#an infinite boss rush i guess lol
beevean · 6 months
Frontiers is bad and boring to play but I take it over Forces anytime of the day, first the gameplay plays the game for you half of the time why is Classic Sonic here? Other then Sonic Team being desperate? Why did Tails forget he could fly? INFINITE was wasted and his theme song is embarrassing. Why bother using Chaos if he wasn't even going to be a boss level? Sonic is tortured ? Okay sorry but atleast Frontiers had a better ost.
why is Classic Sonic here? Other then Sonic Team being desperate?
Most likely because 1) Forces was meant to be one of the 2 games for the 25th anniversary, even if they both slid forward one year, 2) precisely to connect Forces and Mania, 3) to piggyback on the success of Generations. Do you want to call it pandering? Feel free to call it pandering, by 2016 fans weren't as eager to play as Classic again, true. But then we can also call pandering the relentless references to the Adventure era in Frontiers, both in simple "hey this reminds me of X" and in general plot beats - now that game very much wants to win the Adventure crowd back more than Forces wanted to appeal to the Classic fans.
Why did Tails forget he could fly?
Do you mean when Sonic (Sonic the fucking Hedgehog) was getting his entire shit beaten out by a terrifying creature not even his Miles Electric could understand, plus clones of formidable enemies that included Shadow?
I don't know, I get the flak against "Sonic help me", but I don't blame Tails for not knowing what to do in that situation.
INFINITE was wasted and his theme song is embarrassing.
Opinion discarded. Infinite's theme slaps absolute ass and if you don't agree AND AFTER ALL THIS TIMEEEEEEE YOU'RE BACK FOR MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE
I agree that something happened to Infinite during development, as everything in the main game hinted at him being a fully artificial creature and not a rando still sore that he was beaten by Shadow lol. But dude was cool in my book. I really like that stage where he creates all sorts of creepy illusions to stop Operation Big Wave :P he could have had more screentime, but he chewed that little screentime we had just fine. better than the end, anyway and always.
Why bother using Chaos if he wasn't even going to be a boss level?
The game was most likely rushed, which sucks, no doubt about that. But somehow, only Forces gets treated like a piece of shit for being rushed, when Frontiers doesn't get nearly the same amount of disappointment for being pretty much a test game (and we know it was rushed because of the last two islands that are pieces cut from Kronos Island and for the weird way Sonic's corruption was handled). Hell, by this point, even '06 is getting apologism even though until recently it was the king of rushed games, and much worse about it than the previous examples.
Either you're equally uncharitable with rushed games that sacrificed content (so I'm not talking about game breaking glitches), or you cut them all some slack.
Sonic is tortured ? Okay sorry
Sloppy translation. And while Sonic looks chipper after being freed, and we can argue all day if that's IC or not, you can guess from things like him beating Zavok with his bare fists or the veiled death threat he gives Infinite that deep down he's actually pretty angry.
Now, Sonic being rescued by his corruption in Frontiers in a minute, undoing all of his hard work in rescuing his friends, and him being just as chipper after Sage, the girl he had just befriended, died in space, is not sloppy translation, it's the game getting rushed to hell (although I don't know why Flynn blames time constraints when it comes to Sonic not sparing a thought about Sage lol).
atleast Frontiers had a better ost.
I like both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Frontiers' cyberspace themes are clearly inspired by the Avatar themes in Forces.
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imunbreakabledude · 21 days
i REMAIN baffled every time i see people calling SOTF the hardest quest boss or how it took them 20+ attempts. having cleared it on my first attempt on two accounts. on one of those i was a quite high level coming back to it long after release, true. but on the other i was a med-geared iron around the quest's recommended combat level and that was also my first ever attempt at it, so i didnt have practice or whatever. maybe i just got insane luck but like. the mechanics are NOT that hard, the DPS check/survival in the last phase is the hard part, yes, but idk how on earth people would call that the hardest quest boss especially after DT2 exists.
half the time it's ppl asking for advice and then they reveal they don't even have piety so like that makes sense. (not that piety is required to do that fight, i did it without piety at the recommended combat level of 95, but it's by far one of the best midlvl upgrades you could have for that specific fight).
