#and Cuckoo too. you kinda suck but I still love you
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I’m doing these fully rendered half body-ish shots of some of my ocs for a mutual server art collab event but here’s my babygirl (literally) Einin and my menace idiot bird godlike Cuckoo :)
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lovecatsys · 1 year
okay since everything except for Uncanny Spider-Man is out now I'm gonna go ahead and give my reviews of Fall of X so far
First off, Immortal and Red continue to be masterpieces, no surprises there, both books however are clearly taking a turn in a different direction and I'm loving it for both of them.
Jean Grey is not what I expected it to be at all, but still an amazing character study of Jean, I expected nothing less from Simonson of course.
Invincible Iron Man and X Men are decent, not a fan of exactly whats going on with Kate, the Emma stuff is great though. Kamala should not be in this book. I hate the avengers by default but I don't exactly hate whats going on between Emma and Tony, though that might change. The "wedding" is going to be exactly what I expected it would be of course. Overall not Duggan's worst writing but I don't love it.
Uncanny Avengers is... meh, so far, Pietro is super OOC which is :/ but maybe he'll get some more focus later on, god I hope he does. But it's frustrating how little effort is going into portraying him as a visible person of color when a much greater effort is going into his sister. Monet used her telepathy which gives me hope for her! I'm down for more of her teaming up with Kwannon tbh, they make a good team.
Astonishing Iceman is a bit of an anomoly to me. It's very good writing so far, I'm loving how Orlando writes Bobby, but I'm really pissed that they've chosen to stick with Romeo as his love interest after he got aged up just to come back and fuck Bobby and for them to throw Christian to the side. No mention of Christian at all at the hellfire gala, Emma is not concerned with where he is like she is with the Cuckoos which :/. I'm honestly afraid he's being dropped as a character which fucking sucks. The thing I hate the most about how Romeo is there is that Christian could literally be in his place and it would be perfect to me. He has a power set that could absolutely work for this situation just how Romeo's is working! Who knows, maybe this relationship will grow on me. We'll see.
Alpha Flight is really good, I haven't delved into the world of AF comics yet but from everything I know it seems perfect. My man was only there for two seconds in the first issue but we'll see if he gets any panel time as it goes on. Even if he doesn't though, yeah I'll be a little pissed but it'll still probably be a good read, and at least he'll have made any appearance at all since Marauders. Oh and Puck making fun of his new codename was funny. Fang really is a dumb name.
X-Force is still garbage, but this weird plot twist with Quentin (whatever it is??) has me gritting my teeth. fucking get your hands off my boy Percy he does not deserve this. Curious to see whats going on with the Colossus plotline, just wish it was happening in a better book.
Children of the Vault is amazing, never cared for Bishop and haven't read much Cable yet but I'm still all in on it. One of those books where you don't have to care much for the characters to recognize its quality. also fun fact: its written by the comic writing mentor of my comic writing mentor. lol
Dark X-Men wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, but its still good. Though it kinda feels like it has too many characters in it so far, I'm loving the Maddie content and it had some great dark humor in it. LOVED the children of the atom bits, im so curious whats going to go down with Carmen and I'm just glad her friends and her relationship with Buddy got some panel time tbh.
last and the actual best: Realm of X was SO FUCKING GOOD. I've had a little soft spot in my heart for Curse since her story started in X-Men Green, and it seems like she's going to be a huge part of this arc rather than just tagging along as a little kid which is great. Sooraya fucking stole the show, this new take on her power signature is amazing. In general love all these women (Typhoid Mary is growing on me, I'm going to call the awful things she's done that made me want to hate her poor writing choices, especially since shes a survivor of such acts in the first place.) SO curious with what's going on with Yana, and I love how devoted she is to keeping Curse safe. DID NOT expect Saturnyne to be the main villain but im down for it tbh. This book is my favorite already and i just cant wait for hte next issue!
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lil ranty ramble bc no one follows me and i want to say shit into the void also if someone read all of this let me know if i forgot any tws in the tags
ive been more stressed than ever with college + working 2 freelance jobs (theyre freelance but i have a steady amount of work in both, so no fixed schedule just a billion deadlines which makes me want to rip my scalp off)
i know im really stressed out when the palms of my hands start to kinda peel off. some lil blisters appear, the next day they pop and just become peeling skin. its kinda satistying to peel the skin so i dont use moisturizer or anything, i just have fun with it, but anyway the point is: built up stress
i have a really hard time dealing with stress and anxiety (by which i mean anxiety inducing situations, im not diagnosed with anxiety) because they put me in a kinda self destructive mood. not like in a self harm way, just drinking too much, hooking up with strangers (which is not a bad thing, just not my thing. ive used it as a kind of escape before), sometimes just sleeping so i dont have to deal with anything.
so thats where im at.
i have a birthday to go to today but my back hurts from working on my computer all day but also i wanna make terrible decisions and this would be a great opportunity. also my ex and his current girlfriend will be there so thats great
which brings me to lil ranty ramble part II: 2 ranty 2 rambly
i feel SO ALONE even though i know i have lots of friends, some truly are like family to me but i just dont feel like i fully trust anyone so i dont open up i dont talk about my problems or how im feeling or anything i just make jokes and im funny and silly and giggly. and i love being funny its what i like the most about myself (along with my boobs) but like oh my god how can you be friends with a person you know nothing about
i know thats not 100% true they know me and have been with me through some of the worst moments of my life and they still love me and blablabla i was diagnosed with depression like 8 years ago i know how this goes
but ya know what they say it do be like that sometimes (and it sucks
but yeah i guess thats what going on up in the cuckoo's nest haha lol
if anyone read this, thank you for being here
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 277: Go Go Child Soldiers
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “hey guys I’m going to kill off Aizawa” and we were like “no you’re not” and he was like “watch me, I’m really gonna do it!!” and we were all “DO NOT” and he was all “okay okay geez.” I don’t know if he thinks he’s being cute or what, but we will probably have to have a little talk after this. Anyway, so other stuff that happened included the obligatory news copter showing up to record the carnage so that All Might and Eri can watch; Tomura activating some Approximately High End Noumus to serve as cannon fodder to distract all the hero extras; and Gran dropping off Kacchan and Deku a little ways away from the battle and being all “stay here”, which was IMMEDIATELY and PROFOUNDLY ignored as they just FLEW RIGHT BACK OVER TO THE BATTLE anyway to save Aizawa. Yep. Kacchan really wants to lose that quirk.
Today on BnHA: Tomura, Deku, Kacchan, and Endeavor all take turns flinging each other into the ground and launching fire and explosions and stuff, all of which is impressively violent and doesn’t really get anything accomplished. The grown-ups all collectively decide to shrug off Deku and Kacchan joining in on the fight as though they’re teenagers sneaking into an R-rated film as opposed to CHILDREN on a BATTLEFIELD, and I can’t help but feel like this very nonchalant decision will have some serious consequences! Tomura has a moment of self-awareness in which he’s all “is AFO possessing me lol” before deciding “NAH THAT CAN’T POSSIBLY BE TRUE” which, haha, okay. The chapter then ends with Mt. Lady unsettlingly taking on Gigantomachia ALL BY HERSELF??! which seems like a REALLY TERRIBLE IDEA?? and had better not result in anything bad happening to her though or I SWEAR TO GOD.
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preview of the final battle, anyone? and I feel like this panel is deliberately drawn to resemble All Might and AFO’s iconic battle at Kamino as well, which ramps up the intensity all the more. very nice
and shout out to Aizawa for making this moment possible with his quirk! I have to assume this isn’t something we’re gonna get the chance to see too often moving forward, unless he decides to chaperone all future battles from here on out, which would be good for the kids but also very stressful for me
anyways, so... lol
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it really is almost as though Gran asked them this question and then Deku was like “OOH! I KNOW!” and then just leaped into action to demonstrate. “this!! him getting ahold of me, right?? this would be so much worse.” good job Deku
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he’s not wrong, though. dammit. I mean, I’ve already tacitly endorsed their involvement by approving of them saving Aizawa’s life. you know, for that brief span of time after Aizawa showed up and before we knew how powerful Tomura would still be even without his quirks, I really thought that Aizawa losing his own quirk was all but an inevitability. now, though, it kinda feels like they absolutely wouldn’t stand a chance without him?? hahaha
honestly it’s a little uncomfortable to think about the fact that the Child Soldiers That We All Agree Should Under No Circumstances Be A Part Of This War have so far a) saved Hawks’s life and b) now saved Aizawa’s, and by extension c) saved the entire world. I mean but don’t get me wrong, you still won’t see me writing the HPSC any thank you cards any time soon
anyway now that I’ve said all that, watch Aizawa just immediately lose his fucking quirk right afterwards though. WE’LL SEE
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why is every last one of the pros so utterly goddamn useless. sorry, was that a bit harsh. I’ll try to phrase it more gently. what I meant to say was, why is every single non-Mirko adult person on this mission about as useful as a RoseArt crayon. why do they all SUCK so HARD. why are they BAD. bad!! they’re just bad!!!
anyways but back to Deku
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I’m torn between SOBBING FREELY at this and banging my head against a wall lmao. help please my green son is so loving and brave and so tremendously stupid, just
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this is true! and by the way though Deku, just remind me again, I spaced it out just now, what was the reason Tomura was out here to get ambushed by Aizawa and the others in the first place? he was after... something? one for... the road? one for the money? one flew over the cuckoo’s nest?? damn what was it
damn it Aizawa stop dumping your feels in the middle of my sarcastic rants
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bro. I know, right?? listen I’m proud of him too don’t get me wrong! the unfortunate thing is though that right now he’s not just your student; he’s also -- and it’s not your fault you don’t know this yet though -- The Thing That Tomura Wants Right Now, On A Silver Platter. so yeah. hence why I am concerned
oop no time to talk though cuz my boys are doing a ~*~COMBO THING~*~ ooooooooh yeahhhhhhh
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look at that. “okay Deku you just hold him there and try not to get shot.” truly dazzling teamwork there
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THE DISRESPECT?? ooh man and look at his face. this is the happy reunion I’ve been waiting oh my god oh my god
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YEAH HE CAN DO THAT NOW HAHA. while you were off getting all transcendent he was mastering his BLOOP now what huh take that
...sob he’s just yanking Deku along behind him as if he weighs nothing. it’s like that one fancomic of the entire Bakusquad trying to stop an angry Kirishima --
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MEEP THAT’S CLOSE. whew. okay. breathe. breathe
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you guys, is it just me or has this entire battle so far just been one long loop of -> Deku tries to fight Tomura -> Kacchan goes with -> Kacchan almost dies -> an adult intervenes at the last possible second -> Endeavor tries to fight Tomura -> Endeavor almost dies -> Deku tries to fight Tomura -> repeat ad infinitum
anyway so Tomura’s actually going flying into the ground now. that probably came within a hair’s breath of actually nearly almost mildly hurting him! way to go guys keep it up!
and Endeavor’s now echoing a question which many fans have been asking these last few weeks, “where’s Shouto?” where indeed. off somewhere not being a dumbass like these two, one hopes. maybe sticking his arm down some Not Quite High Ends’ throats and making them hibernate
lord help us Tomura’s actually stopped fighting for two seconds to monologue. is this good or bad??
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is this a deliberate tactic? are you trying to buy time?? I don’t like this lol. why did they stop fighting you now that they’ve finally almost sort of got an edge on you
wow we’re really just... letting the kids fight, huh
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just letting them be right there in formation with Endeavor. no one stops to think “are there any actual adult people we could try and swap out in place of these two high school freshmen?” because they already know the answer is “no there are not” SIGH
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AND WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT?? “la la la we’re not gonna think about it.” goddammit I liked it when you guys were at least trying to pretend like the sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be here fdslkfjlk
anyway. for what it’s worth, at least we’ve got the only three people in the world who ever tried to surpass All Might standing up here ready to take on the guy whose strength and toughness is approximately the same as his. that’s something. I guess this really is our best shot
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“I GUESS IT CAN’T BE HELPED” should be the goddamn chapter title. either that or “SHRUG, CHILD SOLDIERS, I GUESS!!!”
anyway so he’s telling Deku and Kacchan not to ask for direction in one breath, and then giving them orders right away with the next
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djsalfkj. welp. you heard him Kacchan. guard Deku no matter what. this will definitely end well
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oh man he actually looks freaked out??!
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like he has no idea what happened just now. I’m sorry, up until this point were you thinking that having echo-y “wooooo... One for All... go get it~~” voices inside your head was perfectly normal?? lol boy he’s been playing you this whole time and he’s still playing you. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU IGNORE YOUR DEAD FAMILY’S EERIE DREAM WARNINGS. YOU GET POSSESSED
meanwhile!! both Deku and Tomura reacting at the same time! DO YOU BELIEVE ME THAT THEY SHARE A MENTAL LINK YET. hmm hmm hmm anyway
so now Tomura is straight up in denial!
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sadly I’m growing more and more convinced that he’s wrong on all three accounts there. you may think it’s your power and your body...
and wait though, because this is the first time that the idea of him not being in control of his body has actually been brought up, isn’t it? so that’s a nice big red flag there! up until now the argument could be made that even if AFO’s will is manipulating Tomura from behind the scenes and influencing his decisions, there was nothing to indicate that AFO could potentially take over his entire body. but now that Tomura has brought it up as a possibility -- even if he’s in denial about it -- I’d say it’s not only possible, but extremely likely! so that’s a nice big thing looming on the horizon there
and it also in turn gives us a potential solution to the question of “how can this battle possibly end without all of the heroes dying and/or Tomura losing?” because one has to assume that Aizawa’s quirk is going to be taken out of the picture at some point, whether it’s because of him blinking at the wrong time or being shot with a bullet or what. at which point Tomura would basically become unstoppable again and be free to just destroy everything like he wants. but now this introduces the possibility of him potentially taking himself out of the picture for the time being. like if he realizes that he’s in danger of being outright possessed, I could see him leaving them for now and running off to go wage mental war with himself for a while, giving the heroes some time to regroup and lick their wounds. so that’s interesting to think about
holy shit!!
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okay so just a couple of things I want to take note of here before we read on
“I don’t want to become like you” -- I think we can take this as confirmation that Tomura will fight against AFO if and when he realizes he’s being manipulated. his loyalty to him isn’t completely blind. so that could have some potentially huge implications moving forward
this image of Tomura being on the inside of AFO’s body, in what looks to be the same mental landscape from chapter 270, though. ...yeah. just who is really in charge, here
anyway so his next thought on page 11 is “I want to be even greater than you”, echoing Deku (and Kacchan’s) desire to be even greater than All Might, which is yet another nice parallel between them
and he’s basically telling the AFO voice inside him to shut up now, as if it will actually listen
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yep. you want to go after One for All for your own deeply personal reasons. not following your master’s whims at all, nope. you are your own man
so now finally Gran is getting in on the action!
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no idea why he want after the arm though. as if a broken arm ever stopped anyone in this fucking manga
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???? um??? your dead grandma??? remember???!! don’t tell me you don’t at least recognize your own fucking last name there?? that is significant and don’t try to tell me otherwise! and in a chapter about you being rebellious and trying to defy AFO’s will, besides!!
holy shit
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NEVER. ENDING. LOOP oh god oh god. next time don’t loudly shout “HE’S JUST THE BAIT” before launching your surprise attack you dingus!!
