#ammonite syndrome
aoihono96 · 1 year
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[DLD] Stage play “Heli-X II - Ammonite Syndrome“ DVD English subtitle
Hello, everyone! As I mentioned in the previous post, here comes the  subtitle for the second stage of the Heli-X series, Heli-X II - Ammonite Syndrome. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish the timing for the 3rd one soon as well.
Many thanks to my friend, @nucleatedwbc for her help~~
You can read more under the cut~~
About the stage:
‘In the near future, the entire world is involved in the Third World War. Yamato, who was already an ally of Unite, will become a complete dominated country by the Unite. We have been given only a loose domination. One of the few recognized freedom is Trans. Thus, people can freely choose their gender, abandoning the gender they were born with. By doing so, they obtained powers that surpass normal human abilities. There are various abilities, but those who commit crimes using them also emerged. Fear, envy, hostility, worship...Having mixed feelings, people call those ability users Heli-X.’
Cast members includes:
Tamaki Yuuki as Zero
Kikuchi Shuuji as Agata Takayoshi
Hirano Ryo as Osiris
Sugie Taishi as Immortal
Gotou Dai as Shiden
Tatemichi Riona as Wakakusa
Matsuda Shouta as Shunsui
Uno Yuuya as Cry 
Here are some rules to get the subtitle and some requests for after you receive it.  
Please read until the end!
* I’m sharing only the subtitle, not the video file!
* For those who want the subtitle, please send me an ask or a message.
* Be polite when asking for the sub and have patience to get it.
* Be sure you download the sub as fast as possible because I’m changing the link from time to time!
* Please don’t post or share it anywhere! If someone asks about it, please lead them to this post!
Please respect and follow the rules because I made them with a reason.
Last but not least, enjoy the stage~~
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fujoreads · 20 days
Weekly Update (1/9/2024)
Hello hello! I'm late to this update yet again, but it is what it is. I had a nice week, though :)
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I started reading again! I read 30% of How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy... and then just skimmed through it—it wasn't what I was looking for. Same thing happened with Digital Minimalism in Everyday Life, a book more about the practical side of digital minimalism. However, I was expecting an approach other than "you don't need to ditch modern tech, just use it in moderation!! productivity!!1!!11!", especially after reading How to Do Nothing. I am tired of looking at screens and doing so much every single day, and would love to find a read on people like me, who are embracing older tech (or just ditching modern alternatives altogether); I'm aware it's not practical, but for folks who don't work with tech for a living, you don't really need to be online 24/7, be it in your digital life or in real life.
It's kinda baffling my family (and even past friends) saw me not wanting to be on whatsapp or social media, or even going as far as ditching my smartphone, and thought "he doesn't want to talk to us". It's not like I'm the most sociable person to begin with, but if you want to talk to me, you can talk, call, or even message me directly through the phone, instead of relying on an app.
Anyway, I'm also reading Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window and it's sooo lovely! I miss being a kid and being in the countryside. I never visited Japan, but I only want to visit its countryside, if I'm being honest. There's something about the calm of it all—not exclusive to Japan, fortunately.
Unfortunately I have no VN readings to comment on since my job has been so tiring that I can't look at screens for very long. My sleep schedule is a mess and I can't wait to get back to my early schedule.
I'm still playing Needy Streamer Overload—only 2 endings left!—and I'm enjoying it a lot :) I can't wait for Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis uuuugh
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Still watching Serial Experiments Lain and really enjoying it!! I didn't make much progress this week due to work, but I am determined to finish it this week, and today is my final day of work :)
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I finally started the famous Avatar: The Last Airbender and I'm enjoying it a lot!! I'm on episode 3 (Part 1) and I had forgotten how fun these types of series are. Last time I remember being this invested and entertained with a cartoon is with 2016's Voltron: Legendary Defender. In a way, Sokka reminds me of Lance and the internet tells me I wasn't the only one thinking that.
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So, I watched Carol! I'm noticing I'm going through a lot of queer movies these past days, and they are all so depressing and bittersweet. It's like a guilty pleasure: it upsets me and I love it at the same time. That is to say, I'll give this a 3/5—it wasn't a bad movie by any means, but it didn't stand out to me.
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On that note, I also watched Ammonite! This was a more interesting movie to me, although I wish they could have maybe developed it more. It felt to me like their relationship was somewhat rushed, although the ending was pretty good food for thought: 3.5/5 stars.
And that is it for the week! Tell me what you've been doing these days in the comments~
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bisluthq · 1 month
Yeah I don’t know why people act like this streak of bad movies is a new thing for Saoirse 💀 her filmography has some REALLY good movies but it also has some of the worst movies
literally lmao. I think - not to pull out old fans/new fans clout but like I do think a lot of new fans got into her with the Gerwig movies and then watched like Brooklyn and Hotel Budapest and Hanna and Atonement and like those are very cool movies and they figured it’s mostly gonna be like that but… saoirse makes some really shit movies sometimes. I wouldn’t even call this a “streak” of bad movies relative to Saoirse’s past output because like since Little Women she’s made Ammonite (which was bad but far from the worst movie I’ve ever seen lol like it wasn’t a great film but it also wasn’t a bad film, it’s legit the definition of a film that exists and like it gave some pretty funny and iconic moments in promo in terms of me asking if straight women are okay so I am fine with it existing, and like a few of the sex scene gifs are hot like the whole scene isn’t but with no sound and out of context they looked sexy), she cameo’d in The French Dispatch (sad it was only a cameo but she looked super sexy and that was a very cool movie if you like Wes Anderson, which I do - not a way to get into him but solid Wes Anderson flick), See How They Run (which wasn’t like Oscar worthy but was a fun movie and had a fun storyline and she was good in it) and Foe (which was absolutely awful 😂😂💀💀😫). She’s apparently excellent in The Outrun, Blitz… we’ll have to see about but it’s a really good director so idk what went wrong if something DID go wrong, and Bad Apples (which sounds hella weird but w/e maybe it’s better than I’m giving it credit for from the premise).
That’s really only ONE super bad movie? In 5 years?
and if I’m honest like the dialogue is so bad it’s kinda funny and so I might rewatch it at some stage. Same for Lost River, which I’ve seen several times, and it never stops being a bit funny to me lmao. Also tbf I think a lot of people did that because they liked Ryan G like it’s a dope cast but maaaan that movie is ass lol. Whereas you’d have to pay me money to watch Violet & Daisy, the horrible Stockholm syndrome movie and The Host. Those aren’t fun, they’re just actively bad movies.
How I Live Now, Byzantium, MQOS, On Chesil Beach and The Seagull are all super mid movies. Not bad, have some things going for them - Saoirse bring one of those thing in like all four - but aren’t like showstoppers.
Her GOOD movies are: Atonement, Hanna, Brooklyn, The Way Back, Lady Bird, Little Women, I’d strongly argue The Lovely Bones but I know it weirds some people out so I won’t go super hard for it. I do think it’s a great movie though.
I also dunno why people are so harsh on Sersh because they’re usually also fans of ATJ who - in a much shorter career - has made some equally dreadful movies and Margot who, again, has made ass movies. People also love to go off about Zendaya and I agree she’s very talented but again plenty of mid to ass projects there.
allllll actors fuck up sometimes.
shit like MERYL STREEP has been in bad movies. Y’all ever watch Before and After (with her and Liam Neeson where their son kills his gf)? Don’t. It’s a really bad movie.
everyone makes bad movies sometimes 😂💀😫
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
you will be able to watch 2 shows @ dmm
price: ¥3.600 (each) [2shows set ¥7.000] [notice: you will probably need to use a VPN to watch/get access the show^^]
◎ 前楽 (maeraku) [October 17th, 2021 ~ 12:30]
◎ 大千秋楽 (daisenshuuraku) [October 17th, 2021 ~ 17:30]
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wtf-triassic · 5 years
Odontochelys semitestacea
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By @alphynix​
Etymology: Toothed Turtle
First Described By: Lie et al., 2008 
Classification: Biota, Archaea, Proteoarchaeota, Asgardarchaeota, Eukaryota, Neokaryota, Scotokaryota, Opimoda, Podiata, Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta, Holozoa, Filozoa, Choanozoa, Animalia, Eumetazoa, Parahoxozoa, Bilateria, Nephrozoa, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Olfactores, Vertebrata, Craniata, Gnathostomata, Eugnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Rhipidistia, Tetrapodomorpha, Eotetrapodiformes, Elpistostegalia, Stegocephalia, Tetrapoda, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Sauropsida, Eureptilia, Romeriida, Diapsida, Neodiapsida, Sauria, Archosauromorpha?, Archelosauria, Pantestudines, Odontochelyidae  
Time and Place: Around 232 million years ago, in the Carnian age of the Late Triassic
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Odontochelys is known from the Lower Member of the Xiaowa Formation of China, commonly known as the Guanling Fauna
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Physical Description: Odontochelys is one of the earliest known turtles - preceded by one, possibly two, precursors other than stem members of the family group - and it showcases how this extremely unique group managed to evolve in the chaos that was the Triassic Explosion. It was simultaneously similar to and very different from living turtles, a true transitional organism. Like other reptiles, it had teeth embedded in its jaws, rather than the toothless beak found in turtle mouths. Like turtles, it had the lower plastron extending from its ribs, but unlike living turtles it had no upper shell - instead, it just had widened ribs and no bony shell around its body. The ribs and the vertebrae were put together differently from modern turtles as well, and its skull was more stretched out compared to its living relatives. It didn’t have fused tail bones, and its scapulae were very different from living turtles. It had short limbs and long, thick fingers, as well as a decently sized shell. It was about forty centimeters long from snout to tail tip. 
Diet: The diet of Odontochelys is fairly uncertain, despite us having its teeth; though they are small and peg like, we can’t really extrapolate a function since we don’t actually know its precise ecology! They may have been used for stripping plants, but it’s also possible they were used to chipp up algae and other aquatic water plants, or even invertebrates! So, more research there is clearly needed. 
Behavior: The life history of Odontochelys is actually a big mystery. It was found in a marine environment, leading initial studies to indicate it was marine. However, it had the hands of a fresh water organism, including fresh water turtles today. Furthermore, studies of other early turtles indicate that turtles first arose on the land, rather than in the water, and later groups would adapt to water life; the limbs of Odontochelys share similarities with tortoises and support a terrestrial lifestyle. So, the ecology of Odontochelys has been a constant battle. That said, there is some evidence that it was actually marine - and may represent an early experiment in ocean life by turtles. One fossil of Odontochelys indicates that it had completely messed up shoulder bones, likely due to a problem in life rather than destruction of the fossil. This pattern resembles decompression sickness, aka the bends, aka the condition caused by a diving animal coming up much too fast from a lower depth. Modern turtles have complex behavioral adaptations to avoid the bends, so Odontochelys may be an early experiment in marine life in a group mostly adapted for terrestrial life. In this transition to ocean life, it not only lacked better physical adaptations for the ocean, but also better behavioral ones, and was stricken with the bends on its trip back to the surface. So, as we try to determine its ecology and behavior, these clued paint a rich tapestry of the world’s most transitional turtle. A pioneer! 
Ecosystem: Odontochelys was found in - and thus, the null hypothesis is that it lived in - an ocean environment near the coast of the Tethys sea. This was a deep, open ocean - pelagic, hence the bends and problems Odontochelys faced trying to deal with the ocean. It was a very fertile ecosystem as well, with a variety of Triassic marine animals showcasing the rapid evolution of these groups. Among the invertebrates, there were many different types of Ammonites, plenty of bivalves, brachiopods, and crinoids & sea cucumbers as well. Still, the fascinating part of the ecosystem was the sheer number of marine reptiles. There were Thalattosaurs such as Anshusaurus and Xinpusaurus; Placodonts like Psephochelys and Sinocyamodus; and Ichthyosaurs like Qianicthyosaurus, Guizhouichthyosaurus, Guanlingsaurus, and Callawayia. One of many beautiful deposits of marine animals from this Period - and the many Ichthyosaurs would have been major predators of the relative n00b Odontochelys. 
Other: Odontochelys also just looks really weird because it basically looks like your usual turtle except it doesn’t have a freaking shell so here we are with this oddity. It’s transitional in shape, transitional in ecology, transitional in behavior, and just. What the heck. What the heck, Odontochelys. If you need more proof for evolution despite knowing about the dinosaur - bird transition, have I got a friend for you. 
~ By Meig Dickson 
Sources Under the Cut
Anquetin, J. 2012. Reassessment of the phylogenetic interrelationships of basal turtles (Testudinata). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 10(1):3-45. 
Bradley Shaffer, H., E. McCartney-Melstad, T. J. Near, G. G. Mount, P. Q. Spinks. 2017. Phylogenomic analyses of 539 highly informative loci dates a fully resolved time tree for the major clades of living turtles (Testudines). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115: 7 - 15. 
