#and I certainly don't think about them in the middle of my romantic fantasies
glimblshanks · 5 months
Every day I think about the fantasy rock episode and the fact that Mariner's fantasy was not just Jen in a bikini, but specifically Jen in a bikini offering to yell at Ransom. Like girl, why is he even a part of your fantasy if you don't like him?
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Hmmm ok so I’m from Perú here, but is not necessary for a Latino to have a Hispanic name, my family are immigrants so we have all kind of mash-ups. Like example:
Asian (first name) and second name is María xdd, all that kind of stuff
Or maybe a nickname could work too.
Someone named Enrique can be referred as “Quique” , “Quico”, “Henry”, etc
So I just saw this, and you're totally right, but I'll take the opportunity to talk about how I name characters, if it's alright with you.
This ask refers to a post I made where I complained how hard it was to name your latino gay romantic lead when all the names in baby names lists are people from your family tree (and said family is probably gonna read the book and ask why you pick great uncle's name for your gay porn.)
I know I don't have to give them typically latin names. Myself, I'm named out of something my mom saw in a dream, so it would be pretty hypocritical.
But at some point in my writing process I decided that I would have to make my own representation myself, and vowed to make all my protagonists Chilean-Québécois. And for some diversity, then can be Chilean-Ontarians. And they're all gonna be queer, but that's a given.
I may be slightly exagerating, but you get the intention behind it.
So, parallelly, something our unconscious minds do, when given no information about a character, is to imagine the default. And, where I live, the default is white, male, cisgender, straight, abled, thin, etc. I thought I was spared from that, until I read a novel that only revealed 3/4 in that the protagonist was Black. I had to sit down and rethink about how I perceived the world.
It was certainly a choice from the author, and also the cover art, to not describe or show the protagonist as Black from the start. I'm intrigued with that choice, I think I know where that can come from, but I'm tempted to do the exact opposite. Our goals are the same- more diversity in litterature, I'm just going to take a more direct way, at the surprise of no one.
So, I write a book. Here's the public presented with a new character. Maybe the cover didn't show him, but I have control over the words used to describe him. With the same care I use to describe skin (té con leche), a certain type of hair (curled, thick, strong), a certain kind of body (round face, broad shouldered, strong arms of a baker, soft middle with the strong core of the hardworker). And I'll add in pieces of what I know- great eyebrows, amazing eyelashes, moles everywhere.
And I know the white normativity (is that the word? i should be sleeping, words are already in bed) is so strong that people can even keep imagining a white person despite all that. So I give them no choice. I will give my character a name that sounds latino, so they can't escape it. I will give him three first names and two surnames like any of us.
Now, we arrive at the more technical side of it. I'm on the babynamer lists, on typical latin names for boys, et oh dear. Number 1 was my father's name. Number 2 is my brother's. The followings are all cousins, uncles. I'm also putting a lot of them aside for future kids.
I think I'm gonna go with Mateo. It has all the qualities I look for in a protagonist name: simple, memorable, sounds spanish without having a letter like j that just gets butchered by other people, wouldn't sound weird in a romantic or smutty scene, none of my cousins have it. The sounds are nice, it's different enough from the other main character and pairs well together. Mateo and Darius.
(Darius has been named after the Persian emperor, because I want to write a typical LOTR fantasy but with gay romance, but also my skin crawled at the idea of ther another fantasy book set in medieval white europe. My first book is in ancient Egypt for a reason.)
I have a lot of things I think about when chosing the name of a character, I'll post about it some more later if it interests some people.
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hi! i was wondering if i could get romantic matchups for stranger things, narnia and lok?
i'm 6'0 and have amber eyes, long gold blond curly hair and hourglass figure
i'm enfp, leo
i'm demisexual panromantic
my pronouns are she/her
i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations
i'm friendly, energetic, confident, sarcastic, responsible, maybe a bit chaotic, cheerful and bubbly
i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it
i enjoy having fun and living life to the fullest
i'm very competitive and passionate person
i really like puzzles, riddles and crosswords
i love making people smile
i have morbid, dark sense of humor
sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
i like poetry and sometimes i write a poem or two, also i'm writing my book
i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid and i love performing
i'm working on my own cartoon
i never quite grew out of the fantasy phase, and i'm still enamored with tales of changelings and witches
i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids
i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc.
i'm afraid of stagnation
i overuse this kind of emojis→(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
my style is something between whimsigothic and cryptidcore
i love: sunflowers, collecting things, colors yellow, maroon, blue and green, astronomy, tea, making and watching movies, photography, forests, making jewelry, cooking, baking, d&d, fantasy books, horrors, playing chess, animals, plants, dollmaking, dancing, gardening, traveling, drawing, painting, knitting, art, history, world mythologies, spirits, fantasy creatures, eldrich beings, folklore, sculpting, works of J.R.R Tolkien, linguistics, death, burial, beliefs about afterlife, learning new things, embroidery, cartoons, music, psychology, writing
sorry if it's too chaotic
thank you so much for even reading this!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Stranger Things, I match you with...
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Your artistic whimsical nature matches Jonathan's creative side well!
Photography dates are a must! You'll both take your cameras (or photography device of choice) and set out on a walk around the town.
When you get back, you'll either look over the photos or get to work on a related project. There's not usually much talking during this part of the date but the company more than makes up for it.
Jonathan would probably be a bit concerned about your sense of humour but as an artist himself, he can certainly appreciate it. You don't get into the arts without a bit of a morbid sense of humour.
Thinks your cartoon is the most amazing thing he's ever seen. He can't even begin to imagine how much work has already gone into it and how dedicated you are to the project. If there's anything he can do to help you with it, just ask; he's ready and willing to help in any way he can.
Jonathan also loves watching you dance. He might join in if he knows the song but for the most part, he just likes watching you. He will take pictures (assuming you're okay with that) and make a portfolio dedicated to your performances.
In Chronicles of Narnia, I match you with...
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Lucy loves that she has someone else in her life who enjoys the more fantastical and whimsical side of things!
Long walks through Narnia exploring every path that looks interesting. When you return to Cair Paravel, there'll be questions regarding where you both were for the last few hours but you both enjoy those walks too much to give them up.
Lucy doesn't really get your sense of humour, but she's used to it since Edmund has the same style. You and Edmund are unstoppable when you get joking together.
Loves reading fantasy books with you. She'd especially like it if you take turns reading a chapter out loud while the other works on a creative project.
I see Lucy as someone who enjoys embroidery as well so she'd love making things for you. Whether it's as simple as a flower on a handkerchief or as complex as a portrait, she likes giving you projects that have her love and affection quite literally woven into them.
Listening to music is a must. Whether you're playing or someone else is, Lucy loves spending time with you while music's playing. If you're not the one playing, she'd pull you up to dance with you.
In Legend of Korra, I match you with...
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Opal comes from a fairly creative family so she's used to being around people who see the potential art in everything. Her brother also has a fairly dark sense of humour so she'd used to that as well.
Opal's a very free person so life will never feel stagnant with her around. Not to mention, she's friends with the Avatar, so there's always something happening.
Loves listening to you play music. I see her as someone who knows how to play an instrument or two so if you're up for playing with someone else, she'd love to join in.
Admires your optimism. It's a trait that she tries her best to uphold as well. Having a positive attitude, even when things aren't going well, is sometimes the best thing.
