#amnesiac stiles
wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Hi! i've seen you track down some pretty obscure fics and i have one ive been looking for, for years.
here's what i remember:
the OG hale pack live and move somewhere else
it starts with stiles getting in a car crash, I think, and getting amnesia
Because he doesn’t remember anything and his phone and stuff got destroyed the hales take him in??? for some reason??
Amnesia seams to be in season since a lot of town people have been getting it??
pretty sure its Derek/Stiles
as the fic goes on it learned that a local witch has been working with a rival pack to take down the hales and was amnesia-ing people as practice
spark stiles
Pretty sure that the McCall pack is still a thing and losing their minds worrying about stiles
i think it was over 30k words?
sorry if thats too broad, i'm half convinced that the fic was deleted.
thanks so much!!
Hi @iamdracula-bleh-bleh-bleh! @midnightwinterhawk says it's this one.
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Nature of the Beast by Gia279
(19/19 I 56,964 I Not Rated I Sterek)
He still couldn't believe his name was Stiles.
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Derek stands by the window and watches as Stiles’ reflection appears and leans by the doorframe.
He ran away from their conversation (confrontation?) earlier, and Stiles is kind enough to follow at a more sedate pace.
Derek expects a reprimand, a word vomit of how not-okay it is to just run off mid very important conversation. But Stiles keeps quiet, arms crossed, face carefully neutral. He looks unimpressed by his tantrum but determined to patiently wait him out.
The rush of confusion and jumbled mess of thoughts in his head make Derek cave in.
“I don’t even know you,” he continues from where he left off earlier, “but I remember…I remember loving you.
He can see Stiles hold his breath.
“I remember a pool,” Derek goes on, “I remember you and me in a car with my arm bleeding. I remember watching you leave.”
He looks away from Stiles’ reflection and into the trees.
“I remember leaving. And then staying. For you.”
Derek clenches his hands into fists, his claws coming out and digging into his palm as the frustrating block of darkness sips into his mind again.
“I can’t remember who I am, where I am, or anything else. I don’t remember you. But I remember loving you.”
He wants to look at Stiles again, but also not. He chooses the latter as he gives in to the question at the tip of his tongue.
“Did you…love me, too?”
Stiles is standing straighter when Derek whips around to face him and his answer. His arms are now at his sides, and there’s a furrow between his brows as he takes a careful step towards Derek.
“Yes, but you didn’t know. I didn’t tell you,” he keeps walking towards Derek until they’re much closer in front of each other, “and you never told me.”
There’s a challenge and confrontation in those last words, but Derek doesn’t have an answer. Only more questions.
“So what does that make us?” he asks. Because Stiles is the one with the answers, Derek also remembers that.
Stiles gives him a look of disbelief for a moment, an unspoken how dare you turn this on me on the upturn of his brow and the slight opening of his lips.
Then he drops his head, huffs, a disguised laugh Derek thinks.
“That makes us two morons who have a lot to talk about. And a lot of dates to go on.”
Stiles shakes his head and gives Derek another look. He searches for something there, seems to find it.
Then, without any more hesitation, he takes Derek’s hand and leads him back out of the room, “after we get your memory back, you big failwolf.”
Derek remembers how easy it is to just hold onto Stiles and follow.
Part 2
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imtryingandtired · 1 year
TW idea where magic shenanigans happen where Derek or/and Stiles gets hit with amnesia and revert to how they were season 1, the pack having to help them regain their memories.
If it’s only one of them, I’m just imagining the other trying their hardest to get the other to remember everything that’s happened and what they’ve been through.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: I’ve Been Burned Before - Chapter #8
Pairing: Steter [Stiles Stilinski + Peter Hale]
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,162
Amber eyes widen at the sight of flat grasslands as far as the eye can see as well as trees galore. There are no buildings, no cars, and no people. There are no signs at all to indicate that there had ever been anything or anyone here before.
Created For: @anyfandomaubingo / Square Filled: Amnesiac Lydia Martin
The trip back to Beacon Hills has the two of them on edge, their hands clasped tightly in the center console and their fingers intertwined. Stiles notices magic wards that are surrounding the area as they hit what used to be the town line, but they are easily able to pass through them. He recognizes them as what he calls ‘These are not the droids you’re looking for’ wards. They make anyone that comes near them turn away. The wards are commonly referred to as notice me not. However, Peter and Stiles are granted access and are especially welcomed. 
Amber eyes widen at the sight of flat grasslands as far as the eye can see as well as trees galore. There are no buildings, no cars, and no people. There are no signs at all to indicate that there had ever been anything or anyone here before.
They park at what used to be the entrance to the preserve, both apprehensive as they step through the trees and into the forest. The birds greet them with a song. Several deer stop and look at them with wide eyes. Chipmunks and squirrels chitter at the sight of them. Rabbits wiggle their noses and tails as the two mates pass by. 
It’s halfway to the Nemeton’s clearing that they pause. In the middle of the path in front of them is an ink black fox with orange splotches that remind Stiles of fire. 
“Uh…Hi?” Stiles says.
Peter snorts. “It’s a fox, Gen. What’s it going to do? Say hi back?”
