#ambrose reyne
nrilliree · 7 months
When I uploaded a map, Greens wrote "but there were more people living in the green territories, so it doesn't count!" So now I'll put it another way:
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Team Black:
Brune of Brownhollow
Brune of the Dyre Den
Team Green:
High Council of the Triarchy
Three unnamed lords and landed knights, slain during the Second Battle of Tumbleton
I guess we all know why Alicent and Otto preferred to take over the throne rather than calling a meeting of the great council?
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sunfyre-targaryen · 8 months
(based on A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
Houses that supported Aegon II
House Vance of Atranta
House Butterwell (originally black)
House Mooton (originally black)
House Strong
House Velaryon (originally black)
House Stokeworth (originally black)
House Bourney (originally black)
House Rosby (originally black)
House Thorne
House Crakehall
House Lannister
House Lefford
House Reyne
House Swyft
House Tarbeck
House Hightower
House Redwyne
House Ambrose
House Fossoway
House Graceford
House Leygood
House Norcross
House Peake
House Risley
House Rodden
House Roxton
House Wylde
House Baratheon
House Swann
Houses that supported Rhaenyra
House Stark
House Manderly
House Cerwyn
House Dustin
House Flint
House Hornwood
House Greyjoy
House Arryn
House Royce
House Borrell
House Corbray
House Sunderland
House Frey
House Smallwood
House Tully (originally green)
House Mallister
House Piper
House Blackwood
House Bracken (originally green)
House Bigglestone
House Chambers
House Charlton
House Darry
House Deddings
House Grey
House Perryn
House Roote
House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest
House Wode
House Darklyn
House Massey
House Bar Emmon
House Brune of Brownhollow
House Brune of The Dyre Den
House Byrch
House Celtigar
House Crabb
House Harte
House Hayford
House Stauton
House Beesbury
House Costayne
House Tarly
House Caswell
House Footly
House Merryweather
House Mullendore
House Rowan
House Buckler
+ Aegon II had also The Triarchy on his side.
+ Rhaenyra had also Black Trombo's sellsword company on her side.
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beyondmistland · 1 year
The Dance of the Two Hands (Appendix I)
Initial Supporters of the Line of Prince Manfred:
House Appleton
House Ashford
House Beesbury
House Blackbar
House Bulwer
House Caswell
House Chester
House Conklyn
House Cuy
House Florent
House Grimm
House Hewett
House Hunt
House Merryweather
House Osgrey of Coldmoat
House Osgrey of Leafy Lake
House Rowan
House Serry
House Stackhouse
House Tarly
House Webber
Initial Supporters of the Line of Prince Morgan:
House Ambrose
House Costayne
House Dunn
House Fossoway
House Graceford
House Hastwyck
House Hightower
House Leygood
House Manderly
House Mullendore
House Norcross
House Oakheart
House Orme
House Peake
House Risley
House Roxton
House Uffering
House Varner
Initially Neutral:
House Ball
House Bourney
House Corne
House Crane
House Cupps
House Footly
House Inchfield
House Meadows
House Osgrey of Standfast
House Redwyne
House Rhysling
House Rodden
House Strickland
House Vyrwel
House Caron
House Dondarrion
House Durrandon
House Selmy
House Swann
House Dayne of Starfall
House Dayne of High Hermitage
House Fowler
House Shawney
House Strong
House Teague
House Crakehall
House Lannister of Casterly Rock
House Lannister of Lannisport
House Marbrand
House Reyne
House Swyft
House Tarbeck
House Westerling
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
"Addison Hill? The White Owl, Michael Mertyns? Jeffory Norcross? They called him Neveryield. Red Robert Flowers? What can you tell me of them?"
"Flowers is a bastard name. So is Hill."
"Yet both men rose to command the Kingsguard...” —AFFC Jaime II
“Daemon was no more pious than a king need be, and all the great knights of the realm gathered to him. It would suit Lord Bloodraven if their names were all forgotten, so he has forbidden us to sing of them, but I remember. Robb Reyne, Gareth the Grey, Ser Aubrey Ambrose, Lord Gormon Peake, Black Byren Flowers, Redtusk, Fireball . . . Bittersteel! I ask you, has there ever been such a noble company, such a roll of heroes?” —The Sworn Sword
GRRM has used brothers supporting different sides of a war a few times (Donnel and Balon Swann during WOT5K, Arryk and Erryk Cargyll during the Dance of the Dragons), and at least one either was or later joined the Kingsguard. So I’m wondering if maybe Red Robert and Black Byren Flowers were brothers. A few houses of the Reach supported both sides of the First Blackfyre Rebellion, such as the Hightowers and Oakhearts, and maybe they were the sons of a (probably) father from that house. Then there’s the nicknames Red and Black, which would indicate which Flower brother fought for which side. Then later on Robert joined the Kingsguard (considering Da3ron II’s support of the anti-illegitimate children High Septon, as well as his actions toward his own half-siblings, I can’t imagine him naming a Flowers to the Kingsguard), and eventually becoming Lord Commander due to seniority. What became of Black Byren we don’t know, but I like to think he made it to Essos and eventually founded House Mudd. It shows the differences in how the Reds and Blacks felt toward illegitimate children as well; with one honored warrior riding out in support for another and following his family into exile, able to start a family in a place/occupation that doesn’t stigmatize illegitimate children; while his hypothetical brother supported the king and was later rewarded with a position serving his family, but his deeds aren’t well known (Loras doesn’t know who he is) and he left no familial legacy either. I also like the warring brothers motif because it brings some pathos to the conflict, which the Targaryens of all the Blackfyre Rebellions desperately need, as there’s no divided loyalties or lost family for them.
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cocoalover1956 · 2 years
I made a list of 200 potential Valyrian steel weapon names for various houses, listed by region. * indicates a canon name. Brackets indicate previous owners according to my headcanons.
Crownlands (32)
Targaryen: Blackfyre (bastard sword)*, Dark Sister (longsword)*, Ash Heart (longsword), Nightingale (dagger)
Bar Emmon: Judgement (longsword)
Blount: Safeguard (sword)
Brune: Misfortune (sword)
Buckwell: Able Might (sword)
Bywater: Bereaver (sword)
Cargyll: Satisfaction (sword)
Celtigar: Scarlet Hold (battle axe)
Chelsted: Glory (mace), Honor (dagger)
Farring: Nemesis (longsword)
Follard: Bright Sage (sword)
Harte: Fortitude (sword)
Hogg: Battle Hunger (sword)
Landward: Despair (sword)
Mallery: Due Trust (sword)
Manning: Pride's Protector (sword)
Massey: Diligence (longsword)
Rambtom: Dominion (sword)
Rollingford: Red Spring (sword)
Rosby: Stranger's Touch (sword)
Ryyker: Grievance (sword) [House Darklyn]
Staunton: Soaring Virtue (sword)
Stokeworth: Good Faith (broadsword)
Sunglass: Starlight (greatsword)
Thorne: Torment (sword)
Wendwater: Resilience (sword)
Velaryon: Maelstrom (longsword), Riptide (longsword)
Dorne: (19)
Martell: Heaven's Eye (spear),
Allyrion: Omen (sword)
Blackmont: Vengeance (sword)
Dalt: Sour Edge (sword)
Dayne: Dawn (great sword)*, Dusk (longsword)
Fowler: Ascension (sword)
Gargalen: Mother's Tears (sword)
Jordayne: Fate (sword)
Ladybright: Brilliance (sword)
Manwoody: Eternity (sword)
Qorgyle: Venom (sword)
Santagar: Constancy (battle axe)
Toland: Spiritcaller (sword)
Uller: Hellfire (longsword)
Vaith: Desolation (sword)
Yronwood: Black Guardian (sword)
Wells: Paradise (sword)
Wyl: Bonecutter (sword)
Iron Islands (18)
Greyjoy: Sea Devil (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Blacktyde: Challenger (sword) [House Charlton, Riverlands]
Botley: Anguish (sword) [House Payne, Westerlands]
Codd: Infamy (sword) [House Deddings, Riverlands]
Drumm: Red Rain (bastard sword)* [House Reyne, Westerlands]
Farwynd: Wayfarer (sword) [House Vance, Riverlands]
Goodbrother: Screamer (sword) [Essosi sailor]
Harlaw: Nightfall (longsword)* [Dalton Greyjoy <- Essosi sailor]
Ironmaker: Bloodsurge (sword) [House Osgrey, Reach]
Kenning: Nagga's Daughter (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Merlyn: Torrent (sword) [House Waterman, North]
Myre: Battlelover (arakh) [Essosi sailor <- Dothraki khal]
Orkwood: Fishfeeder (battle axe) [House Shawney, Riverlands]
Saltcliffe: Upsurge (sword) [House Goodbrook, Riverlands]
Sunderly: Seawhisper (cutlass) [Essosi sailor]
Tawney: Blight (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Volmark: Valor (sword) [House Oakheart, Reach]
Wynch: Moonshard (sword) [Essosi sailor]
North (20)
Stark: Ice (great sword)*, Thought (dagger), Memory (dagger)
Ashwood: Glad of War (sword)
Bolton: Honesty (flaying knife)
Cassel: Perseverance (sword)
Cerwyn: Fine Point (sword)
Condon: Resistance (sword)
Dustin: Barrowkeeper (sword)
Glover: Fidelity (sword)
Hornwood: Frostbite (sword)
Ironsmith: Deathforger (sword)
Karstark: Cold Glory (claymore)
Lightfoot: Steady Foe (sword)
Locke: Hoarguard (sword)
Manderly: Merling's Wrath (trident)
Mormont: Longclaw (bastard sword)*
Ryswell: Nightmare (sword)
Tallhart: Evergreen (sword)
Umber: Giant's Tooth (great sword)
Reach (40):
Tyrell: Rose Thorn (longsword) [House Gardener]
Ambrose: Endurance (sword)
Ashford: Clarity (sword)
Beesbury: Stinger (sword)
