#amelia shephard x female reader
oneshotnewbie · 8 months
If you come back soon could I pretty please request an Amelia (greys) one shot where the reader is her girlfriend and is brought to the ER in critical condition as Jane Doe but as soon as Amelia sees her she’s hysterical and all she wants to is reasure and hold the readers hand! YOU WOULD MAKE MY QUARANTINE SO MUCH BETTER I LOVE YOUR WORKS SM
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Authors note: So... um... I know I waited so long to post this request but... I HAVE MISSED IT IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG AND WHEN I FOUND IT TWO DAYS AGO, I WROTE IT IMMEDIATELY! I am so sorry. I hope you're still out there somewhere recognizing your request and reading it ♥
The hustle and bustle of the emergency room echoed through the cold hallways as the double doors were pushed apart to make way for the ambulance crew and their critical patient. The vehicle's red and blue lights cast flickering shadows on the walls, while the howling sound of the approaching accident conveyed to hospital staff the urgency of the situation.
The paramedics, with serious faces and rustling uniforms, wheeled the gurney into the emergency room. An unknown woman lay on the stretcher, pale and motionless, only the shallow rise and fall of her chest showed any life. A white sheet covered her completely, and her blood-stained hair stuck damply to her forehead. The slow, monotonous beep of the portable monitor accompanied every breath.
Dr. Hunt, the emergency physician in charge, immediately rushed to the bed. His expression was professional, but the depth of his gaze betrayed some concern. The nurses and also Dr. Keppner rushed to help the team take over.
"What do we have?" Owen asked as he looked over the medical file one of the paramedics handed him. "Unknown female person, middle-aged, found unconscious in a park, presumably after an attack. Stabbed in the chest and abdomen. We cannot say any more. No identification and no indication of possible previous illnesses."
The paramedics quickly explained the course of events, how they found the patient and what first aid measures they had taken. The information was relayed with the precision of a well-trained team, but uncertainty about who the woman was and what had happened to her hung in the air.
While Hunt and Keppner began checking vital signs, the unknown woman was wheeled into an examination room. The nurses exchanged hand signals and quietly instructed each other on the next steps. The background noise is a chaotic orchestra of clanging instruments, murmuring conversations and the beeping of medical equipment.
April Keppner leaned over the patient and began a thorough examination. She checked the pupillary reaction, palpated the pulse and analyzed the respiratory rate. The monitors showed unstable readings and the two doctors' facial expressions hardened. A quick look between the two revealed that they were worried.
"We need a CT scan immediately," Owen said, turning to the nurses present. "I also want blood samples for a comprehensive analysis. Let the lab know it's urgent."
While preparations for further examinations were underway, the nurses and doctors tried to keep the unknown woman stable. An intravenous line was placed and fluids began flowing through her derm. The monitors continued to show jittery signals and the tension in the room increased.
"Call Dr. Shephard and Dr. Altmann. I want them here as quickly as possible!" He ordered as he continued to analyze the data on the screen. "And someone should inform the police. We have to find out who she is and what happened in order to prevent further damage."
The exam room was now in a coordinated state of emergency and in a room that was normally a place of rescue, the medical team battled uncertainty and a race against time to save a woman's life. He was abuzz as the neurosurgeon and cardiologist burst through the door almost simultaneously with quick steps. Their eyes were focused, the rubber of their Crocs squeaking in unison with the machines.
"Shephard, the patient is exhibiting unstable neurological signs. The CT scan and blood results are pending," she informed Hunt as he cleared the way for her to the bed.
Amelia nodded curtly and fully entered the room, closing the door behind her. A glance at the monitor and the papers on the tablet caused her eyes to flash briefly before she focused back on the patient. However, as she leaned over the lounger, she froze.
Her features slipped away, the slight smile on her lips fading as she realized who was in front of her. The woman on the lounger was none other than you. Hunt and Keppner stared at her as she noticed her reaction, not understanding why she didn't move forward with her work. "Amelia, we have a critical situation here. The patient's identity is unknown and her values are concerning. We urgently need your expertise!"
Amelia shook her head slightly, as if she could push reality away. Her heart raced as she double-checked that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. "This is y/n. Y/n y/l/n. She's my girlfriend. Find her family, get them here!" A strangled sound escaped her throat and the world around her seemed to stand still for a moment as she processed the shock.
The emotional rollercoaster went through all the ups and downs, from worrying about you to the overwhelming need to stay in control. Her hands shook slightly as she reached for your lifeless and bloody hand.
