#and I just got approved for a raise + 5 months of back pay at my current job that I hate
animalsandskyyy · 1 year
when you find an interesting job listing, show your dad, and then he’s like “oh doesn’t *person* work there?”.
and he immediately calls that person and she’s essentially like, “oh that’s so amazing, it’s a great company. I occasionally work with that specific department that the job is for. send me grace’s resume and have her draft a cover letter and i’ll look at both and I’ll double check them. oh and also I know the hiring manager so name drop me”
and so yeah. i’m sincerely hoping good things happen. hopefully this doesn’t jinx it lmao
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nicnacsnonsense · 27 days
I really do think so many of Buffy’s problems in s6 could have been prevented if Giles had been the one to move into the Summers house after Buffy died rather than Willow and Tara.
It would have solved the money problems obviously, because Giles would have just been paying the bills. All the bills before Buffy came back but also all the bills after too, because his mental concept of these bills would just be so different. In canon the bills are Buffy’s bills, they are a challenge in her life. And Giles is willing to help out to give her some breathing space to figure things out, but ultimately this is a challenge that Buffy needs to face on her own. Whereas if Giles lives in the house and has since before Buffy even came back, those bills are the household bills and as the one person in the household with an income, of course Giles is going to pay them. I’m sure he still would be pushing Buffy to try to find a path in life, and if said path included a job she might at that point be expected to contribute, but there would be no pressure on her to start making income ASAP.
Then with Dawn, first of all you just know judgy Doris is going to love Giles — middle-aged white man with an RP accent and wearing a tweed suit? Automatic stamp of approval. But beyond that, we have this dynamic where Buffy wants to lean on Giles to help her parent Dawn, whereas Giles again sees this a challenge in Buffy’s life that she needs to learn how to handle. And neither of them are entirely unreasonable for feeling the way they do, but they are also not talking about it. Buffy just assumes Giles will step up in that parental role and then Giles silently judges her for what he perceives as a failure to live up to her responsibilities. But if Giles had moved into Revello after Buffy’s death then he’d be doing it on the understanding that he was going to be Dawn’s guardian, presumably until she was all grown, an understanding that would have lasted for nearly 5 months by the time Buffy got back. So when she does get back, Giles will understand that there needs to be an actual conversation about Dawn’s care and the best way to handle things now. It doesn’t even matter what conclusion they come to, just the fact that they had the conversation and are on the same page about it will put Buffy in a better position.
Giles moving into the Summers house also means that he would not have gone back to England at the start of the season, so he would be there for Buffy from the day she came back. And now that the bills and raising Dawn are no longer challenges she is failing to meet, he wouldn’t feel compelled to leave to force her to meet them either. Which means Buffy would still have the one member of her support system that she really feels comfortable with leaning on for help in that way and crucially who had nothing to do with ripping her out of Heaven. In canon the closest thing she has to that is Spike, and I love Spike and Spuffy, but there’s no denying that their s6 relationship was not the healthiest. Much better if she has Giles to lean on.
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dozing-marshmallow · 3 months
Do you have any more headcanons of Chris being a dad? This time raising his teenager who wants to get in the show despite reader's detest?
My motivation is back. 🙌 Apologises for putting these off for so long and thank you all so much for being so patient. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start in the Spring Season and may you enjoy the read!💗
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Once a month, he and the child have this all nighter of ordering fast food and playing video games.
Chris is the type of dad to play games like Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty and GTA 5 with his teenager.
Obviously you don’t approve of it, but it’s better than her trying to persuade you into letting her on his show.
Like last time.
“Chris’ show?” you consciously blinked,“Why would you want to go on that show, sweetheart?”
“I have what it takes!” she gleefully replies, putting a proud hand on her chest,“And besides, if you’re comfortable with all the other kids my age going on, you should be fine with me, mom!”
You sighed. There would be so many complications that could wreck Total Drama if the host’s damn daughterjoined as a contestant,“But my dear... The whole point of the show is to win money! And mommy and daddy already-“
“I don’t care about the money!” she snapped in interruption, yet her tone remained in her own way benevolent,“Iwant to start drama. I’ve had plenty of experience in doing that!”
To your horror, Chris gave a grand laugh at that,“That’s my girl!” 
“Support me here! I’m not letting you feed into her delusion that she’ll actually be going on your show! This is horrible influence!“ you scolded Chris unimpressed with how okay he was with this idea, turning back to the daughter in question, with a dejected frown,“Darling, it’s a bad idea! Maybe another show daddy’s hosting, but notthis one. I don’t approve.” 
“Daaaaaad.” she whined, her begging eyes rolled onto him.
“I know, I know.” Your husband exhales a disappointing breath. And it’s not exactly like he can bring her on secret since it’s a reality show,“Just goes to show how mother doesn’t always know best.”
“You said something, Chris?” You said, removing the flip flop off your foot and gripping it in your hand.
He nervously smiles seeing you armed,“Naaaah. I-I said nothing.”
You humphed. Why can’t they both see that you were thinking of them long term?
Regardless, he goes all out on spoiling her, no thing is ever too expensive for his little girl.
Why wait for sixteen to throw her an expensive birthday party?
Albeit, it seems she’s taken after your morals as she also puts a lot of her allowance (Keep in mind, she gets the literal prize money amount every month) towards charities and many shelters.
Thank God for that.
If she ever brought a boyfriend home, Chris would plaster hospitality and bump a fist.
Though, he’ll do a lot of interrogating and enjoy the hell out of torturing the guy if he turns out to be even the slightest bit scumbag.
Rather than letting his fame decide, Chris actually asked her which type of school she wanted to go to.
“Public!” she chose quickly.
Chris raised an eyebrow. He had bet a yacht and two helicopters she’d pick private,“Why’s that?”
“Because I read in a book once that this girl went to a boarding school and her dad, who was paying the fees, died so she got abused by the people at the school, and I don’t want you to die.”
Chris’ eyebrows then came to the same level as he chuckled,“I’m a host, not a military captain for World War One, tiger,” but sure, whatever she wanted.
She never had any crying at the dinner table over maths homework nights with him.
For he was way too busy to not hire a tutor for her.
“Hi darling!” you kiss her cheek,“How was school today?”
“School was good-“ she’d catch sight of Chris entering the kitchen and before you knew it, she was sprinting to him.
“Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, I have new gossip to tell you!” she could hardly contain the excitement seeping on her face and tone.
He’d smirk and take a seat at his island counter, cup of coffee in hand,“I’m all ears!”
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 8 months
Review: The Invisible Man (1933)
The Invisible Man (1933)
Approved by the Production Code Administration of the Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2023/10/review-invisible-man-1933.html>
Score: 3 out of 5
Having just moved to Boston, a natural destination for a horror fan like myself has been the city of Salem, Massachusetts about 40 minutes north. I have indeed, like a dirty tourist, partaken in many of the attractions that have made Salem famous, but one place I imagine will be a repeat destination for me is the Cinema Salem, a three-screen movie theater that not only hosts the annual Salem Horror Fest but also, this October, is running many classic Universal monster movies all month long. For my first movie there, I decided to check out The Invisible Man, the most famous adaptation of H. G. Wells' 1897 novel, and I was not expecting the movie I got. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie, albeit an uneven one. But if your understanding of the Universal Monsters is that they're slow, dry, classy, and old-fashioned, you'll be as surprised as I was at just how wild and funny this movie can get. What would've been just a passable horror movie is elevated by Claude Rains as an outstanding villain who may be literally invisible but still finds a way to hog the screen at every opportunity, one who singlehandedly made this film a classic and part of the horror canon through his sheer presence. It has a lot of rough spots, but I still do not regret going out of my way to see this in a theater.
The film opens in an inn in the small English village of Iping, where Jack Griffin, a man clad head to toe in a trench coat, hat, gloves, bandages, and dark goggles, arrives in the middle of a blizzard. We soon find out that he is a scientist who performed a procedure on himself that turned him invisible, and shortly after that, we find out that this procedure drove him murderously insane as he came to realize that he could now commit any crime and get away with it because nobody will even know how to find him, let alone arrest him. Immediately, we get a sense of what kind of man Griffin is as he attacks the inn's owner for trying to get him to pay his rent, then leading the police on a merry chase when they step into try and evict him, his crimes only escalating from there.
Rains plays Griffin as a troll, somebody for whom the ultimate real-world anonymity has enabled him to let out his inner jerk, and he relishes it. He frequently drops one-liners as he harasses, assaults, and eventually outright murders the people who cross his path, and packs an evil laugh with the best of them. At times, the film veers almost into horror-comedy as it showcases the more mischievous side of Griffin's crime spree, such that I'm not surprised that some of the sequels to this that Universal made in the '40s would be straight-up comedies. That said, Rains still played Griffin as a fundamentally vile person, one who forces his former colleague Dr. Kemp to act as his accomplice knowing he can't do anything about it, kills scores of people in one of the highest body counts of any Universal monster movie, and clearly seems conflicted at points about his descent into villainy only for his power to seduce him back into it -- perhaps best demonstrated in a scene where he talks to his fiancée Flora about how he wishes to one day cure himself, only to slip into ranting about how he could then sell the secret of his invisibility to the world's armies, or perhaps even raise one such army himself and take over the world. The Invisible Man may be the most comedic of Universal's "classic" monsters, but the film never forgets that he's a monster. What's more, while the seams may now be visible on the special effects and chromakey that they used back in the day to create the effect of Griffin's invisibility, a lot of it still works surprisingly well. Already, as I dip my toes into the classic Universal horror movies, I've started to notice why the monsters have always been at the center of the nostalgia, discourse, and marketing surrounding them, and it's because they and the actors playing them are usually by far the most memorable parts of their movies.
It's fortunate, too, because I've also started to notice a recurring flaw in the Universal monster movies: that the parts not directly connected to the monster usually aren't nearly as memorable. I've barely even talked about Griffin's fellow scientists, and that's because they were only interesting insofar as they were connected to him, which made Kemp the most interesting non-villainous character in the film by default simply because of how Griffin uses and torments him. Flora, a character original to the movie who wasn't in the book, felt almost completely extraneous and had next to nothing to do in the plot, feeling like she was thrown in simply because the producers felt that there needed to be at least one token female presence and love story in the film. When the film was focused on Griffin, it was genuinely compelling, whether it was building tension (such as in the opening scenes at the inn, or Kemp's interactions with Griffin) or in the more madcap scenes of Griffin's mayhem. However, when the film diverted its attention from him to the scientists and police officers searching for him, it quickly started to drag. This was a pretty short movie at only 70 minutes, but it still felt like it had a lot of flab and pacing issues.
The Bottom Line
The monster is the reason why people remember this movie, and what a monster he is. Claude Rains and the effects team took what could've easily been a cheap and disposable adaptation and made something truly memorable out of it, even if the rest of the film doesn't entirely hold up today. I still think the 2020 version is a far better movie, but this was still an enjoyable, entertaining, and surprisingly wild time.
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emmlovesmarvel · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Let’s Back Up
I first saw Jay Hunsaker in my music class with Mrs. Lily. This was my favorite class of my junior year. Music came easy to me whether it was piano, singing, violin, or guitar. I loved composing. Ever since I was little, anytime a movie was on, I would be paying attention to the soundtrack instead of the dialogue. When watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, mom had to rewind 6 different times because I had missed the dialogue. John Williams was just too good to miss!
Jay and I were partnered together for a composition competition that Mrs. Lily loved to have in class. We were assigned to create an 8 measure composition with the best melody. Simple task. But Jay and I couldn't stop talking about our favorite composers. John Williams, Alexandre Desplat, Hans Zimmer, Max Richter, Bear McCreary and my all time favorite, James Newton Howard. We always had our headphones in for "inspiration to strike," we told Mrs. Lily, but really we were trying to tell each other how much better the other's song choice was.
We eventually got the assignment done and even won! With help from Mrs. Lily, we composed a whole song with any instruments of our choice. We of course chose the standard orchestra instruments. I took some inspiration from "Lily's Theme" and "Dance of the Druids" and sang the descant of our winning melody over the orchestration. We got to present our composition at the orchestra concert. Mom and mama were both so proud of me and my hard work. The awed at my voice and were in tears when I greeted them after the concert.
That seemed to be the last time I remember being passionate about something.
When mom and mama met Jay that night, they instantly got a gut feeling. They couldn't tell if it was good or bad yet. They pushed it aside when I was marveling over him and our work together. I had the biggest smile on my face and that has always been their weakness. They loved seeing me so happy and thriving.
If only they knew what was to come because of that class I had with him.
After about 3 or so months together with him, that's when he really started to show his true self and motivations. "Are you sure you are going to eat all that? Damn, I can't even eat that much in one go." He said as he looked down at my plate of a healthy serving of baked Mac n cheese with a side of veggies Mrs. Hunsaker had made for dinner. "No probably not, I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach." I replied making light of what he had just said.
I wasn't unhealthy. I knew how to control my appetite and would listen to my body whenever I was hungry or was beginning to feel full. I grew up with a great relationship with food. From mama's cooking and baking from whatever she was growing in the garden, to mom's favorite Chinese restaurant 5 blocks from our house. They never had to trick me into trying something new or eating healthy foods, I always enjoyed it on my own. I wasn't the typical child. And they relished in that.
