#and I couldn't concentrate hard enough while just listening
readsaboutreid · 2 months
Cast Your Bets | S.R.
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summary: (Y/N) has been at the BAU for two months now and the tension between her and Spencer has been noticeable to everyone but them. The team takes bets on when they'll finally snap but (Y/N) and Spencer over hear them and some smutty shenanigans ensue.
This is smut so it's 18+, minors please dni.
spencer x bau!reader
contains: unprotected sex, creampie, masturbation (m), fingering (f receiving), non-established relationship
this has been sitting in my drafts for few months so i figured i'd finally let it see the light of day
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The team were all sat on the jet after a long case, everyone off in their own little worlds. Morgan had his headphones on and had nodded off, JJ and Prentiss were playing cards, and Hotchner and Rossi were talking about the case they had just finished in hushed tones. Spencer had run out of reading material so he was just kind of sitting and staring off into space. His eyes fell to (Y/N), her brows furrowed in concentration as she read what looked to be a well-worn book, and he couldn't help the way his heart fluttered in his chest.
Ever since she had started at the BAU, Spencer had been hopelessly infatuated with her. She was intelligent, sweet, and most surprisingly she seemed to enjoy when Spencer would go off rambling about something that would usually leave Morgan rolling his eyes or Prentiss poking him and asking, "how did they make you so lifelike?" But when he was talking with (Y/N) and he would start off on a subject, she would just tilt her head and listen with a soft smile, occasionally chiming in with a question or comment, making it more than clear she was listening to every word.
She locked eyes with him and flashed him the sweetest smile and he felt his cheeks burn with a sudden heat. "Something interesting, Reid?" She chuckled, closing the book she had been reading and setting it on her lap as she turned to face him.
"I—I was just trying to see what you're reading," he lied, unconvincingly. He swallowed nervously and a small smile twitched at his lips at seeing her smile grow even wider before he looked down at his hands resting in his lap.
She held the book up for him to see the cover. Dune.
"Dune? That's one of my favorites!" He exclaimed with a wide smile.
"When I was a little girl this was one of my favorites. My dad would read it to me before bedtime," she explained before opening it back up to begin reading again. "I read it once a year the month of his birthday."
Spencer felt a sudden, inexplicable surge of confidence and decided to take advantage of it. "Hey, uh, I finished the only book I had brought with me earlier, do you mind if I read along with you, maybe? I could just read over your shoulder or something." He bit his lip as he waited for her to shoot him down, the confidence he felt already fading away rapidly.
"Oh! I, uh, o-okay," she responded while her eyes widened a little bit in response to the request. She moved closer to him on the bench they were both seated on. He adjusted the way he was sitting so that she could lean up against him and he found himself silently hoping she couldn't hear how fast and hard his heart was beating against his chest. She opened the book, holding it up high enough for Spencer to be able to read as well and they began reading. Spencer stole the occasional glance at her, the butterflies in his stomach flying around more frantically each time he did so.
His body was in overdrive and he did everything in his power to maintain his composure. He could smell the scent of eucalyptus and lavender on her hair as she leaned up against him and he started thinking about how nice it would be to be able to run his fingers through it while her lips were wrapped around his—
Spencer shook his head, dispelling the thoughts before they had a chance to take root. He cleared his throat and crossed his legs to cover up the fact that he was becoming rather noticeably hard. (Y/N) shifted a bit, leaning further into Spencer's chest and resting her head there gently. His breath hitched in his throat before he relaxed into her, resting his arm around her shoulders and his cheek against the top of her head.
They continued reading until Spencer noticed that she hadn't turned the page in quite a while. When he looked down at her he noticed that she was sleeping quite soundly against him. He tried his best to maneuver without waking her, placing her bookmark in between the pages and closing the book. There was no way Spencer himself would be able to get any sleep right now, but Spencer tried to relax enough to at least be a comfortable human pillow. Wrapping his other arm around her, he eventually found himself getting lost in the scent of her shampoo yet again as his eyes grew heavy.
Next thing he knew, he was waking up to Morgan lightly shaking his shoulder. "Come on lover boy! It's time to wake up. We're about to land," he said in a voice loud enough to also rouse the still-sleeping (Y/N).
She shot up suddenly, her face turning a deep shade of crimson as she stammered out a flustered apology and swiftly rushed off to the bathroom, leaving Spencer to glare daggers at Derek from his seat on the now otherwise empty bench.
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Later that night, Spencer found himself at home, sprawled on the couch with the familiar blue glow of the television screen illuminating the room. The soft hum of the TARDIS filled the air as he half-heartedly tried to focus on the episode of Doctor Who playing before him. But try as he might, his mind kept drifting back to (Y/N).
Her scent still lingered on his clothes, a sweet and intoxicating blend that teased his senses. Images of her leaning against him, of her hair brushing against his skin, invaded his thoughts. His body reacted to these memories, stirring with a desire that he couldn't ignore.
As the scene on the TV faded into the background, Spencer's hand began to stray lower, fingers tracing the outline of his growing arousal through his pants. He closed his eyes, letting himself fully indulge in the fantasy of (Y/N) that had taken hold of his mind.
Her soft lips against his skin, his hands exploring her body with a gentle curiosity...
Spencer reached his hand into his pajama pants, pulling out his throbbing member and wrapping his fingers around himself, slowly beginning to stroke up and down. His breathing grew shallow as his hand moved more purposefully, seeking release from the building tension within him. Lost in a haze of desire and yearning, Spencer's thoughts were consumed by the memory of her touch, her scent, her warmth as she leaned up against him. With a quiet gasp, he abandoned himself to the fantasy, his movements growing urgent as he chased the climax that beckoned to him.
The fantasies of (Y/N) moaning and writhing beneath him in pleasure became more vivid, more alluring, fueling the fire that consumed him. Every fleeting touch, every whispered word in his mind pushed him closer to the edge until finally, with a shuddering breath and a silent cry of her name on his lips, Spencer found release in the solitude of his living room. The waves of pleasure washed over him, leaving him spent and breathless, his heart pounding in his chest.
As reality slowly seeped back in, Spencer lay there in the dim glow of the TV screen, a flush of both satisfaction and guilt coloring his cheeks. He wondered how he would ever be able to look (Y/N) in the eye again, but at the same time he couldn't help but long to see her still.
With a deep sigh, Spencer finally shut off the TV, cleaned himself up, and headed to bed, his mind filled with a mixture of longing and remorse.
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The atmosphere in the bullpen was buzzing with it's usual energy. Spencer and (Y/N) were hunched over their desks, papers scattered everywhere as they focused intently on their work.
Meanwhile, across the room, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, and JJ were observing the pair with playful banter and knowing looks. Their whispers floated through the air like mischievous spirits.
"Hey, JJ, how long do you think it'll be until these two finally give in to their sexual tension?" Derek asked with a cocky smirk.
JJ shrugged. "I'll give it two weeks."
Derek scoffed in response and said, "I say a week tops."
Penelope interjected, "oh please! I give it three days."
"You're all ridiculous" Emily shook her head and laughed, "I bet it'll take 24 hours, tops."
Spencer could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he overheard the playful bets being made about him and (Y/N). His heart raced at the mere thought of what could transpire between them, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within him like a storm.
As they both reached for the same file folder, their fingers brushed against each other's in a fleeting moment that sent a jolt of electricity through Spencer. His hand trembled slightly at the contact, his skin tingling with a sensation he couldn't quite describe. But he couldn't deny the rush of warmth that flooded his veins at the simple touch.
(Y/N) quickly withdrew her hand, her eyes widening in surprise as she glanced up at Spencer. Her cheeks were painted with a delicate pink blush that mirrored Spencer's own, a silent acknowledgment passing between them in that moment.
Emily raised an eyebrow as they all observed the exchange between Spencer and (Y/N). "I told you all—24 hours, no more, no less.”
Agent Hotchner's lowered voice came from behind the group, startling everyone at the table. "Less than 12 hours," he stated calmly, his eyes piercing as they turned towards Spencer and (Y/N). The sudden silence that followed his words was almost palpable, the tension thick in the air as his prediction hung over them like a heavy cloud.
As the others in the room exchanged surprised glances, Derek let out a low whistle. "Hotch, you sure about that?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.
Hotch simply nodded, his expression unreadable as he turned away and walked out of the bullpen, leaving the rest of the table floored as they looked back at Spencer and (Y/N).
The gentle hum of the bullpen around them seemed to fade away as Spencer found himself lost in a daydream, imagining a world where he and (Y/N) were more than just colleagues. His heart quickened at the thought of what could be, but just as quickly, the shadow of doubt crept in.
What if she didn't feel the same way? What if their friendship was forever altered by a moment of vulnerability and desire? Spencer's mind swirled with conflicting emotions—longing mingled with fear, desire intertwined with doubt.
Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice (Y/N) shooting him a quick smile before returning to her work. The warmth of that smile lingered in the air around Spencer, filling him with a sense of hope and a tinge of uncertainty. Was it just a friendly gesture, or did it hold a deeper meaning that he desperately wanted to believe in?
As the day drew to a close and everyone began packing up, Spencer finally spoke up. "Hey, (Y/N)," Spencer nervously fiddled with the strap of his bag, "would, uh, w-would you want to come over and watch Star Trek tonight? We could get some takeout, you know, like we always do the weekend after a case?" She looked up at him with a warm smile that made the butterflies in his stomach flare up and nodded happily.
As they walked out of the office together, Spencer couldn't help the sweat that began coating his palms in a thin layer. He gripped the leather strap of his bag and fiddled with it to give his hands something to do. The elevator took them down to the parking garage and they approached her car. Spencer rushed to open the driver's side door for her, drawing a soft, melodious giggle from her lips that made him go weak at the knees.
He made his way to the passenger side and slipped into the seat, buckling the seatbelt and swallowing the lump in his throat. She pulled out of the parking space and they began the short journey to his apartment. On her car radio a CD started playing, and a man with a soft and pleasant voice was singing to them about a woman with a green plastic watering can and a fake Chinese rubber plant. (Y/N) hummed along to the song and Spencer looked at her from the passenger seat, and as he did so his mind ventured back to the conversation he over heard between their colleagues earlier today.
"Spencer? Why are you staring at me?" She asked with a small smile, snapping him out of his thoughts and back into reality. His cheeks burned as he silently berated himself, not realizing how long he had been looking over at her. A whole new song was playing on the radio now, the same man now singing about how he used to fly like Peter Pan.
"S-sorry, I, uh, I just, uh—hey, wh-what did you wanna order tonight?" He clumsily attempted to change the subject, looking down at his hands as he wrung them together in his lap.
"Oooh!" (Y/N) exclaimed, always excited to talk about food. "There's a new pizza place across the street from your building that I noticed the last time I came over, what if we ordered from them?"
Spencer closed his eyes and exhaled shakily, relief washing over him. "That sounds like a fantastic idea," he smiled and shot another glance her way, this time immediately looking back at his hands.
(Y/N) parked the car on the curb in front of Spencer's building and turned off the engine. They stepped out into the cool evening air and walked across the street, entering the pizza shop. The inside of the shop was small, just a handful of tables. The walls were painted a pale shade of yellow and plastered with vintage Italian film posters. The air smelled of tomato sauce and pesto, and as they approached the counter a middle aged woman with a red apron over her blue dress pushed through the door in the wall behind it, wiping her hands on her apron.
"Welcome! Table for two?" She asked, looking between (Y/N) and Spencer.
"Can we actually just order something for takeout?" Spencer asked, looking at the menu above her head.
"Of course! What can I get for the handsome couple?" She smiled, her brown eyes crinkling on the side.
Spencer blinked. "Oh, uh, w-we, uh, we're not—," Spencer stammered, his eyes widening as his cheeks flushed. "Um, can we get a, uh, a large pepperoni pizza?" He shifted gears, remembering her once mentioning to Garcia that pepperoni was her favorite pizza topping.
"Did you want a two liter bottle of cola? It would only be an extra $1.25," the lady chuckled, entering everything into the register.
"S-sure," he responded, pulling out his wallet.
"Alrighty! That will be $9.25," Spencer handed over a $20 and the lady opened the register drawer and handed him his change. "Please, feel free to have a seat while the two of you wait." She gestured over at the tables, which were all empty save for one, which was occupied by a single woman with a large slice of pizza on her table doing a crossword puzzle, before walking back through the door behind her.
"After you," he turned to (Y/N), following her to a table by the window. He pulled the chair out for her, earning another one of her beautiful giggles that made his legs go wobbly.
"Always such a gentleman," she smiled up at him as he made his way to the other side of the table and sat down. They waited for around 10 minutes and chatted about random topics, flowing from one to the next. The same lady from before approached the table with a white pizza box and plastic bag with the large bottle of soda and little packets of crushed red peppers and parmesan.
"Here you go, one large pepperoni pizza!" She placed the box and the bag on the table and wished them a good evening before heading back through the same door behind the counter.
The pair headed out of the shop and crossed the street, entering the door to Spencer's apartment building. Spencer carried the pizza box and soda while trailing behind (Y/N), struggling to keep his gaze off of her behind as he followed her up the stairs. As they approached his door, he fumbled trying to get his keys out of his pocket and ended up dropping them on the ground.
(Y/N) immediately reacted, bending down to grab the keys as soon as they hit the ground with a good natured laugh. "Need some help, Spencer?" She teased while grinning up at him.
"Yes, please," he laughed in return, shooting her a sheepish grin of his own. She unlocked the door to his apartment and opened the door, allowing him to slip in first and place the pizza and soda down on his small table. She followed and closed the door behind her.
"So I know I had agreed to come over to watch Star Trek, but what would you say to watching a little Doctor who?" She turned to him, a hopeful glint in her eyes. "It's been a while since I've sat down and watched that and I kind of miss it."
"We can watch anything you'd like!" Spencer responded while heading to the kitchen to grab a couple of plates and glasses. He brought them back out and offered one of each to (Y/N). They each helped themselves to a slice of pizza and poured their drinks before heading over to his couch. He grabbed the remote and put on Doctor Who.
They ate their pizza and watched Doctor Who on his couch, each of them getting up for another slice at least once. Spencer stole the occasional glance at her as they ate and watched, and once they both finished he took their plates to the sink and washed them off before quickly returning. As he sat back down, (Y/N) scooted closer to him slowly before gently leaning up against him and softly asking, "i-is this okay?"
Spencer's breath hitched in his throat as he managed to croak out a quiet, "y-yeah, it's okay." He lifted his arm and tentatively placed it around her shoulders while she moved in closer, leaning into his chest and resting her head against it like she had on the plane as they read together. This time he was sure she had to hear the way his heart was racing, but fortunately she said nothing. They continued to watch in silence as the tension between the two of them grew nearly palpable.
Eventually, once Spencer found himself wondering if she had yet again fallen asleep, (Y/N) broke the silence with a question. "So did you hear the team talking about us earlier today?"
"No, uh, wh-what were they, um, talking about?" He lied, doing his best to maintain his composure.
"You are a very bad liar, Spencer," she chuckled, making his cheeks flush bright red as she sat up.
"Sorry," he muttered, closing his eyes before looking up at her. "Y-yeah, I overheard them. I'm sorry about them, I can try to talk to them about it and ask them to stop—"
"No, it's not that! It was actually fairly funny," she chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "But to be honest I'm kind of offended that they thought it would take me that long to seduce you." She joked, nudging Spencer in the ribs. "I mean, Emily said 'no more or less than 24 hours' but I'm fairly certain that if I really tried, and I mean really put my heart into it, I could get you into bed with me tonight." She laughed again but there was a hint of nervousness in it this time, shooting a look at him from where she sat as a faint pink blush began to spread over her cheeks. Apparently she hadn't heard Hotch's bet, but Spencer wasn't focusing on that. He was too busy focusing on the fact that he was sitting here listening to her speculate how long it would take for her to seduce him as if she hadn't been plaguing his dreams and fantasies since they met.
"Good point," he breathed to himself, hoping it was quiet enough that she wouldn't be able to hear over the TV. Unfortunately for him, he thought wrong. He yelped in surprise as she lunged over his lap, grabbed the remote, and hit the mute button, making the TV go silent.
"Oh, really?" She shot him a smile that was an equal mix of surprised and some other emotion Spencer hadn't seen on her face before. "So tell me, Spencer, what might I need to do to convince you to sleep with me?" Her voice was sultry and soft as she bit her lip and looked up at him, her face closer to his than it had been before.
"I-I, uh," Spencer cleared his throat and swallowed, his heart pounding against his ribcage. He had two options: try to lie his way out of this or just tell her how badly he'd like nothing more than to lay her down and take her right there on the couch. His palms grew slick again but he took a deep breath. He had already been called out for his poor lying skills once this evening, so there was no point in attempting the first option. Instead he simply opted to tell her the truth.
"Y-you wouldn't have to do anything more than just ask and I'd say yes." His voice was barely above a whisper and he finally looked up to meet her eyes before he added, "in a heartbeat."
