#and Eret is immediately like
garussy · 4 months
“I will take your leg/other leg” is the most common threat on dragons edge
It’s started with the death song episode when Snotlout yelled at Hiccup
Then Hiccup started saying it when he got upset
The twins took that as the green light to say it as well
Astrid said it next to Snotlout and Tuffnut
Fishlegs was the last to say it
Other merchants and dragon hunters hear them using it out in public and now it’s a common threat throughout the archipelago and beyond
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Eret: Dude, people who are actually like, “Alpha Male” type thing — I find them so funny because their masculinity is so fragile they have to go, “Yeah, real men only do this, and I’m a real man!” I love it, it’s hilarious. [reading chat] “Imagine being a LARPer” it’s basically — yeah! It’s like, it’s RP. [reading chat again] “The next time I run across an alpha male, I’m going to call him an 0megaverse LARPer” ??? I feel like this is a meme I do not get.
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
tntduo + eret mcc team when
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moomoorare · 1 year
Kinda funny that the flowerpot au are generally really calm and happy and meanwhile the piratecove au lifestyle is so messy lmao rip to puffychu
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faebriel · 10 months
for the spider-niki au, I think it’d be interesting if Tommy was the first one to find out she was Spider-Women
HOW INTERESTING YOU SAY THIS ANON.............when i started thinking about identity reveals tommy Was in fact the first one (kind of.)
concept i had was that after niki starts hitting some rough times (post breakup......) tommy sees this and in a well-meaning but extremely misguided attempt to make her feel better about something, lets her in on a little secret - wilbur's alive! he just faked his death. he's okay, actually. through a series of mishaps and missing your brother, tommy found out a little while after it happened. but niki and wilbur were such good friends, and he knows niki is still really sad about wilbur's death, so he'll tell her.
niki already knew this actually because she (in alter ego form) recognised wilbur in a run-in with some villains, wilbur's new identity included. and she is so fucking mad that tommy knew, for months, and he didn't fucking say anything. (and that wilbur actually bothered to tell him. were the rest of them acceptable targets to hurt?)
and niki lashes out at tommy and like. really fuckin hurts him. for some reason my brain keeps going "she pushes him off a roof" which a. is not really a nuke-adjacent activity and b. why would they be on a roof?? but like that vibe. no superpowers, none of that. just niki. it hits her a second later but it's too late - tommy is genuinely badly injured and niki has to slip into her vigilante form to attract help. tommy sees it happen, and he's this internal mess of angry-guilty-betrayed-regretful but he keeps her secret.
i'm not sure if tommy would be the first (i was trying to suss out a timeline....i'm not sure if wilbur finds out before this and it's just more gasoline into the swill of niki's mental state at the time, because she is so pissed off and unable to channel that feeling anywhere when it happens) but he is for sure the first "civilian" who finds out.
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fernlessbastard · 9 months
So, what's the deal with this tnt duo art?
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I've explained it in my reblog of this post, but I've decided to copy this over to a brand new post as well, because especially with qsmp happening I'm sure we have many newer people here who don't get what's the deal with this piece
Ok so first off: the artist is _olga.exe_ on Instagram (I think also on twitter but i don't use Twitter so you'll have to check that one yourself)
To the best of my understanding this art just came out around June 2021, which was immediately after the first Revivedbur/Quackity interaction. The first two or so months the ship was exclusively seen as a crack ship - I'm not fully certain why, I think it's just that quackbur before wasn't all that known and popular, so it seemed like it came out of nowhere to the majority of the internet (which, it didn't, holy shit, those sluts have been so gay with each other for so long). It also was a time when most people only began realising that ccQuackity was capable of serious lore, which most likely added to how the ship was seen. Even I myself actually was very hesitant to bring it up to my partner, when I began slowly getting into it - of course while simultaneously deluding myself that it's nothing more than a crack ship for me (@octobre-ackedia oh would you look at how we ended up--).
This art was one of the first pieces that were fully serious, and couldn't be construed in any way shape or form as /p, so it got picked up by people on twitter and memed on. Around September 2021 tntblr began reclaiming it (and if I remember correctly we had a boom of posts sharing the original artist about that time).