This behavior from Jay only got more and more controlling and frequent with anything I did. Making sure I only ate at times he approved, dressed in whatever clothes he approved of, and spoke only when spoken to. But at the same time, he always then complimented me on how good my figure was looking and how hot I looked in my clothes. I certainly didn't feel hot but I went along with it. It felt nice having his validation.
Another thing I was raised with. Validation and reassurance. Mama always telling me, "Baby! You look so beautiful! How did you become this beautiful?! Nat, look at our beautiful daughter. You and I created this work of art!" She said as I had my back into her and she had her arms wrapped around my front resting her chin on my head. "She sure is a work of art, Wanda. How did we get so lucky?" Mom answered pressing a loving kiss on my forehead.
I missed that so much. I received affection from them everyday whether it was a greeting coming home from school, waking up from a nightmare, or whenever they felt like a hug from their heart. That's what they always called me. Their heart. They always told me I brought them together in a way they never thought possible. They share a heart that wanders out in the world, but also loves being near them basking in their love and affection. Without me, they wouldn't survive, they always told me.
Now I can't help but think and feel that I am now a barely beating and damaged heart. I wouldn't let it show though.
"Why the fuck was Haylee making heart eyes at you today in history?!" Jay said as he gripped my right bicep too hard. That was gonna leave a mark. "I don't know I didn't even notice she was looking over at me! I swear Jay." I rebutted trying to get his hand off my arm that was now cutting off circulation. He let go and walked away scoffing. Guess I'm wearing long sleeves for the next week.
That was the first time he left a bruise. And a nasty one too. It wouldn't be the last. I seemed to always have a bruise on the front of my biceps. As the school year ended and summer came along, it was getting almost unbearable to wear long sleeves and heavy sweaters to hide the fact that I had lost a lot of weight and trying to conceal all his marks. I resorted to heavy concealer so mom wouldn't question why I was wearing hoodies in the middle of summer. Much to Jay's credit, he never left a mark from my biceps up. Smart. He knew of my both my mothers time in the Avengers and their training. I can't even imagine what they would do if they found out what he was doing to me.
At home I was able to put on a brave face and chipper mood to cover up the fact that underneath I was sore and broken. Not just physically but mostly mentally and emotionally. I would participate in family movie night and nightly dinners. I stopped seeking physical touch from them however. They would be able to feel the ridges of my ribs and how my hips would press into their stomachs whenever I would hug them.
Food wasn't that enjoyable anymore. I still ate when I wasn't around Jay to keep my strength up. The only joy I had left in my life was my music. If I wasn't composing I was playing. If I wasn't playing I was listening. It helped ground me and remind me that I was still me. I really thought that eventually I would gain the courage to try and change Jay. I was like my mama that way. Always trying to bring out the best in people. Never shying away from an opportunity to help someone and make sure they knew they were appreciated.
Now I never looked for those opportunities. It would require me to tell people that life would get better and it's better with them in it. I don't know if I believe that myself anymore. It would be so easy to slip away. But I can't do that to my moms. They have always been there and have always provided me with more than enough. I had to hold on for them. Maybe they could help me get out of this situation and could pull me back to reality in their loving touch and solicitous words.
No. They can't know how far I've slipped. They can't know that I can't even bump into someone on the street without beginning to hyperventilate. They can't ever know of what my true physical form has turned into. Mama can never look into my tormented mind and see what I believe now. What Jay has ingrained into me. It would break her. She has enough grief and pain in her mind. I'm supposed to help alleviate that. Make her life easier so she doesn't dwell on her pain. Mom would say that we're are too alike in that aspect. But mama would retort back that I act like I have it all together like mom does. Funny how that can work.
I know I need to figure out a way to escape this. I just don't know where to start. I guess I'll figure it out later on. Right now, I just have to learn how to cope and deal. I could do that.
I could do that for my moms.
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mbb-project-entity · 1 year
Chapter 4
Afterwards we went to the mobile phone store, since I decided RiRi would need a new phone for her new position. Before we went in, I told her that she would have to accept the entire contract that was put before her without asking any questions.
I told her to go pick out the phone she wanted, and that I’d pay for it. She began browsing through all the high-end smart phones while I negotiated with one of the people working there. It was a little difficult to explain what I wanted, but within a half hour, we had reached an agreement. RiRi came back with a new Dapple smartphone in time to hear the terms of the contract.
“Alright Miss Scarlett, now that River is back we can finalize the contract,” the sales guy responded. River was happily playing with the Dapple Yphone as she sat down.
“You are committing to a four-year contract, with an enforced exclusivity clause. I know that’s a mouthful, so I’ll explain. Basically you are saying that you will use only this phone or another phone that Ms. Scarlett pre-approves over the next four years. You won’t be elligible for an upgrade during that time, and you can’t cancel the contract early without getting a huge penalty. If you wanted to, you could get one of those pay-as-you-go phones, but Miss Scarlett explained that you wouldn’t be interested.”
“River has too much of a guilty conscience to do that!” I said. “I’m sure if she even tried, she’d feel too guilty to go through with it.”
River had a puzzled look on her face. I had the shoes to give her a little zap, and she understood.
“Miss Scarlett explained that she’s concerned about you getting in with the wrong crowd, so we will not be transfChloeg any of your contacts over to this phone. In addition, this has the Phone Nanny, so that Miss Scarlett will be able to read any texts you send or receive, and to hear a recording of any phone call. Additionaly, this phone will have a GPS that is always on, so that Miss Scarlett can make sure you’re ok.”
River’s look changed from confused to angry about this invasion of her privacy.
“As long as you have Miss Scarlett’s approval, this phone has unlimited talk, text and web surfing. But every text, e-mail or phone call you make will go to Miss Scarlett for approval before it goes through. If she allows it, the phone will work as normal. If she declines it, it won’t go through, and you will be charged a penalty: $8 for a phone call and $5 for a text message.”
Tay seemed offended at this. Her new phone was becoming an uncomfortable little collar around her neck.
“Miss Scarlett will also keep the password for your phone account, so you cannot download apps or change settings without her approval. This contract totals $200/month plus taxes and security fees, which total to about $250/month. You will need to put the first six months of payments down today in order to secure this deal, along with buying the new Dapple phone outright. In total, you owe us $2150.”
She was speechless, her beautiful face tinged with fear of her new contract.
“The phone isn’t… included in the contract?” RiRi finally managed to say.
“I can explain that,” I cut in. “That Dapple phone is for me. It is going to be my new phone. I knew I could trust your judgment!” I held out my hand. Shattered, River handed me the Dapple phone.
“Do I get to keep my phone then?”
“No, I’m sorry. I’ll be holding onto that for you as well. I just need you to remove the password protection for me.” I held out my hand again. River didn’t seem to believe the situation was real until I raised an eyebrow at her. On the verge of tears, she fished out her beloved pink Dapple Yphone, and quickly changed the settings. She took one last look at it, and put it in my hand. I quickly put it in my purse, then fished out her big surprise.
“This will be your new phone,” I said with a measured smile. I pulled out a 3 year-old Blackberry I got for free. It was heavy, clunky, looked beat-up, and so big it nearly took up her whole purse. She would have to hold it in two hands to send a text. I made the screensaver a close-up photo of the soles of my feet, so she would constantly be staring at them. In black letters across the screen, always visible, was the words “PROPERTY OF MADAM Scarlett.” I even had indestructible metallic tape soldered onto the back of the phone, in case she tried to flip it over to hide the screen. The tape read “River Mercier 555-310-3214” and beneath that “PROPERTY OF MADAM Scarlett.”
The password, which she could not change and would have to enter every time she used the phone, was “EmmaOwnsMe.” I had uploaded into the “notes” section information about myself: likes, dislikes, favorite places, favorite foods, measurements. There was even an app I downloaded that would randomly ask RiRi a question about me, and she would have to answer it right to keep using the phone. Even the sales person at the store seemed to sympathize with Tay.
“So, all I need is your signature, and the $2150, and this is all set,” the sales clerk said, as though to give RiRi a chance to back out.
Tay gave me a pleading look, but I only smirked back. “Any time you’re ready, Tay.”
“But I don’t have $2150..” she murmured.
“That’s okay, I’ll put it on my card if you ask me nicely.” I smirked.
Her face was the portrait of despair.
“Madam Scarlett… would you please… help me pay for this new phone?” She said through clenched teeth.
“I don’t know, Tay, you don’t seem very enthusiastic about it. You haven’t even said one word about it! Maybe we should look into a different contract…”
“No!” she yelped. “It’s… the perfect phone for me. I love that you spent… all this time customizing it for me…. It will do everything I need! I can’t wait to have it.”
“In that case, I would love to help you pay for this phone, little Tay-wicks. I just hope you don’t become too dependant on me!” I said with a smile, and gave my credit card to the sales clerk. He walked off to process the sale. RiRi gazed dumbly at the old Blackberry, reluctant to even pick it up. I started playing with her Yphone, looking through her text messages and photos right in front of her.
“I expect you to keep that phone on you at all times, in case I need anything,” I explained to her, without looking up from her phone. She nodded, staring at the Yphone in my hand.
“Yes, Madam.”
The sales clerk returned and I watched RiRi sign her name all over the contract. Everything was in her name, and she would be responsible for the monthly payments. She carried our bags, and we went to a nearby adult clothing store where we shopped for business attire. She quickly learned to go for short skirts in various colors (above mid-thigh in length), thin blouses, and push-up bras. I told her to surprise me with her underwear selection—we spent nearly $500 on lengerie alone!!
On our way out, we stopped by the mall jewelery store. RiRi was amazed when I spent $34,000 on a diamond stud shaped like a little heart, a piece of jewelery that was meant to be put into a nose piercing. I put it on my credit card, and we went to the jewelery kiosk. After some argument, RiRi agreed to have her nose pierced midway up her right nostril. I unfortunately had to persuade her to go along with it by having the shoes make her feel like she was standing on hot coals. Finally, though, a scowl on her face, the jewelery kiosk guy put the diamond nose piercing in. I asked for it to be made so that it could only be removed with special equipment, so it will be on her face at all times.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I first saw her with her diamond nose piercing. She looked like an incredibly rich, incredibly frivolous girl whom you could never take seriously. Even as she scowled the diamond just made her look like she was a rich bitch. And there is no mistaking the gem for a flawless diamond—it shimmers in almost every light. It calls attention to her face, and identifies her as a girly girl to the entire world. It was the perfect touch I wanted to make her my office girl!
Our time at the mall done, we had one more stop at the bank before we could return to my office for her on-the-job training. We sat down together with a banker, and negotiated a credit swap between River and myself. This caught RiRi by total surprise—I thought for sure she would fight back!
“So, Miss River Mercier, would you like me to go over the details once more with you, before you sign this contract?” the banker asked, indifferent to the entire situation.
“Yes, please,” RiRi responded, the shoes writhing around her feet. This was the most important part of the day—I needed her to be afraid of what the shoes could do to her if she said ‘no’ at this point.
“This is a standard credit takeover. By agreeing to this, you will take on the entirety of Miss Scarlett’s credit debt, and you become soley responsible for paying it off completely. I have already shown you her information, but I have been asked to verbally go over her account information,” he continued.
To the banker, this was probably some racket we were using to pay a negative tax rate this year. He didn’t seem suspicious. To be fair, I had specifically chosen this bank because my law firm saved it from getting prosecuted in the aftermath of the Great Recession. This was their return payment for all the assets we helped them save.
“Miss Scarlett has $400,000 unpaid on her house, at a 5.5% interest rate. She will keep the equity in the home, however, since this is only a credit takeover. She has $40,000 she owes on her new Mercedes, at a 5.5% interest rate. Miss Scarlett also has $70,000 in total consumer credit card debt, accrued over various years, at an interest rate of 12.8%.”
“In total, Miss Scarlett’s debts come out to $510,000. As part of the credit takeover, we are consolidating this debt into one account, from which the various creditors will collect their share. Since you are so young, and have so few assets,” the banker said, eyeing Tay’s diamond nose piercing, “we have decided your interest rate will be 24% compounded yearly. You must also waive your right to declare bankruptcy. If you don’t make satisfactory payments on this debt, we have the right to collect your trust fund, which amounts to $500,000.”
Tay looked like a deer caught in headlights. I had the shoes prick her feet to snap her out of it.
“I agree to all that,” RiRi stated, plainly.
“You must also sign up for a credit monitoring program,” the banker continued,
“which tracks all of your income, spending, and bank accounts to make sure you are not hiding money. In addition to taking your trust fund, we also reserve the right to garnish your wages, to re-negotiate the terms of the debt, or to compel you to sell your property.”
“Ok,” RiRi whispered.
“This will also affect your credit rating. You will be unable to get a credit card of your own, unable to apply for most loans, and even renting an apartment will be very difficult. Most banks will turn you down for an account. Miss Scarlett has graciously offered to open a joint savings account with you, so that you have a place to store money. Due to your credit risk, though, you can’t withdraw money except to pay for your debts. Miss Scarlett can withdraw money freely, but we encourage you not to go under the minimum balance of $1000. Part of this account is a shared credit card between you and Miss Scarlett, although we recommend you only use it for emergency purposes because it has a 30% interest rate, compounded daily. You alone will be responsible for payment on this card, to build your credit back up. If you understand all this, please agree and we will call a witness for the signature.”
