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raw cacao health benefits ♥
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yasinaraphat · 5 months
Best Anandamide Supplement in 2023
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budandtender · 11 months
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Spread joy and kindness! 🤗 Acts of giving, such as volunteering, donating, and offering emotional support can increase our anandamide levels, resulting in improved well-being. Show some love 💕– make someone’s day by paying for coffee, giving compliments, or lending a listening ear.
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nycannabistimes · 1 year
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📸📰Credit @cannakeys360 ・・・ The Superpower of the Bliss Molecule. Study Spotlight #2: FAAH, Anandamide, and chronic pain In case you were wondering, the bliss molecule we are talking about is the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA), which was named after the Sanskrit word for bliss by the team that discovered it, which included Rafael Mechoulam in 1992. To learn more, look at this case of a patient who felt little or no pain all her life. Reviewing the term fatty-acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) may be helpful. FAAH is a naturally occurring enzyme that is one of the primary compounds responsible for metabolizing anandamide (AEA), thus terminating the signaling functions of this endocannabinoid……. Click 🔗in the bio #chronicpain #anandamide #cannabisscience #cannakeys360 #cannahealth #endocannabinoid #mindandbody #cannabismedicine #canna (at George Washington Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSGP-LuozB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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valdevia · 5 months
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Dracunculus graviditatis is a specialized parasite of the uterus, infesting various species of mammal, including humans.
Microscopic copepods living in untreated water may carry this nematode's larvae, which, when ingested, break through the intestinal lining and migrate to the uterine wall. Once settled, they create a membrane around themselves, fusing to the uterine tissue and releasing anandamide and hCG analogues. This tricks the body into starting a false pregnancy process, which the roundworm uses to feed and grow to lengths of up to 2 meters.
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Removal of the parasite and its pseudoamniotic sac must be precise, as breaking it will release a large amount of antigens which may cause anaphylactic shock to the host.
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mftm1987 · 1 month
all-time dream peche show/set
some of y'all bless n keep u are weird enough to want this information and because i am quite literally an information professional (librarian) i spent too much time and thought on this. at least a lot of it was on the clock lmao putting this under a cut bc it goes off
a lil note
i tried to choose songs i know them to perform, which i suppose in some ways defeats the purpose of something like this lol i guess the dream part is in the production/performance. and alan still being in the band and it somehow being 1987 but they also have access to their entire back catalog. anyway! i reference a lot of mixes throughout and i don't necessarily mean they perform it exactly like that as opposed to the originally released version, more.. thats the vibe i'd want the arrangement to channel
set list
instrumental intro - painkiller (w bc/cta industrial samples. basically would love to see alan get his grubby rat claws on this one)
first quarter: classic pechay mold - walking in my shoes (anandamidic mix) - policy of truth (think the way dave’s busting this out on mm tour is maybe its platonic ideal) - stripped (highland mix + 101 rlly going off with the giant sound pads)
second quarter: we r grooving - halo (no notes whatsoever. a setlist with express purpose of GROOVE and i could take lessons) - mercy in you (devotional. the way it’s a gospel disco hit in 1996..if you come up w a better way to arrange this lmk) - in your room (album version obv + apex mix as the outro which litr samples judas/leads into)
martin songs: wanna see that man suffering and healed - judas (grooving outro fucking required this is my huge and glaring shade on devotional lol) - home (alan could have fun w this one i think) - strangelove (starts w mm tour acoustic mart + finishes with full backing n shared lead)
third quarter: let’s have some fun! - shake the disease (a vault classic that i’d love to see them do something weird with) - nothing (101 guitar moment w the caveat i have heard rumors of a ‘devotionalised’ version that didnt end up on the setlist and if it truly fucks like i hope it would, then that) - john the revelator (influence of the unkle reconstruction aka that twinkling far out grungy thing. feel like mart on guitar and alan sparkling along the keys would be mmmmmmmm)
mart n dave duet interlude - sweetest perfection/condition mix (alright ive seen no one discuss this but these 2 share more than similar names!! i can hear it!!! and to get an a. wilder layered sonic journey..i wouldnt know how to act)
fourth quarter: we R grooving redux (R for haRd) - it’s no good (influence of hardfloor mix) - enjoy the silence (devotional/onip aka mart get nasty with that solo and dave be gay about it)(alright this is gonna be controversial for this blog but i think it’s gotta be the paris version for this show. it’s such a filthy solo and also imagine alan on the drums for it)(whos playing the keys bitch this is a fantasy) - nlmda (aggro mix intro + split mix Yes at least 10 mins of this song)
