#anakin skywalker / star wars appearance
hayden-christensen · 2 months
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There’s always a price to be paid.
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moonwarde · 1 year
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clone wars screencap redraw - 3.02 | arc troopers
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magnusbae · 9 months
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“ I have suffered the atrocity of sunsets. Scorched to the root. ” –Sylvia Plath
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
Padwan anakin x more dark side leaning reader?
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
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Featuring my boy Jon Antilles, give it up for Jon Antilles everybody.
You had both been younglings with the jedi, and later Padawans. You had been older than Anakin by the time he joined the order, meaning you were just at the cusp of getting sent off to the other corpse if you didn’t get picked as a padawan.
You had never fit in much with the Jedi. You were too emotional, too quick to anger, and your grudges knew no ends. You still had a chip on your shoulder because Yoda decided to tease you when you were very small, if that said anything about your ability to hold grudges.
You were the child of two slaves, who had served under the worst of the worst. This meant you had been surrounded by darkness and hate since you started growing in your parents’ womb. You had overheard many of the older jedi wonder if that was the reason for your emotional state.
Anakin didn’t fit in much either, having joined so late and being the so called chosen one. Because of this, you two found comfort in each other.
Anakin was so excited about being a jedi, though he also feared living up to the potential. In your eyes he just switched one slave owner for the next, as that was how it felt to you. But he was young and bright, so you didn’t wanna rain on his parade.
But just before your 13th birthday, you were taken as a padawan of one of the lesser known and vaguer Jedi of the order, Jon Antilles. He was a person who followed the will of the force and not the order, and the force led him to you.
He would later tell you that he looked into your eyes and saw the fire raring within you, unable to be quelled and as a result, making you someone who would suffer under the pressure and expectations of the order.
Saying goodbye to Anakin was hard, as you two had found yourselves as the only true friend the other had. Many feared you because of your known anger and revenge seeking tendencies, and Anakin because of the heavy burden of the prophesy.
But as two former slaves, you also both knew that the galaxy was vast, and that you had to go where the currents took you. Anakin also understood, even though he still didn’t fully understand the order, that you didn’t belong within the temple and that you needed to spread your wings.
Before you left, you pressed a kiss to Anakin’s forehead and gave him a bracelet made out of a thick black cord. It chafed the skin but was sturdy enough to take anything that may hit it. It was the last keepsake you had of your parents, and it had been what kept you going for all this time, and now you wanted Anakin to have it.
So, with one last goodbye, and promises whispered in the language of slaves, you left with your new Master, who told you not to call him master but instead refer to him as your teacher.
Jon Antilles had seen the worst the galaxy had to offer, and had no wish to be referred to as master by someone who was once a slave.
Back at the temple Anakin would find himself crying silently and tearlessly in his room, mourning the loss of a friend, his only friend. Obi Wan would feel his grief in the force, and would go to comfort him, knowing what it is like to lose someone so dear to you.
This would most likely lead to their relationship being better in this universe, at least a little. As that one moment helped cement a deeper level of trust and understanding.
Anakin stayed with the order and became more and more skilled, a part of him waiting for the moment you two would reunite. The bracelet stayed around his wrist, though he moved it to some other part of his body to keep it hidden, and other jedi started mumbling comments about attachment.
You thrived under Antilles, as he didn’t follow the orders from the council, the order, or even the republic. He only seemed to care about where the force wanted him, and by extension you, to go.
Your teacher was a firm believer in the light, but he also saw that the dark existed, so when you for the first time grasped the dark side in a life-or-death situation, he didn’t punish you like you feared.
Using the dark side once means it’s always with you, but instead of shunning you, your teacher helps you find balance, at least to the best of your ability.
The dark side is hard to master, and maybe you never fully do. But you never give yourself too it completely, always holding a tight grasp on the light beside it, letting the two feed off of each other to keep you from going down an unforgivable path.
Your anger and grudges still persist, and there are times you end up being needlessly cruel, but you catch yourself before its too late. During these times your teachers help is necessary, until you master it on your own.
Because of the nomadic lifestyle of Antilles and you, you end up ready to go on your own much before most other Padawan. Life experiences matures a person, and Antilles trusts you to do what is right, even if he has caught you practicing lightning or sucking the life energy out of things.
So as Anakin still works hard to be a better padawan and to fit the tight mold the order places upon him, you explore the outer parts of the galaxy, running with bounty hunters and pirates alike.
One might think you would be discovered as a jedi one way or another, but thanks to your less and jedi personality, and preferences for other weapons, you are never figured out.
Your loyalty to the rules of the order are also very very loose, if not nonexistent. The many experiences you have out in the galaxy puts many things into perspective, and you make your own theories and ideas about how the force works, theories that struggle against the rules of the jedi.
