business trip you have ever seen.
I think this fic will go on my favorites list.
This fic is just as its author describes it: "this is a journey of two people falling in love and figuring things out." And it is deep and beautiful.
When I started, I did so with caution, because Sirius was in this horrible relationship of power and abuse, falling in love with Remus who was in a position of power, but the author shut me down on how to handle Sirius's development and how to deal with it. the relationship with Remus masterfully.
I love works that focus on the development of a character and this is a perfect example of that. It not only addresses leaving an abusive relationship, but family trauma, insecurities, building self-confidence, carving out a place in the world and developing a romance that is so so so beautiful.
I think I'm a little out of practice with reviewing since university is ruining every other aspect of my life outside of studying, but I needed to capture a little of my experience with this fanfic. Qualification: 5 moons and stars.
(From now on my reviews will be with Google Translate, I'm sorry if there are any errors, even though my English teacher says I have potential with the language, I'm still far from being able to write something that sounds minimally understandable).
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imaginejamesandsirius · 11 months
I was hoping you can write one with tooth rotting fluff. Maybe about Sirius being insecure because of his messed up home life and James making it his mission to shower him with hugs and praises 🥰
"You're the best person in the world," James says, very seriously, drink in one hand and the other gripping Sirius's shoulder. "You're- blimey, you're the best. Like, out of the entire population on this planet, if one person had to be picked as the best, it would be you."
"I'm not sure you have all the information to properly make that claim," he laughs, causing James to frown.
"No, I'm right."
"Sure about that, are you?" 
"Yes, because I've met you! You're awesome. You're so smart, everything you say should be written down for posperi- postert- we should write it all down so we can remember it because it's all right. And you-"
Lily tunes him out as he extols Sirius's virtues and turns to Peter and Remus-- both of whom, she notes, don't look like they've been listening to this from the start. "Is James always like this when he's drunk? Going on and on about how wonderful he thinks Sirius is?"
"Yes," they both say.
"Though, hang on a second," Remus adds. He shifts in his chair to turn towards her. "'When he's drunk' makes it sound like Prongs only does this when he's drunk."
"Mm, yeah, not true. He does this a lot," Peter says.
"Any time he's tired."
"Any time he's in a really good mood."
"Any time Sirius frowns for more than two seconds."
"Okay," Lily interjects when it looks like they'll continue, "I get the picture." Bloody hell. Peter and Remus had to be exaggerating at least a little bit-- otherwise she would've noticed sooner-- but for them to so easily complain about James talking about it, it had to be a more regular occurrence than she originally thought. She wants to pay attention to the drinking game some sixth years are playing like she was doing before James caught her attention, but when she turns to the group, her eyes drift back towards the pair.
James has been talking the entire time-- topic unchanged-- and he's now got an arm around Sirius instead of facing him. The hand holding his drink is curled into Sirius's chest as well, like he needs the extra point of contact to drive his point home.
Sirius is listening with an indulgent smile on his face. This strikes Lily as egotistical, and she frowns.
Remus catches her expression and guesses (incorrectly) what it's over. "If you're waiting for James to be done so you can talk to him, you're going to be waiting a long time."
"Ha, yeah."
James rests his chin on Sirius's shoulder and slips his arms around him at the same time. "You want to talk about it?" he asks quietly, aware of their dormmates on the other side of the room.
"Nothing to talk about," Sirius mutters-- a blatant lie.
He's still glaring at the wall like it's done him wrong.
"You have me, you know that?" James whispers. "No matter what happens or what you do, you're stuck with me." He turns his face into Sirius's hair and inhales deeply. "You couldn't get rid of me if you tried."
"I figured, what with you acting like a bloody barnacle." He doesn't look happy but the glare is gone. Mission accomplished.
"Sirius!" James calls, barreling into his friend. He's so happy to see him that he lifts him off his feet, making Sirius laugh. "I missed you so much."