River stared at the paper, her eyes terrified of the crushing debt. This was the moment of truth. I had the shoes vibrate like an erratic heartbeat up and down her feet.
“I agree.”
I sighed inwardly, and had the shoes caress her lovely soles. Her body relaxed as they called a witness. We presented forms of identification, and signed contracts dozens of time. When we were all finished, I gave the bank my various credit cards, and had them shred them up in front of us. Then they brought us our new credit card, which I had custom ordered. It had a picture of my smirking lips, and “Property of Madam Scarlett” after River’s name appeared on the card. I was thrilled—I completely owned my house and my car! And I had paid back all those trips to France and throughout Europe!
I grabbed one of those free suckers from the cup on the table. I put it in my mouth but immediately disliked the flavor—how did I grab sour cherry? Then I had an idea.
“Tay, open your mouth,”
Although she had just signed away her future, she still seemed like she didn’t want to open her mouth. I threatened her with a glare, and she reluctantly opened her mouth. I put the sucker into her mouth and told her to finish it, then grabbed a blueberry flavor to cleanse my pallet.
“How will I pay for the cell phone bill now?” RiRi asked, rattled, on our way out.
“Well Tay, I think we’re going to have to look into work study at your school!” I said, walking back to my paid-off Mercedes. Again, River opened the door for me, and shut it after I got inside.
0 notes
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In which, Luke develops feelings for Matt’s little sister. 
Luke Alvez x Reader, Brother!Matt Simmons x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, sibling banter, cm level of case details/violence, mentions of death, guns and gunshots, lots of pining, mentions of pregnancy and birth, kissing.
Category: fluff with a little bit of angst 
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: combined this request and this request to come up with this :) 
The phone rang at what felt like quite literally the crack of dawn. “What?” you groaned when you picked up. “Where are you?” your brother’s voice filled your ear from the other side of the phone. 
“In bed, where else would I be at..” you pulled the phone away from your ear to check the time “5:56 in the morning?” 
Matt chuckled, “do you know a girl named Jenna Parker?” he asked. 
“I do, why ? Oh god, you're not cheating on Kristy right ? I swear if you’re calling to lie for you Matthew, I'll-” he cut you off.
“Shut up y/n and what did I tell you about calling me Matthew? I’m not cheating on Kristy you idiot, Jenna was killed last night” you sat up in bed, “What ? I saw her at dinner last night” 
“Stay where you are and get dressed. Agents will be at the hotel to collect your team for questioning” he told you. 
“Matt I had nothing to do with this, you know that right ?” 
“I know, standard procedure. I’ll see you later” he hung up. 
You dragged yourself out of bed and got dressed. Jenna’s face kept reappearing in your thoughts, she had only joined your team recently and she was an absolute sweetheart. She was telling you how excited she was to join the team last night at dinner. 
A knock on the door broke your thoughts, you unlocked it assuming that your brother had come to get you. 
This was most definitely not your brother. 
The man at your door had dark brown hair and tan skin.Something about his eyes made you want to stare into them forever, they were a soft brown mocha colour. He had a piece of paper in his hand, his finger ran across the page, “are you.. y/n?” he asked you 
“I am and you are?” 
“Agent Luke Alvez, I’m with the BAU. I’m here to pick you up for questioning” 
“Oh yeah, get me one second” you turned around and headed back into your room, Luke followed you in. “Ever heard of privacy ?” you picked up your phone and a sweater. “Oh sorry, I can’t let you in here by yourself until we processed you” he explained to you. “Lovely” you pulled on your sweater, he motioned for you to head out of the room. 
You stepped out first, he shut your door as the two of you walked down the hallway. “Your last name is Simmons ?” he looked over at you as you got on the elevator. “Mhm hm” you pulled your phone out to text your brother. 
To Matt: On my way now. Your friend is weird. 
From Matt: Who’s my friend ?
To Matt: Handsome guy with the pretty brown eyes, think his name is Luke 
From Matt: stop objectifying my friends, I'll see you soon. 
Luke didn't say anything else to you, the drive to the station was quiet except for you conducting your own little interrogation. 
“How long have you worked for the BAU ?” you looked out the window, 
“About 2 years now. How long have you been swimming ?” he rebutted. 
“My whole life” 
It did occur to Luke that you might be Matt’s little sister. He knew how proud Matt was of you and your swimming career, he also knew that Matt was supposed to see you this weekend while you were in D.C for training. After all, the sweater did say Simmons on the back, it couldn’t be a coincidence. 
Luke walked you into the station, the rest of your team was already there. “Hi, you must be y/n” a tall woman came up to you, she had short brown hair and she looked remarkably good considering how early it was.
“That would be me” you smiled at her, “you are?” she stuck her hand out for you, “Dr. Tara Lewis with the BAU” you shook her hand. 
“Nice to meet you Dr. Lewis” “You too”  
Tara excuses herself from you, Luke walks you over to a waiting area. All the girls were separated for obvious reasons but with nothing else to do, you figured you’d irritate Luke. 
“Why can’t I see the rest of my team?”
“Standard procedure” 
“And what is this standard procedure ?” 
“It’s-” “Stop harassing him y/n” your brother said as he walked into the room. 
You stood up and gave him a hug. It had been so long since you last saw your brother. 
“Hey you” he gave you a good squeeze, “hey” you smiled at him. 
Matt led you to a room and you took a seat at the table. “I can’t do your questioning because I'm your brother but I'm leaving you in good hands” Luke and Tara walked in a few moments after. “You’re leaving me with pretty eyes over here ? I might just get distracted and forget what he asked” you chuckle, Luke looks away but you manage to catch the blush you comment caused. 
“Behave y/n, I'll be back later” Matt kissed the top of your head before walking out. 
Luke and Tara sit across from you. “How did you meet Jenna ?” Tara asked you, “she was on my swim team, she joined a few months ago” 
“Were the two of you close ?”
“Not really, we didn't hang outside of practice but we got along” 
“Is there anyone that would have a reason to hurt Jenna ?” Luke asked this time. 
You paused, something Jenna had said to another one of the girls cause caught your attention a while back. “Not that I know of but apparently someone had broken into her apartment a while back. She was telling one of the other girls and I heard them. She moved from there though” 
“Do you have the address ? I’ll have Garcia check if she filed a report” 
“47 Park Street, not sure what unit was hers” you drummed your fingers against the table. Tara’s phone rang and she excused herself before stepping out of the interrogation room. Luke was also on the phone but he stayed in the room, you took a moment to really look at him. He wore a black button up that fit him far too well for your liking, his hair was messy but not like he had just rolled out of bed, more like his hands had been through it a few times. His tongue ran across his lips while he talked on his phone. Luke's hands rested on the table, he spun the pen on the table around a few times before getting off the call. 
God were his hands pretty, the things you’d let him do to you with those hands
“Y/n ?” Luke’s voice broke your thoughts. 
“Do you know if Jenna was seeing anyone ? A boyfriend maybe ?”
“Um no boyfriend but she was seeing a girl she met through our coach” 
“Oh okay, do you know her name ?” 
“Erica, uh her last name started with a G ? I’m not really sure” 
“That’s fine, thank you. I’ll be back” was all he said before stepping out of the room. You watched as he walked out, he stood by the window talking to some skinny guy. 
Your definition of the perfect man was Luke and everything he seemed to be, but you doubted that anything could happen between the two of you. He seems to be ignoring your glances and your flirty remarks all morning. Matt was the other issue, never would he ever let you date anyone on his team, let alone one of his close friends. 
“Alvez!” Tara shouts as she meets him up by the suv “Hey, need a ride ? I'm headed to the crime scene” he asks her, she nods before getting in the car. The drive was quiet, Tara kept glancing over at Luke and snickering. 
“Okay c’mon, what is it ?” 
“You keep looking at me funny, what happened ? something on my face?” Luke runs his hand over his face, Tara shakes her head. 
“Tara, what is it ?” 
“Luke, you’ve got a crush on Simmons” she laughs. 
“Matt ? I don't have a crush on Matt”
“No you idiot, y/n. You have a crush on y/n” 
“What? No I don't” 
Okay maybe Luke did have a tiny crush on her but Matt would never approve of him dating his little sister and he wouldn't let a crush affect his work life. 
“Alvez, don’t act stupid. I know I wasn't the only one noticing the glances between you two, I saw them since the two of you came in this morning. And that ‘pretty eyes’ comment ? she totally made you blush” Tara chuckled, “she’s into you dude, and you’re into her” 
“She’s Matt’s sister Tara, I’m not gonna do that” 
“So what if she’s Matt’s sister? She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” 
Luke just hummed, Tara did have a valid point. Y/n was a grown up, she can make her own decisions. So what if Matt was mad at them ? 
God Alvez, what are you thinking ? That’s his sister, you couldn’t do that to him. 
Luke pulled into the hotel parking lot. He followed Tara inside but he wasn’t paying attention. He was there but he wasn't really there, his mind kept wandering back to y/n. 
Oh how he envied Spencer in that moment, he knew that he wouldn't remember how y/n looked exactly when he first met her but he’d keep that memory for as long as he could remember it. Her shuffling feet, her messy hair and her sleep laced voice, she seemed like an angel on earth to him. 
“Kid?” an older man shook your shoulder gently. “Hm, what is it ?” you stretched, you must have fallen asleep after Luke left. “you can leave, maybe get some rest when you get back to the hotel” the man chuckled, and you smiled at him. 
“Thank you,” you looked at his badge, “Agent Rossi” you finished your sentence. 
“Please just Dave” he smiled and opened the door for you, you stepped out of the room. “You’re Matt’s sister aren’t you ?” 
“That would be me” 
“He’s outside. He should be able to give you a ride back to the hotel, if not, I'm in here” Dave told you. 
“Thank you, it was nice meeting you” 
“You too kid” he patted your back and headed in the opposite direction. 
You walked out of the station to see your brother and Luke standing by the suv talking about something. “Hey ugly” you poked Matt’s side, “hey tiny” he hit your arm playfully making you pout. “I’m not tiny” 
“oh but you are” 
“shut it Matthew, I need a ride” 
“Where to ?” 
“My bed bro, Dave said I could leave” 
“You’re on a first name basis with my colleagues?” 
“Jealous that they’ll like me better?” you raised your eyebrows and held back a laugh. 
“Oh yeah totally oh my god, y/n please don’t take my friends from me” Matt said sarcastically while giving your shoulder a little nudge. 
Luke chuckled at the both of you and your banter, it was sweet how close the two of you were.
Your sweet moment was ruined by the sound of bullets hitting the suv. Matt’s first instinct was to wrap his arms around you, Luke stood there with his gun drawn and no one in sight except you and Matt. 
“What the hell was that ?” Luke asked, he stepped back taking a look around once more and turned back to you and Matt. “Are you okay ?” Matt asked you with his arms still around you, you nodded. “Are you okay ?” you asked him but your eyes were on Luke. Luke noticed your look and gave you a little nod, “I'm fine, let’s get you back” 
Luke left you and Matt in the parking lot with the keys to his suv before heading into the station to get Emily. Matt drove you back to the hotel, you sat in the parking lot with him for a while, Matt was showing you pictures of the kids and how big they’ve gotten. You had yet to meet the newest addition to the Simmons family, the little one that has yet to be born but it’s like the baby is already here. Matt was so excited even though this was the 4th time Kristy would be giving birth.
“You’re going to be okay ?” Matt asked you as he walked you to your room 
“Yeah, I'll be okay Matt” 
“You know what to do if you need anything right ?” 
“Yes Matt, I'll call my super cool FBI agent for a brother to come rescue me” you laughed making Matt roll his eyes.
“That’s exactly what you’ll do, now you’re sure you don’t want to come back to my place ? Kristy and the kids are at home and I’m sure they’d love to see their aunt” 
“Hm, maybe. Let me get my stuff ?” 
“I’ll help” 
Matt walked into your room and helped you gather your things before heading back to the suv and driving you to his place. “Babe!” Matt called as he walked into the house, “Shh the kids just went down for a nap, they were playing outside all day” Kristy told him, giving him a hug. 
“Is the case over already ?” she asked him, he shook his head. 
“No, just had to bring our guest over” 
Right on cue, you walked in with your bags. “Hey pretty lady!” you pulled Kristy into a hug, “Hey you!” she hugged you back, well as best as she could considering she had a huge bump right now. “Ready to pop yet ?” you laughed with your hand on her belly. “Just about, I told him no more after this one” she gave Matt a look and he just shrugged. 
“I can’t help it, you’re just so-” Matt started but you cut him off
“Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, I don’t wanna hear that” 
Matt and Kristy laughed at your comment, Matt headed back out to work while you helped Kristy make dinner for your little rug rats.
Luke sat in the conference room when Matt came back. “Hey man, where’s your sister?” he glanced at Matt, “she’s at my place with Kristy and the kids” he told him. Luke let out an ‘oh’ that sounded rather sad. 