Feldmann, R. M., C. E. Schweitzer, S. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Zhang, C. Zhou, W. Wen, T. Xie, E. P. Maguire. 2017. A new Middle Triassic (Anisian) cyclidan crustacean from the Luoping Biota, Yunnan Province, China: morphologic and phylogenetic insights. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37 (4): 406 - 412. 
Gilbert, S. F. 2007. How the turtle gets its shell. Biology of Turtles: The Structures to Strategies of Life. 
Heiss, E. 2010. Functionality and plasticity of turtle-feeding with special emphasis on oropharyngeal structures. Universitat Wien Doctoral Dissertation. 
Hess, H., W. Etter, and H. Hagdorn. 2016. Roveacrinida (Crinoidea) from Late Triassic (early Carnian) black shales of Southwest China. Swiss Journal of Paleontology 135(2):249-274. 
Joyce, W. G. 2015. The origin of turtles: A paleontological perspective. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324 (3): 181 - 193. 
Lee, M. S. Y. 2013. Turtle origins: Insights from phylogenetic retrofitting and molecular scaffolds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (12): 2729 - 2738. 
Lemell, P., N. Natchev, C. J. Beisser, E. Heiss. 2019. Feeding in Turtles: Understanding Terrestrial and Aquatic Feeding in a Diverse but Monophyletic Group. Feeding in Vertebrates: 611 - 642. 
Li, C., and O. Rieppel. 2002. A new cyamodontid placodont from Triassic of Guizhou, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 47(5):403-407. 
Li, C., X. C. Wu, O. Rieppel, L. T. Wang, and L. J. Zhao. 2008. An ancestral turtle from the Late Triassic of southwestern China. Nature 456:497-501. 
Lu, H., D.-Y. Jiang, R. Motani, P.-G. Ni, Z.-Y. Sun, A. Tintori, S.-Z. Xiao, M. Zhou, C. Ji, W.-L. Fu. 2018. Middle Triassic Xingyi Fauna: Showing turnover of marine reptiles from coastal to oceanic environments. Palaeoworld 27 (1): 107 - 116. 
Luo, M., Y.-M. Gong, G. R. Shi, Z.-Q. Chen, J. Huang, S. Hu, X. Feng, Q. Zhang, C. Zhou, W. Wen. 2018. Palaeoecological Analysis of Trace Fossil Sinusichnus sinuosus from the Middle Triassic Guanling Formationin Southwestern China. Journal of Earth Science 29: 854 - 863. 
Meredith, R. W., J. Gatesy, M. S. Springer. Molecular decay of enamel matrix protein genes in turtles and other edentulous amniotes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 20. 
Neenan, J. M., N. Klein, T. M. Scheyer. 2013. European origin of placodont marine reptiles and the evolution of crushing dentition in Placodontia. Nature Communications 4: 1621. 
Nicholls, E. L., C. Wei, and M. Manabe. 2002. New material of Qianichthyosaurus Li, 1999 (Reptilia, Ichthyosauria) from the Late Triassic of southern China, and implications for the distribution of Triassic icthyosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22(4):759-765. 
Reisz, R. R., J. J. Head. 2008. Palaeontology: Turtle origins out to sea. Nature 456 (7221): 450 - 451. 
Rothschild, B. M., V. Naples. 2015. Decompression syndrome and diving behavior in Odontochelys, the first turtle. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (1): 163 - 167. 
Schoch, R. R., H.-D. Sues. 2015. A Middle Triassic stem-turtle and the evolution of the turtle body plan. Nature 523 (7562): 584 - 587. 
Shang, Q.-H., and C. Li. 2009. On the occurrence of the ichthyosaur Shastasaurus in the Guanling biota (Late Triassic), Guizhou, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 47(3):178-193. 
Vermeij, G. J., R. Motani. 2017. Land to sea transitions in vertebrates: the dynamics of colonization. Paleobiology 44 (2): 237 - 250. 
Wang, X., G. H. Bachmann, H. Hagdorn, P. M. Sanders, G. Cuny, X. Chen, C. Wang, L. Chen, L. Cheng, F. Meng, and G. Xu. 2008. The Late Triassic black shales of the Guanling area, Guizhou province, south-west China: a unique marine reptile and pelagic crinoid fossil lagerstätte. Palaeontology 51(1):27-61. 
Wang, X., X. Chen, C. Wang, L. Cheng. 2009. The Triassic Guanling Fossil Group - A Key GeoPark from a barren mountain, Guizhou Province, China. Notebooks on Geology 3: Chapter 2: 11 - 28. 
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thetwistedfaun · 4 years
Ammonite is literally just
Nightingale syndrome & there was only ONE bed
And I accept this
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[Stages] OCTOBER 2021
♪ October 1st, 2021 ~ December 5th, 2021 ニンジャバットマン ザ・ショー (ninja batman the show)
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai)  
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ November 14th, 2021 ミュージカル「October Skyー遠い空の向こうにー」(musical october sky -tooi sora no mukou ni-)
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 にっかり青江 単騎出陣 (musical touken ranbu nikkari aoe tanki shutsujin)
♪ October 7th, 2021 ~ October 17th, 2021 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
♪ October 8th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 21st, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE  ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 ミュージカル『忍たま乱太郎』第12弾 ~まさかの共闘!?大作戦!!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 12 dan ~masaka no kyoutou!? daisakusen!!~)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 21st, 2021 令和千本桜~義経と弁慶 / コロッケものまねオンステージ 2021 (reiwa senbonzakura ~ yoshitsune to benkei / korokke monomane on stage 2021)
♪ October 10th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 ミュージカル「マドモアゼル・モーツァルト」(musical mademoiselle mozart)
♪ October 13th, 2021 ~ October 17th, 2021 アメツチ 舞台版「あやかしむすび」(ametsuchi butaiban ayakashi musubi)
♪ October 16th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 銀岩塩vol.4-5 FUSIONICAL STAGE 『ABSO−METAL~黎明~』(ginganen vol.4-5 fusionical stage ~ abso-metal ~reimei~)
♪ October 20th, 2021 ~ November 2nd, 2021 舞台「一瞬の風になれ」(butai isshun no kaze ni nare)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ November 7th, 2021 舞台「血界戦線」Blitz Along Alone(butai kekkai sensen blitz along alone)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 LIVE STAGE『スケートリーディング☆スターズ』(live stage skate-leading☆stars)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ November 12th, 2021 音楽劇「キセキ ーあの日のソビトー」 (ongakugeki kiseki -ano hi no sobito-)
♪ October 23rd, 2021 ~ November 14th, 2021 劇団「ドラマティカ」 ACT1/西遊記悠久奇譚 第1回公演「西遊記」(gekidan dramatica act1/saiyuuki yuukyuu kitan)
♪ October 26th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~
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festeringfae · 4 years
I still haven’t fucking gone to sleep and its 2:30pm so at this point we are watching the movie that i hate so that the endorphins of being offended will keep me awake until like 5pm so i can just crash for the whole night and still wake up at a semi reasonable hour
so are the cartoonish fantasies of murder of people besides Honora actually verified real things they wrote oooooooor did this movie just want comic relief cgi....murder of a priest
honestly pardon me if this is a bigotry of some kind on my part but if you’re already so far gone in a morbid fantasy land that you have vivid daydreams of executing people, and you’re reunited with the one person you give a shit about after literal months, you are.....past the point of remembering not to kiss if you are gay. like if they were at all gay they would have kissed on the mouth here. as they FUCKING SAID, they aren’t gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and i’m MAD this movie perpetuates that some murderers were gay who weren’t
i’m aware that i am truly-- whats that expression? about crackers? at a certain point a thing just becomes to the point where youll complain about the way they eat crackers, which is an objectively ridiculous complaint? yeah, i’m aware i’m at that point with this movie. maybe i shoul-- no, because like i said, if it wasn’t based on a true story i’d only be enjoying it ironically-- unless i assumed that like jackson’s previous work it was supposed to be a horror comedy, at which point honestly theres a whole other set of problems and im not sure if i would find it mysogenistic or not. Actually, that’s bullshit, because literally my shorthand for complaining about Heavenly Creatures prior to Ammonite was “Peter Jackson’s movies are like “if you are a man with close friendships you save the world, if you’re a woman with close friendships you become crazy, gay, and kill your mom”, so.
they kissed goodbye on the mouth because not only is this movie harmful to My People it also enjoys trolling me, the individual, specifically
honestly the fucked up thing is that if it wasn’t based on a true story and it wasn’t made in a time where there were no queer leads, this movie would actually be like? pro lesbian? honestly i think the whole thing might be okay if they were in fact romantically into each other but they HAVE. SAID. THEY. ARE. NOT. SO YOU’RE JUST. BLAMING LESBIANS. FOR A MURDER. NOT DONE BY LESBIANS.
Im guess ficticious Honora notices the kiss and thats when the homosexuality “diagnosis” crops up
not a movie critique but i am, as the movie probably wanted me to be, all “bitch she brought you FRUIT!” about honora giving juliet fruit
honestly how many nerd girls of all sexualities did this inflict satanic panic upon
it’s like....if the bronte’s didn’t also have the whatever worldbuilding syndrome the ableism already present in for certain types of neurodiverse girls and nerdy girls......not even just this movie but this trial....
pauline is telling juliet some boy is in love with her and im pre-emptively mad because either something explicitly gay will happen or the codependence will roar up and be all u can’t be with him hes not in our special little club and itll be so homoerotic that its the same impact,just  with a get out of accountability free card 
juliet no girl actually into boys notices when one is in love with her and i am speaking to the fictive juliet only 
i’m glad the like negative aspects of their close friendship are cropping up other than that they LOOK WEIRD and WRITE THINGS CONTEMPORARY BOYS PROBABLY DO ON MINECRAFT SERVERS DAILY and superficial shit like that. especially since we honestly still dont know all that much about their personalities or relationship to each other outside of their, for lack of a better phrase, special interest
(i guess i could look up the name of the sharing a world mental thingie but like listen i’m not a neurotypical i can call it a special interest without equating having one to........the hulmes/parker murder)
cutting the scene directly after the line “he’s only a stupid boy”, okay nobody gets ANY fucking benefit of the doubt anymore, that is so much gayer than any of the kisses on the mouth, that literally feels like. you took a big, traumatic part of lesbian culture and shared/collective lesbian trauma and you put it in the mouth of a fucking MURDERER who WAS! NOT! A! LES!BI! AN! so that your fucking MOVIE had more PATHOS or whatever and now Kate Winslet has a career and the audacity to not do any lesbian roles for 26 years and then stroll into ammonite like “whats up dykes! found this cool rock after i fell off the titanic! might fuck around and kiss jo march while i clean it up!”
wait, now that i’ve officially bannished plausible deniability of goodwill, can I stop recording my reactions? i feel like that’s what i was trying to keep track of, whether or not it’s fair to call this anti lesbian propaganda when i haven’t seen the full contents, but like now I’m Calling It, it Is Meant To Be Read Explicitly As Gay And Thus I Am Allowed To Be Mad At Kate Winslet and don’t have to keep analyzing whether or not I am. I will check back in if they get like formally “diagnosed” with homosexuality and the fictive versions of the real life people reject this in the movie but for now I’m praying that ceasing to take notes will make finishing the movie-- a thing I am now determined to do as a stupid endurance thing to prove to myself i can-- fucking faster. or maybe ill feel compelled to keep taking notes in 2 seconds, who fucking knows, BYE
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madewithonerib · 4 years
13. The Death of David’s Son [2 Samuel 12:14-31]
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There is something especially tragic about the death of a child.
My wife & I, like many other parents, have experienced the shock of waking up to find our child dead in his crib.
The malady is now known as SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
One moment the child is healthy & happy; the next, the child is gone.
It is indeed a shock.
For us, there was an unexplainable peace in the midst of our sorrow.
Several years later, the subject of where babies go when they die came up in a theology class at seminary.
I remember the academic discussion, the BIBLE verses quoted, & the conclusions reached.
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Finally, I raised my hand & shared something like this:
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      The subject we are discussing here is one that is no       academic matter for my wife & me.
      We lost a child as an infant.       We know what losing a child is like.
      We also know the biblical texts which have been quoted,       & we are familiar with the different views as to where       babies go when they die.
      But when my wife & I lost our child, we had a peace & a       confidence that went beyond what we have been talking       about here.
      We knew that the GOD to whom we had entrusted our souls       was a good & perfect GOD, who would do what was right       with our child.
      It was not the arguments discussed today which gave us       peace, but GOD HIMSELF, & in that peace we rest.
      Our text for this lesson is one that is most often used to       comfort parents who have lost little ones.
      I would have to say that my own views on this subject are       undoubtedly shaped by our experience in losing a child.
      I must therefore warn you that I do not speak with great       objectivity here, but from the perspective of one who has       experienced the loss of a child.
      I know that the conclusions I have reached concerning the       fate of children who die are not held by all in our Church,       perhaps not even by all of the Elders of our Church.
      As one who has lost a child in infancy, I am satisfied with       the conclusions I have reached here.
      I must point out that my conclusions are the result of       inferences & logical processes.
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            They are not always grounded on             clear propositional statements.
