#and Cleo's looks like a sarcophagus
okiidokii · 2 years
I thought Gore-gornaizer was a one-off Draculaura doll (I think so did the rest of the Fandom), but with the revelation of Cleo, I wonder if and how the rest of the main cast in Goregonaizers will look
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pnchinbeez · 1 month
Guys I been feeling ideas recently
And one happens to involve jedtavius
So basically ig for if the ever make a show (the show idea has been popping up on my timeliness alot) I need an episode where a different museum goes on tour and end up at the natm museum (I forgot the name soyeah) I believe it would be funny if they had most of the same human exhibits but a little different like
Wax figurines jed, octy, and the Mayan leader guy ig idk
Instead of teddy you have like jfk (he was consider one of the nicest u.s. presidents)
Marco polo as an famous explorer
King tut or cleo would be a cool one for their pharaoh, I lean towards tut because I feel like a snarky and sarcastic 12-13 yr old would be amazing
Maybe we could get calamity Jane? Idk shes cool (she's the most famous frontier women ever basically, put her name in Google and no joke what shows up is probably what happened, also fun fact I was named after her!!)
Also because we have lancelot in the one movie I feel like we would need one of these three arthur, merlin, or Guinevere, maybe bother merlin in arthur idk that idea needs to be thought of more on my side
Instead of dexter we could have miss baker the squirrel monkey (the first monkey to survive coming back from space) but I think have laika the dog the first animal to go to space,one because I live her and it's so sad what happened to her (search up Brenning Davis's "Fist Dog In Space" IT will make you cry) but also I just think it's such a cute idea in general
Miniatures could be Qin Shi Huang the self declared first emperor of China and the guy that made the terracotta army to protect his tomb in the after life and maybe Victorian Era people
I would also like a plague doctor played by Adam Sandler (WE HAVE OWEN FUCKING WILSON AND HUGH JACKMAN, NOW GIVE ME ADAM OR ONE OF THE RYANS) but beggars can't be choosers
Maybe some Greek pottery and the pictures on them come to life like the paintings in the movies
Instead of a t-rex or dinosaurs like that there could be a prehistoric ocean exhibit like whale bones and fish that swim (was that already in a movie?? I feel like it was , idk)
I feel like cool extinct animals should be on display are
barnary lion: the biggest baddest lion ever its the ones the Romans would fight in the colosseum and are also bigger than normal lions they look bad ass
PASSENGER PIDEON: these guys don't get enough recognition they where the funniest things ever and also one of the best messaging pigeons, then we hunted them to extinction, so yeah
Carolina parakeet: this bird went extinct fairly recently, in the late 1980's actually, they where one of the smartest non domesticated parakeet species out there and they are super cute ( another fun fact when my dad went fishing as a 20 something yr old with his dad in the 90's he swears he say a flock of them in an old tree by the lake they were in , around the Georgia border to North Carolina, pretty cool honestly)
Also the night guard for this group should be played by Jack black, channing Tatum,or ben schwartz
Nicky should be either walker scobell or a (and hear me out ) Tommyinnit with gyed brown hair
Weirdly they both kinda are like nicky I lean towards tom because in the animated movie nicky is very skinny and walker randomly got a bit buffer as of now soooo idk
So basically this story would follow the timeline of the museum got super popular so they go on tour to another one and meet this group but as both the night guards figure out nicky and the other night guard try to warn each other that their exhibits come to life (nicky ahkmenrahs tablet but the other night guards is a curse on the sarcophagus of which ever Pharoah they have) and then all the exhibits meet and stuff and I think that both big jed and octy and little jed and octy to be dating their respective partner,, it would make for a funny scene
Also big jed and big octavius should basically parent king tut if that's the Pharoah because the real jed grew up with about 10 brothers and sister and had one son of his own supposedly. But octavius was recorded to have a daughter Julia the elder (a very fascinating women) that he exiled and was recorded feeling guilty about it and probably died feeling guilty about it also I think they would make a good parenting duo
Jfk and teddy interaction are strictly mandatory
Marco polo and wea
The miniatures from our museum and the miniatures from the other need interactions NOW
lots of jedtavius please and thank you
King tut and ahkmenrah interactions????
I feel like their relationship would be cool uncle and nephew type
The extinct animals go on a rampage at some point (we need cowboy jed and herder teddy )
Miniature escapades and shenanigans as always
And that's it
Maybe I'll finally write a fanfic for this series but idk
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ahungeringknife · 11 months
365: June 3
what's the fun of reviving dead bodies if some people from ancient history don't show up without any memories ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ So I revived an old Egyptian pharaoh and made her a lesbian because that's fun
It was dark where she was risen except for some dim safety lights and a light in her face. She squinted up at the light like it was the god of the sun and raised her hand to it. It spoke words and she couldn't understand them. "Just stop talking," because its words gave her a headache. But the light did not stop speaking but now sounded curious.