“You okay man ?” 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine” 
“Then what’s with the sad look on your face ?” 
Matt sat across from Luke waiting for his answer. Luke contemplated if he could tell Matt what was really on his mind or if he should make up something. Would he be mad if I liked her ? The voice rang through his head over and over again.  “She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” Tara’s words came back to him. He should just tell him how he feels, he doesn't want to lie to him. 
“Is your sister seeing anyone ?” Luke blurts out much more awkwardly than he’d expected, Matt gave him a weird look. 
“I don't think so, why do you ask ?” Matt looked over at him 
“Oh just cause the case, gotta cover all the bases” Luke lied 
“Are you sure that’s the reason you’re asking me about her ?” 
Did Matt know ? No, he couldn't know. He played it cool. Oh what was he thinking? Tara figured it out, Luke’s sure Matt did too. 
“What do you mean ?” Luke avoids Matt’s stare, instead he busies himself with the papers scattered across the table. 
“You know exactly what I mean Luke.” Luke’s eyes met Matt’s, Luke knew that Matt knew and he couldn't bullshit his way out of this one. “Come on” Matt stood up, Luke mirrored his actions. “Where are we going ?” 
“Just come with me” 
The two men walked out of the station and got into the car. They were now 15 minutes into their ride and Matt has yet to tell Luke where they're going. Luke looks over at him, “I know you like her” Matt says quietly. “I do” Luke replies. 
The rest of the drive is silent, Matt pulls into his driveway. 
“Tell her” was all Matt said to him
“Tell her what?” 
“Tell her you like her, you both deserve happiness. I trust her judgement, she always did know what was good for her and you, I trust you with my life man, I can trust you with her” Matt told him before getting out of the car. Luke stayed in the car for a few minutes gathering his thoughts before headed into the house. 
“Hey” he smiled at Kristy who was in the living room, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. 
“Hey Luke, how are you ?” 
“I’m good, how are you ?” 
“Very pregnant” she laughed, Luke chuckled making his way over to her and gave her a hug. Kristy knew why he was there, Matt wasn’t the only one with profiling skills in the house. 
“She’s in the backyard” Kristy gave Luke’s hand a squeeze, Luke had an amused look on his face as if Kristy wasn't supposed to know about his crush on y/n. Luke whispered a thank you to her before heading to the backyard. 
You sat on the swing hanging from the tree, you had been there when Matt put it up. Kristy had a vision of a swing from her tree and Matt being the husband he is, made her vision a reality. The sound of footsteps filled your ears, too heavy to be Kristy or the kids and too light to be Matt’s, you look up to see Luke standing in front of you. 
“Hey there agent, here to arrest me ?” you stick your hands out in front of you, the blush you saw this morning was back. “Kidding Luke, what’s up ?” you asked him, he leaned against the tree watching you swing back and forth. 
“Just wanted to see how you were doing after this afternoon” 
“Oh the parking lot thing ? I'm fine, are you okay ?” 
“I’m good too” 
Silence filled the air, you swung back and forth on the swing while your feet dangled above the ground. Luke stood in front of you, his hands on the rope stopping you from swinging again. You looked up at the man who was looking down at you. 
“I came here to tell you something” Luke says.
“I’m listening” you look at him.
“I like you” he admits.
“That’s cool, I like you too” you reply casually.
Luke gives you a look, only then did you realize that he meant he liked you, as in he was attracted to you and not he likes you as a friend. “Oh you like like me?” you said making Luke chuckle, “yes y/n, I like like you” he admitted to you. 
This whole scene made you feel rather childish in some ways. Your older brother’s friend was towering over you while you sat on a swing like a child and he admitted he had feelings for you, especially after you asked if he “like likes’ you. 
“Well for your information, I don’t like you” you said rather bluntly. Luke’s smile dropped from his face. “Oh okay” he turned on his heels and made his way to the fence, you sat on the swing and realized he wasn't coming back towards you. 
“Luke!” you shouted as you ran after him, meeting on the front lawn, he stopped and looked at you. “I was only kidding” your hands cupped his face, “I do like you, a lot.” you admitted. 
“Do you like like me though y/n?” he asked seriously. 
“Yes Luke, I like like you” you rolled your eyes playfully. 
Luke pulled you closer to him by your waist as he leaned down towards you. You were on your tiptoes, his hands on your hips to hold you before you toppled over. Luke’s lips met yours right as the sprinklers on the front lawn turned on. 
The two of you stood on the lawn, the sprinklers soaking your clothes without a care in the world.
All you could think about was Luke. 
taglist: @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @tclaerh​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @ssa-holmes​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @haleymalaffey​ @sunnymulti
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 3 years
Bon 4oyage || K.SJ
Episode 1
Pairing: Kim Seokjin X Reader Summary: In which you're Jin's girlfriend of 9 years and tag along in Bon Voyage Season 4. Wordcount: 3.4k
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" Y/N ah, tell me, do you have any plans for the (random date) till the (another random date)? " Your boyfriend of nine years asks you suddenly. 
The two of you are simply chilling in your shared apartment. 
" Not as far as I'm concerned, why? " You ask, sitting down beside him. 
You were cleaning up the apartment before he asked you. 
" Y'know the boys and I will be going on Bon Voyage again, right? " He asks you, lacing your fingers together. 
You hum with a pout. 
" Yeah, it's my annual miss Jin ti-"
" Not this year love. " He cuts you off, a smile on his lips. 
You raise a brow in confusion. 
" Not this year? " 
" Yeah, I've asked the company, once again. And this time, they actually agreed. " He tells you with shining eyes. 
A smile makes it's way onto your face. 
" Really?! "
It was, in a way, hard to believe. The company liked you, but never actually approved of Jin having a relationship. When you became a couple back in 2010, the two of you had to keep it a secret for 4 years for the company, and another 5 years to the public. Until now, you didn't think that they would be okay with you going public.
You couldn't believe it. Finally your waiting for each other got paid off. 
" Yes. However, there are a few downsides. " He tells you, making a bit of a turtle face. 
You subconsciously run your thumb over his hand. 
" Just so you know, I will not come if I have to wear a mask for the whole thing-"
" No, no. -" He laughs. 
" Even worse. We can't have sex. For like a little longer than a whole week. " He tells you. 
You snort at his expression. You can tell it's genuinely bothering him. 
" Is that an issue for me or you? " You ask him. 
He huffs, turning around so he can lay against you instead. You run your unoccupied hand through his hair. Sure it's basically dead, but you know he likes it. 
" Both. I know your sex drive, plus that also means like, no sleeping naked. And I have to share your attention with the other boys. " He pouts. 
You grin, bending over to kiss his head. 
" Don't worry, it'll be fine, fun even. We'll just have a pg family trip. " 
And so you find yourself seated at a restaurant between your boyfriend and Taehyung. They're about to kick off the season, and today you're just going to talk about activities and what not. 
" There's trekking and a lavender farm. " Hoseok comments as he looks at his phone. 
" That sounds fun. " You comment, as the other boys give their own opinions. 
After a bit more of catching up, the staff calls out to all of you. 
" You've all done your research, right? " The staff member asks. 
You all hum in response. 
" Worry about the activities later, pick the accommodations first. " The producer tells all of you. 
Soon enough everyone's talking again, figuring stuff out. 
" We have to sleep in a campervan for three days. " Yoongi suddenly casually pops when you're drinking your tea. 
You almost choke. 
" eight of us in a campervan? How is that going to fit? " 
" eight of us in one campervan won't be comfortable. " Taehyung agrees with you. 
" We'll probably have 2 vans. " Jin tells the two of you. 
" Y'know, there's this thing I've always wanted to try- When you wake up in a campervan and then wash up in the river. " Jungkook smiles. 
You blink at him. 
" You want to wash up in the cold? " You ask him. 
He grins. 
" If I can manage, yes. It'll be fun. " He nods. 
" We didn't do research that thoroughly. " Namjoon tells the crew honestly. 
" Forget on where to stay! We'll figure that out somehow. Let's focus on the activities first. " Jin calls out, basically canceling the producer's idea. 
Soon enough everyone starts coming with ideas. 
Jimin wants to go to Aurora¿ and on a boat. Yoongi just wants to go fishing and Namjoon wants to go on a kart trek. 
" I want to go on the swing too." Jin says. 
" The swing? " Namjoon asks surprised. 
Namjoon had this great idea to go do some kind of bungee jump activity, just with a swing, as if that would magically make it better. 
Jin hums. 
" Yeah, it'll be fun with Y/N. We can both scream our heads off. " He smiles at you. 
You laugh, swallowing your bite. 
" Okay. But that does me we really are going, okay? No backing out last minute. " You tell him, knowing he's a scaredy cat sometimes. 
He laughs. 
" Yah! It's not like you're any better. " He points out. 
You laugh. 
That's true. 
" Okay, okay, I promise. Do you? " You ask him, holding out your pink. 
He smiles, taking your hand instead and kissing the top of it, sending you a wink playfully. 
None of the boys mind either of you by now, knowing the way you two act longer than a while. 
" I promise, m'lady. " 
" We just sealed our death. " You laughed. 
" We did. " He laughs with you. 
" Well, at least we'll die together. " You tell him. 
He smiles at you and winks again. 
" That we do. "
By the  the two of you tune back in, they're talking about trekking. 
" It only takes 2 hours to finish. " Yoongi speaks. 
Apparently they're talking about Mount Cook. 
Soon enough they're all talking, and giving their opinions on it. 
" It's really only a few hours, we should do it. " You catch Yoongi saying. 
Jin hums in agreement, slurping in his noodles. 
You raise your brow at both of them. 
" Bet, you two will regret it. " You tell Yoongi, who smiles at you and shakes his head. 
He makes an over confident face. 
" We'll be fine, we'll have fun, don't worry. " He tells you. 
" Should we stay in the campervan the whole time? " Jungkook suddenly wonders. 
You make a face but don't say anything. 
The editors do catch it, as does Taehyung. He nudges you with a smile. 
" We'll all stink by the third day. " You tell him softly. 
He laughs. 
Sleeping in a campervan with eight people doesn't sound too appealing for the whole week. 
" We can play Halli Galli. " Your boyfriend adds helpfully. 
" And BTS Uno! " Namjoon adds too. 
" Camping for sure. " Someone pops, probably Jungkook. 
" Does anyone know anything about camping? What do we need? " Namjoon asks. 
" Well, we start with a tent. " Hoseok provides helpfully. 
" I've camped a few times with my brother and his friends. Most stuff is usually inside the campervan."  You tell them. 
Jimin adds onto that, explaining most stuff to Namjoon, like a table that's built in. 
" Let me see the campervan? " Jungkook asks. 
" It's huge. " Hoseok responses. 
" If it's that big, will it be easy to drive? " Jin asks. 
" The road will probably be mostly empty. " Namjoon points out. 
" We do need shower facilities. It's not like we can shower outside. " Yoongi points out. 
" We don't need to shower. " Jin says vaguely. 
You give him a disgusted face. 
" Oh yes we do. " You tell him. 
" I want to too. " Jimin says. 
" We have to think of the rest too. " Yoongi tells Jin. 
" I normally shower though. " Jin says. 
" Yeah I know. " Yoongi grins. 
" You better. " You say with a scrunched nose. 
Jimin laughs. 
" Happy wife happy life, hyung. " Jimin tells the eldest. 
Jin turns to you and looks blankly at you for a second. You raise your brows before flipping your hair over your shoulder sassily, returning your attention to your meal. 
" No, I do take showers everyday, and my lady knows, thank you very much. " He grins playfully, one of his hands going under the table to rest on your thigh. 
After a bit more of discussing about Jin's shower habits, the producer cuts in. 
" We do need to choose an accommodation besides the campervan. " He points out. 
You breathe happily as Tae grins at you. 
For a moment it's a bit of chaos, most of the boys pointing out a 9.7 rated accommodation. 
With a bathtub.
As soon as it comes into view, Jin turns to you, and you give him a cheeky smile back, yet shake your head. 
Rules are rules. 
However, a moment later they're looking at a different accommodation, with cramped rooms. 
" it'll be fun. Like old times. " Jungkook smiles. 
A moment later they're back at discussing the campervan. 
" Jungkook and I will drive mostly though. " Hoseok calls out. 
" I don't mind driving. " Hoseok tells the others. 
" I'll get a driver's license on our days off too. " Namjoon pouts. 
" I can drive. " You tell them. 
Almost everyone turns to beam at you. 
" No, no. Not you, you drive like we're in Fast & Furious. " He points out. 
You grin. 
" Then she can be back up driver. " Yoongi gives you fake hope. 
" Back up driver? We already have enough drivers though.-"
" Yeah, we can't have you drive on national tv. " Jin says quickly. 
You laugh but don't bother with it. 
This can only mean you'll be in charge of the audio right? 
Soon after they're making a song about Bon Voyage. 
You can't really follow, but you clap along anyway. 
The scene wraps up with everyone clapping. 
A Few Months Later
" Yah! I went shopping with Y/N especially for this! " Jin says as his bandmates bully him. 
You don't pay a lot of attention, instead busy with helping the boys pack the last stuff and checking up on everyone. 
Soon enough a staff asked you aside. 
" Yeah? " You asked her. 