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I don’t know about you but I am hella impressed that he managed a blast like that without blowing his own fucking arm off
with the exception of that one time he got all excited and tried to vaporize Todoroki during the sports festival, we have almost never seen Katsuki go all out against anyone, and the possibility that we might be about to see it now is THRILLING. I AM THRILLED
(ETA: I guess it might be because Endeavor -- unlike All Might -- isn’t facing Tomura alone but is working together with the kids to do this combo? like it’s a teamwork thing? I don’t really know lol I’ll think on it some more.)
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WHAT IS HAPPENING. lol everything is either being exploded or on fire
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SIGHING OUT LOUD AGAIN!! not because I’m disappointed to cut away from the Kacchan Loses His Quirk Battle (in due time!!), but because this means that yet again I’m going to have to spend a chapter worrying about Horikoshi killing off one of the TWELVE remaining living female pro hero characters he has, of which one is a healer, another is retired and working as a secretary, yet another only seems to do TV commercials, yet another another currently has... I want to say two limbs?? but I’m not even sure anymore, and lastly two more yet anothers are currently WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN and MAY ALREADY BE DEAD. so if you’re counting, that’s a full HALF of what was already maybe only a fifth of the total pro hero population in general
sigh. and yet why do I have a very bad feeling about this. hopefully I’m just overreacting. please don’t sully this amazing arc!! MANGA GODS, I OFFER YOU THIS PRAYER
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zaph1337 · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rating 25: Yian Kut-Ku, the Strange Bird
Of all the monsters I’ve talked about so far, I think Khezu is the most popular one due to how much it differs from standard Monster Hunter fare. But Khezu doesn’t have a “holiday” named after it, so I think this next monster beats it out. Let’s talk about Yian Kut-Ku!
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Freedom 1)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Online)
Appearance: Yian Kut-Ku is a Bird Wyvern, like Gypceros and the dromaeosaurs. I can’t tell what kinda bird has a beak like that, but it reminds me of the shoebill, though obviously their bills are longer. Besides the beak, the most distinct feature Yian Kut-Ku has is the pair of frill-like ears it’s fanning out. According to the wiki, those ears point up like that when it’s angered, so most of the time they’re bent back. It also has big claws on its wings, which have a blue membrane that already earns it points in my book. Other than that, it’s a basic wyvern, but I mentioned that it had a “holiday,” so I’ll elaborate on that here. See, Yian Kut-Ku’s Japanese name is Iyankukku, or イャンクック.  クック is the “kukku” portion, and the word for 9 in Japanese is ku, or  ク. So September 9th, or 9/9, is ku ku, and since Monster Hunter’s so big in Japan, 9/9 became Yian Kut-Ku day. In other words, it’s a pun. Gotta love the Japanese. Back to the appearance, well, like I said, it’s got a basic wyvern body type. The head’s the only thing different about it, but there doesn’t really need to be anything too different, so it’s kinda in the middle for me. 5/10.
Behavior: Yian Kut-Ku mostly live in forests and the like, though they occasionally go to volcanoes to feed on coal...SURE. Okay, the coal’s used as fuel for their flame sacs, while their actual diet consists mainly of honey, nuts, and insects, primarily Neopterons. They try not to get into fights with anything bigger, though, as they’re pretty easy to rattle. If they run into a predator, they’ll try to make themselves look bigger by fanning out their ears, stretching their wings, and making a lot of noise. Considering the monsters that prey on them, though, I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t work a lot, which is why the main Yian Kut-Ku strategy for dealing with threats is “book it.” They get into territorial conflicts with their cousins, the Yian Garuga, which like to play cuckoo bird and lay their eggs in Yian Kut-Ku nests. Speaking of eggs, female Yian Kut-Ku grow feathers on their undersides during breeding season to help them incubate eggs. This breeding season is dependent on the weather, so if the weather in their territory is stable year-round, the breeding season will be that long, too. Once the eggs hatch, the chicks are fed insects and honey until a certain age, at which point they, uh...hm. The wiki doesn’t say what happens next. Well, that’s a let-down.
Honestly, Yian Kut-Ku just seem to be giant birds in terms of their behavior, which is fitting, I guess, but the most interesting thing about them is that they sometimes eat coal. I get that I shouldn’t expect every monster in this series to act totally unlike any animal in our world, but basic bird behavior isn’t that interesting to me. 4/10.
Abilities: Obviously, Yian Kut-Ku can fly, but like almost every flying monster I’ve gone over, they’re not that great at it compared to some other wyverns. They’re still decent fliers, but they do their best battling on the ground, where they can propel themselves backwards with their wings by creating buffeting winds, which kick up a lot of dust and stun (not the status condition) opponents. They use their tough beaks to bash hunters, but they’re best known for spitting fireballs, which are effective at killing small and weak prey/predators, but not very good at killing bigger and badder opponents.
Now, Yian Kut-Ku are pretty basic, but they kinda have to be for how early on you fight them in the first game. Which brings up something you might have been wondering: “why is Yian Kut-Ku so popular?” Well, according to the Twitch streamer I brought up in the Khezu review, Yian Kut-Ku is memorable for those who got into the series with the very first game because of how difficult it is to kill when you first fight it. At that point in the game, the only Main Monster you’ve killed is a Velocidrome, which has no ranged attacks and stays on the ground. But Yian Kut-Ku can fly and spit fireballs, and you have no experience dealing with something like that. As a result, Yian Kut-Ku is the first “wall” in Monster Hunter; the first major obstacle to progress new players face. Because of that, this normally “meh” monster is a lot more memorable to old-time fans.
Now, obviously, I’ve never played the first Monster Hunter game, or even seen any footage of it, but I can respect the legacy behind Yian Kut-Ku’s first battle, so even though the abilities themselves are only “okay,” I’ll be generous here and give it a 6/10.
Equipment: Yian Kut-Ku weapons are what you’d expect; they’re comical because they bear the monster’s design. For an example, here’s a pair of Dual Blades called Twin Kut-Ku:
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Awww, they look so happy together. And derpy, but that’s just how Kut-Ku do. But now we get grumpy with the Light Bowgun called Kut-Ku Anger:
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I can’t tell if it’s angry or not, but it’s certainly Kut-Ku. Now, most of the weapons are this silly, but there’s one more that I want to highlight: this Great Sword called the Chick Decapitator:
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First off, this thing looks fleshy and gross. Second off, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, CAPCOM!? “CHICK DECAPITATOR!?” Are we playing Monster Hunter or “Can Your Pet?” Let’s...let’s just go to the armor now. This is the Blademaster set from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite:
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Yeah, this looks about right. Like you’re wearing samurai armor made of spam. Props on giving the girl an actual helmet, though. Not a lot of armor sets do that. I don’t get what that blue rope on the male set’s supposed to do; I mean, I get it, it’s holding up what I assume to be a flap made of the Yian Kut-Ku’s ears, I just don’t know why it’s there. Is it meant to be a loincloth? Why does the guy wearing the armor need one? And why is the rope blue for him, but the little bits of rope on the girl’s armor are dark red? How many licks does it take to get to the end of these questions? Oh, we’re there? Okay then.
The Yian Kut-Ku equipment is fine. Most of the weapons are funny, but again, spam armor and Chick Decapitator. I’ll give this a 6/10.
Final Thoughts and Tally: Seems like a lot of Yian Kut-Ku’s appeal is lost on me, ‘cause I just think it’s average. I guess there’s a bigger difference between knowing its legacy and being a part of it than I thought. Alas, if you gave me the first Monster Hunter game when it was new in the states, then, well, I’d probably suck at it and grow up hating Yian Kut-Ku for stopping me from enjoying the game. Can’t win ‘em all, buddy. 5/10.
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bamby0304 · 5 years
Her Saviours- Ch.20
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Series Masterlist
Summary: During an odd case, the Winchesters came across Y/N, a scared young Omega girl who had been used as a lure for a nest of vampires. After rescuing her from the monsters, John and his sons took her in knowing she was in no state to live among ordinary people. But three Alphas and one Omega is a mixture bound for disaster.
Warnings: Explicit language. ABO dynamics. Angst. Smut. Unprotected sex.
You’d caved. Sam’s challenge had gotten to you, and now there was no way you were sitting this case out.
“Dean, all morning you’ve tried to get me to stay in the motel room, and the whole drive here you’ve been begging me to stay in the car.” You looked over your shoulder at him as Sam climbed the chain link fence surrounding the asylum. “I’m not sitting on the bench this time.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” he argued, huffing as he stepped in front of you.
“And I don’t want my life and choices slipping through my hands. I’m doing this, and that’s final.”
Turning your back on him, you reached for the fence and started up. Both brothers were there, moving to assist you, but as you reached the top and straddled the fence, you rolled your eyes at them. They were so concerned about you getting hurt, it might’ve been cute if it wasn’t so annoying.
Flipping your leg over to the other side, you got a good grip and started to climb down until it was safe enough to let go. Jumping down, you surprised the boys by landing on your two feet safely.
Dusting your hands on your jeans, you gave them each a nod. “I got this.”
Climbing the fence, it was Dean’s turn to surprise you as he flipped himself over the top and landed on his own two feet right in front of you. It was… it was hot.
Standing up straight, looking down at you with his lips pulled up into a smirk, he gave a short nod. “Okay… let’s do this.”
As you entered the asylum, Sam started to explain what the cop had told him, “So apparently the cops chased the kids here.” He gestured to a sign over one of the doors. “Into the south wing.”
“South wing, huh? Wait a second.” Reaching into his jacket, Dean pulled out John’s journal. After flipping through a few pages, he found what he was looking for. “1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. Way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place.”
“So whatever's going on, the south wing is the heart of it,” Sam noted.
“But if the kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?” Dean had a good point.
Stepping up to the south wing door, you kicked at some chains on the ground. “Looks like it use to be chained up.”
“Could’ve been closed off for years,” Sam added, stepping beside you.
“Yeah, to keep people out… or to keep something in?”
Dean’s question had you and Sam turned to him, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach.
“Still wanna join in on the case?” Dean asked you, the same challenging tone in his voice that had been in Sam’s the other night.
Standing up straighter, you gave a firm nod. “Yep.”
Walking through the halls of the south wing, you couldn’t ignore the eerie feeling you got from the place. You were usually fine dealing with ghosts, but considering you were still a little shaky from the shapeshifter case, you weren’t one hundred perfect confident. The fact you had to work in an asylum made it all a little worse.
Asylums tend to have bad energies, especially the old ones. The older they were, the worse the people were treated. Sure, this one wasn’t too old… but you could tell that some serious shit had gone down behind these walls.
“Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel.” Dean grinned at his little joke.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother. “Dude, enough.”
“I'm serious. You gotta be careful, all right? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on.”
“I told you, it's not ESP!” Sam snapped. He was really getting sick and tired of Dean pestering him about whatever was going on with him. “I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Shaking his head, Dean numbled, “Don't ask, don't tell.”
“You get any reading on that thing or not?” Sam asked, gesturing to the EVP in Dean’s hand.
“Nope. Of course, it doesn't mean no one's home.”
“Spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day,” Sam suggested.
“Yeah, the freaks come out at night.”
You got the feeling Dean was going beg you to stay back when the brothers inevitably returned at night. You honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he got down on his knees and literally begged. Hell, you wouldn’t even put it past him to tie you to the motel bed.
Fortunately for you, Sam wouldn’t allow that. He wanted you to have the freedom you wanted, so he would keep his brother from locking you down. In the long run, however, you weren’t sure if that was such a good thing.
“Hey Sam,” Dean spun on his heels to face his brother then, “who do you think is the hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?”
Sam didn’t bother with a verbal response, choosing to punch his brother in the shoulder instead.
Laughing, Dean continued down the hall with a little pep in his step.
Entering another room, you shuddered at the sight of all the medical equipment. All the leftover and rusting tools, jars full of liquids you really didn’t want identified. It all had that horror movie vibe to it… the longer you stuck around, the better the motel room was looking.
But you weren’t going to chicken out now. You had to prove to yourself and the Winchesters that you could do this. You could control your life… you didn’t need them saving you all the time.
Dean whistled as he moved about the room. “Man. Electro-shock. Lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people.” He turned to grin at you and Sam. “Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoo's Nest.”
Rolling your eyes, you moved further into the room, stepping up to the dusty and rusty medical bed. You felt Sam come up behind you and rest his hand on your hip where Dean couldn’t see it.
“You okay?” he asked, voice low and genuinely concerned.
Now… you weren’t a freak. You were not getting turned on by the medical equipment, or the danger… but having Sam nearby? Suddenly you felt a little flush. You could feel his fingers slipping under your shirt ever so slightly, and the first brush of skin on skin made you gasp and lean back into him.
His grip on your hip tightened as your back pressed against his chest. “Y/N?” While his voice was still low, the concern had given way to something a little more husky.
“So, what do ya think?” Dean asked from the other side of the room. With his back facing the two of you, he didn’t see Sam jump away from you. “Ghosts possessing people?”
Clearing his throat, Sam shrugged. “Maybe. Or maybe it's more like Amityville, or the Smurl haunting.”
“Spirits driving them insane. Kinda like my man Jack in The Shining.” Dean grinned again, turning to you and Sam then.
Sam scoffed. “Dean… when are we going to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“About the fact Dad's not here.”
At the mention of John, you pulled away and turned around, not wanting to face the conversation. Not wanting to hear it, either. If you weren’t so concerned about being possessed by some psychotic ghosts, you would’ve walked away. Unfortunately you couldn’t, which meant you had to stick around and listen to them.
“Oh. I see. How ’bout… never,” Dean answered, side stepping his brother and moving towards you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he leaned in to kiss your shoulder, knowing how the conversation was bound to make you feel.
“I'm being serious, man. He sent us here-”
Dean spun around and cut Sam off, “So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later.”
“It doesn't matter what he wants,” Sam argued.
“See? That attitude? Right there? That is why I always get the extra cookie.” You could feel Dean’s grin as he leaned in one more time to press another kiss to your shoulder.
You glanced over at Sam and saw him glaring at his brother. “Dad could be in trouble, we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about.”
“I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order.”
“So what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders?”
“Of course we do.”
“Because he’s Pack Alpha?”
“Because he’s our dad!” Dean snapped.
“I’ve had enough.” Shrugging away from Dean, you stormed out of the room, not caring if you were going to get possessed by some evil spirits. At least then you wouldn’t have to deal with the brothers bickering so much.
Storming through the building, you were glad you didn’t bump into any spirits as you pushed through the front doors. As soon as the fresh air hit your face, you looked up at the blue sky and took in a deep calming breath.
“Great,” you groaned, walking down the steps of the building. “Here we go.”
When Sam jogged out of the building, he was surprisingly alone.
Spotting you at the bottom of the few steps, standing with your arms crossed over your chest, he let out a relieved breath. “I know I said you’re strong, but you shouldn’t walk off by yourself in a haunted asylum.”
“Made it out alive, didn’t I?” you countered, raising a pointed eyebrow at him.
