#amc op spoilers
gizaoyas · 2 years
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Jewelry Bonney chapter 1063 :"That's my father, he is my only family"
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lestatisprince · 3 months
I didn't make this one but everyone watch this!
"He's coming."
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
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Just saw this and thought I’d share…
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theatrevampire · 3 months
you may not even get the chance to read this message because I'm sure you have a TON of them to go through as is. however, I'd just like to point out something to that one DM shipper that sent you that last message. i think it's important to note that everyone has their own biases, opinions, and perspectives. for example, there were some screeners who said this most recent episode was worse than 1x05. OP, you said the exact opposite. essentially, I think people need to realize that everyone is gonna have a different opinion but that doesn't necessarily mean that's what everyone will take away from what they're watching. some people said DM shippers wouldn't be happy with what we got in 2x05 but A LOT of us were pretty happy with it, so your mileage may vary. it's merely a difference in opinion and perspective based on your own biases, which we all have. i wouldn't worry too much about the future of DM because none of us know of rolin's exact and specific plans for the future. just take a deep breath, guys! let the tale seduce you.
lol no no i do not have THAT many messages. and yours is easily one i can answer without spoilers!
i 100% agree with you. it's hard for me to answer questions like that-- my opinion can only mean so much! i don't want to get people's hopes up just based on whatever ~ vibe ~ i'm feeling from the show. for example, i thought people would be ecstatic with ANY sort of armand/young daniel interaction, so i was like "wow people are going to love 2x05 just like i did." BUT there may be people out there that hated what we got! i'm not sure! i want to be delicate with my opinions because i know how important certain plot points are to people, but i'm someone who is yet to be disappointed with any adaptation changes, and i remain pretty positive for any upcoming ones as well.
i also completely understand being stressed out or worried about what will happen in the future of the show. i know people have been disappointed a dozen times over by various tv shows (myself included), but i hope people recognize that i am just someone who watches and enjoys the show. i have no clout at amc headquarters. 🤣 if i did i would have secured 10 seasons for this show. i cannot promise that everything people want WILL happen in the show. you have to watch and judge for yourself if you want to continue.
i know it's easier said than done, but i spent so many of my teen years and basically all of my early 20s watching shows that made me MISERABLE before i realized i could just take a break or walk away. if the show is causing you this much stress because you don't know if a certain couple will end up together, i think maybe it would be good to get off of twitter or tumblr where people tend to doom post.
all this to say that yes, you are right, anon. take a deep breath, and let the tale seduce you. 🙌
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
A person on Twitter implied that the girl who was in the theater (working I assume) and shared Lestat's pic is in trouble. I don't know if there is truth to it but in any case I don't think it's right to blame the fandom (I've seen people answering "I'm done with this fandom!") It's obvious that if you put something like this on ig for everybody to see, people will share and go wild about it and you can't blame them.
You know … they (AMC, cast, crew) have either talked to their people - or they haven’t. These people either can post or not. Know they will get into trouble - or not.
Obviously Levan, Luke, Kphagnasay etc etc can post. And meet people. And take photos with people. Talk to people. And sometimes a post is removed again, when people catch on. (Which is in and by itself interesting, isn’t it^^)
But everyone currently on the internet should know that it can get away from you if you put it out there… I mean the show even had Daniel tell us 😅
I don’t know if the OP will get in trouble. Will kphagnasay get in trouble? Or Levan? Maura (maybe)?
There are people in this fandom with the stance that nothing should be shared for fear of there being repercussions, and that is totally fine. And, for their pics, and if they were asked, that is up to them, I have said so before.
There is also the aspect of things being shared that were shared.
Like.. if that is what makes you want to quit the fandom… then please. I mean… 🤷🏽‍♀️
I know that there are more photos. People have been accused of gatekeeping for not posting them. (And I have been clear about my support for their decision not to share those as well!)
But. Not everyone adheres to the same rules, obviously. And if someone decides to share… then that is their decision.
Hating on people who reblog what is there is stupid though, and unfair imho.
AMC didn’t mind spoilers this much with TWD iirc, and I don’t know where this supposed spoiler law re IWTV comes from (these are no script or episode leaks after all, which is a whole different caliber), because if they didn’t want anything to leak they wouldn’t allow people on sets. At all. It’s that easy. And they would give long speeches to people. Make them sign long contracts. Hell, >I< have had to sign such contracts for my job.
I don’t quite get the fuss tbh.
And… Taking a preemptive stance on someone else‘s behalf without actually knowing if they might get into trouble seems eerily holier than thou for me.