Bridges: Unity (sword)
Bulwer: Red Kiss (sword)
Caswell: Father's Justice (bastard Sword)
Chester: Malice (sword)
Cockshow: Remembrance (sword)
Cordwayner: Principle (sword)
Costayne: Last Love (sword)
Crane: Sentry (sword)
Cuy: Joy (sword)
Dunn: Sacrifice (sword)
Florent: Cunning (sword)
Footly: Solitude (sword)
Fossoway: Pleasure (sword)
Graceford: Piety (sword)
Grimm: Misery (sword)
Hewett: Melancholy (sword)
Hightower: Vigilance (longsword)*
Hunt: Mastery (sword)
Hutcheson: Splendor (sword)
Kidwell: Eternal Bond (sword)
Leygood: Intuition (sword)
Lowther: Legacy (sword)
Meadows: Poppy Blossom (sword)
Merryweather: Plenitude (sword)
Mullendore: Revival (sword)
Pommingham: Perdition (sword)
Redding: Fortune (sword)
Redwyne: Bloodthirst (sword)
Rhysling: Warden (sword)
Rowan: Passion (bastard sword)
Roxton: Orphan Maker (longsword)*
Serry: Massacre (sword)
Shermer: Proven Will (longsword)
Tarly: Heartsbane (great sword)*
Webber: Spiderbite (sword)
Wythers: Vitality (sword)
Riverlands (18):
Tully: Devotion (longsword)
Lord of Harrenhal: Lifedrinker (scimitar) [House Hoare <- Essosi sailor]
Blackwood: Peacekeeper (sabre)
Blanetree: Amber Charm (longsword)
Bracken: Willbreaker (sabre)
Butterwell: Rumination (sword)
Cox: Riverguard (sword)
Darry: Mourning (bastard sword)
Frey: Toll Taker (sword)
Mallister: Mercy (broadsword)
Mooton: Champion (broadsword)
Paege: Bloodbond (sword)
Piper: Maiden's Kiss (sword)
Roote: Liberty (sword)
Ryger: Remorse (sword)
Smallwood: Harmony (sword)
Terrick: Steel Screech (sword)
Vypren: Prudence (sword)
Stormlands (24):
Baratheon: Fury (great sword) [House Durrandon]
Bolling: Defiance (bastard sword)
Buckler: Security (sword)
Cafferen: Bloom (sword)
Caron: Silencer (sword)
Connington: Griffin's Bite (sword)
Dondarrion: Sure Strike (bastard sword)
Estermont: Wisdom (sword)
Kellington: Influence (sword)
Fell: Moonshadow (sword)
Grandison: Long Sleep (sword)
Gower: Undoing (sword)
Horpe: Blessed Memory (longsword)
Lonmouth: Wraith Lover (longsword)
Mertyns: Seer (sword)
Morrigen: Phantom Queen (bastard sword)
Penrose: Achievement (bastard Sword)
Rogers: Mystery (sword)
Selmy: Warrior's Triumph (longsword)
Staedmon: Heavy Heart (dagger)
Swann: Swansong (great sword)
Tarth: Twilight (bastard sword)
Trant: Hatred (sword) [House Toyne]
Wylde: Raindancer (sword)
Vale (22):
Arryn: Talon (broadsword)
Belmore: Deathtoll (sword)
Coldwater: Vigor (sword)
Corbray: Lady Forlorn (longsword)*
Donniger: First Blush (sword)
Egen: Expanse (sword)
Grafton: Crone's Light (sword)
Hersy: Overflow (sword)
Hunter: Decimation (sword)
Lipps: Praise (sword)
Lynderly: Snakebite (sword)
Melcolm: Balance (sword)
Moore: Humility (spear)
Pryor: Eclipse (sword)
Redfort: Ruby Rage (bastard sword)
Royce: Lamentation (longsword)*
Ruthermont: Shadowsteel (sword)
Sunderland: Fang (sword)
Templeton: Reverence (sword)
Upcliff: Sorcery (bastard sword)
Waxley: Beacon (sword)
Waynwood: Threadcutter (bastard sword)
Westerlands (20):
Lannister: Brightroar (great sword)*
Algood: Justifier (sword)
Banefort: Corpsemaker (sword)
Brax: Silver Promise (longsword)
Broom: Loyalty (sword)
Crakehall: Tusk (broadsword)
Estren: True Majesty (sword)
Farman: Sunset's Call (sword)
Hawthorne: Ruination (sword)
Lefford: Golden Grace (sword)
Lydden: Deepgrave (sword)
Marbrand: Cinder (bastard sword)
Plumm: Gilded Trust (sword)
Prester: Willpower (bastard sword)
Serrett: Smith's Pride (sword)
Turnberry: Sweet Victory (sword)
Vikary: Crimson Courage (sword)
Westerling: Purity (sword)
Yarwyck: Reckoning (bastard sword)
Yew: Conviction (longsword)
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Forrest Frey - TheKarpa Jeyne Arryn - Espeon Alicent Hightower - Scar Baela Targaryen - Scar Benjicot Blackwood - Bloody Ben Alysanne Blackwood - Niña Indigo Aemond Targaryen - Phantom Jacaerys Velaryon - Simba Tyland Lannister - Simba Aegon Targaryen - Grey Daemon Targaryen - CanciónNoEsTwitter Kermit Tully - CanciónNoEsTwitter Otto Hightower - Loyalty Elmo Tully - Muppet Jason Lannister - Narciso Rhaena Targaryen - PanConMermelada Brandon Stark - DeusVult Cregan Stark - Lobo Dalton Greyjoy - StrongBoi Floris Baratheon - Maple Helaena Targaryen - Sargent Maris Baratheon - Alyanna Coryanne Martell - Halo Aliandra Martell - Exel Rhaenys Targaryen - Meleys Lucerys Velaryon - SoloOtroRolero Daeron Targaryen - EtherealStar Steffon Connington - EtherealStar Cassandra Baratheon - Medialunita Ormund Hightower - Gerris William Royce - Gerris Borros Baratheon - Arctic Rhaenyra Targaryen - Yuna Sara Nieve - borealnyx Criston Cole - Harlan Hunter Joffrey Velaryon - Ardillaloca Qyle Martell - borealnyx Sabitha Vypren - Alesbosamente Garlan Tyrell - Enoee Margaery Tyrell - Bear Desmond Manderly - StrongBoi Benjen Stark - Showstopper Byron Swann - Muppet Erwin Lannister - CojoHermoso Qoren Martell - Caraxes Martyn Tyrell - LaRosa Corlys Velaryon - Elquenollegó Oscar Tully - Espada Cerelle Lannister - Briska Tyshara Lannister - Edith Finch Royce Caron - elViejoTio Jeyne Bulwer - Faith
Karstark - Niña Indigo Mormont - Bear Peake - StrongBoi Dalt - VhagarNoo Redwyne - Briska Yronwood - MagicRules Celtigar - Exel Umber - Ishadriel Darklyn - Señor de la Plaga Rowan - Edith Finch Vance - Harlan Hunter Dondarrion - CojoHermoso Tarth - Misifú María Eugenia Dayne - Medialunita Farman - TheQueen Lannister de Lannisport - Pandora Bolton - Bolifacio Reyne - Elquenollegó Mooton - Bruma Oakheart - Rae Rogare* - Amanda Tarly - Phantom Ambrose - Hécate Fell - Lilacandviolet Drumm - Neurona Florent - Midnight Mallister - Woodswood Estermont - Halo Ashford - Bluemoon Largent* - PocholoTargaryen Mertyns - Norteña Wylde - TheKarpa Plumm - UnViserysPlumm Cerwyn - Freya Harte - Ponyo Farwynd - Gyda Reed - Roilys
Adam Driver - TheKarpa Katie McGrath - Espeon Skandar Keynes - bloody ben Emma Appleton - Niña Indigo Ewan Mitchell - Phantom Thimothée Chalamet - Simba Ben Barnes - Grey Tom Glynn-Carney - Grey Adelaide Kane - Scar Olivia Cooke - Scar Matt Smith - CanciónNoEsTwitter Cameron Monaghan- CanciónNoEsTwitter Elissa Bibaud- Bear Morgan freeman - Suco Rhys Ifans - Loyalty Michael Fassbender - Muppet Nick Slater - narciso Alex Hogh Andersen - DeusVult Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Lobo Leo Suter - StrongBoi Santiago Cabrera - VhagarNoo Charlie Vickens - VhagarNoo Kylie Bunbury - VhagarNoo Elle Fanning - Sargent Marta Gastini - Alyanna Morfydd Clark - Magic Rules Natalie Dormer - MagicRules Kaia Gerber - Halo Bruna Marquezin - Woodswood Jordan Patrick Smith - Ishadriel Sophie Turner - Edith Finch Jodie Comer - Edith Finch Hugh Jackman - Harlan Hunter Christian Bale - Harlan Hunter Chris Hemsworth - CojoHermoso Elliot Grihoult - SoloOtroRolero Dominik Sadoch - EtherealStar Alex Storm - EtherealStar Harry Lloyd - Fatbelly Tom Hiddleston - Fatbelly Sai Bennet - Rae Sadie Sink - Vma Jessica Chastain - Misifú María Eugenia Blance Soler - Medialunita Alexandra Daddario - Pandora Nicholas Galitzine - Bolifacio Thea Sofie Loch Næss - Bolifacio Jeanne Goursaud - Bolifacio Emilia Clarke - Dracarys Engin Ozturk- Apolo Charlie Hunnam - CojoHermoso Henry Cavill - Lilacandviolet Katheryn Winnick - Eris Millie Brady - Remedios Jonathan Rhys Meyer - Elquenollegó Kaya Scodelario - TheQueen Alexander Dreymon - Pandemonium Dayana Crunk - Brienne Anton Closmain - Ardillaloca Freya Allan - TheQueen Anya Chalotra - Niña Indigo Dove Cameron - Bruma Elizabeht Debicki - Amanda Luke Evans - PocholoTargaryen Lily James - Rae Daria Milk - Bear Tom Hardy - Phantom Eva Green - Carmilla Vanja Jagnic - Misifú María Eugenia Florence Pugh - Hécate Farah Zeynep Abdullah - TresPerlas Bradley James - Ishadriel Victoria Justice - Exel Peyton List - Exel Jannis Niewöhner - Showstopper Anne Hathaway - Ponyo Lucky Blue Smith - Mushroom Jarred Blakiston - Mushroom Lea Seydoux - Mushroom Matteo Martari - DeusVult Harry Gilby - DeusVult David Gandy - Caraxes Sam Heughan - Caraxes Michiel Huisman - Caraxes Zach McGowan - Neurona Clive Standen - ReyBuitre Meryem Uzerli - Midnight William Moseley - CojoHermoso Eve Best - Meleys Theo James - Bluemoon Alice Pagani - Halo Alexander Ludwing - Bluemoon Jason Isaacs - Elquenollegó Deva Cassel - Halo Karl Urban - TheKarpa Vika Bronova - Maple Jensen Ackles - Harlan Hunter Kennedy Walsh - PanConMermelada Sean Harris - PocholoTargaryen Alexandra Dowling - Norteña Leele Sonosekisk - Norteña Ruby Hartley - Norteña Mads Mikkelsen - TheKarpa Ruairi O'Connor* - Espada Scarlett Johansson - Wendy Travis Fimmel - Argon Hayden Christensen - UnViserysPlumm Frida Gustavsson - Freya Katya Miro - Medialunita Alina KovalenkoFreya Lili Johanson - Briska Katya Chertykova - Briska Angelina Michelle - Briska Anastasia Tsilimpiou - Edith Finch Abigail Cowen - Colorada Graham McTavish - elViejoTio Imogen Potts - Gyda Daneil Sharman - Roilys George Blagden - Roilys Felicity Jones - Faith Daisy Ridley - Magic Rules
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notdrifting · 1 month
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Reyna Hill (later Longclaw)
ISTJ - ENNEGRAM 5W4 - CHOLERIC. she is a polite, ambitious, adaptable, and trustworthy woman. however, she is also unpredictable, cold, envious, and self-centered. her moral alignment is true neutral. she suffers from abandonment and trust issues, which influence her guarded and secretive nature. despite her cold exterior, she possesses an unwavering will and a sharp mind, making her both a survivor and a manipulator.