Opal would love reading your poetry! She thinks you're very good at it and always has good feedback to give you. If you write a poem about her, she would keep it somewhere she can read it everyday.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Your recent ask got me thinking, I do love a good age gap. Any chance you track BLs with age gaps on your magical spreadsheet, or can just remember ones that you have seen?
BLs With Age Gaps - Hyung Romances
So if the het version is noona romances, are these considered hyung romances? Eh, let's do that. For a lot of these BLs, since the seme is usually the older character, the age gap is standardized so not a big deal and not a plot point. 
With very few exceptions, I'm not going to talk about shorter age gaps, by which I mean like FighterTutor or DeanPharm or JaeYoung & SangWoo, where the older boy is the seme and is older by a few years, because these are not really about the age. If that makes sense?
Instead I picked ones where, for me, the age is visually present and kind of a bigger deal in terms of life stage and narrative, e.g. one of them is still in school while the other is not... things like that.
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Advance Bravely
We don't know the age difference Xia Yao and Yuan Zong, but Yuan Zong acts and looks quite a bit older. Censored before it concluded.
Well the alien/fantasy people are thousands of years older than their romantic counterparts, so yeah big age gaps. Censored from the get go but we all get it anyway.
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Pornographer series
So this is a dirty gaslighting crazy piece of Japan being SO Japan about this trope. But it sure is age gap. Established novelist with an intention to corrupt, bullies college kid into writing his porn for him with the intent to seduce.
Minato’s Laundromat
My favorite version of this, younger seme older uke, 10 year age gap. I love this show so much. 
Old Fashion Cupcake
Another age flip, only both characters are older, it’s office set, and added obstacle of boss/employee dynamic. God it’s so good. 
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Love Stage
Ryu is out in the world as a full on actor idol and Anda is still in university. The Japanese version has the same age gap.
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1st Love Again
YeonSeok remembers his past lives and is an established writer, he also looks older than HaYeon who is a new editor. So this BL feels very age gap. There isn't much hyung-ing tho. 
Kissable Lips
Your bog standard ancient vampire falls in love with a college kid trope, only gay and Korean. It's good but it ends sad, but it certainly is a massive age gap.
Tasty Florida
EunKyu is an established chef with a successful business and HaeWon has just entered the workforce so there is some kind of age gap going on. They also act this way right away, instantly going with hyung.
You Make Me Dance
HongSeok is a loan shark and clearly quite a bit older than college kid ShiOn.
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My Day the series
Ace is the CEO of a company, although he looks younger he is probubly quite a bit older than Sky who is still in college. However, these two don't act at all like there actually is an age gap in play.
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HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
Probubly the most typical execution on this list. YiJie is a lot older than ShengZhe and also his professor, since this is a teacher/student romance which is a classic age gap story. 
HIStory 3: the BL that shall not be named & HIStory 4: Close to You
The side characters in H3 and cameos in H4 BoXiang and ZhiGang have a huge age gap, 12 years, and it is a big deal for their relationship.
HIStory 4: Close to You
YongJie is quite a bit younger than XingSi, not sure on the specifics but he's in middle school when XingSi is in high school and still in college when XingSi has his own business. Also the stepbrother trope. 
See You After Quarantine?
Definitely an older younger dynamic with a college kid and an established businessman. Also SO flipping cute.
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Tale of Thousand Stars
Chief & Tian must have a pretty big age gap.
This is not a good show, but side couple Khun & Kaow are great in it and this is my favorite version of an age gap: younger seme + older uke. Khun is in university and Kaow has a baking business.
Lovely Writer
Again Sib is quite a bit younger than Gene and the pursuer, man I love this dynamic. Since Gene is out of university and established in his career, I'm calling this one for age gap. 
Not Me
DanYok is an age gap, but it isn't really the point or the plot of their romantic arc.
Dear Doctor I'm Coming For Your Soul 
Absolutely an age gap, I mean one of them is an immortal reaper. Also they confront and address the ultimate issue that one of them will age when the other one doesn’t. It’s poignantly handled, but I thought quite lovely.  
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My Lascivious Boss
Vietnam's age gap offering. He's the owner of the cafe and his boy is just out of university (?). It's very very cute. 
Also Nation's Brother might qualify.
Others With Age Gaps but I'm Not Into it
Ossan's Love (Thai) triangle second lead
Waterboyy (Thai) side couple
Make it Right 2 (Thai) side het romance, very problematic
Bite Me (Thai)
Call It What You Want (Thai)
Friend Forever (Thai)
Because of You (Taiwan)
Innocent (Taiwan) short
Light (Taiwan) short
The Immeasurable (Taiwan) short
Top Secret Together and Love By Chance both have sub plots of high school boys pursuing college ones, but the one didn’t go anywhere and the other went very very bad, so yeah... no. Although I would personally LOVE to see this done well. 
You could make the case that Devil Judge also qualifies.
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septembersghost · 2 years
sorry if someone mentioned this before but the "You make me happy" line reminds me of when they both got married, and saul was like "are you sure? i know this isnt what you imagined when you were 12" and. i think when it comes to love he is incapsulated in that innocence, bc no doubt when he said that he was referring to himself as well. this isnt what he imagined, if he ever had the pleasure, marrying kim would be like (man was probably imagining songbirds with ribbons over an arbor tbh) the whole lets get married, lets have a house and host movie nights and work together. its a similar innocence between him and chuck, that big-eyed admiration for his big brother. Him crying the hardest at his parents funeral. I feel like he is just so full of love that is,,, untainted and its his most redeeming quality and yet it is so out of his grasp
anon...i am clutching my heart at this message. this is such good analysis and you're so right, and i am SAD.
i didn't even think of that line of jimmy's when they got married, but there is definitely a parallel there, and jimmy has this sappy romantic (affectionate) aspect to him - those previous two dissolutions, i imagine, were not from relationships that were particularly long lasting or meaningful for him, and we certainly know the second one, uh, did not end well. i don't think he ever loved anyone the way he felt about kim, and that he wished they could've had the fancy wedding with the flowers and the cake and the dance floor. "man was probably imagining songbirds with ribbons over an arbor tbh" CRYING this is accurate. in jimmy's perfect world, i think he would've gotten down on one knee and given her a ring and then swept her off to their ranch house. this man doodled their initials together like a girl with a crush and a glitter pen. he wanted to work in the same office with her because he valued her and never tired of spending time with her. he dreamed of them having a house together, sharing a warm space and a life. seeing her was the highlight of his day, every day. it's why he can't fathom the concept of her being bad for him - i wouldn't even say he unfairly put her on a pedestal per se, because it's not like other women who've gotten that treatment in stories, who maybe aren't seen as whole people, he never undermined her agency. he admired her and felt such happiness with her that it could only be his fault if it went wrong. the one fight where he gets unfairly angry and accuses her of rolling around in the mud with him when she gets bored is total self-loathing projection and grief/guilt-laden chuck issues much less than it is a reflection of how he feels about her. (the saddest part is, that argument, in jimmy's fractured perspective, probably just became true.) the way he looks at her when they get married says everything. it doesn't matter where they are, it doesn't matter that maybe it isn't the fantasy, having her at all is the dream. there is an innocence and earnestness in that. there's a hopefulness in his desire for an office and a home. he yearns for that, for that one safe place.
and he was like that with chuck too! he respected chuck, he craved his acceptance. he wanted to work with him. "big-eyed admiration" totally. :( it showed in how he took care of chuck too, making sure he had everything he needed, defending him to doctors and colleagues alike. (howard making himself the heavy at chuck's behest and getting involved in the middle is part of why this all played out as horrifically as it did.) jimmy has a certain caregiving instinct. chuck rejecting jimmy is damaging in such an acute way that jimmy never even fully processes it. anything from, "you're not a real lawyer!" ... "i thought you were proud of me," to those horrible last words, they scar him indelibly.
wanting to snap his fingers and fix things with his mom in the hospital, crying the hardest at his dad's funeral, all of that is genuine, despite his many faults and mistakes. he may have that inclination to scam and to slip, but his emotions are very real, and the love in him is maybe the realest thing about him. the purest thing. and when there was nowhere else for it to go, he gave it all to kim.