" This is for you, as you're coming with and the boys' are sponsored by Fila. The company thought it'd be nice if you'd at least have a jacket of the same brand too. " She smiles. 
" Oh, that's really nice. Thank you. "  You smile at her. 
She hands you a soft pink wintercoat. It's admittedly not your colour, nor your style, but you take the jacket gratefully, happy that they at least thought of you. 
" I look good in whatever I wear. " You hear Jin say. 
You come up to the mirror beside him, checking out the jacket on yourself. 
" Noona, your jacket looks nice on you too. " Jungkook compliments you. 
You smile at him. 
" Thank you! A staff member gave it to me, it's from the company. " You beam. 
And then they're arguing over Namjoon's accent. 
" We may be in the same group, but during our days off, I only saw Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung. And Y/N Noona. " Jungkook tells the camera, smiling cheekily at him as you give him a look. 
You too went to visit him on his birthday. 
" Yah! I called you so often! " Jin argues. 
Jungkook doesn't bother with Jin's complaint. 
From there the talk is mostly chaotic. First Jin's asking about an extra suitcase (which is really yours), Taehyung is showing of his Ramen noodles, Jimin has finally arrived and you found out that Yoongi's washing up. 
" At least someone showers. " You tease your boyfriend as you nudge him playfully, thinking of the small meeting a few months back. 
" Yah! I shower too! You of all people know that. " He shakes his head, playing along. 
You grin.
Soon enough you engage in small talk with Namjoon, and you can hear Jin somewhere in the back. 
" Compared to when you went to Malta-" The staff member begun. 
" We took a lot more this time, didn't we? " Jin says. 
" My pillow, something to hug when I have to sleep separately from Y/N, a down coat, fleece, pajamas. I also packed some slippers. And some of Y/N's clothes didn't fit it her suitcase, so it's in mine. " Jin laughs. 
" Do we need to bring shampoo and conditioner? " Jin asks a few moments later as everyone's seated together on the couch. 
"  We should bring our own, we might not be able to bring them. " Yoongi points out. 
" I'm taking mine with me, you guys can use it too if you don't mind smelling like fruit. " You shrug. 
" We can also get them at the airport. " Jungkook suggests. 
" Right, Duty-Free. "
 And then they suddenly spring to the topic of food, and before hopping over to talking about who's going to be the accountant. 
You don't bother adding in on that, you've never traveled with a group of eight before, and you aren't really willing to try when it comes down to it. After that, you're all tacking up your suitcases. 
Soon after they're suddenly grabbing some random bags, and Hoseok finds money. 
How they forget money, you don't know. 
You all sing the new Bon Voyage theme song before you finally set off towards the airport. 
" Did you search for 'huge luggage' when you bought your bag? " Yoongi teases Jungkook, though his bag is just as big. 
You're walking in front of the two, your left arm linked with Jin's right, your suitcase in your right hand and your backpack on top of it. 
You turn to give him a look. 
" I'm pretty sure we all did. " You point out. 
After a moment of rare silence (The only thing you hear is the rolling of suitcases), Jin claps again. 
" Bon Voyage! " 
" Why is no one reacting? " He asks the camera with a grin. 
" Bon Voyage! " Jungkook pitches in late. 
A moment later, the scene cuts, and you all get on the bus. 
You sit in the back with Jungkook and Hoseok. 
" How did you spend your vacations? " The producer asks them. 
They all each start talking about their vacation. 
Yoongi mentions his finished mixtape, Namjoon visited lots of museums and went to Europe, Hoseok points out about how he hasn't seen most of them in a while, Jimin basically went everywhere, from Korea to Russia, and Jungkook worked on some songs. 
" Jin what did you do in the vacation? " A staff member asks. 
You snort. 
" I spent half the time sleeping and half the time playing games. " He admits. 
" I went on dates with Y/N too. " He says quickly after. 
" It's no surprise, at least he made time for you. " Namjoon grins, looking at you. 
" I forced him. " You joke. 
" I wasn't that bad. But I mostly did play games whenever Y/N wasn't around. Or slept. " He nods along to his own words sleepily. 
" Then I realized I couldn't keep living like that, and so I met up with some friends too. " He laughed. 
" You had an important realization. " Hoseok comments. 
" I did. " Jin grins
After that came the question of Taehyung's where abouts and he mostly traveled the outskirts with friends. Most were shook when he mentioned one of his friends already being married. Jin too gave you a quick glance at the mention of marriage. Taehyung also mentioned working on a few songs too. Hoseok came soon after, and he mostly worked on his solo song 'Chicken Noodle Soup', and chilled at his apartment. 
After that they spoke about their pets. When the question came if you had any, you shook your head, though you did mention that your parents owned two cats. 
After that you all got a 'travel guide' made by crew for New Zealand. You didn't open it yet, instead opting to read through on the plane. 
Before you know it, you've all arrived at the airport.
And before you know it, you and Jin are waving the other boys off. 
" Bye guys! " 
" Bye! "
" Have a safe flight! "
" So they can't come? " Jimin asked, as Yoongi did so at the same time. 
" They can. " The staff answered shortly. 
" Huh, so you can't? " Jungkook asks you, still confused. 
" No, we can, we'll just have to take a different flight, we'll probably arrive a few hours later. " Jin tells Jungkook. 
" We have a connecting flight, we'll probably arrive around the same time. " Yoongi points out. 
" As long as you two can come it's fine. " Jungkook comments. 
[ Due to issues with Y/N and Jin's travel documents, the two are unable to board the same flight as the members. Luckily, they're able to take a different flight, and arrive an hour later. ]
Time flies, and before you know it, the two of you are walking in the airport, just having checked in. 
" Y'know, I might as well have forgotten my password. " Jin jokes. 
You shake your head. 
The humor appeared to be low budget. 
Soon after he's catching up with Army through the camera, simply babbling about his plans as you too listen, until, 
" Oh, is that RJ? " He wonders, looking at a shop. 
You sigh. 
" Oh please not again, we have so many of them-"
" Let's be cute and get matching RJ's Y/N. I'll pay. " He says, pulling you along with him as your arms are once again looped. 
Before you know it, the two of you are at the check out, with two matching RJ plushies. He's got a pretty big one, while you've got a smaller, cuter one. 
Soon enough it is time to get on your flight, and time,, flies,, by. 
" Now, we are going to find the other members. " Jin informs the camera as the two of you finally walk out of the airport. 
A crew member tells him it's all good like this, and he turns the camera off, handing it to the staff member. 
" Don't you think it's a little awkward to talk to a camera? " You ask Jin as the two of you and two other staff members get on a cab thing to go to the other members. 
He shrugs, holding out a hand for you to help you get in the car as the car has a bit of a elevation. 
" Not really, we're pretty used to having camera's on us by now. " He tells you honestly. 
You hum, and soon enough everyone's in the car, and easy conversation flows through. 
It doesn't take all too long before you're at the destination. 
Once you are spotted by the other members in the parking lot, Hoseok is the first to hop over, basically jumping on your boyfriend. 
You chuckle, being used to their way of greeting each other. 
" Y/N! " Hobi smiles, looping an arm around your shoulder casually as he leads to the rest, just as Jimin literally hops onto Jin. 
Jimin fetches your suitcases as Jin is quickly waved inside to do training. 
As Jin goes inside, you turn to help Jimin, Hoseok's arm falling off as you do so. 
" Wait, let me help with that. " You call, jogging over to help him. 
The two of you get it done quickly, and soon enough you're being informed by staff of the facility about the campervan. 
The water seems to be a bit of a problem. 
" Look,  how about we all shower together?" Jungkook suggests.
" Except for Y/N of course. " jungkook adds quickly as both you and Jin send him a look. 
" Let's coordinate time. " Hoseok suggests. 
" Yah, how do we do that? We can't control everything! " Jin complains. 
Luckily, the staff comes with a solution. 
" There's holiday parks, campervans can go there too. They have shower and toilet accommodations. " He quips helpfully. 
" That sounds much better. " You laugh. 
" Okay, let's only use the campervan's toilet for emergency. " Yoongi adds. 
" If you're about to die. " Namjoon pops. 
" Let's shower all at once too. " Jungkook keeps trying. 
" We can't shower long. "
" Only 5 minutes, after that, cut the water. " Jin says, as does Hoseok.
A ton of questions later, everyone's once again getting their suitcases, and Yoongi loads it into the campervan. Soon after all of you are clapping along again. 
" Jungkook did you bring your dumbbells again? " Jin jokes. 
" That's not my suitcase. " Jungkook informs. 
" That's mine actually, sorry. " You grin, not actually feeling sorry. 
Once that's over with, there's a small discussion about who's driving what car. It settles with Jungkook driving the campervan and Jin driving the SUV. 
" Where are we going? " You hear most around you asking. 
" The guide book mentioned (a random restaurant). " You tell them. 
" Alright, if you say so. " Jin says, already getting the navigation started without further questions. 
The other car either can't hear you or doesn't listen, as they instead listen to the producer, who agrees with you. 
[ A/N: Oh my god this is a 3.4 k chapter folks,, never done dat before. Anyway, how did you guys like it?  Also, no, there will be no smut in this story, but keep in mind that Jin & reader are both of age and in a 9 year relationship. ]
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petri808 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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siegelst · 3 years
Anonymous asked < [
Curiosity [Part 4 Arrangement]  by Anonymous Rated Explicit Mature cloths kink, size kink, cum kink, karl has part lycan in him, Karl thinks nasty stuff in his head.
"We going to go over the rules, Buttercup." he said as he got her to migrant from floor to her knees, in between his legs, still cupping her face, admiring how big his hands were on her face, while running a thumb along her jaw occasionally. She hiccuped trying to get her breathing and tears under control. "One, you can't explore this place without me. if you do you wish you didn't. Two, you stay here for time being but occasionally you be locked up in a cell. Three, clean and cook if you want food for the day. Got it?."
While he was talking, he magnet the chain from the bed back onto her nearest leg. She nods slightly. He grip on her face. "Use your words doll." he said.
"Y-yes." came the stuttered reply. He raised an eyebrow. “...sir”.  he grinned. wonderful she’s stubborn. He hummed in approval before pushing her back on floor, making her yelp in surprised, as he stood up.
"Wonderful, you can start by cleaning this room. Cleaning supplies in the closet." he said, while he walked away back out to his work station and he was gone.
The girl grumbled before trudging slowly to the closet. while she was struggling to find the right items to clean, Karl took a trip outside the factory joining duke.  
"Gutten Tag" he said gravely to the duke.
"Good evening Lord Heisenberg. I heard the horrible news of a break-in last night." said the Duke jolly. His eyes narrowed.
"Yes that is correct, but they are no more. Would appreciate if you shut the f*ck up about that damn incident. Its not worth reporting." he replied.  
"Of course Lord Heisenberg,  What may I help you out today?" asked the duke. He gave him the list and waited until duke was done before paying and left. His thoughts were elsewhere. The full moon was near, and he has to lock up the help during this.  He ain’t taking no chances of her able to break out during the full moon. he walked briskly back into the factory to his working quarters.  From there, he checked on skittish help. She was just where he last put her, shuffling around to start cleaning the floor. He grunts in approval. 
2nd night where he didn't have a room for her yet, she was terrified of what he would do since he chained her foot to his bed. Even list of chores she did on day 3, she stumbling over the place, tired but was so stubborn that he thought of knock her out before deciding to call Donna up shortly after for something that would make the girl sleep naturally, and special plants. He ended up with tea the next morning, that will knock him out within 3 hrs. He was lucky his new roommate loves tea, after he made sure to leave the tea out after 6pm for her to discover. He had Donna place the plants in a cell and an empty room before paying her for the troubles. See the woman finally falling asleep slowly from the tea on the 4th night was a relief. He might suspected hallucination was involved because she was . . . too relax laying in bed that night. He half the mind to call Donna to ask what the f*ck she put in the tea. He never touch the lass, while she was asleep in bed. Thought alone leaves a sick feeling in his stomach. He never be like mother Miranda.
Day 5 go by and the full moon came and went. He came to unlock the cell by calling “Get over here, $lut!” followed by her replying “It’s f/n!". Day 7, he gave her a small room. By 2nd week, the lass made numerous mistakes in cleaning and cooking, but Karl didn't really mind because he gets her flustered when he starts interrogating her on her cleaning skills while try to see how turned on she is by his voice. Did y/n try to escape? yes she did. 1 month after discovering her. but she never made it past the fence. When he found her, he locked her in the cell for punishment.
Other events were calming. When she cleans near his work station cleaning, he pull her into his lap, and while taking in any skin to skin contact while he worked. When he first did it, she nearly shrieked, jumped a mile in the air while he just cling onto her until she calmed down. When asked about it, he just muttered about her needing a f*cking break. 2 months in - she lets him pull her in his lap, while he rest his head on top of hers or on her shoulder as he works, while explains to her what hes working on.
3 months went by, and he and the help had found a system to coexist. While he locks her into a cell due to the full moon, but to her it was for no apparent reason. His army was growing and he let her watch on Day 23 as he build one of the soldats since her curiosity was what got her into this dam# mess. She was awestruck by the technique use to make it work and was curious of the black blob he puts into his creations aka cadou. Day 25 - he nearly had a heart attack when he found her trying to touch the cadou. He locks it up after that. Then gave a stern up-against-the-wall talk to her.