In this surge of new people beginning to ship those two that's been happening for the past year or so, I need you all to remember that quackbur started off first as a very underground ship that almost no-one spoke of, and then became a crack ship. The header on my blog doesn't come from a "ha ha funny" self deprecating meme. #twquackburshipping was a tag that someone seriously used to tag a post about how Eret commented on some tntduo/r tiktok.
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I get how easy it is to forget how anti-mainstream of a ship quackbur used to be (or simply miss that, if you're newer - which, for the record, no shame, I'm happy to see the new faces!), considering ccQuackity's endorsement of it in the last months of dsmp, not to mention what's happening on qsmp, but all those "omg I'm a quackbur shipper ha ha don't hate me ha I'm cringe I know" jokes used to genuinely not be jokes something like 1,5 years ago.
I hope this explains it thoroughly, and to everyone a little bit newer to the ship: welcome! Glad to see you here, remember to have fun, and if you've got any questions, feel free to ask me :]]
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dissonantharmony · 9 days
man. i spend a lot of time analyzing eret in the time period immediately after the lmanburg war but like. do you ever think if they saw eret at the end of the dsmp they’d think they’d won. they’d think they had everything
like. from an outsiders perspective eret at the end of the server has nearly everything they wanted out of the original deal. they expanded their land, they outlived lmanburg and technically outlived all of its members, they had friends, and Technically had power (if you ignore the fact that there were few people remaining and fewer who’d call themselves his subjects, and dream was still out there somewhere).
it’s so. the fucking irony of it all. being put through the worst goddamn wringer of your life and then looking back at the end of it all and realizing hey, you got everything you asked for! isn't that funny? doesn’t it feel worth it? :)
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
httyd hcs abt the gang's relationship to eret bc we were deprived.
eret has a sense of camaraderie with all of them eventually, but it's super rough to get along with anyone besides astrid & hiccup at first
him & astrid get along the best, obv. they spar, they talk shit, they open up abt serious things, they trade information
eret dealing with how quickly he's changed his life & while astrid doesn't fully understand she rmrs how quickly her mind had been changed & getting used to it.
stormfly still plays fetch with eret (with a stick or... with him LMAO but it helps him get used to falling from large heights & trusting he'll be caught by a dragon, either her or skullcrusher)
hiccup immediately trusts eret as much as he trusts anyone he's known for years & eret doesn't know if he deserves it but he strives to make it so he does
eret has HIGH respect for hiccup & understands what he's going through to an extent as the son of a chief (tho hiccup is chief now). hiccup is one of the only ones who know eret was son of a chief.
yea i'm going off of what was said abt fire tides with eret being the son of a chief
eret figures out exactly where toothless likes to be pet & always has to give him a scratch under the chin to say hello
fishlegs enthusiasm for dragons & infodumping is a lot for eret at first, but very quickly fishlegs unabashedly is sweet, gentle, shy, patient, & still has the ability to bite back at ppl (mostly snotlout & the twins) & eret is like okay word
fishlegs helps eret understand skullcrusher more, as he's more than eager to step into the role of teacher (this makes hiccup happy)
fishlegs tells eret abt his family's regatta history & eret is actually invested!! he's interested!!! in turn, eret shows fishlegs his ship!!
eret: (sees meatlug) oh. (gives her a snack) (gives her a snack) (gives her a snack) (gives her a
we know snotlout sees eret as a rival but eret doesn't Care™️ but it'd be funnier i think if eret doesn't Care™️ but also enjoys mildly taking the piss out of snotlout for fun
it's so easy to work snotlout up & after eret's had his fun for a few months he casually brings it up to snotlout & snotlout wants to crawl into a hole & die
they do become good friends & it's weird for ppl outside of the gang bc eret is so dry towards snotlout vs snotlout still getting in eret's face (affectionate)
hookfang just likes to push himself into eret's personal space & cuddle(?) so eret just allowe it LMAO
it's ruffnut's bluntness that has eret finally relax around her.
