#an extra scene to tide you over
reidsdimples · 4 months
When Everything Changed | Part 1
Enemies to lovers | Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Angst 🖤
Spencer isn't a fan of the BAU's new genius (you).
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You didn’t have a particular like or dislike for Dr. Spencer Reid. For the most part you felt fairly neutral. He was a colleague, one of the team. The two of you weren’t super close but Garcia says that’s because there’s not enough space in the BAU for two genius’s.
He didn’t seem to care for it when you blurted out facts that Hotch asked for or knew a statistic down to a closer decimal than he did.
“If you would do your reading on rapidly updated internet databases instead of printed out media, your statistics wouldn’t be a month behind,” you sniped at him after he sassed you.
Hotch gave you a pointed look.
“He said 13.6% and you said 13.2%- that discrepancy is not one I’m concerned with. 13% would have been fine,” Hotch said and looked back down at the case file before him.
The jet hummed softly, Rossi raising his eyebrow at Reid who seemed to have something to say.
“Reid what do you know about sharp force injuries to the ears?”
“The ear canal is a sensitive and vulnerable part of the body, often associated with communication and hearing. The criminal may have chosen this specific method as a way to assert control or power over their victims by targeting a vital sensory organ. Depending on if he wound it into the brain slowly, it may have been a sadistic killing,” he answers rapidly.
“You think this was torture? It looks more like an instant death,” you answer.
“Ancient torture methods focus on the ears as a way to deal pain by shattering the ear drums and rendering the victim deaf. Given the amount of blood in the right ear I’d say it was done antimortem as a form of torture while the pick through the left ear was the killing blow. He even angled this ice pick upward and into the brain,” he runs his long fingers over the crime scene photos to show you.
You’re almost in awe that he was able to deduce that before seeing the bodies but you say nothing.
"The first two only had an ice pick to the ear which killed them," Hotch said.
"Maybe he hadn't learned yet that he enjoys the torture," Rossi adds.
“Either way this unsub has a fascination with ears,” JJ says.
“Maybe he’s deaf himself?” Morgan chimes in.
You accidentally kick Reid’s ankle while adjusting in your seat across from him, he snaps his head up and narrows his eyes on you.
The conversation spurs on all the way to Portland, Maine where the smell of saltwater invades your nostrils as you step off of the plane.
The following day you’re partnered up with Reid to sort through a series of clues left by the unsub. Two more bodies dropped in twenty-four hours, leaving 8 riddles on 8 bodies that needed to be decoded.
“I can take care of this myself,” Reid argues with Hotch.
“I know you can but an extra set of eyes can’t hurt, we’re on a time crunch. Monica Dentz went missing four hours ago. If he sticks to his MO, she only has ten hours left,” with that Hotch exited the room.
Reid rather aggressively tossed his should bag on the table before snatching up copies of the riddles from the table and pinning them to the board.
“I’m not trying to get in your way,” you sigh. You watch him organize the riddles on the board.
“Try harder,” he snaps.
You scoff but your eyes scan over his tall frame as he puts the board together. Nope.
“I think the first one is talking about a ship, same with the third and fifth,” Reid says as he flips a pen in his fingers.
“If you’re taking it literally. ‘Alone in the tide’ could just be a metaphor for loneliness,” you point out.
“And what do you make of ‘the bow takes charge, towards the arctic waters where she sleeps’?” He asks. He’s less condescending this time, more curious but still annoyed.
“That.. that’s probably about a boat,” you accept.
“If you look at these as a story, where you read them from the first lines strung together and then the second lines… it reads like a book. I think someone he loved died at sea,” it seems to click for Reid and he starts scribbling on the board. “And here… I think this means there was an explosion. A boiler room maybe?” He’s moving around the two boards quickly, talking fast, pushing his hair back from his eyes. For a moment you almost find it adorable.
“Maybe he went deaf in a boating accident that killed someone he loves…” you add, standing to look at the board.
He calls Garcia and then Hotch.
“He’s killing them on a boat, it’s symbolic for him. We think he was a victim of a boating accident and lost his hearing…” he continues to speak but you become distracted.
Why were you becoming attracted to him? He was never ugly but you had never noticed him this way before. He was too busy infuriating you with his attitude. Yet he was growing on you in the last few months. Weird.
“Now what?” You ask him.
“We wait for them to get names. Hotch will tell us where he needs us next, we’ll continue to work the profile from here,” he places the pen in his mouth and flips through the victim profiles again.
“Don’t you have an eidetic memory? Why do you keep going through those…”
“Helps me deduce the information,” he shrugs dismissively.
You frown.
“Ya’know,” you sigh and pull up a chair across from him. “I have no intention of overshadowing you.” He glances up from the file.
“So why do you go out of your way to correct or narrow down my answers?”
It’s a perfectly reasonable question. You didn’t know why you did it.
“Habit? I’m used to being the smartest person in the room,” you admit.
“Right,” is his only response as he opens another file.
You don’t know what else to say so you take a look at the profile the team has built.
2 hours pass in awkward silence before Hotch calls the two of you to meet them at the east harbor for a raid of the now named suspects boat.
Once you arrive, Morgan and Prentiss greet you while you’re fumbling with your vest. After a moment and a frustrated sigh, Reid steps behind you.
“Here the strap is twisted up,” he says.
His fingertips graze your hip where your shirt is riding up. Your breathing hitches but you try not to appear affected.
“Thanks,” you tell him.
“Sounds like a plan,” you answer Prentiss who had been explaining the entry points.
“The two of you friends now?” Morgan asks Reid.
“I wouldn’t call it that,” Reid answers stoically with his hand propped on his gun. You scoff and shake your head.
“What?” Reid turns his head to you.
“Nothing, let’s just do this,” you snipe. Morgan and JJ exchange an concerned glance.
The man was impossible. You understood if he had walls up, if he didn’t like new people or the competition. But he’s not even trying to welcome you in the slightest.
The scent of ocean air and dead fish fills your nostrils as you follow behind Morgan down the dock. Reid and JJ creep onto the stern of the considerable sized old yacht while Hotch, Rossi, and Prentiss took the bow. You and Morgan are entering through the main entrance of the cabin with deadly stealth.
You hear varying 'clears' come from your coworkers before you point Morgan to a hatch leading below deck. You think you can hear shuffling of some kind happening but it's hard to tell with the sway of the ship.
The rest of the team enter behind you but its Morgan who insists on jumping down first, forgoing the small ladder.
"Randy Lional, put your hands up," he's shouting as you drop down behind him.
You raise your gun as you take in the scene, someone else drops down behind you, it's Reid based on the silver revolver in your line of sight.
The man is crouched over an unconscious Monica Dentz, one of her ears bleeding and her wrists bound. You think she's still breathing.
"Put the gun and the ice pick down man," Morgan yells and then Hotch is next to him.
"He can't hear you," you tell Morgan when Randy drags the barrel of the gun over the girl's half naked body as though he's lost in a trance. His burly back is turned to the team and the situation is so unique that none of you know how to intercept him.
You push between Morgan and Hotch to slowly approach him. It's Reid who grabs your arm and shakes his head, something like concern playing in his hazel eyes. You take your arm from him and turn to the unsub.
An idea strikes you so you pull off your earring and toss it in his direction, it slides across the floor into his line of sight, causing him to jump up and turn around.
The man's eyes are wide, dark bags below them. He's frantic as he shakily points the gun at you. His stringy strands of hair are oiled to his chubby aged face and he appears to be shocked by the FBI's presence. He's aiming the gun at Monica's head.
"Put the gun down," Morgan yells again, gesturing at the weapon.
You begin to use sign language, after putting your own gun back in its holster. Reid steps closer to you, his revolver still raised.
"I know that you're hurting. I know what happened that night. I'm so sorry about your parents," you begin to sign. "But torturing others this way is not going to change what happened to you."
Reid glances at you, seemingly impressed by your use of ASL.
"She's trying to talk him down," Reid informs the rest of the team.
"Please, drop the weapons," you sign to him again. He looks more sad, defeated than before and you're hopeful.
"Does he profile as suicidal?" You ask the team.
"Yes," Hotch answers. You swallow hard.
Just then Monica stirs awake and begins screaming against the cloth gag in her mouth.
What happens next feels like slow motion, you don't even know how to process it.
Randy raises the gun and fires at you, three shots in rapid succession before you can blink. And then Reid has stepped nearly completely in front of you, firing two shots along with a barrage of shots from the team.
You hit the floor in a daze and chaos ensues.
"We need medics!" Prentiss is screaming into her ear piece.
"Two agents hit, one victim, subject deceased," Hotch is speaking into his mic as he rushes over to you.
The blinding pain is in your shoulder, the blood hot as it oozes out of you.
"Reid," you search for him.
"Ah, I'm okay. I'm okay," he doesn't sound okay.
And then you see it, the wound in his neck, the blood pouring from his mouth. Reid is grabbing at his throat for the wound, blood coating his hand. Crimsons running down his slender wrist and long fingers. Then Morgan is applying pressure to the wound while JJ is tending to you.
You wince in pain as she is pressing down on your shoulder. You can physically feel the metal bullet sitting inside of your body, sending pain radiating in all directions. People are talking all around you, JJ's eyes are full of tears as she tries to get you to stay conscious.
"Come on kid, look at me," Morgan is pleading with Reid. no no no.
"Why did you..." you try to ask why he stepped in front of you but the room begins to spin. You start to see double and you don't know if its you or Reid groaning in pain. Reid's eyes are rolling back in his head and he's starting to go limp in Morgans lap.
Reid took a bullet for you, and it may kill him. What if he dies thinking you hate him?
A blur of paramedics enter the space before you lose consciousness murmuring Reid's name.
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A/N- Hope you guys love this. I'm already working on the 'lovers' part.
342 notes · View notes
hidden-poet · 7 months
Commander Snow; chapter 5
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Commander Snow
Summary; Under the advice of Dr Gaul Coriolanus returns back to district 12 where without blinding light of lucy-grey he could see you.
Warnings; dead dove to do not eat, stalking, unrequited love, breeding kink, violence, possessive!Snow, unco/dubco, sexual content, she/her pronouns, explicit, violence, death.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
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Commander Snow had been absent from your life for three days. 
He had left boxes of food in anticipation but expected no reward in return. He didn’t turn up at the late hours of the night. No demands of you coming to the Compound with brownies were given.
It was a welcome change in your routine. It gave you more time to focus on your mother. She improved greatly with the extra attention and could be dropped down to half a bottle of morphling every 12 hours. 
She still needed your help to rise from bed and wash but was now lucid enough to feel like your mother again. 
You felt less isolated now that she was back. And with Edmund dropping by every day you felt almost normal. 
You gave him the spare bottles of morphling to sell. Commander Snow would drop you quickly and it was important to have some money saved to tide you over until you got your job back.
You decided to use a small portion to buy your mother fresh bandages. She would only need one more batch before the wounds on her back were closed.
The walk into town was busy but no one paid you any mind. Most avoided looking at you. 
You were used to the isolation now. It didn’t bother you as much now. 
The nice day turns upon seeing Peacekeepers in large groups marching through the streets. 
You stop walking to let people pass as they rush towards you. Peacekeepers formed groups as
you looked around, they were impossible to count. They moved too fast in and out of houses, and as you lost one, two more appeared in his absence. 
You freeze seeing Commander Snow, marching through the streets with the cavalry behind him. They break down doors to people's homes and the Peacekeepers split up into groups of four as they search the houses before rejoining the group. 
It was chaos as people ran to avoid their way. Demands of the Peacekeepers were yelled over crying children, and explanations of homeowners. You feel your heart pound at the scene. 
Such chaos always brought danger. Agitated Peacekeepers after a hard day's work are always looking for a reason to use their power over the district people. 
You press yourself against a side of a building, out of rushing people's way. You try and re-enter the stream of people but a breck never comes. More yelling is heard and you suddenly see why the rush was heading down stream. A large group of Peacekeepers all kitted up in their gear with vests and helmets come chasing the people. They grab who they can and throw them up against brick walls searching them for contraband. 
The coins burned a hole in your pocket. If found there is little chance of retaining them. 
They come closer and you try again to follow the rush but are pushed back. Somebody needed to be caught by the Peacekeepers. 
You scan the area for another escape route and see the tunnel that leads to the Capitol train route. Peacekeepers and higher officials were sure to be swarming on the other side but you could hide in the darkness that the tunnel provided until the chaos settled, 
The leader of the group blew a whistle and you took off to your path before you could figure out what it meant. 
Unfortunately, a Peacekeeper had already set his eyes on you. And watching you run and hide was a worthy enough cause to follow you. 
You barely make it into the darkness before you are caught and thrown into the wall. 
“Do you have any weapons or contraband on you?” The Peacekeeper shouted. 
He had brought along his partner who held his rifle out towards you. 
“No sir,” you answer, but he runs his hands along you anyway. He keeps one hand on the back of your neck, pushing your face into the hard, dirty wall while the other patted down.
With your forced position, you stare at the other Peacekeeper. The uniform aged him. His face was soft and round but hidden under the shadow of the large helmet. He had beautiful green eyes that went wide just as the Peacekeeper was about to pat the pocket that held your money. 
‘Whoa!” The other Peacekeeper places a hand on his friend's shoulders and pushes him back. “That’s Snow’s girl. I’ve seen her at the Compound.”
“Are you sure?” The hand that held you was released quickly. 
He looks at you again, “I am pretty sure.”
“I am!’’
 Maybe some good could come out of your predicament. 
“Go get him. He could want her searched anyway.”
“There’s no need to go get him. I’ll go home.” You turn so you can be heard.
“Shut up.” The Peacekeeper ordered. 
Green eyes took off back down the street, leaving you with his harsher friend. 
He unclips his cuffs and locks them around your wrists, telling you to sit on the ground. 
You knew better than to argue with Peacekeepers, so you sat and waited. 
Five minutes pass in silence. 
You hoped his business would be more pressing and he would send the Peacekeeper away with instructions to set you free. But you could see his shadow coming closer as you had the thought. 
If it wasn’t for his darker uniform you would have thought he was just another Peacekeeper, and not Commander of District 12.
His eyes hit you on the ground before going up to his officer. 
“The south exit is blocked, go help the others there. Search the people.” 
They both leave with a ‘yes sir’, and a salute. 
He moves quickly as they integrate back into the crowd.
He pulls you up, hooking your cuffed hands over his neck, and presses you up against the brick wall. His hands go under your arms and cement themselves to the wall behind, keeping them pinned up on his shoulders. He keeps his body close to hinder your movement and rests his left knee against the brick. 
He kisses you so fast, you weren’t sure if he managed to pin you before or after. His kisses are fast and hard, you don’t manage to even attempt one back before he is moving again. 
His greedy lips go to your throat, placing big kisses up and down it. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks between kisses. You couldn’t tell him about the money. He was sure to demand it from you. 
“Walking,” you push back on his shoulders but it invites him closer. 
His lips go from just under your ear back down to the hollow of your throat. 
“You shouldn’t. It’s dangerous.” 
The danger followed him, not you. You had walked these streets a hundred times before without any worry. 
He finds the spot he likes, just where your collarbone and neck meet, and begins to bite down. You wiggle underneath him to no avail. The biting upon your neck hurt but he seemed deaf to your pleas. You felt only a Peacekeeper beneath you, no sign of a man you could reason with. Your head only knocked against his hard helmet, you pushed yourself up on arms covered with the soft material of the peacekeeper uniform. Even your eyesight was blocked by the Peacekeeper's rifle slung over his shoulder. 
You were in no better of a position than the people in the houses. You were offered the same situation; let them take what they wanted or suffer the consequences of them just taking it anyway. 
“I’ve missed you,” he admits, “Why did you never come to see me?” 
You let your head rest back against the wall now that it wasn’t tossing and turning to alleviate the pressure of his bites. 
The truth was not an acceptable answer. You couldn’t tell him you had no interest in seeing him ever again.
“You were busy,” you tried. 
“You could have come. I would have seen you.” He goes back to your neck. His kissing was slow and lazy
“Commander, please.” You could still hear the commotion outside. 
A whooping sound is heard from outside the ally. 
He pulls his head back in its direction. 
“What did they find?” you ask. 
“Rebels. Propaganda has been spreading around the district. Looks like we found the warehouse it was coming from”. 
He ducks his head out from under the chain, releasing you from your prison, and quickly undoing your cuffs before softly shoving you towards the street. 
“Go straight home.” 
You nod your head in agreement and watch him rejoin his army. 
You run away from the noise, dodging people as they run with you. 
The same Peacekeepers that pinned you in the tunnel waited by a checkpoint but they didn’t bother you again as you ran past. 
It was the next afternoon when a Peacekeeper van turned up outside your house. Children playing ran back inside. 
The Peacekeeper politely knocked at your door. 
“Yes?” you answer. You keep the door in front of your body like a shield. 
“Miss.” He nods his head, “I am here to take you back to the Compound”. 
Your gut twisted. The holiday was over and you were back to playing puppet. 
“I’ll finish my cooking and be right over.” 
He places his hand on the door in case you try to close it. 
“I’ve been given instructions to take you. I am afraid I can’t leave without you.”
He looked almost sorry to say it. He must have been a district-born Peacekeeper. 
You take your hands off the door to show him you aren’t going to make it hard for him.
“Okay. I’ll turn the oven off and put on my shoes.” 
“It would be appreciated, Miss.” 
He waits by the door as you do as promised. 
Your mother had only just taken her medicine leaving her dazed but still awake. You decide to tell her you’re going for a walk instead of the truth.
The Peacekeeper is kind, waiting patiently by the door without sound. He smiles at you as you near him, ready.
You lock the door and follow the officer to the truck. 
You head to the empty bed of the truck but he continues to the passenger side door, holding it open for you. 
He looked awkward as he held it, “Ah which would you prefer?”
You smile at him and take his offer of sitting up front. He shows you how to work the seatbelt as he gets into the driver's seat. 
You thank him, telling him you’ve never been up front before. 
“Oh, that’s okay. I remember my first time in a car. I thought it was amazing.”