Doesn’t stop him from envisioning of throwing her on his bed, f*cking her till his cum was dripping out of her for days on end. envisioning her laying on his bed, panting, sweat glistening, looking up at him while covered in his cum was enough for him to get off. He’s has sneaking suspicion that it is his lycan side that's getting off on this. 
its not her fault she was smaller than him, and looks motherf^cking f*ckable in his clothing. while do things that drive him up the wall without her even knowing. she was oblivious. Yet he knew he gets to her, when she blushes hard when hearing his voice, or when he praises her for a task, or when he sits her down on his lap as he works for the evening.
He warned her on some things in the factory but he didn’t think or get around to warn her about 1 more thing.  Today was busy and lately he wasn't keeping track of things. When mother Miranda called in for a meeting around 8pm, he didn’t think it would be so late as 11pm, nor did he locked the help away in her room this time. but when the clouds cleared and he could see his shadow while walking back to his factory, causing him to look up, it was already too late. He saw the full moon.   
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - irked by his brother and his wife’s flirting in front of him, astumu decides it finally time to prove to his family that he too has settled down and with someone he genuinely loves at that - fluff - x f reader
- an - this is the alternative route to the osamu fic i wrote which is based off of this ask an anon sent in earlier, someone suggested i do both brothers with this plot and i think they were joking but i did end up getting a little carried away and writing two different routes for it so here u go >:)
“Oi, Samu! Stop flirtin with ya wife right in front’a me and get cookin, I’m starvin!” Atsumu whined as he rested his head against the kitchen prep counter which was currently occupied with countless cooking utensils scattered across the cool metal surface and various ingredients dotted around.
“Yer just jealous I have a gorgeous wife and you don’t” With a smug smile, Osamu wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist bringing her  in close enough for him to press a quick kiss to her flour dusted cheek.
“Yuck! Not over the food I’m beggin ya!”
She giggled and pulled her husband back in close to her before turning to give a quick smile to his irritated twin.
“Perhaps we should find you a girlfriend Tsumu! I know a few people who I’m sure would be at least willing to go out on a date with you.”
“Yeah, you’d probably have to pay em first!”
Atsumu huffed before sitting up properly with a smirk painted across his face.
“Actually, no need. I’ve got a girlfriend already.”
Osamu narrowed his eyes at his brother unsure whether to believe him or not. Atsumu was known for being sly especially when it came to him.
“Really? How comes we’ve never met ‘er then?” Osamu quizzed, eyes boring into his complacent brother’s.
“Cause she’s always busy and when she’s not she’s usually at my practices, besides, media’s a pain in the ass we don’t want them following us and bein annoyin wherever we go.” Atsumu spoke matter-of-factly.
Still not buying his brothers claims, Osamu thought of something that would surely catch Atsumu out of his potential lie. He nodded towards his wife to back him up and she sent him a knowing smile already knowing what he was thinking.
“We were thinkin of having the family over this weekend for dinner cause we’ve got an announcement to make, why dont’cha bring yer girl with you?” Osamu observed his twin watching for any signs of panic or discomfort but Atsumu’s face stayed content as if he was trying to provoke the couple in front of him.
“Lemme see if she’s free, I only have training in the morning but I’ll check if she’s got anythin going on before I drag her out.” Atsumu pulled out his phone as he stood up after checking the time. “Ah shit, I gotta get back, Omi’s gonna kill me if I’m late one more time, see you Saturday I guess.” He shrugged and waved to the confused pair left in the prep kitchen.
“Yeah, see you and yer girlfriend then.”
Atsumu smirked as he headed out to leave for practice, the sudden excitement for Saturday to arrive flooding his mind.”
If there was anything Atsumu loved more than you, it was proving people wrong.
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“y/n! Baby I’m home!” Atsumu called out, entering the sleek apartment closing the door securely behind him.
“Coming!” Your melodic voice called out to your boyfriend bringing a smile to his face. He heard the sounds of your feet padding across the heated floor towards him. After a few seconds of waiting, you finally reached your tired boyfriend who offered you a lazy smirk as he brought you into his arms.
“There’s my girl.” He muttered pressing a feathery kiss to your cheek before pulling you in for a deep kiss to your lips. He pulled you in even closer, hand supporting your lower back and the other moving down to give your ass a quick squeeze signalling for you to jump so he could carry you. Never letting his lips leave yours, Atsumu dragged his hand from your back to help his other hand in supporting the weight of your body now your legs had instinctively wrapped around his slim waist as your hands carded through his soft golden tufts. He carried you over to the couch and sat, having you straddle his waist before pulling away to allow yourselves to catch your breaths.
“What’s gotten you so worked up?” you huffed as you leant back slightly to look into his glinting eyes.
“Nothin much, saw Samu and his wife earlier… they don’t believe you exist.” A pout etched onto his face as you raised your eyebrow.
“Should I be offended?”
“Nah, guess they’re right, they haven’t met’cha yet, but we’re both so busy we never found the time to introduce ya.”
You hummed as Astumu pouted, face buried in your neck, his warm breath tickling your neck.
“Actually,” Atsumu began. “Would’ja mind comin to meet them on Saturday? Like, my whole family. You can say no if yer busy or if yer not ready I totally get-”
You shut the boy up with a quick peck and smiled gently at him.
“Tsumu, I’d love to meet your family.”
“Of course.”
Atsumu felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder, he didn’t think convincing you would’ve been that easy. He was confident that you would’ve been open to meeting his family at some point, but there was still the lingering thoughts of doubt in which you may not have thought he was taking you or the relationship seriously, but after seeing your genuine smile and hearing your firm answer, Atsumu’s doubts washed away and a satisfied and relieved smile came over his face.
“They’re gonna be so mad when they see just how hot my girlfriend is, yer gonna show everyone who comes up, I just know it angel.”
You playfully hit your boyfriend's chest with a firm look on your face as he laughed.
“Don’t say that! I bet your family's great Tsumu, I can’t wait to meet them.”
Although you’d already said yes to meeting his family, Astumu felt his heart warm at the sound of you saying you were excited to meet his family. The fact you were happy to be involved even more in his life only made him want to let you even further in if he could. Atsumu was never really one for long-term relationships hence why he’d never bothered introducing any previous girlfriends to his family because he knew it would end eventually due to the fact he had to spend so much time travelling and at training. He had been taking a break from dating when he met you. You were introduced as the new MSBY social media manager, you were given the task to run the team’s official social medias, monitor the player’s accounts and keep an eye on certain articles while organising interviews and event appearances. It was a big job but you took it head on from the get-go thoroughly impressing Atsumu who made no attempts to hide his interest in you. Hell, he even went as far as to get scolded by you a few times for posting some risky shirtless pictures to his instagram purely for the fact he knew you were monitoring the accounts and that you’d see them.
5 months later and Atsumu had finally convinced you to let him take you out on just one date. But one date soon turned into two, then three, then seven and the rest was history. He wasn’t sure why you’d eventually given into his persistent flirting and whining but he didn’t particularly care either. He had you now and that’s all that mattered. You were the only girlfriend he’d had who understood and accepted his demanding work schedule because you yourself were on a similar schedule which he thanked the heavens for. Thinking back, Atsumu probably should’ve brought you to meet his family sooner but with the excitement of constant games, intense training, interviews and event appearances and grasping onto whatever time he could get alone with you, proved to overpower the thoughts of how significant it is for your partner to meet your family.
Whatever, they were getting the chance to meet you this weekend so better late than never he supposed.
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Saturday rolled round quickly and you and Atsumu were exhausted from a weeks worth of demanding work but there was no way in hell Atsumu was going to forget about how he needed to wipe his brother's smug smirk off his face when he introduced his incredible girlfriend.
Dressing nicely, the two of you rushed out of the apartment a little later than planned but Atsumu didn’t mind. Being a little late just meant more people would arrive before him allowing him to make a big entrance and cause a scene about who he’d brought along. You weren’t an accessory to Atsumu and he hoped you weren’t thinking that’s what today was about. Sure he had a petty side goal, but he was genuinely proud of you and would show you off whenever he could especially in front of the other MSBY players who’d only scowl at him when he’d wrap his arms around your smaller frame from behind while mouthing a ‘mine’ for the other men to sulk over.
You arrived after a 15 minute drive and Atsumu opened your door for you guiding you up towards his twin’s spacious home.
Knocking a few times, Atsumu gave your hand a quick squeeze of reassurance as you felt your heart pound ever so slightly quicker at the thought of meeting your boyfriend’s whole family.
The door was opened by Osamu who already had a look of amusement written across his face, ready to ridicule his brother for lying. His face dropped when he saw you holding his brother’s hand and blinked a few times to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
“He didn’t pay you to come with him did he?” Osamu questioned with shock as Atsumu sent a sharp flick to his brother’s shoulder. You hummed in amusement before smiling lazily at your boyfriend’s twin.
“My presence is an extremely high price, I doubt he would’ve been able to afford it if he wasn’t so persistent and annoying.”
“Tsumu, I approve, I like her.” Osamu snickered before letting the two of you enter his warm home filled with members of the Miya family.
A chorus of welcomes came their way as many family members rushed over to gush over how ‘out of Atsumu’s league’ you were and ‘why had you wanted to date someone as messy as him’ only for you to laugh brightly and tell his family countless stories about Atsumu’s antics at training and post match celebrations.
Astumu didn’t even mind you were poking fun at him every so often, growing up with Osamu had gotten him pretty used to it but he was more focused on how naturally you fit into his family. It was like you were meant to be a part of it. 
Watching you as you spoke and laughed with his family, Atsumu let his thoughts wander to when and how he’d eventually go about making you officially part of his family one day.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @tsukishimagizzard @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff
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kenrik · 3 years
I’ve written a lot of GoUta fics,
Sharing all of them here would take forever. So, just sharing my favorites!
First and foremost, however, I want to say that I adore, absolutely adore (and find myself always re-reading!) onemoreword’s works. These fics are the pinnacle of everything I could want from GoUta. The world this author has created, the grasp they have of the characters -
onemoreword’s writing is simple and straightforward, yet so beautiful, so haunting. They’re the best for me, in a ship with so many awesome authors and stories already. UwU
PrettyKittyLuvsU also holds a special place in my heart! 
Their fics are just so pure and deep. Mine’s are really just surface, just to get me through my brainrot fics. 🤣 I’m trying to write stories with deeper insight into the characters in canon, but, it’s taking me forever to build a story. The rules set by the JJK world, their dynamics, the tone I want to achieve of their relationship, are all so tedious to factor in. Most of what I’ve written are AUs and fluff because I just put in the bickering and teasing and call it a day. xD
I’m trying with Still Blue, This Black Sky, but it’s a new fic. And I’ve just come up with a plot. I’m only updating once I have a draft of the entire story. Posting without one is a pain, I lost my way a lot with 01 and Cast Away. 
I also reread my fics! I write fanfics after all, so I can read my HCs. Hahahaha
So, if you happen to find my fics fun to read too, we’re in the same boat! xD
Ao3 says I’ve written 21 JJK stories. 🤣🤣
This shipper’s brainrot is too real, too potent. 🤣🤣 I can’t even with my self.  🤣🤣  
Here are my favorite stories to reread - 
1. Drinking Parties - Canon-Compliant, Funny
A series of oneshots following GoUta go from bar to bar. 
And now, there they were. At their drinking party. The drinking party where Gojo said everyone would be going to. It would be fun, he told her. Everyone would have a such a blast, he said.
Honestly, Utahime could only blame herself for being foolish enough to believe him.
This damn idiot. She thought with a glare as she slammed her mug of beer on the table.
"You're really mad." Gojo looks at her with a curiosity. "Why?"
Why? Utahime seethed. "Where the hell is everyone?!" She threw her glass at him. And his infinity just catapulted it away and made a shattering mess on the floor.
"That wasn't nice, Utahime." He shakes his head at her. "It's that time of the month, huh?"
Utahime flushes red the next second. And with an embarrassed cry, she reached out for Gojo's very own glass and flung it at him as well.
"You're paying!" She screamed at him in finality when she's gotten tired of his stupid infinity. And she drops back to her seat and yells for the waitress to serve them a round of beer.
"Drink!" She barks at him when he was just playing with his glass. "Drinking party, my ass." She grumbles to the rim of her mug. And she downed her drink in one go.
2. The Clearing - Series of AUs, Japanese Folklore AU, Samurai AU, Pirate AU
A series of AUs covering soulmates over the course of history.
(Pirate AU)
They were cruising in the high seas when Satoru was leaning on his back against a wooden pillar, idly sharpening his knife. He was whistling to himself when a crew member walks up to him with an anxiousness about him.
"Um, captain," He didn't know what to say; how to say it. "I think I found a stowaway."
Satoru turned to him with a dangerous twitch in his eye.
"What?" He spits with a venom.
And in the next instant, a woman in menswear was thrown before him at the deck.
He took it as a personal offense that anyone dared board his ship without his express approval. Let alone a woman. He spat at her gall. He would have her head, he thinks to himself in a growing spite.
