#ancient coruscant
yandere-wishes · 3 months
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。Acolyte⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
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𐙚Yandere! Qimir/The Master x Reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Plot: Your loneliness is suffocating, engulfing. Qimir is the only one who seems to subdue the pain. But every forbidden fruit has its price.
⁀➷Warnings: Yandere behavior, gore, angst (at the end), author having an anxiety attack over this fic  
🪐Note: Why is the longest thing I've ever written for a fandom that barely exists? Anyway, here's the long-awaited Qimir piece!
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺ : Disturbia - Rihanna, Dark Vacay & Motion Picture Soundtrack - CAS
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆🍓⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
Your master's anger is tangible. You harbour it stubbornly on your tongue. Relishing in the frustration. You aren't sure how many times you've cut out your soul to place at a master's feet. Gnawing on perfect lips to keep quiet during another scolding. Your new master's disappointment reverberates through the room. Thick and oozing like an infected wound.
You messed up again.
"We do not injure other padawans during training. We do not lash out and attack, especially when your training partner has fallen. How have you trained for so long without comprehending these basics?"
The rage that boils inside you is not Jedi in nature. It's something else, a bizarre second, something ancient, ghoulish. An all-consuming fire that burns inside your veins. It shouldn't feel so welcoming, so familiar.
You roll your eyes.
"With all due respect master. How is one to win, if they do not strick when given the opportunity? That too should be a basic notion, no?"
You see the anger snake across your master's face. A defeated, disgruntled, glance that you've become a bit too acquainted with. This is the look that all your previous masters give you. And yet none have yet to master its eeriness quite as well as your first master. Master Sol.
Your master sighs, a piercing noise, deflating every ounce of his willpower. You are exhausting to be around, his annoyance is becoming discernible. "Master Sol is coming by the temple to check your...progress. He's requested a few items to take back with him. Please go fetch them from the apothecary."
Progress is a gentle word and Jedi love using gentle words. It's easier to say than the full truth. Sugar-coated things always taste better.
But the sugar refuses to stick to you.
It burns away in your bitterness.
Coruscant is a distant memory, it was never your home to begin with. But the high bustling volume is something that is hard to forget. Here things are quiet, you slip through the bazaar undetected. Small basket clutched tightly. You wonder what's dragging your former master halfway across the galaxy. You wonder if it's really just to see you.
You gaze blankly at the holographic list. A few rare herbs and some medical roots. This planet grows them in abundance, and the local apothecary carries more than its fair share.
The apothecary is an old, disheveled thing. The older Jedi say that its presence is as old as the temple itself. Odd how some things have a will of iron. You gently rap at the worn metal door, waiting for an invitation to enter. The hinges cry as the door opens ever so slightly. You squeeze in, surveying the cluttered den. Careful to avoid the half-empty bottles and neon puddles scattered across the floor.
"Excuse me" your voice holds an urgent annoyance. Where is the pharmacist? What kind of store owner abandons their shop in the midday? You run your fingers across the strange bottles, letting your nails pick at the murky glass. The colors flash, begging to be freed, strange space pinks, and summer oranges all trapped inside square prisons. Baby poisons dying to taste the world, burning it if they must, but experiencing it nonetheless, tasting their own form of freedom. Funny, they almost remind you of yourself.
Trapped and fatal.
"Hello?", the voice behind you is languid, dozy. Mirroring a late afternoon nap. When the man next speaks you notice a lyrical lint "What brings you here little lady?". You turn to see it, the voice, or rather the man harboring the voice. He's loosely robed and shaggy in the way that only the most spirited vagabonds are. He smiles tenderly upon seeing your face, strange red fruit caught between his teeth. "I um...I" you click your tongue anxiously against the roof of your mouth. Feeling around for those pesky words, in the end, you just shove the hologram holder forward, hoping he'll understand.
"Oh, I see, out here doing some chores?" You nod, mind preoccupied with the otherwordly fruit. "what's that?" you ask, schoolgirl curiosity lacing your voice. "What, this?" he asks holding the freckled thing between his fingers, it's only in the mild light that you notice the shimmering gold scattered across its red skin. The stranger laughs, walking closer, he places the hologram base on the black table, clicking it on as he studies the list. "They're called strawberries. They're from the forest planets, not many grow here in the mid-rims." He's nimble as he packs the herbs and roots, fumbling with the straw ties. "care for a bite" he asks, handing you the bitten fruit.
Hesitantly you bite.
Letting the sweetness erupt on your tongue.
"Thank you" you mumble trying not to moan at the foreign taste. The stranger laughs, it's a cheery noise like birds chirping in first bloom tress. "you're a Jedi, aren't you?" he asks stepping around the table, eyebrows furrowed, caught in a dream he doesn't seem to understand. You choke on the rogue static as he steps closer, eyes half-lidded dreaming of nothing. "Here..."
"Wha-" your voice catches in your throat, it's getting harder to breathe.
"Your supplies" He hands you the brown paper bag, motion a little too phlegmatic to be right.
"Oh, right...thanks" You anxiously shove the bag into your basket and scurry out of the shop. Holding your breath.
"Come back soon." the voice chirps behind you.
Your old master arrives by spaceship, a newer, albeit worn model. The landing pad ejects to reveal a small escort.
You stand still watching as they descend. Bits of envy bubble in your throat watching your former master and his band of little heroes. You wish you had their belonging. Forgoing the loneliness to find kinsmanship with your coterie. You swallow down the bitter thoughts as they finally approach you.
Master Sol's smile reaches his eyes. Gentle and wise. The true epidemy of a Jedi in every sense of the word. Funny how he now has two failures under his belt. None of which are capable of scratching his shining repute.
His hands are on your shoulders, bright smile. "My padawan, it's been too long." You try to bow, awkwardly and stiffly. "Mater Sol, I'm grateful you've come to asses my progress". If he hears your doubt he doesn't show it. Instead, he reintroduces you to Yord, Jacki, Osha.
You try to be polite. Gulp down the awkwardness
You imagine the taste of strawberries on your tongue.
Remember their stiff sweetness and prickly tasteless freckles.
You smile. Easier this time.
They'll stay here for some time. Hunting assassins and documenting progress in their free time. Jacki seems more invested in your training than you are, trying to teach you everything she knows. At least she doesn't mind the rough play, the violent strikes, and sloppy prideful defenses. She speaks in pointers and parries. She's the one to drag you along these assassin hunts. Welcoming you...or at least trying to.
But there is something else at play. Darker, broader, Sol and Jecki welcome you into the fray. Yet you still feel your old master's hesitance, he's still wary of you. Worried about your anger, your defiance.
The distance grows, some icy void.
Sol used to tell you fairytales. This was back when you'd been young and bright-eyed. Freshly welcomed into the order and still overflowing with artless hope for a colorful future.
But even back then, he had known there was something wrong with you.
Looking back it was evident.
Every story started and ended the same. Little princess against the big bad world. Holding out until her prince came along. Only problem was the morals never registered right in your little messed-up brain.
Why didn't the princess fall for the dragon, the wolf, the tyrant king with a crown of bones? Why didn't she swoon and sigh over someone rousing, compelling? A paradox wrapped in black ember? Why settle for a sun-painted prince, with no complexities, no mysteries to unravel?
You would have married the dragon, or the wolf, or the tyrant king with a crown of bones.
Even back then, it was evident something was wrong.
The temple's roof isn't restricted per se.
It's rather abandoned as opposed to forbidden.
Maybe that's why you find solace here. The abandonment feels familiar, similar. The chipped cement kisses the soles of your feet, you imagine it's something like walking upon the rough terrain of a star.
You breathe in the night air deeply.
Expecting the fragile scents of moonshine and star glitter.
Instead, you choke on heavy mist and blood-drenched air.
The thing standing in front of you isn't human. It can't be human. It's created from the blackness, ebony in all the ways a living thing shouldn't be. For a second you think you're staring at a black hole. No doubt this creature crawled out of one.
What sheer willpower one must need to drag themselves out of endless nothingness?
"Little Jedi should not brave the night alone."
It speaks
"There are far too many monsters roaming in the dark"
Its face never moves, statue in all the ways the figures towering over the entrance aren't. This statue is something else, a lost page to some forgotten epic. Carved from gems born in darkness. Evil and rotten.
"What are you?" your voice susurrate, quivering in this surreal scene. The air is thicker now, overflowing with raw static.
Your fingers itch for your saber. Only when the cold metal kisses your palm do you regain some semblance of reality.
The hiss, the green light.
The figure chuckles.
Its voice bouncing from every direction. Everywhere all at once. When it speaks the air cackles, raining as if it were a frightened child.
"I am something akin to you, another child of the force" His voice comes out distorted, uneven in tone. "I am what's birthed when one learns of the true strength of the force."
Your body moves on its own, feet kicking the ground sprinting faster and faster before the final leap. You aim for the helmet, for the morbid toothy grin permanently etched within steel. In a flash the word stills, floating around you like fluorescent bubbles, the rain tumbles around you, curving and diving for the wet ground. It dares not land on something within his grasp.
You feel the slithering across your body. They start from the ground, summed from the unknown depths. Clinging firmly to your ankles before inching up your knees, your hips, your neck.
long, slipper tendrils curling around your body. The figure watches, bare arm outstretched. You should probably be focused on how the unseen things are inching closer to your mouth. Not on the toned muscles and limber fingers of the monster. Not on how, for a fraction of a heartbeat, his smile appears genuine, caring, aimed straight at you.
Only You
They finally reach your lips, prying your teeth ajar and flooding your mouth. Sinking deeper and deeper into your soul, your mind, you.
The smile grows.
In a blink you're suspended in the space between worlds, dark damning thing cradling your body.
"The dark side once belonged to the Jedi, yet they chose to discard it. Deeming it malignant, ungovernable."
Your weightlessness unnerves you. You're malleable in this void.
"Those few who embraced its calling were dubbed Sith." He says the word with such fervent pride. Devoted to it's weight and all it carries. You try to roll the word off your own tongue only for it to burn the roof of your mouth.
The stranger stalks closer, lethal and lithe.
The void vibrates, the darkness bends to his will.
He reaches down to cup your face. His fingers feel warm, welcoming. You nuzzle into his palm, fighting the urge to kiss each finger and suck on the dark force they emit. "You..." he starts, his voice shakes you to the core. Its horror amplifies with the proximity. You wonder if it'll cut through steel, armor, flesh.
your flesh.
"You aren't like the other temple dwellers. You have potential."
His thumb presses your lower lip, demanding entrancing. You comply, needing to feel something solid.
Something you've been denied your whole life.
"They keep you locked away. Trading you between craven masters. Seeing who can tame you first."
He nicks his thumb on your teeth,
Pressing bone into dentin.
His essence drips into you.
He tastes of power.
Of dark, dreadful things you can not name.
"They do not know how to train you. How to use your power..."
The world crumbles, ebony midnights giving way to reality. You feel yourself fall, plunging through the air like a comet bent on destruction.
"They only break you further"
Your knees collide with the harsh ground. Skin splintering in the aftermath giving way to bruises and bloodmarks.
The ground feels too solid beneath you.
A poly, a ruse.
You all but expect to melt through it. Slipping and falling into the vacuum, into him, once more.
He hovers above. Absolute in his strength. You're beginning to believe that blackholes birth divinity. Eyes shimmering with fanatic fidelity, staring up at the holy creature commanding the storm.
"Teach me..."
You've never begged for anything so terribly in your life.
But you need this.
this power
this control.
Sol never told just how the princess met the villain.
He never said it wasn't love at first fright.
Sol insists that the local apothecary knows the truth behind the Jedi-killer. Definite that the unseemly man can tell you something important. He sends Osha inside to play Mea. To get the man to talk.
You crowd around the communicator urging back giggles. Yord's chin is placed upon your shoulder and Jecki's cheek rests against yours. Their touches come so early. And yet they are utterly alien.
"He will be so pleased." No sooner have the words chime from the corroded speakers that Sol is ushering you all towards the small metal hut.
Yord entwines his fingers with you as he runs.
Jacki wraps around your arm.
You feel at times they are trying to tame you.
Befriend the feral puppy they found in the backyard.
The apothecary's face is utterly stunned. He's stammering over his words fear glistening in his eyes as he stares at Sol. "Please, please don't wipe my memories. Or whatever it is you Jedi do." A rosy blush colors your cheeks, at his terror. It's terribly amusing seeing someone so carless, anxiously list off everything he knows. You almost feel bad for the poor scared man.
There isn't anything important here. But Sol decides that you will all return at midnight. The Jedi-killer will be back. Apparently, Qimir -that's his name, that the strawberry-eating, disheveled pharmacist's name- is holding something of value for her.
There's a tug on your wrist as you go to follow the others. Gentle and firm as he pulls you to his chest. "Come by tonight. I'll have some strawberries waiting for you." why does he feel too genuine? When you turn to look at him, he's painted in his usual sweet carefree smile that tugs at your heart.
He looks so innocent...
Starlight really brings out his eyes. He's laughing with a nervous smile,
School-boy crush on full display. You're licking strawberry juice from your hands as you listen to him talk. Backs pressed against the rusty wall and bodies half sprawled in the dirt. He's telling you about the first time the Hutts made him retrieve a plushie for their son from another solar system.
Qimir's voice feels like rose peddles melting into your skin. Sweet, jejeune, free. You offer him a berry from your pile. Watching tentatively as he submerges the red fruit into his mouth. Missing your fingers by an inch. He's laughing after the fact, head thrown back as if he's about to engulf the stars. You decide to laugh too.  
"Are you really that lonely," he says in a voice that's almost not his own. You're not expecting the invasive question, although you guess he means well. The words still cut deep. Piercing through the laughter, stunning you for a breath too long. "No...I'm a Jedi, we do not-"
"Form personal connection. I know...But you just look so lonely." He shuffles closer, the dirt particles almost look celestial in this light. Your fingers pitch a civil war. Pinching and clawing at each other. "No, yes. I don't really get along with the others." He rolls his eyes, bored and amused in the same breath. "Yeah, no wonder your money." He's picking at another strawberry, letting the crunch fill up the silence. You're beginning to think he just likes having something to chew on. Gulping down the anxiety with something toothsome.
He's a little closer now, fingers gingerly tucking back your hair. His fingerprints reverberate across the shell of your ear. Lips gliding against yours. You swallow as his lips fall across yours, pushing sweet stars past parted lips. He tastes of odd things, whimsy things. Everything you'll never come to understand. Xeno fruits and asteroid fields. His fingers glide up your arms, leaving moondust in their wake. He slowly parts, holding you softly with his soulful dark eyes
"You taste so sweet"
Strawberry, Starberry, You kiss him a little too deeply.
Maybe your new master is right.
Maybe there are other ways of being a Jedi.
The movie playing is doused in shades of rose and lilac. Gentle in all the ways. Everyway. The twi'lek girl is in love with the zabrak boy and their families do not approve. You think you remember Sol telling you a similar tale.  
The makeshift auditorium is cozy. Brown couch housing the three of you and your armada of blankets and popcorn buckets. Jacki's head is in your lap, you're playing with the end of her braid imagining the hair to be the lace of a Love-sick girl's ballgown. Yord's arm traverses the length of your arm, absentminded as he studies the motion picture, poking holes in the lose rose-tainted plot. Your head rests against his broad shoulder taking in his new cologne.
Maybe you really did miss them.
Jacki reaches for the popcorn, offering you some before shoving a handful into her mouth. You think the little symmetry-less kernels would taste better with a strawberry glaze. Qimir flashes across your mind, smiling sweetly as he tilts his head.
You think you're a little too similar to the star on screen.
Pinning after forbidden love,
Forbidden power.
Master Sol is growing acutely aware of your drastic improvements. He's noticed the betterment in your offense, your defense. To the way, you wield your saber, your techniques, and yourself. There is esteem in the way he smiles. In the words of praise, you've longed to hear. But you notice the lingering glances, the undertone of skepticism and worry when he asks about practice. He doesn't need to know of the black-glad creature that trains you in the unholy hours.
He doesn't need to know how beautifully your new master sculpts your rage into lessons. Teaching you how to wrangle the force and control it. How to use it to make the world bow.
These things will remain secret. For you fear Sol and the others will strip them of you. Strip them of the new master you've come to worship.
"Do you think people glow when they fall in love?" Jacki's voice is filled with sleep. Eyes closed as she murmurs remnants of movie memory. "No, I don't believe they do" you answer. "too...bad" There was a yawn there darling and vigorous like the rests of her. She looks so sweet like this, infantile in all the ways she can't be. Little girl dreaming of something impossible. You wonder if Sol's told her the fairytales too. You kiss the crown of her head, your baby sister you think. And big brother Yord, snoring with his head thrown back.
Maybe you should test her theory. rising softly from the couch you make your way to the door. Throwing one final glance at your sleeping siblings. Before going to find Qimir.
His lips ghost over yours, spilling star-clad secrets between each kiss. The apothecary has never been so dark, so secret, so secluded. Qimir's lips glided across your neck biting the flesh and licking the little diamond droplets of blood. Your nails rack across his spine, the wool of his throw-over itching the backs of your hands. "So precious" he mumbles, voice ridden with want, need. it's criminal how desperately he needs to feel you. You writhe under him, "Qimir, kiss." you whine. His lips feel like a lifeline, something keeping you sain. He pushes fireflies and lava pearls inside you, carving you open and enjoying you
He always enjoys you.
It's foggy outside when his tongue clashes against yours. A thick unsettling mist banging against the darkened window. "You're custom-made for me" Qimir mumbles against your lips. "Custome tailored" you boldly correct. "ummm, sure" his hands pinch at your hips, clawing mindlessly and leaving tails to your thighs. But the sensations are growing distant, you hear the heavy hum of saber activation. You psyche cracks
The world is dark,
He alone is absolute.
Your master's mask flashes dangerously across your mind. "Master Sol would be disappointed". You've heard that line a million times. Still, the words cut a little too deep coming from your demiurger. "Gullible" you don't understand, what have you done to earn his rage? He's gone, leaving you in the emptiness, you taste the charcoal from the landscape under your tongue.
Still, you long to call after him.
The darkness subsides with the feeling of softness across your muscles. A breeze stirs you from the clutches of slumber. "Good morning" Qimir chirps, soft smile greeting you as you open your eyes. "Qimir, when did I?" he laughs, it's such a pretty sound this early in the morning. Sweet like caramel tea. He kisses your forehead. His quietude is commendable, he tries to calm you with feather-light kisses. You laugh pushing the covers away and still. Frozen.
What's this
The nightgown is lacy and short. It drapes expensively against your skin. Marring it with its tenderness. "Qimir, what's this!" he chuckles, "I couldn't let you sleep in those robes, they looked uncomfortable." You want to argue, to scream, and be angry. But the rage boils down slowly as you notice something dangling around your wrist. A bangle, and an anklet you notice later, black and gold entwined in patterns mirroring lighting stricks. "They're from Korriban, I had some relatives there." oh, why does that planet sound so familiar? "Thanks, but ask me next time before you go playing dress-up doll with my sleeping body" He pouts and can't help but trail a string of mouthy kisses across his neck. Qimir shuffles pulling you onto his lap. Pushing his nose under your chin. His eyes are honey-deo, adoring and scheming. "But you're mine." The possessive ness that flesh across his face is alarming. So is how tightly he grips your waist. It's only in this state of half-undressed that you begin to notice the taut muscles of his arms.
During your most recent lesson, your master gifts you a ripe juicy strawberry. He says it'll focus you, replenish your wither strength. You eat it a little too quickly, forgetting to savor the pink blush within. You believe too ferociously in everything your master says.
He can never be wrong.
You love the way your new master splatters blood across your sleeves. Be it yours or his enemies. He's started taking you out on his kills, having you watch as he hacks and mauls. His enemies must die, no one who doubts such marvels should be granted the privilege of life.
He's only ever spoken in half-riddles.
"Unfortunately legacy is a fickle thing. Tenacious, fervent, yet frail and erratic. No matter how hematological, we all read our bones differently."
The rain falls to your ragged heartbeat. Fast one minute and slow the next. You stick out your tongue desperate for a few drops. Your body is on fire, every muscle pushed to its limit. But the Force is screaming inside you, thumping dangerously between your fingers. You're ready for the next round. Saber ready and only half mesmerized as your master pulls out another blood-red saber. You charge, rage pumping deliciously through your body.
You forget to ask him where he got the berry from.
The next Jedi to die will be Kelnacca. That's why Sol is dragging all of you to the forest planet of Khofar. You think the name is utterly hilarious, the others don't understand the mirth.
Between briefings and Jacki and Yords packing quarrels. You sneak out to say goodbye to Qimir. Scribbling a half eligible not to leave for your master. But the apothecary is deserted upon your arrival, only a taped note on a half-full mortar.
'Gone to get more Strawberries.
Be back soon.'
You wonder if Khofar has strawberries.
Strawberry, Starberry, you're falling between the cracks of so many.
The Sun on Khofar is red, barely breaching the thick canopy. Maybe it's for the best. This scene is not one to remember, but how can you make yourself forget?
Death looms.
Permanent, Eternal
The fighting began in twilight.
The sky has grown two shades darker since.
He had floated in from the high reaches. You'd almost called out to him, 'master', the words die bitterly on your tongue. His saber ignites in the carnage, light growing redder after each kill. The bodies fall haphazardly stirring the quiet night.
Your saber falls onto the woodchip ground. No sound. He has followed you here. Yet it is not you, he seeks. Your master mask is haunting, in the dark the silver mouth glows bright white. Even against a massacre
the smile never relents.
He twirls the red saber with lethal accuracy, red arc severing another life. 'Take the right!' Jacki screams through the force, her eager voice bouncing inside your cranium. 'Don't' you scream but she's already attacked.
Saber sings saber.
Golden light flickers.
Forward. Backward. Lunge. Parry. Flunge.
Just like you practiced. Back in the quiet of the training room. Is it too late to return to the matted ground and wooden swords? Too late for safe comfort?
You won't take it for granted this time you swear.
Your master attacks with vicious zeal, cutting through the light. His black robes bleeding into the night. Jacki, scurries backward, trying to block with every ounce of strength. In one swift move, she spins freeing herself and assaulting his head with the metal of her weapon.
The mask clutters to the ground.
You scream.
He looks every bit the villain here. Blood drenched, water drenched. Smiling like the wolf in a child's picture book. Qimir's face stares back at you, hair matted to his forehead. He's panting, spent. You've never seen him toil. Dreaming him incapable of harm.