Before he could fully register what was happening she had leaned in and pressed her lips to his softly. His eyes slowly closed as he kissed her back, shifting to turn so he was facing towards her with more of his body. His hands slid to her waist, wrapping around her and pulling her into him.
When they pulled away from each other he reached his hand up to cup her cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. He opened his eyes to find her already looking at him before she softly said, "Spencer, would you like to—"
"Yes," he exhaled with a fervent nod, grabbing her face with his other hand and crashing his lips back against hers, her lips parting to allow his tongue into her mouth. She threw her arms around his neck and laid back, pulling Spencer down with her. They shifted their legs until Spencer's hips rested between her thighs, his cock stiffening rapidly in his pants.
Her hands tangled into his hair and he began gently grinding his hips against her. They both moaned into each other's mouths at the sensation and Spencer's movements became more insistent and needy. When they finally broke apart to catch their breath, her cheeks were flushed and her pupils were dilated. Spencer brushed some of her hair out of her face before he pressed his lips to her cheek, then began trailing kisses from her cheek to her chin, then to her neck. She moved her hands to the collar of her shirt and began undoing the buttons while Spencer rose up to remove his own layers.
Once he had removed his shirt he looked back down at her and the sight awaiting him stole the breath right from his lungs. She had removed her shirt and her bra in the time it took him to get his jacket, vest, and shirt off and her entire torso was on display to him. He brought a hand up to one of her breasts and cupped it in his hand, brushing his thumb over the nipple. He leaned back over her and began kissing her neck again, teasing and tormenting her nipple before moving his mouth to take over, his fingers going to the other one to tease while he suckled and ran his tongue over the first one.
Everything else faded into the background when he heard her moan at sensations, including the throbbing and aching need in his pants. All that he could focus on was drawing more of those sounds form her mouth. He let his teeth graze against her nipple and she gasped, tangling her fingers back into his hair. He let his teeth press gently onto the hardened nub again and the moan she released in response was beautiful enough for him to think that maybe he had died and gone to heaven.
He eventually moved his hand from her other nipple, switching it out for his mouth and giving the first one a break. He let his hand trail down her abdomen, stopping as he reached the waistline of her skirt. He looked up at her from her chest as he hooked his fingers into the waistband and began to gently tug. She lifted her hips and used her hands to push her skirt and panties down before Spencer slowly pushed her thighs back open.
His fingers slid up her inner thigh until he reached her dripping center. His breath hitched in his throat as he felt just how ready she was for him. She whimpered beneath him and he felt his cock twitch at the sound as he moaned against her nipple. He gently ran a fingertip from her entrance to her clit, circling around it slowly before running his finger back down the other way. He repeated the action a few times. As he continued he started slipping the tip of his finger into the entrance of her pussy before swiping up to the clit, and with each repetition his finger slipped deeper and deeper into her.
His head became hazy with lust as he kept going until his finger was fully embedded into her. When he slipped it out this time instead of swiping it up to her clit he instead added a second finger, slowly pushing them both into her and pulling them back out. She arched her back up into his mouth, still tormenting her nipple. He switched back to the neglected one, feeling her chest heave against his mouth. Her fingers were back in his hair and tugging gently, and his cock twitched again at the feeling. He moaned loudly against her chest, and she pulled his hair again in response. He tugged at her nipple with his teeth lightly and she gasped, clenching around his fingers.
He sped up his pace, chuckling against her as the way she stifled a scream. "S-Spencer I'm gonna—oh fuck yes I'm coming!" She cried. Spencer pulled back to see her eyes flutter back into her head and her face twist in pleasure. Her face, neck, and chest were flushed scarlet and he felt as her pussy pulsed around his fingers. The sounds that fell from her lips were more beautiful than anything he'd ever heard. He slowed his fingers down, gently coaxing her through her orgasm.
(Y/N) tugged his hair, pulling him up to crash her lips against his. She then moved those hands to his belt, deftly undoing his belt buckle and fly. Spencer removed his belt and then pushed his pants and briefs to his ankles before kicking them off. (Y/N) reached a hand out and ran her fingers over his cock, her thumb swiping across the tip as it throbbed.
He was aching and leaking into her hand, his hips bucking into her touch while she stroked once, twice, a third time, before guiding the tip between her thighs and pressing him against her entrance. He pushed in immediately, moaning at the heat that enveloped him, and stilled once he was fully sheathed inside of her. He panted heavily as he remained still inside of her, listening to the way she whimpered beneath him.
"S-so good," he whispered, his eyes screwed shut as he tried to keep himself from finishing immediately.
"Yeah? It feels good?" She asked breathlessly.
"Yes!" He moaned. "You feel s-so good." His entire body tensed and his arms trembled under his weight when he felt her begin to writhe beneath him, trying to get some sort of friction between her legs. He took deep breaths before he pulled his hips back and pushed them back forward, earning enthusiastic moans from (Y/N)'s lips as her back arched up off of the bed, her chest pressing into his. He dragged himself back out, then back in, and kept this up until their hips had fallen into rhythm together. Every sound that fell from her lips was more beautiful than the last as Spencer rammed into her and the slap of skin on skin was mixed in with their moans.
"Sp-Spencer—" a moan cut her off, followed by his lips finding hers and swallowing the moan. His hips sped up and he felt her nails dig into his shoulders.
"I—oh my god—(Y/N), I think I'm about to come!" He cried out. He tipped his head back and a desperate whine ripped it's way from his throat as he felt himself growing closer and closer with each disjointed thrust into her and each moan from her lips. "Wh-where do you want—oh god—where should I—"
"Give it to me, please!" She mewled underneath him. "Please, please fill me up Spencer, please I need—" he finished before she could even finish her pleas, moaning loudly as he tensed and spilled every drop into her. He could feel her clench down onto him, could hear her cry out in pleasure and felt her fingernails digging into his shoulders hard enough that he suspected she may have drawn blood, but he couldn't bring himself to care about that through the pleasure coursing through every cell in his body.
By the time he came back down, he could barely hold himself up on his arms with how hard they were trembling. He opened his eyes and was blown away by the sight beneath him. Her hair was tousled and her face and chest were flushed, the latter heaving with her own gasps for air. Spencer leaned in to give her lips a soft kiss before pulling himself out of her. When he looked down in between their legs and saw his seed dripping out of her, his head spun with lust. He was snapped out of it by the sound of a cell phone ringing, and he reached for the source of the sound to determine which of them needed to answer.
When he located the phone beneath his own pants he answered figuring it to be his own phone ringing. "Hello?" He was still breathlessly panting as he looked at (Y/N), her eyes dancing with humor at his tone.
"Reid, is that you?" Garcia's voice came through the phone.
"Yeah, who else would it be?" He asked, gaining back a bit of control over his breathing.
"Well, given that I dialed (Y/N)'s number, perhaps her?" She laughed a little bit. "What are you doing answering (Y/N)'s phone sounding like you just finished a marathon?" She asked, her voice growing more and more excited with each word.
"I—uh, um—(Y-Y/N)'s phone?" He stammered, sitting up quickly at the words as he turned his gaze to (Y/N), who was cleaning herself up next to him with some tissues she had grabbed from his side table. Her eyes widened as she heard those two words come from his mouth and her hand shot to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter. "I. uh, I guess I must have grabbed hers by mistake after we ate lunch together at her desk."
"Spencer Reid you really are the world's worst liar!" Garcia laughed from the other end as Spencer felt his entire face burn with embarrassment at being called out on his poor lying skills twice in one evening.
"I-it's for you," he mumbled while he handed her the phone. After he had cleaned himself up, he put his pants and shirt back on while he let (Y/N) focus on her conversation with Garcia, which she managed to continue while getting dressed. Once she had hung up the phone she pressed her fingers to her temples and rubbed slowly while laughing.
"Well, now that Penelope knows so will everyone on the team," she let out a sigh but then smiled at Spencer so sweetly he couldn't help but scoot closer and wrap his arms around her again. They sat like that for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's presence in front of the still muted television.
"Hey, Spencer?" She spoke up eventually.
"Yeah?" He muttered back sleepily while he absent-mindedly played with her hair.
"I'm going to go grab another slice of pizza, want me to bring you one, too?"
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
hi :) may i request a fic of lando lazily fingering reader & she begs him for more but he’s in a goofy mood & wont listen to her ?
warnings: smut, fingering, lando is a horrible tease
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Lando wasn't much into watching movies. His attention span wasn't long enough to sit there and watch a movie. It was so easy for him to get bored.
But his girlfriend rather loved watching movies. She could sit there for hours and hours, absorbing what was happening on the screen in front of her.
(When she and Lando first started dating, she threw out facts here and there while they were watching. Facts about the movie itself, facts about the actors and the filming process. Her eyes always lit up when she was telling him stuff, and Lando loved it).
She might have loved watching movies, but Lando didn't. Well, he somewhat didn't. He just needed something to occupy his mind while he watched.
His hand started on her thigh. It was warm and comfortable and she parted her legs to allow him a better grip on her. But Lando didn't take it that way.
That much was clear as his hand began moving up her thigh. Her breath hitched. "Lan," she squeaked, not pulling her eyes away from the television screen. Lando simply let out a him, his fingers pushing her pyjama shorts to the side.
She couldn't help but gasp as his fingers brushed over her folds. "C'mon," she whispered, grabbing his wrists. "I wanna watch the movie."
But Lando was so fucking bored. "Please, baby," he whispered, breath fanning her neck.
When she looked down and saw his pout, his puppy dog eyes, she nodded. "Okay," she mumbled. Lando let out a quiet 'yippee!' and got to work.
As he touched her, she was breathless. Her hands had moved through his curls gripping and tugging as he played with her clit. As hard as she tried to concentrate on the movie, she couldn't. Especially not when he pushed a single, long finger inside of her.
"Fuck," she hissed as he wiggled it slightly.
Lando moved slowly, lazily moving his finger. He didn't add another, even when she whined out for more. "Lan, please," she cried, gripping his curls tighter. "Please, please, please."
"What's happening in the movie?"
Her brows furrowed. "Wha-" But the moan he pulled from her lips cut her off as he added another finger.
But he didn't move it, still inside of her. He was an asshole. "What's going on in the movie?" He asked again.
It was then that she realised she had been unable to pay attention. "You were the one that wanted to watch it," he said and pulled out of her.
The loss of contact was torturous. "Lando," she cried, pouting at him. "You're a horrible tease."
He grinned, tongue poking between his teeth. "Yeah, I am."
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bellaxgiornata · 9 months
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Seeking Forgiveness [Part Seven]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.6k
[Full summary and installment list for this series can be found here.]
Warnings/tags: 18+ contains angst, emotional hurt, delayed comfort, pregnant Reader
a/n: I have finally gotten this update up for y'all! It's been written and sitting waiting for over a month, but now that I'm not trying to write holiday fics (though I might still write that Owen Sleater one), it's back to business as usual! Feedback is always appreciated!
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Fidgeting with the beer bottle between his fingers, Matt wasn't paying much attention to the room around him. Which said a lot about his current focus considering how loud Josie’s bar was this evening with the crowd that had filled the space tonight. He also wasn't paying any attention to the conversation Foggy and Karen had struck up a while ago at their table about a client they'd met with earlier today. Because despite the fact that Matt was currently sitting with the pair of them drinking back his beer, his attention was entirely elsewhere this evening. On you a couple of blocks away in your apartment.
Admittedly there wasn’t very much that he could pick up on at this distance where he sat at Josie’s, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from trying to hear what he could–even if he knew he shouldn't be invading your privacy like this. It was already bad enough he always stopped by at the beginning and end of his patrols, always wanting to make sure things were alright. Though deep down he knew he kept doing it because he was desperate to feel connected to the pair of you somehow. He just couldn't seem to stay away despite that being what you seemed to want him to do. 
His eyes narrowed in concentration behind the lenses of his glasses. It sounded like you were cleaning up whatever dinner you'd made in your kitchen, which made sense considering the hour. You usually ate around this time after work. As he listened to the faint sounds of dishes clinking together, he wondered what you’d made to eat tonight. You'd been craving pesto pasta like crazy but constantly kept forgetting to add the items to your grocery list. Something Matt only knew because of his new habit of lingering on your rooftop as Daredevil, not because you'd actually spoken to him recently and told him yourself. For which he kept chastising himself about doing, except he couldn't seem to stop eavesdropping. 
Like right now.
Despite you making it clear you wanted nothing to do with him for the time being, he had tried calling you repeatedly in the hopes of finding a vastly healthier and less invasive way to stay connected with you, but you'd only answered once and it was to ask him to stop calling. You told him when you were ready to talk that you'd reach out to him. Which meant he hadn't tried to show up at your apartment as Matt Murdock, trying to respect your wishes. But that ultimately put him in a difficult position, because not communicating with you meant he couldn't prove himself to you–couldn’t prove how sorry he was for what he’d done. He'd been back and forth on that for the past two days, constantly feeling like the clock was ticking on him finding some way back into your life to show you that you and that baby were what he wanted.
An abrupt, loud snapping noise sounded directly in front of Matt’s face and he jumped in his chair, blinking rapidly a few times behind his glasses. The noise instantly had broken his concentration from his thoughts and your apartment, something that had taken him quite a few minutes to lock in on in the first place considering the distance.
“Matt, buddy, you in there?” Foggy asked.
Matt cleared his throat, forcing a smile onto his face at the sound of his friend's voice. Gradually and begrudgingly his attention and senses returned to the bar around himself.
“Yeah, sorry,” he replied. “Was just zoning out, I guess.”
“Thinking about her again, aren’t you?” Foggy solemnly asked.
“Kind of hard not to,” he muttered.
He felt Karen’s hand land gently on his shoulder before giving it a comforting squeeze. He glanced in her direction, sending the tense smile her way. Despite how much he'd screwed things up with you, and how much Foggy and Karen cared about you, they'd still been incredibly supportive of him. They'd even been understanding of his initial angry outburst at the office for which Matt had guiltily apologized for numerous times by now.
"She's doing alright," Karen assured him. "Though I'm guessing you already know that."
Matt ducked his head, awkwardly running a hand across his mouth as he felt the guilt burn within him. There was no point in denying it. You had to have already figured it out yourself when he'd left that stuffed narwhal at your apartment after you'd gone back to sleep the other night. It wasn't as if he'd expected that to make you feel any differently about him, but he hoped you knew that he was still here. Still around. Still thinking about the both of you. Still wanting the both of you. 
"Yeah, I stop there at night," Matt admitted awkwardly. "Not for long," he lied, "just enough to know things are alright. That she doesn't need anything. And to uh…hear the heartbeat."
Truthfully it had become his new favorite sound, even more than the beat of your own familiar heart. It was muffled but strong, faster than the usual heartbeats he heard all day long. 
"Have you tried just showing up?" Foggy asked curiously. "You know, the way people usually do, not the way you usually do? Just to see what would happen?"
Matt shrugged, shifting in his chair. "I've thought about it," he answered. "I'm just always torn between respecting her boundaries and wanting to show her that I'm still here for her. That I want to be. But I'm always afraid if–” he paused, wincing as the thought crossed his mind. “I'm afraid if I do, it'll only upset her more. Push her away from me even further.”
Karen hummed in thought beside Matt. The sound caught his attention, his head tilting a bit to the side towards her. The noise almost sounded like one of disagreement. 
“What?” Matt asked. 
“I think,” Karen began carefully, “that she's actually a bit conflicted.”
Matt's attention focused entirely on Karen now as he straightened in his chair. His brows rose up curiously onto his forehead, eager for her to elaborate. 
“Conflicted?” he asked curiously. “Conflicted how? About what? Me?”
“Yes,” Karen answered with a faint nod. “I mean she obviously still loves you, Matt. That doesn't just disappear overnight. Ideally I think she'd want you to be raising the baby with her from the way she talks. Going through all of this with her. But she's still hurt. And she's scared. And she, well, obviously still doesn't believe her and the baby would be a priority to you.”
Matt twisted in his seat, fully facing Karen. “So what're you saying?” he pressed.
He heard the way the air shifted as Karen shrugged beside him. Her lip suddenly caught between her teeth where she lightly chewed it for a moment. The pause was killing Matt, his hand tightening around the neck of his beer bottle. 
“I'm saying I think you should find an excuse and show up at her place,” Karen eventually replied. She held up a finger as she quickly amended, “As Matt, not you-know-who. Don't push her boundaries, just show up long enough to show her you're still here, like you’ve been wanting to do. That you're not giving up. I think she needs that more than she's letting on to you. Maybe…find some sort of way to show her you're trying to be a supportive future father and partner.”
“Okay,” Matt mused, running a frustrated hand through his hair and mussing it as his thoughts began to race. “Okay,” he repeated. “So don't show up with apology flowers. Noted.”
“No, but maybe bring her something else that might help her,” Karen suggested lightly. “Something that might be useful during her pregnancy. To show her you're serious about things with her and the baby.”
“Oh!” Foggy exclaimed, excitedly slapping a hand to the table. “Like an excuse to just show up and see her because you're dropping something off!”