The fox scoffs, affronted. “Hi back.”
This startles both mates who look at the fox with wide eyes. The fox smirks at the two mates and nods for them to follow. 
“Who are you?” the spark asks, his tone underlined with power.
“I am Cień. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Guardian Gajos. We have been waiting anxiously for your arrival.”
Peter and Stiles exchange looks of bemusement before following the polychromatic fox. Stiles stretches out his magic and gasps when the fox’s own magic responds in kind. It feels familiar and that’s when it clicks. “You’re mine.”
The fox shoots the spark a grin, all teeth, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Indeed.”
They reach the clearing quicker than expected and Stiles gapes at the now several stories high Nemeton. “Holy shittake mushrooms. She’s beautiful.”
A twinkling laugh echoes and a vine reaches down to caress the spark’s cheek. “You are too kind, little spark. Thank you. I am glad you have come home.”
Stiles freezes and takes a step back. “I’m not staying. This isn’t my home.” His voice is shaky.
“I see,” the Nemeton says. “Are you sure?”
“Yes? No? I don’t know. I wouldn’t call it home anymore.”
“What is home to you, Guardian Gajos?” the fox asks.
Stiles stills and looks at Peter. “Wherever my wolf is.”
Peter smiles softly at his mate. “Well, my home is with you.” He then looks up at the tree. “Yet, this territory was founded by the Hale Dynasty and was once overflowing with generations of Hales. We were known as the Mighty Hale Pack. Hale was once synonymous with power, strength and authority.”
“Hale is still synonymous with all three of those,” Stiles says and wraps his arms around his mate’s waist, resting his chin on the wolf’s shoulder. He places kisses on Peter’s claiming bite to soothe him.
The fox tilts his head watching the spark comfort his mate. “So, the blood, sweat and tears of generations of Hales is ingrained in the very DNA of the earth. Thus, it is home?”
The spark shakes his head. “Home is not a place for me. However, this territory and all the territories that border it, do rightfully belong to my mate but can we claim it even if we wanted to?”
A rumble echoes as the earth shakes. The fox’s eyes glow an emerald green and the Nemeton’s voice takes on a deeper tone. “This land has always been and will always be Hale Land. As the mate of a Hale, it is within your right to hold authority over it as is your right as the Guardian of this Nemeton. All you must do is take it.”
Peter glances at his mate, seeing the indecision in his eyes. The wolf wants to reassure Stiles that no matter what the spark decides, Peter will support him.  Either way, whether they stay or go, the wolf doesn’t truly care, but he can’t find the words to express this. 
Stiles sets his jaw and looks up at the sentient tree. “I will take it, on the condition that I am not bound to remain here, the condition that I can travel freely if need be.”
“As you wish, Guardian Gajos. Anything else?”
Stiles glances at Peter and smiles. He doesn’t think twice before nodding and saying, “Yes. Make my mate an alpha.”
Peter gapes, looking at his mate with surprise. “I was a horrible alpha.”
“You were insane and grieving. Plus, you’ll have me to anchor you this time. I fully support you, Alpha,” Stiles purrs with a smile. His body thrums, full of belief in his mate.
The Nemeton’s branch hovers near Peter. “Are you accepting of this mantle, Beta Hale?”
Peter swallows and nods. “I am.”
"Fiat ita. Bíodh sé amhlaidh," the Nemeton's voice rumbles throughout the clearing. It's power and might are evident in the vibrations of its words and aura.
A gust of wind, a clap of thunder and flash of lightning occur and Peter roars as the spark of alphahood floods every fiber of his being. When he looks at his mate, his eyes must be crimson because amethyst eyes flash back in response. He pulls the spark in for a kiss and a feeling of serenity envelopes them. 
When they pull back, amber eyes meet ice blue eyes, and they smile with a sigh of relief. Perhaps they are home at last. After all, they have each other. What more could they want or need?
✸ ✧ 🔥 ✧ ✸
Stiles spends the first week they are back reacquainting himself with the land. He sits cross legged in the clearing amidst the trees, maintaining a trance like state as he communes with the goddess, the Nemeton and the Queen Neoma. 
Peter doesn’t go far but does begin to look for the perfect place to build their new and their forever home. He retrieves a sketchpad from their SUV on which he begins sketching some ideas. He’s still at it when Stiles emerges from the forest silent and yet calmer than he was when they arrived. He sits next to Peter and looks at the drawings as he lays his head on the wolf’s shoulder. 
“Is that what you want our home to look like?” the spark asks.
Peter nods. “Yes. I know it’s not perfect but well it looks as close as I can get it. Why? Do you not like it?”
Stiles smiles, shaking his head and closes his eyes. “Actually, I can picture it.”
“Really?” Peter asks but Stiles only replies with a nod and a soft hum. The hair on Peter’s neck stands up and he slowly turns his head. His jaw drops open at the sight. “Sweetheart?” he says softly.
“Mm?” Stiles hums.
“Are you picturing it right now?”
“Yep. I know we can make it happen.”
Peter snorts. “And by we you mean you. Open your eyes.”
Stiles does and he gapes like a fish, opening and closing his mouth several times. “Holy shiitake mushrooms. By the goddess, I swear that wasn't intentional.”