It floated away and finally she sat up. She was naked except for some horrible cracked and shattering pieces of linen that had turned brown and brittle with age. Despite sitting up she couldn't see much else as she was in a box higher than her sitting height. It was several nested boxes and she slowly got to her feet out of the fragile wooden box.
She took two tries to jump onto the edge of the largest box so she could get out of the box and on the other side she turned around she saw it was a beautiful case made of gold. Or at least gilt in gold. The entire side was done in beautiful hieroglyphs and she put her hand to them, tracing the carvings and paint with her brown hand. She could read the hieroglyphs. This was her sarcophagus that would take her to the afterlife where she would live as a god.
"Can you understand me now?" she jumped at the voice and spun towards the light who came upon her again.
"Yes," she said slowly, her voice cool.
"Great! I didn't expect to have to learn Late Egyptian on the fly," said the little star of light cheerfully.
"Who are you? Were you sent by-" she turned back and looked at the sarcophagus and read the hieroglyphs to remind herself, "Ra?" she asked the light.
"Hmmm. Sort of I guess. A greater being did send me but not Ra," the light said. "I was sent by the Traveler."
"And what does this god want with me that it would awaken me from my eternal slumber as a god myself?" she asked the light.
The light didn't answer right away, considering what to tell her. Or perhaps thinking of a lie. "If it makes you feel better most people in this time consider your kind gods still," the light offered. "But the Traveler made me to find someone who were strong of will and sound of mind and with a desire to bring peace to fight against the Darkness. So I reached out to you and you reached back. So here you are."
She frowned slightly in thought. "I see. So I am to be a champion of one of the more powerful gods?"
"You could say that yes," the light said.
"This is agreeable. Now why am I in a glass box?"
"Oh! This is an old museum. Let me get you out of here- and some clothes. Oh I'm so sorry I left you completely naked. Hardly befitting a Guardian," the light apologized.
She gasped when the light shimmered and so did she and clothes appeared on her body. Pants and a shirt and while she couldn't remember ever wearing clothes her body felt restricted by these. She hadn't even minded being naked really. Then the light blinked and so did she and she was on the other side of the glass. "There we go," the light said.
"What is your name, light of this Traveler?"
"Cleo!" the light said cheerfully, "Cleopatra but everyone calls me Cleo."
"A good name for doing your duty to our Traveler," and she finally looked around. Cleo's light illuminated more of the museum and it was a darkened crypt. Statues and artifacts hung behind glass or propped up on pedestals and sat in blacked out cases. Dust covered everything. She walked around the exhibit and as she looked at the relics felt a deep familiarity with them. "What are these things here?" she asked Cleo.
"Oh. These are some of the items and jewelry found in your tomb," Cleo said.
"Why are they on display?"
"So people could marvel at them, and you," Cleo said.
"But these things are mine?" she asked looking at a beautiful necklace made of gold beaten and carved into the shape of a beetle with great sweeping wings like the rays of the sun.
"Yes- oh!"
She punched the glass hard and was satisfied when it shattered. Cleo had graciously given her gloves so no glass shards stuck in her hand. She was surprised it had broken so easily. She was not the most strong armed women you'd met. She reached into the case and took out the necklace. It was heavy and put it over her neck. It was a familiar weight she couldn't remember but her body remembered.
She went to a few more displays and did the same, breaking the glass and picking out the items. Beautiful golden earrings she wore in the several holes on each ear and rings for every finger made of gold with fat jewels or lapis lazuli gems in them. She adorned herself in the gold of her tomb before coming to an old banner hung on the fall. Cleo lit up the banner when she stopped at it.
A likeness of her own face looked back at her from the banner and next to her was a cartouche in vibrant golden lines on a black field. She'd seen some smaller cartouches as she broke the displays but had paid them no mind as they had had other names on them. Names of her servants in death, names of her loyal pets and steeds or her long dead husband or the names of her ancestors or the gods. But this was her.
"Nefertiti," she said looking at the cartouche and the shockingly good illustration of her own face displayed in regal poise against the black banner. She looked at Cleo, "I'm Nefertiti," she said.
"Well yeah. The one and only god queen of Egypt," Cleo said brightly. "I was so excited when you responded. I tried some other Pharaohs but they all acted too good to join the Light. But not you," and Nefertiti felt great affection when Cleo suddenly pressed against her cheek like a loving cat.
Nefertiti smiled slightly. "So I'm to help fight for this Traveler? I assume not in this place full of the dead?"
"No. No no of course not! But I didn't want to interrupt. We just have to get close to a beacon and I can call the Pilgrim Guard and someone can come pick us up and take us to the City. That's where the Traveler is. It's where other warriors of the Light are. It's where everything is!"
