#amputee sokka
witchering10123 · 5 months
my "divorced" zukka au, slammed back into my memory by @transboyzuko latest addition (a true hero right there yall)
story idea is below the cut because whoo boy it became a lot longer than i thought it would
sozin's comet, sokka and toph are dangling off the ship, there's smoke and fire everywhere, it's getting hard to breathe, hard for sokka to see, and without his weapons, sokka is unable to see a way out
a figure of a guard appears through the smoke, and sokka jerks back and away from the man (in vain) but in doing so, jostles his leg. the pain and the shock combined, toph's hand slips out of sokka's grip and he watches helplessly as she falls
sokka makes to jump after her, but the guard grabs him before he can and yanks him back onto the safety of the wider platform. sokka tries to fight, but he's quickly subdued and he falls unconscious
(fear not, toph does live: she falls from sokka's grasp, but what sokka doesn't realise, due to the intensity of the smoke and fire, is that suki is right beneath them, and she catches toph. do not worry i am not killing toph, i am too scared to do that)
the airship pulls away from the battle, with the most senior commander taking over and urging a retreat to one of the southern fire nation islands, where he, and a number of powerful fire nation lords, hail from - that part of the fire nation does not recognise the authority of fire lord zuko, however it is unclear if they would recognise ozai, now that his bending is gone (and besides, quite a number weren't wholly impressed with him usurping iroh), so the war has become more of a civil war, with the separatists (they're not separatists but idk what else to call them) planning to take over the fire nation and then continue the war
the gaang are now faced with a fire nation civil war AND convincing the many ek provinces and water tribes to support zuko so that the 100 year war can truly end, however many ek ministers and some northern water tribe ambassadors believe this is a trick
during this time, sokka is a prisoner of the separatist group, and has resigned himself to this fate, believing toph to be dead and ngl perhaps suki as well, but he's definite that toph is dead and he's definite that his actions led to her death, so MAJOR survivor guilt
this is, of course, exacerbating his guilt about not protecting yue, his mum, katara (even though she's not dead he still doesn't know what happened to her)
so yeah, sokka's feeling very guilty and feels as if he deserves being imprisoned/tortured/etc, so he's not making any escape plans or anything, he's just done
a new political prisoner is placed in the cell next to his: a young boy called hinata (imagine like 7 or 8) who the separatists are using to try and goad one of the fire nation nobles who is supporting zuko - he reminds sokka a bit of the boys back home in the swt that he cared for
sokka begins to feel very protective of this kid, especially when the guards come round to do their usual tormenting, or when they give out too small rations, or when hinata has a nightmare, and after a while he realises that he needs to get out, but not for himself, just for hinata
so they do, they escape (you'll notice how much thought i've put into this lmao) but they can't get back to hinata's family because it's all a massive war zone so sokka grabs the kid and they head for the ek, and not just the ek, like south east of ba sing se ek, near the eastern air temple ek, like as far from the fire nation as possible, sokka isn't letting anyone near hinata
yeah, he essentially becomes an older brother to hinata
now sokka has every intention of reuniting hinata with his family once the war is over but unfortunately they are very remote and so the village they are staying in doesn't exactly get the news asap. or like, at all
aang is visiting the eastern air temple a few months after that war has ended (i'm thinking at least a couple of years after aang defeated ozai but hey whatever floats your boat) and he stops by at a village to get supplies and lo and behold sokka and hinata are there
the reunion is very accidental, one of appa's buckles on his saddle snapped and aang landed near the village because he didn't want to continue his flight to the eastern air temple with a broken saddle and he needed supplies anyway, and so he enters the village, asks a nearby kid who looks strangely fire nation "hey, do you guys have a blacksmith" and hinata is like, "oh yeah, come with me" and he takes him to sokka
yes sokka would become a blacksmith fight me if you dare
(also i'm imagining that during sokka's time as a prisoner, he definitely lost his leg that got broken because like the separatists would have gone for the easiest route with sokka's broken leg and if it's broken too badly then why bother trying to heal it just go chop chop- so yeah, sokka makes himself a prosthetic and specialises in mobility aids, which are sorely needed in this area of the ek with the amount of refugees that fled to that province when they couldn't get access to ba sing se, but he does other engineering things as well and his ideas are, ngl, creating a bit of a hub near the eastern air temple, so slay for sokka)
regardless, aang and sokka reunion :)))
long chat about hinata having to return home, because like yes that was always the intention but aang reveals to sokka that hinata's family were killed when hinata escaped and the separatists had no more leverage over hinata's family (he doesn't reveal that to hinata for obvious reasons, he lets sokka do that) and hinata and sokka have become a little dependent on each other
it's not co-dependency per se, but like it was definitely going that way before they reached the village and their community helped them begin to heal from their trauma and stuff, but regardless they don't want to be separated, and so after much deliberation sokka and hinata decide that they want to stay where they are and if the gaang want to visit that is fine but if there's nothing tying them to the fire nation then why leave their new home
sokka's part of the decision is most definitely fueled by shame over losing toph and not being able to protect the people he loves, but aang doesn't realise that sokka doesn't know that toph is alive so aang doesn't mention anything, he just agrees to tell the gaang and family and all and leaves
aang returns not even three weeks later with katara zuko toph suki, a couple of hinata's uncles who want to at least see that hinata is alive, and a letter from hakoda and bato saying that they're aboard a ship sailing over
angsty reunion for sokka as he realises that toph is alive lemme assure you that was not on his reunion bingo card no siree
angsty reunion for suki and zuko with sokka because zuko and suki were very sure that sokka was dead and sokka was very sure that zuko and suki would hate him for getting toph killed
angsty water tribe fam reunion obvi with a heavy dosing of katara hakoda and bato assuring sokka that he did not fail
...so yeah it's angsty it's dramatic it's miscommunication it's long distance it's kind of technically not really divorced au but it's got a bit of flair and that's all that really matters
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once again i am asking everyone who was disappointed with natla and wants more good original animated storytelling to watch The Dragon Prince on netflix, particularly if you want complex, flawed, and fleshed out female characters and worldbuilding! Also for consistent motifs/symbols, foreshadowing, and a truly stunning amount of lore.
