#literally all mans did was update his hair down
yuehua8 · 1 year
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I literally forgot to post this on tumblr last night HAHFJJDJS I had It on Twitter and forgot. Wow
Anyway did anyone see Nagao’s stream. Hello. This man is gorgeous thank you
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primofate · 1 year
You are the embodiment of fairness...
is what Neuvillette believes. There is not a single hair on your body that is selfish. Not a single thought in your mind that strays into evil thoughts.
The Chief Justice is just as fair, just as sensible. Though on you, he stays his gaze for a moment longer. Allows the slightest tug upward of his lips as you discuss the latest trial with him. The difference between the two of you? He doesn't think that he is as "well-behaved" as you are. There have definitely been times where he had thought to abandon his gentlemanly and prestigious image, just to lean in and brush his fingers on your cheek. Thankfully, so far, he hasn't done so, even though the two of you had decided to enter a romantic relationship.
The Chief Justice was very guarded, but so were you. The two of you were never seen together, only in the privacy of his home or yours did the two of you enjoy each other's company. Perhaps only his most trusted Melusines knew. Professionalism was important.
"I hope the next trial resolves to your liking, Neuvillette," you smile knowing what his answer would be.
"It isn't my thoughts that are important, Y/N-" he starts and he finishes his sentence at the same time as you chide in with him.
"It's the evidence. I know, I know,"
You bid him goodbye rather curtly, not even a kiss, just a brief pat on the arm. It's working hours, and it's not the time to do such a thing.
Working hours.
As the Chief Justice sat in court, trial in session, he locks eyes with you, the accused. He recognizes the confusion in your eyes as genuine, the hidden panic behind clear as day.
"Neuvil--Your honour," You catch yourself, voice trembling a little. "This is a mistake, it wasn't me,"
and yet all the evidence points to you. Photographs, witness accounts, the hat that you'd left behind in the crime scene. No matter which way you look, the answer was you.
"Guilty," was all he could muster, when he usually said more. His hand looked for the oratrice, hoping that the machine would give him something different, but he already knew it in his heart.
"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, the accused, L/N Y/N is..."
One second.
Three seconds.
The crowd started to bristle a little.
At five he opened his mouth, and closed it again, gritting his teeth in secret.
At six, he repeated his own words. "Guilty,"
Cheers erupted from the audience, he could not bring himself to look at your face, though he heard you loud and clear.
"No! NO! This is a mistake! I didn't kill anyone!" Your hysterics were comparable to a mother who had lost her child. To a hardworking man watching his hard earned house burn down.
The Gardes struggled, just as they always did, but you pushed forward, unable to understand nor accept what happened. At that moment you had not noticed the tears of desperation running down your cheeks.
You were going to that underwater prison forever. Dark and alone. What if the sea swallowed you? Or worse, what if the silence swallowed you? All by yourself hundreds of feet below, drowning was such an easy possibility.
Neuvillette almost grimaces, but keeps his face hard as stone. There are a thousand things running in his mind...but the Oratrice was absolute, and so was its verdict.
"Bring the accused to The Fortress of Meropide,"
The wails you let out haunted him, more than any other trial had.
Author's Note: Hello! This is just a quick update, literally wrote it in 30 minutes so excuse any pronoun slips or mistakes! I just wanted to let everyone know I am great and still playing Genshin! Just a quick reminder that The Ruthless Prince is still available on Amazon in paperback and all my previous works are still accessible in my Masterlist!
Do let me know what you think of this one though, and if you think I should turn it into a full fic!
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mrpenguinpants · 1 month
You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore.
— It's strange seeing your future selves being so close when you thought you both hated each other guts.
— Jing Yuan, Dan Feng (& Dan Heng) + Sunday
Suspend your disbelief for the timeline of lore, please.
Update: When I originally wrote this, I wanted to do an entire "Fly Me to the Moon," series of fics based on time travel. Hence the title. Shout-out to that one person who was waiting for me to write Sunday. I didn't, but I see you. It will happen soon.
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Jing Yuan
This is the worst. The absolute worst thing ever. In the entirety of your living long life, this is the absolute worst moment so far. Were all the good times leading up to this moment? Did the Aeon's have some sick agenda, or were you randomly selected to be messed with today? If you had the option of eating literal trash bags for the rest of your life or continuing to live in this moment, you'd rather chew your own arms off. Maybe if you start now, you can save your future self the pain and humiliation of succumbing to...whatever this is.
"Aw, you were so cute when you were younger,” you - at least you think it’s you. This stranger wears the same face as you although a bit older. Perhaps alien would be a more fitting name? - this stranger coos as they cup Jing Yuan's face in their hands. Pinching cheeks with barely any fat on them with the sweetest smile you never knew you could even make. Jing Yuan, one of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou Alliance's Cloud Knights who stared down an actual Lord Ravager, looks two seconds away from bolting like a scared cat. He hasn’t moved an inch since this started and honestly, as mortifying as this is, it’s way worse for him than it is for you. So naturally, you’re turning a blind eye and holding Yangqing hostage from saving his precious general of sweet words and praises.
”I see we didn’t get along at this point in time,” a deep voice muses above you from a man you’re very blatantly pretending to ignore. An older Jing Yuan stands beside you, amused at his younger self having a barely contained stroke. If it wasn't bad enough that a future version of yourself suddenly appeared, Jing Yuan just had to follow. Always a nuisance no matter his age. Maybe if you hold your breath, you’ll pass out and everything will blow over. It sounds less painful than trying to eat yourself from the outside in any way. Before you can start, a hand, heavy yet somehow gentle, is placed on your shoulder. “I don’t recommend trying to self-induce a suffocation. Nor attempt any cannibalism on the self either.”
Okay. That’s creepy. Do senior citizens suddenly gain mind-reading powers? You’ve heard the story that if a man stays a virgin until he’s 30, he'll become a wizard. You let out a huff of amusement at that thought, maybe that’s what’s happening. That amusement gets cut short when you realize that somehow, you fell for this 30-year-old virgin. You refuse to accept that out of spite. That story was meant for short-life species anyway.
“For all intensive purposes, I’m choosing to believe this is a nightmare and the first step to waking up from one is to induce pain,” you answer blandly, your grip on Yanqing finally waning as the boy sprints in for the rescue. Only to get swept up in the storm as your other self switches her attention to the kid. Sticky fingers and starry eyes have Yanqing disarmed before he can even lift a finger to summon his ice sword, falling prey to the musing of a Xianzhou auntie. Nevertheless, Yanqing does his job correctly because it allows Jing Yuan to finally escape as he stumbles over to you and his other self.
"How far the mighty have fallen," you snicker behind your hand at how ruffled Jing Yuan looks. His hair is a bit fluffy from how many times your future self ran their hands through it, and his cheeks are a bit pink. Probably from all the pinching. There's even a deep chuckle next to you to accompany your words as Jing Yuan coughs into his fist before straightening up properly. You can see Yanqing being given sweets behind his back and that alone buys the kids complacency.
"My apologies for that," Jing Yuan says as the older Jing Yuan simply laughs in response. Unserious and unfretted in everything.
Huh, now that you look closer. He has laugh lines.
"It is I that should apologize. We have disturbed your schedule with our, ahem, compliments," Other Jing Yuan chuckles once again, as if the fact that he has time traveled into the past was a small "disturbance". Aeons, you hate this guy in every form.
They go back and forth, talking in that faux politeness that never truly goes anywhere before you finally had enough of this. You're not sticking around for this tea-time pleasantries any longer than you need to. It's the exact reason why you left your position as the "Divine Foresight Counselor" and passed it off to Qingzu as soon as you could. Unfortunately, you're going up against two Jing Yuan's, so the moment you shift your shoe to take a step back to remove yourself from the conversation, two pairs of golden eyes snap to you. One is smiling, the other is frowning.
"Heading off?"
"Where are you going?"
You look between the two, older and younger, and you can feel your head beginning to hurt. You let out a sigh, rubbing your forehead, before ultimately picking the lesser of two evils. If you have to look into those love-stricken soft eyes one more time, you might actually pass away.
"Out. You don't need me here anymore do you, General? Or do I require your dismissal now?" you ask bluntly, turning to the Jing Yuan you're used to. The one who's supposed to be in this timeline. "If you need anything, I'm sure Diviner Fu would love to be of assistance."
You don't bother to wait for Jing Yuan to say anything, pivoting on your heel and marching out of the Exalting Sanctum. You glance at your other self, a bitter feeling rising in your chest when they look at you disapprovingly. You can tell they want to say something but one brief look to the side, where the two Jing Yuans stand, and they close their mouth and turn around. Regardless, there's no reason for you to stick around longer. As long as the time travelers stay within the exalting sanctum, no one will know they ever appeared in the first place.
As you near the exiting doors, nodding to the guards on each side, you spare one last glance back. Your sudden departure hasn't halted anything and Jing Yuan is speaking to both his other self and you. Yanqing huddles close, one of his hands in your other self's hand, as he tries his best to participate in the discussion. Realistically, you should set aside your petty pride and march back to help. Do something other than running away and letting everyone else pick up the pieces for you. But the doors are already open and you need a sweet drink desperately.
There's been a growing sour taste on your tongue every time your Jing Yuan stares longingly at the other you.
Dan Feng
There isn't a single word to describe the situation you're in right now. Strange? Uncanny? Just super weird? You've seen and done a lot of weird things in your long life, but this is the absolute weirdest thing that has ever happened to you - and you've seen a star collapse before.
“If you keep making that expression, it’ll stick on your face,” Jing Yuan muffles his laugh under his hand, keeping up with your brisk pace as you not-so-subtly run away from the situation thrust into your hands. A tactical retreat you call it. You give Jing Yuan a pained grimace for a brief second before focusing straight ahead again.
“Jing Yuan, I will make sure your promotion to General is riddled with paperwork,” you say straight-faced. He knows you’re lying, you adore your pseudo-nephew too much to do that to him, but it does make him jolt and respectfully keep his mouth shut. However, in exchange, it makes the third pair of footsteps all the more louder. The source of your current predicament and Jing Yuan's amusement. You peer over your shoulder at the young man just to make absolutely sure that you're not hallucinating. A tall, slender young man with blue eyes, fair skin, and black hair stares right back at you before quickly averting his gaze back to the ground. Even with his unique coat and clothing, he has the splitting image of that old lizard. Even though this stranger is younger...and without a stick up his ass either.
He said his name was Dan Heng. A "traveling guard" for the renowned Astral Express. He had sworn on his life that he was telling the truth but that didn't change the fact of who he looked like. If Jing Yuan hadn't been there to vouch for him, then you would have attempted to throw him off the Luofu yourself. According to Jing Yuan, he found the young man "asleep" under one of the ginkgo trees, but otherwise wasn't doing any harm to anyone. He had just appeared with no way to return to where he came from.
At least you have one thing in common: you both don’t want to be here.
"So, are you a distant relative? Is this your first time visiting the Luofu? Oh! Are you here to visit him for vidyadhara business?" Jing Yuan spitballs one question after the other, his barely contained excitement shining through. He had slowed his pace to walk side-by-side with Dan Heng, illustrating the differences between them. Jing Yuan barely reaches Dan Heng's waist, the standard cloud knight uniform looking plain compared to the other's elaborate coat. Teal clashing with blue. Although, they match in their one red accessory flapping in the wind.
Dan Heng awkwardly coughs into his hand, before giving Jing Yuan a rather embarrassed look, "I don't think it'd be wise for me to say anything. If you have any questions, you should ask my teacher..."
Dan Heng shoots you a look as he says the word 'teacher', to which you raise an eyebrow right back. You've never seen this specific man in your life, let alone taken on any students. You don't even like kids that much unless their name is Jing Yuan and even, he isn't fully nestled in your heart. But that's another weird thing about this whole situation. This mysterious "teacher" apparently came along for the ride, yet the man won't spare a single detail about them. Vague descriptions that could be for anyone but wouldn't be a definite confirmation. All in all, it's been a headache and not something you wished to do on a bright and sunny morning. It's frankly out of your pay grade to be babysitting wandering travelers, even if they look like the High Elder.
“We’re here,” you call out, abruptly stopping your near sprint as you feel two bodies collide into your back. One has the decency to step back with an apology while the other clings to your arm as he peers around your waist.
"The forge?" Jing Yuan questions, tilting his head almost fully sideways as the three of you look up at the unassuming blacksmith shop.
"Yep, we're visiting the only adult of the group. Come on, Yingxing should still be inside," you say eyes forward but your arm reaches behind you to hold onto the retreating body of Dan Heng, who has been quietly trying to step away as soon as you confirmed just where you were. Jokes on him, you're the master of running away from your problems- retreating. You're the master at tactical retreating.
Although it’s muffled, you can hear some commotion going on inside. Maybe an unruly customer who didn’t read the fine print and is now venting their frustration? You share a look of confusion with Jing Yuan as you strong-arm Dan Heng into coming inside.
Entering the store, it looks relatively normal? There's nothing out of place or anything to show there was a scuffle, but the argument is getting louder sounding from the back of the store, into the forge. Which is strange for two reasons. Firstly, Yingxing may not be a dragon but he guards the forge with his life. Secondly, the only other people allowed in aren't even in the area. A mutual understanding passes through the three of you, Dan Heng finally giving up on trying to escape with the death grip you have on his arm, and you all tip-toe to the back door. Jing Yuan being the smallest reaches the door first, his head peeking out, your head above his as you squint into the room, and Dan Heng above yours with a look of defeat.
“You selfish old lizard! I’d outta cut your tail off right now for all the trouble you caused you senile son of a-“
"Please calm down, this is still the High Elder you're speaking to!"
What you see is something you'd never expect to see, and you need to reiterate that you've seen a literal star collapse. An older version of you is being held back by Yingxing as they throw threats and cusses at Dan Feng, who looks relatively unbothered by the promises to maim him.
Dan Heng, who has kept the most monotone voice imaginable since meeting him, suddenly pushes himself forward. A small "ah!" comes from Jing Yuan as he flops onto the floor from the sudden movement. A spear you've definitely seen before materializes in his hand as he goes to swing at Yingxing, only to be parried away by an identical spear. If you thought the tension between your first meeting with Dan Heng was rough, this feels like the Aeons themselves are fighting against each other. Yingxing and the other you have gone slack in surprise as two vidyadhara's who share the same face are kept at a standstill. Two cloud piercers pointed at each other, poised and ready to strike again, the air growing more humid with sticky beads of water vapor suspended in the air. Well, if you had any doubts about Dan Heng looking way too similar to Dan Feng, this pretty much confirms it. They're the same person.
Your eyes slide to the other you.
A falling star has nothing on this.
There's something off about this entire situation, and there are enough oddities to begin with, but there's just something that doesn't sit right with you. Was there such a thing as a second puberty? Is that what a "mid-life" crisis was? Aren't you supposed to dye your hair and buy a sports car when that happens? Because the person walking next to you is certainly not you. They're too...peppy.
When you first saw the "future you", you had assumed they were a figment of someone's imagination. A dream perhaps? In Penacony, it would definitely be possible, but who would want to dream of you? The other you didn't seem that weird either, just a bit older and more well-mannered, but otherwise exactly the same. They had greeted you cheerfully, even coming up to shake your hand because "it was the polite thing to do when greeting friends.". You didn't know how to react to that wording so you brushed it aside. Maybe in the future, you're some big shot? That's kind of exciting to imagine.
"So...any idea how you got here?" you ask, turning to the other you. It's kind of funny that you're escorting yourself but you doubt the future you remember's the winding pathways the Bloodhounds take to the main base. Although your boss is quite nonchalant, Gallagher has always had a steady head on his shoulders. If you can't figure out a way to fix this time travel business, he can at least play damage control.
"I'm not entirely sure. I was about to set out to welcome some new friends on behalf of my husband, and then I was suddenly here. Oh, I hope he isn't upset with me for disappearing," your other self hums, a hand on their cheek, before quickly jolting up, "Ah, I guess I should say our husband now."
You let out an awkward laugh to match their giggle. Although your future self doesn't look that much older than you, it seems you managed to get hitched with someone great. They always seem to slip the word "husband" into every sentence, heck- you're making new friends because of him. Your mother would weep tears of joy learning that fact. Although it does make you curious just who your supposed husband is. The only man you see more than once in your life is Gallagher, and respectfully, he's not your type. But then who else? Perhaps one of the patrons? You've heard the news that the IPC sent a handsome gambler with beautiful eyes. Perhaps that's who you've fallen in love with? You don't want to ask because you don't want to mess up the timeline and frankly, you don't want to ruin the surprise. To be honest, even though you never thought about marriage, it kinda makes you giddy knowing that in the future, you seem to love your husband so much. A bit too much but it's probably the honeymoon phase train never stopping.
You still can't help but shake the feeling that something is horribly wrong.
There's just the slightest sinister curl in their smile. As if they're secretly laughing at the expense of everyone while keeping on an angelic facade. It's unsettling and makes chills down go your spine when it's your face that does it. The only time you've felt this sense of unease was when you accidentally stumbled into Gallagher's private meeting with the Head of the Oak Family. The Halovian had simply smiled, inquiring who you were and holding his hand out for you to shake. Your fingers had just brushed against his white glove when Gallagher stepped in, gripping your wrist hard enough for bruises, and forcibly pushed you out the door.
"Someone not important."
That's what your boss had said. You thought he spoke so harshly because he was pissed at you for possibly giving the Oak Family a bad first impression. He pretended it never happened and you never brought it up, afraid he might fire you from your job.
"I don't mean to pry, but are you alright?"
You blink, shaken out of your thoughts by your future self's question. They smile at you kindly, a slight tilt to their head as they wait for you to answer patiently.
"Oh! Sorry, I kinda spaced out there for a bit..." You let out an awkward laugh. Your voice sounds weak even to you, but the other you just nods in understanding. Perhaps it's because it's technically you that you're talking to, or that feeling of foreboding, that you feel like you need to explain yourself, "I guess I haven't been sleeping well. Gallagher has me running errands on the other side of Penacony in preparation for the Charmony Festival. Between you and me, I think he's dumping his errands on me so he can slack off."
Your lighthearted chuckle tapers off when the other you doesn't respond in kind to your joke. In fact, bringing up Gallagher's name has completely cleared their face from that prim and proper mask. Leaving behind a blank expression with disinterested eyes before a blink, and there's that same smile smeared on.
"You speak rather fondly of him. It seems I'm farther into the past than I originally thought," they mumble to themselves. Although you pick up on the words easily, you double-take just to make absolutely sure those words came from them. Sure, Gallagher isn't the most traditional-looking boss but he's not a bad person. Especially not to you. When you were looking for a job, he was the one to approach you out of the blue to work under him as a Bloodhound. If he never showed up, you would have most likely wasted away as a paper pusher for one of the families. He's always forgiven your mistakes and always offered to escort you home even though you can take care of yourself. So why is your future self so unfriendly to someone you currently hold in high regard?
"Oh uh...did something happen between us and Gallagher? I mean, I always suspected I'd get fired but I don't know, I always thought we got along. I mean, he has been acting a bit weird since that Oak Family Head came around but he's probably just stressed, right? Oh wait- I don't think we should be talking about this. I don't want to start a butterfly effect, especially so close to the festival-" you muse only to get interrupted.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust that dog so easily," your other self spits with so much venom that you take a step away. Is it possible that you misjudged how close you were with Gallagher? Your other self talks about him as if he had betrayed them on a personal level. This shouldn't be possible because you and Gallagher have a strictly professional relationship. Unless you potentially knew him before you arrived in Penacony? To be fair, your memory gets a bit hazy looking back but you're sure you would remember someone like Gallagher.
"Wha- Hey, I don't know what happened but you shouldn't call him a dog-"
"We're here."
You stop in your tracks. What? We're here? You look up and realize that you've completely walked off the beaten path and happened upon a door. In fact, if you remember correctly, this was the door you stumbled into when you first met that Halovian. When did it become your other self escorting you rather than the other way around? You thought they wouldn't know these back alley pathways anymore.
"Why are we here?" you ask tentatively. Realistically, you know nothing bad will happen to you, at least not physically. You're their past. Whatever happens to you will affect them. A small scrape here will become a scar for them later.
"You haven't been sleeping well correct? I remember when I used to have headaches all the time. But you'll be okay now, he'll make things all better. While it's a bit early, I'm sure you'll understand. You are me after all," they smile sweetly, taking your hand in theirs as they pull you in front of the door.
"Come now, let's go meet our husband. He's been eagerly waiting for you for a long time."
Small author's note: I fell into a pit and wrote way too much. If I didn't cut it off, this fic would take another year to finish. That's why there's no real ending, lol.
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milfsloverblog · 1 month
Good Luck, Babe! (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: I know, I know. I’ve got series waiting for an update blah blah blah. But when something sparks your inspiration, you just got to get to work!! This one’s - obviously - inspired by the Chappell Roan song. This is full on ANGST, HURT NOT COMFORT, you’ve been warned! One shot, no second chapter to fix it all. We love the pain. Hope you’ll enjoy my darlings and don’t forget to like and reblog if you do!! <3
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Larissa had been startled awake by a sudden loud noise, her heart pounding in her chest as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the bedroom she shared with the banshee that slept next to her.
Not a literal one - although that might have been a better choice, Larissa thought as she turned her head towards the man she’d been sharing a bed with for over a decade and nearly two. Ha, there it was again. That loud snoring that kept her awake for nights on end. A banshee, that’s what he sounded like.
She sat up, carefully swinging her legs on the side of the bed and trying her best not to wake him up - somehow the snoring was still more bearable than his incessant yapping when he was awake.
Larissa took a deep breath, rubbing her hands on her face as she contemplated what to do with the rest of her night. She had a little over four hours left of sleep before her alarm would go off, signifying the beginning of her working day. She brushed her fingers through her silver hair, holding back a whine when some of it got stuck in her wedding ring.
Oh bitter irony, she thought as she pulled away to inspect the golden ring on her left hand.
The banshee snored again, pulling Larissa out of her thoughts and nearly making her consider squeezing a pillow on her husband’s face. Instead, she quietly got out of bed, throwing a silky robe on her silkier shoulders and tying it close as a shiver ran down her spine.
Things could have been so different.