"The sharks are going to be full today." He tells his crew coldly as he looked at the woman who didn't dare face him, whose angry gaze was directed to the wooden floorboards.
"Have any final words before you die?" He asks her to make peace with her inevitable demise.
And when she doesn't speak, Satoru just waves a lazy hand, signaling to his crew to just get it over with.
But before anyone could touch the woman, she speaks in a low voice, "I'll do anything."
Satoru turns to her with a confusion, with a raised brow.
And she suddenly looks up at faces him with a fierce glare in her eyes.
"I'll do anything! So, let me stay on board!" She cries. And her hands clench against the wooden boards; the smell of the ocean consuming her; the adventure she's yearned for her whole life was so close she could taste it. "Let me stay!"
Satoru leans back, surprised.
Then, he starts to smile a sinister smile.
"Do you even know what you're saying?"
Utahime clenches her jaw.
"Do you have any idea where we're going?" He laughs at her dryly and crouches down at her; his face patronizing.
"You won't last a day with us."
"You'll get raped."
"You'll get killed."
"You might even just stub your toe and start crying for your mom." He laughs at how ridiculous she was.
Then, he pokes her cheek with the dull end of his knife.
"Don't be stupid."
I can’t even begin to say how much I love this Pirate AU. I love all the AUs in this story. I love everything I write honestly, even if it’s just plain crack. xD 
But, they’re just so cute in this AU. I love them so much. And I owe readers a sequel.... 🤣🤣
3. the most valuable relationship to a sorcerer is friendship - Canon-Compliant, Friends at a wedding, Have a serious conversation, about their life as sorcerers
Uta and Satoru find themselves attending the wedding of a mutual friend. 
He finds her in a bar alone, nursing a drink. And when her gaze drifts from her beverage to him, she almost spits out her drink.
"What are you doing here?!" She cried at him in dismay. And Gojo just chuckled as he approached her.
"You don't have to be so mad about it." He tells her with a small smile. "I'm on vacation."
"You take vacations?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Occasionally." Gojo grins at her. "Rarely." He adds. And Utahime frowns at him when he eventually says, "Mostly never."
"You here for the wedding?"
And he laughs again when Utahime just turns away with a deep sigh.
"I am." She sips her drink. And, she fights back the twitch in her eye when Gojo takes the empty seat next to her.
"Shall we go together, then?"
Utahime turns to frown at him.
"You think I came here alone?" She hisses at him in disbelief.
And Gojo just smiles at her. "Didn't you?" Then, he laughs when Utahime relents.
"Fine." She sighs. "I still can't accept that out of everyone I know, I run into you, you of all people, in Hawaii." She groaned to the heavens. And Gojo just chuckles. "In Hawaii, Gojo. Why?" She cried to the heavens for an answer. Why did they have to keep torturing her?
"Must have been something you did in a past life." Gojo offers with a laugh, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.
Beside him, Utahime's face soured.
4. Sweet - Modern AU, Barista Utahime, Cafe Shop
Uta is worried about the health of one of her regulars. 
"I can't, in good conscience, serve you anymore bubble tea."
"You took an oath or something?" He smirks. "Not to over serve poor salarymen with a sweet tooth?"
Utahime raises a brow and bites back her laugh.
"So," The man leaned over the counter with his smile, looking down at the selection of drinks in the menu laid on the bar. "What would you recommend I get?"
"An americano." She simply tells him and slips cups for a previous order into the plastic melder to seal them.
"All right." The patron smiles, too wide, and too familiar for Utahime's liking.
What was wrong with this guy, she couldn't help but frown in discomfort.
"But, add three tablespoons of honey." The man adds, and laughs at the look of disbelief on Utahime's face. "What? Honey's not sugar."
"It is..." Utahime couldn't believe this guy. "Whatever." She sighs and prepares his order. But, instead of the three spoonfulls of honey, she put a single teaspoon.
And when he drinks it in front of her, she laughs out loud at the disgusted, sour look on his face. And he demanded she give him five packets of sugar.
5. Immature - Canon-Compliant, Gojo “teasing” Utahime, First Meeting, Childhood GoUta
Uta finally meets the kid with the Six Eyes. 
When the family before them leaves, when they're presented as the Iori house, Utahime is fuming red. But she bites her tongue and keeps her mouth shut in respect for her parents, for her relatives around her.
And when she sees how the six year old looked at her condescendingly, slouched forward on his seat, looking at her with his calculating eyes, seemingly appraising her; she starts to shake in a growing rage.
Then, he smirks. The six year old smirks at her.
And something inside her snaps when he tells her, when he chuckles and tells her,
"Did you know?" He smirks at her with a chuckle in his lips. "Did you know you're so weak?"
Red with rage, before her mother could stop her again, Utahime cries out and angrily grabs the empty juice box in front of her; and she throws it at the six year old; hitting him square on the face.
And he flushes. In an instant, he flushes red. A very, very angry, humiliated red.
"Utahime?!" Her mother cried out in dismay.
And Utahime had to be dragged out before she could get her claws at the six year old and set him straight.
6. Red, Blue, and The Purple Moon - Canon-compliant, Post-Shibuya Incident Arc, GoUta living together, Powerless Gojo
GoUta play house.
"Wow," She mouthed, not noticing how Gojo's face paled. "I actually got to hit you for once." She unconsciously ruffled the hair on the top of his head, making the strongest sorcerer twitch in annoyance.
"I can actually hit you, now." She suddenly gripped his head with some force. And Gojo could only look in horror at the murderous glint in her eyes.
"Utahime..." He tries to laugh it off, the growing tension in the air. And he tries to take Utahime's hands in his, tries to pull her hands off him, when Utahime suddenly looks down at him with a demented glare on her face and started chuckling.
"Gojo," She smiles at him sinisterly. "Do you remember," Her hands started to trail down from his hair, from his face to his neck. "Do you remember how you've been calling me weak since we've known each other?"
Gojo tries to smile back, tries to laugh with her; "Of course," He forces a chuckle. "We have our fun, Utahime!"
"Fun?!" Gojo sees the murderous glint flash in her eyes too late. And the next thing he knew, Utahime started choking him and shaking him like there was no tomorrow.
This is my first fic. I’ve had to rewrite this a lot, since I’m learning so much more about their world and the characters. Still, I really love this. I love the fact that Gojo is powerless. HAHAHA. I will definitely find myself editing this fic again. But I love it already as is. 
While I love No Love and 01, and all the other fics, I do not like angst. Just thinking about how it’ll hurt later on is just so painful. I don’t know what’s up with people and pain, but those who’ve read my stories seem to prefer angst. The heck. 🤣 Isn’t JJK canon enough pain for you guys? 🤣🤣
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xenclev · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞-𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩?
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𝑞'𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 — Use of first person. Crack! My wifi is down, and I can't do my school work. So, let's dilly dally! ♡
tw: mature language
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𝐎𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐧
♤ personal manager
♤ 10/10 employer
♤ gives random raises and bonuses like it's nothing
♤ also buys a gratuity gift for being his personal manager
♤ "I know it's not much, but it's a little something."
♤ and he just eagerly stands there while I open it
♤ if it's something stupid, on everything, Imma act like that shit is the coolest thing ever given to me just to make him happy
♤ "Gahlee, my guy! This shit cleaner than a bitch! Where'd you get it from?"
♤ his grin is so goofy afterwards
♤ such a sweet man, but ong he stinks after a game
♤ please, y'all know how those jocks in the hallway smell on a daily basis? it's that + make it ✨ sweaty ✨
♤ I'd have to wash his uniform and force him to shower 3 times to get that stench off
♤ hahaha he had me in the first half
𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
♤ rice processor
♤ 17/10 employer!!!
♤ he'd probably want some help harvesting the rice, but me and outdoors don't get along
♤ mans does not ask questions after I tell him that
♤ the king of approving whack ass vacation days
♤ he'd let me stay home for a month because I asked and still pay me while I'm gone
♤ he also buys his workers breakfast and lunch without taking it out of our paychecks
♤ the best employer on the block
♤ worse part of the job is when he calls meetings
♤ only calls them when sales go down
♤ he has 5 people that work for him (the two harvesters, me, the dude that picks up the rice to deliver it, and homegirl that takes record of the amount of rice harvested)
♤ we sit at a round table and he, deadass, stares into everyone's soul
♤ "Sales... are down."
♤ scariest statement I'd ever hear ✋🏾
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮
♤ idk, man. his receptionist?
♤ 6/10 employer
♤ don't get me wrong, probably the coolest employer out of all of them
♤ would probably try to drag me everywhere with the team
♤ bitch, I'm supposed to be at home managing your business calls, not out here babysitting a whole volleyball team
♤ swear, this dude forgets to pay me every other month
♤ that means I get paid once every 2-3 months
♤ how am I supposed to LIVE???
♤ really gotta learn how to ration that shit, ig. wealthy girlies could never.
♤ the pay day might be sporadic but he pays a shit ton when he remembers to
♤ I don't get to take vacation days with him, not because he won't let me, but because, I'm scared to leave him to fend for himself
♤ worst part is that he makes me clean up his house
♤ "Got anything goin after the game?"
♤ "Swear. I gotta go do some chores."
♤ "Does that mean yer cleanin my house today?"
♤ no, Atsumu. I'm not ya fookin nanny
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
♤ dish washer
♤ 13/10 employer!
♤ tried to make me a waitress at first
♤ told him that I'm not a people person, but he kept asking so politely
♤ I mean, homie is super hard to say no to
♤ so, I did it anyway. I'd pay attention to the orders, but I wouldn't talk to them
♤ other than me LOOMING over the customers silently when they needed a refill, I'd be a pretty decent waitress
♤ yeah, he automatically knew that I was right about wanting to be a dish washer
♤ I become the dishwasher (yessssir!)
♤ I literally scrub the dishes so clean that they started squeaking
♤ all the workers are thinking that the utensils and plates are going to break
♤ girl, no. them thangs have to be sterilized. there's a mf pandemic out there
♤ probably the most laid back employer
♤ he's the second most organized after Kita
♤ he pays good money too, and he does not forget to pay on time
♤ vacation days are up to a week per pay period, but he's nice about it
♤ paid leave is only when I get sick + bonuses are only for holidays and birthdays
♤ pick anything off the menu and that's lunch
♤ Imma be milking the shit out of that opportunity cause I want that free lunch to keep coming
♤ "Mr. Osamu, put it on god you made this."
♤ "Ha ha, yeah, I made it."
♤ "On my mama, this hoe bussin! Keep doing what you doing."
♤ the worst thing is having to touch other people's messes. ong that's gross.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨̄
♤ personal assistant
♤ 4.5/10 employer
♤ the absolute worst one to work for
♤ does not care about anything except what he wants done
♤ you think that he can't be that bad, but I'm telling the truth
♤ calls in the middle of the night for stupid ass errand runs with no reason at all
♤ he has shawties
♤ and he has a bunch of them, like he's trying to be gen z's flavor flav
♤ he orders me to go pick one of them up and take them back to his house OUTSIDE OF WORKING HOURS
♤ uh, I don't know if he forgot, but I ain't his fucking chauffeuse. I'm the assistant
♤ but I let it slide because his shawties are really nice and deserve to be driven instead of walking alone at night
♤ he just ruins it though cause he proceeds to tell me to go pick up some condoms and lube
♤ chile, I knew that they were gonna have a lil seggs, but I ain't wanna hear it from homie himself
♤ deadass, I just bought some of that shit about a couple of weeks ago
♤ I'd go anyway though, ya know? for the coin
♤ cause he pays decently, not as much as Atsumu, but then again, he pays weekly (that's where 2.5 of his rating comes from)
♤ don't expect any vacation days, raises, or bonuses. you're setting yourself up for failure if you do
♤ all I get is a day off each week and a 10 minute lunch break during working hours
♤ the shawty fiasco isn't even the worse part
♤ when he has his old team over his place or just any company, he shits on everything I'd do
♤ most of Inarizaki are foodies, so if he tells me to go pick up some din dins for them and HE doesn't like it, he's gonna throw it all away and tell me to go get something else
♤ "Try again. This time you better not fuck up."
♤ and he be saying that shit in front of everyone
♤ whatever, g. I should've gone to Shiratorizawa.
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© gyecm 2021. do not repost or modify.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
The proposition
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@sweater-daddiesdumbdork asked for "hmm. Gentle fluff or smut, can be both. Whatever your in the mood for babes. Long or short as you would like." Ok I know the story doesn't really fit the gif or the request but I love it so much🥺🥺
Summary - Wilford has a proposition for you and Curtis.
Warnings - smut, virgin reader, blood/cum play, dark themes, technically non con/dub con since it is coercion
Pairing - Curtis Everett x reader
Word count - 3.5k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You looked at the wooden board contemplating your next move. You had gotten somewhat better at playing, after practicing for so many years. But you still weren’t nearly as good as Wilford.
“Check” You warned and grinned as you trapped his king with your knight.
“Hm” he hummed staring off into the distance. He was really out of it throughout the game.
“Is something wrong?” You spoke casually and felt a shiver go down your spine. Suddenly on edge again.