She is a bastard of House Westerling (allegedly), married into the new founded House Longclaw (cadet of House Vikary). However, she is by birth secretly, a bastard of House Reyne.
FATHER: Lord Gawen Westerling (allegedly), Roger Reyne (secretly)
MOTHER: Ambrosia, a handmaid of Lady Westerling (deceased)
HALF-SIBLINGS: The Westerling heirs (allegedly)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Raginmund Longclaw (verse dependent)
CHILDREN: Ambrose and Hoster (twins who died at childbirth), Roberta (died at age two of pneumonia), and Gawen (unknown, possibly alive)
𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄: Handmaid/Food tester/Bedwarmer/Spy
With no living relatives in Westeros and her grandfather traveling around Essos selling wines, little is known about Reyna’s origins when she arrives in King’s Landing to serve Ser Kevan Lannister and his wife. As a bastard from the Crag, Reyna was sent by the Westerlings to serve the Lannisters as a gesture of loyalty, despite the ongoing war after King Robert’s death. Reyna was born from an alleged union between Lord Gawen Westerling and a serving maid named Ambrosia a year before the Reyne-Tarbeck Revolt. Ambrosia, in her youth, traveled across Westeros with her father, Earl the Winemaker, selling wines and other fine drinks. During a stop in Castamere, they prepared for Lady Ellyn Reyne’s nameday festivities. Known for her beauty, Ambrosia caught the eye of many admirers, including Roger Reyne, the Red Lion himself. Ambrosia and Roger began a passionate affair, but rumors of rebellion forced them apart. Ambrosia and her father moved to the Crag to deliver wines to the Westerlings, unaware that she was carrying Roger's child. At her father's insistence, Ambrosia agreed to stay at the Crag, leaving her past with the Lions behind.
Serving wasn’t unfamiliar to Reyna's mother, Ambrosia, but working for Lady Sybell Spicer was particularly grueling. When Ambrosia discovered she was carrying Roger’s child, the workload became unbearable. While Lady Sybell, a noble with lowborn roots, was demanding, Lord Gawen Westerling, Ambrosia's new lover, was simple and indulgent. Missing Roger and his promises, Ambrosia used Gawen to provide her child with a father. Despite Lady Westerling's disapproval, Ambrosia's pregnancy progressed smoothly. She was demoted to a cook, working alongside the stern, half-blind Gwyn. On a rainy morning, Reyna was born amid the brewing Reyne-Tarbeck revolt. Reyna grew up strong and intelligent. Despite Lady Sybell's horror, Lord Gawen acknowledged Reyna as his own when she was two, teaching her archery, reading, and etiquette. By age 10, Reyna helped her mother in the kitchens, though her tasks were minor. Isolated in the Crag, Reyna had little contact with other children, and her mother avoided discussing her bastardy. Instead, Ambrosia focused on molding Reyna into something more than she herself could have been, even if it meant being harsh and manipulative.
Years passed, and on a warm summer night, Ambrosia finally revealed the truth about Reyna’s parentage before taking her last breath. With a few words, Reyna's world shattered—her life had been a lie, and the only father she knew was just a pawn in her mother’s schemes. Though life at the Crag grew unpleasant, Reyna knew revealing the truth would be a mistake. Without her mother’s protection and with Lord Gawen preoccupied, Lady Sybell had free reign over her. Reyna grew into a beauty with long blonde hair and greenish eyes, a blessing and a curse. Her relationship with Lady Sybell was strained and volatile, fueled by mutual resentment. When Lady Sybell became pregnant, Reyna was forced to help, and a small bond formed after Reyna assisted in delivering Lady Sybell’s first son, Reynald. With Lady Sybell’s favor, Reyna’s life improved, and by age 15, a marriage was being arranged. Reyna was promised to a much older knight with a suspicious history of dead wives. Terrified, Reyna’s fate seemed sealed until her suitor was killed in a duel on his way to the Crag. With few options left, Lady Sybell sent Reyna to serve the Lannisters, hoping this gesture of good faith would secure an eventual future alliance for her own daughter. Reyna’s departure was brisk—Lady Sybell gave her an old dress, and Lord Gawen handed her a small purse of coins, telling her to buy something nice once she arrived in King’s Landing.
As an adult, Reyna faithfully served Ser Kevan Lannister and Lady Dorna Swyft, though she avoided Lord Tywin like the Stranger himself. After King Robert's death and the onset of war, she was brought to King’s Landing to serve Tyrion Lannister and keep an eye on him under Ser Kevan's orders. Although no longer in the spring of her youth, some of her beauty remained intact and more than once she heard quips on how she looked much more like a Lannister than the Imp himself. It wasn’t hard for her to find her place in the game of thrones, playing and allowing herself to be played. Reyna did her best to keep her secret hidden from everyone, especially the lions whose claws she was deep tangled into, and keep her head above the water.
After the war, Reyna married Ser Raginmund Longclaw, a legitimized bastard who claimed descent from Lord Reynard Reyne and Lady Lya Vikary. Upon his legitimization, he adopted the name Longclaw and formed a cadet house of House Vikary. Though Raginmund was kind, he was not particularly bright, and Reyna married him primarily for his noble title and his lineage. They settled near the Golden Tooth and had four children, though only one, Gawen, survived infancy.
In her main asoiaf verse, she worked as a handmaid to Lady Dorna Swyft and later was sent to serve under Tyrion Lannister at the behest of Ser Kevan Lannister, passing informations to him. She keeps her true lineage hidden while avoiding drawing attention.
In a hotd AU, her story can be adapted to fit into the earlier Targaryen history, possibly as a handmaid or courtier in service to the Lannisters.
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casterlygldcs · 7 months
who: @arronlannister when and where: kings landing, the morning the lyseni rogares arrive to kings landing; the brothers of house lannister remain within the private quarters within the lannister apartments, eating dinner privately instead of in the main feasting hall of the red keep this day. this is set prior to the untimely murder of lord garland hightower; though at this point he has returned back to the reach as according to salma's canon.
the conversation within the gardens of the rock, down at the grounds whilst what was the true reality of their world remain towering above them, had truthfully remained within the back of his mind - as much as he would not admit it to any other than the man that sat before him. there came a danger in a lion feeling as though he had no pride; an exiled lion never survived long in the wild, and such was the reality in this case. it would be rare for any to be able to physically overpower the prince of fair isle, and yet the slippery world of plots and schemes were a reality - as much as they were a reality the man attempted to distance himself from. the lion king had the knowledge that arron was inherently able to grasp the severity of such plots - and what was needed in order to deal with them.
it was their father that had warned tyland of the impending realities regarding house reyne and house tarbeck; his whole life, had been as much of a waiting game as it was dealing with them. for even lions needed to deal with challenges of being the head of the pride. "lord marbrand briefed me of some reputed issues stemming from silverhill." tyland spoke, slicing into the venison on his plate; he paid no attention to the sound of his blade against the porcelain, or the way in which the pink flowed from the venison. they had spent the majority of the evening with one another, deciding they would remain absent from the celebrations and festivities this day: the other courtiers, most notably the hand of the king, would represent their interests.
"religious dissent." tyland sliced his meat as though he sliced the hunt himself - the way their father had taught them to skin open a deer, and strip the carcass to take all from it, leaving nothing to waste. he remained silent as he saw the facial expression of arron lannister change slightly; there was a reason tyland lannister had intentionally kept a distance from the high septon. the master of whispers had reported the swirling rumours that seemed to be spirited within the west, the notion that jaehaerys targaryen was ready to help the king and the high septon come to some sort of conciliation. "i will send lord ambrose serrett to round up those within his own lands - it is their responsibility to ensure the matter is dealt with, imperatively." another sound of cutting, the knife against the porcelain of the plate - if the noise bothered arron, tyland himself did not notice.
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"lord westerling advised against the entire group being executed - too soon following the matter at the starry sept." where westerland septons had fled over the border to seek sanctuary from the high septon, instead of swearing an oath of fealty: in the end, there was bloodshed on the septs of the starry, and the septons themselves seemed to meet their timely ends following their confessions being taken. the wonders of wine representing blood. "the most prominent will be hung within lannisport's square, and the rest can be held in solitary confinement or sent to the isles to be put to work." he uttered.
tyland lannister was wholly aware of any of the personal complications that came in the life of arron lannister these coming days, unaware of the tensions that had swirled between the princess and the princess consort; though he knew and understood it would be arron and fair isle who would take guinevere's son as a ward. the rumoured bastard; the thought was enough to almost make him shake his head. what they had, was the rightful heir to the vale; the dead king's son. "how is fair isle taking to the changes?" tyland asked, referring to the reformation and the changes. truthfully, he understood there would be some resistance: the early work needed to be pushed forward now.