As her hand brushed down the wooden handrails of the main stairs, Larissa couldn’t help but reminisce about her younger days. She thought of Nevermore when she was only a student there and not in charge of it. The Poe cup, the Rave’N, the feeling of soft hands on her skin. Larissa stopped dead in her tracks. She could have sworn that she had felt it, right there in the middle of the staircase, the ghost of soft hands on her midriff. She took a deep breath and hurried down the stairs on the tip of her toes, still not wanting to wake up the banshee that rested upstairs.
Turning the light on as she made her way to the kitchen, Larissa walked straight to the sink and knelt to access the cupboard below it. She didn’t even look at the bottles, grabbing the first one that met her hand and pulling it out of the cupboard. It would be a good one anyway, her darling husband always made sure of it. Grand wine, grand house (that she had been against buying), grand life, grand wife. The thought left a bitter taste in Larissa’s mouth and she hurried to open the bottle, eager to replace the bitterness of a wasted life with the bitter taste of an aged Chianti.
As she sipped on her freshly poured wine, Larissa’s mind transported her back to a night twenty years ago.
“They’ll catch us!” Larissa half-whispered as her hand squeezed yours.
“Everyone’s at the Rave’N, they won’t even notice we’re gone. Come on, even if they did, Nevermore’s brightest student and its biggest weirdo? No one would speculate that we’re together. They’ll think that you went to bed early, as a bright student should, and that I’m hiding in some dark corner all alone like a loser.” You joked, pushing the door to your room open.
“I’m not Nevermore’s brightest student, Morticia is,” Larissa said, her crimson-painted lips falling in a soft pout.
“Ha, so nothing about me not being a weirdo or a loser?” You feigned being hurt before letting out a chuckle. “Morticia doesn’t have half of your intelligence nor a quarter of your beauty. She’s got a big pair of tits, that’s all.” You shrugged, closing the door behind you.
Something churned inside Larissa’s stomach, the early stirrings of jealousy making her face grow hot at the mere thought of you finding Morticia somewhat attractive.
“Kiss me,” she demanded.
“Wait, I’ve got something-“You didn’t have time to finish your sentence as Larissa's lips crashed against yours, bruising and demanding.
Larissa opened her mouth and you quickly followed, allowing her to thrust her tongue against yours in a dance you two had been rehearsing for months. Her lips moved down your chin and up your jaw, leaving a trail of red marks that you’d have to scrub at in the morning.
“Riss-“ you whined when she nipped at the thin skin of your neck, gently pulling away from her. “Wait, wait-“
Larissa reluctantly let go of you, wiping the corner of her mouth with her thumb and clearing her throat.
“I want to take my time,” you explained. “We always do this so quickly, most of the time I can’t even get you fully naked. Let’s take our time, everyone will be busy downstairs for another couple of hours.”
Larissa pushed a small smile and nodded. She sat down on your bed and watched as you pulled something from underneath it.
“How on earth did you get that?!” She squealed, nearly ripping the green bottle from your hand.
“Borrowed it from the kitchen,” you shrugged.
“You know that borrowing means you’ll give it back at some point, right?” Larissa mumbled as she read the tag on the bottle.
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll buy some cheap bottle from the supermarket downtown and put it back in the kitchen.”
Larissa let out a snorting laugh and shook her head.
“Do you even know how much this is worth?” She said, gesturing with the bottle in her hand.
“Now don’t be rude,” you raised an eyebrow. “You’re the one that comes from a rich family, not me.”
“Shut up and pour us a glass, if you have anything to open the bottle with!” Larissa pouted. You knew she hated being reminded that she came from money, but it simply was the truth.
“Who do you take me for, a rookie?” You huffed as you opened your bedside table only to pull out a bottle opener and wave it victoriously in Larissa’s face, making her laugh.
What happened next was a little blurry in Larissa’s mind. She remembered sharing the wine, drinking straight from the bottle as you laughed about everything and nothing. She remembered spilling wine on the awfully expensive gown her father had bought her for the Rave’N, and then soft hands helping her out of it. Her head between your thighs, yours between hers. She remembered falling asleep in your arms and waking up still in your arms the next morning. And that had been the breaking point for Larissa. Her parents would never agree to this, to her having this sort of feelings for women, for you. She had to nip this in the bud before it went too far. And so she did.
Larissa made sure to avoid you like the plague after that night, going as far as becoming friends with Morticia Frump and her clique even though she knew how much you disliked them. And then came Henry. He wasn’t Larissa’s type, obviously. But he would please her parents and so she let him court her until they officially became a thing. Then everything had gone so fast, her final year at Nevermore, the graduation, Henry proposing.
“Larissa!” You ran after her inside Nevermore after witnessing Henry’s proposal in the yard. What a dick move, proposing right after she had graduated. Nice way to steal her spotlight.
Larissa spun on her heels, fidgeting with the new ring that felt unfamiliar on her left hand.
“What do you want?” She sighed, trying her best to keep her eyes off of you.
“You can’t do that,” you said, shaking your head. “You can’t marry him, you don’t even love him! Larissa, please…”
“Please what?” Larissa snapped. “What did you think? That this fling we had would turn into more than it was? Don’t be ridiculous.”
You swallowed your pain, refusing to let your heart burst at the seam.
“When you wake up next to him in a decade or two,” you said, fighting against the lump in your throat. “And you’ll realise that you’re nothing more than his wife, you’ll think of me. You’ll think of everything we shared all of those years ago.“
It was Larissa’s turn to swallow thickly as she took in your words. Marrying him meant security, a normal life. But it also meant losing her freedom, Larissa knew that.
“Say something,” you pleaded, hoping that it would be enough for your ex-lover to change her mind.
“I’m sorry,” she simply replied, holding her head high as she always did in any situation - good or bad. “You knew this would come to an end.” She added before giving a small nod and walking past you, the sound of her kitten heels echoing down the corridor.
She hadn’t seen you since. You hadn’t replied to the wedding invite she had sent. She had hoped you’d show up, she’d hoped to prove to you that she had made the right choice. That she was happy in the life she had picked for herself. That she had moved on. But she hadn’t really moved on, had she? Drinking herself half-blind almost two decades after she’d last seen you. Maybe you had moved on. Surely you had.
When Larissa was pulled back to reality, to the empty kitchen and the emptier glass of wine in her hand, tears had started running down her cheeks which she hastily wiped away.
She had thought about reaching out more times than she would ever admit. But she never dared. Not when she had found your Facebook and you seemed so happy with that woman on your profile picture. She would never dare reach out to you for she knew that you would tell her what you always did whenever she had to deal with the consequences of her actions.
I told you so, Larissa. You know I hate to say it but I told you so.
And Larissa wished, she wished she had listened to you. She wished she could go back in time and she wished she could forget you.
But Larissa knew - she would have to stop the world to stop the feeling.
taglist: @weemssapphic, @im-a-carnivorous-plant, @dingdongthetail, @azu-zu, @gwensfz , @erablaise-blog , @rainbow-hedgehog , @renravens , @kaymariesworld , @niceminipotato , @agathaandgwenslesbian, @witchesmortuary , @notmeellaannyy , @gwenilover, @weemswife , @m-0-mmy-l-0-ver33 , @redkarine , @women-are-so-ethereal , @opheliauniverse , @willisnotmental , @raspburrythief , @vigelvictoria, @fictionalized-lesbian , @weems13 , @lynn1ebug, @ness029 , @geekyarmorel , @h-doodles , @cxndlelightx , @m1lflov3rrr , @winterfireblond , @nocteangelus15 , @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @spacetoaim22 @1-800-milfdilf @vendocrap8008 @opalthefrog @jkregal l @gela123 @lilfartbox1 @raya0jpg @xuukoo @bellatrixsbrat @sadsapphic-rose @dumbasslesbi @larissaoftarthweems @larissalover3 @friskyfisher @thesamesweetie @fliesinmymouth @imprincipalweemspet @forwhichidream11 @amateurwritescm @imlike-so-gaydude @sugipla @lvinhs @http-sam @franouo @mysteriouslysapphic @gweninred @a-queen-and-her-throne
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moviecritc · 3 months
strawberry shortcake ⋆ carlos sainz smau
pairing: carlos sainz x reader (fc: various from pinterest)
summary: everyone is surprised about the woman that carlos is dating, knowing how classy he is
warnings: some hate comments
a/n: i'm blonde and i'm planing to do pink highlights for this summer, so this seemed fun to do <3
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux and 1,409 others
yourusername 9 to 5 🌶️
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yourbff stop being so cool you're making others seem lame
user1 is this carlos new gf?
user2 i think she is! they were seen together two weeks ago, he soft launched a dinner and now she's posting watching the race, so they probably are
alexandrasaintmleux ohh gorgeous 😍 liked by author
user3 girl you're like 27 what are you doing dying your hair pink
user4 nah some people are allergic to having personality
carlossainz55 🥰🌶️
user5 pls tell me that he's just being friendly user6 no bc what is he doing with a girl like that... she looks so messy user7 that's exactly what i was thinking! nothing against her, but she's not the type of woman for carlos
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user1 i'm sorry, but she's a no for me
user2 she works in fashion????
user3 ultimate cool girl frr
user4 ok i've stalked her and she is GORGEOUSSS, and effortlestly cool?? i would die for being half cool of her
user5 dying my hair pink rn
user6 i can't believe there's people saying that she's not enough for carlos?? girl, carlos is not enough for HER
user7 FRRR she is THAT GIRL, in capital letters and bold
user8 i've dig a little and i found a few things: she was born in ireland (irish queen, i can't imagine how cool is to hear her talk), studied marketing at trinity college and moved to london a few years ago, she was a month in madrid last march (probably when she met carlos)
user9 i mean cool, but please go touch some grass
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 32,654 others
carlossainz55 So excited to race in Australia this weekend 🔜 🇦🇺
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yourusername 🤞🏻🔜
user1 SHE'S COMING TO A RACE? user2 honestly i would be embarrased to go to a gp with her
user4 carlos you have to update your taste in women bc wtf
user5 imagine calling yourself a carlos fan and hating on his gf who literally did nothing
user6 we're not hating, she's just vulgar, that's factual
user7 i can't believe people is making this post all about his relationship
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user1 her outfits are in another level
user2 Carlos couldn't stop touching her, he's DOWN BAD
user3 she looks so sweet, i don't understand the hate
user4 she's iconic, you guys are just boring people
yourusername just posted on her story!
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[caption 1: gettin ready for the race 💋] [caption 2: thank you for this @scuderiaferrari]
carlossainz55 c'mere i need my good luck kiss
carlossainz55 i mean you ARE the prettiest and i'm the luckiest
user1 ok you actually look nice
user2 first time i see one of the wags being grateful with the team
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Carlos interview after quali
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f1 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 23,0129 others
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user1 SMOOOTHHH 🌶🌶
user2 and this man doesn't have a seat?? be ffr
user4 and that podium>>>>>
user5 YESSS his gf was there and looked so so happy user6 omg i saw it!!
yourusername VAMOSS ❤️💛
user7 oh hi y/n user8 you speak spanish? user9 i love her. i don't care you guys don't, but she's da best
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 72,102 others
carlossainz55 Unforgettable weekend ❤️💛
tagged; yourusername
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yourusername Beyond proud of you darling ❤️🥹 liked by author
carlossainz55 Te amo ❤️ user2 AAAAHH I LOVE EM user3 brb im taking a bath with a toaster
user1 so we're hard launching now?
user2 she's his lucky charms, 100% sure
user3 bro casually hard launches in his race win post
user4 carlos and y/n picture was a jumpscare. but like a good jumpscare, and not scary at all im actually in love with them
user5 looking for a third?
yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbff and 9,427 others
yourusername Left the office to support this handsome fella 💞💞
tagged; carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Te amo, hermosa. My lucky charm 🍀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
yourusername Can't wait to the next one 😊😊 user2 I CAN'T THEY'RE TOO PRECIOUS user3 there's nothing better than private but not secret but also not too private relationships
user1 I thought i was early but carlos' already here
user4 and they've been dating for over a year, if i had to wait so much to post carlos sainz i would've died
user5 ugly as fuck liked by author
user6 not y/n liking it- user7 LMAO I ADORE HER
alexandrasaintmleux Coolest ❤️
yourusername i'm afraid that's you hun ❤️ user8 this is so cute ngl user9 wags that get along with each other >>>
user10 y/n, do you speak spanish?
yourusername Un poco, Carlos me está enseñando 🥰 (a little bit, Carlos is teaching me)
elleuk and carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 12,012 more
elleuk He was the only non-Red Bull Racing race winner in last season in Formula 1, and the first one this year. And althought his place in F1 is still unknown, it is certain that Carlos Sainz has already left a legacy in the sport.
The April issue of ELLE UK is out March 28. Read the interview at the link in our bio.
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user1 Oh we all know who edited this pictures
user6 and he even changed the pfp to the first one, he's obsessed
carlossainz55 Thinking of pursuing a modeling career after this
yourusername You should. I'll edit your pics 🤝 user3 i'll tell my kids they were adam and eve
user2 the pictures are fabulous
user7 we all say together: thanks y/n
user5 why is anybody talking about the interview?? he's the CUTEST talking about her
user8 YESS, i read it and i died of sweetness user9 they're so wholesome i love them
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—𓆩[something worse]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Tobias Eaton (Four) x Fem! Dauntless Born! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - smut, fluff
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You and Four had been together since he chose Dauntless, especially because you were one of the Dauntless born pulled into training. You both had never put a label on your relationship because it never seemed right, but everyone knew that you both were a couple, except the newest tributes you both were training, no matter how obvious you both made it. It seems you both have to make it a little more obvious.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - so sorry I was writing this during a final and it might suck I’m sorry 😭 || cursing || unprotected sex || creampie || oral || fingering
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You were used to wandering eyes, you really were, your partner was literally the hottest man in Dauntless. It didn’t really matter about wandering eyes though when they knew you both were together, label or not, but it seemed to be difficult to get through the mind of one of the new initiates.
You weren’t born Abnegation like either of them, you were a bitch and you made sure everyone knew it. You were a lovable bitch though, that’s why you were being fucked every night by the hottest man in all of the factions.
It passed through your mind to just show her, get Four to tell her something is going on in a certain area just to pull him there to fuck you. You passed it through Tori just to make sure, and she said no though, so you decided not to go through with it.
Maybe that’s why you were watching Four fix Tris’ position because she wouldn’t stick with it when Eric did it. It made your skin crawl, staring at the two of them. Maybe it did feel right that he was with someone from his home faction, didn’t he like selfless people? You were selfless in your own way, right? He knew that.
“Hey, you okay?” Uriah asks you, a smile quickly making its way to your face.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m okay, thank you. I’m going to go see how some of the kids are doing, you mind telling Four?” You start collecting your stuff, inhaling deeply as Uriah follows you.
“He’s coming over here.”
You shoot up as Four stands in front of you, his brow raised. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go do my time at the school,” you say, smiling slightly. “I just… haven’t seen King in a while.”
Four sighs. “Well… I can go with you in a minute, okay? King likes me, right?”
You laugh, slowly lifting your arms to wrap your arms around his neck before pausing. Public displays of affection were never really your thing, but you really wanted to.
Four saw you pause, leaning down to wrap his arms around your waist as you smiled and wrapped yours around his neck. “Everyone likes you, Four,” you teased, giggling. “But I love you.”
He smiles back, leaning down for a soft kiss as you tugged on his hair. “I love you too.”
You pulled his hands closer to your form, pulling his face into your neck as you looked over his shoulder just enough to wink at Tris before pulling away. “Let’s go see King.”
He nods, letting you lead him out of the training area and to the school. Dauntless didn’t teach like Erudite did, but they made sure that the children of the faction learned things needed to survive in the faction. King was a child of two Dauntless soldiers who had died exploring beyond the wall, and as a result, you both took him in sort of like your own.
Seeing you with a child really made Four want to give you a child, especially with how good you were with kids, but it never really seemed to be the right time.
That was until he saw you twirling another boy in your eyes, King cleaning one of Four’s guns while the older man oiled up one of the other ones. The younger boy was named Chris, someone whose parents got caught up in a mission and you both took him home just for a while.
“She looks good with a baby, right?” King asks, smiling. “Y/N was always good with kids. She was good with me,” he mumbles now, smiling. “I’m doing well in my training. She said that.”
“You are,” Four said with a smile. “You’re doing really well. Ranked third, kid, you’re doing good,” he leaned forward and ruffled his hair with a laugh. “Want you to get that first spot, though.”
King grins. “I will.”
Someone knocks making you fix Chris on your hip, quickly walking toward the door as Four stands. “Stay there,” he orders to King as you open the door, raising a brow when you see Tris. “Who is it?”
“Uhm… can I help you?”
She inhaled. “I just… I’m here to see Four.”
“Four, honey!” You yell out, the tall man coming behind you and settling a hand on your hip. “One of the trainees wants to speak with you.”
Four raised a brow. “Everything alright?”
Oh, the Abnegation was coming out.
“Y-Yeah, everything’s fine-”
“Perfect,” Four smiles, taking Chris from your arms and setting him on the ground. “King, come here!”
The older boy quickly walks over, standing just like Four. “Yeah?”
“Why don’t you take Chris down to eat? Tris will join you both,” Four says making King’s nose scrunch. “What?”
“Don’t forget I sleep here too.” King takes Chris’ hand, looking back just a bit. “Don’t forget I have a bed! That’s my bed!”
“Bye, King!” You laughed as Four grinned, closing the door as his other hand held your waist.
You couldn’t stop smiling, giggling as you stared up at him. “You did that, didn’t you?”
His smile grows, just a bit. “Yeah, I did. Uriah kind of… hinted it to me.”
You hummed. “Good, because I would've done something worse,” you said, slowly stepping back and pushing your hands into his tight black shirt. “I was this close.”
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” He asked, smiling as the back of your knees bumps against the bed. His rough hands slip under your shirt, rubbing against your back as though he could feel the black ink you had gotten tattooed.
“Was gonna make her catch us fucking in the corridor,” you giggled as Four slipped off your shirt, humming as he leaned down. “Who said we always have to fuck on the bed? You like that idea?”
He nodded into your shoulder, lips pressing soft kisses to your skin as you started to lean back, his hands securely catching you before you could fall back fully. Carefully, he sets you down, his mouth pressing hot kisses to your neck down your chest. “I fucking love that idea,” he mumbled, his hand slowly rubbing circles against your thigh. “You want to go do that now?”
It was a tempting offer, but you shake your head. “No,” you say, tugging on the hem of his shirt. “You already got me here. Why move?”
He smiled even wider, leaning down as his hands moved to your hips to slowly tug at the tactile pants you wore. “I was thinking,” he whispers as you pull him down to press kisses to his neck. You could see the black peeking out from his shirt, pulling it off of him easily as he pulled away just to slip it off before pulling off your own. “You looked good with Chris on your hip.”
You paused, looking up at him. “You think so?”
He nodded, his hands tugging at your sports bra as your hands dragged down his back. He kneels over your body, pressing kisses down your neck to your chest. “I know so. You’re a natural with kids, angel, you’re fucking perfect.”
The slight husk in his voice made a shiver run up your back, your stomach twisting and heat flooding into your underwear as he lets his hot mouth suck at your lower stomach. “D-Does that mean something?”
He smiled, looking up at you. “Did I just get a Dauntless-born to stutter?”
You blushed madly, looking away. “Don’t let it get to your head, Four.”
He laughs, pressing a kiss to your pelvic bone before he slowly starts to pull your underwear off, his fingers dancing along your thighs as you squirmed, gasping as he pressed a firm kiss to your clit. It makes you squirm, his fingers replacing his lips as he kisses lower and lower.
“F-Fuck,” you whimper as the tip of his fingers slowly prod against your cunt, his mouth sucking and licking around his fingers as your hands push into his hair. “F-Four, you’re being too nice.”
He laughs, pulling away just for a minute as he slowly pushes a thick finger into you, watching as your hips buck into the air and your back arches. “Maybe it’s the Abnegation?”
You shook your head, reaching a hand down to push his fingers deeper into your pussy. It makes you whine, a gasp coming from your lips as he pulls them out just for a second to add another finger. “Abnegation is selfless, my darling, maybe it’s the Amity? J-Just, don’t stop.”
He laughs, popping a kiss to your cunt before pushing his fingers deeper into you, watching as you squirmed. Moans fall from your lips as he pressed firm circles against your clit, the sensitive bud making you whine loudly, hips bucking.
His fingers curl inside of you, pushing his tongue into you with his fingers as you tug on his hair and your other hand finds his cheek.
You felt your stomach twisting, hips bucking uncontrollably as you attempted to ride his fingers. You gasped as his fingers curled inside of you, attempting to find that one soft spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back. It didn’t take him long to find, especially because he’s memorized your body over the years and he groaned as you clenched around him.
“Come on honey, cum for me. Want to watch you cum.”
Your eyes rolled back, whimpering as he pushed his fingers knuckle deep into you to watch your pussy flutter. Your stomach twists, loud groaning falling from your lips as your stomach twists. Your hips buck, eyes rolling back as he sucked on your cunt, swallowing loudly as he pulled out his fingers.
He pulled away, sitting up as he pulled down his pants just enough to pull out his cock, hissing as you raised your legs to wrap around his waist. He grunts as he slowly pushes into you, eyes rolling back as he leaned down to hold himself up with his elbows, pulling you in for a kiss. “Fucking hell, I want to see you with my kids so bad,” he groaned, gasping as you pulled him down for a kiss. “Want to see you pregnant over and over again.”
You whined, his hips moving quickly as the bed pounded into the wall, your nails dragging down his back. His cock rammed into your pussy, strong thrusts making your eyes roll back as he pressed his lips to your neck. “You want that honey? Want to be fucked, round and full with my kids?”
You nodded, whining loudly. “Yes! Yes, I do!”
He grunts loudly, slamming into you just to feel your pussy clench along his entire shaft, a broken moan leaving his lips as you cum again around him. “Fuck.”
“Fuck, fuck! Four!” You yelled out as he reaches down to rub firm circles into your clit, rutting his hips just a few more times as he came inside you for the first time without protection.
It was an odd feeling, but filling as he groaned loudly, your cunt continued to clench around him to milk him of everything he had. It was warm, and if you could feel sticky-ness inside of you, it would be this. You whimper as he starts to pull out, trying to reach forward to pull him back in before he grabs your legs, pushing them back so your knees were on your shoulders.