You do not share the same enthusiasm. Being in a car only meant you were going to or coming from Coriolanus. 
“I am Y/N,” you offer. 
“People call me Smiley.” You thought the name suited him. 
“How long have you been a Peacekeeper for, Smiley?”
“Oh for about three years. I was only a grunt for a year, though. Corio-Commander Snow promoted me to officer once he got back”.
Your head shot up to look at him, after his familiar way of talking about Coriolanus. Could a man like this be friends with a man like Coriolanus?
“Did you know Commander Snow before he was Commander?” You tried to act uninterested. 
“Oh yeah! I met him on his first day here.” 
You imagine Coriolanus in the blue uniform of a grunt, scared out of his mind. 
“Used to go with him to the Hob to watch Lucy Gray and the Covey perform. He used to sneak off to see her after the show,” he laughs at the fond memory but it sent ice down your veins.
He had told you he never even met her. You have zero doubt in your mind now that he was the one who killed her. 
“Shame about Lucy Gray,” you begin, “He must have been so sad when she disappeared.” 
Smiley nods his head, “I reckon the Mayor killed her in revenge. Both her old boyfriend and the Mayor's daughter he ran off with turned up dead. There’s no way she didn’t do it.”
You wondered if Coriolanus framed her for murder so no one would go looking for her once she disappeared. If he does the same to you, would your community believe it? The girl with the baked goods stall on a Saturday, a murderer? Would they believe that yet another girl tangled up with Coriolanus could be a killer?
“Maybe she didn’t do it,”, you test the waters, “Maybe she was framed.” 
Smiley laughs, “S’pose it’s possible, but she was no stranger to killing. She was the 10th victor of the Hunger Games.”
This information surprised you. You never went to the Reapings as you had a special pass that dubbed your work too important to be interrupted, and there were few working TVs in the district. And even fewer turned them on during the Hunger Games. 
Was that her appeal to Coriolanus, that she was tough enough to be a victor? Was her refusal of him now the reason he targeted your soft demeanor? 
“Victor of the Hunger Games and a Peacekeeper? How was that allowed?” 
“Oh, it wasn’t,” he laughs again, “I was bunk mates with him. I used to hear him sneak out. Always a romantic." 
You bite back the question wrangling your tongue; You don’t think that he is acting romantic now, do you?
Instead, you try learning more about Coriolanus. 
“What got him sent from the Capitol to District 12?” You couldn’t imagine such a self-important Capitol citizen would volunteer. 
“I don’t know. I don’t even know what got him sent back here as Commander.” Smiley answers honestly, “There was a rumor that he knew her in the Capitol. Helped her in the games, but I am not so sure I believe it. Why go through all of that, and then try to get yourself sent off to District 2 for officer training? He was always planning to get back to the Capitol. Why would he do that if the girl he sacrificed everything for was here? Makes no sense to me.”
The car is let into the gates of the Compound and Smiley slows the car down as it tracks through. 
“He’s over Lucy Gray though. Hasn’t mentioned her since he got back.” 
He says after a moment, like he was worried that you were getting jealous of Lucy Gray and not terrified that you would end up like Lucy Gray. 
The office building comes into view. It stood huge and white with unnaturally bright, clean, marble steps. 
He drives right up to the steps, stopping in front of a waiting Coriolanus. 
Coriolanus opens the door before you can and reaches over you to undo your seatbelt. It feels as if he yanks you down, but his touch is gentle and unharmful. 
“Thanks, Smiley.” It was the first time you had ever heard him thank one of his Peacekeepers. Smiley places a finger to his forehead and tips it back to Coriolanus before he drives off. 
“Hey,” he breathes. He takes your shoulders into his hands and kisses you quickly. 
You don’t greet him back, still frozen from the talk with Smiley. 
Coriolanus doesn’t notice as he leads you to his office with a hand on your shoulder. 
He seemed eager to get into the room. His pace was quick and he only gave head nods to passersby who greeted him. 
He sighs as he closes the door to his office. His hand goes to the back of your neck briefly before disappearing altogether. 
“I’m glad you’re here,” he says like you had a choice. 
He continues his quick pace over to the couch against the wall and pats the spot next to him. 
You sit down and to your shock, he lays down across it.
He lays his head on your lap as he talks. It wasn’t enough for him as he forced your hand over his chest. 
“This week,” he sighs, rubbing his hands over his face, “I wish it would just end.” 
He throws his hands off his face to speak clearly, “First Tigris said that she was going to quit her job, but I called her last night, and she decided she’s not going to.”
“Tigris? Is that your girl back home?” You remembered his distaste for working women. Because she was Capitol, was she subject to better treatment than you and Lucy Gray, or did he have plans to frame her for murder as well? 
“No,” he said firmly, “No, she’s my cousin. You’re my girl.”
“Hm,” you change the topic quickly, “Surely not enough to ruin your week.”
Coriolanus seemed pleased with the attention and continued. 
“I have the Commander from District 4 visiting this week. He’s not out of the car two minutes before one of the new recruits shoots himself in the foot, right in front of him.” 
You scoff back a giggle at the image, and he manages a smile back. 
“He’s a pain, this Commander. Constantly after me. He’s heard I have a close relationship with Strabo Plinth and thinks I’ll help him make a connection.”
“Who’s-” he interrupts you before you finish. 
“I’ll tell you another time.” 
You scoff at him, “Another secret.” 
He shifts so he is lying on his side towards you. 
“It’s not a secret. It’s just complicated.” The whole Capitol knows about the district-turned-Capitol citizen fulfilling the father's role in Coriolanus' life. He would prefer to keep the clean image with you. 
“Am I here for a reason, Commander Snow?”
“All I’ve wanted this week was to see you.” 
You shift uncomfortably under him. A look of distress crossed your face. 
“What’s wrong?” he sits up beside you. 
“Am I the next Lucy Gray?” 
“Ah! Lucy Gray,” he mutters, “If I hear that name again.” 
He gets up to give himself distance from you, going over to his desk and leaning against it with his hands.  
“Don’t deny it. Smiley told me you used to sneak off to see her after the shows.”
“I once had to carry Smiley back to the compound because he was so drunk he forgot how to walk. But you want to take his word over mine?” 
“Yes. You’re a liar. Is Tigris really your cousin?” 
He throws his hands up, astonished at the question. “Yes. I have a cousin and a Grandmother waiting for me in the Capitol. Both of which you will meet when we get back to the Capitol.”
“We?” You felt your heart stop. 
He turns his head to you.
“Yes, we. Did you think I was going to leave you behind?” 
“I can’t go to the Capitol. I belong here.” You think of your mother and Edmund. 
His jaw clenched but his movements are slow as they come towards you. 
“I belong in the Capitol. You belong with me. As soon as Ravinstill dies, we are on the first train out of District 12.”
What would happen to you once he got bored of you in the Capitol? In District 12 he would cast you out into familiar streets but would he even bother to get you back home once he decided you were no longer worth the time? 
You shake your head no and he takes your face between his hands. 
“You’ll like the Capitol, I promise. Pretty dresses. Food. You and Tigris will become fast friends.”
“What about my mother?’’
“We’ll send her money. She’ll be alright without you.” 
“Coriolanus, no.” His name felt funny coming out of your mouth. 
He adjusts to a more menacing position; his fingers tightened on your face, his body stiffened into a hard stance over you and his eyes squinted down on you. 
“Do you honestly think you have a say in the matter?.” 
You begin to cry “Please, I can’t go to the Capitol.”
He softens under your tears, the tight hold on your face turns gentle, and he drops himself to your height. 
“I know this is your home, but you will be happy in the Capitol. I’ll make you happy in the Capitol.” 
He won’t ever have to hear the name ‘Lucy Gray’ again and you’ll never have to keep wondering if you’ll have the same fate as her.
The buzzing from his desk saved you from any more useless begging. 
He looked visibly annoyed at the interruption but answered it anyway. 
Releasing you with a sigh, he walks over to his desk and presses a little button. 
“Yes?” Coriolanus answers. 
“Sir, Commander Bonza is looking for you.” The female voice spoke over the intercom. 
“Show him to the conference room. I’ll be right there.”
He comes back over to you, taking your shoulder in his hand. 
“Just stay here. I’ll only be an hour.” He leads you back over to the couch and you take a seat. “I’ll have them bring in tea.” 
He doesn’t look back as he leaves the room. 
You left as soon as you thought it safe enough to do so. 
You try not to run to avoid looking suspicious but your quick pace could not be slowed. You had to get out of the compound. 
A few stare at you as you pass but don’t try to stop you.
The gate opens freely, and you turn back to ensure you aren’t being chased
As you enter the dirt track back to the district, you hear your name being called. 
Emerging out of the trees, Edmund stands tall in his worn jacket. 
You throw your arms around his shoulders and allow yourself to be kept upright by him. 
“What happened? Are you alright?” He frantically asks.
“What are you doing here?” You shot back a question of your own. 
“I saw the Peacekeeper van take off with you. Look here” he shows you the hand-held wire cutters he held, “I was coming to get you. I promise, you weren’t alone”. 
He pockets the cutters to use his hands to wipe away your running tears, “What happened? Did he hurt you?” 
You shake your head no, pulling yourself back to his chest. 
“The Capitol,” you cry, “He plans to take me back to the Capitol.” 
“What? Why?”
The sound of a Peacekeeper van approaches and he pulls you back into the trees. 
“We have to go to the mountains. We’ll take your mother, and I’ll pick up more shifts. We’ll be alright, okay? I promise”. 
You cling to him as the car rolls past, certain that they are going to jump from their van and rip you from him. 
“And if he finds us?” you ask. 
Edmund brings his hand up to the back of your head, “He won’t. But if he does, then I’ll kill him.”
You look up at his beautiful, serious face. You knew he would kill for you and you knew you would do the same for him. But Commander Snow had too much power over District 12. Even just mentioning that you wanted to kill him could have you and anyone you have ever talked to hanged. But he wasn’t going to be Commander Snow forever. 
President Ravinstill will die and Commander Snow will become Candidate Snow. 
He won’t have time to chase you up the mountains. He’ll be on the first train out to shake hands and kiss babies. 
You tell Edmund this. Going up to the mountains too early would only get you all killed. It was better to wait for the announcement of the President's death and take off then. That way you might only have to hide from Peacekeepers who don’t really care.
He would get busy with his election and forget about the girl from District 12. And you in turn would forget about Commander Snow. 
Edmund disagreed. You need to move now. But with your mother in her fragile condition, you doubted she could even make it up to the cabins. And with Coriolanus occupied with the other commander, it would allow for more time to prepare for the move.
This argument won him over even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
You knew him well enough to know that when he told you that he ‘had to get you home’, what he really meant was, ‘You’re right. We should wait. We can’t let our fear take over our sensibility’. 
As you walked back home, you clung to his arm. He must have found it difficult to walk as you wrapped yourself around his arm but he made no complaint the whole journey. In fact, he said nothing the entire journey about anything, and you made no attempts to change that. Happily walking in silence. 
You were almost disappointed when you had to release him on your front porch. 
‘‘I have to go home, but I’ll be right back. I’ve got my brother waiting for me to take him hunting.”
“Why would you be right back then?”
“You want me to stay, don’t you? After today.” 
“No.” You could almost laugh at his words if they weren’t going to make you cry. 
“No. You should go with your brother. I’m fine. And Commander Snow won’t be back tonight if he’s seen me today.” 
You brush your hands down the breast of his coat. 
“If you bring me back a squirrel. I’ll make you squirrel stew.” 
You smile up at him to see him already smiling down at you. 
“You’ve got a deal, little lady.” His hands cup your elbows as he turns stoic again, “Are you sure you will be alright?” 
You had been through so much worse just weeks prior. 
You nod your head yes. “Look, can you go? I don’t want your brother to hate me.” 
He smiles once more showcasing his slightly crooked front tooth. 
“Never” he promises, “I’ll be back first thing tomorrow yeah?”
“Through the back door, yeah yeah. I know.” 
He moves his hands from your elbows and grips your shoulders instead, stooping his head down to you. “I do love you. You know that, right? I always have, and I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
You were unsure of how to respond. ‘I love you too’ seemed appropriate but you weren’t sure if they meant the same thing anymore. He takes the words out of your mouth when he kisses you.
You kiss back. His lips felt softer than Coriolanus’. His kiss is much more gentle and less needy. You wished it was your first kiss but that now belonged forevermore to Coriolanus. This would just have to go down as your first real kiss. 
Still the longer it lasted, the louder the sound of a firing squad sounded. He pulled back just before you did. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he offers. 
“Goodnight, Edmund.” 
You watch him track back down the steps and into the darkness. 
You felt stunned that he had kissed you. That you had kissed him back and enjoyed it. 
Your brother would be mortified. But no more mortified, you supposed, than the kisses received from Coriolanus. 
The rush of the kiss doesn’t wear off as you enter your home. You reimage it as you sit at the kitchen table. 
When Coriolanus kissed you, it almost hurt. They never came singular but again and again, until something else called him off. 
But at least you knew he meant it. 
Edmund's kiss was almost unsure. 
Your brother's best friend had always held a special place in your heart but could it grow into seeing him as a separate man? As your man? 
You wonder if he was thinking the same thing. If somehow he got confused amongst the pressure and took his love for you as something more. 
Would he have kissed you any other way, for any other reason, if Commander Snow wasn’t in the picture? After he was gone would Edmund kiss you again, or flee into work from pure embarrassment? 
A soft knock at the door interrupted your sprailing. 
Thinking it was Edmund again, you rush to the door. Had he come to prove that the kiss was intentional and that he planned to continue his affections after Coriolanus? 
As you opened the door, you readied yourself for another kiss. But your boss was not ready to give you one. 
You stare at her surprised. She wore her normal gray dress and black boots but carried a moonshine bottle in her hand. 
“Miss Escot.” You state. 
“You ain’t come around. Figured I’ll come to you.” She steps forward to indicate her intentions of coming in and you step aside to let her.  
“So, was it everything you dreamed of?” She laughs as she enters. 
“You were wrong.” 
She spins to you, shocked, “So he ain’t touched you.”
You felt your face turn hot and red as the subject came up. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “Right, so he just ain’t fucked you, yet.” She looks surprised, almost worried. She turns back around and places the bottle on the kitchen table. 
“I was wondering why you hadn’t come running back to me for a job.” 
She sighs, sitting down on a chair that had its backing almost ripped out during the raid. 
“Get two glasses.”
You do as she asks, bringing them to the table but she doesn’t unscrew the drink. 
“He plans to take me back to the Capitol,” you admit. 
“You don’t plan to go do you?”
“Of course not.” 
“Strange man. You don’t take whores home.”
You flinch at the word but knew she meant no offense. 
“So,” she uncorks the bottle and splashes the liquid out into the glasses, “What’s your plan?”
You had thought about telling her about yours and Edmund’s plan but didn’t fully trust her enough. 
“I don’t know.” 
Your boss laughs, throwing her head back. 
“I can’t believe after all that, all he wants to do is a little roughhousing.” 
“He ain't touched me. I told you.” You insist. 
She stops laughing, “Save it for when your hickeys aren’t on display.” 
You pull your dress to hide your neckline. The heat from the embarrassment steams your face.
“So you gonna kill him?” She asks.
“Why do you care what I plan to do.” 
“Because I would hate to see you hanged and that’s what gonna happen if you try”. 
“I am not going to try to kill him, and he aint taking me back.” 
“Big words from a small girl,” your boss mocked, “Sometimes you just have to know when you’ve been beat.” 
“I would rather die then-”
“Commander Snow.” Your boss spoke in a loud hard tone, and you turned to see him in the doorway. 
A chill ran up your spine. He still wore the same hard expression from his office. 
He leaves the door open as he walks in, keeping his eyes on you. 
He turns to your little boss, glaring at her, but he keeps his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Not here to offer her a job are you?”
“Of course not, sir. Just visiting.” It was the first time you had ever heard your boss speak respectfully to someone intimidating her. 
“Just leaving,” he orders. 
“Yes, sir,” she agrees. He passes the bottle of moonshine to her, not wanting it left on the table for you. 
She rushes away with it in her hands but he calls out to her as she walks. 
“Oh, you weren’t the friend hiding in the cupboard the other day were you?” 
She turns to answer him but her face reads that she was surprised by his accusation. 
You mentally plead with her to say yes. She must have seen it through your wide eyes. 
“Yes, sir. I am sorry, sir”. 
You were sure the words tasted like acid coming out of her mouth. She shrinks as he stalks towards her, grabbing her by the shoulder and tossing her out. 
“Don’t come back again” He shuts the door on her
He comes back over to you.
“Imagine my surprise when I came back to find you had gone”. 
“I have to check on my mother.”
He pulls you back by your arm, “There you go again. Running away.”
“No, sir.”
“Back to sir now?”
He pushes you down into a chair and you catch yourself on its arms.
You go to get up again, making an excuse about dinner but he puts his hand out. 
“Don’t,” he warns. 
He leans over you in the chair, and you shrink back as far as you can. 
“You shouldn’t have left today.”
You nod your head, unsure of what to say. 
“Say you’re sorry,” he demands. 
‘‘I am sorry.” 
“And you’ll do anything to make it up to me.” 
His face was inches from you, if you moved a centimeter you could brush against his nose.
“Sure,” you grit. If you had learned anything, he could make you do what he wanted anyway. 
“There’s a public hanging tomorrow, I would like for you to be there”. 
“Yes, Sir”. You said a silent prayer that it was no one you knew. 
Coriolanus picks up the cups from the table and douses the floor with the moonshine. 
“And I don’t ever want you around that woman again. She’s a bad influence”.
“Yes, Sir” you doubted she would ever be back again anyway. You doubted that while Coriolanus was around, you would ever see a friendly face again.
Simley picked you up again the next morning but refused to utter a word to you. 
It was a terrible feeling. You had just hoped Coriolanus had only given him a firm talking to. You now wished you hadn’t said anything to get him into trouble.
You were dropped off at the gate of the Compound this time where it was a Peacekeeper who escorted you from the car into Coriolanus’ office. 