"I feel like he is just so full of love that is,,, untainted and its his most redeeming quality and yet it is so out of his grasp" 100% agree and you phrased this beautifully and it makes for such captivating, empathetic tragedy. what's more human than wanting to be seen for all you are and accepted anyway, to love and be loved? what's more aching than constantly losing it, and losing more of yourself each time it slips away?
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ellesliterarycorner · 3 years
Writing Romantic Subplots
Rounding off our unexpected week of romance related tips are some tips about writing romantic subplots. Romantic subplots might not be everyone’s favorite subplot, but it most certainly is one of the most common ones. It also happens to be one of my personal favorite subplots to write about, other than political intrigue of course. In my opinion, if you do include a romantic subplot in your story, it can either make or break your book. Everyone loves reading about a good couple they can root for, Peeta/Katniss or Kaz/Inej but on the flip side an annoying romantic subplot, all of the Throne of Glass and ACOTAR series, (had to bring it up guys) can ruin what would normally be a good/okay book series. So, here are Elle’s Do’s and Don'ts for writing romantic subplots.
Don't Add Unnecessary Romance: Not every story needs romance, and there are lots of books that I absolutely adore that have minimal or no romantic content. Don't feel forced to add anything romantic into your book. I love reading about found family more than I love reading enemies to lovers. No romance is better than bad romance! There are so many more interesting dynamics to explore that aren’t romantic. 
Do Include Proper Character Development: When in doubt, character development is always the answer kids. It fixes almost anything in your story, especially when it comes to romantic subplots. Let the characters get to know each other and develop as individuals while they are developing as a couple. 
Don't Make the Main Plot Rely on the Romance: A good rule of thumb is if you take away the romantic subplot, does the plot still mostly work? The plot shouldn't completely function because romance often plays an important role in the plot, but the plot shouldn't fall apart if you take out a single romantic relationship. 
Do Keep It A Subplot: Kind of restating the above, but this is another one of my gripes with ACOTAR, by ACOWAR, the actual plot of the books doesn’t matter because it isn’t fleshed out at all. The romantic subplot has dominated the whole book which is fine if your point is to write a romance novel, but if you are writing a fantasy novel with a romantic subplot, everything should not revolve around the romance. 
Don't Glamorize Abuse or Toxic Relationships: This is self-explanatory guys. Like just don't do it. Don't. Please. Don't do it. I have been in an toxic relationship, and it is not something you want to romanticize or glamorize. That narrative is extremely harmful to abuse survivors and to young impressionable people.  
Do Include Healthy Conflict: I included this tip right after don’t glamorize abuse or toxic relationships because I think a lot of authors are afraid of letting their couples’ fight because they think that means the characters have toxic relationship. Couples should not agree on everything. That is toxic and unhealthy. Having disagreements about things is totally normal in relationships. Adding healthy conflict between your characters will make their relationship more realistic!
Don't Bombard the Reader with Romance: Unless you're writing a romance, the romantic relationship shouldn't be the only thing your OC is involved in. They can and probably should think about their prospective partner a lot, but every other shouldn't be romantic interactions. The actual plot of the book still has to happen.
Do Include Both Characters in the Plot: Having a character whose only designation in the story is Love Interest is boring in my personal opinion. All the characters should be somehow involved in the plot. Like I just said, the characters shouldn’t just be involved in the romance of the story. Give them something else to do, especially if they are a woman, something important and meaningful to the story!
Don't Forget About Your Subplot: This may seem stupid, but I honestly have forgotten about a romantic subplot and completely left it out of the middle of one of my WIPs. I feel like this is kinda common though. We get so wrapped up in the actual plot and world-building, especially if the romantic subplot is minor, and we just kind of forget about it. Don't do that kids.  
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Wth does an "adult relationship" mean?!?
I just saw a post from that el/riel page on instagram, talking about how Elain and Azriel would have an "adult relationship"...
I read their points and... my god- I'm so hoping that Sjm will not make el/riel endgame because the book would just bore the hell out of me.
What? The couple isn't allowed to do childish things? To have some fun? Don't they know what most adults actually do? Adults don't just pay bills, have sex and work. That would be so sad.
Nah- uh! I already don't ship el/riel due to how bland they are. Now I really don't want that couple to happen.
And then apperantly El/riel are already in love... so a 900 pages long book of secret sex, some politics, shy glances and finger brushes, one jealousy moment and then finally the confession. The end.
And Azriel showing his overprotectiv side more to Elain? Hell nah.
I'm sorry to dissapoint, but Sarah’s isn't a fan of bland relationships just because they have good sex. Have a look at every sjm couple that are endgame (Feysand, Rowaelin, Bryathalar etc.) They do and say silly things that this person would consider "childish". Again- WTF IS AN ADULT RELATIONSHIP?!
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If their ship was as solid and in love as they claim to be, then why do most of their theories are 95% bringing Gwyn's character down by making up outrageous and harmful claims about her?
And how would their relationship be an "adult relationship"? By having sneaky, meaningless sex, and talking about gardening? (there is nothing wrong with gardening, but what else would they be talking about when they know nothing substantial about each other in 4 books worth of build-up)
It's already been confirmed by the freaking author that Gwyn is a GROWN WOMAN. Gwyn getting excited is not childish. Her love for making bracelets does not make her immature or a child; if they had read the book, they would've known what making bracelets means for Gwyn. Hell, my grandmother used to make bracelets until the day before she died - she died at 78, was she a child as well?
Having fun and doing silly things does not make the relationship "childish" as they claim to be. When you can do those so-called childish things with your partner, that means you have a great bond with them. Something deeper than just attraction for a couple of fucks.
I'm really curious to know what an "adult relationship" means, too. Because, if anything fun and silly is considered "childish" in their eyes, then my parents, wearing matching Disney pyjamas each Christmas, and who are in their 40s, don't have an "adult relationship", right?
But yeah, El/riel definitely has an adult relationship and they're so in love. My life and romantic expectations have not been the same since the most romantic line I've ever read in my entire life: "He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to". Yep, the peak of romance.