“You don’t think we’re done yet, do you? Gotta make sure this sticks.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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madamechrissy · 1 month
Dirty Little Secret
ꕥ Pairings: Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader
ꕥ Warnings-MDNI-explicit sexual content, dirty talk, Toji calls reader 'doll, ma, slut - Age gap- reader is 21 ish, Toji is 39 ish. - This chapter- Rough sex, slapping, spitting, Toji calls reader 'bitch' but it's cute lol!? Blow jobs, teasing, objectification, choking, biting, angry sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation, multiple positions, sixty nine, masturbation
ꕥ Summary- Toji Fushiguro is your dad Shiu's best friend for years. You've known him most your life. You come home for spring break to relax, and who pops up at the fucking doorstep? Toji. He's nasty, annoying, perverted and... Sexy. Hot. Built. And makes you think, maybe your first time shouldn't be with some college boy? But with this buff dude who can tie a cherry stem with his tongue and a scar on his damn lip. You just gotta hope your dad doesn't find out.
Lmk if you wanna be tagged in any updates!
Chapter 5 - Masterlist
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Chapter 6
You are on the back of Toji’s motorcycle, in a silky little black dress, as the wind whips through you. You’re wearing his helmet, as he’s just wearing a leather jacket, his hair flipping around as you all ride. It’s thrilling, as your thighs press around his, as your arms are wrapped around his thick, hard body tightly, and when he comes to stop he places a big hand on your little wrists.
“Having fun, doll?” He shouts, as you all take a turn, and you giggle, though he definitely couldn’t hear, burying your head against him.
“So much fun!” You hear that laugh of his, and it hits you in the core. Your little pussy is so sore from earlier, and now as you are straddling the seat the pressure is even worse.
You and Toji pull up to the venue, where Mei and Shiu are lounging at a table watching the band prepare for the set. They wave you both over, and you almost take Toji’s hand, until he just looks down at you, taking off your helmet gently, and you watch that Adam’s apple bob up and down, as he fixes your hair. It may look sweet or caring, but fuck…
Everything this man does makes you soaked.
Uncomfortably soaked honestly. And it also hit your heart, something he keeps doing more and more, and you’re terrified at it. Because even if you say you’re his, for what, this week? Then Toji would leave, and you’d go back to school, and where the fuck would it leave you?
Alone, wrecked.
“What’s wrong doll?” He asks softly then, and you look up, then back at his big hand, sighing.
“Wish I could hold your hand.” You curse then, as you’ve literally let it slip out, then blush, looking down as his lips part. “Let’s go.”
He follows you, but the energy has shifted,Toji himself seemed a little subdued as you all sit next to Shiu and Mei. “Hey how was the ride?”
“So fun!”
“You always loved riding the bike with Toji. Remember?” You flush again, remembering being a little teenager as he rode you around. He’d never been anything but appropriate, but even then? You’d had a damn crush.
“Yeah she did like the bike. She was scared the first few times.”
“You always hung out with Toji so much I thought you had some puppy love thing going on.” Shiu says and you’re covering your face as Toji chuckles, leaning back and your eyes dart to the muscles in the rare dress shirt he’s in.
“Puppy love, no! He was just sort of cool I guess.” You sip some of the drink that’s sat in front of you, and Toji scowls as Shiu and Mei laugh.
“You would always ask ‘when’s Toji coming’ though.” You nearly spit out your drink, as Toji’s eyes caught yours, glinting dark green in the evening. You can see the amusement in his handsome face, on his full lips, smirking right to that scar.
“You’re embarrassing her Shiu!” Mei cuts in thankfully, and you smile at her gratefully. “You look beautiful, love.”
“Oh thank you!” You smile, kissing her cheek.
“You do look beautiful, all grown up.” Your dad hugs you then with one arm, and you smile, sinking into the embrace. “Going to have to fight these boys off you tonight I bet.”
“Oh, let her dance tonight.” Mei says, and you nervously catch the hard line of Toji’s mouth, and you tense a bit, as you notice the amount of people crowding around the front.
“Go ahead, kiddo, dance with people your age. We’ll stay here like the old folks.” You frown then.
“You’re young though.” Shiu blinks at that, and Toji just sips his whiskey, not looking at you at all, not saying anything.
“Thought we were old to you?” Shiu teases, and you shake your head.
“Nah, not really. Had me so young.”
“That’s true but tell my back I’m not old. Now, go on, mingle.” You falter again, because all you want to do is sit there with Toji, who hasn’t said a fucking word, who is buysing himself looking at the menu.
“Um… but we should order?”
“I’ll order for ya, doll.” Toji murmurs, smiling a bit, but it didn’t reach his eyes, they were unreadable. “Go have some fun. Been stuck with us old folks all week.”
You hate that, you hate the sound of him saying it, saying what you’ve always called him as a joke. But Toji wasn’t old, he wasn’t even forty, and fuck was forty even old? No. And his body? His… fucking stamina? Nothing about Toji was old, down to his handsome face and sculpted body. But there was hurt clear as day in his voice, and you ache to stay.
But what would that do?
“Just for a few, I’ll be back.” You smile, and stand, feeling Toji’s gaze burn a hole in your back as you get up to where all the people your age and even younger were gathered, where the rock band was setting up.
The band starts playing soon, and you find yourself dancing unwillingly, as it’s a local band you always loved, moving your body, letting go of all your inhibitions as the music wraps around you. You’re lost in the beat, when a hand is on your hip, and you look over to see some boy smiling at you, his eyes a bit glazed over with the music like yours.
“Wanna dance?” He shouts over the music, and you hesitate, looking at the table. Mei gives you a thumbs up, and Shiu is rolling his eyes, but Toji’s eyes narrow slightly, watching you closely.
What could you do? Say ‘no, I’d rather dance with your best friend dad, the one who fucked me twice earlier today, whose cum still is working it’s way out of my cunt, but oh, no biggie!’ Yeah that would go over well. The alternative, clearly hurt Toji, regardless how he’s acting.
You’re nodding, smiling at the boy, when his hands start to wander to your waist as you all move with the music, and you realize, you don’t want anyone else’s hands on you but Toji’s. Possibly fucking ever. Because Toji’s hands, big and strong, possess your whole body, while this boy’s sweaty little hands make you cringe. And worse, you see the look on his face.
Toji sips that whiskey, trying to hide the clear pain in his eyes, as he watches you dance with this boy, who is nothing compared to him. Fuck you hope Toji knows that… it makes you want to push that boy away and run to him. But instead you just keep dancing, because what can you say, what can you do?
You can’t tell your dad you're falling for Toji.
Fuck. You're falling!?
Toji watches you, swaying your hips side to side, your hair falling in waves as your black dress clings to your every curve. You’re so bright in the sea of people that fade away, so beautiful it makes him want to rip his fucking heart out. He had thought he could handle this, since wasn’t this your future? He wouldn’t fit in, he’d clearly been deluding himself.
The boy who has no right touching you has his hands all over your narrow waist, and your eyes catch his across the crowded venue, and you don’t look like you’re having fun now. No, you’re worried about him aren’t you? And you shouldn’t be, you should be able to have fun.
You’re young.
Toji stiffens, as he sips his drink again, hating every second of sitting here, with his best friend, and what a friend Toji was. Cumming inside his daughter, twice, and he’d do it again and again, breed that perfect little pussy, fuck he wanted to even right now, to show you who you belonged to. But you would never, could never be his, he sees it now, and it fucking kills him.
He cares enough to not put you through it, being with him.
You dance awkwardly for a moment, feeling the boy’s hands in places they shouldn’t be, but you’re frozen, your eyes glued to Toji’s now retreating figure. You peer and see Mei and Shiu talking carefully, but you say fuck it, and push the college boy away gently, making your way through the crowd as the music thumps in your chest, matching the erratic beat of your heart.
You catch up to Toji as he’s striding towards the exit, his leather jacket fluttering around him with the wind blowing now. “Toji, wait!” You call out, but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t even look back. “Toji Fushiguro!”
You grab his arm, that leather cold under your palm, spinning him around, and he glares down at you, those piercing eyes a storm of emotions. “What?” He snaps, his voice low and gruff, and you shrink back.
“Don't leave, please I'm sorry. I didn’t want to dance with him, Toji, but what was I supposed to do!?”
“You didn’t do shit wrong doll.” He looks around, and realizing you’re alone, he brushes your hair behind your ear. “Not mad at ya. Mad at me.”
“What for!?”
“It’s a bad idea, doll, this entire thing. You’re gonna want someone your own age, someone who can give you what you need, not just fuck you into oblivion every night and leave you with nothing in the morning.”
The words sting, but you stand your ground. “What if I don’t want that? What if I want you?” Your chest heaves then, as you can barely breathe, everything making your chest so tight, you have to hold it. Toji sighs, looking down at your body, every bit making you ache.
“You’re so beautiful, y’know? Everyone would die for a chance. I’m stupid to have even done…”
“Don’t you dare say you regret it!” You scowl, speaking through gritted teeth and shoving his hard chest.
“I could never. How could I? I’m a selfish fucking dick. But, it’s stupid, and I’m a shit fucking guy to have.”
“You’re not!”
“I seduced you.” You blink then, shaking your head. “Yeah, doll, I did… intentionally. Because you’re fucking gorgeous.”
“And I wanted it, clearly, I begged for it. What the hell are you on about? I dance with someone and you’re done?” 
He sighs, his expression softening. “You don’t know what you want. You’re just a kid, playing with fire.”
“But I do know what I want!” You protest, your voice rising above the music. “I want you okay? I’m not a kid. I’m obviously a woman.”
Toji looks away, his jaw clenched. “You’ll get over it. You’re going back to school, and you’ll find some college boy to make all your fantasies come true. Someone who can actually take care of you, not a fuck-up like me.”
“A fuck up!”
“You’re not a fuck up Toji.” You choke up then, as you see his face, clearly in pain now. “You’re not. I swear it.”
“Want a secret?” You sigh, nodding, and he puts his hands on your waist now, making you whine softly, and he exhales at the sound, at the feel of you. “Those feelings? I have em too.”
“You what!?” You whisper incredulously, eyes wide, and he sighs, bending low for just a moment.
“Have 'em worse than just liking.” You bite your lower lip hard, he pulls it out of the grip of your teeth.
“Maybe I do too.” Your eyes are watering as you speak softly, and his jaw clenches, his hot breath right on your lips, his musky scent driving you insane, mixing with the night and his leather jacket. “All I wanna do is dance with you.”
“You can’t.”
“I can, once we… we could tell… we could go…”
“Yeah, no. See? All stupid ideas.”
“But I don’t want anyone else!” Tears threaten to spill over, and you can feel the very night spinning around you, as you sense the finality in the shit he’s speaking. “Please, don’t leave like this. It won’t even… Toji, don’t.”
He looks back at you, his eyes searching your face. “I’m not good for you, doll. This isn’t right, you know that. Just go back to your life, forget about me. I’ll go ahead and head back tomorrow so I don’t… ruin you more.”
You shake your head, feeling desperation claw at your chest. “I can’t forget you, what the fuck! Where is Toji and who are you?”
He sighs, his thumb brushing over your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “You will forget about me. You’re just confused, and it’s my fault.”
“I knew exactly what I was doing.” You scoff, rubbing your slender arms, which have cough a chill in the night, and he looks down, sighing. “You just said you’d be the only one? What the fuck games are you playing?”
“Not playing any, I won’t hurt you anymore.”
“So what, you’ll leave, after we…” You’re sobbing now, and he exhales, holding your shoulders. “Leaving is so…”
“Can’t ya see it’s best? Let me be not such a piece of shit-”
You smack him then, hard, and he scowls. You scowl right back up at his handsome face, the face you find so gorgeous it kills you. “You’re not a piece of shit, so fucking stop.”
“Ya don’t remember who I was?”
“Who cares! It’s not who you are now!”
He sighs, rolling his eyes and wracking a hand through his hair. “Your dad is gonna suspect something. I can handle his anger, but I don’t wanna come between both of you.”
“You won’t, you won’t. Okay? Toji… I want to sleep in your fucking arms, I want to wake up with you.” He blinks, and you see the unwilling emotion in his gaze, as you run your hand up his chest. “You’re making me say stupid shit, feel stupid feelings, then just gonna run away, huh?”
“I’ll stay tonight. But you should have fun. Go.”
“No! It’s hurt you.”
“It shouldn’t. You’re Megumi’s age, shit.”
“Just go back. I’ll see you tomorrow. Actually have fun for the night and think if I’m really what ya want. I know I can fuck good but you deserve more.” He’s caressing your cheek with the back of his fingers, feeling the hot sticky tears. “More than me making ya cry.”
“I’m crying because you won’t even give me the few days we have left. Can you at least… please, it’s like you didn’t even like it-”
“Shut the fuck up.” He’s snatched you to him now, slamming his lips down on yours, and you just melt for him, for Toji’s rough kisses, as his big hands pull you against that hard body. “Why do you gotta feel so good, taste so good? Goddammit… just go. I won’t leave yet. Got it?”
“Fine. Fine, be a big baby.” You glare, and he returns it, then he turns, and you watch him go to his bike, revving it up and looking at you as he puts on that helmet you’d wore. And you ache to hug him from behind, to ride with him
You feel you’re losing your goddamn mind.
You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, as you dream of him on you, near you, his hard body just holding yours, keeping you warm, and when you wake up and feel next to you, you’re in tears. Fuck what were you even expecting, it’s not like you all had cuddled. You all fucked, and clearly he felt bad about it, leaving the damn concert with no explanation.
He told Shiu and Mei that he didn’t feel good, and they seemingly believed it, but they certainly noticed how dejected you were. You tried to save face, but for hours you’d been up and down, tossing and turning in your little bed, mind swirling as you think of the man in the room right next to you.
“Fuck this.” You grumble, yanking the blanket down off you then, standing and tiptoeing out of your room, peeking down the hallway, then standing right in front of the guest room door.
Am I doing this?
Yeah, you are.
You hear something then, heavy breaths, and you lean your cheek against the door, faintly hearing a soft moan, and it hits you hard, hearing Toji’s moans always tears you apart. Him letting that tough exterior go for just a moment to feel was the sexiest thing to you, but more sexy? When you hear him muttering your name. You hear it clear as day, hitting your core as you turn the knob.
It’s locked of course, you sigh, but luckily the locks are old, so just a twist of one of your long nails grants you entry, and Toji is staring at the phone, his huge cock in his hand, the sheets a mess around his ankles. His hand drops the phone when he sees you, eyes wide in shock, his hand leaving that cock that clearly is covered in precum and spit.
You lock the door behind you quietly, pressing your back against the door, and you see your photo when you start to walk closer, a bikini photo of you. He gulps, but he doesn’t speak, for once the usually brash and lewd Toji is simply watching you, his hands gripping the sheets under him, cock twitching as you watch it, thick tip just leaking precum.
“Need a better picture?” You murmur, sliding off your crop top then, and he moans, eyes lavishing your body eagerly. Fuck, Toji makes you feel so pretty, like no one else exists to him but you in those moments. “Need me to take one?”
He just nods a bit, and you smile, sliding off your shorts then too. You lay on the bed right next to him, snatching up his phone, and opening the camera, pulling it up above you and taking a picture of your bare body. You then hand him the phone, as he just hungrily glares at every inch of you.
“You take a few. Get a good angle.” His big hands are shaky, as he licks his lower lip, as you bend forward, eyes looking up at him, wrapping your little hand around his thick cock.
“Doll… what the fuck are you… mnnh…” He’s moaning as you tighten your grip just slightly, looking at him with big eyes.
“Take a picture, Toji. Or a video. So you can realize what you’re missing, because you’re fucking stubborn.” You bend down then, licking up that sticky liquid, moaning as the salty taste hits your mouth, and he groans, grabbing you by your hair.
“You’re a fuckin’ brat. Know that, right?” You hum, lapping him up, running your tongue along that sensitive slit, as you see him put the phone up then, videoing you sucking him, up and down his shaft, hand twisting as you slide up. “Why you gotta do this t’me?”
“What, help you cum? You seemed to be asking for me.” He glares then, putting down the phone and snatching you up, pulling you to straddle his lap, your plush thighs on either sides of his hard ones. “Why stop me, let me suck you off.”
“I’d rather have you ride my face.”
“Wha!?” Suddenly you’re spun around, straddling his shoulders, pussy right on his face, where you feel his hot breath tickle your sensitive core, and you’re facing his huge cock again.
“I need you to cum all over m’face so I don’t say stupid shit. Also, just want you to suffocate me.”
“Toji… ohmygod!” His tongue flicks your clit then, hot and wet as it slides in, his hands pulling your lips wide for his entry. He sucks up all the wetness.
“That wet from suckin me, lil slut?”
“I’ll shut you up all right.” You press down on his face, and he moans, gripping you tight, his tongue going insane, while his hand presses your head down to take his cock in your mouth.
Are you doing sixty nine with Toji Fushiguro?
You sure are, as you’re sucking his cock down your throat, as he’s drinking your arousal up like it’s wine, lavishing you with his wicked tongue. You’re gagging on his cock, drooling down his balls, which you cup and stoke, making them tighten as he moans against your little clit. His grip on your ass is tight as he rocks you back and forth, making you grind on him.
“Fuckin use me till you cum, doll.” He mutters, and you stop sucking for just a moment, as the sensations hit so hard you can’t take it, stifling your scream of pleasure by sucking down his length, cumming as you moan around it.
“Mnh!” You’re screaming around his cock, as he’s rocking his hips up into you, as you’re gushing all over his face, weak then, unable to move, your hands gripping is strong thighs as he fucks your mouth.
Suddenly he’s shoving you down, until you’re straddling his thighs once more, and you start grinding on his cock, looking back at him, face shimmering with you, his eyes dilated to the point they look black. He sits up then, grabbing your waist and picking you up, before sliding into you, groaning and biting his lower lip with stark white teeth.
“Feel so fuckin perfect, baby.” You melt, as you’re filled by him, stretched beyond your means. “Here…” He puts your hands on his thighs, then pulls your ass back, nudging you up and down. “Ride me like this, lemme watch you.”
“L-like this?” You whisper, rolling your hips up, then slamming back down, and he hisses, smacking your ass that jiggles just so.
“Jus’ like that, ma. Fuck, yes.” You do the motion again, and soon it feels so good at this angle, you’re losing it, arching your back as he fills you, as he grinds against that spot in your walls, which flutter around him. “Ohmyfucking…”
You feel him throbbing, and you grind then, tip on your cervix, whining as you feel your orgasm hitting. Toji’s grabbing every inch of you, even down to your ankles, your feet, pressing his fingers everywhere he could touch, watching your ass shake as you take his cock, as you pour down his length.
“Toji… can’t move. Can’t.” You whine out, pathetic, and he moans at that.
“Fucking… c’mere.” He pulls out of you, and the way he just puts you where he wants thrills you, as he’s got under him now, yanking you by your hips, looking down at your face, brushing your hair back, sliding back inside your tight entry. You gasp at it, as he fucks into you, lifting a thigh.
“T-Toji…” You murmur, eyes rolling back as every hit abuses your cervix, and he wraps a hand around to the back of your neck, pulling your hair, angling your chin for his kisses down your neck.
“How can I let you go? You’ve fucked me. Completely, fucking lil bitch. Evil lil bitch, aren’t you?” He’s agressive now, his thrusts angry, and you glare up at him, nails scratching down his back, making him hiss and tense.
“You wrecked me, fucking dick. Fuck you, Toji- ah-ah-ah!” He’s making you cum as he slams into your little cunt, as he pulls your hair so hard you see stars.
“Fuck me, huh? Nah, fuck you, doll. Gotta be so - ah- perfect. Hate it.” He groans though, then grunts when your thighs clutch his hips tight, and you’re digging  your nails in again.
“Didn’t hate my picture- ha- fucking jerking it to me, huh?” He scowls now, hand cupping your jaw, yanking your mouth open and shoving his fingers in.
“Need to learn to shut this mouth. You liked me doing that, didn’t ya? Stop fuckin lyin.”
You can’t speak, even if his thick fingers weren’t gagging you, his cock wrecking your cunt was bad enough. You can hear the sounds of his skin slapping, his stubble hitting your clit, balls smacking on your ass, all while your cunt sucks him in, sloppy and greedy for more.
“Nothin to say, doll? How about a sorry, for fucking up my head.” You bite him, and he grunts, snatching his fingers out, you grip him by his throat, with your tiny little hand, leaning your face up, raising your hips and fucking him back.
You watch him fall apart over you. “You fucked up my head when you first licked me, demon mother- ah- fucker!”
“Mother fucker? Nah, you’re the daddy fucker here, bitch.” You giggle then, insanely, and he grins. “Ya can still laugh? Gotta fix that.”
“F-fuck you, Toji. Leaving anyway. Fuck you.” You’re on your knees now, and he’s got your hair with his hand, pulling, sliding in your soppy little cunt, slamming balls deep inside you. “Ah, fuck fuck fuck!”
“Gonna fuck ya till you can’t speak, so you stop fucking my head up.” He grunts, and you barely register as he’s pressing your head in the bed, muffling your cries, other hand smacking your ass hard, stinging it. “There, shut you up.”
You don’t even care, not when he’s fucking you stupid, meanly bullying his cock between your walls, which throb around him as you’re cumming again, and he slows for a moment then, groaning softly. He yanks you up by the neck, wrapping a hand around your throat and pulling you up to your knees, on him, and he’s staring right at you as you look to the side.
“You’re fucking beautiful, doll.” You feel tears prick, and you suck in a shaky breath, as he’s rocking inside of you, your tummy clenches as that pressure builds again and again.
“I wanna be yours, Toji. I do.” He tenses, not even moving for a minute, gripping you so tight around your waist.
“There ya go- ha fuck- fucking up… m-my head…” He slams his lips down on yours, and you eagerly drink in his kiss, tongues messy, saliva dripping, teeth just bumping. “Never wanna let you go.”
“Then don’t. Then don’t.” He’s groaning against your neck as he finds your breasts with one hand, gripping them, biting you then, and you’re cumming all over him, head lolling back as he devours you, every bit, with his big hands, his big cock, his big arms.
He takes you over, and you see stars burst behind your eyes, you lose all your sense of self, you just can’t even take it anymore, everything has just become Toji Fushiguro now. And you’re cumming mind blowingly, throbbing around his cock, as his tongue sloppily slides up your neck, drinking your sweat.
“Thass it baby… cum all over Daddy’s cock, like a good girl.” You whine then, at his words, as they slur, as he’s drunk on you, and your little hands grip his thighs, as he pounds up into you.