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knottheeonly · 3 years
“I know a great deal about them, you know. I know a great deal more than I should. If it were up to the Lannisters, history would tell nothing of them at all. Nothing but they were traitors, same as my parents, same as I.”
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The Women of House Reyne - (pertaining to my au)
CEREDIN REYNE (nee Ambrose): Born to Lady Delith Ambrose (nee Dayne) and Lord Aubrey Ambrose, Blonde haired and violet eyed, Mother to 5, Sister to 2, Married to Lord Eddiyn Reyne. Declared as beautiful as any Targaryen, and quite alike an exotic rose. Married to improve the prospects of her family, and positioned a great many men of her house in positions of high regard. Far more influential than she would ever let on.
“Eyes like hers haunt even the bravest of men, and her fiery tongue does wither their souls. Only the heart of a lion stood a chance against a beauty such as hers.”
ELLYN REYNE: Daughter of Castemere, Born to Lady Ceredin Reyne (nee Ambrose) and Lord Eddiyn Reyne. Blonde haired and lilac eyed, Sister to 2, Mother to none, Engaged to Lord Jasper Arryn. Rumoured to have lied with women, particularly a Bastard of the Reach.  Declared fairer than even her mother, and whittier too, with a love for steel instead of needles. Fiercer than any of her siblings, and unapologetically unbowed in the face of danger. Died before she could marry Lord Jasper or bear him any children.
“She sought a peaceful afterlife - Lady Ellyn - and she threw herself from the highest point of her home to gain it.”
AUBREYN ARRYN (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere, Born to Lady Ceredin Reyne and Lord Eddiyn Reyne. Blonde haired and violet eyed, Sister to Ellyn Reyne, Mother to Four, Married to Lord Jasper Arryn. She was often favoured far after her sister, though she was no less fair. She enjoyed the life of a Lady, embroidery was always far better to her than the steel her sister spent all her time wasting away at. Upon her sister’s death she was set to marry Lord Jasper Arryn and become Lady of the Vale in her sister’s place. 
“It was not his company that Lady Aubreyn cherished, but the title her husband gave her. There were only two things more important than family, she thought, power and blood.”
RAYENNA TARGARYEN (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere, Sister of Aubreyn Arryn and Ellyn Reyne, Born to Lady Ceredin Reyne and Lord Eddiyn Reyne. Blonde Haired and Lilac Eyed, Mother to 3. Married to King Aegon Targaryen. First Queen to be birthed from House Reyne - youngest daughter, yet chose as Queen above all others for her grace and poise.
“A great many songs have been sung for Queen Rayenna - but none could ever do her justice.”
ALYSANNE REYNE (nee Tyrell): Only daughter of Lord Luthor Tyrell and Lady Aeydin Tyrell (nee Oakheart) Sister in Law of Queen Rayenna Targaryen (nee Reyne) and Auberyn Arryn (nee Reyne), Mother to 2. Red-haired and green eyed, child of Highgarden. Married to Lord Rickardd Reyne - who named her his Queen of Love and Beauty at each tourney he won.
“She was a rose in every sense of the word, sharp and witty, clever and quick - all veiled in a beautiful smile and graceful air. They say she was the prettiest rose to ever come of Highgarden.”
NARIN MORMONT (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere, Born to Lady Alysanne Reyne (nee Tyrell) and Lord Rickardd Reyne. Mother to 6. Married to Lord Landon Mormont. Red haired and green eyed. Selectively mute, but ambitious and witty all the same. Embroidered many tapestries for King’s Landing and the Red Keep, as well as in various other castles scattered around Westeros. 
“Lady Narin made the elaborate drapings of the castles we see today - embroidered them until her hands were raw from it - all the many tapestries that line these halls were woven by her careful hands.”
EMBYL REYNE (nee Royce): Daughter of Runestone, Black hair and green eyes, beautiful but thought to be incredibly unkind. Married Lord Derric Reyne unhappily, but birthed him two sons and a daughter. Often described as appearing absentminded when not sharp and cold.
“Lady Embyl is who I often wished I could be back in Casterly Rock. Someone who was feared, who no one would dare to bother. When I was just past my eighth or ninth name day I was in the Red Keep and I thought to try it - being cold and sharp to everyone surrounding me. It led me to hit a King, and I never once wished to be like her again.”
ADRIANNE REDWYNE (nee Reyne): Only daughter of Lady Embyll Reyne and Lord Derric Reyne. Strawberry Blonde Hair and Green Eyed, wife of Lord Runthford Redwyne, Mother to 4. Crowned Queen of Love and Beauty by Derric’s brother - but fell in love with Derric instead and had a notably happy marriage. They were a jovial, boisterous couple and family, who prospered tremendously. 
“She was so terribly happy, Ambrose often thought, how I wish to one day have that, too.”
UMBER REYNE (nee Penrose): Daughter of Parchments - born to Lady Joy Penrose (nee Poole) and Lord Aelin Penrose. Blonde hair and Green Eyes, a trait she passed to all of her children, causing the original purple and blue shades to become recessive. Married to Lord Roalde Reyne. Bold and loud, adored her husband but despised proper etiquette. Died in Battle beside her husband - though later claimed to have died at home from excess injuries.
“She was killed in battle, defending her husband and her home. It is more than I can say for most of the Knights in Westeros.”
KYSEE MARTELL (nee Reyne): Eldest Daughter of Lady Umber Reyne (nee Penrose) and Lord Roalde Rene. Blonde haired and green eyed - with a constellation of freckles dotting every inch of her. Married the second Prince of Dorne - Prince Eyrlan Martell - and had a happy marriage with him and various consorts. Was said to lie with men and women openly and face no ridicule. She was barren, and birthed no children - but the radiance in her smile and the kindness in her heart was said to have done more than enough to make up for it.
“She was as radiant as the sun on her husband’s house crest. Free in every sense of the word, untethered and unchained. It must have been bliss to have known such a thing.”
JAYNE LYNDERLY (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere, third child of Lord Roalde and Lady Umber. Blonde hair and eyes the color of freshly picked sage. Married to Elric Lynderly who is rumored to have much preferred the company of men than women. She birthed him five sons - though it is rumoured that she didn’t prefer the company of men - just as he didn’t wish for the company of women.
“Timid and gentle, she would surely have made a better flower than a snake. Yet, she had a advantageous marriage. Perhaps in that way she was smarter than any of us.”
GEMMA SELMY (nee Reyne): Youngest child of Lady Umber and Lord Roalde, Blonde hair and Green eyes, Mother to 3. Married to Lord Lynell Selmy, Mother of Ser Lyonel Selmy and Grandmother of Ser Barristan the Bold. Fierce temper and a quick wit, but demure enough to pass as a Lady of High Society. Lady in waiting to a Targaryen Queen - though the exact one is up for dispute - and rumoured to be her closest confidante and friend.
“Stubborn and brash, Lady Gemma had a shocking skill at winning over the opposing party. So much so that it is said she once convinced an opponent of her husband’s to surrender while openly mocking him.”
TYRREI REYNE (nee Qorgyle): Daughter of Sandstone - Born in Dorne to Lord Quentyn Qorgyle and an unnamed wife. Sun-kissed skin, onyx hair, and bright green eyes. Mother to 3 sons, most of which taking her husband’s looks instead of her own. Married Ser Robb Reyne, and had a love-filled marriage until his death - at which point she closed off from the rest of the world, and later flung herself into the ocean.
“There was sunlight in her eyes and warmth in her smile until the day he died - then she became the moon and gave herself to the tides.”
FENRYRE REYNE (nee Hightower): Daughter of Oldtown, light brown hair and blue eyed. Born to Lord Garth Hightower and Lady Arissane Hightower - but not much else is known. She is said to have been devastatingly beautiful, but painfully quiet. Married to Lord Renrye Reyne - mother to three.
“Castemere was different from Oldtown - no a place for a quiet, shy beauty like Lady Fenryre - but she made it her home all the same.”
BELLEN MALLISTER (nee Reyne): Only daughter of Lady Fenryre Reyne and Lord Renrye Reyne - Blonde Hair and Green Eyes, raised in Casterly Rock. Declared Queen of Love and Beauty by Lord Jeffory Mallister, with whom she later was wed. Kind and Beloved by all the smallfolk, but said to be cruel to servants - the latter of which is heavily disputed. 
“She was the Maiden come to life, beautiful and kind as everyone ought to be. Now she lies in a sept, but her kindness still rings throughout Seagard.”
HELIA REYNE (nee Harlaw): Daughter of Ten Towers, raised on the Iron Islands, fourth daughter of Lord Harlaw and his sixth Wife. Ashen hair and blue eyes. Married to Lord Rickard Reyne, Mother to Lord Robert Reyne, Grandmother to Lord Roger Reyne. Commander of the second largest sea-fleet in the Seven Kingdoms. Well-traveled and fiery. Said to be as dangerous as a storm at sea.
“Iron and Seafoam ran through her veins. Lady Helia was the calm before the storm, just as she was everything that came after.”
ARRYE TARTH (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere, born to Lord Rickard Reyne and Lady Helia Reyne. Blonde haired and blue eyed. Married to Lord Derren Tarth, Mother of 1. As wild as the sea, as unpredictable as the waves, with the beauty of a tempest - dangerous and captivating. Lived a happy life, but died before the rebellion of her niece and nephews. 
“In Tarth she got to see the waters and beaches her mother often spoke of, the bluest of waters and the finest of sands. It was her own form of heaven.”
MORGANA REYNE (nee Tarly): Daughter of the Reach, Married to Lord Robert Reyne, Mother to 3 Brown haired and blue eyed. Rumoured to have been skilled in sword fighting and archery, and to have participated as a Mystery Knight in a tourney or two. None of the rumours were confirmed before her death.
“She was every bit a Lady as she was a Knight, the Tarly girl, and she knew just the words to convince you she was neither.”
