#and I couldn't not executed once the seed was planted
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May the Fourth be with you!
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thehufflepuffavenger1 · 6 months
The Grid Angel (1/?) M.V. x reader
Y/N L/N Is Max Verstappen's new race engineer but the rest of the grid likes her too. The grids angel.
The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the paddock as the Formula 1 season kicked off in spectacular fashion. Qualifying Saturday brought an air of anticipation, not only for the teams and drivers but also for you, the race engineer for Max Verstappen. The Red Bull garage buzzed with activity, and the echoes of engines revving filled the air.
As the pit crew fine-tuned the Red Bull machine, you were engrossed in a conversation with Oscar Piastri, the rising star from the McLaren team. The two of you exchanged technical insights and shared a few laughs, completely absorbed in the world of racing strategy. Unbeknownst to you, Max Verstappen observed from a distance, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
Max, with his competitive spirit not limited to the track, couldn't shake the subtle twinge of jealousy. He had become accustomed to your undivided attention during race weekends, and the sight of you engrossed in conversation with Oscar stirred an unfamiliar feeling within him. The pit crew noticed Max's shifting demeanor, sensing the tension building beneath the surface.
Lando Norris, with his keen sense of humor, picked up on the atmosphere and decided to playfully fan the flames. He sidled up to Max, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Mate, looks like someone's got a bit of competition off the track," Lando teased, nodding towards you and Oscar engaged in animated discussion.
Max shot Lando a mock glare, his attempt to brush off the comment. However, the seed of doubt had been planted. The friendly banter between drivers on the grid was nothing new, but this time, it seemed like a rivalry was brewing in more ways than one.
As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the paddock, the qualifying session drew near. The tension in the air was palpable, not just from the impending on-track battle but from the unspoken dynamics playing out among the drivers and their teams.
The qualifying session unfolded with its usual mix of intensity and drama. Max, fueled by a desire to prove himself both on and off the track, pushed the Red Bull to its limits. The pit crew executed flawlessly, but the lingering undercurrent of emotions added an extra layer of complexity to the proceedings.
As the day transitioned into night, the atmosphere in the paddock shifted. The pit crew, always attuned to the dynamics of the team, could sense the unspoken tension. Max, after securing a respectable qualifying position, found a moment alone with you amid the hustle and bustle.
"Everything good, Max?" you inquired, your attention shifting from the race strategies to the emotions written on Max's face."Yeah, yeah," he replied, a hint of vulnerability beneath the confident exterior. "Just focused on the race, you know?"
Little did Max know that your connection with him went beyond the technical intricacies of the race. The season had just begun, and the off-track drama promised to be as thrilling as the battles on the circuit, setting the stage for a tale that would unfold with every twist and turn of the Grand Prix calender.
The next race weekend dawned, and the paddock came alive once again with the roar of engines and the bustling energy of the Formula 1 circus. Max Verstappen, carrying the remnants of his jealousy from the previous qualifying, couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on your interactions with other drivers.
During the drivers' parade, Lando Norris pulled alongside Max, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Mate, you better step up your off-track game. I saw Y/N chatting with Carlos, and it looked like they were having a blast.
"Max shot Lando a half-amused, half-exasperated look. "I'm here to race, not to compete for attention off the track."As the weekend progressed, the competitive camaraderie between drivers extended beyond the racing realm. Carlos Sainz, always charismatic, engaged you in a lively conversation about race strategies and shared anecdotes from his experiences. Max, observing from a distance, found himself gritting his teeth in frustration.
Sergio Perez, known for his ability to read the subtle nuances of the paddock, sensed Max's unease. "Max, my friend, are you feeling a bit left out?" Sergio teased, a knowing glint in his eye.
Max scoffed, attempting to downplay his emotions. "I'm just focused on the race, like always."However, the tension simmered beneath the surface. The pit crew, attuned to the dynamics within the team, exchanged knowing glances as they continued their preparations. The upcoming race promised not only high-speed drama on the track but a behind-the-scenes storyline that captivated the entire paddock.
During a multi-team event, the charismatic charm of Charles Leclerc drew you into a conversation about the nuances of driving styles. The two of you exchanged insights, laughter, and even a few friendly challenges. Max, watching from across the room, clenched his jaw, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him.
Fernando Alonso, with his seasoned wisdom, approached Max with a pat on the back. "Max, my friend, in racing, you have to be fast on and off the track. Maybe it's time to show a different side of yourself."
The advice lingered in Max's mind as the race day arrived. The grid was charged with anticipation, not only for the thrilling battle on the circuit but for the undercurrents of emotions that had become an integral part of the season narrative.
As the lights dimmed, engines roared to life, and the cars thundered down the straight, the drama unfolded on multiple fronts. Max, focused on reclaiming his spotlight, pushed the Red Bull to its limits. The pit crew executed seamless strategies, but it was the emotional dynamics that added an extra layer of complexity to the race.
The checkered flag waved, and Max crossed the finish line with a triumphant roar. The pit crew erupted in celebration, but Max's eyes sought you out amidst the chaos. The unspoken tension reached a turning point as you locked eyes with him, a shared understanding passing between you.
