I really wanna play disco Elysium. I know basically nothing about it except that you play a really fucked up guy and that's all i need to know. I wanna play the fucked up guy game.
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tacosdefresa · 4 months
The neurotypical delulu and the analphabet gifted
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(Dios no debi poner ese texto en azul)
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ur-new-stepmom · 8 months
my president is in israel crying at the west wall, defending genocide while our country crumbles and burns, poverty nearing 50%.
we recognize palestine and stand for its freedom. i’m so sorry. many of us are incredibly ashamed to see our country and our representatives standing on the wrong side of history.
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eeveeistani · 2 years
Last Friday, while writing an essay, I overheard my professor talking to one of my bullies (the same that got hand sanitizer sprayed on his eye, and he shall be named Mark) about how he was failing every class. i was thrilled.
Fast forward to today, our school council let us play football in the last 2 hours. Since I dislike fottball, I continued reading a book, and the same idiot failing every class called me a mongoloid for reading. I'm somewhat convinced he doesen't know how to read. The light breeze caressing my face was delightful tho.
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I love that even though finn can correctly write and read in canon we as a fandom are like :
Finn? The human? Writting and readding? No way bro, our boy is analphabet, dyslexic at best.
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tragantia · 5 months
Been thinking about this for a while, trying to imagine what Severen's life was like at the frontier during the Wild West days. Bill Paxton imagined him as a lowlife, a cowboy, and the term 'cowboy' was used to describe an outlaw, as a legitimate cowboy would have normally been described as a rancher.
I imagine him without proper parental guidance, probably with a violent father and an absent mother (Did she leave? Did she die? Was she submissive to her husband, to the point of becoming numb to everything, including her son?). So, using colloquial terms, he probably had what we call 'daddy issues' and 'mommy issues'.
His surname 'Van Sickle' suggests that at least the father was probably an immigrant from the Netherlands - so a larger support group would have been unlikely.
Chaos suited him well since this is the only reality he knew, so he left home early. He run into more questionable company, but again, he was already good at doing questionable things, probably had stolen since he was very young.
When Jesse met him, he was already a man in his thirties, experienced enough to have done pretty gruesome things by that point, and he took to his new lifestyle as if it was meant for him.
Jesse himself was pretty questionable, but he had something that Severen craved - he was solid. I'm not sure whether to go to the extent of saying that he was a 'good man' in the conventional sense - he wasn't, but he looked after his own. He was protective, he taught him things to help him survive and improve himself. He called him out when needed, despite letting him have his fun. Severen was too old for Jesse to be a proper father figure, but he was close enough.
When Jesse brought Diamondback - Severen realised that it was possible to really love someone, romantically speaking. He would never admit it out loud, but he realised it was possible to build a life, a family. It's something that sounded almost alien to him, and he didn't really know how to express it.
He took Homer and Mae under his wing, so to speak. Behaved like his asshole self, particularly with Homer, and showed Mae how to defend herself. It was his way of showing he cared. He forced himself to do the same with Caleb, for Mae's sake, and ended up liking the idiot (in my reality Caleb stays with the clan and everyone lives happily ever after ok including the horse who never gets punched by Sev like in the script shhhh ride to freedom sweet bby). He looked up to Jesse. He had shown him this life and stayed loyal to him, so he would reciprocate and protect his clan at all costs.
When he finally meets his s/o? He feels like he's been hit by something. He can't understand what it is at first, he finds it annoying, infuriating even. He's had flings before, and plenty of sex, sure, but he's never *cared*, not really. Imagine this emotional analphabet sat in a motel room as his mate rides his cock whilst looking into his eyes, caressing his chest, neck, jaw, kissing him, telling him how much they love him, praising him, whilst he just lays there grabbing their hips and moaning, drunk on the feeling of his cock being swallowed by their warmth, and knowing what it's to be *loved*. He's so touchy during the film, you can't tell me he wouldn't *love* that.
He will never get tired of it. His overall dominant and aggressive persona discarded, during those moments he just allows himself to exist and be given what he's never known that he craved.
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qwertyu858 · 2 years
You guys will believe I am making this up but the average person in mexico (at least where I live) firmly believes mexico is a safer country than usa and that the country would became "as dangerous as usa" if we got legal guns/self defense.
