#an emotional moment about ochako's love for izuku would happen between her and izuku.
arirovi · 2 months
“The Girl Who Loves Smiles” is an evocative and provocative chapter, which “shows” before “tells.”
I think most of the reactions I saw about the chapter reflected that.
From the first moment, the chapter was evoking memories of the plot and the characters in us and with great ease. We all wanted it to be about Ochako, because the title alluded to her and consequently, also to Toga, and it was (but not in the way i'd expected).
On a personal level, I was hoping for a more direct and concrete resolution on them. I wanted to know if Toga is still alive or not. Find out if Ochako knows anything about her current state and how she is facing the end of her own battle.
Would the chapter present a final confrontation between the two?
Looking back, I think expectations played tricks on me again, but that's because, as a human being, I look for patterns everywhere. The pace of resolution of the previous two chapters had been just what I expected from this last one: a direct and concrete resolution, both for Todoroki facing Touya with his family, and for Izuku facing Spinner.
The change of narrative pace in this chapter, I think, affected many of us quite drastically and I have the feeling that this abrupt and unexpected change was put there with the intention of provoking us, but not in the sense of making us anxious (for the idea that there is not enough time to tie up all the loose ends), nor addressing the typical revenge speech of those who like a certain ship (we all know which one).
I think it was intended to evoke Ochako's motivation as a hero and provoke a real emotional connection with her in her process to endure that weight (at this particular moment).
The first time the chapter shows us Ochako, she is literally and figuratively silent (her mouth is covered), as they talk about Shoto, Kacchan, and Izuku's central role in the war. Of course, she was also a part of it, so why isn't she also included for her merits? And so, the first hint that someone is feeling pain appears in the form of an sfx, which is evocative of his own battle with Toga. The way of showing this, in white, invites us to remember what she did almost by force (since there are no flash backs), rather than focusing on the present plot.
Then she disappears from the scene for a moment and what are we supposed to do with these seemingly inconsequential pages? While I was glad to see how things improved on a social level; how Kacchan, Edgeshot, and the rest were inching forward, I was still bothered by why now?, when there's a bigger part about Ochako to address? Then Ochako returns to being the focal point and her first words are in response to what a civilian said, reaffirming what we already know: that everything is going better. However, just as she appears falsely cheerful, we as readers are forced to place our attention on these distractions instead of the pain (like Ochako did to).
It's frustrating and it's painful that everything seems to move so fast but in slow motion at the same time, that everything feels so superficial and mundane, when there is something more important that should be happening under the surface. And why does everyone seem so optimistic so quickly? Where is the feeling of the aftermath of something so terrible? The guilt? The trauma? The emotional resolution?
The thing is, we've been provoked to feel like Ochako all along. The narrative, so far, shows us what Ochako wants to see, the day-to-day life that Ochako struggles to experience, because it's what she supposes she should do and feel about it no matter what (and us with her).
And then, Tsuyu comes to tell us other thing that we were already shown before: Ochako is not responding, but not only to the most obvious thing, the text message, but to her surroundings and not to her friends either.
Now is when the “telling” becomes the center of everything: Ochako directly explains to us why she was not included in the group of heroes, her companions, who gained admirers (there were no recordings). She tells us, like an echo while reaffirming it to herself, that everything is improving, that the city looks like before, that it is time to be optimistic and positive because the war is over. She reminds us that he has been hiding his own pain because she loves seeing people smile, since that is a sign that they are happy moving forward.
However, even though she is saying it, she does not remember any smile of her classmates in particular (the words are on a black background) and instead, the only smile she remembers is Toga's, but whose image is tinged with the pain of his battle scar (which at the same time represents special, intimate connection with her).
In a few pages, all the evocation and provocation increase in a crescendo until reaching the point of no return. Ochako can no longer suppress the truth and neither can we: that the one smile she apparently couldn't save weighs more on her than all the other smiles she can see day after day.
It is a very intimate chapter, which seeks to incite a feeling of empathy and vulnerability with the character.
I don't know about you, but I felt very vulnerable too while watching her break down.
With this slow and almost artificial, forced rhythm, I felt that she invited me to live this repressed pain with her and to hope that, somehow, there is a kinder way out that does justice to everything she is having to endure.
And yeah, i hope the next chapter goes well.
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helga-grinduil · 4 months
Okay, so. Um. Chapter 423.
Seeing people's reactions I have to say some things. And let me preface this by saying that I don't believe this is truly it. But.
The issue isn't even that Izuku (seemingly) failed to save the person he wanted to save from AFO (well, it is an issue, actually, but not the main point. Also, the fact that his and vestiges' plan to reach Tenko is also what ensured Tomura's death is just so... ), and it's not that he's weirdly distant and cold in this chapter.
It's the fact that not a single one of them actually acknowledged anything that they saw and heard in Shigaraki's mind. Neither of them talked about what AFO told Tomura - the fact that Tomura didn't say anything about what he learned about his quirk, his purpose and the fact that he never truly wanted to kill his family is especially mind-boggling. And Deku didn't say anything about the revelation that Tomura never really had a chance or a choice from the very start either. There was no self-relfection on either side, no real conversation, and there also was no real understanding between the two being reached. It's the fact that Deku instantly stopped caring or wondering about Tenko/Tomura the moment AFO came back, being completely willing to pulverise his body when just a few chapters ago he refused to do that when Nana told him to. It's the fact that he didn't react to Kurogiri pleading for Tomura and Bakugou just killed (???? maybe not, it's hard to understand) the man. It's the fact that the vestiges still being alive and Nana saving Tomura (oh hey, guess her whole family actually all died to AFO, unable to truly smile) was off-screened.
This is not people blaming Izuku. This is just people complaining about straight up bad writing.
Even if Tenko is still alive (And Kurogiri wasn't killed by Bakugou too, but I feel like Kurogiri is just too doomed to survive anyway), that doesn't erase the weirdness that this chapter was. It would still be salvageable, I guess, depending on what happens next, but good lord, the damage was certainly done.
And if Tenko is really dead, but we'll just see more of Midoriya's reaction to that in the following chapters, this would still be fucking horrible.
I love Deku. I love his emotions, how genuine he is, how empathetic he is. He is just a kid forced into an awful situation. This is not a jab at him as much as it is a jab at the author and the writing here. Because how in the world does the protagonist fail at doing what he wanted to do harder than the supporting cast with their villains? Why was Toga and Uraraka's final chapter more genuine and emotional that THIS - the protagonist and the main antagonist's last conversation????? Why was Ochako more upset about realising that Toga is about to kill herself than Deku was in those chapters?
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angy-grrr · 4 months
welcome back to me being pity. I don’t mind Izu///ocha* in fanon, there’s lots of cute content out there and they are adorable after all. I can’t not love them! However, when it comes to canon, and believing they have to be canon… i have issues with that. and when the justification this being a shonen manga and not focusing on love? Oh. That pisses me off.
There’s lots of shonen manga who are romantic comedies, slice of life, and in general just are about friendships and learning about feelings —but even when talking about just the typical popular shonen, this isn’t a good excuse for me.
There is no need to add 10 chapters about love in order to make it with a natural flow —small details are there for a reason! And I’m making a list of ways izu///ocha could have been developed easily without spending energy on it, using what its already in canon.
The end of the togachako fight, Himiko gets the All Might keychain, a symbol they both have shared to symbolize their crushes on Izuku and their unity in it. Instead of drawing her covering completely with her hand, show her giving it to Ochako, or already in her hand, not completely covered; this would express Himiko’s blessing and wish for Ochako to get to confess her feelings too. An “it’s your turn now, good luck!” moment. Bittersweet, tragic, but also would make it less wrong for her to say her feelings and date Izuku in the end -after all, it would be implied Himiko wanted that! But this way, covered and in Toga’s hand, the message is not clear (is she going to confess still? Or cover her feelings as they “died” with Himiko? I don’t believe she’s dead but shhhhh)
Mutual symbols. During the Christmas present exchange, they get each other’s, an All Might keychain and a bag of mochis, two things they personally like but gifted to other people, like the rest of class A. As we establish this keychain means “Deku-kun” to her and holds onto it, why not making mochis reappear more for Izuku? They are food, so he could have said “sharing mochis” as things you do with a boyfriend. Wouldn’t it be adorable he just said that without noticing that’s Ochako’s favorite thing? If we go further, maybe add a simple scene, where he thinks about how he wishes to share some with her, maybe during one of those calm moments before the war happened.
Have Izuku struggle a little when complimenting her when he thought she was talking badly about herself. If this is your crush, or person you are developing feelings for, how could you just be this confident about such embarrassing things, specially when you are already shy about love as a whole? Even him would know that’s embarrassing no matter how clueless he is for other things, so it would be better to have him struggle to say those things —looking at the floor, playing with his fingers, blushing. Typical Deku stuff, nothing new for his character, but it would confirm there’s something going on his side too that persists clearly even after the first war.
the hand holding; ochako grabbed his hand when they were bringing him back to UA and civilians were against it. It’s a way to comfort him, and tell him everything is going to be okay, he’s not alone. Even during that context, wouldn’t that be a bigger thing between crushes? After all, Deku blushed a lot in the beginning of the final war, when he was grabbed from where he was supposed to be and people he cares for are in the most dangerous situation of them all, why wouldn’t he blush if the girl he likes grabs his hand to support him?
Thinking about Himiko; a reason he could have not reacted is “well, this is the moment they are actually developing serious feelings for each other beyond a crush”. If I was writing this, I would make Ochako have flashbacks of Izuku’s terrible state during her speech —emotions getting her, she just really needs them to let him in! With his hopelessness, isolation, dirtiness and hunger! Isn’t this reason enough to get desperate for? She is screaming with all she has to please let him stay, he is just like anyone else… but thinks about Himiko instead? And not just to stop some sadness, but about making her smile (spoilers for chapter 425; instead of turning negatives into zeros, she is talking about turning negatives into positives. Saving her, and making her happy too, because there’s a need for happiness for them all, not just neutrality and pretending nothing is wrong). This decision establishes her hero arc and ideals, which is amazing! But I don’t see how this is an izu///ocha moment in canon really —just because Izuku cries, doesn’t mean this is good romance. ill never forget the little parallels Ochako has with All Might, and idk how to just let it be when ppl limit them as “her being the love interest”. No, her ideals are so cool, and I’m really hoping she achieves what she wanted for Himiko, so we can also add more angst to Izuku’s character and show her as the hero she is
*i censor it just to avoid appearing in the tags; ppl who want to find content of their ship don’t need to see what other people think of it, specially when it’s critical.
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This thought had been in my head before, and I didn't think about making a post about it till I saw a really dumb post I disagreed with.
Once again talking about Izuku having a crush on Ochako, while acting as if Izuku is an average shounen protag like all the others. Except for one thing...
While it can be stated that Izuku did at one point have a crush on Uraraka, and I'm not gonna dispute that, many have already pointed out how Izuku very quickly gets over it the more time he spends at U.A. And all of this is true, but there's one thing I haven't seen anyone point out yet and that's that all of Izuku's moments where we see him crushing on Ochako I treated like a gag.
There's a lot of moments from the earlier parts of the series so I didn't grab them all. But I'm gonna use some to make my case here.
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this is literally the first panel where we see this happen, and right off it comes across less like a crush and more like...actually I don't know how to even describe that face...
But the point is that it doesn't really seem like the face of someone who's flustered (especially because we see Izuku get flustered at multiple other points and it looks nothing like this-), and he's barely blushing at all in this. The way that this scene is made, makes it seem like you're meant to treat this in jest. "Oh a teen boy having a crush on a girl, just a boy being a boy!" Yes. A boy being a boy. A teen boy who was previously bullied and ostracized by all his peers and who's only interaction with the opposite sex would have been his mom. I can't imagine why he's having this reaction. Anyways.
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Okay now Izuku is flustered...but it's because of personal space? Not the girl in front of you? Huh. Okay. This happens again btw, during the first OVA (I think), where Uraraka in her excitement at being paired up with Izuku ends up in his personal space without consideration for his boundaries.
This continues on sparsely throughout random points in the story, until they just...stop. Completely. And this interesting, because every other time regarding IzuOcha specifically focuses on Uraraka and her feelings about Izuku. And it's never treated as a joke. Whereas with Izuku, you're meant to find it funny, but never highly important, or warranting you're full attention. It's just something that I find interesting, especially when you take into consideration how this parallels KiriMina and KamiJirou, and how for both boys and their feelings toward their respective love interests their feelings are treated again, with weight.
And like I said, Uraraka's emotions are treated seriously. We're given multiple moments to see her contemplate on this stuff. But never Izuku. Why? Because he's not important, it was always gonna be one-sided thing between them, imo I don't think, even if bkdk was never meant to be a thing, that Hori ever intended for this to be a deep, meaningful relationship between these two. That it was always never gonna happen. That's my two cents tho.
Not sure how to end this off, so yeah...if anyone wants to add anything or ask if I didn't explain something well enough lemme know cause I have no idea if I did 😅
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So my man what do you think of how bnha act 3 has treated the villains so far?
I think it's going exactly the way the story hinted it would. No surprises there.
In terms of narrative, people should give Horikoshi his flowers. MHA might not be as flashy as other mangas, but Horikoshi keeps it consistent and to the point. I'm glad that he doesn't sacrifice the writing of a plotline in order to create flashier or more action based fights. I'm also glad he's been with the villains' ideologies and their reasons to do what they do.
It's funny, the hero side might be the one who's more surprised with the current outcome of the final showdown. You have moments like Ochako risking it all for Toga, which is a dream come true for villain fans yet might be hard to process for other people. I'm personally satisfied with how the author treated the Enji and Dabi plotline, because in the end it was not Shoto who alone could do a miracle. A bit of a "family issues must be solved by the whole family" opinion, but I'm glad to see Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi getting involved. They all had the spotlight in a heartwarming moment to stop and help Touya. They all took responsibility for their role in what happened to their family.
So far, so good.
To be honest, my perception is that Horikoshi has great respect for some of his villain characters. He has so far dedicated a lot of the story to Tomura alone, to his connection with Izuku. At least when it comes to the League, sacrifices are not simply plot twists, you know? They held meaning, they're respectful to the character.
I can't say the same for other antagonists and villains, tho. It's understandable, those secondary characters won't receive as much screen time and that's okay. It's just a bit sad to think that some of them have a lot of potential, but the story keeps them backstage. I certainly miss seeing some of the members of the Meta Liberation Army, for example. I loved the implications of corruption of power in the hero society. I miss Lady Nagant too, I can't wait to see her reaction to knowing that AFO is finally dead. Right now I wonder what the hell Horikoshi had planned for Hawks, lol. Every time I think his plotline is getting kickstarted, it runs for a second before stopping again. If he's there it's because there are unfinished businesses with him, maybe we will finally get a resolution on his connection with Toga and his past with Twice, but that's for later.