she defends him in a rather mundane event of eret getting heckled (again) by berkians who don't trust him (this is like, month 5 of him living on berk) by looking at each viking & roasting them calmly from the ground up with information they didn't know she knew
eret tells her thanks & she just... smiles at him. so he gives her a kiss on the cheek & it's a rare moment of ruff getting slightly flushed
tuffnut is actually very easy to get along with. he always checks on eret & makes sure he's doing alright (in his tuffnut way)
tuffnut is so blasé abt things while also being one of the most hyper ppl eret has ever met & it's so intriguing to eret how someone can be a walking contradiction but make it make sense so easily
tuffnut gives eret unprompted pep talks & eret tries to respond in kind instead of fully brushing tuff off & tuff is like :D
barf & belch are as chaotic as their riders & maybe... maybe... eret will enable them on occassion (yes he will. what? it's funny).
eret rlly learns abt everyone & learns to like them for them as they like him for him :)
also they all saw him without a shirt ONE TIME (1) & haven't shut up abt it since
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When you cup their face
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Dream: He is very happy and calm, feeling safe and being able to calm down if he’s feeling anxious. A nice, sweet, tender cupping would make him feel loved and that you are there for him if he needs you.
Sapnap: He’s probably be very surprised because they'd never done anything like that before, I think he’d feel really happy and loved, and probably smile a lot. He’d probably just hold your hand for a while, or put his arms around you, just because it feels good, he might end up blushing a bit too, because it'd be a little embarrassing to have someone do something like that out of nowhere. But he’d definitely enjoy being with someone who was comfortable showing their affection in that way.
George: He would be so confused, He’d would be like woah.. then probably laugh a little because it would be so funny. It really depends on you, he is not too big on physical touch. I think it could be nice for him to have a partner who likes physical touch so he’s happy but surprised.
Wilbur: He would probably have a mixed reaction of confusion and some form of happiness. He would be confused as to why you would do it and what you would do after but at the same time he would probably enjoy the feeling of your hands on his face.might just try it on you too and see how you liked it
Fundy: He would probably blush a lot because he’s very easily embarrassed about it. But he would really appreciate that. It would truly make him feel loved and I’m pretty sure it would put a smile on his face. He would probably try to cup your face too if he was brave enough. It would be the perfect moment to do so.
Karl: He would feel his heart swell with love. He feels like he’s waited forever for someone to be this interested in him. For you to cup his face shows you really know and appreciate the real him. He would think of all of the people who were doubtful, and say to himself, “Haha, I made it! They were wrong!”.
Eret: Feels like it would be an affectionate gesture coming from you. Would most likely blush and not know what to say or do. It would probably make them feel loved and special. It would be a very sweet moment that they would not want to end.
Foolish: He would be flustered as he would not expect you to do this suddenly to him. He would smile and look at you with love, then he would then give you a kiss on the cheek just wanting to show you the same kind of soft love you gave him along with the warm fuzzy feelings.
Niki: She would be so flustered! It would be the cutest thing ever. Like she would immediately blush and smile and her heart would beat really fast. She would also be so happy knowing that you wanted to be so close to her and hold her face. She just wants to be loved and for that to happen would be so cute and amazing to her.
Ranboo: The most realistic answer here is I would say he’s shocked for a moment but he would let you. He would just stare back, then smile a little. After that he would ask "what was that for?" then laugh a little and say "but it was cute" then go in for a hug.
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mcytblrconfessions · 6 months
I used to watch Eret all the time and she was pretty much the only streamer I watched on twitch. Over time I stopped watching due to lack of interest and school workload, but whenever I get upset or anything like that I listen to the playlist she uses for streams and it has never failed to bring so much comfort to me. Any time I hear any of the songs on there I immediately feel better because I associate them with her streams which were always a safe space for me.
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mellorphic · 1 year
In Defence of c!Niki - a Four Part Analysis of Every Arc
People who didn’t watch C!Niki see, in the fandom, a big sister type character with girlboss energy who wants to kill a child. Niki isn’t that. She has a well-written narrative which focusses a lot on her relationships with others. Here is me breaking it down!
