#an eventful episode lol
Aww hi guys :'))
LOL checked if she was owl xDD
AWW y'all 🥰🥰
Good for them :'))
Lol the lights :'D xD
XDD Jay lol
Legitimately out loud I said "good for them" lol
My dad also asked if the lights flickered when they got emotional and I'm like nah it's just his thing lol
Luckily as I was explaining it the promo came on which even mentioned ghost powers so that helped me explain it xD
And he looks so scared help 😭😭🥺 xDD poor guy lol :( <33
Anyway :) back to the end of the episode slfjds
Awww that was cute <33
Aww the suicide message at the end :'(( ❤️❤️🥺😭💔 it always gets me when shows have something like that after a serious topic <33
AAGH that episode was so good :'DD 😭😭🥺💔❤️ glad I watched this one live :))
It was absolutely WILD but amazing :)) post coming later!!
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personishfive · 1 year
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in which his life is like a video game
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ihavehatsinmypants · 9 months
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Day 4 - January 10th:
Episode Four : Hungry! - Nicholas D. Wolfwood
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 1] -> favourite tarlos centric episode(s) -> 3.13
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bruhstation · 11 months
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special thanks to these pez dispensers for accompanying me during my stay at the hospital. glory to canada
#theodore tugboat#theotug foduck#theotug george#theotug emily#stanza halifax#<--- don't expect this to be a big AU in this blog because TUGS is the main focus regarding boats. I just wanna draw gijinkas#senjart#sorry for not answering the asks guys. I got admitted into a hospital since tuesday and just got released yesterday (laugh track)#anyways about the show. theodore tugboat am I right#like I've said before it doesn't hit me as hard as thomas or TUGS#like it's not as character heavy as ttte#or as worldbuilding heavy as TUGS#but it's like.... a really fun relaxing show. super good even#I'd usually roll my eyes at overly nice protagonists but theodore is an exception. he is my friend. my pal#maybe it's just my affinity for shows with talking vehicles but erm.... robert cardonna you've done it again#the show doesn't have big explosions or bombastic events unfolding#the episodes have this very quiet and soft narration by danny doherty. no loud sounds or weird wacky silly sound effects in a bwba fashion#also everyone is nice to each other in this show which surprised me lol#because I've grown accustomed to the british-style verbal battles between sudrian engines#and the typical blink-and-you-miss-it dark comedy quips from top hat and zorran#theodore tugboat: what a peaceful day at halifax :) we talked about our problems properly and learned more about the world#TUGS: what a peaceful day at vaguely san francisco :) only 2 trampers died instead of the usual 5#I recommend it if you want a show that's easy to digest and easy on the eyes/brain#some episodes have characters that should've been switched to make it make sense#like harbour fools or even bumper buddies#I eventually got used to it#and there's not much worldbuilding going on. not my hugest complaint since it's still a cute show#there are also a few inconsistencies here and there... not to mention the episode order that kind of confused me#the side characters haven't grown much on me but I guess it just doesn't hit me YET#it's still good. I'll give it an 8/10
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melty-artz · 5 months
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The Wolf
Soooooooooooo I've been working on a series of drawings from the Bonanza episode, My Brother's Keeper (which honestly might be my favorite episode of the entire series) so I'm gonna be posting a bunch of drawings based on that episode that I've been working on for the last few months.