I have faith in Horikoshi, I guess. He has shown us that he does what the story demands and doesn't change the course of it for the public as much as other mangakas do. That is what movies are for.
I'm sure we'll see Spinner and Compress again, but most of all I'm curious worried about Kurogiri. I insist that the resolution between Kurogiri and Aizawa and Yamada will wreck me. In my wildest dreams I see Kurogiri begin for Tomura's life aka to save him, to give him a chance. I saw Aizawa's face when he heard Kurogiri talk about Tomura. He knew it was not only an order, but also a part of Oboro still alive. Oboro would do anything to help someone in danger, he'd pick any stray cat, give his life for anyone. I'm on the edge of my seat with that trio. Teachers on opposite sides of the war, once friends. Don't even get me going about Yamada and Kurogiri. Whenever I think of Mic and his role in that situation, it's pure torture.
If you ask me, I'm getting what I wanted. Act 3 has been great. It got a little boring for me when the whole focus was fighting AFO (I don't know why, maybe AFO is just not my favorite character to focus on). The rest? Amazing. Beautiful panels and drawing style, emotional instances that reveal the heart of the villains, their determination and dreams were respected, they got treated for once as real humans and not just villains... I'm behaving like a total kid with what is happening with Deku and Tomura in the 415 chapter.
Now, post-battle is another matter. We will cross that bridge when we get there, but they must be all alive and well or I'm ending what the League started and taking this whole world down with me (I'm not exaggerating at all haha why you ask?)
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Hi!!! I hope not to bother you but I wanted to ask your opinion about these last chapters since Midoriya's return. Personally, these last moments seemed very interesting to me and have the potential to turn the fight between Izuku and Tomura into something much deeper, because we still don't know how the confrontation between them is going to develop, the fight is inevitable considering that Tomura has no total control of his body and AFO is largely the one who took control in these last chapters.
I also enjoyed how Horikoshi used two characters more central to Midoriya's conflict over others, Uraraka her talk with was the first time where Izuku spoke about Tomura. Horikoshi raised a nice talk between both who are afflicted by the same feelings and gave mutual support, since although class A is united, none is really thinking in the same way as Izuku and Ochako, although perhaps it would have been good to have Todoroki, still Shoto's conflict continues to be taken to a family level, he has referred to Dabi as the sin of his family, for which Iida would like to support him isn't out of place and Kirishima and Bakugou doesn't affect because at the end of the day there is no emotional bond between them, so Bakugou isn't interested in Shoto looking to save Dabi or not, this didn't happen when we talk about Midoriya where Bakugou doesn't want to or at least he still wouldn't be able to understand Midoriya's thoughts. On the other hand, we have Mirio, honestly I would have liked that after Eri, both characters had more interactions especially because in these last chapters we can get to see why Mirio could have been a possible successor. So far only Izuku and Mirio have been able to see or interact with Tenko, Izuku during the war was able to see him and Mirio was able to feel a strange presence in Tomura when he said he had no friends and upset Tenko, who is gaining more control over Tomura's body, to the point that AFO seeks to suppress him. Mirio is from heroes' side one of the few who even without knowing Midoriya's plan offered useful information. When Izuku asks if Tomura is still there, Mirio told him what he saw and this is an advantage, Mirio isn't saying that he fights no matter who is there, this for example is different with Bakugou who at the beginning of the fight he says he can't tell the difference between AFO or Tomura but in the end it doesn't matter. Mirio not only calms Midoriya but even without knowing his plan, he provides useful information for Izuku to act accordingly.
I like how Horikoshi managed certain characters to help the MC in a certain way, especially since both characters are helps in a positive way, Uraraka offers a compression that most class A can't give and Mirio offers a more human heroic side than the one we have seen in characters like Mirko, Best Jeanist or Aizawa when we talk about the villains or at least I feel it that way. I don't try to say that others heroes are bad for fighthing the villians but it's good that we saw other characters like Mirio if we consider that the plot is about how heroes saw the villians.
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W-Woah this is a lot! I’ll do my best to touch on all the points you mentioned I’m actually excited thank you for this Asks! I love the enthusiasm! Ok, I have a lot of opinions on the latest chapters some great, some unsure, and some that still need to be polished.
But yes the fight is inevitable. Regardless of any theories there is no way AFO is going to give up Tomura’s body. He worked too hard and it no surprise he lie saying of course they fused. Thank goodness for Mirio to call out that lie, because clearly people can’t tell he a lying liar bastard sometimes. 
Gosh I adored that scene with Izuku and Ochako! I wish Shoto was there too because honestly those three all want to save their respective villains. Kirishima and Bakugou only seem to understand for Shoto that this is family. They might seem more unsure if it was Tomura and Toga who have no connection to them.
Izuku doesn’t trust anyone with the fact he wants to save Tomura despite the fact the man leveled a whole city. But he shared this with Ochaco and this is important level of trust.
Bakugou made it clear he didn’t care if was AFO or Tomura that he wanted to defeat him regardless. So the CONTRAST when Izuku did ask about the distinction honestly resonated a lot MORE than would have been if didn’t make that distinction. Because people aren’t realizing that most of these heinous acts are AFO, with some Tomura tantrum sprinkled in. Courtesy of Mirio saying and doing just the right thing to show the combination is shaky and not as strong as AFO lying about.
Mirio has been shooting up to top four character because of this and man I wish he showed up more too after Eri.
Best Jeanist and Aizawa..... They aren’t exactly going to see a victim they only going to see a monster or villain. It isn’t bad but it shows they have a very narrow window for Aizawa it’s the truama of losing his friend, while Jeanist is a professional who also was traumatized by AFO just instantly destroying him first encounter.
So we NEED Ochako and Mirio as if Horikoshi is saying THIS is the next generation. They both are supporting the MC in his goals despite everything seeming to be saying ‘kill’ the villain they are choosing to save. And bless them I adore it.
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I need heroes actually being Heroic and truly good at heart to contrast the dark villains.
On another note I have some... Thoughts on poor Bakugou role in this war. And it not exactly pleasant with the message this is sending. Since he couldn't give a shit if Tomura a victim or not.
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marunalu · 3 years
So now that Aoyama had been outed as the UA traitor, what are the chances that thanks to the intel he had gathers, One-For-Dad might use Ochako as Midoriya’s weak point in battle? I ask this because it’s been states that Midoriya’s needs to fully unlock one-for-all in order to win.
And what better way to do that than to torture and inflict pain your own sons high school crush that you just recently learned about thanks to his very funny sparkly classmate!!
I also know that people are hoping for Bakugou to unlock One-For-Allby a bonding with Midoriya (kind of what happened in Heros Rising) but I feel like that moment was already used up by the moment of Bakugou saving Deku. I don’t know, I feel as though Bakugou and Deku have already had their pre-shippuden Naruto/Sasuke moment in the war arc. Which kinda defeats the purpose of him being able to access One-For-All with Midoriya.
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I also know people are hoping that it’s the death of All-might ( as prophesied by Nighteyes) and while yes, I can see it happening, and it would extremely emotional for Midoriya to access the might of One-For-All by way of All-might death, but I feel like the potential Izuocha moment between Midoriya, Dad-For-One and Ochako is much more of a clearer conclusion.
There are multiple times where Shigiraki is stated to have let go of earthly attachments in order to achieve his power. (The love of his family and dog and humanity) And I feel as though that the opposite will be for Midoriya. Midoriya’s ability to unlock the full potential of One-For-All is going to come down to love for his friends, family, humanity and, ultimately, his love for Ochako. Instead of losing his earthy attachments to his friends and family, it’s the love he has for them that is the greatest connection to One-For-All, as symbolized by the connecting line that connects the combined power of the other successors of One for All. For Nana it was her son, and for the others it was the love for their friends and family (the same goes for All Might). And this could come to the message that being hero isn’t about strength or browns, it’s about the love within you for others that overrides when the mightiest of evil (which I think has already been stated already in the story but could be used to hammer it home.
Back to the All-For-Dad stuff: It’s kind of be like the one scene from Avatar: Last Airbender where the Earthbending general tried to unlock Asngs avatar state early and in doing so, he used Aangs love for Katara as his weak point. Which cultivated with Aang activating the power.
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Or in the Naruto fight with Pain (since Hori is a very big fan of Naruto) where Hinata tries to fight pain, ends up getting hurt and then Narutos anger for her near death experience activates his nine-tail for powers.
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Which could cultivate with the full-color sketch between Ochako and Midoriya falling through the sky after a inherent battle (which I know isn’t directly canon, but considering that the color sketch of Aoyama became Canon thanks to his most recent reveal as the AU traitor, there is a chance.) which also makes me wonder if Midoriya and Ochako are going to use One for All to battle All-For-Dad by way of holding hands (kind of like how Midoriya held Bakuous hand to fight Nines, or how Midoriya’s signature move is to leans a hand to people in need)
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So yeah, just my two cents, sorry if this was so long 😂
Seriously if bakugou is the reason why izuku unlocks ofas full power or even the 2th quirk, I will be soooo pissed! Like REALLY pissed! Bakugou is already the reason why izuku unlocked black whip and danger sense, so if hori uses bakugou again for that, I fear I will drop this manga for good and not even dad for one can bring me back! Float was awakened because of aizawa and gran torino, so please hori let it be someone else again! I would love if ochako is the reason and in the discord server I am we actually talked about the possebility of ochako being kidnapped by afo to lure izuku to him.
Aoyama knows that ochako has a crush on izuku and was even the first one to recognize that. That means aoyama watched both izuku and ochako closely and we dont know if he told afo about their crush on each other. Afo would totally use that information. He is known for going after the loved ones of ofa holders, so izukus mother and his crush are the most obvious choice to lure him out.
Shonen in generell seem to have a thing for kidnapping the love interest of the protagonist. In the naruto movie it was hinata (please correct me if Im wrong here, I didnt watch it, but thats what I heard and she got brainwashed or something), in bleach it was orihime, in the one piece movie strong world it was nami (yeah I know she is not luffys “love interest“, but luffy x nami is the most popular ship in japan). And Im sure there are more.
Izukus strongest character trait is his love for all the people around him. Ochako was izukus first real friend and his bond with her is VERY strong, so izuku going apeshit crazy if something happens to her is very likely!
Personally I dont want izuku to “share“ ofa with someone else, because it makes no sense to me. Izuku needed MONTHS to learn how to control ofa and even now he is still only at 45% and needs to be cautious when he uses it. If ochako uses ofa together with izuku at full power for the first time, I think she would rip her own limbs off. I just dont like the thought of izuku sharing ofa with others, but that is my own bias. Let ofa be izukus quirk, he deserves it! But better ochako then bakugou thats for sure!
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linkspooky · 4 years
TogaChako - Good Girl and Bad Girl
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Toga Himiko and Uraraka Ochako embody the classic good girl slash bad girl dynamic. It’s a classic dynamic in which one girl will represent what is the traditionally held notions of what a “good girl is” ie/ pure, nice, friendly and the other girl will embody the opposite of that a “bad girl” impure, mean, slutty. Inevitably, these two girls will fight. However, the crux of the good girl bad girl dynamic is that while the girls are total opposites on the outside, inside they’re the same, cuz they’re both girls after all. 
Uraraka and Toga are written to be compared, they’re character foils, because the conclusion we’re supposed to come to isn’t one of them is good, one of them is bad, one of them is selfless, one is selfsh. Rather, they’re written so we see it’s the difference in circumstances that made them who they were. Toga became bad because bad things happened to her. Uraraka is good, because she was born into a good life. What makes a bad girl bad and what makes a good girl good? More under the cut. 
1. Good Girl
Describe Uraraka Ochako. She’s a normal girl. She’s spunky. She puts other people first. She became a hero to help her parents make money, and feels bad because her motivations aren’t as selfless as say her close friend Izuku Midoriya’s. (But that’s wrong because she literally is being selfless, her reason for becoming a hero has entirely to do with benefitting someone else and not herself). She’s supportive, and friendly. She’s always cheerful and never lets herself get too down. 
Uraraka represents the standard of a good girl in hero society. She’s always ready to help her friends, but ultimately she’s kind of passive. She works hard but is not too ambiitous. She’s selfless and always thinks of other people before herself. She has all of these good qualities. 
However, I would argue Uraraka is a lot more complex then this. On the surface she seems to be just a good, nice girl who wants to help others, but her internal mechanisms are complex. While yes I agree Uraraka doesn’t have much of an arc so far due to lack of focus, there’s a difference between not having an arc and not being a complex character. 
A simple character - what you see is what you get.  A complex character - Has internal mechanisms that show the surface isn’t as simple as you thought. 
A simple arc - character moves through the plot without changing who they are. A complex arc - character struggles in a way that fores them to change. 
Uraraka’s inner mechanisms are complex in that there’s more too her in what we see at the surface, it’s just she hasn’t been challenged in any way. The plot doesn’t address her flaw and try to force her to change. 
With that in mind let’s get into Uraraka’s character. Uraraka is defined to her goodness. Uraraka pushes herself to always be good to others. The reason being is that Uraraka is a very sensitive girl who is attune to the feelings of other people. 
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Uraraka gets serious for just a second, and people remark that she doesn’t seem like her normal self. 
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Uraraka then immediately backs up and gets embarrassed. She goes out of her way to beat herself up and denigrate herself in front of others, insisting her motivations are much more selfish than people like Ida and Deku. 
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Uraraka then tells Deku and Iida that she’s not becoming a hero for her own sake, but for someone else’s. Her entire motivation is to help both of her parents live easier lives, because she feels like she’s been a burden on them and pursuing her own dreams would be too selfish. 
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Uraraka is very secretive of her own feelings. She’s almost afraid to come off as selfish which is why she doesn’t share what her real goal is. Also, when she starts to get a little motivated to accomplish something for herself, everybody around her remarks how different this is from the fun-loving Uraraka they all know. Also, one last detail Uraraka never even talks about herself, and her friends don’t really think to ask, because Uraraka just so naturally makes things about others and not herself. 
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It’s already been elaborated why the reason Uraraka grew so perceptive. Uraraka’s parents were struggling to make ends meet and she grew up in poverty, and even if she has good parents that try really hard not to let the effect of this struggle show in front of her, Uraraka saw it anyway because kids are always watching their parents. 
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Uraraka learned to be sensitive to her parents needs, to never demand too much for her parents, her behaviors all became centered around not becoming a burden to others. 
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Uraraka thinks it’s only natural to put others first and help others before helping herself. That other people’s happiness is more important than her own. Because she’s someone naturally empathic. Because she’s someone naturally able to see the pain and struggle other people go through, because she grew up seeing it. However, the problem with this behavior is it makes Uraraka essentially a support to everyone else. 