All this said, big props to the Prague guys for keeping this under wraps for so long btw, because something like THIS - had to leak through eventually.
There’s just no way this wouldn’t leak at some point 😅
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themightyaliendwarf · 2 years
Future of the Vampire Chronicles the series
First of all, this show proved me wrong in so many ways that I'm unable to count them all. To put it mildly, I adore it - and that's something I'm not always so keen on saying when it comes to works, that change the original so much.
This time, however, I think they handled it beautifully and, yes, while the overall atmosphere is different, I don't this the story suffers because of it. Even the massive change in Claudia's character - I don't mind it. I'm honestly stunned to be saying that.
With season 2 already being confirmed, I have a couple of thoughts, I'd like to share. BTW. spoilers for Interview, Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned are below:
According to Anne Rice (RIP), Louis wasn't a reliable narrator, but Lestat was. Based on that, I wonder whether we will get, sometime in the future, more of Lestat's POV. For example, we know scriptwriters are taking big chunks from the second novel in which Lestat says he would only hunt "the bad guys". Louis's recollection still doesn't seem to acknowledge that, so I wonder how truthful he is.
Obviously, it does seem Louis and Claudia are going to go to Europe in season 2. How much do you think WWII will affect their journey. Will they use it as a point for struggle? Will showrunners be using this unnecessary bloodshed as a plot point? I think they are absolutely going to because otherwise, they could have moved their departure to the 1920s since Berlin before the Nazi takeover was a capital of queer culture. I'm kinda sad they don't have a chance to explore this fascinating period, but oh, well...
I still don't know how I feel about the "Rashid is Armand" theory. It is interesting, but based on who Armand is supposed to be, I doubt it. After all, Armand and his gang should be responsible for killing Claudia and I'm just not seeing Louis staying with a person like this for so long. I would be more willing to believe that Rashid is either a relatively young vampire OR somebody super old who may or may not be connected with Akasha
How will Lestat's rock star career will go (if you haven't read the second novel, I'm sorry for the confusion)? The world in 2022 clearly still doesn't know about vampires, so I don't think Lestat went forward with his plan back in the 80'. Maybe his nap is now about 50 years longer? Because if we are covering the full story of those bloodsuckers, you better give us Rock Star Lestat
Speaking of Lestat, it does seem his backstory (awful father and brothers, Magnus, and Nicky) is pretty much the same. Therefore, I assume his encounter with Marius and Akasha is still canon. At least, I hope so because otherwise, he has no reason to be OP. And if that's the case, in future seasons, we will need to spend a ton of time (probably a full season or two) just on telling this story. Show don't tell, right? I'm not saying that just because I'm craving XVIII-century aesthetic
If Lestat's backstory is the same, then we better get Gabriella. She is a major part of his story and a very interesting character. The show clearly doesn't shy away from exploring queer topics, so I know they will do her justice. Also, we need a badass vampire lady
I think AMC has a bad habit of dragging shows for too long. Personally, I think this show should end with Queen of the Damned. They can then make spin-offs about Marius, Armand etc. but so far it's about Louis and Lestat (with Claudia, Daniel and, in the future or already, Armand being important players), and I think it should stay that way. Those two really long backstory sections in Vampire Lestat, while being interesting, just took me out of the story and I want them to stay focused on important bits
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calamity-bean · 6 years
Wow, I apparently sure do have a soft spot for awkward, aloof 18th-century British men in positions of local authority who feel a deep responsibility to uphold law and order, who start the series doling out harsh punishments that earn them resentment and rebellion from the community, who are misguided but earnest and well intentioned, and who, in the show’s second season, make sudden, out-of-the-blue proposals to baffled women who initially reject them only to later accept the offer after being pressured by a close associate with ulterior motives, complete with each awkward fellow giving his respective woman a speech about how her goodness is an inspiration to him in his time of newfound moral crisis, unaware of her scandalous secret!
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I sure do apparently have an INCREDIBLY specific type!
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Episode 8 Review
The usual spoilers
Alright, this episode was pretty good in the beginning with some stuff here and there I didn’t like, but that ending... that ending leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
Normally I start with the bad first, then the good, but I feel I should do chronological order for this one since most of the good is before the bad.
For starters, I enjoyed the very beginning with Chris at his dad’s funeral. For once, seeing an aspect of Vic’s childhood was interesting. You feel pretty bad for Chris because of the rough childhood he had, and you feel bad because he became his father. It’s good that he’s definitely changed tho. He pissed me off (and I’m sure everyone else off) last season, and to see him get emotional all those years before is definitely something. Seeing him grow now is rewarding.