He was not there and did not turn up as the day went on. 
The door only opened once and it was a young girl who brought in your lunch. 
You watched from the window as the Peacekeepers set up for the hanging. The grunts laid the infrastructure of the stage and barricades while the higher-ups went around with vicious-looking dogs and metal detectors. 
It was late afternoon by the time the blue uniforms came off and the official Peacekeeper uniforms were worn by everyone. They took their positions with rifles in the watchtowers, and the other Peacekeepers formed a line across the stage. It gave them a view of the takeaway metal fence that separated the divide between the stage and the audience, leaving a small gap for a family member to come grab the shoes. They chatted amongst themselves as they waited for the gate to be swung wide for the public. 
A knock on the door told you that it wasn't Coriolanus. A Peacekeeper poked his head through the door and asked you to come with him. 
You follow him out to where Coriolanus stood in front of the stage, speaking to a man dressed in a similar uniform. 
You waited with the guard until he was finished. He takes your hand in his as he nears and dismisses the Peacekeeper. 
“They are just about to open the gate,” he says. He takes you to the front of the where the audience would stand, taking his cuffs out, he clips one against your wrist and another onto the metal fence. It was the spot directly in front of the microphone in which he was to speak into in a few moments. 
You pulled against it feeling embarrassed. You were like a dog that was chained to a post. 
 “Watch me up there,” he instructs. 
He walks up the stage, saying a few words to an officer already up there. The officer pulls out a communicator from his pocket and must have given the go ahead as the gates swung wide and the people began to trickle in. 
You took the scarf out of your hair and layed it across the chain. No one needed to know whose dog you were. 
People soon surrounded you as the small area filled. Someone important must be getting hung today. 
Coriolanus begins the opening remarks about the greatness of Panem, and the need to strive for a better future for all of us. It was a speech he repeated a hundred times and never held any meaning to him. You could see the same Commander from before standing up on stage behind him. He looked gleeful to be there and you shared Coriolanus’ same distaste for the man.
He returns to the cards as he reads out the first convicted man. 
They bring him out from the prison as Coriolanus speaks, known as the dead man’s walk. 
The man was crying softly as they forced him up the steps and onto the box. He was in his late 50’s and underfed. The peacekeepers easily got the noose around his neck despite his fight against it.
“For the betterment of Panem, and the safety of the Districts you, Benjamin Harrison, are sentenced to death”. 
The box is kicked from under him and you shut your eyes until the sound of flailing feet stops. 
They drop the body like it was nothing, but the peacekeepers allow a moment for a family member to take his shoes. No one does, and the body is dragged off stage. 
You feel the crowd rustle behind you as someone makes their way to the front. They all tried to be quiet from the disruption as Coriolanus read the next name and charge. No one wanted to be caught disrespecting the Commander, and be the next name called up. 
The person finds their way to the front, beside you. You don’t look at them, keeping your eyes focused on Coriolanus who sporadically looked up to ensure you were watching him. 
“What a lovely day for a hanging.”
You recognised the voice but you still had to look to believe it.
“Edmund,” you grit through your teeth, “What are you doing here!”
“You’re not alone, remember?”
He doesn’t look at you as he speaks, but you can feel his fingertips brush yours while Coriolanus is busy reading out the charges.
You were thankful he was there, despite the danger of it. There was nothing more you hated than attending the death of another. 
You could feel Coriolanus’ stare upon you and you made a note to look back at him. 
Another man walks onto the stage with a solemn look. He is hanged without fuss and without tears. 
Edmund seemed to know him as the box was kicked, his hands latched onto the bars of the fence, and he let out a ‘tsk’.
You lower your hand and take hold of his pant leg. The small connection made you feel safer under the gaze of the Commander. You were sure he couldn’t see your hold. There were too many bodies pressed together to really work out whose hand belonged to whom.
A woman in her early 40’s was called out next and she pleaded and begged but the peacekeeper wouldn’t even look at her. She mentioned something about her son before the box was kicked out from her and the words were strangled in her throat.
Coriolanus paused upon the next name and for once he actually had your real attention. 
He clears his throat and his voice comes back strong, “Victor Tatin, a rebel and an informant to his higher-ups.”
They bring out a small boy. Doubtful he even had his name in the draw for the Hunger Games and yet still being killed by the Capitol. The shackles were too big for him and he tripped and stumbled as he walked. Edmund's hand clamped down on yours.
“Victor was the main distributor of anti-Capitol propaganda, who used his position as an errand boy here at the Compound to report back to those who wish the district harm.” 
The boy is lifted up onto the stage as the stairs prove too difficult to climb in his chains.
"For this crime, and for the betterment of Panem, and the safety of the districts, you, Victor Tatin, are sentenced to death.” 
You cry out as two boxes are moved from under him, and the small boy stops his tears. 
You look up to Edmund who had fury in his eyes. 
Coriolanus steps away from the microphone, watching as they gently lower the dead boy to the ground.
The Commander of District 4 takes the opportunity to say a few words himself. 
“Let it be known that all rebels will be caught and be brought to justice. There is nowhere to hide, and no comfort to be provided. All rebels and sympathizers will be hanged!”. 
Coriolanus retakes the microphone and wraps up the event with a statement of what was to be done with the bodies, and how the Capitol is rewarding the information given with a food drive occurring in the middle of town the next morning. 
As people left as fast as they came, you were forced to tear your hand away from Edmund. 
“Come on,” he turns to follow the crowd but you can’t. 
You check to see that Coriolanus has his back turned to talk to his officers, and you take the chance to show Edmund the cuff around your wrist. 
“He wants me to stay” you explain. 
Edmund tugs the chain as if he had the strength to break it. 
“Go,” you demand, seeing Coriolanus turn his shoulders back. 
“I’ll wait for you,” he promises. 
You were alone again but felt better for knowing that every second that passed brought you closer to meeting Edmund on the track back home. 
Coriolanus remained on stage but another peacekeeper came to undo your cuffs and accompany you back to his office. 
You break down in tears even before the door is closed. You knew the image of the small boy would haunt you. You couldn’t imagine what it would do to Coriolanus. 
Is that why he brought you here? To offer him comfort for his crimes. 
He doesn’t collect it in a reasonable time frame. You are left waiting for two hours before he comes to you. 
He looked frail as he entered. His hat had disappeared, and his commander's jacket was folded over his arm. It left him in his gray trousers and formal light blue dress shirt. 
“Everyone is gone,” he comments, throwing his jacket on the couch and walking over to where you sat in the guest chair. 
You stand as he comes closer to let him know no comfort would be given. 
“He was only a boy,” you whisper. Coriolanus nods his head in agreement. 
“I tried to send him to the Capitol as an Avox but Commander Bonza was determined to see him hang”. 
You wondered if it was a small mercy. Life as an Avox was a fate worse than death. Still, he was so small they had to use two boxes to prop him up on the stage. 
“You could have stopped it. You’re the Commander of District 12, not him.” 
Coriolanus sighs, sitting down in his chair, “And have Commander Bonza think I was weak against rebels? I need his support in the presidential run.”
“He was just a boy.” You repeat, the tears spilling freely from your eyes. 
“I know, Y/N. I know.” You could see he was getting wound up. 
“Come here,” he directs. Deciding not to push him too far, you do and he sits you on the desk in front of him. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head into your side. 
“He cried for his mother in the holding cell”. 
Coriolanus remembered crying for his mother on nights when the pain in his stomach from hunger was too much to bear. It felt almost therapeutic now to hear you cry for the boy. In a way, you were crying for Coriolanus too. 
He holds you close for his own comfort. 
“They don’t hang children in the Capitol. You’ll never have to see it again.”
You wanted to make the argument that they shouldn’t hang here but his temper was short, and your tears wouldn’t stop flowing. 
Instead, you let him hold you, gently rubbing his back. You were surprised after all the terrible things he had done that this was the burden he struggled to carry. 
He seemed content to lay against you as you comforted him. It seemed crazy to you that you were, but you felt so shallow that you allowed your default mode to take over. Besides, the sooner he felt better the sooner you could meet up with Edmund for your own comfort. 
The time passed quickly with no movement or sound from Coriolanus. 
The clock on the wall read 6:30. You decide enough time has passed to make your escape. 
“I have to go, Commander.” You rise from him but he keeps your waist in his hands.
“Stay,” he begs
You shake your head. 
“Please, just for tonight.” 
“I have to get home to my mother.”
“Tomorrow will you stay?”
“No. I can’t.” 
“You can,” he contests, “You just won’t”. 
“My mother needs me.” You tear his hands off him and he shoots out of his chair. 
“She should get used to your absence.”
“I am not going to the Capitol.” You seethe. 
“I don’t know where else you think you are going.” 
You turn to leave but he yanks you back.
“No, no. I need you to stay.” 
“Get off of me,” you demand.
“You’re not leaving me.” 
You repeat your demand and shove him harshly off you.
“You’re telling me no? After everything I’ve done for you?” he squints his eyes at you. 
“If you don’t stay with me, you can forget about food for the next month.” 
You freeze at his words. There wasn’t enough food to last a month. Maybe ten days. You would properly be ok with your saved money and Edmunds hunting, but it would be a dead give-away that you had other means beside him. 
You stop struggling against him, and his grip loosens on you. 
“Stop acting like this, alright?”
His hands go to the side of your face and he tugs you closer. 
“We are on the same side. It wasn’t my decision to kill the boy but it was something I had to do.  You’re my sweet girl, aren’t you? Can’t you act like that? Even just for tonight?”
His desperation was a dangerous thing so you nodded your head. The last time you ran from him after a hanging, he was so hurt, he made your life a living hell for months. You worried what he would do now that he has left you destitute and dependent on him. You had nothing more he could take, but the whipping post remained. 
Your complacency returns him to a less manic state. His tired eyes soften, and his body falls back to the defeated state that he came in with. 
“Okay,” he says softly and takes your hand. 
He leads you back to his apartment with your hand in his. It was small but well-built. Everything was hard metal from the floors to the dining room table. He had a small kitchen space straight to the left with an old fridge. Directly across from it, separated by the hallway was a living space that only consisted of a worn green couch facing a mounted tv, and a small table with a radio on top. 
“It’s not much,” he comments. 
You had been to houses without roofs. This seemed like a palace. 
He leads you into the center of the room, “Kitchen,” he points, “Ah, living room”. 
Taking you down the hallway he opens the first door on the right, “That’s the bathroom”. 
You peek into the small space to see a shower and a toilet. 
He reaches for the door just down to the left and reveals his bedroom. The bed was unmade and there wasn’t a single personal item left lying around. Apart from the bed and a standing wardrobe, there was nothing else in the fairly spacious room. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks.
You shake your head no. You weren’t sure you could stomach anything after today. 
He takes you back to the bathroom, “Why don’t you take a shower and we’ll go to bed?” 
“Towel,” he places a hand on a white towel hanging up on a hook, and then opens the mirror to show three shelves, “Toothpaste and my toothbrush”. 
Everything he offered was already something he used. You knew he at least had another towel to offer you but he wanted to share everything. 
“I’ll leave some clothes on the bed for you to change into.” 
“Thanks,” you knew he wanted to hear it. 
He smiles and kisses your cheek before leaving.
 The steam from the shower began to fill the room by the time you made yourself take off your clothes and get in. You noticed there was no lock on the door, and you were expecting him to come back. 
He never did or at least you never noticed him. While most of the shower was just spent leaning against the wall. You did feel refreshed having fresh teeth. 
Wrapping the towel around yourself you check outside the door. Both the kitchen light and the bedroom light were on. 
If he was waiting in the bedroom you could just take the clothes and return to the bathroom. But only the clothes he promised sat on the bed. One of his white t-shirts, and a pair of boxers. 
It covered you mostly. You place your clothes and boots at the end of the bed and return the towel to the hook. 
You found him eating in the kitchen after you had done. He was eating mince from a bowl, his appetite now returned from killing a young boy. 
He grins at you as he chews. 
It makes you feel self-conscious. 
“I am going to go to sleep,” you state, although you have little hope of actually sleeping. 
“Okay. I’ll join you soon,” he takes another bite. 
You turn back to the bedroom. You even managed to lay down in the dark room but you found yourself too preoccupied with what he was doing to succumb to sleep. You could hear the shower running. What you couldn’t see was him pressed up against the glass, his forehead resting against it next to his hand while he jerked himself off. He couldn’t enter that bedroom with you without releasing first. He imagined it though. Climbing on top of you and sliding his hands under his shirt that you wore. You wouldn’t fight him but invite him closer, letting him have free roam of your body. You would beg for it. Beg him to continue. Beg him to take you back to the Capitol with him. 
He spills out onto his hand. After that, he washes himself clean and readies himself for bed. 
He worries about waking you as he enters the bedroom in nothing but a towel.  
You can almost feel him searching for his clothes. Normally he slept in only his underwear too tired to change at the end of the day, but this time he searches for his disregarded pajama bottoms. He can faintly see the blue stripes from the light outside the door and yanks them from the pile. He doesn’t bother looking for the matching top, just taking a white t-shirt from a stack. He liked that he was matching you. 
 You think he is going to undress in front of you but he takes his clothes back to the bathroom to change. 
The lights turn off and Coriolanus sneaks back into the room. He is slow as he moves down into the sinking bed, careful of waking you. 
You shuffle to let him know you are still awake. His movements turn less careful as he settles. He stills for a second but turns quickly towards you. 
He leans over you, taking the wrist you were lying against and tugging it over himself so he was being spooned. He buries your hand under his cheek and you can feel his breaths against it. 
You wonder if Edmund was still waiting outside of the Compound for you or if he had realized you weren’t coming and had gone home to his family. He’d stay. He was stubborn. 
You hoped your mother was asleep and unaware of your absence. She was only taking her morphling at night but it kept her asleep for 14 hours at a time. If she had taken it at her normal time, you should be home well before she wakes up tomorrow. 
Coriolanus’ scent fills your nose. It was oddly comforting. Every time you breathed it would come rushing up invading your senses. You could only feel him, only smell him. You went to sleep with Coriolanus surrounding you. 
The beeping of an alarm clock woke your restful sleeping. 
You sit up, half unsure of what it was at first. It was Coriolanus who turned it off, but he rolled back over on the bed. 
“What time is it?” you ask. 
Coriolanus sighs, resting a hand over his eyes, “6:30.”
He looked exhausted but rose anyway. His movements were sluggish as he stood from the bed and leaned across it to flatten the bed sheet over you. You toss it off as he did. 
“Go back to sleep”. 
You tell him you’re already up and rise from the bed. 
He was too tired to argue so he went about his morning routine. He takes a fresh uniform out of the cupboard and tells you he’ll be back. 
You dress back in your clothes too. Feeling better for it. 
You make your way to the main area and hear the tap running in the bathroom. 
After not eating dinner, your hunger bore a hole in your stomach. 
You check the fridge to find it is surprisingly bare. Two metal trays sit on top of each other, the food was mainly in tack but you could see small bits torn off. A half-bitten sausage, the grease of where food once sat on the small metal compartment. You unravel tin foil and find a half loaf of pre-cut bread. 
You smell the leftover food, judging it right for consumption. 
It takes you a bit to find your bearings in the kitchen. The top cupboard held food staples; flour, salt and pepper, oil. While the bottom cupboards held the pots and pans. There were only a few and they were worn down by the years. 
They cook just the same, and you fry the mashed potato that was left, and reheat the sausages. 
Coriolanus returns to the kitchen with his Commander jacket in his hand. He looked surprised to find you cooking. 
He drapes the jacket over the back of one chair as he speaks, “I was about to go to the mess hall and bring something back but that smells too good to pass up.” 
He comes over to you and stands behind you with his hands on your hips, placing a kiss to your cheek. You dip the stale bread in the grease of the sausages and fry it.
“Thank you.” 
You were pretty sure it was the first ‘thank you’ you had ever received from him. You rack your brain for another time but only his hits and threats come to mind. 
You stand silent. He was not welcomed to your cooking.
He moves from you at his own free will and goes to a small black machine on the kitchen counter. He is rough as he sets it up. 
Dark liquid pours out and the smell of coffee battles with the smell of oil. 
The first sips pleases him, and he turns to see you looking at him.
He offers you a drink from his coffee cup but you refuse it. 
“Can you get the plates from the top? I can’t reach them”.
He does as you ask, bringing down two white plates and setting them on the counter. He reshuffled the items in the cupboard, so the plates were on the bottom shelf where you could reach. 
You don’t talk further as you plate up the items and take them to the table. You place them opposite to each other, sitting down before he could move them. 
You eat quickly while Coriolanus takes his time to chew. 
He takes a break from his food and has another sip of coffee.
“You see those pants,” he nods to the folded pile of gray pants on the chair and you nod, “Can you iron them for me?” 
It wasn’t a request so you confirmed you would. 
“And my shoes need to be shined for tomorrow.” 
“Sure,” you grit before softening your voice, “After that, I was thinking I would go home to my mother. She needs her next morphling dose soon.”
You have not told him that your mother was now only on one bottle a day. He would properly stop the supply altogether if he knew and you needed the money from selling the extra bottles. 
Your real concern is that she would wake up and find you still not home. 
Coriolanus takes a bite of his sausage, he looked to be thinking about your request. 
 “That’s fine,” he finally said. 
He looks at his watch on his wrist before getting up and placing his dish in the sink. 
“It’s Commander Bonza’s last night here. He wants a farewell ceremony. If you hear gunfire that’s all it is.” 
He turns back to you and takes his jacket off the chair and slips it onto himself. 
“I’ll visit when he is finally gone.” 
You nod. At least you will be back on your own turf. Here you felt like an intruder. 
He lifts your chin and kisses you before leaving. 
You remained at the table but he could hear you had gone to wash the dishes as he closed the door. 
His hand stilled. What if he needed you during the day? What if he managed to break away from the attention of Commander Bonza and could come back?
He wondered what you would do back home. Your mother would be close to dead. Would you bake? Go for another walk?
He felt sour. You were more important here than you were there. 
Here at least he knew what you were doing. You were washing dishes, ironing, taking care of him. 