It's sad they don't see what's wrong with this. We've been in Azriel's head. The only time. We know exactly what he's thinking. And yes, clearly, he is attracted to Elain... but that's all? Their story would never be about choosing love over a bond because Azriel's only motive to go after her is because he believes she should be his mate. His brothers are mated to her sisters, so, in his mind, it's only natural he should be mated to Elain, right? Even if they ended up together somehow, Azriel's fixation with the bond would not fade, because it's already there when he thinks of the middle Archeron sister. The moment Azriel found his mate would also be the moment he left Elain.
Also, I can't with those that claim the bonus chapter means nothing, because it was not accessible to many readers. Like?? Do they realise that, for Azriel's story, it's the most important part so far? Because, again, it's his point of view? Not Feyre's, not Cassian's, not Nesta's, not Rhysand's - it's his. There was not even one tiny romantic thought about her. He never went on about how he saw her as a person, how he cares about her, how he'd fight to no end for her; no. He just thinks about eating her kitty and how his hands would soil her perfect skin. Why do they keep claiming they're in love? They're obviously attracted to each other. That is undeniable. But attraction does not equal love. One person can be attracted to another without loving them.
Everyone can ship who they want, as I've said. But at least they should stop embarrassing themselves with theories calling a Gwynriel relationship childish, making Gwyn evil just because, calling us paedophiles because they refuse to listen to the freaking author who, once again, confirmed Gwyn is a grown woman and so on.
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
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Dark Deity Pre-Release Character Opinions
This isn't actually a tier list, but someone helpfully created a template for this game and it's as good a way as any to do a little visual showcase for this cast. Characters are listed by their class sets, which are fixed but offer a nice variety in terms of promotion options. My opinions on each are as follows, from left to right in each row. Most characters have introductory profiles written up on the DD subreddit, if you'd like to check them out yourself.
You know those buff female blacksmiths in Echoes and Three Houses that some people wish were playable characters? That's pretty much Alexa. Can't say I'm too hyped about her myself, but warrior + tomboyish female character will do that for me...or not do it, I suppose.
Seems to have been written to become a meme, and I still can't decide whether that's clever or stupid. Kind of like Raphael only with a bigger emphasis on training than on eating, and with brotherly devotion replaced with brotherly angst that might theoretically go somewhere if the character isn't reduced to being a goofy joke all the time.
Doesn't have a character profile, so as far as I know he's just a generic dwarf because DD swaps out its inspiration's loli dragons and other vaguely fetishistic shapeshifters for the two most cliché non-human races in Western fantasy. I wonder whether his VA will voice him with a Scottish accent, to go all in on the (ironic?) laziness. There are a handful of elves in the playable cast, but Fenton is the only dwarf so for better or worse he's representing.
She's the embodiment of the FE exotic swordswoman archetype, but curiously DD seems to have turned that broad ethnic brush inward. Helena's last name is apparently a Japanese verb, her art shows her with a spear (as in the association of the naginata with women), and she studied and trained in a monastery that seems to blend elements of Buddhism and Shintoism. Not sure how all that fits into the larger setting yet, but at this point she's still got more background development than Petra.
Our Hero, the one front and center on the cover art. He sounds a bit on the blander side as far as lords or lord equivalents go, with his most promising hook for me being his established friendship with Garrick (see the ranger section). At best I can hope for a bit of a romantic friendship dynamic, although they sound a bit rougher overall as they're military academy schoolmates I wonder why DD went with that instead of lordlings of different territories.
Looks like Camilla; has a backstory like Niles. Cleavage aside though the sexual element of both is toned down here, and there might be some sapphic bodyguard shenanigans to be had as her current employers are a pair of highborn sisters further down this list.
For some reason she reminds me of Tressa from Octopath Traveler, only bustier and a bartender rather than a merchant. She's still just a small town girl with big city dreams, and this being a tactical war game following those dreams will inevitably involve stabbing people.
Hard to judge him at the moment, as his profile was only the second written and so isn't terribly detailed. He's a moon elf with scholarly interests, apparently. Still, as of right now he's the only rogue who doesn't slot loosely into either a ninja/assassin or pirate aesthetic, so that's kind of neat. Also, he's one of several characters to have FEH-esque beach fanart made of them already, so clearly someone's into elf twinks.
A former officer at the military academy Irving attends and a smuggler who dotes on his niece, Ford has major dad energy. Per developer reveals he's also bi, and as I mentioned before I'm totally fine with that. More bear sex, please - but what guy in this cast would hop in the sack with Ford? Only time will tell. His personal skill makes him extra dodgy, which combined with the mug of booze in his art makes me think of WoW brewmasters who dodge-tank through the power of being wasted.
Like Brooke, he's an assassin from a foreign nation - in his case the same one as Helena so presumably he's a not!Japanese ninja. I'm not really feeling him at the moment. What is it about Hao'Fen (the city/territory he and Helena come from) and massive families? That comes up in both their backstories.
I feel like this is the third or fourth character to grow up in some slum or other; at least they've all been in different towns so far. The relative rarity of noble characters is certainly different from FE, but it reduces the political stakes which leaves me wondering a bit about the story. Anyway, Caius is a small town desert hunter who learned how to make arrows out of animal bones. How aerodynamic is bone, I wonder?
Irving's BFF and seemingly the Hector to Irving's Eliwood, only with more flirting (his intro doesn't specify that Garrick is flirting with women, but I'm not going so far as to say that indicates anything). He's the academy headmaster's son, with a strained relationship with his father for some of that hotheaded lead tension. Notably, his VA is the one I'm most familiar with in this cast, as he's the voice of Revali from Breath of the Wild as well as love interests in two different erotic gay dating sims I've played. In other words, I know what this guy sounds like making awkwardly simulated sex noises...and I have no idea what to do with that information.
She's a half-elf with a very storied background, so much so that it's all rather hard to follow her exploits when little of what's being described has been fully revealed yet. I'm expecting her to be a mid/lategame recruit, unless she's dropped in early on to reveal that (sun) elves exist or something.
Imagine if Bernadetta were a commoner, although we can only hope they'll be less screaming. Alternatively, Neimi without an obvious boyfriend. She won the beach contest so now she has official swimsuit art, which I guess makes her a top-tier waifu in the eyes of players who care about such things.
A ranger in the "has animal companions" sense, although whether that will come into play mechanically aside from her personal skill - Butter the ferret can attack with her! - remains to be seen. Her preference for the company of animals is explained by a lack of social graces, so prepare for klutz-related humor. Of note to those interested in F/F is that her introduction specifically brings up her connection with Sloane (see the mage section) and how close the two of them are.
Doesn't have a profile yet, so not much to go off other than his decidedly unhinged look. The cleric class set does feature some darker-flavored options, so presumably he's more naturally aligned with those. His VA was announced to be the YouTuber behind So This is Basically Fire Emblem and other similar videos, so I'm picturing a kooky and somewhat demented Henry type.
Also lacks a profile at time of writing...clerics get so little love. The Discord has identified him a bland blond paladin sort, but as we know from the likes of Perceval and especially Dimitri that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be boring (or not gay).
The soft-spoken healer type, and also a childhood friend of Garrick although her intro sibling-zones him but then this game is inspired by FE so who knows if that'll stick. She may have some interesting thoughts on the theology of the setting, as there seem to be several faiths and she's said to have a complicated relationship with her own. I will be utterly shocked if she's not either Irving or Garrick's eventual love interest.