During all this time, Anakin can’t seem to leave your mind. Hes always present somewhere in there, the thin thread of a bond between the two of you so skinny its barely there anymore after all this time. But every now and again, you like to give it a little tug, smiling to yourself when he tugs back.
You two meet again during one of Anakin’s missions with Obi Wan, a mission that’s taken them further away from the core than Anakin has been since he was taken in by the jedi.
It’s a mission involving a slave trader who’s somehow smuggling slaves in and out of the republic, and the two jedi were sent to check it out but not get involved, much to Anakin’s annoyance.
They end up splitting up, not wanting to be suspected, and Anakin has to wear something to cover his head to hide his Padawan braid.
In the end, Anakin finds the hideout of the Slave traders, and just as he’s about to report it back to Obi Wan, a figure swoops in and starts ransacking the place.
Anakin can only watch with shock as you tear through the slave traders, the darkness inside you purring at their spilled blood, as the light silently approves of the justice you act out. Its only after you’ve freed all the slaves and take your hood off that Anakin recognizes you.
One way or another he follows you and corners you, in the way Anakin does, eyes wide but sparkling at how much skill you had shown in there, many questions leaving him as he wants to know what you have been up too and how you got here.
Most jedi would probably have disapproved of you killing the slavers, but Anakin had never seen slavers as anyone worth living, not that he could share those thoughts with anybody.
But at some point, you end up taking the Jedi padawan back to the room you booked for the night, where you two spend the entire night talking about what’s happened since last time you met, the bond between you strengthening after so long apart.
After that, you two keep bumping into each other. You had a feeling the force was playing a role in this, and you swore you could hear it giggling in amusement a sit pushed you together with its chosen one again and again.
Whenever you were around, the mission always ended much faster, meaning Anakin could slip away and spend time with you before reporting back to Obi Wan.
During this time, the childish crush he had had on you all that time ago comes back with a vengeance. Even when he sees you use sith lightning for the first time, he can’t seem to feel anything by affection for you.
Anakin knows he should fear you, but even as your turned turn yellow for a second or two as you lean fully into the dark during a battle, he only seems able to find your beautiful.
When Anakin kisses you for the first time, neither of you truly know how to react. Anakin’s never been in a relationship, and you have never really been with anyone you truly had feelings for. But Anakin just couldn��t keep it to himself anymore, even as he knows it goes against everything the order has taught him.
If he truly were to follow the order, Anakin would have to report that you had fallen, even though you still used the light as much as you did the dark. After that he would have to stay away from you, lest you corrupt him. But he just can’t, so he stays, slipping you information so you know where his next mission goes, so you “accidentally” end up with a contract on that planet.
You settle on Coruscant for a while, which means Anakin can sneak out and spend time with you away from prying eyes.
The fact that you use the dark without succumbing to it ends up helping Anakin not fall when that time comes, but for now, you just help him get a better understanding of the force and how you have come to see it as an entity.
Obi Wan regularly wonders where Anakin goes, and worries to some degree, but he does realize that Anakin always feels lighter and more at peace when he returns from his outings, so he lets him have them to himself, hoping his Padawan would tell him if there was anything he needed to know.
As a result of your status, Anakin would start to think about leaving the order someday. Maybe not soon, but maybe one day he would like to leave with you and just go where the force takes you two.
He knows it’s a romantic fantasy, but Anakin can’t help but bask in it, even if he has to do it in secret. Being your partner just brings him more peace than any meditation ever has, and Anakin never wants to let you go.
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yk in tcw when obi-wan was like:
"ventress, you're not looking well"
and anakin was like, "she never does"
is so funny if you compare ventress with her chaotic neutral glow up from the last episode to anakin (who is currently a walking genocidal toaster) and obi-wan (who already looks like og trilogy ben).
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antianakin · 1 year
The constant pervasive ideas about the Jedi, that they're repressed and bad at relationships and isolated from the world and its realities and stuck in their ways, is actually just... Anakin.
Like people looked at Anakin Skywalker and assumed that because he was the protagonist that the way he acted was somehow a symptom of the Jedi's teachings or upbringing instead of just... Anakin's personality?
Anakin is repressed, more than almost literally any other character in the entire franchise. Anakin chronically refuses to really acknowledge how he's feeling and pretends he ISN'T feeling it while multiple other people might be begging him to do the opposite.
Anakin is bad at relationships, he pressures Padme into a relationship by constantly ignoring her stated boundaries and disrespecting her. He complains about his OTHER relationships to Padme and Palpatine, particularly his relationship to Obi-Wan. He's awkward and overly melodramatic, incapable of truly expressing himself in a way that isn't immediately off-putting to normal people or being able to express his more positive feelings towards someone in a way they might recognize or accept.
Anakin isolates himself from the world and its realities, refusing to see nuance anywhere, and preferring to view things from an entirely black and white perspective, particularly in order to make himself out to be the hero of any situation (the Tuskens are animals, the Separatists are evil, the Jedi are evil, etc).