If he let you roam free over the district, who knew what you were doing or who you were talking to? 
The metal pan clanged as he twisted the lock with his key. 
It was Commander Bonza’s last day, he couldn’t be distracted by these thoughts. Today he just needed the comfort of knowing you were here for him. 
You rush through your chores without noticing the locked door. You find the laundry room next door to the bathroom and come across a stack of neatly folded towels. Shaking your head you grab the iron from the built-in white shelf and take it back to the living room where you had more space. 
You finish the pants in no time but the shoes proved hard to shine. When you finally got them bright enough it was nearly 9 o’clock. Your mother would be awake soon and the walk home was still 20 minutes. 
The cold that shoots through you when the door fails to open was one of the worst feelings you had ever felt. You yell, bang, and twist at the door but it remains unopened. 
You wait, thinking that maybe he wanted to ensure that the work was done before letting you leave. But lunchtime passes and he doesn’t return. 
You try wedging the door open with a butter knife but it bends the metal. The windows were sealed shut in the air-controlled room, and there was no back door that you could try. 
From the window, you could see a group of Peacekeepers carrying a long and heavy wooden table. You bang on the window, gaining their attention. 
They freeze as if you were a ghost before moving on. 
The ceremony turned into a party. You did hear the sound of saluting gun fire in the late afternoon but soon after it, you would hear the faint sound of music and dancing. Peacekeepers had strung lights across the compound. They were round and shone a dim yellow. 
As night fell they became the only light over the place. You still were sat at the window, waiting for Commander Snow to return and release you. 
Your mind drove you mad. Images of your mother crying out for you. Trying to walk on her own causing herself harm. She would definitely be up by now. Would Edmund tell her where you were or would he try to shield her from the truth?
She would be by herself surely. He would have had to return home to his own family. She would be by herself, worried sick. She wouldn’t believe Edmund no matter how good of a lie he told. You could picture her in bed with her sore back, crying. 
By the time Coriolanus finally arrived home, you were a bilthering mess. 
He drops his keys at the door and comes rushing over to you. 
“What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t catch your breath through your tears. 
“Hey, what happened?” he brushes your tears away with his thumbs.
You bash him in his chest for his dumb question. 
“My mother,” you gasp between tears, “I need to go home. She needs me.” 
“Okay, okay,” he soothes, ‘I’ll take you now.” 
He takes your wrist into his hand and leads you out of his apartment. He doesn’t bother to lock the door. There was nothing to steal anyway, and the men here weren’t stupid enough to try. 
You could hear the men over the music as you walked through the compound. Coriolanus must have left early. 
A few Peacekeepers hid in dark corners smoking, only the light of the cigarette giving them away. You passed two, who scrambled back trying to go unnoticed as they carried their drunk friend back to the barricades. 
Coriolanus doesn’t notice any of it. Or at least he pretends not to. You noticed he was far more observant then he led on.  
He takes you to a two-story building that still had people working inside. He doesn’t take you in but around the back to a large shed that housed the cars. 
He walks along a row of cars before coming to an acceptable one. It was a common patrolling car, with a cage in the back for rebels. 
He looks at the number painted on the side, and leaves you by the passengers door. 
“Wait here. I’ll go get the keys.”
“Hurry,” you tell him but it places no pep in his step. 
There was no way she would have been able to eat anything. Her morphling dose was due hours ago. Even if she managed to get up. She wouldn’t be able to eat from the pain. 
You thought about just leaving him and trying to sprint back to the house. But even with his slow pace the car would be faster. You were outraged by him. You were under the illusion that if you played to his wants, you could continue with your life with minimal distribution. But there was no leniency with him. He had a child-like temper. There was no give and take, there was only take with him. 
He does return moments later with the keys and opens the passengers door to let you in. 
“I’m sure she is fine,” he says as he buckles his own seat belt. 
You don’t speak to him the whole journey, despite his attempts. 
The only sound you made was upon seeing the red sign that marked the beginning of your community.
He parks outside of your house and you rush to get inside. 
“Mum,” you called out before you had even opened the unlocked door.
You gasp as you see Edmund standing in your kitchen. He looked just as shocked to see you. 
“Where have you been!” he demanded. 
You try and shoo him, but Coriolanus was only two steps behind you. 
You feel a protective hand go on top of your shoulder. 
“She’s been with me. Who are you?”
“He’s the maintenance man.” You lie. 
You feel Coriolanus’ hand tighten on your shoulder. Edmund knew the danger he was in. One wrong move and he would be sent to the noose the next morning. 
“I was just fixing some damage in the roof. The door was open and I heard her mother calling out,” he showcases a couple of tools on the bench. You thank God that he did actually take the time out today to fix something, “Normally, Y/N is here. I got worried when she wasn’t.”
“And she planned to pay you with what? She has no money.” 
“Food!” You call out, “I make food for his family in exchange.”
Coriolanus looked unsure but had no other proof he could object with. 
“Go tend to your mother. I’ll make sure the work is finished.” Coriolanus ordered. 
Torn, you don’t make a move. The sole purpose of your trip was to ensure that your mother was okay but you weren’t sure if you could leave Coriolanus and Edmund in the same room. 
“No need. I took care of her. She’s asleep now”. 
“All day? What a loyal friend”.
“Yeah, well someone had to look out for her.” 
Coriolanus takes a step forward, positioning his body so it hides you behind it. 
“Coriolanus Snow.” He held out a hand to shake. 
“Commander Snow, you mean. The mighty Commander of District 12” Edmund holds his hands out in front of him, “I am unworthy to shake such a hand”. 
Coriolanus keeps a still face as he withdraws his hand. 
“That might be true,” Coriolanus shakes his finger at Edmund in an accusing manner, “Didn’t I see you next to my girl at the hanging?” 
Edmund shrugs his shoulders, “I’ve stood next to many people, at many hangings. It all begins to merge into one.”
“I know what you mean,” Coriolanus agrees. 
Talk of hanging makes you nervous. 
“Coriolanus,” you pressed your hand against his shoulder and urged him forward,“How about I make you a cup of tea?” 
He lets you push him to the table, and sit him down.
“Sure.” He answers but his eyes remain locked on Edmund as if he was the unwanted guest. 
You felt better with him sitting. It would at least give Edmund a head start if Coriolanus decided to attack.
“I’ll have one too” Edmund states, turning with you into the kitchen but you stop him with a hand. 
“No” you state, pulling items out of the fridge and placing them into Edmunds hands, “You’ve got to get home. That wife of yours must be cursing your name.” 
Edmund silently begs you to let him stay with his big brown eyes. But you couldn’t. He had to leave before he got himself killed. 
Coriolanus on the other hand looked smug. He sat proud and upright in his chair.
“I’ll show you the door.” Coriolanus looks to get up, and you feel a rush of panic go through you. 
“No need. I built it!” Edmund snapped. 
As much as you would have loved the protection of Edmund, sending him off was the best decision. It had barely been 5 minutes and Edmund was already losing his temper.
“Then you should have no trouble using it”. 
Edmund gives you a pleading look to change your mind but can’t.
“Thank you for your kindness today. I am glad someone was here for my mother”. 
“I still have work to do.” Edmund tries. 
“You can come back tomorrow”. You push your friend to the door. He turns back to you once out of the threshold. 
He says your name softly before the door closes in his face.
You turn back to Coriolanus who looked like the boy who won the biggest prize at the fair.
“I don’t want him in the house if I am not here.” He calls as you make his tea. 
You try to act nonchalant as you answer, “Fine.” 
You finish Coriolanus’s tea and bring it to him at the table.
He tugs your wrist as you pull your hand back and invites you onto his lap.
“You seemed close with the maintenance man,” he states, taking a sip of tea. 
“Not at all. He’s my brother’s old friend. We’re just old acquaintances.”
He rubs your arm, “Why don’t you go pack a bag to take back”.
“Back? I thought that was a one night thing.” You bolt up out of his hold and he continues to sip his tea unbothered. 
“You think I am letting you stay here after finding a man lingering in your house?” 
You doubt if that was his plan long before Edmund was introduced. 
“I told you who he was. My mother needs me here. She can’t even get out of bed by herself”. 
“She seems to be standing just fine now.”
You follow his eyes to the hallway where your mother leaned against the frame out of breath. 
You rush to her, trying to help her back to bed but she resisted. 
“I was so worried,” she huffed. 
“I am sorry.”
Coriolanus rises from his seat to join you and your mother in the hallway. 
“She’ll be coming back with me, ma’am. You are welcome to visit anytime.”
Your mother wanted to argue and scream, you could see it on her face but she bit her tongue.
You spoke for her, “I am not. I am staying here”. 
Coriolanus pushes past you to your bedroom where he yanks, opens the closet and begins searching for something. He tossed things out onto the floor before growing impatient and swifty going over to your bed and stripping the pillow case from the pillow. 
He stuffs the things thrown on the floor into the case. Your underwear, and spare clothes are stuffed into the small sack. 
He leaves the room to head to the bathroom and he sees you still with your mother as he passes. 
He takes your toothbrush and a hair brush laying on the sink, packing it in the case. 
“Lets go,” he demands with a strong hold on your arm. 
You felt so frustrated as he pushed you forward. You scream and pull against him. 
Your mother looked physically pained kneeled over the door frame. She looked as if she was yelling but no sound could come from her mouth. 
You scream at him to let you go but he practically carries you out the door by your waist. He lets you go as if you were going to walk yourself only to pick you up by the waist again and throw you forward towards the car. 
‘‘Let go of her!” You hear Edmunds voice before the force of his hit sends both you and Coriolanus off balance. 
Coriolanus lets go of you to defend himself against Edmunds attacks. He grunts as Edmund gets a good shot to his mouth. His lip split instantly. 
Coriolanus was stronger though. Well fed and well trained. He dodged the next swing and shot back one of his own. It landed against Edmund’s eye. It gave Coriolanus time to distance himself from the car. Now that he wasn’t backed into a corner, Edmund couldn’t rely just on his brute strength. 
He lunged forward again but Coriolanus jumped back in time for the swing to miss. 
With a clear shot to his face, Coriolanus throws his fist into Edmund’s nose. Blood gushed from it, leaving a large red patch. But it doesn’t deter him. He licks the blood off his lips and runs at Coriolanus with his shoulder. 
Edmund’s tackle sent Coriolanus to the ground with an soft groan. With his knees cemented into the ground below, Edmund takes hold of Coriolanus' collar and uses it to bring his face up against his fist. 
You could feel people watching from their houses but none came to help. 
Not even whe Coriolanus managed to reverse positions. He didn’t make the same mistake as Edmund, he kept his body weight centered. One knee kneeling on the ground while the foot of his other leg stayed flat against the earth’s floor. It would be harder for Edmund to roll him over. 
Coriolanus’s fists pounded into Edmunds face. You could see he was losing focus and his body lost power. 
He was going to kill Edmund if he continued. 
You throw yourself over his head, covering what you could with your own body. Coriolanus doesn’t swing down at you. Letting go of Edmunds hair and standing up. 
He spits the blood from his mouth out on the ground, standing tall above you as he drinks in the position you were in. You could feel Edmund raise his hand to your shoulder, his tight grip bunching your shirt. 
Coriolanus’s breathing was heavy but Edmund’s breaths were soft against your ear. 
His lip was bleeding still into his mouth, and he had a cut above his eyebrow that he smeared across his face as he wiped it off. 
You swore you heard him laugh softly as he picked up the pillow case and stuffed the lost items back in before throwing it into the car where it spilled once more. 
He holds the door open for you, his hard stare telling you what to do without words. 
You tear yourself from Edmund who was reluctant to let you go. 
“No,” he groans but you follow your instincts and get into the car. 
The door slams shut and you peer out the window to see Edmund trying to stand on shaky feet. The word must have felt like it was spinning for him. 
Coriolanus gets in and begins driving without a word. 
“Ah,” he sighs, wiping the blood off his lip. 
You choke back tears as you watch Edmund fall down in the mirror. 
“Kill them and you kill me,” you threaten, “I swear, there is not a single thing you can do that would stop me.”
Without your mother, without Edmund, there would be no point in being alive. 
Coriolanus doesn’t answer you. You take it as a sign that he meant you were serious. 
You both fall into silence on the drive back to the compound. You wondered if Lucy Gray was subjected to the same treatment. She was stronger than you were though. She was the victor of the Hunger Games, while you stood there frozen while two men tried to kill each other with their bare hands. If she couldn’t survive him, what hope did you have?
The nightmare returns again that night. 
It starts as it always does. He is in the forest hunting Lucy Gray as she taunts him with her song.
“Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three
Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.” 
He stalks through the vegetation.  
“Wear a necklace of rope side by side with me?” He feels her once again, as a hand on his shoulder, a wet rasp in his ear. He spins with his gun to the air. 
It was a fatal mistake. He feels the thick rope loop around his neck and yank him up to the trees. He drops his gun in an effort to loosen the knot around his throat. 
Lucy Gray had strung him up in the tree like his father. 
He gasps as he wakes from it, startling you too. 
Your frightened figure was a welcomed sight to Coriolanus who scooped you up from the bed into his arms. His hold hurt you. It was far too tight, and his hot sweaty body overheated you. 
You couldn’t tell him though, you doubt he would even hear you over his loud shaky breathing.
He presses his face into your hair, breathing in your scent. 
He couldn’t have that cabin, that forest, that girl, haunt him the rest of his days. He would have to conquer this fear. 
He would go back with you, where he would face Lucy Gray or leave the ghost of her in the trees. 
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thelarriefics · 4 months
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SUMMER FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find fics that take place in the summer, or have summer scenes. (Part I)
📖 On The Horizon by FitzAndLarry (261k)
Drunk, loose, and excited on the first night of his two-week-long cruise, Doctor Harry Styles finds himself with a little extra company on what has turned out to be a lonely experience. Louis, the pilot who helped fly him across the Atlantic, is the object of his fling. Thus begins an adventure filled with laughter, sun, and trauma rearing its ugly head. Deadline on their companionship, the pair commit to enjoying their time - and Harry, the screw-up he is, can't help but lose himself in the fantasy.
📖 love is a word, you gave it a name by @larrydoinglaundry (158k)
After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria's bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes.
📖 blue moon by @aquietlarrie (152k)
or the self indulgent 50’s au where i wanted a safe space to explore the culture, history, and sexuality of being gay in a time when it was extremely difficult to do so. includes, lots of questionable dancing, healing your inner child, and one heck of an emotional ride.
📖 a cycle of recycled revenge by @broken-beaks (103k)
Or: The one where Harry likes to infuriate Louis almost as much as he enjoys straddling his lap.
📖 gloominess of summer days by @adoremelikeasunflower19 (90k)
Following a devastating and unexpected split, Harry finds himself rewarded by the mysterious ways of Faith in the form of an inheritance of his Uncle’s house in a distant country Wolveheuls. Dismissing his initial scepticism, he chooses to seize the opportunity. He starts a journey of self-discovery, relearning the meaning of loving and being loved, moving on from the painful past, and making his place within the eccentric small-town community. Between his efforts, his path crosses with Louis Tomlinson, a town native, known for his ridiculous number of jobs, incomparable wit, and profound adoration for the cottage lifestyle.
📖 Summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes by @starryhaze28 (82k)
or a 70s tennis au filled with skirts, pet names and intrigue
📖 your memory over me by @shimmeringevil (64k)
The worst heartbreak of Louis’ life walks right back into it when his parents invite their family friends on an all-expenses-paid trip for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Facing a past that he tried to bury long ago, Louis learns that some people have a way of sticking with you even when they’re gone.
📖 hope your life leads you back to my door by wildestdreams (56k)
Harry Styles set out to be a doctor; a steady career and a good living is all a young person could ask for. What he hadn't set out to do was to spend his summer holiday on a trekking trip in Spain with a group of people he barely knew. And he certainly didn’t plan on having his heart stolen by Louis Tomlinson, class clown, and secret crush, in such a way that he feared he might never find it again. ft. cheesy chat-up lines, a big desi wedding, falling in love, and growing up.
📖 A Golden Goal by a_momentwitme (55k)
"Even they, as free as you think they are, don't always get to love like this, in the true meaning of the word, of the feeling. Not some diluted version that some settle with for their entire lifetime. I mean love in its purest form, which still grows every day despite the problems, barriers and annoying habits you discover in your partner. A love that refills your heart after you pour it out or makes you go on during your worst days, knowing that your best is expecting you at home."
📖 where the tide takes you, i will follow by @pinkcords (53k)
Louis lives in Gloucester and Harry tries to find a way to stay.
📖 sent by the sun by @givesuethemoon (51k)
In 1970s Los Angeles, Harry is a groupie who aches to feel alive. Louis is the lead singer of a rock band who aches to know him.
📖 Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface (44k)
Louis is bored, rich and lonely. He has no reason to expect that this summer in the Hamptons with his friends will be different from any other – until he meets Harry. Suddenly he has someone who listens to him and cares about what he thinks. Someone who really sees him. But their happily ever after is forever marred by an incident at a party during Labor Day weekend, and Louis is left with a choice to make.
📖 Awake Dear Heart, Awake by She_bear (35k)
Cute, fun, sexy and at times emotional AU where Harry and Louis meet as strangers on holiday in Greece and find themselves stuck on a remote beach together. An initial misunderstanding gets them off to a bad start. Both at a turbulent point in their lives, they are forced to confront their internal struggles and of course each other.
📖 He Still Takes My Breath Away by @parmahamlarrie (32k)
 the one where Harry is a lifeguard and Louis is the head of recreation. And, sometimes, you just need a little push to realize what was right in front of you the whole time.
📖 Bitter Ends Turn Sweet by @allwaswell16 (30k)
It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max. But Louis was back in Chicago, after all this time, and he’s not an easy man to ignore. Or a songfic inspired by the song Chicago
📖 Dancing With Masks by @softfonds (18k)
With awards season coming up and new films on the way for both of them, Harry and Louis' managers decide it's time for them to date for publicity. They don't mind, given that they are best friends and have known each other for ages. Besides, after years of sexual tension built into a fake relationship for press, what could possibly go wrong?