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Uraraka is constantly putting others up on a pedestal and using that as an excuse to lower herself further and further. As cute as her admiration for Deku is, it’s also a bit unhealthy - as she uses it as an excuse to beat herself up. She sees Deku as this amazing person, whose always struggling to help everyone, whose always saving everyone for completely selfless reasons and she always suffers in the comparison.
I think part of Uraraka wants to stand out like Deku does, and has the same desire to go all out to save people, but Uraraka is so used to being secondary in her own life she can’t bring herself to. 
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Uraraka can’t even cry in front of others. I think, the most telling behavior she has in the entire series is the moment where she breaks down on the phone describing everything she did wrong because this is how Uraraka sees herself. She’s so extremely critical of herself, and constantly apologizing for herself, while at the same time hiding what she really feels from others.
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Uraraka has all these self esteem issues that she basically just shelves so she can play the good, nice girl, that gets along well and is friends with everyone. 
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Uraraka assigns the role of group placater and peacemaker for herself because it’s something she’s so naturally good at and she’s always thinking of others, but because of that, Uraraka herself suffers. Uraraka only knows how to help people by belittling herself and her own role in things. 
Uraraka’s greatest fear is being selfish. She doesn’t want to look like a bad girl. That’s the connection between Toga and Uraraka, because what Uraraka is afraid of ultimately is living her life the way Toga does. 
2. Bad Girl
Toga is everything that Uraraka is afraid of being, and lives the life that Uraraka is afraid of living. Uraraka is someone so afraid of being selfish, and getting distracted that she is not even allowed to have a crush on a boy. Whereas, Toga lives her life chasing what she loves. Everything Uraraka represses about herself, Toga expresses. That’s the difference between the two of them. 
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When Uraraka first encounters Toga, her willingness to chase what she loves looks from Uraraka’s perspective to be entirely monstrous. Uraraka sees Toga as a selfish monster, because in part she is afraid of appearing that way. 
Toga Himiko the bad girl. 
However that’s far from the whole picture of Toga. When we see her away from Uraraka’s perspective she’s entirely different. She’s someone empathic, capable of being kind to others, and thinking about others feelings. 
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Toga’s just as capable of reading other people and addressing their feelings as Uraraka is. However, there’s still a key difference in their behavior. Uraraka acts to avoid conflict. When she intervenes, what she usually does is act in a way that avoids stepping on toes, and touts the “we should all get along and be friends’ line. Whereas, Toga is someone who directly addresses the conflict and the hurt feelings of others. 
For Uraraka the most important thing is getting along with others. For Toga the most important thing is being true to her own emotions. Which is why she’s able to directly address the problem with Twice, she didn’t tell him to bear with it, she told him she knew he was in pain but that the two of them could take down the mafia together. 
Even Himiko’s most selfish monster moments aren’t really that monstrous. Himiko’s reason for stalking both Uraraka and Deku is not because she’s weird and creepy, but because she wants to be a normal kid just like them. 
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Himiko’s reason for sucking the blood of high school girls and taking on their appearances isn’t because she’s preadtory, it’s because she’s been a runaway with no home for two years and she’s terrified of getting caught. 
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Himiko who is framed as a selfish monster, is actually quite the normal girl. She’s a normal girl reacting to the pressures of the society around her. The kicker is that Himiko isn’t someone who just decided to flip and turn out this way, she is only the way she is because she tried to live like Uraraka did at first.
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Himiko tried to push everything down and live like a normal girl. She tried to lie about herself so she’d be a good, nice, harmless girl. She only became so selfish, because she tried to live selflessly first. She only prioritizes herself, because she was used to putting herself down before this. We see her classmates react to her, they all describe Himiko was the kind of girl that Uraraka is right now. 
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However, behaviors in Uraraka that are self-defeating and unhealthy, are absolutely ruinous in Himiko. Himiko has no sense of self, because she spent so long trying to be what others wanted her to be. Himiko is who she is, in reaction to the pressures of everyone around her. 
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When Himiko tries to figure herself out, she always gets the same response. Why do you have be so selfish? Why can’t you just act normal? Which completely ignores the fact that she TRIED and that’s what got her here. 
The main difference between Uraraka and Toga is not one of them being good, and the other being bad. Toga’s been through way harsher life circumstances. Uraraka has parents that affirm her identity, and Toga’s parents deny her over and over again. 
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The point of the good girl bad girl dynamic is that they’re both girls in the end. Yes, Uraraka’s never reacted as badly as Himiko has. However, Uraraka’s also never been pushed so far. In fact someone as empathic as Uraraka can be oblivious to the suffering of others. 
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Uraraka doesn’t see what Himiko is going through, because she hasn’t suffered the way Himiko has. 
It’s like. When you have a good sibling and a bad sibling. The good sibling always behaves because they conform to the pressure their parents put on them. The bad sibling acts out in response to that pressure, and because of that their parents have to discipline them and they end up soaking up most of the parent’s attention. In that situation the good sibling can come to ressent the bad sibling for acting out and needing attention in the first place. 
Reasonable child and unreasonable child. There exist these black and white categories to define children into where one looks good and one looks bad, that actually totally fail to address the child’s behavior because people are complex and therefore don’t fit into black and white categories. But, Uraraka is still working with that black and white logic when it comes to heroes and villains. Even though she’s usually so good at sussing out the complex nuance of other people’s feelings. 
This is what’s happening here in this chapter. You can apply the dynamic between the two of them to the conflict at large. Toga is selfish for acting out and causing problems for others, because she wants her own personal grievances to be addressed. Uraraka is sefless because all she cares about right now is helping the most amount of people. Uraraka is willing to repress herself, and put others needs before her own, because what’s most important is everybody gets along.
However, Uraraka insinuates, the same way that Himiko’s parents once insinuated that Himiko’s acting out just makes her selfish. 
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We’ve seen this conflict before. Himiko literally went into the conflict to ask this question. Do problem children like her count as “everyone”. However, no matter what happens this arc, no matter what critcisisms the villains levvy against the heroes we get the same hollow repettition of ��Heroes save everyone”. Which is why Himiko looks just about to snap here.
Uraraka who is used to brushing conflicts aside and avoiding them for the sake of “everyone gettling along” sees the girl who can’t get along with “everyone” and calls her selfish. To Himiko, this is the same words she’s been hearing her entire life. “Why are you making a fuss? Why can’t you just be normal.” 
From one perspective, yes Uraraka is the one fighting seflessly because she’s just trying to save as many people as she can and Himiko is getting in the way of things. However, Himiko is someone who grasps the bigger picture. Himiko addresses the problem directly rather than sweeping it under the rug, there are people who aren’t saved by the hero system. Those people are just as in need of saving as what heroes deem to be innocent people. You can’t claim to save everyone and then ignore the suffering of people you deem as “bad”. Himiko seems like she’s acting selfishly, but then again she’s acting for the sake of people like Jin who died because heroes insisted that his life was less important. 
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Uraraka is at the same time very perceptive to the suffering of others, and also very oblivious, and it has much more to do with personal hangups than anything else. She doesn’t want to see Himiko as someone similiar to her, because Uraraka is someone so deathly afraid of coming off as selfish. To the point that she treats people with genuine grievances against society as selfish childrens making demands for atttention. 
Uraraka is the one who can’t face herself, and therefore the answer she gives Himiko is to the effect of “Shut up and deal with it.” It’s a very personal thing for Uraraka once you realize that Uraraka has also been shutting herself up all this time, pushing herself down, always letting people walk all over. Uraraka is capable of putting herself aside for the sake of others, so as a result she sees people who can’t put themselves aside as selfish. 
“I can do it, so why can’t you? Why can’t you be normal?” 
I hammer down so hard on this point because there’s a difference between placating and conflict resolution. 
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Placating comes from a place of “I want the conflict to go away” or “I want the hurt feelings to go away.” Placating is just saying whatever you think the person you’re talking to wants to hear in order to please them. It’s behavior that’s based entirely around avoiding conflict. Uraraka placates, she sweeps it under the rug, she swallows her grievances for the point of everyone happily getting along together. 
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This placating also applies to the hero system at large. It’s not really designed to save everyone, so much as make the vast majority of people feel safe at the cost of the minority. 
When there is a problem does Hero society directly address the issue? Or do they sweep it under the rug for the appearance of everyone getting along?
I think the fact that every time a villain brings up a problem this arc, the heroes just shout “Heros save everyone” and “Heroes never give up” is evidence of the latter. That’s why, when Uraraka says it, when Hawks says it, “Heroes save everyone” just comes off as hollow because in the very same breath they both make it clear that Toga and Twice are not part of the everyone who gets saved. 
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five-rivers · 4 years
Long Night in the Valley chapter 5
Toshinori found himself thinking about his brief and extremely ill-advised time as a quirkless vigilante.  He had a sinking suspicion that it because of his uninvited mental guests, but he couldn’t exactly do anything about that.  Between the two of them, Izuku had always been better at the mental portion of their quirk.  
He finished washing the bleach out of Izuku’s hair and couldn’t help but wonder if Izuku had ever contemplated going down that path. It had been cruel, and knowing what he did now, he would never repeat it, but his speech to Izuku on that rooftop had been intended to keep him from making the same mistakes Toshinori had in his youth.  
If Nana hadn’t picked him up…  he shuddered to think what would have become of him.  He’d certainly been in over his head, hitting far above his weight class.  
Although, to be honest, they weren’t in a good position right now, either.  
“I’m sorry,” said Izuku, softly.  
“It isn’t your fault,” said Toshinori.  
“But I couldn’t make him leave.  And now he’s going after your secrets.”
“My boy, they sent a highly skilled infiltrator into your mind.”  Toshinori was not entirely sure how he knew this, but it felt correct.  “You don’t have the training to combat that.  What you have done is remarkable.”  He toweled off Izuku’s hair.  The damp and the product had conspired to make it less fluffy than usual.  “The last you told me, you couldn’t even manifest fully in that place.”
“I tried to distract them,” said Izuku, miserably. “It didn’t work.  It—He’s still there.”
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” said Toshinori.  “Other than One for All, I don’t have any secrets worth all these tears.”  It might be annoying if they found out about all the illegal stuff he’d done over the years, but most of it would be nigh-impossible to prove.  “Let’s get you into that suit.”
“Right,” said Izuku, peeling out of his clothes.  “Why a suit, though?”
“It’s something you’d never choose to wear and relatively anonymous,” said Toshinori.  He started to put on his own coat, checking that all the hidden pouches were filled. To stay true to his disguise, Izuku was only carrying a messenger bag, and they would need the supplies.  
“How do I look?” asked Izuku.  The first thing Toshinori noticed was that he hadn’t bothered with the tie, but Toshinori had planned to take care of that from the beginning.  
The second thing—
Toshinori did not blanch.  
Of course, that’s what he looks like, whispered seven or so voices.  Knew from the beginning.  Have to read the DNA to rewrite it.  Can’t give this to just anyone.
Yes.  Of course.
“You look wonderful,” said Toshinori, reaching for the tie.  “And also unrecognizable.”
“Well, that’s the point, right?” asked Izuku, running a hand through his hair.  “So… How are we going to do this?”
Toshinori made a face.  He wasn’t terribly good at this part.  There was a reason he’d relied so heavily on Sir Nighteye once upon a time.
“I… could come up with a plan,” proposed Izuku.  “Tell me how Trace’s quirk works.”
The fight reached the other side of the tunnel, and spilled out into bright, yellow sunlight.  Midoriya had been fighting Iida up until a moment ago, but upon exiting the tunnel he had run off.  After stabbing Suzuki in the eye with a pencil.  
Meanwhile, All Might, Teenage Menace special edition, was holding his own against them.  
One thing Aizawa didn’t understand, though, was why All Might wasn’t using his quirk.  
Thankfully, after leaving the tunnel, the boy began to falter, and then ran off after Midoriya.  Aizawa wasn’t interested in pursuing either of them.  Were there questions he wanted answered?  Yes.  Did he want them answered at the cost of invading his student’s privacy and breaking his trust?  No.  
In the meantime, he did have to see if the idiot needed medical care.  That was, unfortunately, part of his job.  
“Want help with that?” he asked.  
“No,” said Suzuki, pulling the pencil out.  In less than a second, his eye was fine.  “That hurt,” he complained.  
A small part of Aizawa mourned the fact that breaking Suzuki’s legs would not be enough to stop him.  A small, but very present part.  He pushed it away.  Thinking on might-have-beens was illogical.  
“Sensei!” called Uraraka.  “I think we’re in America.  All the signs are in English!”  She pointed.
The signs were, in fact, in English.  Considering how much time All Might had spent in America, it wasn’t terribly surprising that Midoriya would construct such a place for him in his mind.  
… Although, he had to wonder why Midoriya’s mind had a teenage vigilante All Might running around in it.  Because if he were Midoriya in this situation, and he could pick any All Might, he’d pick top-of-his-game natural disaster All Might, so, this had to be an All Might that Midoriya just.  Had.  For some reason.  
“This proves it,” said Todoroki.
“Proves what?” asked Aizawa.  
“That Midoriya is All Might’s secret love child.”
Iida sighed, heavily, leaving off prodding his formerly impaled shoulder.  
“Think about it!” said Todoroki, as emotive as Aizawa had ever seen him.  “Who else would All Might tell about his dark past?”
Regrettably, he had a point.  
“Add that to the quirk, and the smile, and how they meet up for lunch at least once a week—”
“That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” said Suzuki.  “All Might is a natural-born hero.  A pillar of society!”
“Yes?” said Todoroki, squinting at Suzuki as if daring him to say something that made sense.  
“He isn’t going to have a secret love child.”
Regrettably, he also had a point.  
“Much less one like Midoriya Izuku.”
Okay, the point was gone.  
“In any case, black tentacles are not at all like All Might’s general enhancer.”
“It is like his mother’s, though,” said Todoroki, “and even though I keep saying ‘secret love child,’ my current theory is that Midoriya-san and All Might are, in fact, married, but they had to do it secretly, so that All Might’s enemies wouldn’t find them.”  
“Todoroki, please, you can’t just spread baseless rumors like that about your classmates!” said Iida, chopping at the air.  “Much less your classmate’s families!”
Todoroki looked hurt.  “But I have evidence!”
Aizawa should probably put a stop to this, but he kind of wanted to see where it was going, and there was no way this was true.  At all.  
If Midoriya was All Might’s kid, he would never shut up about it.  All Might, that was.  Midoriya was, evidently, capable of keeping secrets.  
(On the other hand, Aizawa didn’t have a better theory for their obvious close bond.)
“What evidence?” asked Iida, clearly intrigued despite himself.