encore: oh y’all wanted to dance huh - personal jesus (funnily enough with how Much™ i want everything else to be, playing this one straight might be the highest camp experience it can give) - master and servant (101 sound pads and outro breakdown) - just can’t get enough (live in hamburg where they just fuck UP that 12”)
2nd encore: peche mode is a sad band, but the best band in the world - a question of lust (flood mix) - black celebration (101 w all its extra interesting lil sounds is a fav but i’d be SO open to a new alan take on this one) - everything counts (the graph/on the wall/the hand shake versions only. everyone else need not apply)(yes that means u devotional)
setting and era (musically/aesthetically)
as for the musical era, here’s the thing: if alan is present (and as it’s my dream dm show he is) i trust him to unify All This under some kind of cohesive performance. these are but humble suggestions of my fav arrangements. i’d say the underlying theme of my choices is High on the groove scale, but also very much wanting old school peche banging with hammers
outdoor on the lawn venue. ideally june 1, so it’s alans bday n dave hopefully won’t shut up abt it. looks-wise mftm/101 w shades of violator dark summer sexy. in high fantasyland: alan’s got that bisexual denim on leather look of drumming personal jesus in 89. mart’s tits are slipping out of that super low cut tank of 90 with the armband on. fletch is in his cunty mock turtleneck. dave’s in leather pants, a red tank n shirt and The Jacket that he gradually strips out of of (feels sacrilegious to not have him in a crop top in the late 80s so let’s just say his tank rides up a lil hehe)
mostly devotional visuals tho colorized less blue/purple lol, the big sans-serif Ms of memento mori were also giving for me. always love a dual-level setup for a dm show, but only if dave can traipse about both levels and flirt with whomsoever he chooses (which he will)
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moonbeam-fox · 8 months
Can't stand it when ppl judge meds/substance use bro do you drink coffee? Alcohol? Sugar? Are you just out here raw dogging reality? Tired of being judged by ppl just wandering from dopamine/anandamide hit to dopamine/anandamide hit like they got it all figured out. Fuck you. If I don't wake up to wellbutrin lexapro buspar and weed I want to fucking die (and most days I still do just like w the volume bumped slightly down) like what business is that of yours? What a fucking joke.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 months
Frontiers | The Pro-neurogenic Effects of Cannabidiol and Its Potential Therapeutic Implications in Psychiatric Disorders
During the last decades, researchers have investigated the functional relevance of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in normal brain function as well as in the pathogenesis of diverse psychiatric conditions.
Although the underlying mechanisms of newborn neuron differentiation and circuit integration have yet to be fully elucidated, considerable evidence suggests that the endocannabinoid system plays a pivotal role throughout the processes of adult neurogenesis. Thus, synthetic, and natural cannabinoid compounds targeting the endocannabinoid system have been utilized to modulate the proliferation and survival of neural progenitor cells and immature neurons.
Cannabidiol (CBD), a constituent of the Cannabis Sativa plant, interacts with the endocannabinoid system by inhibiting fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) activity (the rate-limiting enzyme for anandamide hydrolysis), allosterically modulating CB1 and CB2 receptors, and activating components of the “extended endocannabinoid system.”
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See also: Cannabis in pregnancy
The developing embryo expresses cannabinoid receptors early in development that are responsive to anandamide secreted in the uterus. This signaling is important in regulating the timing of embryonic implantation and uterine receptivity. In mice, it has been shown that anandamide modulates the probability of implantation to the uterine wall. For example, in humans, the likelihood of miscarriage increases if uterine anandamide levels are too high or low.[63] These results suggest that intake of exogenous cannabinoids (e.g. cannabis) can decrease the likelihood for pregnancy for women with high anandamide levels, and alternatively, it can increase the likelihood for pregnancy in women whose anandamide levels were too low.[64][65]
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Chocolate joy at Prime dry fruits and nuts in Karwar.
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Hey there, If you've ever found yourself reaching for a square of chocolate during a tough day or celebrating life's little victories with a sweet treat, you're not alone. Chocolate has a magical way of brightening our mood and lifting our spirits. Join me as we explore the science behind why chocolates make us happy and discover how you can experience that joy with a visit to Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts in Karwar.
Unveiling the Joyful Chemistry: Ever wondered why chocolate makes us feel so darn good? It's all about the science, folks! Chocolate contains compounds like phenylethylamine and anandamide, which trigger the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in our brains. So when you bite into that rich, velvety goodness, you're not just treating your taste buds – you're giving your brain a little happiness boost too!