anyways it's baffling to me how often that one gets talked about as a hard boss. is it mainly from people who want to rush vyres or sepulchre so they do it at a lower level than they should? is it from people who haven't done DT2 yet?
like MAYBE i just got very lucky on my attempts at that boss but I'd put it as MAYYYBE 2nd hardest after all the DT2 bosses. or maybe even below DS2. hard to rank it against fragment of seren bc that boss is not a mechanical challenge but rather strategy/gear challenge (tho kinda trivial with the pneck method.) idk do people just consider sotf hardest because there is no way to cheese it? ... you can't cheese DT2 bosses tho, either. and you can't ~really~ cheese DS2 bosses either, but i guess you can just chug brews and hope to get lucky with ruby bolt procs and then you're pretty much fine. I think A Night at the Theatre is definitely harder than SOTF too, BUT that one has the option to get carried, or even if you do it solo you get infinite respawns on the room you're on without restarting, so that maybe makes it feel less bad to do lots of attempts?
i dont get it. I was not even mechanically great at the vanstrom fight like i ate a bunch of lightning and still cleared it. and i'm not great at PVM! Galvek took me 20+ tries to clear my first time back in the day! DT2 bosses took me lots of attempts! even muspah took me more attempts than vanstrom. even beneath cursed sands bosses took me more attempts than vanstrom! how are people failing it THAT many times lol
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mercuryislove · 2 years
I ALSO want to have funny question friday so I tried to think up some interesting questions.
If Anwei and Ciaran had the opportunity to be regular humans again, would they take it? Would the people around them want them to?
I’m sure that the Sovereign has a lot of enemies since he’s like thee baddest bitch, but is there anyone that he just absolutely cannot stand?
What would happen if Robin, Wren, and Dove got stranded in a remote area together? How would they handle that situation together?
as usual you ALWAYS come through with the excellent questions :3c
If Anwei and Ciaran had the opportunity to be regular humans again, would they take it? Would the people around them want them to?
ABSOLUTELY they would. They're both really sick of it. Being undying has its perks but it really loses its luster after 900+ years. Anwei appreciates it more than Ciaran does, partly because she was sort of religious way back when and still thinks of it all as some Big Deal and a Gift and like. a Blessing or whatever and has a serious sense of Duty about the whole thing. And Ciaran is more like “so I can jump off this cliff and be fine? I guess that's cool” and also “so does this mean I can't get stis anymore?” He definitely didn't ask for this life lol (technically I guess neither did Anwei but she adjusted it to it a little better and is also the only reason that [redacted for spoilers] anyway) Either way, they're both tired of outliving every single person they ever know because even with the fun parts of never dying, it DOES get miserable watching every person you ever care about wither away in what feels like the blink of an eye.
I think the only person that would have any apprehension about them mortalizing themselves would be like. Go-Eun but only because she would be too worried that they would instantly get something like the flu and DIE. Yixing would be like “please for the love of god be normal again because I already have so many years on you and I'm so so so so afraid of getting old alone PLEASE don't leave me behind”
I’m sure that the Sovereign has a lot of enemies since he’s like thee baddest bitch, but is there anyone that he just absolutely cannot stand?
It's true that he's the baddest bitch around and a ton of people hate his stupid sexy guts, but honestly he doesn't pay enough attention to anyone else to give a damn about what they think. He knows he'll outlive them anyway. BUT he does hold special hatred for people that try to double-cross him, question his authority, and/or fuck with his family. (technically Andhira meets all three criteria oops lol) Generally speaking, he just offs people that piss him off, but there are a few that are too important or risky to kill outright, so he has too seethe in silence for a few centuries until they end up killing each other in petty squabbles and he gets to watch from his high horse like “oh look how these low born fools destroy each other over and over while nobody ever lays a finger on me and my own” (this WILL eventually come back to bite him on the ass lol). The biggest thorns in his side are the twelve children of Ekion who are part of the third oldest family in the world (though these guys weren't technically BORN into their family the way the Sovereign's children were). He's been waiting for the opportunity to fuck their shit right up for like 600 years at this point and is getting so tired of waiting :c
What would happen if Robin, Wren, and Dove got stranded in a remote area together? How would they handle that situation together?