I'll update this post with the next few drawings once they're complete. Here are the boys just sheer minutes away from disaster.... ;^;
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banqanas · 1 month
Kamen Rider Gotchard x Kamen Rider Gavv baton pass event
The question Gavv wants to ask Gotchard the most translations
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Pim finally turns green guys😔😔
Charlie's speech bubble was too big to add Glep and I have a migraine so I just wanted to finish the drawing asap so just imagine Glep is angrily scuttling around behind Charlie lol
I unintentionally made Glep's potion thing look almost the exact same as the potion Mip gave Charlie that one time for his headache help
If it weren't for the side effects I would totally go for some of Mip's headache potion right about now💀💀
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kagender · 7 months
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zoruru is the sole reason why dororo merch sells more than kururus on keron
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livethrushit · 13 days
that last scene in the qaf finale was painful. we get a voiceover of michael talking about how some things should never change and the show decided that very much included brian. we then get him dancing in babylon to beat us over the head with the idea that nothing has changed at its core. but everything has in that moment. everything had changed for seasons. with everyone dancing "the way it should be" brian was the only one who didn't fit in that scene, yet there he was smack in the middle of it all
this wasn't growth, it wasn't poetic, it was a poorly written ending
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clumsiestgiantess · 8 days
The size swap episode is here! While it does canonically happen in the main story, it’s only ever vaguely alluded to because it has zero plot relevance and never happens again (I just wanted them to experience how the other feels being tiny/giant)
Why isn’t this just an AU, you ask? Because I want the true characters to experience it >:)
(there’s a bit of spice in here as well; you know how the girlies are rn… they’ll be like that for a bit lol) [One day after the end of chapter 27, in Alexis’ living site near the mountains, both a normal-world inhabitant and an other-worldian wake up to begin their travels, only to find a strange new perspective…]
“Alexis!?”  I woke with a start, groaning in annoyance.  What was so important Erica had to wake me by yelling into my ear?  I was about to say something in protest, but I was startled into silence by my unfamiliar surroundings.  Cloth stretched on and on around me in every direction.  The only source of light filtered in beyond the strange material.  It was disorienting and almost frightening.  Where am I?  “Erica?” I called nervously into the empty air.  Now I could see why she’d woken me, but where was she?  I looked to the floor for her, and gasped in shock.  My clothes were gone.  Before I could even begin to puzzle out what happened, the entire room tilted to the side.  I cried out in fear as I slid down the surface of the cloth floor.  A moment later, light blinded me and I hit the ground unexpectedly hard.  The air was thrust from my lungs, and I sat up dizzily.
Daylight scorched my eyes.  I shut them quickly, but forced them back open at the sound of faraway rumbling.  What caused the rumbling was so awe-inspiring and frightening that I forgot to breathe.  Erica was standing what seemed like miles away from me; she stood almost as tall as a mountain, and she was putting on my clothes.  
That’s where I woke up, I realized, recognizing the color of the fabric I’d been lost in moments ago.  No wonder I was naked; my clothes were far too big for me now.  “I shrunk!” I whispered in wonder.  Judging by Erica’s new size and the fact that she had to steal my clothes, I could only assume Erica had grown.  We’ve switched heights!  How is this possible?  I spent so much time trying to shrink to her size, and now that I have, suddenly she’s the tall one?
“Alexis, where are-?” Erica stopped short as she noticed the height of the trees for the first time.  “What the hell?”  Even her confused whisper was loud to me.  As I took in her new height, I had a terrifying thought.  If Erica and I swapped sizes, she can finally get revenge on me for controlling her!  Seconds later, I forcefully shook my head.  No, she wouldn’t; she loves me; she wouldn’t hurt me for that anymore.  However, I tested if I still had the ability to control another person.  I did.
I flinched as Erica shifted to kneel down, carefully picking something up off the ground.  Though she was fairly far away, her movements still took up one half of my vision.  Am I really that terrifying when I’m that size?  I had to be.  
Staring in numb shock, I watched as Erica flinched backwards, immediately scanning the ground and the bottoms of her feet.  She let out a relieved sigh when she found nothing.  “Alexis, did we switch sizes?” Erica asked, sounding almost frightened.  Wow, her voice was so much louder than I’d heard before.  
“Please, say something!  Are you standing somewhere trying to get my attention?  I-  How am I so big?  This feels.. what’s the opposite of claustrophobic?”  She scanned the ground around her carefully before standing back up.  “This is awful!  Now I know why you panic so much when you can’t find me.”  Despite my slight fear of Erica’s new size, I called out to her.  Though it was still unnerving to see her this way, I didn’t want her to be worried about me.  
“Erica!  I’m over here!”  She froze mid-search.  “I’m over here!  Behind you, to the left of the trees!”  Her movements were so large and so fast that I instinctively gasped in fear.  My thoughts spiraled in a panic.  Why am I calling her over!?  I don’t even have clothes on!
The moment Erica spotted me, she sat up and raced over.  Each of her steps covered about thirty or so of mine.  “Alexis!” she cried out in relief, “Thank god!  I was so scared, I thought I’d crushed you!”  I yelped in terror as she swiftly snatched me off the ground.  Vertigo churned in my stomach as I was lifted a horrifying distance into the air.  Her fingers, each of which were longer than half my height, pressed painfully into my sides as she held me dangling in the open air.  