Nefertiti nodded. She looked one more time at her banner and cartouche before, to Cleo, she said, "Then let us leave this place and go to the Traveler, my little light." Cleo bobbed cheerfully in the air and flew off. Nefertiti followed after.
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Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Chapter Seventeen
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Warnings: we maybe cringe but we are free and yours, Steven! - Reader
A/N: totally love the headcanon of Steven naming a cat "Cleo". I had a cat named "Cleopatra" so very soft on tht
Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Eighteen
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"My boyfriend Steven Grant, a man with a mind of several degrees. You would make a hot professor."
"You aren't gettin' out of this."
"A classic brown suit and tie. Oh, I'll wear a short plaid skirt," You make a swoosh sound effect, "Oh, Prof. Grant, I need extra credit." Winking.
"Not listening nope it is your turn!"
"But professor!" Laughing as you try to contain yourself while on his lap. "I need a refresher on Osiris, uwu."
"God, did you just 'uwu'!?"
"UwU, nyah, nyah."
"Go do that as you give Cleopatra a bath!"
This is hundred percent how you imagine parenting would be like with Steven. Fun: you bribing him to change a diaper, you cooking because Steven's seasoning tastes are something to be desired; very domestic.
You pout playful as you drag (yes literally dragged) yourself off your cute boyfriend to fetch the cat currently resting on the floor outside your father's room.
"Good luck!" Calling out before hearing you coaxing your cat.
Steven helped named her, Marc calls her 'cat', and Jake plays with her or she sleeps on him. Bastet says he is a keeper (meaning all of them but she does no't know about the DID). They all provide so much for you though you know Marc wishes he could do more, likely from talking with Jake, yet keeps his distance respecting boundaries.
You wish he would come out, you aren't sure how to ask or if you are allowed to do that.
After bathing the cat, a grumpy girl rightfully, and feeding her treats and brushes; you start cooking while Steven is going over your history paper for Western Civilization class. "This one needs rewording."
"Thank you, professor!" You made the basic and messy finger food: tacos. You totally forgot to do food shopping. "Anyway, ignore that! I got you a gift!"
"For me?"
"Yup," You pull out a small box, "Listen, if you don't like it you can return it for a store credit."
Steven gives you a look making you shut up and hand over the box.
"A blue sarcophagus… A pencil case! Thanks." Of course he would be happy with that! "Oh, aw you got my name written in hieroglyphs. Look at you putting my books to you, clever girl." He is happy then he opens it. "OH!"
"A watch, wait this.." Checking out the wristband next to his phone, "This is…"
"It took some saving up and calling around but, you seem like the type to enjoy a wristwatch."
This is not a Christmas gift. You went Christmas shopping to shut your aunt up and to jump on sales, personally you do not celebrate it and being respectful of Marc's Jewish background; this is a gift celebrating how long you both have been together. To think your spring semester abroad was gonna land you an amazing boyfriend with two other men you hold dear, you enjoy the good parts.
"Listen, New Years is coming and…"
"Bullocks, I forgot about the party! Listen the museum is having an event and I'm stuck—"
"That's great!" You shout then facepalm yourself, "I mean we both are busy. My friend asked me to go out with them that evening." Groaning, "Art stuff and networking.
"There, there, the day after we can celebrate on our own, yeah? Marc has a pretty good liquor collection."
Steven feels guilty about lying.
"Ooo, get lit like a couple of teenagers, ay?" Winking at him, "Or we could…" Sitting on his lap wiggling your eyebrows, "Get started on that early semester extra credit, uwu."
"You had me until you said that last part."
You love being silly with him.
The holiday week is packed with Steven and Marc being in your company without fail. Marc, is one who takes you to places to see pretty much anything. Maybe he likes your actions to new things or how you try to steal warmth from his hands when you forget your gloves. With him, it is like dating all over, only he has experience and physical needs. Where Steven and yourself relationship started from mental needs, stimulating each other by debating and showing each other interests. Marc, you guess, has been around the block a few times he already knows what he wants and likes. You do not mind! He assured he can take it slow as you need, but you are eager. Jakes likes that about you too, how eager to learn and please you can get.
Marc twice has felt your hands and kisses on his skin, heard those positive affirmations you like slip in when you touch him. You are like a mini ball of sunshine. He is frightened that you will escape him one day… Or one day Steven decides he does not want to share you anymore.
Steven has it easy for he is the first one you met. Lots of shared interests, things you do not not have in common but willing to share with each other, this newest to relationships. So comfortable with each other, neither of you have to constantly go out like Marc does. While he is learning, Steven is exploring.
Steven enjoys being home with you talking away day, watching movies, occasionally making out, or being silly. The domestic life is easy for Steven but a struggle for Marc who has walls on top of walls.