“Midoriya-san is amazing.”  Todoroki’s eyes sparkled like he was in a manga.  
Aizawa sighed, he should have known the ‘evidence’ would—
“Where’s Uraraka?”
Uraraka really should have been paying more attention. Especially after all the situational awareness classes Aizawa-sensei had given them.  
Izuku didn’t blame her.  This was a distracting situation, and he rather suspected being asleep and ‘dreaming’ was affecting their judgement.  
Still.  It was almost too easy to pull her to the side and through a door into another part of the dreamscape.  
But after that, she shook off his grip and readied a fighting stance.  
“I don’t want to fight,” he whispered, making a quelling motion.
Uraraka looked like she wanted to believe him but frowned. “Sorry, but I kind of find that hard to believe after you stabbed Iida.  I mean, I know you’re under the effects of a quirk and all, but you’re still under the effects of a quirk.”  Despite her words, she matched his volume.  
“I know, I know,” said Izuku.  “It looks bad, but…”  He wrung his fingers together and adjusted the sleeves of his uniform.  “There’s something you guys need to know about what’s going on, and you were easiest to grab.  Can I explain?  I’m not going to fight you guys anymore.  Not like- Not like I was.”
Uraraka sighed and relaxed her shoulders, just slightly. “Alright, Deku, I—” she faltered. “Midoriya.”
“You can still call me Deku,” said Izuku.  “I mean, it is my hero name.”
“Yes, but… they used it to hurt you, didn’t they?”
Izuku shrugged.  This wasn’t the conversation he wanted to be having.  “If—I guess, if you want, you can call me Izuku.  It would feel weird for you to go to calling me Midoriya.”
Uraraka blinked.  “Are you sure?”
“Then you have to call me Ochako!”
Izuku blushed.  “Okay,” he said, in a tiny voice.  He coughed.  “So. Um.  Imagine, imagine you’re in a room.”  He gestured at the facsimile of the American diner.  “You’re standing in the middle.”
Ura—Ochako nodded.  “Sure,” she said.  
“Right.  So, you can’t see all the walls at once, no matter how you turn.  Unless, like, you have some kind of vision-related quirk, or a quirk like Shoji’s I guess.”  Izuku shook his head, putting aside that train of thought for the moment.  “Does that make sense, so far?”
“Yes,” said Ochako, “but I don’t see what it has to do with… this.”  She spread her hands in front of her.  
“Well, um.  It’s what was going on back there,” he gestured vaguely towards where they’d come from.  “From the beach until the tunnel.  You were in my head.  Kind of… inside my personality, I guess?  So, you couldn’t see the whole thing at once.  Just the walls from the inside.  Each, um, each one of me?  Each one of me was like a different wall.  You couldn’t see the whole shape.  They were incomplete.”
“Okay,” said Ochako.  “But that should still be what’s happening, then, right?  We’re still in your head.”
“Yeah, that’s why I needed to talk to you.  You aren’t.  You’re…  This me, the me you’re talking to, right now, I’m complete, because you’re seeing me from outside, now.  Well, mostly complete.  Like, you can’t see the other side of the room from the outside…  Oh, no, All Might is right, I’m terrible at metaphors.”  He buried his face in his hands.  
“It’s fine,” said Ochako.  “But, um.  You’re saying we’re in someone else’s head?”
“Sort of.  Just… not my dreamscape.  Mindscape? It’s-It’s complicated.”  He lifted his head.  
“D—Izuku-kun, is this All Might’s mind?”
It was going to be pretty obvious once everyone woke up, so Izuku nodded.
“Why?” asked Ochako.  “How?”
“I can’t explain everything right now.  It’s too much, and I don’t know if the commission has someone listening with a telepathy quirk from the outside.  I know they’re not using it on me, because I’m awake, but—”
“What?  You’re awake?”
“Sort of, sort of.  It’s a side effect of what’s going on here.  I woke up when Suzuki-san shot me.  And I’m sort of on the run.  It’s really, really, not something I can give details about, though, because, you know. Listening.”
Ochako took a deep breath.  “So, what did you want to tell me?”
“Well, all of that, but also, we need to coordinate.  It would be best if we could get Suzuki-san to stay in one place, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”
“We were trying to do that before.”
“I kind of thought so,” said Izuku.  “The problem is, if you’re moving around, you’re going to run into All Might like you ran into me back in my dreamscape.  If Suzuki-san’s quirk works the way I think it does, and he keeps using it on me, that’s not a problem at this point.  But if he starts using it on T—on All Might, that’s different.”
“You know what his quirk is?” asked Ochako, raising her eyebrows.
“I think he can make people think of particular topics,” said Izuku.  “Like secrets and stuff.  Which is why him realizing he’s in All Might’s mind would be bad.”
Ochako nodded and perched on the edge of one of the tables. “All Might was number one for so long,” she said, “I’d be surprised if he didn’t know a whole bunch of different classified things.  Should we try to go back?”
“… I’d say yes, but I need my brain power for escaping, not rendering traumatic moments from my childhood, and I know a lot of different classified things.  Some of which are, uh.  Significantly more recent.  Plus, I’m not sure All Might will let you go back.”
“Oh,” said Ochako, tilting her head.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but there isn’t any truth behind Todoroki’s secret love child theory, is there?”
“Absolutely not,” said Izuku.  
“Okay.   I’m guessing you have a plan?”
“More like a distraction,” said Izuku.  “I don’t know how well this will work, but…”
“You know,” said Izuku as he shouldered his bag, both fascinated and horrified, “with your head shaved and the face mask bit, you kind of look like, you know.”
“Ah,” said Toshinori, uncertain how to react to realizing that he had dressed both himself and his successor as their worst enemy.  “I suppose,” he said.  “The coat is very different, though.”
“Yes.  It is.”
“Speaking of which,” said Toshinori, forcibly changing the topic, “remember to take the tie off if you get into a fight.  It’s too easy to grab on to.”
Izuku nodded, partially distracted by all the conversations happening in his head.  Then he blinked.  
Toshinori shrugged sheepishly.  “Did you ever consider it?”
All Izuku had ever wanted to do was help people.  Save people.  Heroics had been the best option.  For a while, the only option.  In theory, a person could get into heroics on merit and skill.  Everything else…  Anything like a doctor or a police officer or a lawyer…  It would have been impossible for a quirkless person.  Even finding housing could be difficult for the quirkless, because most landlords made people disclose their quirks, to ‘prevent accidents from bad quirk interactions.’
Toshinori wrapped an arm around Izuku’s shoulder.  For a moment, Izuku had forgotten he’d been listening in.  For a moment, he’d forgotten how bitter he could be about that particular
“Not then,” he said.  He’d known that he’d never survive without training he couldn’t get except at a hero school like UA.  “But now?”
“Heh.  We’ll make quite the duo, won’t we, my boy?”  
They needed to leave.  Before Trace got too close.  They both had their directions, but it didn’t really matter if they remembered them clearly or not.  Not when they could hear and feel each other, and they had so much help.  
They exited the hideout, climbed up through the storm drains, navigated through the building above them, walked a block together, and split up without another word.
Trace’s quirk could tell where a person had been.  She wasn’t as good at determining when they had been there.  Any trails left within two hours of each other looked more or less the same, according to her registration with the hero commission.  According to an interview Izuku had seen her give once, in the aftermath of a kidnapping, after ten, the trail disappeared entirely, and she needed to have the trail to follow it.  
If Izuku and Toshinori looped over their trails often enough, she wouldn’t be able to tell which trail was which.  With luck and planning, they could lead her in maze-like loops, break their trail up with buses and jumps between buildings, and get a head start on her. A head start that they could use to outdistance her, because her tracking quirk took time to work.  
At least, that was what Izuku hoped would happen.  In reality, the commission records tended to be out of date, heroes rarely gave completely correct information about their quirks to the public, and even Izuku’s encyclopedic knowledge had limits.  After all, encyclopedias gave only short overviews of their subjects.  
But there had to be some relation between reality and record.
And if it didn’t work…  Izuku’s self-preservation skills was trash, but eight minds whirred behind his, more than ready to put theirs to work for him.  The consensus was to fight, and, in this state, they would operate by the consensus.  Nine of them together.  
Nine here, keeping them physically away from the commission. Nine inside, keeping their secrets safe. Nine keeping the doors strong and the vault clo—
He stumbled at the unexpected direction of his thoughts. His head throbbed.  
It would be much easier if they weren’t in his head anymore.
He hurried forward.  
Miles away, in the most secure prison in the country, the guards of the most dangerous villain in the worlds scrambled for answers.  They had sedated the man known as All for One to what was, frankly, a dangerous degree.  He hadn’t so much as twitched in hours, nor had he spoken, even before that.
His brain activity was elevated.  
Highly elevated.  
It had been for hours, and they had no idea why.  
All for One smiled at the vault door in front of him. It had been a long time since he’d seen it, but, nevertheless, his memory of it was pristine.  It was, after all, a place he revisited often in his thoughts.  
Wondering, wondering.
But this wasn’t then.  This wasn’t a result of him being lost in thought.  Oh, no.  This was something infinitely more interesting.  Infinitely more valuable.  
He ran his hand through his curly hair and hummed contemplatively.  Interesting, interesting indeed.  
He walked to the door an ran his fingers down the cold interior, the little scrapes and knicks catching at his fingertips.  Now, this, this was more detail than he had retained, but not, perhaps, more detail than, say, someone who had been imprisoned here for a long time would recall.  
A smile stretched out over his face, wide and sparkling and full of glee.  
This, he thought, would be quite amusing.  
He pulled back his hand and made a fist.  
“Knock knock, little brother.”
Izuku slowed to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
He blinked, hard.
That would be a problem.  
He started walking again, faster.  
Toshinori leaned against a grimy city wall, out of breath. The mask was thick and made it hard to breathe, especially with his singular lung.  
Of course, what had him gasping wasn’t anything physical, but the massive weight of dread that had just settled on his chest.  Was Izuku in trouble?  Did the commission get him?
Slowly, unerringly, he rotated until he faced Tartarus.
Not again.
Izuku broke off mid-sentence and grabbed Ochako by the wrist as the restaurant vibrated.  
“What was that?” asked Ochako.  
“A problem,” said Izuku, staring off into the distance, as if he was seeing something completely different.  Well.  He could be, Ochako realized.  
“Something in the real world?  Wherever you are?”
“No,” said Izuku.  “Change of plans.  You guys really, really need to get out of here.”  He pulled her out the door onto the street.  The sky was rapidly darkening.  He seemed to realize he was still holding onto her, and blushed, dropping her wrist.  “S-sorry.”
“We don’t know how, though.  I thought that was why we were doing the distraction.”
“We don’t know how, but…”  Izuku bit his lower lip.  “Yeah, yeah, no, one might be able to do something.  But if they’re closer…  Can’t just wait.  Can we still wait?  What do you think?  What… That would work?  Maybe.  We can work with maybe.  Seven, that’s too far.   Okay, yeah. Yeah.”
“Sorry!  Sorry. I think…  I think you might have to go forward after all.  The others have been here longer than I have.  They know more.”  He started running down the street.  “Come on!”
“Others?  What others?” asked Ochako, hurrying to catch up.
“The, um.  The others we’re connected to, me and, and All Might.”  He wasn’t looking at her as he ran.  “If you ask them—They’ll know more than me.  They’ve been doing this longer, and this is tangled in one’s quirk. One of them might have seen a quirk like this before, been in this position before.”
“It’s just really dangerous for you to be here right now.”
Izuku stopped and bounced in place.  “Weakened mental immune system, basically.  Something else is trying to get in.  Can’t do both at the same time.”
A building behind him exploded into rubble.  He winced.  
“What’s going on?” asked Ochako.  
“Flashback,” said Izuku.  “Toshinori…”  He shook his head and pointed down a cross street.  “If you go this way, you’ll be able to meet back up with everyone.”
“What about the plan?”
Izuku shook his head.  “Just try to stay alive, for now.  This isn’t going to be fun.  I’m sorry, I have to go!”
Before Ochako could protest further, he was gone.  
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: Heavy flirting, kinda aggressive tbh, wing-woman ochako
Word Count for Chapter: 3,270 words
A/N: The song is Bang Bang by Green Day
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{0.7} Lemons
“When life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them in.”
― Colleen Hoover
At this point, Katsuki should be able to tell the difference between a nightmare and a memory. Sadly, though, they often overlapped for him.
Katsuki doesn’t recognize this dream, though.
He’s sitting in a small room that’s barren, aside from a bed with a desk and dresser. Two black garbage bags were placed next to the toddler bed, where a smaller and much younger version of himself sat.
The small boy was no older than five or six, sniffling to himself as he messed with an action figure in his hands.
I don’t remember this.
Katsuki’s eyebrows furrowed slightly as he sat on the floor in front of the boy. The brat didn’t know he was there, so the tears started to flow.
“Katsuki? Where are you?”
Younger-Katsuki froze and immediately started to wipe away his tears. His red eyes were still puffy, but it would go away after a few minutes.
The door to the bedroom opened and an orange light brightened the room. A man, a strong beta, stood in the doorway. His hair was curly and brown, sticking up in odd places as if it was hard to maintain.
His eyes matched his hair, but looked exceedingly kind.
“I see.” The beta mumbled, his eyes flickering to the trash bags. “You still haven’t unpacked?”
Younger-Katsuki hid his previous emotion and huffed, crossing his arms. “Cause I don’t wanna! I don’t have to listen to you, stupid beta!”
I was a dick of a kid.
Instead of of getting angry, the kind beta chuckled and turned the bedroom light on. “Fair enough. Don’t you want to meet the baby?”
Younger-Katsuki immediately brightened and shot off the bed. His action-figure was clenched tightly in his hand. “Auntie’s back?! With the baby!”
The beta grinned. “They just came home.”
The small pup screeched and bolted for the doorway, obviously trying to dart past the older man. Before he could, though, the older man stopped him with a gentle hand.
“Hold on, Katsuki.”
Younger-Katsuki stopped immediately, flinching away from the man’s touch as if it had been red-hot. He didn’t look excited anymore, but scared and obviously confused about the warning.
The beta sighed, pulling his hand away from Katsuki’s shoulder. “You’re not in trouble, Katsuki. I was just going to say that you need to wash your hands before you meet Izuku.”
Wait what the fuck.
Dream, then.
Definitely a dream.
“Oh.” Younger-Katsuki mumbled quietly, nodding to himself. “I’ll go wash my hands, then!”
Older-Katsuki, who had been watching the interaction with bated breath, relaxed as the bedroom door closed. Ever so faintly, the older alpha could hear the familiar trill of his morning alarm.
It was morning.
Katsuki’s eyes opened slowly.