Matt sighed deeply, swiveling back around in his seat. He leant his elbows onto the uneven wooden table as he began to rub his palms together in thought. What could he possibly bring you that might be useful for your pregnancy? Something you might actually be grateful for and need? That wouldn't make you curse him from daring to darken your apartment door?
This was something he'd have to give some thought to tonight. 
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Willing your mind to quiet, you lay on your side beneath the sheets of your bed which you'd tugged up to your chin. It was a little after one in the afternoon and you'd been hoping to take a brief nap after lunch, something you couldn't do during the weekdays because of work. Your body usually wanted to give up once this time of day hit, probably partly because of pregnancy fatigue but also because you hadn't been sleeping well lately. 
It was damn near impossible to get comfortable when you laid down even though your stomach wasn't quite that large yet. But the hormones in your body responsible for relaxing your muscles and ligaments during pregnancy were also responsible for the fact that sleeping on your side killed your hips and knees far more than side sleeping ever had in the past. You didn't just wake up to pee or possibly vomit now, sometimes you just ached horribly and couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. Which often led to your mind racing and keeping you awake for part of the night. 
Truth be told though, everything on your body hurt lately. You often had headaches–another perk of early pregnancy–along with constant back and hip pain. Your breasts were still quite sensitive and tender, too. The one bright spot through it all this week had been an appointment you had coming up with your obstetrician. The one where you could get your blood drawn and in another week or so, you'd know whether your little devil would be a boy or a girl. It had been on your mind all week, your excitement barely contained and adding to your inability to sleep. 
Trying to push the thought of the baby's sex from your mind, you squeezed your eyes a bit tighter shut. The light from the sunny afternoon was still slipping in past your blinds, making your room almost too bright. The sounds of the city traffic bustling below your apartment weren't helping right now, either. 
But it was an unexpected knock at your apartment door that had your eyes inevitably flying back open. 
Raising your head from the pillow hesitantly, you blinked hard a few times. You hadn't been expecting anyone to stop by today. Brows knitted together, you pushed the sheets off of yourself and ran a hand over your eyes. Moving slowly along the bed, you gradually pushed yourself upright and set your feet on the floor, noticeably moving slower than if you hadn't been almost eleven weeks pregnant. 
Rising to your feet, you sluggishly made your way out of your bedroom and down the hall. Stopping in front of your door, you undid the locks before turning the handle and pulling it open. The sight of Matt standing before you in one of his fitted tee-shirts with an awkward smile on his face took you by surprise. Your eyes widened as you felt your own pulse increase at the unexpected appearance of him. Gaze dropping down, you saw he was carrying an almost comically large shopping bag in his left hand.
“Matt, what are you doing here?” you asked, one hand gripping the door tighter. “I thought I–I asked you to give me space for now?”
“Yes, you did,” he replied awkwardly, that smile on his face growing more nervous. “But I…I really don't want to stay away because I was still hoping you could give me a chance. To prove how sorry I am.”
Shoulders dropping at his words, you lightly blew out a breath. “Matt–”
“Hear me out, please,” he begged, cutting you off.
An earnest look crossed his face as his dark brows drew together above his glasses. Lips pressing together, you released the door from your grip and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Fine, talk,” you demanded.
“Look, I–I know you want me to stay away,” he began in a rush, as if he was afraid that you wouldn't give him enough time to explain himself before you slammed the door in his face. “And I want to respect that, I do. But I can't walk away from the both of you. I can't . I won't abandon my child and I won't abandon you. I want to prove how sorry I am to you, sweetheart. I want to prove that you can depend on me, that I want this. Because I do.”
“Matt, I already told you that I'd let you have a relationship with your child,” you reminded him. “I'm not telling you to abandon them.”
He shook his head quickly, his hand readjusting on the plastic bag he was holding. It crinkled loudly in his grip and briefly caught your eye again, making you wonder what the hell was in the bag. But when he spoke again, your attention returned to his face.
“You might not see it that way,” Matt countered, still shaking his head, “but to me it's no different. And I won't walk away from you or my own child.” His face grew more solemn as he added softly, “You know me, sweetheart. You know how I grew up, how it affected me. All I'm asking is that you just…just give me a chance to make amends. I made a massive mistake and I hurt you. I was an asshole and I want to fix things. So just…can you at least consider giving me that chance? Please?”
Inhaling a deep breath, your eyes scanned over his anxious, pleading face. Your heart had dropped in your chest the second he'd mentioned his past. Because of course you knew how Matt had felt abandoned by what his father had done, willingly going and getting himself killed when he won that fight instead of losing it which ultimately left Matt alone in the world. You also knew how he'd formed a bond with Stick, his mentor who'd abandoned him the moment Matt displayed his care for the man. You also knew about his toxic relationship–the only other he'd ever had–where his ex had abandoned him because he wouldn't kill his father's murderer. And then of course, you knew how much pain he'd felt when he learned that his mother had been a nun at the orphanage he grew up in, making him feel unwanted because he'd only accidentally overheard the truth as a grown man years later.
Matt Murdock struggled with feeling unloved and unwanted because of his abandonment issues from almost every important figure in his life. And now he was afraid he'd be condemning this child to a similar trauma. The thought of that caused your heart to twist tight in your chest. 
“I'll think about it,” you answered quietly. 
“Thank you,” Matt replied in relief, his expression visibly relaxing.
Your eyes dropped back down to the large bag in his hand, your head tilting to the side as you curiously studied it. Matt let out a nervous huff of a laugh as he shifted on his feet. He extended the bag out towards you and your brows jumped up onto your forehead. 
“I uh, I brought you something,” Matt said, his tone returning awkward. 
For a moment you just stared at the bag in his outstretched hand, unsure what to make of him bringing you anything right now. Slowly and hesitantly you reached out, grasping onto the handles of the bag. Though you let out a surprised gasp when Matt let go and the weight of its contents startled you, almost causing you to drop it entirely. Your other hand darted out, grabbing onto the bag and catching it before it could slip from your grasp. Drawing it towards yourself, you peered inside. 
“It's a pregnancy pillow and a weighted blanket,” Matt explained, running his now free hand across the back of his neck. “I know you have had trouble sleeping lately and I thought they'd help. The weighted blanket should help relax you and the–the pregnancy pillow should help with body pain and the weight of your belly when you're farther along. I actually spent a while researching them. Who knew there were so many shapes?” He chuckled nervously, his hand still rubbing the back of his neck. “Figured this one would work the best for how you sleep–or, how I remember you always sleeping, at least.”
Your jaw dropped as you stared back at Matt, the heavy bag still held in your hands. While the gift was thoughtful and sweet, there was only one explanation as to why he'd brought these particular items which were meant to help you sleep, especially when you'd had a hard time doing exactly that lately.
“Have you been spying on me again, Matt?” you questioned in disbelief.
He hung his head immediately, his shoulders dropping at the accusation. You already knew the answer before he even said a word and your mouth fell open wider.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't,” he apologized shamefully. “I know I shouldn't. But I mainly just check in first thing when I go out at night and–and then once more before I go home. To make sure you're safe and alright because I worry. And I–” he broke off, nervously chewing his bottom lip. “I like to listen to the baby's heartbeat,” he confessed quietly.
Something about the way he'd admitted that last bit had disarmed you. That wasn't what you expected him to say and you momentarily felt your heart soften to him. But your upset about him eavesdropping on you soon washed back over you again, your hands curling tight around the bag.
“I don't like that, Matt,” you warned him. “That makes me uncomfortable knowing my ex is listening in to whatever I'm doing in here and I don't know about it.”
Matt nodded solemnly in response. “I understand, I do. I'll try my best to refrain, but if something brings me nearby at night I…admittedly have a hard time not picking up on things.” He shrugged faintly, his covered gaze still downcast. “I'm just tuned into you and it's sort of a habit by now after how much time we've spent together.”
An awkward silence settled over the both of you at his explanation, the pair of you standing there wordlessly. You weren't about to invite Matt inside–especially not after just learning that –but you could also tell he clearly didn't want to go, either. Though after a moment he shifted his weight between his feet before he glanced up in your direction once again. His lips were twisted downwards at the corners, guilt and sadness barely hidden on his face. You fought to ignore the urge to draw him into a hug at the sight.
“I'll let you go, I can tell my visit isn't exactly what you want, but can you think about what I asked?” he questioned. “About giving me a chance to prove myself?”
Blowing out a breath, you slowly nodded. “I'll think about it,” you told him softly, “but I'm not making any promises, Matt.”
He shot you a tense smile, nodding his head once as he took a step back into the apartment building hallway. Something tugged at your heart knowing he was leaving, but you quickly tried to ignore that feeling, too.
“Hope those help,” he murmured, briefly gesturing to the bag.
Without another word, Matt turned and made his way down the hallway and back towards the elevator at the far end, his cane tapping lightly along the floor. You watched his retreating form for a moment before you forced your eyes away. You didn't know quite what to make of his surprise visit. 
Closing the door of your apartment, you locked it again before dragging the heavy bag back to your bedroom. You were still tired and had every intention of attempting that nap despite the unexpected interruption, and admittedly you were curious about the items Matt had brought you. Would they actually help you fall asleep?
It was a few minutes before you'd managed to unpackage the incredibly soft, gray weighted blanket and spread it over your bed. You'd put the pregnancy pillow up on the bed underneath the blanket afterwards before you'd climbed up onto the mattress and slipped beneath the blanket. Immediately you wrapped your legs around the pillow and snuggled up to it, feeling the pain in your hips instantly lessen in this position. You sighed in relief, letting your eyelids gently drop as you felt the weight of the blanket relaxing you, just as Matt had claimed it would. 
With a soft, contented hum, you nuzzled into your pillow and felt that wave of exhaustion begin to overtake you. But as you lay there waiting for sleep, you couldn't help but imagine it was the weight of Matt's arms wrapped around you, comfortably sinking you further into the mattress. And if you kept your eyes closed and tried hard enough, you could imagine it was Matt's thick thigh that your legs were wrapped around, wedged between yours just like you'd slept many nights in the past with him. 
Which was how you finally found yourself drifting comfortably to sleep–imagining you were safe in Matt’s arms, the place you so desperately missed being. 
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Tag List: @mattmurdocksstarlight @just-going-through-the-motions @paracosmic-murdock @yeonalie @auroraslibrary @1988-fiend @will-delete-this-later-probably @two-unbeatable-beaters @danzer8705 @ragamuffin285 @callmebrooklynbabes @spookyboogyuniverse @peachy-aisha @stevenknightmarc @nerdytreeflower @fucktthisworld @remuslupinwifee @kmc1989 @thychuvaluswife @mywellspringoflife @thornbushrose @yarrystyleeza @shiorimakibawrites @marvelcinematiquniverse @vallovesthedilfs @scoliobean @this-is-music @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @swissy23 @babygorewhore @that-girl-named-alex @warsaur @lareinaisabelle @pazii @senjoritanana @mischiefmanaged71 @xxdrixx @jess-rye @hannahbohen @theclassicvinyldragon @karolamurdock @theoraekenslover @mr-underhills-things
[Some tags aren't working, I never fully know why. If I've misspelled yours, please feel free to let me know! Otherwise it's just tumblr being a pain and not tagging for unknown reasons because this always happens. I'm sorry!]
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sweetlikeyou · 2 months
baby, you get me so (so soaked) ✧₊
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❦︎ sum. satoru had always liked to collect shiny things ever since he was a little boy, and over the years the habit had only grown and festered until it wasn't just a habit but an obsession. an obsession for him to not just simply collect the things he considered pretty and be done with it, but instead keep it close to him forever, selfishly, never to be shared with another. he was constantly buzzing with the need to find a more shinier, more prettier thing to add to his collection and make his. always searching for something more marvelous in its beauty than his previous possession, that was until he found you. the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes on.
pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw content, clothed sex (somewhat lol the reader has her titties out but otherwise everything is clothed), unprotected sex, implied height difference, professor-student relationship (but it's not the main focus it's more like just there), breeding kink, creampie, age gap (reader is 19 while gojo is 29), dry humping, semi-public setting, fingering (f! recieving), implied obsessive behavior, implied stalking, light possessive behavior, daddy kink, light choking, pet names (bunny, angel, doll, princess, baby), degradation (but not really lol), light praise, orgasm denial/delay, passing out, oh also like gojo leaves a WHOLE lot of hickies so yeah
song to listen to while reading: soaked (slowed + reverb)
w/c: 3.8k+ words (i wanted it to be shorter😭)
read ︎it on ao3 here
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satoru had always liked pretty things. ever since he was a little boy, his mom and dad would bring him the prettiest, most expensive things they could find for the child prodigy, till the point he got obsessed. obsessed with the idea of wanting all the prettiest things just to himself, not to be shared even with his closest of friends.
but still it wasn't simply enough for him to just collect a few things he considered pretty and be done with it, no, he always buzzed with the need to find a more shinier, more prettier thing to add to his collection and make his. that was until he found you.
you were the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes on in his twenty-nine years of life filled with extravagance and beauty. he had seen and possessed many things that made others green with envy and want yet none of the things in the past compared to you.
he was obsessed from the glance. he couldn't stop his mind from wandering into the familiar thoughts of your face, your smile, your body, oh god, your body. the most sinful of things that could make even the devil blush with lust. ample curves that strained against the tight fabric of your top, thick thighs that were always bared due to the skirts you always like to be donned in, elegant neck that would look so pretty with satoru's hand wrapped around them to leave a ghost of bruises behind their wake, an innocent smile on your face that made your eyes shine with wonder and awe until satoru thought his heart might burst just from seeing you.
he loved everything about you. he loved the way you would furrow your brows in concentration when solving a particularly hard question – you never were the brightest after all – and how when you – by some miracle – solved it the most dazzling of smiles would adorn your face. he loved the way you wobbled in your high heels, still not used to it even after wearing it for quite some time but still not abandoning them even after stumbling in it too many times for you to count. he loved the way you blushed oh-so-prettily when reading those dirty novels, thinking no one was watching you but satoru always did.
it had become a habit of sorts, watching you.
satoru watched you, luring men in into your orbit with those short pink and white skirts, heavenly smile and an innocent smile on your face. he watched you, completely oblivious to the effect you had on the opposite sex, the effect you had on him. he watched you darting from one place to another in the café you worked at to make some spare cash, while your skirt swished back and forth over your ass, making every pair of eyes in the room follow your movements. he watched you...until he couldn't hold himself back and had to claim you as his.
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the sky was pink and hazy just like your little outfit when you came out of the café you worked at, your pretty little head too observed in your phone to notice him walking towards you. you frowned at something at your phone with a soft pink blush covering your face that satoru could see even from a few meters away. huffing, you typed something on your phone and red-faced kept it away in your pocked muttering something all the while. satoru smirked when he saw you this flustered but soon the smirk slipped off like the sun in the sky above when he realized it wasn't him causing that blush. before he could even process what he was about to do he was in front of you.
startled you looked up and your eyes widened, a blush spreading over your cheeks. satoru stifled another smirk that threatened to slip on his smirk.
"pro-professor?" you stuttered too flustered to even talk properly in front of him after all it must be quite surprising seeing him in front of you, outside the class. oh, his poor little bunny...
"my my! what a surprise to see you like this! what a coincidence huh? small world am i right?" satoru said with a grin. small world indeed.
"huh?" you said still recovering from seeing satoru in front of you, then you nodded a little slowly, as if his words just now trickled into your brain, "oh yeah! it's so nice to see you though, professor!" you said with a pretty blush and shy smile adorning your face.
"is it now?" satoru said in a tone which was so unlike the tone he used with you so mean and cold and mocking but before you could think more about it, he turned his head up, no longer looking down to meet your eyes.
he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen with eyes a million shades of blue. blue that was present in the ocean, reflecting sunlight onto the sky above. blue that was present in the sky with light clouds hovering in it. blue that was present in water, always rippling and never resting.
his eyes truly were all the blues that was present in all kind of shades in the universe all coming together to form the most mesmerizing shade of blue in the form of satoru gojo's eyes. it was a shame truly he kept them covered with those sunglasses he seemed to fancy even when the sun was truly well beyond its horizon.
as for his face it was truly a work of art, one that even the most prettiest of models would covet and the most brilliant of artists would want as their muse, with soft-looking white hair as light as snow that fell just perfectly over his even more perfect face. simply just looking at the sheer perfection of the man hurt.
satoru smirked noticing your staring and unbidden your eyes went to his lips as pink as the sky above. they looked as soft as the clouds that hovered over them. so inviting and so very...warm. what would they feel like if he touched his lips to yours? would his kisses be as sweet and languid as honey or would they be rough and demanding and all consuming until you forget your own name? what would his lips feel like against your skin? tracing sinful places on your body until you could do nothing but whine and writhe under him hoping he would get the hint and touch you. what would his lips look wrapped around your clit, fucking you with his tongue until you saw stars and–
"princess?" satoru's smug voice brought you back to the present. you looked up to see him grinning down at you – or rather it was something between a smirk and a grin as if the man was too overjoyed by something to properly smirk. he had a teasing lilt to his voice when he said the word. you blushed profusely, hearing exactly what he said once you were back in the present and not inside your own lewd fantasies.
you wanted him. you always had, from the first moment you saw him he was all you thought about. he was the thought that plagued your mind when your hand was rubbing your cunt furiously at night, trying to get some relief but your traitorous mind unhelpfully supplied that it wasn't his hand that touched you, but instead your own finger that would never be enough to extinguish the flame that saturo gojo lit in you.
suddenly feeling too hot under your own skin, the clothes you wore itched your skin, a pleasant hum of arousal humming under your skin.