Yet he stands above the corpses. Wolf's teeth bared as he slices through the little girl.
It's been years since Master Sol tucked you into bed. Years since he's read you a story and listened to your baseless questions about romances.
You've finally gotten your answer. Painted in a shade of red indistinguishable from black.
Because the villain is too vile to be loved.
You run, catching the limp corpse before it joins the rest, you cradle her close. Tears landing on the orange of her face. There are no strawberry romances here. No sweet forbidden fruits. Just pain, hollow, empty, rotten. "Jacki" your voice muffles into her robes, rain-soaked, tear-soaked.
"Was that its name?" his voice doesn't sound right. No cheerful hellos or drowsy laughs. It's all menacing now, grating and hollow lilt. "Qimir" you wail, sob half caught in your throat. "It can't be you." He shakes his head, smile crooked and maniacal. "I'm afraid so, little one." The force pushed you up, pulling you to him. Qimirs head tilts, his fingers dancing around your throat. Squeezing squeezing squzing. Your glossy eyes take in his unruly appearance. Even now your master looks utterly perfect. Muscles relaxed as he steals your breath. "Master" you whine, your heart shouldn't be hammering like this, leaping through beats like something lovesick.
"(Y/n)" golden light fills the clearing. Yord runs, Prince Charming in every way you should have loved.
Qimir releases you, only to nestle your neck in the crook of his arm. "Don't worry darling. I'm almost done." He blocks the first attack.
Second, third. Yord scrambles to pull you away, missing each time. "Let her go" The urgency in his voice rattles you. He did love you.
Little sister, little princess.
Why is only starting to make sense now?
There's a crack, so loud it echoes across the woods.
Yord's body joins the rest.
no no no
"Where were we?" Qimir is every bit the villain.
The dragon, the wolf, the tyrant king with a crown of bones.
"You lied to me, you killed them. Why, why would you do this."
"Because the Jedi say I can not exist." Sith, right those things were supposed to be evil. Hailing from Koriiban, the evil Jedi forced to flee. And here you were having so readily given yourself to the enemy.
The blood flows free in the rain. Dozens of bodies drained.
There's a river of blood. You kneel by the holy thing, dipping your cupped hands into the crimson. You drink deeply from the massacre thinking it'll taste sweet. Qimir pulls you in holding your throat as he submerges you.
Baptized in blood
The world flashes red.
It feels so free here. Floating weightless, letting everything be. The rage can not find you in these depths. Free like an adrift astromech. Free to float amongst the stars.
When you emerge again. The world has grown brighter. You see the wide-eyed bodies, even Sol is among the dead, you swear you see disappointment in his lifeless orbs. You gulp, swallowing the euphoric faint. You see your new master before you. Swimming to him carefully, following the gentle tug of the force. Prey meets predator. Qimir chuckles, the water is shallow by the banks. He sits awaiting, on his makeshift throne.
There is no sympathy here you should know better
"You took adorable" Qimir rasps. Hot breath fanning your ear. "Master Qimir" you mumble shifting as he pulls you onto his lap. He laughs this is submission, a breath away from grasping his desire. He cups your cheeks, drifting his hands to your shoulders. Pulling you closer, bodies melting into one.
His kisses still taste like strawberries. Sweet and metallic. All possession and domination. Biting lips and tongue and flesh. Spilling fresh poison with each snip of your neck. He licks the blood from your fingers with feral pleasure. Swirling his tongue around each digit and pulling it further down his hungry mouth. You swallow the darkness from his tongue, letting him snuff out the little embers of light. The stars are burning away bit by bit. He pushes you under again.
Mornings on Khofar are dark, caught in a perpetual twilight. Qimir wraps his robes around you letting the midnight sink into your bones. "The ships a bit off a walk. But we should be there before noon." You paddle after him. Fingers lashing awkwardly at his hand. He turns and offers you that tilted smile once more, mask bouncing in his free hand.
"Master qimir" you confess, it feels so light on your tongue. Like clutching dying white-dwarf-stars behind your teeth. He chuckles, snapping a berry from a nearby bush. His smile sings of triumph, victory, earned in blood. He places the fruit amongst your teeth. You, his little war prize.
"My little acolyte"
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forcemeanakin · 1 year
Hot with brains
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•WARNINGS: SMUT.  Fingering (f receiving), oral fixation, dirty talk, praise kink and also degrading kink, corruption kink kinda??? Edging. Public space. The OC has a kink that attracts her to smart guys.
Pairing: ROTS!Anakin Skywalker x Female!reader.
Summary: Anakin falls for the librarian at the Jedi Temple, however, he soon realizes his adorable smile and golden curls won’t cut it with this one. No, she likes something different: brains. 
Word count: 4.7K. 
A/N: Pretty self-indulgent piece. I've been obsessed with Anakin's engineering brain ever since I got into Star Wars and this idea had be floating around for a whileeeee. Hope you all enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
You liked smart guys. 
It wasn’t a kink per sé. You just couldn’t see yourself hooking up with someone with no brains, let alone establishing a committed relationship with them. You were swoon by guys with deep thoughts and admirable speech skills. The type of man that would go for a whisky instead of a beer, or use real shoes instead of plain sneakers.
You being a snob might have to do with your upbringing, after all you were the daughter of two scholars and professors of one of the most prestigious universities of Coruscant. You were raised to be logical and love intellectual conversations. You wouldn’t- No. You couldn’t see yourself enjoying a space with someone with a low IQ.
That was the reasoning behind taking the internship in the Jedi Temple’s library as part of your college voluntary program. You had to volunteer a certain amount of hours in order to graduate from your Journalism degree with honors. 
You thought that even though this wasn’t exactly the area in which you were specializing, you would soak up some of the ancient knowledge of the Order, even make some great connections for the future. And so far it has been just that: A great experience. You got to read some really cool books and in the hours where no one would come, you got to finish some school work. The Jedi who would visit the library were nice and kind, always polite with a big smile. You even grew really fond of a young Togruta padawan that would spend her breaks in between training devouring books. 
It was calm and quiet. 
Until the storm broke through the door.
“Is this the one you’re looking for?” You yelled to Ahsoka as you climbed down the stairs with the title she asked for.
“Yes! Thank you, y/n!” She gave you a hug and ran to her table to start reading about the swamps in Dagobah.
You returned to your desk and kept registering the book’s codes into the control sheet when a loud sound made you look to the door, the one that was violently being thrown to open room for a tall, curly-haired man with dark robes.
You would recognize those robes anywhere. In reality, anyone from any point of the galaxy would recognize them.
Anakin Skywalker. 
One of the few exceptions of Jedi men who didn’t live up to the sophisticated standard of the Order’s image. And definitely someone you would prefer to stay away from. For some reason he was the favorite warrior of the people; the citizens would line up in front of the Temple to scream “Hero with no fear” to that pretentious douchebag.
He was fine. 
As what most people would call courageous, you would say careless. To others he was passionate, to you he was irrational. Not to mention how idiotic and unsubordinated he was; always talking back and doing things his way, ignoring what the guidelines said.
You didn’t like him. You didn’t like him at all. For that you were thankful that he never set foot into your sacred place. Until that doomed day.
“C’mon, Snips.” He shouted, approaching the desk where she sat. “We need to go. Council just called.”
“Can I have five more minutes? I’ve barely read anything about where we are going!” Ahsoka whined.
“You don’t need to read anything, we will find out anything that’s necessary there.” He huffed, finding his apprentice’s actions ridiculous. 
You quietly sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course.
“Fine… but y/n really took her time fetching it for me.” She exhaled annoyed and closed the book. 
Your eyes remained glued to your task at hand, not willing to look up and be involved in some type of pending argument.
“Who’s y/n?” Anakin scoffed rather loudly.
“Y/n! The volunteer?” Anakin frowned at the short explanation and shook his head in a negative motion. “You know, y/n! C’mon Skyguy, follow me.”
No, please no, you whispered to your insides.
“Hey, y/n!” You heard Ahsoka’s little footsteps running to where you were. 
“What can I do for you, Soka?” You answered, still pretending that you were too busy to move your head from its position.
“Skyguy hasn’t met you. Here, Anakin, y/n. She helps us out here in the library.”
“Ahsoka, we’re not supposed to be having social meetings, we need to go-” You finally gazed up and in that moment, Anakin and you made eye contact for the first time; it was intense. It felt like something clicked for him. “You must be Y/n.” Anakin shook his head lightly, hinting a little smirk as leaned over your table with fixed eyes. 
Hell, no.
“Yes, I am. How may I help you?” You were bitter, totally unbothered by his chiseled cheekbones, or his gorgeous hair, or his plumped lips. Not even the scar had any effect whatsoever. He was an ass and that was automatically a turn off for you. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t met you. You must be new.” He explained with dreamy eyes, subtly checking you out. You cursed the moment you decided to come in today with a blouse who had a bit of a cleavage. “I’m Anakin. Anakin Skywalker.”
“Actually, I’ve been here for almost two months now.” You suppressed the soul-eating need to roll your eyes.
“Oh, really? Sorry, I don’t come here much.” He leaned over even more, trying to keep eye contact even when you sat down. 
“Obviously.” You whispered on the low.
“Excuse me?” Anakin frowned, interrupting his beam to pout with confusion.
“Nothing.” You smiled widely with a fake grin. 
“Okay…” His frown deepened before a smirk broke out his lips. “Maybe I will make it a habit and visit more often.” He shrugged his shoulders, tilting his head to the side, deciphering the effects of his statement on you. 
“You should.” You looked at him and gave him a side-smile, making his eyes sparkle. “Books are good for you.” You returned to check the order of nabooian books on your computer. 
“Yeah, books are cool but there are other things I would much rather check out.” He smirked shamelessly at you, the back-handed comment flying way over his head.
You felt like gagging. Not the good kind.
Before you could come up with a clever response and shut him down for good, Ahsoka spoke from behind him.
“Ugh, gross! Let’s go!” The kid dragged him out by his clothes and before he disappeared through the glass door, he winked at you.
That was the first time you have seen him. First of many, many more. 
Since the day your paths crossed, he took every fleeting moment to come and “read”, when in reality it was just him eating, or drawing or doing anything but opening a book. Taking advantage of your breaks, or whenever you returned to your seat after doing rounds, he would come over and make conversation. About his battles, his accomplishments, his close-calls to death… or about random facts he collected from his missions and travels; Anything that would maybe impress you.
And when he wasn’t doing that? He would drown you in compliments, to see if in fact, you soften up to him. Anakin was already aware of your no-so-secret disgust towards him the day he caught one of your eye rolls.
Did he care? No. 
He was persistent: admiring your hair, loving the way you had styled it in a little bun (even though it was because the heat was eating you alive). He would ask about the tasks you were performing, sucking at pretending to be interested in hearing about organizing books in alphabetical order. 
And it would have maybe worked; his good looks combined to his natural charisma were enough to make any mortal melt at his sight. You almost combust when you saw him carrying some wood boards into the library, the primal part of you rejoicing at the sight of his strong muscles stretching. The man was eye candy, whether you like it or not.
But, boy, were you tough.
Anakin Skywalker was not your cup of tea to say the least. You wouldn’t collaborate in his attempts to get to know you. You were so uninterested in finding out more about him when you had already scanned him. Just a way-too-handsome-for-his-own-good guy who was lucky enough to be born as the Chosen One, because otherwise, he would have never made it in the Order. He was determined, you would give him that. 
His approaches were never creepy or invasive enough to make you uncomfortable, only to drive you wild. Even when he was the worst part of your day, you had to keep the polite but distant charade going on, in order to protect your job. Your disgust towards him, instead of hurting him, amused him. He liked challenges and you were freaking Mission Impossible. Although he also saw the flaws in you: a pretentious prick girl who had probably achieved everything in her life thanks to nepotism. But he could see past that.
Because, boy, were you hot. 
And he was sure you liked it nasty. 
Underneath your goodie-two-shoes clothes hid the true you: he knew you loved being treated like a filthy slut.
“Hello, y/n!” Ahsoka squealed in an excited voice. You two have grown to adore each other. 
“Hey, Soka!” You responded happily, finishing to put some encyclopedias on a shelf. When you turned around, you saw she wasn’t alone. “Oh… good afternoon, Anakin.”
“Nice to see you too, y/n.” Anakin huffed in a sarcastic voice before strolling to where you were, Ahsoka following close behind. “Is that a new shirt? It suits you.”
“No, it’s the same white button up shirt that I’ve always used.” You smiled and turned around to roll your eyes in peace. He was too busy devouring your bosom behind the fabric to ever notice the barrier between his eyes and your skin.
“Y/n, do you think you could grab me a book about loreeks? I’m doing a little presentation about them for my science class.” Ahsoka asked you with a sweet voice.
“Oh sure… just let me look oveeeer…” You walked, stretching the words as you searched in the countless sections. “...here. It must be on one of these shelves.” You announced when you entered the exotic animals aisle. 
Digitating the code on your scanner you found out it was in one of the tallest shelves, only reachable with a ladder. Right when you were about to move it, Anakin came in.
“Don’t worry, Y/n. I’ll get it.” And he used the Force to bring the book down. “Here you go Snips, study hard.” He nudged her head, annoying her.
“Yeah, I guess… but it’s Friday. Can I read after I hang out with the other padawans? Barris and Meelo are going skating!” She gave her best puppy eyes, to which Anakin agreed, after giving it little to no thought.
“You didn’t have to give her the book, I could have done it.” You waited for Ahsoka to leave before dropping the bomb. 
“Easy there, kitten. I was just helping out.” He furrowed his eyebrows. As if the unnecessary nickname wasn’t enough to drive you mad. Looking down, he saw the rest of your outfit and lingered his eyes more than necessary in your short, black skirt. “On second thought, I might have let you do it.” He smirked confidently.
“Just stay out of my way, okay?” You growled, walking away from him to your desk, not without bumping your shoulder with his on your way out.
“What the hell is your problem?” He asked with an incredulous face.
You were done. The build-up from the past month was beginning to choke down your sense of decency. Not to mention that your day was already going terrible before he appeared: the droid that would always help you out was broken, significantly delaying your work day. Also, it was laundry day and you had to use your uncomfortable lingerie.
“You know what, Skywalker?” You turned around with raised eyebrows. “You’re my problem.” He opened his eyes in bewilderment. “I don’t like you. I don’t appreciate you coming in, all macho-” You made a mocking manner. “-acting like a goddamn superhero, only after cleaning up the mess you created in the first place.” You crossed your arms in your chest. 
“I’m a general, kitten, and I can assure you the war it’s not my fault.” He scoffed, he used the nickname again, knowing it would press your buttons. 
“And how many times have you messed it up bigger than it was?” You squinted your eyes, only to see him run out of words. “That’s what I thought.” You came back to digitating codes. “It’s like you don’t think. You are just a machine run by adrenaline and praise.” You finally rolled your eyes in front of him without shame. You tried to run down the reports that C7, your assistant droid would do, only to fail and almost delete everything in your computer. “And I can assure you I have bigger problems than dealing with you!”
“Okay, back down-”
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You yelled, getting desperate and throwing a tantrum at the device. You had enough for the day. You could leave, given that no one would come over this late, but your sense of responsibility prevented you from going home before finishing your work load. “I fucking hate this system!”
“Let me see-”
“Don’t! Just don’t, okay?” You swatted his hand away. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Could you stop being so stuck-up and let me help you?” He raised his voice, stepping up close to tower you. His eyes were on fire and you could sense that your previous comments did get to him, but for some reason outside of your understanding, he was still willing to help.
“Fine.” You chewed the words in your mouth, stepping down as you glared at him, giving him space to analyze the situation.
Instead of leaning down the computer, he went directly to C7, who lingered weakly on the side of your desk. He picked him up and put it on the table, moving him around his hands to examine the droid. He hummed after a couple of minutes, putting the mechanical body at eye level. “I see.”
“See what? What is it?” You pressed, trying to pick a glance from over his shoulder.
“I’m going to need my tools.” He murmured, dropping the droid back again.
“I’ll be right back.” He exclaimed, before heading to the door in a rush.
“Wait! What?” You shouted, the shadow of his body the only thing visible.
You stayed alone for about fifteen minutes. You even got to thinking that he was pulling a prank on you, after yelling at him. But you stayed there, because well… what else would you do? You were beginning to fall asleep as you played with paper clips, when you heard the door being opened again.
“Finally! I thought you had left!” You sighed in relief, pushing your body off your desk. 
“I was getting my tools, I told you.” He frowned, lifting the heavy, dark red box to the white marble. “Now let’s bring this one back to life.” He smiled, before busting the carcass open. 
It took Anakin less than what you waited for him to get C7 up and running again. He flipped panels, snapped cables and pressed buttons, at an order that seemed random to you, until C7’s mechanical eyes opened again.
“Oh my God!” You laughed in disbelief. “He’s functioning again!”
Anakin smiled down at the table, as he finished up adjusting some screws. C7 sat up, analyzing his surroundings before getting up and going straight back to work. 
“I-I-” You were speechless. How did he do that? So fast? “I can’t believe you just did that.” You mumbled, still looking at C7 like it was a ghost. “Thank you, Anakin.” You turned around with apologizing eyes, twitching an embarrassed smile. 
“No problem. His transmitter was disconnected from the main system. I had to fix his-” The next couple of things that he mentioned sounded like pure gibberish to you, but he was very firm, so it must be true. Right? Sensing your bafflement, he spilled facts slower and quieter until he stopped talking, finalizing with a dry smile. “Yeah, it was nothing.”
He was starting to pack everything in his toolbox again and you had a pending need to say something. However, you didn’t know if you should kick off with a real apology or-
“How did you know all that?” So a pop quiz it was. In your defense, you were genuinely curious about the abilities he had just demonstrated. Mindblown, to be more specific. 
“About what?” He furrowed his brows, closing the box but leaving on the table. 
“About the transmitter, and the restraining bolt, and- and-” You were running out of technical terms. 
“Mechanics are second nature to me at this point.” He shrugged his shoulders, picking up the box. “I know everything about the topic, so, it was an easy fix. I’d have rearranged his central system if I had the missing part, but it’s very specific. What I did will do for now, though.” 
He was about to leave when he noticed the way you were leaning on the table, head on top of your fist to pay close attention to him. You were murmuring almost unhearable “uh-huh”s, totally lost in his words. 
“Sooo, you know mechanics.” You were such a hypocrite, you couldn’t stand the man fifteen minutes ago and now you were drooling over the sight of him explaining complicated shit to you. Snob. “You often fix things?” You tried to investigate, see if the throbbing happening between your legs was worth pursuing. 
“Sometimes… I often go to the hangar and repair the damaged ships or flip them.” He grinned without teeth. “The techs often ask for me. They say I have an eye for these things. Been working on droids since I was a kid, so.” Anakin wasn’t trying to brag, but his ample knowledge in mechanics was something that he prided himself on. 
“That seems like a lot of work.” You continued the small talk, slowly losing yourself over this spontaneous crush. 
“It can get tricky.” He dismissed, beginning to notice the glint on your eyes. He recognized the way your irises had darkened: He got those fuck-me eyes wherever he went. “Still haven’t found something I can’t fix.”
But it was involuntary. The fact that he was an expert on a matter as hard as mechanics scratched a part of your brain; It flipped a switch inside of you. Anakin was a different man under your eyes now. He was smart, hella smart. 
“Gosh, that’s so impressive.” You giggled like the girls that would flirt at him. Pathetic. But you quickly regained control, not before sucking up some courage and getting closer to him, posing more seductively this time. “That brain of yours sure hides lots of secrets.”
He hadn’t quite figured out why the change of heart, so it took him a moment to replay your evening together. It lasted a bit more than he liked to admit, but it hit him. Of course. An arrogant smile cracked his face. Of course you would be attracted to someone who was a master of something you consider relevant. After all, you liked to consider yourself an “intellectual”. Just to test his theory, he consciously started to brag about something else… something that would have your panties in a bunch if his hypothesis was correct.
“Wanna know another one?” He cocked an eyebrow, resting his elbow on the table to stand inches away from your face.
Your face shined with a slight pink blush, but it was the way you bit your lip that drove him crazy. That and your enthusiastic nod. “Yeah.”
“There’s a reason behind why I’m the best pilot of the fleet. And it’s not just because of my background as a pod racer or the Force.” He whispered, snickering at how soft your eyes had grown. “It’s actually because… I use physics.”
“Physics?” You almost moaned. 
“Yeah, physics.” He repeated, moistening his lips, a thing your eyes followed. “Self-taught, just like with mechanics.”
That ripped a subtle whimper out of you. Well, not subtle to him. 
“You-you understand math?” If it wasn’t because you were visibly squeezing your thighs at the newly acquired information, he would be completely offended that you thought he was dumb as fuck. 
“Love em.” He muttered, his intense stare glued to you, as his fingers put a string of hair behind your ear.
Like thunder, you were rushing to capture his lips and show him just how hot you thought he was now. Anakin freezed at first, taking aback by your sudden demonstration of affection, but when he understood that you were willingly -and enthusiastically- giving yourself to him, he wasted no time to embrace you back. 
Wet kisses splashed everywhere; it was fucking mess. You hung onto his shoulders while he groped all of your body, starting with your sweet hips, fondling your ass like it was his personal stress ball and finally landing on your waist. You pressed against him shamelessly, but in reality, how much shame could you still have when the man’s tongue was down your throat? The only thing you knew with certainty was that the sucking sounds and moans you both dropped were intensifying the already sex-filled atmosphere.
“Anakin.” You tried to sound normal, but your voice was failing just like your knees were. “W-why haven’t you gone to a proper school? Maybe get a degree?”
Was that seriously so important to you? The opinion of others? Anakin questioned in his own head.
Anakin was the kind of person that wasn’t susceptible to the opinion of others, especially regarding his own image. He was sure of the shit he knew and didn’t need anyone validating that for him. No expensive universities, no uptight professors; Obi-Wan was more than enough. Nonetheless, he had found a shortcut to get inside your pants and God as his witness, he was gonna use it. 
“Y/n.” He snickered right in your face, drinking in the power. “I don’t care about any of that. I'm a certified engineer, that’s how I got to build this myself.” Removing the leather, he revealed his mechanical limb to you, wiggling his fingers.
It was fancier than you ever thought a mechanical hand could be. Black with touches of gold; it was elegant and sophisticated, way more advanced than any technology you had ever seen in the orthopedics research field. And you knew it well, your mom was an orthopedic surgeon. 
