#and I also feel super lonely
nope-body · 2 years
#things went really well today#but the last activity was super overwhelming and I’m like half shutting down now#meaning I can’t do the work I needed to get done tonight#and I also feel super lonely#it was just a lot of people talking over each other very loudly and I guess it reminded me of stuff at home#because it left me feeling scared? and anxious and I just#I don’t know#I don’t want to be alone but there’s very few people I would actually be okay being around#unfortunately my roommate is not one of those people#I’m also just in so much pain and I can’t deal with it right now#my hip is killing me and I want to go outside and take a walk and calm down my head but I can’t#and it’s really frustrating#because I should be able to do things but I just. can’t!#I used to be able to do them. I still can most of the time#but walking right now is asking for more pain than I can handle#I also didn’t get anywhere near enough food from the salad I was given for dinner because it was almost entirely lettuce#and while yes the food here is very much lacking in the vegetables department I need more than just a salad#but it was part of the program and I’m getting money for participating so I can’t really complain#I would go and get food but like I said before I can’t fucking walk#I’m also lightheaded because I didn’t get to eat enough and there weren’t any drinks provided#I don’t feel safe and I know that’s like a ptsd response from that program because of my family but it doesn’t make it feel any less real#I just want to feel safe
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fumifooms · 3 months
I am so sick of Kui. We see Hien’s younger sister in ONE panel in an extra on her blog that didn’t even get published and she’s in Toshizane’s retainer group.
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And from other details we know it makes sense too, because both of Hien’s parents work for the Nakamotos and Hien herself grew up alongside Toshiro. Hien and Toshiro were childhood friends, so maybe this unnamed sister and Toshizane (Toshiro’s youngest brother) would parallel them. I’m hopeful that maybe they can stay friends as they grow up, instead of becoming distant and professional like Hien with Toshiro…
Kui really tought through every cm3 of her world I’m crying
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n4rval · 6 months
a little pause on art for finals(they are all late) but boy has brain been braining
more specifically on dings' dynamic as asriel and chara's weird uncle bc that's just something i don't see a lot
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my-beloved-lakes · 10 months
I see a lot of people I knew from school posting pictures on their social medias with all their friends doing various fun things together. Meanwhile, I'm sitting at home wishing I could take a group photo with all my Tumblr mutuals to post so I can brag about having the best friends.
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kiradical · 4 months
Me? Crying over the steam engine going over the bridge collapse in Around the World in 80 Days? You better fucking believe it.
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pardonmydelays · 2 months
how was it to be a part of FLS fans meeting online & what are your fave moments from the show? ✨
i didn't expect this question at all but i'm so glad you asked! 😭
honestly, i had such a great time! i was super stressed at first because it was on zoom & i don't even know how this app works, but i figured it out somehow. no idea how many of us were there, but everyone was so so nice! some people were even brave enough to show their faces, it was so cool to see them just vibing. i, on the other hand, was brave enough to write a few words on chat (i still feel super anxious about showing myself on the internet & about my stupid polish accent when i speak english lol but maybe one day??? who knows. there's gonna be another meeting, probably in the summer, so we will see).
so we only watched first three episodes of the show, we were kinda insane about it on chat (some people were never able to see the show before so it was cool to see their reactions & it comes from someone who saw every single episode at least five times...), & there was a little conversation between each episode but also when we finished watching. i always feel like a lone wolf of this fandom, i never really interacted with other fans, especially when i joined the fandom last year & it was basically just me talking to myself on tumblr lol. but it was a nice change & i'm so glad i could be a part of it because everyone here is so sweet & we all have one thing in common - we all love lin so so so much. honestly it's kinda like slowly leaving my comfort zone, but i had such a great time i would do it again. i really want to interact with other fans. this is why creating instagram account was a good idea, most of them are active there, not here.
my fave moments from the show? hmm, let's think. we only saw three episodes so i'm gonna talk about those. so my favourite ep is "what makes a hombre" because it's lin-centered, so of course. there's also a lot of tobi there & she's the cutest little creature. the entire episode is super funny. as for the others, pilot is amazing - prom, lin in a beanie, utk with go pro, LADIES & GENTLEMEN WE WANNA THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING OUT THIS EVENING, also lin's outfit is one big slay in this one, then the entire totto ramen episode will never not be funny to me ("that TOTTOlly sucks!") & i could go on & on, i just love this show so much i will never shut up about it & sorry for this essay.