Savoring the Sweet Antioxidants: But wait, there's more to chocolate than just happiness in a wrapper. It's also packed with antioxidants that do wonders for our bodies. Think of them as tiny superheroes fighting off the bad guys (aka free radicals) and keeping us feeling youthful and vibrant. And when you choose high-quality chocolate from Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts, you're not just indulging – you're nourishing your body with a dose of delicious goodness.
Embracing the Comforting Vibes: Let's talk about the emotional side of chocolate, shall we? There's something undeniably comforting about curling up with a mug of hot cocoa or sharing a box of chocolates with friends. It's like a warm hug for your soul, reminding you that everything is going to be okay, even on the toughest days. So go ahead, treat yourself to a little chocolatey goodness – you deserve it!
A Journey to Chocolate Paradise: Ready to embark on a chocolate-filled adventure? Head on over to Prime Dry Fruits and Nuts in Karwar and immerse yourself in a world of sweetness and joy. From decadent truffles to all kinds of toffees, there's something for every chocolate lover to enjoy. Whether you're looking for birthday distribution chocolates like eclairs and truffles or single individual chocolates from Cadbury dairy milk, Snickers, Bounty, Toblerone, Ferrero Rocher, KitKat, or other variety of gift chocolates to gift someone, we've got you covered. And if you're searching for the perfect customized gift chocolate hamper for all occasions, our team is here to help you create a memorable and indulgent gift that will delight your loved ones.
Conclusion: Chocolate isn't just a treat – it's a mood-lifter, a comforter, and a source of pure joy. So why not indulge in a little happiness today? Whether you're browsing through Tumblr or strolling through the streets of Karwar, let chocolate be your guide to a brighter, sweeter world. After all, life is too short not to savor every delicious moment!
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progarden · 1 year
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Elhunyt Raphael Mechoulam, a kannabisz hatóanyagának felfedezője
A 60-as évek elején Raphael Mechoulamot elkapták egy Tel Avivból Rehovotba közlekedő buszon, amint 5 kilogram "kitűnő minőségű csempészett libanoni hasist" vitt a táskájában. Mechoulamnak nem az volt a célja, hogy elszívja vagy eladja a kannabisz növény gyantjáját (ezt nevezik hasisnak). Tudományos kutatás céljából szerette volna felhasználni. Bár kiderült, hogy a kutató egy sor törvényt megsértett, szerencsére nem zárták börtönbe: mi több, a jövőben a rendőrség és az Egészségügyi Minisztérium engedélyével szerezhette be a kannabiszt a kutatásaihoz.
És a kutatásai meghozták a várva várt gyümölcsüket: 1964-ben Mechoulam a Héber Egyetem laboratóriumában először azonosította a kannabisz növény fő pszichoaktív hatóanyagát, amit Delta-1-Tetrahidrokannabinoidnak nevezett el (később átnevezték Delta-9-THC-nek).
Mechoulam még szintén a 60-as években izolálta a kannabisz növény másik fontos, nem pszichoaktív hatóanyagát, a kannabidiolt (CBD), ami abban az időben jóval kevesebb figyelmet váltott ki - azóta azonban már egész üzletág épült a CBD-olajak forgalmazására. A következő évtizedekben Mechoulam és más kutatók még több, mint 140 hatóanyagot azonosítottak a kannabisz növényben, ami rendkívül gazdag ebből a szempontból.
Mechoulam tudományos karrierje a 70-es évektől fényesen ívelt felfelé: 1972-ben már professzorrá nevezték ki a Héber Egyetemen, 1979 és 1982 között pedig az egyetem rektora volt. 1994-től az Izraeli Tudományos Akadémia tagjává választotta. Alapítója volt a Nemzetközi Kannabinoid Gyógyászati Egyesületnek (IACM) és a Nemzetközi Kannabinoid Kutató Társaságnak (ICRS).
A 90-es években kutatók azonosították azokat a receptorokat az idegrendszerben (CB1 és CB2), amelyekhez a fű pszichoaktív hatóanyagi kapcsolódnak. Mechoulam és munkatársai tárták fel, hogy az emberi szervezet maga is előállít a kannabisz növény hatóanyagaihoz hasonló anyagokat (ún. endokannabinoidok, anandamide és 2-AG), amelyeknek nagy szerepe van az emberi szervezet bizonyos egyensúly-funkcióinak fenntartásában.