“D-daddy… yours. Your girl.” You whimper the words, and he moans, vibrating his chest against your back, hand gripping your face again, his lips right against yours now.
“Don’t say that shit. Please. Fucking… killing me. You kill me.” You blink back tears, sucking in a breath, tummy pressing in as you wiggle your hips on him, as you feel him thickening. “You really m-mine, doll?”
“I am, Daddy. Yours. S-said it. All yours.” His big hands slide over every inch of you, as his leaking tip sits against your cervix, as you’re gushing around him, dripping down to his thighs.
“This pussy’s mine?” You nod. “This body’s mine?” You nod. “How about… all of ya, doll, hmm? All of ya.”
“All of me.” He starts cumming then, you hear him almost whimper along with you from the back of your throats, as he’s filling you up, so deep, pumping endless streams of his load deep in your little cunt.
“All mine?” You nod again, and he’s exhaling, slamming his lips against yours, moaning the rest of his release, as you shatter around him, as his cum is pushed out down your bodies, down the bed, mixed with yours.
You can’t breathe, you can’t think.
Everything is on fire.
You blink rapidly, trying to make any sense, but Toji’s holding your back against him, moaning against your neck, kissing it over and over. Your head lolls to the side, weakly, already exhausted from him, from this. Your hands slide up to cup his face, as he eases out of you, and you turn, straddling him. He looks up at you with those dark green eyes, brows low, lips parted.
His hands run up and down your back, exhaling shakily, as you both study each other in the night. “I’ve never felt this. Ever. You scare the shit outta me, doll.” He murmurs then, kissing down your collarbone, and you sigh, hands sliding up to his inky black hair.
“I scare Toji Fushiguro?”
“Sure fuckin do. Witch or something.”
“Toji I… wanna sleep in bed. With you.” His eyes lock on yours, and his face looks tortured.
“You wanna fuck me up more?”
“Just cuddling?”
“Yeah, even worse than fucking ya. I’m already…” He gulps, looking away now, and you sigh.
“Already what?”
“Stupid over you. I was stupid anyway but now… no brain cells.”
“And you think I’m not?”
“Yeah but… you still got a life to live.”
You glare now. “You’re not old, jesus christ. You had your kid as a teenager, we’re like maybe seventeen, eighteen years? You act like you’re sixty. Fuck, I’d still want you at sixty.”
“Crazy talk. Y’know it won’t work.”
“So what, let’s not think of it now. Let’s think of your cum dripping out of my pussy, hmm?” You whisper, against his lips, and feel his body react, his grip so tight you can’t breathe, and you love it.
“You’re fuckin evil, huh?” You grin, then he’s got you on your back, making you gasp at the quick movement. “Fucked my brain up. Ruined me.”
“Giving what I’m getting, Toji.” He smiles then, shaking his head and brushing your sweaty hair back, damp from the exertions. He is oddly gentle as he caresses your cheek then.
“You’re perfect, doll. Too good f’me.”
“Shut up, Toji.” He sighs, kissing you again, and you feel yourself falling, falling deeper in love with this… idiot, this dickhead, this ‘old man’ who wasn’t old, but sure was experienced. This man that was not even close to ideal, but now he’s all you could think of. “I only want you.”
“That’s because you’re young, and I took-”
“No. Don’t tell me how to feel. I’m no baby.”
“You’re my baby. Oh my- corny what the fuck!? See. See what you do to me? Stop laughing, I’ll smack the fuck outta this sore pussy.”
“N-no, don’t, sorry!” You’re giggling though, you can’t help it, until you hear a door open and close, and Toji’s eyes go wide over you, slamming a hand down on your mouth, then you all stay still until it closes again after a few moments, exhaling. “Oh shit.”
“Yeah, shit.”
He lets your mouth go, kissing your forehead softly, as reality interrupts what you two were doing. “You should go back to your room. I won’t leave tomorrow, I’ll wait for you to go back home before I do.”
“I wanna cuddle.” You say, pouting, and he sighs.
“You want us caught.”
“No, but would it be so bad, to tell him?”
“Yes, it would be. I can handle him but like I said, don’t wanna fuck your life up, more than already.”
“You are so emo, old man.” He scowls, and you just grin, running your hands up and down the hard planes of his body. “Emo Toji. Hmm. Kinda hot.”
“You’re a brat, y’know that? A whole fuckin brat.”
“You love it. You love me being a brat.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up.” You’re just looking at him, as you both leave words unspoken in the quiet room, that smells like sex, that smells like both of you. “Yeah, I do love it.”
“Knew it! Now let me cuddle.”
“Doll…” You pout, batting your lashes, and he sighs, running a hand down his face then. “Fuckin… fine. Lemme clean you up.”
Soon you’re in Toji’s arms, and for once in your life, you feel so good, you feel so safe, as his strong grip feels so good, as his thick leg wraps you, as his chin rests on your shoulder. He has his arm around your waist, his breath warm on your neck as he plants a kiss on it, snuggling you both under the blankets.
You feel his heartbeat against your back, feel his chest rise and fall with each breath, as some insane peace washes over you. The man that spits in your mouth, calls you a bitch, who soaks himself in your arousal like it’s water, the nastiest man you honestly knew. The man you’ve known since you were a kid, the man who’s your friends dad, and your dad’s best friend.
Toji Fusiguro.
Is the best thing to enter your life. You love him wrecking your pussy, you love him lapping your clit, you love feeling him in your throat. You love his cum trickling out of your little hole. You love his moans, love those dark green eyes, love that rare laugh or that snarky grin, you love that scar that you feel rubbing on your neck right now.
You love him.
How would this end, with college, with your dad in the next room, with this age gap, with this… everything. It’s all against you, but for some reason you couldn’t help but die to be in his arms. Nothing has felt better to you, nothing has oddly felt so right as to lay next to him, your eyes fluttering shut, as the ceiling fan whirls on top of you, blowing overheated skin.
“Ya feel too good in my arms. Making me dumb for ya. Evil little doll.” You sigh, nuzzling his arms that hold you, looking back at him in the night, brushing back his hair gently, and he sighs, shutting his eyes in pleasure.
“You love it, huh?”
“Yeah, I do. Go to sleep. And don’t snore or I’ll kick ya off the bed.” You gasp, and he’s grinning then, and fuck if he’s not gorgeous.
“Bet you snore, old man.”
“Thought I wasn’t so old? Need me to fuck that lil cunt again?” You flush, turning, as you snuggle. “That’s what I thought. Poor cunt all swollen and red.”
“Shut up, Toji. Lemme sleep.” He sighs, stroking his thumbs in little circles down your waist.
And you do fall asleep, in his arms, half terrified of being found out, half content to just feel so good.
And a part of you dreading how this will end.
Chapter 7
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baurbiediv · 1 year
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silk press
rafe cameron x black!gf
content warning: smut (wrap b4 u tap) use of “mama” like twice, go read the rest, i don’t wanna spoil it pookie
authors update: yooo, this shit is NOT proofread, if you see any mistakes mind your businesssss!!! 😭😭 mdni!!
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the sound of drake’s ‘cameras/good ones do interlude’ could be heard over the sounds of heavy panting, the smell of weed filling the air along with your soft whimpering, “r-rafe.. s-stop you’re gonna mess up my h-hair-“ you breathed out, hand faintly tapping on his lower stomach. but before another word could escape your lips, rafe grabbed your chin, shutting you up.
“move your hand away from my stomach or i’ll stop.” you quickly moved your hand as you gripped onto his arm for dear life. so now here you were, getting your shit pounded in cause someone couldn’t control himself, it amazed you how this man had you folded in half like a pretzel, your legs were almost pressed into your chest, knees shy of being able to touch your chest thanks to rafe’s big hands, his nails digging into the skin on your thighs. rafe pushed your dress further up your stomach, wanting nothing more than to be closer to you.
but what what more could this man have possibly wanted? he was balls deep inside of his beautiful girlfriend, watching her eyes threaten to roll to the back of her head, the small necklace he bought you with his initial ‘r’ studded in diamonds, placed perfectly on your chest, just the sight of that had his dick growing hard inside of you. rafe’s hand snakes down and pressed down onto your stomach, causing a loud moan to rip from your lips, rafe’s arm just seemingly wasn’t enough for you, he was quite literally fucking you dumb. his hips ramming into the plush of your ass. “you feel me right there?” he asked as he grabbed your hand, pressing your hand down on the bulge. thank god for this empty lot covered in trees or this would’ve been a real nasty sight to see. rafe’s blacked out jeep with the passenger door open, your feet sitting pretty on his shoulders, his hand holding the nape of your neck, a mix your cum and his from previous orgasm spilling out of you and creating a sticky white ring around the base of his dick.
rafe kept an arm extended around the nape of your neck, keeping your head upright. he loved when he had you like this, melting under his touch. “hey,” he said, snapping his fingers in front of your face. your eyes were threatening to close on him as you felt the tip of your orgasm on your tongue, “i need you to keep those pretty brown eyes on me mama, you hear me?” you nodded, as you did your best to keep your eyes open just like he asked you to, but of course he made that impossible, because you felt the calloused fingertips of his ring and middle finger rubbing on your swollen clit. your mouth fell open as he caught notice of this “shhh, i got you, i got you.” he whispered as he leaned in closer to you, opening your legs wider, allowing him to shove his dick deeper into you. his fingers sped up on the swollen bud, not letting up.
your moans progressively getting louder and louder, the only way of shutting you up was rafe lightly squeezing your neck, his lips ghosting yours, “if you make one loud fucking noise, you risk getting us caught, you don’t want that do you?” he asked, you shook your head almost instantly, you really did try your hardest to pay attention to what he was telling you, but you couldn’t. he looked so good, sweat covering his forehead, neck and chest. his gold chain resting nicely on his chest as it shined under the dim light of the car, along with that god forsaken black tank top, but you nodded along to his words not thinking anything of it, your legs started shaking, your stomach feeling funny.
rafe’s dick was hitting all the right places, he had your your toes curling, “s-shit rafe s-low downn!!” you squeaked out, his movements never halting, “i-i’m gonna c-cum!!” you arched your back off the seat, rafe smirking, “i got you, come on.” he said, rubbing your clit faster, applying more pressure. your hand flew to his stomach as your juices splurted over his fingers, his abs and lower stomach and dick. your body fell back against the seat, your thighs feeling sticky, “hey that was cute and all but i’m still not done.” rafe mutters before pulling out of you, you whine from the lost contact, and before you know it he’s pulling your legs further out of the car and flipping you over onto your stomach, “r-rafe baby there’s no room-“, you were cut off before rafe’s pushing his dick back into your sensitive pussy, his left hand pushed down on your back to deepen your arch as much as he could while his right hand made its way back to your hair, “i don’t care,” he moaned loudly pushing your head further down into the seat, the sound of your ass clapping against his stomach has rafe’s head going crazy.
you poorly attempted to cover your mouth, whines slipping out occasionally, this all he wanted. you placed your hand on the console for support. this was all he ever wanted, he was able to fuck his pretty girl, y/n, and he in fact he believed she was prettiest girl on kildare and he knew he wanted you the minute he spotted you at the country club with your family. and what happened? he got exactly what he wanted, he was a smooth talker and he talked his way right a relationship with you, and this was the outcome.
your hand of course made its way back to his stomach, this time removing his hand from your head and pinning your wrist down onto your back, your whimpers grew louder, “rafe, it’s t-too muchhhhh” you whined, “that’s okay, you can do it, i-i’m close..” he groaned loudly, hearing him panting behind you, his hips hitting harder and deeper, you felt the familiar feeling of your pussy squeezing around him. “where do you want me?” he breathed, squeezing the skin of your hips, your overstimulation pushing both you and rafe to the edge. “inside p-please,” you whimpered out feeling hot spurts of his cum shoot inside your pussy. rafe pulled out of you, your hips jerked and your legs shook a little. he pulled his boxers and nike sweats back up as he presses a kiss against your lips before smiling. he closed your car door before making his way to the passenger side. you slowly closed your legs as you sat up looking for your black thong, “first you fuck up my silk press then you steal my thong??” you huff.
“‘m sorry baby, i’ll pay for you to get your hair done again and who cares about that stupid thong, i’ll buy you 10 more, how does that sound?” he looked over at you, as he sat back in his seat. your arms were crossed but you couldn’t help the smile that was evident on your face.
he leaned over the console, “gimmie a kiss.”
he said, you obliged and leaned over and kissed his lips.
“i love you y/n.” “i love you more rafey.”
did you guys miss me?? 😏
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astrophileous · 1 year
I feel like Derek would be SO aware of Bug when she gets further along in the pregnancy. Anytime she winces due to a harsh kick or Braxton hick, he’s right there beside her. He makes a huge deal of it too, especially if he can’t be by her side immediately 😭 even asks Penelope to send him updates when he’s away
This takes place during the first pregnancy, when Bug is pregnant with Little Bug 🥰 I kinda took inspiration from that scene when JJ went into labor the first time around, I hope you like it &lt;3
Side note, I literally interrogated my mom abt her pregnancy/labor experience for this one cause I don't have any 😭 but then she proceeded to ask if I HAD SOMETHING I WANTED TO TELL HER AKJSJSJDJ LIKE MOM NO I'M NOT PREGNANT I'm just writing a story plsss
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
With your due date just around the corner, it felt like Derek was also constantly in your corner.
The week marked your first one on maternity leave. You had many objections over having to take a longer leave--how were you ever going to survive four long weeks at home doing nothing?--but after constant pestering from both your doctor and Derek, you relented.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
Derek was next to you in a flash, as per usual, after he had heard your wince. You were sure that the man was just in another room mere moments prior, yet the second he caught the tiniest sign of distress coming from you, he proceeded to transport himself towards your side.
"Nothing." You chuckled, trying to ease his mind. "Your son is just eager to practice his kicking skills today."
The frown on his forehead deepened. "Does it hurt?"
"It's not that bad."
"Are you sure?" Derek's hand sneaked on top of your belly, as if trying to tell your son to calm down before he could send another painful kick against your abdomen. "Are you sure it's even a kick? Maybe we should go to the--"
"Derek, I'm fine. Promise." You patted his hand that was still on top of yours, entangling them together. "Have you heard from Hotch about where you guys are going tomorrow?"
"Louisville, Kentucky." Derek seemed to ponder something in silence before he continued, "Should I ask Hotch to sit this one out?"
"What? Why would you do that?"
"I don't like being so far away from you." His hand squeezed around yours as he said it, as if trying to emphasize his point. "What if something happens?"
"Nothing is gonna happen, honey. I'm probably just gonna be sleeping half the time you're gone. You'll be bored as hell and wish that you were in Kentucky instead."
"I don't know. I kinda like watching you sleep."
"Good one, Mister. But still no," you said. "Everything's gonna be just fine. Trust me."
Derek wasn't entirely happy about it, but you managed to push him out of the door bright and early the next morning. In his absence, you had the whole house to yourself, and you used that opportunity to do anything to keep yourself out of boredom. Nothing too strenuous, just as your doctor instructed. Not that you could do anything extreme with the weight of your 36-week bump.
You were in the middle of preparing dinner when the doorbell suddenly rang.
Confused, you turned off the stove before heading towards the front door, wondering all the way who could be visiting you on a random Tuesday night.
Your curiosity was answered the moment you opened the door, only to be met with a familiar pair of eyes behind red rimmed glasses and a head of blonde hair in perfect ringlets.
"Pen? What are you doing here?" Your eyes flitted down, noticing the polka dot duffle bag on the ground. "Why do you have a bag?"
"Surprise, Beets! We're having a sleepover!"
You were still in shock when Penelope rushed past you and entered the house. "What do you mean, sleepover?"
"Have you never had a sleepover before, Beets? It means I'm gonna stay here, of course!"
"What? I don't--" realization dawned upon you then, "--did Derek put you up to this?"
"Okay, fine! Maybe he did. But--" Penelope raised her finger when she saw you about to cut her off, "--I was more than happy and willing to do it anyway. I also don't like the thought of you being alone in this house all by yourself."
"Pen, I appreciate the gesture, really, I do. But just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm not the same person I was before. I can still deliver a mean punch if I have to," you reminded her. "You don't have to do this."
"Beets," Penelope gripped your shoulders, "I know I don't have to, but I want to, okay? Unless you're not looking forward to a marathon of the greatest 90s romcoms every single night. Shall I make myself scarce?"
You mulled over Penelope's offer for a minute. A marathon of the greatest 90s romcoms every single night did sound tempting.
"Fine." When Penelope began to squeal, you quickly added, "But no smothering!"
Penelope ended up staying for nearly the entire week, during which time Derek was constantly terrorizing her with text and voice messages; either demanding an update on you and the baby or asking Penelope to monitor your condition throughout the day.
"He's being ridiculous," you had commented one night when another one of his text messages came in the middle of My Best Friend's Wedding.
"He's worried about you."
"He's too worried." You grabbed another handful of popcorns. "You have my permission to block him anytime you feel like he's being too much."
"Won't that just give him a reason to hop on a plane and go home early?"
Your munching stopped. "Damn, you're right. Fine, just... tell him off anytime he starts being too crazy."
On Saturday, you finally received word that the team was flying back home to Virginia.
"They'll arrive in a couple of hours," Penelope called out from her position in the kitchen. "I've packed my bag and will get out of your hair as soon as Derek gets here. You guys can--what are you doing?"
Penelope knitted her eyebrows together once she walked back into the living area, seeing you somewhat writhing on the couch.
"I don't know. I just can't seem to get comfortable," you said. "And there's this... squeezing pain, I think? I don't know. I think he's pressing on my bladder or kidney or something."
"Beets." Penelope's face had gone a little paler, but there was the ghost of a smile adorning her fuchsia-painted lips. "I think you just described a contraction."
Your heart stuttered. "What? What are you talking about?"
"Beets." Penelope was beside you in a second, just in time for another contraction to hit. "You're going into labor."
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ginnsbaker · 7 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (3/?)
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Part summary: Leigh develops an unhealthy habit as she hits closer to rock bottom
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader | Word count for this part: 5.370 | Warnings/Tags: Some hetero stuff | A/N: Things will pick up after this part. I think there's going to be a total of 6 parts, but let me confirm that in the next update :)
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Next
Leigh is ten minutes late. 
It makes sense. Her willingness to attend this meeting was surprising, because if you were in her shoes, you doubt you'd have agreed to it. Listening to the entire history of a relationship can be exhausting, and it's hard to imagine what it feels like to hear about one that arguably should never have existed.
But just as you're about to think she's bailed or intentionally left you hanging, you spot her sprinting toward the cafe from across the street. She's a mess—hair soaked and sticking everywhere, face bare, missing its usual touch of makeup. But even like this, Leigh doesn't look much different from her usual self. You can't help feeling a bit envious of that.
She rushes into the cafe, attracting a few curious looks, but she barely registers them, her wide green eyes quickly finding you.
“Sorry I'm late,” she pants, struggling to catch her breath, “I got caught in the rain and then missed my bus.” The lie slips out effortlessly. True, it had rained, but the real reason was far more personal—something you didn't need to know.
You shrug off her apology with a smile, signaling the waiter for a menu for Leigh. “No worries, I'm just glad you made it,” you say.
Leigh gives you a quick once-over, then forces a smile and thanks you. Once her coffee order's in, she gets right down to it. “So, Matt,” she starts, her voice dropping to a whisper, “how did you two meet?”
You lean back, carefully thinking about what to say next. You didn't practice your answers ahead of time because you weren't planning to lie about anything. But you're wary of how you word things, not wanting to upset her. Being caught up with a married man is embarrassing enough as it is, and having to relay the details to his widowed wife only adds to it.
“Actually, our first meeting was totally by chance,” you say, bringing your steaming cup of tea to your lips. “I quite literally bumped into Matt one day. It was so brief, I barely gave it a second thought.”
You take a deep breath before continuing, “Then, about a week later, Matt showed up at my clinic with the same friend from before. It turned out, they were there for his friend's dog, who needed a check-up. Matt was just tagging along, helping out.”
Leigh’s face remains passive, making it hard to read. 
“The friend was the one who interacted with me the most that day. He even asked for my number, saying they were grateful for the help with the dog. I assumed he was interested,” you say, the memory coming back to you clearer now as you speak. “But, to my surprise, it was Matt who texted me later, not his friend.”
You barely manage to suppress the slight twitch of your lips, recalling how everything once seemed magical to you. Leigh on the other hand, takes a slow sip of her coffee, buying a moment to process.
“Who was that friend of Matt's? Do you remember his name?” she asks.
You pause, racking your brain for the detail, feeling its importance to Leigh. “Yeah, I think his name was Nick or something,” you say, scratching your head. Whether the name ‘Nick’ rings any bells for her or not, she doesn't let on. 
“Strange,” you mumble under your breath, but then shrug it off. “It doesn't really matter, he's not the one I—” You stop yourself just in time, realizing you're about to say something potentially hurtful about a situation that still feels raw, especially to Leigh.
Instead, you quickly pivot. “Anyway, that's how it all started. On the day of the dog’s follow-up, it was just Matt who came by. We struck up a friendship from there, and one thing led to another until he, uhm, asked me out for dinner.”
At this, you notice a subtle change in Leigh's demeanor. Her entire frame becomes more timid, the first real sign of emotion she's shown since this conversation began. 
You’re about to go on with your story when Leigh suddenly speaks up.
“So, you just said yes, even though he was your client? Don't veterinarians have professional boundaries?”
Ever since meeting Leigh, you've found it challenging to predict what might trigger her reactions—it's like navigating a minefield. Occasionally, you’d find yourself wondering what it would be like to know her without the complications currently defining your interactions. You think about the roles you both involuntarily play in each other's lives, roles neither of you auditioned for but somehow ended up performing.
You feel a lump form in your throat, and your gaze drops to your lap. “Well, he was persistent,” you say, feeling the need to defend your decision. Nevertheless, it sounds weak to your own ears. “But I made it clear nothing could happen until the dog's treatment was complete. And I insisted he'd have to find a different vet for any future appointments. It was... complicated.”
“I bet,” Leigh scoffs, crossing her arms. After a beat, she asks, almost too casually, “So, how quickly did you two... you know, have your first kiss?”
The question hangs awkwardly between you. You know you can’t answer it in any way you could avoid her judgment, so you just decide to spit it out. 