"what happened? you look hot...do you need water?" satoru asked amusement clear under his tone. his poor little baby, she must be so confused to see him outside the little bubble of his class and if that wasn't enough satoru just had to go and call him 'princess'. it all was going too fast he should be more careful so as to not scare you.
"y-yeah! it's just weird you calling me 'princess' that's all!" you said with a nervous giggle. "do you say that to all of your students professor?" you asked trying to joke and pass the situation as a joke not wanting him to know just how much that little word had affected you.
satoru's eyes darkened, taking a step closer, leaning in he said, "no, only you, baby...why you jealous? hmm? is that it? would my pretty little doll, only want me for yourself? just ask angel and it's yours. i'm yours."
"hmm?" he said against your lips.
"you what, baby?"
"i-oh!" you gasped as he leaned close enough that you could smell his sweet breath, almost feel the ghost of his lips against yours. close enough that if you moved even an inch you would be kissing.
satoru smirked against your lips and whispered with his voice rough around the edges, "tell me to stop, princess. tell me to stop, because once i get a taste of you...i'm never letting you go."
his voice and his proximity made you shiver, an involuntary whimper escaping your lips. just the sound of his voice made you shiver, sickly sweet and hot arousal coursed through your body and made you clench your thighs. satoru watched the movement with dark eyes, the black of his pupil taking over the blues of his eyes until his eyes were not the sparkling blue shade of diamonds but rather the blue of the ocean before a storm.
before you could get a word out, his lips clashed into your in a frenzy, a low and harsh growl slipping past his lips. he kissed you, no, devoured you, his lips moving harsh and hungry against your lips. his grip bruising on your jaw tilting your face upwards, harsh enough to leave bruises. his lips moved against you as seamlessly like a well-practiced waltz making you moan shamelessly and clutch his shirt hard enough for your knuckles to go white with the impact.
"mine," he growled, biting your lip harshly, hard enough to draw blood – but not quite. he broke off the kiss making you whine underneath him, begging for the warmth of his lips. "say you're mine, princess." he murmured harshly as his lips moved towards your neck, sucking roughly, until there was no doubt that it would bruise and until there was no further doubt that you were his. it would leave dark and angry red and violet bruises on your pretty neck for the whole world to see and know that you were his and only his.
you whimpered as he kissed a particularly sensitive spot on the side of your collarbone, your hand going to his head of soft white hair and it felt like the most exquisite of experiences one could go through in their life. his hair was softer than anything you had ever touched. wanting more and more and more, you tugged harshly on his softer than feather hair making satoru smirk against your skin and instead of getting the hint he pulled off you completely.
"princess is getting more needy hmm? such a little slut for me. begging for me hmm?" satoru said smirking, peppering light kisses all over your face. you whined, wanting him nearer.
"want yo-oh!" you broke off into a low and needy whine as saturo bit your earlobe between his teeth.
"want me?" you nodded, helpless. "only me?" he asked, with a desperation and intensity that might have scared you if you weren't too drunk on his kisses.
"just you–oh god just you! please please please! professor! oh goooodd!" you whined as he kissed feather light kisses on your jaw, teasing you.
"my my, such a cock hungry whore i have got for myself here, begging me like this in the middle of somewhere anyone could walk in and witness the pathetic mess you are right now." gojo taunted. you blinked, suddenly coming aware of your surroundings and the road you were standing on, albeit it was abandoned the danger of someone walking in was still there. but you were too far gone to care for them, let them watch, you thought, let them watch the way he will make you his and let them go green with envy.
"oh, you don't care, do you now, doll? too far gone aren't you baby? didn't even touch you and yet look at you. such a pretty little thing you are, god. so perfect for me." he groaned before lifting you up making you squeak in surprise and wrap your legs around his waist on instinct. before you could question him any further, he slammed you against a wall of a secluded alleyway, going back to worshiping your neck with kisses and bruises, making you arch your back, pushing your breasts into his chest.
"god such a needy little whore for me." satoru murmured against your neck, leaving breaths of hot air over the newly formed bruises. "only me, no?"
"yes! yo–ohh–godd!" you screamed as he sucked particularly hard on the spot just above your collarbone.
"such a good little whore for me." satoru crooned. "c'mere baby." he said softly as if you were a delicate thing to be treasured, the behavior so different from the way he was acting moments before, leaving bruises on your neck left and right like a madman.
he propped you on his thigh, making your pussy flutter with need by the slight friction it provided.
"now be a good fucking girl for me and ride my thigh, baby." he said, lowly, watching you through hooded eyes. and you did just that.
you rolled your hips gently, a broken sob escaping your lips just from the sweet friction. clutching his shoulder harshly with your fingertips you rolled and moved your hips along the rough material of his jeans until your panties soaked through leaving a spot on his thigh in its wake. slowly, quickening your pace you rolled your eyes letting out a high and needy whine making satoru smirk and resume his brutal assault on your neck.
"go-od!!" you moaned, his mouth against your neck and the constant rubbing of your cotton clad cunt against the rough material of his jeans creating the most delicious of friction.
"are you praying to me, angel?" satoru said a little smugly but you paid no heed to his words to far lost in your own selfish pleasure. you whined feeling the brink of your sweet sweet release just on the brink of the high you were riding now. grinding down harder, you sank your fingers on his back, resting your cheek against his shoulder your breath came out faster and faster, your cheeks reddened into an lust drunk hue of pure want.
"satoruuuu!" you moaned, biting your lip to stifle the sound in case anyone passing by heard you.
you cried just from the pleasure seeping into your bones from the friction, just a little more and–
"my god such a needy little slut i have here, so selfish, no?" he said, lifting you up from his thigh as if you weighed nothing, as if you were nothing but just a mere ceramic doll that he decided to place from one place to another. you hovered in the air with him holding you with hand under your shoulders, the cold air brushing against your clothed cunt that was now dripping with slick down your thighs.
you could feel the hot angry tears of betrayal clouding your vision. "satoru please!" you cried out, you couldn't even care about the pathetic display you probably made in front of him with your tear filled eyes and red face. but satoru payed no attention to you merely tsking and putting you back on your feet – which was a terrible idea really considering the way they wobbled and you stumbled forward into his arms, making you bury your face on the side of his chest.
"please," you pleaded, clutching his arms that caught you tightly, so that he could never let you go, "satoru please!"
you paused when there was no reaction and then, "daddy please!" you whined before you could even think about it. beneath you satoru stiffened.
breathing harshly, he yanked you by your arms harshly making you cry out. leaning in, he growled lowly in a harsh tone, so unlike himself, "you stupid little slut. do you have any fucking idea what you said just now or are you truly that cock-hungry that you can't even think straight?" if his eyes before were the dark blue of an ocean before a storm now they were the dark blue of the sky during a storm, thundering with a want so violent it made you scared.
"come here now," he said his voice so hoarse it was barely recognizable and before you could even speak he connected your lips to his. he sucked on your bottom lip and bit down on it and before you could think his tongue was in your mouth and you couldn't think because it was now gliding so smoothly against your own that you had no choice but to groan into his mouth, making him swallow the sound into his mouth.
suddenly his hand was at the top of your white lace blouse and without breaking of the kiss he ripped through it, exposing your pretty pink lace bra with a bow to hold it together. pulling off his lips from yours he moved towards your jaw, then your neck and then finally his mouth hovered over your bra and–you screamed as he yanked the flimsy material down and sucked one stiff nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over it and biting just hard enough for the pain and pleasure to mix into a pleasant hue. one hand went over to your other boob, squeezing it until you moaned.
the other hand trailed down to your thighs and then slowly to your upper inner thighs. he circled the slick sensitive part of the inner skin of your thighs, just below your panties, with his thumb making you cry out.
"daddy!" suddenly the thin sopping material of your panties was pushed aside and before you could even register the movement he slipped two fingers at once inside you making you scream out at the sudden intrusive.
"oh my god," you cried out as pain gave way to pleasure as he rubbed the soft spot inside you and rubbed your clit with his thumb. you were so wound up that just one more stroke of your clit made you cry out and–
he retracted the fingers from your pussy completely and you cried out, sobbing before him, "please, please, please daddy!"
"oh princess, look at you, i wish i could torture you any further but i am no masochist...seeing you like this, fuck, baby it's messing with me. now, open your legs for me like the good whore that you are, baby."
you did just that as gojo unzipped his pants taking his cock out and stroking it leisurely by the sight of you. his cock was so hard that it looked painful even to you, the tip an angry red with veins protruding along the shaft making you drool imaging it inside you but oh god, at the same time...
"daddy," you whined in distress, "it won't fit."
"we'll make it fit, princess." he said pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. lifting you up, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, while your back was pressed against the wall to give you support.
spreading your legs, satoru took his cock in his hand, pumping it, he slowly brought it to your cunt rubbing it against the wet material of the lace of your panties.
"daddy please!" you whined and satoru looked into your eyes with lust-drunk eyes.
"anything for my angel."
he yanked the material aside and slowly pushed the tip inside. you moaned out loud, the stretch so delicious you couldn't help but rock your hips against his, seeking more.
"such a greedy little slut." satoru said smirking and before you could reply back, he pushed all the way in making you cry out in pain that blurred so fast into pleasure as he hit your g-spot that your eyes watered up and suddenly you couldn't breathe.
"breathe princess," he said placing a soft kiss on your hair, allowing you to get used to the feeling of him inside you. you breathed in and out gently until you didn't feel like you might just pass out from the overwhelming onslaught of emotions.
"daddy– please move," you said once you had calmed down 'cause him staying still inside you was so so painful when all your body needed was to feel him pounding inside you until you finally got your long-awaited pleasure.
"whatever my angel says," satoru said before pulling out and then immediately pounding into you making you cry out. he started a brutal pace of his dick inside you, the lewdness of the scene only increasing from the sound the wetness inside you made and the slapping of skin against skin.
he wrapped his hand around your dainty neck and squeezed gently making you moan.
"like that don't you baby, hm?" he said squeezing a bit harder than before.
you nodded, your head too drunk on his cock to reply with anything coherent.
"gonna cum–ahh!" you moaned as he hit another deep spot inside you that made a fresh new wave of arousal roll inside you.
"cum for me, baby" he groaned. "i'm gonna come inside you too now 'k?"
"would you like that, princess? would like for me to come inside you? would you like me putting my babies into you? hmm? fuck, you would look so pretty knocked up like that..."
the words washed over you and suddenly you were coming around his cock. you pussy spasmed around his cock. the pleasure made you see spots of white in your vision and it was like falling off a cliff with no end visible. but even then, satoru didn't stop, he continued his assault, somehow going even faster and harder and pressing his thumb against your clit until you felt another orgasm approaching too fast for you to even catch your breath.
"fuck baby–" satoru said as his hips stuttered and soon he was coming, coming inside of you. but he still didn't stop, it was as if he wanted to fuck his seed deeper and deeper into you and it was that thought alone that made you cum with a loud cry around his cock once again until you felt the darkness wash you ashore as you passed out. the last thing you felt was satoru's arms catching you and a gentle kiss pressed tenderly to your forehead.
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oh-thats-what-it-is · 9 months
Jess Mariano SMUT: The best friend and the boyfriend.
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POV: Your best friend Rory always gets what she wants as the town’s golden girl. Well, you have had enough and its time you get what you want.
WARNINGS: 18+ (minors dni); cheating; rory slander; lorelai slander; p in v intercourse; dirty talk; unprotected sex; light choking - i think that is it
AUTHOR’S NOTE: wasn’t enough jess smut for me on here. Wanna fix that! first time writing anything so please be gentle. 2k+ words
You’re at Luke’s diner trying to get some work done before your exam tomorrow. The wetness inbetween your legs was proving a great distraction to the task at hand. You had to muster every ounce of concentration to listen to what Lane and Rory were saying. The three of you were finishing up your group project for school. You had all been friends for years, but recently you had found it hard to be yourself around them.
The reason for that, was standing behind the counter, serving customers with a surly look and a quippy comment if he spoke at all. Jess.
The whole town knew about him and Rory. How could they not? Stars’ Hollows’ golden girl drew attention wherever she went. Her and Dean’s romance had been the talk of the town - the stuff of young love! And she could do no wrong. Even after she dragged Dean through hell and back with her indecisiveness before ultimately bringing him to breaking point - people still loved her.
And hey - you did too. She was your best friend. But you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the way the town fawned over her. Even though it had been happening your whole lives. Rory and her busybody, try-hard mother were the apple of the town’s eyes. And you were used to it.
But you had been surprised that Jess had fallen for it. When he arrived in town, a sullen and brooding figure, you had immediately felt drawn to him. You could sense his angst. You could feel it vibrating off of him. And lets not pretend like he wasn’t a total smokeshow. He looked like a man.
If only Lorelai and Luke weren’t so close. Then you might have gotten your chance. But as fate had it, and as it always seemed to, Rory got in there first. Lorelai invited Luke and Jess over for a welcome dinner, and he instantly became smitten with Rory’s mild manner. It only took a matter of months - and a breaking of one Dean Forrestor’s heart - until they became an item.
At first it was all rosy. Rory wouldn’t shut up about it. But you could tell. Something wasn’t quite right. Two months passed and Rory would go red every time Jess was brought up, or came to sit with your group at lunch. You asked Rory - genuinely as a friend. She would just mumble and divert the subject. Lane also pressed, but there was no budging Miss Gilmore.
It was only a month ago when you cottoned on to what the problem was. You had been wearing jeans that hugged your ass, and a top that teased just enough of your cleavage to make anyone blush. You bumped into Jess in the hallway at school. As in, physically bumped into him, as he came around the corner. He grabbed onto you out of instinct to apologise.
“Oh hi Y/N. What are you….” His eyes trailed down to your chest. You didn’t notice at first. You thought he was dazed by the surprise interaction.
“Just on my way to Spanish. Señora Castilla is making us do a book report - I’m doing 100 years of Solitude.”
“Hmm” he responded. “That’s one of my favourites. Magical realism, love, scandal - “
And then you clock. His eyes are on your tits. His hand is still on you. On the small of your back.
This man is hungry. He hasn’t been laid or anything of the sort in a while. Or at least since he has been with Rory. Jess wants you. You avert your gaze.
“Jess. I have to go.”
He moved his hand lower, testing the waters. You don’t remove it. You inhaled, trying to retain your morals. You remind yourself: We’re in the middle of the hallway. At school. He is Rory’s boyfriend. Rory is my best friend.
You repeated these over and over to yourself like a mantra, willing yourself to move. After what seems like an eternity, he whispers in your ear: “My car. 10 minutes,” and sauntered away.
And that was how it began. A whole month of some of the steamiest makeout sessions, hottest sex, and best orgasms of your life. Did the secrecy turn you on? Maybe. Did you feel bad for Rory? Perhaps. But were those moments with Jess worth it? Absolutely.
You had to be careful. Not just to avoid Rory and Lane. But Luke couldn’t know either. If he did, he would have gone straight to Lorelai and it would have been a whole thing. It wasn’t worth it. So the two of you would sneak in quickies in his car, behind Miss Patty’s studio, in the AV room at school etc.
But Luke was out tonight. Doing something for Lorelai probably. Who knows. Jess had suggested the two of you take advantage of the situation. He had recently acquired his own room at Luke’s, ever since his uncle had knocked a hole in the wall for him. It wasn’t much, but you couldn’t wait to share a bed with him, and take your sweet time worshipping his body.
“Okay Y/N, we’re off. You coming?” Asked Lane.
“Nah, I have a bunch more work to do for my college application. I will see you both tomorrow?”
Rory went over to give Jess a kiss goodbye. You couldn’t help but smirk as you saw him looking at you as she kissed his cheek. The two girls waved goodbye and left the cafe.
The minute they left, Jess pounced on your table. He summoned Cesar to take over his shift and close up.
“Cmon baby” he whispered, taking care not make it look obvious to the other customers what was going on.
You and Jess went up the stairs silently but quickly. The minute you reached the top flight and opened the door into the living quarters, Jess slammed the door shut and pressed you against it.
“Do you know how bad you are? Sitting right next to my girlfriend and giving me those ‘fuck me’ eyes all night? It was all i could do not to take you on the table right there.”
His forehead was against yours, his hands cradling your face. All you could see was him. All you could feel was him.
“Such a good boy for restraining yourself,” you cooed, trying lure him into making the first move. Each time you were together, it still felt like new. A game of chicken. Who would break first? Fresh and dangerous, yet familiar and comforting all at once. “It must have been so hard for you” you said, moving your hand towards his crotch. “Show me how much you want me” you dared.