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Unreliable narrators! Tragic siblings! Characters who are allowed to be hypocritical and sympathetic! Neutral and malevolent magic systems! Exploring not only how to break cycles of harm, abuse, and violence, but also why they're perpetuated! Dragons with personalities! Varied queer (lesbian, gay, transgender) and disabled rep (deaf, blind, amputees)! Majority of cast and key players are also all characters of colour, particularly in s4 onwards
It's been 5 out of 7 seasons and we're still unravelling things from the first 4 episodes alone, never mind the foreshadowing.
If you didn't want to be assimilated into my found family, you should've killed me when you had the chance
Someone who believes they are hard to love and someone who loves them like it's breathing
The needs of the many (interrogated) x Deal with the devil
Just... constant recontextualization, god bless
Child kings and queens
A metaphorically cannibalistic magic system that might not be so metaphorical after all
and so much more! I think about "You let him live, but you killed us all" every damn day, and that's just from ep1. Some of the ATLA voice actors (Sokka and Koh the Face Stealer) feature here as well as some of the creative team (most notably Aaron Ehasz, ATLA's head writer)
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10 characters/10 fandoms
Thanks for tagging me @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren! Let’s get into it 🦆
We’re gonna go chronologically just like the post I was tagged in because it’s late and I have no original thoughts!!
1. Kirishima Eijirou / Boku No Hero Academia
So sweet. My boy. And so criminally underrated. I feel like I really connected with this character back when I was in the fandom, because for those who don’t know his origin story was that he was super boring and bland in the (Japanese equivalent of) middle school, and when he got to high school he had completely changed his personality and flourished. I wanted to be him in a way, strong and brave. (Was this where issues with gender began? Maybe.)
2. Pitch Black / Rise of the Guardians
HOOOOH BOY. So many people identify Jack Frost as their first animated crush, but goddamn it if I didn’t immediately start being totally obsessed with Pitch. Now, as the years have passed, it’s become difficult for me to tell if I wanted to be with him or /be him/, but I always thought that he deserved much better than he got.
3. Sokka / Avatar the Last Airbender
Sensing a pattern? Yep it’s another unappreciated side character used for relief that I identified with and stuck to like a cactus. I actually really liked his character when I first watched the show, and now am an avid Zukka fan! Will I ever write a fic for that? Maybe. But don’t worry, Kylux will forever and always be my main source of inspo. Those blorbos were made for each other.
4. Runaan / The Dragon Prince
Listen. LISTEN. I started watching this show years ago and it is SUCH A COMFORT. I adore it. As I watched the show, of course I immediately connected with Soren, but something about Runaan’s character and the fact that he was so powerful and cut off but also a father and a lover and he NEVER GOT JUSTICE,,, it impacted me. I’ve read every SCRAP of fic I can about his life pre-TDP. Love him to death. Save my boy next season please!!
5. Saiki / The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Something about a generfluid aromatic main character just hit home for me. The fact that it was so normal that Saiki was born a girl and just changed his gender and no one cares is such a tiny moment in the show but it introduced the idea of “this is ok” to me. I hold that show in a special place in my heart. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also hilarious.
6. Muriel / Good Omens Season 2
We come to the present! Or, well, a few months ago present. Loved the kiss scene. Cried at the ending. Something about Muriel made me want to protect them. They’re so,,, blorbo. Kinda reminds me of Mitaka, now that I think about it 🧐
7. Jim / Our Flag Means Death
Oh boy. OHHHHHH BOY. Him. I love him. I want to be him. Just,,,, JIM. His origin story, his love interest, his bloodthirsty personality, that one scene with Spanish Jackie… just a chef’s kiss all around.