The paddock, having witnessed the emotional rollercoaster of the race, anticipated that the off-track dynamics would continue to evolve. The Grand Prix season had just begun, and with each race, the interwoven threads of competition and connection promised a narrative that transcended the mere pursuit of victory on the track.
Next Chapter (don't know how to make a link if you do let me know):
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snailsgoingdowntown · 3 years
Won't catch me - Kazuha
Kazuha x fem! Reader
Day 4 of writing for Kazuha until he comes home. It's just a mini series at this point with no clear time line-
Warnings: mention of execution, bad pacing, no stable plot + idek what I'm doing anymore with this tbh. I'm just writhing whatever now-
written on mobile. Unedited.
It's been a week since you came to his room in the middle of the night. And it's been a week since he's been confused on his feelings for you. You were a polite young lady, who respected his boundaries and he's grateful for that. But at the same time, he wants you to cross said boundaries. You didn't even see him as a friend, though.
Just a mere crewmate.
And that's what he should also see you as, really. A crewmate, because that's all you'll ever be. You don't attempt to bond with him that much, if at all, and he doesn't attempt to either. Because he shouldn't want to hold your hand, or to gaze at your features under the clear blue sky. He shouldn't want to write you poetry, or to lay next to you.
He's not even sure when these feelings started to grow from the seeds you planted into him unknowingly. When did they blossom into beautiful flowers? With thorns so painful, it could make him bleed on the inside. And he's sure he would have bleed, if given the chance. And yet he doesn't want that feeling gone.
Kazuha looks out at the ocean, watching as the waves come and go. The air smells of salt and the moon is out, the skies a clear dark blue with stars painting it. He sighs, arms resting on the edge of the boat, body slumped over. He couldn't fall asleep. There was too much on his mind to fall asleep.
He doesn't hear the footsteps that slowly make their way to him. He doesn't notice your form standing next to him either, too deep in thought. He only notices you when you gently blow on his ear, making the young samurai jolt in return. His head quickly turns to you, and his body relaxes once more when he notices it's only you and not a threat.
"Hehe... Sorry. I should have tapped instead... You've been out here, for a while. Captain Beidou is worried about you, you know."
"Ah... Sorry about that. A lot has been on my mind as of late."
"Is it about Inazuma?"
"Yes. I've been wondering around as a wanted man for a while now. And I wonder if I'll ever go back home." He ruffles his hair with one hand, letting out another sigh. It's not very often he gets stressed, but when he does, it's a bit... Cute, in a way.
"The home you ran away from, you mean. But will you be able to go back? You're a wanted man for taking a vision, and for keeping your own. The electro Archon will..."
There's a hint of worry in your voice as you frown, and he finds it oddly adorable. But he knows what you mean, he knows what will happen if he gets caught - most likely, he will get executed.
"The Raiden Shogun won't catch me. No-one has the right to rob people of their hopes and dreams - not even a God. And my god, the one who rules over my nation, will not rob mine. So she will not capture me."
Kazuha's smile is gentle and sweet, and it makes your heart flutter.
"Because she can't catch my hopes and dreams."
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cursedfortune · 3 years
"You think just because you put your Filthy MORTAL HANDS ON ME that I'd be GRATEFUL to yOu?" The unhinged madman cried, his flesh growing and mutating as agony coursed through his body. Fingers dug into the flesh of his ripping skull on one side whilst decaying purple muck ejected for mortem's body on the other if only just to banish her from him his vacinity. For now.
It's happening again.
Longer and longer he has come to stay coherent. Moody still? Of course. That has always been okay; the witch would take Zamasu's emotions over his outright violence any day. She tells herself it's okay while he mutates and reminds herself it's progress even if he reverses temporarily. Relapses happen. It's not like he'll suddenly like her or mortals anytime soon. If there was one thing she always excelled at (much to her enemy's dismay) it was playing the long game. It's mainly knowing the pain he'll endure that is the worst of it. She doesn't look at him so agonizingly because she is hurting or is worried about poor results being gained. No, she's empathetic - as if to make up for where he still isn't.
In the beginning she thrived more on his hurt, his anger; because good, mortals and gods alike deserved justice for his actions and she would be the universe's retribution unto him. Now it's of a different flavor after all this time. She came not to destroy but to heal.
...But she has only really ever healed herself.
Wild magic couldn't help him in the way it has others. This wasn't no mere flesh wound despite his physical shape being affected - this was a sickness of the mind, of the soul. Something she knows to be nearly impossible to come back from. And those that do often seldom resemble who they once were.
Lashing out at her like so does not deter her. Mortem lifts her arms to defend herself, skidding back a few feet in the process. With a downward thrust of her limbs she clears away the decaying flesh from herself. Anything else left on her person is ignored, it's not her priority.
"I don't want your gratefulness, Zamasu!" The witch planted her foot firmly; her burning coal eyes seeking his steel - what a beautiful sword they could craft together in a kinder universe.