Anakin is stuck in his ways. Similar to the last point, Anakin refuses to accept that any way but his own could possibly work or be worth considering. He thinks he's extra special and therefore people like Obi-Wan have literally nothing to teach him of any worth. Anakin doesn't WANT to think differently about the Separatists even when Padme tells him otherwise. Anakin does things in a certain specific way and refuses to change even if it might be better to do so.
I dare someone to try to come up with an accusation made about the Jedi's culture and lifestyle that "needs to change" that isn't literally just ANAKIN'S personality flaws projected onto the Jedi at large.
Maybe the Jedi don't need to change at all and Anakin just as an unhealthy toxic personality that even the Jedi couldn't fix.
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months
General Grievous made his first appearance in a animated Clone Wars short on April 8, 2004. The episode also featured Voolvif Monn (the wolfman Jedi) who was chosen to appear as a winner of a Cartoon Network choose a Jedi contest. ("Chapter 20", The Clone Wars, Star Wars TV Event)
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galaxysharks · 1 year
Y'all I have had a thought.
Yoda - crazy
Dooku - proper -----------> asajj - crazy~ish
Qui-gon - crazy
Obi-wan - proper
Anakin - crazy
Ahsoka - proper~ish
It seems a pattern appears within the disaster lineage.
The crazy skips generations, and dark side users produce mixed results.
That's it. That's the thought.
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Just sitting here thinking about how insanely profound it is that even when not shipped romantically Obi-Wan and Anakin are STILL soulmates. Like romantic feelings or sexual attraction notwithstanding - they are literally metaphysical soulmates!!!
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
I finally watched obi-wan kenobi (2022) and I just keep thinking about... I keep thinking about obi-wan constantly talking to qui-gon, asking for him in the dark, begging for some sort of comfort from him, even if he never gets an answer. and vader/anakin still calling after obi-wan as he walks away from him again, twisted in hatred and obsession but still so -- desperate for him to hear it.
some part of you never does stop trying to call out for a parent even when all hope is lost, huh.
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stairset · 10 months
I'm not an Anakin defender in a "he was The Real Victim and everything was actually the big mean Jedi's fault" way cause that's stupid and people who think that are stupid however I am an Anakin defender in a "why are you even watching Star Wars if you hate the central character that the entire franchise revolves around" way.
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hayden-christensen · 2 years
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ANAKIN SKYWALKER & AHSOKA TANO Episode 5 - Practice Makes Perfect | Star Wars: Tales of The Jedi (2022)
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mmelolabelle · 9 months
Nowhere in the Imperial Navy are the droids better maintained than on the Executor. Maintenance is regular and thorough, absolutely zero corners are being cut, and Force forbid anyone tries to settle for an ‘that’ll do’ patch job. Moreover no one is vandalising them or “accidentally” damaging them. No one. Not after that time a new transfer kicked a mouse droid in frustration, only for Lord Vader to materialise out of thin air and toss the new guy into the wall with his mind.
(The mouse droid was fine. It reappeared on floor rotation three standard days later with new plating, the smallest artillery array anyone has ever seen, and - if one eye-witness is to be believed - a jetpack)
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Padmé looks back on her life and choices and remembers things that will never truly leave her. She suspects this is how Leia feels, all of the time.
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skyz8 · 9 months
It just dawned on me that maybe Ahsoka hasn't met Luke yet. I think all the events of this show happened before she met him. Otherwise Baylan Skoll would have picked up Luke while reading her thoughts and feelings. Also, she wouldn't just shrug off her meeting with Luke like that.
And at some point, maybe near the end of the show, I think Anakin's force ghost might show up to have some final parting words with her and then tells her to go meet his son in Ossus.
Because by the time we see her with Luke in TBOBF her demeanor is SO different. She's no longer in limbo mentally, cuz she chose to live, she's all happy, smiling, and at peace, laughing with R2D2, calling Luke, Master, and telling Din that she's a friend of the family, and proudly saying that one day this'll be a great Jedi School. And later telling Luke with a smile that he's so much like his father...etc. I think It's because she's healed now and at peace with her past, and Luke would've told her all about Anakin's redemption too. So, it seems to me that their meeting probably happened after the events of Ahsoka season 1.
I'm not really sure, timeline in the mandoverse is hazy, but this makes much more sense to me, than just seemingly making Ahsoka and Luke's meeting irrelevant, and never mentioning Luke's existence in a time where he's very much alive and well and active as a Jedi, in a show about The Force, artifacts, Thrawn, The World Between Worlds & Force-ghost Anakin Skywalker, set in post ROTJ era.
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meterrrvolt · 1 year
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i AM still thinking abt star wars / ninjago parallels thank you for asking!
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