UM it would depend on just how remote the area is lol If they were like. lost in the woods, it would be no big deal because Robin is notorious for disappearing for three weeks at a time to go on solo backpacking trips in the middle of nowhere, and people always assume he's been eaten by bears and he shows up stinky and hairy on instagram in the middle of Wyoming like “hi everyone I just had the greatest camping trip of my life!!” So he's good at handling the fallout of getting extremely lost. Also his family lived in a VAN until he was eleven, so he's used to shit breaking down and getting stranded places (aka campsites in the middle of nowhere). Dove would immediately have a breakdown and if Wren had a cellphone signal, she would be taking pictures and texting them to her parents through the whole ordeal like “are you sure she's really related to us? She doesn't know the difference between east and west.” And then the two of them would end up fighting like cats and dogs. Meanwhile Robin has already fixed the car and/or foraged for clean water and fucking. berries or whatever and/or built a fire and shelter. This is just a regular Wednesday afternoon for him when you're the kind of person that goes WAY off trail to find so-called mythical crags (that don't actually exist but some old stoner dude at the campsite swore they did).
HOWEVER. If they were in a plane crash on a desert island situation, they would probably just go berserk and end up killing each other in looney tune style traps. Imagine that as you will lol
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ri-ships-takari · 3 years
Wishful thinking
pairing: takeru-hikari preview: The office concierge winks at Takeru and asks, "Is that your wife?" Takeru almost slips across the slick lobby tile. That was Hikari, is all he could think. [ao3, ffnet] note: am dying preparing for a national exam but i just had to write and dump this piece of self-indulgent fluff out real quick cause i couldnt get it out of my mind and i rly need to study 😩 there is no plot and honestly no point for it to exist, i just needed it out of my head tbh genre: drabble words: 549
"Gambatte, gambatte, Takeru-kun. I'll be at the cafe across the street," says the young woman with long auburn hair, waving at Takeru as she crosses the building's automatic glass doors onto the city street.
The office concierge winks at Takeru and asks, "Is that your wife?"
Takeru almost slips across the slick lobby tile.
That was Hikari, is all he could think.
Hikari Yagami.
The young woman was a lot of things: fellow chosen, original Tokyo tamer, one of the pioneer educators in the first human-digimon integrated preschools in Japan, and one of the kindest people he knew. His best friend.
She had asked him to hold a talk for her kindergarten kids at career day last week, and of course he couldn’t say no. In fact, he started preparing for his talk the very hour she asked. He made a whole presentation — complete with hand drawn doodles and even a little activity for the kids (he had learned to keep things visual and interactive from Hikari herself, while they studied together throughout their university days.)
Of course though, when he got there the kids were more interested in his digimon Patamon than anything he had actually written about the experiences with his partner. (A few potentially hazardous attacks were tossed around for demonstration purposes, but as a digimon integrated school, the helmets were ready and the students were prepared — both the children and digimon.)
Though he talked scarcely five minutes about his actual career, Hikari was abundantly grateful.
In return for sharing his professional expertise, she promised to take him to dinner and dessert at any place of his choosing, her treat. Neither of them had anything specific in mind, but they decided to figure a place out together tonight.
They were supposed to go right after Takeru got off work at the publishing house (Hikari offered to meet him all the way, lest she incur any more favors while already paying her dues.) Right as he was about to get going though, his boss announced the whole team would need to clock in some overtime, for team morale.
Takeru worried that he would have to reschedule their dinner plans, but here was Hikari of infinite forgiveness, offering to wait as long as it took for him to get back to her. She had even dropped by to give him a canned Americano — his favorite — in support and solidarity.
But his wife?
They were hardly yet thinking about that. Things had just started falling into place, both at the school and at the publishing house. Hikari was revising lesson plans right and left, while he was churning chapter after chapter of content every week. They barely had the headspace to keep up with many of their other friends, let alone think of any relationship, or god forbid, marriage.
It had simply never crossed Takeru’s mind.