His morning alarm pinged next to him on his night-stand, sounding more and more annoying as it bounced around the inside of his skull. The dream, which should have been fading by now, simply played over and over in his head.
Katsuki sat up and turned off his alarm before getting to his feet. He needed to go for a run, which should definitely help him him stop thinking about the green-eyed omega.
Something about Deku was stupidly adorable and enticing to Katsuki. The small omega felt familiar and safe, despite the sole fact that they were strangers. Hell, the stupid Deku made it clear that weren’t even friends.
Which hurt way more than it should have.
Katsuki changed into his running clothes, making a mental note to take a shower when he returned. His own scent and pheromones always seemed more potent when he sweat, so it was his duty as an alpha to make sure his pheromones weren’t overwhelming to people around him.
Most wolves hated Katsuki’s scent.
Except Deku.
Even though Deku’s mumbling was incredibly annoying, it was becoming a useful tool to figure out what the shitty nerd was thinking. So when he mumbled about liking Katsuki’s strong scent, the ruby-eyed alpha was more than proud.
He’s fucking delighted.
Katsuki slipped his phone in the pocket of his jacket as Green Day started to blast in his ears. Crisp morning air nipped at his skin as he stepped outside, matching the pastel pinks and blues of the early-morning sky.
It was moments like these that made Katsuki feel calm.
I get my kicks and I wanna start a rager
I wanna dance like I'm on the video
I've got a fever for the violent behavior
I'm sweating bullets like a modern Romeo
Katsuki’s heart pounded as he ran his usual route, stopping every once in a while to allow cars to pass. He always liked running down-town for the simple sights he saw. He always saw something different each morning.
In the corner of his eye, Katsuki noticed the bar that he met a certain omega at. It was crazy that he had spent his whole life so close to Deku, but never actually meeting him.
Bang bang, give me fame
Shoot me up to entertain
I am a semi-automatic lonely boy
You're dead, I'm well fed
Give me death or give me head
Daddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldier
I testify like a lullaby of memories
Broadcasting live and it's on my radio
I've got my photobomb, I've got my Vietnam
I love a lie just like anybody else
Bang bang, give me fame
Shoot me up to entertain
I am a semi-automatic lonely boy
You're dead, I'm well fed
Give me death or give me head
Broadcasting from my room and playing with my toys
I wanna be a celebrity martyr
The leading man in my own private drama
Hoorah, bang, bang, hoorah, bang, bang, the hero of the hour
Daddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldier
Katsuki felt sweat along his hair-line, but the alpha focused on lining his breathing with the heavy bass of his music. He has more than enough stamina to handle a simple run, but he probably should’ve eaten first.
There’s a cafe close by, though.
Shitty Hair mentioned that they had good natto…
Katsuki huffed and slowed his run to a light jog. He was hungry and shit, so he might as well check out Shitty Hair’s claim.
It’s probably shitty as fuck.
The ruby-eyed alpha came to a stop in front of the cafe, narrowing his eyes as he studied the aesthetic. It looked soft and strangely comforting with a subtle nod to traditional Japanese culture. It smell of tea and food, accompanied the sound of subtle chatter.
A good sign, to Katsuki’s chagrin.
Katsuki swallowed his pride and stepped inside, immediately freezing as an all-too-familiar omegan scent washed over his senses.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Dark chocolate and seductive cherries hung in the air, full of happy pheromones. This scent could only belong to one person and one person only.
Izuku Midoriya was chatting affectionately with an older couple, dressed in a soft grey apron the tied perfectly around his small waist. He still had a few bruises and his lip was still bandaged, but he looked relatively okay.
But what the fuck was he doing here?!
Doesn’t he have a fucking concussion?
The small omega was completely oblivious to Katsuki’s presence.
Izuku was scribbling on a light blue notepad, laughing softly at whatever the old man said. His skin was a delicate pink that accented his freckles in a stupidly adorable way, making Katsuki’s heart thud in his chest.
Even his hair looked fluffier than normal, if possible.
“Welcome to Ame Hana!”
Katsuki’s attention was forced away from the green-eyed omega to focus on the short female in front of him. She was small and obviously an omega, with a chubby face and rosy cheeks. She was also wearing a gray apron, showing exactly why she was speaking to him.
She looked familiar, though.
“Hah?” Katsuki huffed, narrowing his eyes at the omega in front of him.
The small omega cocked her head to the side, cautiously sizing him up. “You’re here to eat, right? This is a cafe.”
Katsuki  blinked multiple times, his mouth settling into a firm scowl. “I guess. What the fuck are you talking to me for?”
“It’s my job.” The small omega snapped, her voice sharp.
The older alpha huffed, clenching his jaw and resisting the urge to fight the small omega in front of him. “Fine. Are you gonna get me a seat or make me stand here, Round Face?”
The omega frowned. “My name is Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou.”
Katsuki froze. “Excuse me?!”
Round Face (Uraraka?) huffed and crossed her arms, obviously trying to looked intimidating to the taller alpha. “I’m friends with Deku. I was at the fight and we literally met in the locker-room last night. Remember?”
Not really...
All Katsuki could focus on after his fight was trying to see Deku. When he burst into the locker-room, Katsuki was stressed to see the small omega still unconscious. Honestly, he barely remembered meeting Aizawa.
“Are you here to see Deku?”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and growled. “Why would I be here to see that dumb nerd? I’m here to eat, Pink Cheeks.”
Uraraka raised an eyebrow at him, obviously amused. “Oh really? You were looking at him like a lovesick puppy before I came over here.”
“I was not!”
The small omega waved him off, laughing softly as she grasped a menu in her hands. “I’ll put you in his section. We’re unusually busy, so we’ve had to shut down the actual place to order. Deku will help you in a second.”
Katsuki’s head spun as she spoke.
This is happening way too fucking fast.
Instead of arguing, Katsuki followed the small omega to a small table. Deku’s sweet scent was all over it, making the strong urge to scent it himself become almost overbearing for the large alpha.
“Why the fuck are you doing this?”
Uraraka hummed, watching Katsuki as he sat down. “What do you mean, Bakugou? I’m obviously doing my job.”
Katsuki scoffed, rolling his ruby eyes at her vague response. “Don’t bullshit me. Why are you and the other extras so intent on me and Deku? Why the fuck are you doing this at all?”
“I just want him to be happy.”
The alpha blinked in surprise, his scowl vanishing as his mouth opened. Uraraka smiled warmly at him, handing him a hastily put together menu. “And what makes you think that I can do something like that? He fucking hates me.”
Uraraka shrugged. “He called me when he got home last night.
Katsuki’s senses heightened. “He did?”
“Yup!” Uraraka grinned, noticing the alpha’s change in demeanor. “He was very flustered and unsure about what he should do. I think that you’re his favorite.”
The ruby-eyed alpha narrowed his gaze, obviously suspicious. “His favorite? What the fuck does that mean, Round Face?”
The small omega studied him, here doe-eyes full of clear amusement at his behavior. “Most alphas treat him like he’s about to break. You think that he shouldn’t be fighting, but that doesn’t change how you interact with him.”
“Your fucking point?” Katsuki’s voice was rough.
Uraraka smiled softly. “You’re the first alpha he’s met that hasn’t immediately tried to get in his pants. You also clearly challenged him to a sparring match last night, so you’re willing to treat him like an actual opponent.”
She turned to walk away, but she glanced back at Katsuki. “He doesn’t want protection. He wants someone who offers support and challenges. You’ve gotten closer to him than most alphas, Bakugou. Good luck.”
“Tell Inko I said hello, will you?”
Izuku smiled widely at the mated pair, respectfully bowing his head. “Of course! I’m sure that Mom will be ecstatic when she hears that you’re in town again!”
The small omega offered a silent goodbye and walked away from the table. 
His whole body felt sore and tired, and Izuku knows that he definitely looks worse for wear. If he didn’t have bills to pay, the small omega would definitely be at home with his mother. They haven't spent any time together recently.
Izuku walked towards the counter and dropped the two menus off, gingerly squeezing hand sanitizer onto his hands afterward. 
The small omega hummed as Uraraka squealed into his ear, already used to her loud and bubbly behavior. “What is it now? I’m not taking over your tables so you can go on a date with Iida, Uraraka.”
Uraraka laughed, placing her batch of menus next to Izuku’s. “I was going to say that you have a special customer at table five.”
“Special?” Izuku repeated, glancing at his friend.
The bubbly omega next to him grinned, her eyes full of mischievous glee. “I think he came here by accident, but you’ll be so excited when you see him!”
Izuku narrowed his eyes at her before glancing at table five.
Katsuki Bakugou was staring intently at him from table five. He was in running clothes and covered in a slight sheen of sweat, but there was no mistaking those crimson eyes. The alpha wasn’t even scowling at Izuku, which was more than odd.
Izuku scoffed, shooting a glare in Uraraka’s direction. “I hate you. Why do you and Hitoshi try so hard to embarrass me?”
“Because it’s fun!”
The emerald-eyed omega sighed and grabbed his blue notepad. “You owe me lunch for the next three days.”
Izuku left Uraraka’s side without bothering to hear her response. His skin felt warm and slightly pink as he approached Kacchan’s table, anxiety churning in his stomach like a tidal ocean wave. 
It was easier said than done, though.
Izuku smiled warmly as he came to a stop at the table. “Welcome to Ame Hana! My name is Midoriya and I’ll be your server today!”
Kacchan raised an eyebrow at him, obviously amused by the omega’s stiff professionalism. He smirked lightly, almost like he was resisting the urge to laugh. “Cut the bullshit, Deku. Why the fuck are you working with a concussion?”
Straight to the point, then.
I should’ve seen this coming.
“Not everyone is a multi-millionaire, Kacchan.” Izuku snapped, trying to calm his expression. 
Kacchan narrowed his eyes, completely unbothered by the omega’s hostile tone. “But you won a professional fight last night. I’m sure you’re okay to take a day off.”
Izuku felt his eye twitch slightly as his annoyance level steadily increased. 
The alpha narrowed his crimson eyes as Izuku glared at him, carefully studying the small omega. “If you have something to say, then say it. I’m sure that Pink Cheeks won’t give a shit if you sit down with me for a few minutes.”
“And if I don’t want to?”
Kacchan grinned devilishly. “Then you don’t get the lovely satisfaction of telling how independent and strong you are without my input.”
When you put it that way...
Izuku sighed and pocketed his notepad. After placing his ballpoint pen behind his ear (where it was adorably peeking out of his curls) the small omega pulled out a chair and sat across from the smug alpha.
He’s definitely not doing this because Katsuki is stupidly attractive when he’s smug.
Not at all.
Kacchan smirked wider, his dominant pheromones sharpening as he leaned forward. “Should’ve known that you’d stay for that, Deku. That’s cute.”
Izuku flushed a bright red, his stomach churning with butterflies as he took a few shallow breaths. “Don’t ch-change the subject, Kacchan. I’m only answering your questions before I go back to work.”
“Why the fuck are you at work with a concussion?”
The small omega swallowed thickly, his face incredibly hot under Katsuki’s stare. “I have bills to pay. A friend of mine is a medical student and said that my concussion isn’t bad enough to be on bed-rest.”
Actually, Iida was strongly against Izuku coming to work.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes. “Bullshit. You were unconscious for five hours, Deku. I bet that you ignored his advice to stay home.”
“That’s hardly your concern.” Izuku countered, tracing patterns into the table with his fingertips. 
The red-eyed alpha huffed, studying Izuku’s scarred and bandaged hands. “Someone has to worry. What kind of fucking bills do you have that make you so willing to put your well-being on the line?”
Izuku raised an eyebrow. “I don’t have to answer that, Kacchan. I’m not a weak omega in need of saving, you know.”
“I fucking know that!”
The small omega laughed, biting his lip as Katsuki flushed pink. “Then I’m not sure why you’re so invested. I’m not any different than most unmated omegas my age.”
Katsuki huffed crossing his arms. His biceps flexed, almost distracting Izuku for a second. “No, you’re different. I’ve watched you kick the shit out of an alpha thrice your size, and you have no sense of fucking self preservation.”
“Why does that bother you so much?”
The alpha fell silent for a split second, obviously studying Izuku before he spoke again. “It bothers me because it looks like you prefer putting others before yourself. It’s fucking idiotic, shitty Deku.”
Izuku’s heart thudded in his ears as butterflies churned in his stomach. Being so physically close with an alpha that made him weak at the knees was probably a bad idea. Katsuki probably only saw him as a helpless omega, which meant that his kindness was likely coming straight from his knot.
However, this doesn’t stop Izuku from feeling flustered.
Katsuki leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “You’re coming to the gym today, right? Be fucking honest, nerd.”
Izuku snapped out of his daze, furrowing his eyebrows. “Shota doesn’t want me to overwork myself, so I’m just touring with sensei today. Why?”
“What time do you get off work?”
The small omega did a double-take at Katsuki’s boldness. “Excuse me? I, um, I’m not sure I’m following…”
Katsuki smirked, leaning closer to Izuku and pushing a stray curl out of the omega’s face. “Do I need to spell it out for you, nerd? I’ll be escorting you to the gym, but we need to stop by my place first.”
“I-I don’t think-” Izuku’s face felt hot.
He’s so close.
The alpha’s crimson red orbs sharpened as he scanned Izuku’s face. “You’re pale and it looks like you haven’t been eating well. I can’t kick your shitty ass if you pass out in the ring, shitty deku.”
“I-I was running late today…”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed. “You fucking idiot.”
Izuku pouted, his freckled cheeks a rosy pink. “I don’t usually skip breakfast Kacchan. Stop being mean…”
“What time does your shift end, nerd?”
The small omega squeaked as Katsuki ran his thumb across his bruised cheek. “In thirty minutes. Uraraka is working my shift so I could go tour the gym…”
Katsuki pulled away after a few seconds, his light touch and narrowed gaze lingering on Izuku’s bruised face. “Then you’re coming with me, Deku. We’ll stop by your place and grab your workout clothes, but I’m making sure that your scrawny ass eats something.”
Izuku squeaked. “You can’t just-”
“I’m sure that Round Face won’t mind, right?”
The confident pheromones came off of Katsuki in waves. Even though he was wearing pheromone patches, Izuku could clearly smell his caramel scent. It was rich and intoxicating, leaving the small omega addicted.
Izuku shivered slightly, almost breathless. “Okay. But I’m only agreeing because you’re a stubborn prick, Kacchan.”
Katsuki smirked wickedly. “Don’t act like you don’t like it, Deku.”
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Sorry for disappearing! Real life stuff. You all know the feeling. 
Gonna finish up the battle training arc~ 
[No. 10 - Breaking Bakugou]
(Technically there could be a Breaking Bad-kugou joke here. Just saying.)