The wolf chuckles and hauls his mate up off the ground. “It’s perfect.”
“Just like you.”
“More like you,” the wolf purrs.
Stiles quirks a brow and takes a few steps towards the house, turning to face his mate. “What do you say we christen our new home?”
A growl sounds as ice blue eyes flash crimson and amber eyes flash amethyst. The two collide and they do indeed christen their entire home, barely stopping to hydrate for forty eight hours total. At the end those passion filled two days; they collapse in their master bed as the final piece of their new home slots into place.
Both of their chests heave even as they give each other loony grins. Stiles looks around their room, chewing his lip. He feels fingers card through his hair and melts into his mate’s ministrations. “Peter?”
“I asked the Nemeton for something else.” The spark’s voice is barely audible, and he won’t meet Peter’s searching gaze. “Don’t be mad. Please?”
The wolf uses a finger to lift his mate’s chin and locks their gazes. “What did you ask for?”
Stiles’s eyes shimmer with tears. “Whatever happened is in the past, but the darkness started long before I was born and only got worse. I just wanted to fix something. That’s all.”
Sometimes Peter admires his mate’s heart for the capacity it has to love and other times he can’t understand it at all. Why he should wish for anything good to happen to those who mistreated him is beyond the wolf, but he nods. “Okay. What did you ask for?”
Amber eyes close and he takes a deep breath. “I promised to bind myself to the Nemeton forever if it meant she would give those who are no more, a life in another place where the darkness never came and if she promised me, I could look in on them every now and then to make sure they’re thriving.”
Peter swallows thickly. Binding oneself to a magical sentient tree is serious business and he wants to be angry that his mate didn’t consult him first, but he also knows how hard this is for his mate and how scared Stiles is. He takes a breath to calm down and offers a look of understanding. “She agreed, didn't she?”
Neither mate says anything for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. Stiles’s nervousness grows the longer Peter stays silent. 
Finally, with nothing else coming from the wolf, the spark sits up and pulls on clothes. “I’m just gonna go.”
“Go?” Peter parrots. “Go where?”
“Don’t worry about it. It's me, not you. So, I'll just um...” he trails off, shaking his head. "Don't worry about me."
Before Peter can say it’s his job to worry about his mate, Stiles is gone.
“Fuck,” the wolf mutters.
✸ ✧ 🔥 ✧ ✸
Stiles ignores the rain beginning to pour as he hikes out to the clearing with his arms crossed and tears of frustration falling down his cheeks. He knows he should’ve said something to Peter but—Well actually he has no excuse, and he feels angry at himself. He feels angry at Peter but, mostly, Stiles is angry with himself.
It’s dark by the time he reaches the clearing, and he sinks against the trunk of the tree, shivering now that the rain is pouring in torrents. “S-S-Stupid s-s-s-spark. S-S-Stupid S-St-Stiles,” he spits between chattering teeth.
A branch caresses his cheek, and he hears a soft voice speak. It’s his mother’s voice, which the Nemeton has used to comfort him this past week.
“You are not stupid my little spark. You have a big heart, and you love fiercely. You simply want for them to have the life they should have had and not the nonexistence they received.”
“Yeah, well my mate doesn’t see it that way,” he mutters. “He probably hates me now.”
A tsk sound comes from the Nemeton, as the vine nicks his cheek, and the tone brokers no argument. “That wolf loves you more than he loves himself. He would do anything for you. Do you not feel the concern and love in your bond?”
Stiles reaches for his mate bond and feels the nudge of concern and rush of affection. “I feel it,” he breathes in awe of how unconditional it is.
“Give it a pull, Gajos spréach.”
So, he does and suddenly within minutes he is pinned to the ground by a giant dark gray wolf with red eyes. “Peter,” Stiles breathes. He smiles at the fully shifted wolf that lays flat on top of him and refuses to move.
With a laugh, the Nemeton protects them from the storm while Peter coats his mate in his scent, his worry dissipating. The alpha sends waves of love and reassurance to his mate not wanting to make him feel the need to flee ever again.
By the time the storm ends and the sun peeks out, it’s nearing midnight. Reluctantly Peter allows Stiles enough wiggle room to sit up only to flop over his legs again to keep him in place.
The spark giggles—a manly giggle thank you very much—and cards his fingers through Peter’s wolf coat. “I want to show you.” 
The wolf’s ears twitch and then he nods. Lavender tendrils seep into the wolf’s mind. The tendrils cast a purple shadow against the wolf’s gray fur. Stiles’s spark reveals to his mate what the promise to bind himself to the Nemeton gave him.
Peter wolf can’t help the whine he lets out nor the tears that form when he sees them. “Laura? Tally?” he says, watching the two women laughing and racing through the trees. 
Then he hears a pair of playful growls and sees Derek and Cora wrestling in their beta forms. To the north Scott and Jackson are swimming in a large infinity pool while Allison and Lydia sunbathe on the side. To the east, the three betas—Erica, Isaac and Boyd—that Derek had turned along with a boy Peter remembers is named Danny are playing sand volleyball. Peter isn’t sure how to feel. So, he looks away in the opposite direction.