“First date.” Under Leigh’s scrutinizing gaze, it feels like admitting to a minor crime.
Leigh stares at you with unblinking eyes. “And how long after meeting him did this first date happen?”
You draw in a slow breath. “Three weeks,” you mutter. “It was last fall.” You add that bit, proactively laying out the timeline as if it could somehow soften the blow or make the situation less complicated. Leigh, however, looks like you've just knocked the wind out of her. She looks away, her expression shifting into something like shock or deep pain. Alarm bells ring in your head at the picture before you.
“Hey, did I say something wrong?” you say in a rush. “I mean, this whole situation is messed up, but if I—”
Leigh’s eyes are glass as they return to you. When she speaks again, her voice is so soft you almost have to lean in to hear. “Last fall... That's when I told Matt we should start trying for a baby.”
The words drain the color from your face. And suddenly, all the pieces of your story with Matt feels even more tainted.
You're not sure what your face gives away when you hear this news, but Leigh's expression quickly shifts from tearful to furious. “Stop feeling sorry for me,” she hisses. “I don’t need your pity.”
Leigh's tears start to spill over, and it's only 7:30 in the morning. It feels way too early for tears, especially here, in the middle of a coffee shop where the day is just beginning for most. You try to shrink into your seat, wishing you could make both of you invisible as the few other patrons start throwing curious, if not outright concerned, looks your way.
You never realized a simple conversation could cause someone so much pain. You thought providing Leigh with answers would help, but it looks like you're just making things even harder for her. Maybe keeping your distance from her is the kindest thing you can do.
“You know the worst part?” Leigh brushes away the tears that keep streaking down her face.
Clearly, she isn't looking for an answer, so you stay silent.
She makes sure she catches your eye before saying, “He agreed, and we started trying.”
Leigh catches her breath after wrapping up her class at the Beautiful Beast. 
She took a day off yesterday, immediately after talking with you, spending the whole day in bed just trying to sort out her thoughts and feelings. Surprisingly, wasting away for a whole day seemed to help, and her concerns gradually drifted back to her fight with Jules. It’s been days, and Leigh feels the urgency of reconciliation pressing on her. By this point, they should be on speaking terms again. By now, Jules should have let go of her anger, right? Leigh knows she can't afford to have her sister hating her. At least not right now. She needs her family, or what’s left of it—on her side. 
“Hey, Jules, got a sec? About the schedule…” Leigh tries, hoping work might be a safe enough topic to get her sister to acknowledge her existence once again.
Jules barely glances her way. Her hands keep moving, adjusting a strap here, aligning yoga mats there, as if the very act could shield her from having to engage. “Sorted. Check your email,” she replies, her voice cold and detached.
Leigh nods, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. “Great, great... um, did you consider adding that beginners' workshop we talked about?”
Jules stops for a beat, and Leigh thinks, maybe she's going to drop it. But no, Jules resumes fussing over items that hardly require any attention. Then, without even looking up, she says, “Yeah, it's on the list. Anything else?”
Leigh tries to keep her cool, wishing Jules would just cut to the chase and tell her what needs to be done for all to be forgiven. 
Trying a different tactic, Leigh goes, “Hey, found a Starbucks card in my bag. How 'bout I grab us some coffee? My treat.”
Leigh’s trying. She really is. Why can’t they see that?
Jules just gives her that look, the kind that doesn't need words, and heads back to her desk. And there's Leigh, offer of a beverage truce just floating in the air, going nowhere.
Getting ignored really gets under Leigh's skin. Back in the day, Matt's habit of brushing her off would drive her to the edge. She'd respond with over-the-top demands or twist things around just to make sure he’d always pay attention to her. She didn't start off wanting to be that person, but looking back, she sees the lengths she'd go to just to keep his attention from straying. 
Unable to control herself, she heads straight for Jules, grabs her arm despite her trying to wiggle free, and yanks her into the backroom.
“What the hell is your problem?!” Jules explodes, not caring if anyone’s heard her outside.
They're both standing there, kind of shocked by how heated things got so fast. Jules’ shout might've turned a few heads outside, but right now, that's the least of Leigh's worries.
“How many times do I need to apologize, for you to get over this?”
Jules’ eyes are wide in disbelief, her mouth twisting into a sardonic smile, like she can’t believe what she’s hearing.
“You’re so fucking full of yourself, Leigh! This is exactly why I’m not talking to you,” Jules hisses, but keeps her voice down this time.
“Do you even know what you’re sorry for?”
Leigh's initial scoff dies in her throat as she watches Jules' expression twist with hurt. “Yeah, okay, I said sorry about the crap I pulled the other day. I know I was out of line, talking about your past like that—”
Jules doesn't let her finish. “You weren't just being ‘out of line’, Leigh. You threw the worst time of my life in my face! Do you have any idea how hurtful that is? Coming from my own sister? From my own family? What, just to win an argument? To cover up for acting like a jerk at the club?”
Leigh goes quiet, but her face hardens, trying not to show how much Jules' words hit her right in the gut. What she said, laid out like that, it sounds…well, unforgivable.
“I'm trying, okay?” Leigh blurts out without thinking.
“Shouldn't be that hard to just be a decent human being, should it?” Jules shoots back, her dismissal sharp as she exits the cramped space, leaving Leigh reeling.
Under her breath, almost like she's talking to the walls, Leigh mumbles, “I'm really sorry…” It's quiet, almost lost in the room, but she means it the most at this very moment, even if no one's around to catch it.
Leigh clocks out from work, her day's fatigue hanging off her shoulders like a weighty cloak. Instead of heading straight home, she veers off her usual path, her feet bringing her to places that made breathing difficult the first few weeks after Matt's death. She's walking the same old route she always did when he was still around, back to when her home address was different and she'd pick up takeout from his favorite places along the way.
There’s the park first, the one where she and Matt spent countless afternoons sprawled on the grass, lying side by side as they watched the sky blush into shades of orange at sunset. She allows herself only a fleeting glance at the familiar paths and the bench they claimed theirs, feeling the same regret, the same hollowness as she remembers the good times they had there. 
In the back of her mind, she can't shake off the worry that maybe you've been here too, making your own memories with him. She doesn’t feel the surge of anger at this thought however. Instead, a part of her is almost willing to share these sacred memories if it means holding onto him in any form. She wants to believe that her jealousy has faded into a quieter acceptance that others might also carry pieces of him, pieces she's learning to live with.
Pulling herself away from the park, Leigh's walk inevitably leads her past Matt's favorite Italian restaurant—a quaint, cozy place where they celebrated most of their birthdays and, on occasion, anniversaries, especially when neither felt like cooking (which became an increasingly common choice in the months leading up to his accident).
She remembers how Matt's face would light up at the prospect of their rich, creamy carbonara and the tiramisu he claimed was unrivaled in the city. She recalls the numerous times she attempted to recreate the restaurant's tiramisu at home, aiming to surprise Matt at least once a month. Despite her efforts, if she truly wanted to indulge him, she knew there was no substitute for the real thing. So, on special days, or whenever she felt an extra burst of affection, she'd stop by the restaurant on her way home, picking up takeout. 
A waitress from the restaurant notices Leigh's lingering gaze and asks if she'd like a table. With a shy smile, Leigh declines, then pauses before finally deciding to order a tiramisu to go.
When she returns to her mom's house and eats the tiramisu alone, it tastes different. 
Leigh can't decide if the difference in the tiramisu's taste is good or bad, but that doesn't stop her. She finishes the entire slice in minutes. But instead of feeling full, it makes her feel emptier. Perhaps, it’s not the flavor that's changed; it's the experience of eating it without Matt's enthusiastic commentary, without him lighting up at the first bite or playfully claiming the last one, despite his generous offer to let her have it.
Suddenly, tears just start pouring out of Leigh as she sits there with an empty plate. She didn't see it coming, no chance to stop it or shove it down. Then, she finds herself laughing—a deep, throaty laugh—because she's grieved for him in countless ways, but this, crying over a dessert, has to be the most absurd. It's exactly the kind of moment they would have laughed at together.
Deciding that that would be her dinner, Leigh cleans up the small mess she's made and considers the evening ahead. But just as she’s about to sink into the couch for a quiet night, her phone buzzes, making her jump.
Seeing your name flash on her screen, she sighs, sensing a familiar bitterness creeping back in, disrupting the soothing moments she had just spent reminiscing about Matt. She lets it ring a few times more before picking up.
“Hi, Y/N,” Leigh says, managing to keep her voice steady over the phone.
“Hey,” you start, unsure how to break the ice after everything. Especially with what you’re about to say next.
“Listen, something happened today at the clinic. Someone came in looking for their lost French Bulldog, and they had a picture,” you pause to breathe. “Leigh, it looks a lot like Visitor.”
On the other end of the line, you can practically hear Leigh's heart skip a beat.
“Hello?” you ask, checking to make sure she's still there after she doesn't respond for several seconds.
“Are you sure?” Leigh’s voice cracks slightly.
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure,” you say softly, feeling a surge of empathy. “I'm sending you the picture now. Check it out and tell me what you think.”
You hit send and then wait for Leigh’s confirmation.
“It's him. It's definitely Visitor,” she says a moment later.
You're relieved but also concerned about what comes next. “So, what are you going to do?”
Leigh hesitates, and when she speaks again, she doesn’t give a direct answer. “Thank you, Y/N,” she says, and you pick up something in her tone. Something somber. 
“Everything alright?” 
But the line's already dead, leaving you staring at your phone, wondering what she is up to.
Leigh stands outside the community center, her hand lingering on the door longer than usual.  It's been weeks since she last came to a session. First, there was the shock of uncovering Matt's darkest secret, and now, there's the issue of the man inside, already looking her way, waiting to see her next move.
Danny appearing at her doorstep earlier in the week caught her completely off guard—and not in a good way. The moment she realized it was him, Leigh didn't hesitate to close the door in his face. After she shut him out, it escalated to the point where she threatened to call the police because he wouldn't stop pounding on the door and shouting for Leigh to let him in, insisting he just wanted to talk. His last attempt to get through to her fell flat when he flooded her inbox with texts and missed calls, pushing Leigh to the point where she blocked his number for good.
Despite the problem of Danny being here tonight, Leigh isn't willing to walk away from this just because of him. She's already given up so much lately, most recently Visitor—or Chico, as she found out his real name was—and his absence carved a fresh ache in her heart that she hadn't seen coming.
So, she takes a deep breath and pushes the door open, ignoring the smirk on Danny’s face as she proceeds to pretend like he doesn’t exist.
Somehow, after the meeting, Leigh ends up saying yes to a quick chat with Danny. He reels her in with the news that he submitted Matt’s remaining works—which he got custody of—to his publisher, and they were keen to publish them posthumously. 
Leigh can't help but throw in a bit of shade. “That's nice of you, doing something good for your brother, even if it's a bit late.”
Danny's face drops a little. Her words were sharp enough to hurt him, but he doesn't bite back or get in her face about it, which totally throws Leigh for a loop. After all the time she'd spent ignoring him, she had expected him to be at his worst around her.
And then he surprises her even more when he says, “Let me give you a ride home? It's the least I can do…”
Leigh arches an eyebrow. She didn’t bring the car tonight because Jules had a thing with Tommy, and she didn’t want to give her sister another reason to resent her. A ride from Danny beats the alternatives of walking or shelling out for a pricey cab, especially now that her phone's battery has given out, nixing the option of booking an Uber.
But this is Danny. Matt’s brother, and the guy she hooked up with because she thought she’d get back some semblance of her dead husband. After Jules pointed out how messed up it was that they'd slept together, Leigh's been all over the place. The rules around what they were doing either turned her off or, weirdly enough, made the whole thing more enticing, taboo and all. That's a big part of why she's been steering clear of him. Hanging out with Danny feels like reaching for a cigarette long after she's sworn off smoking.
Even with all that swirling in her head, Leigh ends up saying, “Sure, why not?”
Before she knows it, she's also agreeing to a drink at his place.
The second they step into his apartment, something inside of Leigh snaps. Acting on impulse, she grabs Danny by the collar and kisses him fiercely. She clenches his shirt in her hands, practically tearing it in her grip. Danny's initial surprise melts away in seconds, and then he’s kissing her just as hard, his tongue prying open her lips, taking control of the kiss right away. His hands find her waits, pulling her closer, practically already half-lifting her against the wall.
Leigh, caught up in the moment, begins to move her hips in a rocking motion against him. The action is effective enough to distract him from where he’s kissing every inch of Leigh’s neck, and he retaliates by suddenly pressing her more firmly against the wall, pinning her with his hips, their chests are tightly pressed together.
But as Leigh's fingers begin to fumble with the button of Danny's pants, he catches her hands gently and, panting, says, “Wait, Leigh, hold on for just a sec.” 
Leigh’s eyes fly open at his voice, irritation and impatience coloring them. “What?” she gasps out. 
He ignores the hard edges of her tone. He wants more—something real—and he's hoping she does too.
“I can’t do this again unless I know it’s going somewhere,” Danny says. He gently lets go of Leigh and takes a step back, trying to collect himself. It's a tough task, though, with Leigh looking the way she does—hair all tousled, lips slightly swollen and marked from when he got a bit carried away, her cheeks tinged with a warm flush. He could’ve made her come in the next two minutes, he’s sure of it.
At Danny's confession, Leigh can't help it; she bursts into laughter. The idea of him catching feelings now, of all times, seems absurd to her. As she laughs, Danny's jaw tightens, but he waits patiently for her to finish.
When Leigh finally notices the seriousness etched across Danny's face, her amusement evaporates almost instantly. The realization that he's not joking strikes her, and it doesn't sit well. Not one bit.
“What, you think because your brother's gone, you get to... what? Step in? Take his place?” she spits out, incredulous. “This is never going to be anything more than a quick fuck, Danny.”
In his desperation, he calls her bluff. “You’re lying.”
Leigh's reaction morphs into a cruel sneer. “If you're going to insist on something more, then we're just wasting our time,” she mutters, turning to leave.
Danny's not ready to let her walk away, not yet. He grabs her arm, and for a second, they're just staring each other down, a silent battle raging between them. Leigh’s resolve is impenetrable.
It’s Danny who cracks first, exhaling a defeated, “Fine.”
But Leigh's not having any half-measures. She whirls around, fire in her eyes. “Nope. Say it properly,” she demands.
With a sigh that feels like he's giving away a part of himself, Danny looks at her, worn and resigned. “This doesn't have to mean anything,” he says even if it’s the last thing he wants.
Leigh locks eyes with him, a storm brewing in her look. Just when Danny thinks it's better to just drop it, she throws him a question out of nowhere. 
“Did you know?”
“Know what?” Danny asks, genuinely puzzled.
“About Matt and me... trying for a baby when he... you know.”
“He... he never mentioned anything like that,” he says, feeling the pain she’s radiating. Leigh looks like she’s about to fall apart and all he wants is to be the one to gather her pieces and put them all back together.
No more words follow from Leigh. It's as if the question drained what was left of the conversation. Without warning, she surges forward, her lips meeting Danny’s in a bruising kiss, then she grabs Danny's hands, placing them firmly back on her waist. He gets the message loud and clear, and together they quickly shed their clothes, letting them fall in a heap around their feet. She comes about twelve minutes and thirty seconds later.
It's been eight days—not that you're keeping track or anything. But after giving Leigh the heads-up that someone’s been looking for a dog that looks exactly like Visitor, you were kind of expecting she’d at least update you if it really was him or not.
So, when a client strolls in later with Visitor, who's actually called Chico according to the file your secretary slips you, you're a little disappointed it's not Leigh showing up instead. It must have been incredibly tough for her to return Chico to his real family. She invested her heart, time, and not to mention her wallet, into that dog, caring for him as if he were her own.
Thinking she’d be relieved to know he’s in good hands, you send her a text to update her about Chico's visit to the clinic today. You mention how healthy and content he seems, yet you hazard a guess that he's probably missing Leigh too. 
She sees your message right away, and then leaves you on read.
Her thing with Danny turns into a late-night ritual, particularly after Drew fails to respond to her following their conversation, not even offering her a guest column in the weeks that followed their talk. Drew continues to invite her for coffee and dinner dates along with his fiancée, but he avoids the topic about the column, so Leigh stops asking.
The hookups are always a post-midnight impulse. She’d find herself sneaking out of her mother's house to meet him, driven by a mix of need and escape, or occasionally, by insomnia. After their moments together, she never lingers in Danny's bed for too long once she's found her satisfaction, eager to shower away his scent from her skin. 
Back at home, she ensures there's no trace of their deed by the time she slips into bed, allowing herself to sleep deep into the middle of the day. This pattern of nocturnal activity and daytime slumber has led her mother to adjust Leigh's responsibilities, moving her to take charge of the afternoon classes instead. This behavior earns her suspicious glances from Jules, but Leigh chooses to ignore them—if Jules isn't interested in reconciling, then she has no right to concern herself with Leigh's personal affairs.
Leigh doesn’t know how she got here, back at the beginning, in an ever messier situation. She can't stop fucking Danny, her emotions for Matt are a rollercoaster—she finds herself forgiving him and cursing him interchangeably a couple of times a day. 
She's astounded this is her life now, seemingly unable to talk herself out of decisions that pull her deeper into chaos.
A month later, Leigh becomes a distant memory. Following a series of tumultuous encounters, your life gradually returns to its normal rhythm—quiet, ordinary days filled with clinic work, attending to various cases, meeting new clients, and addressing the myriad issues of small animals. All of these tasks prove easier to deal with than anything involving Leigh Shaw.
The sole noteworthy event in your generally uneventful life lately was your latest visit to a physician for an annual physical exam. The blood tests revealed some numbers outside the normal range, notably elevated cholesterol levels. Consequently, your doctor advised you to integrate exercise into your daily regimen and to reduce your consumption of takeout meals, specifically pizza and Chinese fast food.
It’s a big sacrifice, considering your day usually flies by without much thought for food, except for dinner. It’s the one time in your day you actually look forward to. So, to hold onto that bit of happiness, you've been looking at fitness classes that are actually enjoyable and help burn those extra calories to keep you in shape.
Yoga stands out as the top choice for you, mainly because it all unfolds on a mat. You assume it'll demand the least amount of effort compared to the other options (specifically spinning), which all seem to promise nothing but pain and suffering.
Deciding to give yoga a shot, you choose Beautiful Beast, swayed by its stellar reviews. You secure a slot for a 6pm class, feeling pretty good about this decision.
That is, until Leigh Shaw walks into the said class, clad in a sports bra and tight-fitting leggings that highlight her toned legs. She’s busy on her phone, and without looking up, she walks to the front of the room. 
What are the chances you'd both be in the same class at the same fitness studio? The plot thickens when she pockets her phone and turns to face the class, gesturing for everyone to get their mats ready as the session's about to start.
You swallow hard. Leigh isn't here as a joiner—she's running it.
It takes about a quarter of the session for Leigh to notice you’re in her class. It's only while she's making her rounds, observing each student's camel pose, that her gaze finally lands on you. Struggling through your lack of core strength, you can't quite catch her initial reaction, but then she calls out your name. The surprise makes you gasp as she places her hand on the curve of your spine, just above the small of your back, and gently pushes you upward, deepening your arch. 
The stretch draws a grimace from you, but then she says, “Good, that's it,” and suddenly, you're determined not to let her down. You focus on the pose, on Leigh's instructions, and on not falling apart under her watchful eye. Leigh keeps everyone in the position a few moments longer than expected before instructing the class to transition into the child's pose for recovery. At her cue, your arms collapse, and you find yourself breathing heavily, grateful for the brief respite.
Something tells you it's not the high cholesterol that's going to be the end of you, but rather this yoga class and Leigh's merciless teaching style. 
You're all packed up and ready to leave, still reeling from what could easily be the toughest hour of your life, when someone calls out to you.
“Hey, Y/N.”
It's Leigh. Her tone is softer, more fatigued than you remember. She’s still in her gym clothes, looking like the workout barely touched her except for a few strands of hair sticking to her forehead. And somehow, she smells more like a rose garden than the gym floor.
“I didn’t know you work here—” you blurt out, almost apologizing. But before you can add anything else, Leigh just shakes her head, something like amusement in her smile, stopping you mid-sentence. Her smile, warm and a little teasing, eases some of the tension you didn't realize you were holding. 
“Are you a mind reader or something?” she teases. “Cause yeah, I was going to ask if you were following me.”
You’re quick to deny it. “I wasn’t.”
Leigh lets out a chuckle like she's getting a kick out of seeing you on edge. You shuffle your feet, still unsure if she’s trying to scare you off or welcome you to her tutelage.  
“Look, if it's weird for you, me being here... I can find another class,” you offer, the words tumbling out before you can think them through.
Her reaction is swift and a bit surprising, “Why would I want that? So you can duck out and be a rubbish yogi elsewhere and ruin my reputation?”
You’re taken aback by her response. Clearly, Leigh's not pushing you away; it's almost as if she's egging you on, daring you to stick it out. And if there's any hope of moving past this... whatever it is, leaving now because it might get awkward doesn't seem like the right move to make a fresh start.
“All right, I'll stay,” you find yourself saying, more to your surprise than hers. 
Leigh's got this look of triumph, chin lifted just so, when you agree to stick around. “See you at 5:30. Greenway Park,” she throws out casually.
You're there blinking, trying to piece together what she means. But before you can even get a word out, she's one step ahead. 
“We have to work on your endurance,” she clarifies. “Make sure you’re wearing real running shoes. No sneakers.”
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izukusjuicythighs · 2 months
bkdk fics i read because was it ever casual
Horikoshi keeps feeding us bkdk crumbs like wtf??at this point they HAVE to be canon bkdk hospital kiss confirmed I was izukus freckle ALSO IM KINDA IN A BLOCK RN whenever I finish a fic my yappin brain always has something to say but rn its real quiet so uh🤡
left me no choice(but to stay here forever)
summary: Izuku learns early on in life that the people he loves will always leave him.
So when Kacchan asks him to be his boyfriend, Izuku kisses him and starts grieving for the inevitable.
words: 6,925
chapters: 3/4(updating)
notes: im quite aware that its a bitchy move to inflict pain on ppl but jm gonna do it anyways lol READ THIS AND WEEP I literally wanted to gorge my heart out and then slap all of my love into izuku idk it evokes complicated feelings??normally hate reading unfinished fics BUT THIS!!gave me a life changing experience within 7000words dammit
be my good luck charm
summary: See, the thing is, Midoriya Izuku had been born with a curse. It’s not a curse that’s particularly visible. He doesn’t have horns, or a tortured face, and it’s not the kind of silly curse like a friend of his had way down south in Diagnor, wherein the girl had been born without the ability to say the word duck. Midoriya Izuku is just extremely unlucky.