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"I want you! Give me your hurt if you must, it'll only bring these hands closer to your soul. I'll see you restored, godling, and I'll come to know what a smile on your face actually looks like when not caked in my blood!" Her tone and the look on her face may be threatening but the intent she exudes doesn't come with hostility. It comes with a promise. If he cannot hear her he will feel her.
She wants to know his soul, she needs to. This corrupted, twisted being could not last. What would become of the universe if she failed, if he managed to break her spell and snuff her out? Left like this on his own, unstable and wrathful yet towards mortals. There would be nothing left. Any potential life that sprouted he'd executed instantaneously. This wasn't a matter of hoping for the best. She needed to be the best and needed him to become it, as well.
"I don't want you to feel obligated to me. I've already accepted you, you fool! What I want is for you to have some fucking common sense again!" Mortem can see he wasn't always this way. It didn't matter how much of him was left in there to salvage; a small seed could grow an entire tree, after-all. Were people not the same? This phase of autumn into winter would still return to spring - she knew that.
It was enough because it had to be. She stood, bracing with nothing but her promise as she awaited his inevitable spiral.
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keijifairy · 4 years
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synopsis. Yuuei's notorious bad boy Bakugou Katsuki was the student you crossed off your potential secret admirer list without reluctance. Because surely, the explosive foul mouthed boy knew nothing about the flowers you receive anonymously, right?
pairing. Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
genre. fluff
author’s note. first imagine lezzgoo!! inspired by a comic post i saw on tumblr long ago and immediately thought of my man kacchan
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You love a lot of things.
From chocolates, to flowers, to your lovely group of friends, and to a certain classmate of yours named Bakugou Katsuki; you love them all dearly.
You thought that only your friends returned that love, but it seemed like even the flowers came to love you back as well.
When you entered your classroom on a normal school day, the students were louder than usual with their shrieks and coos instantly greeting you. 
Almost the whole class of 1-A (Todoroki simply didn't give any care and Bakugou looked pissed off more than usual) were huddled around your assigned seat, all babbling excitedly to each other about some secret admirer that didn't make any sense to you at all. Eyebrows wiggling suggestively and knowing smirks were all directed towards you. Confused out of your mind, you approached the small buzzing crowd to see what they were so incredibly excited about. 
Turns out a delicately beautiful red tulip was left on your desk by a classmate of yours that was yet to be named.
Days passed and nothing changed. Endless teasing, the lovely flowers awaiting you, and no one still admitting they were the anonymous person planting a smile on your face.
Everyday, different kinds of the prettiest flowers were always present in places you were at the most: your classroom desk, your usual table in the cafeteria, and even on the doorstep of your dorm room. You stored the various flowers on vases, some taped on the wall serving as decoration, and some just idly laying around. Even with the majority of the flowers wither, you still thought it gave more life to your once plain room.
This small act indeed flattered you to no extent and you do enjoy receiving all these little gifts, but it was starting to get frustrating as you unfortunately have no idea who could have been giving you flowers. No notes, no clues, no anything given to help you know even a name!
Midoriya? Yeah, he is adorable and makes your heart swoon, but you are pretty confident your ultimate ship with him and Uraraka stands real.
Todoroki? Honestly, that boy is too perfect for you
Kirishima? Your right hand man in investigating.
You could only laugh, as if.
Ever since you stepped foot in Yuuei, Bakugou Katsuki's aggressive and arrogant personality managed to make you harbor some kind of romantic feelings towards him. With his mindset on becoming the Number One Hero as his only priority, and the clear annoyance and hatred he shows to each student, you couldn't admit to yourself that you admired him more than a classmate and future pro hero even though it was clear as day.
You were quite sure he hates your guts more than anyone in this school. Surprisingly, maybe even more than the sweet Midoriya. For some awful unknown reason, he just seemed to plant a deeper, special kind of hatred only for you. Death glares, aggressive cursing, and the unusual deep flush of red you thought justified his petty anger, yet still made you fall harder and harder for him as each day passed.
Bakugou Katsuki hated you.
You had enough evidence then.
You crossed off Bakugou on your list with a sigh.
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Bakugou trailed behind you alongside some of his friends, the chatters of your classmates barely reaching his ears as it instead chose to listen to the soft chuckle that left your plump lips as you joined in, with his gaze not seeing anything around him but the pretty smile that stuck like glue on your face which he thought only added charm in your personality.
From your annoying hysteric laughter whenever Kaminari tries to woo you with a lame joke, to the charming smile you shoot him whenever you enter the classroom, the stupid pouting of your lips and the scrunching of your brows when you fail to execute a new move and even to your annoying sound of your voice that does peculiar things to his heart, Bakugou absolutely despised just the thought of your stupid face.
But with a small hint of hesitance masked by a scowl and a push by Kirishima, he still accepted your invite to join you and your classmates on a small study group session in your room.
It seemed like those were all the more reasons for Bakugou to hate you.
You suddenly stopped in your tracks, with everyone following suit in front of your room door. 