📖 Come on in, the water's fine by @greenblueish (9k)
or, the one where Louis is set on enjoying his last summer jobbing abroad as tourist entertainer and it only gets better when a mysterious hotel guest with overly expensive sunglasses keeps coming back for his drink recommendations.
📖 Black Leather, Blue Lace by @insightfulinsomniac (8k)
aka: a pwp in which new soulmates farmer!Louis and city girl!Harry are filthy exhibitionists.
📖 Near You Now by @beyondxmeasure (8k)
When a leaky bathroom sink turns into a minor flood, Harry has to act fast. So, he thinks of the closest (and most unlikely) way to find home repair help… Grindr. The last thing he expects from this quick fix is to find anything long-term.
📖 now i'm tracin' all my steps to you by @alwaysxlarrie (5k)
Of all the things Harry was prepared for this summer, Louis Tomlinson and his wonderful, wonderful scent isn't one of them. It probably shouldn't be as shocking as it is that it makes Harry want to nest. There's only one slight problem -- Harry and nesting aren't exactly on familiar terms. At all. This does not stop Harry from borrowing ("borrowing") Louis' things all throughout summer, though. Oops?
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wheels-of-despair · 2 months
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A Quiet Place: Day One's bonus content "varies by retailer", so here's what I can confirm without buying anything:
Apple has a few featurettes, which you can watch for free.
Update: Bonus content becomes available after purchase.
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Amazon/Prime Video also shows a few free featurettes.
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Update: It's just these three.
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Fandango at Home / Vudu has bonus features with purchase.
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YouTube and Google Movies do not mention any bonus content at all. Update: Because there isn't any.
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Microsoft has bonus content with purchase.
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xfinity won't tell you anything unless you're signed in, which I am not.
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50 minutes of Bonus Content will be on the physical releases (4K and Blu-Ray; not DVD) coming on October 8.
Day Zero: Beginnings and Endings—Hear from John Krasinski, cast, and crew as director Michael Sarnoski takes the reins for this character-driven prequel. (7 minutes)
In the City: Chaos in Chinatown—See how the production crew recreated Manhattan from scratch in order to destroy it. Plus, hear from some new and familiar faces from the franchise. (7 minutes)
The Exodus: Against the Tide—Go behind-the-scenes of the exodus sequence that employed over a hundred extras and a clever mix of practical and visual effects. (6 minutes)
The Long Walk: Monsters in Midtown—Meet Frodo the cat and the animal trainers behind the fantastic feline performance. Plus, filmmakers detail Sam, Eric, and Frodo's long walk through the city. (7 minutes)
Pizza at the End of the World—Hear from cast and crew about why a quest for pizza when the world is under attack poignantly speaks to our humanity. (7 minutes)
Deleted and Extended Scenes -The Back of the Bus—Sam returns to the bus disappointed after the show, but notices something peculiar happening in the back. (extended, 2 minutes) -Take Off Your Shoes—Sam notices a stranger following her and tells him to remove his shoes in order to make less noise. (extended, 1 minute) -Finding the Farm—Eric is returning with Sam's meds, but takes a detour to the creature feeding grounds to find Frodo. (extended, 2 minutes) -New Shoes—Sam and Eric try on new shoes. (deleted, 1 minute) -Poetry at Patsy's—Sam and Eric have a heart-to-heart out in front of Patsy's Pizzeria. (deleted, 8 minutes)
If you purchase any of the digital versions and bonus content becomes available to you, please share with the class!
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bleubrri · 2 years
۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ᴀᴅʀᴇɴᴀʟɪɴᴇ — ʜᴀɴᴍᴀ sʜᴜᴊɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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༄ؘ ˑ contains: f1 driver!shuji , pit crew manager!reader , endless petnames ( doll / angel / pretty girl / sweetheart etc ) , black coded!fem!sub!reader , vaginal fingering , squirting , cunnilingus , a lil pussy job , v brief mention of anal , jerkin’ off , dacryphilia + overstim if you squint , shuji tuckin’ your cum away for safe keeping<3
༄ؘ ˑ wc: 4k
༄ؘ ˑ a/n: belated bday piece for hanma🤸🏾not proof read as per ͡(ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु
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“piece of fucking shit—” the sound of his helmet slamming into the tarmac has hanma’s useless excuse for a pit crew flinching under the racers rage. he’d practically leaped out of his car in his blaze of fury, sweat-sticky bangs clinging to his skin as he beelined into the pits. his attempts at trying to stay remotely calm (every one of that brainless psychologists tricks—count down from 10, five things you can see, four things you can hear or whatever the fuck) are crushed into dust when he catches sight of the crew manager, cigarette bobbing between his lips as he attempts to flirt with a runner 2 decades his junior. and hanma sees red, yanks him back by the collar so harshly that he almost goes spinning onto the track (maybe it’d to him good to take a few laps, shuji’s engine revving behind him just to keep him on his toes—).
“what the fuck?!”
“you’re fired.” hanma spits, tone laced with vitriol.
“what?” he says incredulously, “look, you can’t blame me for not winning. shoddy drivin’ ain’t gonna make up for lost time—“ hanma pulls back his fist, since apparently this idiot has a death wish. kisaki let’s him get one punch in, the satisfying crunch of a broken nose echoing before he catches him by the crook of his elbow. his manager takes in the scene, glancing at the runner who’s still hovering, wide eyed and uncertain (probably a damn apprentice they look so young) and grunting out, “leave.”
“you.” he gestures to his short-tempered racer, “walk it off.”
“whatever.” hanma sniffs, casting a final death-glare to the ex pit crew chief and kicking up shards of rubber as he saunters off.
kisaki ignores the outrage that gets spewed at him when he instructs the crew manager to pack his shit. he’s nursing an electromagnetic headache by the time he slinks into his office, wrapping his knuckles against the desk and calling for his assistant. thick lensed glasses and blue eyes peek from behind the door. “sir?”
“call her.” he says, massaging his temple and contemplating if it’s too early to retire.
nervous eyes dart around the room. “I— sir, she doesn’t—“
“call her.” he repeats with a finality that has his assistant shuddering and slinking towards the phone.
the smell of burning rubber, astringent and sharp, singes your nostrils and coats the back of your tongue.
“get ready people! in and out, let’s get this playboy back out there.” your quip earns you a few chuckles as your crew assembles into the positions you’ve calculated to optimise the switch.
eight. seven. six.
maybe you can leech an extra bonus off of that eerily stoic manager for your efforts. the last thing you expected was your college friend calling you in the middle of a well deserved vacation, big wet eyes and pleading tone dripping through the screen in desperate need of a favour. you’d agreed—you supposed you owed it to him for endlessly mooching notes off of him in countless late night study sessions. and your crew were good sports about it (it only took the promise of hosting at your house for new years and supplying booze for upwards of 40 people). one race, you’d said. just to tide them over until they found someone permanent for the grand prix.
five. four.
the plan is solid. everyone, everything’s in place. a flash of colour veers round the bend and your grip on your clipboard tightens.
you can almost see your crew’s fingertips twitching with anticipation.
oh this’ll be a breeze. fun even. maybe you can be on the train home by tomorrow morning; knock out a couple chapters of that book you’ve been meaning to finish. cook some dinner, indulge in that chardonnay gifted from the neighbour.
just one more race.
hanma hasn’t been the first racer to leave the pits in a while. he’s almost always the first one in, having to overcompensate in the laps following half assed pit stops by crews that can barely change a fucking tire. so it’s by instinct alone that he’s preparing his usual schpiel of mumblings. c’mon, come on let’s fucking go—
but his words never get the chance to form. he’s barely eased off the gas—barely blinked before he’s burning rubber and shooting back onto the track.
adrenaline is pounding in his ears, and he vaguely registers the screams of the crowd and frantic commentary from the hosts: i don’t think we’ve seen a pit stop like that in a hot second, ted! no you’re absolutely right, josh, especially not from hanma’s corner! word on the street is he’s looking for a fresh new team ahead of the world grand prix—has the infamous racer finally found his match?
he’s giddy with the rush of an impending win flooding his veins, a smile that’s almost ditzy pulling at his lips until he can feel his gums pressing against his molars. a quick glance in his rears reveals a gaggle of black jumpsuits surrounding a figure dressed in red, the stickers from his sponsors adorning your back and torso.
and when his car gains speed and his knuckles whiten beneath his gloves as he approaches the finish line, hanma decides that he has to have you.
“he’s not here! winner’s lounge is further down!” you shout from around the pencil wedged between your teeth. the pits are deserted, with everyone having retreated to the press corner and vip lounge for drinks after an admittedly impressive win. you figured you’d make the most of the peace and quiet and edit a few designs in the seclusion of the garage, the shutters half shut for some privacy and hanma’s car acting as your only company.
and yet the pair of feet visible through the gap in the bottom of the shutters are suddenly sliding underneath. “hey! he’s not here, dude. it’s crew only, you’re not even supposed to be he—oh.”
you’ve only really seen snippets of him—blurry paparazzi shots of him in dark shades and a hoodie slung over his tall figure—but the riot of black and blonde, the stark characters of sin and punishment, it’s all very telling.
“did you.. need something?”
“jus’ addin’ to the collection.” he says, producing his medal that was shoved into a pocket and dropping it into a tray of similar awards. it’s ridiculous really—a little trinket tray full of medals that people spend their entire careers in pursuit of. and yet here he is, 6 foot gorgeous and acting like he couldn’t care less. you resist the urge to rake over his lean form in the tight jumpsuit that he still wears, suddenly very aware of your own jumpsuit: zipped to your waist with arms bare in nothing but a sports bra (and not even one of your cute ones). you frown at the figures and measurements on the papers in front of you. would it be weird to cover up? or weirder if you don’t? surely he’ll leave in a second anywa—
“watcha doin’?” his chin is practically resting on your shoulder as he leans over you, peering at your post-it scribbles and months long blueprints. he smells good. something spicy and masculine that makes you want to turn your head and press your nose to his pulse. apparently he’s enjoying the way his proximity is affecting you, gold-flecked eyes locking with yours as you stutter out a response.
“ah, just going over some plans. nothing exciting really.”
long fingers graze over the paper obscuring your design. “didn’t know pit crew managers designed engines.” he watches you wring your hands together on your lap, suddenly sheepish.
“it’s just for fun, really. might not be one forever..” you mumble.
“you design formula 1 engines for fun?”
“i guess so.”
“MIT?” he asks as if he can’t already tell and you nod.
the hum that rumbles in his chest jumps over your skin and burns goosebumps in its wake. “clever little thing, aren’t you?”
there’s a desert in your mouth. your saliva has to be a fucking mirage because you’re definitely swallowing sand.
“pretty too.” he says, tugging on a particularly curly loop of your hair. (it’s short, maybe as short as his, because there’s only so much shampoo a person can go broke from trying to get the smell of gasoline out of hair that grazes your mid-back).
“thanks.” you croak out uncertainly.
“i want you.” he deadpans and you can feel the harsh crunch of grains between your teeth, saharan dust clogging your throat by the mouthful.
“you—what?” you aren’t sure whether hanma’s smile should make you feel excited or uneasy. still, you try not to noticeably clench your thighs together.
“in paris.”
he raises a knowing brow as he smirks at your adorable squirming. “i want you there, in paris. for the first race. and every race after that.”
at that, you frown and your answer comes at a speed that surprises you both. “no.” and then, more softly, “i’m… supposed to be on vacation.” you mumble.
he clicks his tongue, dissatisfied. “c’mon sweetheart. it took me one race to figure out you’re the best of the best—you’ve gotta know that by now. and i—“ he starts, lifting your chin from where it’s tucked into your chest, “want the best.”
you step up from your seat a little too fast and slam your pencil down a little too harshly, running a hand over your hair and sighing, “you don’t need me, hanma. you won with a six lap lead today, i think you’ll be fine.” hanma sighs dramatically, walking backwards into the centre of the garage. the distance both calms your nerves and makes you crave something you can’t quite place.
punishment is extended to you, lustrous eyes daring you to deny him. “c’mere.” his hands are slightly warm. palms a little calloused and knuckles sharp when he laces your fingers together and pulls you deeper into the garage, right in front of where his car is parked. admittedly, it’s fucking gorgeous up close—the fleeting glimpses on the speedway don’t do it anywhere near justice. hanma takes advantage of your stunned silence and slots in right behind you, sporting a wicked grin unbeknownst to you when his palms land on your shoulders and he feels you immediately tense under his touch.
“you know why i love racing?” his voice is low and gravelly and travelling straight between your legs. and when his head dips and he whispers over the shell of your ear, you release a shaky breath that you didn’t realise was trapped in your lungs. “adrenaline.” he says. “it builds up. every lap of the track, building and building—“ it’s hard to ignore the way his fingers are sliding further up your skin. “until i cross the finish line with those fuckers miles behind me.” calloused pads ghost over your jaw until hanma’s tilting your gaze upwards. dark and blonde strands have fallen over his eyes, and yet you could swear his pupils look blown, thick lashes more prominent under his half lidded study of you. “you ever feel like that?” it’s phrased as a question, but something in his tone assures you that he knows. “tell me what you felt, today, when we won.” when we won. hanma’s laying it on a little thick, but he has a feeling it’ll all be so, so worth it.
“i—i thought you did well. i was.. proud of my team.” you manage to whisper.
“oh c’mon doll,” the corner of his lips is tilted in a knowing smirk and he leans in closer, “‘s just us, you can drop the modesty.” the subtle heat of sin is suddenly gliding over your waist.
“i—“ you can’t fucking speak, his left hand settling over the skin of your stomach and toying with the zip that sits below your navel. “c’mon angel, you can trust me.”
“i felt it.. i felt it too.” you blurt out. “adrenaline—when you turned the corner. w-when you crossed the finish line. felt like i fucking won.” you’re spewing words out between heavy breaths and he rewards you for it, tracing the lace that lines your panties, the seam that connects your inner thigh to your heated cunt, before tensing the fabric against the plush mound of your pussy. he explores your covered folds through the thin barrier, tracing the peaks and valleys he finds while dragging your panties in steady strokes against you, drool-worthy friction scathing across your weeping cunt. pink flashes from between his teeth as hanma runs his tongue over his lips and you get the sudden insatiable urge to suck on it. to chart the course of his mouth until you get lost between his teeth, under his tongue and down his throat.
“i knew it.” he smiles like he’s proud, “only reason i got such a lead was ‘cause you know how to manage those nobodies.”
did he mean your team? “t-they’re not nobod-“
“they’re nothing.” he insists, “but you, angel face,” he continues, wrenching your panties aside and delighting in the sticky mess that he finds there, “oh you’re everything.”
the moan that escapes you when hanma immediately plunges two lithe fingers past the tight rings of your entrance is swallowed into his mouth when he captures your lips with his. he’s got sharp canines that dig into the plush of your lower lip as he parts them at the seam and licks into your mouth. you’re as sweet as he thought you’d be: he laves over your spit-slick tongue like it’s his favourite piece of candy, swears your teeth have to be rocks of sugar with the way his tastebuds light up at the taste of you.
the stretch from his fingers is tapering into a dull throbbing as he glides the pads of his digits along the satiny walls of your cunt, subtly grinding the hardening tent at his crotch against the curve of your ass. one of your hands slinks upwards and slithers around his nape. blunt nails scratch at the shorter hair there, jolts of electricity shooting to the base of his spine and sparking delicious heat in his gut. your fingers can’t seem to decide what they want, torn between tugging at the soft locks of his crown and burying themselves there to push him closer. either way, the feeling has him growling against your mouth and writhing his fingers until he’s knuckle deep inside you and coated in your slick. when he crooks his fingers, angling them to press into the fleshy bundle of nerves at your centre, you whimper beneath him, arching into his touch and clenching around his digits like a fucking diver grasping at a gem on the depths of the seabed.
heated breaths fan over puffy lips as you pull back to come up for air. it proves pointless—any trace of oxygen punched from your chest when hanma cups your entire pussy and grinds the heel of his palm into the throbbing nub of your clit. your head falls limp against his chest, drawn out moans and little sniffles pulling his attention from the feast between your legs. his gaze is met with damp lashes and an almost imperceptible wobble of your lip. somehow the prospect of your tears has his dick twitching with excitement and threatening to burst through his clothes. he fantasises about having you sprawled out beneath him, tasting salt on you lips and feeling wet trails down your cheeks. maybe mascara would stain your cheeks, inky tracks that worsen with each snap of his hips, sheathing his cock further into the gooey depths of your heat. it’s a tangible possibility, one that has him sporting an erection that could shatter glass. “shit—you cryin’ pretty girl?” he mutters before trailing kisses along the length of your jaw.
“ngh! ‘s so—‘s so good, hanma.” you’re mewling, the increasing pace of his fingers thrusting into you twisting your throat until rapid breaths are being puffed from your lips and the coil in your stomach pulls taut.
“shuji.” he says simply, latching onto your neck and sucking a bruise into the column of your throat.
you can feel your arousal dripping down your inner thighs and stringing his fingers together. between the involuntary grinding against his clothed dick and the searing kisses on your skin, you’re trying to move through the fog of desire that’s clouding your brain; a warning of you about to crash over the edge almost making its way off your tongue before hanma’s shuffling forward, spinning you to face him and pushing you down until you’re sprawled out on the thin hood of his car. his fingers slow their ministrations a fraction and yet never leave their rightful place, nestled against your g-spot. there really isn’t a lot of space on the car, though you suppose it doesn’t matter, ogling him with misty heart-eyes as hanma’s towering form slots over you. the forearm of his free hand slams against the glossy paint job right next to your head, his long legs spread wide to give him the perfect leverage to grind his dick into the edge of the car and relentlessly swirl his digits into the mess of your cunt. and when he feels the telltale squeeze of your walls, he practically rips your jumpsuit down your legs to get a flawless view of the rivets of fluid that spew from around his fingers.
