#amulet 1991
l-ultimo-squalo · 4 months
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Amulet (1991) dir. Mykola Rasheyev
There's a copy of this rare film with English subtitles both on VK as well as on the internet archive.
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wormthing · 7 months
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i can feel it in my teeth
silly comic (guest starring david from an american werewolf in london) AND other small doodle....
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misterradio · 10 months
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Оберег (Amulet) (1991, dir. Nikolai Rasheev)
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monstersonscreen · 2 months
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One of the very, very few werewolf films (we're talking three at most, and two of them are from Poland) to come from the former Eastern Bloc was 1991's Amulet, directed by Nikolai Rasheev.
The werewolf mask. which is a striking uncanny design, gets very little screentime and is shown in very dark lighting; its also vague as to who did the prosthetic, but it could have been visual effects artist Jirí Rumler. The film is hard to find outside the internet, and behind the scenes information is no doubt rarer.
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eldrbenway · 22 days
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"Sex isn't just a physical act, it's a connection, a dance of shadows and light."— A. R. Morlan, "The Amulet" (1991)
@fukada0318 radiates a mesmerizing blend of beauty and sensuality in this picture. She's a true work of art. ✨🔥
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seasononesam · 2 years
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boykingsevent day 2: the amulet 
1991 // 2008 
You never should have thrown this away. It never really worked. I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother.
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transgenderer · 1 year
A description of three visitors to Kamigamo Shrine:
Mr. N., from a suburb of southern Kyoto, comes regularly in the morning on the fifteenth of every month to petition the kami. A rather tall man of sturdy proportions, twenty-five to thirty years of age, he is always immaculately dressed in a double-breasted suit, with slicked-back hair and shoes shined to a sparkle. Bypassing the font for cleansing one’s hands and mouth, his first station is the middle of the Tower Gate entrance, where he plants his feet wide apart and enacts the kashiwade with sweeping ges- tures that indicate an affection for sumo wrestling. Then, he ascends the stairs and finds two stones in front of the Middle Gate, positioning his feet in a manner not unlike a baseball player stepping up to the plate to bat. Legs wide apart, he flexes his knees, rolls his shoulders, and clears his throat before fixing his gaze in the direction of the inner sanctuary. Pulling a folded piece of paper from a suit pocket, he opens the first of many folds and begins his own invocational prayer, modeled on the norito prayer format given by a Shinto chief priest while seated before the altar. At first the words are slow and distinct: “O great kami, hear the petition of N., from X, who addresses you in awe and gratitude.” However, soon after the pro- logue, the speed doubles, then triples, until Mr. N. is ripping along like a Buddhist priest during a rite to say the nenbutsu a million times. Even with this speed, his petition usually takes ten minutes to deliver. The at- tendant of the upper amulet counter adjacent to the Middle Gate says that Mr. N. is always on time, always stands in the same place, and always leaves without acknowledging anyone. His monetary offering to the shrine is discreetly slipped into the wooden coffer at the beginning of his petitioning and never placed in an envelope that might give away the identity of its donor.
Mr. H., a man in his late fifties, makes the trip from Yokohama to Kyoto once a month between the first and the fifth (the bullet train both ways costs around 23,000 yen or, as of this writing, around U.S. $210) to pay respects to the power of Wake Ikazuchi. Unlike Mr. N., he is quite open about his motives for making this journey:
I believe this kami to be great and fearful, largely because I was granted a vision at Koyama [the shrine’s sacred mountain] shortly before the terrible typhoon of 1991. It was a beautiful day in early August, still and hot, but not sticky like it usually is, and I had gone to the mountain as is my custom. Suddenly, even though there was no wind, the thick growth of trees and vegetation on the southern face of the mountain became agitated, as if moved by a great wind. However, there was no wind at that moment— so how did it happen? The very next day, typhoon nineteen hit Japan— eventually extending from Kyushu to northern Honshu— causing damage like we haven’t had from a single typhoon in years. The kami of thunder and lightning gave me a message, and I’ve been trying to ready myself for the next one ever since. I do misogi [purification by flowing water] daily and have formed a group of people in Yokohama to talk, study, and experience this austerity so that we might be closer to the spiritual world
He performs the kashiwade not once but three times in succession. On completion of his worship, Mr. H. always makes it a point to visit the priests at the administration building and keep them up-to-date on his group’s activities.
