This is what Admin Shulk wished Xenoblade DE looked like
shows what you know if i had things my way xbde literally wouldve looked like This
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wellthatschaotic · 1 year
That amiiboacid douchebag has also gone on stupid tirades about not using it/its for Maia crimew the cat hacker. Just a real self righteous handjob and a half.
yeah i think it's time to block that person :/
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pronoun-fucker · 3 years
Please delete that section in your radfem doc, of which mostly have claims that are debunked or wildly misrepresented, that's about LGBT acceptance decreasing due to trans people, ok
I’m just about to go to sleep so I’ll have a look into this when I wake up, thank you. I haven’t read that article fully yet obviously (it’s 7am I rally need to sleep lmao), but upon first look it looks like it’s about LGBT acceptance among religious people, so I’m excited to find out how exactly that links in to anything that was said in that section
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charlesoberonn · 4 years
I think I've come up with a sufficient answer to the question of "is bending hereditary." Would you be interested in hearing it?
Sure, go ahead.
It’s your funeral.
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blackgwenstacy · 4 years
Do you really go to Harvard?
this has been in my inbox for over a month HSKSHSKSJS omg
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omegawizardposting · 4 years
amiiboacid replied to your post: Stop saying queer when you really mean gay.
The acronym is LGBTQ+ for a reason. If you request that you don’t wanna be called queer that’s understandable, but the entire irl community outside of tumblr has been using it for ages.
I have literally never met an LGBT+ person offline who uses “queer” to refer to the entire LGBT+ community. Your experiences are not universal.
There was no consensus. We did not all one day decide that it was ok to call everyone a word with such a checkered past. We especially did not all one day decide that cishet people could do it. (Not talking about aros/aces here, because I know tumblr loves to be aphobic; aros and aces are inherently LGBT+.) That isn’t how reclamation works. Reclamation is personal, and just because the people you know have reclaimed it doesn’t mean everybody else has.
“Queer” was used as a rallying cry in the past, but it was also used as a weapon against us--and it still is. A word with a nuanced history, both good and evil, should not be put on a pedestal. It should be used by those who wish to use it, instead of forced upon others, like any other slur.
I have no problem with people self-identifying with the word, and will gladly call them by it if they ask; that is their choice to make, an identity they feel most comfortable with, and it is as valid as any other.
What I won’t do is accept being called “queer” when that is not how I identify--nor will I accept others who do not identify as “queer” being called it. The word “queer” is for queer people; full-stop, end of discussion. If someone doesn’t identify as queer, then they aren’t queer.
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novantinuum · 5 years
A better parallel to corruption would be too many birthdays, because steven lost control of his form without even attempting to shapeshift. We know from that episode and steven's birthday that steven looks how he is because of his mental self image, and all corruption is is just a gem's mental state being torn and their form changing to match it
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champawattigress · 4 years
amiiboacid replied to your post “I wonder if the recent reports of cats carrying and presenting with...”
Good thing I live in the country so our cats can go where they please
Not how reality works, buddy. 
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I was reading through the esrb descriptions of Xenoblade games and in Torna there was a sentence that read "a boy is depicted pinching a female character's buttocks" and I have no idea when that occured like I'm clueless
Me neither. Probably some weird sidequest or something.
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breadthief · 5 years
amiiboacid replied to your post: “cumaeansibyl: raptorific: Apparently for dudes who’ve got a...”:
The linked example isn't funny at all. the "le epic troll" is just some dude being an ass
but sharks are actually smooth
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@amiiboacid couldnt parse that image i went blind .2 seconds after seeing it sorry
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abyssalzones · 5 years
why is one of your kins bad cop from the lego movie, a character thats supposed to parody police brutality like its some sort of funny joke?
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If Nintendo released N64 games for 10 dollars individually (which is what they did in the past) then buying more than 3 games would be more expensive than the cost of upgrading your membership, and that isn't considering the Animal Crossing DLC. I'm not going to get the new plan, but I do think the rental model is better because a lot of people download old games for nostalgia or to check them out and play for five minutes and never again. It's not often to find an old game that clicks well
Good point I will give you that amiiboacid
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androidsvsvikings · 4 years
Are you really that ignorant of history? Interracial marriage was illegal for most of American history, and only became legal in 1967. So yes, black people did fight for the right to marry who they wanted. It's racist for a white person to deny dating a black person just because they're black. That doesn't mean they can't deny a black person to a date, but their race shouldn't be the reason.
Black people not being able to marry has nothing to do with our discussion?! It was the law that prohibited them from marrying white people, it’s a whole different situation if one person is simply unwilling to date the other person. How do you even compare those two?! You really give off those brainless vibes, tbh.
Even if the reason to say no is racism, why would you want a black person to date a racist? And if a white person denies dating a black person, how do you know it’s racism? There is no obligation for the white person to state their reasons for not dating a black person, because “no” means “no” and is a complete sentence. Ever heard of that? A white person denying a black person dating means nothing other that the white person does not want to date that particular person. That’s it. There is nothing else to that.  
“No” means “no” and is a complete sentence and it goes tenfold for dating and having sex. Stop perpetrating rape culture. Stop saying someone owes someone else sex or dating.
Stop saying that someone owes someone else sex or dating. Stop being gross and disgusting misogynist and rape apologist.
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calamitaswrath · 6 years
amiiboacid replied to your post “Someone: Oh, I love Xenoblade! Me: !!! Someone: Xenoblade Chronicles 2...”
I'm sorry but its a little too late to start a critical tag that has no other posts for a 9 month old game
Meh, whatever. Considering that I already ruffled someone’s feathers with my XBC2 opinions, I think it’s still appropriate.
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writingwithcolor · 7 years
Hello there! I'm working on a high fantasy story in which the main antagonists are the ruling class in a fascist kingdom who are composed of white, able, straight, wealthy people with those who are different live in suffering. I am none of those things on that list except for being white so I am wondering how to about write about racial inequality in a fantasy setting and also things to avoid in regards to that. Thank you for reading my question.
Racism in Fantasy - Writing Others’ Experiences
I feel like this would classify as one of those stories which could best be written by someone who experiences the thing you write about. It’s okay to write characters of color as a white person, but our experiences are best left to be written by people within the respective communities. 
You don’t have to remove the fact that there’s racism in your setting though, I think. It can still happen and impact your characters, but instead, focus on the other -isms concerning the plots. Show the impact it has on your characters of color, show that racism impacts their lives, but don’t write about what it’s like on a deeper level. 
~ Mod Alice
The suffering aspect here makes me wary of a story written from somehow outside of the group. IF this story is attempted, pleaseee don't overdue the suffering the oppressed experience.
More reading:
Racism and Fantasy Novels
Racism and Fantasy
WWC – General Topics (Specifically Writing Sensitive and Controversial Topics)
White Authors and Topics to Avoid/Tread Carefully
~Mod Colette
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