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      As such, they should be held less dogmatically than views       that have clear, straightforward, repetitive biblical support.
      As such, they can & will be rejected by those who have       reached different conclusions, also based upon logic &       inference.
      In the final analysis, we all must say that our conclusions       here are less dogmatic than other truths that are much more       clearly stated in SCRIPTURE.
      In the end, we must cast ourselves upon the GOD to whom       we have entrusted our souls & our eternal destiny.
      As Abraham said so long ago,
            “Shall not the judge of all the earth deal justly?”             [Genesis 18:25].
      Having said this, we can see from our text that David had a       remarkable peace about the death of his first child by       Bathsheba, a peace which caused those who witnessed it       to marvel, & to question David about it.
      As we approach this text, let us listen to David's answer to       the question posed by his servants.
      Let us seek to learn from David's lips the reason he could       praise & worship GOD at the time of the loss of this child.
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Review & Overview
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      After becoming King of Israel, things were going very well       for David, perhaps too well.
      He seemed to have the Midas touch — everything       he touched turned to gold.
      GOD had given him success in all he undertook.
      Like Israel of old, David appears to momentarily forget that       his success was the result of GOD's grace, & not a       tribute to his efforts alone.
      The first glimpse of this overconfidence comes in 2 Samuel 7,       where David expresses his desire to build a house for GOD.
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            In response, GOD reminds David his successes             are the manifestations of HIS grace [7:8-9].
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      He goes on to assure David that there are good things yet       in store for Israel, & that these too will be HIS doing [7:10-11].
      Having gently rebuked David for supposing that HE really       needed a “house,” GOD promised to build David a better       “house,” one that is an eternal dynasty:
            ‘“The LORD also declares to you that             the LORD will make a house for you.
            12 “When your days are complete &             you lie down with your fathers, I will             raise up your descendant after you,             who will come forth from you, & I will             establish his kingdom.
            13 “He shall build a house for MY name,             & I will establish the throne of his             kingdom forever.
            14 “I will be a FATHER to him & he will             be a son to ME; when he commits iniquity,             I will correct him with the rod of men &             the strokes of the sons of men,
            15 but MY lovingkindness shall not depart             from him, as I took it away from Saul,             whom I removed from before you.
            16 “Your house & your kingdom shall endure             before ME forever; your throne shall be             established forever [2 Samuel 7:11b-16].’”
      But in the chapters which follow, David's arrogance seems       to increase. It is most evident in 2 Samuel 11.
      Israel is at war with the Ammonites, & in the Spring       [the time that kings go to war], David sends his army to       besiege Rabbah, the capital city of the Ammonites, where       the last of the Ammonite opposition has sought refuge.
      David does not go to battle with his soldiers, but stays at       home in Jerusalem, indulging himself in the good life       while his soldiers camp in an open field.
      David gets up from his bed about the time his soldiers       [and others] usually go to bed.
      As he is strolling on the roof of his palace, David happens       to see something that was not meant to be seen —       a young woman cleansing herself, most likely a       ceremonial cleansing ceremony done in keeping with       the law.
      The woman is beautiful, & David decides that he wants her.
      He sends messengers to find out who she is.
      Their answer — that she was Bathsheba, wife of Uriah       the Hittite — should have ended the matter, but David       had no intention of being deprived of anything he wanted.
      He sent for the woman & lay with her.
      For David, it was all over after that one night of self-indulgence.
      He did not want another wife; he did not even appear to       want an affair, just a night of pleasure.
      But GOD had other plans.
      Bathsheba conceived & eventually sent word to David that       she was pregnant. When David's efforts to deceive Uriah       [and the people] into thinking Uriah had fathered this child,       he had Uriah killed in battle with the help of Joab.
      After she had mourned for her husband, David brought       Bathsheba into his home, taking her as his wife.
      Now at last, David hoped, it was over.
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      This thing which David had done displeased GOD, however,       & GOD would give David no rest or peace until he had       come to see his sin for what it was & repented of it.
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      After some period of distress [see Psalm 32:3-4],       GOD sent Nathan to David with a story, a story       which deeply upset David.
      David was furious.
      He insisted that the rich man who stole the poor man's pet       lamb deserved to die! Nathan then stopped David in his       tracks with the words, “You are the man!” [2 Samuel 12:7].
      As David heard Nathan's recital of his sin, he broke,       declaring to Nathan,
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            “I have sinned against the LORD” [2 Samuel 12:13].
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      Nathan's response to David's confession was both comforting       & disturbing. Although he deserved to die for his sins,       David would not die because GOD had taken away his sin       [12:13].
      What a relief these words must have been.
      But what followed would pierce David through:
            the son his sin had produced would die.
      It is David's response to the death of this son that will be the       focus of our lesson.
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      Before we turn to the story itself, I'd like to make a few       observations which may influence our understanding       of this text.
      This is the first of a number of painful events David will       experience as a result of his sin regarding Uriah & Bathsheba.
      In our text, David will suffer the loss of the child conceived       through the sinful union of David & Uriah's wife, Bathsheba.
      Next, David's daughter will be raped by one of his sons.
      In retaliation for Amnon's sin, Absalom murders him.
      Later, David's son, Absalom, will rebel against his father &       temporarily take over the throne.
      In the process, he will sleep with some of David's concubines,       before all Israel, & on the roof of the palace from which David       first looked upon Bathsheba.
      All of these things are directly or indirectly the consequences       of David’s sin with Bathsheba.
      The tragic death of David’s son is a consequence of David's sin,       but it is not the penalty David deserves for his sin.
      The penalty for adultery & murder is death, on each count.
      David deserves to die, on two counts: adultery & murder.
      But Nathan has made it very clear that David's sin has been       “taken away.” The death of this child is a painful       consequence of David's sin, but it is not punishment for       his sin, per se.
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            That punishment has been taken away,             borne by the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
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      The fast which David observes is a very serious one.
      In the Hebrew OT, there is a unique way of emphasizing a point.
      The Hebrew language of the OT repeats the word for emphasis.
      Thus, when GOD told Adam that he would “surely die”       [Genesis 2:17] HE said something like this:
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            “You shall die a death.”
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      Thus, Young's Literal Translation reads,
            “And of the tree of knowledge of good & evil,             You dost not eat of it, for in the day of             Yours eating of it—dying you dost die.”
      In our text, GOD uses this doubling method to emphasize the       certainty of the child's death:
            “However, because by this deed you have given occasion             to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child             also that is born to you shall surely die” [2 Samuel 12:14].
      The same doubling is found in v.16:
      David therefore inquired of GOD for the child; &       David fasted & went & lay all night on the ground.
      Only in the marginal notes of the KJV do we see the literal       rendering, “fasted a fast.” The point is that David's fasting       was not entered into casually.
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            He was dead serious about this fast,             for it was a matter of life & death.
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      Once again, Bathsheba is not prominent in this text, but David.
      The sin of adultery was David's doing, while       [in my way of reading this story] Bathsheba was a victim.
      So it is only fitting that it is David who is prominent in this text       which depicts his fasting & prayer, pleading with GOD for       the child's life.
      The author changes the way he refers to Bathsheba in our text.
      In v.15 he speaks of Bathsheba, the mother of the child who       died, as “Uriah's widow.”
      In v.24, there is a very significant change.
      Here, the author refers to this same woman, the mother of       David's second child Solomon, as “his wife Bathsheba.”
      Not only has GOD come to accept this second child,       HE has come to accept Bathsheba as David's wife.
      The final events of chapter 12 give us a definite sense of closure.
      David's sin is to be understood as the exception, rather than       the rule in his life:
            Because David did what was right in the sight of the LORD,             & had not turned aside from anything that HE commanded             him all the days of his life, except in the case of Uriah the             Hittite [1 Kings 15:5].
      Chapters 11 & 12 of 2 Samuel are almost parenthetical, then,       as they depict this exceptional period in David's life.
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      This was a time when he was not a “man after GOD's heart.”
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      And so we find chapter 11 beginning with a description of Israel       going to battle, while David stays at home [11:1].
      We find verses 26-31 of chapter 12 reporting how David       showed up for the war, & when it was won, all Israel returned       home to Jerusalem.
      There is a sense of closure, of finality, here, which I think the       author intended us to feel.
      In addition, we find that our text records the death of Bathsheba's       first son, followed rather quickly by the account of the birth of the       second, Solomon, who was to rule on the throne of David.
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Our Approach
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      There are several ways to approach this passage.
      We could dissect the passage, giving attention to the nuance       of each word & of each phrase.
      I am choosing not to do this, having already noted the details       I think are important.
      Rather I will approach the passage somewhat like       Michael Landon, the late television actor & director,       would have done.
      We have probably all watched [at least the older ones       among us] some of the works which Michael had a       hand in directing.
      He had a way a catching the emotion of the moment & then       portraying it dramatically.
      I can still remember one television show in which he learned,       much to his surprise, that a woman was blind.
      When he brought his audience to that moment when the truth       of her condition struck him, even I had to mop my eyes.
      Our text has some very emotional moments, which I believe       Michael Landon would have appreciated & emphasized.
      I will therefore attempt to capture the emotions of David &       those near him as he dealt with the death of his son, the       product of his sin.
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Nathan's Announcement [12:13-15a]
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      13 Then David said to Nathan,
            “I have sinned against the LORD.”
      And Nathan said to David,
            “The LORD also has taken away your sin; you shall not die.             14 “However, because by this deed you have given             occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme,             the child also that is born to you shall surely die.”
            15 So Nathan went to his house.
      David had condemned himself with his own words in response       to Nathan's story of the stolen pet lamb:
                  “As the LORD lives, surely the man who has done                   this deserves to die” [12:5].
            The law certainly did not pronounce such a penalty on a thief,             but it did condemn adulterers & murderers.
      According to the Law, David should have died for his sins.
      Based upon divine grace through the coming death of CHRIST,       David was forgiven for his sins & assured that he would not die.
      These words from Nathan must have been a huge relief to David,       who knew he did not deserve anything but GOD's wrath.
      His sense of relief was short-lived, however, because Nathan       was not finished with what he had to say:
            “However, because by this deed you have given occasion             to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child             also that is born to you shall surely die” [verse 14].
      Nathan assured David that the punishment he deserved has been       taken away [we know this means it has been transferred to CHRIST].
      But GOD cannot allow HIS name to be blasphemed       by allowing it to appear that HE does not care about sin.
      From the very beginning the BIBLE teaches us that the wages of       sin is death [see Genesis 2:17; 4:8, 23; 5:1ff.; Romans 6:23].
      For GOD to allow David's sins to have no painful consequences       would enable the wicked to conclude that GOD does not really       hate sin, nor does HE do anything about it when we do sin.
      The Law of Moses was given to set Israel apart from the nations.
      It was given so that Israel could reflect GOD's character to the       world. When David sinned, he violated GOD's law, & he also       dishonored GOD.
      This hypocrisy was observed by the nations, & it resulted in       their dishonoring GOD. Paul would make this same charge       against the Jews centuries later:
            21 You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach             yourself? You who preach that one shall not steal,             do you steal?
            22 You who say that one should not commit adultery,             do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you             rob temples?
            23 You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the             Law, do you dishonor GOD?
            24 For “THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMED AMONG             THE GENTILES BECAUSE OF YOU,” just as it is written             [Romans 2:21-24].
      Elsewhere, the apostle Paul instructs Timothy that elders—       those Church leaders whose lives are publicly under scrutiny       —who persist in their sin are to be corrected publicly, so       that all will learn [1 Timothy 5:19-20].
      GOD is very concerned about HIS reputation.
      HE works in such a way as to instruct not only men who look       on, but also angels who do likewise.
      [see Exodus 32:9-14; 34:10; Ephesians 3:8-10].
      GOD could not look the other way when David sinned, for his       disobedience to GOD's commands was a matter of public knowledge.
      As his victories & triumphs were known among the Gentiles, so       his sins would be widely known as well.
            By taking the life of this child, conceived in sin,             GOD makes a statement to those looking on.
      If GOD does not deal with the sin of HIS saints, they might       reason, then HE will not be concerned with mine, either.
      Thus, they will mock GOD with the confidence that they can get       away with their sin.
      Years ago I taught sixth grade.
      It did not happen very often, but occasionally a child would       blatantly disobey one of the rules, & it was necessary to take       him outside & introduce him to the paddle.
      My class [and all those within hearing range] knew what to       expect when I stepped outside with a student. [51]
      But when a child was sent to the principal's office, it was       frequently a different matter.
      The principle would give a little lecture, & the student would       come back with a big smile on his face.
      The willful student & everyone else knew he had gotten away       with his unacceptable conduct.
            GOD could not allow David to come through this             monumental sin without doing something             about it, something visible to all.
      This was for David's discipline, & to silence those who would use       David's sin as an occasion to blaspheme the name of GOD;       it was to proclaim & promote the glory of GOD.
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David's Response to His Son's Sickness & Death [12:15b-23]
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      Then the LORD struck the child that Uriah's widow bore to David,       so that he was very sick. 16 David therefore inquired of GOD for       the child; & David fasted & went & lay all night on the ground.