“fuck yeah, good fuckin’ girl.” he’s groaning as his body shifts down and retracts his fingers, sucking swollen, leaking flesh into the rapturous heat of his mouth. “thats it,” he drawls, his drawn out words sending vibrations across the sensitive lips of your pussy. “more, c’mon doll, give me more.” your hands fly into his hair as your spine arches under his expert tongue, swirling and licking up the length of your slit, the pointed tip of his nose pressing into your clit with a pressure that pushes more essence from you as he drinks you down for what seems like forever. “hm, you wanna keep this pretty pussy all to yourself? got a feelin’ this cute little clit’s gonna become my good luck charm.” he’s taken to tracing his initials into the perk cluster of nerves with the tip of his tongue, soaked fingers trailing every inch of your exposed flesh as your hips buck and grind, trying to get more and more friction from his face. your skin is puffy and glistening in a sheen of spit and slick under the dimmed lights of the garage. and you’ve got a cute little rim too, one that twitches when his touch ghosts anywhere remotely near it and it has him dying to fuck your ass until you’re screaming for him.
when your thighs mindlessly inch closer together, caging in his head, punishment is quick to slam one back down, his thumb working to spread you further and his head pushing further into your core. with the endorphins of your high mellowing into a pleasurable buzz, you’re suddenly aware of the sensitivity between your legs and the desperate movement of hanma’s hips.
“s-shuji—“ you call, carting your fingers through his hair. the image of him surfacing is a lewd one: wild eyes that drip with desire, slick coating the bottom half of his face with droplets littering everywhere from his collar to his forehead, a sheen of sweat on this hairline that has the hair there sticking together.
you steal his mouth for yourself, moaning at the taste of your release and his sweet breath pairing together along your tongue. the firm grasp of your fingers beginning to squeeze the bulge of his cock has him bucking into your hand and nipping at the flesh of your lip between groans. “shit—“ he breathes, reaching for the zipper of his jumpsuit and stripping down to his boxers in the space of a few hazy blinks. saliva pools in your mouth at the sight of sinewy musculature, dark hairs along the base of his navel stark against the pale expanse of his torso. beauty marks pepper his sleek abs and you get the desire to sink your teeth into the lean muscle of his thighs when they flex under his movements. it gets better when he frees his cock. a pretty thing; thick and long—his length has you clenching around air and worrying for your cervix. his head is flushed a deep crimson that almost looks painful, and you’d kill to have it shoved into the sleeve of your throat. you’re reaching for him, eyeing the throbbing veins that twist along the ridges of his shaft with a lustful gaze, but he pushes you down with one hand and wraps a tight fist around his girth with the other.
“not today, sweetheart.” he says, pumping his length and squeezing below the sensitive head of his cock, thumbing at his slit as a pearly coat of pre spreads along his shaft.
“what?” you’re looking up at him with doe-eyes through wet lashes, a sweet pout on your pretty lips. “you’re not.. you’re not gonna fuck me?” you mumble it like you’re embarrassed, as if you didn’t just squirt into his mouth and hump his face like a bitch in heat. hanma sighs, letting his dick slap against his stomach and pulling you to the edge of the car by the crook of your knees. you yelp, hands landing onto the hood (and the puddle of slick beneath you). he slides your panties down and takes off your jumpsuit from where it’s pooled around your legs, leaving your sex gorgeously exposed. his hand wraps around his erection, delivering a wet slap with the head of his cock directly over your clit. he watches with delight as a few more dewy drops spew from your slit, the way your face contorts in pleasure and a broken moan escapes you. he continues, does it over and over again, occasionally letting his length glide between the drenched lips of your cunt.
“i’ll fuck every pretty little hole you have to offer dollface.” he smiles as he cups your chin, his knees digging into the harsh metal of the cars hood, caging your body beneath him as he frantically strokes himself. “i’ll fuck you in toronto. in cape town, in tokyo.” he lists as his free hand slides down your torso and he begins to draw sticky circles above your slit. “i’ll fuck you in paris, first.”
his digits dip back inside you, his thumb keeping steady pressure on your clit as his other hand twists along his shaft. “for now, let’s give you a real one. yeah?” you want to argue that your first orgasm felt pretty goddamn real, but your answer comes in the form of your eyes slipping back, your hand clutching onto his wrist, unsure if you want to push him away from your oversensitive hole or keep him sheathed there until you physically can’t cum anymore.
“please, please shuji i’m—mmph fuck, fuck—‘m gonna cum.” oh he knows you are. the silky feeling of your cream between his fingers is enough for the frayed rope in his stomach to snap, milky ropes of his seed spurting from his dick and landing across your pretty cunt in a lecherous slew of arousal. curses are grunted from between his lips, his fist tightening round his cock to milk every drop of his cum onto your messy little hole. each sticky glob of his seed dripping onto you has your pussy clenching around air, pulsing with aftershocks and the desperate desire to have shuji’s cum stuffing you full, flooding your cunt until syrupy strings of it leak from your slit and claim you from the inside out.
silently, he tucks himself back into his boxers and slinks your shaky legs into your discarded underwear, the mixture of your cum and his immediately dampening the fabric. hanma grins, pressing an open-mouthed kiss over the damp spot that has you shuddering out a whimper. he levels his head with yours, a fucked-out smile gracing your lips that he can’t help but press a kiss against too.
“so.” he says.
you giggle, airy and breathless and entirely too fucking infatuating. faux contemplation is laced in the hum that you sing, locks of his hair between your fingers keeping you tethered here and barely stopping you from floating up into orbit. your heads in the clouds, but shuji’s lips are a whisper away, kiss-puffed and begging you to come back to them. “paris.” you say, and before the last syllable can evaporate into the air, shuji’s mouth is slotting against your own so perfectly that you wonder how you’ll ever be able to kiss anyone but him again.
#: @wh0reforlevi
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campbyler · 4 months
ch09 extras
hello!! while we all wait for chapter 10.1 to be finished (we are so close!), we wanted to share some extras from ch09 to tide us over in the meantime 💌 please enjoy a short deleted dialogue scene and the original ch09 outline below the cut!
DELETED SCENE - MIKE TEACHING WILL HOW TO DRIVE (disclaimer: please do not learn how to drive manual from a fanfiction. i do not care if this is wrong. thanks <3)
Mike doesn’t even have the opportunity to respond before Will is turning the car on again, miraculously doing so successfully without having to ask Mike for instruction.  “Look at that,” Mike exclaims, genuinely impressed, complete with a low whistle. Embarrassingly (for Mike), the car isn’t the only thing Will turned on. “You’re already getting the hang of it!” Will resists the urge to roll his eyes, because he is also proud of himself, regardless of how small of an accomplishment it is. “Turning the car on isn’t impressive,” he says dismissively, because he is nothing if not humble. “It’s better than what most people can do,” Mike points out. “Do you think that Lucas knows how to start a manual car? I’ll answer for you – he doesn’t. He’s a loser.”  Will barks out a laugh, a little surprised at the animosity towards Lucas this afternoon. “What do you have against Lucas?”  “Nothing,” Mike says quickly. “He’s my best friend, even if he is a loser who can’t drive stick.”  “I’m telling him that you said that,” he threatens.  “It’ll be nothing he hasn’t heard before,” Mike says, the picture of unbothered. He gestures towards Will's feet again, ready to move on from his Lucas slander. “Anyway, before you let off the brake this time, remember the drawbridge.” He lifts both hands up, mimicking the same model drawbridge he had earlier when he’d first been explaining. “When you’re lowering it back down – releasing the clutch, in this case – you’ll want to do it slowly. Ease off it.” He mimics his words with the motion of his hands, miming the drawbridge slowly lowering down. “Once you feel the clutch engage – and you’ll know when, because it’s almost like the car is biting – then you can let off completely. Does that make sense?” “Slower release,” Will repeats, nodding his head slowly too, getting into the idea of it “Got it.”  “I don’t want you worrying about the gas pedal at all right now,” Mike continues, wiggling his fingers around his head in a motion that Will translates as: get it out of your mind. “You’re going to let go of the brake, forget the gas pedal even exists for the moment, and peel off the clutch – slowly – until you feel that bite.”  “Okay,” Will says. He clutches at the wheel a little tighter, like maybe the intensity of his grip directly correlates to how well he’s about to do. “I think I’ve got it.”  “I believe in you,” Mike says encouragingly, shooting him two thumbs up.  Will shoots him a small, nervous smile and turns back to the matter at hand. He lets go of the brake, and the car instantly responds, beginning to crawl forward again at what Will considers to be a wonderful, beautiful speed – 3mph. He starts to ease off the clutch, making sure to go slower this time, waiting for the feeling of the bite Mike had promised – but he must mess up somewhere, because the car lurches forward again, coming to an abrupt halt. 
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sideblogdotjpeg · 4 months
feeling like. ep 60 was such a fantastic arc finale battle ep. and auugh. like so many things. LIKE .
the slow build up of tension over the ep felt really good and perfect, as it escalates from alexandrite being silly and goofy to. gargantuan cyberflesh horror. and how the dice were UNCANNILY perfect for it all. like. the nat 1 vs nat 20 roll for the town and suddenly the entire mood shifts and the stakes are so much realer, and personal. followed up by the nat 20 for the town! followed up by TWO callie crits and her dealing 130 DAMAGE like each turn!!!! like!!!!! AUGH... the. just the beats of it all was soo good and.
tying to that .. the character moments for this ep were so good !!! every character got their moment to shine in the battle. already discussed callie absolutely whomping fucking ass, but of course the smaller moments as well. offering to go and defend calders town. seeing the faewild sky and "i think i needed to leave to become worthy of it" - like and as the culmination of callies arc. from someone who was so scared and running away to. staying, standing, fighting, protecting. AND ITS GOOD.
then of course theres calder. i mean also the . ARC. of the only thing he wanted was not to be overprotected. wanting to be useful - like his brothers, people who had strength and value in the eyes of their people, big enough to defend their town. and he has come all the way here. he changes the tides of the battlefield in the town - and he does it with the attachments of his friends and the love of his family. and like... god. really crystalising his ethos in a way that is foiled so well against gowan. gowan who was too proud to ask for help. vs "i cant do it without you" "but damn does it feel good when your friends have your back" ... !!!! AYYEARGH. like. hes becoming the protector of his home! but maybe now, his home is so much bigger than the ice knife, and hes not fighting alone .... YOU KNOW.
AND SOL!!!!! sol to my knowledge only deals 30 damage this battle but. as a resident sol enjoyer i !!! am VERY MUCH CLAPPING AND CHEERING!! at the deeply supportive role he took on for this fight. like hes the first to get the ice knife away from alexandrite, he gives callie an extra smite, silvery barbs.... ! like the short rest realisation of how different the battle wouldve gone without that silvery barbs is .... ! SO ITS GOOD. and at the end that he was the one to get the final blow on alexandrite and it was for swag is ...
and! that part was obviously a joke! as is the entire "keep em guessing haha alexandrite cant predict what were doing!!!" thing. HOWEVER. relistening to the ezry arc, and their first interaction w alexandrite as we now know her ... i just. REALLY feel like this is the spiritual successor to "were duck team and were messy and were friends and we do everything together and we absolutely suck shit all day long and all night baby". theyre so fucking stupid is the thing. and theyre messy and stupid and constantly saying things that are weird and make no sense and completely and utterly baffling .... and thats DUCK TEAM!!! (theres also a point here where im overreading somewhat. but the part about Keepin em Guessin... one could POSSIBLY argue it interacts in a MAYBE DEEPLY INTERESTIGN WAY with . the idea of the calculated certainty of the AI, the calm and cold prediction of the diviners, and the wild freedom of the peregrines. idk!!! maybe!!! maybe you cld even say that what lies at the heart of duck team is their messiness and outofplaceness and love and care and refusal of the tragedy!!! even!! maybe!! but YEAH. lol random XD ! keep em guessin!)
also the thing that made me write all this which is like. ! the final victory lap scene is just. so wonderfully cathartic, esp with how tense this entire arc has been. its just. fuck yeah we won and all our friends and family are here and safe and riding on mammoths!!! i mean. FUCKING ALBINS BACK!!!! GREGORS HERE AND KICKIN ASS!!! THE MA GOBLIN BRIGADE!!! A WIN. and ... that bit of callie just sitting on the roof playing a guitar as she stares into the fae wild sky is ... its good.. its good..
and all that is maybe. half the reasons why ep 60 is so good. i didnt even get around to talking about the fucking EMILY AXFORD SONG WHICH IVE BEEN PLAYING NONSTOP ALL DAY SO. yeah. so i like this ep i guess
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Okay but I’m still praying for a peachy subspace extra 🫡
Like the emotion Harry would feel realizing she trusts him enough to let herself fall into her subspace and be truly his. Especially the first time she would slip. He’d be so whipped and soft with her I know it.
No because it would really surprise him at first because she's normally incredibly vocal in bed. Telling him what she likes, whining, whimpering, so on and so forth.
And neither one of them really ever considered it, especially Peach because while it's happened before, it's not very often. And Harry never finds himself with partners that slip because he (truthfully) never has the kind of connection that would make them.
Today is different.
He notices that she gets super quiet and has this kind of far-off look in her eye, and he's worried he might have pushed her too far. So he turns off the camera and starts to cool down, touching her less, moving back.
But she starts to panic, thinking she's done something wrong. She's upset him. And it's such a strange color on her. Because Peach is never one to be this submissive, especially after he's turned the camera off.
And when he sees the tears well in her eyes while she grabs onto his hand to nuzzle her face into it, it hits him.
He freezes, eyes wide, blinking quickly. Trying to wrap his head around how they got here. Feeling an overwhelming sense of pride over how much she must feel safe with him but also slight terror because he hadn't thought their scene was that hard. But it must have been if she felt it best to slip away...
But now she's upset because he's pulled away and he needs to fix this. So, he kisses her. Kisses all over her face, her cheeks, her nose, her temple.
Tells her, "Hey, hey. S'okay, Peachy. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Just wanted you to take a breather. Make sure you're okay."
And she sniffles and says, "I'm okay. Wanna be okay for you. Miss you."
He smiles. "Yeah? I'm right here, my love. Don't have to miss me."
She pouts.
"Or do you mean you miss my cock, hm?" And he lays her back down, gentle hand guiding her thighs apart to see that she's still swollen and throbbing. "We can finish the scene if you want, honey. But only if you're sure."
"I'm sure," she nearly gasps, greedily grabbing at his shoulders to pull him down. "I'm sure, I'm sure. Please....please, Daddy."
And how could he ever say no to that face?
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heliads · 2 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request Tewksbury x gn!reader?
You know that scene where Enola takes him to her room to talk about what she discovered? That scene with reader instead except they don't get attacked by the police and he ends up staying the night, nothing nsfw just fluff! And maybe he or they confess? And could you add the one bed troupe? Ty!!
Your choice of a scenario or headcanons, whatever you're more comfortable with! :)
honestly thank you so much for the choice of scenario or headcanons i appreciate the opportunity to have less of a workload, as a reward you get a full length fic
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After all these days of searching, you think you’ve managed to find him at last. You and Enola have been worried sick about what could have happened to the Viscount of Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether, Owner of Far Too Many Titles for quite some time now, so even the sight of what could be familiar brown tousled hair across a crowded city square fills you with a rush of relief.
He’s alright, that’s what matters most. You can catch the barest flickers of his smile from where you stand. Scores of people weave in between the two of you, but the distance is slowly shrinking. You didn’t expect to miss him quite as much as you did when you first parted ways, but for some reason the thought that you’ll be able to see him again is enough to make you smile like a giddy fool.
In a way, you are. Judging by all the nasty business with Linthorn and the people trying to follow you, you were worried that leaving Tewkesbury behind had been a mistake. What would you have done if that man with the bowler hat from the train had caught up to him? The consequences are more severe than you care to think about, yet here you are, finding Tewkesbury at last.
He doesn’t know you’re here, not yet. You’re still doing your best to remain unnoticed. You and Enola are getting more paranoid by the hour, a practice which has only served to keep the two of you alive and mostly out of trouble. You’re being tracked by Linthorn and his men, of that you have no doubt, but what matters most right now is getting to Tewkesbury before they can.
That’s why Enola is currently on another side of the city, doing her best to distract anyone trying to find you. She’s also hoping to locate Tewkesbury yourself if you couldn’t manage it, although you have to admit that you feel very pleased to be the one who’s found him first.
You hurry across the town square, ducking obliviously around throngs of people and charging coaches to make it over to him. Tewkesbury is helming a small flower stand, and, judging by the empty spots in the vases lining his table, he’s making his fortune quite easily. 
That might be due in part to the easy smiles he’s giving out like extra change to any passersby. In fact, the customer currently purchasing a bouquet is looking at Tewkesbury as if she’d rather like to buy him, too, just for the thrill of propping him up in her house for a good stare or two. For some reason, the way that the girl keeps eyeing him makes a knot twist in your stomach, some deep unhappiness that only allows itself to be known through no uncertain pressure.
Just when you fear you may be swept away on the tide of what is definitely not jealousy, Tewkesbury looks up and sees you. Instantly, any thoughts of the girl in front of him, if they even existed in the first place, vanish from his face. It becomes clear that he must have been faking a good temper before, because the sheer joy on his face is infinitely better what he’d been displaying just a few minutes ago.
Evidently picking up on the fact that she’s no longer remotely on Tewkesbury’s mind, the flirtatious customer sighs in irritation and leaves. You don’t even think Tewkesbury noticed, he’s beaming ear to ear as you hurry up to him.
“Y/N!” He says, absolutely delighted. “What are you doing here? I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again.”
You laugh. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint.”
“No,” Tewkesbury hurries to assure you, “not disappointed in the slightest. Really, I couldn’t be happier. What’s going on? How did you find me?”
“It’s not just me who’s been trying to find you,” you relate, “I think I’m being followed. Most likely you are too. There’s some man out there who’s been trying to find you. Enola and I split up so we could try to get to you first before anything happened. I’m glad I found you.”
“I’m glad you found me, too,” Tewkesbury says, then hurries to straighten some already pristine display on his stand before you can notice the blush rising to his cheeks.