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Character sheet! I love how Katsuki’s described repeatedly as ‘explosively X’ for each part of him. Especially him being explosively petty. Also, confirmed canon that the skin on his palms is especially thick - likely from the callouses from the blowback of his quirk! Which means he might not necessarily be able to feel things under his palm or even fingers, depending on just how thick those callouses are. 
(Also pfft, Hori telling Katsuki to pull up his pants already.)
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In case you’ve forgotten how big the explosion Katsuki just set off was. Man, just look at all the damage, I’m shocked the building didn’t outright collapse. I mean, I guess buildings are a bit sturdier than movies like to show, but still, all those cracks and faultlines, especially on the neighboring buildings… 
Anyways, neither Tenya nor Ochako are prepared for how much the building is rocked by said explosion. Ochako recovers faster and decides to take advantage by tapping her fingers to her palms and then running for the bomb. 
(Also, the bottom of her shoes squish. How is that at ALL practical to run around in???)
Tenya realizes what she’s doing and moves to intercept, while Ochako thinks about how all she needs to do to win is to touch the weapon. She leaps over Tenya, having made herself weightless with that previous palm-tap technique (as Tenya realizes out loud), and then dispells it on herself in order to let gravity take her right towards the prize. She mentions as she falls that that special move takes a lot out of her.
Tenya, however, has the speed to yoink the bomb out of her way before she can grab it, shocking her and distracting her so that she makes a tumbled landing, her helmet bouncing away as she rolls back-first into the wall. Tenya notes that her quirk is no threat so long as she can’t touch anything, and slides back into his ‘villain persona’ as he tells her to keep struggling as he continues to waste her precious time. She grits her teeth as she mumbles that she’s counting on Deku, likely to come through with another distraction for her to get the weapon.
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Yes, Katsuki is totally calm and rational right now. Honest to god, why was he given those gauntlets? Also, just noticed that Izuku’s got a layer of clothing/something under his costume, since that is not his bare skin. Seems to be a bit more explosion-resistant as well? Or perhaps that’s just shounen physics at work.
Katsuki taunted Izuku, and Izuku picks himself up while noting how the explosion was directed forward, thus giving him a ranged attack. Which makes sense considering that he can’t direct the energy of his normal explosions from dispersing in all directions equally in normal situations. Izuku puts a hand to his headset, asking after Ochako, and Katsuki calls Izuku out on ignoring him.
Kirishima asks All Might why he’s not stopping the match, saying Katsuki is crazy and looking to kill. All Might, however, thinks otherwise, considering some of Katsuki’s previous statements.
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Ahahaha even his tentative complement of Katsuki’s ‘restraint’ is immediately redacted by the ‘just that petty’ comment. Also, All Might can hear everything all the students are saying, headset on or off, while they’re out there in the field. And you want to know something interesting he heard two chapters back?
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I have to wonder how much All Might knows about Izuku’s history versus what he keeps to himself… I can’t imagine Izuku would mention the bullying, so this might have been the first he was hearing about it. :)
Anyways, he calls Katsuki out on using that move, noting that massive attacks like that being used indoors could easily bring the stronghold down around them, and that it’s a bad move for both heroes and villains, as well as a good way of losing points. All Might then thinks about how he should be stopping the match as a teacher, but…
(All Might knows it's the responsible thing as a teacher to stop the match immediately, but he also knows that his successor NEEDS to be able to prove himself as an equal to someone who looked down on him and bullied him before now, especially with Izuku so determined to not lose to Katsuki for once. It was a quiet kind of passion, one he hasn't heard from Izuku before, and he can't take that chance away too quickly, even if he wants to intervene and knows he should be.
And yes, I know his reasoning for his hesitation is more directly mentioned in a bit, but it’s a good place to remind people who seem to think he was thoughtlessly irresponsible here that he knew damn well what he was doing, and that it was for Izuku’s sake that he held back from ending the match early.)
Katsuki complains about the chastisement, while Izuku confirms Ochako’s location in the bomb room and starts trying to plan again. Katsuki leaps forward at Izuku with renewed intent to beat him into the ground, startling Izuku as he realizes he has no way to dodge, only counter-
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Katsuki learns FAST from his mistakes in battle, and it shows. 
(Also, just realized there wasn’t an underlayer for Izuku’s costume, it was just that scrap of sleeve looking weird in that image. My bad!)
Shouto explains what just happened - Katsuki feinted with his first explosion while using it to leap around back, and then used a double explosion to maximize the force behind the blow to Izuku without being thrown back out the hole he made earlier. Yaoyorozu notes that while Katsuki doesn’t seem like a thinker, his battle strategy is fairly intricate, while Kaminari gripes about how good he is.
While Izuku is recovering from that attack, Katsuki sweeps in with an announced reight hook, Izuku barely having time to turn to look before he gets fucking clocked in the side by Katsuki’s gauntleted arm. He then grabs Izuku’s right arm, spins him around using a series of small explosions to build momentum, and then bodily slams Izuku down into the ground while saying Izuku is nothing compared to him. 
Izuku realizes Katsuki’s giving him no time to think, and that he’s just to strong, so he has to use ‘it’, aka One For All. The class is in shock, one saying that his actions are torture and that he could have ended it with the capture tape already, while another notes that it’s not very hero-like, and a third that they thought Izuku was good, but that Katsuki’s battle sense is unbeatable, and that he’s all instinct.
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‘A part of him seems calm’ my fucking ass. 
Izuku surries away in a panic while Katsuki looms after him. Ashido comments on him running, while Kirishima says that it’s not manly, but Izuku doesn’t have a choice, even if the situation is odd (i.e. probably noting that Izuku hasn’t used his quirk yet, even though he knows how strong said quirk is since he was in the same arena as Izuku.) Izuku slams against a wall, bracing himself for Katsuki’s next move.
Katsuki demands to know why Izuku won’t use his quirk, and whether Izuku is mocking him, like he always has since they were kids. Izuku says Katsuki’s wrong, but Katsuki barrels on, saying how he knows Izuku is looking down on him. All Might thinks more about stopping them, but that he can’t take this from Izuku. Izuku says that it’s because Katsuki’s awesome that he wants to beat him.
The two of them are yelling at each other now (very shounen moment), Izuku about how he wants to win and beat Katsuki, while Katsuki tells Izuku to stop ‘looking at him like that’. All Might is in the middle panel between them, thinking about how he hasn’t seen izuku this pumped since the ‘I wanna be a hero’ thing. The class is looking on, someone noting how confident Katsuki is. All Might continues to think as the two boys move in for their respective attacks, noting that this battle is necessary for Izuku’s future. 
Izuku’s right arm crackles with the power of One For All as he begins to shout out his smash, while Katsuki’s prepping an explosion in his right hand. Kirishima shouts how bad this is and is almost begging All Might to stop this, and All Might is shaking with nerves as he holds back. He is just in the middle of telling the two to stop when Izuku shouts at Ochako, startling All Might into stopping. Ochako grabs the pillar, Tenya is confused, and Izuku watches Katsuki while he thinks about how he can’t measure up in a one-on-one fight, but.
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Seriously, how did this building not collapse at all during this exercise???
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Anyways, Ochako swings the pillar around, slamming all the other debris blown upwards towards Tenya in a ‘Comet Home Run’. Tenya says it’s no home run (which I imagine has to be in the exact same tone as ‘that’s no moon’) while shielding himself from said debris, which means he misses Ochako taking another flying leap towards the bomb until it’s too late.
Meanwhile, down below, Katsuki is looking at the damage done in absolute shock, like, he’s absolutely SHAKING as he repeats his belief that Izuku’s been mocking him from the start. 
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Izuku’s right arm is in ragged disrepair, and his left he used to block Katsuki’s explosion is not exactly in better shape. He’s quivering as well from the shock and pain as he tells Katsuki that he didn’t want to use his power because he can’t - the blowback messes him up too much. It’s like Aizawa-sensei said, but it was all he could do at that point to win. 
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This is really just a fantastic way to end the chapter. All Might’s hesitation as what just happened sinks in before he announces the win, Izuku finally collapsing unconscious as his body gives out on him, and Katsuki’s worldview thoroughly shaken as what just happened sinks in for him as well. Like, look at that, that is SUCH a mess of emotions he’s experiencing.
What a roller coaster of emotions. What a good character growth moment for everyone. 
I suppose next chapter, then, is the fallout and some stuff from the other kids in 1a. Hopefully that will go up this weekend!
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milkacchan · 4 years
Midoriya, Izuku, Deku.
A fic in which Katsuki Bakugou falls in love with Izuku but of course, nothing good ever lasts. Especially when someone is cheating. 
TW// Cheating, Nsfw, blow job, Self hate :)
Katsuki hadn’t always been kind to Deku. 
The nickname told that. A nickname long forgotten, last used in 2nd year. 
He was crude and cruel. He tore him down when they were kids for the sake of security. Feeling better. 
But as they grew older Katsuki Matured. They both did- and Midoryia stayed by his side. And Katsuki pushed his denial to the side and finally admitted that maybe Midoryia wasn’t /just/ a friend. 
And somehow, Katsuki wasn’t sure how, he’d managed to secure his hold on Izuku. Izuku was his, finally. 
And fuck. Fuck he tried so hard to be better. He tried so hard. 
Whatever he could to be better. He wanted to be Izuku's reason to smile. He wanted to make up for everything he’d done to the boy in the past. He apologized whenever he could. When Izuku laid his head on Katsukis chest and fingers threaded through green hair, he’d whisper apologizes and promises for the future he was sure he could keep. 
He was still a hot head, he still had a temper and a foul mouth, but he was learning how to manage his anger in a more efficient way. Izuku still seemed to like the kick he offered when it came to his temper. 
Izuku made him happy. Izuku made him /want/ to be better. Izuku made him feel at home. He was so utterly in love with the boy- he pushed away all his doubts and scares that he’d leave. He didn’t want him to go. And he wouldn’t. They were happy. 
At least that's what he thought. 
He missed the smiles and glances Ochako and Izuku shared. He missed (rather ignored) the secrecy Izuku displayed. He missed every red flag there. 
And it hurt when he walked into the apartment to see his boyfriend balls deep in the brunette's mouth, head back, mouth open, too lost in his own bliss to notice that his blonde boyfriend. 
Midoriya looked content. He looked happy with ochako settled between his legs, taking each tiny rut of his hips without problem
He looked content knowing that Katsuki wasn’t there.Thinking that Katsuki wasn’t there. 
Emotion bubbled up in Katsukis chest. He should’ve known this would happen. He should’ve known that Midoriya wouldn’t be happy with him. He should’ve known that he wasn't enough. 
The flowers in his hand fell in front of him, so did the small package in his hand. Midoriyas head snapped up and his eyes widened. 
“Don’t stop on my account.” He growled. “I didn’t mean to take away from your fuck time.” 
“It’s not- baby, it’s not what it looks like,” Midoriya pleaded, stumbling to stand and pull his pants up. 
“Save it. I really don’t care.” He mumbled, readjusting his coat and heading for the door. Midoriya didn’t have a chance to say anything else before Katsuki was gone. 
He didn’t stop. He walked down the stairs and the front lobby, past the bellman who gave him a small ave, a gesture Katsuki returned with a nod. He walked past the orange glowing lamps that adorned the side of the street. He walked past neon signs and posters. Past brick walls and closed buildings. 
He walked until he got to a familiar spot, one he didn’t want to be at. One that pulled at his heart and made him feel sick. 
He scowled, digging through his pocket until he found his phone. 
Midoriya had called of course- plenty of times. He’d ignored the buzzing in his pocket though. He opened the small thing, opening his messages. He didn’t have to scroll to find who he was looking for, after all they texted everyday. Small reminders or updates. Telling each other how they were doing, they were friends. That's what they were supposed to do. 
His thumb didn’t hesitate to click the phone icon next to the name. But as it rang he debated whether or not he should hang up. It was late, he could be asleep. Or he wouldn’t want to be bothered. He felt sick again, nauseous and lightheaded. Everything around him was hot and he could feel his legs fighting to give out. 
“Kasuki!” A voice from the other line shouted, pulling the blonde from his daze. 
“Kiri,” he breathed, wincing at the way his voice was threatening to shake. God his throat hurt. 
“You okay man? You never call if you can avoid it. You zoned out a little too,” 
Katsuki paused. 
“Katsuki, bro what's going on?’
“Kiri, he cheated on me.” He mumbled, leaning against the wall behind him. “I walked in on him balls deep inside Ockakos mouth. He didn’t ever hear me come in.” 
“Where are you?” 
“Akiterus spot.” 
“O-Okay, I’m going to come get you. We’ll go back to my place and we’ll figure it all out, okay?” 
“‘Kay.” He whispered. He dropped the phone from his ear, ending the call. He dropped his head back to rest against the wall and closed his eyes. He fought the tears that threated to bubble over, his fought the burn in his throat, he fought the urge to yell and hit something. 
He just stood there, eyes closed, listening to the world around him. To the crickets singing, to the grass dancing and brushing in the wind, the wind whispering sweet nothing in his ear. 
Then to the car engine sound in front of him. Course it wouldn’t take him long to reach Katsuki. 
He slowly lifted his head. Kiri was already out of the car, walking over, concern written all over his face. 
They didn’t speak. Kirishima opened his arms and Katsuki let himself rest against the others shoulders. He held his shirt weakly, cheek squished against his shoulder, gaze locked onto a nearby bush. 
“Lets go, yeah?” Kiri whispered after a few moments and Katsuki could only nod.
The rest of it felt like a bad dream in all reality. 
The two got home, Katsuki sat at the table as food was placed in front of him. Kiri had confiscated Katsukis phone, opting to turn it off and set it in the corner of the counter. Too many Midoriya calls. 
And Kasuki cried. He put his head in his hands and he cried as his best friend watched from the otherside of the table. 
He cried over the fact that he wasn’t good enough. He cried over Midoriya knowing that. He cried because he let Midoriya in. He cried because after putting faith and trust into the person he loved, he was ripped apart just like he’d done to the other in the past. 
He deserved it, he told Kiri. He knew he did. After everything he's done to Midoryia this was only fair. He had no right to be upset. Not really. 
Kirishima was quick to dismiss those, however, lifting his friend's face and looking him in the eye, telling him just how wrong he was to think that. 
When Katsuki woke up the next morning, he felt no better. His head pounded and he was reminded of what had transpired the previous night. He’d stayed off his phone that day, opting to use Kiris phone to call his mother and tell her what happened. 
He played it off that he was fine, but she knew better of course. She knew her son better than anyone. He was hurt. 
“You know,” Kiri started, looking up at Katsuki from his plate. “You’re welcome to move in. We had talked about it before. We split rent and utilities. Sero usually pays for the groceries.” 