I do really like how both of Vic’s parents see her bridge and are amazed by it. Idk why, but I always find it incredibly satisfying in a story when all the characters understand something/everything. I’m sure we all do, but clarification in a story has always brought me a satisfaction comparable to that of watching those satisfying video complications on YouTube.
How Bing is alive still... I have no idea. Maybe because he was sitting and that helped slow down the blood flow? Honestly, I really wanted them to get information out of him, then have him die. Look, there is a part of me that feels bad for him and sorry for him, but his actions are way less forgivable than Charlie’s. If you ask me, despite him talking with Vic (and hell, maybe at this point he does feel bad for what he did, although that is hard to believe because he did genuinely enjoy raping people, and rape is one of those actions it’s very hard to find really any redemption in once you commit it), I don’t see anyone forgiving his ass, and they shouldn’t. I also think Bing has always been a ticking time bomb. Who knows, if Charlie hadn’t come into their lives, he could’ve hurt Vic if she came off as “too nice” to him. We see what he did to his mom, despite her loving him and being the only good person in his life. He interprets love as something darker, and while it’s horrible that he thinks that way, and I understand what his childhood did to his mind, he has the knowledge that it’s wrong to do it (I mean, he has to subdue people with the gas, and he clearly sees his victims are unwilling) and he should stop it, yet he doesn’t. Charlie actually believes that what he’s doing is right, and there is a part of you that can see that in some regards, he is right, keeping kids away from harmful parents. What good comes out of rape? The only good that comes out of it is the benefit to himself for getting his sick pleasures. He does it all because he can and likes it, no other purpose. He could’ve gotten help, he could’ve tried to keep that all in and express it in a safe environment, he could’ve restrained himself from doing these things... yet he didn’t. If he had just killed the parents and strictly did nothing of a particularly cruel nature, you could understand Bing more and respect his character. But since he didn’t... it makes things harder. Is it respectable that he admitted he’s wrong? Yes. Should he be forgiven? Well... not really, at least imo. If Bing has any redeeming qualities, there are very few. Since he is kept alive, I hope he’s either rotting in prison or kept in a place where he can maybe get help that he needs. I think most importantly, I’m more than a little annoyed at this whole, “Yeah, we’ll write the rapist more sympathetically before we do the main antagonist, who’s actions are questionable and one could understand his intent. He doesn’t rape anybody and finds the act repulsive and kills rapists... but he’s less sympathetic just because he’s the main bad guy 😀.” Yeah, okay writers...
Moving on from the only truly bad thing in the episode before the ending, everything else seemed to be fine. I’m concerned with Maggie and Tabitha’s relationship, I really hope they’ll be okay. Tabitha was badass getting the respect and recognition she deserves for the work she does. Even though she made the stupid decision of going into that church by herself and possibly getting killed, I do love the balls she has, I just hope she doesn’t get herself killed by being stupid. Her and Maggie are a great couple and I love them. I feel bad for Vic and I hate that she feels so low about herself. I did like her talking with her dad. The confrontation with Millie was interesting, and I’m curious to see what’s in store with that. Based on the “next time” preview at the end of the episode, we finally make it to Christmasland, and I’m very interested (but also a little anxious) about what’s gonna happen next.
Now, the ending... this damn ending...
First of all, when Maggie was confronting Wayne, why didn’t she grab his ornament? Maggie is not a stupid character. Did she get hit by the car last season and not make smarter decisions on how to avoid it (ex, maybe getting in between two other cars)? Sure, but we’ll cut her slack, it was a very in the moment thing. This? I mean... they were anticipating this. You mean to tell me she couldn’t have thought of trying to get that ornament out of his hand and taking it away from him? She tricked the Hourglass for Christ’s sakes. It looks like from the preview she’s collecting their ornaments, but still, especially in that moment, she would’ve grabbed his. It might’ve made Wayne have a strength over his old self... what’s weird is in the book, he’s holding onto both sides of himself throughout his entire journey, in this they’re making it seem as though he has no control anymore. Which leads me to my next point...