It was too much for him. He growled and leant in to kiss you with everything he had. He was messy and sloppy with need. His teeth clashed against yours. You moaned with need. Your hands wandered to your waist, dipping under your trousers, then your panties. You started playing with your clit and panting his name back into his mouth.
You were still against the door. Jess moved his hands under your shirt, finding the valley of your chest easily as you hadn’t worn a bra today.
“Fuck” he said, breaking the kiss. “You had your tits out all day baby girl? You are such a slut, wanting everyone to notice.”
Before you could begin to formulate a reply, his mouth was on your left nipple. You sighed as he sucking with such fervour. Just as you got used to the sensation enough to say something witty to him, he bit down hard. You yelped - this was a new move from him. He obviously felt emboldened by the new setting, being in his own territory and out of a car.
Jess went to your right nipple, sucking and making the most obscene slurping noise and his hand went to your other tit. It was too much. It felt too good. You started playing with your clit with even more until he finally noticed.
“That’s my job Y/N. Its not like you to be so selfish!“ he scolded. He grabbed both your wrists and pressed himself into you, letting you feel his bulge. You whimpered at the loss of your fingers inside your wet cunt and pouted at him. He brought your fingers to your mouth.
“Suck” he said, with a devious glint in his eyes. Like a fucking wet wipe, you did as he said. You were embarrassed at first, but didn’t care. You would do anything he said at this point.
When he was satisfied you had fully cleaned your fingers, he took them out your mouth and kissed you hard and hungrily on the lips.
You saw you opportunity to the turn the tables, to take power. “Jess?” You asked innocently.
“Hmm?” He responded, trailing kisses down your neck.
“The whole point of tonight is that we have a bed for once. Let’s make the most of it.” You pushed him off you and took his hand. You walked past the door to his bedroom. He stopped you and looked at you confused.
“Oh Jess. I don’t wanna be fucked in your single bed. I want to feel all of you” you whispered in his ear, guiding him to Luke’s room and king-sized bed.
His eyes widened with realisation and need. Was this a bad idea? Almost certainly. Did he care? At this point, not even wild horses could stop him from having you. He would do anything you said. And he had to admit, there was something hot about doing it somewhere he shouldn’t.
You pushed Jess onto Luke’s bed, unzipped his jeans and pulled down his boxers. His cock sprung up immediately. It was red, throbbing and angry. You couldn’t help but drool. Jess saw this and smirked. He knew what he did to you. He pulled off his shirt, knowing it would drive you crazy.
You dived onto his cock, unable to wait any longer. You took all of him in his mouth, as he held your head there. His pubic hair tickled your nose. You stayed there for as long as possible, until your eyes watered. You took your head off, wiped your mouth, and then began bobbing up and down slowly.
Jess propped himself up on his elbows, watching you like a hawk. His tongue was sticking out as he concentrated his breathing to stop himself from blowing his load. His dark curls were pressed wet against his forehead as beads of sweat started to roll down his face.
You moved to his balls, gently sucking them into your mouth while your hand moved up and down on his rock hard member. He started moaning and rocked his hips into your hands, desperate for more.
You had him right where you wanted him. You removed yourself from him completely and clambered to sit on top of him. His cock was nestled in your folds. So close to where he wanted to be. So close to where you wanted him to be. But you decided the chase was more fun. You lowered yourself down, so that your tits were pressed against his chest.
You whispered “Can Rory make you feel this way, Jess? Does she drive you wild like I do? Can she make you moan like a bitch the way I can? Has she ever made your cock this hard?” You punctuated each sentence with a nip on his ear.
“Fuck you,” he replied, grabbing your ass and turning you onto your back so that he was on top. He pushed himself into you and started fucking you with no mercy.
Your tits were bouncing with every thrust and you were whimpering with need every time he pulled out. You snaked your arms around his back, pulling him deeper into you. You didn’t want any space between you.
“You’re such a whore Y/N. Fucking your best friend’s boyfriend. I can’t believe it turns you on so much.”
You moaned at this words, unable to deny the appeal of the whole situation.
“Fuck baby, I can feel your cunt clenching around me as i say that! You are a fucking whore Y/N, squeezing me with your greedy pussy. Such a bad fucking girl.” Jess yelps, spanking your ass.
“I am a whore Jessy, your whore, only for you” you cried, embarrassed by your pathetic display. He grinned as you used the nickname you only brought out for him when you were cock drunk beyond belief. You groaned inwardly as you couldn’t believe you had given him the satisfaction of that ego boost.
You were lost completely in Jess. He moved his hand down to your core, adding a finger into your weeping pussy, and using his thumb to toy with your clit. It was bliss.
“Jessy?” You called out.
“Hmm?” He groaned in response.
“I want you to cum inside me” you begged.
His eyes widened as a wild look came over him. Without missing a beat, he swung your legs over his shoulders and bent you in two as he fucked into you harder than before. His hand moved to your throat, gently choking you. You stuck your tongue out like a dog in heat - animalistic and beyond a care as to what was normal.
The bed’s headboard was hitting the wall with every thrust from Jess’ pelvis, sure to cause a suspect dent tomorrow. But neither of you could have given a single fuck as the you both chased your highs. The sound of skin slapping, moans and gasps were obscene.
“Jess, have you seen Luke’s toolbox? We need it and he said it might be - Oh my god!”
You both froze and turned to the door. Lorelai was face to face with you and Jess butt naked on Luke’s bed. Sorry - lets rephrase that. Lorelai walked in on her daughter’s boyfriend and best friend fucking raw on Luke’s bed.
She narrowed her eyes and hissed: “Get the fuck out.”
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blushstarot · 4 months
PICK A CARD: a message from your future self
Pick whichever picture you feel more attracted to and skip to that pile.
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Pile 1
nine of cups, four of wands (reversed), the magician (reversed).
Okay, but this pile is giving me really sweet vibes, your future self feels like a genuinely carrying person, and looks back at you as a mother figure would. They just want you to be happy and feel welcomed and the energy is overall very heartwarming. Quick thing I want to add before y'all actually read the letter, i don't know if some of you are fans of musicals, specifically of Hamilton, but while I was writing the letter, the melody of dear theodosia was playing in my head so yeah, it might be important for you to know.
"Right now you may feel like you don't fit in, that you lack support, and that you aren't enough. I know you feel insecure but believe when I tell you that you don't have to be scared about that, you are enough and you all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is working to bring blessings your way, but you have to put some work on it too. Use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make this wonderful things happen, you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. Leave the past behind and put your mind in anything you want to accomplish, I know all our wishes and dreams will become a reality soon enough, for now it's the time of time of happiness, joyfulness and fulfillment."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 2
page of cups (reversed), strength (reversed), page of pentacles.
I actually had to redo this pile because I got busy with something important mid reading, and when I had time to continue I couldn't really connect to it again, so I pulled other three cards to do the reading again. The vibes then and the vibes in this new one, suggest that your future self know you are having hard times, and are probably dealing with some childhood related issues, but they want to tell you that things will get better. Also something tells me that they REALLY wanted you to get their message, since they sent both the bearer of messages and the bearer of good news.
"You're going through difficult times, and right now I want you to try to connect with your inner child by embracing the fun side of life. I've always loved how we are young at heart, even sometimes a little bit naïve, but lately you've been ignoring your inner emotions and listening too much to people that are bringing you and your self-esteem down. I bring you good news from the future, a future where all our goals are achieved, but that is only possible if you make the right decisions now and put the groundwork necessary. The future I'm from might seem too far away from were you are today, but time passes quickly and is unforgiving, so I want you to take my advise and keep it close to your heart. I know you can become a person who is both mature and young at heart, I've seen it and have been cheering for you through all that journey, because after all I'm you, and I've already done it."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 3
the fool, strength (reversed), five of swords.
I feel like your future self is encouraging you to start something new, maybe something you always wanted to try but never really made time to give it a chance. They want you to focus on the positive and to stay away from people that don't support your dreams. Overall, I feel this is more of a warning of what's to come, in hopes it helps you to be more prepare to face it.
"You're going to enter a new chapter in your life, it may look like something difficult at first, but you need to tap into your inner strength and don't let your fears and anxiety paralyze you. This new chapter is full of exciting and thrilling adventures, you just have to trust your heart and make a leap of fate. If you are not careful, you might end up self-sabotaging and getting involved in a serious conflict, causing unnecessary stress. When the time is right, I need you to stand up for what you truly want and what you believe."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of your message.
You can find more of my PACs on my master list, and if you have any suggestions on future PACs you want to see me do, you can send me and ask.
Bye byeee ✨
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multi-fandoms-posts · 3 months
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Part 2
Your master shows you who is behind the mask.
It has been almost a year since my master confessed his face and his love to me.
I'm training and I didn't realize that Qimir was right behind me until two arms suddenly wrapped around me and I jumped. "Qimir," I laughed, and he gently kissed my neck.
Qimir is so gentle and caring, but I also know his brutal side, which comes out especially in battle when it comes to me. "My beautiful wife," he smiles, and I turn around. "My perfect Husband," I smile. "Why are you up so early?" he asks, nudging my nose with his. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to wake you up," I say, brushing the hair out of his face. "You've been having so many nightmares lately," I say worriedly. "I'm fine," he says, taking my hand in his. "Please tell me what's wrong," I say, and he sighs. "I have nightmares about losing you," he whispers. "On the last mission... damn, I would have lost you if I hadn't been fast enough," he says, looking away. My heart aches at his words. "Qimir," I say, putting my hand on his cheek. "You were fast enough. You saved me,” I say, stroking his cheek.
We stayed outside for a while before going back inside.
I'm sitting on the couch while Qimir fixes his mask since he was gone yesterday. I've decided to meditate a bit and close my eyes. I listen to Qimir's heartbeat and smile. After a short while I feel him coming closer and watching me. "You're staring," I smile and open my eyes. "How could I not with such beauty?" he grins and I feel myself blushing. Qimir sits down right behind me. "What's going to happen..." he interrupts me and starts kissing my neck. "Concentrate," he whispers in my ear. "It's a bit hard," I say. "Try it," he grins, and I close my eyes.
I feel his hand moving further and further down until "Qimir," I moan. He grins against my neck and rubs two of his fingers at my entrance. "Already so wet for me," he grins.
"Move Please," I cried.
"Patience," he whispers and gently bites my earlobe. Then he moves to my neck, bites gently and pushes two fingers into me at the same time. "Qimir," I moan and feel his hard cock on my back.
For a moment he doesn't move his fingers at all, I try to move, but he suddenly holds me in place. "Be patient," he growls in my ear. "Or should I punish you?" he growls and pushes his fingers almost completely out before pushing them back in with a jerk. "Shit," I moan.
Qimir moves his fingers slowly at first and then faster. Just before I come, he stops and pulls his fingers out. "Qimir," I moan. He gets up and gives me a hug before we go to bed properly. On the way, he somehow managed to take off my clothes.
He lays me down on the bed and I sit up a little and take off his shirt. I admire his muscular upper body. He quickly stands up, takes off his pants and boxers and his cock pops out. I bend forward, but he pushes me back. "No games. I want you now," he growls and is on top of me again.
I feel him at my entrance and my breathing quickens. He pushes just the tip into me. "Qimir, please," I moan and try to move my hips so he can go deeper, but he holds me tight. "Behave yourself," he growls and the next moment he's thrusting deep into me. "Qimir," I moan and cling to his back. "Shit," he growls and puts his forehead on mine.
"You feel so tight," he growls, biting my neck. "Please, move." I breathe heavily and he grins. "It's going to be a long morning," he says, pulling almost completely out of me before slowly entering me again.
We lie next to each other, drenched in sweat. "Shit, that was so hot," I breathe heavily and hear Qimir laughing. He pulls me closer to him again. "I love you," he smiles. "I love you too," I say and kiss him.
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moon7jay · 10 months
BY ANY CHANCE DO YOU THINK YOU COULD WRITE plus size reader x heeseung smut? if not that’s ok!!
Yes of course I can!
Soft (L.HS )
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The first time heeseung saw you was when he was too busy on his phone to notice his surroundings and walked head first into u, hands flailing as his samsung flip flew across the room and he held onto u for dear life making you fall on top of him. He felt your body press onto him for a maximum of 1 minute before u were apologizing and scrambling off of him in a hurry, afraid of squishing him underneath u. he would have noticed your red cheeks flaming in embarrassment if he wasn't fixated on your plush thighs as u stood up in front of him, bowing to apologize, your deep neckline revealing your soft chest which made his mouth water, he swears he didn't believe in love at first sight but when his eyes looked up into your embarassed ones, he knew he needed to have you.
That night heeseung went home and jerked off to you. He was ashamed cuz he was acting like such a perv but remembering the feel of your soft body against his hard and lean one made his dick harden in his pants. Your soft voice as you spilled apologies, your cheeks that were made to be munched on, your thighs which heeseung needed around his head as you sat on his face, your breasts, good lord he couldn't even believe how fast he came just thinking of you.
Heeseung went to the same cafe daily, hoping he would catch sight of you again if he was consistent enough and just after a few days, he saw you again.
Your relationship with heeseung was the most unexpected thing that had ever happened to you. You honestly weren't expecting the same handsome man that u had choked to death a few days prior to approach you as you waited for your order. You thought he was there to make fun of you, or maybe taunt u and remind u of that incident, too used to people taking jabs at you, but what you weren't expecting was for the most attractive man u had ever seen to start confessing his undying love for you.
You were a little suspicious at first cuz surely he wasn't intrested in u right? It wasn't that u thought of yourself as unattractive, you knew u were beautiful, but men like him didn't usually go for women like u, so it did make u wonder.
But the more he kept wooing u, the more your doubts started to fade away. He treated you like a queen. The first time he had kissed you, it was like a man starved. The way he pressed himself closer to u, hands digging into the soft flesh of your waist, tongue tasting every crevice of your mouth, it made u believe that he did in fact desire you. More than you knew.
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You were sat on heeseung's thigh as you animatedly talked about your day. His one hand was wrapped around your waist while the other kept stroking your cheek as you talked. To him, u were the most adorable little thing. And he wanted to devour you whole. As he buried his nose in your neck, you held onto his shoulders "hee, are u even listening to me?" u whined.
"Of course baby, tell me more" he hummed into your skin, sniffing and kissing your neck, making you giggle cuz it was ticklish.
"Stop sniffing me like a weirdo" U said hitting his shoulder and he pulled back to smile at you
"But you smell so good" he whispered and u blushed. Honestly,there was never a moment with heeseung where he didn't make u flustered, he made you feel so desired.
You started to recount your day again,trying to ignore the way your boyfriend was looking at you.
Heeseung could not concentrate,you looked so good in his shirt, buttons open at the chest region cuz your titties preferred spilling out, his buttons too weak to hold them inside, your thighs on full display cuz the thin shorts could only do so much to hide your softness. His eyes became dark and droopy the more he looked at you,your lips looked so inviting, he didn't know how u did it. He honestly never thought himself to be a sex addict before he met you. But ever since u came into his life, he had this insatiable urge to be inside of you at least once a day , hands on your soft flesh 24/7, squeezing you, your plush thighs choking him, tasting you, taking you anywhere and everywhere. He started to drool a little as his thoughts drifted off to more naughty things, hands moving on their own, squeezing your ass roughly. Your gasp brought him back to reality, your wide doe eyes staring at him as he continued to grope you like a perv.
"Heeseung we can't, u know that!" U warned him urgently as his hands became more daring, slipping under your (his) shirt to knead your chest, making you bite your lower lip to keep your moans inside.
"Why not baby? " He whispered biting your earlobe, squeezing your nipples, making u dig your nails into his shoulders, small whimpers leaving your lips.
"Your roomates are literally outside" U whimpered back
"Yeah?and they know i get pussy, what about it?" He groaned, as he moved his hand between your legs, feeling your wetness through your thin shorts, biting harshly on your neck, making you moan out loud.
"But hee- he cut you off with a bruising kiss, adjusting your body to straddle him properly, you gasped into his mouth at the feeling of his hard length against your core through his sweatpants. He rested his forehead on yours "I wanna fuck , wanna have sex right fucking now, so grind on me like a good girl, show me a good time baby" He panted into your mouth, the feeling of your soft body driving him delirious. Biting his lower lip at the feeling of your hips grinding on his dick, fingers gripping so tight onto your thighs, guiding your movements, as you dry humped like animals in heat. You moved your hands into his hairs, while sharing open mouthed kisses, saliva dripping down your chins but the feeling of your tongues against each other was too good to care.
"Let's get naked" he panted as you sucked sensually on his neck, making him thrust harshly into your clothed core. Too impatient to feel each other skin to skin, you unbuttoned his shirt haphazardly as he pulled your shorts down your legs, soon enough you both were grinding naked on each other, his grip harsh on the flesh of your soft waist as your pussy lips rubbed deliciously, making a mess on his hard hot dick. Moans and gasps leaving both of your mouths, the thought of his roomates hearing in on u turning you on more.
"Fuck it baby, fuck on me" He whined, desperate to get inside of your body, you being just as desperate, nodded and guided his throbbing dick into your tight cunt.