PART ONE: c!Niki’s Early Days (you are here)
PART TWO: c!Niki’s Rebellion
PART THREE: c!Niki’s Disillusionment
PART FOUR: c!Niki’s Healing
Niki joined the server a little while after the L’Manberg War for Independence and she immediately joined the nation as Wilbur invited her to it. Of course, Niki was close with Wilbur from the beginning and quickly she got close to Tommy and Fundy too. But a relationship that I find interesting was her bond with Eret.
From the get go, Niki is told by L’Manberg (read: Tommy and Wilbur) that Eret was a traitor and wasn’t trustworthy, and while she understood their apprehension, she remained friendly with Eret as they were nice to her. She had no real reason to dislike him because she had not been there during the war and therefore wasn’t betrayed by her.
Wilbur ends up talking to her about this.
N: you know I’m loyal to you, Wil! You know I’m loyal to you.
W: I don’t- I want you to be loyal to L’Manberg.
N: and to L’Manberg! I am!
W: […] just stick with L’Manberg! That’s all I’m looking for- that’s all I look for in- in a woman- <laughs>
N: I promise, I promise I will
W: okay..okay, I’ll trust you..
N: I mean, y’know, that is why I joined! I joined to join the independent nation, didn’t I?
W: you did.. you did. You did. And just not their independent nation.
N: no. Our independent nation.
I think this is the first really important bit of Niki’s character - she is loyal. But she won’t take what people tell her and trust it blindly. She wants to form her own opinions on things and on people rather than listening to what others tell her about them. And yet, even when she ends up disagreeing with someone on something it doesn’t affect their relationship. Niki quickly begins to trust Eret a lot and Wilbur doesn’t trust him at all. Despite this Niki remains loyal to Wilbur and assured him she’s loyal to L’Manberg too.
That’s another thing - she promised Wilbur she was loyal to L’Manberg. And she kept this promise for as long as she could. Throughout this analysis I’m going to reference this promise a lot because while it’s a mostly forgotten piece of lore I think it has a lot of potential to be bigger and to be talked about a lot more often.
Additionally, I think this shows that Niki is pretty good at reading people - she obviously knows Wilbur very well and can read him because of this, even starting to say ‘and to L’Manberg’ before Wilbur had even finished saying he wanted her to be loyal to it. At the same time, she’s able to figure out from Eret’s behaviour that he’s trustworthy. Analysing motives and behaviour is how Niki figures out who to trust and it’s important to remember this for the Manberg era when suddenly the behaviour and motives of people around her didn’t match up.
Niki showed her loyalty by making the nation’s flag, by telling Wilbur her fox Fungi was the mascot of L’Manberg, by creating her bakery, and by giving everyone lots of gifts. I’ve said it before that she was the soul of L’Manberg. She loved that nation and she lived and breathed its ideals. C!Niki was an idealist. I truly think she would’ve been happy to remain in L’Manberg forever, if it hadn’t changed. Unfortunately, though, change is inevitable and attachment is a main theme on the Dream SMP, and there were many people attached to L’Manberg. It wasn’t ever going to remain the same.
The first pet war was the first time we really saw how strong of a moral code c!Niki had, and it’s something a lot of people think she only developed later on. While she was initially angry at Sapnap, Niki only wanted an apology (but she refused to beg for one). She never wanted revenge like Tommy and Fundy did.
Early Niki is often regarded as naive, but I genuinely don’t think that was ever the case. She was kind and compassionate but she was never a pushover and she’s always been headstrong.
Niki joined Coconut2020 in the elections as Fundy had told her they could bring peace to the Nation and make it better. It’s important to note that she was extremely upset when she learned he had committed voter fraud. Niki cheered despite coming in last place and this made it clear she’d be happy regardless of whether or not she won, as long as the people were happy.
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quotemenevervore · 2 months
I have decided that the lore is bullshit™️ and I’m going to make my own (with Squishy’s help)
With that being said, SM is likely no longer getting updated. I may steal a few stories from SM to put into this AU, but overall it is likely going to be left as it is (I won’t delete it, dw, it’s also on my ao3)
So, introducing: Time Heals All Wounds (will be tagged as ‘thaw au’)
(Yes, there will be noms and G/t in this au, similarily done like SM)
The main takeaways is that Wilbur, Dream (along with XD) and George aren’t main figures/there, and the ‘ending’ didn’t happen.