Huffing, he walked down the steps to stand in front of you. “I’m not trying to control you, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Funny, because you don’t want me to get hurt yet you bitch about your dad right in front of me knowing how it’s gonna make me feel.”
“That’s not me trying to hurt you. That’s me trying to get Dean to see things my way. To agree that we need to stop doing crap like this and start going out there actively looking for Dad.”
“Stop trying, Sam! Dean isn’t going to listen! John is pack Alpha, he gives the orders, Dean follows them. And now that he’s the oldest Alpha, he’s got superiority over you. So suck it up, because you’re not gonna get your way. He’s doing the job, I suggest you learn to do the same.”
“And what if I can’t? What if I can’t listen to his orders? Or Dad’s? What if I can’t stand back and give them all the control?”
“I don’t know Sam, but that’s how things run around here. It’s how they’ve always run. You didn’t like it before and you left, so what’s different now?”
Glaring down at you, hating that he had been dragged into this position, he snapped. “What’s different is that my dad is out there, possibly in danger, and we’re doing nothing about it! What’s different is that I’ve had a taste of control, and I don’t want to give it up again! What’s different is I can’t get your scent out of my goddamn head, and there’s no fucking way I’m leaving you again!”
You fell silent, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“I could walk away right now if I knew you’d come with me. I could take you away from Dean, and Dad, and all this hunting bullshit. I could do it. Neither of us deserve this life. We deserve better. I had that, I can get it back… and I can give it to you.”
Heart racing, you felt temptation start to blossom in your chest. The idea of running away, of leaving all the harshness of this life and trading it in for... for an Alpha, and pups, and a white picket fence… it was tempting, but it wasn’t you.
“I’m not that girl, Sam… I’m not Jess. I don’t want the nine-to-five job, and the two-point-five kids, and the mortgage, and the neighbourhood barbeques… that dream was taken away from me before I even knew that world existed. I’m a hunter, even if I spend most of my time on the bench. I’m not wife material, I’m not mother material, I’m not… I’m not even mate material.”
He shook his head, stepping closer to you. “Don’t say that.”
You gave a harsh laugh. “If I was worth more, I’d have a mark on my neck, but I don’t, and that’s okay. I know where I stand, and I know it’ll never change because I know the chances of finding John and getting permission to finally be claimed… I know the chances are slim. So don’t hold back because of me, Sam. I’m not worth it.” Turning on your heels, you walked away.
Dean and Sam walked into the motel room while you were lying on one of the beds. You’d decided to stay back and try to do some research while Sam went and talked to the old psychiatrist’s son- who happened to be a psych now, too.
As they entered the room, your eyes caught Sam’s, but quickly averted. After the talk you had with him… you needed some distance. Things were getting too muddled, too confusing.
The feelings you’d had for him years ago had been buried under the belief that he’d left you behind along with his dad and Dean, but according to Sam… that wasn’t exactly the case. According to him, he would have taken you with him if you’d agreed. He wanted to take you, wanted to be with you.
It made things… awkward, because now you weren’t sure if things were as black and white as you’d thought. It made you question how far the ‘friend’ part of your relationship stretched, and whether or not he wanted something else. Hell, it made you question what you wanted.
“What’d the doc say?” you asked, looking back down at the book in front of you.
“Tell you in the shower. Come on.” Dean stretched his hand out for you.
Looking up, you watched his hand for a moment, hesitating, and then you took a deep breath and let him help you from the bed. Entering the bathroom behind Dean, you caught Sam’s gaze in the mirror as the door closed.
Once alone, Dean let your hand go and reached over to turn the shower on. Testing the pressure and temperature, he made sure it was okay before pulling back and tugging his shirt off.
“There was a riot back at the asylum,” Dean explained as he turned to you and reached out to start unbuttoning you jeans. “The south wing is where they held the criminally insane psychos.”
As he spoke and continued to undress you, tugging your belt from your jeans now. Meanwhile you did everything you could to focus on the case. He was so close, though, and the warmth of his breath and fingers was making you woozy.
“Apparently the patients went even more nuts and took over the hospital.” He crouched down and started to slide your jeans down.
You eyes fluttered shut at the feel of his breath against your thighs. “Did… did anyone die?”
“Yeah.” Getting back up, he slid his hands under your shirt and began to slowly lift it up. “Let’s talk about it later,” he suggested, dragging his palms over yours breasts on his way up.
Cracking your eyes open, you watched him. He was pouting in that delicious way that made your knees weak. Tongue peeking out, he wet his lips as he reached your neck. There was so much focus in his eyes...
Pulling the shirt over your head, he quickly dropped it to the ground and leaned in to catch your lips with his.
Melting into the touch, you wound your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he backed you up until your ass hit the bathroom counter. Grunting against your lips, he lifted and sat you down on the counter.
Yelping, you pulled away at him to pout. “Warning next time… it’s cold.”
He just chuckled. “Need me to warm you up, baby?” Leaning in again, he pressed a kiss to your collarbone.
Despite the heat in your cheeks and stomach, despite the fact your were clenching around nothing, desperate for more of his touch… you hesitated. Your eyes flickered to the door as Dean trailed his lips up to suck on your neck.
“What about Sam?”
“If we’re quiet enough, he won’t hear a thing,” Dean mumbled against you.
“He can smell us, Dean,” you reminded him.
Nipping, sucking and kissing along your skin, he moved up to your ear. “Good. I want him to hear me make you scream.” Pulling back, he caught your gaze and showed you the dark lust in his. “I haven’t touched you in weeks, and I can’t fucking stand him playing the doting Alpha role. He thinks he knows what’s best… let me prove him wrong.”
“I don’t want to be a pawn in your pissing match, Dean,” you countered, brows furrowing into a glare. “I’m not some toy you can turn on and off when you see fit.”
“No… but I do enjoy turning you on.” He grinned.
When you just rolled your eyes, he stepped closer and pressed himself against your crotch. The roll of his hips made you moan as the size of him teased your folds. Already he was so hard, so needy, and it was all because of you.
“Let me have you, please.” Moving in closer, he ghosted his lips against yours as his hips continued to buck into you. “Let me make you feel good, ‘Mega.”
That’s what pushed you over the edge. The use of that title, the sound of his voice, the feel of his cock…
“Fuck, Dean…”
Lips curving into a victorious grin, Dean chuckled lightly. “That’s my girl.”
Wrapping an arm around your waist, he pulled you flush against him. His lips caught yours in a deep kiss as his free hand slid between your bodies. Distracted by the way he licked into your mouth, you didn’t focus on him as he worked on freeing himself from his jeans.
Fisting his cock, he slid the tip of it along your folds, pulling a needy whine from your throat. Teasing you a little longer, he pressed himself against your clit and circled it, causing your hips to buck off the counter. When he was sure he’d riled you up enough, he lined himself up and pressed into you in one swift thrust.
“Fuck!” You bit your lip to keep yourself from crying out again.
Dean leaned in closer grunting against your neck as he began to move steadily. His grip on your waist kept you in place, kept you close, kept you slightly angled so he could easily find that sweet spot of yours.
“Feel so good,” he mumbled against your skin. “Always feel so fucking perfect. Missed this. Missed you.”
Clinging to his shoulders, you pressed against him as much as possible as you tried to hide your face to muffle the filthy noises spilling from your lips. The way he kept thrusting into you, his hips slapping against you in just the right way so he grazed your G-spot every time… it was driving you perfectly insane.
Reaching between your bodies again, he quickly located your clit and began to work it as he sped up a little. You could feel him nearing his end in the way his pace faltered every now and then, and how his breath had grown a little ragged.
He came first, bucking as he emptied into you on a deep groan. The feel of his warmth and the grip of his fingers on your hips had you fall into your own ending.
You let out a cry as your walls clenched and pulsed around him, a rush overflowing you suddenly. Dean was right there, holding you up as you swayed a little.
His sweaty forehead pressed against your shoulder as he worked at controlling his breathing. “Fuck I needed that,” he groaned, shifting enough to press a skin against your equally clammy skin.
Humming, you nodded lazily and nuzzled into him. “Me too.”
Smiling against you, he gave you a couple more kisses and he mumbled, “Love you.”
The remaining bliss pulsating through you faded at the sound of those words as you realised… he only loved you when no one else was there to hear it.
Pulling away from him, you slid off the counter and reached for the shower. Dean watched, brows furrowed ever so slightly as he noticed the change in your attitude.
“Was it something I said?”
“There’s a job to do, Dean. You had your fun, now it’s time to get to work,” you explained, hoping the case would distract him. Sure enough, it did.
“Right.” He nodded, joining you in the shower. As you began to wash each other, he carefully asked, “Is there any way to keep you from joining Sammy and me tonight?”
“Nope,” you answered shortly. “Gotta have some kind of control of my life, Dean.”
Sam was keeping his distance. He was being short, with both you and Dean… and you had a feeling you knew why.
There was no way you didn’t stink like Dean and sex. Doesn’t matter how much you washed yourself in the shower, an Alpha like Sam would be able to smell it on you, and obviously he could.
Normally if an Alpha smells an Alpha on an Omega it triggers either three responses. One, the Alpha that hadn’t got lucky would deem the scent as a challenge and try to out Alpha the other one- which meant fighting, posturing, trying to woo the Omega in question. Two, the scent would be a huge warning sign and would keep other Alphas away from the Omega- like when a dog marks its territory. Three, if the Alphas are close enough, they chose to ignore the scent- they grow used to it.
In Sam’s case… he was experiencing all three. He was a strong willed Alpha that had already expressed his desire to take some control, smelling Dean on you was like a slap to the face to him- aggravating and hard to ignore. But on the other hand, he knew he had no claim on you while Dean did, and the rational part of him was trying to remind him of that. Meanwhile, the fact he was so used to the scent, and you and Dean being together, was the reason why he was choosing not to walk off.
But staying was clearly not easy.
You weren’t sure if either brother had realised it, but the tension between the three of you had both of them ‘spraying’ their scent. It was wafting off them like a bad stink as they subconsciously tried to over power each other.
The drive to the asylum had been terrible as they filled up the small space with their musky and spice scents. If you and Dean hadn’t had sex before leaving, your body probably would have gone into an early heat with all the Alpha male crap those two you suffocating you with.
“Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott,” Sam noted without looking at either you or Dean.
Dean frowned. “Whaddaya mean, never recovered?”
“Cops scoured every inch of the place but I guess the patients must've…” Sam shrugged, “stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden.”
You grimaced.
“Still glad you decided to join us?” Dean asked you.
Straightening up, you gave a short nod. “Yep.”
Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he walked further into the asylum as he pulled out his homemade EMF reader.
“Getting readings?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, big time.”
Using the camera he’d brought along, Sam looked at the screen and scanned the hallway. “This place is orbing like crazy.”
“Probably multiple spirits out and about,” Dean noted.
“And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting…”
“We gotta find ’em and burn ’em,” Dean finished for Sam. “Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer.”
“You could have stayed in the car,” Dean told you as you followed him through the asylum, shotgun in hand.
“Don’t say it like you would have let it happen. You’d never leave me in the car, alone, outside a haunted asylum,” you countered.
“Yeah… well… you could have stayed at the motel.”
“And I could have stayed at Bobby’s.”
He scoffed, “No you couldn’t. He sent you off after threatening to call and tell me where you were.”
Your jaw dropped. “He told you.”
“What an asshole,” you mumbled, shaking your head.
“Dean! Y/N!” Sam’s voice carried from a couple of hallways back.
Spinning on your heels, eyes wide, you realised he hadn’t been behind you this whole time. “Where the hell is Sam?”
Instead of answering, Dean grabbed your arm and pulled you along as he dashed in the direction where the voice had come from. Feet pounding on the ground, the two of you moved as fast as possibly.
As you rounded a corner, you found Sam standing in a room as a woman with a large gash in her head reached out for Sam.
“Shotgun!” Sam yelled.
“Get down!” you ordered as you raised your gun, aimed it at the ghost, and took a shot as soon as he was on the ground.
The woman disintegrated in the air.
Breathing heavily, Sam stood up again. “That was weird.”
“Yeah. You're telling me.” Dean’s eyes darted around to make sure there were no more before he walked back out of the room.
Sam was quick to follow, with you not far behind. “No, Dean, I mean it was weird that she didn't attack me,” Sam explained.
“Looked pretty aggro from where I was standing,” Dean argued.
“She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try! So if she didn't wanna hurt me then what did she want?”
As the three of you were passing a doorway to another room, something moved inside. The sound had you all freezing as your heads snapped in the direction from where the sound had come from. Already, you had your gun raised as you got ready to shoot something else.
Carefully, taking the lead, Dean stepped inside and headed towards the overturned metal bed that sat on its side in the corner. With you close behind and his torchlight in hand, Sam stepped up to Dean, took a moment, and then reached out to tip the bed upside down and out of the way.
What you were expecting was a terrifying ghost… not a teenaged Beta girl huddled on the ground.
“It's alright, we're not going to hurt you,” Dean assured her as you quickly lowered your gun. “It's okay.” He offered her a hand and helped her up. “What's your name?
“Katherine,” she answered. “Kat.”
“Okay. I'm Dean, this is Sam,” he gestured to his brother, “and that’s Y/N.” He gestured to you.
“What are you doing here?” Sam scolded.
Kat’s eyes darted around, clearly spooked. “Um. My boyfriend, Gavin.”
“Is he here?” Dean asked.
“Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just… you know… pretend.” She tugged on her cardigan and pulled it closer to her as she hugged herself. “I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and-”
Dean was quick to cut her off before she could freak herself out more, “Alright. Kat? Come on.” He took her hand and started to lead her towards the hallway. “Sam's gonna get you out of here and then we're gonna find your boyfriend.”
Pulling her hand out of his grasp, Kat shook her head as she looked to all three of you. “No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you.”
“It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous,” Dean countered.
But she stood her ground. “That's why I gotta find him.”
Sam and Dean shared a look that clearly said they did not want to have to babysit her and look for her idiot boyfriend, because there were more pressing things they were supposed to be doing. But this wasn’t something any of you could ignore. The teens��� lives were at risk, and there was no way you were letting anything happen to either of them.
“Okay.” You gave a short nod to Kat before either brother could respond. “We’ll split up. You go with Dean, and I’ll go with Sam.” As Dean opened his mouth to argue, you turned to his brother and grabbed his hand. “Come on. The faster we find him, the faster we can get out of here,” you noted as the two of you walked out of the room, leaving Dean and Kat behind you.
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dizzyeyess-stories · 4 years
The Worst First Date Ever! (Remake) - Chapter Seven (Bonus): Aftermath
1st Disclaimer: The main protagonist Skylar's gender and appearance was purposely left anonymous so you as the reader can use your imagination to fill in those blanks.
2nd Disclaimer: This chapter is a filler. It is up to you as the reader to decide whether this is considered canon or not to the rest of the story. Also, there will be sexual-related content not suitable for all ages. Your discretion is advised.
I woke up with a huge headache. Everything was still in doubles, but I slowly managed to shake it off. I looked around and noticed it was morning and I was still on Ashlyn's bed. However, Ashlyn was nowhere to be found.