      17 The elders of his household stood beside him in order to raise       him up from the ground, but he was unwilling & would not eat       food with them.
      18 Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died.
      And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child       was dead, for they said, “Behold, while the child was still alive,       we spoke to him & he did not listen to our voice.
      How then can we tell him that the child is dead, since he might       do himself harm!”
      19 But when David saw that his servants were whispering together,       David perceived that the child was dead; so David said to his       servants, “Is the child dead?”
      And they said, “He is dead.”
      20 So David arose from the ground, washed, anointed himself,       & changed his clothes; & he came into the house of the LORD &       worshiped.
      Then he came to his own house, & when he requested, they set       food before him & he ate.
      21 Then his servants said to him,
      “What is this thing that you have done? While the child was alive,       you fasted & wept; but when the child died, you arose & ate food.”
      22 He said, “While the child was still alive, I fasted & wept; for I       said, 'Who knows, the LORD may be gracious to me, that the child       may live.' 23 “But now he has died; why should I fast?
            Can I bring him back again? I will go to him,             but he will not return to me.”
      After Nathan left David, GOD struck the child born to David &       “Uriah's widow.” We do not know what the malady was, but we       do know that after seven days the child died. [52]
      David had mourned when Saul & Jonathan died in battle       [2 Samuel 1], when Abner was killed by Joab [2 Samuel 3], &       even when Nahash the Ammonite king died [2 Samuel 10].
      His mourning here, however, is not a mourning over the death       of his son [for he has not yet died], but is instead the mourning       of repentance.
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            David mourns as a sign of his repentance             as he beseeches GOD to spare the life of his son.
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      Is it right for David to beseech GOD to spare the life of this child       when HE has already said that HE is going to take the life of the       child? I believe the answer is “Yes!” David knew that some       prophecies were warnings of what GOD would do unless       men repented.
      GOD sometimes foretold future judgment, which would come       to pass if men did not repent.
            The hope for divine relenting in response to             human repenting is set down in Jeremiah 18:5-8:
            5 Then the word of the LORD came to me saying,
            6 “Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as                 this potter does?” declares the LORD.
            “Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are             you in MY hand, O house of Israel.
            7 “At one moment I might speak concerning a nation             or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to             destroy it; 8 if that nation against which I have spoken             turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the             calamity I planned to bring on it.
      This hope of forgiveness proved to be true for ancient Nineveh       [much to Jonah's displeasure — see Jonah 3 & 4], & also for       Manasseh [2 Chronicles 33:10-13].
      Further, it may be that David viewed this situation through the       eyes of the Davidic Covenant, which GOD had recently made       with him:
            12 “When your days are complete & you lie down with             your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you,             who will come forth from you, & I will establish his kingdom.
            13 “HE shall build a house for MY name, & I will establish             the throne of his kingdom forever.
            14 “I will be a father to him & he will be a son to ME; when             he commits iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men &             the strokes of the sons of men,
            15 but MY lovingkindness shall not depart from him, as I             took it away from Saul, whom I removed from before you”             [2 Samuel 7:12-15].
      Is it possible that David felt this child might be the heir to his       throne? If this were the case, then David surely had reason       to hope that GOD would spare the child's life.
      David was certainly right in his assumption that the life of this       child was in GOD's hands, & that his best course of action       was to appeal to GOD to spare the child's life.
      David believed in the sovereignty of GOD, & thus he rested       his case with GOD.
      David's prayers are not only the expression of his repentance,       but the exercise of his faith.
      Believing in GOD's sovereignty did not keep David from taking       action [fasting & praying]; his faith prompted him to act.
      In spite of David's sorrow, sincerity, & persistence in petitioning       GOD to spare the child's life, his request was denied.
      The child died.
      David must not have been with the child when it happened or       he would have seen this for himself.
      David did see his servants whispering to one another, perhaps       furtively glancing in his direction as they did so.
      They were afraid to tell David because they feared he might       cause harm. The text is not altogether clear about whom the       servants feared David might harm.
      You will notice that by the use of italics the NAB indicates to us       that the word himself is supplied by the translators.
            I am not so sure David's servants             feared only for David's safety.
      They may have feared for themselves as well.
      I think that the NIV best conveys the ambiguity of the original text:
            On the seventh day the child died.
            David's servants were afraid to tell him that the child             was dead, for they thought, “While the child was still             living, we spoke to David but he would not listen to us.
            How can we tell him the child is dead? He may do             something desperate” [2 Samuel 12:18, NIV].53
      The long & short of it is that no one wanted to be the bearer       of bad tidings to David.
      After all, if David had taken this child's illness so seriously,       would he not take the news of his death even more so? [54]
      They did not need to inform David because he instinctively       knew the child was gone.
      The words of Nathan were fulfilled as David could see on       the faces of his servants.
      When David asked if the child was dead they could not deny it.
      They told him the child was indeed dead.
      It is what happens from this point on that perplexes David's       servants. While the child was ill they had not been able to get       David up from the ground, nor to eat any food.
            They assumed it would only get worse             once he knew the child was dead.
      Instead, David arose from the ground, washed & anointed himself,       changed his clothes, & went into the house of the LORD, where he       worshipped.
      When he had finished worshipping GOD, he came home       & asked for food.
      When they set it before him, he ate it.
      The servants were amazed & puzzled.
      A NT text may help explain what was normally expected:
         14 Then the disciples of John came to HIM, asking,             “Why do we & the Pharisees fast, but YOUR             disciples do not fast?”
          15 And JESUS said to them,
            “The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as             long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But             the days will come when the bridegroom is taken             away from them, & then they will fast”             [Matthew 9:14-15, NAB].
      David was expected to mourn for the child after he died.
      From the servants' perspective, David had mourned so much for       this child while he was still alive that they feared what would       happen when they told him he was now dead.
      Finally David’s servants worked up the courage to ask the king       how he could respond so calmly, knowing that the child was       dead. David now explains his change in behavior.
      I think David’s unusual response can be explained in this manner:
            The death of this child came as no surprise to David             because it had already been foretold by Nathan.
            Through Nathan GOD had informed David that this son,             the fruit of David's sinful union with Bathsheba,             “Uriah's widow,” would surely die.
            The death of this child was the revealed will of GOD.
      For David to mourn excessively would have been to express       his regret over GOD's will.
      David's actions indicated that he had accepted the death of this       child as GOD's will.
      Nathan had already explained the reason for death of this child       to David. The purpose for the death of this child was not to       punish David. The appropriate punishment for David's sins under       the law would have been the death penalty.
      Nathan has not given David news of a reduced sentence, but       of complete forgiveness, because the guilt & punishment for       his sins had been “taken away” [12:13].
      The purpose for this child's death was instructive.
      It was meant to silence any blasphemy on the part of the       “enemies of GOD.” Lest any might wrongly conclude that       Israel's GOD was oblivious to David's sin in the breaking       of GOD's law, GOD made it apparent that HE would not       wink at sin, even the sin of a man after HIS own heart.
      The death of David's son was an object lesson       to the enemies of GOD.
      David's mourning during the child's sickness was an       act of repentance, not the mourning of the loss of a       loved one:
            22 He said, “While the child was still alive, I fasted &             wept; for I said, 'Who knows, the LORD may be             gracious to me, that the child may live.'
            23 “But now he has died; why should I fast?             Can I bring him back again?
            I will go to him, but he will not return to me.”
      The death of this child was accepted as GOD's final answer       to David's petitions for the child's life.
      This is the substance of David's answer to the question posed       by his servants.
      While the child was alive, David fasted, wept, & prayed.
      But now the child is dead.
      David has done all that he could.
      GOD has given David a clear & final answer:
            “No.” David sees death as the time to cease those             activities which were only appropriate in life.
      Someone has said, “Where there's life, there's hope.”
      As far as David's hope for the healing of this child is concerned,       GOD has indicated to David that he should cease his efforts to       persuade GOD to relent concerning this child's death.
      I see a similar example of David's acceptance of death as a       point of termination in chapter 13, where David finds a certain       comfort in the fact that his son Amnon was dead:
      The heart of King David longed to go out to Absalom;       for he was comforted concerning Amnon, since he       was dead [2 Samuel 13:39].
      David's comfort, to some degree, was found in Amnon's death.
      In David's mind, it was as if GOD had closed a chapter.
      The death of David's child by Bathsheba was GOD's final answer       to his request that the child might live.
      David was comforted by the fact that what he asked for       [and was denied] was grace.
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      GOD's grace, by its very nature,       is sovereign grace.
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      Grace is often defined as “unmerited favor.”
      Allowing this simple definition to stand for the moment, let us       see how David can be comforted by the fact that what he       asked for — & was denied — was a matter of grace.
      I have already called attention to the words of Jeremiah 18,       where repentance is encouraged, & where GOD leaves       HIS options open concerning the canceling       [or even delaying] of threatened judgment.
      There is a very similar passage in the Book of Joel, where       repentance is encouraged, & divine relenting is spoken       of as a possibility:
            12 “Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “Return to ME             with all your heart, And with fasting, weeping & mourning;
            13 And rend your heart & not your garments.”
            Now return to the LORD your GOD, For HE is gracious             & compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in             lovingkindness And relenting of evil.
            14 Who knows whether HE will not turn & relent &             leave a blessing behind HIM, Even a grain offering &             a drink offering For the LORD your GOD?             [Joel 2:12-14, emphasis mine].
      In both Jeremiah 18 & this passage in Joel, sinners are       encouraged to repent in precisely the way we see David       repenting & petitioning GOD in our text.
      The appeal of the penitent sinner — that GOD would relent       & withhold judgment — is based upon GOD's grace, & not on       the sinner's merits.
            And just because it is a matter of grace,             we dare not presume that GOD must relent.
      Thus, in Jeremiah & Joel [55] we are encouraged to hope       for the possibility of GOD relenting, but not to presume       that HE will indeed relent.
      We can see an example of the right kind of thinking in the       Book of Daniel. Daniel's three friends, Shadrach, Meshach,       & Abednego, refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar's       golden image.
      He was furious, but he gave these men a second chance.
      If they would bow down at the next opportunity, they would       not be punished, but if they refused, they would be cast into       a fiery furnace.
      This is the response of the three men to this offer:
            16 Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-nego replied to the king,
            “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an             answer concerning this matter. 17 “If it be so, our GOD             whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace             of blazing fire; & HE will deliver us out of your hand,             O king.
            18 “But even if HE does not, let it be known to you,             O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or             worship the golden image that you have set up”             [Daniel 3:16-18].
      These men knew they were obeying GOD rather than men.
      They knew GOD was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace.
      They did not dare to presume that HE would do so, & so       they responded to Nebuchadnezzar in a way that left the       option open. GOD could deliver them, for HE was able.
      But whether or not HE would do so, they did not dare to presume.
      Either way, they would not do as the king demanded, for they       were committed to serve GOD first & foremost.
      David knew that GOD was able to save his son.
      He also knew that if HE did so, it would be by grace alone,       & not on the basis of merit. If GOD had spared his son,       David would have rejoiced greatly.
      But when the child's death made it apparent that GOD had       declined to spare him, David could still find comfort, because       he knew that grace is always sovereignly bestowed.
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            GOD's choice is not determined by man's merits,             & thus it is a sovereign choice, one that is not             determined by any outside force, but by the             independent choice of GOD HIMSELF.
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      This is the point Paul makes when he speaks of man's salvation as the result of GOD's sovereign choosing, long before man is even born, before man can do anything good or evil [as if this would affect the outcome of GOD's choosing]:
8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of GOD, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants. 9 For this is the word of promise: “AT THIS TIME I WILL COME, AND SARAH SHALL HAVE A SON.” 10 And not only this, but there was Rebekah also, when she had conceived twins by one man, our father Isaac; 11 for though the twins were not yet born & had not done anything good or bad, so that GOD's purpose according to HIS choice would stand, not because of works but because of HIM who calls, 12 it was said to her, “THE OLDER WILL SERVE THE YOUNGER.” 13 Just as it is written, “JACOB I LOVED, BUT ESAU I HATED” [Romans 9:8-13].
In the case of the men of Nineveh, GOD did relent, & the city was spared [much to the displeasure of Jonah]. In the case of David, GOD did not relent. David cannot legitimately be angry with GOD, for he did not deserve that for which he petitioned GOD. Indeed, he deserved much worse than what he received. ONE dare not be distressed with GOD when HE does not give us what we do not deserve. We have no claim on divine grace. When it is granted, we should gratefully receive it as those unworthy of it; when it is not, we should humbly acknowledge it was nothing we deserved in the first place.
These five reasons alone are sufficient basis for David's actions in our text. But there is yet one more thing we are told in this text to which I call your attention: David found consolation & comfort in the death of the child because he was assured that, although the child could not return to be with him in life, he would go to be with the child in heaven:
“But now he has died; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me” [verse 23].