It was no surprise to him that after spilling that last fact you were now shamelessly grinding on his half-hard. The fact that he was an engineering mastermind was such an aphrodisiac. And as much as he wanted to have another taste of your full, pink lips, the ones he often imagined enveloped around his dick while you scolded him, Anakin wasn’t willing to make the first move.
You were going to have to beg for it. 
“Anakin?” Your hands flattened on his pecs, back arching when he cupped your cheek with the cool durasteel prosthetic, kneading against it with soft eyes. He must have noticed how captivated you were by his invention. 
“Yeah, baby?” He continued the soft ministrations up and down your cheek, redirecting your gaze to his face whenever your eyes would deviate to his artificial limb. 
“You- Uhm, you built it from scratch?” You gulped when his thumb inched closer to your mouth, rubbing your bottom lip and pulling it open. 
Little obedient you put no resistance, and instead, stuck out your wet tongue to happily receive his digit into your warmness. But this time it was his index, the one you were bobbing your head into, eye contact not faltering even when you were practically giving oral to his hand. Anakin smiled pleased at your enthusiasm for pleasuring him and added another finger for you to lubricate. 
“From scratch.” He nodded, lustful irises boring into you. “Designed it too.”
You moaned around him, feeling content with being sandwiched between his firm torso and your desk, and with your mouth being fucked by his fingers. Saliva smeared all over your chin, you whined pitifully when your lips were no longer stuffed. On the contrary of leaving you all hot and bothered, Anakin lowered those same fingers to your leaky cunt, pushing your underwear aside for easy access. 
He groaned when he first inserted a finger, your gasping a sign for him to slow down. “Baby, you’re tight.” He seemed to love that about you. 
After adjusting to the size of his strong index finger, Anakin breached in with his middle one, repeating the process of you getting used to the coldness and girth all over. 
“A-Anakin.” You closed your eyes, involuntarily standing on your tippy toes. 
“That’s right, you’re doing so well. Taking my fingers like a true champ.” He bit down a condescending smile. “Atta girl.”
The initial discomfort was just a milestone you had to overcome to succumb to the pleasure that it was being fucked by Anakin Skywalker’s metal hand. His frigid thumb came to roll over your bundle of nerves, helping you relax into him and enjoy the sensation of fully riding his hand. 
“That’s it. Fuck my hand just like that, kitten.” He chuckled, finding a spot on your neck to latch on, leave a little souvenir of your encounter, and hide his pitiful laugh. 
Kisses were peppered along your exposed throat, your clavicle and jaw, his long eyelashes tickling you and making you clench around his metal hand tighter. Whilst you worried about not whining too loud for anyone to enter the library, Anakin was pumping his fingers at such an unholy pace to complicate your task.
“Shhh, baby. You need to be quiet. Wouldn’t like for anyone to come in. You could lose your job.” He mocked with a side smile and you had to gripped his bicep to keep your balance. “Could you imagine? Getting caught having sex at work? With a Jedi?”
You could perceive that the trespassing of the pseudo-celibacy Jedi code was turning him to no end, the mischievous glimmer in his eyes getting stronger when he said the last sentence. 
“W-We’re not having sex.” You corrected him, like it mattered. Like having him knuckles deep into you was somehow less frowned-upon than to have actual coitus.
That made him laugh and you wiggled underneath him, fighting to not let your tears fall. 
“You just wait.” His lips ghosted over yours, his breath fanning over your heated face. The increase of the movements of his hand was a sign that he had noticed the contractions around his digits, fully aware that you were close. “Ready to come, baby? Gonna gush all over me?”
You nodded, biting your swollen lip, losing the battle against your tear duct. Anakin used his other thumb, the one that was not torturing your clit, to liberate your abused lip. His mouth lowered to capture yours in a hot kiss, this tongue sliding on your inside until it hit your throat. So deep into you that you would never forget his taste; so deep you will never be able to deny him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You whimpered against his smile when you reached your peak, dissolving into this meaningless mass between his arms. “Anakin…” You rode out your climax, still rocking your hips to prolong the pleasure.
Anakin waited until you regained some composure to help you fix your clothes, putting back your underwear as he found it and lowering your skirt. His actions had you frowning: Weren’t you two gonna fuck? You were already mentally prepared to welcome his enormous cock in your tiny canal. 
He grinned at your puppy eyes and adorable pout, your flustered state funnier than it should be. It was almost enough to break him. But someone had to give you a lesson. 
 “At the end of the day, I’m just a soldier, Y/n. An incompetent one, according to you.” 
Before you could protest that, he was tilting his head in an accusatory manner. Like saying: Don’t even try it. And before leaving with his head high, he spat: 
“My apologies if that’s not fancy enough for you, ma’am.”
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gffa · 8 months
So, what's this about, huh? After recently sitting down with Star Wars Timelines, I was genuinely surprised at just how much they were willing to nail down to a specific year and sequence of events, which admittedly is a reference book and those are pretty low on the canon totem pole so be prepared for future retcons down the road, but it's shockingly useful information to have! Because the more I paged through it, the more I realized just how useful it would be for fic writers, especially for anything that might be referenced by a prequels character. Do you want to know how old the Jedi Order basically is? What the eras were called, if a prequels character wanted to reference them? What year did Dooku leave the Jedi? When did Naboo join the Republic? When was the Republic founded? When was the Jedi Temple built? When was Yaddle born? When did the Togruta ally with the Republic? Was Anakin born on Tatooine? When did Plo discover Ahsoka? When did Anakin get his first kyber crystal? When did Obi-Wan join the Jedi Council? WHEN DOES THE MANDALORIAN CIVIL WAR TAKE PLACE?? Some of this is SO INTERESTING to have nailed down into place--like just how old Huyang is or that the Jedi Temple was constructed on Coruscant BEFORE the Republic existed! Useful for me to know, but also my prequels-era characters to know! This book is willing to tell us A LOT and I collated everything I thought would be useful for a prequels character to know! ERAS:
c.5,000 BBY– 1,032 BBY: Ancient conflicts "The Jedi and Sith wage a series of wars throughout their history so ruinous that at points each is brought to the brink of destruction."
c.500 BBY–330 BBY: "The Age of Exploration" "After centuries of governing in regions near the galactic Core, the Republic sets out to explore the Outer Rim. This era of exploration on the frontier presents many adventures and opportunities for the Republic and the Jedi Order alike, but growth also leads them to uncover new mysteries and dangers. Soon the Jedi Order’s very connection to the Force is put to the test."
c.500 BBY–100 BBY: "The High Republic" The four hundred years that are collectively referred to as the High Republic era.
"The Jedi Order is founded. Among the earliest locations, and likely the first, is a temple constructed on the planet of Ahch-To. Later, the temple retains the most treasured Jedi texts and earliest writings on the Order’s faith. For eons, these noble protectors stand united by their ability to harness the power of the Force itself for good."
c.25,020 BBY: Professor Huyang powered up "The architect droid Professor Huyang begins training Jedi younglings in the delicate art of lightsaber construction."
c.20,000 BBY: Dawn of the Republic
"The foundation of the Republic is formed through an alliance including Coruscant, Corellia, and Alderaan, prompted by the dawn of hyperspace travel."
c.5,000 BBY: Creeping darkness
"A dark-side sect splinters from the Jedi, causing the formation of the Sith. This fracture is the genesis of a millennia-long rivalry."
c.5,000 BBY–1,032 BBY: "The Sith battle the Jedi in numerous conflicts for thousands of years before their struggle comes to an end, resulting in the destruction of the Sith Empire."
c.5,000 BBY–1,032 BBY: "The Sith build shrines on planets, including Malachor and Moraband. They covet these locations for their connection to the dark side of the Force."
c.1,050 BBY: A Mandalorian Jedi
"Tarre Vizsla becomes the first of the Mandalorian warriors to be inducted as a member of the Jedi Order. The unique lightsaber he constructs comes to be known as the Darksaber, later stolen to be used as a symbol to unite his planet."
c.1,032 BBY: Coruscant Temple erected
"The main Jedi Temple on Coruscant is constructed at the same location where there was once a Sith shrine."
c.1,032 BBY: "Darth Bane, the last surviving Sith, recognizes that infighting and back-stabbing ultimately led to the downfall of the Sith Empire. He declares the Rule of Two, whereby there can only be a sole master and single apprentice of the Sith. The practice safeguards the inherently selfish Order from self-destruction, thus ensuring the survival of the Sith for centuries to come."
1,000 BBY: Reformation of the Republic
"The first incarnation of the democratic alliance of planets, the Galactic Republic, is reformed."
c.972 BBY: Rules of war
"The Galactic Accord of Systems establishes a set of rules of engagement, in the event another war should break out."
896 BBY: Yoda is born
"The future Jedi Master Yoda is born."
832 BBY: Construction of Theed
"Naboo’s capital city, Theed, is built. The floating city on the banks of the river Solleu becomes the jewel of the metropolis."
867 BBY: Naboo joins the Republic
"The planet of Naboo officially joins the Galactic Republic. The event will be commemorated annually with The Festival of Light."
796 BBY: Students of Yoda
"Master Yoda begins training Jedi. He will maintain this regular practice, teaching the newest members of the Order, for about 800 years."
600 BBY:
Jabba Desilijic Tiure is born.
509 BBY:
Yaddle is born.
"The Republic and the Jedi establish Pathfinder teams to explore new hyperspace lanes in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. A team of Pathfinders typically includes two Jedi, a master and their apprentice, who work together with their Republic allies to discover new ways through dangerous and unexplored places. They work with communications teams who lay the groundwork for the infrastructure needed for Republic growth. In return for their efforts, the Jedi Order hopes to gain new understanding of the galaxy, new cultures, and the Force."
"Independent explorers also race to discover new paths through hyperspace. These prospectors risk their lives in perilous, uncharted corners of the Outer Rim, hoping to find safer, shorter routes. Families like the Grafs and San Tekkas earn great fame and fortune by selling their knowledge of these new hyperlanes."
382 BB The First High Republic book of Phase II
The High Republic: Path of Deceit kicks off the second phase of books, set 150 years before the previous phase.
382 BBY: Battle of Jedha
"The Path of the Open Hand instigates a battle on the sacred moon of Jedha."
232 BBY The First High Republic book of Phase I:
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which kicks off the original era of the High Republic (out of universe, not in universe), starting with the Great Hyperspace Disaster where a ship explodes in hyperspace over the planet Hetzal Prime. This ignites an intergalactic conflict with the Nihil that draws the Jedi and the Republic into a massive connected, long-running series of battles against them.
232 BBY:
"Dignitaries and Jedi gather at the Starlight Beacon for its official dedication ceremony."
The Great Hyperspace Disaster (the Legacy Run explodes in hyperspace) happens and the Jedi rush to help mitigate the disaster and evacuate as many people as they can.
"The brave deeds of the Jedi Order [in the Great Hyperspace Disaster] are cast across the galaxy via holotransmissions, making Kriss and her fellow Jedi heroes."
The Emergences: "Though Hetzal has been saved by the heroics of the Jedi, fragments of the Legacy Run continue to threaten the frontier. Fear grips the Outer Rim as blazing wreckage of the ship appears with little warning from hyperspace. As the Republic seeks answers to these Emergences, a group of Jedi stranded in a forgotten corner of space unknowingly cause a far older and more sinister threat to emerge: the Drengir."
"Wreckage from the Legacy Run scatters through hyperspace, endangering the Outer Rim. The first of the Emergences after the Great Hyperspace disaster occurs at Ab Dalis, killing 20 million beings."
"The Nihil strike on Elphrona, intending to ransom well-connected homesteaders and capture a Jedi for Marchion Ro’s evil machinations."
"The Jedi Council votes to join the Republic against the Nihil."
"With the Great Disaster behind them, the Republic and Jedi refocus on the opening of the Starlight Beacon. This towering space station located in the Outer Rim is one of Chancellor Lina Soh’s Great Works, meant to provide a symbol of hope in a dark corner of the galaxy. This shining example of Republic unity and progress serves as a vital base for the ongoing struggles with the Nihil and Drengir."
"One of Chancellor Lina Soh’s Great Works, the Starlight Beacon, begins operation after a dedication ceremony attended by Republic dignitaries and prominent members of the Jedi Order. The station is to be just one of many beacons, serving to connect, inspire, and serve the Republic’s growth in the Galactic Frontier. The Jedi maintain a permanent presence on the station under the leadership of Marshal Kriss and the watchful eye of the exacting Jedi Master Estala Maru."
"Hunting the Nihil - Though it lacks a formal military, the Republic forms a special task force to hunt the Nihil, with Joss and Pikka Adren among the first volunteers."
"The Jedi broker the Ayelina-Ludmere trade agreement."
"The carnivorous Drengir take root across wide swaths of the frontier. Their lust for living flesh, which they consider “meats,” leads them to attack hundreds of worlds. Defenseless settlers and the Jedi alike struggle to repel these horrifying plantlike creatures."
"Chancellor Lina Soh’s next Great Work is a magnificent fair on Valo. Meant to celebrate the Republic and its many achievements, the event turns into a tragedy. The Nihil mount a merciless raid on the fairgoers, destroy the event, and nearly kill the chancellor. The Jedi defenders mount a valiant defense but are outnumbered."
"The Jedi march across the frontier as they seek justice for the attack on the Valo fair. With the Drengir threat seemingly settled, they turn their attention to the scattered Nihil forces. The Jedi believe that they are gaining the upper hand, but are unaware of who leads the raiders and their ultimate goal. The Nihil Tempest Runners bear the brunt of the assault while the Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, prepares a new weapon to fight the Jedi."
"The Republic-Togruta Alliance is formed."
"The Nameless wreak havoc among the Jedi, who fight valiantly in Starlight’s final moments. Master Estala Maru sacrifices his own life to delay the top half of the station from burning up in Eiram’s atmosphere. Below, Master Stellan Gios stays behind to ensure the lower portion will not strike a populated city on the planet’s surface."
"The Jedi recall their members to safety on Coruscant."
"The Republic readies a Defense Coalition fleet to strike at Nihil space. The Jedi, concerned that they cannot yet combat the Nameless, remain on Coruscant."
c.200 BBY:
"Births: Chewbacca— Wookiee hero and copilot born on Kashyyyk."
102 BBY:
"Serenno foundling Dooku’s family abandons him as an infant after discovering his Force abilities. The Jedi bring him to Coruscant to join the Order." (Dooku is born this year.)
Sifo-Dyas was also born in 102 BBY.
86 BBY:
Dooku becomes Yoda’s Padawan.
Sifo-Dyas becomes Lene Kostana’s Padawan.
84 BBY:
Sheev Palpatine is born on Naboo.
c.80 BBY:
Rael Averross becomes Dooku’s Padawan
72 BBY:
Mace Windu is born. (Take with a grain of salt, it's from a De Agostini booklet and never appeared anywhere else that I can find.)
c.70 BBY:
"Averross is knighted and encourages Dooku to take another Padawan."
68 BBY:
Qui-Gon Jinn becomes Dooku’s Padawan.
c.58 BBY:
"After attaining the rank of Jedi Master, Dooku is offered a seat on the Jedi Council."
Qui-Gon becomes a Jedi Knight.
57 BBY:
Obi-Wan Kenobi is born on Stewjon.
54 BBY:
"Obi-Wan Kenobi begins his Jedi training." (Presumably this means he was 3 years old when he was adopted by the Jedi and began his training then.)
52 BBY:
Palpatine is elected Senator of Naboo.
50 BBY:
"The Nightsisters sell Asajj Ventress to Hal’Sted."
46 BBY:
Padme Naberrie is born on Naboo.
44 BBY:
Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan.
"Stranded on remote Rattatak, the Jedi Knight Ky Narec discovers Asajj Ventress and trains her as his Padawan."
c.44 BBY - "Amid concerns about the corrosive effects of dynasties, the Naboo Reformations limit monarchs to a maximum of two two-year terms."
42 BBY:
Rael Averross introduces Dooku to Palpatine.
Dooku leave the Jedi Order and returns to Serenno to reclaim his title.
c.42 BBY: "Civil war engulfs Mandalore, a planet with a proud honor code and a war-torn history. Its clans form factions, with the conflict evolving to pit tradition-minded clan fighters against New Mandalorians who see the warrior past as a dead end."
c.42 BBY: "Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan protect Duchess Satine Kryze during the Mandalorian Civil War. Obi-Wan and Satine fall in love and he offers to leave the Jedi Order to be with her. They decide that their duties won’t allow them to follow their hearts."
c.42 BBY: "The Mandalorian Civil War ends with Satine’s New Mandalorians ascendant, though traditionalists—including Satine’s sister Bo-Katan—organize to resist her rule."
41 BBY:
Anakin Skywalker is born.
"Distant secret Ancient Jedi lore leads Obi-Wan to the Force-imbued planet Lenahra, where he forges a deeper connection with the living Force." (These are the events of the Padawan novel.)
c.41 BBY: "Holiday interrupted While visiting Kashyyyk, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan foil a Trandoshan raid aimed at taking Wookiee prisoners during Life Day celebrations." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures 2020, issues 3-4. Unclear if this is before or after the novel Padawan.)
40 BBY:
c.40 BBY - Maul becomes Sidious’ apprentice.
Qui-Gon is offered a seat on the Jedi Council. He does not accept by the end of Master and Apprentice.
"Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan visit strategically located Pijal to oversee the signing of a treaty between its monarchy and the Czerka Corporation." (These are the events of the Master and Apprentice novel.)
39 BBY:
c.39 BBY: Sifo-Dyas joins the Jedi High Council.
38 BBY:
c.38 BBY - "Shmi and Anakin Skywalker are brought to Tatooine. Their enslaver, Gardulla the Hutt, soon loses them to Watto in a bet."
37 BBY:
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan mediate a conflict on Bri’n. (Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn #1)
36 BBY:
Orson Krennic and Galen Erso meet.
Ahsoka Tano is born.
34 BBY:
"Mace Windu helps overthrow the warlord Guattako." (These are the events of Age of Republic - Special #1)
"A skilled mechanic, Anakin begins gathering spare parts to build a protocol droid, C-3PO, to help Shmi with household chores."
"Sidious tests Maul on Malachor."
33 BBY:
"Plo Koon discovers a Force-sensitive Togruta toddler named Ahsoka Tano. He brings 'Little ‘Soka' to Coruscant for training."
"Sifo-Dyas orders a secret clone army to be created on Kamino."
"Eager to test his abilities against the Jedi Order, Darth Maul kills the Twi’lek Padawan Eldra Kaitis on Drazkel’s moon." (These are the events of Darth Maul 2017)
Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus is born.
"The former Padmé Naberrie is just 14 when elected and has barely taken office when the Trade Federation blockades and then invades Naboo."
The events of The Phantom Menace take place, the Trade Federation invades Naboo, Valorum sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to help Naboo, Anakin Skywalker is adopted into the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon Jinn dies.
"Count Dooku pledges himself to the ways of the Sith, replacing Maul as Sidious’ apprentice and taking the name Darth Tyranus."
"Palpatine is elected supreme chancellor."
"Obi-Wan takes Anakin as his Padawan."
"The Sith take over Sifo-Dyas’ project to create a clone army, ordering inhibitor chips implanted in the clones to ensure their obedience."
"With Sifo-Dyas dead, Dooku takes over the clone project, altering it to serve the Sith’s purpose. In his guise as Tyranus, Dooku recruits the bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for the Kaminoans’ clone army. He then instructs the Kaminoans to secretly implant inhibitor chips in the clones’ brains to ensure their obedience. The clones will fight for the Republic, but the Sith will be their true masters."
Han Solo is born.
Boba Fett is born.
Yaddle is killed by Dooku.
31 BBY:
"Kuat Drive Yards receives an order from a secret buyer to create massive numbers of warships and weapons."
30 BBY:
"Sidious’ minions begin constructing a massive Observatory on Jakku, the first of several built as part of the Sith Lord’s decades-spanning Contingency project. As Palpatine, Sidious orders the secret establishment of bases, shipyards, and colonies in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions."
29 BBY:
c.29 BBY: "Anakin seeks out his first kyber crystal on Ilum and creates a lightsaber, an important step in his Padawan training."
"Anakin goes on a mission in Coruscant’s underlevels with a disguised Chancellor Palpatine, whom he comes to see as a mentor."
"Influenced by Palpatine, Anakin tells Obi-Wan he wishes to suspend his Jedi training and surrenders his lightsaber. With Anakin’s path undecided, Yoda sends him and Obi-Wan to Carnelion IV to investigate a distress signal. [Eventually] Anakin decides to remain Obi-Wan’s Padawan." (These are the events of Obi-Wan & Anakin 2016)
Hera Syndulla is born.
28 BBY:
Queen Amidala's final year as Queen of Naboo, where her successor, Queen Réillata, asks her to be Senator for Naboo and Padme agrees, taking office that year.
"Remembering her experience after fleeing Naboo, Padmé sends Sabé on a mission to investigate how to end slavery on Tatooine." (This ultimately doesn't really go anywhere/accomplish much, unfortunately.)
"Padmé becomes friends with two young fellow senators: Rush Clovis of Scipio and Mina Bonteri of Raxus." (These are the events of Queen's Shadow.)
c.28 BBY: "Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to retrieve a Holocron from Dallenor, leading to a confrontation with the Krypder Riders." (These are the events of Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi #1.)
27 BBY:
c.27 BBY: "Cliegg Lars buys Shmi Skywalker’s freedom from Watto. They marry and live on Cliegg’s moisture farm."
26 BBY:
"While on a mission to Sullust, Dooku kills the Jedi Knight Jak’zin and forces the Kaldana Syndicate to serve Sidious’ interests." (These are the events of Age of the Republic - Count Dooku #1.)
"Obi-Wan and Anakin rescue Yoda from raiders on Glee Anselm, but discover the incident was actually a test engineered by the Jedi Council [to help them get along better]." (These are the events of Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure.)
24 BBY:
c.24 BBY - "Dooku founds the Confederacy of Independent Systems, attracting planets that wish to secede from the Republic and beginning the Separatist Movement."
"The Senate passes the Emergency Powers Act, allowing Palpatine to remain in office for the duration of the Separatist Crisis."
"Palpatine forms the Loyalist Committee to advise him during the Separatist Crisis. Senators belonging to the committee include Bail Organa of Alderaan, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Ask Aak of Malastare, and Orn Free Taa of Ryloth."
"The Senate begins debating the Military Creation Act, which would allow the Republic to create military forces for its defense."
