#and I blacked out and woke up to this sketch
asherraccoon · 2 days
Camping- Radioapple- Human AU, Teeenager AU
Lucifer eagerly opened up the car door. He had been getting restless from the long drive and wanted to get out as fast as possible. 
“Calm down, Luce, we're not even at the site yet,” Uriel said, climbing out after his brother. 
“I've been stuck in that car for the past fifteen hours and only gotten out to use the bathroom, I think I have the right to be desperate for air,” Lucifer said, his eye twitching slightly. He wasn't good at sitting still and staying quiet if he didn't have anything to occupy himself with. He had read all the books he had brought with him during the drive and he didn't like drawing in cars because it was bumpy. His headphones had died and his phone made him carsick. He was just happy to finally be free. 
Michael yawned and stretched his arms. “Man, that was a long drive. Gabriel, wake up Az,” 
Gabriel poked his brother sleeping on his shoulder. “Azrael,” he shook him. “Az,” he shoved the black-haired boy off of him and into the door. “Wake up!” 
Azrael woke up with a snort. “WhA-huh?” 
“We're here,” Gabriel told him before getting out of the car. 
“Dad, do you want us to start heading over while you get the camping fee settled?” Michael asked, looking over at their dad. 
“Yeah, go ahead. Just don't get into any trouble,” their dad grunted. 
“C'mon, guys, let's get set up,” Michael told his brothers as he started getting the gear from the car. 
Lucifer dug in his backpack and pulled out his sketchbook and pencil. “Dad, can I go to the woods?” He asked the man in the tent. 
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” the man said dismissively.
Lucifer's expression fell. He sighed. Dad never cared much for him. He didn't know why he bothered asking. He stood up and went to the woods that surrounded the camp site. 
Lucifer sat on a log near a river he had found. He hummed to himself as he sketched out the scenery. He enjoyed this. The forest smell, the sound of the river, the cool air. It was calming. A good distraction from the chaos of his family. He continued to draw when he heard the snap of a stick. He snapped his head up and looked around. “Hello?” He called out. 
Lucifer shook his head. “Probably a rabbit or something,” he said to himself. He returned his attention to his drawing. A minute later he heard the rustle of a bush behind him. He turned around and looked at the bush. “Hello?” He called out again. He watched the bush for a moment before he sighed. He turned back around. He was met face-to-face with a brunette boy about his age. 
“AHH!” Lucifer shrieked and fell backwards off the log. 
The other boy laughed as the blonde fell. “My apologies,” he apologized and held his hand out to help Lucifer up. 
“Umm.. It-it's okay…” Lucifer took hold of the stranger's hand and let himself be pulled up. He brushed himself off and picked up his sketchbook and pencil off the ground, brushing the dirt off the page. 
“What are you drawing?” The brunette asked, peering at the book. 
“Er… just some scenery sketching… nothing special,” Lucifer held his book to his chest and blushed from embarrassment. 
“Can I see?” The other boy asked. 
“Uh… sure…” Lucifer looked at his drawing and then showed it to him. 
“Wow,” the other boy was amazed. “You drew this? This is amazing!” 
Lucifer blushed more. He hugged his sketchbook. “Um… th-thanks…” he avoided eye contact. 
“Oh! Where are my manners?” The other boy laughed. He held out his hand. “The name's Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!” 
Lucifer took Alastor's hand. “Lucifer,” he introduced himself. 
Alastor tilted his head. “Like the devil?” 
Lucifer's expression fell slightly, seemingly upset by this. “Yeah. The devil,” he muttered. 
Alastor was curious, but he remained silent. He let go of Lucifer's hand. 
Lucifer sighed. “You're curious, aren't you?” 
“I didn't want to seem rude…” Alastor gave a small laugh and a nervous smile. 
Lucifer sat on the log and rested his elbow on his knee and head on his hand. “My family is very religious,” he began. “My dad's a priest, my mom was a pastor. So all of my siblings were named after angels. When I was born, I killed my mom,” Lucifer looked at the ground. “I guess I was too much for her to handle. My dad blamed me for the death and named me Lucifer,” 
“Well, it wasn't your fault that she died,” Alastor sat down next to Lucifer. “Just because her body couldn't handle another child that doesn't make you evil,” 
“I think there is something wrong with me, though,” Lucifer said. “I'm not good at sitting still and staying quiet unless I have something to keep me busy. I've always been seen as a troublemaker at school and at home for not understanding and following the rules. And when I think I'm doing something right, hey, the rules are different now and I was supposed to know even though no one told me,” he sighed in frustration. “My hobbies also aren't 'normal’ for boys my age,” 
“What? Like drawing?” Alastor asked. “Drawing isn't really assigned to any specific gender or age,” he said. “I'm guessing you're around my age, 14?” 