I believe there is only one way this verse makes any sense, & that is by understanding David to be saying something like: “I cannot bring the child back to life, to be here with me once again, but I can look forward to being with this child in heaven, after I die.”
This conclusion, expressed above, is not accepted by all. Some would understand David to be assured that he will be reunited with this child in heaven. They would not necessarily conclude that this means that all babies who die go to heaven. Some who believe in infant baptism may be tempted to believe that those babies who are baptized as infants will go to heaven if they die as babies. There are also those who are strongly convinced that since babies cannot repent & trust in JESUS CHRIST, none who die go to heaven. If this were the case, David would have to be understood to say something like this: “I cannot bring this baby back to life, but I will join him in the grave.” I want to address this last view first, & then seek to defend my own view, which is that babies who die [before the age of accountability] go to heaven.
There are some who understand David to be speaking of joining the child in the grave. In the context of our text, I find it difficult to understand how. David has fasted, wept, & prayed, so much so that his servants have become concerned for his own well-being. They could not convince him to get up off the ground or to eat. Suddenly, after the child dies, David goes on with his life as though nothing had happened, & when asked why by his servants, he gives the answer we find in our text. A part of this answer is that while he cannot bring the child back, he will someday be with the child. In the minds of some, David would be saying something like this:
“I was greatly intent on expressing my repentance, & in petitioning GOD for the life of this child. But now the child is dead, & I know that he will be buried in lot #23 at Restland Cemetery. To my great joy & comfort, I know that I will be buried in lot #24. This is the reason why I can be comforted in my grief. We will be side by side in the grave.”56
I simply do not find this explanation to be an adequate explanation for David's comfort & conduct. I believe that David is looking beyond the grave, to his reunion with this child at the resurrection. Is that not the same sense that we gain from Paul's words below?
13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that JESUS died & rose again, even so GOD will bring with HIM those who have fallen asleep in JESUS. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the LORD, that we who are alive & remain until the coming of the LORD, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the LORD HIMSELF will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel & with the trumpet of GOD, & the dead in CHRIST will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive & remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air, & so we shall always be with the LORD. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18].
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Caveats & Cautions
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I think we must admit that the view that all babies go to heaven if they die is the one we would most like to believe. For this reason alone, we are obliged to approach this matter with skill & caution. I would also agree that our text in 2 Samuel 12 alone would be thin evidence for my conclusions, if there were not other supporting texts & truths. It is certainly true that my conclusions are based upon inferential evidence. Having said this, I would also say that any other point of view on this subject is also inferential, & based [in my opinion] on even thinner evidence.
Let me say one final thing before proceeding with some of my arguments. This subject [Do babies who die go to heaven?] is not one which should divide evangelical Christians. It is not a fundamental of the faith, & it should not be viewed as heresy, no matter which of the views [stated above] are held. In the final analysis, we should be willing to say that GOD would be righteous & just in sending every human being [including babies] to hell, if HE chose to do so. Further, those of us who know & love GOD should be willing to trust HIM in this matter. Sometimes certain subjects & questions are not clearly answered. In such cases, I believe this is deliberate so that we have to trust in GOD HIMSELF.
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Supporting Evidence
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With all these caveats, let me list the factors which incline me to the conclusion that babies who die go to heaven. I will focus on four lines of evidence.
First, in the Book of Jonah, GOD clearly makes a distinction between children & adults, & rebukes Jonah for desiring that divine judgment come upon little children. We all know the story of how Jonah, the prophet of Israel, was instructed to go to Nineveh & to proclaim the coming of GOD's judgment on this wicked city. We remember how Jonah rebelled, but was finally compelled to go to Nineveh, where he announced the coming of GOD's wrath on Nineveh in 40 days. The people of Nineveh repented, & GOD relented. Jonah was furious. He wanted GOD to destroy this wicked city & all who lived in it. Defiantly Jonah stationed himself outside the city, where he waited for the destruction that GOD had threatened & canceled. Jonah waited in the heat, still intent on watching the Ninevites perish. Then, this account follows:
5 Then Jonah went out from the city & sat east of it. There he made a shelter for himself & sat under it in the shade until he could see what would happen in the city. 6 So the LORD GOD appointed a plant & it grew up over Jonah to be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort. And Jonah was extremely happy about the plant. 7 But GOD appointed a worm when dawn came the next day & it attacked the plant & it withered. 8 When the sun came up GOD appointed a scorching east wind, & the sun beat down on Jonah's head so that he became faint & begged with all his soul to die, saying, “Death is better to me than life.” 9 Then GOD said to Jonah, “Do you have good reason to be angry about the plant?” And he said, “I have good reason to be angry, even to death.” 10 Then the LORD said, “YOU had compassion on the plant for which you did not work & which you did not cause to grow, which came up overnight & perished overnight. 11 “Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right & left hand, as well as many animals?” [Jonah 4:5-11, emphasis mine].
Jonah was angry with GOD. The cause for his anger is astounding. He was angry with GOD because of the grace HE had shown to these sinful Ninevites. He was incensed that GOD would forgive unworthy sinners, when they repented of their sins. To a large degree he was wrong because he seems to have assumed that GOD blessed the Jews on another basis — the simple fact that they were Jews. Jonah hated grace, especially when bestowed upon those he considered unworthy sinners.57 The sad irony is that he failed to understand that GOD’s blessings to Israel & to him were also based solely on divine grace. Ultimately, Jonah himself seems to have trusted in something other than grace.
GOD gave Jonah a lesson in grace. He gave this pouting, rebellious prophet a source of shade, even though he had no good reason for staying out in the heat. When GOD took the plant away, & thus the shade it afforded Jonah, the prophet was hopping mad. GOD challenged him concerning his anger. Did Jonah deserve the plant & its shade? Then why was he angry when GOD took it away? Jonah did not deserve this gracious provision, yet Jonah somehow felt he did deserve it.
Now GOD turns Jonah’s attention from this object lesson to the real issue, the destruction or deliverance of the Ninevites. Why would Jonah be so intent on the condemnation of 120,000 who could not tell their right hand from their left? It seems to me that this text suggests that GOD views the 120,000 differently than HE does the older Ninevites. Those who can tell their left hand from their right can also discern between what is good & what is evil. While Jonah is eager to condemn such children, GOD is not. GOD does not argue with Jonah about the grace HE has shown the repentant [adult] Israelites. He rebukes Jonah for desiring the children to suffer divine wrath along with the adults. Jonah does not distinguish between the children & the adult Ninevites; GOD does. The basis for this distinction is what is of concern to us in our study of the death of David’s son.
GOD’s rebuke of Jonah is based upon the fact that Jonah is unwilling to make a distinction between the sinful [but repentant] adult Ninevites & the 120,000 children of Nineveh. The distinction is not just one of age, but of rational ability. These 120,000 children cannot distinguish between their right hand & their left. If this is so, & they cannot make concrete distinctions, how can they possibly make abstract distinctions like the difference between good & evil? How can they consciously choose to willfully disobey GOD, or to trust & obey HIM? GOD also mentions the cattle. They cannot choose to serve or reject GOD either, not because of their age, but because of their nature as beasts which lack the capacity to reason. Jonah would delight to watch these children & cattle suffer the wrath of GOD; GOD rebukes Jonah for this thinking. Does this principle not apply to all children, & not just the children of Nineveh? I believe it does.
Second, according to both the Old & the New Covenants, children are not to suffer divine condemnation for the sins of their parents.
“FATHERs shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin [Deuteronomy 24:16].
27 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will sow the house of Israel & the house of Judah with the seed of man & with the seed of beast. 28 “As I have watched over them to pluck up, to break down, to overthrow, to destroy & to bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build & to plant,” declares the LORD.
29 “In those days they will not say again, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children' s teeth are set on edge.'30 “But everyone will die for his own iniquity; each man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth will be set on edge. 31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel & with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the LORD. 33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the LORD, “I will put MY law within them & on their heart I will write it; & I will be their GOD, & they shall be My people. 34 “THEY will not teach again, each man his neighbor & each man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they will all know ME, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the LORD, “for I will forgive their iniquity, & their sin I will remember no more” [Jeremiah 31:27-34, NAB, emphasis mine].
Whether under the Old Covenant or the New, children are not to suffer condemnation for the sins of their parents. Each one is to suffer for their own sins. In Romans 5, Paul writes:
12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, & death through sin, & so death spread to all men, because all sinned — 13 for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of HIM who was to come [Romans 5:12-14].
In other words, Adam’s sin has been imputed to the entire human race. Even before the Law was given, men were sinners by nature. And for this, all die a physical death. Adam’s sin makes the whole human race sinful by nature.
In Romans 7, Paul speaks of being alive apart from the law, & then coming alive to the law:
I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive & I died [Romans 7:9].
It would seem from this text Paul is speaking of the coming of the age of accountability. In his infancy, Paul was “alive apart from the Law,” because he was not yet able to grasp the law, & thus to discern good & evil. Since he was unable to grasp either the need or the nature of the choice before him, he was not yet alive to the law. But there came a time when he became alive to the law, & at that moment, he fell under its curse.
In chapters 1-3 of Romans, Paul lays a foundation for the rest of the epistle. He seeks to demonstrate that all men are sinners, subject to the eternal wrath of GOD, & unable to save themselves by any work of their own [and thus in need of the gift of salvation in CHRIST through divine grace]. Paul’s conclusion [that all men are sinners] is summed up in chapter 3, as he draws together a list of OT citations:
This indictment is the conclusion of all that Paul has written up to this point, beginning with chapter 1, & especially v.18:
18 For the wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness & unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
How did Paul prove men to be sinners, under divine condemnation? In chapter 1 Paul shows that the heathen who have never heard the GOSPEL are sinners, under divine condemnation. These folks are assumed not to have heard the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. Nevertheless, they have received a divine revelation about GOD, which they have willfully rejected. This revelation comes through nature:
20 For since the creation of the world HIS invisible attributes, HIS eternal power & divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew GOD, they did not honor HIM as GOD or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, & their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 & exchanged the glory of the incorruptible GOD for an image in the form of corruptible man & of birds & four-footed animals & crawling creatures [Romans 1:20-23].
I believe the argument goes like this. GOD has revealed HIMSELF to all men through nature. This revelation is not complete, & it does not include the good news of the forgiveness of sins through the substitutionary work of CHRIST on the cross of Calvary. Even so, a person’s response to what GOD has revealed to them in nature is a demonstration of how they would have responded if more had been revealed to them. Those who have received the revelation of GOD in nature have rejected it, twisting it into a religion of their own making, so that they worship GOD’s creation rather than GOD the Creator. In Romans 2 & the first part of chapter 3, Paul shows that GOD justly condemns men as sinners for failing to live according to the standard of their own conscience, & most certainly for failing to live according to the standards set down in the Law of Moses. He shows that all men are sinners, deserving GOD’s eternal wrath, because they have been given some revelation about GOD & they have spurned it, perverting the truth that was revealed to them & exchanging it for something they would rather believe.
Everyone who is condemned as a sinner in Romans 1-3 is one who has received a revelation about GOD, who has the mental capacity to grasp it & respond to it, & has rejected this revelation. I contend that unborn children & infants [I won’t try to define where the so called “age of accountability” begins] have never received such revelation & have no capacity to reject it as evil or embrace it as good. They have not sinned in the sense of knowing what is right & willfully choosing to do what is wrong.
Here is where some folks begin to get uneasy. They fear that saying this is to deny the sin nature of all mankind, including children. They fear that this is tantamount to declaring young children innocent. I am not saying this at all. Whether an unborn or an infant, every offspring of Adam [i.e., every human being, regardless of age] is a sinner by nature. This sin nature is the result of Adam’s sin, which has been imputed to all his offspring. There is a difference, however, in being a sinner by nature & being a sinner in deed. A tiny newborn baby is a sinner by nature, but he will not become a sinner by deed until he willfully chooses to do what he knows to be wrong. Apart from a premature death, every child who is a sinner by nature will blossom into a child who is a sinner by deed.
But what of those children who die before they have become a sinner by deed? If we were to conclude they are condemned to hell for all eternity, for whose sin[s] are they being eternally punished? I would have to say they would be punished for Adam’s sin. They would suffer eternally for being a sinner by nature, for being born. I believe the distinction GOD was making in Jonah 4 was between those Ninevites who were sinners by deed, & those who were sinners by nature, but not by deed. I believe GOD was rebuking Jonah for wanting to see sinners by nature [only] suffer GOD’s wrath as though they were sinners by decision & deed. On what basis can GOD save sinners by nature, so that they need not be condemned? That is our next topic of discussion.
Third, in Romans 5 Paul teaches us that the sacrificial death of our LORD JESUS CHRIST atones for the sin of Adam, so that no descendant of Adam’s is condemned to hell for Adam’s sin. If I understand the SCRIPTURES correctly, the only reason that an infant could go to hell is because of Adam’s sin. The Old & New Covenants tell us that this cannot be, since children must not be punished for the sins of their parents. Romans 5 tells us how GOD has accomplished a means for infants to be saved from condemnation. The issue addressed by the fifth chapter of Romans is this: “How can one person – JESUS CHRIST – be the Savior of all those who believe in HIM?” “How can one man save many by dying for them?”