"It's been two hours," Lily says, rolling her eyes.
"Two hours too long, don't you know that, Evans?" Sirius says as he's set back down. "These sodding meetings of yours are killing our friendship."
James gasps theatrically, turning to Lily with wide eyes. "Maybe we can take him with us next time."
"But I need him! He keeps my brain working."
Sirius nods in agreement, but Lily rolls her eyes. She knows by now that it's useless to argue or try to find any logical reason why that's a bad idea, so she just says, "No," again as she walks up the staircase to the girls' dormitories.
"I know I joke a lot, but you know that I think you're great, yeah?" James asks.
Sirius glances over at him, but James's eyes are trained at the sky stretching out above them. They're laying on the Quidditch Pitch, looking at the stars. Ostensibly they came out here to drink; there's a bottle of firewhiskey beside them, but neither have reached for it. They haven't said much of importance tonight, which makes the question feel sudden.
"Like, I make a big production of it and shout it to the world like I'm teasing you, but it's the truth." James rolls his head to the side and meets Sirius's eyes. His hazel eyes are warm, flecked with bits of brown, and Sirius could drown in them, he's sure. He moves his hand, sliding his palm against Sirius's and squeezing. "I'd rather be with you than anyone else."
It feels ridiculous, sometimes, when James talks like this. He means it. He means it in a way Sirius can't wrap his head around. Every good thing he says about Sirius, he believes like it's a fact of life.
This time, Sirius smiles at him and says, "I know." Then, grin widening, he adds, "And I mean it what I say about you, too. Best bloke the world has ever seen."
James laughs. It curls his body a little, and he rolls onto his side to move with it. His hand is still holding Sirius's, and he uses the other to cup his cheek. "Imagine what our wedding vows will sound like."
"Everyone will leave the room before you're done talking about why you want to marry me."
"They can try," James says, his eyes glinting. "I'll ward the doors. No one leaves without my say-so."
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aanoia · 1 year
Hi, i like your writing!
I've got 2 song request ideas, if you want...
The first one, for Alphaville's 'Forever Young', maybe with James? Y/n doesn't want to grow old and is insecure, but James is really sweet about it.
And the second one for 'Love from the other side' from Fall Out Boy. Maybe that one of the Marauders is in love with someone who is forced on the other side of the war.
Only if you want to ofcourse, and you can also change the interpretation or story. No pressure! <3
I'm doing the second one for now, as I cannot figure out how to write you're first idea without repeating the same thing over and over iykwim. I am gonna write it I just need a bit. Anyway, I hope you like it as I did get a little carried away. No shame though.
Love From The Other Side
Sirius Black x reader words; 2,581 song; Love From the Other Side by Fallout Boy warnings; blood, death, death eaters, voldemort in the flesh, yk, not good ending my masterlist yall i got CARRIED away, i lowkey had sm fun writing it though like i've never really written an 'evil' character and it was amazing. i'll defo be doing it more anyway, if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. HAVE FUN!
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Model house like meltdowns
Still a modern dream let down, it kills me
Sirius knew the risks of dating a Slytherin. But despite everything inside him telling him not to trust the girl, he couldn’t stop himself from doing so. She drew him in like a moth to flame. Unfortunately for Sirius, flames burn. 
You know I'm dying out here
What would you trade the pain for?
I'm not sure
“Pads, where is she?” James asked quickly as he shot a spell at a Death Eater.
Sirius did the same, knocking the Death Eater backwards, “I don’t know, James. I’ve got no clue at fucking all.” He said angrily as a soft spell hit his chest and pushed him back. He stared straight at the Death Eater, who simply cocked their head and flew away as black smoke. “What the fuck.” He mumbled, questioning why he was spared.
We were a hammer to the statue of David
We were a painting you could never frame and
“Sirius, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. Are you all right?” Y/n asked as she burst through the doors of the Potter manor.
Sirius smiled gently at her, “I’m okay.” he said and Y/n let out a relieved sigh, biting back the guilt that was creeping up on her. 