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skunkes · 3 months
Hey uhhhh I lost track of tumblr for a bit, but I remember you were really excited about your special birthday dinner and I missed that day so I don't know how it went and now I'm sad
I hope it was wonderful and you had a great time!!! Here is cake 🎂 love u smunker 💙
my special dinner was delicious ^_^ i was gonna post a pic but it does/did not look as delicious as it tasted LOL.... thank u!
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deathxproof · 20 days
hiiiii. hi. hiii. the thing is in recent history whenever I say I want to make an effort to start using this blog more I accidentally clown on myself. Which in retrospect is always kinda funny.
between new doctor who and schedule changes and stuff I am finally getting the fucking itch and ENERGY to start writing more often again. And I would like to use this blog more often again with that!!
BUT While I’m at it!!! If you wanna roleplay, plot, catch-up, etc, feel free to DM me, or you can catch me on discord @ canisonicscrewyou . And if you want to write or keep-up or anything else, I’m always Super Active on my personal blog @canisonicscrewyou <- mutuals & nonmutuals welcome to add/follow me on either !! I’ve been roleplaying way more on discord recently, and also oddly enough in the DMs of my personal blog + its side blogs.
but !!! hiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiii I miss being here I miss the folks here. and a little life update: I’m also going by Ryker too/again!! :3 back in rotation. still call me Andrew too, that is also still my name.
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atlaskrr · 6 months
Just had one of my worst break downs ever and here i thought i was getting better 😃 i cant tell if its some weird ass anxiety attack, if im genuinely on the course to developing bpd (praying on my life not cause that shit will ruin my life frfr) or if im in a rlly shitty depressive episode recently and this is just its LOWest point.
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manasurge · 4 months
#sometimes I wish drawing wasn't such a lonely activity#am in a bit of a social mood but can't find anything to socialize about#i also wish I didn't need to spend ALL DAY trying to prep my brain to try to draw; despite it being something I wanna do and enjoy#why must i have executive dysfunction over my hobbies#this is why it takes me one million years to something I can actually get done in a few days at most#i'm so incredibly frustrated and it's super depressing and bumming me out#it's just so frustrating and i'm so irritated at myself#i know it's shark week so maybe it's why i'm a bit of a mess; but usually it doesn't affect me during the time so idk#also i love how every night I get to deal with the crippling dread and lowkey anxiety attacks bc everything i'm avoiding/afraid of and it-#- keeps festering in my mind and makes me avoid sleep for as long as possible and i'm stuck in an eternal negative feedback loop#i can't even do the thing i enjoy bc my brain is making it hard for me#not to mention that I constantly get those thoughts about how i'm never getting anywhere in life and i am in fact; ALONE#no irl friends or family and it still scares me to think about how worse things will get in the future for me.#not to mention not having a career or being capable of doing any kind of secondary schooling makes the dread even worse#but again frustrated and i can't even apply positive activities like how I'd usually do; not to mention i'm just always mad at myself about#-everything lmao#stupid brain just let me enjoy me hobby bc i wanna do it and you're not letting me and it's making me feel worse#delete later probably idk lmao
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polyamorouspunk · 8 months
I hope I'm like you when I grow up
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 6 months
Came down with some kind of unpleasant bug 🤧 on the bright side, several negative covid tests hopefully rule that out as the diagnosis.
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novanoms · 2 years
If you’re ever feeling sad that you can’t hold prey safe in ur tum, just remember that you already house trillions of tiny lil bacteria guys in ur tum that not only help you out but need you to survive! Your gut is there favorite place and they are well protected in there <3
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cruelsister-moved2 · 11 months
man one thing idk how to feel about is the trans men you periodically see weighing in on 'lesbians who fuck men' discourse, usually pretty young people who dont have much experience, desperately insisting that lesbians can be attracted to men because their lesbian girlfriend says so. look I'm not trying to be mean but you need to realise she doesn't see you as a man. she sees you as a woman, or basically a woman, and that's why she likes you. if she was attracted to you as a man she would have to reconsider her feelings about men. if it's just you, that's because she doesn't see you as one.
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chompe-diem · 1 year
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he’s a special kind of pathetic <3
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violetclarity · 2 months
The problem with being depressed but in therapy/on medication is that I try to actually figure out what will make myself feel better when I'm down, but because I can't go online shopping to find a friend group that will regularly want to do things with me, instead I'm probably going to impulse buy a table.
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