Ashlyn came in the bedroom wearing a red and white plaid apron with nothing underneath it. “Oh, you’re awake. Thank goodness I didn’t accidentally kill you last night” she said in relief. “I’m wiped up breakfast. I'll bring it to you”. Ashlyn left the room before coming back with a tray of food. I never would have thought I would experience being served breakfast in bed by a hot chick with barely any clothes on. It was a dream come true.
I ate breakfast while Ashlyn was sitting beside the bedside dabbing an ice pack over my aching head. “I overdid it last night. Really sorry about that. Just got a bit too excited and all” she said. “I was too excited; I didn’t even give you a chance to respond on whether you’re willing to be with a weirdo like me or not”.
I stopped eating and faced her. “You know, for as long as I could remember it, I really despise this “curse” of mine. I was bullied at school for it, lost one of my jobs and turned off many of my past relationships. But since I met you, for the first time, I’m glad I have this quirk because it is something you actually like about me. So yeah, I will be more than happy to be with you.
Ashlyn face lit up and kissed me. Her kisses still feel just as intoxicating with my eyes forming into big hearts with halos of hearts circling my head. She eventually retracted her kiss leaving me still love-struck.
“By the way, I was just wondering, what was it like in your starry dreams you saw last night?” she asked while slightly being turned on. It took me a while to process her question since my mind was currently over that kiss. I eventually came to answer, “you really wanna know? Well, that information doesn’t come cheap” I jest. “Ooooo so we're playing hard-to-get huh!? Well, I think I got something to bargain with. Something… unexpectedly dirty” she jested back. I thought she was just going to knock me out again but that was not the case.
Ashlyn crawled into the blanket that was covering my lower body and began to lick and suck my private part by interlocking her tongue in positions like how she kisses. I was surprised just how bold she was to do a job on me. It was a ticklish gesture at first but slowly had me aroused. She moved her tongue faster while also having her big breasts do some stroking against that same spot causing me to moan while my face formed into an ahegao expression.
Eventually, I release my load onto Ashlyn's face and mouth. “Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! Didn’t mean to do that to you!” I exclaimed. Ashlyn came out of the blanket with her face all wet and sticky. “Relax, we both knew that was going to happen,” she said as she wipes her face with a damped towel.
“Anyways, I gave you my part of the bargain. Now tell me what you saw last night” Ashlyn insisted like a child begging their parents to buy them a toy.
I gave in thinking there was nothing to it. “Alright alright. You win. After all of those head bonks that felt like thousands, I was in a starry dream where I was floating in a galaxy of stars consisting of all the colors of the rainbow. I was drifting into space bouncing off a soft, sponging expanding planets that had little hairs sticking out. Not sure if those were lumps or… uh, your boobs. Eventually, I landed on one of the planets and saw these sexy aliens that all look exactly like you but with pink skin. They all floated and dance around me. They begin to multiply as they circled faster. Later they multiplied so much that my entire vision was blocked by one big pink spiral. I think there was more to the dream than just what I mentioned, but that’s all I remembered”.
I suddenly noticed that Ashlyn's face was red and that she was breathing heavily. I was surprised that she has gotten this excited from just a small story of mine.
“Hey Sky, mind coming with me?” she said as she left the room. I followed her while still remaining naked to another room in her apartment. It was messy with lots of metal objects laying on the floor. “This room here is what you'll call my... uh… “torture chamber”. Kinda like a fitness gym but instead of workout equipment, I plan to put together these contraptions to use for silly knockouts. I didn’t want to tell you about this yesterday since I wanted to confess my kink to you first. Anyways, I was hoping if you… maybe… want to be my test subject? I know you just recovered from last night's beating, but I would be grateful for us to have another round”.
I was starting to notice a hint of insanity coming from Ashlyn, but I still understood the desires she the same way how I apparently have specific desires for Ashlyn's blossoms. Even if I deny her proposal of being her test subject, judging by how horny she's looking right now, I doubt she will spare my head and knock me out anyways. Therefore, I accepted to fulfill her kinky desires.
Ashlyn jumped for joy while blushing even harder. “Oh, you’re just the greatest! I love you so much! Here's a contraption I've already setup”. She points over to a machine that has a seat with two big mallets on either side being held up in the air.  “I call this bad boy: The Waffle iron. You will about to witness why is it called that” Ashlyn winked.
I was nervous by how intimidating it looked but I sat onto it anyways reminding myself that the positive outcome will involve sleeping with Ashlyn again. She grabbed the lever and said to me, “nighty nighty Sky” before pulling it releasing the two mallets to smash both sides of my head *WHAM*. The mechanism retracted leaving me cuckoo with starry lumps forming on each side of my head. However, knowing Ashlyn, she was not done with me just yet.
She kept pushing and pulling the lever constantly making those mallets smash my head *WHACK* *WHACK *WHACK*. My legs flailed with each impact. Eventually, Ashlyn stopped to see the work of art she created. I was stiff by my head being flattened vertically by all those poundings.
Ashlyn grabbed both sides of the skin on my face and stretch them out like I was an elastic band. *POP* my head physically retracted to its normal state, but not mentally.
My brain felt like mush. My pupils from my eyes were replaced by gold star bouncing all over my sockets with no sense of direction. My multiple lumps retracted from being flattened with my head. Halos of twinkling stars, chirping birds, pounding hearts, galloping ponies, and laughing little Ashlyns all orbiting my head. My mouth was not sure whether to grin or frown, so it landed somewhere in between with missing teeth and tongue lolled loosely. I was gone for the count.
“Perfect!” Ashlyn exclaimed to herself with hearts forming from her eyes. She took off the only remaining clothing from her body: the apron. She went up to me and sat onto my naked lap. We were face to face. “I’m sorry for being like this. I can’t help it. Maybe one day, I’ll let you have a turn to knock me out. But for now, let’s just enjoy what we have going here”. Ashlyn said seductively before proceeding to pleasure me by moving her hips and once again interlocking her lips to mine.
After that day, we were in a relationship, but I have yet to knock Ashlyn out. I do not have the guts to bring it up but one day I will muster the courage to do so because that is basically what love is to us.
The End
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, Ep. 6 (Cont.)
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Hibiki, having seen a horror upon horrors, immediately asks Tsubasa if she’s okay. Tsubasa points out she’s a hospital patient, why would you ask this question, you insensitive prick. Hibiki points to the following scene:
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Now, you may be asking yourself. “How does a formerly comatose person who is now bedridden on an IV drip manage to do this much damage?” Simply put, Tsubasa has a very chaotic aura. She doesn’t even have to take stuff out of her room; the places she goes to just naturally wind up like this. It’s a metaphor for how much of an absolute mess this person is simply by existing.
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“l-look i just- its hard to organize things and- im more of a visual person and-”
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Hibiki unwittingly gets her revenge on Tsubasa. She doesn’t realize it, but her lecturing Tsubasa on what an absolute mess every facet of her life is could possibly be heralded as her lowest point in the entire series.
No, wait. Thinking about it now, this is her second lowest. We won’t see her lowest until GX comes along.
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“hibiki, every single bone in my body is broken, you dont have to break my pride too”
Hibiki, being an absolute darling, actually picks up Tsubasa’s mess. This is more than she can say about her own messes.
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“haha, miku usually does this for me! wait- wait a minute.”
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“i dont get it. i tried to kill you. i tormented and ignored you. i refused to help you for months. i failed to train you on any facet of combat as your senior. i nearly let you get kidnapped and, failing that, nearly killed myself while making you watch, which ALSO didnt help you not get kidnapped aside from scaring the shit out of that weird lady. why are you... helping me?”
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“because either we’re going to be very good friends or im going to toss you out the window personally!”
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“oh god, that aggression screams kanade. i cant not like her.”
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Absolutely annihilated. Just kick her while she’s down in her Taco Bell spiral of humiliation and self-discovery, Hibiki.
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���it’s okay, tsubasa! you may be a terminal dumbass, but im sure if we all work together, we can share our braincells and become collectively smarter, for each other!”
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“interesting theory. how many ya got?”
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They trade the kind of banter two people with 0 brain cells would have and then Tsubasa points out Hibiki is doing a great job in her place.
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Meanwhile, in the library, Miku is looking at books, as she does what she says she’s gonna do, unlike a certain other person cavorting with cute idols.
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“The Gay Way: How to Get Your Same Sex Relationship Back On Track, by Dr. Lesbe Honest. wow, this one is right up my alley.”
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Okay, I’m gonna be honest with you. I literally forgot they show you the title in this. Imagine my face when I made up that title on the spot only to be hit with this little number. Holy shit, Symphogear. There’s this thing called subtlety. I’m begging you. We get it.
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Okay. Okay. Let’s get that out of our system. The worst is over. This is the, uh, crescendo of the bad side plot as it inevitably sets itself on the road to resolution. I’m not going to have an aneurysm. My brain is not going to split itself in half. We’re good. I swear, we’re good.
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Tsubasa, meanwhile, wants to understand why Hibiki fights, wrestling with the Da Vinci code that is her own emotions. She points out the fight against the Noise isn’t a game, and it ain’t no comic book bullshit either. It’s real, it’s out there, and it’s not pretty yet easily marketable as cute mascots. And what does our protagonist say? No making it up, she literally says:
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“i dunno”
Not a damn brain cell in her body, but props for keeping it real. I’d likely say the same thing.
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This is the face of someone currently sucking air through their teeth at the raw frustration that someone would be dumb enough to risk their life for the sake of only helping others.
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“listen. im gonna keep it real here. i suck at literally everything. math. social studies. writing. helping people is all i have, because its not a competition. you just... you do it. you dont get better at helping people, you just help. like, thats it. i dunno what else to tell you.”
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Then Hibiki points out that she feels it all started with Kanade saving her, and the speech implies its a ‘pay it forward’ sort of affair. She was saved, and so she should save others. Unfortunately, it comes off more as a guilt complex. “I lived, and I feel bad about that, so I gotta save everyone else” kind of stuff.
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“its my coping mechanism for my countless traumas!”
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“i get it now. you’re just as much of a mess as i am. you just dont show it as much. that kinda thinking’s gonna get you killed.”
Tsubasa then correctly points out that it is a kind of survivor’s guilt, where she wants to be released from the pain of old wounds, completely unaware of the irony of her statement.
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“yeah. i get ya. we’re both wrecks. but... we can be wrecks working together.”
This would be the part where she says I’M SORRY but apparently we just don’t fucking do apologies in Symphogear, huh? Too good for ‘em, eh?! God.
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Then they go outside and talk more about stuff and Durandal. The summation:
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“do you have the capacity to live a life forever kicking ass?”
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Hibiki, coming to terms with how she wants to deal with shit, manages to sharpen (haw) her resolve as to who she is and how she uses her abilities.
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“i cant believe hibiki is having an affair with an attractive idol popstar. especially my favorite one from their old band. not only is she cheating on me, but she’s cheating on me from one of the five people on my lists id immediately get with if i had the chance. it feels like a double betrayal. a real life one, and a fantasy one... why do i find this weirdly hot...?”
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“ive come to take my throne. i’ll take the ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” and have the three eggs over easy with the ‘easy sleazy pancakes’”
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“make it an extra lonely helping. this is gonna be a long afternoon.”
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“ahhh. a freshly cucked newcomer coming to the cuck and buck to duck amongst their bad luck run amok, huh?”
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“listen dont sass me about my busy girlfriend with your dr. seuss antics just gimmie the food and lets get this over with”
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“no problem! sorry, they just come easy. it’s hard to buck at the cuck and buck when rhymes you huck make you wanna fu-”
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Miku then ponders about how her feelings may have spiraled from a process of over thinking, or possibly hunger. Maybe both. Maybe Hibiki isn’t cheating on her. Maybe the reasons are more complicated than she knows. She briefly contemplates communication; a futile gesture when it is Hibiki safeguarding a secret she is forced to keep for incredibly stupid reasons.
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“thanks for the food, miss. it really helped sort my feelings out.”
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“no probs, kid. here at the cuck and buck, the only thing we cuck here is... our hearts.”
Meanwhile, Hibiki is still hanging with Tsubasa. Hey, if you’re gonna hang out with a critically acclaimed popstar, might as well squeeze every minute out of it, right?
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“so... taco bell, huh? im surprised you actually like taco bell now. maybe you just like fast food styled psuedo-mexican restraunts? have you tried chipotle?”
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“i... maybe you’re right, actually. i’ve grown to love taco bell, but... maybe i should expand my horizons. kanade did say... singing makes you hungry. maybe thats what she meant. i should take to new life experiences...”
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“yeah! i can take you to all the good fast food places i know!”
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“dont you have a girlfriend?”
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“she can join us! she’s a big fan of you after all!”
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“hey- hey wait! m- more friends? more... more friends... more friends.....”
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“more friends...”
Meanwhile, a crisis develops.
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Chris, having heard the f-word (friendship), is heading immediately to do the exact opposite of this.
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She’s taken some pointers from Tsubasa, t-posing to assert dominance.
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“how the fuck is she even flying”
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“i cant wait to tell hibiki how much i love and appreciate her despite the weird NTR aura surrounding this whole situation”
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“yeah, that’s right! i’m meeting the Gremlin in the park for an asskicking, don’t worry!”
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“oh, speak of the devil! hibiki! i love and appreciate you despite the weird ntr auras!”
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“miku- wait. oh no. i saw this happen in sam reimi’s spiderman 3. im fucked.”
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I know I’ve joked about homewrecking, but this is ridiculous.
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Chris realizes there’s someone else around she may have potentially hurt. This is surprising, given murder is not something she has shyed away from, but she’s slowly climbing that ladder of morality, so cut her some slack for taking it one rung at a time.
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“im losing my girl. losing my grip. now im about to lose my life. this NTR business truly is the worst.”
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Chris has accidentally employed the Dio Brando style of disposing of people, which consists of throwing a vehicle and smashing them until dead.
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“you’ve taken one step too close to my heartstrings, Gremlin, and for that you’re about to understand the full definition of an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki fucking punches the car. Everything is forgiven in this episode for now.
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“i... hibiki... are you... a street fighter character? holy shit. oh my god. hibiki oh my god you’re a street fighter character. thats been the true problem here. you’re a street fighter character now. oh my god. cheating? how could i have thought cheating was involved? you were literally just becoming a straight up superhero! oh my god. the abs! the washboard abs! the signs were all around me! the only thing you went to do behind my back was kick ass!”
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“i’m sorry. i need to go kick ass now.”
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The good news is all that tension just got evaporated. Miku sorta gets the truth now: her girlfriend hasn’t been cheating on her, she’s just been trying to save the local tri-county area from the grips of inter-dimensional alien eldritch entities controlled by a Gremlin and her Mistress. It’s a lot to take in, though.
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These two are about to fight head to head. Last time, Hibiki was but the pupil. Now, she is the Master.
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“can’t touch me, goldie locks. lemme do you a favor and CRACK THAT WHIP!”
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“oh my god hibiki’s gonna fight that weird looking person”
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“naruto running deeper into the woods isn’t gonna stop me from beating your ass senseless, fists for brains”
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“thats because i wanna talk, asshole”
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“wait. wait, what? you... you want to talk? to me?”