Mechoulam számos kutatást végzett szintetikus kannabionoid gyógyszerek kifejlesztésére, és a gyógyszercégek is ezeket részesítették volna előnyben a természetes növényből készült gyógyszerekkel szemben. Ezek a kutatások azonban eddig nem bizonyultak átütőnek. Egyes gyógyszerek kimondottan a kannabisz-receptorok blokkolásával fejtették ki a hatásukat. Egy ilyen szintetikus étvágycsökkentő gyógyszert, a Rimonabantot, 2008-ban vissza kellett vonni, mert súlyos pszichotikus hatásokat és öngyilkos gondolatokat váltott ki. A szintetikus kannabinoidok kutatási gyógyszerekből kiszabadultak az illegális piacra.
Mechoulam professzornak elévülhetetlen érdemei voltak abban, hogy a tudományos közösség érdeklődése a kannabisz gyógyászati felhasználása felé fordult. Még a 80-as években feltárta a CBD eredményességét egyes, a hagyományos kezelésnek ellenálló epilepsziás betegeknél. (Azóta az Epidiolex néven törzskönyvezték az első CBD-alapú epilepszia-gyógyszert.)
Élesen kritizálta az Egyesült Államok szigorú kannabisz-politikáját, amely hosszú évtizedekre ellehetetlenítette a kannabisszal kapcsolatos kutatásokat. Egy 2017-es interjúban nevetségesnek nevezte, hogy egy olyan kis országban, mint Izrael, több klinikai vizsgálat folyhat a gyógyászati kannabiszról, mint az USA-ban, ahol a szövetségi hatóságok ezt megnehezítik. Másrészről ugyanakkor kritizálta azokat a vállalkozókat is, akik a megfelelő klinikai vizsgálatok elvégzése nélkül "gyógyszerként" hirdették a saját kannabisz-alapú termékeiket. Szerinte a kannabisz-alapú gyógyszereknek is ugyanazt az utat kell végigjárniuk, mint minden más gyógyszernnek.
Ha fontosnak tartod a hiteles tájékoztatást ezekben a témákban, kérünk, támogasd a Drogriportert egy havi rendszerességű adománnyal: https://drogriporter.hu/tamogass/
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sanguinifex · 9 months
This is huge. As of 8/30/2023, the Federal Department of Health and Human Services wants the DEA to reclassify from schedule 1 (no medical use, completely verboten) to schedule 3 (widely accepted medical use, some abuse potential, similar to Tylenol 3).
It won’t just allow doctors to prescribe it and reduce the penalties for having it if you’re not “supposed to”; it’ll also make it much easier for researchers to do studies with it, giving us health data that is currently lacking. For example, we don’t know much about how THC and CBD affect the liver or liver enzyme levels except in end stage liver disease patients, and what data we do have is decades old and of poor to middling quality.
The expansion of research a Schedule 3 reclassification would allow could pave the way for a safe, non-addictive pain medication based on cannabinoids that works primarily on the CB2 receptors and either doesn’t pass the blood-brain barrier or does cross it but doesn’t cause euphoria or sedation in most patients. In other words, the holy grail of pain medicine. Currently, the only painkiller that utilizes the endocannabinoid system is acetaminophen (Tylenol), which is a weak reuptake inhibitor of anandamide but primarily works via the prostaglandin system, and which is also highly hepatotoxic and somewhat nephrotoxic, and which probably wouldn’t be approved except as prescription fever and pain management, the latter primarily as an adjuvant to opiates, if it were a new drug being reviewed by the FDA today.
This is a really big example of how both parties are not the same. A Republican administration DHHS wouldn’t do this. If the No Fun Allowed Agency follows instructions, this opens up a lot of possibilities for a lot of people. It also completely bypasses the partisan legislatures and courts. Technically it’s easier for a future administration to overturn, but historically the DEA rarely reschedules medications without strong external pressure. (And in this case, it’s already functionally legal for those 21+ in most of the country anyway.)
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yasinaraphat · 6 months
Best Anandamide Supplement in 2023
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budandtender · 11 months
The Surprising Connection Between Giving and the Endocannabinoid System: Boosting Anandamide Levels for a Happier, Healthier You
National Give Something Away Day 15th July
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It is often said that the act of giving is its own reward. Generosity not only benefits the recipient but also provides a sense of satisfaction and happiness to the giver. Recent research has uncovered an intriguing link between acts of giving and the endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating our mood, stress levels, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore how giving can boost your anandamide levels, positively affecting your hormones and leading to a happier, healthier you.