The moan he let out once he was fully sheathed in you was pornographic, you moaned his name like a prayer, the feeling of being full overwhelming u, he was just so big.
His brows furrowed as you started moving up and down on him, eyes focused on the way your body moved, breasts jiggling so lewdly he couldn't resist taking one into his mouth, biting harshly,making u scream and scratch his back. So soft, you were so soft, he wanted to die just like this. His mouth formed into an "o" as u increased your pace, watching the thick white ring your juices created at the base of his dick.
"You were made for sex, u know that?" He asked lazily smirking at u, eyes rolling back in his head, pussy too good as his hands groped you. His words made your pussy clench.
"That's right yeah? body made to be fucked for pleasure. My. Fucking. Pleasure. " He insinuated every word with a harsh thrust upwards.
"Heeseung, please baby" U whined, he cursed under his breath, u could ask him to jump in front of a moving truck in that voice and he would do it, no questions asked.
He flipped you over, your body now underneath him, as he pressed closer to you, dick burried in your tight snatch, naked sweaty bodies rubbing against each other as you both chased pleasure. You hooked your legs over his thighs as he moved in and out of you, face burried in your neck, a bunch of "so good" and "fuck yeah"s leaving his lips at the pleasure your gummy walls were giving him. You came with a loud moan, clenching harshly around his length, your nails digging hard into his back, you were sure he was bleeding by now.
His movements became harsh as he sucked on your lower lip, biting into it cuz u felt so good, he wanted to munch on you. His hands squeezing your ass to spread your legs more, he wanted more access to u. Sex wasn't enough, he wanted to be INside of you.
"'s too much hee, s-stop" you cried in overstimulation, his dick hitting you in a painfully pleasurable way.
"gonna use your hot little cunt as long as I fucking want, don't be fucking ungrateful" He panted, now grinding deep into your fuck hole, head thrown back in pleasure. You could already feel your second orgasm approaching, your pussy clenching around him again
"Fuck yeah baby, keep fucking it just like that, keep taking it, gonna breed u full of my cum" He groaned as you came without a warning, crying as tears of overwhelming pleasure fell down your cheeks, he moaned into your neck as his movements became erratic
"God, such good pussy" He cursed as he filled you with his fuck cream with one last grind. Still moving slowly into you to make sure, each drop of his cum was inside of you.
His body fell on top of yours and u wrapped your arms around his neck feeling him kiss your forehead.
"Keep it inside" you whispered and he cursed
"God damn woman, warn a man before you stay stuff like that"
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melodic-haze · 4 months
hi!! could I request ayaka nsfw headcanons? thanks!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Corruption kink, exhibition kink but it doesn't acc get acted upon 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: shut up omg another one I LOEV AYAKA THANK YOU
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She seems like the type to be extremely vanilla at first, not bc she's scared (well no she is a lil bit) but bc she hasn't really? Had the chance to explore or anything??? But she seems like the type to be interested in it, just that she didn'r know HOW to explore it......until yk. You came along
She's like a willing subject to corruption, it's rather lovely 🫶
The way she'd approach you about it too 😭😭 like ohhh you're so precious my bbg :((( she'd breach the topic carefully, her cheeks tinted very red thanks to her skin betraying her and the blood that rushed to her face
Side track as much as I do adore Ayaka stumbling on her words and stuttering, I actually personally don't think she would unless she was EXTREMELY flustered or completely out of it. She's probably really good with forming sentences and stuff with very minimal stuttering, esp when she'd have to think ab her speech a lot to make sure she isn't offending anyone generally (I wish that were me cuz I stutter a LOT it's acc embarrassing)
So when she asks, she's VERY red but also very clear and concise with her speech. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, if it weren't for her covering her face with her fan, you'd have thought that she wasn't shy about such an ask at all
It was hard to concentrate and gather your bearings at least a little bit when the soft scent of cookies and the mochi she had made a while ago never fails to overtake your train of thought, but you managed to pull through as you slowly undressed her.
"Are you completely sure?" You asked in concern for her, despite the fact that she had approached you about such a request, "I'm worried you might not like the experience. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."
She shook her head in reply, giving you a gentle smile, "I'm sure. I admit that I've been.. curious, and I trust you completely."
You couldn't help but soften at your white-haired partner's proclamation, giving her a lingering kiss on her temple, "Just remember to tell me if something feels wrong, you know I worry for you."
"I know," she giggled, "but you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile."
And before you reply in turn, Ayaka cuts you off by leaning her head on your shoulder, her lips close to your ear as she whispered in such a tantalising way--
"I'd like to think I can handle whatever you do to me."
--before drawing back with a much cheekier smile compared to moments before, "I hope that clears most of your reservations?"
By god, yes it does.
She turns out to be a FREAK❗️❗️❗️👹👹👹👹
No but fr though? I already wrote it but she def love love LOVEEEESSS being your good girl 🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 wants to do anything you ask her to do bc she wants to make you happy. Absolutely gets off to whenever you praise her for the stuff she does
But also? Kinda very much adores being roughed around!!! Being an important figure to Inazuma, she's not necessarily used to being treated anything less than with respect and caution, so for you to essentially make her forget all that as you "disrespect" her rank? Mmmmyes definitely Something :3
She's a very very curious person who's open to a LOT of things, going from binding to sensory deprivation to roleplay
Oh my GOD she'd ESPECIALLY be into roleplay; pretending as if she were someone else, esp if she was absolutely ravaged by you? My word it gets her wet just thinking about it
I think she'd LOVEEEE to be overstimmed 🫶🫶🫶 she wants a break from thinking!! She wants a break from responsibilities, and the way you can make it easily go away by fucking her brains out gets so addicting for this little princess
SHE'D DEFINITELY BE A SQUIRTER OH GY GOD fuck off listen she's def so so very sensitive that if you work her up enough (which doesn't acc take long) she would and she'd APOLOGISE for making such a mess but you just Cannot Help but try to get another one from her so it goes around alllll over again until she passes out :3
Don't think she'd act it out irl bc no way is she actually risking her reputation (and in extent, her brother's and her entire family name), but she'd develop?? A taste for exhibition???? Perhaps it's through the times you've just decided to drag her away to a semi-secluded spot, or maybe it's bc of the times she's touched herself while thinking of you with the risk of SOMEONE coming into her room. Either way, she starts to fantasize scenes from time to time where you're fucking her out in the open or you get caught or even that she's walking around with her pussy unknowingly stuffed with toys, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
If she doesn't tell you then she probably clues you in unconsciously when you start talking to her about how ANYONE could find you absolutely ruining this whore of a princess 🫶 by her inner walls clamping onto you as she lets out a particularly loud whine 🫶🫶🫶
Ayaka had tried to go back to sleep, she really did. But her thoughts had caught up to her, hazy made-up images and scenarios of the simplest thought of getting caught doing things unbefitting the White Heron Princess and her demure, innocent stature.
Even as she had her fingers inside her needy hole, even as she grinded on her palm in a deaperate effort to chase that needed release, she had found that she couldn't be satisfied in the least. The fact that she had to silence herself in an effort to prevent herself from getting caught didn't help with sorting out her current issue, either.
It wasn't enough—she needed you to satisfy her, to put her in her place, to take her fully until she could no longer care to think about anything else but being your personal doll. There was no way she was getting off all by herself, she needed you.
Biting the fabric of her blanket in an effort to stop her teary moans from being as loud as it would've been, she could only hope any pray that this aching need within her subsides in time before she has the chance to see you again.
(And perhaps she'll gather the courage to ask you about recreating.. a very exposing scenario, to sate her torturous curiosities.)
Bonus bullet point it'd be really cute to see her cry from the stimulation 🥰🥰
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Blood demon art: Plants P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6(current)
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"Ow, oooow." You whined as you rolled on your back clutching the arm. You healed almost instantly but unfortunately you don't get hurt often and don't have a tolerance for pain.
"There you are Y/n. What's seems to be the matter." He carefully picked you up and examined you.
"My arm and leg were broken. Its fine now."
Setting you on his hip he went to check on the others. The train was a complete mess. Passengers were crawling out from the reck confused as to what just happened.
The boar man and yellow guy helped the injured.
there's another demon, far off into the wood but coming fast. You could sense it.
Hanafuda was on his back barely breathing.
"You've mastered total concentration constant, that's quite impressive."
As Rengoku helped Hanafuda the demon came closer and closer. He was now close enough to be recognized.
"AKAZA!" You jumped out of Kyojuro's arms just as he sensed him too.
Rengoku pushed you behind him. Akaza went after Hanafuda, but Rengoku stopped him by slicing his arm. Behind Rengoku you were closing Hanafuda's wounds.
You knew someone was going to die now that he showed up.
"why would you go after a wounded person first over me."
"I thought he would get in the way of our little chit-chat is all."
"What is it that you would like to discuss. While this is our first-time meeting, I already dislike you." Rengoku said with a straight face. You would've laughed if not for the current situation.
"Is that right? Well, I dislike weak human beings. The mere sight of them makes my skin crawl."
"If that is the case, I do not believe that we will ever get along."
"Be that as it may let me make you an offer. Why don't you become a demon as well."
"No thanks." Rengoku said, straight forward as always.
"I can tell just by looking at you that you're strong. A Hashira Huh. So that's who's been looking after Y/n all this time. Your fighting spirit has been tempered like quality steel. Your name?"
"I'm the flame hashira, Kyujuro Rengoku."
"I am Akaza as you may already know. Kyojuro, despite being a Hashira your strength is not enough because your merely human is destined to grow old and eventually die. Become a demon Kyojuro, doing so will allow you to better yourself for a hundred maybe two hundred years." Akaza waisted his breath trying to persuade the purest human you've ever met.
"Both growing old and passing away, these are things that make being human beautiful. Those may seem like weaknesses to you, but our lives are all the more precious and honorable because of them. You see true strength does not refer to the physical body. This boy is not weak, don't insult him. Let me be clear, the two of us will never see eye to eye no matter what twisted reason you give. I will not yield."
To Akaza his speech meant nothing but to you, it opened your eyes even wider. You already knew that the human was fighting for their lives against the demons but the conversation between Akaza and Rengoku showed you the big difference between demons and humans.
Demons don't die unless they are killed, Humans die regardless, and yet they still fight to preserve whatever life they have.
Your father was once Human, is he scared to die? Is this why he's been trying so hard to find the blue spider lily. Your father may be a demon, but he is afraid of death just like a human.
"I see. Technique development: Destructive death compass needle." Akaza got into his signature fighting stance. "I guess I'll just have to kill you then."
They both were so fast, you couldn't keep up with it. From the looks of it neither could Hanafuda.
'oh right hanafuda' His wound wasn't fully closed yet he was still trying to move.
"You shouldn't move yet." You warned him, he didn't listen.
"I'm fine, thank you."
"But you're not!"
He tried to get up again as the boar head was ready to fight too.
"Stay there!" Rengoku scared all three of you. "You can't reopen that wound of yours it'll kill you. Let Y/n heal you." Even midbattle he is looking after others.
"Y/n healing a human. What have you done to them, they never cared before." Akaza's attacks were relentless you wanted to go and help but what could you do.
You've never been in a fight before and you don't take pain well. You could only watch as you healed hanafuda.
You couldn't bare to watch it anymore, even when the battlefield grew quite.
"I will see my duty fulfilled. No matter what it takes no body will die here." Rengoku was tired and you could tell, that was it.
Smoke clouded your vision as Hanafuda shielded you.
The smoke started to clear and Rengoku could be seen with a pained expression.
"Ren-" Akaza punched him straight through the stomach. "No." You muttered.
Even with all his injuries he still tried to cut off Akaza's head.
Hanafuda acted quicker than you, running to grab his sword.
"What should I do?"
*this action will have consequences*
Tag list: @american-idiot21, @unhappy-filling, @lenasvoid, @abbylouamanda
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seokari · 4 months
He doesn't know what his true feeling are.
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Note𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅: Remember that english is NOT my first language so please, excuse my spelling mistakes ♡.
Warnings₊‧: None, just fluff and I think there's no angst, or maybe just a little bit, so, please enjoy.
Accepting his feeling was a no go for megumi, and there's the problem, he knows he isn't good at expressing himself, but he doesn't even wants to try.
And, another problem is that you don't know this, so, he trying to be nonchalant to you made you think he hates you.
When you hang out with your friends, there was Megumi talking peacefully to the rest of them but ignoring you completely, even tho you tried making a conversation.
On mission, he just said you don't need to go do the work because you are going to be a bother for him. (You ended up saving his dumb, egocentric ass)
On training, he says he doesn't want a vs with you because you are too weak for him. (He's trying to sound interesting plus he is really afraid of hurting you by accident).
One time you fell asleep on his shoulder, and he pushed you until you were sleeping seated, he didn't wanted you to think he has a sweet spot for you, but he does.
He knows that, even tho he is an asshole to you, he has your attention. Or well, he had, once you had enough of his demeanor, you started ignoring him, acting nonchalant, being more friendly, touchy, even flirty with Yuuji, and, he (Megs) didn't like, not even a bit.
You two could be joking during a mission while Nobara did something else, but Megumi's hot gaze was set on you two.
He tried convincing himself that he hated your laugh, but he didn't, he hated that you were laughing at other man's comment, not his.
Until he had enough, "Could you two shut up already, we are trying to concentrate" His brows furrowed.
"I didn't said nun" Nobara spoke.
"Ok, geez, I don't know why you hate me so much" You said.
"I d-dont ha-" He was interrupted
"Hey look here, I think I found it" Nobara pointed
Yuuji noticed Megs behavior, his suddenly annoyed face when you were near him (Yuuji), so Yuuji started getting away from you (not that much, just being less touchy and stuff), you noticed this and thought he hated you too now.
But he reassured it was nothing.
Yuuji decided to have a conversation with Megumi about his demeanor towards you, Megumi really denied it at first, but after listening to Yuuji's yapping for what seemed like an eternity, he started believing it.
You were a little bit far away from them talking and messing around with Nobara, Megumis soft look has being around your during all the convo with Yuuji.
He started thinking "stupid" things meanwhile, like how is you skin so porcelanic, how soft your hair looks, that dumb smile you have when Nobara said something that seem funny made you look cute, and your hands looked so tiny, how are they compared to his?. He couldn't deny it anymore, he felt, hard, he felt really hard.
He turned his head towards yuuji that is still yapping. "Im an idiot right? Is the first time I feel like this"
"Yeah. I mean kinda-" He kept quiet when he saw Megs serious face.
"Omfg" He got back on his feet. "im having a walk, and then im talking to her"
"Yeah, you should, she told me she thinks you hate her, like, extremely, like you despise her"
"Just shut up you are making it worse, what if she decides i was just being an ass and she doesn't wants to talk to me"
"I think that is what is going to happen"
"Ok, now in definitely not going to talk to her"
"I meannn" Megumi looked at him "I could be wrong"
"Kill yourself" Megumi took his things and started walking towards you.
" If that makes you happy megs" Yuuji took his things too and started walking toward nobara, you and Megumi need privacy.
Hiii, I dont know how to continue this, cuz I think it pretty obvious what is going to happen.
Confession -> is mutual -> Megumi being a complete tsundere at first -> Getting used to be around you -> Clingiest boy ever -> Happy ending.
Hope yall like it₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
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dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
Angel Massages
(Welp as promised, the sequel to Angel Cocoon, as voted on by the public. Rejoice!
Definitely didn't write most of this with my Adam plush on my lap, don't know what you're talking about
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: Adam, angel!reader
Pairing: Adam x reader
Genre: Comfort, fluff (this time with a tiny bit more spice)
Summary: You deserve a medal for loving this idiot as much as you do. Aka Adam gets a massage and care.)
“This is your own fault you big goof.” The grumble you got in response was expected.
Mornings in heaven, with a lover like Adam, were pretty routine: you woke up, you found yourself encased in a cocoon of feathers and slightly squishy flesh, you'd end up laying there until finally the man himself decided to wake up, and then this. Without fail he woke up, blinking in that lazy sleepy way of his, and took note of your presence; this then turned into him giving one of those smug grins of his and holding you closer, rubbing his face against yours. This as always caused you to whine and complain, playfully of course, because of his stubble and you pushed at him to no avail as he stretched out his wings and you finally were able to a) see your room and b) get up.
“What babe, don't like a little early morning affection?” he asked, as if he didn't know exactly why you were trying to get free; he snickered and one hand found it's way further down, trailing down your body with obvious intent, “Maybe you'd prefer it a different way?”
Adam snickered and stuck out that tongue of his and you did your best to resist him, pushing at his chest. He was considerably larger and stronger than you, meaning he could easily hold you in place if he so wished, but he decided to be kind enough to let you get free and you shook your head at him. “You're incorrigible I swear.”
This made him laugh, and to say the sound of it didn't do things to you would be a lie. But you knew what was coming and like clockwork it did; he laughed and his wings stretched and then his expression turned annoyed and grumpy when the effects of sleeping with his wings wrapped around you two inevitably hit him. The soreness caused him to start whining loudly and lower the appendages, practically dragging them on the bed.