8. Armitage Hux / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
SAY IT WITH ME: “HE WAS DONE DIRTY!!” He had so much potential and they just SQUANDERED IT. He could have been the next Thrawn! He had the brains for it, and the wit. I don’t know why Ylasmirs aren’t used more in Star Wars cannon. Did I mention that Hux was a GENIUS?! He built a better, more powerful Death Star and was killed by A CHARACTER THE FANDOM HAD JUST MET. Also, he was the spy??? REALLY?? …I’m so normal about him.
9. Clyde / Logan Lucky
Recently watched this movie with my family and adored it. It’s up there in my list of Perfect Heist Movies! I feel like Clyde’s character was really well executed, and at no point was he made lesser for being an amputee, which I really enjoyed. Also, with the Ferrari movie coming out, maybe another heist is set to happen 👀
10. Stensland / Crashpad
Listen. This movie. This fucking movie. It was SO BAD. And kinda misogynistic? But… I really enjoyed Domhall’s acting. Stensland was lovable and dumb and my heart ached for him when he got rejected. Does that excuse the movie’s weird ending? No. But I still like the character.
Honorable Mention: Captain Phasma / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
I love Gwendolyn Christie. I love a woman who can beat the shit out of me. I love a woman in armor. Need I say more? Also, that character’s death was very anticlimactic and I feel like she should have been in TROS.
No-pressure tags! @fridayincarnate @dragonflies-draw-flame @ironsoulmaker
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 11 months
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48310360 by sulkybender They're okay, mostly. They are. They take care of each other just as much as they always did; Zuko just needs a little more help than he used to. Maybe a little more love. Words: 370, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Hurt Zuko (Avatar), Hurt/Comfort, mostly just love and snuggling, Amputee Zuko, Disability, Kisses, tender and patient Sokka, Zuko loves him so much July 02, 2023 at 08:17PM
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ao3feed-zukka · 11 months
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wQqdSTm
by sulkybender
They're okay, mostly. They are. They take care of each other just as much as they always did; Zuko just needs a little more help than he used to. Maybe a little more love.
Words: 370, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Hurt Zuko (Avatar), Hurt/Comfort, mostly just love and snuggling, Amputee Zuko, Disability, Kisses, tender and patient Sokka, Zuko loves him so much
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wQqdSTm
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azulasnailtech · 3 years
first time I saw ur url I read it as azula snail tech and I spent like two days wondering what snail technology was
you are not the first nor will you be the last. @whenyourfavouritedies thought it meant azula was like a vet tech who specialized in treating snails. maybe you're both right. post-show azula developing cutting-edge prosthetic technology for snails.
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ultranos · 2 years
So Azula/Areshi is a healer in your SmallestNailAU oder is Eri the healer? If Azula/Areshi is, can she heal with firebending?
Azula/Areshi went into medicine in the smallest nail AU, as it was finally something challenging and puzzling enough as it is, and post-war was something tangible to throw herself into that was far less toxic than Fire Nation imperialism.
(Ironically, although she doesn't really know it, this talent for medicine is something she shares with Ursa, who is an herbalist in this AU.)
She does use firebending, but not to heal quite in the same way waterbenders do. Her uses are more geared towards therapy, mostly because she works with a lot of veterans and amputees developing better prosthetics. (That ultimately becomes her specialty, working with Sokka, Toph, and Teo on better accessibility tech that's way more comfortable to use.)
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lady-annie-bee · 5 years
Day 2- College Au
College au!
Katara was having what you might call "a bad day."
She could've sworn that she set her alarm for six-thirty, yet when she looked at her phone when she woke up, it was seven-fifty. Her class started in ten minutes.
When she walked out the door, with her hair not even brushed, in leggings and a sweatshirt (she was pretty sure she slept in this, it was vastly different to her usually immaculate appearance) and saw how hard it was raining, she debated whether college was really worth it. Was this eight am anatomy lecture really worth the hassle? The stress? Professor Pakku liked to give her a hard time, he had even docked participation points from her grade for not being well dressed. Nearly every time Katara had his class, he would find some reason to pick on her or demean her.
Maybe this thunderstorm was a sign, maybe she really wasn't fit for higher education. She could probably make it as a dancer...
"No, Katara!" She frowned at the thought of Pakku winning. "You are going to go to class in your pajamas and Pakku can just deal with it! Who cares what he thinks!"
When Katara finally walked into class, it was eight-thirty. She was soaked to the bone. She could feel nearly everyone's eyes on her, she just scowled and calmly made her way to her seat. She shot a heated glare at Pakku, just daring him to say something.