(Or the AU in which Izuku's the world's unluckiest traveling merchant, and Katsuki is someone who may be able to help him. For a price, that is.)
words: 6785
chapters: 1/1
notes: cute lil oneshot for yall cuz mha fans r in dire need of fluff rn yknow why🤭 how to date a hottie101 by bkg: set ur crush on fire to show ur undying love(WRITE IT DOWN WRITE IT DOWN)
Barberries and Variegated Knotweeds
summary: The Fight Another Day Agreement is a required legal document for all professional heroes. In the event of a life-threatening injury and the hero and their proxies are unable to respond on their behalf, medical professionals may do whatever it takes to keep the hero alive.
For Izuku, whatever it takes means removing flowers from his lungs, forcing him to forget about the love of his life. The aftermath leaves Izuku bewildered at the sight of a man with spiky blond hair and red eyes the color of Japanese barberries.
words: 19,286
chapters: 4/4
notes: YET ANOTHER HANAHAKI FIC WITH IZUKU WHUMP I just love seeing my favs go through it🤠I've read so many hanahaki fics ud think I'd be used to it but NOPE THIS SHIT HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT was ready to downgrade 1 dimension to solve this shitstorm myself
If It's You
summary: “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Katsuki said. “You did not just ask me—me—to try and date your loser step-brother.”
He wasn’t even going to say Deku’s name out loud. Wasn’t giving him the time of day, even in a conversation about him. That weird awkward virgin was not worth his precious time, and certainly not what Kirishima was suggesting.
“But Bakugouuu,” Kirishima wailed, hanging off Katsuki’s arm with monster meathead jock strength. “My dad said I can’t date if Deku doesn’t date. Do you understand what that means?”
“Less chance of knocking someone up and creating more of you in the world?”
words: 16,863
chapters: 1/1
notes: 10 things I hate about you but make it bkdk I LOVE THIS SHIT angsty dramatic misunderstanding high school aus are my JAM also somewhat gives off from the sidelines vibes so if ur into that defo read
Down the Red Line
summary: His mom is the first person to know about it. She finds out when Izuku asks ( in a very cute three-year-old way) why can’t he see the red line that connected him to Kacchan in the last picture they've taken. The one where they were about to enter Kindergarten on their first day.
"Red line?"
"Yeah, Mamma. This," Little Izuku says, raising his pinky finger to show her the thing tied to it.
Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
words: 7,804
chapters: 1/1
notes: one of my absolute favs since 2021 MAKES ME SO FUKCIN MAD I have to put my phone down and contemplate life for a few mjns while reading it but it's so good??my red string is tied to thjs fic pls
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goodnessgraves · 2 months
Old farmhouse I love.
Part 2!
Warnings: DBF!Graves, F!Reader, age gap, porn no plot, Sexy!Graves, Penetrative sex, he’s a sweetheart, southern charmed his way into your drawls, not proofread!
(Sorry for the late update I was lazy and didn’t write out of spite 😭)
18+ MDNI
From the porch, to sneaking up to his room, to lying down on his bed naked as he undresses himself. Getting up here was a blur, a handsy, arousing blur.
You knew you wanted him. He knew you wanted him. He saw the way you looked at him, the way you snuck glances and subtle touches when you could, and that was the only thing on his mind as he dropped his blue jeans and boxers, climbing on top of you.
“Hey.” He smiles down at you, baring his teeth in that stupidly handsome way he always does, and it’s almost too casual because he literally has his cock resting on your stomach as he leans over you, smiling smugly.
“Hi.” You look up at him, trying to ignore how big and heavy he was on your stomach. You feel yourself getting even more turned on by the second. He leans in, softly peppering your face in little kisses.
“You gonna be a good girl for me, ain’t ya, darlin’?” His stupid fucking accent went straight to your burning core. You hated the effect he had on you. His blue eyes, his neat hair, his crooked smile, it was everything. For a moment you forgot to respond, too focused on just him. He gives a questioning hum.
“Yes, sir.” You respond, your voice almost a whisper. His eyebrows raise as you say that, he clearly wasn’t expecting to be called sir, but who is he to complain? He smiles down at you, brushing your hair out of your face and softly moving his hands on your face.
“Such a pretty girl, ain’t you sweeth’art?” He coos out at you, making you melt into his touch. “You gon’ take me like a good girl, huh?” He purred, softly moving his hands down to your chest and kneading at them.
“Mhm! I’ll take it!” You blurt out, your body burning with desire. He moves himself lower, lining up his tip with your entrance, teasing you and slapping your clit with his cockhead before slipping in, letting out an animalistic groan and bowing his head. He looks up at you, making sure you’re adjusted before sliding all the way in and just staying all the way in for a second.
“Sonuvabitch-“ He pants out. “You’ve got a tight fucking pussy on you, darlin’.” He’s practically growling as he grits his teeth and breathes heavily. He grabs onto your hips softly and starting to rock his hips. You whine and moan under him, digging your nails into his back as he coos sweet nothings to you.
‘Such a good girl’
‘Takin’ me so well’
‘You were made for my cock, sugar’
The speed started increasing and he moves one of his hands off of your hips and over to your clit, making you mewl and write under him.
“Fuck, Phil! ‘m gonna cum, please, pleasepleaseplease.” You whine out, your body tensing up with pleasure.
“Yeah, gonna cum? Such a good fuckin’ girl. Yeah, cum on my fuckin’ cock, show me how good you feel.” He starts thrusting faster and playing with your clit harder, watching you come undone under him.
“Where you want it, pretty girl?” He pants out through grunts, making you whine louder.
“Inside, fill me up!” You whine out, cumming on his cock and tightening him around him like a vice. He looks down at you, his smile faltering as he throws his head back, burying himself to the hilt inside of you.
With a groan he releases inside of you, letting out a deep sigh of pleasure. He stays there for a moment before rolling off of you and holding you in his arms as you both come down.
“You did so good, sweeth’art. Let’s get all cleaned up, yeah?” He looks down at you as you nod before scooping you up and bringing you to the bathroom and running you a bath.
That stupidly gorgeous man has weaseled his way into your heart, and you aren’t mad at it.
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haesunflower · 1 year
random boyfriend things with zb1
genre: fluff
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone (except yujin)
about/tags: one or two random actions that zb1 does when you're in a relationship with them
thank you anon for req, i think my fluff is improving! bullet point headcanons
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
jiwoong randomly takes your hand sometimes and just rubs it. if you're lying down on his chest, he also likes to run his hand through your hair, massaging your scalp. and when you come home after a long day of work and just plop on the couch, he brings your legs up to put it on his lap, massaging the tension away at your feet
he does this without even asking, and goes about engaging in conversation with you like normal.
"jiwoong, you don't have to do that"
"but I want to, babe."
you return the favor after, and after a while you start to think that maybe he gives you massages because he wants one back
If you're both too exhausted, jiwoong likes to prepare warm baths for the both of you to relax in. while he draws the bath with essential oils, you light the candles.
you melt into his chest, basking in the warm water and the presence of the man you love.
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
whispers kisses into your ear.
hao likes to come closer to you to whisper into your ear. you'd think it would be some super important secret but it's usually something along the lines of "you look so beautiful today"
it sends shivers down your spine, and your ears turn red immediately
he seals it with a kiss, peppering kissing along your jaw as well
"hao that tickles!" – he likes it when you giggle at him
he enjoys that in moments like these, even with other people around, it's like the both of you are in your own little world.
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
he sends you pictures of everything.
hanbin likes to keep you updated, so on days when he can't see you, he'll take a picture of the sky, the food he ate that day, the literal cat he bumped into on the way home, and cute little selfies as a good night present. he gives you the play by play – what song he was listening to, or the thoughts he had of you.
"saw this flower, and it smells like your hair. miss you!"
you find joy in reading about his day, and you find yourself doing the same thing with him
hanbin also has a nagging nature, making sure you drink your vitamins, eat all your meals, and get enough sleep
he rewards you with head pats :( a soft and cute reward
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
absentmindedly drawing circles on your skin.
he doesn’t even realize it (you think) but he draws on your skin with his fingertips. it might be a comfort thing for matthew, so you find it endearing. if you're watching a an anime movie on the couch, his arms are wrapped around your shoulders and he's tracing incoherent things on your arm. or he's gently rubbing his hands all over your legs or thighs back and forth, softly scratching with his nails.
"did you need something, matt?"
– "huh? nothing why?"
you just smile at him and he continues his ministrations like usual
it has become your comfort thing too. :')
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
cuddling. but specifically making you lay down on this chest or shoulder as he hums a tune or plays the guitar.
if he's playing guitar, he places your head on his shoulder as he softly strums the instrument. you are mesmerized by how he plays, and you space out to the music
if you're lying down, your head is on his chest and you feel the vibrations of his humming reverberating in your ears. he also likes to plant small, chaste, kisses on your head as you softly lull to sleep.
he sings to you in your sleep, but you don't know that. and it's always in a tiny voice because he's afraid to wake you up.
perhaps all your good dreams are thanks to him ♡
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
has an extra of everything for you.
at first, it was just about carrying an extra jacket because you get cold easily, but it has evolved to secretly buying things for you and phrasing it as “oh I had this lying around” (because he knows you don’t like it when he spends too much on mundane things for you). so when you ran out of chapstick or couldn't find your ponytail and he whipped one out of his pocket, you're suspicious but thankful.
even though you both think it's cheesy, you also get very "subtle" couple items
like rings, yeah that's right... you have matching rings
jokingly, you say "what are these, promise rings?"
"yeah." :'D
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
hand holding and casually playing with your hands.
gyuvin does this thing where he holds your hands and does random things with it. he'd sandwhich it inbetween his own, or make your hands clap. most of the time, he does it on purpose to entertain himself - but there are moments where he does it out of habit.
even if you're talking to another person, your hand are linked together when he places both your hands into his hoodie pocket. and when he's behind you, he'd wrap his arms around your waist and fiddle with both your hands.
he does this so often that people are so used to it already, deadass no one questions it. like you’re having a serious convo with a friend and he’s just doing that ugh cute.
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
standing behind you, protecting you. kinda like a guard dog.
even if there’s no threat, he just likes standing and towering behind you. he likes the physical and visual confirmation that all is well because he can see the whole environment from this angle. his heart skips a beat when you lean on to him, your back to his chest.
when he’s standing behind you, it somehow makes him feel useful and loved tkejfkf. he finds himself gently nudging or guiding you on where to go. or sometimes, he'd just follow wherever you lead like a large puppy.
if you're in a crowded place though, he likes to interlock pinkies with you so you don't lose each other, ya'll are clingy like that
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A/N: no yujin since this is a romantic context!
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist ✉︎ request
tagging: @dwcljh @aleiamk @honghongbri @rjclouds @snowflakemoon3 @kpoprhia @en-ct @weeiyin @aleinasstuff @jiaant11 @caocoamamam @mashihope -> join my taglist so you don't miss out!
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venoyale · 3 months
AO3 MASTERLIST - Jujutsu Kaisen
will be updating :)
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Gojo Satoru/Reader
Neighbourhood Watch (ongoing) - Rated E: AKA: THE Satoru Gojo being down bad for one (1) single mom. ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
Anteros (oneshot) - Rated E: "In Greek mythology, Anteros (/ˈæntərɒs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀντέρως Antérōs) was the god of requited love (literally "love returned" or "counter-love") and also the punisher of those who scorn love and the advances of others, or the avenger of unrequited love." ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
Kiss Me Better (oneshot) - Rated E: You've always understood the importance of words, especially ones that are said to someone who won't come back. However, you were foolish enough to believe this concept doesn't apply to your boyfriend, AKA The Strongest. Arguments break out, Shibuya happens, and you're left haunted by the last words you both uttered to each other. But what happens when he's quite literally sitting on your bed twenty days later, obviously missing you? And why aren't you kissing him?? ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
All I Need (oneshot) - Rated E: A friend of Shoko's is a friend of yours, right? So why does it seem like Satoru Gojo wants a lot more from you than expected? ★ SMUT, slightly obsessive but NOT yandere Gojo
Heartbeat (hiatus) - Rated E: When they reach the peak of ecstasy, Satoru wraps his arms around Suguru, eyes boring into the man on top of him. He wants to convey his feelings through words, but it gets stuck at the base of his larynx, so he only hopes that his saccharine moans and the unadulterated emotion pouring from his gaze sends the right message. Suguru burrows his face in Satoru’s neck so that he doesn’t see him falter under pressure. ★ SMUT, angst/comfort, misunderstandings
Venus Fly Trap (ongoing/semi-hiatus) - Rated E: What's the easiest way to capture (the heart of) the only daughter and heiress of the Gojo Conglomerate? Seems like only a certain woman has the answer to that, despite her shady and mysterious presence. ★ SMUT, sexual tension despite having marathon sex
Occult TV (ongoing/semi-hiatus) - Rated T: When Itadori, Iguchi, and Sasaki's Occult club expands into something big, like a paranormal investigation YouTube Channel, they're tasked to investigate the former home of a friend's guardians. Will they, a trio of amateur ghost-hunters, be able to find any solid evidence? Stay tuned to find out, only on Occult TV! ★ fluff, crack, slight angst/comfort
Valentine's Day 2018 (oneshot + platonic satoshoko) - Rated T: It’s not that she doesn’t care, but if she’s being honest to anyone including herself, she does not have the mental capacity to even try to be there for her white-haired friend. It’s futile, because the last person who truly understood Satoru left, and now he’s gone forever….Forever. That’s why Shoko’s here today, though. This Valentine’s Day marks the first of infinity where Suguru is gone forever. ★ angst/no comfort
Slow Mornings (oneshot) - Rated E: "Suguru now realizes just how scarce domesticity truly is, and how he almost threw it away when he wakes up on a chilly December morning with a sleeping Satoru in his arms. The expensive silk sheets that his husband had handpicked are wrapped around them tightly, bundling them up like a baby’s swaddle, or a hubby burrito as Satoru lovingly dubs it." ★ comfort, fix-it, fluff, a pinch of angst in the beginning
Character Studies
It's My Birthday, Did You Remember? (ongoing) - Rated M - Gojo Satoru: As a friend, teacher, and colleague, Satoru Gojo will always be the first person there when it comes to celebrating someone’s birthday. He thinks it’s important to celebrate the existence of a person, even if it’s for one day, and let it be known that they’re greatly appreciated. But what’s only known to a few, is that, his own birthdays weren’t like this when he was growing up…. ★ angst
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augustjustice · 2 months
you wanna feel how it feels? (let's exchange the experience) 3/?
Part 2 | AO3 Link
Notes: Sorry it took a minute for the next chapter of this one! I spent a lot of June and July focused on some event fics and then had a small bout of writer's block after. School's starting back up soon, so updates may continue to be slow going--but they will come, I promise. This fic is a personal favorite, so it remains a top priority for me.
After a brief kerfluffle of Steve taming his signature hair until it was styled to suit him–using the emergency Farah Fawcett spray he kept in the Beemer, and, oh, Eddie had no plans of ever letting him live that one down–they were off. 
As he backed out of the Munson’s drive, Steve slung his arm across the back of the passenger’s seat, the same way he always did, and Eddie told himself he definitely didn’t get the same fluttering butterflies in his stomach as he always did at the gesture. Because it was ridiculous on a good day, to feel that way over such an innocuous thing–and even more so given their current situation. 
Now that they were heading for Dustin’s place, an awkward silence fell between them. The tension in the small space of the car was only intensified by the fact that things were usually so easy between them the rest of the time.
But…these weren’t exactly usual times. A fact that was damn near impossible to ignore when it was quite literally staring them in the face.
Steve kept tapping his finger nervously at the steering wheel, hand stroking his chin as he very deliberately and obviously turned his face towards the driver’s side window. Eddie couldn’t stop fidgeting in place in his seat, reaching to fiddle with his rings before he remembered yet again that they weren’t there and found his thoughts tailspinning once more. 
As the car rolled towards town, they couldn’t stop casting curious, sidelong glances at each other, both of them flinching and turning away quickly each and every time the other one caught them at it. 
To busy himself, Eddie took to flicking through the radio stations, trying to find anything decent to distract him. He didn’t bother hiding his disgruntled noises every time yet another pop hit started blaring from the speakers.
“Come on, dude, quit it,” Steve finally snapped, slapping Eddie’s hand away from the dial, “You’re gonna give me a headache. Besides, you’re the one who always insists it's the driver who has total control over the music.” 
That, at least, felt normal, except–the hand that had connected with Eddie’s own was wearing a ring. His ring. And the feeling of smooth metal grazing over his skin was just foreign enough it felt like a shock, the surprise reminding Eddie yet again of the bizarreness of their situation and causing him to jerk. 
Steve’s eyes snapped down to his hand, grimacing as he seemed to register what had tripped Eddie up. He flexed his fingers–Eddie’s fingers–once before yanking his hand back.
It was like an invisible force field had fallen down between them, dividing them each to their respective sides of the car. Eddie felt his chest clench at the thought, and he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Look, I get it, man, it’s fucking–completely and utterly bizarre, right?” The words burst from Eddie’s mouth in a rush, incapable of being contained a second longer. “But, I don’t see why we can’t–talk about it? I mean, it’s happening to both of us, so…who better, right?”
Steve’s shoulders sagged, body collapsing back against the driver’s seat, like all he’d needed was Eddie’s go ahead for the tension to drain out of him. 
“Oh my God! Eds, it’s so weird!” he exclaimed in agreement.
Eddie smiled, that same relief running through him, too, like they were sharing it. 
“It’s goddamn crazy! And you and me? We have seen our share of crazy shit, Stevie.”
“Yeah, well, me more than you, rookie,” Steve teased, the small smile he sent Eddie just enough to make Eddie’s dimples appear. 
And even though it was his own eyes looking fond, crinkling at the corners in amusement, Eddie still felt warmth settle in his chest, being on the receiving end of Steve’s particular brand of gentle prodding. 
Still–he couldn’t let Steve’s words go unchallenged. Flustered, he blurted in protest, “Nope! Absolutely no sports talk in my body, Harrington. Fucking blasphemy, is what it is. That’s rule number one.” 
Eddie gave an exaggerated, full body shudder. 
Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Seriously, dude? How the hell is rookie sports talk?”
“The fact you even have to ask that proves just how much of a jock you are, man.” 
Steve’s face slowly broke into a grin, big and bright and mischievous, and, god, Eddie really hated being on the receiving end of his own ‘about to start shit’ face. It was a wonder he ever got away with anything at all, really, since his smile was apparently the world’s biggest giveaway. 
He jabbed a finger at Steve. “Don’t you dare do it, dude. I’ll walk this handsome ass body of yours straight off a cliff, I’m not even joking.”
Dropping into a stern coaching voice worthy of the height of his high school glory days, Steve called out, “Hey hey hey! You call those free throws? Work on your stance and tighten up that form! Let’s see a little hustle here, I want to see nothing less than a 110% out of all of you!”
Eddie’s face twisted in horror, and he covered his ears with both hands as he shouted, “Lalalala!” 
Steve let out a loud, full-bodied laugh, not as wild as Eddie’s usually were but just as free. “I’m just getting started, Munson. I could do this all day.”
Eddie shot him a betrayed scowl. “I can’t fucking believe you, Steven. I’ve got a reputation to maintain, you know, and I–”
Steve shook his head, still chuckling.
“Man, did anyone ever tell you you care way too much about what other people think of you? Especially for someone who’s supposed to be ‘breaking the social order,’ or whatever.” 
Eddie hated that–Steve making those stupid little air quotes with one hand, parroting the exact same speech he’d heard from Dustin and Eddie himself a thousand times over right back at him. 
“I hate you.”
“You definitely don’t, dude. Which is already bad for your precious reputation, by the way.” 
“Oh, well, uh. You’re totally worth that, I guess,” Eddie admitted, before letting out a long sigh. “Even if you are gonna make everybody we know think I’ve gone to the dark side.”
“Trust me, man, you’ll live,” Steve reassured him, giving him a conciliatory pat on the thigh. 
The gesture was enough, though, to make Steve notice that Eddie had pulled his legs up into the seat out of habit, sitting–as he tended to do–at what was basically a crouch while tapping out an uneven rhythm against one knee. 
“Dude, put your feet down,” he complained, giving Eddie’s leg a light, ineffectual shove, “you’re gonna get dirt all over the upholstery. I swear to God, you’re as bad as Dustin sometimes.”
Suddenly, Eddie’s lips quirked up into a wide, mischievous grin, a thought occurring to him. Revenge was a sweet, sweet flavor. 
“Technically, this is my car.” Leaning over the console into Steve’s space, Eddie tapped himself once on the nose. “Check out this mug, man. Matches the name on the car title to a T. You need me to show you some ID?”
He made a production out of reaching for the wallet he had tucked away in the back pocket of Steve’s jeans. 
“Whatever, Eds. Don’t be annoying,” Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Aww, Harrington, I was born annoying.”
The light that suddenly shone in Steve’s eyes practically spelled trouble. “Wait, so. If the Beemer’s yours…that means the guitar’s mine now, right?”
“Oh, absolutely not, Harrington! Don’t bring my sweetheart into this.”
Steve shrugged, infuriatingly casual. “Hey, you’re the one that started it, dude. Fair’s fair.” 
But the banter had done the trick and broken the ice. Even if it was about the morning’s weirdness, it got them all that much closer to some sense of normalcy. 
The rest of the ride to Dustin’s passed in easy chatter.
That peace was short-lived, however, once they pulled up in front of the Hendersons’ place.
The car had barely stopped rolling before Dustin was bounding out of the front door to meet them. When Eddie gave him a wave from the passenger seat, he openly gawped. 
“You let Eddie drive your car?!” The words, spluttered in disbelief, were the first thing out of Dustin’s mouth when he climbed into the backseat. 
“Just letting Eds take her for a test drive. Everybody deserves a shot behind the wheel of a ride this sweet at least once. Isn’t that right?” Eddie waggled his eyebrows at Steve, Cheshire smile expectant. 
Hanging his head, Steve only sighed–not nearly as long or loud as Eddie suspected he would have liked to–and turned off the engine. Clearly, he was resigned to his fate of trading places with Eddie and letting him drive his car yet again. 