The answer Paul gives us in Romans 5 is very simple: “It was one man [Adam] who brought sin upon the human race; so, too, it was one Man [JESUS CHRIST] who provided the solution to the problem of sin for all who believe.”
17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace & of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the ONE, JESUS CHRIST. 18 So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men [Romans 5:17-18].
45 So also it is written, “The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. 46 However, the Spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the Spiritual. 47 The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven. 48 As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; & as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly. 49 Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly [1 Corinthians 15:45-49].
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST is called “the last Adam” because HE is the only ONE who can reverse the effects of Adam’s sin. He does so, not by automatically saving all men, but by making atonement for the sins of men, so that all who receive the gift of salvation have the forgiveness of sins & eternal life. All children have a sin nature which they have inherited from Adam. They obtained this, not by committing any sin, but by being born into the human race. They involuntarily obtained a sin nature. Paul’s argument in Romans 5 is a “much more” argument. He argues that whatever Adam did by his sin, CHRIST did [or rather undid] much more. If any child goes to hell simply because of Adam’s sin, then CHRIST’s work on Calvary is not “much more” than Adam’s. All those who suffer the eternal wrath of GOD for their sin are those who have, by their own willful choice, rebelled against GOD & rejected the revelation of HIM HE made known to them. All those who have not yet made this willful choice to identify with Adam in his sin, & who die before doing so, are involuntarily covered by the shed blood of JESUS CHRIST. Adam could thus corrupt the whole human race, but CHRIST could do much more in that HE could atone for Adam’s sin & transform guilty sinners into forgiven saints. The death of JESUS CHRIST on the cross of Calvary is the means by which infants are saved from the guilt & condemnation of their sin nature, just as it is the means by which all [adults] who believe are saved.
This is how I explain the confidence & peace David demonstrated when his son died. David was assured that he would not die, & this was due to the fact that his sins were “taken away.” Under the Old Covenant, there was no salvation for David, only the condemnation of death. David must therefore be delivered from divine wrath due to GOD’s provision in JESUS CHRIST, in accordance with the New Covenant. This is the basis for the salvation of every saint, OT or New. If GOD dealt graciously with David, on the basis of the new covenant, would HE not also deal with his son on the same basis?
Fourth, the belief that infants are saved by the blood of CHRIST is the view held by some of the most highly regarded students of SCRIPTURE. The doctrinal position of the Church throughout its history does not have the authority of SCRIPTURE, but it does help to validate or call into question contemporary interpretations of the SCRIPTURES. When one holds a view or interpretation of SCRIPTURE that the Church has consistently rejected throughout the history of the Church, it certainly calls that interpretation into question. Allow me to cite a few quotations which express the viewpoint of some respected theologians & preachers of the past.
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First, let us hear from Charles Haddon Spurgeon:
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Now for one or two incidental matters which occur in SCRIPTURE, which seem to throw a little light also on the subject. You have not forgotten the case of David. His child by Bathsheba was to die as a punishment for the father's offence. David prayed, & fasted, & vexed his soul; at last they tell him the child is dead. He fasted no more but he said, “I shall go to him, he shall not return to me.” Now, where did David expect to go to? Why, to heaven surely. Then his child must have been there, for be said, “I shall go to him.” I do not hear him say the same of Absalom. He did not stand over his corpse, & say, “I shall go to him;” he had no hope for that rebellious son. Over this child it was not—”O my son! would to GOD I had died for thee!” No, he could let this babe go with perfect confidence, for he said, “I shall go to him.” “I know,” he might have said, “that HE hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things & sure, & when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for he is with me; I shall go to my child, & in heaven we shall be re-united with each other.”58
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And once again:
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Now, let every mother & father here present know assuredly that it is well with the child, if GOD hath taken it away from you in its infant days. You never heard its declaration of faith—it was not capable of such a thing; it was not baptized into the LORD JESUS CHRIST, not buried with him in baptism; it was not capable of giving that “answer of a good conscience towards GOD,” nevertheless, you may rest assured that it is well with the child, well in a higher & a better sense than it is well with yourselves; well without limitation, well without exception, well infinitely, “well” eternally. Perhaps you will say, “What reasons have we for believing that it is well with the child?” Before I enter upon that I would make one observation. It has been wickedly, lyingly, & slanderously said of Calvinism, that we believe that some little children perish. Those who make the accusation know that their charge is false. I cannot even dare to hope, though I would wish to do so, that they ignorantly misrepresent us. They wickedly repeat what has been denied a thousand times, what they know is not true. In Calvin's advice to Knox, he interprets the second commandment, “showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me,” as referring to generations, & hence he seems to teach that infants who have had pious ancestors, no matter how remotely, dying as infants are saved. This would certainly take in the whole race. As for modern Calvinists, I know of no exception, but we all hope & believe that all persons dying in infancy are elect. Dr. Gill, who has been looked upon in late times as being a very standard of Calvinism, not to say of ultra-Calvinism, himself never hints for a moment the supposition that any infant has perished, but affirms of it that it is a dark & mysterious subject, but that it is his belief, & he thinks he has SCRIPTURE to warrant it, that they who have fallen asleep in infancy have not perished, but have been numbered with the chosen of GOD, & so have entered into eternal rest. We have never taught the contrary, & when the charge is brought, I repudiate it & say, “YOU may have said so, we never did, & you know we never did. If you dare to repeat the slander again, let the lie stand in scarlet on your very cheek if you be capable of a blush.” We have never dreamed of such a thing. With very few & rare exceptions, so rare that I never heard of them except from the lips of slanderers, we have never imagined that infants dying as infants have perished, but we have believed that they enter into the paradise of GOD.59
Finally, let us hear from Loraine Boettner, who cites the position of a number of other theologians:
Most Calvinistic theologians have held that those who die in infancy are saved. The SCRIPTURES seem to teach plainly enough that the children of believers are saved; but they are silent or practically so in regard to those of the heathens. The Westminster Confession does not pass judgment on the children of heathens who die before coming to years of accountability. Where the SCRIPTURES are silent, the Confession, too, preserves silence. Our outstanding theologians, however, mindful of the fact that GOD's “tender mercies are over all HIS works,” & depending on HIS mercy widened as broadly as possible, have entertained a charitable hope that since these infants have never committed any actual sin themselves, their inherited sin would be pardoned & they would be saved on wholly evangelical principles.
Such, for instance, was the position held by Charles Hodge, W. G. T. Shedd, & B. B. Warfield. Concerning those who die in infancy, Dr. Warfield says: “THEIR destiny is determined irrespective of their choice, by an unconditional decree of GOD, suspended for its execution on no act of their own; & their salvation is wrought by an unconditional application of the grace of CHRIST to their souls, through the immediate & irresistible operation of the HOLY SPIRIT prior to & apart from any action of their own proper wills . . . And if death in infancy does depend on GOD's providence, it is assuredly GOD in HIS providence who selects this vast multitude to be made participants of HIS unconditional salvation . . . This is but to say that they are unconditionally predestinated to salvation from the foundation of the world.”60
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      We have lingered long on this sad incident in which David       finds joy & comfort, but allow me to conclude by pointing       out several areas of application.
       ●  First, this text [along with the others I have mentioned]             offers comfort to all those who have suffered [or will suffer]             the loss of a little one.
            I believe that our LORD summed it up as concisely as             possible when HE said,
            “Permit the children to come to ME, & do not hinder them,             for the kingdom of GOD belongs to such as these”             [Luke 18:16].
                  What comfort there is to know that                   our little ones are in HIS arms.
       ●  Second, we learn from this incident that even when             GOD forgives our sins HE does not remove all             painful consequences.
            David’s sins with Bathsheba & with Uriah were forgiven,             but the death of this child was still necessary.
            Sin has painful consequences.
            Even though our sins are forgiven, they are never             worth the price tag that comes in terms of consequences.
       ●  Third, GOD is more concerned with HIS reputation than             our happiness. Some people think that GOD is a kind             of magic Genie, who awaits our every command, & who             seeks to satisfy our every whim.
            David would have been happy to receive his child back,             but GOD’s reputation required that HE deal with sin             in a way that makes it very clear how a holy & righteous             GOD feels about sin.
       ●  Fourth, we can learn a lesson about unanswered prayer.             David prayed as earnestly as a man could pray, but             GOD clearly answered, “No!”
            David was content with that.             He did not protest or complain.             He accepted GOD’s will as that which was best.             He worshipped GOD in spite of his loss & his pain.             He did not agonize that he simply lacked faith.             He knew GOD had heard him & HE had answered.             How many of us praise GOD when HE has told us “No!”?
       ●  Finally, the believer’s hope & joy in the midst of trials &             tribulations is the context for witnessing to our faith in             JESUS CHRIST.
            David’s servants expected him to [re]act in a very             different way, once he learned that his son was dead.             They were amazed at the way he found comfort, joy, &             a desire to worship GOD when his family was struck             by tragedy.
            They asked David concerning this hope, & David was             able to give an explanation of that hope.
      Our response to our sufferings & trials affords us the same       opportunity. Let us learn to rest in HIM in Whom we have       placed our hope, & then to share this hope with those who       do not possess it [see 1 Peter 3:15].
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51 Incidentally, this was done with another teacher present, as a witness. 52 When GOD struck Nabal, he died after ten days — see 1 Samuel 25:38. 53 The NKJV is similar, when it renders, “HE may do some harm.”
54 We do not really know whether any of the servants knew of Nathan’s word that this child would surely die. If not, then they may not understand why David is so serious in his mourning of repentance & petition.
55 See also Jonah 3.
56 I am duty bound to point out the words of Barzillai in 2 Samuel 19:37. There was some comfort in being buried near one’s relatives, but this does not seem to be sufficient comfort to explain David’s words & actions in our text.
57 In this, Jonah is not that different from the self-righteous scribes      & Pharisees of JESUS’ day.
58 “Infant Salvation,” The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, a sermon delivered on Sunday morning, September 29th, 1861, By the Rev. C.H.Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
59 Spurgeon in the same sermon as above.
60 Loraine Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination [Philadelphia: The Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 1963 [eleventh printing]], pp. 143-144.
0 notes
chaozrael · 7 years
Cards against Cybertron 437 answers
Thx again to everyone who helped!!! Questions are here Link @decepti-auto-docs @e512 @horns-and-heels 