No!  She is going to hurt you! my mind screamed.  She can easily hurt you for everything you’ve done, and you.  Can’t.  Stop her.  “Ow! Ow!  You need to let me go, or else you’re going to break something!” I cried, “Erica please, don’t hurt me!  I’m sorry!  Please!”  Tears welled in my eyes as I was placed back down.  I wasn’t even sure if it was my abilities reacting to my fear that made her do that, or if she really intended to.  I fell to the ground as my knees gave out beneath me, trying my best to shield my completely exposed body from the rest of the world.
“Alexis?”  I glanced up to see giant fingers closing in on me.  A sob escaped my throat, and Erica’s grasp fell short.  She watched from somewhere above my vision as I curled up tighter.  “Alexis, it’s just me.  I-  I’m not going to hurt you...”  “You just did!” I cried out.  Erica was silent for a long moment.  “Hey,” she whispered comfortingly, “Look at me.”  I shook my head, buried between my arms.  “Please?  Just for a moment?”  I reluctantly gazed up at her, vision partially hindered by tears.  Erica had backed off slightly, looking me over with a pained expression.  It faded into a soft smile as my gaze connected with hers — eyes widening in wonder.
“I’m really sorry about grabbing you like that,” she admitted, “I guess I didn’t realize how easily I could hurt you.  It all makes a lot more sense why you’re always so hesitant to get close to me.”  I slowly unfurled myself, coming to stand as my nerves subsided.  “I know how it feels.  I’m probably terrifying to you right now.  But..  Alexis, you know I would never intentionally hurt you, right?”
I nodded, realizing that I’d very quickly jumped to conclusions earlier.  Erica wouldn’t use her newfound strength to get back at me for something I did four.. five years ago now.  Tentatively, Erica pulled herself closer, fingers carefully caressing my arm.  Shuddering at her warmth, I drew myself closer.  “I can’t believe it’s really you,” Erica whispered, “You’re so small.. and.. naked!” she she gasped, fingers quickly retracting from my side.  “Oh, sorry; I should’ve given these to you sooner!”  Erica shifted to take her own small clothes out of her pocket.  “I found these on the ground beneath me when I grew.  They’re kind of torn up, though.  I must’ve grown right out of them.”  Her clothes were split down one side; the only way I could wear them was wrapped around me like a towel, but it was better than being stark naked.
“Thanks,” I nodded to Erica, tying the slightly shredded items around myself.  “Oh, and sorry for taking your clothes,” she apologized.  “Yeah, you literally stole them right off of me.”  Erica looked me over intently, “What?  I did?”  “Yeah, I mean, you grew out of your clothes because they were too small, but I was trapped inside of mine!  I fell out when you picked them up.”  Erica looked slightly stricken after I told her this.  
“I didn’t even see you..”  She gasped, “What if I’d dropped you from all the way up here?  You could’ve been seriously hurt!  I could’ve killed you without even realizing it!"  Erica sat up a ways, looking down at herself in dismay.  "Alexis, how do you stand being like this all the time?”  I chuckled, “It certainly takes some getting used to.  And I’m sorry I accused you of trying to hurt me.  It’s just a little overwhelming, seeing you like this.”  She nodded, “That’s alright, I completely get it.  I’ve pretty much been in your exact situation. With you, actually.”  I sighed, collecting my thoughts.  
“Erica?”  "Yeah?"  "What if this is permanent?  What happens if we don't swap back?  Our whole plan…"  That was the extent of my thought — the rest frightened me too much to say aloud.
Erica stared out over me in thought.  "We'll just have to continue doing what we always do, I guess.  I can probably take out a hell of a lot more bad guys like this, that's for sure."  "Yeah, but.." I trailed off uneasily, "I-  I can't go home like this.  I'll never get to see my world or my family ever again."  I watched the subtle shift of Erica's hands reach slightly forwards, then pull back.  She wanted to comfort me, but had no idea how to do so without scaring or hurting me.  
