#and I haven't decided yet if I'll furnish an apartment
moonwoodhollow · 5 months
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Hohenzollernallee 72-76: apartments for rent, call A. Crumplebottom for more info!
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ghostieblr · 3 months
the perfect star that hid
written for @sterekbingo square "soulmate au." kind of a new take on soulmate au? at least i haven't seen this particular type (if you have, please link them to me!! <3) also, my card is under the cut! at the very end. the full fic is here, but you can also read it on ao3 (where i'll post it when i get back home) if that's more your style.
The name unfurls on his wrist at the mall, filled with people, a scratch to his bone that goes unnoticed; he always wears full sleeves, a habit borne of shame and fury, fury at himself and his life and at the one who is writing it. He's 27 — older than the average population of those without someone by their side, someone who are made with dust and ashes that together make the perfect star.
He's celebrating his 27th birthday, actually, in this very mall. Friends that appreciate his appreciation for Star Wars, that don't mind him or pity him, who actually care about him — they booked an entire cinema hall for him, pulled certain strings to make it happen, and none of them had to pleaded or begged for it. They just love him.
He doesn't have his soulmate, yet, perhaps never will, but there is this truth as well: he has friends that love him like family, like their own. It might just have to be enough.
That's what he's thinking, the epiphany dredging up his past agony and mulling it over, layering it over with itself, a sort of aftercare that he's giving a try. And he's tired, too, of the heartache and the negativity — his own most of all. And he is tired of the day, muscles aching, and hey. It's a good time for a relaxing shower, now that he's home.
So he smiles at no one in the apartment but at himself in the mirror he's hung in the living room, a sort of statement piece that Lydia insisted on after taking one look at his at the time barely furnished abode, and shrugs.
"You don't need anyone, Stiles."
The words don't sound quite right as he hears them, the meaning of it turned desolate instead of triumphant as his thoughts become intangibly tangible, an epiphany to something he might just have to get used to. Still, he's said it, it's out there, and it's gonna have to do.
He picks the clothes off of himself, hopes the shower will help him pick himself up. Decides a bath would be better — but he's not got that now, has he? Perhaps he should start saving for a house, now. But it's just so much harder with one income only; he could move back to Beacon Hills? San Francisco isn't bad, but the prices of real estate are no joke.
The pros and cons of that potential scenario run through his head, his legs out of the jeans now, his hoodie off of his body next. Huh, he's almost out of toothpaste; he should go to the grocery store tomorrow. He should also see what's in his fridge and what's not but — later.
He's getting ahead of himself.
The t-shirt he's wearing comes off, too, a full-sleeved one, white, that looks rather good on him. Accentuates the lean muscle thing he's got going on from his years at the Track Team in high school and college. There's this scar he has on his left palm from falling once in the middle of a tournament. He turns his hand—
It's not bare, anymore. His wrist — it has a name.
His soulmate's name.
He stares. And stares and stares because what the hell. This has to be a joke, right?
It just has to be.
He has been within 100 metres of this person before multiple times. Has been to his childhood home, to the fucking police station he works at because hello — Derek Hale is one of Sheriff's Deputies, and Stiles is the Sheriff's son.
They've been within 100 metres of each other before.
But this has never happened.
He rushes to his bedroom, naked, panicked, ecstatic. Picks up the phone from where he'd chucked it on the bed, opens the contact of a person he hasn't contacted since the last project they did together in high school.
Cora Hale picks up on fifth ring, when he's about to hang up and try again.
"Stilinski?" She sounds confused. "It's been a while. What's up?" A muffled voice, a male. Cora says, "Are you fucking kidding me? It can't be him — you've known each other for — it's impossible —" She's clearly not speaking to Stiles.
"Is Derek there?"
Cora stops talking.
"Cora, is he — did he get it too?"
Sounds of footsteps, labored breathing. Phone changes hands and then: "Are you Mieczysław Stilinski?"
Stiles stops breathing. It's real.