ELLYN TARBECK [Lannister Formerly] (nee Reyne): Daughter of Castemere. Sister to Lord Roger Reyne, Aunt to Lady Ambrose Reyne. Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. Ambitious, sole goal from childhood to be Lady of Casterly Rock. Engaged to Lord Tywald Lannister before his and her father’s demise. Married and Widowed to Lord Tion Lannister. Married to Lord Walderan Tarbeck. A sharp, imposing woman, who gave so many riches to her brothers while a Lannister that a Lord once said that, "Lady Ellyn must be a sorceress, for she has made it rain inside the Rock all year."
“Our rise and our fall weighed heavy in her hands from the day she was set to marry Lord Tywald. It was her greed that tipped the scales.”
LYSANNA REYNE (nee Wylde): Daughter of the Rain House, Married to Lord Roger Reyne, Mother to 5. Had an arranged marriage, but grew to love her husband. Was said to be as kind as she was beautiful, and a few knights even tried to crown her their Queen of Love and Beauty before, and even after she was wed to Lord Roger. She often recounted missing her home to her Ladies, one of whom told this to a surviving guard. Didn’t believe in the rebellion, but supported her husband anyway - while secretly refusing her family’s request to get involved.
“She had always hated the water, your mother. Perhaps she’d always known it would be the root of her demise.”
DELLYN REYNE: Eldest daughter of Lord Roger Reyne and Lady Lysanna Reyne. Was seventeen and set to be married to an unnamed Lord upon the time of her death. Claimed to have been full of light and life, and seeming far younger than all her years. Blonde haired and green eyed. Loving and doting. Servants recalled her being doting on all her younger siblings, and some even claim she urged them to leave feeling, “something terrible will happen if you do not.”
“No songs will be sung of the tragedy she faced. Her promised wed another, and she lays forgotten in a crypt. Ballads are made of worse things - surely it is the least she deserves.”
WYLLA REYNE: Daughter of Castemere, Second Daughter of Lord Roger and his wife, Lady Lysanna. Blonde haired with eyes described as being, “akin to sapphires.” Rumoured to have been quiet and studious, much preferring books to the company of others, especially not men. She is said to have preferred women over men, once asking her mother, “But why must I marry a Lord? Wouldn’t a Lady be enough?” Only two of her servants survived the rebellion.
“In her books she came alive, reading and studying all she could. I often wonder if it was because she knew she would never have time to learn all that she wanted to.”
QWENTIN REYNE: Daughter of Castemere, Third Daughter of Lord and Lady Reyne. Vivacious and graceful, despite having been a mere 13 years of age upon her demise. Crowned a Queen of Love and Beauty on her twelfth name day at the tourney held in her honor. Blonde haired and lilac eyed. Described as being a kind spirit, who spent most of her days wandering the gardens or peering off the cliffs. 
“She was graced with violent purple eyes that lit up a room, and now they’re rotting in a crypt somewhere - never to be looked upon again.”
AMBROSE REYNE: Last daughter of Castemere and only surviving child of Lord Roger Reyne and Lady Lysanna Reyne. Raised from the age of six by Lannisters, quiet and quick, with a hidden cunning and witty nature. Vivacious and sly, but outwardly demure and complacent. Blonde haired and Green eyed. Future Queen in the North, Lady of Casterly Rock, and Queen in the North all over again.
“She was the fire and the fury and the spirit of every Lion before her - as bold as she ought to be. Every Man, Woman, or King who met her would learn not to cross her - it was just a matter of time.”
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“Each night before I fall asleep I recite their names in my head, lest I forget who they were and who they make me. My family name has been the source of my deepest tragedies and my greatest joys - I would not wish to forget it. Not for anything in the world.”
(shoutout to @shiftingshiftingshifting for allowing me to include her OC Derren Tarth as a marriage partner!)
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Elinor Tyrell (b. approx. 286 AC): Daughter of Theodore Tyrell and his wife Lia Serry. She is the great-grandniece of Lord Luthor Tyrell of Highgarden, and the cousin twice removed of Mace Tyrell, Luthor's son and the current Lord of Highgarden. She is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Margaery and is betrothed to Alyn Ambrose, son of Lord Arthur Ambrose. Fancast: Lily Sullivan.
Elissa Farman (b. 29 AC): Daughter of Lord Marq Farman of Fair Isle and a favourite of Rhaena Targaryen, the eldest child of King Aenys I. She was a adept sailor. Rhaena wed her younger brother, Androw, after the accession of Jaehaerys I and left for Dragonstone with him and Elissa, displeasing her elder brother, Lord Franklyn, for he wanted Elissa to wed. Rhaena and Elissa's relationship turned sour when Elissa left Dragonstone and stole three dragons' eggs in order to finance her dream, a ship that would circumnavigate the globe. She built the Sun Chaser with the gold she received from the Sealord of Braavos for the eggs, and made for Oldtown, where she recruited three other ships and a crew for her journey across the Sunset Sea. Three years later, Eustace Hightower, a grandson of Lord Donnel Hightower, returned from the voyage, telling of three exotic islands they had discovered in the far west. However, when he turned around, Elissa and her crew went on and were never seen again. The Sun Chaser may have been seen many years later in Asshai by Lord Corlys Velaryon. Fancast: Hannah New.
Ella Broome (b. approx. 30 AC): Younger sister of Lucinda Broome, who became Lady Tully of Riverrun through her marriage to Prentys Tully. She was briefly suggested as a marriage candidate for King Jaehaerys I, but Jaehaerys defied the wishes of his Hand and regent and married his sister Alysanne instead. Fancast: Felicia Day.
Ella Lannister (b. approx. 250 AC): A Lannister of Lannisport, wife of Damon Lannister, oldest child of Ser Jason Lannister, and mother of his only child, Damion. Damon was the older half-brother of Joanna Lannister, who married Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock. Fancast: Jessy Schram.
Ellaria Sand (b. approx. 260 AC): Bastard daughter of Lord Harmen Uller of Hellholt, and paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell, younger brother of ruling Prince Doran, with whom she has four daughters. She accompanies Oberyn to King's Landing and there witnesses his death during a trial by combat against Gregor Clegane. She opposes the idea of continuing violence to Doran, but is dismissed and returns to Hellholt with her youngest daughter. Fancast: Indira Varma.
Ellyn Baratheon (b. approx. 118 AC): Third daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm's End and his wife, Elenda Caron. At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, Ellyn or one of her sisters was betrothed to Aemond Targaryen as her father swore allegiance to King Aegon II. After the death of Aemond and the crowning of Aegon III at the end of the Dance, Ellyn was one of the girls suggested as a bride for Aegon after his first wife, Jaehaera, fell to her death. She attended the Maiden's Day Ball at which Aegon was expected to pick his future bride, and asked the king if he liked her gown. Fancast: Anna Kendrick.
Ellyn Caron (b. approx. Aegon's Conquest): Lady of the Marches, Lady of Nightsong, and Head of House Caron, she sent a force to fight against the Vulture King when he was raiding the Marches during the Second Dornish War. Ellyn and her fellow Marcher lords destroyed the Vulture King's host and were richly rewarded by King Aenys I. Fancast: MyAnna Buring.
Ellyn Ever Sweet (Age of Heroes): Legendary daughter of Garth Greenhand, founder-king of the Reach. She became the first beekeeper after making an eternal pact with the King of the Bees. She is said to be the ancestress of House Beesbury. Fancast: Frida Gustavsson.
Ellyn Reyne (c. 215-261 AC): Daughter of Lord Robert Reyne of Castamere, she was betrothed to Tywald Lannister, Lord Gerold's oldest son with his wife Rohanne Webber, and his heir. However, Tywald died in the Peake Uprising in 233, and so did Lord Robert. Ellyn then seduced Tywald's younger brother, Gerold's new heir Tion, and he broke his betrothal to a lady of House Rowan in order to marry Ellyn. Since Gerold had no wife, Ellyn became the ruling Lady of Casterly Rock in all but name and began a rivalry with her sister-in-law, the wife of Tion's younger brother Tytos, Jeyne Marbrand. Tion was slain in the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion but his widow remained at the Rock. She may have attempted to seduce Tytos despite the fact that he was married, and so Lord Gerold married her to Lord Walderan Tarbeck, with whom she had three children. Tytos Lannister succeeded his father as Lord of Casterly Rock, and proved to be easily manipulated. Ellyn took heavy advantage of this and borrowed large sums of gold to rebuild Tarbeck Hall. However, when Tytos's eldest son, Tywin, came of age, he overruled his father and called in the debts owed by his bannermen. Some houses co-operated, seeing Tywin as the new era for House Lannister, but House Reyne and Tarbeck resisted him. This led to an escalation of the situation which eventually resulted in a full-scale rebellion against House Lannister. However, Tywin reacted quickly and ferociously, not waiting for his father's permission. After winning a short battle against the Tarbecks, Tywin executed Lord Walderan and his sons instead of ransoming them. He then besieged Tarbeck Hall, where Ellyn and her son Tion died after a bombardment with siege engines. Ellyn's three-year-old grandson disappeared during the fighting, probably killed at Tywin's command, and her daughters were sent to the silent sisters. Ellyn's brothers, Reynard and Lord Roger, holed up inside the mines of Castamere with their men and families, but Tywin flooded the mines and drowned every soul who had sought refuge there. This act established Tywin's fearsome reputation across Westeros, and the burnt-out ruins of Tarbeck Hall and Castamere were left standing as ruins. Fancast: Suki Waterhouse.
Elyana Vypren (b. approx. 270 AC): Daughter of Lord Lucias Vypren and his wife Lythene Frey, the second daughter of Lord Walder Frey. She is married to Jon Wylde and has a son, Rickard Wylde. Fancast: Urdur Bergsdottir.
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question from a non-book reader; i've been reading up on a lot of targaryen history since i got the world of ice and fire book. i vaguely understand the blackfyre rebellion and a lot of what i see on tumblr seems to side either with the targaryens or the blackfyres. but it seems to me that neither side was fully in the right since the targaryens overall weren't exactly known for being just rulers. that said, what is your opinion on the blackfyre rebellion? (1/2)
(2/2) did bloodraven genuinely commit tyranny and sins against the gods, or was aegor rivers the one who had the moral high ground in comparison?