One of two princesses of the country of Aramor, which appears to be loosely inspired by the Middle East. Heaven help us if the Khalidstans ever get wind of this game. Unfortunately aside from her bond with her older sister (in the mage section) and the knowledge that Brooke has been hired as their bodyguard there's not much to Samara at the moment. Hopefully the clerics all do some comparative theology in their bond conversations, and this isn't like Sacred Stones where none of the clergy characters from different countries ever compare notes. The succession crisis involving Samara and her sister vs. their less-loved cousin the king's son might be a major plot hook? It's still too early to tell.
Much like Maeve her backstory has entirely too much going on to really follow at the moment. Basically she's a human who grew up in a sun elf city because Reasons (seriously, I don't know what they are) and was called to a clerical vocation and also something about taking a journey. Has an unfortunate case of silly boob armor, which unlike a certain other character probably won't be rectified this close to release.
Maren's precocious younger brother, also basically Ricken up to and including the comically oversized hat. As a unit he follows the tradition of Donnel, Mozu, and Cyril of having a personal skill that buffs his stat gains, so it's safe to say he's a growth unit. At least he'll probably join early.
Comes with dead brother angst and a connection to the "aspects" system that will hopefully make more sense once I've played the game and know how it functions both mechanically and from a storytelling perspective. Otherwise she looks to be a busty older - as in, not a teenage - mage in the vein of Calill.
Got the first ever character profile, so it's really short. He's the son of a duke and sounds like a bit of a snob, albeit one that can make explosions happen to back up his haughtiness. He's got some scarring around his eye that surely must come with a story. Someone also made featured fanart of him in Heroes summer banner style, so I guess he's got somebody horny already.
Samara's half-sister, with comparable fantasy Middle Eastern flavoring. Has an interest in discovering magical artifacts and being a just ruler in the event she winds up on the throne (so, almost definitely), and she and Samara travel around with the assassin Brooke as their bodyguard. There's maybe some lesbian possibilities there? Either way, Sara has enough development where I could see her as a major supporting character.
Comes with a genuinely fascinating backstory involving manipulative double-crossing parents, an education in the cruelties and deceptions of social life (reflected in her personal skill), and disinheritance - and yet it's all likely to be overshadowed because she may go down as DD's equivalent to Fates's face-touching. Her initial art is even more revealing than Camilla's, and while the developers later gave her a more modest redesign after negative feedback I get the feeling that this controversy may live on. Her introduction mentions her hunting for both heirs and heiresses and she's now been linked to Sophia, so safe to say she's another confirmed bi character.
While the other class sets are standard fantasy fare adepts require a bit more explanation. They have innate magical abilities and appear to be feared and distrusted most places in the setting. Functionally they remind me of adepts from the Golden Sun series, if anyone is familiar with those games. The classes in the adept group tend more toward physical/magical hybridization than those of other sets, so that will probably be their mechanical niche. Oh, and their default weapon type is lances, which is a plus in my book.
Along with Caius and the royal sisters, he's another one from the desert nation of Aramor. An arena fighter who got touched by a god in what I assume was a non-sexual way and came out of it with a new appearance and adept powers. Also, he's confirmed to be over 40 - how often do you see that in games like this?
Looks like a more carefree Mathilda from Echoes. She's a ranking officer in the Delian army which sounds like it'd sit uneasily with her adept powers. Her profile describes Lincoln as her close friend, which is still about the most we know about him at this point.
This guy's writing plays more into the fairly standard coding that comes with adept powers, as we know they manifested shortly before he was going to confess his feelings to a male paramour and afterwards he was forced to flee his homeland and wander the world. He also spent time among dwarves, so insert short bear jokes here? In the present he's attached to Cia in what seems to be a platonic way; maybe she's a fruit fly, or maybe she just likes having a friend who can light drunken assholes on fire? Elias is definitely into guys, but I would still be a little surprised if he turned out to be totally gay as that's such a rarity in these sorts of things.
Oof, another lengthy and rough backstory. Iris had better parents than Sloane, but she also had to deal with permanent facial scarring (hence the mask) after a bandit kidnapping and the stigma of manifesting as an adept pretty much eliminating the prospects of her making a good political marriage. Also, she and Elias both come from Neullais, which is prominently featured on the continental map on the DD subreddit but doesn't seem to come up all too often in backstories. I think it's a not!France? Hard to tell.
A World of Warcraft blood elf, flowing anime hair and apostrophe'd name and all. I like WoW so that's not terribly grating, but as he has no profile yet there's little else I can say. Thae'lanel is mentioned in Maeve's introduction as a member of a sun elf group called the Exiled, which I'm guessing is tied to his adept status in some way. He and Maeve form yet another adventurer/bodyguard duo.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
The Visitor (part 4)
[Parts One / Two / Three ]
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Author's Note: This is a personal fantasy along the lines of @jovialyouthmusic and her Many Lives of Drake Walker series. One night while I couldn't sleep my mind was working overtime and I started to imagine "What if?"
Pulling open drawers I quickly find clean pjs to put on, and then run a brush through my hair. He's been talking to me this whole time and I probably had the messiest bedhead in the world. I pull my hair back in a ponytail and slap on some deodorant of my own. I probably smell like a sweaty bed too after trying to sleep on such a warm night. I'm worried about keeping him waiting, and grab my robe off the door and throw it on before opening it.
He's leaning against the wall and looking into my daughter's bedroom, watching her sleep. “She's cute,” he whispers.
“Yes, she is. Now come with me.”
I reach out to touch his arm to pull him toward the livingroom. I can't believe I just touched him without asking.
The muscles in his forearm feel so warm and firm under my hand.. The hallway is narrow and we can't walk side by side. I can feel him following behind me, and hear the hardwood creak under his step.
Glancing down I realize we're both barefoot. “Did you take off your shoes and socks too?”
He shakes his head no as we step into the dark livingroom, “No, I took those off at home.”
I walk over to the TV stand and plug in the lights.
He chuckles as the string of coloured and white Christmas lights that border the room next to the ceiling come on. “Christmas lights, really?”
“Hey, don't judge. We keep them up all year and turn them on every night. It gives the room a nice ambient glow. Kevin knows I love Christmas lights, and it warms my heart each night when he insists on turning them on.”
He stands in the middle of the room, and for the first time I realize how romantic that Christmas lights can be too. I want to just wrap my arms around him and kiss him, but instead I gesture over to the couch and recliner. “Have a seat. Would you like a drink of beer, or water?”
He smiles, “I'll take a beer, if it's not too much trouble?”
I leave him alone to turn the corner and go into the kitchen. “No trouble at all, Kevin rarely drinks them anyway. He just buys them to share with his Dad when he comes over in the summertime for a barbeque.”
I open the fridge and hesitate, “Is Bud light ok?”
“That's fine, thanks.” He answers back.
I grab a bottle of beer for him and a bottle of water for myself.
I use the dish towel to twist off the cap to his beer bottle and then return to the livingroom. He's sitting on the couch, in my usual spot no less. I hand him the beer and then perch on the edge of Kevin's recliner. I don't dare sit next to him, I'm too giddy to sit that close.
He sits back, crossing his legs to rest one ankle on his knee. I can't help but stare at his bare feet. His eyes travel around the room and take in my modest furnishings, the TV on the wall, and Hailey's toys piled in the corner by the TV stand.