The boy held his breath as he turned his head to the side, eyes darting everywhere when he saw how the growing smile on your lips reached up to your eyes as your cheeks suddenly kissed pink like the spring rose — the same color as the flower sitting at your doorstep.
You bent down, gently grabbing the stem of the rose in your hands, quietly examining it with the soft smile still planted in your lips — and Bakugou's eyes were fixated, yet again, to you.
"Aww! Your secret admirer is so sweet!" Uraraka gushed from behind you, peeking from your shoulders and her statement only making the redness on your cheeks brighter.
You bashfully tucked the stray strand of hair behind your ear, eyes setting down on the floor. "I love the flowers and this person too, to be honest."
"A mysterious romance is blooming in Class 1-A!"
Unbeknownst to any of you, Bakugou clutched his hands into fists, biting the insides of his cheeks as his face turned into an embarrassing reddish hue. He wouldn't know what to do if someone saw him in such a flustered state.
You only giggled quietly as you started to unlock your door. The moment it opened, the floral scent of your own personal flower garden welcomes your guests.
They slowly waltzed in, some jaws dropping in surprise as they examined the room heavily decorated with all different kinds of flowers. To the walls, tables, and bed; from lilacs, to carnations and roses, your room was practically transformed into a cute little flower shop.
At this point, Bakugou's heartbeat couldn't be felt anymore when he spotted the first ever flower your secret admirer had given you weeks ago, — a red tulip, a symbol of declaration of one's love to another, still alive and flourishing in the prettiest vase you owned on your bedside table.
"Holy smokes!" Ashido exclaims in amazement, "You're like a-a... magical flower...fairy princess!"
You giggled, walking towards your table that had a minimal amount of flower decorations. Thankfully, you had one last vase left without its own flower complementing it standing lonesome on that table. "I'm flattered to become a magical flower fairy princess."
"Or maybe I'll be a florist instead of a hero in the future." you joked, causing soft chuckling to stir.
You placed the pink rose in the simple white vase, the soft colors of each item perfectly suiting each other. You opened the drawer on the table, a long enough pink ribbon just idly laying there along with different scrapbook materials. You daintily tied the ribbon on the stem of the flower to make it more pleasing to look at. 
For a finishing magic touch, just like what you do to each flower you were gifted, your lips touched the pink petal for a soft kiss. 
"Told you she's a flower fairy!" 
"Come on now, let us start studying." Iida stated, already starting to take out his textbooks from his backpack.
"That's boooring~"
With the image of a flower garden and its flower fairy tending to it with soft love as a gentle caress, Bakugou was finally aware of one thing. 
You unknowingly planted a seed in his heart, and just your smile could make flowers — and even him grow.
Perhaps, Katsuki Bakugou liked you more than he planned.
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"Damn it, I forgot my book."
You sighed to yourself, reluctantly standing up. Present Mic would surely annoy the hell out of you for the whole English period, especially that you forgot your textbook in your dorm room. As to avoid anymore of your teacher's antics, you had no choice but to drag your lazy ass all the way to the dorms in less than five minutes just before homeroom starts.
The fact that your oh so lovely crush still hasn't made his presence known in some way dramatic only added to your already sour mood. 
With the little energy left on your body, you ran all the way back to the dorms, mumbling in annoyance to yourself every so often.
Hey, he is your motivation after all.
But when you finally approached your room, you quickly came to a halt. Your eyes shifting on a certain item and your jaw dropping in surprise.
That spiky ash blond hair that belongs to someone you were too familiar of.
There he was, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A's infamous bad boy who seemed to hate you, standing at your doorstep with a gardenia, a flower that symbolizes secret love, held delicately in his hand.
Unfortunately for you (and him), before you even found the chance to hide, he had already felt your presence stood frozen behind him. He swiftly turned around, his eyebrows already scrunched in annoyance like an instinct. 
When his gaze caught yours, his eyes started to twitch. His teeth gritted against each other as veins started to visibly appear on his fists with the poor flower slowly getting crushed. You didn't miss the smoke coming out his clenched fists, and you swore you even saw some from his ears. The beetroot color of red painted his face, and you knew Bakugou wasn't angry, perhaps embarrassed. Or maybe he was angry because he was embarrassed? Which one was it, really?
But it surely did look like he was going to kill you, then himself.
And without even letting you finish whatever you had to say, the unusually blushing teen quickly fled the scene, not bothering to finish the business he was about to do.
"So.. he's the...secret....admirer...?"
You spent all night freaking out about your latest discovery that you barely slept a blink. You were too occupied screaming into your pillow and giggling alone in your room like the crazy high school girl absolutely head over heels over some cute boy.
And all was true in that.
Bakugou Katsuki standing at your doorstep with a flower surely wasn't a coincidence and your eyes weren't just making tricks, right?
My head hurts. You groaned quietly, fingers tiredly rubbing your temple. 
Today, there were still no signs of the hot headed teen and none of the pretty flowers that greeted you every morning. And that only added to your depressed mood; the literal opposite of what you were feeling just last night.
Just as you were about to continue sulking to yourself, the door slammed open, revealing Bakugou himself with the infamous ticked off expression of his you were all used to seeing which was a complete contrast to Kirishima who stood beside him, cheerfully greeting a good morning to your classmates.