Lucifer nodded. “Yeah, I'm 14. I turn 15 in October,” 
“You're older than me then, I turn 15 in December,” Alastor laughed. “But still, how are your hobbies not normal?” 
“My dad thinks that art is more of a girl thing,” Lucifer sighed. “Same with singing and playing the violin,” he huffed in frustration. 
“I sing and play piano,” Alastor said. 
Lucifer looked at him. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” Alastor stretched his legs out in front of him before crossing them. 
Lucifer watched. “How can you sit like that?” 
Alastor raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” 
“With your legs crossed?” Lucifer clarified. “Whenever I sit like that my dad hits me and calls me a slur,” he said flatly. 
Alastor blinked. “Jeez…” he whispered. “So I'm not the only one with an asshole of a dad then,” he tried to laugh it off. 
Lucifer flinched at the 'asshole’ word. “You're allowed to curse?” 
Alastor nodded. “Yeah, my mom doesn't mind. But that's besides the point. My dad was an ass. He'd get drunk and then beat me and my mom,” he looked over at the river. “Eventually, my mom had enough. She took me and left my dad. So now it's just me and her,” 
Lucifer listened silently. “My dad usually just ignores me and gives my siblings more attention. Unless I do something bad, then he yells at me and hits me,” he tapped his pencil on his sketchbook. 
“Alastor, allez, c'est l'heure du dîner !” (Alastor, come on, It's time for dinner!) A voice called out. 
Alastor looked over. “J'arrive, maman !” (Coming, mom!) Alastor yelled back. “That's my mom, I've gotta head back to the campsite,” Alastor stood up. “It was nice meeting you though, Lucifer,” 
Lucifer watched him stand. “Er… yeah, it was nice to meet you too…” 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Alastor asked. 
Lucifer was a little surprised. This guy actually liked him? And wanted to see him tomorrow? “Uh- Y-yeah! I'll be here tomorrow…” he nodded.
“I'll see you then!” Alastor waved at Lucifer before he trotted off. 
Lucifer waved. “Bye… Alastor…” he watched Alastor leave. “Did I just make a friend?” He asked himself. 
(Should I do a part 2?)
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dytso · 2 days
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I saw a picture of a bunny and cat hugging, blacked out, woke up to this. Bone apple teeth
(Reference + sketch under cut)
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yuehua8 · 1 year
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I literally forgot to post this on tumblr last night HAHFJJDJS I had It on Twitter and forgot. Wow
Anyway did anyone see Nagao’s stream. Hello. This man is gorgeous thank you
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mizaruwu · 4 months
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Dungeon meshi's elven earmuffs are so cute and ridiculous so of course I had to draw the chain wearing them
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kordbot · 1 year
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benny 🫵
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palilious · 1 year
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made it another year!
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ccstiles · 3 months
He is here!!! Introducing my silly bug: Sammy!
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Basic info:
Name: Sammy
Pronouns: they/he
Special interest: entomology (the study of bugs!)
Fun fact: they have a Mallen Streak (white streak of hair)
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mortimerlatrice · 1 year
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visiosatanae · 1 year
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Stay quiet for Papa...
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sleepycentric · 11 months
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lizzie in secret life bc her base is literally amazing like what
i like to imagine this is what she wore to match her pumpkin aesthetic but it could honestly use more pink
also spent way too much time on those pumpkins..
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saturn-s-moon · 22 minutes
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Mdzs pre columbine colombian au !!!!
Based off of these two wangxian coded instruments I found at the archeological museum in Bogotá
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I don't really know what the left one is other than some sort of string instrument so lwj is kind of an amalgamation of things, mainly tayrona clothing since it's the most covered lol. However I know the flute (right) is a sinú flute so I based wwx off of that costal culture :3
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skyfallstarlights · 1 month
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//: I could not get it out of my head of Eldritch Witherite just, picking someone up casually like nothing
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cocosloveletters · 3 months
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stellarsightz · 2 years
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Scrimblo from my games
(Naia Ryder, she/her, explorer)
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elmmni · 2 years
since we’re being cringe to scare off the twitter users i figured i may as well ask the collective; if you were drawing sora from kh x minecraft steve should it have line art or be lineless. asking for a friend
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huanghying · 1 year
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That one time I got so obsessed with @hazel-athena ‘s Facade that I blacked out for 2 weeks and woke up to a mountain of sketches
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