"Y/n," Amelia whispered with a strangled sound in her voice and the two doctors and friends of the neurosurgeon were also dumbfounded, their breath catching in their throats. "What happened to you?"
Owen Hunt moved closer and tried to reassure her, while also conveying the urgency and explaining the neurological details. But Amelia only heard fragments. Her gaze was lost in your eyes, which were closed as if you were in a deep sleep.
"Amelia, I know it's hard. But we have to act immediately. The CT results are crucial and we have to find out what happened to her to prevent something worse. She could die!" April urged, concerned about her colleague's professionalism.
But Amelia couldn't let go. She ignored the two of them, her focus solely on you. The world outside the exam room seemed to fade as she held your hand tightly. "Y/n, you have to hold on. You can do this," she whispered in your ear, tears of despair welling up in her eyes. "You're strong, you know? We'll get through this together."
In her emotional despair, an internal struggle unfolded within Amelia. Her professional self fought against her personal connection to you. The shouts of other doctors and nurses became a muffled background noise as she refused to loosen her grip on your cold hand.
"Amelia," Owen Hunt spoke in a calm but firm voice. "We need you now. She needs you now. Let's find out what happened to her together.
A conflict between duty and personal pain raged within Amelia. Finally, she reluctantly gave in and removed her hand from yours. However, her gaze remained focused on you, and concern for you was reflected deep in her eyes. She struggled with fear for you as she prepared to resume her professional role as a neurosurgeon.
A deep breath flowed through her body and with a firm resolve she wiped the tears from her cheeks and turned her gaze to the surroundings. "Dr. Hunt, take her to the CT immediately. She's probably having a brain bleed." she spoke, her voice firm. The neurosurgical focus returned fully, analyzing the medical indicators.
The trauma surgeon nodded in agreement and began giving the necessary instructions, getting you up to the CT scanner. Amelia stayed at your side, letting go of your hand for a moment to oversee the diagnostic process.
The minutes that passed felt like hours. The results of the CT scan appeared on the screen, and Amelia scanned the images with a trained eye. She analyzed each region of the brain, looking for signs of bleeding, injury or other abnormalities. The intensity of her concentration was palpable, and the medical staff eagerly awaited her assessment.
"We have severe damage to the frontal lobe," Amelia explained, swallowing hard as she continued to study the images. "It looks like a severe traumatic brain injury. We need to operate immediately to relieve the pressure and prevent further damage."
The team immediately began preparing for the operation. The sterile atmosphere of the operating room seemed to embrace Amelia as her professional role took over. In her surgical uniform, surrounded by a team of experienced professionals, she struck her familiar Superman pose and focused on the procedure ahead.
During the operation, which lasted several hours, your girlfriend showed an impressive mix of calm and precision. Her hands worked in sync with the instruments as she gently treated the damaged tissue. Monitors in the operating room recorded progress, and the medical team closely followed their experienced leader's every move.
After what seemed like endless hours, but which passed like seconds, she finally closed the last stitches and the atmosphere relaxed slightly, but the uncertainty about the outcome of the operation weighed heavily on her.
Amelia let out a frustrated gasp before exiting the operating room, tearing off her gloves and hood. She immediately went to the waiting area to inform your siblings and parents. The tension in her chest eased as she saw the expectant looks of the people who were now her family and your sister immediately threw her arms around her.
"The operation is complete," Amelia began, trying to keep her voice steady as she also clung to your sister to keep her emotions at bay. "It was a complex brain injury for reasons still unknown, but I did everything I could. The next step now is to wait and hope she remains stable."
Your family breathed a sigh of relief as Amelia explained more details about the condition and cooperation with the police. Her words were reassuring to your sister, but she still felt the knot in her stomach. The outcome of the operation was uncertain, and there was no way of knowing whether you would ever wake up and be your old self again.
In the silence of the hospital hallway, as she left the waiting people behind, a moment of exhaustion overcame her. Her eyes wandered back to the exam room where she found you in. The image of you on the lounger didn't fade, but Amelia found comfort in the fact that she had saved you. Now things could only go uphill and she couldn't wait to look into your beautiful eyes again.