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Hibiki proceeds to aggressively describe herself to her. Name, identity, blood type, age, the works. This is because she’s trying to befriend her, because Hibiki feels fighting people is bad, and that talking is more useful than fighting. This is a recipe for suicide, normally, but in this instance...
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“what in the goddamn hell... i... um... nice.. to meet you...?”
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Hibiki deploys a counter-T-Pose to show kinship, feeling that they don’t have to fight like this since they’re not Noise.
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“talk may be cheap but it’ll make kicking your ass all the more easier, nerd”
Chris learns this, in fact, does not make the ass kicking all the more easier. Hibiki’s fresh new moves manage to dodge whip after whip of Chris’s attacks, and it’s really starting to annoy her a lot.
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“pain in the ass. so you learned how to fight, huh? fine. you’ll tire out eventually.”
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“let’s just talk, seriously! or maybe we can bond over board games-”
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“i FUCKING hate board games. the fuck are you, a grandma? just fight already! people cant understand each other anyway!”
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“i was told to kidnap you. but im exerting a loophole today; no one told me to do it alive”
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“the only kidnapping going down is me, sleeping in on a thursday afternoon forgetting class exists, you neon porcupine. so come at me. can’t kick me ass if you dont come any closer, right?”
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“ive watched the entirety of dragonball z, i know exactly how this fight’s gonna go down”
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“finally. looks like i got y- hey, wait, what?”
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“ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY JANKING MY LEG? THIS BITCH IS LITERALLY GOKU? PULLING KAMEHAMEHAS AND SHIT? WHY? god. its me. yukine chris. why do you hate me. why do you drag me through all this shit only to be hit in the head with some real anime baloney. why. please. have some mercy.”
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“i dont know what a goku is but sure, yeah, why not”
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“im going to kill her. oh my god. she doesnt even know who goku is.”
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“get that tentacle shit away from me. im not fucking around anymore. we’re going to have a heart to heart whether you like it or not!”
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“oh shit she found my weakness. really close melee combat.”
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Hibiki punched her so hard that she physically destroyed the entire armor Chris was wearing in a single blow.
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“she... she doesnt punch ME like that... i mean, probably because she loves me, but..”
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“did... did she just kill that person...? hibiki...? you, uh... you alright...?”
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theinsanecrayonbox · 5 years
KP finally finishes Gifted s2
gave up on this back when FOX was stupid and Marvel had me jaded (still does but meh). so here’s the final 3 episodes and my incoherent babble about them i guess, after not watcing the show or nearly a year and only having my previous babble session as a refresher about what’s going on
Episode 14:
 for once the “previously on dbz” segment is needed since,. yeah been almost a year since i’ve watched this...whoops
heeeey opening flashback! i forgot the format of this show...-.- oh hey not-Graydon...you know his comment about “freaks to teleport me through traffic” would’ve been funnier if he was Graydon, since Kurt is technically his sibling...as is Clarice... just saying.
oh right, Lauren was dosed with serum. well, at least it’s working right, really screwing her up. but again, Mom is the only rational and logical one.
how are sewers large enough for a tent metropolis? but oh hey, she knows about past Morlocks hm??? maybe cause some Mauraders action...hm??? or something they previously established with the Brotherhood or not-Bishop explained that i can’t remember, whatever. i’m just happy to see Blink. and the Morlocks have a network to places...like Pittsburgh? i thought they just live din NYC...ok in this story it’s just DC because that’s where we’re set ok, but still...
wait not-Graydon is making Sentinel Guy do the Mauraders plotline?? ooo...
is the Hellfire building CGI? that..looked badly shaded...and Lorna’s hair still looks stupid...though Andy’s hair does too...why do the bad guys have bad fashion sense?
i hadn’t forgotten how Mary Sue the Struckers were though...uhg...but hey don’t sweat it Mom, if Moira McTaggert’ taught us anything, you’re never the only non-mutant in the pro-mutant side; turns out you’l end up being one all along eventually.
oh good back to Blink. please don’t flirt with not-Bishop though. just...go fight Purifiers, since that was backstory for you, ok, that’s way better than flirting. wait Gabby? uh...when’d Blink get blue in her hair?
wait Cop Man, were they dead when you found them, or did you...overall though, i am really liking the atmosphere of the Purifer’s tunnel raid. the mood and tension are great, and the cinematography is doing a good job at keeping it. it’s a shame the editor feels the need to cut back to sunny Hellfire tower to break the atmosphere...but hey
oh don’t get cocky Morlock guys...and grenade, yup cocky. but again, the lighting and mood of everything in the tunnels is really good. the power effects not so much...but tv budget. and i had actually forgotten not-Bishop had a lazer eye O.o
dang Mom you are still best OC here
nooooo you shot Blink!!! baby girl nooooooo. idc about Sentinel Guy’s burst of conscious at “wait there are mutant children?” you shot best girl Blink. boo on you
Episode 15:
flashback time yay -.- but Blink! won’t make me forget you shot her since the recap ended on that...but hey tell me more about her past please, i really want to know why she doesn’t think she’s best girl. just saying “i was with the brotherhood and i didn’t like it” doesn’t cut it...and John no, you’re not allowed to give out redemption to everyone unless they are convenient to your aesthetic or philosophical interpretation, that’s why Krakoa preaches
John you don’t have time to fight not-Bishop out of grief ok. you were a ranger, you should realize that.
wait, so Reeva’s the one to blame for the council of stupid on Krakoa? that...actually makes sense, since she’s done tones of hypocritical last minute rule changing plans. weird.
really, my joke about Sentinel Guy’s heel turn was right? he honesty never realized that there were mutant children? i...wow
hey Lorna’s tiara. it makes her hair slightly less stupid looking. makes her outfit a tad stupid though...she should have more of that green popping somewhere, like her knives or a wrist band, or something.
really John just stayed there punching a wall and no cops found him? bad writing.
oooo is Dad gonna fry Cop Man?? sorry, disintegrate, i forgot what he did. and holy crap he did-sweet!
there are a lot of dutch angles in this episode...
oh Lauren don’t turn on your Mom, c’mon! why is no one thinking realistically?
hehe Cuckoos and fashion joke...although why did they get a pop of color elsewhere...or were the boots white just to point out the dirt
“do you think we can mind control our way to a mutant homeland” hm...should i just put in a cut off now for shots at Krakoa?
Mom you’re the only one with a brain! don’t sacrifice yourself because “i has no powers”
gasp! Sentinel Guy *SEES* a mutant child, now he knows for reals they exist. i’m sorry but this heel turn for him is stupid. i get the “i never saw them as *people* and now i do” but the way it’s framed is, as i’ve said “wait there are mutant CHILDREN?? O.o” and that is just bad writing
i swear, if Lorna trying to save Andy gets her killed, i will hate the Wonder Twins even more forever. but at least i agree with his “well her plan sounds stupid” when he learns the truth. they could’ve colored Lorna’s zippers the metallic green, that would’ve tied her costume together...sorry distracted
Lauren’s shield looks like bubble wrap...and she’s super pouty wth?
ok the Dad-Andy monster talk was really good...ruined by Lauren’s stupid face inserts sure, but the talk was really good.
hey back to not-Graydon and Sentinel Man. ah yes, i knew killing Cop Man would just switch Sentinel Man back in the end, that is also why his little epiphany was so annoying, because ultimately it was pointless.
aw man sappy music when the OC Family gets back together...yeah ok, but still i’ll groan a bit because uhg. but ooo Lorna comes back to Marcos too ok now it’s less groany (but still overly cheesey and neon annoying). do kinda like John on the roof...too bad the over the top music drones it out a bit.
Episode 16:
the finale! i don’t...know what to expect going into this, other than Blink pops in at the end and might be Exiles Blink?
hey the last time shows the reunion scene would’ve worked well without the over the top music. huh
oh the flashback is the 7/15 event. heh Hawks News, instead of Fox, heh. but otherwise...meh, mandatory flashback
so their plan is, use the Uber Mary Sue Wonder Twins to destroy a skyscraper. i...sure, what else can we expect from the Strucker Show (maybe Dad will sacrifice himself and do it all on his own, that’d be a neat-yet obvious-twist)
you can tell John’s depressed cause his hair isn’t floofy anymore ^^;;;
again, Mom’s the only one with thinking ahead skills.
oh, we’re getting spliced in flashbacks...yeah Dad’s gonna die.
Cuckoos! srry, still one of the best parts of any episode. and our dear Esme is starting to turn...
oh John’s going Warpath on us with his face paint (yes he’s Thunderbird, i know). the John vs Sentinel Guy thing might be a bit much, but this is an awesome fight for John...even if he is being a fool and self sacrificial.
at least it was a commercial break that broke the energy of the fight scene, and not just a scene change. also, more flashback, i’m even more convinced Dad is gonna die.
did they dye Andy’s hair so he and Lauren would look more twinny? that’s stupid...and a point i probably already made...
hm...since Bishop is from the future, are they implying that Erg is his ancestor? (though that fails to track with the timeline of DoFP IF this is the same continuity of course)
ooooooo John said it, he is Thunderbird...and i think his face paint changed between shots because that white line wasn’t there by the dumpster scene...whoops
oh don’t tell me the power of friendship is going to save the day. oh good, no, just the standby of “kill the evil cuckoos”
well the Wonder Twins are down for the count, so even more thinking Dad’s gonna die to blow up the Hellfire building...wait...you can’t control your powers when Reeva sonic screams? well Dad has no control-PERFECT!
wow there are a lot of power fights here. no wonder the affects in other episodes sucked, they spent the budget on the finale lol
hey Dad has the same plan i did. again, the writing telegraphed that was the ending...but still, i give Dad credit, he has grown as a character. the flashback doesn’t help though it just spells it out “this is best OC love him he is best ever” which...yeah, this show does that with the Struckers, we’ve covered that a millions times by now
i wonder if Dad touched himself would be disintegrate? also, shouldn’t his kids be safe, since same strain of X-gene are supposed to be immune...or does that only apply to certain power types?
not to play it down, but yup, dad exploded. if it wasn’t so thrown at you that that was how it’d end from, the start, then this moment might’ve had more impact...also the moment itself was kinda “you knew this was coming, there it’s done”
hey Esme’s on their team now, neat! i thought she’d be independent.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Blink’s back! but she had a collar on her coat that was reminiscent of her AoA costume, and she opened a portal to a place with burning fire...kinda like the DoFP setting/AoA, and she never addressed anyone by name, just a general “come with me”....so yeah, that was totally Exiles Blink, and not the Blink of this story. that’s really kinda awesome.
too bad we won’t be following up on that since there’s no plans for season 3. but...it was an ok way to end i guess. it closed off the story for our main people, and we all know that it’ll never end with a “and they all lived happily ever after in peace and harmony” because it’s Xmen. it opens the door for other stories to happen in the same setting...and leaves the big hole about Blink at the end, but yeah...
but now it’ll never be followed up probably because disney/marvel thinks the Xmen are the Inhumans now *shrugs* whatever, i finally finished The Gifted, i can check that off my To-Watch List
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newx-menfan · 6 years
X-23 and the Direction of the X-Men
I’ve talked a lot about what I don’t like with what Marvel has been doing, so I thought I’d talk about what I DO like with the X-23 solo series and how the X-Men line in general could benefit from doing the same…
Mariko Tamaki’s solo series utilizes elements of Morrison, Kyle and Yost, Liu, and Taylor; without being dependent on them. While examining Laura and Gabby’s histories as clones; I don’t feel like this story arc is TRYING to be ‘Innocence Lost’, ‘Target X, ‘the Four Sisters’, 'Riot at Xavier’s’, or 'Planet X’ . It’s very much it’s own story, instead of a continuation of previous stories.
One of the major reasons for this is Mariko doing something different with Laura’s clone narrative; by having her story parallel the Stepford Cuckoos, characters Laura has been around but never really interacted with.
This helps bring out BOTH a different side to Laura and a different side to the Cuckoos that we didn’t get to see before. Mariko examines Laura’s, Gabby’s, and the Cuckoos motivations thoroughly in this series; making the big motivating factor being different characters psychologies and points of view.
The Cuckoos motivations ARE relatable- wanting their family back. They also both connect to Laura’s inability to somewhat see herself as a individual- by dressing and acting as one; and Gabby’s desire for independence-be having different personalities and personal tastes. Esme wants to both be THE ONLY Cuckoo while simultaneously wanting to merge the Cuckoos power; essentially being permanently connected with her sisters.
Another big change is the risk factor; before in All New Wolverine there was little fear that Gabby was at risk. While Taylor did put her in dangerous situations; rarely as a reader did you question whether or not Gabby would come out of the situation okay. The change is, Mariko’s willingness to allow BOTH Gabby and Laura to go through conflict. While Gabby WILL more than likely come out of the situation physically unharmed, there is the question of-'How will this situation change or shape Gabby as a person?’ What changes will Laura and Gabby go through because of this story arc?
Good writing NEEDS conflict, because conflict is the biggest connector to humanity we have. Conflict can be anything from 'I lost my keys’ to more complicated conflicts like 'Who am I?’. Conflict can be Internal (man vs. self) or External (man vs. nature, man vs. man/society, ect…). But the universal truth is that everyone will experience some form of conflict in our lives and that conflict will shape us.
These elements are what have made the recent X-23 solo a really solid book (well that and Juann Cabal/Nolan Woodard’s art and inking…). It’s also the upcoming problems I see with the recent 'Uncanny’ and 'X-Force’.
Kelly Thompson, Matthew Rosenberg, and Ed Brisson ARE right-The series hasn’t released yet, so I can’t completely comment whether or not it will have these elements or not; but all of the indicators from solicits and interviews DON’T look very convincing…
If Brisson , Rosenberg, or Thompson were introducing a new villain- I’d give them the benefit of the doubt; but the character they are using is the rather overused Apocalypse.
If they were showing a different side of Apocalypse through some difference in plot, that would be one thing-but from the looks of it, it’s playing off 1995 storyline 'Age of Apocalypse’ where David Haller creates a new timeline when accidentally killing his father after traveling back in time to kill Magneto; the only minor difference appears to be is having the 'Horsemen of Salvation’ and kinda in representing Nate Grey as a messiah (a role he regularly rejected…).
We’ve seen the mutant 'messiah’ before-with Jean, with Rachel, with Cable, and with Hope. At the very LEAST you could have done someone NOT tied to the Summer’s…
We’ve seen Angel as a horseman; maybe having Angel being 'Life’ instead of 'Death’ will bring out a new facet to his character, but from the looks of it, the story will heavily hinge on his on again/off again relationship with Betsy.
Are we seeing a new team lineup-from the looks of it, not really; the focus seems to be Iceman, Jean Grey, Beast, Cannonball, Storm, Bishop, Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Psylocke and X-23.
*X-23 and Cannonball are really the only new additions.
*One of the covers heavily featured Legion, hinting that he will AGAIN play a part in kicking this story off.
*Bishop in the original 'Age of Apocalypse’ storyline was the character to notice the timeline WAS wrong and fought to fix it-so it’s not all that surprising to include him.
*X-Man was the main protagonist in the original 'Age of Apocalypse’- maybe their plan is to SUBVERT this trope by making HIM the antagonist and thus making a commentary around organized religion…but I kind of doubt it….