"This can't be permanent," Erica stated, "At least I don't think so..  But even if it is, I'll always be here to take care of you.  Ivan's in the town too; he could help you get settled in if you end up staying here."  I nodded solemnly, eyes drifting downcast to the suddenly tall blades of grass at my feet.  Finally, Erica couldn't keep herself away any longer.  She slid me delicately into the palm of her hand and lifted me up to her eye level.  This time she made sure to go much slower.
Being lifted was such a strange sensation.  I could feel every little movement Erica made, even her pulse, bobbing just underneath her skin beneath me.  "I don't like this any more than you do," she assured me, “It’s...  Just thinking about anyone besides you seeing me like this makes my skin crawl.  I’m so big anyone can see me do anything, and everyone will be watching me!”
I blinked, never having given that much thought myself.  "How about we do something to get our minds off this, hmm?” Erica offered suddenly, “We'll take the day off; we won't even go into town.  If this keeps up tomorrow, then you and I can start worrying about long term stuff, alright?"  "Ok," I nodded a bit more enthusiastically.  "I was thinking of going for a walk, so I could see what the other-world looks like from your height.  The way it normally looks."  Erica nodded, "Sounds like a plan, then.  Should I put you down?"  "Yeah, I want to see things from a 'normal' height."  I used the term normal rather lightly.  Neither my giant height nor this one seemed very accurate.  I was so used to being big in the other-world that my smaller height just felt weird.  Slowly, I was brought back down to the ground.
I walked through the woods by myself first; taking everything in was strange enough without my used-to-be-tiny, now giant girlfriend pacing around.  After a while I began to get bored, however.  The woods were nice to see at a normal scale, but it really wasn't all that different from taking a walk in the woods at home.  
Home.  Would I ever really return there?  When Erica came to my world, she constantly had to hide from everyone, and she wasn’t able to do very much on her own.  I shook away my gloomy thoughts and headed back the direction I'd come.  Just listen to Erica.  Take a break today, figure it out tomorrow.  Hopefully this is some sort of weird fluke that'll fix itself soon.  
I'd been walking back for almost twenty minutes before I realized that I might have been walking in the wrong direction.  There was definitely not a stream on my way in.  I panicked for a moment, realizing that I was definitely lost, before I remembered who was with me.  "Erica!" I called, "If you can hear me, can you come over and get me?  I think I'm lost!"  There was silence, then I heard the slight tremor of Erica coming closer.  "Alexis, are you calling me?  God, your voice is so small.  Hold on, let me see if I can find you."  Oh boy, maybe I will have to find my way back on my own.  
Thankfully, a few minutes later I saw her form appear through the trees.  I didn't bother calling out to her for directions.  All I had to do was follow her.  Soon, I'd made it to the edge of the woods and flagged her down.  Erica was so excited to see me, she very nearly snatched me up, but she held back at the last second when she saw me flinch.  "Sorry, sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you."  "It's alright," I reassured her, "I was thinking we could finish my walk together?  After lunch though, because I'm starving."  "Good idea."
Thanks to Erica's 'ignore your problems until later' plan, I actually forgot to worry about things for a while.  We talked over lunch just like any other day, then we continued on my walk — not that I was doing any of the walking anymore.  I'd tried to trek alongside Erica, but her strides were just way too big for me to catch up with.  Walking next to her was like walking next to a moving skyscraper; the scale of having to crane my neck vertically up to see her made my stomach churn uncomfortably, so I ended up sitting on her hand the whole time.  Erica had offered me a place on her shoulder, but I quickly declined.  Shoulder rides are her thing.  I would only be more anxious if she placed me there.  Unlike Erica, I actually fear the prospect of falling to my death.
I clung to her pointer finger, wanting to watch the view but also terrified I’d slip off her hand.  There was an almost alarmingly fast pulse beating through it, and when I glanced up I saw Erica quickly look away from me with a flushed face.  Even when I pretended to ignore her obvious fascination with my new size, I nearly got scared straight off the edge of her hand as two fingers fell over me from behind.  Erica pet me with what she must’ve thought were gentle strokes, but really felt like she was squishing me down.  I knew she meant well, though, so I let her.
Our walk was longer than I expected thanks to Erica getting lost.  She confessed she hadn’t really been watching where she was going, and I confessed I knew she’d been watching me instead.  I didn’t mind the length of it.  In fact, it gave me a chance to get more used to the height I was held at.  It also gave me more time to chat with the love of my life.  She was just as nervous as I was, but we were together, so panicking took second place priority over calming eachother down.