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
could you please do an amelia shepherd (or any greys female character) where reader has a bad day at school and she tries to cheer her up by having this cute little movie night with readers favorite movie franchise and eating all of her favorite snacks?? 💜
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As Amelia Shepherd reached the elementary school parking lot, her heart was pounding like it did every day with anticipation of seeing you again after a long day of school and work. Normally you were full of energy and beaming with joy, but that day Amelia sensed something was different. As she got out of her car, she noticed the other children running, jumping and laughing exuberantly towards their parents. But you walked down the front steps at a slow pace, your shoulders slumped and your eyes dull.
The brunette neurosurgeon frowned as she stepped towards you and lifted you onto her hip. "Hey, love," she said softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before hugging you tightly. "Are you ready to go home?"
You sighed heavily and nodded just barely, the corners of your lips still turning downwards. "Yes Mama." You replied quietly without looking at her and rested your head on her shoulder, away from her gaze. That wasn't your usual demeanor, Amelia thought worriedly as she made her way home with you in her arms. During the drive she tried several times to start a conversation, but you only responded with monosyllabics and seemed lost in thought.
When you both finally got home and the brunette turned off the engine, she turned to you and gently placed a hand on your knee before you could even unbuckle yourself from your car seat. "Honey, did something happen today? You look so sad."
You lowered your gaze and began to play with your fingers, letting out a small gasp. “It was just a stupid day, Mom,” you mumbled between the tiny tears that made their way down your cheeks. "I failed the math test that Link and I practiced a lot for. Also, today Mrs. Kayo kept ignoring me when I knew the answers and only took me up on it when I didn't know something and I just feel terrible."
Amelia felt her heart clench when she saw your tears. She gently stroked both of your knees before encouraging you to climb forward where she pulled you into a tight hug and stroked your hair soothingly. "I'm sorry you had a bad day, love," she said softly, giving you a kiss on the forehead before continuing. "But I know what we can do about it."
You sniffled and hugged your mother tighter. The sky may have been cloudy for you today, but tonight the sun should shine for you again.
When you entered the house, Amelia still felt the tension in the air that accompanied you. You let yourself retreat to your room while she went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. Amelia opened the cupboard that was kept secret from you and looked for your favorite snacks. She pulled out a bag of popcorn, a few of your favorite candy bars, nachos with cheese sauce, and a bowl of freshly cut fruit.
As she placed the snacks on a serving plate, she thought about how she could cheer you up. She remembered how much you loved having movie nights, especially your favorite movie, and with a smile on her face, she returned to the living room and called for you.
A short time later you came out. Already in your pajamas, you were wrapped in a light blanket, a sad expression still on your face. "Yes Mama?"
"I have a surprise for you." She spoke softly as she placed the snacks on the table and you quickly raised your head, looking at her curiously. "What surprise?"
Amelia smiled and gestured to the entire living room, eventually to the snacks and the flat screen. "How about a little movie night? We could set up a tent, hang some fairy lights and watch Maleficent. What do you think?"
Your eyes began to light up with excitement when you heard the idea and a wide smile stretched across your lips. With a strong nod, you set up the tent together in the living room, stretched colorful blankets over it and hung up fairy lights that bathed the room in a warm, cozy light. You snuggled into your blanket while Amelia started the movie.
As you watched the adventures of your favorite character together, you forgot the worries of the day and laughed at the funny scenes. As the plot slowly unfolded, you began to feel the dark clouds of your bad mood being dispelled. The colorful images on the screen and the familiar story captivated you and made you forget everything around you for a moment. The tension you had felt all day dissolved and was replaced with a feeling of relaxation and pleasure.
As you sat on the sofa with your mother and your mother gave you popcorn and nachos in between, you felt a deep warmth. Your mother's embrace and loving care helped you feel safe and secure. You felt loved and understood, and that gave you the strength to enjoy the moment.
With every laugh and every snack you shared, you felt your heart lighten. The darkness that had surrounded you gave way to a feeling of happiness and contentment. You could feel your mother's love at every moment.
As the last movie ended and the credits rolled, Amelia looked over at you and smiled. “Did you enjoy the movie night, darling?”
You beamed with happiness as you looked up, letting the last nacho on the serving plate disappear into your mouth. "Yes, Mom. That was great! Thank you for always knowing how to cheer me up."
She took you into a tight hug again and nuzzled her head close to yours. "You are my everything. I am always here to support you and be there for you no matter what."
In that moment, Amelia knew that the love between her as a mother and you was stronger than any challenge life might throw at you. And as you dismantled the tent in the living room together, you both knew that no matter what the next day brought, you would get through it together.
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