I’m not sure if you’re confused because you haven’t read the books, or what, but sorry… no. The Blackfyre Rebellion happened because King Aegon IV Targaryen, Aegon the Unworthy (motto: “wash her and bring her to my bed”), always hated his trueborn son Daeron, considering him weak, hated Daeron’s mother Queen Naerys (and always tried to undermine her, including accusing her of infidelity through a proxy), hated the peace made with Dorne that was sealed with Daeron’s marriage to a Dornish princess (including trying and failing to start a war with Dorne by attacking them unprovoked with wooden “dragons”), decided to give Daeron one last stab in the back by legitimizing all his bastards on his deathbed.
One of those bastards included Daemon Blackfyre, born Daemon Waters, the son of Aegon and his cousin Daena the Defiant.
Aegon had knighted Daemon for valor in a squire’s tourney (age 12), and presented him with the Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre, the hereditary sword of House Targaryen and the Targaryen kings. (Blackfyre had belonged to Aegon the Conqueror, and when Aenys gave the sword to his younger brother Maegor at Aegon’s funeral – because Maegor was a warrior and Aenys was not, wanting them to rule together – it was widely considered to be a sign of Aenys’s weakness and Maegor’s strength.) Aegon IV giving Daemon the sword of kings, acknowledging him as his son, and then legitimizing him two years later, was considered by many to be his attempt to make Daemon his true heir and deny Daeron as falseborn, Naerys’s secret bastard.
Nevertheless, Daeron did not let his father’s duplicity preclude his obligations to his many bastard half-brothers and -sisters; including allowing Daemon to change his last name to Blackfyre, arranging his marriage to Rohanne of Tyrosh as Aegon had negotiated (though Daeron did not allow Daemon to marry his sister Princess Daenerys too), and granting a keep and lands along the Blackwater to the new House Blackfyre. Daemon even took his sigil the Targaryen arms inverted, a black three-headed dragon on red. And Daemon made it known that Aegon had given Daemon the sword because he was a warrior and Daeron was not, though Daeron did have two sons (out of four) who were highly martially talented.
Daeron’s rule soon stablized the excesses of the reign of his corrupt hedonist father; he was seen as just and good-hearted, and he was called “Daeron the Good” by both smallfolk and lords. Nevertheless, as time went on, those who opposed Dorne and its inclusion in Westeros, bound by two marriages to House Targaryen, found their figurehead in the handsome warrior Daemon Blackfyre. They looked at Daeron’s marriage to Mariah Martell, and his heir Baelor Breakspear, who though a warrior, also looked like his mother, with dark hair and dark eyes. They stewed at Princess Daenerys’s marriage to Prince Maron Martell of Dorne (oh noes a smelly brown man manhandling our white princess), and imagined a great love story denied to Daemon. (Though for all Daemon’s passion was supposedly cockblocked by his mean half-brother, he was still getting busy with Rohanne, producing at least 9 children in 12 years; and Daenerys never seemed unhappy in her marriage to Maron, who built the Water Gardens for her.) They got really angry at the Dornish courtiers who came to King’s Landing with Mariah, and supposed special treatment to Dorne. They brought up the rumors of Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight, claiming that the weak Daeron was not Aegon’s son. We literally have the words of a Blackfyre supporter telling us this:
“Treason… is only a word. When two princes fight for a chair where only one may sit, great lords and common men alike must choose. And when the battle’s done, the victors will be hailed as loyal men and true, whilst those who were defeated will be known forevermore as rebels and traitors. That was my fate.” Egg thought about it for a time. “Yes, my lord. Only…King Daeron was a good man. Why would you choose Daemon?” “Daeron…” Ser Eustace almost slurred the word, and Dunk realized he was half-drunk. “Daeron was spindly and round of shoulder, with a little belly that wobbled when he walked. Daemon stood straight and proud, and his stomach was flat and hard as an oaken shield. And he could fight. With axe or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself. When Prince Daemon had Blackfyre in his hand, there was not a man to equal him…not Ulrick Dayne with Dawn, no, nor even the Dragonknight with Dark Sister. “You can know a man by his friends, Egg. Daeron surrounded himself with maesters, septons, and singers. Always there were women whispering in his ear, and his court was full of Dornishmen. How not, when he had taken a Dornishwoman into his bed and sold his own sweet sister to the Prince of Dorne, though it was Daemon that she loved? Daeron bore the same name as the Young Dragon, but when his Dornish wife gave him a son he named the child Baelor, after the feeblest king who ever sat the Iron Throne. “Daemon, though… Daemon was no more pious than a king need be, and all the great knights of the realm gathered to him. It would suit Lord Bloodraven if their names were all forgotten, so he has forbidden us to sing of them, but I remember. Robb Reyne, Gareth the Grey, Ser Aubrey Ambrose, Lord Gormon Peake, Black Byren Flowers, Redtusk, Fireball… Bittersteel! I ask you, has there ever been such a noble company, such a roll of heroes? “Why, lad? You ask me why? Because Daemon was the better man. The old king saw it too. He gave the sword to Daemon. Blackfyre, the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, the blade that every Targaryen king had wielded since the Conquest…he put that sword in Daemon’s hand the day he knighted him, a boy of twelve.” “My father says that was because Daemon was a swordsman, and Daeron never was,” said Egg. “Why give a horse to a man who cannot ride? The sword was not the kingdom, he says.” The old knight’s hand jerked so hard that wine spilled from his silver cup. “Your father is a fool.”
–The Sworn Sword
There is nothing to do with justice here. Nothing to do with ruling justly. There’s only hero-worship, glorification of violence, ableism, anti-intellectualism, misogyny, and Dornish racism. That’s what the followers of Daemon Blackfyre supported. They’re like Trump supporters, wanting to make Westeros great again.
And no bigger supporter of Daemon was his half-brother Aegor Rivers, aka Bittersteel. Aegor, “pissed off all his life”, was particularly mad at the court, because his mother Barba Bracken, Aegon’s mistress, had been sent away in disgrace after it was found that she and her father were talking up making Barba queen when Naerys had a health scare. (It was Daeron and his uncle Aemon, Naerys’s supporters, who made enough of a fuss about the scandal to get Aegon to send her away. Note also that Aegor’s grandfather was later executed along with his daughter Bethany, Aegon’s mistress, after she was caught sleeping with a Kingsguard.) While Aegor also received the legitimization given to all of Aegon’s bastards, he didn’t get all the benefits he felt he should have gotten – unlike his half-brother Brynden Rivers, “Bloodraven”, whose mother Melissa Blackwood (another one of Aegon’s mistresses), had always been popular at court (even with Naerys and Daeron), leading to Bloodraven remaining close with Daeron and his family even after Melissa was dismissed as mistress. Furthermore, Shiera Seastar (another one of Aegon’s Great Bastards), chose Brynden as a lover instead of Aegor, making him even more angry.
So, Aegor got close to Daemon, including getting betrothed to one of his daughters, and frequently urged him to press his claim to the throne, on the grounds of king’s choice, having the sword, being more fit than Daeron Falseborn. Do you see a moral high ground here? I do not. It’s further implied that Brynden was also close to Daemon at the time (see him telling Bran that “a brother I loved” is one of his ghosts), and was able to get away and warn Daeron when the Blackfyre plans went from idle talk to open rebellion. He was no tyrant – he probably didn’t even have an office at court at the time, though he did eventually become Daeron’s spymaster.
But yes, Brynden did kill Daemon and his two eldest sons, sniping them during the last battle of the first Blackfyre Rebellion. For which he was accused of kinslaying, and of using sorcery to get those accurate shots. The accusation of sorcery was probably slander (probably… a weirwood bow and weirwood arrows fletched with raven feathers might have had some mystical qualities), and as for the kinslaying… it was a battle where Daemon would have killed his half-nephews Baelor and Maekar if he’d had a chance, where Aegor fought Brynden one-on-one and took his eye out… and if the Blackfyres had won, do you think they’d just have packed off Daeron and Mariah and Aerys and Rhaegel? No, the falseborn weak Dornish half-breeds would have been executed or hunted down. You think they’d’ve left Daenerys and Maron and their children in peace? Nope, a war with Dorne would have been next on the agenda. Don’t talk to me about kinslaying. (Though whether Brynden considers himself to be gods-cursed could be a different matter.)
Now, after the first Blackfyre Rebellion, when Brynden supported killing all the rebel lords (Daeron elected to take hostages instead), after the death of Daeron’s heir Baelor, after the Great Spring Sickness when Daeron and Baelor’s sons died, leading to Daeron’s second son Aerys becoming king, and appointing Brynden as his Hand and master of whisperers… then you might get into questions of tyranny. (Which I consider a lot more debatable than some.) But it has absolutely nothing to do with why Daemon Blackfyre and his supporters rebelled in the first place. When Aegor Rivers formed the Golden Company, to support the Blackfyre cause in their exile in Tyrosh, did he give a flying fuck about tyranny or justice? No he did not, he just wanted to keep fucking with Bloodraven and put Daemon’s son on the throne of Westeros. (Not the gay son, though! That one, the heir after his older brothers died, Bittersteel ignored and kept his support from.)
The Blackfyre cause was never just. They were never in the right. I oppose them wholeheartedly, and I’m suspicious of anyone who chooses the black dragon over the red. I hope that clears things up for you.
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citadelofoldtown · 6 years
@oddballnerdguy said: @citadelofoldtown Which Daeron? The Young Dragon? Because he was the one that started the war and ended up creating new waves of hate between the different regions of Westeros. Aegon the Unworthy was the one who created a lot of the ills of Daeron’s reign. He sired Daemon Blackfyre and gave him many ideas on what he deserves. While you could argue Daeron the Good didn’t deal with the problems adequately it was the Unworthy who kept fermenting dissent against his son.
No, I meant Daeron II, though Baelor bears a lot of the blame as well (his handling of the resolution of the Dornish Conquest was absolute political madness). Aegon IV might’ve put the idea that he should be king into Daemon’s head, but more than that is needed to get so many lords to rally to his cause. The First Blackfyre Rebellion wasn’t particularly about the succession of the throne, it was a bunch of unrelated grievances that pooled military strength together behind a figurehead that could promise a favourable end to those grievances. Why else would the Yronwoods support the Anti-Dornish faction of Daeron II? When Daeron II said that Baelor’s work was done... that’s not really a good thing, since Baelor did a lot to fuck up the realm.