The only ending that is being used in this au is Q’s because his second death is important to his turnaround in the au.
Lady Death saves Karl from XD’s clutches, which returns his memory and allows him to have all of his powers that come with time traveling. Not only does he not have to keep it secret anymore, but he can also strive to change their fates so they don’t wind up like their pasts and futures.
XD loses his power, and along that his control on Sapnap, Karl, Foolish, George and also Dream. Dream and George simply take themselves and move somewhere more remote, wanting peace and quiet. Punz goes with them and Wilbur already left (good riddance.)
Techno and Phil get involved first, as they are Lady Death’s biggest reapers, and they help Karl develop his powers and cope with getting his memory back all at once. After that, Karl has some trips to make.
Main plot is Karl, (and I quote myself ‘using the power of friendship’) dismantles the governments by trying to make everyone understand (with Techno’s and Eret’s help (as Eret is an immortal being as well and knows how dangerous history is to repeat) that the governments are only hurting everyone and that they can all live in peace together.
Q dismantles his government without even being visited, Slime’s words still ringing hard in his mind and had already decided to take the higher path and try to rekindle anything he had before so his last life could be spent happily. It’s Q trying to find Sap in a dismantled Kinoko that Karl finds him, and immediately apologizes for their fight and explains fully. Sap finds them at some point during this discussion and it ends in a tearful but happy reunion of the fiancés.
Tommy is mainly with the BeeDuo now, but after everyone (thanks to Karl) has a group discussion about what all was wrong and people forcing others to admit their mistakes and apologize for them, he’s seen as what he had become: a traumatized child that needed someone for him, especially after losing his ‘brother’. Techno takes him back under his wing, and Niki slowly, reluctantly opens up to him. She essentially becomes his sister figure.
Only one ‘government’ remained: the Eggpire. And now the entire smp was together to face it.
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No thoughts only C!Karlnapity getting a happy ending and becoming better versions of themselves. Them having this big volatile shouting match where in the end they are left exhausted and out of breath but it also feels like a weight has been lifted from them. Having to confront that in silence, they were all suffering.
I don't know what happens immediately after. But I can imagine both Kinoko Kingdom and Las Nevadas are thriving. Having been filled with people that are unaware of the history of the rest of the land yet still proudly call it home. C!Quackity still mainly focuses on the management of Las Nevadas. C!Sapnap is a prominent figure in Kinoko even if it has no real government structure. C!Karl spends most of his time writing and transcribing books for the library in C!Eret's Historical Museum.
To an outsider they seem like borderline strangers, reacting with downright shock to learn that they are all married. But to them, they are the happiest they have ever been.
(Also they totally adopt a kid one day, why? It's really funny in my brain? Who?... Tilin- *gets shot*)
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doofus-and-dragons · 2 months
As promised, I'm back on my httyd bullshit. Here's a list of things that don't make sense unless you watch the shows (idgaf if they're cannon or not, they should be for the background of small details!!!)
1. Grump.
Grump is Gobber's Hotburple in Httyd 2 and 3. But not in httyd 1. So this begs the question: Where and when did Gobber get Grump? The answer? Race to the Edge S3 E12, "Last Auction heros." Gobber and Snotlout go to Viggo's dragon auction undercover, and Grump is one of the dragons for sale. Without that episode, Grump is just a dragon they shoved into the second movie for shots and giggles.
2. Inferno
Inferno is a blade that Hiccup created himself that lights itself on fire using monstrous nightmare gel and can eject and ignite zippleback gas. To the casual watcher, he just showed up with it in the second movie. But Inferno is ALSO from rtte! Inferno's first form comes from S3 E9, "Tone Death." Hiccup then works further on it, but Inferno as we know it is actually based on a version of the blade that VIGGO GRIMBORN, the villain for most of RTTE, made.