Derek is asking him the name nobody but his father and the people at the DMV know.
"I don't know any other Stilinski’s. Just your father and you," Derek is saying. He sounds confused, happy, breathless. "And I know your name starts with an M. I saw some papers on the Sheriff's desk once, by mistake but — how is it you?" A pause. "Not — I didn't — I mean like —"
"How is it me when we have been around each other for so long. I have been at your house, you've been working at the BHPD for... fuck, 3 years now?"
"Since I came back from NY, yeah."
"I don't know, Derek, I don't but I... you were at the mall today, right?" He just wants to be sure.
"Yes. Yeah. I was, I was buying a gift for my parent's anniversary."
"And today's my birthday, I was —"
"With your friends watching Star Wars. I know. I saw you and the Sheriff let the whole station know about it yesterday."
Stiles can't fucking believe this. And also... "I'm so fucking cold. I really should wear some clothes."
"Long story short — Shower, saw the name, called the one Hale's number I had."
Derek's chuckle is sexy and seriously, how has he never heard it before? It's a crime. And Stiles should be in jail. At least then he would have met his soulmate earlier... but wait, that's a paradox. Isn't it?
"I thought you were short story long kind of person," Derek says, and follows up with, "And if you're free right now... I know it's late but, would you forsake your shower and meet me to figure out why he haven't met before?"
Stiles cuts the call.
Then calls Cora's cell again. Derek picks it up with an exhale that seems very anxious, so Stiles closes his eyes at his stupidity and admits, "That was a yes. My brain just jumped ahead a few steps. Please text me your number so we can let Cora have her phone back," Cora cheers in the background, "And I can end the call so that I can wear my clothes and you can text me whatever address and we can finally meet and I'm sorry for ending the call so abruptly and seriously why haven't we met before? It's so —"
Derek chuckles again, and really, it's such a nice sound. "Stiles, breathe. I don't want you to die just yet."
"I can absolutely do that, yep."
"Stiles? Wear your clothes. I promise I'll help you out of them when —"
There's a sudden struggle at the other end, and then it's Cora's voice coming down the line, "Ew! No! Do it on your own phone. Stiles, I'm texing you my brother's number, so go! Now!"
She ends the call.
Stiles lets his own phone fall onto the bed, processes what happened for just a minute, and then smiles goofily when Cora makes good on her statement.
Somehow, even though they haven't interacted in all these years despite all the things connecting them to the same peg on the board, Derek texts Stiles: "Stop dawdling and come meet me at the diner on 5th. Remember to wear your clothes. For now."
It's all one block of text too, the dork.
Guess that's his dork now.
Greatest. Birthday. Ever.
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kokujin-josei-simmer · 5 months
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Decorating a residential rental (4 units: 2 2BDRM and 2 Studio apts) for Sulani I downloaded from The Gallery (I'll post exterior pics of the build and EA ID of the builder soon), the apartments already had the wooden floors, kitchen counters and cabinets. The 2nd to last pic shows an apartment that was already furnished (landlord's apartment, I haven't played as a landlord yet), I just added the rice cooker, ceiling fan and some of the clutter.
I got the idea for colorful walls from a condo I saw for sale (condo apparently is only $82,000 *trying to imagine a decent condo like this in NYC for a similar price 🤯* and it's in Honolulu, Hawai'i), I decided to make all the apartments have colorful brick walls in the kitchen. Might change the floors to tile like the condo, too, because tile is probably most suitable for hot and humid weather like Hawai'i/Sulani.
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sallysgrancanwrite · 2 years
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Chapter Ten
Over the next several weeks Chloe and Michael spent all their time together furnishing and decorating the house. Beth came along a few times to help out and give her opinion. Chloe decided she needed to bring up the visit with his ex-wife and the awful burns on her face and body. One day she felt it was time.
"Michael, may we talk honey?"
"This sound serious." He said as he sat down beside her on the new leather couch.
"I had a visit a few weeks ago from someone you know. It was very disturbing what she had to say and show me."