I blame the fact that every small shooting in america gets televised here for weeks, while absolute masacres here get ignored by tv and sometimes even local news.
Plus, most people that I have know are funtionally analphabets and they dont know how percentajes or "per 1000 habitants" stadistics work, so they go with raw numbers, that are usually the ones getting televised and stuff like that.
(if you guys wonder, murder rate here is around 5x than usa, according to google if I remember well)
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jaelijn · 1 year
This morning's thought: dyslexic!Vila.
That atrocious scene in "Countdown" where he messes up the corridor number sequence immediately despite repeating it back to Ralli correctly - together with the earlier thing about the launch doors, which is also Vila, it always feels to me like bad writing, because all those things do narratively is serve to set up Provine's escape route and ultimately the deadly scuffle with Blake. They have no real in-universe explanation otherwise. And Vila is the one whose characterisation takes a hit in order to make it happen. It's always been, to me, the worst bit of Countdown, which is generally one of my favourites.
You have the character who is the sole person capable of opening the safe and also the only one recognising Provine - as in, both essential competencies for the success of what they are actually there to do before everyone gets derailed by the countdown - also make really, really stupid mistakes within the same episode that are happening not because of the character, but for the sole purpose of making the narrative work.
That has always seemed so shoehorned that I never really thought about it more. But while messing up numbers you've heard once can absolutely also happen to anyone, especially under stress, combined with who Vila is - street-smart rather than book-smart, though he is decidedly NOT analphabetic - if we go for an in-universe explanation that isn't just a nonsensical (and ableist) "Well Vila is just an idiot", it seems reasonable that there's more to it than poor writing, particularly since he doesn't just get it wrong, he gets it wrong specifically by switching the order of two of the numbers.
Others have probably said this before, or maybe not. Either way, it's got me thinking.
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ii-cant-word2 · 5 months
So lecker (Eridan, siehe) So lecker (Sie können mir vertrauen) So lecker (ich helfe dir dabei) Ich bin karkalisch, ich mag Süßigkeiten, Süßigkeiten Es ist so lecker (ay, ay, ay, ay) So lecker (ay, ay, ay, ay) So lecker (ay, ay, ay, ay) Ich bin karkalisch (sie sagt, mein Blut sei wie Süßigkeiten, Süßigkeiten) T zum A, zum S-t-e-y – verdammt lecker, t zum A zum S-t-e-y – verdammt lecker D zum e, zum l-i-c-i-o-u-s T to the a, to the s t e y – verdammt lecker. T zum a, zum, zum, zum, zum Zum d zum e, zum l-i-c-i-o-u-s Zum d zum e, zum l-i-c-i-o-u-s Zum d zum e, zum l-i-c-i-o-u-s zum d, zum e, zum … Jetzt warte nur eine verdammte Sekunde Muss ich diesen Scheiß ernsthaft bis zum Ende des verdammten Liedes buchstabieren? Ich meine, wer auch immer das Original geschrieben hat, hatte vermutlich nie Zugang zur Rechtschreibprüfung Weil t-a-s-t-e-y nicht lecker bedeutet. War dieser Fergie-Douchemuffin Analphabet oder so etwas? Was meinst du damit, dass menschliche Rap-Künstler die einzigen sind, die mutig genug sind, ihre eigenen grammatikalischen Wracks zu schreiben und es Musik zu nennen!? Was zum Teufel macht Will Smith überhaupt? Er wirft keine kranken Feuer mehr nieder!? Scheiß drauf, ich höre auf!
stop karkaliciousing
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maochira · 8 months
bye how tf you break three rules in one request then do it all over AGAIN after being told no in the most direct way possible. 😭
like fuck that person. their ass should be blocked just for that💀
Non-rules-readers after being told to read the rules: oh no i suddenly became an analphabet what does that mean. Anyways lets jump into the inbox can I please get specific body type fem reader x character maochira doesn't write romantic smut violent gore vomit mental illness
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moni-logues · 2 years
CONGRADS!!!!! SO HAPPY TO BE ONE OF YOUR FOLLOWERS!!!! I'd like to throw out the word "Analphabetism" for Hoseok.