Mrs. S., age seventy-plus from Otsu city, struggles up the steps to the Middle Gate twice a month, then sits on the stone seiza style (with legs tucked under the buttocks as the knees and shins support and carry one’s body weight). There, hands held together in the Buddhist-style gassho, she mutters a prayer of some five minutes while gently swaying back and forth. I am told that she is not the only woman who sometimes kneels on the stone, but for a man to do it would be “very unusual” or, in the words of another priest, “out of the question.” One day, on her way back to the bridge over the river, she picked up little red berries on the path beside the Mitarashi stream, bowed to the hillside the berry bush grows on, then found a suitable spot to kneel beside the gently flowing water. She cradled the berries in one hand and, beginning what seemed to be a prayer, methodically tossed them one by one into the stream. Despite the soft morning rain, she did not wear a jacket or carry an umbrella. When the berries were all gone, she bowed to the stream, walked across the bridge to the second torii, turned and bowed once again in the direction of the inner sanctuary, and slowly ambled away.
Enduring Identities, Nelson
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s15e16 drag me away (from you) (w. meghan fitzmartin)
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like a fic title, that one. first impression with the song if i didn't care by the ink spots and the motel hallway and the "have you been here before?" "a long time ago" "welcome back" was the shining
DEAN Yeah, I know. I'm not saying what happened isn't sad. You know, I mean, the guy slit his throat with a whiskey bottle, but... He's an old friend, you know? Old, old. Like haven't seen him in 25 years. We've missed funerals for much closer friends... Hunters.
ok. yet another rando we know nothing about them having history with. me trying to remember how old they were 25 years ago 🥴 16 and 12? ok. easier to base it on my age and add 1 and subtract 3 :p
SAM Well, this is different. I-I mean, it's not like we have much else to do. Chuck is off world. Jack's in the bunker, waiting for Billie's orders. And... And Cas just... bailed, I guess. He didn't say anything to you about why he left? DEAN Not really. SAM And you guys didn't get into a fight or something? DEAN It's just Cas being Cas.
wouldn't be this show without hiding something or lying to your brother about something important! but at least it can't go on very long, there just aren't many episodes left
now the flashback is in 93? what happened to 25 years ago? lol oh the confusion! so, 14 and 10?
In the flashbacks, Dean is wearing his amulet. Dean is about to turn 14 and Sam is 9. It is two years since the events of 3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas when Sam first learned about monsters and hunting. The writer, Meghan Fitzmartin, said the intention was for Dean and Sam to be 15 and 10 respectively, with the events set after those in the flashbacks shown in 11.08 Just My Imagination set in 1991 and before those in 9.07 Bad Boys set in 1995.
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paxton singleton as young dean / the haunting of hill house - as young steven
YOUNG DEAN Dad should've let me go with him. I mean, you don't need me. I was babysitting you when I was your age. YOUNG SAM I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
i've done some looking into that actually (because of this very show) and it seems like there aren't actually set rules about age and what not. i think pretty much everywhere though would consider the amount of time john regularly canonically left them as child neglect
What Is the Minimum Age That a Child Can Be Left Unsupervised? Currently, there is no universal standard or federal law that applies to all U.S. states, but some have a minimum age requirement for children who will be left alone. For example, Illinois’ minimum age is 14, while Maryland designates 8 years-old as the minimum age. Although many states may not have a specific age at this time, there are numerous laws that consider inadequate supervision of children as neglect. Other states, such as Utah, are taking a different approach to child supervision. In 2018, Utah passed a free-range parenting law that essentially revised the state's definition of ‘neglect’ so that children can roam unsupervised, without the risk of their parents being charged. The US Child Welfare Information Gateway states that “many States offer nonbinding guidelines for parents that can assist them in determining when it’s appropriate for them to leave their child home alone.” Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of the parents to appropriately assess the maturity level of their children before making a decision.
YOUNG DEAN I thought your imaginary friend told you it was bad to steal. Why would you want... Wait. You think you're gonna go to college? YOUNG SAM Yeah. Why not? YOUNG DEAN "Why not?" Why? YOUNG SAM 'Cause that's what normal people do. YOUNG DEAN Right. Because we are normal. Whatever. We barely go to school. So if you think places like that'll even think about letting a dumbass like you in... Come on. This, Sammy? This is our life.
don't make me cry with the mediocre (sorry, kiddos) acting from the kids! and then they pull out the mushy music to top it off
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lol. subtle, show
YOUNG DEAN Yeah. Again, no. This ain't the friggin' Goonies. None of you has been on a hunt before. Just... stay. I got this.