I hear the tick, tick of Patches' toenails as he exits the bedroom, he stops in the hallway to stretch and then shake before joining us in the livingroom. He boops me on the leg with his nose, and then flops down on the floor at my feet.
“I see we have company,” Drake grins, before taking a sip of his beer.
Patches lets out a sigh and rolls over onto his back when I rub him with my foot. “Yes, this is Patches. He's Momma's boy.”
I take a sip of my water and notice Drake's wedding ring on his finger as he loosely holds onto the neck of the beer bottle that rests against his thigh. “Did you have any other questions? I certainly know all about you. And it's only right you want to know more about the writer who's shaped so much of your..married life.”
Drake looks down at his lap, and I can imagine he's trying to figure out what to say. “Kate. You named her after yourself. What else do you two have in common?”
Besides both of us being madly in love with you?, I answered in my head.
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“Um, I'm not sure really. She's from New York, I'm not. She's an only child, but I'm not. I suppose we have the same taste in books and movies. She's a wine drinker, and I would be too if I could afford it. She's certainly more comfortable in the public eye and amongst people. People are drawn to her because she's so beautiful. I'm dull as dirt, and don't talk to people much at all.”
“You're talking to me just fine.” Drake encourages, taking another drink of his beer. “Come sit with me.”
I feel myself flush with heat up into my cheeks, and take a big swallow of water. “I can’t"
He drops his foot down to the floor and shifts forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He's leaning closer to me and his long legs are inches from mine.
“Why not?”
I feel all anxious again, “It's not that I don't want to. I don't know if I could trust myself to be that close to you.” I admit, shocked at myself for saying something so openly.
Drake grins, rubbing at his jaw and then sits back on the couch. “Ok then, new topic. Tell me about Kevin. Since you’ve fleshed out my personal life so well, there must be part of him that comes out in your writing. You couldn't possibly write what Kate and I do in bed, if you hadn't experienced some of that yourself. Do I share any traits or habits with Kevin?”
I bite my lip and shift around in my seat. “Well you're certainly not shy.”
Drake laughs, finishing off his beer. “I am how you write me K-.. Wait, what should I call you?”
I take a moment to think, and then my ‘thirsty for Drake’ side answers, “Call me Katherine.”
It's the biggest turn on in the world to have a handsome man speak my name, and I'm going to take advantage of any opportunity to have him do it.
“Ok Katherine, as I said. I am as you wrote me.”
Now it's my turn to laugh, “And I've written you in so many ways Drake. You have no idea.”
Drake clears his throat, and looks for a place to put his empty beer bottle. “I'm afraid to ask.”
I indicate for him to put his bottle on the end table. “But as you were asking earlier, you wondered what you and Kevin had in common.”
“Yeah, are we anything alike?”
I size him up with a quick look, “In appearance, no. Kevin is a blonde, or at least he was before the grey took over. You're both around the same height, but your build is a bit slighter than his.”
Drake swallows, “So he's a big guy then.”
“Oh he easily has nearly 100 lbs on you. But he's also about 20 years older. He played basketball in highschool, while you played soccer.”
Drake tries to interject, “Oh wait nevermind, of course you know that. What else?”
“You both prefer to sleep naked.”
“Hey, in my defense I find clothes too constricting when I'm rolling around in bed.”
I nod, “Kevin's said the same thing.”
“You two have similar tastes in music, although I may have influenced you a bit. Oh, Kate's taste in music is all mine though. You may have noticed that she likes to listen to a little bit of everything.”
Drake rolls his eyes, “Oh then I can blame that on you too."
I shrug, “Sorry. I guess I'm more Kate than I thought.”
Continue on..
tagging: @ravenpuff02 @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @speedyoperarascalparty @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @emichelle @griselda1121 @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @debramcg1106 @kimmiedoo5
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anastasiaskarsgard · 3 years
Okay thank you for taking the time cause this is a long one. It's kind of a bit to unpack so I'll give you some background about me first. I'm a guy, I'm 24, and as far as kinks I'm firmly on the submissive side. Recently through some self discovery I'd kind of figured out I'm asexual, I just don't ever really feel sexual attraction the way most people do. Basically, last week I was at Universal for their Halloween Horror Nights and in one of the houses there's a section for the "Kitty Cat Club" where there's a bunch of femme fatale catgirl demons. Anyways. One of the actresses had a voice line directed RIGHT at me, where she giggles a bit, and says "I could just eat you UP" and when she says "up" her voice goes deep or pitch shifts. For whatever reason, that particular instance, uh, really set off some fireworks in my brain, but I guess I…. Don't really know exactly WHY? I will say I'm certainly into cat girls, but I'm really not into vore, so the threat or implication of being eaten wasn't it. After I've thought about it a bit I think it's the idea that she's trying to "hide" her cat/demon side but she can't quite contain it. (I can DM you a YouTube link and time stamp to what I'm talking about)
Sorry, I know this is like, a LOT. I guess why I'm writing this or why I'm asking you is I guess I just need to put this out there and see what other people say about it, because quite frankly, ever since then I've been trying to figure out how to replicate the response I felt from it, and the moment has also just been swirling around in my memories the entire time too. I just think it's so specific! 
Sorry, I know this is a lot but I promise I'm gonna wrap it up. I don't expect a whole like, psychological evaluation or anything (please don't put that burden on yourself, lol) but I guess maybe if you've ever heard of or encountered anything similar you might just have some thoughts? Or idk, just thoughts about it in general? I don't know. I'm sorry, it's just uh… kinda been driving me crazy and putting it out there I think (hope) I'll feel better about it/ have a better understanding, I think I'm kinda in the middle of a big sexual self- discovery and that's why I'm like this. Again sorry for the long ask, and I'd really appreciate any response or thoughts you might have, thank you for taking the time to read though (:
One thing is for sure, you’re not asexual. I’m not an expert, but as far as I’m aware, asexual people never experience any type of sexual, or romantic attraction. They are totally fine and content alone romantically and even go as far as experiencing negative reactions to sexual stimuli. So at least we can be rid of that possibility.
Now as far as being a submissive attracted to a very sexualized woman, that’s understandable. It doesn’t seem to me like the cat cosplay is as attractive to you, as the the danger element. You might even be turned on by the idea of being taken by an aggressive woman that takes away your choice and treats you like an object.
Demons are generally overpowered and consider humans wants and feelings very unimportant when they choose to take one. They take what they want unapologetically and take away their victims right to choose.
Maybe the thought of being so desired by a dangerous attractive creature that they consume you with or without your consent is arousing. Losing yourself to someone and being completely at their mercy could be what’s the underlying appeal.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being into that, and while it’s rather specific and will be more difficult to find someone that fits that role, it’s not impossible. I’d recommend being upfront about your preference early in the relationship, to gauge if it’s appealing for them as well. You want to be sure that your partner shares your kink and is not playing along to please you at the cost of their own happiness.
A little side note… you could just be into the girl dressing up. Cosplay takes a lot of effort to be convincing most of the time, so it could just be the feeling that you’re worth all the effort.
No matter what the reason, no need to apologize for what you’re into.