"What is she making you read today, baby?" he asked your daughter, sitting down on the other side of her; she immediately loosened her grip on you and snuggled into her father. You rolled your eyes inwardly: she had always been a daddy's girl, almost from the second she was born. But you couldn't blame her: you were still all kinds of soft for Hoseok, too.
He ruffled her hair and tipped up the book you were still reading aloud to get a look at the cover.
"Great Expectations? Really?"
"It's a classic!"
"But she can't even read yet? Can you, baby?"
"No, daddy! Can't!"
Send me a one-word prompt for a 100-word drabble!
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when t.rex early stuff then i feel like an analphabetic loser
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luisd105 · 2 years
Antithesis. – For those who do not play along, there exists the danger of considering themselves better than others and misusing their critique of society as an ideology for their own private interest. While feeling their way towards making their own existence into the flickering picture of the right one, they should remain aware of its insubstantiality and know how little the picture can replace the right life. Such considerations however contradict the gravitational force of what is bourgeois within them. Those who are at a distance are as entangled as those who are actively engaged; the former have nothing over the latter, except the insight into their entanglement and the happiness of the tiny freedom, which lies in the recognition as such. Their own distance from business as usual is a luxury, solely spun off by that business as usual. That is why every impulse towards self-withdrawal bears the marks of what is negated. The coldness which it must develop is not to be separated from the bourgeois one. In the monadological principle, even where it protests, lurks the ruling generality. Proust’s observation, that the photographs of the grandfathers of a duke and a Jew from the entrepreneurial class look so similar, that no-one thinks of the social ranking order, strikes at a far more comprehensive state of affairs [Sachverhalt]: all of those differences which comprised the happiness, indeed the moral substance, of individual existence, objectively disappear behind the unity of the epoch. We detect the decay of education, and yet our prose, measured against Jacob Grimm or Bachofen, has phraseologies in common with the culture-industry which we did not suspect. Moreover we no longer know Greek or Latin like Wolf or Kirchhoff. We point out the transition of civilization into analphabetism and ourselves forget to write letters or to read a text of Jean Paul, as it must have been read in his time. We abhor the coarsening of life, but the absence of any objectively binding common decency [Sitte: morals] compels us at every step into modes of conduct, speech and calculation which are barbaric, measured by humane standards, and tactless, even by the dubious standards of the good society. With the dissolution of liberalism, the authentic bourgeois principle, that of competition, was not overcome, but passed over from the objectivity of social processes into the composition [Beschaffenheit: character, constitution] of pushing and shoving atoms – into anthropology, as it were. The subjugation of life to the production-process degradingly inflicts something of that isolation and loneliness on every single person, which we are tempted to consider the matter of our superior choice. The notion that every single person considers themselves better in their particular interest than all others, is as long-standing a piece of bourgeois ideology as the overestimation of others as higher than oneself, just because they are the community of all customers. Since the old bourgeois class has abdicated, both lead their afterlife in the Spirit [Geist] of intellectuals, who are at the same time the last enemies of the bourgeois, and the last bourgeois. By allowing themselves to still think at all vis-a-vis the naked reproduction of existence, they behave as the privileged; by leaving things in thought, they declare the nullity of their privilege. The private existence, which yearns to look like one worthy of human beings, simultaneously betrays the latter, because the similarity of the general implementation is withdrawn, which more than ever before requires an independent sensibility [Besinnung]. There is no exit from the entanglement. The only responsible option is to deny oneself the ideological misuse of one’s own existence, and as for the rest, to behave in private as modestly, inconspicuously and unpretentiously as required, not for reasons of good upbringing, but because of the shame that when one is in hell, there is still air to breathe.
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denk-weisen · 6 months
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Zum Launch meiner neuen Consulting-Website kannst Du die hochintensive 1-zu-1-ConsultingReihe "Einflussreiche Sprache - Einflussreiches Schreiben - Einflussreiche Kommunikation" 30% günstiger buchen. Nur noch 1 PLatz zum günstigeren Tarif frei! Wer zuerst kommt, kommt zuerst. 🙂
“Der Analphabet der Zukunft wird derjenige sein, der weder mit der Kamera noch mit dem Stift umgehen kann.” - Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1895 - 1946) Wirklich prophetische Worte, die erst heutzutage ihre volle Gültigkeit entfalten. Wer nicht Bildsprache und Sprache beherrscht und strategisch generieren kann, ist heute orientierungsloses Opfer der Einflüsse derer, die es können.
