#american artisans
the-cricket-chirps · 5 months
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, Winter panel from the Four Seasons window, 1900
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Spring panel from the Four Seasons window, 1900
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Summer panel from the Four Seasons window, 1900
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Autumn panel from the Four Seasons window, 1900
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valhousersartwork · 10 months
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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wondermilk · 11 months
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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inlibrisveritas · 1 year
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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systemy · 1 year
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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thedurangoriot · 1 year
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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warnerfrancesca · 1 year
Kitchen Enclosed
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Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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laylaheartphilia · 1 year
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Kitchen Enclosed Example of a mid-sized classic l-shaped marble floor enclosed kitchen design with a drop-in sink, yellow cabinets, marble countertops, blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash and paneled appliances
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thesinofthree · 1 year
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Kitchen Enclosed in San Francisco An illustration of a medium-sized, traditional, enclosed kitchen with a marble floor and drop-in sink, as well as yellow cabinets, marble countertops, a blue backsplash, ceramic backsplash, and paneled appliances.
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saeori · 2 years
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Porch Side Yard (San Francisco)
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isaacsapphire · 1 year
The poisoned Skittle problem, from the perspective of a non poison Skittle
The metaphor of the bowl of Skittles, some percentage of which are poison, and how many of those Skittles you want to eat, has been used by feminists about men, and republicans about immigrants. I'm increasingly devoid of shits to give about what kind of vile things I'm going to be called, so what the heck, I'll use it too for this.
With class and housing in the US, there is a poisoned Skittle problem; the lower income you go, the higher the percentage of assaults George type people are in the mix. (Please note now that I am Not claiming that the elite are not prone to being assaults Georg, or that there's no assaults Georg in higher income brackets) For added fun, the poorer you are, the more you have to be in physical proximity to others who live in your area, while walking to the store or taking public transportation, increasing your vulnerability to being assaulted, etc. In the suburbs, a lot of the time, the guy who lives three houses down from yours and you have literally never seen each other, so it doesn't matter if he would immediately grab your crotch if he was in crotch-grabbing range, because the two of you have never been that close together. If you live in a more dense environment and travel by foot, your chances of being in crotch-grabbing range are much higher, so a crotch-grabber, etc. in your area is a more concerning problem for you.
Most people very reasonably prefer to live somewhere further away from assaults Georg. The thing is, other people also prefer to live further for assaults Georg, and if you were just living next to assaults Georg, you are a Skittle of indeterminate poison. So when a nice redlined Blue suburb with a great school district is considering if they're going to permit some affordable housing, they are going to look at the income bracket that will be living there and say, "There's too high a percentage of poison Skittles in that income bracket. We don't want to live in a community with assaults Georg, or invite assaults Georg Jr into our nice school, so we don't want affordable housing here."
So now you, as an innocent non poison Skittle are left trying to figure out how you are going to communicate your non poison status so you can get the heck away from the poison Skittles. The current way this information is conveyed is by convincing a higher paid job to hire you, making more money, and buying your way into a better neighborhood. This is a rather lossy way to sort, and shit like constantly disrupted sleep at the weekly hotel from all the shitty people who live there with you doesn't help with better job thing. There's plenty of non poisoned Skittles in that bowl, but how to extract them safely?
The obvious next question is why we as a society don't seem to have any solution to the problem of getting assaulted by assaults Georg other than to individually just try to scramble away from where such folks are statistically and to price the entire category of people who are statistically more likely to be assaults Georg out of certain areas. And now it's a criminal justice system problem and I'll leave that for another day, but overall, the criminal justice system seems a lot more interested in hassling people based on statistical similarities to assaults Georg than doing fuck all about stopping assaults Georg.
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the-cricket-chirps · 11 months
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Andrew Wyeth
Wet Spring
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adorabubblesblog · 8 months
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v-as-in-victor · 1 year
HA. I knew I was right. American fermented meats taste horrible and now I know why.
There is a difference in fermented sausage technology between the United States and the European countries. American methods rely on rapid acid production (lowering pH) through a fast fermentation in order to stabilize the sausage against spoilage bacteria. Fast acting starter cultures such as Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococus acidilactici are used at high temperatures up to 40º C (104º F). As a result pH drops to 4.6, the sausage is stable but the flavor suffers and the product is sour and tangy. In European countries, the temperatures of 22º -26º C (72º -78º F) are used and the drying, instead of the acidity (pH) is the main hurdle against spoilage bacteria which favors better flavor development. The final acidity of a traditionally made salami is low (high pH) and the sourly taste is gone.
This research brought to you by a delicious chunk of Italian soppressata as a late night snack.
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mariacallous · 1 year
as soon as I saw those two necklaces I was like "next payday I MUST own them" and I kept that page of the museum shop website open in my browser and every day I refresh it to see if they got sold before I could buy them
and then I bought them
and now I'm excited and happy
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gwarden123 · 1 year
The thing with manga (particularly slightly older manga... it doesn't seem to be quite as popular now) is that it really likes to make you cry.
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