"Adrift after the death of Ky Narec, a grief-stricken Asajj Ventress embraces the dark side and becomes a warlord on Rattatak."
"Osika Kirske imprisons Ventress on Rattatak, forcing her to fight as a gladiator. Dooku frees her and offers to make her his apprentice in hopes of one day supplanting Sidious. Ventress agrees to serve as the count’s agent and assassin." (These are part of the events of Dooku: Jedi Lost.)
22 BBY–19 BBY: The Clone Wars
"A political crisis propels the Jedi Order into a galaxy-wide war against the Separatists, secretly led by the Sith."
"Obi-Wan and Anakin help defuse a crisis on Ansion." (Mentioned in Attack of the Clones: "He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion," Mace says of Obi-Wan.)
The events of Attack of the Clones take place, Padme is attacked for her stance against the Military Creation Act in the Senate, Jar Jar introduces a motion to give Palpatine emergency powers as Chancellor, including the discovery of the clone army, Shmi Skywalker dies, Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padme are held captive by the Separatists and rescued by the Jedi, many who die in the arena, as well as Jango Fett dies, and the start of the Clone Wars.
Anakin and Padme are secretly married on Naboo.
Poggle the Lesser gives the Death Star plans to Dooku.
The Clone Wars begin on Geonosis.
"Mace Windu leads a Jedi mission to Hissrich. As a member of Windu’s team, Jedi Prosset Dibs accuses the Order of wanting Hissrich for the Republic. He duels Windu and is defeated. Dibs is found guilty of treason and confined to the Jedi Archives in hopes that he’ll find his way back to the light." (These are the events of Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu.)
"Padmé and Captain Typho help Sticks’ squad of clone troopers free Separatist hostages on the embattled planet Hebekrr Minor." (These are the events of Queen's Hope.)
"Anakin becomes a Jedi Knight."
"Obi-Wan becomes a Jedi Master and is elevated to the Jedi Council."
"Obi-Wan investigates a bombing on Cato Neimoidia and discovers the attack bears the hallmarks of both a Republic and Separatist operation. He brings this disquieting hint that someone is manipulating both sides of the war back to Coruscant. Anakin duels Ventress on Cato Neimoidia." (These are the events of Brotherhood.)
"Captain Rex, formally designated CT-7567, is assigned to Anakin Skywalker, who saves his life during the Battle of Arantara. A mutual respect soon blossoms between the brash, bold young Jedi general and the sturdy, by-the-book clone officer."
"Anakin’s troops run afoul of hostile wildlife while searching for Separatist forces on Benglor." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #1.)
"The Techno Union’s Wat Tambor destroys the Nexus trading post on Quarmendy to keep Plo Koon’s troops from reclaiming it." (These are the events of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #2.)
"Yoda assigns Ahsoka Tano to Anakin as his Padawan, hoping to teach Skywalker how to let go of his emotional attachments."
"The Separatist battlecruiser Malevolence terrorizes the galaxy’s inner systems before it is tracked and destroyed at the Dead Moon of Antar."
"The Republic invades Geonosis for a second time to destroy a dangerous new droid foundry constructed by Poggle the Lesser."
"Padmé and Jar Jar discover a bioweapons lab in Naboo’s swamps and must stop Nuvo Vindi from releasing the Blue Shadow Virus."
"General Grievous and Asajj Ventress lead a Separatist invasion on Kamino, with the Republic’s clones fiercely defending their birthworld."
"Sabine Wren is born on Mandalore but raised on neighboring Krownest."
"Anakin experiences a disturbing vision of his future in the Force realm known as Mortis and must make a wrenching decision."
"The Republic defends Mon Cala during a Separatist-engineered civil war between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren."
"Republic forces suffer heavy casualties while storming Umbara, a strategically located world with advanced technology that has become a Separatist stronghold."
"Maul returns from exile, bent on obtaining revenge against the long list of those he believes have wronged him."
"Maul forms the Shadow Collective, forging several of the galaxy’s crime syndicates into a single underworld organization under his leadership."
"Mandalore’s Duchess Satine Kryze is overthrown by Death Watch’s Pre Vizsla, whose own rule is quickly ended by Maul. Maul has manipulated events to bring Obi-Wan to Mandalore, and now has the hated Jedi at his mercy. He strikes Satine down in the throne room."
"Responding to a disturbance in the Force, Darth Sidious arrives on Mandalore. Maul swears fealty to his old master, but Sidious rejects him. He kills Savage, blasts Maul with lightning, and takes his former apprentice prisoner."
"Anakin and Ahsoka return from Cato Neimoidia to investigate a bombing at the Jedi Temple amid rumors that a Jedi was involved."
"Ahsoka is expelled from the Jedi Order, which believes her guilty of the Temple bombing. She is then arrested by the Republic and prosecuted by Admiral Tarkin before a military tribunal, with Palpatine presiding and Padmé representing the defense. [She] leaves the Jedi Order."
"During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, the clone trooper Tup turns his blaster on Jedi General Tiplar, forcing a Republic retreat. Fives and AZI-3 discover a tumor in Tup’s brain. He dies after its extraction. Palpatine and Nala Se insist the tumor be sent to a Republic medical facility, but Shaak Ti decides it must go to the Jedi Temple first. Kix helps Fives arrange a meeting with Anakin and Rex. Fives tells them about the inhibitor chips and the plot against the Jedi, but his story sounds like a paranoid conspiracy and he becomes agitated. Commander Fox and clone troopers arrive, sent by Palpatine, and try to arrest Fives. When Fives resists, Fox shoots him dead. Tup’s action is blamed on a parasitic infection, and the inhibitor chips are delivered to Dooku."
"Padmé travels to Scipio to expedite a Banking Clan loan for the Republic and discovers Rush Clovis is serving as their representative. The Banking Clan is dissolved and Palpatine takes over its holdings."
"Plo Koon discovers the crash site of Sifo-Dyas’ ship, prompting the Council to investigate the Jedi’s long-ago disappearance."
"On Oba Diah, spice kingpin Lom Pyke tells Anakin and Obi-Wan that the Pykes were paid by Tyranus to kill Sifo-Dyas. Dooku arrives and is identified as Tyranus. He kills the Pyke leader and duels with Anakin, but escapes."
"The Jedi are disturbed to learn Dooku was responsible for the creation of the clone army, but decide to keep this revelation secret."
"Yoda obeys Qui-Gon’s voice and travels to Dagobah, where Qui-Gon’s spirit tells him to learn how to retain his identity after death."
"Anakin teams up with a mysterious Chiss military officer, Thrawn, to locate Padmé and destroy a cortosis mine." [Thrawn: Alliances]
"Yoda helps Kashyyyk’s Wookiees defend their planet against Separatist raiders, earning the honor 'Defender of the Home Tree.'"
"Mandalorian commandos free Maul from Stygeon Prime. Sidious and Dooku allow him to escape in hopes of drawing out Mother Talzin. Maul lures Grievous and Dooku into a confrontation on Ord Mantell and takes them both prisoner—a dangerous gambit of Talzin’s aimed at luring her old enemy Sidious into the fight. Grievous and Sidious come to Dooku’s aid on Dathomir. Grievous kills Mother Talzin and the Mandalorians drag Maul away to safety."
- "Ventress asks the Jedi to help abduct Vos from Dooku’s service in hopes of saving him. Vos returns to the Jedi, claiming his turn to the dark side was a ruse. But his true loyalties are unclear. Vos defeats Dooku on Christophsis, but agrees to join him to defeat Sidious. His secret hope is to kill both Sith Lords. Ventress confronts Vos and Dooku, saving Quinlan before Dooku attacks her with a devastating blast of lightning. The count escapes. Vos and Obi-Wan return Ventress to the waters of Dathomir. [Ventress dies.]"
"Having left the Jedi Order, Ahsoka befriends Trace Martez, a mechanic in the Coruscant underlevels, and her sister Rafa. Ahsoka discovers the Pykes are working for Maul, who is on Mandalore. She uses the Force to escape with the Martez sisters, and the Pykes conclude they were targeted by the Jedi. Ahsoka returns to Coruscant, where Bo-Katan Kryze recruits her to fight Maul."
"Separatists commanded by Admiral Trench invade the Republic stronghold of Anaxes and repeatedly defeat clone counterattacks. Rex is disturbed that the Separatists seem to be adapting rapidly to his strategies and suspects Trench is using some new combat algorithm. He proposes raiding the Separatists’ cyber center to discover their secret. The mission succeeds with assistance from an unorthodox unit of genetically altered clones known as the Bad Batch."
"Anakin joins Rex’s clones and the Bad Batch to raid the Techno Union’s facility on Skako Minor, fighting their way through Wat Tambor’s droid legions. They discover Echo confined in a stasis chamber and hooked up to Separatist computers. Anakin confronts Trench to obtain the rest of the sequence to disarm the bomb, saving Anaxes. He then kills the admiral. Echo joins the Bad Batch."
"Grievous launches a Separatist counteroffensive. The Republic sends Aayla Secura to Felucia and Plo Koon to Cato Neimoidia to hold the line."
"Obi-Wan and Anakin rout Separatist forces on Yerbana. ["Old Friends Not Forgotten"] Ahsoka and Bo-Katan approach the Jedi to propose a joint mission to capture Maul and free Mandalore from his crime syndicate. The Jedi agree and split the 501st in two, with Rex leading troops under Ahsoka’s command."
"A Separatist armada launches a sneak attack on Coruscant, hammering the Republic warships of the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. Grievous ambushes Palpatine in the Federal District, killing Roron Corobb and knocking Shaak Ti unconscious, then kidnapping the chancellor. The Open Circle Fleet arrives from Yerbana."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan fly through the titanic space battle, dodging salvos of laser fire exchanged by Republic and Separatist capital ships in an effort to reach the Invisible Hand, where Palpatine is being held. With the Separatists cut off from their jump point, the battle degenerates into a brutal slugging match, with ships burning up in orbit and debris raining down upon the Coruscant cityscape below. Anakin and Obi-Wan rescue Palpatine above Coruscant. Anakin kills Dooku and Sidious plots to make the Jedi his new apprentice."
"Grievous retreats to Utapau, where the Separatist Council is in hiding. Sidious orders him to relocate the Separatist leaders to Mustafar."
"On Mandalore, Republic forces take the docks of the capital, Sundari. Prime Minister Almec orders Gar Saxon to retreat into the undercity. Bo-Katan’s commandos capture Almec. Ahsoka confronts Maul in the undercity. He is disappointed to see her, having hoped to lure Obi-Wan into his trap."
"Anakin dreams of Padmé’s death in childbirth. Palpatine appoints Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal representative, to the alarm of Yoda and Mace Windu."
"Bail Organa meets secretly with Padmé, Mon Mothma, and other senators determined to resist Palpatine if he doesn’t surrender his wartime powers."
"Yoda heads to Kashyyyk to bolster its defense."
"On Maul’s command, Saxon shoots Almec before Ahsoka can finish questioning him, then makes his getaway."
"At Coruscant’s Galaxies Opera House, Palpatine plays on Anakin’s anger and doubt about the Jedi’s integrity, guessing that they asked him to be their spy. He tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who could save people from dying. Anakin, fearful his nightmares are a premonition of Padmé’s fate, is intrigued—particularly when Palpatine tells him it is not a power that can be learned from the Jedi."
"Obi-Wan travels to Utapau to hunt for Grievous."
"Clone troopers, Bo-Katan’s commandos, and Saxon’s warriors battle in the streets of Sundari, with the Republic’s forces winning the day."
"Ahsoka confronts Maul again, who tells her Sidious is behind everything and Anakin is the key to destroying the Sith. Maul reveals that he had hoped to lure Obi-Wan and Anakin to Mandalore in order to kill Anakin, so Sidious could not take the Jedi as his new apprentice. Ahsoka and Maul duel. Maul is captured by Rex’s clones, with Saxon apprehended as well."
"On Utapau, Obi-Wan confronts Grievous. He duels the Separatist warlord and then chases him through the city’s winding tunnels and warrens."
"Palpatine reveals his true identity to Anakin and begs him to use his knowledge to save Padmé. Anakin vows to turn him over to the Jedi."
"Obi-Wan corners Grievous in a hangar on Utapau and kills the mechanical monster with a shot from a blaster."
"Imprisoned in a device that prevents him from using the Force, Maul is brought aboard a Jedi Cruiser destined for Coruscant, escorted by Ahsoka."
"Told of Palpatine’s identity, Windu orders Anakin to wait at the Jedi Temple while he arrests Sidious with Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin. Sidious kills Tiin, Fisto, and Kolar and duels Windu. He attacks Mace using lightning, which the Jedi Master deflects back at Sidious. Anakin arrives and pleads that Sidious be allowed to stand trial, but Windu says he’s too dangerous to be spared. Anakin makes a fateful decision, stopping Windu’s attack by severing his hand. Sidious blasts Windu with lightning, sending him through the broken window. Anakin pledges allegiance to Sidious, who grants him the name Darth Vader. He tells Anakin to go to the Jedi Temple and kill everyone there—that will make him strong enough with the dark side to save Padmé."
"Ahsoka and Maul sense a strong disturbance in the Force."
19 BBY: ORDER 66
"Sidious issues Order 66. Clone troopers across the galaxy obey their inhibitor chips and attack the Jedi, decimating the Order."
"Commander Cody targets Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. The Jedi survives the attack, escapes offworld, and is rescued by Senator Organa. Aboard the Jedi Cruiser Tribunal, Rex manages to tell Ahsoka to “find Fives” before trying to kill her. She evades Rex’s fire and flees from his troopers. Commander Grey and his clone battalion execute Depa Billaba on Kaller. oda avoids death by killing Commander Gree and Captain Jek, and then escapes Kashyyyk with help from Chewbacca and Tarfful. On a Jedi Cruiser above Bracca, Jaro Tapal is cut down by clones from the 13th battalion, sabotaging the warship before he dies. Captain Jag downs Plo Koon’s starfighter during a patrol flight on contested Cato Neimoidia. Ki-Adi-Mundi is cut down by Commander Bacara’s Galactic Marines during infantry maneuvers on Mygeeto. Luminara Unduli is captured on Kashyyyk. After her execution, the Inquisitors spread rumors of her survival to ensnare other fugitive Jedi. Stass Allie is blasted by Commander Neyo while flying BARC speeders in a mop-up operation on Saleucami. Commander Bly gives the order to shoot Aayla Secura amid Felucia’s colorful fungi."
"Ahsoka prevents other clones from killing the imprisoned Maul. She releases him to create a diversion. While Maul wreaks havoc aboard the Tribunal, Ahsoka activates a trio of astromechs to help her evade Rex’s troops. Ahsoka locates Fives’ records, learning what happened to him and that Rex suspected the clones’ inhibitor chips have some ulterior purpose. Ahsoka subdues Rex and removes his inhibitor chip. Maul destroys the Tribunal’s hyperdrive, sending the doomed Jedi Cruiser careening toward the surface of a remote moon."
"Bail Organa arrives at the Jedi Temple to investigate the uprising and is confronted by clone troopers. He retreats under fire."
"Anakin, now known as Darth Vader and backed by the 501st Legion, marches on the Jedi Temple and slaughters its defenders. He shows no mercy, believing that the dark side is the only pathway to the unnatural powers he must command to save Padmé. As his rage and lust for power swell, not even younglings hiding in the Jedi Council chambers are safe from his lightsaber. Elsewhere, young Grogu survives a clone trooper attack but is haunted by his memories of the event."
"Anakin obeys Sidious’ command and kills the Separatist leaders on Mustafar, shutting down their droid armies and ending the Clone Wars."
"The Senate holds a special session, during which Palpatine—now scarred after his battle with Mace—details the Jedi plot to kill him and take control of the Senate. He proclaims the Republic is to be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire."
"Obi-Wan and Yoda fight their way into the Jedi Temple and recalibrate a signal to warn any surviving Jedi away."
"Padmé arrives on Mustafar, unknowingly bringing along Obi-Wan as a stowaway. Anakin uses the Force to choke her. As C-3PO and R2-D2 tend to Padmé, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight a running duel through the lava flows of Mustafar’s mining complex."
"On Coruscant, Yoda confronts Sidious and the two duel in the Senate Chamber, with Sidious hurling Senate pods at his Jedi enemy. Ascendant with dark-side power, Sidious proves too tough a foe for Yoda, who flees their duel, evading clone troopers sent to hunt him, and is whisked away by Bail Organa in an airspeeder. Sidious senses his new apprentice is in danger and hurries to Mustafar."
"Anakin is left maimed and burned after dueling Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Obi-Wan takes Anakin’s lightsaber and leaves him to die. Anakin survives and is encased in life-preserving black armor. As Darth Vader, he becomes the subject of rumors as the Emperor’s servant and enforcer"
Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia, then she dies. Bail Organa takes Leia to Alderaan and Obi-Wan takes Luke to the Lars' farm on Tatooine, going into exile there, while Yoda is on Dagobah.
"Ahsoka and Rex bury the clones at the Tribunal’s crash site. She leaves her lightsaber behind to find a new path."
"Tarkin tells Lama Su that the Kaminoans’ contracts are void and the need for future clones is being questioned."
"Padmé, appearing to still be pregnant, is laid to rest after a solemn funeral procession on Naboo."
"Mas Amedda presides at an Imperial rally held before Coruscant’s Jedi Temple to celebrate the defeat of the Order."
"Sidious abandons Vader on the desert planet Gattering with orders to seize a Jedi’s lightsaber and make it his own. Vader travels to a dark-side locus on Mustafar and bends Infil’a’s kyber crystal to his will, making it bleed red. By compelling the Force to serve his purposes, Vader takes an essential step in his journey as a Sith."
"Sidious puts Vader in charge of the Inquisitors, Force users who once served the light but were seduced or brutalized into following the dark side and are now responsible for hunting down and killing the galaxy’s fugitive Jedi. Vader proves a ruthless taskmaster, brutalizing his new underlings in combat training sessions and eliminating those who fail to live up to the standards demanded by him and the Emperor."
"Sidious orders Vader to lure the Jedi Order’s fugitive archivist Jocasta Nu to Coruscant’s Jedi Temple and capture her. An enraged Vader kills Commander Fox after clone troopers under his command fire on the Sith Lord at the Jedi Temple. Nu explains to Vader what he’s failed to realize: Sidious wants the memory crystal and its list so he can find a potential replacement for his apprentice. Vader kills Nu, tells Sidious she died trying to escape, and crushes the crystal."
"The Empire builds up its forces and begins enlisting and training conscript stormtroopers to replace the Republic’s clone soldiers."
"The Empire bombards Kamino’s cities, destroying all traces of the cloning program that played a critical role in the Clone Wars."
Star Wars Timelines by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell is the primary source for much of this, anything in quotation marks is sourced from here unless otherwise noted. This timeline is only quoting a small minority of what's available in the book, so it's recommended that you check it out for yourselves!
I have done my best to put everything in order even within the specific years, noting where I'm not 100% sure of the sequence of events.
If a "c.[YEAR]" is included, the spot is estimated, not hard fact, but in general it's a pretty trustworthy placement! Except for birthdays--they're not placed directly on the timeline, so I just kind of threw them in at the end most times.
Observation: Holy crap, the Clone Wars was NUTS.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
part one two three four five
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Obi watches over him like a shadow the first few weeks he’s in the Temple.
Anakin will wake from a memory-nightmare and his protector will sit on the windowsill, bathed in the ever changing lights.
His warm hand will stroke over Anakin’s hair, soothing and more comforting than words could ever be.
He will offer Anakin to sit with him, watching Coruscant through the transparisteel. And Anakin will inevitably end up cuddled up to Obi’s front, falling asleep with Obi’s heartbeat under his ear, the breath in his lungs.
The identities of the Shadows are almost considered inviolable. Due to the nature of their chosen path, secrecy is a tenet they adhere to strictly.
The Council knows who they are, and maybe there are one or two Council members who are uncomfortable with how close to the Dark Shadows operate. But as a whole the necessity is understood.
The Jedi stand and fight for the Light, the balance, for bringing peace and help to those who need it. A calling like that inevitably brings enemies and the need to even the playing field.
“Beacon of Light,” Obi-Wan repeats, hands moving in disbelief.
And code names. It was only a matter of time before he got his codename.
“Fitting, we think it is,” Grandmaster Yoda says, amusement twinkling in his eyes and frog tea.
“Of course, Grandgrandmaster Yoda,” Obi-Wan signs, slipping in the extra grand flawlessly, which results in the sign turning grand to ancient. If Yoda gets cheeky with him, he can very well retribute.
Master Tholme coughs a laugh into the sleeve of his robe.
“Congratulations, Master Kenobi,” Master Windu says warmly and Obi-Wan ducks his head, loses the fight against the blush spreading across his nose. “Master Tholme has prepared a briefing package for you where you can access all relevant information. Like the code name for the Temple here on Coruscant.”
Master Tholme inclines his head in agreement, solemn twist to his lips Obi-Wan knows not to trust. “Old Folks’ Home.”
Obi-Wan wishes he wore the mask so he can wheeze in peace.
Jedi move different from the people Anakin has seen so far in his life. They flow, they’re carried by a breeze. Gravity doesn’t have a hold on them unless it suits them. They move like they’re one with nature, detached from sentient-made life and creations.
And then there are a few, like Obi, who move with the undercurrent, with the wind just above the ground. Who vanish with the shadows just to reappear around a corner.
They’re not stalking the enormous hallways or sneaking around like bandits.
Anakin doesn’t think they’re doing it consciously, reflecting attention away from themselves as if they aren’t even there.
Obi’s friend Quin moves like that, too, when he forgets himself, somehow managing to disappear while walking in the middle of the floor.
Quin is a strange one.
But Obi-Wan…
Anakin bites his lips to keep from giggling, hands gripping the banister tightly where he’s peeking. He doesn’t think they’ve noticed him yet.
The training salle they’re practicing in is huge, obstacles dotting the ground for them to leap over or off, hide and take the other off-guard.
It seems impossible, the way they fight and lure each other into traps. Obi is especially good at that. He’s directing Quin into exhaustion he can’t defend himself in anymore, and it’s amazing to watch.
Nothing and no one can beat Obi-Wan. He’s too clever for that.
“I will never stop calling you that, Beacon of Light,” Quin laughs when he jumps out of a roll and onto his feet.
Obi-Wan signs something, his back to Anakin which is aggravating.
He’d change position but both Jedi move around too much.
Quin shakes his head. “Shut up, you know it suits you.” He takes the lightsaber off his belt. “I bet you blushed like a meloroon in season.”