With Bakugou's hands shoved in his pockets, back hunched, and the seemingly permanent scowl and glare etched on his face, he perfectly portrayed the bad boy title as he trudged over to your desk. Instead of a flower, he clutched a crumpled piece of paper in his hand.
He stopped in front of your chair, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenching, tilting his head to the side to avoid your curious eyes. This time, you didn't miss the red painting his cheeks. 
Without uttering a word, he opened his fist, allowing the paper ball to land on your desk.
"Shut up."
And with those two sharp words, you obeyed with your eyes quickly averting on the paper as he sat on his desk just behind yours, of course not forgetting to curse at Kirishima who only asked him what just happened.
With shaking hands, both in fear because who knows, he might want to kick your ass after class, and excitement because whatever was written here might prove he is your secret admirer, you slowly unfolded the paper to read Bakugou's scribbled handwriting. 
fuck you 
it isn't me 
you didn't catch me leaving you a flower yesterday 
don't be delusional and think i'm your stupid ass admirer or some shit like that
But when you came back to the dorms after class, a daisy which was widely used to predict whether one returns another's feelings, sitting at your doorstep and a certain figure hurriedly scurrying away from your room said otherwise.
You guessed that not only the flowers loved you, but it seemed like Bakugou Katsuki did as well.
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kramlabs · 3 years
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So You Want To Believe The So-Called 'Experts'?*
By Karl Denninger
Let's go down the list.
This virus was newly discovered in January of 2020. FALSE; Judicial watch has now proved that Fauci and the NIH knew that Covid-19 was diagnosed no later than December 2nd 2019 in Wuhan. This was deliberately concealed under confidentiality agreements between China and the NIH. In short Dr. Fauci and the NIH knowingly and repeatedly lied about the time of first discovery and diagnosis and it is documented that this was known in February and early March and not disclosed. We also now know with scientific certainty that the virus was in the US no later than the second week of December of 2019 because antibodies were found in about 1.5% of blood donations from that time. This, along with the sequencing back-computation I performed in early 2020 places the latest the virus entered the US as sometime in October of 2019 and from the blood bank data it is scientifically proved it had infected about 1.5% of the population, or roughly 4 million people in the US, by the second week of December 2019. This in turn means that we had widespread disease which was blamed on something else. Indeed we handled all 4 million of those cases just fine up until the hysteria started, didn't we? You didn't even know those 4 million sick people, and those who died of it, existed prior to the hysteria being ginned up.
15 days will slow the spread. "If we all stay home and minimize contact for 15 days -- including closing businesses, schools and not traveling -- Covid will be under control and we can trace infections and stop it." FALSE and we now know impossible because the virus was already all over the country on an uncontrolled basis by that time and the NIH knew the virus had been circulating for at least a month earlier than they admitted at the time. It is true that if you immediately slam your borders shut 100% you can trace and quarantine yourself out of a transmissible epidemic -- at the cost of essentially all external trade, travel and tourism. But Fauci factually knew when we started that this was impossible because the virus had been spreading here for at least two months at the time and we hadn't done a thing about it for those two months. We were later to learn it was four months and perhaps longer.
If you give us 30 more days (remember, this is now six weeks to slow the spread) it'll work. FALSE AGAIN for the same reason; the NIH and Fauci knew there was no possible way to contain the virus when the original 15 days expired as he knew, factually, that the virus had been uncontained for at least three months.
But the lockdowns and restrictions worked to save lives! Nope; this is called the "exception fallacy" and now a peer-reviewed journal entry demonstrates it. We knew this early on too; indeed for five decades we've had "pandemic response plans" that make clear that once you have widespread community dispersion of an infectious agent attempting to lock down people or impose any other sort of non-pharmaceutical intervention is futile and causes harm. We ignored said decades of hard-won experience -- intentionally.
We don't have enough ventilators! FALSE; not one of the DPA-produced ones was ever needed; NY's Governor lied and had plenty of them, as did everyone else.
Ventilators not only are needed they will save lives. FALSE; they killed nearly everyone put on one then, and still do. We knew they didn't work in February as they killed 95% of the people put on then in Wuhan and this had been reported out by March.
This is mostly a community-spread disease in places like stores, bars, restaurants, churches, concerts and the local city street. FALSE; the CDC itself documented that more than half of all transmission was happening in homes and the next largest, and only other statistically material spread was occurring in industrial (e.g. meat packing) plants and health care settings. Nashville suppressed the fact that they could only trace about one percent of infections to social businesses such as bars and restaurants and now the CDC itself has stated that less than 1% of spread is traceable to such public venues as restaurants and bars. In other words we knew by late spring of 2020 the restrictions, including business closures, school shutdowns and masks couldn't work as that's not where the virus was spreading; we couldn't shut down the industrial plants without starving the population and destroying both energy production and sanitary services leading to an immediate societal and economic collapse. Nor could we invade every house and forcibly segment positive-tested people either; we had neither the resources nor would they get away with it without the cops and government goons being turned into swiss cheese. And when it comes to health care we could have segregated Covid-19 facilities and the people working in care homes but intentionally did not.