Pixie, Glob, Rockslide, and Armor are SUPPOSED to be the Horsemen of Apocalypse but I am somewhat doubtful that this will largely impact their characters developmentally any more than 'Age of X’ impacted Julian’s, or any of the OTHER ALTERNATE UNIVERSES have largely impacted any of the characters.
Can playing with old storyline’s and nostalgia BE fun: yes, but too much nostalgia becomes empty. It becomes desperately trying to grasp a time period long past that you are inevitably romanticizing and coloring with personal connections. It inevitably showcases how out of touch the writer is with current society…
It would have been one thing if X-Men HADN’T been over utilizing past teams and stories- but in the last few years we got 'the Original Five’ (both time displaced and living adult members…), the Exiles, Generation X, New Mutants/X-Factor hybrid, BloodStorm, Gold with a Claremont reminiscent team, Gambit and Rogue back together, Kitty and Colossus back together, Magneto reverting back to his roots as a villain, Emma reverting back to her roots as a villain, Xavier back, and multiple extinction storyline’s trying to be M-Day or the Legacy Virus…
It would be one thing if X-Men had taken a break from AU characters- but in the last few years we’ve had time displaced Original Five, Jimmy Hudson, baby Cable, Raze, clone Kid Apocalypse, BloodStorm back in focus, Old Man Logan, Exiles characters, ect…
Maybe this title is different and people are 'Pre-Judging’ it; but when in the last few years has Marvel given fans a lot to go on?! The recent interview could essentially be copied and pasted from 'ResurrXtion’-promising big changes before reverting to a overplayed status quo… Maybe this IS a new take on 'Age of Apocalypse’- but hasn’t Marvel promised that beforehand?! They promised a new take with the 'Original Five’ coming back, with the extinction plotline, and with countless other storyline’s-yet Jean and Scott’s romance is heavily the focus, the mutant population inexplicably recovers from mass genocide without any lasting effects, and little character growth actually happens.
I’m not saying this to 'rain on the writers parades’ or target them; but this has been promised BEFORE and all signs indicate this IS the exact same empty nostalgia we’ve seen for years…
I’m not writing this to be negative or condescending. I WANT to be wrong…but I don’t think I am, because I honestly don’t think the writers WOULD be getting defensive if this wasn’t a by the numbers homage to 'Age of Apocalypse’. You don’t NEED to get defensive if you have a trump card or brand new idea up your sleeve.
Whether you love or hate Morrison, Whedon, or Kyle/Yost; there’s no denying they are iconic runs BECAUSE they did something new.
Morrison created villain Cassandra Nova and countless other characters, utilized Emma as a main character to create a new dynamic, and examined population changes with having Mutants become the majority and create their own culture. Even Morrison’s representation of Scott, while controversial, still took a new look at Scott as a character.
Whedon created several characters including Danger, Armor, and Blindfold; explored Xavier’s more questionable decisions, and focused heavily on character dynamics and psychology of the characters. One of the defining relationships was the conflict between Emma and Kitty; utilizing old animosity but examining it under a new lens of Emma being a hero and interacting with Kitty (they did not interact when Emma was part of Generation X).
Kyle and Yost created X-23, creating a new examination into Wolverine’s mythos and a new dynamic. They heavily utilized some of the newer teen characters, to again create a new dynamic. While using older stories (Nimrod, William Stryker, Magik’s origin) by injecting new characters they created something refreshing instead of empty nostalgia. It also examines the darker side of X-Men, by questioning the choice of teens being recruited to essentially be a 'paramilitary group’…
Are all these writers still using old storyline’s- yes, but by adjusting lineups of characters, adding new dynamics, creating new characters, and examining the X-Men under a different social lens: it can dramatically change the story.
The original 'Age of Apocalypse’ also did this when first written by analyzing what the world would be like ruled by Apocalypse and changing character motivations and relationships.
X-Men doesn’t HAVE to change drastically; but it does need some variation. I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again- I don’t think fans are being unfair by questioning if this was a good choice to semi reboot the X-Men. This by all appearances doesn’t LOOK like a 'Fresh Start’. Sorry but people are going to 'pre-judge’ things; it’s one of the things that sucks about being a writer.
It would be one thing if X-Men had been knocking it out of the park storyline wise, for the past few years- but the truth is, is they haven’t. You can’t blame fans for being tired of giving Marvel a chance only to watch them make the same pitfalls over and over again.
If you don’t want the criticism-maybe take a chance and try something NEW…
X-23 PROVES Marvel CAN get it right- they just need to put the same thought into the X-teams that they put into her solo.
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Infinity War-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 1)
I’m about to cry... Loki... please no...
Thanks you wrinkly purple nut sack
“We have a hulk.” I’m gonna cry
“I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again.” AGHHHHH
How on earth is Thanos able to beat up the hulk with only one infinity stone but when he has all of them, the hulk is able to put up a fight?
Oh bye hulk.
Neat trick Heimdall. How come you couldn’t do that with Thor and Loki?
No ones had the ability to wield two infinity stones at once? Lmao. Well, in the first avengers, Loki had the scepter AND the tesseract soooo
And the TVA laughs at you Thanos.
I’m crying
Loki is dead now
Fortunately the existence of the show is helping to alleviate the pain, but we will never see THIS Loki again...
Thor has lost everything. I feel so bad for him. He’s lost his mom, his dad, his friends, his home and people, and his brother.
Good thing Heimdall knew to send Hulk directly into the sanctum. Poor Bruce.
Thanos, I will take great pleasure in your suffering in death. Know this. There is no quadrant in space that you can flee to where you can avoid my wrath. “You think you know pain?” I’ll make you beg “for something as sweet as pain.”
Is Tony like, able to predict the future or something? Morgan Stark?
No more surprises ever Stark? About that...
Science bros hug
Ben and Jerry’s product placement. Nice
Course Vision made himself go offline. Smoochie time with Wanda.
Would shoving the time stone down a garbage disposal even do anything lol? Like, I feel like it would destroy the whole building lol.
Call your boy Steve, Tony!
Suck up your pride.
Poor Bruce. Always getting filled in on all the details last minute.
Bruce has it probably one of the worst. Dudes getting chucked around the universe into places he has no ideas what’s going on in.
Flip phone time
Oh no
Ah cripes
Quick make a call on the run
Multitasking is a lifesaver Tony
Poor New York. Why would anyone want to live there in this universe?
Earth’s closed
Go away
Spider man, spider man,
Ned is my favorite avenger.
How did no one see Peter lmao
lmao Tony ain’t gonna be happy
Work it Stephen. Do your interpretive dance moves.
HEY—my life isn’t that meaningless...
Savage, ratchet
He exhausts us too
Banner having performance issues.
Hulk is on hiatus apparently
Dude you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.
heck yea, CGI time
Ebony Maw got no chill.
Hey maybe don’t turn your back on the enemy
Stephen, you almost crushed Bruce under a taxi.
Eh I’ve fought this guy in Marvel Champions... he’s not that tough
Hey Peter
Bye Peter
Tony, master of summaries.
Hulk is in his feels.
It’s a simple spell but quite unbreakable
Meme time
Cmon Stephen you’re supposed to be powerful
Sleepy strange
Capey to the rescue!
I love how Peter doesn’t even question the existence of wizards.
Wong really just sent that beast to attack poor Inuits huh?
Wong is invited to the wedding
“I can breathe.” *exposes face to space*
Okay that was pretty sick. I don’t particularly like the iron suit as it feels kinda lame since I loved that Peter made his own, but it works here.
Poor pepper
You just had to leave the phone tony
At least Bruce somehow found it
Hell yea it’s my favorite space group, the Guardians of the galaxy. Featuring dance daddy, sleeping invisible man, dance mom, sleepy rabbit, and angst plant.
Now I’m hungry for cheddar
Poor Gamora lmao
Oh and I can’t forget mantis
Mantis you got a killer mean face
Angsty teen plant
Huh they learned Grootish
Uh oh
Gamora knows something up
Oh hi thor
He is not a dude. This is a man.
Poor Peter quill lmao
Heyyyyy Chris Pratt worked out hard to get into shape for this role lmao
Poor Thor...
He literally lost EVERYTHING
Peter is jellyyyy
Drax has a man crush
Thanos isn’t that smart. Just like, double the resources.
Oh thank you thor for being sympathetic
Peter, stop it. It’s not a competition of who has the worst life.
Gosh I love Chris Pratt so friggin much. He’s a national treasure lmaoo. I love him so much.
Peter grow up
Both of you
Oh there’s an actual place called Knowhere
Oh yea Tivan the collector. Didn’t he die?
Half of the Asgardians? I didn’t see them
Kevin bacon is an avenger
Oh Gamora... how did she know where the soul stone is?
Nidavellir? Axe time
Lmao I love the rabbit
Thor and rocket rabbit are my favorite duo now
I love rocket so much lmao
I like this thor much better than the one we saw in Ragnarök. (Again, I love that movie as just a movie, but not as a Thor movie)
Good bye morons
Oh hey Paul Bettany
Love you guys
Wanda vision
Don’t get too attached tho
“I just feel you” oh no... I know where that line comes back around
Promises to go back? To who? For what?
Robot lover
Robosexuality (futurama anyone)
Poor Vision lol
Convenient TV News exposition is convenient
Go with him wanda
You just messed up
Poor vision
No more phasing? Oh no.
Cmon Wanda MESS EM UP
No more phasing? Vision should be friends with ghost
It sure is lucky that no one seems to be out and about in Scotland huh?
IMAGINE if Wanda had the powers she had at the end of wandavision right here. Thanos and everyone else would be no match
You aliens are no match
I wanna kill them
Gosh Nat is such a badass
Wow Steve looks great with a beard
Digging the suit too, more subtle
Poor Gamora oh my gosh
I wonder why Thanos chose to keep Gamora? She didn’t really display a fighting spirit here
I’m confused. Gamora was described as the last of her kind but the flashback showed only half of them being killed which is more accurate to what Thanos wanted?
Cmon quill, take things seriously...
Oh dear
Quill, be serious...
Swear it
Dangit drax
Lmao poor drax
I got a bad feeling about Knowhere
I thought Tivan died? Like in the explosion of the power stone?
Drax don’t
Drax be patient
Drax you couldn’t even take on Ronan... don’t do it ya lovable dummy
Gosh poor Drax
Poor Peter quill
Nice hits Gamora!!!
Just kill him
If someone shot him in the head right here it’d all be over
Oh my gosh I feel so bad for Gamora
Phenomenal acting from Zoe Saldana
He’s not dead... sooooo what’s his play?
Copy cat for Loki
Oh my
Oh so he planned this
OP bastard
Already has the reality stone
Soooo Tivan is dead then?
Oh my that’s horrifying
Grimace lmao
The emotion
I hate you Thanos
I really do
Thanos you BASTARD
Copying Loki’s move set
Poor quill
This is the last time they see each other huh?
Wait wait wait wait wait, I remember that another Gamora from another timeline comes in and helps. How come she isn’t arrested by the TVA? She’s a variant just like Loki???
You tell em Rhodes
They have nothing to be forgiven
Hell yea baddie Steve
Oh do they think Tony is dead?
Love you Rhodes
Get Steve looks great
Awkward tensionnnnn
Quick kiss before it’s too late
Lmao poor Sam and his crush on Nat
Lmao Ant-Man and Spider-Man
How long is vision unable to phase?
Poor Wanda... if only they could get it out in Wakanda (I hate how much I know about this without watching).
Isn’t white vision with this visions memories now? Like, can him and Wanda get back together?
Rest In Peace KING T’CHALLA, Chadwick Boseman! Wakanda forever!
White wolf baby. Lesssgettttittttt
Poor baby, one fight to another. His only calm in wakanda...
Precarious needle positioning is precarious
Oh peter
Love peter. Perfect awkward teen
“You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood.” That worked out perfectly.
Omg peter you’re making even me feel old asking about the “old” movie Aliens.
Soooo is ebony maw dead now? He didn’t last long
Cmon you cocky cuckoos
“I’m peter by the way.” “Doctor strange.” “Oh we’re using our made up names... um-I’m spider man then.” Gosh I love peter so much lmao
Yayyyyy PTSD we love that. Poor Tony. He needs therapy. They all do, really.
Man I know how this ends...
Harsh strange... harsh. You’ll learn that the universe also depends on these guys.
Peter is an avenger. Lmao he’s so perfect at being awkward.
Oh no. Poor Gamora. Quick, kill him with the soup.
Thanos, just DOUBLE THE RESOURCES. For cripes sake man. You don’t gotta be a genocidal maniac.
Gamora is only in here 20s? Or I guess maybe 30s now.
Thanos, you don’t understand. Wanna know why you can still see people in poverty happy? Because they see the hope. They value family. You could have given them resources. Not killed them.
Part 2
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Countless Roads - Chapter 1
Fic: Countless Roads - Chapter 1 - Ao3
Fandom: Flash, Legends Pairing: Gen, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, others
Summary: Due to a family curse (which some call a gift), Leonard Snart has more life than he knows what to do with – and that gives him the ability to see, speak to, and even share with the various ghosts that are always surrounding him.
Sure, said curse also means he’s going to die sooner rather than later, just like his mother, but in the meantime Len has no intention of letting superheroes, time travelers, a surprisingly charming pyromaniac, and a lot of ghosts get in the way of him having a nice, successful career as a professional thief.
A/N: Have an extra-long first chapter to get us properly started. All comments welcome and appreciated!
"You stay the hell away from him!" the voice roars.
Len shakes and shudders and curls up in a ball on the floor.
Juvie is worse than he could have imagined – oh, the kids themselves are bad enough, pushy and mean and some of them are old enough for the look in their eyes to be more than standard schoolyard aggression, but it's only Len's first day; they're going to wait until the guards lose interest in him before trying anything.
The ghosts don't wait at all.
It's a bad place, a centering ground, land that stinks of sadness and anger and sucks in ghosts like a whirlpool. Human misery is the only company these ghosts have –
– at least, until Len arrives.
The unquiet dead gather their forces as he gets checked in, watch him, teeming with anticipation, in the yard, and then come for him right after dinner.
His own ghosts, bought in coin – pieces of future years – spent before he came, try their best to protect him, but he underestimated the number of unquiet dead lingering here. He underestimated the number of murderer's victims, children and adults, the number of suicides, the number of unlucky daredevils, the number of accidental deaths –
And then Mick – though Len doesn't know his name, not yet – rips them off of Len, one leech at a time, and puts himself between them and Len's shaking, spasming body.
"Hurts," Len rasps, unable to say more.
"Don't worry," the other boy says, glaring. He's big, for a teenager; a promise of height and breadth in the future. "I won't let them near."
"Gimme a hand up?" Len asks.
The boy shakes his head, and that's when Len realizes.
"You're dead too, ain't you," he says, flat as a stone.
"I've been here the longest," the boy responds, shrugging. "Since before they built the place."
Len sighs and climbs to his feet. He'd so hoped, seeing the boy’s strength, that he'd finally met another of his kind, but no; the boy's just another apparition. Barely that, even; he has a very strong presence, probably due to his age, but he’s not even a poltergeist on his own merits.
"Thanks," he tells him anyway, because apparition or not, the boy did just save his life.
"Don't mention it," the kid says.