Obi changes into a blue glowing blur in answer.
Obi-Wan wants to know where he went wrong. What he did to— He thought the connection between him and Cody—
His vision is swimming, oxygen mask placed over his nose and mouth pumping more than air into his system.
His fingers weakly tap the message on the receiver of the comm device he broke off Cody’s suit during the fight. “Beacon. Light. Force.” Hope and the Force sing to him, even as his doing is detected.
Cody roughly rolls him onto his side, takes the device out of his hand where he had hidden it behind his back.
“The Emperor wants you alive, traitor.”
He’s removed his helmet. The one Obi-Wan had destroyed while it was still on Cody’s head. Just… Cody’s whole demeanor flipped to strange and other. He hadn’t made for his blaster during the fight. Shooting inside a rescue shuttle in the void of space at least still seemed like a bad idea even with Cody’s suit keeping him alive in a scenario like that.
But Obi-Wan couldn’t take that chance. So he’d smashed Cody’s face against a doorframe, breaking the visor and any choice Cody could make in killing Obi-Wan by sudden oxygen depletion.
Of course the fight took care to still break his lungs open, making him gasp for air even before Cody held him down and ripped the mask off.
Lying on his side is easier but the room has decided it is done with him and goes dark.
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split-spectrum · 6 months
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Pairings: Obi Wan/FemReader
Warnings/Tags: (more to come) sexually explicit content, explicit language, edging, orgasm denial (like a lot of it - that's the whole fic)
Chapter Length: 3K
Description: Obi Wan chooses to undertake a trial that prevents him from sex for one year, and asks you to serve as his witness. As his close friend, you don't mind helping him.
The rules of the trial are very clear. You make it your personal mission to find the exceptions.
"They call it the Nikkama."
"A full cycle?"
He pauses, taking in your incredulous tone. "Yes. A full Coruscant cycle."
"And you're asking me to... what, participate?" 
He shakes his head. "Of course not. This is simply a... personal matter for me."
You raise a brow even higher than it already was, not saying anything in response. He seems to be on the edge of an explanation, but never quite getting there. Your silence invites him to continue. 
"By the end of a standard year, it is my goal to come away with a new understanding of the Force, and of myself."
"That's very... respectable," you manage. "So, if you need someone as the keeper of this... trial, why not ask a master? Why me?"
His eyes search your face. He's trying to determine if you're toying with him. The truth is, you have an idea of why he wouldn't approach Yoda about this, but you want to hear him say it. 
"I had... rather thought it would be obvious."
So you had guessed correctly. But he won't admit it. 
You smirk; an acquiescence. You won't make him dance around the details any longer. You are friends, after all. Friends who happen to know one another more intimately than most friends do - the real reason he's come to you with this request. 
"Alright. Tell me the rules."
No sex. That's the essence of it. 'Seeking bliss through denial', as the ancient Jedi texts stated it. To complete the trial, one must deny themselves the pleasures of the flesh for the time it takes the Jedi temple to finish one full cycle. 
The rules are quite simple: The Jedi must make the trial known to one witness - the keeper. The Jedi can not bring themselves to completion through sex or by any other means. There are allowances, of course. Orgasms beyond the Jedi's control are permitted. This way, one cannot fail the trial while sleeping. Finally, the Jedi must not speak of the trial with anyone aside from the keeper. Like many other trials, it was a battle meant to be fought internally.
If he failed, Obi Wan had explained to you that he could not simply begin again. One was not allowed to attempt the Nikkama for ten more cycles. It was not meant to be taken lightly. Much like everything Obi Wan has ever done, but especially like the things he's been doing lately. 
Since becoming master of the Chosen One, it seems like all he's done is push himself, as if trying to prove he's worthy of the position. Having known him since padawanhood, his capability has always been clear to you. But with his new responsibilities, he seems to be seeking new and creative ways to strain himself. You know nothing you say will be enough to slow him down, so most of the time, you can only offer your begrudging support. 
Three months in to this latest self-imposed trial, you can already tell the strain is starting to wear on him. 
"Anakin, I've told you before," his voice carries over the crowd of padawans on the landing platform as you walk past. "The way we present ourselves is a choice."
"Yes, master," mumbles the boy in front of him, his eyes clearly more focused on the ship he's about to board than his master's words. 
"...and today you've chosen to present yourself to professor Huyang with a wrinkled robe because you did not hang it properly as I asked, did you?"
"Sorry, master." Anakin's words are contrite, but the way he shrugs Obi Wan's arm off his shoulder says this will not be the last conversation they have about it. 
Obi Wan looks around, clearly asking the Force for patience. He squeezes a blink just a little longer than normal, gathering himself, and when he opens his eyes, he catches you watching the display. You press your upper lip down into a poorly-hidden grin and keep walking, using the mug of caf you'd retrieved from the refectory in the temple's main hall to hide your smile.
Once Anakin is sent on his way with the other padawans, Obi Wan strides down the hall to match your pace.
"I saw that," he grouses. He's putting on a half-joking tone, but you can tell there's a current of real irritation running beneath. "You won't find it quite so entertaining when you have a padawan of your own."
You let your grin loose. "That's the beauty of volunteering for the most distant and dangerous missions. They can't keep me at the temple long enough to assign me one."
It's an exaggeration you're putting on for him, but it's partially true - you do tend to volunteer for the most exciting assignments you can find. That's where you and Obi Wan differ the most. Part of you craves adventure in a way that's almost unbecoming of a Jedi. Obi Wan starkly contrasts your eagerness, content with whatever duties he's given. He always has the serene air of a proper Jedi knight about him. And you truly enjoy pushing his buttons until his calm demeanor breaks. 
"You look like you could use one of these," you tell him, changing the subject by pointing to the mug in your hand. 
He looks down at your hand, then glances dejectedly out of one of the windows as you pass it. "Oh, I could use something much stronger than that. If only I had the time. I promised Master Sinube I would help him question some suspects for an investigation this afternoon."
You click your tongue against your teeth. "Poor thing."
"Yes, no rest for the wicked, it seems."
"More like 'no rest for the stubborn'." 
He gives you a look. 
"No rest for the decidedly overbooked," you go on, pushing those lovely buttons of his. 
He sighs, shaking his head in annoyed bemusement and not rising to your bait. 
You turn to face him before your path peels away, dropping your antagonizing grin. "If you're too busy this afternoon, what about this evening? We could meet up in my quarters for 'something stronger' if you'd like. I have a bottle of Alderaanian red that's been gathering dust."
"Hm. Dusty wine; how very tempting," he sniffs, crossing his arms at you. 
You roll your eyes, but he doesn't give you a chance to retort. 
"It's a kind offer, but-"
"But, Anakin is gone for the week and you'd rather be alone in your quarters, falling asleep early?"
"Well, yes, in fact, I would."
You shrug. "Do as you please, then. My charitable offer stands, if you decide you'd rather enjoy yourself than become a hermit at the ripe age of twenty-seven."
You turn down an adjacent hallway, leaving his mood behind you without another thought. 
Later that night - very much later, in fact - you had almost forgotten about your offer when a knock at the door to your private quarters reminds you. 
"Obi Wan."
You won't spoil the surprise by gloating, though you sorely want to. You just smile instead, glad to see him despite his dour expression. 
His lifts his eyes tiredly. "Might I request that you hold off on any clever commentary until I have my promised drink?"
Your grin broadens as you step to the side, inviting him in. "You might request it, but my cleverness won't be silenced." 
Passing you, he manages to flick up an eyebrow despite his otherwise muted demeanor. "Oh, dear. If I had known you'd started without me, I'd have-"
"You'd have come sooner?" you finish for him, sweeping up the bottle on your counter and topping off your glass. 
He drapes himself over your couch, sinking into the cushions as he spreads an arm over the side. 
"I may not have come at all. I would have gone to my quarters and gotten some well-deserved-" You hand him a filled glass. "Thank you. Some well-deserved rest." 
He finishes his statement with a long sip, then swirls the glass and closes his eyes, pinching his brow with his other hand. 
You just roll your eyes, nudging his boots to the side and sinking into the couch next to him. "Master Sinube really putting you through your paces, then?"
He sighs through his nose. "Master Sinube is a wonderful teacher in the art of... patience."
Your lip quirks upward. His patience has never been tested before by the kindly old Cosian. And it's rather odd for Obi Wan to admit it. You consider pointing it out, but seeing him so worn out by the experience dampens your desire to wind him up. You turn on the holovid screen instead. 
"After a few more glasses of this, trust me, you'll feel better."
When you awaken, you feel something soft and warm beneath your face. It's the cloth of Obi Wan's tunic. 
Your head is buzzing faintly as you press your nose into the fabric, breathing him in. You only marginally care that what you're doing is inappropriate. It's been a long time since you've been this close, and you can blame the drinks if you really must.
You swallow, blinking slowly as you register that the room is filled with the sound of some holodrama you've never watched before. The music is swelling, and you reach over Obi Wan's chest to press the volume button on the remote. His head turns, following your movement though he's still half-asleep. 
You feel his breathing pattern change below your cheek, and you look up at him. His long eyelashes part slowly. His body shifts so that he's facing you, though he removes the arm that had fallen to your shoulder. He puts a hand on the back of the couch. 
And he looks at you.
The moment where he should have moved away - where one of you should have - comes and goes.
You lift your face, staring at his lips. You know you're caught in his gaze. He's watching you, not saying a word. 
The idea of leaning up to press your lips onto his is so far removed from your mind that it's basically an impossibility. You aren't padawans stealing moments in the temple anymore. Your heart doesn't pound with the fear that you'll give into your baser instincts. You're fully aware of what you're enjoying - the look in his eyes; the space between your mouths. Holding your faces so close that it's almost another kind of kiss. 
Then you shift your hips, just slightly, and you feel it. You feel the way his clothes pull tight at his center. Your leg brushes the taught line of fabric just below his stomach, running up his thigh. 
Considering his circumstances, it's a normal reaction. You tell yourself this as you feel a blush spreading over your face and down your neck. It's a physical response to repressing his body's urges. You try not to take it personally. You won't mention it. 
You blink, lowering your gaze from his and starting to extricate yourself from his side. He swallows, pulling away from you.
"I'm sorry-" His voice is throaty and a bit slurred. "I-"
The inner side of your hip brushes against him as you turn to get up, and a soft, almost dejected moan pours out of him. He snaps his mouth shut. You freeze, looking up at him.
That noise will not be so easy to avoid taking personally.
Suddenly he's sitting up. "Terribly sorry, I- I don't know what came- came over- "
You force a smile, though your heart is racing, and you pat his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Only nine more months to go, right?"
A slight look of relief passes over his wide eyes. "Yes," he agrees, clearly grateful you've decided to blame the trial and not him. "Yes. Quite right. My apologies."
When Obi Wan finishes his many further apologies and excuses himself, leaving you alone in your quarters, you are grateful for one thing: As you lie back in your bed, imagining the way his hips had twitched at the slightest brush, you thank the stars that the Nikkama doesn't go both ways. 
You'd had your fun. 
That's what you keep reminding yourself. When you have to keep your eyes from lingering a little too long during a shared smile. When your heart kicks up a little faster anytime you see that he's returned safely from some far-off world. When you kiss someone else and it doesn't feel the same. 
The Jedi are not forbidden from physical pleasures. There's no reason not indulge in sex, so long as attachment isn't involved. But when you'd both realized as padawans that kissing and touching was swiftly turning into longing and wondering, you'd agreed it was for the best not to continue. 
That conversation was so long ago, and the boy who'd made that promise was so far removed from the man who was currently pinning you down on the training room floor. 
"Yield," he pants, teeth glistening in the fading sunlight. His breath is hot, and you're swallowing it with gasps of your own. 
You flex your thighs, using the Force to lift both of you off of the ground. "Not until you've beaten me."
Huffing an exasperated laugh, he looks over your head in disbelief. Then he tightens his grip on the hand that holds your lightsaber and feels where your thumb is located. He stills. You're holding the empty hilt against his side, and your thumb is just below the pressure sensor. You grin, open-mouthed, sweaty, and undefeated. 
"In a non-lethal match, I have indeed beaten you."
You're just about to reply when he crushes your wrist in his palm, wrenching it upward and holding both of your arms harmlessly above your head. You yelp in surprise and no small amount of pain as he presses the weight of his body onto you, holding himself up by pinning you down. 
"But just for good measure - there," he says, digging his knees onto either side of your hips to hold you still. "Now yield."
You struggle against him, but it's like trying to break out of a durasteel cage. Then you catch sight of a dewy patch of golden skin and make a move that neither of you are expecting. 
Your teeth sink into his neck before you can catch the impulse, and the muscles there vibrate when he gasps in shock. He releases your hands, but catches them again quickly. His face is suddenly flushed when he pulls away.
"There can be some honor in defeat, you know," he scowls down at you. 
You smirk, pleased at getting a rise out of him. "A Jedi doesn't accept defeat with any reasonable chance at victory."
You lift your hips again, this time sending a concentrated pulse through the Force to try and wriggle out from under him. He holds you steady and you rock to one side, attempting to flip him off and reverse your positions, but to no avail. You take a few deep breaths, then try rolling your hips one last time. 
"Stop that."
His tone snaps you out of your concentration. You look up to see him glaring down at you, looking unsteady for the first time in your match. You hesitate, then decide to take the opportunity he's giving and make the same move again. You grind your body against him and watch as his eyes widen. He releases your wrists and rolls off of you, standing up. 
"I yield."
His turns his back on you, stalking over to where you've left your water canteens, and takes a long drink. 
You lie there a moment in stunned silence, then shake it off and stand up, following him. "Are you... okay? What was that?"
"It's nothing," he snips back immediately.
Then you see his shoulders soften and he turns to face you. "Forgive me. I'm not... feeling very well."
He gives you a forced smile, then reaches to pick up his robe from the floor. "Perhaps we could continue this later?"
You shrug, at a loss. "Sure."
"Very well," he answers, heading for the doorway. "Thank you."
You frown, his sudden formality making you uneasy. "Obi Wan... did I do something wrong?"
"No," he says, shaking his head. "I just need to get some rest."
You take a beat before pressing him again. "I'm sorry about the bite."
He sighs. "There's no need to apologize. The fault is mine. Perhaps... it would just be best if we hold off any sparring sessions for the time being."
"Oh?" you ask quietly. "For how long?"
"Just... just for now."
You furrow your brow. Then it clicks. "Until the end of the Nikkama?"
He looks caught-out, sending his gaze past you.
Of course. It's been six months, now. He hasn't mentioned it, but you might have known by his mood.
Now you're the one struggling to make eye contact. You pick up your own canteen, drinking, then wiping your mouth. 
"Is it that bad?" you finally ask.
He lets out a soft laugh. "Well, it's not meant to be easy."
There's a long, unbroken silence as you wonder how to approach this. Or whether to approach it, at all. 
"Do you... want to talk about it?"
He shakes his head. "It's simply a matter of discipline. There isn't much to talk about."
"Well," you tell him slowly, carefully. "I've read the texts. And I want you to know that if you need... help, getting through to the end, I'm here for you."
His face drops. "What does that mean?"
You take a step closer, your heart pounding as you try to put the words together. "The trial has rules against you seeking pleasure. But, everyone has needs. And if you aren't seeking it... if it- it just happens..."
He looks down at the space between your bodies, and it's like you can see every thought running through his head. He doesn't answer for a very long time. 
"Anything that were to happen," he says in a low tone, nearly a whisper. "Would need to be without my request."
Your breath is shortening with every word he says. "You asked me to help you with this," you reply. "And we are friends, are we not?"
He nods. "Of course."
"Then if you need it, let me help you."
Your hand tingles as you reach out to touch his side. He gently takes your hand and lowers it, almost grazing between his legs, and holds you there just a moment too long. 
Your fingers lift from his hand to unclasp his belt, but he pulls you back. 
"No," he says, swallowing and letting out a few slightly labored breaths. "No, I wouldn't- No."
You wait for an explanation, but he doesn't finish his thought.
"Well, as long as you know the offer stands," you tell him, straightening up. "If you change your mind..."
"I won't," he cuts you off. "There is no- no need."
Smiling for his benefit, you nod. "Of course. My mistake."
You can feel his gaze follow you as you bend over to pick up your own robe and brush past him out the door. 
In any other situation, Obi Wan would hold his own in a debate. He's quite well known for having opinions that aren't easily swayed.
In this matter, against your better judgment, you find yourself wondering if you might be the exception. 
A/N: I'm planning for this to be a short multi-chapter, maybe 3-5. Completely self-induglent. I want this man to be edged within an inch of his life. I want him whimpering, your honor.
On a side note, forgive me for this interruption in posting Water and Rock! It's been challenging because I've needed to basically write the full ending before I can be sure the plot/pacing is right for this chapter. It will be up soon, promise! In the meantime I've been using this side fic as a bit of a creative outlet lol.
As always, if you'd like to be tagged for this fic, feel free to comment or message me. :)
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mock-arts · 2 years
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Happy approaching new year all! I just wanted to look at all the covers I’d made for Star Wars fics in 2022 all at once lol
links to each beneath the cut!
Crashing Down by @oakwyrm (art)
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
Careful What You Wish For by @shadowlight17 (art)
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
In This Our Liberty — currently unposted, series here.
from ancient grudge (to soap opera television) by @eclipsemidnight (art)
The Jedi and the Sith, in fair Coruscant where we lay our scene...ancestral enemies, whose battles these days are more likely to be to first spend rather than to first blood. This does not amuse the clone security forces who have to break them up, or Chancellor Windu who has to deal with them afterwards.
Meanwhile, Maul and Ventress's marriage is arranged by Sidious and Dooku. Obi-Wan and his friends Ahsoka and Quinlan crash their engagement party. We all know how this is going to end--a wedding, of course! It just takes a few hands, the threat of the Coruscant Guard, and a porg-print towel to get there!
This I Vow by @wanderingjedihistorian (art)
To secure a planet's help for the Republic, Obi-Wan and Cody must get married. Having been quietly together for some time, it is an easy decision for the pair to make. They didn't expect what followed. Nor did anyone else.
Once Upon a Dream by @glimmerglanger (art)
The man was still warm; not warm enough but he obviously hadn’t been dead long. Cody thinned his mouth, looking at the man. He had a fall of copper hair and a beard, scars here and there on his body. He looked like he’d been a fighter, all muscle, trim and--
“Sith’s spit,” he added, cutting over the chatter in his bucket, as his assessment reached the man’s hand, curled, even in death, around a familiar metallic cylinder. “General Tachi, I think he was a Jedi.”
OR, the one where Marshal Commander Cody finds a mystery figure three years into the Clone Wars, and it changes the course of history.
Or Why Comes Thou to Caterhaugh? by Afiregender (art)
In the midst of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan very abruptly goes on leave to attend a "personal matter" on his homeworld Stewjon. Both Cody and the Jedi find this somewhat odd, and Cody goes on leave himself to investigate. He finds his General at a banquet meant to celebrate the new Fae King... which turns out to be Obi-Wan himself. Or: Tam Lin but Codywan.
Descent by @kutaisi (art) (we’re just getting started on this one!)
As they're fighting in the rain on Kamino, Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi are thrown forward in time to a version of the galaxy that neither of them could have imagined.
Finding themselves fifteen years in the future, their struggle to get back to their own time is complicated by devasting discoveries and a nightmare of a reality that they have no idea how to navigate through.
...and also by each other.
I also illustrated a bunch of other fic this year, that didn’t necessarily get covers.
Soul Found by @darthtarvera (art)
It had been five years since he’d dreamed of his soulmate. 
Five years since the council broke the bond between them. 
Now, a last test as the council sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to Mandalore to protect the Duke of Mandalore and his two daughters. Obi-Wan is determined to prove once and for all he has what it takes to be a good jedi. 
But can even the jedi truly break a bond between a jedi and their soulmate? As Obi-Wan discovers more of the culture and people his mark ties him to he realizes that maybe his path isn't so rigid as he thought.
i don’t wanna feel stuck by @ghostlandtoo (art)
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
This, too, was a gift by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby (art)
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved. 
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
I think that’s it as far as Star Wars fic I’ve illustrated/made covers for goes? (There’s a little bit of punisher/daredevil fic I’ve still been working on illustrating this year but that would be off theme lol)
if you’re a Star Wars fic author I’ve worked with this year and I’ve somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add a link in! I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating with everyone this year, and I’m looking forward to digging in next year too! ❤️
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I Can Feel It Calling In The Air Tonight:
Pairing: Padawan!Anakin x Vigrin!Padawan!Reader
Requested: Yes | No
(was 💕- “Just…be gentle” 🌹- First time and 🌻- “I love you.”/“say it again” in my emoji requests)
Warnings: Smut. First time cringe? Swear words? Unprotected. P in V. As always, let me know if you think there should be something listed here.
Words: 1.9k
Author’s Notes: Anakin and reader are around 19 in this :) 18+ MDNI sorry this is probably really bad and lame and short. It’s also unedited sorry!!
The air in the Temple felt thick, and muggy, like it clung to your skin. Your little, curly baby hairs stuck to the back of your neck, the humidity causing your padawan braid to come loose. Rebraiding it was on your ever growing list of things to do. It was one of the hotter summer nights on Coruscant, but you couldn’t shake the idea that this burning was simply the anxiety coursing through you. Sticking to the safety of the cool shadows, you made your way through the Jedi temple, after hours.
You and Anakin Skywalker had been…well you didn’t exactly know the word for it. You wish you could say dating, but Jedi don’t really date. It was no secret to anyone though, that the Padawan learners, they had urges. Young adults don’t change, regardless of the context you put them in it’s only natural. In the words of Anakin’s master, the two of you had been ‘fooling around’ for a little bit now. Despite the fact it was no shock to the Masters that the Padawan’s stretched the rules regarding attachment, it was the ‘getting caught’ part that mattered, blind eyes only turned so far.
That’s how you found yourself, in your thin, cotton, standard-issue pyjamas and Jedi robe, sneaking in shadow and slinking past columns of your ancient order. You hadn’t seen Anakin in weeks, himself and Master Kenobi found themselves on missions in the outer rim more often than not. Yourself, being Master Mace Windu’s Padawan, you knew your Master simply didn’t like Anakin, and you couldn’t help but to romanticise the idea of the father figure in your life barring you from seeing the boy you may like. In short, if you and Anakin wanted to see one another, you usually had to make time.