Asymptomatic transmission is a major risk. FALSE. Over millions of contacts traced in China not one was ever proved to be from an asymptomatic person. There has never been scientific evidence that asymptomatic spread has been material in any pandemic through history and there is no documented evidence of material asymptomatic spread for Covid-19 in the US or anywhere else. Worse, symptomatic persons least able to afford to call out sick due to lack of paid sick time or even the threat of being fired are those in low-wage and high-contact jobs such as fast food, grocery, meatpacking and other "essential" service industries never mind care home employees who are poorly paid and often moonlight in home health care among extremely vulnerable people.
We had no way to stop the nursing home deaths and did the best we could. FALSE. I pointed out immediately after Kirkland occurred that isolating the employees from all general public interaction, effectively creating a bubble, would stop nearly all of the transmission into these environments. We happened to have a lot of empty hotels at the time too. Yes, we would have had to pay significant bonuses to entice employees to go nowhere other than that hotel room and to work but we could have, and if we did it would have saved nearly 50% of those who died in the first four months. Not one so-called "expert" demanded or even suggested doing so but I was calling for exactly this in March of 2020. This, of course leaves aside the various Executive Orders that intentionally seeded the virus into nursing homes in multiple states by multiple Governors. Indeed even this winter in still-locked-down New York there was still no segregation of employees and residents were killed in size by infection brought into the care home by employees. Recent small case number spikes have been associated with vaccine distribution. How's that possible? There's only one rational explanation: The health care workers are giving the virus to the patients getting the shot! And yet we are still told that all these people are "heroes" and don't you dare forget it.
We didn't -- and don't -- have early treatment options that work. FALSE; Japan spent their effort on early treatment and keeping people out of hospitals. They have roughly a third of our population and only 8,000 dead people. Japan is far more-dense population-wise than us yet did a hell of a lot better despite having a materially older population. What Japan didn't do, in short, is spread the disease via their health care workers. In short if you went to the hospital you were likely to die; this has proved out in my own county in Tennessee with a >60% death rate. Up until we started with the panic porn -- the entire first three months of this outbreak in the US until March of 2020 -- we did fine too despite the virus being literally everywhere for months. We in fact knew of several early treatment candidate drugs, all cheap and available, in March of 2000 and exactly zero of them were investigated by the NIH, CDC or any of the so-called "public health" institutions such as Vanderbilt, IHME, Johns Hopkins and others. Those physicians and even hospital systems who did investigate them on their own were derogated, attacked and in some cases even threatened with license suspensions and other sanctions which continue to this day.
Age is the primary determinant of risk. FALSE; obesity and the panoply of health conditions caused and exacerbated by being a fat-ass is the primary determinant of risk. Nations with lower obesity prevalence have a ten times lower or better risk of death from Covid-19 on a per-100,000 population basis. Obesity is in each and every instance a lifestyle choice. This was known very early on in the NY Coroner data which is updated frequently; only six persons 75 and older have died of Covid without one of a relatively short list of underlying conditions -- and over 10,500 died with one or more. Simply put most of those who died deliberately put themselves in a medically compromised condition through their own lifestyle choices just a person who drinks too much and ruins their liver decided to drink. Absent those personal lifestyle decisions the death rate from this disease, while certainly not zero, is approximately half as likely as death due to an automobile accident over a year's time. Read here -- this is exactly what I pointed out one year ago. Who's been right on this -- and who's been wrong?
Existing drugs will not work and we have no existing treatments until you're hospitalized; we must develop new treatments and vaccines. FALSE. The data is that ivermectin works, among others. A trial out of Australia conducted in Britain (they locked everything in and did not have enough people in Australia who were sick) showed Budesonide (a cheap inhaled steroid used for asthma) works if given immediately when someone becomes symptomatic. The latter trial was stopped because it was ruled unethical to not give the controls the medicine since it prevented ninety percent of hospitalizations. Ivermectin has worked in every trial run thus far except one recently reported study the authors themselves state cannot prove effectiveness as the necessary deterioration in cases to do so was violated to the downside immediately, possibly due to widespread community use of the drug. The data on HCQ says it works if used early but appears to be worthless if not used until you're in the hospital. Remdesivir, which has an EUA, was disproved -- that is, shown worthless in a very large trial called "Solidarity" (along with several other drugs) and yet is still being used as it is on-patent and expensive. No drug works 100% of the time nor should it be expected to, but we should damn well not continue to use drugs that are proved worthless just because they cost $3,000 and the FDA issued an EUA for them. Deliberately not treating people until they're choking to death is monstrous and has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, many if not most of them avoidable at a cost of a few dollars.