It was inevitable really. Not even the second coming could bring them out of their argument.
From all around the classroom, students looked at Katara like she was crazy for arguing with a teacher like that. Maybe she was. But there was one student a few rows behind her who looked at Katara with awe instead.
Walking out of the classroom, red in the face from arguing, Katara brought her phone out and called Sokka. She held it to her ear only to find out that Sokka had his phone off, as usual. Katara growled and left him a vaguely threatening voicemail.
If he was an engineer, surely Sokka could figure out how the on button worked...
Katara was pulled from her thoughts by a steaming latte. Her eyes followed  the arm up to the face it belonged to. A blushing Prince Zuko. The nickname was from when his sister forced him to do the musical production where he played a prince; for some reason, the nickname stuck.
"Uh, hello. Zuko here, I uh, saw that you looked pretty upset. So I got you a latte," Zuko's eyes widened, struck in realization, "I really hope you like lattes," he said in a rush.
Katara blinked. She was left speechless, which, believe her, did not happen often.
"Oh! Uh, thank you! I actually love lattes, so you're good. You really didn't need to do this though! Really, I get so riled up after each class of his. This is nothing new," she smiled at him.
"OK well, I have two coffees and can't drink both of them so..."
Katara laughed, "Well, can't say no to free stuff."
"Definently not," Zuko agreed. "What kind of college kid would you be?"
"Ugh, don't remind me. Every time I wake up for Pakku's stupid lecture, I wonder if I'm really cut out for this," Katara looked down at her latte.
"That's rough, buddy..."
"But then I remember that I can't let him win and I get in my car, ready for a fight." She clenched her unoccupied fist to punctuate her point.
"Spite, huh? Me too, my father would hate that I'm in criminology, but that's what fuels me to keep doing it," Zuko looked angry for a second.
"Your father...?" Katara could somewhat relate, as a war hero and amputee, he was what made her want to go into nursing.
"We don't really get along. Anyway, enjoy your latte, I gotta get to forensics." Zuko awkwardly waved her good bye.
Katara quickly realized that she needed to sign up for clinicals to get the times she wanted.
The next eight am lecture, Katara opted to sit beside Zuko. Her five page essay stapled and neatly tucked in her folder, she worked all week on it and was sure that it was just about perfect. Zuko on the other hand...
"You wrote it last night, didn't you?" Katara asked, though it was more a statement than a question.
She took in his disheveled hair, tired eyes, and rumpled papers. On his desk sat a Red Bull and an empty coffee tervis. He nodded at her.
"In other news, I will probably have a heart attack today," he said, as if saying the weather. "I haven't slept in two days, I have so much work to do. Caffiene is my blood right now."
Katara stared at him for a second, hoping he was joking, "Zuko, you need sleep, if you don't sleep for another day you'll start hallucinating."
"I'll sleep eventually, probably. But homework isn't the only reason I can't sleep."
Katara raised her eyebrow at him, and eyed the door. Pakku would be walking in any moment now.
"I couldn't sleep because I told myself that I was going to ask you out the other day but I chickened out last minute."
Face red for a completely different reason than usual, Katara opened her mouth to say something, or just gape. She wasn't sure. She was sure that if her mouth was open long enough words would start coming out on their own. Katara didn't speak fast enough, almost as soon as she processed what he said, Pakku walked in.
"Alright eveyone, pass your essays in. Stop gaping Katara, you knew it was coming."
Katara's mouth shut. If she said something now, everyone would hear it, she internally cursed Zuko for not saying something sooner. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, he looked completely complacent. As if he didn't realize the weight of his words.
She whispered to him, over the sound of shuffling papers, "We're going to talk about this later."
During the lecture, Katara could not focus. Something about the intricacies of the nervous system was not nearly as interesting as thinking about Zuko and his exhaustion enduced confession. Was it a confession, though? He just said that he had wanted to ask her out, it's not like he was claiming to have fallen in love with her...
Katara came back down to Earth when Pakku glared at her. If she didn't pay attention soon, he'll start calling her out. No matter that she had the highest grade in the class-
A small piece of scratch paper on her desk came to her attention.
'Dinner?' It said.
Katara smiled at it and wrote a response, and placed it back on his desk.
'It's a date!'
"Katara! Is my lecture so boring to you that you feel the need to entertain yourself like a middleschooler, passing notes?"
Surprising even herself, Katara said, "Sorry professor, but some of my classmates didn't understand what you were saying, seems like it's time for you to retire afterall. Your old age is clearly getting to you and your ability to teach."
"Why you....!" Pakku went red with anger, another shouting match was about to begin.
Say what you want about this class, but it certainly was interesting.
"How do you get away with fighting with old man Pakku all the time, anyway?" Zuko asked, looking dashing for the dinner.
"Oh, well he's technically my grandfather."
"Oh OK... Wait, what?!"
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