So Takeru offers the concierge only a cryptic chuckle before rushing back to the lift to return to his office. As the elevator doors close, he catches a glimpse of Hikari from outside the lobby's glass panes, turning to him for a final wave, before the pedestrian light changes and she daintily makes her way across the city street.
And he now can’t shake the thought: Well, wouldn’t that be nice?
author's note: this scenario was actually something that happened with me while living in Tokyo spoiler alert i did not end up his wife tho lol so i guess this is also just processing that odd experience too lol bless concierges and their interesting assumptions
unfortunately having a boss ask/announce yall had to overtime (for nothing but ??? team morale ???) was also based from experience so rip @/workers in traditional japanese companies
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doctorguilty · 4 years
alright here’s how I’d rewrite Infinite and ergo some of the plot points of the games story.. it  got long i got a little carried away lol........................ 
Infinite’s name probably isn’t that before he becomes a tool of destruction thing but I don’t care all that much to name him something else rn 
he also doesn’t have a sword because that’s really not necessary and I don’t know how to make that relevant at all 
forget the mercenary thing because it makes no sense that he was “hired” by eggman and that’s also boring. The jackal squad is a nomadic, robin hood type group that steals from bad folks to help other animal people villages in need 
to make character relationships.. matter a little bit more, OC is a long time childhood friend of Infinite and they still see one another a decent amount despite the jackals moving around
I don’t really care how or why the phantom ruby exists in fact I’m just realizing there’s a huge discontinuity because according to the COMIC it just.. existed arbitrarily like a chaos emerald, but according to the GAME it seems to be something Eggman fabricated, since there’s “prototypes” in play??? hm hm okay you know what I’m feeling ambitious let’s make both make sense. There is one true phantom ruby that exists, eggman finds it, where ever I don’t care. some legend about, this ruby can bring your ultimate fantasies to life! EXCEPT you need to have, idk, a good heart, a heart of gold, to use it and eggman doesnt have that so he can see the illusion of his empire but it wont become reality 
eggman thinks okay well, maybe if I fabricate copies of it I can make a version that will work, which I reckon doesn’t make them “prototypes’ anymore but just, copies, but close enough. however, they still don’t work 
now cut to jackal squad raiding eggman for his cool shit. maybe they catch wind about this whole “bring your fantasies to life” power and want to use it for good and they know eggmans vibes are rancid. in any case the jackals make off with a ruby (a FAKE one uh oh!) but not without infinite losing an eye and gaining one big unsightly scar from a fight w/ eggman and he’s like Shook about that but he’s like hm well at least I stopped that terrible guy from harnessing this power (oh no bitch u thought..) 
of course the jackals dont keep their spoils but WHO ever could be trusted with this legendary gem thing?!? oh none other than You, Original The Character, aka Infinite’s best friend .............. so he gives the ruby to OC and tells them like, idk allegedly this can make ur dreams come true but I don’t know how it works...oh my eye? yeah I sure used to have two of those but dont worry about it, anyway ttyl stay fresh  *saunters off, jackaly* 
because the fake!ruby is.. fake, it just seems to be a dud at first so OC just hangs onto it as a keepsake 
eggman, pissed about his shit getting stolen and worried what could be done with it sends robots out to hunt down infinite, kidnap him, and drag him back to eggman’s base and demand the fake!ruby back. infinite naturally refuses to tell him anything especially at the cost of putting OC in danger, so he’s like, blow it out your ass
eggman is like HAHA WELL U DUMB SHIT you stole a fake anyway and I have the real one right here.. he uses the ruby to suddenly spawn a bunch of robots and infinite braces himself for the attack... except they go right through him because they’re just illusions. eggman is like FUCK !! DAMMIT! WHY WONT THIS SHIT WORK!! Infinite uses eggman’s tantrum time to rush in to snatch the ruby. when infinite touches it as its in eggman’s hand, however, all the illusion robots become “real” (probably conveying this through effects/opacity), taking them both by surprise. infinite is unable to take the ruby before getting hit with a full force attack from a robot 
infinite is incapacitated and eggman grins,  like, inch resting...................... you seem to be able to make the ruby work... I will now use you for malicious purposes >:) (cut to black) 
