#american ghetto
nyiibat2 · 7 days
A majority of things like “you don’t wash your hair every day? Gross” is rooted in racism.
I’m using hair as an example for this, a majority of POC people (black, indigenous, Mexican, south Asian, islanders) have thick curly hair or thick hair in general, and hair styles that protect our hair from damage and in turn so we don’t have to wash it as frequently, it’s just how our hair is.
White people hear this and immediately call it gross or dirty. They have this mentality that they’re the beauty standard and their (taught) cleanliness routines are best. Mind you POCs taught them how to wash and some still don’t do it properly.
Same goes for hair style and body hair as well. Big curls are seen as beautiful on white people, but on POCs big curls or quote flashy and quote hair styles are seen as “uncivilized” “unkept” or “unprofessional”
On the topic of body hair when it’s being screamed in your face “you need to shave” or “being hairy as a girl is gross” when it’s aimed at POCs who once again tend to have dark thick hair all over regardless of sex/gender, it’s definitely a colonized beauty standard to remove it.
Too each their own I shave for sensory reasons, but when I was actively being told to do it, I didn’t want to.
Makeup and clothing styles seen as “ghetto” that are historically worn and created by Black Mexican and Indigenous people, only seen as acceptable when worn by a white person
Same with long nails and big layered jewelry. Which once again were created by black women and popularized by black, Mexican and indigenous women and two spirits.
POCs taking part in their culture and what has become a part out our cultures is seen as “scary” “loud” “ghetto” or “gross” but praised when it’s repackaged on white people as “brownie lips and Latina makeup” or “Street style/ Billie eilish style” or “Long nails like Kylie Jenner or Marc Jacob’s”
What’s a trend for white people is a result of what’s born out of struggle and resistance for POCs. They want to look like us, have mixed babies, pretend to be us, or dress up like us but they will never understand the struggles or go completely silent when we’re in trouble and actively need them to use their privileges to boost our voices.
Btw if you’re mixed I’m not grouping you in with white people and neither should you. You’re mixed you’re just as much a POC, no matter if you’re lighter skinned or not.
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Saturday night in the New York City ghetto, NY, US
American vintage postcard, mailed in 1904 to the Netherlands
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cinematic-literature · 7 months
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American Fiction (2023) by Cord Jefferson
Book title: We's Lives in Da Ghetto by Sintara Golden
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jccheapalier · 1 month
How Lower Class Blacks Became The Face Of The Black Community
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fucktheglorydays · 2 months
‘Founding Fathers’ è un documentario sui dj forse meno noti ma fondamentali per la fondazione e lo sviluppo dei pilastri dell'hip hop e della sound system culture come la conosciamo oggi. Narrato dalla voce di Chuck D, leader dei Public Enemy, questo documentario è un viaggio a ritroso, alla scoperta delle radici dell’hip hop. Il film ci trasporta agli inizi dell’underground, a cavallo tra disco music e le ghetto jams. Mostra la realtà dei deejays nelle strade e nei parchi di New York City. State pronti ad ascoltare la leggenda di Grandmaster Flowers e KC The Prince of Soul, Disco Twins, DJ Divine, DJ Lance, Nu Sounds, King Charles, Pete “DJ” Jones, DJ Hollywood, Charisma Funk e molti altri. E di come a Brooklyn e nel Queens ci dessero dentro, forse anche più e prima di Uptown. Una carrellata sugli unsung heroes, quelli che hanno fissato le fondamenta della casa e in qualche modo ne sono poi rimasti fuori. Le radici dei primi rap, la storia della musica afro americana vista sotto una prospettiva diversa. Prendetevi un’ora e mezza e godetevelo.
‘Founding Fathers’ is a fascinating history of less known djs, emcees and promoters in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan, and their roles in hip-hop and NYC sound system culture. While the Bronx is the acknowledged birthplace of hip-hop and home to its greatest and most storied pioneers, ‘Founding Fathers’ presents the largely untold story of folks exploring a side of hip hop culture that is not often exposed. Be prepared to listen to legends like Grandmaster Flowers e KC The Prince of Soul, Disco Twins, DJ Divine, DJ Lance, Nu Sounds, King Charles, Pete “DJ” Jones, DJ Hollywood, Charisma Funk and a bunch of others who were putting it down in the other boroughs during the original school/park jam era. Narrated by Chuck D of Public Enemy, this film is a factual report about unsung heroes, who contributed to the foundational principals of the music known today as Hip Hop. It will transport you to a journey back to the early underground disco days of the streets and parks throughout New York City. Take an hour and a half and enjoy.
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sentimentoz · 1 year
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doculicious · 1 year
The Guess Who has a song called American Woman. Lenny Kravitz remade it. This interview explains how this song came about. Unreal that during the Vietnam War if you were male and had a green card you could be drafted into the military. The Guess Who are a Canadian band.
Here is the band performing the song:
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vipercloud · 2 years
got blocked for calling someone out on misusing aave and with that im going to sleep <3
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iclout · 2 years
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theloverspeaks · 2 years
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the ghetto within, santiago amigorena (2022)
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tanneradell · 2 years
IDK why Jordan Baker is night and day on both shows but they be having him say some foul shit. I’m going to chalk it up to him also being in his feelings about his own breakup and trying to move on fast bc EXCUSE ME! You’re around them the most…. 😐
The fuck is this writing bro??? The fact he would encourage Spencer moving on is just WILD TO ME. Spencer isn’t you, Jordan lmao.
The only good thing was Simone turning down Rome and getting her lashings with her team cause they keep playing my baby and I am TIRED.
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gods-ipod · 2 years
“Talk to me now, speak loud and clear”
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joymaxxr · 2 years
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botaniqueer · 5 months
As a Jew I wholeheartedly believe that, folks who are pretending nothing is wrong and Palestinians aren't being murdered every day would have absolutely ignored the Holocaust and let my folks get killed without blinking an eye.
Americans have a lot of heroic fantasies about what they would have done during the Holocaust or chattel slavery, and the answer for a lot of them is absolutely nothing. They would have complained about the people actually doing things for being too disruptive. We Jews did the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and they would have called this terrorism. They would have also complained about MLK and Malcolm X, the former of which took the economies of entire cities hostage. Modern day disruptions don't hold a candle to historical disruptions.
In a two of more decades, people are going to use excuses like "I didn't know!" or pretend they were supportive all along, making tear jerking films about the Palestinian plight. We need to not let them do this.
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jccheapalier · 4 days
Charleston White BLAMES baby mama CULTURE for absent fathers & interraci...
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whats going on in america bro we've been in lockdown for hours .. i never got to eat lunch im so hungry . there were GUNSHOTS. OUTSIDE. no worries though we're actually all okay . this is just #insane
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