You were the sunshine of my lifetime
What would you trade the pain for?
“I need to go.” Y/n said quietly, letting go of Sirius’ hand.
“Again?” He asked. “You keep disappearing. Where are you going?”
Y/n pressed a kiss to her boyfriend's lips, “Not important. I’ll see you later.” She said and apparated away. Sirius furrowed his brow at the small amount of black smoke left behind.
This city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose
Like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit
“No, we need to be smarter than that.” A voice said and Sirius ducked behind a bush, keeping in a gasp as he saw a group of Death Eaters in a circle.
“You don’t know anything, girl.”
“I know how much stronger I am than you, Malfoy.” The same voice said and Sirius couldn’t help but recognize it. But how? “How much more worth I have to the Dark Lord. Back off.”
I'll never go, I just want to be invited, oh
Got to give up, get the feeling
Get the feeling, don't fight it, fight it
“Sirius, you’ve been zoning out. What’s going on?” Remus asked as the Order, minus Y/n who had left for personal business again, sat around a wooden table.
Sirius looked up, fighting back the tears, “I think Y/n’s a Death Eater.”
Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
Sirius stared at the Death Eater he was sure was his girlfriend, raising his wand with his chin held up high as he ignored the chaos ensuing around them. The Death Eater did the same and he scoffed.
“I know it’s you, Y/n. I know you’ve betrayed us.” The Death Eater didn’t respond, instead shooting a spell at Sirius, who quickly created a shield. “Just admit it. You’re one of them.” Spell, shield. “I fucking know it’s you! All your secret outings.” Spell, shield. Sirius took a few steps closer. “Don’t be a coward.” Spell, shield, step. “Show me your face.” Spell, shield, pounce. 
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Love from the other side of the apocalypse
Sirius jumped onto the Death Eater, not thinking about the consequences as he ripped the mask from their head. Although he already knew, her face confirming his suspicions made his heart clench and throat tighten. 
“You fucking traitor.” He seethed, apparating away before the tears could fall.
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Y/n froze on the ground, staring at the spot the love of her life was before he disappeared. Her head snapped to the side when she heard a strangled gasp and watched as her best friend gasped in horror, James pulling her away from the girl as he looked at her sadly before disappearing with his sobbing wife. Remus shook his head at her, tears in his eyes as well as his figure vanished. 
Y/n laid down on the ground, completely emotionless. The only indicator of her feelings was the lone tear that slid down her cheek and soaked into her hair.
Generation sleep
I'm falling in and out of love
I'm getting that tilted feeling out here
“You let them figure you out?” Malfoy sneered at Y/n who rolled her eyes.
“Now, now, Lucius. Let poor Y/n have a moment to mourn, she did just lose the love of her life.” Voldemort jeered. It was as if she had been stabbed in the heart as she shook her head.
“I don’t care.” She said, her voice steady.
Voldemort nodded, a nasty smile coming across his face, “Delightful.”
What would you trade the pain for?
I'm not sure
“No.” Frank Longbottom said, refusing to believe the news.
“Y/n?” His wife, Alice, asked quietly.
Nowhere left for us to go but heaven
A summer falling through our fingers again and
James nodded, “Yes. Y/n has unfortunately joined the Death Eaters, actually, we believe she was a Death Eater before she was a member of the Order.  So that means any plans we already had, will need to change-”
“Any plans they already had, will change.” Y/n repeated to the group.
“We need to change where we meet.”
“They’ll change where they meet.”
“We need new members.”
“They’ll recruit new members.”
“Anything to stay one step ahead of them.”
“They’ll do anything to stay a step ahead of us, without knowing we’re already three steps ahead.”
You were the sunshine of my lifetime
What would you trade the pain for?