A glance to the west, shows something Peter chokes back a sob at. There on a picnic blanket is the spark of his heart. Claudia is smiling as she leans against Noah with a happiness on her face, a lightness to her countenance that he remembers but hasn’t seen since long before she passed.
There are others he doesn’t recognize, and names float to him from Stiles’s consciousness. It’s overwhelming to say the least and as he looks around, he wonders where he and Stiles are.
“They cannot see us, sense us or hear us, my wolf. Even if they could, they would not know us. We can watch over them though. They are happy where they are.”
Peter knows it hurts but it also feels like a balm to the burning pain and begins to dull it. He scents salt in the air and looks to where Stiles is watching his parents. It’s not fair that his mate is so sad, but the scent does spike with happiness every time his parents smile or laugh.
“She’s pregnant.” Peter hears the words in his head, but the words don’t compute. “My mother,” Stiles’s voice is quick to clarify.
“But why?”
“Why not?”
“She has you.”
Stiles’s scent twists with grief but also acceptance. “Not anymore. Did you know that they wanted more kids, but she was too sick? So, it was just me. In the world we’re seeing, we don’t exist. I’m sorry, my wolf. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I can—”
“Don't apologize.” Peter glances at Laura, taking in her smiles and glimmer of mischief as she bounds around her mother. “I needed this just as much as you did. I don’t remember the last time I saw that smile on my niece's face. She had to grow up too fast. I don’t want to think of the family that was and see death anymore.” He rumbles in his chest and pulls away from the sight so he can look at his mate in their own world. 
Amber eyes full of uncertainty and insecurity, meet his own. 
Peter shifts back, not caring about his nakedness and cups his mate’s face. “As I build the future with you, it is a comfort to know that those in my past will never know the darkness like we do and did.”
“Future with me?” Stiles says a small grin forming on his face.
“No place I’d rather be,” Peter softly sings. 
Stiles watches his wolf and blushes when his mate begins to sing the entire song to him.
Oh, oh, oh   We're a thousand miles from comfort   We have traveled land and sea   But as long as you are with me   There's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever   Exalted in the scene   As long as I am with you   My heart continues to beat
With every step we take   Kyoto to The Bay   Strolling so casually   We're different and the same   Gave you another name   Switch up the batteries
If you gave me a chance I would take it   It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it   Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me   When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   Ooh
We set out on a mission   To find our inner peace   Make it everlasting   So nothing's incomplete
It's easy being with you   Sacred simplicity   As long as we're together   There's no place I'd rather be
With every step we take   Kyoto to The Bay   Strolling so casually   We're different and the same   Gave you another name   Switch up the batteries
If you gave me a chance I would take it   It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it   Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me   When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be, yeah
Be   Ooh   Be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be   Yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah, yeah!
If you gave me a chance I would take it   It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it   Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me   When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be
No, no, no, no, no, no place I'd rather be   When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be
With a happy laugh, when his mate finishes, Stiles pulls his wolf in for a kiss that is soft and full of promises for the all the years to come. Peter and Stiles at only thirty and twenty-five respectively have as long as they desire to build the life that they want…together.
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sourmiguel · 1 year
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should the pillars of memory topple out of my reach by @bleep0bleep (wc4391, teen)
Summary: If Stiles didn’t know any better he’d say that look in Derek's eyes is adoring, but he does know better, and also amnesiac Derek thinks they’re married. Which is the only fact he hasn’t questioned so far, which is the weirdest thing.
I love Derek at the beginning of this. So clueless, but also so trusting. We all know its because his instincts just know that Stiles will take care of him.
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outtoshatter · 5 months
I'M NOT COUNTING THE STRANGE YOUNG WORLD SERIES BECAUSE THOSE ARE BOOKS. TO ME. Anyway my top 3 Gia's Fics are, in no particular order, Fractured Starlight (absolutely beautiful imagery, so comforting, I want to live in it - but watch out!), Are You Ready? (Blood! Vampires! Violence! Fun!) and Shifted (Werewolf!Stiles being a little bit unhinged, drama, pack dynamics, chef's kiss), but Wolf Kissed is up there I love it so much. I dare you put links to all of these in the answer byeeeee
ahahaha thank youuuu. Okay. I SEE YOUR DARE. I'll do it. for you. You are not sneaky, 🤖
Fractured Starlight is there, all my magical witchy town fun mixed with zombies and amnesiac werewolves
Are You Ready? is my vampire hunter!Stiles who is a bad ass and it was my longest fic yet. Hopefully it keeps that title.
and then of course, there is Shifted, my very first werewolf!Stiles fic, where he gets to be a little vicious. as a treat. He gets to be even more vicious in my newest werewolf!Stiles fic though and I love that for me and for him xD
honorable mention of my Strange Young World magi-nuclear apocalypse series <3
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
stiles stilinksi—holly jolly christmas.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ christmas drabble event
summary: stiles has a christmas surprise for you.
word count: 0.3k
fanfic no. 025
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winter had arrived in beacon hills; the days were getting shorter, the temperature colder, and the werewolves rampant as always. to trail after them and all the problems that came with them in the winter months was especially tedious, and you often found yourself still shivering in your bed hours after you’d returned home.
stiles could see the toll is was taking on you, that on top of finals week. after school was out, he was determined to do something nice for you, something where you could forget everything that was causing you stress. and then the idea came to him.