The Endocannabinoid System: A Brief Overview
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell-signalling system that plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis – the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. The ECS is composed of three main components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. The two primary endocannabinoids are anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), which bind to cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 found throughout the body. Enzymes such as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) are responsible for breaking down these endocannabinoids once they have fulfilled their purpose.
Anandamide: The Bliss Molecule
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Anandamide, derived from the Sanskrit word "ananda" meaning bliss, is a neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid that plays a crucial role in regulating mood, appetite, pain perception, and memory. It has been dubbed the "bliss molecule" due to its ability to stimulate feelings of happiness and well-being. Anandamide levels are typically higher during pleasurable activities such as exercise, eating chocolate, and even during social interactions.
The Act of Giving: A Powerful Mood Booster
Acts of giving and generosity have long been associated with increased happiness and well-being. Studies have shown that people who engage in charitable acts or volunteer work experience greater life satisfaction, reduced stress, and improved mental health. This phenomenon, known as the "helper's high," is believed to be linked to the release of feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.
Recent research has also suggested a connection between acts of giving and the endocannabinoid system, specifically the production of anandamide. When we engage in altruistic behaviour, our brain releases anandamide, which in turn stimulates the production of other positive hormones and neurotransmitters. This creates a cascade of positive effects, boosting mood, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of connectedness with others.
The Science Behind Giving and Anandamide
A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, investigated the link between prosocial behaviour and anandamide levels. Participants were divided into two groups: one group was asked to perform acts of kindness for others, while the other group was instructed to engage in activities they enjoyed. The results showed that those who performed acts of kindness experienced a significant increase in anandamide levels compared to the control group.
Another study published in the journal Nature Communications found that anandamide played a crucial role in the reward mechanisms associated with social interactions. In this study, mice were given the choice between spending time with another mouse or remaining alone. Researchers discovered that when the mice interacted with others, their anandamide levels increased, suggesting that social interactions and acts of giving may stimulate the release of this bliss molecule.
Boosting Anandamide Levels Through Generosity
While more research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between giving, anandamide, and the endocannabinoid system, the existing evidence suggests that engaging in acts of generosity and kindness can have a profound impact on our well-being. By incorporating acts of giving into our daily lives, we can potentially boost our anandamide levels and experience the numerous benefits associated with this powerful neurotransmitter.
Here are some practical ways to incorporate giving into your routine:1. Volunteer your time: Dedicate a few hours each week to volunteering at a local charity, hospital, or non-profit organization. Not only will you be helping others, but you'll also be boosting your own mood and well-being.
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2. Practice random acts of kindness: Small gestures can have a significant impact. Pay for someone's coffee, offer a genuine compliment, or help a neighbour with their groceries.
3. Donate to causes you care about: Support organizations and initiatives that align with your values by making regular donations or participating in fundraising events.
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4. Be present and supportive: Offer a listening ear and emotional support to friends, family, and colleagues going through difficult times.
The act of giving is more than just a selfless gesture; it has the potential to improve our mental and emotional well-being by boosting anandamide levels and promoting the release of other positive hormones. By engaging in acts of generosity and kindness, we can harness the power of the endocannabinoid system to create a happier, healthier, and more connected life.
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un-father · 11 months
Saw this:
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Needed to know.
The endocannabinoid system exerts an important neuromodulatory role in mammals. Knockout mice lacking cannabinoid (CB) receptors exhibit significant morbidity. The endocannabinoid system also appears to be phylogenetically ancient--it occurs in mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, sea urchins, leeches, mussels, and even the most primitive animal with a nerve network, the Hydra. The presence of CB receptors, however, has not been examined in terrestrial invertebrates (or any member of the Ecdysozoa). Surprisingly, we found no specific binding of the synthetic CB ligands [(3)H]CP55,940 and [(3)H]SR141716A in a panel of insects: Apis mellifera, Drosophila melanogaster, Gerris marginatus, Spodoptera frugiperda, and Zophobas atratus. A lack of functional CB receptors was confirmed by the inability of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and HU210 to activate G-proteins in insect tissues, utilizing a guanosine-5'-O-(3-[(35)]thio)-triphosphate (GTP gamma S) assay. No orthologs of human CB receptors were located in the Drosophila genome, nor did we find orthologs of fatty acid amide hydrolase. This loss of CB receptors appears to be unique in the field of comparative neurobiology. No other known mammalian neuroreceptor is understood to be missing in insects. We hypothesized that CB receptors were lost in insects because of a dearth of ligands; endogenous CB ligands are metabolites of arachidonic acid, and insects produce little or no arachidonic acid or endocannabinoid ligands, such as anandamide.[1]
TLDR: they can't get high as they lack the necessary receptors for it.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Women deserve a natural treatment for a natural stage of life.