Where is Craig in all of this? What, so his efforts didn’t do dick? What was the point in having him the last two episodes? I believe in the book, Wayne’s grandma (aka Linda McQueen), is helping him in a spirit form, and also by him “thinking backwards.” Craig was helping him by reminding him of Vic and staying by him. It would’ve made so much more sense for Craig to be by his side still (or hell, in the car if he can’t leave it and telling Wayne to “remember the plan”), Wayne “puts” the ornament on the tree (or Maggie takes it off after he puts it on), and Craig stays by him. Nope, let’s make his character useless. Who knows if he’ll return next episode, I’m hoping he will, but even if he does, it’s still annoying that his character has done little to nothing at this point when there was so much potential, and it seems to be almost too late. I’m glad Wayne didn’t eat Maggie or Lou like I feared (Lou did get a nip I suppose, which was a little unneeded if you ask me). I was hoping for more potential from Craig, guess we’ll have to see if there will be...
Another point: WHY THE HELL IS THIS CAR TOO OVERPOWERED? Seriously, it makes no sense. You can make Charlie’s abilities as op as you want so long as it’s not ridiculous, I could see that. But the car? That’s his total weakness. It can be stronger than the average car, but if lighting it on fire deals with it, explosions would. That is beyond lazy writing.
Now, the worst part: Chris’s death. Of course, let’s kill a character when he just seemed to redeem himself (but the character that rapes people and can’t really be redeemed, we’re gonna keep him alive, maybe he’ll get a redemption arch 🙂). Once again, writers, why are you making the most stupid choices? While his death wasn’t as stupid as his death in the book where officers shoot him down when he’s trying to protect Vic from one (this is all under Tabitha’s command, let’s just say she’s not that great of a cop in the book or with Maggie, I enjoy her character changes for the show), his death, the way I see it, is still insulting and pointless. Realistically, they could’ve kept him alive, what is the point of not? Also, I know that bike is heavy, but why wouldn’t Vic get up and kick some ass? Of course, her bike would act up just as the Wraith is coming towards her (what is the point of that too?). I really think Chris’s death was just for shock value and filler, and to make Charlie look like an even worse villain (because they reeeeally want to drill this point home, if the way his backstory is presented in the show wasn’t proof enough, which is stupid because we UNDERSTAND WRITERS. It’s you guys that don’t understand that Charlie is established as the villain through being the antagonist and his conflicting actions). While I’m glad they didn’t kill an even more important character (ex, Maggie or Lou or Vic), it’s still stupid to waste all that character development on Chris just for him to go out anyways, all for shock value filler and to make Charlie worse. Again, not saying he’s a saint, not saying it’s out of the realm of possibility for him to want to get revenge on Vic this way, but still, isn’t he already getting revenge on her through Wayne (plus, to him it’s poetic justice that he’s “saving” him from her). There’s really no point to Chris’s death. This reminded me heavily of TWD when they would pull that shock value filler crap with killing characters, and making a villain look worse than needed (an example is what they did with Negan in the show by writing him as even more evil and less redeemable than he is in the comics). I genuinely hope they don’t pull more of this.
All in all, this episode had it’s good moments I enjoyed, but there was definitely some stupidity and bad moments I despised. Let’s hope these last two episodes where shit gets more serious will be better. I’m hoping this show does not turn to crap through a series of stupid decisions, much like TWD did. I will be sorely disappointed at AMC...
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fitsofdespair · 2 years
Hi please can you tag AMC iwtv or vctv if you tag? Thank you
I try to tag all show related things with #interview with the vampire: show. The only abbreviation I use is vc, as I try not to use a million tags unless I am OP. If this is not enough please clarify, but know not everyone is going to use the same spoiler tags, I’ve seen like 7 different tags for the same show.
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29 Apr 2022: Amazon as a service. Cultured meat. Corporate raids: Twitter and Beanstalk.
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it’s about what the internet is doing to retail businesses, people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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Image: Future Meat
On the high street
Supermarkets are rationing cooking oil - Ukraine exports a lot of the world’s supply.
The shifting sands of shopping: High street shopping numbers are returning to pre-covid levels, but not evenly. Many challenges remain.
Wales' hospitality businesses struggle to recruit staff - rising costs, dropping footfall and shortages of staff are increasing pressure on hospitality businesses.
'Sip and shop': The retailers tempting you in with alcohol - a growing number of stores are offering customers a glass of wine. The wider trend is experiential retail.
The wider picture: UK government is considering forcing landlords to rent out commercial property that has been empty for 6 months. This is an interesting idea, and may push landlords otherwise inclined to sit on empty property to avoid marking them down in value on the books. But there will probably be many unintended consequences, so maybe reforming business rates would be better, or making it easier to change the use class to residential?