He should not be jealous. It makes no sense to be jealous when you want to know him, he just hates how you look at him differently than his alter.
Trying to be equally as exciting as he seems to be, to be confident and smooth as him. Maybe it is the age difference or the way you both were raised differently or different events in your lives versus him… Marc wishes honestly he knew how to be relaxed like Steven.
He really should not be jealous of him but that is the thing about emotions: they often do not make sense and causes us to do stupid things.
Like kissing someone under the moonlight after rescuing them.
Marc might have fucked up there.
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pandafunkey809 · 7 years
Childhood nostalgia goddamnit
Okay, I was going to work on the first thoughts on secret show in the morning, but when I found this I just HAD to talk about it. When I was little and TVs didn’t need the little boxes to receive digital programs and you just used a button on the telly or the remote to change the channel on the television. Sadly they removed that but thankfully now we get A LOT more content to view. Anyways, back then I was a little kid and Ioved mythology and lore and all kinds of stuff, but it started with fantasy stories, then mythology, then folktales and the like, and then lore. I’m jumping all over the place on the subject because it is almost 1am and I’m tired, but I’ll try to straighten it out. My whole life, I have loved stories. Storytelling is a bit of a dying art when it comes to the telling, but when it comes to the writing and the thinking and the visualizing it couldn’t be any more potent! And my first massive interest in these kinds of things was when I discovered mythology. I used to watch this channel on saturday mornings called discovery kids or cvs discovery kids... I forget what it was called exactly but it had a little bear trap icon that they’d sometimes have eat the logo in the bottom right corner of the screen. Every Saturday I’d see an episode each of 2 shows. Lenny the great white shark (or tiger shark, I forget which it was) which was about a shark walking and talking like we do but still having the body of a shark. Yeah, apparently in the show’s world anything in the sea could talk and was perfectly well integrated into human society. I liked the show just fine but it was nothing to me compared to the next show which is a personal favourite from my childhood, my earliest introduction to mythology that I can remember, that one show I just had to see every Saturday or else nothing was going to be good that week, the one and only..... TUTENSTIEN!!!! Yes, if you knew me as a kid and know me now and asked the question, I LOVE egyptian history and mythology. The Pharaohs, the pyramids, the architecture, the heiroglyphics, the history, the mythology, I love it all! And it all really started (in my opinion) when I first started watching this show. They made sure a lot of the character designs for people and creatures from ancient egyptian mythology looked like the original designs the egyptians made of them! The two episodes I saw the most were the season 1 pilot, and the episode where Tut’s heart is weighed against the feather of truth on the scales of I-can’t-remember-if-the-scales-had-a-specific-name..... come on give me a break, I haven’t looked at my egyptian mythology for a while. Anyways, from what I saw of the show they made a real effort to keep the mythology shown in the show accurate. I will admit that coming back to it it chloe (the other main character) looks a little bit different from how I remember her and sounds ever so slightly different from how I remember her, but overall i remembered everything about it perfectly the minute I watched the first episode again because yes, I have found all 3 seasons of the show! After all, why would I be bringing it up if I hadn’t found it again? Because I’m a productive member of society reflecting happily on his happy childhood? Pfft, as if. Something I did notice that is different from how I remember it is the intro animation. During it, King tut falls and gets wrapped in bandages before falling into his sarcophagus. I remember being able to see his terrified expression so well as a kid and it was always what drew my eyes in that part of the episodes. Now that I’m a lot older, I find it strange that I now notice the bandages wrapping around him more than his expression. Might say something about me or it might not. Either way I loved this show.  the dark atmosphere, the evil villains, the big monsters of an undead variety, king tut’s weird I am king and I know everything childish attitude even though it is the 21st century and he  was before even the first century, the cat’s silly voice and his almost complete and total blind devotion to king tut, cleo’s sassiness and hairstyle, sets growly gargly voice and withered skin, the egyptian art style, the underworld, the egyptian gods, the mystical magical artifacts, the snobby museum curator and his assistant, the cowardly security guard who doesn’t do his job and yet STILL NEVER GETS FIRED, the faithfulness to the egyptian mythology, the fact that the world’s coloring is literally as dark as freaking gotham (heck, the cities are probably next door to each other) except for in the underworld where it looks like they are literally on the wall of an ancient egyptian tomb. I just love it all and I can’t wait to watch it again. I really really really really REALLY loved this show when I was a kid and I might actually postpone the review of the killer tomatoes series for a little bit. (a lot of these old shows [particularly the good ones] are 3 seasons long so it may take a while). However, to anyone who actually views this tumblr, let me know which you’d prefer. I’ll still be posting the first thoughts on The Secret Show in the morning guys, ciao!
Edit: I just realized the heart weighing episode is the 2nd one of the first season. xD
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