Anakin could sense your nerves as you approached his hallway, his door. Usually he would wait for your four sharp raps against the door frame, but tonight he waited patiently behind the door, ready to pull you in. He couldn’t help it. He felt possessed by you, you consumed nearly every waking thought, and destroyed his subconscious dreams. You kept him tethered to the real world, he often felt like he could disappear into the vastness of the force any minute, but with the promise of you, Anakin’s feet remained firmly planted.
You were dragged into Anakin’s bare chest and strong arms before you even raised your fist to knock. Snaking your arms around his waist, the contact wasn’t doing much for the uncomfortable heat. As Anakin found his metal hand wrapped into your hair, kissing your hairline, dragging his flesh fingers down your spine, he realised just how much he had missed you while he was off-world.
“Hello.” You whispered into the night, mumbled by Anakin’s skin. He heard you, nonetheless.
“Hello.” Anakin always managed to sound sure of himself, you didn’t understand how he was always so even in tone. You knew other padawans called him whiny when you were younger, but you had never seen this whiny, baby side that your lover supposedly had.
War, you supposed, ages people.
You started: “I really missed you this time-” Just as Anakin managed to get out:
“Gods, I missed you, you have no idea-”
His metal hand gently grasps your chin, directing your eyes up to his own. You couldn’t help but giggle, his smirk, the little dimple, his shiny eyes, fresh scars. He was beautiful.
Despite it all, Anakin’s lips were soft, warm, inviting. The humidity has chapped yours, but in the process made them more sensitive. You could’ve sworn that you felt every nerve fire through that kiss.
Never breaking the kiss, Anakin walked you backwards, your knees hitting his bed.
For the first time in a long while, Anakin felt scared. It was in the air tonight, how badly the two of you wanted each other. And now, here you were, laid flat on his bed, looking expectantly up at him, the city lights filtering through his blinds, refracting across your face.
“Why so nervous Skywalker?” You quipped, your voice no louder than a whisper. You quirked an eyebrow, and Anakin’s flesh hand found the back of his neck, scratching nervously. Anakin could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks, branding his nervousness as tangible. “I thought you said you’ve done this before.” Anakin knew you were poking fun at him to try and aid his anxiety, making a serious thing not feel so serious.
And yes, it was true. Padmé, Naboo, guard duty. It was fun, Anakin learnt a lot. But with you it’s just different, there are other emotions in play, more attachment. And of that, he had to admit he was scared.
You could see the apprehension in Anakin’s face, it was kind of hilarious really. You were the virgin in this scenario, already slick with want for him, and an eagerness to boot. Leaning up to capture his lips in a soft, gentle, innocent kiss, you whispered: “Just…be gentle.” And with that, Anakin got to work.
With your legs hanging over his bed, Anakin knelt on the floor, face to face with your clothed core. Gingerly, his fingertips grazed over the waistband of your grey pants, your shirt sneaking further up your chest, displaying the sliver of sensitive, goosebump-riddled skin. Before going any further, Anakin looked up, his brilliant blue eyes of fire meeting your own.
“Are you sure?” This was Anakin’s final probe for consent, he had to know you felt comfortable, felt safe with him. He knew most people his age didn’t really see having sex as a big thing, it wasn’t so serious, it was normal. But not to Anakin. Sex, something so primal, so ancient, with so many intricacies and vulnerabilities, it should be treated with respect.
Anakin couldn’t live with himself if you thought he didn’t respect you.
You loved Anakin- not that you’ve ever said this aloud to him - and his carefulness when it came to you.
“Yes, Anakin.” You huffed, squirming in anticipation.
He needed no further convincing, quickly ridding you of your standard issue pants and plain panties.
Spreading your legs open with a firmness you weren’t unfamiliar with, Anakin kept a strong grip on the inner, tender skin of your thighs as he started devouring your already sopping cunt.
Anakin loved eating you out, it was divine. His tongue launched through your folds, he sucked and nibbled on your throbbing, hot core. The lewd sounds only spurring him on more. This wasn’t Anakin’s first time eating you out, but the soft mewls that sprang from your mouth felt different this time. Anakin’s cold, metal fingers found their way to your clit, you hissed from the contact.
Anakin could feel your orgasm building from the slight tremble reverberating onto his mouth. His own cock was fully hard and painfully constricted by his grey, cotton pants. He knew that his precum was probably leaving a wet patch, a stain, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“Oh,” you cried, back arching as Anakin’s mouth kept working on your core. “Anakin, Anakin please-“ you begged. You didn’t know what you begged him for. His cock, to let you come, as thanks? It didn’t matter though as your first orgasm tore right through you, flashes of white hot light felt like they were being torn out of you. Anakin happily feasted on your slick, his chest heaving with yours in unison.
Pulling away from your core, the humid air set your body alight, as Anakin quickly rid himself of his pants. Spitting on his hand with some of your leftover orgasm, he pumped himself a few times, his red tip leaky and sensitive. Anakin could’ve easily cum then and there, watching you come to from your fucked out state, hair spread out on the bed like a halo, beautiful strong legs shaking slightly.
You missed his closeness, eagerly propping yourself up onto your elbows to watch Anakin stroking his huge member. You couldn’t help but flush a bright pink at the sight of it. You knew logically it had to fit, but you weren’t quite sure how. And, maybe it was egotistical of you, but you felt ravenous at the idea of the Chosen One’s dick being hard at the sight of yourself. You were the one to get Skywalker the Hero hot and bothered.
It was the greatest victory you had ever scored.
Anakin crawled himself between your outstretched legs, lining his hard member up to your slick and weepy hole. He looked at your shiny, beautiful eyes once more, just once more to confirm that you were happy, comfortable.
The softness in your round eyes, and your genuine smile was enough for him.
He thrusted his tip in gently, just enough for you to adjust. Anakin could’ve cum on the spot, again, from the rolling of your gorgeous eyes back into your pretty little head. Sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, he needed to move.
“Sweetheart can I move?” Anakin asks softly, moving his mouth to the sensitive part of your neck, just under your ear. Nibbling and kissing downwards in a fiery path.
“Oh, please Anakin I need more I need you-“ You were vaguely aware of your rambling but you didn’t care, rolling your hips up to meet his, coercing him and his cock to fill you completely.
Filling you to the hilt, Anakin couldn’t help but moan into your neck. Your velveteen walls were heaven sent. Anakin’s low moaning as he pumped in and out of you at a slow, deep pace was incomprehensible. You couldn’t help but to moan yourself, stringing curses and his name along with it.
“Faster Anakin.” You begged him, your hands finding his muscular back, all sinew and tone. You scratched up and down the length of his spine.
This set Anakin alight, picking up the pace and fucking you like an animal. He could’ve sworn he felt every feathering motion, as you constricted around him.
“Ani- I’m - ah, oh - Anakin I’m going to cum.” Your confession was innocent enough, but Anakin looked away from your contorted, beautiful face and looked to where your bodies joined. He saw your precious cream for the second time that night. But this time it spilt out around the base of his cock, getting caught in his curly, dark hair.
Something snapped in Anakin then, fucking you further, harder, at an unrelenting pace through your orgasm. Until he felt his balls tightening. He knew he was close.
Grunting, he asked: “I’m gonna cum baby, where do you want it Sweetheart?”
The simple question bought tears of pleasure to your eyes, your back arching, one of your hands wrapped around Anakin’s padawan braid, pulling his ear to your mouth.
“Inside, oh please cum inside me Ani.”
That was all Anakin needed to release. Thick ropes of hot come shot through you, as he left his cock inside, slowly fucking his cum into you.
With his cock still inside, Anakin lent over you, face to face. The two of you focusing on each others force signature, calming your erratic breathing.
Maybe it was the thrill of the night, but you felt possessed by a happier version of your normal self.
“I love you.” The admission was so quiet, Anakin wasn’t sure he even heard you. To be fair, you didn’t even know if you spoke it.
“Say it again.” Anakin begged, stroking your stuck hair away from your sweaty face.
“I love you Anakin Skywalker.”
“And I love you.”
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welcometo79s · 1 month
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just a little love
synopsis: as you're busy reading in your coruscant apartment; fives really craves some attention and affection from you.
contains: fives x gn!reader, kisses, fives being clingy, pure tooth-rotting fluff, self-indulgent [repost after being shadow-banned]
warnings: non-sexual making out. yeah it's a thing. my asexual soul only found out that most people on this cursed earth consider like, french kissing and neck kisses inherently suggestive like 4 weeks ago so if you wanna read it like that, sure. but it's also fiction where i can have whatever i want so just know this was made with the intent of it being SFW romantic fluff and that's how it's written. i hope this isn't too confusing to my allosexual audience, bear with me here.
word count: 2k
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The rain seemed to be hitting the windows of your small Coruscant apartment but you paid it no mind. The thick glass shielded you from the relentless storm outside and your nose was buried in your newest novel; an adventure of two mercenaries doing seemingly impossible jobs throughout the galaxy. You had made yourself a cup of tea and the steaming beverage as well as the warm blanket you had thrown over your lap soothed you and helped you focus on the story. You hadn't gotten very far in the book yet; only having just started Chapter 5, but you already had a feeling that this was going to be a good one.
You were about to find out whether the two protagonists would manage to make it to Tython to find an ancient Jedi holocron for their client when you heard sounds coming from the bedroom. You noted that Fives must have woken up. This was his first day on shore leave and as much as he had enjoyed the nice lunch he had shared with you and the holofilm you two watched together, the campaign before had tired him out. So the two of you had laid down in bed and cuddled; Fives having fallen asleep in your arms to the sound of your heartbeat and the soothing motion of your fingertips running up and down his back.
Once you had woken up, you couldn't fall asleep anymore so you opted for finally getting started on that book you bought; getting up quietly as to not wake your favorite ARC Trooper. You had pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and left him to finish his nap, instead sitting down on the living room couch.
But now that Fives was awake, it didn't take long for him to show up in the doorframe, dressed in black pajama shorts and a loose fitted blue 79s shirt he, according to his own words, had won in a Karaoke competition. You gave him a soft smile. "Slept well?", you asked before returning your attention to the datapad you were reading on.
"Hmm... I missed you though", he mumbled and made you laugh with the almost pouting tone in which he said it. He sat down beside you and wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning against you and resting his chin on your shoulder. You could tell right away he was in a clingy mood and when Fives wanted attention, he wasn't exactly subtle. The way he had basically slumped against you with his whole body weight and attempted to snuggle up to you, despite your sitting position and the way you were holding that datapad making it pretty difficult, had already given you an idea of his current state.
But when you continued reading instead of putting the datapad aside and giving him the affection he was looking for, Fives decided he had to dial it up a notch. "Cyare...", he started carefully, turning his head on your shoulder to press a few soft kisses to your neck that tickled you, "you know I'm only on leave for a couple of days... then they're putting me back in the danger roulette with all the separatists, clankers and evil alien machines that want to kill me."
He sat up and and put a finger to your chin, turning your head towards him and pecking your lips gently. "You're the only thing I look forward to when I'm on leave... well besides not having to fear for my life", he continued and you let out a sigh. Fives nuzzled your cheek, leaving a few kisses on your skin every once in a while. You paid him no mind. There was however a subtle smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. You couldn't deny that you liked Fives being a little clingy and sappy sometimes.
Fives wondered whether you had understood that he craved your affection. "Can I kiss you?", he asked and poked your other cheek with his pointer finger, resting his chin on your shoulder once more. "I really want to kiss you."
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, gently running a hand through his hair. "Believe it or not, I got that cyare", you chuckled and your tone softened a little. "Let me just finish up this chapter. Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes."
Fives' response to that was attempting to sit down on your lap, pushing your datapad closer to your face due to the proximity. You looked up from the device and gazed at him through half-lidded eyes, raising your eyebrows. "You're a pain, you know that?"
He chuckled. "You don't mean that."
You let out a sigh and handed him the datapad. "Can you put this on the table for me?"
There was a triumphant smirk on his face when Fives took the item from you and leaned back, turning slightly to place the datapad on the living room table behind him. Once he had turned towards you again, he inched closer to you on your lap and you snuck your arms around his waist, pulling him flush to your chest. You could feel his weight on your legs, knowing he was technically too heavy for you to keep him here for long, but you tried to brush that thought aside.
Fives was so close to you now that you could feel his breath on your lips and he smiled at you softly; a loving gaze in his eyes before he cupped your face with his hands and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back immediately, slowly and lightly pecking his lips with your own. You could feel his lower lip slightly tremble under yours and you went to gently pluck on it with your lips. Fives let out a content sigh and pressed a more firm kiss to your mouth, then your cheek and several spots along your jawline.
"I love you so much...", he mumbled between kisses, making you smile at him.
"I love you too", you responded quietly, pulling him in for another round of kisses to his lips, your tongue gently sliding over his bottom lip and being met with a sweet taste. You pulled away for a moment, smirking at Fives. "Are you wearing lip balm?"
Fives chuckled slightly. "Had to. How else am I supposed to convince you to keep kissing me?"
"What makes you think I'd say no to that?", you pressed another soft kiss to his lips and Fives went in for another two as soon as you pulled away.
"You just did", he responded, thinking back to you reading on the couch.
"No, I said 'wait a second'", you reminded him and Fives grinned.
"If we spend all our time waiting, life passes us by", he proudly proclaimed and you rolled your eyes.
"Do not give me words of wisdom to justify your abysmal lack of patience", you laughed and Fives chuckled as well. "What flavor is this anyway? The lip balm?"
"It said bubblegum peach on the package", he answered and you shook your head with a smile at the mental image of the 501st elite ARC Trooper, slayer of battle droids, walking into a drug store and buying something called 'bubblegum peach lip balm' just to kiss you later. Then again, that was something Fives would do. "Do you like it?"
You pondered the question for a moment, chuckling to yourself. "Jury's still out on that one", you teased and pulled him close again, pressing your lips flush against his before opening your mouth slightly. Fives' plucked at your lower lip gently before his tongue slid in to meet yours in a loving, slow kiss. You felt a fluttering sensation in your stomach and Fives wrapped his arms around your neck, the motion lifting his shirt a little. You shifted the position of your arms and wrapped them around his exposed midriff, your fingers gently drawing circles onto his sides; something you had learned did not tickle him in the slightest.
Fives kissed you slowly but passionately, pouring all his love for you into the gesture and you knew what he tried to convey without him needing to say anything. He had missed you. You had felt the same way while he was away on the campaign. This was him making up for all the times you both had been laying alone in bed at night, wishing to be able to hold the other. Fives already called you every day if possible, sneaking out of the barracks at night in secret to contact you and let you know that he was okay; that he loved you and thought about you. You thought about his brothers and wondered what they would think if they could see him sometimes; sitting on your lap like this and kissing you tenderly over and over again. The difference from seeing him decapitate droids in battle was probably jarring.
You smiled against his lips at the thought, almost letting out a chuckle as Fives attempted to snuggle even closer to you, his tongue moving against yours in a gentle motion. You didn't know how long you remained like this. It was easy to lose track of time when Fives was all you could focus on and he kissed you like you were his favorite thing in the galaxy. He said you were, at least. You vaguely remembered him having followed that up with listing "beds that don't feel like concrete" and "fruity mocktails at 79s" for second and third place.
Sometimes it felt like you could go on like this forever, getting lost in the sensation of his kisses and forgetting about the rest of the galaxy; about the war. For those few days you spent together when he was on leave, a future where the two of you didn't have to worry about keeping secrets and fighting battles seemed almost in reach. You pulled away after a while, noticing how your legs were beginning to feel a little numb from the weight of carrying Fives and you gestured him to lay down.
Once he had done that, you snuggled close to him on the couch, pressing a few lazy kisses to his lips before Fives lifted his head to press one to your forehead, his nose brushing against yours as he did so. You slid down a little to rest your head against his chest, burying your face in the fabric of his shirt. For something they gave away at a Karaoke competition in a clone bar, the shirt was of surprisingly good quality and soft; the comforting sensation made complete by the warmth that Fives radiated. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, resting his chin on top of your head.
"I still can't believe I'm this lucky", you mumbled and felt his chest rising and falling with every breath. Fives chuckled softly.
"I feel the same way sometimes. A lot of times actually", he had a content smile on his lips and closed his eyes, enjoying holding you in his arms like this. "Want to continue that holofilm later we started on my last leave but never finished?"
You shrugged. "I honestly didn't like that one that much", you admitted and Fives grinned as an idea hit him.
"Then how about a Fives original?", he chuckled and looked at you with a mischievous smile. "Do you want to see Hardcase and Jesse look for the hidden stash of gold from a pirate group in the freezer of 79s? They made me promise not to show the recording to any of our brothers but you're not one of my brothers, so..."
You laughed. "I don't think they'd appreciate if you showed their drunk misadventures to me though."
Fives sighed. "Yeah they wouldn't... still, do you want to see it? I made it a montage and put funny music over it too."
You chuckled and smirked up at him. "Are you kidding? Of course I want to see it."
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hyvyinjie · 1 month
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‿‿‿·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 ·˚ ༘
ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ | ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ.
ᴍ! ᴍᴜʟᴛɪ-ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ! x ɢɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
﹒⪩⪨﹒you’re the sun painting colors to my life.
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𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒, a twisted blessing.
according to the ancient fable of pandora's box, hope itself was the final and most cruel punishment inflicted upon humanity - a false promise of relief, a deception cloaked in the guise of salvation.
with all else reduced to ashes, what rationale was left in his continued existence? a steadfast dutybound spirit was the sole ember still glowing amidst the lone tether.
if the cold caress of the reaper was to loom upon his door, he would not resist its finality, should his will to endure this blighted existence irrevocably extinguish.
but then, just as the incandescent light in his eyes waned—you coalesced to his life in a riotous inferno of visceral ravishment.
roseatte palettes and ambegurine auroras bursted forth like a dazzling display of fireworks illuminating the night sky. coruscating cobalt clashed with verdant virtuosity, sweeping away the monochrome that had shrouded his world.
it was as if he had stirred from a nightmare—awakening to a reality that was truly worth living for.
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♡ ˚ · . 良い一日をお過ごしください、愛 !
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threepandas · 3 months
The Vod's List: Yandere Clones
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The Galaxy changes, thanks to spit.
It's not even the first time it's happened, in my peoples history. But it's... kinda weird it happend? Twice? The FIRST time we actually PLANNED for it to happen. It was biological warfare. But this? This was just an accident. One that could have KILLED somebody.
Cause, see, the Techganic people? Are... well to put it lightly, we are the result of centuries of an ideological and spiritual holy war, that nearly tore our plant apart. The two sides don't really "talk" to each other any more. Or... you know... ACKNOWLEDGE the other.
They are waiting for the other to "inevitably die off, due to their own hubris".
Yeeeeeah. Fun times. You can see why I wanted OFF that dirtball.
At least on other planets? The politics aren't PERSONAL... is what I naively thought. Forgot about empathy! You know, like an idiot! Kark. Where was I? Right! Galaxy, changed, spit. Okay, sooo... here's the thing? My family was part of the bloody bone-sucking Holy Naturalist Empire. (Translated to Basic, the word "Naturalist" has more of a specific to the body? Meaning? Not so much "nature of the world" as "nature of the Self" you know? And in THIS case, the word they are using for "holy" in ancient means less strictly "divine" and more "pure like the divine"? It's Complicated.)
And the Progress Collective was ORIGINALLY this whole project, supposedly, that got WAY out of hand, became a cult, then a religion, and tore the planet apart? It was a technological hive mind that want to "perfect" the planet to a "higher state of being". And then extend its reachs to the stars.
We held the karking LINE. Died in legions. Refusing to give our bodies to be made machines. Droids and puppets. Refused to give our freedoms, our homes, our planet. Any of it. But it was at the cost of our original bodies. The only way to truely fight BACK? Was to become... poison.
The Jedi who eventually came, some how FEELING our distress, dispite the blockade the Collective created on the interplanetary transmitters? Our planet's holonet connection? Said that the creator of Our Salvation was guided by the Force. None of us could really argue. The Salvation treatment was madness. A machine so ahead of it's time, we STILL aren't sure how it works, just that it DOES.
We had a choice.
It was no choice at all.
And now? NOW? Kriffing CENTURIES later? I am STILL a biological weapon! Not do much to non-human adjacent races, but anyone human or human modified? Human descended? Kriff, even a few humanoids! If they're CLOSE enough!
I have to take neutralizers if I plan to be swapping any sort of bodily fluids with ANY race that isn't on the "verified Safe" list. For MONTHS. So it can build up in my system properly. And the side effects? Ugh. Stars and Bone, is it AWFUL! Like I GET why people do it. You love who you love. But the nausea! All those meds just to counter the side effects of other side effects!
It made me kinda glad to be single. Stars, poor cousin Tango.
Of course, I AM responsible. I always carry a FULL kit of emergency neutralizers with me. Just in case, Bones and Blood forbid it, the worst should occur. I have some for accidental blood mixing, some for plasma, a couple for bile, and the majority of the rest? Saliva. The most common accident reported. My kit even has an emergency medical guide on a lil piece of flimsy, on the inside lid!
...I feel like I'm getting distracted agai- OH! Right!!
I work in the senate building, now! Astral, right?! Center of the GALAXY! First step to making a DIFFERENCE! Granted, I am basicly the assistant nobody of no one... but STILL! It's a start! I'm ON Coruscant! That's more then most people can say! I go to work passing THE jedi temple each day! You can see them coming and going from your airspeeder!
Unfortunately? Rent is BRUTAL. I live in a glorified closet with barely a bunk and a sonic shower to my name. Not even a proper 'fresher! It's not like we're traveling. Or my species needs to avoid water! No, I literally just CAN'T AFFORD IT! And if you saw the prices? Droids be carting you off to the medcenter before you know it! Where do they GET their water? The outer rim?! Do they deliver it by HAND?!
.....I haven't had my Caf. Ignore me. I just miss feeling proper CLEAN. Sonic showers just... I know it's a psychological thing, but it doesn't FEEL as clean, you know? I am pouting. Pouty me. Unhappy.
Wait... what time is i- OH KARK!!!
See, on Coruscant there is no real "beating" the traffic. But there ARE certain steps you can take to cut travel time. Like making sure you're on the Senatorial speeder. It has right of way and is pretty comfy. And? If I get ON it early enough? Blend in with the walls? I not only can't get kicked off by some plasbone slimeball of a "I think I'm better then you" senator's aid... but they'll run their mouths!
I have learned SO MUCH that way~!
Unfortunately for me? The Caf merchant was REALLY popular today. So dignified I am NOT.