1.      Tarn
2.      Functionism
3.      Leakers huffing coolant fumes behind a dumpster in Rodion
4.      A Time Travel Paradox
5.      Death by traitor’s wheel
6.      Chief Justice Tyrest
7.      Nightmare Fuel
8.      Militant Monoform Movement
9.      Eight billion organic corpses rotting in the light of a binary sun
10.  Thunderwing’s pretender shell
11.  A big bag of T-Cogs
12.  Leadership of a Mortilus death cult
13.  Explosions
14.  Interfacing in the exhaust pipe
15.  Police brutality
16.  Ten Ammonite prostitutes
17.  A barrel of diesel-based hooch
18.  A really nasty virus
19.  Lubricant
20.  Four million shanix in ill-gotten gains
21.  A weak energon spritzer
22.  Ten terrabytes of Lithonian porn
23.  Autobot Special Ops
24.  Soundwave fendered out of his mind on circuit boosters
25.  Deep-throating Perceptor’s scope attachment.
26.  Suppressing the memory of Beast Machines
27.  Shockwave’s spectacular rack
28.  Femmes with spikes
29.  Taking lurid photos of suggestively posed Transformers toys
30.  James Roberts’ private swimming pool full of tears
31.  Being physically unable to orgasm without the mentioning of Starscream
32.  A tone-inappropriate Weird Al dance number
33.  Yet another sex virus infection
34.  TFA Jazz’s crotch arrow
35.  Whoever thought Kiss Players was an acceptable idea
36.  Shota Bumblebee
37.  The irresistibly soft, yielding delight of TFA Optimus’s lips
38.  Watching Rescue Bots as trauma therapy
39.  Pharma transforming his hands into dildos
40.  Relentlessly mocking the inferiority of Rodimus
41.  The unstoppable horror that is Michael Bay
42.  Another bunch of shitty recolors
43.  Drift sucking spike for drugs
44.  Getting Star Sabered
45.  Robots in disguise
46.  War without end
47.  Erotically inhaling bees
48.  Peace through tyranny
49.  Backfiring and walking away
50.  Stealing a warworld
51.  Interfacing with a turbofox
52.  Doing the right thing
53.  Going into combat while high as frag
54.  Not giving two scraps about Rodion
55.  Starscream
56.  My collection of high-tech sex toys
57.  Fragging Optimus Prime in exchange for a promotion
58.  Misfire
59.  A thing with three heads that keeps insisting it has no head
60.  Galvatron the Barbarian King
61.  A dead MTO
62.  Land mines
63.  Cannon fodder
64.  K-Con recruitment office
65.  A mission into uncharted space
66.  The Wreckers
67.  Taking volunteers
68.  Chilly interface with a refrigeration unit
69.  The Galactic Council’s stupid hats
70.  A shock baton up my valve
71.  Jacking into a generator
72.  A first-printing edition of Towards Peace
73.  An Autobot insignia
74.  A really, really big gun
75.  Electric shock therapy
76.  Prowl’s sexy, sexy doorwings
77.  The Covenant of Primus
78.  Human germs
79.  A steamy affair with a senator
80.  The Matrix of Leadership
81.  A blowjob from Megatron
82.  Empurata
83.  Primus on a bike
84.  Unicrons severed head
85.  The universal greeting
86.  An issue of Racer Weekly, the Blurr edition (With the full page spread)
87.  Camien make-up
88.  A signed picture of Thunderclash
89.  Rungs eyebrows
90.  The Scavengers
91.  The DJDs grandma
92.  The Magnus armor
93.  A face full of mnemosurgery needles
94.  Cyclonus’ nightstick
95.  Starscreams hooker heels
96.  Bad fanfiction
97.  Whirls boob cannons
98.  Rodimus’ irrational hate for hats
99.  The Rodpod
100.                     A portal to Cyberutopia
101.                     Tailgate crying through his visor
102.                     A vial of innermost energon
103.                     The power of love
104.                     Lockdowns missing hand
105.                     Devestators crotch
106.                     A briefcase
107.                     10.000 Legislators
108.                     Trolling on the Big Conversation
109.                     An undead turbofox
110.                     Sentinel Primes (TFA) massive chin
111.                     Desecrating a corpse
112.                     A chainsaw sword
113.                     Overlords luscious lips
114.                     Flowers made of dead people
115.                     A horde of horny Insecticons
116.                     Mechs with mustaches
117.                     Homemade circuitboosters
118.                     Ratchet‘s complete lack of enthusiasm towards your bullshit
119.                     5 virgin Seekers
120.                     A rendezvous with a tyrant of your choice
121.                     A specific paragraph in the Tyrest Accord
122.                     One of Rung‘s current theories on Lost Light group dynamics
123.                     Tranquilizers for combiners
124.                     The mysterious contents of Optimus Primes trailer
125.                     Prowl flipping tables
126.                     Semi dry pre-war midgrade with a hint of mercury. On the rocks.
127.                     Motor oil
128.                     Religious fanatism
129.                     The fucks James Roberts never gave.
130.                     Exotic little Cybertronian N.A.I.L. colonies
131.                     Overpriced hedonian trinkets
132.                     Shady backstreet medics
133.                     USB slots
134.                     A whole lot of messed up and tangled wires
135.                     Any moner‘s dream
136.                     A one eyed, one horned, flying, purple people-eater
137.                     Boobie headlights
138.                     Squishies
139.                     4 million years of practice
140.                     Not giving a shit about lower castes
141.                     Any senator
142.                     A long and winding rhetorical excuse
143.                     Blip
144.                     Groundbreaking scientific proof
145.                     Perceptor's skope
146.                     Flywheels enormous feet
147.                     Thruster heels
148.                     Sensitive wing syndrome
149.                     Processed energon
150.                     Too much engex
151.                     Their inner demons
152.                     Hippies from Caminus
153.                     Traces of peanuts
154.                     A certain type of tires
155.                     Clogged tubes
156.                     A big fat spike
157.                     Basic hygiene rituals
158.                     A thorough massage
159.                     A third ridiculous and completely made up faction
160.                     A manipulated vote
161.                     Decepticon dictatorship
162.                     A little dancing group of miners
163.                     To be deaf and numb
164.                     A suppressed desire
165.                     A sentinent being
166.                     A non-sentinent being
167.                     Beautiful garbage
168.                     Half of their protoform
169.                     Their first embarrassing paintjob
170.                     Stick on tattoos
171.                     The greatest Autobot of all times
172.                     Cybertronian healthcare
173.                     Blowjobs for everyone
174.                     A reason to celebrate
175.                     The reason for his existence
176.                     A boygroup from Praxus
177.                     A sizekink
178.                     A passionate relationship
179.                     Twisted wires
180.                     Ritualized Iaconian folk dance
181.                     His botbook profile
182.                     A Decepticon spy
183.                     An Autobot spy
184.                     One million Shanix with a rather questionable origin
185.                     One million years dungeon!
186.                     Grinding gears
187.                     The altmode of their dreams
188.                     A field of sparks
189.                     Something unknown but with a peculiar smell
190.                     Chipped paint
191.                     Screeching tires
192.                     A flame paintjob
193.                     Death sentence
194.                     Tumblr
195.                     Drumming on the next best bot's chassis
196.                     More tires
197.                     Overrated upgrades for valves
198.                     Suction cups
199.                     Lonely veterans
200.                     Human clothing kink
201.                     A broken spark
202.                     A simple misunderstanding about paintjob colour that lead to a total shitstorm
203.                     A pile of scrap
204.                     A quick escalation
205.                     Sparklings
206.                     That ass
207.                     Hope
208.                     Poor life choices
209.                     My existential gay crisis
210.                     Unfathomable stupidity
211.                     A windmill full of corpses
212.                     Actually getting shot, for real.
213.                     Teaching robots to love
214.                     A tank full of Sharkticons
215.                     Daring to be stupid
216.                       Cyberforming an entire planet
217.                     Eating a G.I.Joe
 218.                     Vos´ face
219.                     Whatever Tarn is compensating for with his double arm canon
220.                     Loki Maximo
221.                     Decorative spikes
222.                     Bad luck Pipes
223.                     Showing off your step dancing skills and accidentally killing a random bot
224.                     Something that came out of Tarantulas butt
225.                     Botflix
226.                     Untagged porn
227.                     A trigger warning
228.                     Getting overcharged at 8 am
229.                     Witwicky white trash
230.                     Energon-Sushi that has gone bad
231.                     That prick Prowl
232.                     His daddy
233.                     Beauty products by Overlord
234.                     Popular dance hits
235.                     Primus, our lord and savior
236.                     A robot STD
237.                     A super soft padding
238.                     Your monthly oil change
239.                     A sudden and overwhelming hunger for ener-jonnies
240.                     Swapping fuel in public
241.                     Big, big pedes
242.                     Every face mask ever
243.                     Many little sockets on the side of his frame
244.                     A heavy burst of electricity
245.                     Five nights at Swerve´s
246.                     Tyrest´s crown of “spikes”
247.                     Covfefe
248.                     An even smaller version of Minimus Ambus
249.                     Domestication
250.                     A jammed door on the Peaceful Tyranny
251.                     150 Autobots
252.                     The cancellation of “Till all are one”
253.                     Elita-1
254.                     A dead minibot in a box
255.                     Like 1000 caged sparkeaters
256.                     The gentle flap of some doorwings
257.                     A leisure center for retired Autobots
258.                     A good scolding from Nickel
259.                     The lack of oral hygiene
260.                     A bastard trapped in another bastard
261.                     Drift's criminal record
262.                     His nasty ex
263.                     At least three
264.                     Decepticon dance hits vol 1 – XX
265.                     Fancy fizzy drinks named after fierce Decepticons
266.                     More bad Crossovers
267.                     Just a black hole
268.                     An exact version of this in the my little pony universe
269.                     The softness of beastformer fur
270.                     100 twerking seeker butts
271.                     Bad roleplay
272.                     Our hopes and fears
273.                     A nice game of “Dodge the blowtorch”
274.                     A leaking gearstick
275.                     Literal sparkplugs
276.                     The Co-captain
277.                     50 shades of Tailgate
278.                     Wasps in my waste tanks
279.                     You wouldn't understand. It's a Combiner thing
280.                     Thats just another one of Elita's secrets
281.                     None-stop buttsex
282.                     Having a crush on your leader for centuries
283.                     Swindle's dead body
284.                     Gay Constructicons
285.                     A Cybertronian named Lubeguzzler
286.                     Overclocking your CPU out of boredom
287.                     Lesbian Spiders
288.                     Sum fuk
289.                     Tire butts
290.                     Gladiator erotica written by Megatron
291.                     Rejected outlier abilities.
292.                     Turning emblems upside-down
293.                     Your worst childhood's nightmare
294.                     More phase-sixers
295.                     Ambulon's better half
296.                     Onslaught´s bitterness
297.                     Starscream's underfraggedness
298.                     The worst holomatter avatar
299.                     Robot bollocks
300.                     Synthetic spikes hanging from the ceiling
301.                     A tank drainage
302.                     Ejecting their spike
303.                     Horns
304.                     Datapads
305.                     Megatron's fleshli-Cannon
306.                     Shooting your best friend
307.                     Soundwave's highly talented data cables
308.                     Starscreams ego
309.                     Liege Maximo's prison cell inside Carcer
310.                     Rung's candy collection
311.                     Gentle trigger strokes
312.                     Titan spikes
313.                     Unauthorized brain module surgery
314.                     Needle fingers
315.                     Optic Cleanser
316.                     Fleshies
317.                     Heat simulation chips
318.                     The „botfather“
319.                     A Tale of Two Tankors
320.                     An engorged scraplet
321.                     Engineering a time machine just to stalk your long dead crush
322.                     Ratchet´s favorite wrench
323.                     Robo boobs
324.                     Ack!
325.                     That time someone thought gelatinous spikes were a good idea.
326.                     He can't deal with this right now
327.                     Spike enlargement surgery
328.                     Optimus getting slapped
329.                     Megatron getting some fiiiine booty
330.                     A weird obsession with humans
331.                     Misfire's secret booze storage
332.                     Spinster's hands
333.                     Gently crushing golden thighs
334.                     Rust
335.                     An enraged pistachio
336.                     The real reason Roddimus hates hats
337.                     Ark-1
338.                     A handful of confetti on Garrus-9
339.                     Galvatron's goddamn sexy thighs
340.                     Storing candy up his gun barrel
341.                     An alt-mode kink
342.                     Party ambulance
343.                     Combiner gang bang
344.                     Predacon glossa
345.                     Sniffing beastformer butt
346.                     The large plug
347.                     Build-a-bear horrors
348.                     Engex
349.                     Knockout's astranged uncle
350.                     Breakdown and Knockout becoming parents
351.                     Fidget spinner spinner alt mode
352.                     That sparkle bot down the street
353.                     A dirty boy
354.                     A thick boy
355.                     Shockwave's bosom
356.                     Sneezing sparklings
357.                     A softly purring engine
358.                     The Cybertronian equivalent to snoring
359.                     Soundwave's perfectly sculpted aft
360.                     Bumblebee's butt screw
361.                     Insecticon infestation
362.                     Incesticons
363.                     Wheeljack's mouth fixation
364.                     Unicrons beard
365.                     Unicron! Not Unicorn!
366.                     A mask covering his ugliness
367.                     Bad dentals
368.                     That bar on Caminus
369.                     Blurr's turbo spike
370.                     What happened back then in the teen-bot summer camp
371.                     Rodimus discovering emojis
372.                     The burning frame of your enemy
373.                     The smell of victory
374.                     Dr. Octogonapus
375.                     Bayformers Optimus' Prime's boobs
376.                     Crosshairs attitude
377.                     The swarm
378.                     One tiny beeping bean
379.                     Weaponless Ironhide
380.                     Your crackship
381.                     Hydraulic twerking
382.                     Five thousand starving scraplets
383.                     Trypticon's Dinospike
384.                     Pre war hypocricy
385.                     Grimlock's happy leg
386.                     That one container of bad engex
387.                     Wheeljack's "Special" experiments
388.                     Eggs
389.                     Popular waxing techniques during the golden age
390.                     Helex´ cooking
391.                     Cyclonus' broken horn
392.                     Violently pelvic thrusting at your neighbor
393.                     Killmasters wand
394.                     Squealing scientists
395.                     The urgent need to align all your pens to the left
396.                     It's a Lost Light thing, you wouldn't understand
397.                     Bulkhead's "Bulkhead"
398.                     Dating boats
399.                     Seeker screaming sessions
400.                     That one time Optimus was actually right.
401.                     Space fashion
402.                     Swerve's stripper pole
403.                     Bunny suits on bots
404.                     40 buckets
405.                     Quintesson poop
406.                     My new line of Pipes shoes
407.                     Prison gayness
408.                     Froid's yaoi arms
409.                     Whirl, making ticking noises
410.                     Bellydancing Drift
411.                     Deadlock, aka Bleplock
412.                     Subsidized aerobic classes for middle sized grounders
413.                     Being too big for the transport shuttle
414.                     Prowl's excess weight
415.                     Actual headcanons
416.                     Rewind's alleged sex tapes
417.                     Incompatible drivers
418.                     Human collateral
419.                     Holding Perceptor's legs so he can shoot things
420.                     Rodimus' magic butt crack
421.                     Seeing Cosmos in space and not saying 'Hello'
422.                     Sleeping baby beans
423.                     tfw2005 fuckboys
424.                     Cannibalistic Insecticons
425.                     A good old EMP blast
426.                     Your motherboard
427.                     Dinobot tranquilizers
428.                     Exactly what you get when you mess with a taser
429.                     Lugnuts P.O.K.E
430.                     A cheesy tune written by tarn in his spare time
431.                     TFP Arcee's secret third wheel
432.                     Waking up next to a beastformer and knowing that nothing will ever be the same again
433.                     G1 physics
434.                     Humansonas
435.                     That awful snarling sound Dinobot keeps on making
436.                     Verity in short shorts
437.                     Bikini day on the Nemesis
65 notes · View notes
aoihono96 · 2 years
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[DLD] Stage play “Heli-X“ DVD English subtitle
Hello, everyone! As I mentioned in the previous post, here comes a new subtitle. This time is the subtitles for the first stage from the “Heli-X” series. The subtitle for the second stage from the series, “Heli-X - Ammonite Syndrome“, will followe soon, as a celebration for the release of the 3rd stage.