Genau darum geht es ein meinem 1-zu-1 “Einflussreiche Kommunikation”-ConsultingWorkshop: Sprache, Bildsprache, non-verbale Sprachaspekte aller Art präzise beherrschen lernen, um deine Zukunft souveräner gestalten zu können. Die 24 Prinzipien einflussreicher Sprache vermitteln Einfluss in jeder nur erdenklichen Dimension - extrem wirksam im Privatleben und sehr profitabel im Business - das ConsultingProgramm "Einflussreiche Sprache, Einflussreiches Schreiben, Einflussreiche Kommunikation". Sogar wirklich gute Werbetexter und Kommunikationsprofis, NLP-Koryphäen und professionelle Influencer haben aus meinem 1-zu1-Workshop "Einflussreiches Schreiben" extrem viel gelernt - weil Einfluss viel mehr ist als Werbung und Verkauf, und viel mehr als nur Psychologie. Einfluss kann die Weltwahrnehmung verändern. Youri Keifens schreibt zu seiner Erfahrung mit dem Workshop: >>Als Copywriting-Mentor und NLP-Trainer bin ich mit vielen Konzepten und Strategien vertraut – doch kennen heißt nicht können! In der individuellen Arbeit mit Niels habe ich neue Impulse für mein Business erhalten und durch zum Teil verrückte Experimente „alte“ Themen aus neuen Perspektiven entdeckt. Wer bereit ist, sich selbst zu finden oder sein Business neu zu erfinden, ist hier goldrichtig.<<
DIE Fähigkeit, durch die ich am meisten erreicht habe, nenne ich "EinflussReiches Schreiben" - d.h. nicht Werbetexten und nicht überzeugende Verkaufskommunikation, sondern der Gebrauch von Sprache in einer Weise, die EinflussReichtum erzeugt. Das lässt sich nicht nur in Business, Branding und Marketing verwenden - auch wenn es sich dafür besonders eignet - sondern in jeder Art der schriftlichen Kommunikation (und es verbessert unweigerlich auch deine mündliche Kommunikation). Für mich persönlich habe ich im Lauf der Jahre 24 "SchreibPrinzipien" defininiert, die als Fundament aller meiner schriftlichen Äußerungen dienen & die ich immer wieder konsultiere und übe. Zum "EinflussReichen Schreiben" gehört auch die Entwicklung eines wiedererkennbaren Stils, welcher ermöglicht, klar, strategisch und zielgerichtet zu schreiben. Denn es ist der Stil, der die richtigen Menschen und Kunden "anzieht" - passt dein Stil nicht zur intendierten InteressenGruppe, werden dich die gewünschten Menschen nicht in Betracht ziehen. (Genau daran scheitern viele 'Premium-Positionierungen': Sie etablieren nicht den Stil, der Menschen mit viel Geld anspricht.) Wer sich mit den richtigen Menschen vernetzen und höhere Positionen erreichen will, braucht den entsprechenden Stil. Wenn Du "EinflussReiches Schreiben" lernst, wirst Du dem Mittelmaß weit überlegene Ergebnisse erzielen können. Ich biete dir daher den 1-zu-1-Workshop (live per Zoom) an, in dem ich dir in 12 Wochen persönlich vermittle, wie DU "EinflussReiches Schreiben" lernen kannst. Plus OrientierungsGespräch zur indivduellen Ausrichtung der Zusammenarbeit auf deine gewünschten Resultate und Inhalte, sowie begleitender OnlineRaum für Feedback zu deinen Texten und anderen möglichen Kommunikationsformen (Audio, Video). Und Du erhältst alle Gespräche auch als Audio-Aufzeichnung zum mehrfachen Nachhören (und DU wirst mehrfach nachhören wollen, so vollgepackt mit Qualität sind die Gespräche!) Ich vermittle dir alle meine Prinzipien, gebe dir direkten Einblick in die beste und produktivste Arbeitsweise, zeige dir alle meine Werkzeuge, bringe dir die Nutzung der effektivsten "Formeln" bei, entwickle mit dir deinen eigensten unverwechselbaren Stil und gebe dir alle Prinzipien für erfolgreiches "EinflussReiches Scheiben". Nach den 12 Wochen dieses 1-zu1-Workshops wirst Du dramatisch bessere Ergebnisse mit allen deinen schriftlichen (und mündlichen) Kommunikationen erzielen - und dir Fähigkeiten angeeignet haben, die dir dein Leben erfolgsdienlich bleiben werden! Wenn Du investitionsbereit bist und die 30% Rabatt dieses Specials nutzen willst, schicke mir eine PN oder eMail an [email protected] und wir unterhalten uns dazu!