You allow him a moment or two to collect himself, then continue on. “We’ve found out a lot since we saw you last. Do you know anywhere we could talk without being overheard? Sorry for being nervous, it’s just that I’d rather not have anyone know we were here.”
Tewkesbury nods, a faint grin on his face. “What, are you worried about getting into a fight?”
You blow out a tired breath. “You’d be surprised.”
His face turns awestruck. “You’ve been in a fight?”
“Yeah,” you say, glancing across the street to see if you spot Linthorn, “in trying to protect you, too. You’ll be pleased to know that I won.”
When you turn back to Tewkesbury, he’s regarding you with a charmed look, like he could listen to you talk for hours on end and never tire of it. Something tells you that the thought of you choosing his side over safety or anything else means more to him than Tewkesbury could possibly put into words.
Whatever he’s thinking, though, neither of you are quite brave enough to express it at the moment. Tewkesbury clears his throat and gestures towards the street.
“I have a place not far from here where we should be fine to talk. Just let me close up shop and we should be good to go.”
You watch him work with a smile. “You know, I do have to admit that it’s cool that you did all this. You know, you were able to set up your own store in Covent Garden and all that. Not bad for a boy on the run.”
Tewkesbury straightens up with an amused look. “Is that a compliment? I think I’m touched.”
You roll your eyes, but can’t hide a grin. “You’re allowed to have them every now and then. I’m not Enola, I can refrain from sarcasm once in a while.”
“I’m well aware that you’re not Enola,” he says, and for some reason you get the feeling that he’s very appreciative of the fact, too. It makes a flush of heat spiral up your cheeks until you have to look away to get your bearings once again.
Tewkesbury leads you through the busy streets until he comes to a stop in front of a locked door.
“This is my place,” he says by way of explanation, “I had to do a fair amount of convincing so the owner would even allow me to let the room, but it’s not too bad. It means no one is trying to follow me, at least. Well, except you.”
You laugh. “Thanks for the clarification.”
Tewkesbury chuckles and leads you upstairs. You can see a hallway with many similar doors stretching out into what feels like an endless abyss of rooms, but Tewkesbury seems to know the way to his flat like the back of his hand. Soon enough, he’s locking the door behind you, and the two of you are alone at last. You were together like this in the marketplace, but for some reason, it’s different now that no one else can see you.
Tewkesbury gestures for you to take a seat and settles into a chair opposite you. “So?” He asks, always curious, “what’s been going on?”
You let out a frustrated breath. “Everything. Enola and I have been running ourselves ragged trying to keep up with Linthorn and your family. Honestly, we were worried sick that we wouldn’t be able to find you in time. We agreed to meet up tomorrow morning, hopefully with you in tow.”
“At least we have a destination for tomorrow,” Tewkesbury muses. “And a plan, I hope?”
You nod. “The barest scrap of one, but it does for now. What, will you be sad to leave your flower stand?”
“A little,” he admits, “it was nice to pretend that I could have a life as simple as that, but I knew it was only temporary. Still, I get the feeling I’ll have reasons to enjoy my future anyway, with or without selling flowers in Covent Garden.”
Again, you get that feeling that he’s hinting towards more than he could ever say. You quickly steer the conversation back towards safer shores, like the fact that there’s at least one man out there trying to kill both of you, and slowly you’re able to fight back the wave of heat that’s currently dusting your cheeks.
It’s easy to spend time with Tewkesbury. You forgot about that in the time since you’ve last seen him, but it’s true. Before you know it, the dangerous topics of Tewkesbury’s family and Linthorn’s plotting are left far behind. You and Tewkesbury laugh until your ribs are sore, trading jokes like you’ve known each other all your lives instead of just a short matter of time. He is fascinating to speak to, host to knowledge you’d never guess at in your entire life. 
At the same time, you seem to hold his attention in the palm of your hand like a flightless bird, never to soar away. Every time you open your mouth to voice a single syllable, Tewkesbury looks at you with his heart in his eyes, totally captivated by you. It’s enough to make anyone feel important, and you are certainly no exception.
Before you know it, you’re fighting back a yawn in between another tangent of conversation. You do your best to hide the sudden bout of exhaustion that’s flung itself upon you, but Tewkesbury notices you. Always the eagle eye when it comes to spotting details about you, right? It’s as if he can only ever look at you, so he might as well do it right.
Tewkesbury glances at the window behind him and his face transfigures with surprise. “My goodness, it’s already so late. I had no idea.”
Sure enough, when you glance through the leaded panes, you notice that the streets outside have already succumbed to night. Darkness has fallen upon the town, pierced consistently by the even light of lanterns lining the streets.
You curse under your breath. You hadn’t meant to stay this long, but then again, if you were to do it all again, you have a feeling you’d repeat this afternoon exactly the same way. You haven’t felt half so light or free as when you’re talking with Tewkesbury. He makes you feel as if nothing in the world could ever trouble you, and when you have as many problems as you do right now, that’s certainly something worth your time.
Still, even the best of evenings have to end at some point, and the moon rising over the horizon acts as your timepiece for the night, signaling that you’re going to have to call off your happiness for the time being.
“I’d better head out,” you say, rising to your feet, “I’ll come back in the morning, we can go meet Enola. It’s just not safe for you to keep up your life here, not until we figure out Linthorn.”
Tewkesbury jerks into a standing position as well. “Wait, you can’t go out there by yourself, it’s pitch black. I’ll walk with you.”
You shake your head. “Then you’d be coming back here in the dead of night. Linthorn’s out there somewhere on the lookout for you, it would be too dangerous. I have to go by myself.”
Tewkesbury refuses to take no for an answer. “Then stay here. If I can’t go with you, you can’t walk these streets after dark on your own. I have space, you can stay the night.”
You hesitate, wavering on the edge of what you truly want and what surely must be done. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Well, I can’t ask you to keep helping me stay safe from Linthorn, and you do it anyway,” Tewkesbury reasons, “Look, it’s no big deal at all. I promise.”
You cave at last. “Alright. I am rather tired.”
Tewkesbury grins, thrilling over his victory. He looks around to offer you a place to sleep, and that’s when the two of you reach an insurmountable problem at the exact same time. When Tewkesbury found this place, he was only thinking that he’d be host to himself. For this reason, there’s only one bed, and for this reason, the fact that you’re going to be here too creates many, many difficulties.
“I’ll sleep in the armchair,” you say quickly. “It looks quite comfortable.”
Tewkesbury scoffs. “That’s a lie and you know it. You take the bed, I’ll be in the armchair.”
“I’m not kicking you out of your own bed,” you argue.
“And I’m not forcing you to stay here overnight just to delegate you to the chair,” Tewkesbury replies just as quickly, “Take the bed.”
“You take the bed,” you quarrel.
“We can both take the bed,” Tewkesbury says in a rush, and both of you try to pretend as if that declaration isn’t somehow both the most perfect solution and also the most terrifying option that could possibly come out of this debate.
Not one to show any sign of weakness, you nod before Tewkesbury can take it back. “Alright. It’s big enough for the two of us. It’ll be fine.”
“Very fine,” Tewkesbury adds, although you notice that he does look a bit panicked at the thought.
The two of you have gone and committed to the idea now, though, so it’s not like there’s anything you can do about it. You dress for sleep and crawl into the bed, Tewkesbury on the other side. It was definitely meant for one person, which is made clear when both of your efforts to give each other as much space as possible result in you practically falling onto the ground.
At last, you sigh and give in to what must be done. You turn on your side to face Tewkesbury and stretch out an arm to reach out to him. He stiffens at first, then turns over as well. Your head fits perfectly against his chest, and when his arm wraps around you, you wonder why either of you ever tried anything else. It’s as if you’re two halves of one being, always meant to be here together. The thought of ever getting up and splitting away from him feels like a strike through the heart.
Tewkesbury speaks quietly against the top of your head. “I’m glad you’re here. Really glad.”
You smile. “I’m glad too.”
It is easy to sleep after that, regardless of the fact that there’s a stranger out in the city who wishes for the quick death of both of you. Right here, nestled in Tewkesbury’s arms, the thought of danger has never even occurred to you. No safety net has ever been woven of stronger stuff. The stars wheel in the sky overhead and the two of you sleep soundly, brows smoothed of worry. All is well.
requested by @dexpairs-blog, i hope you enjoy!
enola holmes tag list: empty for now!
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goddesspharo · 9 days
↻ FLIP FLOP: Jake's Pov from when he's awakes in Vegas.
[ask me for extras about my fics!]
↻ FLIP FLOP: the flip side of the waking up in Vegas scene at the beginning of can't fake what you can't break up with in Hangman's POV
(Also here now for housekeeping purposes!)
Jake's first extremely dramatic thought upon being yanked out of REM sleep by Phoenix's equally dramatic shrieking is that it feels like something died in his mouth and then that dead thing was unceremoniously moved to a shallow grave in his brain and now, in the cruel light of day, it is slowly rising from the spongy matter like a body washing up on shore at low tide – only there's not enough room in his scalp to accommodate the flotsam so his head feels like it's being split apart from the inside. He needs more sleep and a cup of industrial strength espresso, but he'd settle for Phoenix not ruining this for him – the this in question being Natasha looking flushed all over as she stands in the middle of his hotel room in her underwear and points menacingly at him with her phone while threatening to murder him for the crime of rocking her world – by reading Instagram captions out loud like he fucked a delusional Kardashian last night instead of her. (Jake blames Sammy for the fact that he is immediately able to clock that Khloe would be the delusional Kardashian who couldn't take a hint the morning after.) With a groan, Jake reminds Natasha that it's not a Vegas vacation if at least two people don't drunkenly wander into an Elvis chapel and take wedding selfies with The King. His mother has albums full of Jake dressed like Woody from Toy Story when he was in the first grade – that doesn't mean he was spending his days solving crimes instead of figuring out how the hell subtraction worked. Jake tells Natasha that the institution of marriage requires a little more than "pics or it didn't happen" to be valid while slowly stretching out his sore muscles. She has finally stopped yelling at him for three seconds – no doubt to marvel at the legal expertise he culled from watching reruns of The Practice – but when he looks up, what he discovers is even better than Phoenix losing the power of speech over his genius. Natasha Trace, the woman whose response to him flirting with her has always been to remind Jake that she'd be hard pressed to spit on him if he caught on fire – is shamelessly checking him out like someone who went for a test drive and now can't hide that she'd pay sticker price to drive this Mustang off the lot immediately. "I'm going to hop in the shower." Flashing Natasha a grin that is sure to infuriate her, he drawls in a low trickle, "Want to conserve some water with me?" Her face turns murderous within seconds as Nat slips on a hotel robe and loudly plots his demise. He'd make a crack about foreplay, but her grip on the hanger seems deadly. Jake settles for sauntering to the bathroom while whistling the Usher song that Gina played on repeat when Jake had a crush on the college sophomore his parents paid ten bucks an hour to teach them tennis one summer. Phoenix can deny that she's not hot for his bod as much as she wants, but his back looks like a subway map when he catches a glimpse of it in the bathroom mirror. It takes everything in him not to cry out when the scalding hot water hits the scratches, but Jake can't find it in himself to be too mad about it when he finds a red bird sketched onto his skin like a brand. Jake is still laughing about how proprietary Natasha is when he steps out of the bathroom a few minutes later and immediately needles her with, "You won't believe this, but I think you tried to draw a phoenix on my ass with a Sharpie last night!" He doesn't expect her to find it as funny as he does, but Jake is caught off guard when Natasha starts raging about paperwork instead.
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mindshelter · 2 years
for your consideration: kon sleep-floats—and not only does he take the whole damn blanket with him, but it's often laid over his entire body like a corpse found at the scene of a tragic accident. only his feet are sticking out (he's very tall).
more than once, tim has woken up—shivering, rubbing away the goosebumps on his arms. kon's missing from his usual spot to tim's left; he looks around the room, but finds nothing. that's odd, tim thinks. kon's no night owl; he rises with the sun, and is dead as a rock until then.
tim looks up.
and there he is. kon isn't totally still—he's a wraith, tucked where the wall meets the ceiling. the blanket covers his face, torso and legs while the rest spills over the sides, fluttering with the slight sway of kon's body. he's midair, rocking lightly like the tides move with the moon.
"kon," tim says. "you look like you're possessed."
no response.
"kon," he says, louder, "they announced a wendy reboot."
no response.
"it's horrible. that's me as a werewolf?" tim says, casting bait.
if kon were awake, he'd perk up immediately, clear his throat, and finish the line: i'm so evil, and skanky... and i think i'm kinda gay.
"i still can't believe that's how you decided to come out to me," he mutters. kon had looked so serious that day, asking tim if they could speak privately, too. "get down, jackass. i'm cold."
the winds outside get more forceful, easing its way through the half-opened window. the breeze rustles the bedsheet, and the dim light that limns the folds of the fabric and kon's silhouette shift, white migrating over blue-grey. tim's fingers feel like ice.
"ignoring me? are you dead?" dead as a rock. dead as a corpse. dead as his dad, or something. "booster gold made a soundcloud. his first track is, um... get your boost on? parenthesis, let me show y'all how it's done, parenthesis. it's rap."
no response. he might as well be sleeping through the end of the world.
tim throws benny beluga at him (his boyfriend won it for him during a strength tester game at a date to the fair). benny hits what might be kon's butt, and tim's head a moment later. kon does not stir. tim rubs his arms again.
tim would had worn more clothes to sleep, but had figured a t-shirt and boxers would have been enough. kon runs warm, after all—heat always radiates from his hands, his sternum, and the crook of his neck where he lets tim bury himself. sometimes it's the only indication he's alive; during daylight hours, kon's chest rises and falls with what is both a steady, natural rhythm and completely fabricated—but he's unnervingly still while asleep, forgoing all the extra adjustments he normally makes to blend in and make the people around him more comfortable. tim sometimes checks his pulse just to be sure kon is fine. it's slow, but the ten-beats-per-minute he counts by placing a finger under kon's jaw is enough for tim to be sure kon is just resting.
the mattress springs creak and whine as tim stands, grabbing the blanket on either side. it's an exercise in futility; tim pulls—with all his might, mind you, but kon remains lodged in the corner above him. tim is faintly reminded of aerial silks when he lets his feet lift off the bed, holding himself midair with fabric wrapped around his elbows.
up this close, tim can more clearly see kon's arms dangling underneath the sheet.
when he drops back down to his feet, tim extends his own to find it again, pawing clumsily until his fingers brush what must be kon's wrist. a forceful tug does not get tim any closer to bringing kon down, but if tim is anything at all, he's a problem solver.
the next option—lacing their fingers together, and giving kon's hand a firm squeeze before tim pulls—brings him down a few inches. for a moment, tim stares at where their joined hands are hidden underneath the bedsheet, and gets on his toes to brush his lips against kon's knuckles.
he pulls again, and kon sinks another few inches. the scoff tim lets out is incredulous. you big baby.
another press of the lips against the knuckles, then the wrist. then the lower half of kon's bicep. with kon following tim's touches in his sleep, tim nudges his body until he's hovering just above his usual half of their bed, and finally uncovers kon's face.
you gigantic baby, tim thinks, brushing his fingers against kon's cheek. kon turns to it. "what are you dreaming about, you weirdo?"
kon leans into tim's cold fingers. he rolls his eyes before leaning down to leave a soft, lingering kiss against kon's lips.
and just like that—the mattress creases under kon's full weight. he still doesn't stir.
tim breathes a sigh of relief when he gets back under the blanket—his teeth stop chattering, and he tucks his legs further inward to leach off kon's body heat.
the fabric over them rustles again, the tiny adjustments tucking tim in more snugly as kon shifts closer, an arm sliding between tim's arm and ribs, sliding down to his lower back to settle—
"kon," tim says, because there's no way this fucker isn't awake, right? "that's my butt."
no response.
he sighs—kon is nearby, keeping the cold at bay, and he can feel himself sink rapidly back into sleep. interrogation tomorrow.
tim closes his eyes.
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pinkestmenace · 4 months
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+3 Weatherproof Outfits!
An adventurous life means visiting many environments. Now, sure, she's not made of Kleenex. Of course she's sturdy enough to survive something silly like the weather, teehee! ...But that doesn't mean a little extra protection isn't welcome. E-Even if it's just to tide her over until her body adjusts to the new planet's climate! (Use sunscreen and shade when you go to the beach, people. Or shrivel up into a crunchy li'l lobster, I guess. (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)ﻭ)
(I realised she's kinda, uh, bare when she's unarmoured. So how about some different outfits for different weather? I almost gave her a hawaiian shirt for the beach scene for maximum dadcore tourist vibes, but it became too visually busy with the shoes and the flower crown and glasses. That's gonna have to wait for the barbecue scene! (...I lied. There is no barbecue scene. (人✧⁠ω✧⁠) Fufufu...))
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
First Devlog?
Hello everyone...boy, there are a lot of you already, still trying to digest that...
So, I gather that I should do these logs on occasion. I do not know how often, perhaps just when I have a few things to say. I will try not to ramble too much, but my fingies like to talk.
Anyway, I am working on chapter 3 right now. There’s some fun moments so far in it that I hope you’ll like, and we’ll get to meet Zahn, Duri'naan, and then Rundis. I’m trying not to rush because there are some exciting scenes that I’m eager to get to. I’ve outlined them to tide myself over until I get that far. There’s some quiet moments you’ll get to have as well, and right now I feel like that’s what I’m struggling with. Those areas of my story are like bridges to the next, more exciting, parts and sometimes I feel like they fall a little flat. But, I’m trying to keep in mind this is my first draft. I’ll go through it another time or two to perk things up. Those moments are still important for letting the MC get to know each RO.
My mind has been in a million directions lately too, and I’ve had a lot of ‘duh’ moments. I’ve done so much world building since I started this last year (around August/September I think), that I have pockets of important details that I kinda just forgot! So, I plan to re-read all the notes I’ve made and try to also put them into one place. I have some in my phone, in a notebook, and in no less than three folders on my laptop. It’s a wonder I have survived this many years…
What you can expect for coming updates…
-A couple fixes, of course – thank you to those who found some of those pesky buggy bois for me.