"She said she was your ex-wife Hope, and she was covered in burns. She wore a veil to cover her facial burns. She told me a story that you tried to kill her by burning her alive in this house with your parents. She made it out alive and got help. It was horrible to see Michael, she cried.”
"My ex-wife came to see you? I didn't try to kill her. I tried to get her out but couldn't so I ran for help. She has told everyone for years I'm a monster and tried to kill her. It just isn't true. She had her sister help file divorce papers while in the hospital. She was in so much pain she didn't know what she was saying. I was never charged with anything." He explained
"Well, who was this woman?" Michael asked.
"I'm sorry Michael, but I wanted to be open and honest with you."
Chloe reached over and hugged Michael. He tenderly kissed her and she realized how much she loved him.
"His ex-wife had taken in a lot of smoke and was badly burned. By the time help got there she was unconscious. She was mistaken that's all. Mind playing tricks on her. She hurt so someone needed to pay,” Chloe thought
It was getting close to Christmas. On Friday the family was having close friends and family over for a tree decorating party. As well as an Anniversary party for Edith and Bob. It would be their 25th wedding Anniversary. This year there would be one extra person who was very dear to Chloe, Michael. It would be so much fun. The therapy had been really helping. No anger, snapping, hitting, yelling, nothing. It was wonderful. He got upset sometimes like everyone but always caught himself. Christmas was going to be great.
"Beth, have you gotten your Christmas shopping done yet?” Chloe asked her Thursday afternoon at work.
"Are you kidding girl, I haven't even started," she threw her head back and laughed.
"You know I procrastinate with everything." She giggled.
"Well, you can come with me tomorrow and we will both procrastinate our Christmas lists together until their done."
"I guess we have the day off,” Beth said "so it's a deal!"
The Cafe started to get an afternoon bumper of customers. It got very busy all of a sudden. Beth took one side and Chloe took the other side.
"HI Georgia and Hannah. You have a minute away from the B&B?”
"We like to take an hour or two every week or two to ourselves,” said Hannah. “We have great Managers so it's in good hands." She replied.
Georgia chimed in, "Today we are having a quick bite and doing a bit of Christmas shopping.”
"Well, I won't hold your up. What would you ladies like?"
"A cup of cream of broccoli soup with half a tuna sandwich please dear, for us both,” Hannah said.
"Okay I'll be right back with your order and with more decaffeinated coffee for you."
Chloe was quickly off to take Curtis McGoverns order so he could get back to the hardware store. Then to LuLu so she could do Edith's hair in a while. Within about 2 hours it had finally quieted down and it was just some farmers sitting around drinking coffee and talking about this year's farmer's almanac predictions. Beth and Chloe began tearing things apart and cleaning everything before there shift ended in a couple hours.
"Hey, we haven't spent much girl time together lately, how about a or two after work?” Chloe asked.
"A couple would be okay. Edith has a list of errands for us you know." Beth replied
"Yes I’m aware of it,” Chloe said.
They finished up work and walked over to Bella's to have a couple of drinks. They had no more than got there drinks and Michael showed up. Beth spoke up.
"Not tonight cowboy, it's girls night. Sorry."
Michael looked at Chloe for confirmation.
"Sorry Michael, I told Beth we would spend time together since I hadn't seen her much lately. Don't worry honey, you'll see me tomorrow at the party."
Michael sighed and agreed “Okay. I love you. Be safe."
"I love you too.”
Michael picked her up off the bar stool and gave her a kiss that took her breath away.
"Bye babe,” he said and he was gone.
"That was quite the spectacle,” Beth said.
"Oh come on, I've seen you neckin' in the back of the bar with a few guys. So don't talk spectacle to me." Chloe snapped.
"Calm down. It was just a comment. Let's finish our drinks and hammer out this list for Edith."
" I'm sorry,” Chloe said
"Me too.”
It was chilly out, or at least for the South it was, so the drinks warmed them up. It was only 45 degrees.