Im Laufe der Arbeit mit mir in diesem 1-zu-1-Workshop lernst Du unter anderem:
* Wie Du extrem starke emotionale Assoziationsfelder durch Sprache erschaffst und diese für hochgradig präzise Einflussnahme nutzen kannst * Wie Du deine eigensten Geschichten nutzt, um eine tiefe Beziehung zu deinem jeweiligen Gegenüber zu entwickeln * Wie Du alle Aspekte von Kommunikation - wie z.B. Sender, Empfänger, Kanal, Kontext und einiges mehr - gezielt nutzt, um extrem überzeugend zu kommunizieren * Was das Grundprinzip fast allen wirkungsvollen Einflusses ist und wie Du dies bei allen deinen sprachlichen Äußerungen nutzt * Warum auch non-verbale Elemente (Körpersprache, Design, Kleidung, Umgebung & mehr!) eine Form der Sprache sind und wie Du sie optimal nutzt, um die von dir gewünschten Botschaften effektiv zur Sprache zu bringen * Wie Du Polarisierung oder Provokation positiv nutzen kannst um deinem Publikum wertvolle Einsichten zu ermöglichen * Wie Du Autorität und Expertise in deinen sprachlichen Äußerungen etablieren kannst * Das Prinzip, mit dem Du dafür sorgst, dass Menschen dich immer wieder lesen wollen oder dir beim Sprechen geradezu an den Lippen hängen * Wie Du emotionale Intensität mit deiner Sprache entfachst * Wie Du auf die beste und einfachste Art und Weise Sprache übst, kommunikative Exzellenz trainierst und Feinschliff in dein Schreiben und Sprechen bringst * Wie Du nach und nach deinen eigensten unverwechselbaren Sprachstil entwickelst und wie Du diesen Stil als eine deiner größten Ressourcen im Leben und Business einsetzt * Wie Du mit größtmöglicher Klarheit formulierst oder bewusst mit Mehrdeutigkeiten arbeiten kannst, um maximalen Einfluss zu erzielen * Was die absolut unverzichtbaren Fundamente und effektiven Strukturen von außergewöhnlich gutem Storytelling sind und wie Du diese einflussreich umsetzt * Wie Du deine dramatisch erhöhte EinflussFähigkeit persönlich, geschäftlich und gesellschaftlich nutzen kannst * Was die unerlässlichen Zutaten zu EinflussReichtum sind, so dass sich deine Botschaften deinem Publikum förmlich in Herz und Hirn einbrennen * Wie der souveräne Umgang mit Sprache auch dein Denken und Fühlen positiv weiterentwickelt und dir einen viel größeren Handlungs-Spielraum und Möglichkeits-Horizont eröffnet, privat und geschäftlich * ... und viel, viel mehr!
Unterhalte dich jetzt mit mir zu diesem via Zoom durchgeführten 12wöchigen intensiven 1-zu-1-Workshop "EinflussReich Schreiben, EinflussReich Sprechen und EinflussReicher Umgang mit Sprache". Schicke mir eine PN oder eMail an [email protected] ! Nur noch 1 letzter Platz frei zum 30% vergünstigten Special-Tarif.
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larsi76 · 7 months
„Der Analphabet der Zukunft wird die Person sein, die unkundig in der Nutzung der Kamera oder des Zeichenstiftes ist.”
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
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lebenistgeil · 7 months
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