-A nicer front page, instead of being slapped with my ramblings, I’d like to actually have a nice start page. I’ll figure it out eventually, lol.
-I’ll be adding a name bank to the MC’s Nameday scene that will also show you what each name means, so if that is important to you, it’ll save you the internet search. If it tickles your fancy, the name selection will correspond in some way to the marks (names meaning "night" or "storm," etc.) so you can theme your MC a bit.
-Extra coding in case you decide to shorten MC’s given name to just “Ravi.” I did not once consider that anyone would do this, and my first play-tester – my own spouse – did….He told me about it since it made some dialog with Oswin make zero sense, and then I published the story without fixing it because I completely forgot about it.
-Different contrast color for dark mode links. I feel like I have drastically improved this with a new gold color. In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t use the gold before. I love it as an accent, I use it all over! The blue never felt 100% right, but my brain shut down after thinking about it too long. Here’s a sample and a (M) Zahn tease:
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When can you expect an update?
I’d like to make my next update during the Amare Games Festival, ideally containing both chapters 3 and 4 since they go pretty tightly together. This will also insure that you meet the rest of the posse. It’s a tall order for both chapters to be submitted on time, and I don’t want to rush them either, but I’m going to try really really hard, lol. I will focus first on polishing chapter 3, so that no matter what, I can at least get it out in time.
Here’s a link to the post about it:
And this is the submission time frame: open from March 31st 2024 at 11:00 PM to May 1st 2024 at 12:00 AM
As a side message, should you want to read on…
I also wanted to give you all a big, like really big, heartfelt thank you. I have received so many kind messages and comments that I just can’t believe it. I am so happy (and honestly, genuinely shocked) that you’re enjoying my IF, and I’m motivated to work hard so you also enjoy each new chapter of your journey. There’s so many secrets I want to share with you about the world, and I am struggling to be patient myself, lol.
I am not usually a very open or social person, and I was scared for a long time to share anything I wrote. I reached a point in my personal life in the last few years where I just needed to embrace what I loved to do and share it with a community that shares in that love. I encourage you to do the same whether there is a story in your heart, music on your lips, or a paintbrush in your hands. Life is NOT about your 8-5. We may not be able to survive without it, but whatever moment you can, do what you actually love. Put away the those things that don’t matter, the things that stress you - including people, and make time for who you are.
Thank you all and take care!
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takemetodragonstone · 5 months
you guys know how that scene in succession 2x09 “DC” where Shiv intimidates and manipulates the sexual assault victim until she backs out of testifying about her experience is the same as that scene in hotd 1x08 “The Lord of the Tides” where Alicent intimidates and shames the sexual assault victim out of speaking up about her experience?
the biggest difference between these two scenes is actually the self-awareness of the narratives themselves. succession knows what it’s doing with this scene. hotd comes across confused and tone deaf because it’s bending over backwards trying to maintain an image of Alicent as a faultless victim, unlike succession which allows Shiv some moral flexibility, which ironically makes her more sympathetic than Alicent imo, because it manages to avoid that extra level of hypocrisy that the hotd scene piles onto Alicent and the narrative as a whole.
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LITA Ep. 4 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 6 (final)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
We're almost at the finish line!!
One more thing I really love about this scene is how close Phayu and Rain are together. Their entire fronts are pressed together the whole time and even when Phayu pulls back to move downward it still looks like he's maximizing contact with Rain's legs. Rain also refuses to let go of Phayu's neck. And when they actually come together, their arms are completely around each other and you can see them coming undone. It's beautiful to watch.
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Speaking of necks, Rain tosses his side-to-side at least 10 times throughout this sequence. If I was a writer I'd say the slope of his neck is elegant. We get it bff, you're having A Good Time (and we're happy for you!)
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And then we come face-to-face with a condom. Rain does look a bit apprehensive here, but I think Phayu's body language goes a long way to reassure him that he'll be taken care of. Again with the skin contact - as soon as Phayu grabs the condom, he immediately drops down to blanket Rain with his body once more. We don't get to see it but I'm sure Phayu spent time making sure Rain was completely relaxed before he entered.
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Everyone ready for lip-bite 2? I feel like Phayu's voice dropped even lower when he realized Rain's never had use for a condom before, and that he'd be the first. He somehow looks even more intense than before.
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This is just so beautiful
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I love that we can see Phayu coming apart as much as Rain - these are not controlled motions at all. It's hard to capture via screenshot but it looks to me like Phayu is desperate to hold onto every part of Rain he can reach. Rain understandably looks positively overwhelmed, but he's still pushing into Phayu's ministrations.
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When they get close to the end, Phayu is also so overwhelmed by pleasure that he has to stop kissing Rain. He still looks down though, to make sure Rain is still enjoying himself. What a good hubby!
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They are breathing so hard rn
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But my favorite part has to be what comes after. Instead of pulling away, Phayu continues to hold Rain close and place little kisses along Rain's neck and chin. It's a good way to bring Rain back into himself after such an intense experience (it also looks like Rain is trembling just a little bit). Phayu then slides a hand under Rain's neck to ground him even more and encourage eye contact (another sweet gesture).
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Phayu's face right here is so tender, so in love, and it has to be my favorite look on him. The way that Rain strokes his face and they make eye contact as Rain tells Phayu that he belongs to him now is precious. I feel lucky that I got to see a love like theirs come to fruition before me.
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The only thing I wish is that they extended this scene a little further. It felt like they cut to the end credits too soon and it was a little jarring after we just witnessed a soft, calm-after-the-storm moment. It's a bit like how Phayu was breathing on Rain's neck in episode two and Rain got yanked out of that headspace all of a sudden. In fact, I'm pretty sure collapsed-by-the-bathroom-sink-Rain is live footage of all of us after that episode.
And of course here is our post credits scene! Just another bit of sweetness to tide us over until the next episode. I wonder if Rain comes over for sleepovers often?
Rain is apparently a king of unintentional seduction
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And then we end the extra scene with the sweetest "Do your best, I'm waiting for you." P' Phayu I am SWOONING
I hope everyone made it to the end intact! See you for the next episode <3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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imogenkol · 8 months
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words: 2.4k
warnings: codependency
tags: oc x canon, angst, finally admitting feelings, little bit of fluff
this is sort of an unofficial chapter 5 of If I Had A Heart that will eventually be added to the main fic (probably around the release of season 2) but the @starwarssapphicweek prompts gave me the perfect excuse to hammer this scene out and share it!
Something shifted. A subtle change. Like how the turn of the tide goes unnoticed until you find yourself drifting in another direction. It might have been the warm smile Imogen saw flash across Bix’s lips in response to the stout droid’s stutter. Or the way the mechanic carried herself just a little more steadily, her legs no longer swaying beneath such a heavy burden. Imogen wondered if it had finally lifted off of her shoulders. Perhaps the more likely explanation was that Bix had simply adapted to its weight. 
Less pressure seemed to lay on her own shoulders, as well. Imogen knew her fortitude had been weakened, but had not allowed herself to admit just how entwined their emotions had become. With their strength returned, the bounty hunter felt renewed resolve. At last, she could do what she needed to and put all of this complication behind her.
While The Crimson Huntress had not seen any maintenance in quite some time, the quality of Bix’s work had impressive longevity. To no surprise, the ship’s system did not find a single issue when Imogen ran diagnostics. She could resume business as usual as soon as she gathered her personal effects, which would not take long. 
If only the pit in her gut had not grown.
As she walked down the ship’s ramp, Imogen noticed a lingering stare off in the distance from where Bix conversed with Jezzi. The two had grown closer and Imogen used that knowledge to reassure herself. Surely a Daughter of Ferrix would serve as a far better pillar for Bix than Imogen ever could. She feigned disinterest in their interaction and continued on, despite the invisible cord between her and Bix becoming taut.
What little she had brought to her room from the ship had already been neatly organized for this very purpose. Imogen wasted little time and moved her essential possessions into a leather satchel, trying to ignore the strain of swimming against the tide. 
How else was she supposed to save herself from drowning?
Imogen had barely begun before she sensed a familiar presence approach like a breeze you could hear rustle through nearby leaves, but could not yet feel caress your skin. Under normal circumstances, she would eagerly await that coming wind, whether it be a steady gust or raging storm. This time, though, Imogen closed her eyes and exhaled a quiet sigh through her nose as she placed an extra blaster into her bag, her chest already tightening.
The door to her temporary quarters slid open and closed behind her. A strong ripple through the Force told Imogen to expect a storm. 
“What are you doing?” Bix asked, unable to hide the accusatory tone that already took over her voice. 
“I am tidying up,” Imogen replied, avoiding the mechanic’s gaze. She felt it so directly that she had to fight its influence. 
“You’ve been avoiding me all day.”
“Clearly I have been occupied.” 
“You’re leaving.”
The statement followed a tense beat in the small space. One where Imogen felt the uptick of her own heartbeat in her fingertips as she reached for a comlink and slipped it into one of the smaller compartments of her bag. She knew she should have departed before sunrise. It would have been easier to cut the frequency of Bix’s disappointment over the comms than to face her like this. 
“You have recovered.” Imogen kept her tone detached and cold.
“I pretty much walk on my own, now, yeah.” Every bitterly sarcastic word dripped with mounting animosity. Though, Imogen sensed more than mere anger. She felt the vice in Bix’s heart within her own, as if a clawed hand clamped around the muscle and began to drag it down. She knew by now that her connection with Bix was the cause of such pain. “You told me you would stay.”
Imogen kept her eyes averted as she continued to calmly collect her things around the room. “I never made such a promise.”
“Don’t pull this shit with me again,” Bix warned as she stepped into the bounty hunter’s path. When Imogen ignored the bite and attempted to move past her, Bix caught her arm in a firm grasp. “Look at me, Imogen.”
This time, Imogen audibly sighed. She wanted to wrench her arm free, grab her bag, and never look back without another word. Shame twisted her insides as she accepted the fact she simply could not will herself to do so. Imogen forced her eyes to meet the mechanic’s wounded gaze and felt a deep ache impact in her chest. 
“I do not belong here,” she said quietly. 
The here in question did not quite refer to one particular place, not since they escaped the chaos on Ferrix. Here became Bix. It became Jezzi. Brasso. The boy whose father Imogen cut down after he had been hung on Rix Road, Wilmon. Even Cassian. These were not her people. Imogen had no people. She needed to keep it that way.
“You belong with me,” Bix said with such firm conviction that Imogen felt the claws dig in a little deeper.
“Don’t say that.” Imogen resented how pathetic and pained she sounded.
The grip Bix had on her loosened for half a second before she tightened it again. This time, less vengefully and more desperate. Imogen felt the heat of her palm burn her skin through layers of clothing.  “Don’t go.”
I cannot do this, her thoughts cried. 
“I cannot stay.”
“Yes, you can,” Bix insisted.
Imogen wanted to. She wanted to stay more than she ever has – more than she has ever wanted anything. It reached beyond want. Beyond need. It felt as vital as any other organ within her body that kept her alive. Yet, Imogen had to rip this feeling out of herself, because she knew better. She knew how this would end. “You do not want me to, Bix.”
The mechanic said what even Imogen’s thoughts could not conjure. “I need you.” 
She shook her head again, but felt her resolve start to crumble. “That has never been true.”
“After everything, where is this coming from?”
“You know very well where.”
As steadfast as any storm, Bix held her ground. “No, you don’t get to run this time. Things are different now.”
“Which is precisely why.”
“Imogen –”
“Why are you so determined to have me?” Imogen snapped. Finally, anger broke through the pain and she yanked herself out of Bix’s grasp. Anger she could deal with. Anger she could work with. Her gray eyes burned as her expression hardened. “Whatever excitement you may have convinced yourself was worth turning your back on your own morals to be with me must have dissipated by now. Let it go.”
Bix immediately matched her temper, perfectly reflecting the bounty hunter’s intimidating glare. “No.”
“Why? What could you possibly see?”
“I see someone like me.”
Imogen scoffed humorlessly. She stepped back and slung the satchel over her shoulder. “Now I am truly convinced of your delusion.”
“Is it really so hard to believe?”
“Yes,” Imogen hissed, “because there are few in the entire galaxy who have done what I have. You should have refused me the moment you heard of my past. You should feel repulsed by me. Any decent being would.”
“Well, I don’t. And I don’t really care what you think that makes me.” Bix shrugged, her arms falling back to her sides. “So, what now?”
“I leave. For good this time,” Imogen said before turning on her heel and making way for the door.
“I’m asking you not to,” Bix called after her with sudden urgency, the animosity in her tone falling away to desperation. “Please.” 
The plea halted Imogen’s pace out of her control. She clenched and unclenched her fists restlessly and grinded her teeth. She knew this to be the very last ditch effort to spare herself and Bix. The part of her that knew how useless it all was made her drop her bag and march back to the other woman. 
With swift, exasperated purpose, Imogen unclipped her lightsaber hilt from her belt. Anyone would have flinched or ran for their life, but not even the barest flash of fear crossed over Bix. She knew that even during their darkest moments, Imogen would never harm her. 
The former Inquisitor held the hilt up and Bix’s eyes were immediately drawn to its ornate design. The dark carved wood in the grip. The black metal switch. The angled electrum emitter. Imogen’s weapon was made to bring nothing but destruction and death. This weapon was her darkness. If Imogen could not convince Bix to condemn her with this, then nothing else would. 
“Take this.” 
Bix blinked at her apprehensively before she carefully accepted the weapon. Imogen expected it to look wrong in the mechanic’s hand, but as Bix tightened her fingers around the grip hard enough to turn her knuckles white, Imogen felt the blade… call to her. Not strong enough to suggest a talent with the Force, but enough that her lightsaber seemed to recognize something within the other woman. Something it grew accustomed to in Imogen. She nearly asked Bix if she felt it, too, but stopped herself. 
“The kyber crystal that powers this blade once belonged to my Master when I was a Jedi,” Imogen explained. Bix’s eyes widened every so slightly and she regarded it with renewed interest. “She perished in the Temple on Coruscant, the first night of the Purge.” 
“I’m sorry,” she replied sincerely.
A very brief, very subtle smirk twitched at the corner of Imogen’s mouth. “Do not be. My Master died by my own hand.”
Bix remained still and silent. The hand that held the lightsaber was steady. She did not back away in horror — did not ask Imogen how she could be capable of such a horrific act of betrayal. Imogen wished she would. It’d certainly make this easier. 
“It may have been an impulsive decision on my part, but I have never regretted it, not for one single moment,” Imogen continued calmly, her eyes still transfixed on the lightsaber hilt in Bix’s grasp. “Even in the wake of our Order’s destruction, Rejna would have spent the rest of her life shackled to me out of a twisted sense of duty. I simply found the strength to free us both.”
“That’s how you became an Inquisitor.”
“Yes.” Imogen hoped that her final confession would be the catalyst, and she hoped that it wouldn’t. “That is what I am, even without loyalty to the Empire.” 
“And what else?” Bix pressed. Something captivating sparked in her dark eyes like she had Imogen balanced on a knife’s edge. “What else are you?”
“I am utterly alone,” the former Jedi admitted. Another deeper truth she had never given words to, yet offered freely to the woman in front of her. Imogen could no longer call it strange to splay out her bloody insides for the mechanic to behold. Bix might as well ignite that saber and do it herself.
“Do I make you feel alone?”
Imogen shook her head as she struggled to articulate a response. There were no easy answers when it came to that particular subject. “I don’t know what you make me feel.” 
“That’s a lie,” Bix challenged. 
The intensity of her gaze pierced right through Imogen just as much as those three words, but she simply couldn’t let Bix shackle herself to someone as lost as her. Not any more than Imogen could have allowed herself to be shackled to Rejna. “I do not think I can love you, Bix.” 
“Why not?”
“I never learned how.”  
“Funny,” the mechanic deadpanned as she returned the lightsaber hilt to Imogen’s unsteady hands. “You could have fooled me.”
The clouds suddenly parted in Imogen’s mind at the simple remark. She knew nothing of love — not how to love, nor recognize it — she believed herself incapable of such a thing. But with Bix’s words, Imogen thought back to the months she spent taking care of her. She thought back to the very moment she decided to rescue her from the Empire without hesitation. She thought even further back, still, to the first time she touched down on the surface of Ferrix with a fresh ship and an ambitious idea to make it into something more with the help of a resourceful and bold mechanic. 
A devastating wave of realization crashed down on top of her and it felt like her lungs might burst from the strain of her strangled breath. Imogen finally understood. It’s been her. It has always been her. Memories flooded into her mind of every decision and every word and touch they shared, yet she could not pinpoint the exact moment it happened. This woman had achieved what none other have — to take Imogen completely by surprise. 
In a state of wonder, Imogen absentmindedly set the lightsaber aside without taking her eyes off of the woman before her. And she gave in. 
Imogen’s cold hands cupped Bix’s warm face as their lips collided. Her senses exploded like she had been holding her breath for months – for years, and this was her very first gulp of fresh air. They fell into a feverish cadence — one desperate and fierce and rough. Imogen let go of her reservations, her fear, her uncertainty. She let go of everything, even herself. Nothing else mattered any longer.
Bix clung to her as if she were her center of gravity, and matched the passion that had ignited between them. Teeth scraped against teeth. Gasps entered through parted lips. The soft heat of an eager tongue greeted the other. Imogen wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer, but she needed something else. Something more. Or something less. 
Their cadence suddenly took on a soft, intimate nature. Imogen pulled back just enough to delicately brush her lips over Bix’s in what could barely be called a kiss, caressing her thumb over the flushed flesh of her cheek. The thrill that raced up Imogen’s spine and detonated in her chest nearly brought her to her knees. Her affection was rarely ever gentle and the harshness she had adopted for years successfully kept a barrier up all this time, but the barrier had collapsed into rubble. So, Imogen indulged in the utterly breathtaking sensation of such a simple kiss, accepting with certainty that she never could have left her beloved mechanic again.  
Not ever again. 
Imogen Kol knew nothing of love… except that she did. She did know how to love, she had been loving this woman all along.
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut
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