Steve Atwell, of @racefortheironthrone, has already wrote a brilliant series of essays on this subject which I’d highly recommend you read in full. Below the cut is an abridged version of the first part, which describes pretty well why I feel the First Blackfyre Rebellion wasn’t just a battle of nerds vs. jocks, and actually a result of Daeron’s inability (or, more likely, unwillingness) to understand the grievances of his lords, though perhaps “created” is the wrong term to use. “Exacerbated” would probably have been a better choice.
@riana-one said: I love Alysanne. But ranking favorite ships I will put two wartime teenagers making good over an old man panicking in a time of plenty
Oh, well, fuck me! I thought we were talking about their merits as kings, and completely misunderstood the post! Recontextualizing the post to be about shipping, oh yeah, I can totally see why you’d prefer Daeron/Mariah to Jaehaerys/Alysanne
Baelor's actions are lauded for bringing an end to the Dornish War(s). But in retrospect, I think we can fairly criticize Baelor for how he handled his kingdom's expectations regarding the peace. While Baelor's martyr-like, all-encompassing forgiveness is certainly personally commendable, it also prevented the people of Westeros from coming to any kind of catharsis over the losses they had suffered, let alone restitution or revenge. By suing for peace, releasing the hostages unconditionally, and doing a public act of penance for the war, Baelor symbolically placed the men who had fought for his brother, both the ones who survived and the ones who died, in the wrong. The muted, inexpressible resentment and the suppressed grief and rage of those who had so much snatched from their grasp would only fester. And by uniting the houses of Martell and Targaryen, he brought the conflicts over the war into his own family.
However, with the text of The World of Ice & Fire in hand, and in the light of Jon and Daenerys' peacemaking efforts in ADWD, I think Daeron II's reign is due for some revisionism. For like Jon Snow, I think Daeron can be rightly criticized for having pushed for peace too fast and too hard, failing to build enough of a constituency behind his policy, and failing to pacify the hardliners who would lead a backlash against him.
This is where I feel Daeron [II] can be rightly criticized, because he had eleven years between his accession and the Blackfyre Rebellion to deal with this anger, and did nothing to ward it off. Especially given his manifest skills in administering and ruling, he should have known better - he may have only been seven years old when Daeron I was slain in Dorne, but he grew to majority in the reign of Baelor the Blessed and must have seen the reaction to Baelor's policies; he certainly would have been familiar with the depth of feeling that his father had drummed up in support of his new war and against Daeron himself. There was a need, once again, to manage expectations, to find symbolic and practical means for soothing and channeling violent emotion in productive direction, to explain and justify his policies, and to ensure that the men who had lost out when peace with Dorne had been accomplished had a stake in the new regime by spreading around the patronage as opposed to concentrating so much influence in the Martells. 
But lest we fall into a simple story of nerds vs. jocks, we should note that Daemon wasn't just a warrior. Yes, "Daemon stood straight and proud, and his stomach was flat and hard as an oaken shield. And he could fight. With ax or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself." (TSS) But as Martin explains, Daemon could "be charming and charismatic too, with a winning smile... He made friends easily, and women were drawn to him as well." (So Spake Martin) Just as Renly made use of chivalric iconography to build a political following, Daemon used his abundant gifts to attract a political following of the greatest knights of his day: "Robb Reyne, Gareth the Grey, Ser Aubrey Ambrose, Lord Gormon Peake, Black Byren Flowers, Redtusk, Fireball... Bittersteel." (TSS) Daeron might have been the better diplomat and the better administrator, but Daemon was clearly a gifted politician, someone easily capable of the charisma that calls armies into being - just as Daeron I had done. 
However, in retrospect, Daeron's decision-making here doesn't quite match the propaganda of "Good King Daeron." He already had a volatile political situation in which large segments of the political community were feeling isolated, and had probably already started to gather around his brother, who almost certainly was taking an anti-Dornish and pro-military position, and now he exacerbated the situation by giving his half-brother a personal grievance against the king, who had now twice meddled with him in matters of marriage - first, by insisting that a fourteen-year-old Daemon marry Rohanne of Tyrosh, despite that it was not "Daemon's desire" to marry her, and second, by marrying the woman he loved to the people he had been raised to fight against. Even if it didn't cause him to go to war, it certainly changed their relationship from one of brothers who might disagree over policy, but nevertheless would share in the family prosperity (hence Daeron honoring Aegon IV's bequests granting Daemon incomes, lands, and a castle). At the very least, Daeron should have acted to defuse the situation - following the model of Viserys I, who dealt with a similarly troublesome Daemon by sponsoring him in wars safely off the continent.
[T]he Blackfyres drew their support from lesser houses that were traditional rivals of their lords paramount, or that were in some way troublemakers from their region - the Sunderlands were formerly independent of the Arryns and a cause of much conflict between the Arryns and the Starks, the Reynes (and the Tarbecks) major rivals of the Lannisters, the Brackens and Freys unruly and disloyal vassals of the Tullys, the Yronwoods who warred against the Martells to keep their throne. As we might expect, these local sources of grievance found their outlet in Daemon Blackfyre - if Daemon could supplant Daeron, perhaps they might supplant their liege lords and become the new lords paramount of their own regions.
Daemon's strength is largely in the Reach, the natural constituency for anti-Dornish policies. [...] Ironically, by the logic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Daemon also had a strong presence in Dorne among those Houses opposed to House Martell's predominance, ironically uniting under one banner both the Marcher lords and the Dornish lords who traditionally have fought against them.
From standing at the right hand of Daeron the Young Dragon and serving as regents of Dorne, the Tyrells had lost their position and were now living under a monarch who married into their traditional, hereditary enemy, the same family responsible for the death of Lyonel Tyrell (Leo's father or grandfather). Not only that, but the Dornish were now dominant in the court of Daeron II. 
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cisgreaterthanx · 6 years
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Challenge: Month Of Spreads 2 Divination Challenge
Day: Sixteen | Diviner Check In
We are at the halfway mark of this challenge. You all have been doing so well. Seeing your growth as diviners has really made me proud of you and this amazing community. For today’s Tarot spread, we will be doing a check-in of sorts. I am a firm believer in taking moments of contemplation and assessment to see how far we have come in our respective journeys and how we can continue being the best diviners that we can be.
Step One: Shuffle your deck or mix up your divination tool of choice. How many times and however long is completely up to you.
Step Two: Pull six cards however you see fit.
Step Three: Read the spread as follows.
1. Where am I currently at in my divination journey? Two of Swords. I am not currently using all of my tools but they are all there. I can easily slip into the subconscious and tap into the deeper void but I don’t always do that.
2. What is my signature divination style? Reyne De Baston/Queen of Wands. I hold the hand of the divine and that allows for my creative style of reading.
3. What is my biggest strength as a diviner? Five of Cups. That there is an awareness and use of the universal and the ability to translate it into the personal.
4. What part of my divination practice could I improve upon? Le Chariot. I can trust my own guides and understands and drive the interpretations.
5. What goal should I focus on as a diviner? Five of Pentacles. I should stretch myself and not necessarily stay in my comfort zone.
6. What is the next step on my divination journey? Eight of Pentacles. Entering in a balance. Give readings to others. Grow the gift and the work already placed in to my practice.
Optional: If you read or plan to read for others you may want to add this question: 7. How do my readings benefit my clients?
Jordorwsky/Costa Tarot of Marseilles
Challenge questions are
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goodqueenaly · 7 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Shawney
Welcome back to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I’ll take a House without known canon/semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me an ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see. 
House Shawney is a possibly still extant noble House of the Riverlands, presumably one of the principal Houses sworn to the Tullys of Riverrun (though interestingly, at the time of "The Mystery Knight" Lord Costayne, the son-in-law of Lord Ambrose Butterwell, “held himself to be better born” than Lord Shawney; this might suggest that the Shawneys were also vassals of vassals, or that Costayne thought his allegiance to the supremely powerful Hightowers made him better than a direct vassal of Riverrun, or simply that Costayne was a haughty man). We don't know much about the Shawney history, but we do know the House was one of Daemon Blackfyre's supporters during the First Blackfyre Rebellion: indeed, Lord Shawney fought beside Bittersteel on the right side of the Blackfyre army, and nearly died of the wounds he had taken at the Redgrass Field. Lord Shawney did survive, however, and some 15 years after his near-end in the battle attended the tourney at Whitewalls Lord Butterwell hosted to celebrate his wedding. The tourney, of course, was the abortive attempt at a Second Blackfyre Rebellion, and as Gormon Peake told Dunk, most of the attendees were old Blackfyre loyalists, or (and not mutually exclusively) had reason to resent Bloodraven and nurse grievances and ambitions of their own.
The Shawney arms are a white catfish on black field below a divided field of blue, red and green. The blue, red, and green stripes are representative of the Blue, Red, and Green Forks of the Trident, which the Shawneys and all riverlords call home (House Strong had a similarly themed sigil - tripartite blue, red, and green on white). The catfish may seem a curious animal to boast on a sigil - being, well, rather doofy looking - but is more sensible if the Shawneys (as I believe they did) claimed descent from the ancient House Fisher, one of the first royal Houses (or possibly the first royal House) of the Trident. The Fisher sigil was a crowned catfish; perhaps the Shawneys wanted to underline a blood connection to the first royals of the Kingdom of the Rivers and Hills. In the many periods of political chaos in the Riverlands, an ambitious family looking for a crown could do worse than invoke the name of this most ancient of riverlord dynasties (and indeed, in the Durrandon imperial period, the Riverlands saw claimants named Lucifer Justman, Marq Mudd, and Lymond Fisher, doubtless because of the power these dynasties’ names held in the lands of the Trident).
Thus, I made the Shawney words Our True Domain. Of course the river is the true domain of the catfish, and with the Trident colors on their banners the Shawneys would be eager to show that the Riverlands was their homeland. What I like about these words as well is my headcanon - namely, that the Shawneys joined Daemon Blackfyre largely because they thought they would replace the Tullys as the paramount House of the Trident. @racefortheironthrone has pointed out before that Daemon Blackfyre recruited largely from ambitious secondary Houses, looking to replace the pro-Daeron paramount lords with his own loyal vassals (like the Reynes and Peakes). Hence, I can see why Lord Shawney showed up at the tourney of Whitewalls: not only had he been an apparently strong Blackfyre loyalist during the war, but he had risked much (and probably lost lands, wealth, and/or children as royal hostages) and was left with the Tullys still firmly holding the Trident from Riverrun. The catfish on the Shawney banners argued that the Trident was the true domain of the Shawneys - as a royal realm as well as home - and I think Lord Shawney was eager to see young Daemon Blackfyre rise and give the Trident paramountcy to a family of ancient royal lineage in the Riverlands.