Masks are the best tool we have to stop the spread and, if you just wear them for a few -- 4, 6, 8 weeks -- we will have Covid under control. Stated under oath before Congress by the CDC's director in September following multiple previous statements over a two month period in the summer by the CDC and NIH which urged (and got) the issuance of mandates. FALSE and known false as Hawaii took a ten times case rate spike a month after their mandate. This was known before Redfield perjured himself before Congress. There are ZERO states which did not take a monstrous spike in the winter despite mandates including California with the most-strict lockdowns and mask mandates in the nation. Compliance via multiple surveys has been around 90% with no evidence of effectiveness anywhere against non-mandate states and counties next door. Those states including South Dakota and Florida who repudiated the mandates or refused to issue them in the first place had identical or better outcomes than the states and locales that imposed them. The CDC has now itself published a MMWR (weekly report) in which they "claim" masks work -- their definition of "work" is a shockingly tiny 1-2% decrease in deaths and this assumes you ignore the confounding elements in their study that could invalidate even that tiny impact. In other words despite the nearly year-long and continual screaming about masks even the CDC itself now states that out of the 500,000 dead only 5,000-10,000 lives were saved at best and statistically-speaking it is entirely possible zero lives were saved. REMEMBER, WE WERE TOLD IN THE SUMMER AND EARLY FALL THAT MASKS WOULD ABSOLUTELY CONTROL THE VIRUS AND IN FACT THE CDC STATED UNDER OATH THAT MASKS WERE BETTER PROTECTION THAN A VACCINE. THIS LIE WAS REPEATED FOR MONTHS AND IS STILL BEING REPEATED TODAY. This wasn't a random statement made "off the cuff" it was made under oath to Congress five months ago and has, over time and by the data, been conclusively proved to be a lie.
The new strains will cause another spike even worse than the last one. FALSE; this was stated originally in the fall and repeated in December through February and yet since then cases have dropped like a stone despite these "new strains" becoming more and more prevalent. Florida in particular has documented widespread prevalence of one of the "demon strains" that were trumpeted in Fauci's fear porn. There has been no spike. Incidentally viruses mutate all the time; within the first few months there were hundreds of distinct viral RNA strains of Covid-19 known and that was only of the infections sequenced -- a tiny minority. If our actions do lead to new strains (specifically our ridiculously-unsound mass-vaccination campaign) and viral evasion occurs you may well be more screwed if you took the vaccine due to ADE than if you did not!
The Super Bowl will cause a huge case, hospitalization and death spike in Florida due to the ridiculously crowded parties and no masks in bars and similar all over the Tampa area. In fact the mayor threatened to arrest people for exactly this reason (an empty threat as the Governor had banned enforceability of said mandates.) FALSE; there has been no spike. Look for yourself; it's been over a month and cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all falling. Where's the spike?
Texas dropping its mask order will lead to mass-disease and death. FALSE; there has been no spike at all. Biden called the move "Neanderthal thinking" and predicted disaster, as did California's Newsom among myriad others, both among political leaders and so-called "medical experts" such as Fauci. Multiple lefties claimed that "there is no limit to how far Republicans will go to kill people." The truth is that Covid-19 cases fell by 28% in the next two weeks. The histrionics were, once again, wrong.
If we social distance and wear masks we will buy enough time for the vaccines to be developed and approved. FALSE. The case and hospitalization rate on a national basis peaked and was falling before the first jab went in the first arm. That which you do after something happens cannot be the cause. Simply put the vaccines did not stop any of the death; despite the lack of testing and rushed approvals they came too late.
The only people who count for "herd immunity" are those vaccinated. FALSE; never in history has such a lie been propagated for any disease, ever, anywhere. The CDC by its own estimates puts the lower boundary of persons infected and recovered at over 1/3rd of the nation and that's their lowest estimate. By more-reasonable belief the number is over half. Those people have immunity and absolutely count. Further, we knew in the first months that a material percentage of the population has pre-existing resistance to some degree, likely due to previous infection with other coronaviruses. This is why the case rate peaked before fully-vaccinated persons existed in the US; there is no other possible explanation.
Even if you've had the disease and recovered you should get vaccinated. There is zero science behind this claim. If you've had the measles or Chicken Pox would you take a vaccine against either? I certainly would not and have not; that would be pointless and stupid. The claim that there is no durable protection once infected is nothing more than conjecture; note that coronaviruses circulate among us all the time and while immunity may not be perfect (e.g. eventually you may well get it again) the odds are extremely high that if you do it will be a mild case and of no clinical or personal significance. Suggesting that you take the risk of an experimental vaccine if you were previously infected is wildly inappropriate; there is no such thing as a drug without risk and there is zero scientific evidence that your acquired immunity will not protect you against serious disease.
Even if you've been vaccinated or had the disease and recovered you should wear a mask and distance from others. FALSE, unless you believe the vaccines are worthless. If you believe the vaccine protects the person who takes it then you no longer need a mask or to distance and since others can choose to take a vaccine or not you have no reason to wear a mask or distance for allegedly protecting others either. If you do not believe the vaccines are effective protection then why did you take it? In short you either believe that you gain immunity by vaccination or infection or you do not; if you do then there's no reason for you to take any measures beyond either recovery or completion of the vaccination. Further, if you don't believe infection and recovery provides meaningful and durable protection then neither will the vaccine so the same scenario applies to both cases and if you do not then believe the shots are protective then you are stupid for accepting them.