"Hold the 'LIFT!"
It more a desperate plea then an order, but two seperate armored hands immediately reach out and stop the turbolift's doors from closing. Out of breath behind my Goverments mandated mouth gaurd, I struggle to catch my breath as I finally make it. The kriffing thing makes running almost impossible. It makes most things karking near impossible.
"Tha... thank! You!" I manage to pant, trying not to double over. I am a bit light headed. It's hard to remember what I'm supposed to do when I'm like this. "Kriff! I hate running. Can.. never breathe! Afterwards!"
The lift is full of Coruscant gaurds, their mysterious gazes presumably locked onto me. I could only assume, given how their helmets were turned towards me, but ultimately it was impossible to tell. The gaurd standing next to me was more heavily painted then the others. I still couldn't for the life of me figure out what the marks MEANT. Rank maybe?
"Should we be requesting a medical droid?" Came the mechanized voice of... I was fairly sure the one to my left? I turned to address the one I was preeeeetty sure had spoken. It was a small, echo-y lift.
"No, no. It's just the mask. Makes it kinda hard to breathe. Gover-"
I never got to finish explaining. Just as we reach the Speeder platform. As the doors began to open. An explosion ripped the world apart. The very mask I disliked so much, likely saving my lower jaw from being ripped completely off. The turbolift slammed back, crashing, durasteel screeching as supports ripped apart and gave way.
Rapid fire, more explosions. The Gaurd next to me grabbed me, tucked me tight as they braced. Away from the exit. As.. the world... slowly LEANED.
All I could do was stare, terrified, down at the sheer drop of the now frantic Coruscant traffic below. Commuters desperately trying to avoid falling debris. I could hear alarms. The transparasteel below my face cracked.
The 'lift had leaned. MORE then leaned. It was half unmoored. Hanging out into open air. I clung to the gaurd that held me, my caf dropped long ago, now seeping like dark blood through the cracks to drip... drip... drip... out into that terrible drop.
I.. I couldn't breath. My heart was pounding. Too fast. Too hard. Oh Stars that take us in the End, oh Bones and Blood, that we are! C-can't BREATHE! I managed to make a hand unseize. Rip the glorified muzzle from my face, so I could suck in air. I was drooling. Like a mad hunt beast. A panic response, I remembered distantly.
So far down. Oh Stars. We were going to fall so far down!
A creak. A snap. We jerked and swung downwards. I think... I think I sobbed. Pressed as tight as I could make myself to the red heavy gaurd. He was sturdy. Hold strong. I could hear the other gaurds working quickly and in tandem behind me. But... but I was frozen. Useless. N..nothing but dead weight.
I must have started babbling. Apologizing. Because the helmet near my head turned slightly, the arm around my waist tightened just a bit.
"You have nothing to apologize for ma'am. We were trained for this. Made for this. Not you. You're going to be just fine, all right? We'll get you out of here. Just stay calm and try not to move."
We are almost out. Almost free. When the next attack hits. The cheap duracrete crumbles and we DROP. Gravity releasing us for a few, brief, and terrifying moments.
I do not face them with dignity. I am terrified. A fractured, strangled, scream trying to rip its way free of me. Fear too great to let it. Some stars blessed 'Lift cord catches, arresting our fall violently. We slam into the side of the building the Senatorial Speeder pad is on. Throwing gaurds around the lift pod. Smashing us all together.
The man holding me has his helmet knocked off in a violent bounce that leaves his jaw sporting a shallow but painful looking scrape from someone's boot. Two panes of the transparensteel are just... GONE. Howling wind a deadly reminder of what waits below, should anyone fall through those holes.
"Hammer, Tricks! Get those doors open NOW! I don't care if you have to BLAST them open! We are running out of time and I'd prefer not to learn what the low levels taste like at SPEED." Growled a commanding voice in my ear. Then the voice turn reassuring. "We got you. You're not dying here. We're getting out, okay? Just hold on."
I managed to nod. Drool had long ago overwhelmed my mouth, now painting my chin, smearing everywhere. A mess. It mixed with my tears and some part of me was screaming. Dangerous, dangerous! But... but all I could see was that DROP. Gonna fall. Oh Stars, gonna fall! Please. Scared. Don't let go!
I pressed closer. Ignorant of the way my drool wet cheek pressed against the still bleeding wound on his his face. Ignorant of how I was doing the ONE THING I had been warned time and time again to NEVER EVER do.
The turbolift door gave a screeching clunk as they were force out of place. Toppling away. The gaurds ignored it, immediately getting into action. There was a patrol speeder clearly waiting to get into position. One by one the jumped into it. Careful not to destabilize the already precarious lift any further.
Finally it was our turn. And? With a gut turning drop as I was carried down? We were safe. The Speeder immediately making room. I cried. Clung. It took me entirely too long to remember that something might be amiss. It was only when the gaurd I was clinging to stumbled. Admitted to a "bit" of a headache. That everything came crashing back.
Like ice water to the soul.
Oh Stars! What have I DONE!?
I scramble for my neutralizers. The full anti-spectrum kit. Oh Stars! It's in his BLOOD! I stared in horror at the damning sheen of my own spit against his cheek, my hands shaking, trying to rip open the pack. A medic takes it from me. Opens it for me and reads the flimsy guide in side. Curses.
There is no way to REALLY know who was exposed to me. So everyone has to go to the medcenter. Immediately. Get emergency shots just in case. Then follow up with medical droids for a couple weeks afterwards. BARE MINIMUM.
Why? Because my spit carries organic nanites. They hunt and DESTROY anything they deem "non-native" to the body... as defined by MY species. They ignore obviously alien races but human adjacent ones? They were DESIGNED to destroy augmented humans. "Purge" them of their enhancements. They can't tell they difference. Alien humanoid? Augmented Techganic? Same thing, right?!
Without the neutralizers? The nanites will RIP PEOPLES BODIES APART. And even WITH them? All it does is soft reset them to whatever current race their in. They still cause massive problems and medical trauma as they go about "fixing" any perceived damaged. Like, you know, medical devices. Or shrapnel.
They are meant to break and cannibalize what they can. Fix indiscriminately. If it causes YOU unimaginable agony? So be it. At least you will be "whole". Die Technoganic. Pure. The pain has KILLED people. The nanites? Dumb enough to attack VITAL STSTEMS they deem "wrong". Killing their hosts before they themselves can FIX anything. They were a WEAPON. And... and I infected an innocent man.
I am a monster.
All I can do, is apologize. Again and again and again. Stare in horror, into the eyes of the man who SAVED me, and know that I returned the favor by poisoning him horribly. If there was room? I would grovel. This is... this is unforgivable.
He grimaced past the building headache. Pats my shoulder.
The worst part is... is no one is blaming me.
T-they SHOULD be...
The hand on my shoulder spasms, grip turning crushing as my savior's body violently seizes. His hands shoot to his head, limbs twitching and lashing. Blood trickles from his nose. Eyes shut tight against some terrible pain. They've GIVEN him the shot! It should be countering the nanites! The only reason he should be in this much pain would be if there was something lodged in his brain!
All at once... like a doll with his string cut... he relaxes. Just in time for us to arrive at the Medcenter. They try to usher me away from the gaurds. Push them off towards some "take care of it yourself" corner of nowhere.
I throw a FIT. Loudly.
I am prepared to sit on the floor and scream and cry like a youngling, and it must SHOW, because they hurriedly rush us along. People GET their kriffing bacta. Their technoganic poisoning shots. Yes, I had to harrass the nurses it digging the shots out of storage. NO it couldn't KARKING WAIT!
I learned my saviors name was "Fox". That he's actually stationed in the same building as where I work. The Senate.
Thankfully? "I got BOMBED" is a valid excuse not to show up to work. I was allowed to head home. Fox even escorted me. Showed me where the Gaurds all get their off duty meals. Pretty spicy! But good! I don't really notice how clear headed Fox seems. Surely he always was, right? I can't have CHANGED anything, right?
I don't notice him bracing for headaches that never come. Having thoughts that don't slip away. Seeing the world and for once... REALLY seeing it. Being about to trace all the changes back to one person. The smiling, laughing, soul who NEEDED him so much.
He...he was MADE to be needed. To serve and protect. But does everyone DESERVE his service?
Huh... a strange new thought, that one.
But THIS one... this one might make The List. He really hopes she does. Nodding to a passing vod, his eyes drift back to her. She was warm. Stands as a rare bit of bright in Coruscant's filthy everything. He'd... He'd really like to keep her. Feels too soon, but it's true.
Everyone else have their generals. What do the Gaurds have?
Maybe this? Might be nice.
He hopes she makes the List.
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furious-blueberry0 · 9 months
I swear that I WILL draw her better.
I still need to get reused to draw digitally, plus I wanted to talk about her a bit and give some general infos, so for now she will look like this:
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This is Baheera Lee. (respectively 14 y.o. - 34 y.o. - 75y.o.)
A human jedi master, once Padawan of Ki-Adi Mundi, who worked for most of her knighthood in the Archives, a job she had to drop when she took on a Padawan, but after she was knighted she went back there almost immeadiatly.
The jewelry on her forehead was a gift from her master for her knighting.
She spent most of her life as a Jedi Master writing books, with a total of 35 done before her death.
She wrote both philosophical and children's books, some of her most famous titles were:
"To love everyone and no one: Love through the eyes of the Jedi" a book that sprouted controversy, used by many that had not actually understood what she had written as "proof" that the Jedi were unfeeling beings.
"The little grandpa in the garden" (totally not dedicated to Master Yoda).
"The Tooka who wanted to sing"
"The Little Padawan" a book in honor of her friend and peer, Lala Tian, who died at the age of 14, barely 2 years into her padawanship, who always dreamed to explore the whole galaxy.
"What fear does to the heart and mind" another book about Jedi philosophy, that she even teached in some Academies around Coruscant.
"The four Massiffs"
"The grief of the soul"
"Collection of ancient Jedi fables" written with the help of roughly 50 jedi.
"Don't give the Porg a cup of Caf"
"There's no glory in war, only tears" was her last book, which she published near the end of the war.
Unlike the other Jedi she did not partecipate in the war as a General, preferring to help on humanitarian or rescue missions.
Sometimes she would help alongside her old Master's battalion, interacting with the Clones, and starting to advocate for their independency in her Academic sittings.
She died during Order 66, she had been reading a fairytale to three younglings who couldn't sleep that night, because of the nightmares, when a group of Clones entered the Creche and shooted her, before she could even react.
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
Sci-fi worldbuilding ideas for your city planets :)
If the planet is entirely city, where does the oxygen come from? Are their farms dedicated to producing oxygen? Special factories? Are there plants that produce oxygen very quickly all over the planet? Do you have to pay an oxygen tax?
Does the planet have natural water? Are the oceans untouched, incorporated into the city, or have they been drained and the water used for things in the city? What is it used for? Drinking, dams, hydroelectricity, food production, etc?
How deep does the city go? Has the planet been mined into to create more space? Is geothermal energy used? Are the bottom levels reserved for things such as sewage, electricity production, factories, prisons, etc?
What is transportation like? Are there roads, floating roads, or are trains and trams used instead? Are planes used? Is transportation fast enough to quickly travel across time zones?
How is food produced? Is it imported, or is it grown on planet? A combination? Think about greenhouses, factorised farms, vertical farming projects, etc. If oceans are left relatively untouched, is food produced in it? Are fish kept? Are there ration laws?
Are the poles less occupied than the rest of the city? Are they used for storing frozen goods, super computers? On a planet with no oceans, is ice and snow valuable?
The same goes for the equator of the planet. Is it more or less occupied? Is the heat used for anything? Are there solar panel farms? Air conditioning?
Are there parks and protected areas of nature? Ancient gardens, important forests, sacred land? Are there laws about chopping down trees? Are there farms for trees and plants? Are their plant shops, and are they expensive? In Star Wars, a part of Coruscant's highest mountain is a public monument that you can look at - are parts of mountains, rare ores, fossils, etc, preserved?
Not all sci-fi cities look the same. Coruscant has skyscrapers arranged in a very chaotic manner, stretching incredibly deep and incredibly high, and there is almost no plant life or natural parts of the planet to be seen. Xandar is arranged neatly with very similar style buildings whilst remaining relatively low rising compared to other city planets, and has lots of greenery and a fairly untouched ocean. Wakanda is relatively defined in layout, with a mixture of plants and buildings, houses and skyscrapers, with every building being unique. Draw inspiration from whatever you like.
Write whatever you want, even if it's common or cliche. It doesn't matter if it has been done before, because it hasn't yet been written by you.
Happy worldbuilding!
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roosjem · 4 months
Star Wars Au Masterlist
‘The Temporary Temple Guards’
Update status: Ongoing, updates whenever inspiration strikes
Notable tags: Obi-Wan x Jaster Mereel, AU Timeline.
It was a widely known fact within the Temple, that the Temple Guards stationed at the Coruscant Temple were experiencing a ‘shortage’ at the moment. Seeing as Knights were sent out to complete missions and went on protective details, they were also the Corp that was responsible for the Temple Guards. -
“I may have an issue.”
“What is it?”
The boy was alone. No one else was around despite it being the middle of the night. Just the boy who made a bee-line for Obi-Wan. He was way too young to be out at this time let alone out here all alone. It was the boy’s training armour that tipped Obi-wan off that this was more than just a lost child.
“I have a youngling in front of me. There is no one else around and I am pretty sure he’s Mandalorian.”
Quinlan paused, then asked, “...Come again?”
Obi-Wan peered down at the child tugging at his arm. “Aran, ner echoy'la.”
Kriff. “Correction, I have a Mandalorian boy in front of me telling me he’s lost.” -
Or it’s Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi’s turn to be a Temporary Temple Guard and of course one of his past missions comes back to haunt him.
‘To Heal, One Must Hurt’
Update status: Ongoing, updates whenever inspiration strikes
Notable tags: Jon Antilles x Jaster Mereel, Fix-it.
One of the Jetii’s scarred, pretty hands reached out and travelled to Jaster’s neck which had the latter stiffen.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure your heart doesn’t fail while you sleep.” Jon replied.
This Jetii was strange.
“Your hand is putting too much pressure. I can’t sleep like this.”
“I would rather not find you dead in the morning.” Jon replied, his hand not moving, “Healing you would be a waste of energy if that were to happen.”
Jaster’s view of Jetiise had always been silver tongued Monks who sweet talked their way through politics and killed whomever didn’t fall for their mind tricks. This Jetii was nothing like that.
“At least put your hand lower– how do you expect a Thaung-descendant to sleep when their ancient enemy is choking them?”
It was hard to see the Jetii’s face below that deep hood of his. “Very well.” Jon scooted a bit closer. Jaster moved up and rested his head on top of the Jetii’s thigh.
“What are you doing?” Jon demanded.
“Shhh, sleep speeds the healing process.” Jaster mumbled.
Another sigh told Jaster just how much he was pissing Jon off, but the Jetii kept his cool and slowly settled. It was actually surprisingly comfortable to lie down like this.
'No Rest for the Weary'
Update status: Finished
Notable tags: Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi
'Fresh from Melida/Daan, Obi-Wan goes on a mission with his Master to Mandalore. The conflict between three major factions; the New Mandalorians, Kyr'tsad and the Haat'ade was getting out of hand and the New Mandalorians requested the Jedi to interfere. When they get separated, Obi-Wan is left alone on Mandalore to survive and somehow gains a fanclub of adoption-happy Mandalorians.'
'The accounts of Ben Yustapire'
Update status: Finished
Notable tags: Ben Kenobi x Jaster Mereel, Time Travel Fix-it, Mandalorian Empire.
'These are the official accounts of Ben Yustapire, recounting the the days leading up to the rule of Mand'alor the Reformer. The first Mand'alor to unite the Clans under one soul-ruler since the end of the Mandalorian Wars.
Or as I knew him, Jaster be Aliit Mereel'
In which Obi-Wan Kenobi is thrown back in time by the Force to get another chance at saving the galaxy.
'The Last Of Their Kind'
Update status: Ongoing, slow updates/updates whenever inspiration strikes
Notable tags: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi raises Luke Skywalker, Post-Order 66, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies.
'He rounded the corner towards the square right in front of the Temple- it was different than before because there had never been a square in front of the Temple.
Obi-Wan froze in place the moment he looked up. His eyes observed the large statues one by one.
Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto- they were all Councillors during the war.
Obi-Wan stood in front of the statues as tears welled up in his eyes. He hadn't seen them in a long time and these statues looked exactly like them. From facial features and expression down to the way they were seated- as if they were in a regular Council meeting.
"Look Uncle Ben! It's-" Obi-Wan leaped to Luke and covered his mouth before he could say anything else.
"Yes, I see, it's General Kenobi." He hoped the beings whose attention was drawn towards them would move on quickly. "But try not to shout, Luke, alright?"
His eyes left the boy to observe the statue of himself.
Or, in which the Clones take over the Empire and Obi-Wan hears rumours about the whole ordeal which causes him to head back to Coruscant.
Updates whenever inspiration strikes.'
'Rid'runi be Mand'alor'
Update status: Ongoing, slow updates/updates whenever inspiration strikes
Notable tags: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jaster Mereel, Alternative Timeline, Soulmate AU, Obi-Wan Kenobi raises Luke Skywalker.
'In his quest to bring his newly born nephew to Anakin's stepbrother, Obi-Wan 'Ben' Kenobi accidentally passed through a Force Nexus which transports him to another world where his dormant soulmark finds new life.
Realising his predicament, Obi-Wan sets out to find a way to get them back to their own timeline to ensure Luke would have his family. Except it isn't that easy when old enemies hunt you down and a certain soulmate is trying to pin you in place.'
'The War Master of the Jedi Order'
Update status: Finished (25/25)
Notable tags: Ben Kenobi x Jaster Mereel, Time Travel Fix-it.
'The Force- strong and Light as ever- greeted Ben as an old friend. A breeze blowing Ben's hood off and moving his robes. As if a hand gently brushed through his hair- as if the Force was comforting him.
The beautiful colours painting the atmosphere. Another melody in the cool and icy evening air. Marching in the background.
Ben closed his eyes, listening to it.
it was the shift of armour, the clang of Beskar against Beskar, that snapped Ben out of his quiet reflection and mourning.
Ben opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder. Behind him were three Mando's approaching him from all sides and cornering him. Turning to face those approaching him, Ben tilted his head.
"Naasade." Ben replied as he jumped back onto the railing, spread his arms and let himself fall back.'
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jetii · 27 days
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Event Horizon
Chapter Seven: Forward
Chapter WC: 4,854
Chapter Tags/Warnings: None
A/N: I decided to split this chapter into two because there's a lot of dialogue, and the cliffhanger was just too good to pass up. The second part will be uploaded on Sunday though, so you won't have to wait too long!
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Coruscant, 21 BBY
The Archives are silent, the only sound the faint hum of the overhead lights. You sit at one of the holoterminals, a holocron floating in front of you, the images shifting and changing.
You're still searching for answers, for some connection, anything that might help you find your master, but you've hit another dead end. You've read every file, every record, but there's nothing. Nothing but rumors and hearsay, and you're no closer to finding the truth than you were all those years ago. 
You had tried to keep your promise to Obi-Wan, to let the past go and to focus on the present, but the nagging feeling that there was something more, something hidden, refused to leave you. Seeing Vayel again had only stoked the flames.
The feeling of blackness that had risen up inside you that day had receded again, but it hadn't left completely. You were able to control it, to suppress it, but it was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. You weren't foolish enough to believe that it was gone for good. But you were careful not to feed it, careful not to indulge it, and you hoped that by avoiding its temptations, you could keep it at bay.
Your time spent relegated to the Archives was a punishment, but it was also a lesson and a much-needed reminder. You were a Jedi, and you needed to act like it. Your emotions were getting the better of you, and your actions were putting others at risk. That was not what the Order stood for, and it was not the kind of person you wanted to be. You needed to do better, be better, and the Archives were a way to do that.
It was a reminder that there was more to being a Jedi than the fighting, the battles. There was a whole universe of knowledge, of wisdom, that lied here in these halls. You had combed through many of the shelves during your youth, and even more during the past few years as an investigator, but now you found yourself delving deeper, searching for answers that were eluding you.
In your downtime between sorting the endless piles of data and the other tasks Madam Jocasta assigned you, you would find yourself pouring over old texts, ancient manuscripts, and forbidden holocrons, searching for clues. It was a dangerous game, and one that could easily lead you down a dark path, but it was a risk you were willing to take.
But, like the rest of your efforts, this too has yielded no results.
You lean back in the chair and sigh. The exhaustion is catching up with you, and you rub your eyes, the pressure a dull ache. The past few weeks have been a blur, and you haven't had a proper night's sleep in what feels like forever. It's starting to take its toll.
You've just resolved yourself to seeking out more caf when a pair of footsteps approach, the sound echoing off the marble floor. You don't need to look to know who it is, and you don't bother to lift your hands from your face.
"I knew I would find you here," Obi-Wan's voice says, the tone teasing.
"Well, this is my punishment," you say, and despite your efforts, the corner of your mouth quirks upwards. "The question is, what are you doing here?"
You finally drop your hands and turn in your chair to see he's leaning against one of the shelves, a familiar smile on his lips. His robes rumpled, his beard a bit longer than usual, but his eyes are bright, and there's a spark of mischief there.
"Looking for you, of course."
You huff, a near laugh were it not for the frustration brewing inside you. “I haven’t seen you in weeks, and now when the final hour of my sentence falls, you show up? Typical."
“It’s your punishment, not mine,” Obi-Wan reminds you, his grin a touch too smug.
You roll your eyes, but there's no real heat in it. The familiarity, the banter, is comforting, and it feels good to have someone here, someone who cares.
"How is Senator Flessom, anyway?" he asks.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. You've done your best not to think about her, about the last time you saw her, but the memory is still fresh, and the shame is a heavy burden.
"Fine, I suppose," you reply, the words coming out more curt than intended, and you sigh. "I haven't really spoken to her since... well, you know."
He nods, and the silence hangs between you, the tension thick in the air.
The truth is, you haven't seen her since the attack. You'd left her at the Senate, and you'd returned to the Temple, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, guilt, anger, shame. The memories are a haze, but the feelings are still there, and they're not going away anytime soon.
Obi-Wan had returned from his mission the next day, and he'd sought you out immediately, the worry and concern plain on his face. You'd told him everything, and he'd listened. You'd wanted, no, needed, someone to blame, and the words had tumbled out of you, a jumbled mess of anger and regret.