Personally if you told me that was your fantasy, I’d totally be down, but I like dressing up. I wouldn’t think you’re weird or anything, just lots of fun. Lol
Hope this helps
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Jimmy & Janis
Planning a romantic weekend away
Jimmy: Gracie came at me earlier. There was mistletoe up and I near fully hit the floor 😎 Jimmy: Hold fire though. She only wanted to tell me to convince you of summat. Pretty sure you already know what it is Janis: Erm...Father Christmas is really real? That her weave isn't from dead Brazilian hookers? Janis: Enlighten me or I'll tell her she's got a holiday free pass on you 😈 Jimmy: Double date. Need I say more 😡 Janis: FUCK. I DIDN'T THINK IT'D ACTUALLY HAPPEN. Janis: How far does she expect the season of goodwill to extend, like? Already got some poor cunt being a charitable home for her arse so she don't freeze Janis: Single tear. Janis: Question is, can we make it worth it enough for us to endure that shite? Hmm Jimmy: I almost got my arse to church so it wouldn't. Shoulda sucked off that priest when he asked. Too late? Jimmy: You better get me a top notch pressie, baby 😏 Janis: You know you ain't on the nice list 😉 Janis: So, Santa might be dissing but you'll be getting something extra special from me Janis: As for God, and his holly jolly perverted following, I reckon we're both shit out of 🍀 there, no matter how good our head game is, such is life Janis: Grah, I hear she does shoutouts now...want that 'influencer' clout, baby? Not double entendre my end but might be for GracieGuru 🙊😂 Jimmy: what the fuck we going to do then? No way I'm hanging with her and her latest 'boo boy' Jimmy: Even if I was getting paid, which is likely since she just loves common grounds Janis: Preaching to the choir, dickhead, ain't my idea of a good time either, or hers let's be fucking real. She just wants to dry-hump a slab of boy in front of you on the off chance that really gets you going for her Janis: You wouldn't call her brainy, bless Janis: Idk, don't worry about it, Jim. Just avoid her/the flat whites like the plague and I'll have to literally run away like I'm an angsty 12 year old so we can't be located, even with friend finder or whatever they stalk each other with Janis: Oooh! Just call me brains, we should pretend to have a romantic weekend away planned, that'll send her over the edge, that is her everything goals Janis: Like I said, I can hide from a hoe Jimmy: I knew there was a reason I kept you about Jimmy: Let's do it though. Easier to take than fake the 'gram Jimmy: Any ideas? 🤔 Jimmy: Most of my boltholes are far from yours and not very enviable for that crowd #it'sgrimupnorth Janis: Yeah, why do you tbh? Janis: Now its clear my sister has got no respect for anyone on her hunt for dick/self-esteem Janis: She's hoping its a twofer like Janis: I don't know if I can stand you for that long, darling Janis: But I SUPPOSE your the lesser of two evils here 😉 Jimmy: It's love 💕 Jimmy: Come on, it'll be a laff. I'll get the beers in Jimmy: You can try harder to beat me at darts and pool Janis: As far as the adoring fans/salty haterz are concerned Janis: and that's all that matters Janis: bitch i don't have to try! 😤 you put me off last time with ur mooning 😍 Janis: we don't need to convince the old fellas in the boozer Jimmy: Fuck off I was getting practice in! Jimmy: If you're ready to fake a break up say the word but until then, it takes a lot of work to give you the puppy dog eyes. I'm not Twix Janis: Sure you was 😂 Janis: N'awwh but you do it so well! Janis: Audition for the School play whilst ur at it, soft lad Jimmy: I do enough fake snogging without signing myself up for that bollocks Jimmy: You coming away with me then or not? Jimmy: You know your sister'll be in again nagging before shift's end Janis: Well, when you put it like that Janis: 😒 Janis: I ain't got nothing better to do, and I certainly ain't third wheeling her fake date Janis: My grandparents got a place down skerries Janis: we can crash there Jimmy: How many rooms they got? My dad's working so I'll have to bring the ramble with Jimmy: #goals I know Janis: Fucking hell, my pissing sister! She owes you more than she's spending on coffee for the hassle she's causing Janis: If you really can't, don't worry, I'll sort her. She'll be unbearable when she finds out it was all for a laugh but it was at her expense so how much of a mug can she actually make me feel? 😑 Janis: That said, there's 3 rooms, its only a caravan don't get excited but the kids would probably be buzzin', it is pretty nice down there Janis: I'll even let you have the double bed to yourself Janis: ol Janis: l Jimmy: It'll stop them nagging me about going somewhere other than the park that'll do me Jimmy: Cass talks big but she isn't even really so doable Jimmy: Don't be getting any ideas though 😍😉 my brother hasn't slept well since we moved. I'll be sharing that double like it or not Jimmy: What a way to spend my first proper time off since I started #blessed Janis: Yeah, fish and chips on the beach even tho its fucking baltic, chasing Twix will keep 'em warm, you'll earn major big brother points as well as bae ones Janis: What a mighty fine man Janis: Same here, Cass. Shh about it though Janis: Like you said, it'll be a laugh, we can make it one Janis: You'd really rather be making pinkity drinkidies or whatever the fuck they are? Jimmy: Nope. But your 1st romantic break usually is. Any talent there is in all grans playing bingo? Jimmy: Be nice to get something off the 'gram 💋 Janis: I ain't been since I was about 9 Janis: I wasn't after bitches then and I ain't now Janis: I wish you luck, 2 kids hanging on your arm and a woman back home, like Janis: Does it for some. Jimmy: I'd do some talking first to get things clear I'm not tall Tammy 😂 Jimmy: Bet you were a right cute kid, weren't you? Aww Janis: Again, have fun explaining that one, mate. I'd struggle with the concept and I'm in on it. Janis: Adorable. What happened? Jimmy: Shut up you know what you look like, mate Janis: A butch lezza? Janis: So I've been told 👍 Jimmy: That's not what they are saying anymore. Check my comments sometime. The lads are gagging for you now Janis: Goody gumdrops. Janis: I'll leave my knickers at the door, like Jimmy: You could like. I've been waiting for you to drop me as your fake bf since this whole thing started Janis: I'm not interested in any of them. Janis: Would your world be set alight by Aaron O'Reilly from form? Janis: If you wanna cop off with some of your fans don't let me stop you Jimmy: You aren't. They're not my type anymore than Aaron's yours. I'm just saying you take a crackin pic and I should know since I'm the one takin 'em. So you don't need to spout that crap. They're just jealous of how much of a butch lezza you aren't Janis: Alright. Well, you're not half bad at taking snaps, and not in the bullshit way every hoe thinks they know their angles and magic lighting these days, you're actually decent. Janis: It don't feel like crap when Janis: blah, meant to delete that, ignore it Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: Wanna help me with my art project while we're away then? Kill all the birds (hopefully not with my flash) Jimmy: I'll owe you again Janis: I won't even joke on you for being a swot 🤓🤞 Janis: What've you got planned? Jimmy: I haven't had any time to think yet beyond film being the medium but Jimmy: #workinprogress Jimmy: with a muse like you m'dear how could I go wrong 💕 Janis: 😜 Janis: just so you know, i ain't bringing any homework but put my name or yours, yeah? 