3. The Deadly Nadder(? Looks like a nadder) plushie
Although this is a small detail that is only seen in the background of the later Httyd movies, it is still a detail that first appears within the SHOW'S cannon lore. According to S1 E17 of Riders of Berk, the toy was made by Valka when Hiccup was a baby. However, tiny Hiccup was so scared of the toy that he threw it in the ocean. Trader Johann managed to get ahold of it, and the episode was about the riders trying to save with mystery item because something happened to Johann's ship. I don't remember what. Something about smoldering smoke breaths, I think.
4. Skull Crusher
Skull Crush is Stoick the Vast's Rumblehorn in Httyd 2 and 3, who is later inherited by Eret, son of Eret upon Soick's death in Httyd 2. But again, where and when did Stoick get Shullcrusher? Because it seems like he just appeared. Well, I have that answer! Skull Crusher first appears in S1 E8, "Crushing It." In the episode, the gang is tormented by a Rumblehorn who keeps destroying their camp. Hiccup asks his Dad for help, and his Dad is able to train and befriend the wild dragon.
5. Hiccup's flight suit
In Httyd 2 and 3, Hiccup has/is trying to perfect a flight suit attached to his armor. Now, this could just be seen as Hiccup being a silly inventor off-screen, but it ACTUALLY shows up in Race to the Edge! S1 E12 "The Next Big Sting" actually opens with Hiccup trying out his first design for the flight suit. He does it many times, each time having to be saved by Toothless before he crashes into some form of rock/sea stack (much like in Httyd 2).
6. Hiccup's aging
I saw a post either on here or on tiktok the other day where someone was complaining about how different hiccup looked between 1 and 2. In 1, he's like...what...13?15? Where as He's about 20-21 ish by Httyd 2. To fans who don't obsess over something and consume all the media like I do, this would be a bit of a shock. I mean, you go from this:
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Immediately to this:
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Where as fans of the shows had this progression:
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Much easier to swallow.
7. The Bewilderbeast
This is, again, something that could be choked up to the writers wanting more than just 7 species of dragons. HOWEVER, this dragon is actually the center point of the last few episodes of Race to the Edge. We learn a little bit about the dragon over the corse of the last season, which takes place just a year or two before Httyd 2.
I watched Race to the Edge long before I watched Httyd 2, so I had 0 clue the Hiccup's mom was still alive or what her mask looked like. But in the last bit of the last episode of race to the edge, guess what we see?
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In conclusion, these show's should be considered cannon to the HTTYD universe just as much as fucking Homecoming should or what ever. These are amazing and fill in so many continuity
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
ok so it somehow got brought up like innovations in streaming/content creation and eret brought up multilingual content (feeling of dread starts) but just talks about mr beast doing like multilingual dubbed content and closed captioning extensions on twitch (immediate relief) BUT THEN DREAM GOES "like the qsmp!" (instant smack to the face) and then the audience like slightly cheered and they moved on i'm-
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ltransburgseulogy · 3 days
re: eret and cinematic weather. yknow what i think about a lot. towards the end of dsmp, there was this thing where every time eret would do a speech or even just like. be on the server, it would start raining. and when they were talking to aimsey about like. grief and stuff in logstedshire, almost immediately after they stopped talking, it started raining. i think about this a LOT. -resHes
OUGHHHHH it’s insane isn’t it??? have a headcanon that it’s because of herobrineiness. it made everything so much more dramatic and i LOVE ITTTT.
the most recent Eret stream i’ve watched is when c!wilbur apologised to him, and right when she said “do you know why i did what i did?” there was a thunder strike and i LOST MY MIND.
it’s very very cool! the rain following them and she thinks of it as a weight from his past. a consequence for what he’s done. a constant reminder, even, because she used to love playing in the rain during l’manburg. now it just feels sad and dreary.
c!Eret and his envy of c!wilbur being able to rally up crowds but even when she doesn’t realise she’s directing nature itself.
c!eret and rain also. rain washing things away. c!eret trying to help everyone to make up for her past mistake. the rain following him but she’ll never let it touch her. never forgive themself fully because they can’t give up yet, they still have things to redeem. so she’ll never let the rain wash away her sins. i don’t know if this makes sense. fair warning
anyway YEAH it’s super fascinating. sorry for making your ask about c!buttonduo i just do that. also sorry for using your ask to infodump. i just do that
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