Between a dinner lit by bonfire, and all the otherwise normal activities that took place, my day off had been very successful — since we started heading back, I hadn’t worried about my new height once.  
Erica lay in my field, watching the sunset while I sat by the fire.  It died soon after, leaving me with no source of heat while the night grew ever colder.  Erica must've seen me shivering on my own, because she sat up and leaned over me.  "You look cold," she stated.  "My fire died," I responded in a deadpan voice.  "Doesn't mean you have to be cold."  Tilting my head back, I gazed up at Erica.  She had that excited look in her eyes she always gets when an idea sticks in her head.  
"Ok," I sighed, "Pick me up.  I know you want to."  Her digits suddenly laced around me, lifting me upwards as she settled herself back down.  Once she was laying comfortably with my pillows, she placed me on her chest in the same spot I've always placed her.
It was mesmerizing, taking in Erica's larger than life form.  She was everywhere on every side of me — even the very ground beneath me.  Normally, that would be enough to easily frighten anyone.  But not me, not with her.  I carefully made my way to her face as she sat up just slightly so her eye level was even with mine.  She was so big to me that I could see her actual pupils grow a bit wider with each step I took.
"I've never been able to see you like this,” I realized, “You're always so small."  Erica shuddered, jostling me slightly, but I kept my balance.  Everything about her was so intricate and gigantic.  It was almost impossible for me to believe her and the tiny woman I could barely tell the eye color of were one and the same.  
Tentatively, I reached out and brushed a few fingers over her scar.  I'd only done this once before at my normal height.  I was always too scared I might hurt her further, being so big.  Now I could get close and not have to worry about anything.  It was amazing.  I kept going, brushing my hand further along her chin and down to her lips, watching as her eyes widened in awe.  
"It's so weird, tracing your features as big as this," I admitted, "I'm almost convinced this is a dream."  "Same here," Erica whispered.  "If you'll let me, I.. I'd like to trace you too."
A part of me wanted to say no, to deny her simply because one false move could lead to my injury, or worse.  However, I couldn't resist.  "You can," I answered.  Erica tediously edged her hands closer to me, fingers brushing up against my skin.  She softly pinched one of my arms between them, staring in amazement at how miniscule the limb seemed in her grasp.  Her touch gilded delicately up to my jaw, then, with the pad of a single finger, my cheek.  It was all so overwhelming, but in a good way.  This seemed to have a similar effect on Erica, who was stunned speechless.
"You're beautiful," she finally whispered in adoration.  "So are you."  Stepping closer, I leaned in and kissed her lip.  I could only kiss one of them, that's how big she was.  Erica pulled me in, both her lips sliding over my whole face as she returned my tiny piece of affection.  The feeling was indescribable and immensely overwhelming.  Now I understand why she keeps insisting she enjoys this despite how big I am.
Finally, I had to pull away to catch my breath, and the moment I did, Erica went back for more.  After a few strong kisses, her lips brushed up against the ties on my torn clothing.  They slid off me in one flourish.  I lay blissfully in Erica's hands as she kissed my bare body.  Her tongue slid over my torso and I groaned with pleasure, only prompting her to kiss me harder.  As with so many of my experiences that day, I could finally see Erica's side of things.  No wonder she pleaded with me to keep going after I'd nervously called off our first makeout session.  
At some point her tongue slid into my mouth.  I whined softly, opening my jaw to let her kiss me and fill it.  It was nirvana until I heard a crack and felt a spark of pain in my jaw.  I tried moving away, but Erica held me from behind, and again her tongue pressed into my mouth — nearly forcing its way down my throat.  Gagging and choking, I was finally released with a jolt.  “Alexis!  Are you ok?”  I took a few deep breaths and felt my jaw as I opened and closed it a few times.  “Y- Yeah, I think my jaw just cracked and I got scared.”  “I’ll just stick to your body, then?” Erica asked, tentatively giving my stomach a soft kiss. I exhaled in bliss, “Yeah.”