Amazon as a service
Amazon announced Buy with Prime: if you have an ecommerce site you can use Amazon’s fulfilment/logistics/returns operation, without having to be on amazon.com with its 2003 design and irritating algorithms etc. The announcement is being spun as bad news for Shopify (which makes an ecommerce platform one of whose selling points is that you don’t have to be on the Amazon site), but it is possible that Amazon’s plans will encourage existing customers to leave amazon.com.
No news whether Shopify will allow Buy with Prime on its platform, but a smaller rival BigCommerce is going to say yes. Related: Shopify is looking at buying Deliverr to beef up its own logistics capability. What Shopify probably needs is reach as well as capacity: maybe theory should start an advertising network.
Internet payments company Stripe announced a plan to speed up the development of long term carbon reduction technology.
“Frontier is an advance market commitment (AMC) that aims to accelerate the development of carbon removal technologies by guaranteeing future demand for them. The goal is to send a strong demand signal to researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors”
Obvious questions: 
Why not just plant trees? Because carbon removal will be needed as well.
Would aggregating supply of carbon removal/mitigation be better than aggregating demand? Maybe that’s phase 2.
Why aren’t governments doing this, and on a much bigger scale?
Elsewhere, climate changing the world: 
Heat wave in India leaves millions struggling to cope. 
'We're making wine in Norway'.
the Financial Times released a climate change policy game. It’s pretty good. And it’s no spoiler to disclose that the way to do well in this game is to act boldly - you already knew that.
Two corporate raids: Twitter and Beanstalk crypto
Elon Musk is buying Twitter. It was a semi-hostile takeover that played out over a fortnight or so like a season of Succession by text message. Elon bought some Twitter shares (and then notified the SEC late), Twitter announced Elon’s joining the board, the next day Elon decided not to, Twitter’s board set up a “poison pill” to make a hostile takeover harder, Elon said he had funding and asserted “I have moved straight to the end”, Twitter said Go on prove you have the funding, Twitter probably failed to find someone who wanted to pay more for the business, Elon proved he had funding (loans from banks secured against his Tesla shares), the board said OK fine yes.
Why does any of this matter? Because Twitter is an important social media platform - it and some other social media platforms have become critical global infrastructure. So whether this ends up being good or bad for free speech, for online abuse and content moderation, and the company itself is all TBC. Elon has a history of being quite impetuous and fighty online, and sometimes quite casual on the details and legals, so watch this space.
But that isn’t the only way to do a corporate raid these days. You can also compress that season of Succession down to a 13 second movie by using computers and crypto. 
Last week, someone took $182m from a crypto project called Beanstalk (warning: some salty language). They noticed a loophole in the governance protocol, got a $1 billion “flash loan”, used the loan to get a majority of governance tokens which gave them power to change the rules, voted that the project’s reserves should be sent to their wallet, sent the reserves, paid back the loan 13 seconds later. Job done. While they were doing it, the attacker donated $250,000 of the estimated $75m proceeds to Ukraine.
Why does any of this matter? Because it reminds you that if finance becomes more software-is-codey, more blockchainy, there will be a clear need for more regulation and redress (and security!).
Vending machines
A day in the life of (almost) every vending machine in the world - good, long read.
“There is a logic that underpins the will to vend to other people. It’s that allure of passive income. The operator of a vending machine gets to experience the idle fancy of exhausted shopkeepers everywhere, selling their wares without getting up early in the morning, without necessarily getting up at all. But what is behind the will to be vended to? This is more complicated. I think it has something to do with the proffered combination of convenience, novelty and nostalgia.”
Cultured meat?
In western supermarkets, shoppers are getting used to seeing plant-based meat substitutes - veggie burgers and so on. But over the horizon might be “cultured” or “lab grown” meat: real meat that is grown in a lab from cells taken from live animals, rather than cut from an animal raised for food. There’s a big list of the methods, considerations, issues and the participants on Wikipedia.
The separation of “meat” from “animal” raises many interesting questions. Newsletter’s first half dozen:
Does it feel weird to talk about meat grown in a lab? Is that a temporary reaction because it’s a new thing? Is a fungi product that simulates meat different/better/worse?
Could you call it vegetarian or even vegan? - strictly, no, because it contains animal cells, but you might argue that meat without suffering has some or the same qualities as vegetarian food?
One reason food producers highlight their organic/free range/parsley-fed credentials is that the living conditions mean happier animals and better taste. Can you get that taste in a vat?
Would cultured meat farming require less land and water? - maybe: Cultured Meat Is Coming Soon: Here’s What You Need to Know. 
It is ethical? - from an animal suffering perspective, probably yes? In terms of access to technology and cost - unclear yet. 