😘 not even in art but might count for something Janis: clue me in tho, brainiac, what do the kiddos like? i'll get 'em something Jimmy: Rookie mistake mate, art's an easy A Jimmy: They'll take anything covered in sugar. Can't say I'll love you for it when they crash mid journey though Janis: Only 'cos you're good at it. With my genes I should be but I can barely draw a stickman. Janis: I'll stick with double sports, sports science and science 👌 Janis: I'll keep sweets in stock for bribery, goes without sayin'! Different pocket to Twix' fish treats, though Janis: I'll have a look down town Jimmy: 😂 did you see that article doin the rounds about the mum who bought her kid a cat's advent calendar Janis: 😂 Yes! Shame catnip don't work like on us like it does cats, that kid would be pingin' Janis: Might get meself some, like Jimmy: What gets dogs off their heads? I'll keep Twix well clear Jimmy: She's high enough on your 😍 Janis: I don't know, actually...telling them they're good bois? Janis: Works for you boo 😘 Jimmy: I prefer being called a very bad boy 😎 Janis: You clown 😂 Janis: Good to know, suppose. Dirty weekend away though it ain't Jimmy: what our fans don't know won't break their jealous hearts Jimmy: you coming in for your freebies today or shall I do a delivery your way once Grace is home? 😉 Janis: Kick it really cliche and be my sexy delivery boy Janis: Try and bring something with sausage in so I can come at you with the quality porn writing Jimmy: Live your fantasies as well as your sister's if you want, my name tag says Jonathon today Janis: Ooh, spicing it up with some roleplay like we're middle-aged okay Janis: How boring are you that you've picked a name so similar to your own...this is why we've hit a dry patch, Jimothy! Jimmy: What would you seriously pick? Janis: For you? Janis: Who's a fittie... Janis: Anthony Joshua could get it Janis: You don't want to be in the play but reckon you can stretch to that? Jimmy: Next time I lose my name tag I'll insist on that. For the bae 💕 Jimmy: About as close as I'll get I think Janis: Who do you want? Janis: I wanna know your type Janis: Bar Tall Tammy Jimmy: Your sister obviously Janis: Fuck off, not even funny Janis: If that were true, you know where she lives bitch, I ain't stopping ya, she's practically shoe-horning you in 🤢 Jimmy: I meant the fit older one 😉 Janis: Ohhh Janis: Still, do one 🖕 I'm not pretending to be my sister you freak Jimmy: That's one pretense too far. Got it 😂 Janis: Yeah, in this hypothetical you've really shit the bed, pal. Jimmy: I only half read that because #customers and thought you called me shit in bed mate Janis: well... 😏 Jimmy: I fake rocked your world Janis Cavante! 😂 Janis: you know we faked it so i didn't have to fake it 💅 Jimmy: Aaron O'Reilly's walking through the door want me to slip him your number and end this? 😝 Janis: I will murder you. Janis: also he might think your trying to set up a threeway for YOUR benefit, so if you wanna take over the gay rumours that bad, go for it 💋🍆 Jimmy: I've seen you with a pool cue I think I'm safe Jimmy: Give a shit. At least I actually am butch Janis: Psh, you're all show no grow Janis: We're arm wrestling, then you'll see Jimmy: 💪 I'll beat you at that too then, shall I? 🏆 Janis: Bring it on. I won't make you cry too hard, save face in front of the kiddos. Janis: 'Let' them kick your arse too 😜 Jimmy: Try it, baby girl 😝 Jimmy: Cass probs could no lie. Scrappy af that one Janis: Good girl 👍 Janis: Gotta keep you in check Jimmy: Doubt you'll be calling her that when she's shadowed you all weekend Jimmy: She loves you. Who knows why? Janis: I keep telling you I'm a delight Janis: Has this...how long has it been? Month, 2? Of SHEER BLISS taught you nothing Janis: Ruuuuude. Jimmy: Nope. I'm with Team Bobby. You're a gross meanie Jimmy: As all girls are 😂 Janis: Well I'm winning Bobby 'round this weekend by hook or by crook Janis: then you can please yourself, billy no mates Janis: Team Janis 💪 Jimmy: Every bro knows you can't be friends with your girl Jimmy: DUH Janis: Oh yeah, all straight couples HATE each other and that's #goals Janis: If I can't be chatting shit on you, how will I get to talk about you constantly to my gals? Janis: Singing your praises? I THINK NOT Jimmy: Speaking of, Gracie and co are back on the premise that Tall Tammy left her....something. I wasn't listening. Should I break the news we won't be here for date night or do you want to do the honors Janis: Dignity? That's long gone, honey. Janis: Ooh, lemme do it, you're coming round with the sausage anyway Janis: We can do it together baby Jimmy: awhhh Jimmy: I've hidden the mistletoe but she can see the top of the highest counters!! I'm on borrowed time what do I do? Janis: Headbutt her in the teeth Janis: 'Accidentally' Janis: Can't help being a normal-sized human Jimmy: #customerservice Jimmy: then recommend her our chewy cookies 😂 Janis: You can see why I'm not trying to be your work wifey too, yeah? 😂 Janis: If you can convince any of those girls to break their diet, I'll be impressed Janis: Don't count if they go vom in the bogs after tho Jimmy: Gracie might be on her way already. One of her posse asked what you were getting me for Christmas and I didn't hold back Janis: Oh no, am I about to get slut-shamed? 😲 Janis: Or, heaven forfend, tips Janis: I will die Jimmy: Damn I didn't think of that. Sorry Janis: Its cool Janis: She's all mouth anyway, not in a beneficial to the cause way Janis: Be interesting hearing what she thinks you want, keep ya posted lol Jimmy: 🙌 Can't wait Janis: that's what you're meant to say about my present! Jimmy: I did, swear 🤞 Janis: what do you actually want Jimmy: Don't worry about it Janis: Oh, is it? If I'm not fucking your brains out you're not interested Janis: Fine then, save my reddies. 👍 Jimmy: That's what I was thinking. Stage a break up before 🎄 for max drama and min spends Janis: Cool. If you wanna. Janis: Just don't tell everyone you chucked me 'cos I wouldn't give it up. Already a frigit. Janis: What's the story then? Jimmy: Obviously not. We've been hooking up for ages got to keep it #goals Jimmy: I don't know haven't thought that far ahead it just makes sense to get out before gifting Janis: Yeah. Fair. Janis: Think on and let me know Jimmy: You too. We can brainstorm at the weekend. Nothing but time then Jimmy: Can't break up right after the break though Janis: Would look sus, yeah. Janis: Maybe I'll whup you one too many times, your fragile male ego can't hack it, eh? Jimmy: Grace'd be smug 😩 Jimmy: Can't even fake that, babe Jimmy: Nobody'd believe the story Janis: She's gonna be regardless Janis: I got the shitty end of the stick here like but ain't nowt we can do about it now Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: No we're goals we just burned too bright that's all 😂 Jimmy: You've got way more time served with me than she does any of her boos she doesn't win Janis: Mhmm. Calm down, Icarus. Sure you'll be comparing some other bint on a balcony to the sun in no time. 😘 Janis: Suppose so. Least hers are real, if not short-lived, and, well, shit. Janis: She won't know the difference anyway Jimmy: There's nobody like you 💕 Jimmy: Exactly I'm not going to tell her we weren't real Janis: Bullshit 💕 Janis: True enough, I'll take it. Jimmy: Shit gotta go the boss is back Jimmy: Love you 💕 Janis: Love you too, Jonathon 💕
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