…There’d been a lot of that going around this morning.
In the rear view mirror, they could both see Dustin open his mouth to speak. 
“Not you, big guy,” Steve jabbed a finger in his direction. 
He was lucky, really, that they made giving Dustin a hard time such a shared pastime. That meant they could easily pass off “Eddie’s” sudden defensiveness over Steve’s car as just his usual ribbing, the pair of them keeping up a united front as always. 
“That is so unfair!” Dustin whined as they both stepped out of the car. “I’ll have you know, I’m a very responsible driver. Or, at least…I would be, if you’d just give me a chance!”
His pleas went ignored. 
When their paths crossed in front of the hood to switch sides, Steve tossed the keys to Eddie with one quick, smooth flick of his wrist. Eddie jerked forward clumsily to catch them, warm metal hitting his palm…before he subsequently fumbled them to the ground. Squatting down, Eddie snatched the key ring up from the grass and jingled the set with a sheepish grin. The gesture made Steve simply shake his head in what Eddie was going to tell himself was fond exasperation. 
Dustin, on the other hand, was at the ready with his own snarky commentary as they clambered back inside. 
“Okay, seriously, what was that, Steve? Miss your Wheaties this morning?” 
“Guess I’m out of practice, since my glory days are over. Old age will do that to you,” Eddie drawled, ignoring the withering look Steve shot him. 
“Hey, hey. Need I remind you, I’m older than you,” Steve grumbled snarkily, arms crossed over his chest.
“That is true. Only you must bear the burden of being a third year senior,” Eddie sing-songed, before quietly mumbling, “for now, at least.”
A line appeared between Eddie’s own eyebrows, the patent Steve Harrington expression of concern. But before he had a chance to say anything, Dustin stuck his head between them, like a particularly curly-haired mole popping up out of his burrow. 
“Eddie, I didn’t know you were going to be here,” he chirped, sounding excited as his face swiveled to look at Steve. 
“Well, you know, Steve said he could use an extra set of eyes to look after you little hellions, so…here I am.”
The flourishing hand Steve tacked on to gesture at himself was a nice touch…even if there was an obvious beat in there where he was clearly remembering to do it. 
Then, he pressed a palm to Dustin’s chest, gently pushing him into the backseat. “And sit back, dude. What do you wanna do, fly out of the front windshield if we crash?”
“Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence in my driving skills, man.” Eddie thought he had Steve’s dry exasperation down pat, if he did say so himself.
…It was just poor timing that had him taking a corner only a tiny bit too sharply, tires squealing for what was probably no more than a single second as he just missed brushing up against the curb. 
In answer to Steve’s pointed glare, he could only smile contritely and mouth, Shit. Sorry.
Besides, despite the impatient energy that still seemed to thrum through him, Dustin had done as Steve instructed and sat back. So, their passenger on board remained safe and sound.
“Whatever the reason, I’m glad you decided to join us. Especially because…I’ve got a question for you.”
It took a beat for Steve to realize he was the one being spoken to, the silence stretching just a hair too long before he jerked his neck quickly to look back at Dustin. “Huh? What?”
“I’ve been thinking about the layout of the dungeon at Castle Ravenloft–” Dustin started to chatter.
Oh, shit. He and Steve knew each other pretty well at this point, sure…well enough to put on this charade, at least, when they were wearing basically impenetrable disguises. But this–this was a true test of skill, and Eddie didn’t think they’d be forced to try and navigate it quite so soon.
So when he glanced over at Steve, he fully expected his own brown eyes to have gone wide, to find Steve wearing a fear-stricken expression as he looked back at him. Instead, Steve had a single eyebrow cocked, looking calm, cool, and unimpressed.
“Seriously? Like I’m actually gonna tell you anything,” Steve dismissed him easily. “Pfft, get real, Henderson.” 
“Come on,” Dustin protested, tone petulant and needling. He held up his fingers, practically pinched together. “Not even when I’m positive I’m this close to solving the last puzzle?”
Eddie couldn’t help but snort. The party wasn’t even remotely close. 
Oh, the arrogance of babes. 
“Honestly, uh…fat chance of that one, big guy.”
“I wasn’t talking to you, Steve,” Dustin rolled his eyes, an exaggerated show of bratty teenage exasperation. “In case you forgot, you weren’t even there last night.”
That glib dismissal–Eddie couldn’t help but take it like a blow to the chest, though he did his best not to let it show.
It was just that…the words stung for a couple of reasons. 
First of all, he still couldn’t fight back a flicker of disappointment that he hadn’t managed to convince Steve to join them for even a single night of Hellfire. 
And on top of that, it stirred up memories of the many times Eddie had found himself the odd man out in school, excluded on the basis of his freak status before he learned to fully embrace it. Though the feeling was familiar, it wasn’t one he was accustomed to experiencing over something so quintessential to a part of his identity, who he was at his core. 
But…D&D really wasn’t Steve’s thing. So, Eddie shouldn’t have been all that surprised commenting had gotten that kind of response out of Dustin.
“He’s right, you know,” Steve interjected, coming to his defense. “That dungeon is like…super fortified.” 
Coming on the heels of his own internal reasoning, Eddie couldn’t help but send Steve a startled, owlish look. 
What? Steve mouthed, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a small, satisfied smile. I listen.
“But I–” Dustin gave it one last go.
“No ifs, no buts, no coconuts,” Steve playfully taunted, waving him off with a hand. “Give it up, dude.”
Eddie shook his head, settling comfortably into their usual rapport with a wry, “This kid.”
“I know.” Steve fell right into step alongside him, tone commiserating. 
Lower lip jutting out into what could only be described as a pout, Dustin muttered something that sounded suspiciously like butthead babysitters.
And even if Steve hadn’t already been his very own mirror image, there was no question in Eddie’s mind that, in that moment, the amused look Steve shot him perfectly matched his own.  
As Dustin stewed in silence, the two of them picked up where they’d left off before, back to bickering over the radio. Eddie reveled in the opportunity to chastise Steve when the opening chords of Mötley Crüe’s “Shout at the Devil” started to play and his friend automatically reached for the dial. 
“Ah, ah, ah, Munson,” Eddie clicked his tongue, waving an admonishing finger at Steve. “You know the rules. Hell, you were the one who reminded me of them just this morning, remember? Driver gets final say on the music.”
“Just wait til we’re back in the van, dude. It is so on,” Steve warned in a low voice, eyes gleaming as though Eddie had just issued a challenge. 
The sudden image of Steve, still in Eddie’s visage, rolling down main street as he shouted Madonna lyrics at the top of his lungs swam into Eddie’s head. 
Before he had a chance to discourage that horrifying future from coming to pass, however, Dustin spoke up again. 
"What is it now, Henderson?" Steve answered on autopilot, not even bothering to look up. 
Neither of them registered the mistake at first. 
But when Dustin didn’t charge on ahead, Eddie glanced into the rearview mirror to find him frowning. From the passenger seat, Steve caught Eddie's eye, his casually amused expression having morphed into panic. With nothing more than a jerk of his head and a pair of widened eyes, he sent Eddie the transparently obvious, silent message of Do something! 
"What can I do for you, Dustin?" Eddie asked quickly, cutting off their backseat passenger just as he opened his mouth. 
Instantly, he worried that he had sounded too much like himself, and not enough like Steve. 
"Okay, seriously, what’s going on?” Dustin demanded. “You guys are acting weird."
Christ, the kid was suspicious. Sure, Eddie couldn’t blame him, after everything, but–it had only been one slight mix-up. It was…plausible, at least, that Eddie could have just been answering for Steve.
"No we're not," Eddie and Steve said in unison, which…okay, that wasn't their most convincing moment, Eddie could admit that. 
“I don’t know why you don’t just tell me,” Dustin said with exaggerated exasperation. “Especially when you know whatever it is, I’m going to figure it out eventually.” 
“Uh-huh. Yeah, I wouldn’t count on that one, smarty pants.” Steve murmured wryly. Despite how they’d fumbled it, that spark of humor was back in his eyes when they caught Eddie’s, like they were sharing an inside joke. Then, he hurriedly added, “Because there’s nothing going on.”
“Fine, whatever,” Dustin harrumphed. “Go ahead, you can try and keep your secrets…for now. What I was trying to tell you, Steve, is that…it’s just going to be Lucas today. Oh, and Erica, too. No Max, though. She’s having a girls day with El.”
Eddie hummed in acknowledgement. “And what about mini-Wheeler?”
“Nance is bringing him,” Steve explained before Dustin had a chance.
“I already told you that, Steve,” Dustin snarked automatically. 
But, not even a beat later, he gasped, his head shooting up between the seats once more. When he turned to Eddie, there was obvious concern radiating from his face, his brow wrinkled and eyes squinting. Dustin gave him a quick slap on the shoulder. 
“Watch it, man, he’s trying to drive,” Steve complained, though the comment didn’t phase their young companion for even a second. 
“Shit, shit, shit, what the hell, Steve?! Wait–you’re not having memory issues and not telling me about them, are you?”
Eddie couldn’t fight back a bark of shocked laughter at such a serious overreaction from Dustin. First the paranoia, now this? Maybe they all really did need that trauma therapy Owens kept hinting about. “Dustin, man–Jesus Christ, what the hell are you talking about?” 
Steve groaned. “Come on, Henderson, just…chill out, alright?” 
Like before, their words went ignored, Dustin back to bulldozing ahead. 
“Because that would so not be cool!” he tapped a finger into his palm emphatically. “If this kind of thing is happening, I need to know about it. I’ve done all kinds of research on post-concussion syndrome, and that shit is really serious.” 
“Trust me, dude, he already knows that,” Steve said, sounding exasperated yet fond.
“Well, obviously, he’s not taking it very seriously, Eddie, if he’s just sitting here, ignoring potential symptoms!”  
“While your very touching concern has been noted–I’m totally fine. I promise. Shit, man, I just…forgot for a second. That shit happens. Thankfully, Eddie here was around to remind me, so. No need to call in a team of specialists to poke and prod at me just yet.”
To be honest, Eddie had had quite enough of that already, when Owens had demanded a full examination after he’d been pulled from the Upside Down. Even if it wasn’t quite the same circumstances, he wasn’t about to let Steve–or even just his body, for that matter–be put through the same thing, not when it could be avoided. 
Which was yet another reason to avoid having this whole thing come out into the open, especially when it might just right itself tomorrow without any extra intervention. Dodging the possibility of the pair of them becoming the former lab’s next science experiment was a top priority, as far as Eddie was concerned. He might not be totally sure what was going on, but it seemed like the kind of thing Owens and his team would have a field day with. 
“I reminded you, too,” Dustin grumbled.
“I know you did, buddy. Thanks for that.” 
Reaching out, Eddie gave Dustin a noogie through his hat–and Steve’s hand wasn’t far behind, replacing Eddie’s the instant he pulled back and doing the exact same.
With that crisis thankfully averted–for now–it wasn’t long before they made their way to the Sinclairs. 
No sooner had Eddie turned into the driveway before brother and sister were out the door in a flash, piling into the backseat while Dustin scooted over to give Erica the spot in the middle. 
“Hey, Steve!” Lucas greeted brightly. When his eyes caught on Steve sitting in the passenger seat, he blinked in surprise before adding, “Oh, hi, Eddie, man! I didn’t know you were coming along, too.”
“Why are you surprised?” Erica asked dryly, shooting him an unimpressed look. “They go everywhere together, like some kind of old, outdated comedy act. When was the last time you saw one of them without the other?”
There was one silver lining to the statement, Eddie guess. At least this way Steve wasn’t being forced to explain his presence yet again. Still, he felt his cheeks heat slightly and hoped Steve didn’t catch what Eddie knew from experience was a pretty, rosy blush spreading all over his face. 
Because…shit, was he really that obvious? 
“Last night at D&D,” Lucas shot back succinctly, always happy to get one over on his sister. 
“That’s only because Steve doesn’t want to hang out with you dorks in full nerd mode.”
“Erica!” Lucas’s exasperation was transparent. “You were literally there, nerding out just like the rest of it!”
Erica simply sniffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Eddie couldn’t help but marvel at how much she and Dustin acted just like little mini-Steves sometimes. 
“I said what I said.”
Their brother-sister back-and-forth had distracted the pair enough they hadn’t actually settled down and buckled up, not even as Eddie started to pull away from the curb. 
"Seat belt," Steve chided. 
Old habits died hard, clearly.
Erica snorted. "That's rich. We've all seen the way you drive, Eddie. Bargain bin Evel Knievel over here."
Eddie clapped a hand against Steve’s borrowed chest, crooked smile teasing as he turned to him. 
“Christ, went straight for the heart with that one, didn’t she, Munson? Erica Sinclair, fucking brutal as always.”
“Just the facts!”
"Pretty sure the last time Eddie took us to the arcade, he was like…crouched in the driver's seat the entire time," Lucas agreed, the Sinclair siblings for once on the same page. "I don't even get how his foot touched the pedal."
Steve shot Eddie a loaded, sarcastic look, back at it with the silent communication. Eddie knew he wasn’t quite as good at deciphering the meaning as Robin was, but he still thought he could read, See? Do you see what a bad influence your bullshit is on our kids? pretty clearly between the lines.
"You’re absolutely, 100% right, Erica. I should be way more careful when I’m driving,” Steve agreed pointedly. Then, he jabbed a warning finger into the backseat. “Just like you guys need to buckle up. Harrington's car, Harrington's rules, alright?”
"Uh, that's not what you said last week, when you changed the tape deck like six different times," Dustin said, voice full of patent 'well, actually' disbelief.
"Oh, well…not Eddie's fault I think bubblegum pop is the height of musical innovation," Eddie quipped, shooting Steve a wink and a shit-eating grin. There really was an upside to all of this, it turned out, because Eddie was having way too much fun with it. 
At least, he was until Steve leaned over and nudged him hard in the side, the jab making Eddie let out a punctured little oof. Shit, Steve hadn’t been kidding when he’d bitched about Eddie’s pointy ass elbows–those things were sharp as shit. Eddie was pretty sure, with Steve’s jock reflexes now wielding them, they should be categorized as certified weapons. For the sake of the safety of others, if nothing else. 
“Told you,” Steve hissed. The expression he shot Eddie suggested he was an idiot for ever doubting him.
“...Dude, what are they talking about?” Lucas asked. He was clearly attempting to speak in an undertone, but the sound carried to the front of the car nonetheless. 
Dustin shrugged, answering him back in the same sort of stage whisper. “I’m as confounded as you are. They’ve been acting weird since they picked me up this morning.”
“I still really don’t get how that’s all that damn surprising,” Erica countered, flat and unimpressed as she inspected her nails. “They always act weird.”
“Hey, what can I say?” Eddie interjected. Though he was having his fun, it wouldn’t hurt to try and steer this renegade boat back towards the shore. “Guess maybe Munson’s just starting to rub off on me.”
You’d like to rub off on something, the little voice in the back of Eddie’s head piped up, ever unhelpful. Just maybe not right now.
“When they got to my house, Eddie was driving,” Dustin informed the group, clearly offering a counterpoint.
“You let Eddie drive your car?” Lucas exclaimed, the disbelief in his voice evident.
“That’s exactly what I said!”
“Sure I did,” Eddie answered, smile as wide as the cat who’d caught the canary when he turned to Steve, “Eddie’s an excellent driver.”
…Okay, so maybe he wasn’t that great at resisting the temptation. 
“So not helping,” Steve muttered, in clear support of Eddie’s own oft-silenced inner voice of reason.
“…Maybe Steve lost a bet,” Lucas reasoned.
All three of them hummed in unison, considering this.
Steve huffed. “No one lost anything, alright? Just–mind your business. Didn’t anybody ever tell you guys curiosity killed the cat, or whatever? You’re all way too damn nosey for your own good.”
Eddie wondered if  Steve’s jock pride wouldn’t allow them to slander his good name like that, by suggesting he didn’t come out on top in a competition. 
But he backed him up nevertheless. “You heard the man. That’s quite enough out of the peanut gallery for now.”
“Besides, you need to stop worrying about whatever new bullshit those two are up to, and start worrying about how I’m about to kick all your asses at Dig Dug,” Erica said succinctly, the air of finality on the subject clear in her voice.
Eddie laughed. “Have I mentioned today that, out of all you snot-nosed little brats–you are totally my favorite, Erica Sinclair?”
As Erica grinned smugly and the other boys started to shout out a variety of protests, Steve inclined his head in approval. “Yeah, okay. See, now you’re starting to get the hang of it.”
When they pulled up to the arcade, the kids scurried out of the back, rushing inside with the same speed they might have if a Demogorgon was hot on their heels. Steve and Eddie moseyed up the sidewalk behind them at a much more slow, leisurely pace. 
Since they were out of eyeshot of the party, Eddie took the opportunity to hold the door open before Steve got to it, doing his customary flourishing bow to indicate he should go ahead of him. 
“After you, oh noble King of the Freaks,” he teased, eyes twinkling as he winked at Steve.
“You’re ridiculous.” 
But though Steve’s tone might have been deadpan, that did nothing to hide the amused smile quirking up one corner of his mouth, Eddie’s dimple giving him away instantly. It might have been a little weird to see from the outside, but those things were honestly starting to come in handy. 
Once they were inside, it didn’t take long to spot the pipsqueaks all congregated around Wheeler Jr., Nancy standing not far away. 
Steve raised a hand in greeting before trotting over to her, Eddie only a few steps behind. 
“Hey, Nance!”
“Oh, Eddie. Hi!” Nancy blinked at Steve in obvious surprise. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
He shrugged helplessly. 
“Yeah, there’s, uh…kinda been a lot of that going around. But, you know…I’m a wild card like that, yeah?” The flash of his smile and the way he spread his arms aloft, like a magician revealing a trick, was clearly meant to be bombastic. But even with Steve’s perfect disguise, Eddie could see the hint of an effort behind it, privy as he was to the man behind the curtain. “Never really know where I’ll turn up next.”
Nancy’s brow furrowed, her smile a touch puzzled. Now, whether it was her usual bewilderment at Eddie's shenanigans or something more–that was kinda hard to say.
Eddie threw an arm around Steve’s shoulder, coming to his rescue either way. 
He tried to be a lot more conscious of himself than he had been in the car, this time. Eddie had been in high school theater, after all–before he dropped out, at least. Plus, he had a whole cache of NPCs on rotation that he improvised weekly. Performing was what he did.
So, when he went to speak, Eddie did his best to adopt Steve’s patent blend of fondness and exasperation for the kids. 
“You know what a pain in the ass those little shits can be. So, I just thought–might as well call in the cavalry, get the most sought after babysitter in town…after yours truly, of course.” Eddie patted a hand against Steve’s chest. “Don’t worry, man. With enough time and my specialized training, you might just reach the same great, babysitting extraordinaire heights as me.”
Okay, so maybe there was a little too much theatrical flare on that last part–but every actor liked to put his own signature spin on things, right?
Besides, Eddie could feel it, the way Steve relaxed against him, before he huffed out a laugh. “Can’t wait, dude. Tell me when and where for the first official meeting of the Babysitters Club, and I’ll be there.”
“Well, hopefully it’s not too soon,” Nancy interjected, playing along, seeming amused by their antics. “Since I’ll be seeing you at the library tonight. Right, Eddie?”
Steve flashed her a sweet but confused smile. Internally, Eddie couldn’t help but marvel at the way he still managed to make that look cute, even while wearing his face. “Wait, wait, sorry…what about tonight?”
“It’s Sunday,” Nancy said pointedly.
“Yeah…” Steve dragged out the syllable, darting a searching look at Eddie, “and?”
Realization hit Eddie, right between the eyes. 
“Oh, fuck, that’s right!” he slapped both his hands against his forehead, pressing Steve’s hair flat. “We–shit, I-I mean, you and Nancy have your weekly study session tonight. Right?”
“You forgot?” Though the question was clearly directed at Steve, Nancy’s eyes never strayed from Eddie, studying him carefully.
“Yeah, I guess my brain’s just been a little, uh…” Steve sucked on his lips, expression self-deprecating as he spun a finger next to his temple, “scrambled today.”
Understatement of the century there, Harrington, Eddie thought, and had to literally bite down on his lips to keep from saying it out loud.
…And he tried not to get too caught up on it, the knowledge that that was actually Steve’s plump bottom lip his teeth were digging into.
“Is memory loss contagious?!” Dustin called out from several yards away. 
Steve sure had these kids pegged–nosey didn’t even begin to cover it.
“Okay, what is he talking about?” Nancy asked. Thankfully, she looked far more amused than concerned, if the losing battle the corners of her mouth were fighting was anything to go by.
“Steve forgot one thing, one thing. And then I forgot another. Apparently,” Steve pitched his voice louder, making damn well sure that the munchkins could hear him, “Henderson thinks that’s cause to alert the national guard, or some shit.” 
One hand settled in its new perch on Eddie’s hip, he shrugged and then threw his free arm out towards Dustin, Harrington code for, What can you do? 
Nancy shook her head, nose crinkled, mirth having won the day. “Well…sounds like it’s a good thing we ran into each other, since it gave me a chance to remind you. I guess I’ll see you tonight, then?”
“I’ll be there,” Steve agreed, sending her off with a finger gun. 
Once she was out of sight, disappearing through the door with a final bye, guys and an admonishment to Mike to behave, Steve’s shoulders slumped, letting out a long groan. 
“Oh my God, just when I thought having to study was finally behind me.” He dragged both hands down Eddie’s face, honestly looking a little nauseous at the prospect.
“Sorry, dude,” Eddie said in an apologetic undertone, casting around to make sure the others were too caught up to listen in again. “I, uh…totally forgot about the significance of the day, what with everything else going on.” 
Steve instantly softened. “No, man, you don’t–look, it’s–whatever, it’s not that big a deal. I’ll get through it.”
“I guess it’s a good thing you’ve been helping me out with those flashcards, huh? Gonna come in handy after all.” 
Because as much as Steve was bemoaning the prospect of having to prep for tests now, he had been more than willing to give Eddie a hand getting through his studies on more than one occasion. And, sure, the pressure wasn’t quite the same, when he wasn’t the one who was expected to perform. 
Still, it warmed Eddie a little, knowing that Steve had been willing to do it even though he was clearly far from enthused about anything remotely scholastic. 