“alright, keep them closed,” stiles said, biting his lip as he led you further into his living room.
“are we there yet?” you asked, bouncing with excitement.
“yeah, open them,” he instructed, biting his nails in anticipation.
stiles must’ve spent all weekend preparing this, for you were only at his house friday night. the living room was lined with tinsel and christmas lights, paper snowflakes hung from the ceiling as well as heaps cotton to make it look like it was snowing, and there were christmas blankets piled on his couch.
in front of the tv were a stack of christmas films just waiting to be played. on his table were mugs of hot chocolate, a bag of marshmallows, christmas cookies and a gingerbread house making kit. and best of all, were the pyjamas laid out on the blankets.
“did you get us matching pyjamas?” you giggled, looking at the snowman patterned pjs on his couch.
“sure did,” he beamed, “and matching socks too.”
“this is incredible, stiles!” you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck—you could barely tear your eyes away from the scene.
“yeah? well, i’m glad you like it, because i want to mentions of werewolves, weird lizard things or school for the whole day. d’you think you can do that?” he asked, hands tight around your waist.
“for you, i can do that,” you agreed, kissing his lips tenderly.
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🏷 @imabee-oralizard @unadulterated-syd @garfieldsladybird @velvetcloxds @flesh--amnesiac
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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March Fic Rec
Guys it's still Sunday! Anyway, March is here witch mean spring is here! As much as I love the winter I also love watching the twas and flowers bloom. That everyone has a great month!
between the click of the light and the start of the dream by thepsychicclam - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 105192, sterek)
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
This Might Be Irony by thepsychicclam - (Rating: Mature, Words: 38340, sterek)
Stiles and Derek have been close friends since the Hale siblings moved in next door after their parents' death. But Derek's in the popular group, he's a star baseball player, and he dates popular Pep Squad captain Jennifer Blake. Stiles doesn't have any of that, just his skateboard and a hopeless crush on Derek (oh yeah, and his Vote Lydia Martin Prom Queen button). As prom and the baseball state championship grow closer, Stiles and Derek start rekindling their friendship.
And it all begins with two white boards.
Didn't See That Coming by knittersrevolt - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 83838, sterek)
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him. 
He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.
Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
Wolves with a Spark by AMatchInWater - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 58089, sterek)
Talia lets out a shocked gasp, "your eyes. They're purple." The Alpha is practically oozing with excitement. Stiles hisses, as the fingers touching the Nemeton start to sting as markings etch themselves into his knuckles and a small one on his wrist that looks like a Y but the stem goes up between the v part. "What the-?" Stiles yells out in pain, yanking his hand off the bark, the back of his left forearm feeling like it's been set on fire. A white fox with vibrant blue eyes burns into his flesh. "Mom?" He asks again, she died when he was young, but the Omega remembers what she looked like fully shifted. The spitting image of the tattoo forming on his skin. "What's happening?" Frantic eyes meet Talia's and Derek's. "You're a spark." Talia whispers in wonder. "You have magic, Stiles." 
Stiles moves in with the Hales after his father passes away. Presenting as an Omega and then a spark years later. He's hopelessly head over heels for Derek and wants to be his mate, but it almost certain the Alpha doesn't feel the same way about him so he says nothing and pines from a distance. Talia asks if Stiles would like to train to be an emissary to the Hale pack and Stiles agrees.
Accidental Amnesiac Mates Acquisition (ft. a baby) by redhoodedwolf - (Rating: T, Words: 24549, sterek)
“Who are you?”
He snapped his head around and clutched the child tighter to his chest. But then his senses caught up with him: Pack, mate, family, safe, calm, anxiety, panic, panic, panic
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “Who are you?”
The man with the warm brown eyes gaped at him in surprise. “Um. I don’t know.”
The baby in his arms promptly burst into tears.
What it says on the tin.
Bleeding Love by BisexualInDisguise - (Rating: T, Words: 6919, sterek)
Stiles promised himself that the werewolves didn't smell the depression and desperation wafting off of him because they were simply distracted, not because they couldn't care less. He told himself that he's just good at hiding it.
Stiles was trying so damn hard. 
But he's broken so many promises to himself.
Scott's a bad friend and Derek's a fluff ball
I found you hidden in plain sight (why'd I take so long?) by Gorgeousgreymatter - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 25419, sterek)
Stiles is pretty sure he’s hallucinating. He’s got to be. There’s no other plausible explanation, he thinks, as he sits on the sidelines of the lacrosse field and feels the cold, hard bench underneath him, the roar of the crowd at his back like the worst white noise machine in the world.
There’s no other reason why he sees it, the hulking, black figure of a wolf peering at him from the treeline behind the bleachers. Its eyes flare in the glaring glow of the stadium lights, but they’re the wrong color, he thinks: blood-moon red instead of cobalt blue, but the familiarity of it all makes his stomach roll and clench.