NOW when Infinite is in the tube, 1) he already has his mask because the scene with him putting it on and monologueing about abandoning his old identity is unnecessary, it’s more symbolic here, 2) he’s amnesic and I know we did that with shadow already and I don’t mean to overuse it, but I think it works well enough in a different way for this story! Shadow had some fragments of memories and an identity crisis, but with Infinite, his memory is completely wiped (or perhaps suppressed?) and his only understanding of himself is that he was “created” to work for eggman. Even MORE importantly! the stakes are raised because of Infinite’s relationship to the OC--Infinite cannot remember them which makes attacking them a lot more heart wrenching ESPECIALLY when we get to a point where OC begins to recognize their brainwashed best friend using one of the (apparently) very same rubies given to OC to try to destroy them with
this also adds more tension to all the scenes where Infinite is taunting and threatening OC on a quite personal , rivalry-like level? Infinite would, over time, begin to get an inexplicable sense of familiarity with OC, which causes him to hesitate and hold back 
oh and as for the fake!ruby, OC does use it to defend himself just like the first time! it ends up being successfully activated because OC shows a strong will to protect the other civilians. if you haven’t caught on to my cheese, both OC and Infinite have hearts of gold and thats why they can use the rubies. eggman is cheating though by fusing Infinite to the ruby and using him as a proxy for his bad will..... and again, coming back to the cheese, Infinite’s heart cannot be changed and he is not truly “evil” so that’s like, how this is working 
I’m way too lazy to fix everything scene by scene because there’s also just SO MUCH wrong with all the other characters and plot but I’m just focusing on fixing Infinite and making him more interesting so I’m skipping to the end..  
I’m not entirely sure how I’d order the bosses and what I’d wanna do with the eggman robot phases  the whole things was a big mess............I kinda wanna go with what I THOUGHT was going to happen after beating up giant robot thing and then that squid robot breaks out??? and I thought it was going to be Infinite cause that would be much more dramatic? So lets go with that---When Eggman says like, well fuck infinite who needs him? i harnessed the power of the ruby into my robot, he means he literally trapped Infinite in it like, wired up and shit to use him like a power generator. fucked up. Infinite breaks out after that phase of the battle, and he’s like, in so much pain and glitched out on overclocked energy he cant even control what he’s doing.... commence TRUE final boss battle (it can still be a tagteam with sonic), and it’s sad and dramatic! OC pleads (or I reckon sonic, maybe the other heroes too since they talk during fights! like since OC doesnt talk) infinite to remember his true self because they dont want to destroy him 
once you’ve depleted his health bar, I’m going to go ahead and use the game’s weird addition of quicktime events to fuel more cheesiness (B/C THIS IS SONIC...WHY DID THEIR “POWER OF FRIENDSHIP” MORAL END ON SUCH A BLAND, UNEMOTIONAL NOTE IN FORCES??? shadow didnt fall to his (alleged) death in sa2 for this..............) and you quicktime OC HUGGING Infinite, like jumping towards him and grabbing him in an embrace type of thing! and when OC makes contact with the ruby, it activates, making all the probably hostile glitchy  battle terrain or whatever dissipate, infinite stops being like.. idk lookin like he’s being electrocuted, and his mask fades away .. exposing Infinite as his true self once again 
the in between the lines intent here, again since OC doesn’t talk, is that OC’s fantasy was to bring Infinite back so they could be together again. you’re welcome to interpret that as romantic, or platonic, it doesn’t matter! it’s open ended! it’s just supposed to be cute!  
idk and then emotional stuff, I’m not entirely sure what it doesn’t really matter the idea is that Infinite is like, remorseful of what happened but everyone ofc forgives him because it’s not his fault , and then he joins up with with everyone to help fix the world! hmm I’m torn between Infinite keeping the true phantom ruby or giving it to the OC, like giving it to the OC makes sense, but for the sake of like, hypothetically bringing Infinite back in a future game and having special powers, it would be perfect if he kept it and that was his thing, he uses the power of virtual reality to help people and fight evil and whatever  
I dont know I guess there’s not a lot of sense in thinking too hard since I just remembered none of this is canon whatsoever and we’re probably not seeing Infinite again unless as a stock evil thing to beat up like metal sonic 8′) 
I have no idea who i wrote this for I guess myself! Idk if anyone else played forces or cares or w/e but! if you DO happen to be someone who read this and cares about it omg well like feel free to! comment and tell me what you think!!!  this was all very stream of thought
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murdercide626 · 5 years
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So I FINALLY got to play Sonic Forces for the first time!