Is it greener? Maybe: it might require less land and water, but it is unclear about the carbon footprint. 
Is it viable? - very unclear: Lab-grown meat is supposed to be inevitable. The science tells a different story. 
Will it be approved by regulators? Singapore approved lab meat in 2020, no-one else yet. 
Would you eat it?
Anyway, WTFood?! Here’s a food startup that’ll be a litmus test for your feelings about cultured meat: Primeval Foods says it’s about to start selling lab-grown tiger steaks to restaurants.
“Today, we consume beef, chicken, fish, and pork not because they are the tastiest, healthiest, or most nutritious species; they are just the easiest to domesticate. Since a lot has happened since our last domestication of an animal (we went to the Moon-yeah!), we can now discover what is beyond domestication through technology. [...] Our cultivated lion meat tastes like lion, because it is cultivated from lion. The cells and tissues that form the animals grow the same way, except outside the animal. It's a copy and paste of the taste without slaughtering the animal.”
If it’s ok to eat cultured tiger meat because it doesn’t involve the suffering of an endangered species, then are other kinds of meat are also ok? You can imagine all manner of controversial meat.
Co-op Digital news
The similarities and differences between content design and other content disciplines.
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gizaoyas · 2 years
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↳ @animangacreators challenge #1 : favorite animanga 
⋙ One Piece - Mugiwara Crew + emotional moments
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gizaoyas · 2 years
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↳ @animangacreators challenge #4 : pride month 
⋙ favorite lgbtqia+ character : Kikunojo alias O-Kiku
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calamity-bean · 7 years
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Take a bite.
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calamity-bean · 7 years
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Burn Gorman, Inside TURN: Washington’s Spies: Season 4, Episode 6
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calamity-bean · 7 years
on the TURN finale re: annlett
Everybody who knows me, or who knows of the amount of time and effort I’ve invested into specifically the Annlett portion of this fandom, can probably imagine how I’m feeling right now. My heart goes out to everybody who may be feeling the same. This post might be all that I say about it for a while. My feelings on the handling of the matter, in brief, are this:
Historical fiction that makes MASSIVE changes leading up to the conclusion should never feel beholden to doing anything simply because that’s how it “turned out” in real life if the aforementioned changes would reasonably alter the way things turned out.
Character development (and relationship development) that occurs entirely off screen is lazy and unconvincing. Certainly it will never live up to development that we watch happen in real time before our own eyes.
To bring Hewlett back and never even allow Anna to learn of his return (or at least, to never show us that she learned) or to interact with him or speak of him at all was ... a real tease. As though they knew that if they addressed the situation, it would make no sense for her or for the narrative to ignore their history together, so the writers simply pretended that it never happened at all.
On a side note: Abigail. Abigail. Well, you know what, I guess I was right about Abigail/Akinbode being kind of paralleled with Annlett, because both ended up being separated forever. To be honest, I feared for a LONG that something would happen to Abigail because of 355′s alleged capture historically. But I had really come to believe that she was safe. And that there would be happiness for her, after so much sacrifice and struggle. I can’t believe it was snatched away at the last moment.
When it comes to historical fiction, I like the setting to feel accurate to the period, but I honestly don’t care much about the accuracy of the narrative. My primary concern is always with the narrative that the work of fiction presents. That’s all. That is the narrative I want followed through on. I want the ending to arise from that narrative, not from whatever may or may not have happened in real life. And when you change so much about the characters, their relationships, their motives ... When you make decisions about who gets screentime, who does not, and whom they get screentime with ... When you make the beginning and middle of the story your own, why not make the ending your own as well? Why shoehorn in tragedy or a completely undeveloped relationship simply for the sake of making things turn out the way history says they “should”?
Honor the narrative. Honor the characters. Honor the development that you gave them and the relationships that you wrote for them. Do not develop plotlines only to dismiss them in favor of a story that is not the one you have been writing up till then.
Anna Strong and Edmund Hewlett changed one another, profoundly. They changed me profoundly. And if the showrunners had allowed them to be together, it would absolutely have made sense based on the narrative that had been developed between them, the way they interacted with one another, and the way they helped one another grow. As Heather Lind herself said: Their relationship was unique. It was unexpected and special and wonderful, because they were always able to meet one another with a great deal of mutual respect. I am devastated that the narrative denied them the chance to meet again. But that doesn’t make me believe in their love any less.
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calamity-bean · 7 years
I think we all know the reason Hewlett specifically wants to use POISON on Simcoe, right?
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