Many thanks to my friend, @nucleatedwbc for her help~~
You can read more under the cut~~
About the stage:
‘In the near future, the entire world is involved in the Third World War. Yamato, who was already an ally of Unite, will become a complete dominated country by the Unite. We have been given only a loose domination. One of the few recognized freedom is Trans. Thus, people can freely choose their gender, abandoning the gender they were born with. By doing so, they obtained powers that surpass normal human abilities. There are various abilities, but those who commit crimes using them also emerged. Fear, envy, hostility, worship...Having mixed feelings, people call those ability users Heli-X.’
Cast members includes: 
Tamaki Yuuki as Zero 
Kikuchi Shuuji as Agata Takayoshi 
Teruma as Ryuujin 
Gotou Dai as Shiden 
Tatemichi Riona as Wakakusa 
Matsuda Shouta as Shunsui 
Uno Yuuya as Cry
Here are some rules to get the subtitle and some requests for after you receive it.
Please read until the end!
* I’m sharing only the subtitle, not the video file!
* For those who want the subtitle, please send me an ask or a message.
* Be polite when asking for the sub and have patience to get it.
* Be sure you download the sub as fast as possible because I’m changing the link from time to time!
* Please don’t post or share it anywhere! If someone asks about it, please lead them to this post!
Please respect and follow the rules because I made them with a reason.
Last but not least, enjoy the stage~~
10 notes · View notes
aoihono96 · 3 years
[Personal] English subtitles masterpost
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It’s been a while since I posted something so here I come again. I hope everyone is safe and sound.
I decided to create a masterpost with the English subtitles I’m sharing. Like this it will be easier for anyone following me to see what I have to offer.
Also, in the following days I’ll post a list with future subtitles that I’m working on and I’m planning to make them public at some point. Because yes, although I was on hiatus for almost a year, now I’m back on track.
Please be aware that some subs are free to grab, for some you have to send me a messages and some have special rules in order to get them. You’ll be able to see the exact rules for every subtitle by clicking the title.
Without anything else to add, here is what I’m sharing so far.
Stage plays
1. Musical “Sayonara Sorcier“
2. Stage play “Dororo“
3. Stage play “Psycho-Pass - Virtue and Vice 1“
4. Stage play “COCOON - Tsuki no Kageri“
5. Stage play “COCOON - Hoshi Hitotsu“
6. Live Fantasy “Fairy Tail”
7. Stage play “Picaresque Seven”
8. Play the moment “Richard III”
9. Balance: Unlimited - The Stage
10. Stage play “Heli-X” 11. Stage play “Vanitas no Carte“
12. Stage play “Heli-X II - Ammonite Syndrome”
13. Stage play “Psycho-Pass - Virtue and Vice 2“
14. Stage play “Vanitas no Carte - Encore“
15. Stage play “Heli-X III - Lady Spiranthes“
Other shows
1. Suzuki Hiroki’s Day Off (Part of 2.5D Danshi Oshi TV Season 1)
2. 1st episode of the drama “Mushikago no Joumae”
Yoroshiku tanomu~~
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leenaevilin · 3 years
[Video] 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
the DVD will be released on March 9th, 2022☆ ☆ ☆
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
the show will be running from October 7th, 2021 to October 17th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ 紀伊國屋サザンシアター TAKASHIMAYA (Kinokuniya Southern Theater TAKASHIMAYA)
Tamaki Yuuki as Zero (ゼロ) Kikuchi Shuuji as Agata Takayoshi (アガタタカヨシ) Uno Yuuya as Cry (クライ) Kuze Seika as Kanzaki (カンザキ) Gotou Dai as Shiden (シデン) Tatemichi Riona as Wakakusa (ワカクサ) Matsuda Shouta as Shunsui (シュンスイ) Shiota Kouhei as Anger (アンガー) Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Sadness (サッドネス) Tanabe Koutaro as Dr. Sumeragi Kose (Dr.皇光生) Sugie Taishi as Immortal (イモータル) Hirano Ryou as Osiris (オシリス)
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[Streams & TV] OCTOBER 2021
♪ October 2nd, 2021 イケメン戦国 THE STAGE 番外編~はじまりの物語~ 鬼と魔ルート (ikemen sengoku the stage bangai hen ~hajimari no monogatari~ oni to ma route) [niconama]
♪ October 3rd, 2021 演劇調異譚「xxxHOLiC」(engeki chouitan xxxholic) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 3rd, 2021 演劇調異譚「xxxHOLiC」(engeki chouitan xxxholic) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 9th, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~) [mixchannel]
♪ October 9th, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~) [mixchannel]
♪ October 9th, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 9th, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 9th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai) [Streaming+]
♪ October 9th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai) [Streaming+]
♪ October 9th, 2021 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -track.4- (hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rule the stage -track.4-) [niconama]
♪ October 9th, 2021 令和千本桜~義経と弁慶 / コロッケものまねオンステージ 2021 (reiwa senbonzakura ~ yoshitsune to benkei / korokke monomane on stage 2021) [SPWN]
♪ October 10th, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 10th, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 10th, 2021 舞台『文豪ストレイドッグス 序』探偵社設立秘話 (butai bungou stray dogs hajigaki tanteisha setsuritsu hiwa) [niconama]
♪ October 12th, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~) [mixchannel]
♪ October 12th, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~) [mixchannel]
♪ October 12th, 2021 ミュージカル 悪ノ娘 (musical aku no musume) [mixchannel]
♪ October 12th, 2021 ミュージカル 悪ノ娘 (musical aku no musume) [mixchannel]
♪ October 15th, 2021 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪『SHINING REVUE~Finale~』」(gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ shining revue ~finale~) [Streaming+]
♪ October 15th, 2021 ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 にっかり青江 単騎出陣 (musical touken ranbu nikkari aoe tanki shutsujin) [dmm]
♪ October 15th, 2021 ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 にっかり青江 単騎出陣 (musical touken ranbu nikkari aoe tanki shutsujin) [dmm]
♪ October 16th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 黒の時代」(butai bungo stray dogs kuro no jidai) [niconama]
♪ October 16th, 2021 令和千本桜~義経と弁慶 / コロッケものまねオンステージ 2021 (reiwa senbonzakura ~ yoshitsune to benkei / korokke monomane on stage 2021) [SPWN]
♪ October 17th, 2021 舞台『文豪ストレイドッグス 序』太宰治の入社試験 (butai bungou stray dogs dazai osamu no nyuushashiken) [niconama]
♪ October 17th, 2021 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~) [dmm]
♪ October 17th, 2021 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~) [dmm]
♪ October 22nd, 2021 舞台「血界戦線」Blitz Along Alone (butai kekkai sensen blitz along alone) [dmm]
♪ October 22nd, 2021 LIVE STAGE『スケートリーディング☆スターズ』(live stage skate-leading☆stars) [PIA LIVE STREAM]
♪ October 23rd, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai) [Streaming+]
♪ October 23rd, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai) [Streaming+]
♪ October 23rd, 2021 劇団「ドラマティカ」 ACT1/西遊記悠久奇譚 第1回公演「西遊記」(gekidan dramatica act1/saiyuuki yuukyuu kitan) [dmm]
♪ October 23rd, 2021 オンライン朗読劇「空想の輪郭」(online roudokugeki yume no rinkaku) [SPWN]
♪ October 23rd, 2021 RICE on STAGE『ラブ米』~Endless rice riot~ (rice on stage love kome ~endless rice riot~) [niconama]
♪ October 24th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai) [Streaming+]
♪ October 24th, 2021 ミュージカル『忍たま乱太郎』第12弾 ~まさかの共闘!?大作戦!!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 12 dan ~masaka no kyoutou!? daisakusen!!~) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 24th, 2021 ミュージカル『忍たま乱太郎』第12弾 ~まさかの共闘!?大作戦!!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 12 dan ~masaka no kyoutou!? daisakusen!!~) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 24th, 2021 オンライン朗読劇「空想の輪郭」(online roudokugeki yume no rinkaku) [SPWN]
♪ October 24th, 2021 RICE on STAGE『ラブ米』Festival in バレンタイン (rice on stage love kome festival in valentine) [niconama]
♪ October 26th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 27th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 28th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 28th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 29th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 30th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 30th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 30th, 2021 ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 ~静かの海のパライソ~ 再演 (musical touken ranbu ~shizuka no umi no paraíso~ saien) [dmm]
♪ October 30th, 2021 RICE on STAGE『ラブ米』~I’ll give you rice~ (rice on stage love kome ~i’ll give you rice~) [niconama]
♪ October 31st, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 31st, 2021『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage) [Theater-Complex]
♪ October 31st, 2021 舞台「血界戦線」Blitz Along Alone (butai kekkai sensen blitz along alone) [dmm]
♪ October 31st, 2021 LIVE STAGE『スケートリーディング☆スターズ』(live stage skate-leading☆stars) [PIA LIVE STREAM]
♪ October 31st, 2021 LIVE STAGE『スケートリーディング☆スターズ』(live stage skate-leading☆stars) [PIA LIVE STREAM]
♪ October 31st, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 31st, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [Streaming+]
♪ October 31st, 2021 RICE on STAGE『ラブ米』~Rice will come again~ (rice on stage love kome ~rice will come again~) [niconama]
♪ October 3rd, 2021 舞台 デュラララ!! ~円首方足の章~ (butai durarara!! ~enshuhousoku no shou~) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 3rd, 2021 舞台「東京リベンジャーズ」(butai tokyo revengers) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 3rd, 2021 演劇調異譚「xxxHOLiC」(engeki chouitan xxxholic) [日テレプラス]
♪ October 4th, 2021 舞台『刀剣乱舞』虚伝 燃ゆる本能寺 ~再演~ (butai touken ranbu ~kyoden moyuru honnouji~ saien) [日テレプラス]
♪ October 10th, 2021 A New Musical『ゆびさきと恋々』(a new musical yubisaki to renren) [衛星劇場]
♪ October 11th, 2021 舞台「文豪とアルケミスト」綴リ人ノ輪唱 (butai bungou to alchemist tsuzuri hito no kanon) [日テレプラス]
♪ October 16th, 2021 ミュージカル『黒執事』~NOAH’S ARK CIRCUS~ (musical kuroshitsuji ~noah’s ark circus~) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 16th, 2021 ミュージカル『黒執事』-Tango on the Campania- (musical kuroshitsuji -tango on the campania-) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 16th, 2021 ミュージカル『黒執事』~寄宿学校の秘密~ (musical kuroshitsuji ~kishukugakkou no himitsu~) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 16th, 2021 STAGE FES 2019-2020 [衛星劇場]
♪ October 16th, 2021 残酷歌劇『ライチ☆光クラブ』 (zankoku kageki lychee hikari club) [衛星劇場]
♪ October 17th, 2021 舞台 銀河鉄道999 -GALAXY OPERA- (butai ginga tetsudou 999 -galaxy opera-) [衛星劇場]
♪ October 17th, 2021 地縛少年花子くん-The Musical- (jibaku shounen hanako-kun -the musical-) [TBSチャンネル2]
♪ October 18th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~SPRING & SUMMER 2018~ [日テレプラス]
♪ October 22nd, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SPRING 2021~ [日テレプラス]
♪ October 24th, 2021 王室教師ハイネ-THE MUSICAL II- (oushitsu kyoushi haine -the musical II-) [衛星劇場]
♪ October 25th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~SUMMER 2019~ [日テレプラス]
♪ October 26th, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~ [日テレプラス]
♪ October 27th, 2021 舞台 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪『エヴリィBuddy!』(butai gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ every buddy!) [日テレプラス]
♪ October 29th, 2021 イノサンmusicale Version Rouge (innocent musicale version rouge) [日テレプラス]
♪ October 30th, 2021 F6 2nd LIVEツアー「FANTASTIC ECSTASY」(f6 2nd live tour fantastic ecstasy) [衛星劇場]
♪ October 30th, 2021 イノサンmusicale Version Bleu (innocent musicale) Version Bleu [日テレプラス]
♪ October 31st, 2021『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』 Rule the Stage -Battle of Pride- (hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rule the stage -battle of pride-) [日テレプラス]
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