Y/n sighed as she racked her brain, parchment in front of her and quill in hand. Where would they go next? Slowly, other thoughts crept in. Do I know what I’m even doing? Am I making the right choice, or fucking up royally? What about Sirius? When did my act become real life with him? When did I actually start loving him?
I shook the thoughts away as a lightbulb went off. The abandoned Black Manor. Bingo. That had to be where they’d meet next. I wrote down the address on the parchment and stood to bring it to everyone but froze at the door. Should I really do this? 
We're told we gotta get ahead, yeah, no matter what it takes
But there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race
Sirius held his breath as he waited to ambush the Death Eaters. They had figured out about the mini meeting being held, and brought the better part of the Order to out number them and attack. He only hoped Y/n wouldn’t be there, because he didn’t know what would happen. He didn’t know if he would kill her or kiss her and beg her to come back to the light. 
James gave Sirius the signal and he immediately shot a spell down, alerting the Death Eaters of their presence. Frank jumped down from where he was hiding and shot a spell at a Death Eater, knocking them backwards. As the big fight began, one of the Death Eaters whistled loudly and black smoke filled the area. What? They knew? How? 
He spotted Y/n taking down one of the members of the Order and it clicked. They might have completely changed their plans, but their strategy stayed the same, and she knew it by heart. Because she created it.
I'll never go, I just want to be invited, oh
Got to give up, get the feeling
Get the feeling, don't fight it, fight it
“James, are you alright?” Lily asked, looking over her husband as he smiled and placed his hand on her baby bump, pressing a small kiss to her cheek.
“I’m okay. They knew about the ambush, and just ambushed us back.” He explained and she nodded sadly, knowing exactly who the culprit of their knowledge was.
Sirius shook in anger and grabbed a glass that rested on the table. He threw it hard at the wall, refraining from screaming his head off for no apparent reason. Lily gasped and James stepped in front of her protectively. 
“No matter what we do, with her on their side, we will never win.” 
Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
“What happened?” Y/n seethed, her wand pointed threateningly to a random Death Eater.
“The boy, he couldn’t be killed.” The Death Eater explained, his voice shaking.
“And the parents?”
“Dead.” Y/n shuddered, refraining from breaking down knowing people who used to be so important to her ceased to exist.
“The Dark Lord?”
“Not dead, but almost.”
Y/n nodded, “We’ll heal him, until then I’ll keep an eye on the boy as he grows up. And when the time comes, the Dark Lord will seek out his revenge.”
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Love from the other side of the apocalypse
“Sirius Black escaped, did you hear?” Lucius asked, coming into the dining room.
Y/n nodded, “I did. And?”
Lucius growled, “Well, I thought you’d like to know your boyfriend escaped from the inescapable.”
Y/n shrugged, “I’m not at all surprised. In fact, I thought he would’ve been out as soon as he was in. Not almost thirteen years later. However, it does give us a swell chance of breaking out some fellow Death Eaters, yes?”
Lucius briefly nodded, “Yes.”
Y/n’s eyes darkened as she smirked, “Yes, what, Lucius? Remember what our Lord demanded my name be, you should.”
Lucius refrained from rolling his eyes, “Yes, My Lady.”
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Y/n smiled as the Dark Lord was reborn, ignoring the clench in her heart at the strangled cries of Harry. He had grown into a handsome young man, that’s no doubt. He had the face of his father, and the eyes of his mother. 
“My Lady, my most loyal follower. Almost my equal, come.” The Dark Lord muttered and she obeyed. He whispered in her ear and her eyes fell onto the dead boy by a broken headstone. She nodded and stood back where she was.
Y/n glanced at Harry with a sinister grin, “Pleasure to see you again, Harry. Tell your parents I said hi when you see them again, yeah? We left off on the rather wrong foot, if you ask me.”
I saw you in a bright clear field
Hurricane heat in my head
Y/n stood quietly in the shadows as Lucius took the prophecy from Harry’s hand and turned around, only to be met with Sirius Black.