The funny thing is, he really seems to mean it. No favors requested, no suggestions that Len repay him, nothing.
If anything, the guy seems to avoid Len whenever possible – which isn't much, because he comes rushing in whenever the unquiet ghosts float too close.
"Why are you helping me?" Len asks him.
"Don't like bullies," the kid says shortly. "Never did."
Then he retreats again, dashing away every time Len comes anywhere near him.
"Don't you want something?" Len asks. "Something you want to do?"
"Nah," the kid replies. "I'm good."
"You're a ghost. You gotta want something."
"Not from you, you little punk."
The curiosity is starting to get to Len. Finally, he gives up on trying to figure out the kid's angle and takes a different approach.
"What's your name?" he asks.
The kid-ghost blinks, then narrows his eyes at him warily. "What's it to you, necromancer?"
Len makes a face. "I ain't a necromancer," he protests. "I can't raise dead or command ‘em or nothing; I just make 'em closer to real, s'all. Life-sharing. Totally different."
“Uh-huh. And what about summoning ‘em and making ‘em possess people or something?”
“No, that’s mediums. I ain’t never even met one of those, but I hear they’re creepy. I just…share, s’all.”
"Why you want my name, then?" the kid asks, still suspicious.
"'cause I'm getting tired of calling you kid-ghost," Len replies, exasperated. "And right now I don't got anything to shout if I need your attention."
"You've always got my attention," the kid grumbles. "My ma says you give someone your name, you give 'em power over you."
Len rolls his eyes. "Well, my name is Leonard Snart, but sometimes when my mom got mad she’d use the full on Leonard Jacob Snart birth certificate business. Now you know, so don't misuse it. And nice to meet you."
The kid finally cracks an involuntary grin. It changes his whole tough face, making it go bright and delighted, smashing that tough guy image with glee. "Oh what the heck," he says. "I'm Mick. That's Michael Christopher Sebastian Rory, actually, but everybody called me Mick."
"Nice to meetcha, Mick," Len says. "I'd offer to shake, but...well…" He wiggles his fingers. Magic, life-giving fingers.
Mick sniggers.
Maybe there is something to what Mick's ma said about names, because after that they're inseparable. Best friends from different eras, friends like neither of them ever had before. Maybe they’d have been best friends in this life, if only Mick wasn’t dead, but Len will take friendship with a ghost over nothing.
The other kids think Len's crazy, talking to himself, and ostracize him, relegating him to the outcast table with the quiet dangerous ones like Jumping Jimmy and Shrieking Sam and Cuckoo Charlie. (Len gets dubbed Lunatic Leo, which, ugh. He’s going to find a better nickname if it kills him.)
But really, Len doesn't mind where he sits, so long as he's got Mick.
Sitting at the crazy outcast table is kinda funny, actually; Mick's a pretty good judge of people, Len's found, and his invisible commentary over people's heads is hilarious.
"He's just got no volume control and a spoiled temper," Mick says of Sam. "Nothing to worry about."
"Ma said people like him just had a devil in 'em keeping them from sitting still," he says of Jimmy. "It ain't no problem, long as they keep busy."
"And Charlie?" Len asks, amused.
Mick considers this. "I think he's gonna grow up to eat people. Stay away."
Len snorts, but does.
Mick’s damn useful in a fight, which Len does inevitably get into, shouting advice (mostly “duck” and “hit him in the face”), and Mick likes watching fights, too. But most of all, Mick likes fighting the unquiet ghosts himself; in particular, he's got a real hatred of a group of white supremacists that got themselves stabbed in a gang fight back when the juvie was a real prison. They hate Len, which makes sense what with him being Jewish and all, but they still want his life, and that just pisses them off more, which means more fights for Mick.
"You like punching Nazis, huh?" Len teases.
"Hell yes," Mick says. "They're bad stuff, through and through."
"Regular Captain America you are."
“What d’you mean, who? Captain America! From the comic books!”
“I’m dead,” Mick points out. “I don’t keep up on popular culture.”
“No way,” Len says stubbornly. “Captain America’s been around forever. I’m pretty sure he was drawn punching Hitler in the face on his very first cover.”
“Say, that’s not bad,” Mick says, grinning a bit. “Punched him in the face, you say?”
“Didn’t you read comics?”
“Sure I did,” Mick says, crossing his arms. “Joe Palooka, Dick Tracey, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers – the whole lot of ‘em.”
“What the hell are those?”
“You don’t know those?”
“I think I’ve heard of Buck Rodgers – he a spaceman or something?”
“Yeah, him and Flash Gordon, both of ‘em. Dick Tracey’s a sleuth, and Joe Palooka’s a boxer.”
“Don’t you got any crime fighters? Like in costumes? Superheroes?”
Mick wrinkles his nose when he frowns in thought. “Uh, I mean, I guess maybe the Phantom? It was brand new; real cool stuff, fighting pirates and stuff. They called him the Ghost Who Walks. Real sweet.”
“Brand new,” Len says, shaking his head. “When did you die again? The dark ages?”
“Eh, may as well have been,” Mick says. “We all thought the world was ending.”
“Every generation thinks the world’s ending.”
“Nah, not like ours,” Mick says. “Between the Depression and – what was it they were calling the black blizzards, the Dust Bowl? Anyway, between those two, it was real bad.”
“Wait,” Len says. “When exactly did you die?”
“Late 1936.”
“Shit. You are old.”
“Told ya,” Mick says smugly.
“Was there even a juvie here?”
Mick rolls his eyes. “No,” he says. “The juvie’s only a decade or two old. Before that it was a prison. Before that, it was a particularly badly run farm.”
“…your farm?”
“Well, yes.”
“You were a farmer?! Working the fields, calling in the cows, all that sort of thing?”
“I died first,” Mick reminds Len.
“But still – you’re so old.”
“Shut up.”
“No, no – it’s just – I’m gonna get you all the comics,” Len says, and does, even if it means spending some of his hard-earned money – all the juvie kids get pennies for every hour they work in addition to the required school time – and that of others (mostly the rich kids who get some from their parents in the mail) on some of the old reprints, the ones that go real cheap nowadays and are kinda corny by modern standards. But it's worth it.
Mick loves comics.
He can’t move the pages himself – not unless Len gives him some life, which Mick steadfastly refuses to accept – but Len can flip them nice and slow, letting Mick have time to read each page, and sometimes when Mick’s eyes keep crossing the letters too much to make it fun, Len reads them aloud to him, sound effects and all.
“Man, the library says Snow White hadn’t even come out in 1936,” Len marvels. “You know that? Snow White, man. That’s like the first ever Disney.”
“No, it ain’t,” Mick objects. “Disney’s the one with the shorts, ain’t it? Steamboat Willy. Silly Symphonies. Three Little Pigs.”
“Mick,” Len says solemnly. “You break my heart.”
“I sometimes watch that Disney stuff when they’re on the rec room TV,” Mick says, pouting. “I ain’t totally uncultured. S’just hard to remember stuff from after you’re dead, s’all.”
“You’re running out of life,” Len says, because he’s heard of it happening before. “Ghosts stick around because of what happened during their life, and they only remember what happened afterwards if they’ve got enough left over for it – you sure I can’t give you some?”
“No, Lenny,” Mick says, long-suffering.
Len sulks, and introduces Mick to Alice in Wonderland the next time the rec room’s free.
Probably a tactical error, since Mick shouts, “Off with their heads!” the next fifteen times he dukes it out with the unquiet dead, but hey, it’s funny.
“How’d you die?” Len asks one day, when he’s only got two weeks left to go in juvie, studying a deck of cards he’d lifted from a fellow student.
“Why do you want to know?” Mick asks, suddenly guarded.
“’cause I’m a nosy bastard,” Len says, since he can’t explain why he actually wants to know, which is that he wants to give Mick a gift. The dead carry on them what died when they died – clothing, stuff in their pockets, that sort of stuff. But Len’s found that if stuff ‘dies’ the same way a ghost does, he can hand it to the ghost and they can keep it.
He hopes it’s not something too weird. He doesn’t want to have to hang a deck of cards, or electrocute it, or have it get run over by a herd of chickens or something.
…that last one would be hilarious, though.
Mick grunts.
“Please?” Len says, which is rare enough that Mick gives him a suspicious look. “Not like I’m gonna tell anyone.”
Mick stays silent a few minutes longer, and then, abruptly, he gets up.
Len blinks up at him.
“Fire,” Mick says. “I died in a fire.” And then he disappears.
Len scowls in the direction of Mick’s ghostly self. He didn’t feel any passing-on-ness, or whatever you call it when a ghost kicks the bucket for good, so Mick’s just gone somewhere else to sulk because heaven forbid Len tries to learn some personal info about the guy beyond what type of breakfast he prefers (answer: corn mush with milk, or yesterday’s bread crusts – ick!).
On the other hand, it did give Len a bit of an opportunity.
Fire, huh?
Sounds like an unpleasant way to die, but at least it makes giving Mick stuff easier. Lifting a lighter from the guard that likes to smoke is easy enough, and finding a nice shady corner on top of lots of concrete to minimize excess burning is even easier.
Now he just needs Mick.
“Mick?” he asks the air.
No reply.
“Mick, you still sulking?”
“Mick, I could be being attacked right now. I’m not, but I could be.”
Len contemplates pretending to die, but that seems a bit melodramatic.
“Hey! Mickey Mouse!”
Still nothing.
Hmm, and Len was sure that that would get him a punch in the face…
Mick couldn’t be gone, could he?
Len swallows. He really hopes Mick’s not gone. He knows that's wrong - you're supposed to hope that ghosts move on, not want them to stay - but he doesn't. He doesn't want Mick to go.
“Hey, Lunatic!” Tommy, one of the more annoying juvie kids, shouts. “Lost your imaginary friend?”
Len grits his teeth.
“Bet he left you ‘cause you were wasting his time,” Tommy taunts. “Poor kooky kid, what’ll he do all on his own?”
It’s just close enough to Len’s real fears that Len ends up punching Tommy in the face.
And then, as expected, spending the next ten minutes getting punched back by Tommy and his friends. And kicked. And –
Okay, the guards really should be intervening. Any time now.
“Hey, hold him down,” Evan Richards says. Evan Richards, never just Evan; he’s the sort of kid that would be – should be – exiled to the crazy person table, but he’s rich and his parents send him loads of treats, so he’s not. He’s got a big old grin on his face that Len doesn’t trust a jot.
“Why?” Tommy says skeptically. “He’s not getting up on his own anytime soon.”
Probably not true – Len’s a stubborn bastard – but closer than he’d like to admit.
Evan Richards’s grin widens. “I’ve always wanted to see what one of these does,” he says, and pulls out a little Swiss army contraption, used mostly for clipping or filing nails, that he’s sharpened well past any reasonable amount.
He’d probably call it a knife, Evan Richards would, but to people like Len, it’s called a shiv.
“Mick!” Len screams, because he doesn’t trust the guards but Mick’s always come to help him before – if he’s still here.
The returning bellow of rage is the finest sound Len’s ever heard, right up there with Lisa’s first word (‘up’, as it happens; nothing but the best for his demanding little darling).
But Mick’s a ghost, barely even an apparition, and though he charges the fuckers that are holding Len down, he can’t do anything, just passes straight through, causing no more than a slight chill and a shudder.
“Mick, please,” Len says, struggling and kicking and keeping Richards back, just long enough, just long enough to get a hand free and reach out –
“God, he’s nuts,” Tommy laughs, and the others laughs with him. “Go for it – waste the cuckoo – no one’ll care –”
Mick reaches out and takes Len’s hand in his, and Len pushes, hard, with all the spare life he’s got in him.
Mick yowls, and Len can feel it too, like a zap from touching a live wire or a burst of static electricity, but then Mick’s there and all the kids are turning to look, shouting in surprise and demanding to know where the hell Mick came from and then Mick puts his fist into Evan Richards’ smirking face.
Three black eyes and a hell of a lot of bruises later, the gang breaks up and flees.
“Thanks,” Len pants. He’s pretty damn sore, and it’s only gonna get worse, but he has to find out if Mick’s okay – Mick, who didn’t want the extra power – the extra life –
“Holy crap,” Mick says, staring down at his hands. “I felt that. They felt that. That was – Len?”
“You angry at me?” Len asks. He’s feeling weirdly dizzy, the way you get if you haven’t eaten for three days and then you go sprinting from the cops. Everything hurts, but distantly, like he can’t really feel it.
“Angry – no, it’s not – Len, you’re looking real pale, you feeling okay?”
“Peachy,” Len says, and passes out.
When he wakes up, he’s in a bed in the nurse’s station, and Mick’s scowling at him from the next bed over.
Len’s got an IV.
Why’s he got an IV?
“Mick, why’ve I got an IV?” he asks.
Mick’s eye twitches.
“Uh,” Len says. “Mick?”
“That’s your first question?!” Mick roars.
“…yes?” Len says helplessly. “What, should I’ve started with ‘how are you’?”
Mick looks like he's considering strangling Len.
"I'm sorry," Len offers. Might as well get that out, if Mick’s already mad.
"What?" Mick says, annoyance disappearing into confusion. "Sorry for what?"
"For, you know," Len says, shrugging. "Prying. And sharing my life when you've been real clear you didn't want me to be sharing with you."
Mick stares at him for a long moment. "Len," he says eventually. "It ain't – you don't think it's your fault that I ain't taking bits of your life, do you?"
Well, when Mick says it in that incredulous tone, it sounds kinda dumb.
Len focuses on picking at the band-aid over the IV entry point on the inside of his elbow instead of replying, even though he knows that only reveals his guilt.
"Lenny, stop that," Mick says. "You need the IV."
"You never did say what it was for," Len says.
"It's to keep you alive, you nimrod. You nearly shoved all the life you had left up my goddamn arm."
"If Richards got me with the shiv, I wouldn't've had any life left to give," Len points out, but yeah, he distinctly remembers overdoing it in his panic. "S'that why I pass out like that?"
"That's why you swooned like a leading lady," Mick confirms.
Len glares. "Passed out, Mick."
"Whatever. Len – It ain't that I don't like you, or your life, or even having some of it myself, 'cause lemme tell you, being practically solid's been pretty awesome so far – "
"You're practically solid?" Len interrupts. "I ain't never done that before – "
"Lenny. Lemme finish. This is important."
Len shuts up.
"Anyway," Mick says. "What I mean to say is – I mean – oh, damnit. Len, I don't deserve any of your life."
"You just saved my life," Len says, unable to keep quiet. "Just as you've been doing this past month – "
"I started the fire!" Mick shouts. "I'm a firebug, and I knew it was bone dry, and I started that fire anyways, and that’s why everybody died! It was all my fault! I don't deserve nothing!"
"Oh," Len says blankly.
"Yeah," Mick says savagely, wiping at his face to clean up what they'd both pretend weren't tears when this was over. "So that's why."
Len nods. He's not sure what to say. He doesn't think anything will help a wound so deep that Mick became a ghost over it.
"I've heard of it before," he offers eventually. "Pyromania, it's called."
"What's that?"
"It's – " Len tries to remember. "It's a thing that happens to people, some chemical goes wrong in their brain, and then they start needing to light fires. Like an anxiety thing – can't calm down until there's a fire."