But they hurried along. They ran to the car and turned the heat on. They ran all the errands in a hurry so they could get home before Edith thought the had gotten kidnapped. As soon as they walked in Edith said
"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is. I've been worried. You could have been kidnapped for all I knew."
The girls both bust out laughing. Edith was so predictable but you had to love her.
"Edith,” Chloe said, “we were getting the things at the grocery store, then we went and got the party decor you ordered at Patty's Party supplies and then we stopped and picked up the boxes of liquor you ordered. Which by the looks of how much you bought it should be quite the fun party." She laughed.
"Don't worry Edith,” Beth chimed in, “everything is under control. We'll get up early and help with appetizers and anything else you need. Okay?”
With that both girls went to their rooms to go to bed. Chloe wondered what to get Michael for Christmas. She had seen a beautiful gold pocket watch at the jewelry store. She was thinking of getting that and engraving 'I love you' on it. Yes I think that's what I will do. As she sat on the bed in her nightgown putting lotion on she heard something outside her window. The next thing she knew Michael was in her room.
"Michael! What are you doing?" she whispered.
"I had to see you. Look at how beautiful you are. Don't worry, I only want to tell you good night and give you a kiss." He stated
"Well that is sweet of you."
He leaned over to kiss her. It made Chloe feel all warm inside.
"You know I love you don't you Chloe?" He asked
"Yes, I and I love you."
"I'm going to get you a very special gift. I very excited about. I hope you'll like it."
"I'm sure I will love it Michael, but if you tell me what it is I can be sure." She said giggling.
"Absolutely not! You'll see it soon enough." He smiled.
"It's getting late Michael and I have a busy day tomorrow so you better go. Sorry to say but you're going to have to leave the way you came." They both laughed.
As Michael got in his car he was so excited for the gift he was going to give her at the party to tomorrow night he knew he would get little sleep.
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Update #2
I now know when I'll actually have to be at college for the first time and the introduction for English Majors obviously has to be held by the one professor I've been warned about. Great.
Until then B and R and I will finish up furnishing our apartment and belatedly celebrate both of their birthdays. (They tend to celebrate together because B's birthday is the day after R's.) B and I got R a necklace at a Renaissance fair we all went to together a few weeks ago that they couldn't tear their eyes away from, and I got B a set of fancy stuff to add smoke and smell to cocktails (I know anything practical would bore them, as much as it goes against my nature not to look for practical stuff) I think R got an especially fancy edition of B's favorite book for them. I hope they'll like it.
I also made an art print with all our favorite drinks on it, like one of those cocktail recipe posters except all of the drinks are heavily personalized. I haven't decided yet if I like it enough to give it to them. I know the thought counts and a lot of work went into it but it just seems a bit too much. Maybe I'll turn it into recipe cards instead of a poster so they don't feel pressured to hang it up if they don't like it.
We now have a functioning kitchen, which was a struggle to install because the kitchen walls are ridiculously crooked. Somehow I still don't have a bed, the other two are already living there more or less but I have yet to spend the night. We got in a small argument (which I lost) over where the fridge should be placed and I've already banged my head against one of the floating cabinets twice. But I guess that just means this is starting to become real, problems included.
I'm dead set on learning how to cook properly, my mom always hated it when I tried anything in her kitchen which means I know next to nothing about cooking but I guess now is as good a time as any to start learning. I hope this won't turn into one of those typical "new-era-in-my-life"-resolutions that no one ever follows through with.
My best friend's cousin studies at the same uni and I'm super excited to meet up with them, they are one of those rare genuine people, and talking to them is always super fun and never superficial. You can just tell that this is a person with lots of thoughts and lots to say when talking to them and I absolutely adore that. They also never made me feel like the weird little attachment my best friend invited to join their DnD group one day a year ago or so and I really appreciate that. It sort of made me realize how many people in my daily life interact with me without treating me like a person, it's sort of like I'm just a category to them. Even though that's probably normal it's also why real connections are so special.
That's all for now, until next time.
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