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore byWriteByNight - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 35994, sterek)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
Synonyms for Longing by wanderingeyre  - (Rating: T, Words: 11386, sterek)
Derek has been at his house for less than two days and Stiles is deeply regretting his decision to offer Derek a place to stay. Well, it was more like he didn’t try to throw Derek back out the window when he creeped in two nights ago, but he would have made a valiant effort if he’d known what a pain in the ass Derek would be. 
Suddenly you're standing still by gottalovev - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7669, sterek)
A long time ago, Stiles promised his mom that he'd never cross the Hale property lines. He has kept his word even if there hasn't been a Hale in Beacon Hills for years, not since the fire. But suddenly Scott gets turned into a werewolf, Derek Hale is back, and Stiles has to share his biggest secret. (AU set in S1+ where Stiles is a born werefox)
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 11 months
Smoke And Mirrors
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51027706 by Gmaer Words: 4725, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Sterek Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: Gen Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Danny Māhealani, Malia Tate, Peter Hale, Jordan Parrish, Liam Dunbar Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Ethan/Danny Māhealani, Stiles Stilinski & Sheriff Stilinski Additional Tags: Amnesia, Amnesiac Stiles Stilinski, Assassin Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Slow Build Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is Noah (Teen Wolf), Awesome Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Fluff and Angst read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51027706
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veworgive · 2 years
Youtube jason bourne soundtrack
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#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack series
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack tv
Intending to find the answers about his past and family, Bourne locates Dassault in Berlin. Before she dies, Parsons is able to pass the key to a luggage locker that holds the CIA files on to Bourne. They evade the CIA teams sent to locate them, but Parsons is killed by the Asset, an ex-Blackbriar program assassin who also holds a personal grudge against Bourne, having been captured and tortured following Bourne's actions that exposed Blackbriar. In Greece, Parsons and Bourne meet at Syntagma Square in the midst of a violent anti-government protest. Parsons' system intrusion alerts Heather Lee, the head of the CIA's cyber ops division, and CIA Director Robert Dewey. In the process, Parsons finds documents that concern Bourne's recruitment into the Treadstone program and his father's role in the program, and she decides to travel to Athens to find and inform him. In Reykjavík, Nicky Parsons, who has been collaborating with a hacktivist group led by Christian Dassault, hacks into the CIA's mainframe server in order to expose the CIA's black ops programs. The film received mixed reviews but was a box office success, grossing $415 million worldwide.Ī decade after he exposed Operation Blackbriar and disappeared, Jason Bourne has finally recovered from his amnesia, isolating himself from the world and making a living by taking part in illegal fighting rings. The film premiered in London on July 11, 2016, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 29, 2016, by Universal Pictures. Principal photography on the film commenced on September 8, 2015. Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed, Ato Essandoh and Scott Shepherd also star. CIA Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) orders CIA cyber head Heather Lee ( Alicia Vikander) to hunt him down. In the film, Bourne remains on the run from CIA hit squads as he tries to uncover hidden truths about his father.
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack series
The fifth installment of the Bourne film series and the direct sequel to 2007's The Bourne Ultimatum, Matt Damon reprises his role as the main character, former CIA assassin and psychogenic amnesiac Jason Bourne. 'Jason Bourne' was released by 2up2down on 20th January 2022.Jason Bourne is a 2016 American action thriller film directed and written by Paul Greengrass and film editor Christopher Rouse. Maybe with 'Jason Bourne' Dutch is looking to once again find his true identity and show us who he really is? Both 'Never Forget You' and 'Never Really Mine' only registered at a very lowly 99 on the UK Singles Chart. The 'I Dunno' and '808' hit maker has been finding it difficult to replicate his earlier successes with his last two singles. Glad you dusted yourself down, brushed off the dirt from the rats. keep coming with this energy bro love it" and "Welcome back brother king. Comments included, "Iv always believed in Dutch this song proves how good he is, rate the fast flow", "This is the energy we needed! Surely, Only If You Knew, Bando Diaries, 2AM and now this. This is Dutchavelli's first new track of 2022 and his first since he released 'Never Forget You' in November last year.įans of the Birmingham born, Rotterdam raised, British rapper were loving and praising his latest release as the video premiered on YouTube. "Opp block bally on me like I'm Unknown T, but I'm Jason Bourne, If these dumb-dumbs go to your head, Fam, they're dead, you won't respawn" Dutchavelli raps as the verses come thick and fast on his latest single.
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack tv
agent for that matter, as Dutch visits the Brandenburg Gate, takes in the TV Tower and drives his Mercedes SUV precariously down the Unter den Linden. There's no sign of Matt Damon or Jeremy Renner, or any other rogue C.I.A. Dutchavelli takes us on a whistle stop tour of Berlin in the video for his latest single, 'Jason Bourne'.
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Chapter Fourteen - the final chapter - of The Light Up On The Hill is up on AO3.
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The next few days were quiet.
Derek did everything he could to keep himself occupied, but no matter what he did or where he looked there was always something that reminded him of Stiles and that he wasn’t there.
He tried to go about his days as he always had—and with Skipper there he didn’t feel so lonely—but he did wonder how he ever got by before Stiles came into his life.