To relieve hot flashes, sleep problems and low libido, some menopausal women are choosing to seek relief with cannabis, usually in the form of a joint or an edible, new research shows.
The study, a survey of women either in perimenopause or postmenopause, sought to gather data about how women are using cannabis to treat the symptoms of menopause. The analysis, published by Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society in August, included responses from 258 participants, more than 80 percent of whom had a history of regular cannabis use. While the survey was not a representative sample, it does offer insights into how some women use cannabis to relieve the symptoms of menopause.
The top three symptoms the participants said were alleviated by cannabis were sleep problems, mood disturbances or anxiety, and low libido. Respondents also used the drug to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, body pain, vaginal dryness and pain and to increase pleasure during sex. Some women took medical cannabis while others used recreational forms. They reported both smoking and using edibles as the most common forms of use to self-medicate for menopausal symptoms.
“These are salient targets for future clinical trials,” said study author Staci Gruber, director of the Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery program at McLean Hospital and associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “How can the data inform our next steps to optimize treatment options for individuals suffering with these symptoms?”
U.S. medical cannabis enrollments quadrupled from 2016 to 2020
The study did not look at frequency of use, dose, or whether the women had tried other treatments. Another limitation is that most participants already had a history of using the drug, so the results may not apply to women who haven’t used cannabis before.
One reason cannabis may work for these women is that substances in cannabis could mimic a chemical compound, anandamide, produced by the ovaries whose production drops during menopause, Gruber said.
Anandamide is an endocannabinoid, which are molecules produced by the body that are structurally similar to cannabinoids, the substances found in the cannabis plant. Endocannabinoids are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates functions such as emotional processing, sleep and temperature control. It is also known to influence the female reproductive system. For example, anandamide levels have been shown to correlate with estrogen levels, which decrease during perimenopause and trigger the onslaught of symptoms.
Javier Mejia-Gomez, a gynecological oncologist at the Mature Women’s Health and Menopause Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, noticed an uptick in patients using cannabis to manage their symptoms in recent years. The trend prompted him to search for published research on the topic, but he found very little. Out of 564 studies mentioning menopause and cannabis that he initially reviewed, only three ended up making the cut for his systematic review. The rest were either animal studies, of poor quality, or did not directly investigate the impact of cannabis on menopause symptoms.
“Due to the lack of research and evidence-based medicine on this subject, it is hard for us to accurately counsel our patients on the use of cannabis for the management of their menopausal symptoms,” Mejia-Gomez said.
Vanessa Fleeton, 53, said she found solace for a wave of debilitating perimenopause and menopause symptoms such as problems sleeping, body pain, anxiety and brain fog through an unexpected — and scientifically unproven — remedy. “Medical marijuana is much better than anything else that I’ve tried for menopause,” she said.
The most effective treatment to reduce or eliminate menopausal symptoms is hormone therapy. But the treatment, which can include estrogen alone or estrogen combined with progestin, comes with a heightened risk of blood clots, stroke and breast cancer. An antidepressant, paroxetine, also has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat hot flashes.
But many women don’t want to use hormones or take an antidepressant. Some try unproven treatments such as over-the-counter supplements and herbal remedies, chiropractic interventions and acupuncture.
Nola Blackburn, 49, said she doesn’t want to use hormones, so she takes cannabis in pill form daily for her menopausal symptoms. “I find I sleep better and have less nightmares due to the anxiety caused by hormonal fluctuations,” said Blackburn, of West Kelowna, British Columbia.
Ilse Blommers, 53, who lives in Bangkok, eats half a cannabis brownie before going to bed. Her perimenopause started four years ago and brought on night sweats that would wake her up at 3 a.m. She decided to try cannabis. “I sleep like a baby,” Blommers said. “My back pain and mood swings are so much better.”
Experts warn that women interested in cannabis for their menopause-related symptoms should proceed with caution. Rigorous clinical trials to demonstrate its efficacy and safety are needed, said StephanieFaubion, director for Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health.
“Everybody is jumping on the cannabis bandwagon, and I think we need to step back a bit,” said Faubion, who was not involved in the study. “There’s no proof that it works or is safe, so caution should be exercised.”
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