Mick frowns. “There’s a word for it?”
“Yeah,” Len says. “People that can’t help themselves around fires. It’s a medical thing.”
Mick looks stunned.
“What, thought it was just you?” Len jokes, except the look on Mick’s face kinda says that he did. “No, Mick, it ain’t you, if I’m right. It’s a – it’s a thing that happens sometimes, and no one’s to blame, you know. Sometimes people’s brains break, just like any bone, and you need medicine or something like that for it.”
“I still lit the fire,” Mick says, but he seems a little less burdened. “After they told me not to and everything. And even if I didn’t have a choice, I still should’ve warned ‘em about it.”
“That’s on you,” Len says, because people who say it’s not your fault when it is just make you feel worse. “But the fire thing, that ain’t –”
“How are you boys doing?” the nurse says, sweeping in.
“Fine,” Len says automatically, before realizing what she’d said.
He turns to stare at Mick. “Boys?” he mouths at him. What was with the plural?
“Told you I was near solid,” Mick mutters. “Hi, ma’am,” he says to the nurse.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Rory? You were having quite a fit out there.”
“Much better, ma’am.”
“We’ve alerted the police about your being here,” she continues briskly. “Since your name isn’t on the list.”
Len’s eyes go real wide at that.
“Yes, ma’am,” Mick says tranquilly.
“And you, Mr. Snart, how are you feeling?”
“Uh,” Len says. “Okay?”
“Do you need more medicine?”
“Yes,” Len says, because the answer is always yes. Even if you don’t actually need it, you can always sell it.
Also, he’s kinda sore. All over. Everywhere.
Actually, it hurts a lot. Fuzzy and distant, like he’s got good drugs going on, but still not good.
“Is anything gonna happen to the kids what did it?” Mick asks. “Evan Richards and Tommy and the rest of ‘em?”
The nurse looks slightly uncomfortable. “They’ll be punished,” she says, but Len can tell she means that they’ll be slapped on the wrist, at most. Maybe a bit of time in detention instead of out on the school yard.
Well, good enough for Len. He never did trust anyone to give out punishment on his behalf; he’ll figure out a way to pay them back himself later on.
That’s not what’s important right now.
Len waits until the nurse checks them both over and leaves.
“Mick,” he hisses. "They can see you!"
“Told you!”
“What are we gonna do? Your name’s not gonna be on any records! Not any they’re gonna check, anyway!”
“Don’t worry,” Mick says. “It’s fine. It’s fading away already, since you gave it to me all in one shot – look, I’m practically able to go through the bed again. Another day - another couple of hours - and I’ll be back to being invisible if I wanna be.”
“If you wanna be? You’ll still be a full-powered manifestation?”
“You gave me a lot of life, Lenny,” Mick says disapprovingly.
Len shrugs, then brightens and checks his pockets. Good, they didn’t take the cards, or the lighter. “Here,” he says, holding them out. “Burn this.”
Mick stares at him.
“I tell you I’m a pyro- a pyro-many – that I’m a firebug, and you gimme something to burn?”
“You died in a fire,” Len says reasonably. “If you burn the cards, you’ll be able to carry ‘em with you as a ghost, even once all the life’s gone.”
Mick’s eyes go wide. “Really?”
“Really. They gotta die with you, or something. Same way you died. Anyways, if you’re a pyromaniac, you’ll enjoy watching them burn, too.”
“That’s what you wanted me to come ‘round for, wasn’t it?” Mick asks, looking guilty.
“It’s fine,” Len says, pushing the cards and lighter into Mick’s hands. “Really – say, how much life I give you, anyway?”
“Why?” Mick asks, pulling the cards and lighter close and cradling them.
“Well – and you don’t gotta do this if you don’t wanna, but – how bound would you say you are to this place?”
Mick blinks.
“I want you to come home with me,” Len clarifies.
Mick’s eyes go wide.
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adorkablemusicman · 6 years
#LostAndFound Hayden & Violet- #TheMeetCute
Vi: [I wasn’t ready to start a new school. Well it wasn’t that I wasn’t ready. It was more that I didn’t want to. My Dad had a bad night, a very sleepless night where he was in pain and his medication wasn’t helping. A doctor was going to come out while I was gone today to review his painkillers. I was the sort of girl that kept to myself so I didn’t care about being the ‘new girl’, mostly because I had no intention of actually speaking to anyone. The objective was go to school, do my thing and then come home. My grandmother gave me money for lunch, apparently you had to upload it onto your school card or something and then you used that to pay. Very modern and fancy. She also snuck a homemade birthday brownie into my bag. I loved her. Mom dropped me off out the front of the building. “Do you want me to come in with you?” she asked.]
No, it’s bad enough I’m the new girl on her birthday. I don’t need my mommy playing escort. [I retorted back and sighed when I saw her expression. One of tiredness and hurt.] I didn’t mean that. I just mean I’m not a kid. I love you.
[I bid my mother a quick goodbye, ensured I had my phone with me and took the walk of a few yards to the school doors where I could introduce myself to the office lady with a stammer. Poor human.]
I’m Violet Temple… today’s my first day.
[Sunday night turned into a late one unintentionally but it happens a helluva lot when I get lost in my writing and I’ve been trying to pen a couple of songs at the same time. Really my concentration should be on my school work, I have so much to reacquaint myself with that's for damn sure. And still my gut instinct always goes straight back to my music, my muse loudest when I should definitely be working on something far more important.
Come early Monday morning I'm hanging hard from lack of sleep but I can’t say I’m not buzzed. It’s 8.15 when I pull into the school parking lot, my hands steady on the wheel for sure but the shot of espresso I’d picked up on the way in was definitely kicking in right about now. I would need it this mornin’ thats a sure certainty, what with me showing the new student around. I didn’t mind it, I like meeting new people but its also evident, at least in my mind that I’m not in a very sociable kinda mood. Then again who the heck is on a Monday morning I suppose. I jump outta my truck and slam the door heavily, taking in the still half empty lot. It was way too early, earlier than I usually bother to get here but I wanted to stop by the music room and the Canteen before heading to the principal's office. En route from the Music room a little while later, halls are starting to fill up, the buzzer for homeroom only about 10 minutes or so away. I’ve managed to book time in the music room for myself and the guys every Wednesday up until the spring dance, which is only Seven weeks away. The theme hasn’t been picked yet and I’m not that much into the formalities of it but I’m hopeful we can get the gig if we keep up with practice. I debate picking up a coffee before heading to my appointment at the school office and decide I can manage it and still be on time. As it turns out the coffee machine is on the slow side this morning or damn it maybe it’s because I’m in a hurry but whatever the reason, I barely make it to the front office with a second to spare, bypassing the ditzy Ms Campbell on Reception as I all but skid into the Principals office without knocking.
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‘Hey, I’m late, sorry I’m late, you know…’
[ I clock the principal, sitting on the edge of his desk, halfway through saying something about schedules and maps, turning as I crash into the room, my coffee sloshing a little over the side of my paper cup, hitting the floor with a splat.]
Damn it...I’ll clean that…[ I shake my head and chuckle, casting a glance over to the young girl seated in the chair opposite.] ...It’s errr, been a busy mornin’, I’m all yours now.
[Everyone I’d met so far seemed perfectly nice. The lady on the reception desk and then the Principal. I had my schedule, a diary for recording assignments and a map so I didn’t get lost - though I wasn’t really at one with directions. It just seemed like a normal school with everyone doing their normal thing. As I waited for my chaperone slash tour guide slash school buddy - jeez, how dorky, I could see students being dropped off in cars, gatherings on the front lawns before people made their way in and all I could think about was how I would rather be at home. I wanted to make my Dad his ice tea when his temperature was up, I wanted to read the comic section from the newspaper to him. Instead I had English, Math, Gym and French to deal with today. I was glancing at the clock and time was ticking. But moments later the door flung open, I heard a splat of liquid on the linoleum floor before I saw a person. I was already grabbing a tissue from my pocket to sink onto my knees and wipe it up.]
It’s okay, I got it. [I let the tissue suck up the coffee splodge and looked up at the… woah it was a guy. He was around my age and looked… exhausted. Handsome was my second thought but first was exhausted. But his smile was welcoming and I got up to my feet.]
You’re my ‘buddy’? [I asked @WhereDorkBegins, my voice accidentally laced with a tone of surprise.] I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. I’m Violet.
Yeah thats me... [ I answer hearing the surprise laced in  @ViFeelinShy’s voice, offering a smile as I take a couple seconds to fully appreciate how pretty she is, not that I’m not used to seeing a pretty girl but that, I hadn’t been considering a lot this morning apart from getting to school on time to keep my ass out of detention again.] I’m Hayden [ I offer Vi my hand as she stands and it might come across a little awkward, mainly on my part because I’m not sure if I’m keeping it cool, or why it even matters that I do.] Oh you didn’t have to…[I nod to the floor where the coffee spill was seconds earlier] But yeah, thanks. [ I give Principal Roberts a nod before turning my attention back to Violet.] And hey, no problem, I’ll try my best not to be offended I promise. [ I grin around my coffee cup as I take a sip and hope that came across the way I’d intended, suddenly it seems important that I make a good impression on this girl.
Principal Roberts gives Vi his brief introduction of me and how I’m the perfect student to show her around even though my Grade point average could use some improvement. He then jokes rather awkwardly that she could consider tutoring me in Math at some point, given her previous grades at her old school. I would feel bad for @ViFeelinShy but I’m too busy cringing myself and casting an eye to the clock on the wall. I hold open the door for Vi after the principal finally excuses us, not wanting us to be too late for homeroom and would you believe it we both had English together. Vi collects some paperwork from the secretary and joins me in the hall, the hustle and bustle has died away as students can be heard scrapping back chairs and chatting to each other behind closed classroom doors.]
So...that was fun..[ I shake my head with a low chuckle, shifting the weight of my bag on my shoulder.] I swear I’m not usually this wired..[I lift my coffee cup to emphasise my point] Well darn, I am to be honest. Might as well be honest..
[We stop by @ViFeelinShy’s locker and I offer to help with the standard combination, jiggling the door in a certain way when it gets a little stuck.] I had that locker last year...it can be a pain sometimes. [ Another grin her way and I hope I’m not being a total pain in the ass, I have a feeling if I was then Violet would be polite about it.]
So, where did you move from? Its gotta suck starting a new school real late…
[We’re not far from homeroom but there’s still a good ten minutes left and Ms Lockler wouldn’t mind if we were a bit late, given its Vi’s first day.
[@WhereDorkBegins was polite enough, I just wasn’t all that good at talking to people that I just met. I got nervous and awkward. Jeez, the therapist was right, the diary was a good idea. But then did that make me my own brand of cuckoo? Hayden guided me through the school like a perfect tour guide, pointing different rooms out, the bathrooms, which people to avoid. I held my bag over my shoulder and clutched my books against my chest until I was shown my locker. Then I felt exposed. I placed the books into the locker that honestly smelt like boy but fortunately not in a disgusting way. More in a “I bathed in aftershave” kind of way. I could cope with that. I’d borrow a hanging scented air freshener from my mom tomorrow to put in here. I liked vanilla. And I digress as usual. I was lost in my own thoughts when I realised @WhereDorkBegins was talking to me. He must have thought I was terribly rude as I stared into space.]
Move from? Oh, Atlanta, Georgia. [I nodded in agreement with the boy, starting a new school this late into the semester did suck. I was brutally aware of people walking past me and staring at the ‘new girl’ but then I was equally aware that the boy in front of me was cute. He’d overdone the gel a little perhaps but he’d still make the centerfold of teenage magazines easily.] To be honest, I’d rather be at home. This wasn’t my choice. [I murmured quietly with a tinge of sadness, leaning against the lockers.]
Wouldn't we all rather be at home… [ I grin, tilting my head to catch her eye line.] Actually, I'd rather be playing my guitar, but I'm not exactly the academic type… [We start the walk to home room, I'm holding back a little because I'm in no hurry to get there, enjoying this girls company, even though she's hard to read right now. I wouldn't take kindly to being hauled into a new school either. Lord knows there has to be a good reason for it but I don't want to ask too many questions given that we've just met.
  I introduce her to the tutor and give her arm a gentle squeeze of support as the teacher introduces her to the rest of the class. I slide behind my desk and give her a hopefully comforting smile, easily distracted when #Matt and #Heather start chatting to me.
The bell goes for next class and as everyone files towards the hallway akin to a herd of rampaging wildebeest, I introduce Vi to Matt, Kelly and Heather, wanting her to feel more at ease on her first day.
The morning passes and it turns out we both have the same English and Math class, a fact I'm quietly celebrating that's for sure. When the buzzer for Lunch goes I hang back from my group of friends, catching Vi talking to the teacher, probably on what she's got to catch up on.]
‘You like her don't deny it’ Matt quips as he moves past me, punching my shoulder the way he does. I shake my head but can't stop my smile even as he says it.]
Shut up… Gotta admit she's cute though, no denying it.
‘Yeah, yeah… Way too good for you,man.’
[Another chesty laugh from one of my best friends and bandcmates and I flip him a V, turning quick to Vi as she steps out into the corridor.]
Hey, so lunchtime I usually head to the diner across the street, was just going to check if you wanted to join a few of us…
[ I'm hopeful and maybe a little over zealous here but I wanted to get to know Vi better and I hoped that wasn't coming off too strong.]
[@WhereDorkBegins looked after me all morning. He told me who to avoid, student and teacher wise, the sort of people who would have my back. Of course he told me my first choice should be him and his friends. I listened to him talk about music and his guitar. It seemed that we were polar opposites with nothing in common, he describing himself as the non-academic type whereas when I was in the right frame of mind, I liked school and I liked to learn. But he was my ‘buddy’ and nobody else seemed keen to talk to me or build friendships so he was who I had for now. The thing I did like though? His smile put me at ease. I couldn’t work out why but in each lesson he had made sure he caught my gaze, he’d smile and sometimes wink. I was walking behind him down a corridor as we’d just left Math and his friend talked to him - I think he said his name was Matt. I couldn’t hear their conversation but it was obviously hilarious. It was followed by another welcoming smile as I caught up to them. I blinked more than once at Hayden’s question. Not that I’d been asked, well maybe a little but at another concept.]
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You’re allowed to leave school grounds here? [I couldn’t believe it.] You got suspended for that at my last school.
[Well done, Violet, you sound like you’re ten years old. My mom had packed a lunch but I could abandon that, or eat it at the diner. Though that’d probably be frowned upon. Then I remembered. I’d been so occupied by school, I hadn’t checked my phone.]
Hold that thought. I’m in, but just give me a second. [I rummaged around my bag for my phone and found it at the bottom. There was a text from my Dad wishing me luck. I’d cherish mundane messages like that. I quickly tapped out a reply.
“School is fine, the people are really nice and helpful. We’ll watch your documentary later. Miss you, Dad. Love Vi” I sent it and shoved it into my pocket. I felt guilty for enjoying my morning of education. There was an hour for lunch but I didn’t know the area well enough to go home for it. So I committed myself to the lunch plans with Hayden and his friends.]
Lets go. [I smiled with a slight unease.] #EndFlashback
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