You sighed softly and climbed out of his lap, watching and listening to your giant manchild of a boyfriend complain. “Lay down already, Adam.”
“My wings are so sore,” he groaned, with the kind of tone you'd expect of if he was dying; it had occurred to you a while ago that to him, any sort of inconvenience was no different than that, a fact you were not sure if it was him exaggerating or actually so. It was always hard to tell.
You did your best to try not to laugh or smile too much at how he was acting, it tended to make him act out more and honestly you just wanted to make him feel better quickly so he'd go back to being his usual smug, grinning self. Again you sighed and got up, stepping around the bed to gently try to push him forward. “Adam, come on, please lay down.”
He continued his complaining but eventually did as you instructed, laying down with his wings stretched out. The first time you did this you had been struck with the beauty of his wings, to the point of distraction honestly; it was hard to concentrate when you're faced with something so pretty as those golden feathers on those long thin wings. The bed, large as it was and it was fairly big, couldn't really handle the full length of them so while they were not folded persay, they weren't actually entirely stretched out. You though were used to that and so was the crybaby continuing to act like it was the end of the universe and his wings were going to fall off or something.
For the thousandth time you thought about how much you loved this stupid, reckless, egotistical moron but aloud told him how this was his own fault before taking one of the wings gently in your hands and starting to manipulate it. You'd done this enough times, you knew exactly where to press and where to knead, and you couldn't resist smiling as you felt those warm feathers under your fingertips, the muscles and tendons and bones that all made up those magnificent wings; you felt them twitch and move, responding to even the lightest touch from you. You started near the middle and went outwards towards the tips, easing the tension out little by little before going inward again, moving towards there they joined into his back. It was a seamless point, as it was on all angels you suspected, but you moved it nevertheless, the way the soft down of Adam's wings became the warmth of his flesh and back as you moved to the other wing. You took your time and you bit your lip as you heard his complaints and whines and moans turn from pained and irritated to far more pleased. Maybe a little too pleased.
“God babe, you know how to make me feel good,” he groaned and the slight rumble to his voice could be felt down below.
“I'm not done yet,” you warned, feeling him shift and move, knowing that Adam had only a few true virtues and patience was 100% not one of them.
“Then go faster.” Not a request, a demand, and one you were going to ignore no matter what he said or did or made you feel with that voice of his.
“And risk your wings still being sore later? Besides we both know you like it when I go slow with this.” You smiled, feeling a bit playful as you continued what had become your morning routine; currently working on his own wing, going slow and deliberate as usual, you pressed your fingers into one particular spot, reveling in the reaction you knew you'd get.
You'd found it entirely by accident the first time, a little after this whole thing started, and usually you did your best to avoid touching it too much for this exact reason. It seemed to send a shock of electricity through his whole body and the noise that came from him was best described as “fuck yes”; his wings shuddered and stretched to their full length, causing one side to end up over the side of the bed and brushing against the carpet and the other side to very nearly slam directly into the wall. You managed to keep that one folded enough to avoid that disaster, that would have been counterproductive. Adam buried his face in the sheets and you were certain you heard swearing, he hated that you knew about that spot and hated it even more that you weren't afraid to use it for your own amusement and delight. But probably, you were certain, he hated it the most that his ears turned bright red and were not so easy to hide. There was definitely some growling and you leaned down to place a kiss between his shoulder blades with an angelic smile. It was easy since you were indeed an angel.
The fact he behaved after that was a miracle you were certain but not one that was going to end well for you. You knew too well your boyfriend, and you knew that while patience wasn't his strong suit, vengeance was. You took your time with his wings, enjoying every second of peace you got from this, knowing full well of what would happen next and doing your best to mitigate the damage. You completed your ministrations upon his wings and were about to massage his back, usually a good idea considering, but your hands never got close to touching that space again.
Despite his size Adam was a dangerously quick creature. He was dangerous in many ways as you knew. And the glint in his golden eyes as he managed, with agility and speed one wouldn't easily expect from someone like him, to pin you under him, his hands holding your wrists to the bed, it was enough to send your heart rate racing.
“You're a naughty girl making me wait, sugartits,” he spoke, his teeth showing in the shark grin he had now, that he so often had, “Lets see how you like it.”
His teeth found your neck and you let out only the smallest of complaints. Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't have teased him. Now it was going to be you who was sore.
Oh well.
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hwangism143 · 6 months
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midnights and kitchen lights
synopsis: you wake up to the smell of brownies and a guilty boyfriend
pairing: non-idol!felix x non-idol!gn reader (ft. the rest of skz and their so)
genre: fluff, established relationship, angst (if you squint reallyyy hard)
warnings: mentions of food and eating. guilty lix and having a different gf/bf as a joke. lowercase intended
word count: 861 words
a/n: a little layout change underway, lol. pls drop ur comments and criticism! i should be studying for my exams... but i'm a menace ;)
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"we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light"
the aroma of baked goods wafting about in your apartment when your boyfriend was over was not an unfamiliar sensation. what was odd, however, was the smell of brownies hitting your nose at midnight and a loud enough 'fucking hell' to wake you up from your slumber.
your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the darkness you were in. the past week for you was a blur of love and everything else sweet in this world. you finally had your boyfriend all to yourself after he got a deserved break from his extremely demanding job. being the affectionate little ball of love that he was, felix chose to spend his vacation with you.
although he promised to spend the entire month with you, he was simmering with guilt all day. why? because his close (and extremely stupid) friends had planned a boys day out, booking a laser tag arena for the 5th of may. or so they thought. in reality, jisung, who was in charge of bookings, happened to book the arena for the 5th of april.
the boys all decided that it would be better to just go, since getting a refund or rescheduling was not an option. they all also happened to be in town at the same time, almost as if it was fate, as hyunjin had joked when the boys were over at your apartment a few hours earlier.
felix was extremely excited to spend the day with his friends, but he couldn't help feeling bad about the fact that he would be away from you. he even offered to pay for a last minute ticket, which you politely declined. no matter how many times you had told him that it was fine, he wouldn't listen.
"it's ji's fault, lixie. stop blaming yourself. you know how he can be, a little, erm-"
"absent minded?" sighed felix.
his hands were wrapped around you as your head lay on your shoulder. you were watching seungmin's girlfriend making fun of changbin's cooking skills and the rest of the group bursting into laughter. all except for felix. you looked up at him, taking in the freckles dusting his cheeks and the concentrated look in his eyes.
suddenly, he perked up. "i know," he murmured softly under his breath. judging by the steely expression on his face and the pursed lips, you decided not to ask, shaking your head in amusement instead.
you slowly got up and looked to the depression made in your bed right next to you. you swung your legs over to the side of the bed, soft footsteps making their way to the bedroom door. you were clad in nothing except for your pajama shorts and one of felix's oversized shirts.
you open the door, leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed around you chest. you take in the sight before you: felix in shorts and a gray tee, baking brownies while bathed in the warm glow of your tiny kitchen. he's hunched over the tray which he must have just taken out of the oven, carefully cutting the brownies into precise strips.
"hi honey," you ask, rubbing your sleepy eyes. you walk over to him as a turns around in surprise, holding up the knife and looking at you with flushed cheeks and wide eyes.
you let out a laugh, "i didn't know you had a late night bokkie brownie craving."
he doesn't say anything and just stares at you, a sheepish smile forming on his face. he set down the knife and leans against the counter. he opens his arms wide as you make your way into his arms. his arms wrap around your shoulders and your around his waist as he rests his chin on your head.
"you're so pretty, i think i just malfunctioned," he mumbles into your hair.
you just hum in response, the sleepiness still not out of your system.
"it was supposed to be a surprise for you for tomorrow," he says softly.
"really? thank you so much lix. you shouldn't have," you whisper in response.
"no, i should have cupcake," he says sleepily, "also, if you're inviting the girls over tomorrow, don't share. these are for you and you only."
you look up at him, warm brown eyes full of love meeting yours. you give him a pout, "but the girls love your brownies so much. and if hyunjin ever finds out that i didn't send him any brownies home with aera, he'll never talk to us again. i can't risk my boyfriend breaking up with his boyfriend."
felix lets out an exasperated sigh, a smile playing on his lips, "for the hundredth time, hyunjin is not my boyfriend. and i don't care. bokkie brownies are reserved just for you, cupcake."
you roll your eyes at him with a grin, "but aera is forever going to be my girlfriend. don't worry babe, i'll hide the brownies somewhere safe. although, you calling me cupcake is very odd when you baked brownies."
felix lets out a devastating laugh, "i love you, brownie."
"i love you too, sunshine," you say as the two of you sway in the kitchen in your private bliss.
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samiiy20 · 7 months
How about shower sex scenario with Yunho? Thank you. 😊
I've done something like this before (here), but if it's Yunho I can't resist. This is a little short and I'm sorry for the wait but I hope you like it.
✩ Jeong Yunho ✩
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗲: Smut and a little bit of fluffy. 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: Teasing, Masturbation, voyuerism, oral sex, unprotected sex.
masterlist II tag list
This content NOT is for minors!!!
This is merely entertainment, this does not represent any real person.
It is forbidden to copy or translate my work.
English NO is my first language.
It was so exhausting to spend all day outside just trying to survive, but now that you were home you could lie down and rest in your bed, but when you came in you knew you weren't alone. You smiled when you realized that your boyfriend had visited you so you called him.
“Yunho? are you here?" there was no answer.
You walked towards the room and heard the shower turning on, but there was something else. You pressed your ear to the door. You stayed still listening to what was on the other side, making your body tense as you heard him moan your name.
You bit your lips and slowly opened the door without him noticing. You suppressed a moan when you saw how the water fell down his naked body, his eyes were closed with his head towards the floor, he was massaging his cock with one hand while trying to maintain his balance with the other against the wall.
Yunho was lost in his own pleasure, but he had heard your steps and your labored breathing, he smiled and without stopping squeezing his cock he spoke.
"You like what you see?" You were surprised for a split second, but let out a laugh at being caught watching your boyfriend masturbate.
“The little puppy missed me so much that he couldn't wait?” you asked taking a step inside. Yunho looked up watching you slowly start to take off your clothes and nodded without stopping moving his hand when he saw your tits stuck to the glass that separated them.
The cold of the glass made your body crawl, but your pussy was already slippery just thinking about what would happen.
“I need you,” Yunho whispered desperately without looking away. You smiled and finally entered the shower, letting the water fall on you with a warm sensation.
You stood on your tiptoes and cupped Yunho's face, his lips were very close to touching but you wouldn't let him have what he wanted so easily.
“Will you let me take care of you?” Your hand went down his chest until you reached his hard cock that was dripping with precum and you ran your thumb over the tip making Yunho moan.
You pressed your lips together at the same time your hand wrapped around his cock and you began to caress him while the hot water ran down his body. Yunho grabbed your waist and you felt one of his hands go up your breasts until he reached your neck where he pressed a little, making you let out a moan and stop your movements on his cock for a moment.
“What's up kitty? I thought you were going to take care of me” You moaned when you felt a light squeeze and you moved closer to kiss him but he pulled away seeing your face desperate to feel something more than his hands on your neck, but he had to bite his lips when your hand started to move faster. "don't stop"
Without paying attention to his words you moved away from his body and before he could say anything he saw how you got on your knees. You grabbed his thighs and brought your mouth to his aching, throbbing cock while you rubbed your legs to relieve the tension in your pussy.
You heard your name fall from his lips as his head lolled back causing the water to run down his chest. You closed your eyes concentrating on trying to get the entire length into your mouth, but you knew you couldn't and you still tried.
Yunho stopped himself from holding your head and thrusting his hips, but seeing you trying to take him was enough to make his cock tremble. You stuck out your tongue and licked the tip of his cock, savoring his load while looking down at him.
You stood up staggering and before you could say anything he pushed your body to the wall and smashed his lips into your mouth, tasting himself in the process. He was desperate, he had been like this all day, he needed your kisses, your warmth, your voice, he needed you.
You felt his knee open your legs while one of his hands found its way to your clit and you moaned into his mouth when he inserted two fingers inside you without difficulty. You clung to his shoulders as you felt him arch his fingers touching your g-spot.
“Yunho…” you pulled away, hiding your face in his chest and he smiled as he felt the way your walls squeezed him “it feels so good… but I need your cock.”
You couldn't speak, his fingers drove you crazy and he knew it. He pressed his lips together and without hesitation took your body, wrapping your legs around his waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your head back as he took his cock and ran it through your pussy.
“How much do you need it?” You resisted for a moment, letting him rub the tip of his cock on your clit.
“I… just fuck…” your words were muffled as you felt him push his hips and shove his cock into your tight hole. Yunho let his head rest on your shoulder and bit your skin to keep from moaning.
Without wasting time he began with an accelerated rhythm, pushing his hips until they collided with yours, letting the sound mix with that of the water drops that fell on their bodies.
“It seems like you needed me as much as I needed you, kitten,” he whispered in your ear, “don't you?”
You nodded, taking his hair in your fingers as you lost yourself in the sensation of feeling your pussy filled and your walls squeezing him. You ran your nails along his back and Yunho just groaned as he felt the combination of pain and the burning water on his skin.
Yunho buried his head in your breasts and tended to them, nibbling on your nipples and biting them lightly when he felt the knot forming in his stomach.
Your body was trembling before your boyfriend's thrusts and you knew that he was also close to him when you felt his cock throb but he still didn't stop and continued supporting the weight of your body while making his hips collide.
“Yun… I'm close.”
“Do it kitty… cum on my cock” his words were enough for you to obey him and release the tension in your body making him give you one last push, releasing himself. You cupped his face and kissed him while you felt his warm load inside you.
You stayed together for a while longer until Yunho helped you balance and helped you wash your body. They both joked and kissed for a while longer until at the end of the night they were lying in bed facing each other.
Yunho caressed your lower back while you kissed his neck and played with your legs to press his cock.
“Shit kitty…didn't you have enough?”
“It's just the beginning,” you said, standing up and climbing onto his lap while you took off the sweatshirt he had put on you, leaving your breasts exposed.
“Watch your words or you'll regret it” you smiled and moved your hips on Yunho's cock that had already gotten hard again and you leaned in to kiss him.
"We'll see"
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pandorasfavorite · 1 year
hi i have so many dom smut ideas!!
-reader is new social media person & dom constantly flirts with her, maybe inviting her out to a club with a few others & she has to sit on his lap & when he flirts with her he feels her pussy clench on his thigh & he calls her out on it and smut ensues
- mutual masturbation when sharing a room (maybe happens by accident or overheard)
- flirting with reader & getting needy and begging to be touched & she makes him put on a show or guide her hands because she enjoys seeing him pathetically needy
Filthy and teasing
AN: I'm doing all of these BTW. But we are starting with the last one because I crave needy Dominik. I'm trying to work on my characterization for him, so help me out, guys. OMG, he's so sexy when he's sweaty. Also, this is kinda of long and Filthy guys. WHY DO I HATE MY TITLES LOL.
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You are obsessed with changing your outfits, almost every time you walk into the ring, you are wearing something new. Its always a variation of dark colors that represents the Judgement Day and it drives Dominik crazy. The way your outfits hugs your curves and shows off every bit of your body is chilling for him.
Seeing you walk into the dressing room in all black, and purple outlining the outfit at the curves of your boobs and ass makes him sallow. The outfit is modest for the most part but it shows just enough skin for the imagination, the top going into a V down your chest. Your legs are out and smooth, but with fishnets going all the way down.
Dominik doesn't even speak when he sees you, Finn was talking to him, but Dominik doesn't even remember the conversation. The only thing on his mind is how good you look, how easy it would be to rip those fishnets off and bend you over the counter.
You walk around the room leaning over counters and trying to find a spot, Dominik gets to see it all. Your ass looks so good in that outfit and all his thoughts are reaching his dick. Your outfit is just so tight and fitting, complimenting every inch of your skin. It feels like hours but you finally turn around and make eye contact with Dominik smiling at him innocently, like you were unaware of the effect you had on him. "Dominik! I'm talking to you", Finn says loudly from the other side of the room trying to break his concentration. "Stop ogling her man", Finn noticed just like everyone else. Damian laughs to himself and Rhea just grins looking off to the side.
"Sorry man", Dominik waves it off, even though he feels the burning in his cheeks from embarrassment. You smile genuinely and strut over to Dominik, you lean down and kiss his cheek, and some of your lipstick stamps onto him. "That's okay Dom. You can ogle me", you say to him not worried about the listening ears. Dominik looks up at you, everything but you is blurred in his vision, he revolves around you and only you. He can barely speak at your loving display, all he knows is that it's making it hard for him to keep it in his pants. You kiss the other side of his cheek quickly before yelling out a quick, "gotta go", not only him but the rest of the group. Everyone throws out 'bye's and 'good luck's and the door clicks shut behind you.