Yeah, I can see why some people were underwhelmed by this. The premise is darker and the stakes are higher, but the conflict of the resistance against the Eggman Empire felt so glossed over and rushed that I couldn’t really get too invested. Part of this can definitely be attributed to how short the game is. My biggest problem though is definitely the Classic Sonic stages. How is it STILL so hard for an in-house Sega developer to replicate the physics of classic Sonic games?? And maybe it’s just me, but I swear the music in the classic Sonic stages sounds WORSE than an actual Genesis Sonic game soundtrack! Ugh.
But, BUT!! Despite these issues though, I don’t hate Forces. I actually think it’s one of the better modern Sonic games. I absolutely LOVE the character creation feature! And the avatar stages are probably my favorite gameplay-wise too! The modern Sonic stages felt pretty solid as well. And despite the execution, I do like that they at least ATTEMPTED a game plot where Eggman finally conquered the world and had the upper hand. The final boss was pretty awesome too! Also, despite all his tryhard edginess, I did actually like Infinite. He had a neat design and some interesting powers. I also liked that he actually seemed content with his position as Eggman’s enforcer and never showed any desire to betray the doctor. That was refreshing. lol
So yeah, not the best Sonic game, but FAR from the worst. If they had just fixed the Classic Sonic gameplay physics somehow, and put a little more care into the execution of the plot, it’d probably be one of the best Sonic games overall, at least in my eyes.
But hey, I only spent about twenty bucks on this, so I guess I can’t really complain. ^^; lol
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erikacruised · 7 years
A Recap of my 7-month Hiatus
I can’t believe I haven’t blogged since November!
Half of 2017 has come and gone and I haven’t been able to document anything significant that has happened. If not for Julius reminding me that I haven’t blogged for some time (and that I consequently stopped writing cheesy posts for him lol), I wouldn’t be here trying to remember the major events that took place from December to May...
DECEMBER. Big month! The holiday rush is upon us all. Juls and I attended our first wedding together. I can’t put it into words, but there’s something about holding the one you love while watching someone else get married... a hopeful feeling, I guess? Hope that in the near future, you’ll be the ones in front of that altar during the best day of the rest of your lives. Yeah, I think that’s it. :)
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Also for the first time, I had a boyfriend at home for Christmas YAY! That might just be the best present I’ve received in my 21 Christmases (the 2nd best is Timmy...which I believe deserves a separate post). It was also the first Christmas that I was able to give gifts to the family, which felt infinitely better than when you’re on the receiving end. December was goooood.
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JANUARY. The month when I tried to get my shit together, just like what everybody else does when it’s a new year. I said I’d read more books, watch more films, venture into more hobbies, save more money, eat healthier food--all of which I stopped doing by the 3rd week or so. Not much happened either, just start of the year buzz.
FEBRUARY. Love month! Celebrated Valentine’s Day the best way we know how: we ate at a buffet!
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We’re savages in buffets.
We also spontaneously watched a movie and had a well-deserved body massage. I wonder how we’re gonna top this next year? :)
MARCH. I was hustling on the sidelines this month! My nights and weekends were occupied with various thesis papers to be edited. I did around 10 papers, I think.. I don’t even remember where my earnings from this side-job went. Probably food. Oh and my boss gave me a TV and I discovered the joys of Netflix on a bigger screen.
APRIL. Juls and I got new specs this month! We also watched 5 new movies in the cinema. Looking back on my planner, we actually went on a lot of dates during April. How I wish it was always April...
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MAY. Birth month! Went to a beach trip with family and Julius for the birthdays in the family. That was my only summer trip as it was a busy month at work. We also celebrated our second anniversary this month!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! This one deserves a separate post <3
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And now it’s June. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds!
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