And then, the shame had hit, and the tears had fallen, and the reality of the situation had set in. You'd failed. Not only had you put her at risk, but you'd been careless, reckless, and it was a miracle that no one had died.
You'd expected him to chide you, to reprimand you, but instead, he'd pulled you into a tight embrace. He'd held you until the tears had dried, and the sobs had subsided, and the anger had faded, and when he'd finally released you, his eyes had been filled with understanding and a touch of pride.
"She was right," he'd said, his voice soft, and you'd frowned, unsure of his meaning.
"Right about what?" you'd asked, and he'd smiled sadly at you.
"About you," he'd replied. "She said you were a good person, and she was right."
His words had cut through the last of your defenses, and the guilt had risen, the shame a crushing weight. But, despite the pain, the anger, the hurt, a small part of you had felt something else, something unfamiliar. Something that had sparked a flame inside you, a warmth that had spread through your body.
Helora had seen something in you, something you'd never known was there, and it had given her hope, had made her believe that there was still good in the galaxy. And despite the pain and the disappointment, a small part of you had believed her.
You clear your throat, the memories fading. "I should apologize to her, I know, but..."
Your voice trails off, and the words hang in the air, the unspoken feelings filling the space between you. You know you should, but the thought of facing her, of admitting your mistakes, your failures, is too much.
"There are no easy answers, I'm afraid," Obi-Wan says quietly. You sigh, and your shoulders slump. He's right, and there's no point in avoiding the truth.
"She's safe, at least," he adds. "That's the important thing."
"Yeah, I suppose," you mutter. You're not convinced, but the fact that she's alive is something, at least.
"Perhaps, when the time is right, you can try again. You're not the first Jedi to make a mistake, and I doubt you'll be the last."
He offers you a sad smile, his eyes full of understanding, and the sight makes your heart ache. Despite the melancholy that's settled over you, you can't help but try to return the gesture, the corners of your lips quirking upwards.
"Thanks, Obi-Wan."
"What can I say, I'm full of good advice," he quips. You can feel the satisfaction pouring from him when you scoff and shake your head, the familiar banter helping ease the pain.
"How's Anakin?" you ask, eager to change the subject.
You hadn't seen much of Anakin since before he left for Christophsis months ago, but you were aware that his duties had kept him busy. He had a Padawan now, and he was in charge of an entire army, and that was more than enough to keep him occupied. 
Still, you couldn't help but worry, and the fact that you'd been so preoccupied with your own problems to check in with him wasn't sitting well.
“You can ask him yourself,” Obi-Wan says with a shake of his head.
He pushes himself off the shelf and takes a step forward, his boots thudding softly against the stone floor. You accept his offered hand despite your confusion, and he pulls you up, the motion smooth and practiced.
It takes a moment, but realization dawns. “What do you—really?”
He smiles, the expression warm, and his hand squeezes yours.
"Yes, really," he replies. "It's time, my friend."
Your arms are wrapping around his waist before he can finish speaking, holding him tight, your head pressed against his chest. He returns the embrace with a huff of laughter, and the warmth seeps into your bones.
"Thank you," you mumble, your voice muffled by his robes.
“Only you would be this excited to go back to work," he teases, the words accompanied by a gentle pat on the back.
You pull away and shrug sheepishly. "What can I say, it's been a slow few weeks. I could use a bit of action."
"Well, I'm sure Anakin will be more than happy to provide you with plenty of excitement," Obi-Wan remarks with mock-exasperation.
You roll your eyes, but the gesture is fond, and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face. "I'm sure he will."
You turn around to shut down the terminal, the holographic image flickering and then disappearing. You glance back and see that Obi-Wan has followed, his arms crossed behind his back, his expression one of polite interest. The holocron ejects, the object hovering in the air for a brief moment before coming to a rest in the palm of your hand.
He arches a brow at the sight, his gaze flickering from the holocron to your face.
"You've been continuing your research, I see."
"I've been doing what I can," you respond, trying to keep your voice equally calm, even though the subject still stings, a reminder of your failures.
He pauses, and his brows furrow, and you can tell he's thinking carefully about his next words.
"I know how hard it is, losing a master, but dwelling on the past won't help you," he says, his tone gentle, but the words still carry a hint of caution. "I know you want answers, and you deserve them, but obsessing over a single clue isn't healthy."
"I know," you sigh. You look down, the holocron resting heavily in your hand. "But I can't stop. There's something here, I can feel it."
There’s a long silence as his eyes rove over your face, his expression thoughtful. You know he's looking for any trace of deception, and the scrutiny is unnerving. You meet his gaze, doing your best to project calmness and serenity through your bond, and after a few seconds, his shoulders relax, and the tension eases.
"I understand," he says. "I believe I would feel the same, if the situation was reversed. But, please, remember what I said."
"I will, I promise," you say, and you mean it.
He gives a small smile, the warmth returning to his gaze.
"Good. Now come, let's not keep Anakin waiting. Force knows he’s looking for an opportunity to give us a lecture on personal responsibility for a change."
The idea of Anakin lecturing anyone is absurd, especially two Jedi Masters, and you can't help the amused grin that spreads across your face. The humor is a welcome distraction, and the thought of seeing him again, of working alongside him again, is a pleasant one.
"Alright, alright," you acquiesce, and you follow his lead, your strides swift. Obi-Wan waits as you place the holocron safely back in its vault, and the doors close, the seal hissing and locking.
The walk out of the Archives is, as expected, quiet. Madam Jocasta is not around, but the guards are ever-present, their eyes following you as you leave. Obi-Wan offers them a curt nod, and they return the gesture.
The Temple halls are busy, and the hum of conversation, of the day-to-day life, fills the air. Jedi pass by, walking with intent, their robes billowing behind them. You loop your arm through Obi-Wan's, and the two of you meld seamlessly into the flow of the crowd.
"So, how long have you been waiting to spring me?" you ask, the question half-teasing, half-serious.
"A while," he admits, and there's a trace of sadness in his tone. "I'd hoped to come sooner, but the Council has kept me occupied."
You nod grimly at his frustrated sigh. You'd known the Council had been keeping him busy, the endless missions and meetings taking a toll, but you'd never expected him to have time for you, and you certainly hadn't expected him to come rescue you.
"It wasn't so bad," you say, trying to lift the mood. "It was nice, getting some time to reflect, to clear my head."
Obi-Wan glances down at you, and the skepticism is evident on his face. "You, clear your head? That'll be the day."
You scowl, but the expression is playful, and you bump his shoulder with your own. "Hey, I can be reflective, you know. I'm not always jumping headfirst into things, ready to start a fight."
"Of course, my mistake," he replies dryly, and the smile is back. "I must have been thinking of another reckless Jedi, clearly."
You scoff indignantly, but the grin on your lips is unabashed. You'd missed this, missed him, the banter and the closeness, and the feeling that you were doing some good. The past few weeks had been a struggle, and you'd often found yourself lost in thought, replaying the events over and over, questioning your decisions, your motives, your very identity. But, with him by your side, the doubts seemed a bit smaller, a bit easier to bear.
"I missed you, too," he says, and the words are accompanied by a warm chuckle.
You shake your head, half-exasperated, half-amused. You'd forgotten, again, about the bond between you. It was a comfort, having him in your mind, and you often found yourself doing it subconsciously. But, at times, it could be inconvenient, and the intimacy, the knowledge that he could feel everything you did if you weren’t careful, was a little unnerving.
"Yeah, well," you trail off, a blush rising to your cheeks. "Don't let it go to your head. I'd happily hang out with Master Mundi if it meant getting out of the Archives."
"I'll be sure to relay that to the Council, then," he teases.
"No!" you exclaim. The protest is a touch too loud, and several heads turn towards you. You smile apologetically, and they quickly lose interest, returning to their business.
"That's what I thought," he murmurs, the words smug, and his gaze flicks over to yours, mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Oh, shut up.”
He laughs, and you bump his shoulder again, unable to contain your own grin.
"Speaking of which," Obi-Wan continues, and his voice is softer, the laughter fading. "I have news from the Council."
"Well, in addition to the assignment, they also have an idea," he explains, and his tone is casual, but you can sense the excitement, the pride, through the bond. He doesn't wait for you to ask, and the words rush out, eager to share. "We've decided that your return to duty should be spent under the tutelage of an older and wiser Jedi."
Your brows furrow, and your gaze flickers to his face. He's looking ahead, the corners of his mouth twitching. "Master Windu? I mean, he is older and wiser."
"No, not Master Windu."
The realization dawns on you, and your heart leaps.
"No, don't tell me."
Hearing this, Obi-Wan's restraint snaps, and his smile bursts forth, bright and dazzling. 
"Me, yes," he confirms.
"So, we're working together again," you say slowly, watching him carefully for any sign of deception. When you find none, your grin matches his own.
"Yes, we are,” he says. “If that's what you want, of course."
You stop walking, and Obi-Wan follows, the both of you standing still amidst the throng of passing Jedi. You take a moment, staring up at his face, trying to convey your sincerity through the bond.
"There's nothing I want more, Obi-Wan. You know that."
His gaze softens, and the warmth floods through the bond, enveloping you.
"I do," he says, his voice full of affection. "But I had to ask. Things are different now, and I don't want you to feel pressured."
The thought is absurd, and you can't help the short laugh that escapes you. You've felt pressure your entire life, from the time you were a child, and the Council, the Order, the Republic, were weighing on your shoulders. Obi-Wan was, had always been, your choice.
"No, never," you say emphatically. Your expression falters for a moment, and you search his eyes. "I just...that's not what the Council wanted, is it?"
"No," he admits, deflating slightly, and the corners of his lips turn downwards. "But they've agreed, for the time being."
You shake your head and sigh, looking away. "They've given up, is what you mean."
The truth is, you're not surprised. You knew the Council was losing patience, the constant arguments, the questions, the defiance, a sore spot. You'd thought that you'd proven yourself, but your actions on Hisseen had only served to undermine that. They saw you as a liability, and you were quickly becoming a nuisance, an annoyance. And the worst part was, you couldn't even blame them.
"Perhaps," Obi-Wan concedes. His hand finds your arm, his touch gently coaxing you to look back up. "Perhaps not. But, that's not important. What matters is that you have another chance, and we have another opportunity to fight together, to make a difference."
His words are earnest, and you can't help but smile, if only a little. You know he's trying to reassure you, and it's working. It always works. Obi-Wan's faith in you, his willingness to risk himself and his reputation to ensure that you were given a chance, was a powerful thing. You couldn't let him, couldn't let yourself, down.
"Yes, of course," you agree, and you do your best to infuse your voice with determination, with resolve. "Let's do it. Together."
His answering grin, the relief and happiness, is infectious, and you find yourself grinning back, your spirits lifted.
"Yes, together," he says. He squeezes your arm before letting go, and the two of you continue through the halls, your strides in sync, the bond humming between you. It quiets the further you walk, the murmur of conversation a distant hum, until the only sound is the echo of your footsteps.
"So where are they sending us?" you ask, breaking the silence.
“Felucia," Obi-Wan answers, and your eyebrows shoot up.
"That's what I said," he confirms, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"That's what I said, too," he admits, and you roll your eyes. "Apparently, the Confederacy has established a foothold on the planet, and they're looking to expand."
"They're sending us to a jungle world infested with wild creatures and Separatists, and they think this will help me calm down?" you ask incredulously.
"Oh, it's not that bad," Obi-Wan reassures you. "I've heard the weather is quite lovely this time of year."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, right. I'm sure the sunsets are spectacular."
He chuckles, and the sound makes you smile, despite your trepidation.
"That's the spirit," he says with a fond shake of his head. "I can always count on you to look on the bright side."
"It's going to be a mess, isn't it?"
"Probably, but it's not like we haven't faced worse." He gives your arm a squeeze. "Now, let's get you back to your quarters. I'm sure you'll want to pack before we leave."
You sigh, but it's good-natured, and the dread, the nerves, are beginning to ebb. You can't help but think that maybe this is the opportunity you'd been looking for, a chance to prove yourself, and you aren't about to take it for granted.
Obi-Wan waits while you quickly throw a few essentials into a bag, and the two of you make your way to the landing platform. He explains on the way that there was a shuttle waiting to take you up to The Negotiator in orbit, and that from there, you would jump to hyperspace and make the journey to Felucia.
When you arrive at the platform, you see two ships waiting, and several more taking off into the sky. The air is filled with the noise of engines, and the smell of fuel, and the bustle of activity. It's a stark contrast to the silence of the Temple and the calmness of the evening. You can’t help but feel relieved, the sounds and the smells and the excitement a welcome change.
“Obi-Wan! Finally, we were starting to worry," Anakin shouts, and his voice echoes across the landing platform. His remaining troops are filing onto the transport ship, and he stands near the entrance, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression a mix of excitement and impatience. Anakin is never early, and you're sure he's been waiting here, his foot tapping, his gaze scanning the horizon for the two of you.
You can't hide the smile that spreads across your face at the sight of him, and you wave, a rush of affection coursing through you. You’re practically dragging Obi-Wan across the platform, eager to join him.
Anakin approaches, his strides long and purposeful, and the grin on his face is infectious as he meets you halfway. His eyes land on you, and they widen in surprise, the delight clear in his expression.
"Hey there, stranger," he greets you with a quick hug and a pat on the back. "You're looking better than the last time I saw you."
"I'm feeling better," you reply, and you mean it. "And thanks, I guess?"
He releases you, and his hand finds your shoulder. He looks you up and down, his gaze assessing, and you shift uncomfortably.
"No, really," he insists. "Last time, you looked... well, you know, like hell."
You sigh, and you can't help but roll your eyes. Trust Anakin to be blunt. "Yes, I know. But, it was a rough few days."
"Yeah, I know the feeling." His expression softens, and his hand falls to his side. "But, hey, glad to have you back."
You smile. "Glad to be back."
Anakin turns to Obi-Wan, and his expression shifts, the grin morphing into something smug, almost taunting. "It's about time you showed up, Master. We've got a schedule to keep, you know."
Obi-Wan sighs, and his shoulders slump. You can't help but snort, and Anakin smirks at the sight, pleased that his joke is working.
"So sorry to keep you waiting," Obi-Wan replies, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. “I had to spring a certain someone from a month of incarceration in the Archives."
You scoff indignantly and cross your arms. "Incarceration is a strong word, Master Kenobi."
"It's accurate," he counters, the words pointed.
Anakin's smirk fades, and he looks between the two of you, his brows furrowing. "Wait, hold on, you've been stuck in the Archives this whole time? I thought you'd gotten assigned to some boring diplomatic mission or something."
You shrug, doing your best to seem nonchalant. "No, just a few weeks of sorting and cleaning and doing data entry."
"You're kidding."
"Not in the least," Obi-Wan confirms. "The Council was worried she was becoming a bit too impulsive."
 "And reckless, and brash," you add.
 "So they punished her, basically?" Anakin asks.
"Something like that."
"That's ridiculous," he scoffs. "What are you, a Padawan? They can't treat you like this."
"Apparently, they can," you sigh. "And, to be fair, they were right. I did almost get an innocent person killed."
"That's not the point, and you know it," he insists, his voice rising. "You did what you had to do, and the Council should be grateful for your service. They can't just lock you up for doing your job."
His words, his righteous indignation, warms your heart. It's comforting, knowing that you have someone who believes in you, and it helps to ease the lingering guilt.
"Well, it doesn't matter now," Obi-Wan interjects, and he gives you a meaningful glance, his gaze sharp. "She's back where she belongs, and we're all better for it."
You give him a small smile, and he returns it, the warmth filling the bond. You know what he's thinking, that he's worried about Anakin getting carried away, that he doesn't want the young Knight to take his frustrations out on the Council. That he’s close to following a similar path to you, and it’s one neither of you want him to tread. You've had the same concerns, and the fact that he shares them is comforting.
Anakin looks between the two of you, and he's clearly frustrated, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "Yeah, well, it's not right. You should've been out in the field, helping us, not wasting away in the Archives."
Your hand finds his, and you squeeze, the touch gentle but firm. He glances at you, his brows still furrowed, and you shake your head.
"It's okay," you say, and the words are soft, meant only for him. "I'm just glad to be back now."
His scowl lessens, and he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, me too," he grumbles.
You squeeze his hand again, and you feel his tension easing, the anger giving way to relief.
Anakin glances at Obi-Wan and then back at you. He takes a breath, and the rest of his anger slips away. "Fine, fine. You're right. We've got a lot to catch up on, and it's not worth getting worked up over."
You can't help the laugh that escapes you, and you give his hand one last squeeze before letting go. Your eyes slide to Obi-Wan and back, and you smirk. "We most certainly do."
Anakin catches on quickly, and his eyes narrow, a mischievous glint appearing in them. Obi-Wan's gaze bounces between the two of you, his brows furrowing. He knows, from experience, that this means nothing good, and he crosses his arms, a silent warning.
"Now, now, no plotting against me," he warns. "We're supposed to be a united front."
"Of course," Anakin agrees, and his smile is anything but sincere. "Whatever you say, Master."
You try, and fail, to stifle the snort that escapes, and the sound draws a scowl from Obi-Wan.
"You two are terrible," he huffs. "Absolutely terrible."
The two of you exchange a conspiratorial glance, and the mirth bubbles up inside you, the excitement making your heart sing. You’re about to tease Obi-Wan further, but Anakin’s gaze shifts over your shoulder, and he raises his hand to cup his mouth
“Ahsoka! You’re late.”
You turn and see the young Togruta walking briskly the platform, a backpack slung over her shoulder. You haven't seen her since before the war broke out, and there's a maturity in her eyes that wasn't there before. At her heels is a clone trooper, his white armor decorated with a blue pauldron and kama, and his helmet tucked under his arm.
You can’t help but stare at the clone, your gaze moving up and down his body. There's something about him, a presence, that is achingly familiar. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end, and the sense of deja vu is so intense that you can't help but step forward toward him.
"I'm not late," Ahsoka says, her tone defensive as she jogs the last few meters. Her eyes widen when she sees you, and her lips form a small 'o' of surprise. "Master Anathorn, I didn't realize you'd be coming."
"The Council thought I needed some fresh air," you say, smiling. It falters when your eyes drift back to the clone trooper, the sense of unease growing. His face is blank, unreadable, but there's something in his eyes, a flash of recognition, of emotion.
He has a demeanor that feels oddly familiar, his signature in the Force one that's both warm and welcoming, yet strong and solid. All clones had a unique presence, their Force signatures as varied as their personalities, but there was something about this one that was different. Something that spoke to you, that tugged at the strings of your memory.
Your eyes narrow, the wheels turning in your head. Could it be…
No, it couldn't.
He was just a clone, a regular trooper, and there was no way this one could be the one. The chances were astronomical.
And yet...
“I almost forgot.” Anakin says your name and gestures to the clone. “This is Captain—“
The name is out of your mouth before you even register saying it, slipping past your lips with a certainty, an assurance, that comes from somewhere deep inside you.
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taglist: @baddest-batchers @lolwey @chocolatewastelandtriumph @hobbititties @mere-bear
@thegreatpipster @lordofthenerds97 @tentakelspektakel @notslaybabes @aynavaano
@ayyyy-le-simp @mali-777 @schrodingersraven @megmegalodondon @dangraccoon
@heavenseed76 @dreamie411 @sukithebean @bimboshaggy @bunny7567
@lostqueenofegypt @9902sgirl @jedi-dreea @salaminus @heidnspeak
@ghostymarni @gottalovehistory @mrcaptainrex @burningnerdchild @yoitsjay
@callsign-denmark @julli-bee @moonychicky
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“We have once again beaten the sun to rising,” Mhenheli said, nodding to the distant hills as the dawn began to limn them with a thin halo of pure golden light. Paix slipped his arm around Mhenheli’s waist, standing close to him as they watched the sun rise. Far below in the city, the sunrise horn sounded, and the light moved - slow and liquid lazy - across the rooftops, finally touching on the golden wing of the statue, coruscating out from it in brilliant sparkles. Beside him, Mhenheli sighed happily. “I love this moment,” he whispered. “I, too,” Paix murmured in response, his gaze not on the statue but on that beloved old face. “But I love more that I can stand here with you as it happens, and watch how happy it makes you.” Mhenheli turned his head, his lips quirked in a dry smile. “Sentimental,” he chided softly. “Nothing wrong with that.” Paix returned that smile with one of his own. “You should indulge my sentimentality, you know.” Mhenheli snorted indelicately. “Since when have I ever done that?” “Well… now that you mention it…” “Precisely.” 
One more commission from the wonderful Sabira | @floweroflaurelin to close out These Stones Remember.
Paix and Mhenheli standing on the covered castle balcony, as they did every morning together, and watching the sun rising over the Ancient Capital of A'lumiya.
I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful illustration to place at the end of the second companion reader (which will be published in the next few days) and close out this story that means so much to me.
Thank you, Sabira, for another truly gorgeous piece of work <3
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portrait-of-ariel · 2 months
Qimir Headcanons
• He was born in 166 BBY on Jedha - a planet located in the Mid Rim. Rich in kyber crystals, it is also long regarded as a holy land of both ancient and failed religions.
• His mother died from severe blood loss, minutes after giving birth to him.
• He and his two brothers are raised by their widowed father, Aslan—a force-sensitive commoner with a history of mental heath issues. The strain of destitute living conditions, raising three children, and death of his wife worsen his long-declining mental state. He begins hearing voices, beating the children, and unintentionally torturing them with his powers.
• One fateful day, Aslan snaps and strangles the oldest boy with his bare hands. The middle child tries to protect himself and his little brother, wielding a knife. The six year old watches in horror as his father quickly disarms his brother, tosses the blade, and beats the child to death. Now the only one left, his powers are awakened just in time to spare his life. He force-throws Aslan against the wall and knocks him out. In a fit of rage, he grabs the knife and drives it into Aslan’s face dozens of times … until he’s unrecognizable.
• Vernestra Rwoh happens upon the blood-splattered child days after the massacre, sleeping on the street. She senses the trauma, fear, and darkness inside him and offers to take him in. She tries making conversation with him but he repeatedly murmurs, “Qimir” - the name of the middle brother who died protecting him. Vernestra asks him if that’s his name and he lies that it is. She senses the immensity of his powers, but is unable to read his thoughts. She’s very concerned but can’t get him to explain what happened to him or what he’d done. Soon after, she takes him to Coruscant in secret.
I keep toying with the idea of writing a fanfic but it’s so much work lol. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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