oof this is awkward. trying to get some dean speech patterns but it's coming off really forced. i think it's a big ask of any child actor to be their younger counterparts, especially when we know them so well
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actually distressing and spooky, i'm impressed
DEAN Because I'd never seen anything like that before. So after I killed it... or thought that I killed it... I phoned in the... the bodies, let the authorities take care of it, and shoved it down the old memory hole. I had nightmares about that for the longest time. I'm sorry. I should've told you. SAM No, man, it's okay. I mean, you were just a kid. You know, we were both just kids. And, hell, we used to keep a lot of secrets from each other.
the trauma just never ends. however, i laughed and laughed "we used to keep a lot of secrets from each other" this show is ridiculous
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not loving this jacket they've got her in
BILLIE I told him the truth. Jack killed your mother, and all he wants is your forgiveness. And I surmise that the only way he can get that is ending God and freeing you from the... What did you call it? Hamster wheel. Was I wrong?
interesting definition of truth. an assumption that the only way dean can forgive him is by killing god/obtaining real free will?
CAITLIN So... this is your life now? SAM Pretty much. CAITLIN I'm sorry. Don't you ever want to be... I don't know... normal? SAM Well, we help people, you know? Save them. I'm just sorry we couldn't... save Travis.
fucking normal, what a loaded word that's become on this show. like freak levels
BILLIE He doesn't know. I don't care why you've been hiding this from your brother. But I don't like loose ends, Dean. I don't like disorder. So clean this up. I need to know that you've got your house in order.
relatable, billie
maybe splitting up to hunt for the witch who couches in hallucinations isn't the best idea, guys. dean finding a dead baby sam in the cannery hallucination, great
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big sam safe and sound
CAITLIN I think so. What do they say about getting older? You tell the truth more because you know that lies... they don't make anything better. Take care, Dean.
so heavy handed 😂
botw zelda memory-esque music segue into mushy music
and now it's the music that reminded me of the zelda music lol. motherFUCKER if only i could actually search my own fucking blog for words in posts i wrote. rrrgh. ahh but i put zelda in the file name of the mp4 so i could find it that way on my hd. thank you, past-nic!
okay, it was in 13x06 when cas comes back from the empty and sees jack
and it transitions into the mushy music after the zelda-esque music! and dean says some awful things!
SAM I can't believe you! You know that? I mean, how can you keep me in the dark about something so huge?! DEAN 'Cause I know you couldn't handle it! You didn't trust Billie's plan, and then, when we found out about Amara, you... you... you started second-guessing. You raise these... these "ethical questions."
when dean said he knew sam couldn't handle it?? i gasped and yelled WHAT at the screen. also: i, too, am questioning billie's plan
SAM I shouldn't? Jack's gonna kill himself, and I should just shut up about it? DEAN Yes! SAM No! DEAN This is how we end Chuck, okay?! This is the only way we'll ever be free! So I'm sorry, Sam! You don't get a choice! We don't get a choice! SAM Oh, "we."
like. agAIN, we're like the only way the fix this problem is someone has to kill themselves for the greater good. we have been down this road so many times. and sometimes, back in olden times, they'd be wrestling with alternatives for a season. but these days, sometimes it's a few episodes of looking for another solution, sometimes it's just accepting it straight away, etc. and it drives me up the fucking wall! but at least cas is out there looking for nebulous alternative options.
i can't remember a time in recent history when sam got this mad at dean. understandably so. we've only got 4 episodes to wrap this fucker up. i'm having weird feelings
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About the Pentacle - part 1: Egyptian tie?
Short answer: I don't believe so.
There is no denying that a 5-pointed star and a 5-pointed star with a circle around it are ancient Egyptian symbols.
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Egyptian stars in the tomb of Nefertari, Rameses the Great's wife, ca. 1255 BCE, source.
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Egyptian encircled star in Seshat's dress at the Temple of Luxor for Rameses the Great, who lived ca. 1303–1213 BCE. View the bigger original picture here.
The star symbol is a common hieroglyph, meaning 'night' (source). The encircled duat star represents the 'underworld' or 'other world' (source).
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Star amulet ca. 1802–1450 BCE, at the Met.
However, this hieroglyph doesn't look like the famous pentagram. It's also clearly not drawn in the typical way we know today for making a pentagram:
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View the bigger original picture here.
In fact, when we look at the older version of the hieroglyph 'star', we find it's made with a circle in the middle, like the fossil of a starfish or a common Mediterranean red sea star - which to me, goes well with ideas like 'cosmic ocean':
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Source left, source middle, source right.