“Where is he, anyway,” He mumbled. 
“Visiting his mother. He’ll be gone for another week.”
“I don’t want to get in your way. It’s enough that I stayed here last night.” Katsuki took another bite. 
Though it didn’t take much convincing for him to agree to moving in. He didn’t want to go back. He didn’t want to look at the walls or the bed he shared with Deku. He didn’t want to see the counter they’d kissed on, or the table he’d bent Deku over on. 
The couch they’d crash on when they got too drunk to make it to bed. The couch he was cheated on. 
When he turned his phone on the next day, it froze from all the texts that came through. The missed calls and voicemails that littered. 
He sent Deku one text. 
‘I’ll be over to get my stuff today at 4. Make sure you’re gone.’ 
He set his phone down and sighed. 
He wasn’t good enough. He wasn’t fucking good enough. All that work, all that management and flowers- all the time made, the fucking ring- none of it mattered because he’d never be good enough. 
He’d always be the second choice, the inferior one, the loud mouth with anger issues and Deku made sure Katsuki knew that. 
From Deku: “Please Kacchan, just hear me out. Don’t leave.” 
Read 10:01 am
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angy-grrr · 5 months
Idk if i'm just crazy but i noticed that there is a pattern with something that Uraraka does, is punctuated immediately after something Katsuki did before to Izuku and vice versa. I feel like this somehow highlights a difference between their intention and meaning for him. Like i'm sure this might be just a big coincidence but still.
well who knows really! The first thing that comes to mind to me is how Ochako helped Deku when he fell at the beginning, by being on the side/ behind him and using her quirk to avoid it, and Katsuki holding him facing each other, running to get to him faster than the rest -including Iida, whose quirk is literally about that!
But also the whole Deku thing; personally, because the author admitted he didnt intent to have Katsuki as a positive part of Izuku's life at first, I believe the reason for these introductions was clear: Bekugou, his childhood friend, opposes him and creates "Deku" as an insult to put him down, and will always mean that to him, while Ochako, a new friend he meets when starting his hero school, changes it creating something new and fresh so Izuku can have a motivation.
Non supporting VS Supporting. Out of his life VS In his life. Old VS New. Hopelessness VS Hope. Static VS Change.
You name it.
But then the author changes his mind, and Katsuki isn't just the rival anymore, and all of the sudden "Deku" has many layers; "Deku" also means the one that does his best alone, isolated and overworked, and even tho apparently this has shifted since the current chapters...
Slight manga spoilers, not too much tho (I guess??):
idk, Izuku still was ready to get up alone and fight if Aizawa didnt stop him to give him the T-shirt and remind him they are there. He was running alone, and others have to go to him (in this case, Iida) in order to help him, because he is still not asking for help at all.
It has been brought up again, the meaning Ochako gave it, and im not 100% sure if this is her remembering, Izuku, or the three of them -probably the last one? Iida seems to understand now what Ochako meant back then, and they see it in a positive light (which was the intention!), but for Izuku doing the best can mean many things. What's the best he can do? Act like All Might was his first answer, but that didn't work. Saving others? He knows heroes should do this, but with how unclear things are I dont know if he is aware the class would support his decision of saving a villain -after all, as far as we know, he doesn't tell anyone because he wants to share it with someone, but because someone else admitted it first.
Uraraka confessed that first, and showed that vulnerability without knowing how he could react [and honestly, it looked in that moment like she was mainly expressing herself outloud], and after that he ended up also sharing a similar feeling he had about villains and saving. What I mean is that he doesn't say shit unless someone else was vulnerable first.
Ochako wasn't going out to talk to anyone about it either, lets get that straight, but when she was asked by one of her best friends she lets herself be at least a little; she saw Izuku meant something "slightly" different than her, so she doesnt tell him how she envied her genuine smile, her freedom to be herself, love who she loves, or how she thought she was actually cute. She knew it was better to not talk about that because he had no interest in that, so she keeps it to herself knowing she will fight to make sure Himiko hears her this whole thing would be a part of the izuku and ochako meta kjfskjflajflksja
This happened too with Katsuki during their second fight; after Katsuki was emotional and falling apart, confessing such intimate and sad emotions with him, that's when Izuku couldn't help himself and ended up also putting his guard down. And still, he held back a crucial part -he didnt say he acts like him without even trying, and even tho everyone would see it as nasty and bad, he can't hate those things, those parts oh himself, because they are parts of Katsuki, his symbol of victory, what he sees as the best form of heroism. Despite Katsuki explaining he's confused and insecure over his main theme -victory-, and worries about it being not only unworthy but also the reason their idol "ended"... He held back.
He lost because of that.
Its interesting the contrast between those two scenes in terms of emotional vulnerability and reactions, before a war ochako and izuku are much calmer and distant than katsuki and izuku after getting back from a successful rescue. In the first case nothing actually changed between them -im not talking about the nature of the relationship but just the general apparent feelings and status. They are friends who share ideals and common interest before and after the talk, and the only one who was more reflective about it was Ochako who prefers to discuss it with Himiko than him -its more about them anyways. Izuku stays the same, as far as we know, because he thinks she also "just"* felt empathy for someone that was sad and alone, and we can't see this affecting him or shifting something between them.
His emotional moments with Katsuki? They do change everything every time -when he said he was going to be a hero, when they start to get closer, after the war "Deku" becoming "izuku", embracing what makes the other great, etc.
*Its a huge deal and really important, im not trying to minimize his motivations or ideas, just point out how their feelings and conflicts are different and similar -at this point we don't see Midoriya admiring Shigaraki in any way thru this whole story. The manga hasn't ended and he is unreliable, so maybe im wrong and he admires qualities about him he learns later on, but right now for me Izuku wants to bring him support because he is a human and nobody should get treated like he was.
Ochako and Katsuki also have different roles in his rescue, with him bringing him back to them and her showing everyone he is a boy that needs help. Izuku was moved by both actions, and thanks to Uraraka he gets to the shelter.
Their fight was also interesting! Ochako was thinking about winning this, yet she tried to follow Izuku's ideas and lost after trying something way too risky for her, because she ended up ignoring her own judgement and limits out of insecurity and admiration; when Katsuki tries to use his strategies in the wars tho, he is able to achieve what he wanted -he saves Izuku from getting stabbed, saves All Might from getting crushed by AFO, before dying he gets to weaken some parts of Shigaraki's body for the rest to use, etc.
Its not that he loses himself, he just tries something new that works for him, and im happy Ochako ended up realizing she needs to keep in mind what she needs and wants when taking inspiration from Midoriya. Even if similar, their feelings for "their" villains are different, and that's okay.
Katsuki now doesnt call him Deku unless he refers to his hero name, and prefers to use his first name while Ochako keeps using Deku-kun when talking to him or says directly his full name like in her talk with Himiko where she explains some parts of her life.
Even if "Deku" comes from "Izuku", the latter is closer, new for them, a little challenging at times, and shows respect, recognition and reaffirms his humanity over his heroism. "Deku-kun" sounds like "you can do it", a supportive name that comes from a misunderstanding from the beginning, and keeps getting used as she hasn't change her perspective about him in that way. He is still Deku-kun to her, but now Izuku to him.
Change VS Static.
Huh, I wonder where that came from.
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imbeccablee · 5 years
After Work
Author’s Notes:
hot damn guys this is hella fuckin cute lmao
archive link will be in the reblog so this shows up in the tag
well i hope you enjoy!
Izuocha Week 2020 Day 1: After Work
Summary: Izuku decided to ask Ochako to marry him on April 14th
She was pacing around their shared bedroom and ranting about her day’s tribulations, hands animated and words quick, when Izuku realized she was the one.
Ochako had barged into their bedroom just as he left the master bathroom and began with, “Oh you will not believe the day I had today.” 
“Oh no, what happened?” he had said and sat down on the foot of their bed, preparing for the much-needed vent. For the first five minutes of it, he had voiced his own frustration and anger in between her pauses—”What? No way! What an ass! Are you kidding me?”—but after that, she had begun pacing and had begun talking too fast for him to give input. Normally whenever she told him of the trials she went through as a thirty-two year old female hero in today’s society, he simmered in his own rage that anybody could ever disrespect the Uravity, but that night as he watched her pace and vent and trash some dirtbags, he’d never felt more in love. (He did feel incredibly pissed though, make no mistake).
It’s not as if he didn’t know he loved Ochako before, and that she loved him, but something about hearing her absolutely eviscerate some of the cockier, pig-headed heroes she had to work with that day with quick, venom-laced words and a voice that was getting more and more accented by the second locked her in his heart forever. She really was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It seemed so obvious, now that the idea had finally formed in his mind. Who else would he ever want at his side for all of eternity?
“Anyway,” she harshly sighed, pausing in front of him. She seemed to have gotten her frustration out of her system. “That’s about all that happened. How was your day?”
He considered telling her. She would say yes, that he knew for sure (well okay, he was about 90—80—70—he was pretty sure she would). He could ask her right that moment, as he gazed up at her lean, breathless figure that stood above him inquisitively. He should probably answer her—
“Ah, well, you know,” he said, trying to calm the dancing of his heart as his mind filled with half-baked proposal plans and thoughts of weddings and anniversaries and life spent at her side. “About the same for me, as usual. Paperwork is killing me these days.”
Ochako laughed as the rest of her anger drained out of her and she stepped forward into his awaiting arms, melting into his embrace. “Well maybe if you didn’t spend so much time rushing off every time you hear someone be mildly inconvenienced, you’d be more on top of things.”
Izuku laughed and securely wrapped his arms around her waist. His tone was light and teasing, but he looked at her as if she were the moon, full and bright in a sky of sparkling stars. “If I had a 100 yen for every time someone told me that.”
“We wouldn’t even need to work anymore,” Ochako joked, interlacing her fingers behind his neck, “we’d be the richest couple in the entire world.”
“Hey, who says I’m sharing? I earned that money for being a selfless do-gooder fair and square!” His face hurt from smiling so hard. His heart felt so full, his stomach so nervous and excited. He felt as if he could float right off their bed. God, he loved her so much.
Ochako snorted. “Self-sacrificing douchebag, more like it. What must your managers think, rushing off into danger at the blink of an eye?”
“I dunno about my manager, but the public and Hero Commission seem to love it,” he jokingly bragged. He was currently up by five places on her. They’d never cared much about the numbers, but there was nothing wrong with a little competition to tease their lover and friends (it was especially entertaining boasting to Kacchan, who would fly into a rage at the mere mention of you being a single place higher than him).
Ochako rolled her eyes and poked him accusingly in the center of his chest, leaving one hand resting on the base of his neck. “If the public knew that you weren’t the hunky, cool guy you broadcast to them and were actually just a huge dork who still freaks out over heroes, they wouldn’t stick around.”
“You wound me!” he exclaimed, feeling as if he might burst from all of the emotions bubbling inside him. He could feel himself shaking with the euphoria of their banter, of being so close to her, of being the luckiest man in the universe. “I can very much be both a nerd and a cool, life-saving guy!”
“Only a nerd who knows his friends will never let him forget his nerdy nerding out would believe that,” she countered.
“Ah—hm…”  Well, she’s got him there. 
Her expression turned smug as he searched for a response. Finding none, he tightened his grip around her, pulling her even tighter to him, and began pressing messy distraction kisses all over her jaw, neck, and collar. She let out shrieking laughter as he did, shoving at his shoulders. “No, Deku, I’m all dirty!”
“You’re beautiful,” he said into her skin. After realizing normal pushing wasn’t going to do it, Ochako laid all five fingers upon his exposed neck and Izuku felt the familiar feel of weightlessness. Then, Ochako pushed him all the way down onto the bed by the shoulders and effectively stopped his campaign of kisses.
“Hey, quirks are cheating!” he playfully accused and she rolled her eyes.
“So is kissing me to distract me from my win,” she countered and her eyes gleamed. “Don’t you think that worked, either.” He paused in his adoring to look up at her still smug expression, something she still managed to pull off with a bright red face.
“Maybe I wasn’t trying to distract you,” he lied, though the next part was true. “Maybe I just couldn’t resist kissing my cute girlfriend, ever think of that?”
Somehow, her face glowed even brighter, but she rolled her eyes again. As she did, he quickly bent his arms to grasp at her wrists and used her weight to flip their positions. She hadn’t been as solidly braced as she would have been during a fight, nor had he been pinned for the same reason, so the flipping was significantly easier than he was used to in their past matches. Taking advantage of her shock, he quickly pushed her hands together and his stomach dropped along with the rest of him as his gravity returned. As he fell, he pushed her hands onto either side of her head and pinned her there as his feet landed solidly on either side of her.
They blinked at each other for a silent few seconds, Ochako half off the bed and Izuku hunched over it and her, and then he said, “Wow, I can’t believe that worked.”
Ochako snorted, amusement breaking through her surprised expression, and she cried, “That’s so like you!”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!” he protested, but Ochako’s laughter was contagious and he soon joined her. His hands released her wrists, sliding to brace himself on the bed under her. warm and happy and so in love it hurt. 
Ochako wrapped her arms around him as her laughter died down, sighing happily and relaxing into the bed. Izuku gazed down at her, his eyes and smile soft, and wondered for the millionth time how he could have been so lucky.
One of her hands went from his back to his cheek, her four-fingered touch gentle and expression soft. His own breath caught in his throat, exactly like it’s done since high school. She gently caressed his cheek with her thumb and whispered in the space between them, “I love you.”
His smile pulled taut across his face again and, with a gasping breath, said, “I love you too.” She let out a single laugh and he lowered his mouth to capture it between his lips, eyes burning and heart soaring. 
Izuku could think of proposals and weddings and their future, together, later. He had time. They had time. And right now, all he wanted to do was spend that time here, in the present, with his incredible, amazing, absolutely wonderful love as they relaxed and loved together in the calm of their home after work.
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
Request: IzuOcha, Izuku listening to Ochako's heartbeat
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! This request was so adorable, I squealed when I saw it. I’m sorry it took me a bit to write, I’ve been busy with my classes so I had to write it in fragments 😂. Anyway, here you go! I hope you enjoy!
🐾 Drumming Song 🐾
Ochako turned at the sound of her front door being opened, her face breaking into a smile at the thought of her husband finally getting home from work. That is, until she saw his face. Ochako immediately grew concerned at the sight of Izuku Midoriya, her best friend and husband, swaying slightly on his feet, his eyes downcast and his head down, his hair falling into his face. Ochako allowed her gaze to scan over the rest of his body, taking in the drying blood and torn fabric of his hero costume, her alarm increasing the longer she looked.
“Izuku!” Ochako cried, abandoning the dinner she was making for the both of them at the island and rushing over to him, her eyes wide and her hands frantic as she ran them all over him, checking for injuries. “What happened!?”