Skipper seemed to notice it too. He’d follow Derek about the lighthouse, occasionally wandering away to check the other rooms and letting out a disheartened whimper when he couldn’t find Stiles. Derek tried to keep him occupied by taking him for walks along the shore, throwing the ball across the grassy knoll, or walking him into town when he needed to get groceries.
Skipper remembered Boyd, his tail wagging excitedly as Boyd dug behind the counter and pulled out a jar of treats, giving Skipper one—and then another when he thought Derek wasn’t looking.
He would lie at Derek’s feet as he worked, or curl up in his bed up at the top of the lighthouse and when Derek went to bed, he’d climb up and lie beside him so that he didn’t feel so alone.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 4 months
Hello, hope your day is going well! I was wondering if you could help me find a sterek fic I’ve been looking for. I tried looking it up but I was unable to find it I thought it was called screaming from the top of your lungs but that didn’t give me much but it was kind of like the movie the vow. Where stiles and Derek were in a relationship but Derek ends up getting amnesia and doesn’t remember but stiles tries to be there for him and Derek slowly falls back in love with him without knowing they had been dating previously. Thank you for all you do! And I really appreciate your help finding lost fics
Hi anon! @magia26 says it might be this one.
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It Starts When You're Around by strobelighted
(1/1 I 26,401 I Explicit I Sterek)
"Earth to Derek. You okay, man?"
Derek's eyes are drawn back to the guy in front of him, who's starting to look more worried now.
"I --" he starts, then swallows against the dryness. "Who are you?"
or, Derek gets amnesia.
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Part 1
They’re not getting Derek’s memories back.
Stiles sat by the wolf’s bedside and held his hand as he repeated the same thought over and over.
Derek will never remember “them” as they were ever again.
The ritual they finished the night before was their last shot, their last hope.
It took a lot out of Derek, hours of the pack holding him down as he screamed and struggled against pain they can only imagine. And it was all for nothing.
Derek’s only woken once since that night, and one look was all it took for Stiles to know.
It didn’t work. This is it. This is his Derek now.
Stiles also knows that he should be thankful.
He reaches over and runs his fingers through Derek’s hair.
The ritual could’ve killed him, but it didn’t. It could’ve made him catatonic for the rest of his life, but it didn’t.
Derek’s alive. Derek woke up. Derek’s still here.
A little fragmented, sure, but still here. And still wanting to be his.
Stiles very gently caresses Derek’s cheek and swallows against the building lump at the back of his throat.
Still, Stiles can’t help the grief creeping and insisting at the pit of his stomach.
Derek’s still here. He wants to be thankful that Derek’s still here. In fact, he very much is.
He holds Derek’s hand a little tighter.
But they both lost something here. They all did.
Cora, a part of her brother. Peter, a bit of his nephew. Erica, Boyd, and Isaac, a once upon a time leader and mentor.
For Stiles and Derek…
The heavy weight of Derek’s life in his arms as they treaded that wretched school pool. That first precious gasp of air with the realization that someone, that the both of them cares whether the other lives or dies.
That night scouting in the jeep with tense silences and uncertain, hoping glances, a stark contrast to their usual neverending stream of snarks and bickering.
That moment of truth at La Iglesia, the sight of Derek bleeding and dying on the ground and Stiles’ despairing realization that this was his person, he didn’t want to ever lose him, and he was most certainly about to.
And more, and more.
For Stiles and Derek, they were losing so much more. But —
“It’s okay.”
Stiles takes a deep breath in and breathes out the heavy doubt from within.
“We’re gonna be okay,” he tells Derek. “I’ll just remember for the both of us.”
He admires Derek’s long lashes and takes a moment to be grateful that Derek at least gets to rest.
“I’ll remember and we,” he twines their fingers together, “we can just start again, you and I.”
He kisses Derek’s knuckles, tries to stop the tears threatening at the corners of his eyes.
“We’re gonna be okay, Sourwolf. We’re gonna be great, just you wait and see.”
“Promise?” Stiles looks up to see tired hazel eyes blinking at him. He smiles in return.
“For your dumbass, anything.”
Derek pulls him up for a kiss, and Stiles welcomes the sensation. He feels Derek promise the same thing, everything, too.
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
El Corazón del Lobo by heartsdesire456
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 22513
Derek drove back into Beacon Hills on a Tuesday morning seven years after he had left it last with one single thought:
“Why am I doing this?”
But in his heart, Derek knew exactly why.
(In which Stiles suffers temporary memory loss and any serious emotional trauma could give him permanent damage so Scott calls Derek to come back and fake like he and Stiles are still together so that Stiles can heal)
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eternalsterekrecs · 7 years
Hi, can you rec me some Sterek fics where Stiles has an amnesia? Thank youuuu! P.S. You're blog is a treasure
Thank you so much! We actually have an hidden tag we just added after getting this ask, amnesiac!Stiles! However, we have a bunch of other fics for you :D
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Last Christmas (I gave you my heart) by jadore_hale
“W-what is this?” Derek couldn’t even begin to get his mind around this current situation.
“My Christmas gift to you, nephew.”