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These are diagonal star tables in coffin lids ca. 2150–1991 BCE from Asyut - currently at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim. View the bigger original picture here.
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This circle at the heart continued in more recent periods, as seen in f.e. this limestone panel, dated 400-200 BCE that can be seen at the Met.
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The tomb of priest Karakhamun 755-656 BCE, source.
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Left: ca. 1075-712 BCE, source. Right: tomb of Seti I ca. 1300 BCE, source.
We can safely conclude that Egypt is strong with 5-pointed stars and has an encircled star as an important symbol.
But I would not state a direct line between the pentacle and the duat star; they seem to be drawn differently. I also see no strong evidence that the modern pentagram (or pentacle) is directly connected with starfish in a (cosmic) ocean.
Every pentagram is a star, but not every star is a pentagram.
To be continued in part 2!
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ashleysingermfablog · 4 months
Wk 16, 19th of May, 2024 Research
Divination, the way of knowing the unknown world
From the text: Divination as a Way of Knowing: Embodiment, Visualisation, Narrative, and Interpretation by Barbara Tedlock in the book Folklore 112...
Divination can be seen as an attempt to organise what appears to be random so that it provides insight into a problem or issue at hand. i.e. The Celtic Art of Divination.
Divination, which is a way of exploring the unknown, has been practised worldwide for millennia. It involves complementary modes of cognition associated with representational and presentational symbolism. Wherever a theory of divination has been carefully elicited from practitioners of the art, there is a recognition of overlapping inductive, intuitive and interpretative narrative techniques and ways of knowing. 
In any society in which mechanical divinatory procedures are combined with visualisation or bursts of intuition, researchers should be able to empirically investigate this cognitive-embodied field of practical mastery. This investigation, in turn, ought to enable them to develop meditative empathy towards acts of divination as well as a sophisticated theory of divinatory practice.
Divination is a way of exploring the unknown in order to elicit answers (that is, oracles) to questions beyond the range of ordinary human understanding. All known peoples on earth have practised some form of divination. It has had a critical role in the classical world, ancient Egypt and the Middle East, in the Americas, India, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, China, Korea and Africa (Loewe and Blacker 1981; Peek 1991).
The means of divination are many, including water and crystal gazing, the casting of lots or sortilege, the reading of natural omens, the taking of hallucino- genic drugs, dreaming, and the contemplation of mystic spirals, amulets, labyrinths, mandalas and thangkas (Purce 1974; Grossinger 1980, 107-88; Ortiz de Montellano 1990, 144-50; Shrestha and Baker 1997; Tedlock 2001).
In some instances, the diviner undergoes physical or psychological changes so as to be able to serve as a vehicle for divinatory power, while at other times, animals, objects, and events are themselves considered signs of an external superhuman power (Morales 1995).
In the chapter: A Brief History of the Use of the Terms "Divination"and "Mantic".
The English word "divination" comes down to us from the Latin noun divinatio onis f. (divino) "the gift of prophecy, divination," formed from the past participle of the verb divinare, "to foretell, prophesy, forebode, divine the future." 
This noun is closely related to the adjective divinus-a-um, "belonging or relating to a deity, divine" (Cassell's Latin-English/English-Latin Dictionary, 1955). Cicero, in his treatise De Divinatione (Concerning Divination), informs us that the Latin word, because of its derivation from divinus, meaning belonging or relating to a deity, was an improvement on the original Greek word mantike,derived from mania (furor in Latin), which meant madness, raving, insanity, or inspiration (Pease 1920).
Plato, in his description of the art of prophecy in his dialogue Phaedrus, defended the ancient Greek interest in divinity:
Our ancestors who invented our vocabulary thought there was no shame or reproaching madness; otherwise they would not have connected the noblest of the arts, which foretells the future, with this very mania. (Quoted in Helmbold and Rabinowitz 1956, 25).
In this divinatory system, since the body of the diviner is a microcosm with its own cardinal points, mountains, plains, lakes and winds, the intuitive embodied movements are interpreted according to their location, direction, and speed. The mapping of the meanings on to a human body proceeds according to sets of paired terms which are in a relationship of dialectical, interlocking complementarity rather than dualistic opposition. 
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Author BarbaraTedlock trained in folklore at UC Berkeley with Alan Dundes. She receiveda master's degree in Ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University and a Ph.D. in Anthropologyat SUNY Albany. She is Professor of Anthropologyand a Dean of Arts and Sciences at SUNY Buffalo.