“Get away from my godson.” Sirius sneered and punched Lucius hard in the face. A small smile came across my face as I remembered our days in Hogwarts. His punch was exactly the same.
The kinda pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end
Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain
"Give up what you love
Give up what you love before it does you in"
Sirius fought silently with Lucius, Harry standing behind with a winning grin. Y/n’s head flew to the side as she heard the familiar woosh of someone landing and shock coursed through her body as the words met her ears.
“Avada Keda-”
“Expelliarmus!” Y/n muttered quickly, making Bellatrix’ wand fly from her hand. Everyone looked around in shock, not knowing where the spell came from. “Unfortunately, Bellatrix, killing Sirius Black is of no use to us. And it makes things much less exciting, don’t you think, sweetheart?” She asked as she stepped out from the shadows, not missing Sirius’ gasp.
Y/n walked up to Sirius and he held his wand up threateningly. She held up her hands in defense and took a step closer.
“What do you want?” He asked, a hand protectively going to Harry.
Y/n’s eyes softened, “I know you will never forgive me, I doubt you’ll even believe me, but I am so sorry, Sirius. For everything. I love you so, so much., don’t forget to reread my letter.” She whispered and disappeared, leaving smoke in her spot as Bellatrix and Lucius followed suit.
“What was that?” Harry asked as Sirius locked eyes with Remus.
Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
“The diary, the ring, the gauntlet-” Harry repeated to Remus and Sirius, studying the letter.
“She told us everything and we were too daft to notice.” Sirius finished, shaking his head.
“Wait, so is she evil or not?” Ron asked and the room stayed silent, genuinely lost. Ron turned to the smartest person he knew, “Hermione?”
Hermione shook her head, a defeated look in her eyes, “I have no idea.”
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Love from the other side of the apocalypse
“The boy who lived has come to die.” Voldemort said, a wicked smile on his lips. Y/n stood by his side, zoning out as everything happened. She stared at Sirius, who stared right back. They eye contest was broken when Voldemort called Draco to his side. Y/n shook her head slightly at the boy who looked to her for instruction, but with the encouragement of his father he unwillingly walked over, only to receive an awkward hug from Voldemort. Y/n glanced at Sirius one last time, but he was gone.
And I just about snapped
Don't look back
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
“An entire war is going on and you’re here?” Y/n asked, leaning against the doorway of the main bedroom in the shrieking shack.
“I knew you’d follow me.” He said simply, gazing out of the window. “But you knew that already.”
Y/n nodded, “I did.”
“And you know why I want you here?” He asked, finally looking Y/n in the eyes.
She grinned, “I do. You want answers.”
Sirius nodded, “Bingo.”
Y/n sighed and stood up straight, walked over to Sirius who stood from his spot on the bed.
“Sirius, the last thing you want is answers.” She said quietly, her lips impossibly close to his.
He shook his head, “I do, you can’t tell me what I want and don’t.”
Y/n let out a breathy laugh, “I know you want this.” She said and leaned in, kissing him gently. He hesitated but reciprocated the kiss, letting his hand snake around her neck and into her hair. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled against his lips and pain bloomed in his abdomen. 
He closed his eyes, the cool metal of the dagger quickly warming with his blood. Y/n helped him down to the floor gently, keeping her hand behind his head so he didn’t hit it on the way down.
“Why?” He whispered.
Y/n smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before whispering in his ear.
Sending my love
“Long live, Lord Voldemort.”
Sending my love
taglist (if u wanna be added js comment :));
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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An Excerpt of Insecure Icarus
I haven't finished my fic for Day 7: Am I Worthy? Are You Proud? quite yet, so here's a lil excerpt from it! Will post the full fic once it's finished, correctly tagged and such. If ya want to be added or taken off the taglist, pls ask!
General Warning: insecurity, feeling unworthy, vague religious themes, slightest bit of sexual implications, touch-starvation, violent metaphors/imagery (I guess?), dissociation mention
And now, the excerpt below the cut!