Peter pushed the guy towards him, and Derek hastened to catch him before he fell face first on the floor.
“I’d like you to meet your soul mate.”
Derek’s uncle Peter decides to get a little more creative this Christmas by finding Derek’s soulmate and stuffing him in a box with a pretty bow on top.
Ephemeral by thegirlgrey
Stiles has a weird reaction to his anesthesia. He wakes up with temporary amnesia. The resulting video gets 1 million hits on YouTube in 6 hours. (Beyoncé can suck it.)
Remember Me by stilinskisparkles
When Stiles wakes up he sees a pair of eyebrows knitted together. He blinks and a blurry face comes into view. The face looks angry, no, furious.
Tell Me Is It Just a Dream? by hazelNuts
anonymous asked,“stiles loses his memory and doesn’t remember anything much to the pleasure of derek’s jealous new beta who convinces stiles that them and derek are mates and stiles hates derek. derek is heartbroken when his mate stiles rejects him but instead of doing what the beta hoped derek becomes desperate to win his mate back and does of course. it would be great if you could have stiles saying to one of the others that every time derek’s around he hears the song somebody watching me playing in his head.”
Dulcis Memoria by weathervaanes
In the middle of a conflict between an old hunting family and the Beacon Hills Hale pack, a witch comes along to stir things up even more and takes Stiles’ memories with her. Now Stiles thinks he’s two years younger, knows nothing about the werewolves or his dark and brooding boyfriend, and he only has a week to learn everything he can before he’s thrown into negotiations that will save lives. Throw that in with teenage hormones and a sexy werewolf staring you down… Things get complicated.
Nature of the Beast by Gia279
He still couldn’t believe his name was Stiles.
Riding the Lightning by Vendelin
Stiles finds himself on the doorstep to his home in Beacon Hills, not remembering how he got here or why he’s barefoot. As it turns out, he was abducted a couple of weeks earlier from a college party and bears the same marks on his body as victims of a serial killer his dad just can’t seem to get a hold of. So there he is, with no memories of what happened, the last couple of weeks like a blank line in his mind and knowing all too well that he’s the best shot they have at catching this guy. As a key witness and in acute, assumed danger, he finds himself under surveillance 24/7 and more often than not, his dad’s best Deputy: Derek Hale, is sitting at his kitchen table.
Nothing You’ll Miss by ScarlettWoman710
If Stiles wasn’t constantly running for his life or trying to save someone else’s, he probably would have thought about it a little more.
It’s just that he didn’t have time to really sit down and think about how these little tidbits of Derek’s life kept bubbling up from his subconscious. It was strange, sure, but he had bigger things to worry about.
Once Upon a December by M_Leigh
“Scott would not have thought, years ago in the orphanage, that being befriended by Stiles would ultimately mean sneaking into the Archduke of Russia’s residence in Paris in order for Stiles to chase after the homeless man of his dreams, but he’s gotten very good, over the years, at rolling with the punches.”
You Left Me Alone in the Dark by secondstar
Remembering the past only brought pain, but Stiles didn’t know how to stop it. All he could do was hope it would be worth it.
Stilinski Exclusive (remember remember) by Jerakeen
“Oh my god,” Stiles says. “You did. You married me. I married you. I married a fireman superhero pornstar!”
And We’ll Be Complicated by ingberry
Stiles already had his hands full with the case he was working on for the enigmatic Mrs. B. He really didn’t need this too, but there was no changing the fact that he no longer remembered Derek Hale or anything connected to him. And no one could figure out why.
Heart Don’t Fail Me Now by frek
Stiles finds himself in the forest with no memory of his life before that moment. Derek discovers him and helps him find himself.
Made With Adrenaline by raisesomehale
“Do you still have your name?”
His face scrunches, “Do I still have my name?” But - the words come out before he’s even considered the question. Instantly, he’s back in that edgeless cavern inside his head. He calls out for his name, but no noise leaves his lips.
He doesn’t know it. He doesn’t know his name.
beneath the mask lie secrets i’ve kept from myself by tryslora
So we’re going in because Krissy looks like this guy’s dead ex-girlfriend, and you don’t want to send her in without backup.Stiles supposes it sounds plausible and vaguely reasonable, and maybe it would be okay, if it didn’t turn out that Dean and Castiel left something important out of the job description.
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outtoshatter · 2 years
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HELLO back for Six Sentence Sunday; let’s see if I can do the whole week this week! Here’s a little unedited snip from chapter 12 of my WIP, Fractured Starlight
As night crept up on Willow Pass, the air had a primal feel to it; games closed and magic rose, pumping through the land, passing through everyone walking the festival grounds. Children lined up with their siblings and cousins, trying their hardest to look serious between gaping in awe at the magic floating around. People performed spells that made the air sparkle as if they had reached into the sky and dragged the stars down with them.
Stiles added his own magic with a twirl of his fingers; a net of silver sparkles draped over Erica and Scott’s shoulders, making them laugh.
A step behind them, Derek looked around with an expression like he was holding his breath. He was still wearing the red pendant of the Stilinski coven, which now pulsed softly in the near dark.
Tagging just everyone who wants to participate!
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