My reflection:
Divination as a research framework allows me to examine how matter (runes, glass balls, soil, dust, roses and many many other pieces of matter) are used to conjure a connection to something (a fate, fortune, good will, the future, luck) that goes beyond the matter itself. What are the process, initially undertaken by ancient humans, that allow matter to be framed as more than matter. And how do other species (flora, fauna, etc) come into this equation?
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nowoolallowed · 7 months
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Necklace with Bes amulets - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 26.7.1373 Second Intermediate Period–Early New Kingdom, ca. 1991–1450 B.C. Location Information: From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Asasif, Carnarvon excavations
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hadeschan · 1 year
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item # K21D40
RARE Rian Yodnam Roop Muan Luang Phu Duu, Lang Pra Phrom, Nua Ngern. A dew drop shape mint silver coin with bas-reliefs of Luang Phu Duu in the front, and Lord Brahma in the back. Made to commemorate the cremation ceremony for the body of Luang Phu Duu Phrommapanno at the crematorium at Wat Sakae, attended by King Bhumibol Adulyadej on April 20, BE 2534 (CE 1991). This Batch of amulets was blessed / consecrated by Luang Phor Kasem Kemago of Samnak Susan Trilak (Trilak Cemetery, and a Buddhist Temple), a Saha Thammik of Luang Phu Duu (alliances who practice the same Buddhist Path).
*Thais believe that Brahma is the God living in 21 realms of Brahmā worlds who writes the fortunes of everybody based on the KARMA or deeds in the previous births. Fate, or luck or destiny ordained by Lord Brahma and written by him in a coded language on the forehead of every individual cannot be altered by anybody but Brahma. And we can pray, and ask Lord Brahma for re-write your destiny or fate to the better.
BEST FOR: Lord Brahma helps re-write your destiny or fate to the better. Lord Brahma pushes you away from all danger, suffering, and misfortune. Lord Brahma grants you living with joy, peace with abundance of money prosperity luck and wealth. Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals). This amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
Lord Brahma
Lord Brahma is a creator god in Hinduism. He is also known as Svayambhu (self-born) or the creative aspect of Vishnu, Vāgīśa (Lord of Speech), and the creator of the four Vedas, one from each of his mouths. Lord Brahma is consort of Saraswati and he is the father of Four Kumaras, Narada, Daksha, Marichi and many more. Lord Brahma is sometimes identified with the Vedic god Prajapati, he is also known as Vedanatha (god of Vedas), Gyaneshwar (god of Knowledge), Chaturmukha (having Four Faces) Svayambhu (self born), Brahmanarayana (half Brahma and half Vishnu), etc, as well as linked to Kama and Hiranyagarbha (the cosmic egg). He is more prominently mentioned in the post-Vedic Hindu epics and the mythologies in the Puranas. In the epics, he is conflated with Purusha. Lord Brahma is part of the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Trimurti (trinities of gods).
DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.20 cm thick
item # K21D40
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / Remitly / PAYNOW
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wormthing · 8 months
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[- "Telescope" by Cage the Elephant]
Textless versions:
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Reference shots:
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thaiamulets-co · 1 year
[ad_1] The Chinese Lunar Calendar names each of the twelve years after an animal. Legend has it that the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from earth. Only twelve came to bid him farewell and as a reward he named a year after each one in the order they arrived. The Chinese believe the animal ruling the year in which a person is born has a profound influence on personality, saying: "This is the animal that hides in your heart." This Chinese zodiac jade necklace is a great and unique. Based on the birth year of the wearer the corresponding zodiac sign necklace is a great gift to give. Year of the Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) Year of the Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) Year of the Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) Year of the Hare (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) Year of the Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) Year of the Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025) Year of the Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) Year of the Sheep (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027) Year of the Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028) Year of the Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029) Year of the Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030) Year of the Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 200 Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No Department ‏ : ‎ Womens Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 6, 2014 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ ovalbuy ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00KTVYVR8 With jewelry pouch Due to the natural property of the stone, each of them might have difference. the lucky zodiac pendant is 100% natural jade [ad_2]
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yetanothercomicbook · 2 years
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Darkhawk #12
Chris no longer has the amulet.
Some cool stuff here. The best part of it is seeing a superhero injured and on the run. He can’t change back to Chris, and his family needs him. It’s a compelling dilemma. Plenty of action, too. And some unexpected twists with the trial.
On Sale Date: December 3, 1991.
Total Paid Circulation: 209,433 (average #10-21).
CSN Top 50 Comics: 30.
Danny Fingeroth (12 of 57).
Mike Manley (12 of 26).
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velvet-vhs · 3 years
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from 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 (1991-93)
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