In myths, Icarus flew too close to the Sun and fell, believing his wax wings could carry him to the highest heights he longed for. But Icarus was a fool, a child. He fell because of his own ignorance to how wax melts in sunlight. 
Roman, somewhat selfishly, would call himself Icarus. And if asked why, he’d say that Logan is his Sun. 
He’d taken the role of Prince at a young age, when everyone was still forming their concrete roles and figuring out the basics of what they represented. Remus took Duke, to be different and his own, but also to still have some sort of similarity with his twin as a royal Creativity. So, yes, Roman has been regarded as a monarch for a long time. He grew into his other roles as knight and shield and bard rather quickly. One could say he’s quite the ambitious Side. He’s Passion and Creativity, of course he’s ambitious! He’s a big part of what goes into Thomas’ chosen career as a creator. He’s the one who daydreams and creates castles and dragon-witches and fairytale adventures. He was a big part of Thomas’ child-like imagination growing up. Remus has always been on the more mature side of things, regarding imagination and nightmares and ‘spicy dreams’- his brother’s words, not his- so Roman got more control over the Daydreaming Realm. He can do anything there. He can be good and worthy and praised and loved in that realm. 
So, when Thomas was younger and learning avidly about Greek myths and their lessons, there was one in particular that stuck to Roman. The tale of Icarus, the wax-winged boy who let his ambitions go too far and perished because of it. It stuck to the Prince initially because of this wings mechanic, and he and Thomas would daydream of gaining feathers and a means to soar up above all their worries. It may have been a little influenced by wanting to be out when Thomas wasn’t in a safe place to, or maybe a tad of Janus’ job as Self-Preservation and how maybe they all just wanted to be themselves without judgement and societal pressures. Now, however, Icarus is more than wings and fantasy, and now he’s a representation of who Roman’s become. A fool, overzealous and ambitious, impulsive, ignorant to every warning given to him by the wiser. He reaches for the stars when he can’t even reach hilltops. He is unworthy of things he wants… of people he wants, for him or for Thomas. He’s… well, maybe he’s always been a foolish Icarus, and the wings caught his eyes because of how impulsively free he yearns to be. 
And his Sun? Well… he supposes it depends. It’s the things he wants, and he wants too much. The things that he craves, the things he needs, and those are a lot because he is the Ego and the Ego is too much and shouldn’t want or need. Isn’t that right? That’s what he’s learned, at least. He’s never been the smartest, but he can’t be wrong about that! It’s fine. So what if he gets icy cold in a way that no fire nor blankets can fix? It’s fine. 
Then, there’s a someone who’s his Sun. He’s not sure when- maybe he’s always been the Sun to Roman’s foolish wax-wings- but he caught Roman’s eyes and the Prince can’t let go. The brilliant detective of their troupe, the wonder-brain of the famILY. Logan’s intelligence, the way he speaks so eloquently, that sheepish smile that lights the darkness like a pretty crescent moon, it’s everything about him. It’s all of him. 
Logan is Roman’s Sun, and he selfishly calls himself Icarus. 
So, because Roman should know better by now than to f*ck up and repeat obvious mistakes, he distances himself from the Sun. Roman, the princely Icarus, wouldn’t dare to burn and melt his wings because of reaching too close to such a wonder. His foolishness would taint his light; it already has because of how he’s hurt him. No, he tears out his wings before he can hurt the Sun anymore. He knows better. Wings are wax and freedom melts away as soon as you attain it. He will not let his ignorance harm the Sun. Icarus threw his wings away, too afraid of what would happen if he did reach the Sun. He cannot bear rejection from the Sun. He’d break if his Sun let him fall into the seas below, left to die and wither away in the waters. He can’t- he can’t. 
So, Icarus keeps his distance from the Sun, no matter how much it hurts and makes the unbearable cold in his chest colder.
Taglist: @lost-in-thought-20 @thegoldenduckie
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