These are the very same people folks -- the NIH, the CDC, State Departments of Health, Fauci, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, IHME, Vanderbilt and many more who now tell you after a solid year of unbroken lies and falsehoods that the vaccines are both safe and effective while at the same time our government has provided a 100% waiver of all liability to the pharmaceutical companies that developed and manufactured them.
I note that unlike the other common vaccines that are safe and effective, and which took 10+ years to so-prove, the mechanism of action of these shots are wildly different; they use only part of the virus and rather than introduce it into your body they hijack your cellular metabolism to produce the spike protein exactly as would a replicating infection with the virus, but since only the "spike" is there rather than the entire virus the hypothesis is that hijacking your cellular metabolism in this fashion will not hurt you. While for other vaccines the immunity produced is metabolically identical to infection because a killed whole virus that cannot replicate is used in this case the shots deliberately cause replication in your body of only one part of the virus, the spike protein. This is not identical to the broad immunity provided by natural infection because it can't be with this approach; if the entire virus was used you'd get the disease and it would be systemic in every case instead of localized to your upper respiratory tract. Further, unlike a killed virus vaccine that cannot replicate in your body at all these shots all cause production of the spike protein by your cells exactly as would an infection and that production is systemic since it is given by injection and thus circulates through the body.
The safety of this approach is unproved and in fact the rate of deaths closely associated with these vaccines is wildly higher than that associated with any of the other routinely given vaccinations including flu and chicken pox. The intermediate and longer-term effects of this approach including the possibility of long-term or even permanent damage as a result of systemically hijacking your cellular metabolism to produce that foreign protein are unknown.
Unlike a mask you can remove you cannot un-take a shot and the litany of those previous lies killed over 400,000 Americans who otherwise would not have died.
What if their statements are false this time, specifically on safety? What if viral evasion shows up as did during early trials for a SARS vaccine in animals, trials that were abandoned and not performed for these preparations? It typically takes ten years to know if a candidate vaccine produces unacceptable side effects including lifetime disability due to immune dysfunction, never mind exactly how effective it is and for how long. Further, the media and these people continually claim that nobody has been killed by these vaccines yet VARES, the CDC's own reporting data which is public, shows roughly two thousand associated deaths. The number of associated deaths with the annual flu shot from last year's flu vaccination which shipped roughly 170 million doses, was twenty-six.
That means the Covid-19 shots are associated thus far with roughly seventy five times (7,500%) as many deaths as last year's entire set of flu vaccines! Remember that we give flu vaccines to old and morbid people just like the first priority for Covid-19 vaccines, so these should produce similar "associated" rates of bad events if they are similarly safe.
VARES reporting is voluntary and thus always under-reports vaccine-associated events. Association does not establish causation but a pattern of 75 times as many deaths as are associated with another commonly-given vaccine in the same population group damn well ought to raise anyone's eyebrows; to claim that such does not represent a "safety signal" is a flat-out lie.
I remind you that the false statements of alleged facts outnumber, by a wild margin, the true ones particularly when it comes to things you were told to do that "would work" to stem the spread of this virus. Every single one of those claims has been proved false over time.
In short you're now being exhorted to believe a cadre of people and government agencies who are proved repeated liars and to trust them with your life after their previous lies killed your mother.
The facts are that Covid-19 basically burned itself out before the first shot went in the first arm and that none of the mitigating factors prevented net deaths from occurring; in fact all these mitigations, from mask orders to lockdowns to closing businesses and others caused more deaths due to ODs, suicides, avoidable heart attacks and strokes not screened for and other maladies by a wide factor than the mitigations, even using fatally flawed claims taken on faith by these very same agencies, could have possibly saved. The actions we could have taken to actually reduce death, specifically as regards care home and other medical facilities we deliberately refused to do and we knew those actions would save lives. Instead of protecting the most-vulnerable while those least-likely to be seriously harmed were naturally infected and built a wall of population immunity we deliberately refused to protect those older and sicker people from infection via the health care system and they died.
Given this record of falsehoods, actions and intentional refusals to act you're willing to bet your life they're telling the truth this time?
Even without full testing there may be reason for certain people to accept the vaccine, particularly those at specifically-high risk who have not had the virus. However, on the data if you are not specifically morbid in known ways the risk of death from Covid-19, by the CDC's own data along with that of the NY coroner, is approximately 3/100,000. From the associated deaths in the CDC's own VARES system it appears the vaccines are approximately as dangerous to materially more dangerous than the disease in non-morbid individuals and that is without having any data on intermediate and longer-term effects which can only add to those risks. Further, if you've already been infected with Covid-19 you already have broad immunity and there is zero scientific evidence that vaccination can be of any value to you whatsoever.
When do we stop allowing people like Fauci, the CDC, Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Governors along with various health departments to lie through their teeth about virtually everything related to this virus?
Is not your dead Grandmother enough reason to put a stop to this horse**** -- and all who support it?
Original article has hyperlinks. Link: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241875
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