Rhea becomes super confused for a moment and she looks over to Dominik who is still stuck in the same position you left him in. "Aren't you supposed to be ringside?", she mentions. Dominik throws himself off the couch and curses while running, "Shit, I forgot". Damian slaps Finn's chest while joking, "Guess she did too" and he raises his eyebrows suggestively. Finn busts out laughing at some sort of underlying joke, Rhea just rolls her eyes and gets on her phone; enjoying her time to rest.
Dominik was in his own world for a minute there, you're so breathtaking to him that he couldn't find the words to say anything. Now he feels more prepared to speak to you, to get your attention that he aches for. Dominik managed to find you waiting close to the entrance, there were only 2 minutes until you were supposed to walk out. Dominik walks up behind you smacking and grabbing your ass suggestively, "God you look sexy tonight", he says huskily. You turn your head to the side to notice him, "Am I not every night?", you grin knowing his response.
"You know you are. This though, I've never been this hard", he moves to kiss your collarbone, his hair fanning over his face attractively. You feel him brush against you and he reacts strongly, whimpering without meaning too. Falling out of his dominant role accidentally. You spin around and press your front against him, You run your finger down his Adams apple and his chest, all just to grab him by the loops in his pants and giggle at his flushed face. He looks down at you, taking his hand to hold the side of your face and to rub your bottom lip, like he's considering leaning down and taking advantage of the position you're both in.
Your entrance music blasts and you whip around walking out, but with Dominik's hand clasped in yours. Dominik's eyes linger on you for longer than they should, fans will definitely notice the sexual tension between you both if he keeps it up. During your match you show out as much as you can, willing yourself to jump around to get the attention of Dominik; though you don't have to do much.
Dominik is starting to sweat; your beauty and his neediness not being a good mix, and he attempts to control himself. He closes his eyes for a split seconds and reminds himself over and over that he is on public television that he has to wait. Like clockwork Dominik ushers you out of there discreetly, wanting to grab and hold you to him and never let go.
You walk into the dressing room smiling proudly at your win, but Dominik just looks exhausted and ready to go home. Some would think he just ran a marathon but really all he's been doing is thinking about you on your knees bobbing on his cock. You take your time getting things out of your locker, longer than usual to be a tease. Dominik stands extremely close to you, he holds your waist and he lays his forehead on your shoulder. "Can we go now?", he asks squeezing his eyes shut; he's trying to force all of the dirty thoughts out of his mind for just a moment. You shake your head smiling to yourself, "I'm hurrying, just a few minutes". Dominik trails after you, every step you take he does too. Dominik taps his hands on the steering wheel shifting a bunch in his seat, impatiently.
You slide your hand onto his thigh trying to relax him but it just makes things worse. Dominik twitches at the proximity and at this point he's so hard it's starting to hurt, and his pants feel tight. You unlock the door and step into the house, Dominik rushes in after you, pushing you against the wall and sinking to his knees while he kisses down your body. He squeezes your thighs and kisses them erratically. You grab Dominik's hair pulling up a little to get his attention, "Stand up" you tell him without room for argument.
Dominik's eyes glint and his stomach flutters. The pulling on his hair alone makes him feel close to cumming. He raises up his face only a centimeter away from yours, his breathing fanning across your lips. His breath then becomes yours. You peck his lips and say the words that make him whimper in distress, "I'm going to take a shower". He rubs his clothed cock against your thigh and he closes his eyes breathing heavily, "Baby can it wait? Please- can it wait?", his fists clenching at his side. He shakes his head side to side, controlling himself, trying to last for you.
You pull on his hair making him groan and rut his hips more, "No. Go sit down, I'll be out in a minute". Dominik looks at you, trying to break your composure, to change your mind. You raise your eyebrows at him, daring him to argue. He pulls himself away from you, doing one more once over before moving to the couch. Sitting down and manspreading to release some tension. You smile mischievously and sway your hips while you walk, your bottoms ride up some, so more skin is right in front of Dominik taunting him. "Fuck me", he mutters to himself, the words slipping out seeing you walk away.
You take much longer in the shower, teasing him is so fun. While your in the shower you imagine him withering and trying to control himself, willing himself to hold off touching himself till you get back. You have only a towel wrapped around you when you walk out of the bathroom; small droplets of water run down your body from the steam. You step a few feet in front of Dominik and he swallows, "Gonna make me wait?", he says in false confidence. You drop your towel, water from your hair falling and running down your tits and thighs. You walk over and climb onto Dominik sitting your bare pussy onto his leg.
Dominik shudders at the sight of your dripping pussy sitting on his leg, You grind forward against his leg, the sound of wetness making Dominik moan. You kiss down the side of his face then under his ear, "You'll have to wait until I'm done" you whisper to him sweetly. You rock against his leg, your clit brushing against his flexed leg. Dominik's head lolled backward and he tried to compose himself but only pleas fell from his lips, "I need to be in you. Let me feel that tight pussy baby" Your other leg brushes against his cock just a little, "Fuck..fuck". His eyes squeeze shut and he grips the couch, "Mami, I'll do anything'. He feels his eyes well up in desire for you.
You still your movements when the idea comes to mind: Dominik moves his head to look at you. You move the hair out of his face to get a better look at him, "Okay. Show me what you want", Dominik's hands rush to touch your body but you grab his wrists before he can touch you. "No touching-", "Mami~", "Use my hands to show me what you want". Dominik swallows the whines of protests, he knows this is the most he is getting right now. He holds your wrists and puts your hands on your boobs. You moan quietly, starting to grind against him again. Dominik moves a hand down to slide down your stomach lowly and slowly, your pussy clenching at the proximity it brings. Dominik makes eye contact with you as he moves your hand to slip down to your pussy, your own fingertips grazing your clit.
You moan eyes fluttering closed while you play with your clit, Dominik aiding your movements. You twitch on his leg, his leather-like pants helping you glide against his leg easily. Dominik pulls your own hand back to put it on his chest, "Baby" he mutters like it's painful. You start to pull off his shirt, a relief for him, Dominiks positive he's getting what he wants. He lifts his hips up when you start to tug off his pants, his pants sliding off alone was enough friction to make his knuckles turn white from gripping the side of the couch. You sit on his lap now, his cock prodding and aching in need, leaking so much precum you thought he already came.
You kiss Dominik's cheeks and then ask, "What do you want baby?" you whisper in a seductive manner. Dominik's hips thrust up a little while he speaks, "Anything. Ride me, my cock, my face. Just sit on it Mami. Fuck just sit on it", the thought alone provokes his body to shake. You take your finger and run it down his cock and Dominik gasps his whole body shooting back. You wrap your hand around his cock and pumped him twice, your thumb grazing over the tip of his dick.
Dominiks dick twitches and his cum spills out coating your stomach and thighs, it all dripping down your body. Dominiks trying his best not to push you away from him, your warm pussy still laying on him. You notice his struggle and the way he’s pants with his lips are parted; overstimulated. You notice this, it’s so hot the way his body is begging for you, you stroke his cock; lifting a little to rub your wetness on him. “Mami wait. mmm s’too much”, A hand finds your hair for support and his other hand is lying on your bare waist to hold you still.
You ignore him, grabbing him by the base and slipping him into you. You moan at the slight stretch, how his cock fits into you perfectly. You lift up arching your back and you knock Dominik's hand away from your head, you grab his hand and put it onto the other side of your waist. You press your lips to him, your lips moving against each other, both of you trying to control the pace of the kiss. You hum into a kiss grinding back and forth, his dick moving inside of you. There's a fluttering in your chest from the overwhelming feeling of lust and pleasure.
“Taking it so well”, you say; fingers scratch down his back lightly, your pussy clenching on him, the smacks of your skin against his; one of the many things Dominik manages to grasp. His mind is flooded and mushy, he can’t comprehend anything but you and how long he’s been waiting for this, how badly he always wants you. Your thighs burn from riding him, to the point you want to lay down and take it. You slide off of Dominik, pleads tumbling from his lips immediately. “Baby?”, he looks down at himself making it so much more intense, “Don’t leave, let me help please - please”, he turns his body after you.
You lay on your back taking up the rest of the couch, you smile and put your hands above your head sexily, spreading your legs slowly for Dominik to take it in. Dominik licks the bottom of his lip, his eyes not leaving you. Like it’s instinct he grabs your thighs and pulls you flush against him and his cock. He spreads your legs further and he pushes into you cursing lowly.
He thrusts into your dripping hole mercilessly, his hips snapping against your ass. Dominik's hands grip your thighs to where it’s turning red, but his roughness feels so good, the switch in his behavior was sexy to you. Dominik rolls his hips, the tip of his dick hitting that spot inside of you that makes you moan loud and arch off the couch. “Always letting me finish the job and fuck you right, huh mami? Ain’t that right baby?” He grunts out his hair falling over his face some in the most perfect way.
You nod quickly your hands reaching to hold onto his biceps while your tits bounce at the force. He reaches down and plays with your sticky clit from his precum and your own wetness. You feel yourself clench around him and he moans. Your close with the feeling of Dominik inside of you pushing you close to the edge. “So tight -haahh- that’s it mami. Don’t run from it baby, so close”, your moan your vision goes dark for a second and your mouth falls open in a moan. Dominik smacks your ass and thrusts into you quickly, the tip of his dick being squeezed by your clenching pussy. Dominik cums and leans forward towards you, his eyes closing for a moment and his face blissed out. “S’so fucking good,” he says opening his eyes to see the love of his life fucked out with her chest heaving and lips wet with him.
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runaa666 · 6 months
I want to be Dave's bratty gf so bad!!!!!!
like in early days of megadeth girls just pay attention to him and ignore you as if he's the only one in the band. And she has a too big ego to explain to Dave that she is uncomfortable with this situation..
And just as he ignores her, she ignores him and starts flirting with random guys at the bar..
(And it ends with rough sex in the bar bathroom 🥰)
this is a very interesting request!!! i had a good time writing it sooo
summary: reader acting like she's single, dave letting her know that pussy has an owner.
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dave's face was red from laughing so hard, you could see from a distance how his chest was swelling with pure ego that was being fed by those girls around him. sometimes rolling his curls on her fingers or "friendly" touching his chest. dave didn't seem to care, but he wasn't stopping it either, and it was driving you fucking crazy.
you were in the corner of the bar, dave hadn't even noticed that you'd gone to get another drink to try to take out your frustration on something, or rather drown it in alcohol. you looked sideways, listening to him talk but not really understanding what he was really saying, but anyway, those girls kept laughing, that screeching laughter intended to get attention, to let dave know that they were definitely interested in what he was saying and how he was saying it. your boyfriend definitely knew what he was doing and was used to having groupies around him.
you sighed and drank the last of your drink down to the bottom and took one last look at dave who was still smiling fractionally at all those groupies who were holding him back. then, you moved your gaze around the bar, it wasn't really that early, but it was still decently crowded, enough to see a couple of men looking at you from afar and exchanging glances between them, you smiled at the one you thought was most willing to approach you and it wasn't long before he did. being encouraged by his friends and walking confidently to the seat next to you, giving you an up and down glance.
"you didn't arrive alone but now you are." he said, smiling at you. "i'm not complaining anyway. did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"
"something like that. he doesn't know it yet." you respond without breaking eye contact, key to keeping him interested.
he laughed and kept talking for a few more minutes, knowing the basics about each other but it was totally obvious that the guy wanted to kiss you completely and was looking for the right moment to do it. it's not like you cared, and you couldn't concentrate much knowing you felt dave's fucking gaze on the back of your neck. you just knew, you could feel it so vividly that you didn't even need to look to where he was to confirm it. but you did anyway, and oooh shit.
he wasn't laughing, he wasn't blinking, he didn't even seem to be breathing right now. he kept his gaze fixed on you, and you couldn't deny that things were getting fun. so you smiled at him amused and looked back at the guy in front of you. not even listening to what he was saying, but paying enough attention to him to make him feel special and rest his hand on your leg to whisper something in your ear. then, pulling your hand to guide you to the bathroom quickly. you were really going to do it? while you were walking you were looking for dave, but he wasn't where he was before, and you couldn't find him, your heart started beating hard while you were following that guy without saying anything, dragging your eyes all over the place to look for your boyfriend, you were so focused on that, that you were startled when the guy spoke, or rather whimpered.
"ah! what the fuck, man!" he complained stepping back and letting go of your hand to rub his recently sensitive wrist. "why did you do that?!"
"get the fuck out of here before it's your neck i twist this time."
you heard this voice, his voice. you looked over the guy's shoulder to see him. dave was all red in the face from how angry he was, he was fucking jealous, he was outraged at you, and when he turned to look at you, you felt your legs go weak and your lip tremble slightly. you blinked several times not quite knowing what to say.
"you're coming with me."
he pulled on your wrist not hard enough to hurt you like that guy who kept complaining about, but hard enough that you couldn't do anything about it and followed him into the bathroom and blocked the door behind you. without even being able to do anything when he pushed you into the wall to pin you down by putting one leg between yours and holding both your hands, getting dangerously close to your face.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing? is that your new boyfriend? is that what this is about?"
he claimed in a husky, heavy voice, you could feel his hot breath hitting your face and you had to clear your throat to articulate a word, but in fact, he had nothing to complain about, not after behaving like a total bitch all night.
"fuck you. you were stuck on those girls all night. they drool all over you and you did nothing to stop them."
he raised an eyebrow and looked you in the eye.
"so that's it? you want revenge for talking to those bitches? you know they mean nothin' to me. instead that motherfucker seemed to be undressing you with his eyes."
"he did pay attention to me."
he rolled his eyes in annoyance and moved closer to you.
"so you can do it but if i do it you get mad?"
"will you go through with it? i don't care about them, you know that."
yeah, he was angry, but not as angry as before, he seemed to want to achieve something else, another purpose by getting this close, as if he wanted to keep feeling your body pressed against his and how his knee brushed weakly against your thighs and crotch. he was looking into your eyes, but also your hair and lips. just as the tip of his nose wandered down your cheek until it went down to your neck.
"i should dry fuck you right now to make sure you never behave like that again."
you gasped as you felt his knee begin to move circularly pressed to your crotch and his fingers crawled quickly under your cute black top.
"but since i'm pious, i won't. the part of you being dry, i mean." he whispered in your ear.
"dave i-"
"no. whatever you say won't change anything, just shut up and deal with it. did you hear me?"
you nodded weakly, your mind beginning to cloud from lack of stimulation. you couldn't deny that the constant rubbing of his knee was affecting you.
"good, now turn around for me."
he didn't even wait for you to do it when he grabbed your hips hard and did it himself, thrusting his hips into your ass immediately. with one hand he ran through your hair to see your pretty face against the wall tile, smiling as the coldness of it hit you unexpectedly and made you gasp again.
"gonna' let you know how much i love you baby."
he put two fingers together and pushed them into your entrance still above the fabric of your panties, just to tempt you, sometimes dragging them towards your clit, he kept going until he felt your panties were wet enough for him to stick a finger inside now for real, trying to ease the ache between his legs by stroking himself with his other palm.
you lifted your ass up needy, yes, you really were, you could never resist how well dave always touched you, even more so after an argument, just so he could appreciate how your pride that remained intact quickly crumbled when it came to him touching just the right spots to make you fall for him.
and he always ended up winning.
"c'mon, dave…"
"ow, i'm boring my girl…? maybe you should go with that guy from earlier then. you want me to call him?"
you shook your head, and he smiled as he whispered in your ear.
"so who do you want?"
there it was; the confirmation he needed to hear. you were immature enough to go with someone else but he was bitchy enough to rock it, so he didn't make you wait any longer as he released his aching, hard cock from his pants and slipped inside your dripping pussy completely.
"fuuuck, baby. always so good for me." he grunted as he began to move at a decent pace as to make you bite your lip trying not to make a sound. dave slid one of his hands from your clitoris to your chest, trying to stimulate you enough so you couldn't stifle the moans and whimpers you were now throwing into the air.
he smiled and pulled on your hair making you whine, hitting your sweet spot over and over again as if to make you moan out loud. with any luck, the noise outside would dull yours and so go unnoticed, but this place seemed cheap enough for sound to get through these thin walls.
dave didn't seem to care either way. he tugged on your hair and whispered in your ear.
"being unintentionally loud or are you trying to let those girls out there know you're having a good time with me? slick girl, you don't mind sounding like a whore if it means knowing you're my whore."
he sped up his thrusts and threw his head back in consumed pleasure, letting out low moans and squeezing your hips hard with his other free hand, clenching his jaw as he felt you close around him as a sign that you were already so close. quickly moving his fingers around your clitoris to wrap you tighter around his cock until you reached orgasm making your legs weaken, dave had to hold you down so you wouldn't end up on the floor and pinning you even tighter to the wall to keep you standing while you received his cock over-stimulating you to the max, he held the back of your neck as he thrust for the last few times until he released all his cum inside you, resting his chin on your shoulder near your ear feeling his hot, rapid breathing.
"that's it, baby." he lightly smacked your butt before kissing your cheek. "see how much i love you… only i can make you feel like this. i'll never ignore you again, okay sweetie?" he whispered in your ear.
you nodded slightly and he hugged you from behind.
"now let's get out of this place, i have other plans for us tonight at home."
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