Tell me what you think of these words for House Shawney. Next week sticks with a Blackfyre-loyal family, though from the Vale rather than the Riverlands.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 7 years
Why do you support the Blackfyres?
I support the Blackfyres because during at least the first 3 Rebellions, they seem to have had a vested interest in ruling 7 unified Kingdoms and a respect for feudal institutions. The Targaryens in power at the time, however, had none of that.
From what we’ve heard of Daemon I and what we saw of Daemon II, they seem like honorable men who would put the physical safety of even their enemies over their immediate goals for kingship. Daemon I in particular had an interest in ruling Westeros as an actual leader, what with minting his own coinage. The list of men who rode with Daemon included those of prominent old houses (Peake, Ball, Reyne), minor houses (Ambrose, Shawney), and bastard sons (Aegor Rivers, Byren Flowers) from 5 of the 7 kingdoms, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some Stormlander support (them being martially-minded). The fact that the Yronwoods, a stony Dornish house (the stony Dornish bore the brunt of the fighting in Daeron’s War due to their proximity to the Reach), were willing to join his cause means that he was able to listen to and unite people from different factions and ease centuries-old rivalries. He was able to understand what Daeron I and even Daenerys II didn’t: that to rule a territory, you need the support and trust of at least some local people.
Even though we know very little of Haegon and Aenys, we know that Haegon was killed trying to surrender and Aenys was killed under a banner of hospitality; there’s an understanding of the rules of feudal society and an expectation that they be followed. This is far more than I can say for the unforgivable manner in which Bl00draven turned Westeros into a police state while Maekar went off to sulk in Summerhall rather than deal with the suffering caused by the Great Spring Sickness.
There’s also a fair amount of sympathy knowing they suffered such heavy losses for so little. Daemon I was 26 when he was slaughtered alongside his 12-year-old boys. The kindhearted Daemon II was 22 when he was captured and spent the last years of his life in prison. Haegon couldn’t’ve been more than 30 when he died trying to give up his sword; he and his father left young children behind. Aenys made an attempt at going to Westeros for a peaceful solution, even believing that the man responsible for the death of his father and brothers would act honestly, and was treacherously killed for it. Maelys had an awful deformity and was an outcast to his family and the rest of the world. Calla and Rohanne had to witness their sons, brothers, and husbands die while they kept the business of the exile court moving. But through all of the Five Blackfyre Rebellions, the Targaryens lost no family members (except for Rhaelle’s husband, Ormund Baratheon, who perished honorably in battle. If the Rat, Hawk, and Pig or the Peake rebels were somehow aided by the Blackfyres as has been theorized, then there’s only indirect responsibility at worst for Prince Daeron and Maekar’s deaths) and none of their royal entitlement. If GRRM wanted to make us really root against House Blackfyre, he would’ve had them kill well-developed Targaryen characters or resort to the same heinous tactics Bl00draven did, such as a revenge killing on the Brightflame family whilst they were in Lys, but there’s none of that for the Reds. Bl00draven and Da3ron the II make me particularly angry, in that they never seemed to personally pay for the mistakes they made in handling the Blackfyres and Aegor Rivers. Thousands of innocent people (including children due to them being hostages at the focus of the Great Spring Sickness) had their lives ripped apart while those two got either to die in bed at age 56 or become a semi-divine greenseer with an immortal life span (being sent to the Wall should have been a punishment for killing Aenys, but no, it turns out to be a good thing for him in the end). Utterly infuriating. So I have a lot of interest in the tragic history of the Blackfyre family, and a resentment for the Targaryens for their lack of regard for their obligations as rulers and their lack of comeuppance for their cruelty.
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stillgotclaws · 7 years
under the cut are my verses for mobile users.
verse \ MAIN VERSE !          Reyna Hill is a dedicated handmaiden who was born and raised in the Crag . Sent by Lady Westerling as a gift of good faith to serve ‎Lady Dorna Swyft & Ser Kevan Lannister. later on, she is sent to King's Landing to serve the acting Hand of the King Joffrey Baratheon , Tyrion Lannister with the sole purpose of keeping an eye on him & informing Ser Kevan on Lord Tywin's behalf.          this verse follows the events of both the show && books canon, set anywhere in the series, and Reyna's own timeline. this is the default verse & most first interactions are set in this verse. leaning slightly more on the books. so far, i've finished the first and second books & just started the third book. in the series, i have finished the first two seasons & plan on starting the 3rd soon. do not worry, i can catch up with you as i do not mind spoilers. this verse is open to any and everybody.           \\ faceclaim : charlize theron \\
verse \ LADY LONGCLAW !           NOBLE AU;; follows Reyna’s own timeline ( & the canon timeline as well ) all the same, however —- instead of being sent to King’s Landing, Reyna marries  Raginmund Rivers, a lowborn sworn sword five years older than her that claims to be son of the late Lord Reynard Reyne &  Greta, a butcher’s daughter from the riverlands that went back to her family as soon as the REYNE-TARBECK REBELLION took place. Born under the Tully domains, it was no wonder that the boy grew up to be a loyal servant of said house —- earning the title of knight & being allowed to choose a name for his own: LONGCLAW. Albeit not all too bright, Ser Raginmund was sweet & not even once suspected that the only reason why Reyna married him was for his ( allegled ) bloodline.  they’ve met when he was assigned to secure the safety of a package Lord Tully sent to Lannisport to pay a debt. serving him, she found out his story & worked on getting under his skin. the couple married two years before King Robert’s death & went to live in a small property nearby The Blue Fork. as lady Longclaw, Reyna gave Raginmund three sons & a daughter —-  ambrose and hoster, twins that died at childbirth, and a year later little roberta, followed by gawen a year later. Roberta was a weak child & ended up succumbing to pneumonia and died. Once the war for the iron throne started, however, Reyna sent her only living son to her grandfather Earl in a weak attempt to protect him as she stayed beside Raignmund —- of his fate, it’s unknown if he is alive or dead. her grandfather’s small ship sinked after an attack of an iron islander ship, way before they arrived to their destination. as Raignmund left to join King Robb’s army, lady longclaw wasn’t allowed to follow him as she was with child and the early stages were risky. the news of the lord her husband being killed by the Kingslayer’s army were enough to make her take a difficult decision: she would go & serve the King in the North to honour  her husband’s memory.          this verse follows the events of both the show && books canon, set anywhere in the series, and Reyna's own timeline. this is the default verse & most first interactions are set in this verse. leaning slightly more on the books. so far, i've finished the first and second books & just started the third book. in the series, i have finished the first two seasons & plan on starting the 3rd soon. do not worry, i can catch up with you as i do not mind spoilers. this verse is open to any and everybody.           \\ faceclaim : charlize theron \\
verse \ HEIRESS OF NOTHING !          without money, all they had was their name aka that noble au in which the Reynes weren't all murdered & Lord Roger didn't die of his wound. against all odds, he and Ambrosia marry & raise their daughter as an actual Reyne. their happiness is cut short when Ambrosia dies before giving birth to her second child, apparently poisoned. it is later known that Lady Elly was the one behind this, ashamed that her brother had taken a maid as wife. Reyna grew up knowing she wasn't liked by her own aunt & uncle but still, she tried her hardest to be like Lady Ellyn, always trying to please her. that ended up being rather harmful to her as Lady Ellyn used the girl for her own schemes. Reyna's destiny is unknown in this one as i have yet to finish the books.          this verse is seletive, but will eventually be open later on.           \\ faceclaim : sasha pieterse \\
verse \ THE SILVER LIONESS !         LADY LONGCLAW!AU Reyna's husband doesn't die as in the Lady Longclaw verse & instead they live a long life together. in this verse, Reyna reaches old age with her kids beside her ( bc i need at least one happy plot okay ? ) . contrary to her younger self, Lady Longlcaw is a very smily person & seems harmless.          this verse is seletive, but will eventually be open later on.           \\ alt!faceclaim : probably vanessa redgrave, but that might change \\
verse \ A LITTLE WICKED !          harry potter / fbawtf verse ! Reyna Hill is a dedicated auror. half-blood & perhaps too ambitious for her own good, she found her happiness  in her work as private detective after she lost her job as an Auror due to an indiscretion with her former boss.          a variation of this verse is the hogwarts au in which she is a slytherin. the timeline might change according to the plots.           \\ faceclaim : charlize theron ; young!fc : sasha pieterse \\ 
verse \ METAMORPHING !          mutant!verse - Reyna Hill was a normal girl till her 10th birthday. after that, everyone she touched she got a bit of their looks for a few hours. this was her powers starting to show. she started trying to control her powers on her own. it was hard, but now, at age of 40, is able to use it at her will, shapeshifting into anyone she touches ( incluiding their voices) - a pit she doesn't know how to handle these talents too well when she gets emotional and things get rather awkward from time to time.          this verse was specially made for DC / Marvel / superhero characters.           \\ faceclaim : varies, actually charlize theron ; young!fc : sasha pieterse \\
verse \ IN A GALAXY FAR AWAY !           star wars / alien / predator / general sci-fi verse ! Reyna Hill is a former pilot who, after having her son Gawen lost her job in the company she worked for. now she does all sorts of odd jobs in order to get money enough for her son, who lives with her mother in an human colony.          a variations of this verse occur. the timeline might change according to the plots.           \\ faceclaim : charlize theron ; alt!fc for the alien verse is Jessica Chastain \\ 
verse \ MODERN !          modern!verse - Reyna is a fashion blogger who is currently unemployed && yet she spends more money than she has, buying clothes of well known labels to fill the gap that her life has even since her mother died & her father kept her in a boarding school. her father is Roger Reyne, a rich banker who barely remembers he has a daughter - well, he does when the bills come to his door. modern!westeros applies in this verse. this verse is deeply insipired by hbo's sex and the city.           \\ faceclaim :  charlize theron ; young!fc : sasha pieterse \\
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