After the ecstasy of the moment died off at last, I curled up under Erica's chin, warmly tucked between it and her throat.  I barely noticed my lack of clothing with how warm she was.  We lay together like that for a long time — both tired, but neither of us ready to sleep.  Finally, I wiggled my way back onto her chest and put back on the torn clothes.  Erica grumbled sleepily, some of her warmth stolen.  "Where are you going?" she asked me quietly.  "I can't sleep on you.  What if our sizes come back?  I would crush you."  "Oh."  I knew she'd be more than a little disappointed, but I didn't want to risk it.  Erica gave me her blanket to sleep on, which was really mine to begin with.  "Goodnight Alexis."  "Goodnight," I answered sleepily.
In the morning I was rudely awoken by the freezing cold winds that swept across the field.  My clothes were gone again, but that didn't bother me in the slightest.  I grew back!  Whatever weirdness that happened yesterday is gone now.  I wrapped my blanket around me and turned to where Erica had been sleeping.  Sure enough, my clothes lay splayed out in the field once more.  A small bump in the middle of my shirt shifted slightly in sleep.  I decided to wait until Erica woke up to reclaim my clothes, and sat with my blanket, gazing off to nowhere in particular, when I was startled by a tinny gasp.  
"Alexis!  Alexis, I shrunk back!  I'm my own height!"  I smiled warmly, gently pulling away the top part of my shirt to reveal her normal-sized form.  "You grew back too!" she exclaimed happily.  "I did!  Now I can finally have my clothes back."
Erica looked down at herself then back up at me.  "Damn, now I'm the one who's stuck with the rags."  I laughed and handed her clothes to her before slipping into mine.  Unfortunately, Erica's clothes were far beyond wearable now.  They'd been through not one, but two giant growth spurts, and were basically just shreds of cloth.  "N- Now what?" Erica asked, shivering in the morning cold.  "I c- can't wear this!"  "What was it you told me last night?" I asked wryly, "Oh yeah.  That doesn't mean you have to be cold."  I held out my hands and Erica braced the wind for a few freezing steps before snuggling into my palms.  
Back to the wind, protected by both my clothes and my blanket, I cupped Erica gently between my hands.  Every once and a while, I'd blow on them to keep them warm.  Inside, Erica dragged a few of my fingers closer.  I instinctively flinched as I touched her, remembering how it felt to me when she was the one doing the holding.  Yet, she persisted on pulling me in until she was pressed on all sides by warm skin.
One of my fingers just so happened to be in the right spot for a bit of flustering.  Normally I would ignore this, maybe even move myself away.  However, I was in a rather good mood thanks to my newly restored height, so I took the bait.  Nudging my finger a bit deeper into the small space where Erica sat, I smiled at the small, almost inaudible gasp that came from within my hands.  "Wh- What are you doing?" she asked, voice all high-pitched in embarrassment.  "Oh, just warming you up," I replied innocently, pressing a little further.  "Alexis," she giggled, "I'm the only one who does the flustering around here, missy.  Just you wai-"  
Her taunts were cut off by a gasp as I rubbed her breasts beneath the pad of my finger.  I felt her squirm in my hands again as I laughed.  "I'm sorry?  What was that last part?"  "You-  mmnn..  Alexis-  nnngg..  it's too early!" Erica complained between little moans of ecstasy as I continued along down her stomach.  I let my finger trail off just above her hips, before slowly opening my hands back up.
Fixing her tousled hair, Erica flipped me the bird while I chuckled in delight.  "I hate you," she said lovingly as I brought the blanket to the front of me and placed her down inside.  "I should've done more with you last night.  I had the perfect opportunity to show you the euphoria I feel when you do that to me, and I missed it."  "Not entirely," I replied, softly tracing her form the way she had last night.  Erica smiled, "Yeah, I guess it wasn't a total waste after all."
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mightaswelljxmp · 9 months
i love having both etho and kakashi as My Guys because then whenever i see either of them it’s two for the price of one
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akkivee · 10 months
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help him
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falloutcoys · 1 month
i haaate remembering smth formative from your childhood and just. forgetting any details that would make it easy to find. tho its probably gone anyway bc I'm 90% sure it was a flash game
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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I’ve always found this part inch resting where “who is hermie” doesn’t give hermie a crisis when he says it HIMSELF first, but then when normal repeats it a few minutes later he gets momentarily rattled. Idk if that means anything but I sure rotate it in my mind a lot
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bruhstation · 2 years
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[39] But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. [40] And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
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