“Looks like it. But, I mean, that’s kinda my point. If I’m there in your place, than how are you supposed to–”
In a flash, Steve clamped his mouth shut tight. The culprits for his sudden hesitation became apparent pretty much immediately, when Eddie saw that both Henderson and Little Wheeler were headed their way. 
Long legs outpacing Dustin’s, Mike made it over to them first–and Steve wasn’t quite able to hide the shock that came over his face, when the younger Wheeler wrapped a hand around his wrist and started tugging him along. 
On instinct, Eddie reached up to try and hide his bemused grin behind his hair, grappling for a second when he realized his mistake. 
Steve really couldn’t be faulted for the reaction. Even though Eddie knew full well that he would willingly die for any of those kids, and that Mike held way more admiration for his sister’s-ex-turned-party-babysitter than he would ever let in front of Steve, their entire dynamic was basically built upon an artifice of begrudging tolerance.
“Come on, Eddie. Join our party for round one of Gauntlet. We could really use you to help us get past the first level.”
Crossing his arms across his chest smugly, Dustin fell into step beside them. “Plus, maybe now I’ll almost have some real competition.” 
Arrogant little brat, Eddie thought fondly. 
“Oh, Henderson, you are so on. Better watch your ass, man. You can kiss that high score goodbye,” he ribbed good-naturedly. 
The whole thing was their typical sort of shit talk…which only made Dustin’s answering scoff of disbelief come as even more of a shock. 
“I know you’re joking. Right, Steve? What would you even know about it?”
He’d gotten a taste of it this morning, sure, but Eddie was so flabbergasted by the harshness of Dustin’s condescending tone–the superiority of it all–that, for once, he was struck speechless. Luckily, Steve was at the ready, prepared to pick up his slack. 
“Whatever, dude. Don’t be a little shithead just because Steve kicked your ass last week at Pac-Man.”
Mike snorted just as Dustin spluttered in protest. “Sure, yeah. But Pac-Man doesn’t exactly count as…a real arcade game, now does it?”
Eddie felt like he’d been doused in a bucket of cold water. Dustin’s smugness had taken the final veer straight into asshole territory without so much as a pit stop.
“Pfft. What’s that even supposed to mean?” Steve demanded.
And even though he wasn’t letting Dustin get away with it unchallenged, Steve still seemed way too nonchalant about his dismissive, imperious tone for Eddie’s liking. Almost like…he was used to it.
“Yeah, I’d sure as hell like to hear his explanation for that one myself,” Eddie agreed, crossing his arms over his chest now and wielding Steve’s disapproving babysitter stance for all it was worth.
Stopping in his tracks, Dustin’s head swiveled back and forth between them, mouth agape as he took in their wall of solidarity.
“Eddie–come on, back me up here. I thought you of all people would get what I meant. Right?”
Eddie did was the thing. He got exactly what Dustin meant. That didn’t make him right, though, or anything less than a complete and total shithead–just like Steve had said–for thinking it. 
And sure, in the past, maybe Eddie had waxed poetic about the wonder of a fantasy arcade game that established intricate world-building and lore. Like with D&D, there was something to be said for immersion, pulling the player into not just gameplay but a story. And it was fun to argue over things, make a case for which game or character or book was your favorite. But that didn’t mean there had to be some kind of hierarchical system created out of it. He thought–he’d hoped–he’d done enough to make that clear. 
…Dustin, though, might be living proof that he hadn’t.
Steve shrugged, casual. “I seriously don’t, dude.”
“Dustin’s right, it doesn’t count,” Mike agreed flatly, “now, can you guys just hurry up so we can actually start playing?”
“What the hell is taking you losers so long?” Erica’s voice suddenly demanded. 
She stood a few feet away, Lucas right behind her, looking beyond fed up. Clearly, the Sinclairs had gotten sick of waiting and wandered over to see what all the ruckus was about.
“We’re just debating the merits of playing one of the ‘lesser’ games in the arcade here,” Eddie put air-quotes around the title, before adding, his tone mockingly conspiratorial, “Turns out, Pac-Man evidently isn’t good enough for these two.”
Erica scoffed. “Well, that’s just stupid.”
“Besides, what are you even talking about?” Lucas’s face screwed up in outrage. “Pac-Man’s cool!”
“Finally! Thank you, Sinclair!” Eddie threw his hands in the air. “Good to know that at least some of our charges see reason.”
“Like I said,” Steve shrugged nonchalantly, pinning Dustin with a cooly judgmental look that would have ended at least a dozen of his former classmates, “sore loser.”
Dustin wilted slightly, shoulders slumping. It seemed, like Steve’s peers, he wasn’t entirely immune to the Harrington dismissal, either–or, well. The Munson one, technically, right now. 
“Whatever,” he muttered, still stubborn as ever despite it, “no need for you guys to be such assholes about it.”
Was this kid serious?
“Uh,” Eddie held up a single finger in challenge, “I really don’t think we’re the ones that started that, big guy.”
“What’s next? You gonna say My Little Pony is just for little girls?” Erica asked, tone accusatory as she looked straight at Dustin.
Lucas clapped a commiserating hand on his shoulder with a quiet, “Best of luck to you.”
He didn’t look all that sorry, though–as well he shouldn’t, in Eddie’s opinion.
And Erica’s piercing gaze did manage to make him falter, slipping past his defensiveness. “That…that’s different.”
“Uh, different how?”
“This is so dumb, we’re getting totally off track.” Rolling his eyes, Mike turned to Steve. “Are you gonna come play with us, or not?”
“Nah, man,” Eddie waved a hand at him in dismissal, wrapping the other around Steve’s elbow. “Eds is gonna stick around over here, playing Pac-Man with me. You’ll hardly miss him. Too busy playing something serious, right?”
“Eddie?” Mike demanded, like there was no way his Dungeon Master would agree to this. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so, dude. Like he said–I’ve got more important shit to do.”
Mike and Dustin openly gaped–as if he and Steve hadn’t both been actively pushing back against their asinine bullshit since the moment it got started. It was like they just expected Eddie to turn on Steve at the last second, shout out a Just kidding! and laugh in his face, or something.
The possibility that they might didn’t sit well with Eddie at all.
“There’s four of us anyway,” Erica pointed out. “What were you planning to do, let him steal my spot? Like hell!”
“Stealing is a gross exaggeration.”
“It was just for the first level anyway,” Mike added mulishly.
Seeing that their babysitters weren’t budging, the group began trudging back towards Gauntlet, still arguing amongst themselves. 
That sort of morale didn’t bode well for their future quests. So, being the benevolent gamemaster that he was, Eddie decided to send them off with some parting wisdom.
After all…he couldn’t let them get in the last word.
“Oh, but! Before you go. If I may make one teensy, tiny suggestion. I mean, you can do what you want…but. If you were smart,” Eddie spread his hands wide, a gesture meant to draw attention, “you’d let Thrya lead the charge. Only makes sense, right? Her shield’s the strongest, after all, and her sword delivers two times the normal damage.”
Four heads swiveled as one to stare at him with varying levels of shock and suspicion, from Dustin’s gawp to Erica’s careful, narrow-eyed gaze. 
Her expression was the first to clear, however, undoubtedly pleased by Eddie’s suggestion that she should be at the head of the pack. “Damn straight!”
“We know that,” Mike huffed snippily, despite the fact that their earlier conversation made it clear they hadn’t been thinking of Thyra at all, “but how the hell would you?”
“Hey, I listen,” Eddie shrugged, shooting for Steve’s nonchalance. “Besides, Eddie never shuts up about the damn thing. I was bound to pick up something eventually.”
Steve jerked his head towards him, that patent Harrington look of concern back. But it was no more than a flash, there and gone almost as quickly as it’d come. 
“Well, I mean–that just makes sense, doesn’t it? Thyra goes first, and then, uh…” Steve snapped his fingers together, “Thor can flank her, yeah? Since he’s the best fighter one-on-one.”
Eddie could not turn to stare at Steve, owlish and open-mouthed, without raising more suspicions than he already had–but, Christ, did he want to.
The boys were already nodding, taking on board this latter piece of advice with ease, while Erica tapped her foot impatiently in the background. 
“Now, shoo. Off to your battle stations, the grown ups will be over here playing a real game.” Tightening his grip around Steve’s bicep, Eddie practically dragged him away.
Once they were near the Pac-Man machine, at a safe distance away from the party, Eddie finally spun on Steve, what he was sure could only be described as pure glee animating his face.
“Harrington, you dirty dog!” he slapped his arm. “What the hell was that, good sir?”
His surprise clearly delighted Steve, if the smirk turning up his lips was anything to go on. 
“What? I told you, I actually do listen to you, you know. It’s just that, sometimes, some of it goes,” Making a whooshing sound, Steve swept a hand just above Eddie's unruly mane, “Right over my head. A couple things actually manage to stick, though. I mean, like how I know you always play that wizard dude, Merlin, yeah? With all the cool spells and shit. Which makes sense, since he’s like…the most magical one in the game.” 
“You saying you think I’m magical, Harrington,” Eddie teased.
Steve shrugged. “Well, I mean…what else would you call it? Coming up with all those worlds and characters and stories like you do for your campaigns? Sounds a lot like magic to me, dude.”
There was such plain certainty in his tone, like what he was saying just made sense. Eddie felt his cheeks go warm instantly at the praise–and while he’d certainly admired that sweep of pink on Steve’s face before, was he always this easy to blush? He had a hard enough time not giving himself away as it was, without having to worry about that little telltale sign of exactly what he was feeling. 
Steve nudged his shoulder into Eddie’s, a gentle bump. “Just because it’s not my thing doesn’t mean I can’t tell how good you are at it, Eds.”
Tragically, Eddie couldn’t even fully enjoy the sweetness of the moment. Not when the mere thought of just how much certain people seemed to think Steve not sharing those interests meant they could talk down to him automatically darkened his mood. 
“Well, uh–just because it’s not your sorta thing also sure as shit doesn’t mean those little chuckleheads should talk to you like that. Jesus Christ. Henderson, man–I knew he had a mouth on him, but he kept acting like you were…”
“What, like I’m an idiot? Yeah,” Steve sighed, trying to rub a hand over the back of his neck and still clearly surprised by the tangle of hair that prevented him, “I know. Dustin’s a little shit sometimes, but…I guess I can be kinda stupid, when it comes to certain things.”
Eddie felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. 
“No, Stevie, you’re not. Not at all, man,” he protested immediately, tone insistent.
“Yeah, no, I know, I know,” Steve agreed, harried. “It’s just…I mean, I totally don’t know jackshit about your nerdy stuff.” 
“So? Me, I know fuckall about sports,” Eddie jabbed both thumbs towards his chest, emphatic. “You think that makes me stupid?”
“A little,” Steve answered, smirk teasing. 
Letting out a bark of a cackle, Eddie shoved him in the side. “Harrington, man, shut the fuck up.”
“You know what the kids are like. They can be total assholes, when they wanna be, but you just…gotta ignore them, mostly,” Steve tsked, waving a hand through the air in the way one might bat away a particularly annoying swarm of insects. “That’s what I usually do. That, or, you know, give them a little taste of their own medicine, when they really deserve it.”
“Oh, they’re plenty deserving. It’s fucking…mind-bogglingly ungrateful, is what it is. They’ve got no right to treat you like that,” Eddie stewed, his rage from earlier boiling back up anew. “And I hope that little stunt was worth it to them, cuz I’m gonna have Henderson and Wheeler rolling at a disadvantage for the rest of the year.”
Steve turned his face away for a moment. It was that sudden shyness that he sometimes seemed to get around Eddie–the kind he never saw from Steve back in high school–like he couldn’t quite look at him.
“Thanks, man,” he said quietly, patting a hand briefly, gently in the small of Eddie’s back in a show of gratitude. 
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do.”
Especially since Eddie was worried he might have in some way contributed to the problem, the guilt of that possibility gnawing at him. 
Letting out a quick sigh, Steve chewed at his bottom lip, clearly still thinking. “With Dustin–I mean, he’s like my little brother. We give each other shit all the time. And that’s fine. I get it, it’s our thing. But, it–it was weird, you know? He was so excited to have me–to have you here. It felt…I don’t know, kinda like it used to? When he still looked up to me.”
Eddie sucked in a breath, feeling like he’d been punched in the gut. “Christ, man, I wasn’t kidding when I said he never shuts up about you. He still looks up to you, no question.”
“Sure, but,” Steve shrugged, his small, brittle smile devastating, “guess it’d be kinda nice to have him do it to my face, once in a while.”
In the hospital, during the aftermath of everything, Steve had confessed that he’d been jealous of Eddie too. 
At the time, Eddie couldn’t imagine why, but–he got it, now. It had to have felt like Eddie was replacing him, from the outside looking in. Which was fucking…ludicrous, when Eddie knew deep down Dustin hero-worshiped Steve every chance he got. That all the kids did. The way they used to go on and on about the former King of Hawkins High during Hellfire sessions had annoyed him to no end, before.
…But, it turned out that Steve wasn’t actually on the receiving end of those lavish praises, apparently. It was just always out of earshot of the man himself. 
“Fuck it,” Eddie smacked a hand against the arcade machine, resolved. “When we’ve got ourselves all sorted out again, I’m gonna need to have a serious talk with that kid. Wheeler, too.” 
“Eddie…” Steve drew out his name, his voice wavering, uncharacteristically hesitant, “you seriously don’t have to do that, dude.”
He shook his head, expression steely. “Oh, I’m going to, Stevie. It’s non-negotiable, at this point. After all, I mean–they besmirched Pac-Man’s name. What other choice do I really have?”
That was enough to get Steve to smile–a real one, this time, without even a tinge of bitterness. “Aww, yeah. I love that hungry little guy.”
And at his genuine enthusiasm, Eddie couldn’t help but grin back, wide and toothy.
“Me too, man. Me fucking too.” 
“Speaking of–” Steve tilted his head towards the game as he leaned up against it, arms crossing over his chest and his smirk cocky, “you ready to get your ass kicked by me?”
Eddie’s eyes glittered. “Oh, Stevie, buddy, you are so on.”
As the machine let out its sad little game over noise, Eddie clenched a fist against his mouth and swore, the neon high scores that popped up on screen making it clear he still hadn’t come anywhere close to beating out Steve.
With an exaggerated hiss and a wince, Steve slapped a hand against his shoulder, condescendingly jocular. “Yeah, better luck next time, dude. Not your fault you’re facing off against the Pac-Man champion.”
Eddie was in the process of revving up to smack talk him right back when Lucas bounded over to them, the rest of the kids shockingly not in tow. As he squinted over Eddie’s shoulders at the scoreboard, Lucas’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Oh, hey, you’re beating Steve!” he gave Steve a congratulatory pat on the back. “I thought that was pretty much impossible.”
And, to the unknowing eye, it certainly looked that way. Despite their own competitive natures, he and Steve had both agreed that switching names would be for the best, lest they at some point attract an audience of onlookers amongst the party–or anybody else, for that matter.
So SMOKINSTEVE was currently taking up the number two spot, a name Eddie had cheekily chosen after vetoing Steve’s own suggestion of just plain Steve as far too boring. EDTHEBOLD sat right above it. When Eddie had explained that he’d stuck with his title of ‘Ed the Banished’ for the past month or so, Steve had just hummed in acknowledgment–and then entered in the alternate he’d chosen without so much as a single comment. 
Looking at it made Eddie’s heart clench a tiny bit. 
“Sure, okay. I’m in the lead…for now,” Steve conceded. “But give it a couple days, Sinclair. I’ve got a feeling Harrington’s set to make a total comeback. I mean–he’s got game, you know?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t count on that. You’re the nerd, after all, man,” Eddie flashed Steve a too wide grin while he bopped him lightly on the end of the nose, reveling in the rare opportunity to call him such. “This is supposed to be your area of expertise.” 
Turning to Eddie, Lucas smiled, bright and hopeful. “Speaking of game–hoops after this, right? We’re still on? I’ve been working on my three pointers, but I could still use some tips from the former co-captain.” 
And if Steve using his voice to call out sports terms had stunned him, Eddie honestly felt a little like his brain was flatlining now that he was clearly expected to respond back in jock speak. 
Luckily–or maybe it was the ultimate sign of Eddie’s complete lack of luck, it was kind of hard to say–Steve leaned across him and cut in. 
“Of course, dude, he wouldn’t miss it. Steve’s been telling me all about how much better you’ve gotten, even just since you first started out practicing together a few months back.” 
“Really?” Lucas’s face lit up, looking at Eddie. "You think so?"
“Totally, man,” Steve answered for him. “He’s, like, super proud of you.” 
And he really did look chuffed–every inch the bragging babysitter that he was, even if Lucas was none the wiser. 
Come to think of it, Steve definitely had mentioned something about that in the past few weeks. Anything athletic tended to go straight over Eddie’s head–but, for all his protesting, he’d been making an actual real effort to pay closer attention, even when he understood less than half of what Steve had to say. 
Because Steve was into it, and he looked so cute anytime he started excitedly rambling on about balls in baskets. Not to mention his general…everything kind of put a real kibosh on what the Munson Doctrine had to say about jocks in general. So Eddie’s code was currently under revision, much like his entire worldview had been ever since Spring Break. As much as he might still put on a show–especially when it came to protesting Steve hijacking his own voice for nonsensical sports jargon–he really was trying to learn, do better. 
Which meant that, when Steve elbowed him–not nearly as subtly as he thought–with a pointed, “Isn’t that right, Steve?” there was really only one answer. 
“Oh, yeah, absolutely. You know, it’s like I always say, you’re, uh, uh…you’re a natural, Sinclair.” 
Well…that was a good start followed by what he assumed was a crit fumble when it came to stealth, as he’d tried to come up with a word to describe any specific athletic skill and drawn a total blank.
…Maybe he hadn’t done too bad, though, based on Lucas’s answering beam. And that look on the teen’s face made his piss-poor attempt at bumbling through things all worth it. 
“Awesome!” Lucas bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet. “Erica said she wanted to come too, but just to watch. I’m pretty sure she’s planning to heckle us from the stands.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” Eddie commented, swallowing hard as he sent Steve an anxious look.
With him out on the court, she’d certainly have plenty of material to work with. 
“Guess that makes four of us, then,” Steve gave a quick nod, like he was checking off his mental headcount with all the attentiveness of a parent heading up a school field trip, “since I’m going, too.”
“...You are?” Lucas asked. Unlike the shitshow with Dustin and Mike earlier over the mere suggestion Steve might know a thing or two about arcade games, he didn’t sound condescending or disapproving–but he still blinked over at Steve in surprise. 
Which was…totally fair, Eddie wouldn't have believed it either. In fact, the only thing that could tempt him into an amateur basketball game on any normal day was the chance to subtly ogle Steve. 
“Sure I am,” Steve answered easily, “wouldn't wanna miss out on Harrington's stellar moves. Isn't that right, Stevie?”
He shot Eddie a wink, leaning into his space with an uncanny imitation of one of Eddie’s Cheshire wide smiles. 
They might have bungled it a few times thus far, but that–shit. That was actually a really good impression of him. 
…A really good, really flirtatious impression of him. 
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, did that mean Steve knew Eddie’d been pretty shamelessly flirting with him basically every chance he got since Spring Break? 
He let out a somewhat strained laugh, trying to cover for the sudden swirl of confusion inside him at the possibility. “Right. Absolutely, man. Can’t wait to uh…shoot those balls?” 
With a flick of his wrists, Eddie did his best imitation of the tosses he’d seen Steve make back in gym class. Even for pretend basketball, he was pretty damn sure his aim was totally off. 
As Lucas rushed off to deliver the news to Erica, Steve let out a sound that could only be described as a giggle–a genuine one. 
“Don’t sweat it, Munson. I promise I’ll show you the ropes.” 
Then, he gave Eddie a quick, firm slap on the ass–the exact same kind he had sometimes seen the jock guys giving each other at the end of a long practice.
No sooner had he felt the sting of it than two deep, red spots bloomed bright on his cheeks. 
…Eddie was so fucking doomed. 
If I accidentally missed you on the taglist, or you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know!
Taglist: @tinytalkingtina @sidekick-hero @thefreakandthehair @lingeringmirth @eriquin
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@anne-bennett-cosplayer @ellietheasexylibrarian @sharingisntkaren @a-lovely-craziness @highkingpenny
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Oilver Swift Headcanons Because Im Horridly Forgetful<3
—Okay, too start off he is the most supportive dork you will ever meet
—loves you more than anything-
—He actually has like four brain cells are three of them are specifically for remembering your anniversary
—He takes you to the damn cinema so excitedly like he doesn’t work there-
— gets you a discount on drinks whenever you go
— he also flirts..well, attempts too-
— god hes chaotic as fuck too-
—if y’all even consider marriage Gingi has to be best man-
Overall a 900/10 relationship<3 :DD
—y’all are getting up to absolute NONSENSE together-
—hes so fun, he just bounces around commits arson and gets high all in one day with you trailing behind him either encouraging his chimp-like behavior or desperately trying to calm him down-
—PLEASE PRAISE HIM FOR DOING BASIC TASKS- he has a very bruise-able ego!!
—So you know how dogman told us how exactly phones kiss? Like, gentle face mashing? He practiced with you-. 10000% yes he did-
—start a book club with him he’ll be your biggest fan and you two can read Dostoyevsky together or sum-
9/10 friendship in general! (One point docked if you don’t match fez’s with him, then he’ll ghost you and cry in Randy’s dumpster for half an hour)
—…here me out, man’s got pec’s to feed a village. (I’m a good person I promise.)
—Hes a veeeeeery physical touch oriented guy, literally has his arm around someone 24/7
—addicted to Mountain Dew, it’s chronic at this point
—hes a very talented painter, probably only paints the lewdest things imaginable but still, it’s something!
— he makes his bed a very specific way and actually beams whenever someone compliments it
—he has a collection of classic literature and poetry that he will rant about upon asking
—Jerry’s adhd son- Oliver has Jerry on speed dial incase he tries doing something strenuous and or stupid- (yes I realize how odd that speed dial part sounds upon reading it over)
— Owns over eight flannels for different ocassions-
—…….hes very experienced in the lewd activities some of you’d like to partake him don’t ask me how I know-
Overall, If you can’t tell I loveeee this silly little moron- (apologies once again for this taking so long once again, I appreciate all of your support so very much- please, send me a request if you’d like more-) (it also wouldn’t let me add the photo at the top AAA tumblr how darent you-)
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