Ochako and Izuku worked at different hero agencies. Usually, the famous power couple was still able to work together, often coordinating their schedules so they could patrol and fight villains together, protecting one another as well as they possibly could under the circumstances. But sometimes their schedules couldn’t be matched up, something that had occurred this time. Ochako had been given a rare day off by her boss, Gunhead, who was giving her a reward for working so hard, claiming she needed some well-deserved rest. Unfortunately, Izuku was not given the same luxury, a fact that resulted in Izuku leaving for work without Ochako for the first time in several months.
“Rough day,” Izuku mumbled in response to Ochako’s question, not moving as she ran her hands all over him. Her touch was gentle and almost reverent as she glided her fingertips over his chest and arms, eventually sliding down to her knees to check his legs.
Gods he was so tired. He wanted to be able to talk and laugh with his wife like usual, eating a delicious dinner as they talked about arbitrary things. He wanted to cuddle up with her while they watched a movie together, either laughing at the cheesiness of it or clutching each other in fear, wrapped up in blankets while they watched a horror film. He wanted to make her feel good, joke around with her like he always did and show her how much he cared, after all she did for him, it was the least he could do as her adoring husband. But he was so goddamn exhausted. His body felt drained, his shoulders heavy with the weight of the day’s events.
It was supposed to be a normal day, easy patrols, light paperwork, just simple things to keep the heroes sharp and remind the villains that they were prepared to keep this city safe at all costs. Izuku had even planned to surprise Ochako by coming home early, finishing up all of his reports quicker than usual before going on one last patrol through the city.
Everything had gone to hell in the blink of an eye. Izuku hadn’t even known where the villain had come from, the mad woman flying out in front of him before he could even process she was there. Buildings had been blown apart, traffic had come to a screeching halt, the screaming had begun. It was all so shocking and overwhelming. Izuku had tried to keep up with the chaos but it had been so hard, working on his own to detain the villain and protect the people around him for several minutes while he waited for the other pro heroes to arrive.
The villain had been absolutely insane, her quirk something of god-like proportions as she terrorized the main square, tearing apart the sides of buildings as if they were nothing but paper, the wild gleam in her eyes making Izuku’s blood run cold as she tore through the city. They had eventually been successful in capturing the villain when the other pros had shown up, locking her away in a specially designed carrier to take her to a holding cell far away from the main city.
Izuku was relieved the villain had been caught, but the fight had been so draining, so destructive, to the point where Izuku had felt like collapsing afterwards. If that wasn’t bad enough, Izuku found out that eight citizens lost their lives in the attack, each one of their deaths feeling like another stab wound to his heart. He lived for protecting people, it was his job. Buildings could be rebuilt, cars could be reissued, objects could be replaced, but human lives could not be brought back. Izuku felt so hopeless, so fucking useless, he wanted to cry.
Izuku was brought back to reality when Ochako stood back up from where she had been examining his legs for injury, her face glowing with love and concern for him. His heart clenched. Even after all of these years, he still felt so undeserving of her love, of that look on her face directed at him, but she had refused to listen when he told her those things, claiming he more than earned his place in her heart. As he thought back to the fight, those negative thoughts came flooding back, filling his brain until he could think of nothing else, his heart filled with loathing for himself.
Izuku met Ochako’s gaze when her hand gently lifted his chin to look him in the eye, and he knew that even though he tried to shutter the emotions raging in his heart, she could read him like an open book. Her eyes were swimming with remorse as she read his face, her own heart reaching out to him.
Ochako knew Izuku was struggling. She had no idea what had happened while he was at work, she hadn’t had time to keep track on the TV like she usually did, too busy cleaning the house and doing some reports from home to pay attention to the news, but she knew her husband well enough to know that he was really struggling. Sighing, Ochako leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her chest as she gently ran her fingertips down his spine, her nails lightly scraping him through his shirt.
“I’ve got you.”
Izuku shuddered, both at the feeling of her wrapped around him and her words, her sweet whisper tickling his ear. Tears sprang up in his eyes, a few sliding down his cheeks and landing on her neck as he nuzzled her throat, trying to thank her wordlessly since his throat was too closed up to speak properly.
They remained locked together, gently swaying in the kitchen for a long moment, until Ochako pulled back, her hand finding his as she maintained eye contact with him, making sure he didn’t fall down into the pit of self loathing again.
“Come on,” Ochako murmured, tugging him along.
Izuku didn’t have the strength to resist even if he wanted to, his feet shuffling as he followed dutifully behind her, his fingers still linked with hers. Ochako led them to their bedroom, pulling Izuku with her until she reached the edge of their bed, before leaning down and gently stripping him of his filthy hero costume until he was in nothing but his boxers. He groaned a little at the feeling of the disgusting material being peeled from his body, his eyes following her movements as she tossed the costume to the side to be dealt with later. Ochako then gently pushed him onto the bed, laying him down against the pillows. Dinner completely forgotten, Ochako moved around to lay down beside him, her arms reaching around to embrace him once more.
Izuku didn’t hesitate to cuddle into her warmth, burying his face in her chest, nuzzling her until he got comfortable and settled down, his ear pressed against her sternum.
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
Izuku took a shuddering breath at the sound of her loud heart, beating just for him, clear and healthy against his ear. He closed his eyes as he felt her fingers begin to card through his hair, a soft groan slipping from between his lips at the feeling.
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
Her heart played like a drum for him, filling him with relief and joy despite his difficult day, a clear, joyful reminder that his beloved was alive and right beside him, ready to comfort him just as he did for her when her days got hard. Gods, he loved this woman. He couldn’t get enough of her as he pressed even harder into her chest, his breathing starting to slow down, her heartbeat the best kind of lullaby to lull him to sleep.
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
“Yes, ‘Zuku?”
“Never leave me, please.”
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
Ochako smiled sadly down at her husband, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
Izuku’s arms slithered around her form and squeezed her tight as he listened to her heartbeat. He heard it speed up slightly at his touch, making him smirk a little, and causing his own heart to flutter. He would never get tired of knowing how much she was affected by him, that she wanted and loved him as much as he wanted and loved her. She was just so perfect.
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
More tears slid down his cheeks but for entirely different reasons as the beating drum in her chest vibrated throughout his whole being, healing his own heart and soothing his troubled mind. Ochako sighed softly when Izuku pressed a kiss to her chest, just below her collarbone, his eyes opening groggily to meet her gaze, watching her as he pressed another kiss, just above where he knew her heart was, the steady thumping picking up the pace once more.
“Thank you,” Izuku said softly, holding her somehow closer and resting his head back on her chest, sighing in bliss as his body finally relaxed, his muscles unwinding as he breathed in her unique scent.
“Always, Izuku,” Ochako said quietly, her eyes closing as she relaxed against the pillows, his warm breath fanning out across her neck and and the comfortable weight of his body pressing against hers lulling her to sleep.
“I love you, you’re too good to me,” Izuku mumbled against her.
Ochako let out a tired chuckle.
“Ditto, Izuku. I love you so much. Now, sleep.”
Izuku sighed and immediately felt his body respond to her words, his consciousness slipping from his grasp like water running through his fingers. But even as the world went black and he lost all sense of the things around him, Izuku could still hear, still feel Ochako’s heart, thumping steadily against him, playing him his favorite song to soothe him from the horrors of the day.
Lub-dub... Lub-dub... Lub-dub…
Ochako was his, and Izuku was hers, his heart pounding just as loudly to match hers, chanting her name and beating for her just as hers did, answering her own calls to him. She was his salvation, and his thumping heart, fueled by his love for her, was a testament to that.
Ochako fell asleep shortly after her husband did, both of their bodies completely relaxed and curled around each other as they sought solace from each other, their hearts beating as one.
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dangerouslydelish · 4 years
BakuDeku Angst pt 3
Izuku needed time, he needed time away from Katsuki and he needed time to figure things out; they both did. Katsuki needed to figure out how to open up to Izuku again and Izuku needed to figure out how to properly deal with how he was feeling. He couldn’t just break down crying again because that puts everything on a grinding halt because everytime he cries, Katsuki’s default reaction is to hold him until he falls asleep and that is getting them nowhere.
So, for now, Izuku is staying with Ochako, her apartment is big enough for both of them and she welcomed him happily. Izuku sits on Ochako’s couch, scrolling through his phone’s photos, watching the years of his relationship with Katsuki rewind in a dizzying blur until a picture from year ago, not long before they became an official couple, caught his attention. They were both bruised and bloodied, but grinning at Izuku’s phone. He remembered that day.
It was a few months before Izuku’s 18th birthday and Katsuki was withdrawn (more than usual) and Iida mentioned that he had smelt alcohol on his breath and was refusing to talk to any body. So Izuku communicated the way Katsuki was too used to; with a fight.
Izuku found out that Katsuki’s mother left his dad, packed her things and moved out. It was sure a shock, even to Izuku. Of course, everyone knew that Mitsuki was loud, brash and possibly a little too blunt with her words, but everyone was sure that her and Masaru were so in love, that their personalities complimented each other. Like opposites attract. But, unbeknownst to anyone, even Katsuki, that Mitsuki was really abusive. Emotionally, verbally and even a little physically abusive.
When his mother left, Katsuki chose to stay with his dad and now he was trying to deal with these new circumstances and feelings...and he wasn’t handling it very well.
Izuku remembered how broken Katsuki looked after the fight, finally pouring his heart out and not knowing what to do. Izuku had suggested seeing a therapist, or someone, about this and, surprisingly, Katsuki agreed. That’s when Izuku took that picture. To help them remind each other that it’s okay to ask for help, that it’s okay to be weak so long as you can rise above the fear and move forward.
“So what went wrong?” Izuku asked the empty space around him. Even though he didn’t want to admit it, maybe Katsuki has fallen back into his old coping mechanism of trying to drink and push his emotions away.
Gripping his phone, Izuku kn ew one way to find out. He texted Ochako that he’d be back later before texting Katsuki.
To: Kacchan <3
Meet me at your gym in an hour. Wear your hero gear.
He didn’t wait for a reply as he packed a bag and a first aid kit before locking up Ochako’s apartment and leaving. It didn’t take him long to reach Katsuki’s go-to gym, the large place was just what he needed to literally knock some sense into Katsuki.
Izuku was dressed in his hero attire, his suit once loose fitting now almost skin tight around his body. He’d just finished tying his boots and putting on his gloves when he heard the gym doors open and Katsuki rushed up behind him. “Baby, I’m here! I... wait, what’s going on here? I thought-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence before a fist collided with his cheek, propelling him flying to his left.
Izuku swallowed his guilt as he took his stance, watching Katsuki get himself up to wipe blood from his nose and look at him with hurt and confusion. “Fight me, Kacchan!” he screamed as he pushed One for All to 5%, knowing if Katsuki was challenged he would not hold back. “You want me to talk to you, then win! Show me how much you want me to talk to you and fix this! Fight. Me.” He watched as Katsuki wiped off the remaining blood and lunged at Izuku.
Izuku jumped and kicked Katsuki’s back before gaining some distance between them but he couldn’t see that Katsuki had grabbed his ankle. Izuku was thrown hard on te floor, the wind knocked out of him and saliva spilling from his mouth. Good, he thought, Kacchan’s being serious. Izuku bumped his power up to 10% as he dodged Katsuki’s explosions and used his speed to land a kick to Katsuki’s side.
He was able to do this a few times before Katsuki grabbed a hold of his shoulders mid air and slam him into the floor, hard. Izuku was pinned beneath Katsuki and when Izuku had the strength to open his eyes all he saw was Katsuki’s gloved hand in his face, it steamed angrily as Katsuki heaved breathlessly, “Are you done?”
Izuku’s body was pressing against Katsuki’s and it reminded him of all the times they shared intimate moments and once again everything came flooding back and his heart broke again and again. Tears flowed and he whispered, “Are you?” Katsuki relaxed slightly and Izuku took this chance to kick him backwards and Izuku postioned himself on top of him, pinning his arms above his head, his thighs on either side of Katsuki’s and he squeezed them tightly. “You want me to talk to you? You want me to open my broken heart to you yet you’re too fucking stubborn to extend that courtesy!” he yelled, his head bowed as he refused to look at his boyfriend knowing that if he did he would just break down. He needed to say what has been festering inside him for so long. “You made me feel like I wasn’t good enough,” he sobbed as he tightened his hold on Katsuki, ignoring his boyfriend’s moan. “When you started distancing yourself and only coming home for sex and a few hours of sleep, leaving before I woke up. I-I felt used, God dammit! But I thought, maybe, you were just working late and you only had enough time for a few hours at home. When Ochako told me you had normal shifts, my mind consumed me because you wouldn’t talk to me. For fuck sake, do you know what I thought for a while? That you were fucking cheating on me even though I knew, deep in my bones, you would never do that but what else was I supposed to think? I tried talking to you, Kacchan but you’d never let me.” Izuku swallowed back the sobs when he felt Katsuki’s eyes on him ignoring the feeling Katsuki writhe underneath him. “I knew something was going on and it was hurting you but you just wouldn’t talk to me. That’s all I fucking wanted. I didn’t want to fix you or tell you what you should or shouldn’t do...I just wanted you to trust me enough to tell me anything and it broke me when I wanted some space to get my shit together you got angry at me for not being ready to talk to you. It wasn’t fair.”
Izuku released his grip and leaned on Katsuki’s chest, breathing heavily in an attempt to calm his pounding heart even as his body was reacting shamefully to the hard body beneath him. “It wasn’t fair,” Izuku whispered again as he held on to Katsuki’s chest.
He suddenly felt a gentle hand in his hair, careful strokes through his curls made his heart leap. Izuku finally looked up to Katsuki, looking at his red teary eyes. Katsuki placed both hands on either side of Izuku’s face and gently pulled him in for the most gentle and loving kiss Izuku has had in such a long time it felt like he melted. His body finally relaxed and his soul screamed happily as Katsuki sat up, arms around Izuku’s waist to pull him in closer and Izuku gripped Katsuki’s shirt, tears of releif finally lifting this heavy weight from him. “I’m sorry,” Katsuki moaned in between lips and tongues clashing together. “I’m sorry, baby.”
Izuku broke the kiss to gasp for air and Katsuki moved his mouth to Izuku’s neck, licking away the sweat and tears and kissing the spot he knew would make Izuku shudder. “Come home, Izuku.”
In between the haze, in between the sinful kisses and the delightful licks in the most sensitive places, Izuku thought for the first time in a really long time that maybe things can work out. And, for the first time since all this bullshit happened, he didn’t want to talk, he didn’t want to fight - he just wanted to stay in this moment, wrapped with the man he loves.
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