You often forgot that you’re supposed to hate him. After everything he’s done to so many people, even if he was somewhat kind to you, he was far from a good person.
You never even knew about the state of the tail section. Not until the revolution that happened months ago. Their conditions had gotten considerably better. But they and their leader were still struggling and fighting for their rights.
“Well if you really want to know...” He paused chewing on his finger while he supported the weight of his head with his palm. “There’s Curtis. He’s clearly not happy. He’s making it difficult for me to mould him into a perfect heir.”
“Oh” You let out. The disdain Curtis held for Wilford was really obvious. You had never spoken to him but you accompanied Wilford to several of his meetings. “Maybe you can meet him in the middle? Give into his needs a bit?” You said your voice strained. You didn’t need him second guessing your loyalty.
“I’ve been more than generous with him.” He scoffed “We have to maintain equilibrium. Perfect balance.” He went on his usual lecture taking out your knight with his queen “If only you were a bit smarter... and a man I wouldn’t even need Curtis.” He stated his eyes staring at the board.
“I’m sorry.” You hung your head in shame. Ashamed that you couldn’t be enough to satisfy him, be of any use to him. And that you craved his approval in the first place.
“At the end of the day” He said finally looking at you “How devoted are you? How far would you go for me?” He asked and looked at you expectedly.
“I – I’ll do anything for you sir. You know that.” You stammered. He had yet to ask you to do any tasks for him. Expect for keeping him company. You doubted he'd ask for anything too extreme from you. Not when he had so many skilled people do the job for him.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” He said giving you a chillingly warm smile that highlighted the wrinkles around his eyes.
Curtis struggled to not punch a hole into a wall to let the anger bubbling inside him out. Every time Wilford called him up to the ‘sacred engine’ it was for something incredibly stupid.
Like fucking tea parties with macaroons or mini sandwiches. The pompous ass called himself ‘A man of taste. That’s how I know you’re special.’
Now Curtis would have to eat those ridiculous cookies or sliders or whatever he serves him and listen to his bullshit.
But he knew that had no right to complain. This was a small price to pay for all the work he had been doing to help HIS people.
They were given five more sections of the train. Proper food and clean water. It was acceptable. But it still wasn’t enough.
He had his own spacious room since he’s 'one of the big guys now'. He felt guilty living in it. To have clean water to shower everyday, have more than enough food to keep him full.
It had been 17 years since he was alone in a room. With his thoughts. Now he got to sleep on his plush mattress all by himself. It should feel good. But he was guilty. He wouldn’t rest until his people got the same privileges. No matter how long it takes.
Wilford agreed to his terms, and negotiated with him for hours, when he had him over a barrel. It was either that or Curtis blows up the train.
The first few weeks were rough. He felt completely hopeless and crushed. Knowing from then on that he could only trust himself in this dog eats dog world. The people he did love and care for were now all dead.
So he did what he had been doing for the past two decades. Threw himself into work and planning with a clear goal in mind.
He finally reached his destination finding Wilford waiting for him. Welcoming him with a smile.
“Why don’t you sit down for a while?” He asked when Curtis merely stood there glaring at him.
“Can we make this quick.” He snapped.
“Why do you have places to be?” Wilford laughed calling for you to come out of the corner. Where you usually stood and watched his meetings take place. He introduced you to Curtis “But you must know her by now.” He inquired raising a grey eyebrow at him.
“Yeah.” Curtis gave you a small nod glaring at you as if he was ready to cut you up then and there. You had no idea why he seemed more angry with you than he did with Wilford.
“Well you’ve been on edge. And you know men have needs...” He trailed off shrugging “You can have her as your own. You’ll need an heir soon enough.” He continued.
Leaving you completely stunned. He wanted to sell you off as if you were a breeding mare.
When your father ‘gave' you to Wilford ,just over 4 years ago, you thought you’d have to do that with him. Keep him satisfied like the prostitutes in section 5 do.
But you were surprised to find that Wilford never really cared much for sex. Not with you or anyone else. He decided to ‘keep' you even went far as to call you a pet. Someone adorably stupid he liked to teach things and impart his wisdom to.
The thought of being with Curtis in that way wasn’t repulsive, not as much as it was with Wilford, but you were sure that he’d hurt you. That he hated your guts.
“That won’t be necessary.” Curtis stated “is that all?” He said completely done with this whole situation. And needing to get out of this place that just stinks of Wilford.
“Now now what’s the rush? Is she not enough? I thought you’d like someone simpler or I would’ve called for a professional.” To which Curtis shook his head dryly laughing at the ridiculous proposition. “Do you have someone else in mind? Someone in the tail section? No one there would be healthy enough to bare a child.”
To which Curtis gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.
He did you a once over. He could see your curvy and plump figure even through your baggy clothes. That’s what he hated about you the most. The fact that he was so attracted to you. And that you always looked so goddamn irresistible.
“I don’t need a whore.” He spit.
“How about you watch your language and your tone” Wilford frowned “She won’t be a whore. She’ll be the mother of your children. You can marry her if you want to. Not that it would mean anything.” Wilford paused letting him process his words. “I’ll tell you what. You can have any woman you want.”
“How about no?” He snarked even though he knew better.
“I wasn’t really asking.” he sighed. Irritated at just how annoyingly stubborn Curtis could be. “You do this and maybe I’ll be more open to negotiating.”
Curtis shook his head in disbelief and looked at you. You had been quiet the entire time. Just like you always are. He had never heard your voice. He would certainly remember it if he did.
“And you’re okay with this?” He asked you.
Your eyes darted back and forth between both of them. “Ye – yes” You stammered. Feeling as if you were suddenly put on the spot. You didn’t really have much of a choice.
“Does tonight sound good to you?” Wilford asked you and you gave him a small nod. “Well then you should go on and get ready sweetheart” He cooed at you softly and you followed. Looking at Curtis one last time before going back to your room.
“Is this really necessary?” Curtis asked as he watched you leave.
“You’re still in your prime. This is the best time to have a baby that’d healthy. You know what they said better late.”
Curtis stayed for a bit discussing these ‘negotiations' Wilford had promised. But he was sure of one thing. No way in hell is he fucking a front sectioner. Let alone have a kid with one. He wouldn’t be caught dead trying to bring a child in this fucked up world.
You seemed impressionable. He could easily convince you to lie.
Your roommate Laura helped you pick out a dress for the night. Giving you some pointers on how to please men.
“And don’t forget to remind him to pull out.” She warned. Knowing the penalty for birthing more than one baby, in most cases, is very high. “Oh yeah you wouldn’t need to do that...” She trailed off feeling sympathy for you “Then I’ve heard that you should keep his cum in you for as long as you can. Let gravity do the work.”
You zoned her out. Needing her to stop talking because you were anxious enough.
“Aren’t you nervous though? To be a mom? I’d be terrified.”
Terrified. Yeah that’s what you should be. But you felt eerily calm. “I’m taking it one day at a time. Or I’d go crazy.” You muttered out in response to her.
Your steps were slow as you made your way to Curtis. What happens if he finds you lacking? Or so repulsive that he can’t even get it up. Would Wilford forgive you. How grave would his punishment even be.
You found yourself worrying more for Curtis. Wilford still held a soft spot for you. But as much as he claimed to be smitten by Curtis, it was clear that he held a bias. Like most front sectioners did against the tail Enders.
You knocked on his door before letting yourself in. Looking around for him. His room was, as you expected, much larger than yours. It held a king bed in the middle of it, unlike your twin beds. It was much cleaner and organised as well.
Your eyes fell on an old worn out paper which held what looked like a charcoal drawing. You held it up studying it.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You jumped as you heard him growl. You turned around to see him standing just a few feet away from you, dressed only with a towel hanging low on his hips.
“Uh I’m here for... the...you know...” What the hell were you supposed to call it? Babymaking?
“We won’t be doing that. You will sit there, quietly, for a few hours and leave.” He ordered looking through his dressed for his clothes.
Even though water was abundant to him now, he wasn’t going to be wasteful with it. So he only showered in the evenings. To wash the whole day off of him.
Maybe a part of him knew you’d be here. And wanted to look presentable to him. Which, he knew, was stupid. You’d never see him that way. And he didn’t need to work to impress someone like you.
“We can’t do that.” You mumbled taking in his naked torso. His shoulders were broad and he And you were pleasantly surprised to see just how huge he was.
“Why?” He asked pulling a shirt and some pants out. He looked back at you expecting an answer.
“He – a doctor will be examining me tomorrow. They’ll probably figure it out.” You said hugging yourself to make yourself small. Averting your gaze to avoid the intensity of his eyes.
“Fine then.” He huffed. He looked through the dresser to search for the lotion that came with the room. He could probably use it as lube, get it over with. It wouldn’t be too hard for him to do it and he wasn’t really looking to hurt you either. “Lay down on the bed” He instructed handing you the bottle as you settled on top of his mattress.
He opened his mouth about to tell you to apply it between your legs but then “I’ve never done this before you know. Just thought you should know.” You confessed still unable to look him in the eye.
“What? That’s not possible.” He frowned at you “Aren’t you supposed to be Wilfords whore?” He snapped.
Which set you off. This was the second time today he had called you a whore. “You really think you have the moral high ground to call me that?” you swallowed as he looked taken aback by your words. “I don’t know what I am to Wilford. What I do know is – if we don’t do as he says we’ll have to pay.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He scoffed.
“Don’t. You’ll regret it.” You said gravely. Shedding off your clothes. There was no point in prolonging it. “Can we turn the lights off?” You asked.
“No.” He let out as he looked at your dress. Bunched up around your waist. Giving him a generous look at your thick thighs.
He loosened his towel a bit as he felt himself harden at just the thought of you naked.
He hadn’t been with a woman in decades. Too afraid to bring a child in this world. There were offers from many to suck him off. But he was never particularly interested. He took care of himself as hastily and as quietly as he could, in his bunk late at night.
Despite everything, how lucky he was right now to have the things he had, how far he had come, he had also suffered a lot. Gave up a lot. Maybe he deserved something he took just for himself.
He dropped his towel onto the floor, revealing his erection to you. He climbed on the bed and crawled to you.
You stared at his long length, how scary and angry it looked pressed hard against this taut abs. “I uh what do I do with this?” You asked looking at the lotion.
“Forget about it.” He tossed the bottle away and worked on rolling your panties down your legs.
You shivered as cold air touched your exposed core. “Oh” You gasped as you felt his fingers nudge your warm folds.
“Off with this too.” He demanded taking your dress off your head.
You quickly brought your hands up to cover your exposed chest. Shifting in your place. The reality of the situation suddenly hit you. This was really happening. It was all too quick. There wasn’t nearly enough time for you to process your emotions.
He pushed you on your back and quickly settled between your legs. Smelling a whiff of your arousal. He knew he was being hasty. If he wasn’t patient it would be over too soon. But he was so damn hard he felt as he’d bust right then and there. He rolled his hips into the mattress to relieve some of the pressure from his groins.
He groaned at the sight of your naked body above him. Your soft stomach, your breast laid flat as your chest heaved. He dove in for a taste. Pleased with just how wet you already were and at the way you squirmed. He almost let himself believe that you wanted him. That you were so aroused just for him.
But he knew better than to believe that. It was far from the truth. You were just as forced into this situation as he was. He was just trying to make the best of it.
Before he could eat you properly you lightly pushed at his head. “Wait.” Your voice scratchy. You propped yourself on your elbows so you could look at him “I don’t... want it to hurt. Please.” You pleaded.
“That depends on how much you cooperate.” He threatened and you laid back. You whimpered as he sucked your clit, wrapping his mouth around it. He pushed a finger inside you and then another. Holding a hand flat on your stomach to stop you from moving. It was different than when you played with yourself with your fingers.
You cried out loud for the whole train to hear when he rolled your bundle of nerves between his fingers while fucking you with his tongue. You came on his tongue. Feeling more intense than you had ever before.
He lapped up everything you gave him. Not wanting to waste a single drop. He trailed kisses up your nipping just under your breasts and wrapping his lips around one dark hard bud. He sucked it harshly gently pulling on your other nipple, just to get a reaction out of you. You whimpered cradling his head close to your chest.
All too soon he released your nipple and supported his weight on his forearms to look down at you.
You looked so perfectly dazed. Staring at him hazily through your hooded eyes. Your lips bruised and bleeding. Were you biting them so hard to keep, and fail, from making those singular noises?
He couldn’t help it. He knew he’d regret it the second he thought of it. But he needed to know what your mouth tasted like. He nibbled on your bottom lip for a bit before capturing your lips for a kiss.
His first one as far as he can remember. He wondered if he was your first kiss too. He tilted his head to get an angle that would allow him to explore your mouth the best. Moaning into it he brought his hands up to cradle your face. Somehow kissing your mouth felt more intimate than kissing your cunt.
He finally pulled away so you could both breathe. He took in a few deep breathes before nudging your lips with his tip, before seething himself into you.
He was deliberately slow. Drawing out the pleasure for both of you because he didn’t want to hurt you. Far from it. He wanted you to scream his name just like you were minutes before.
He groaned into your ear as he bottomed out. Giving you all the time you needed to adjust to his length. He pulled your earlobe between his teeth. Snaking a hand beneath your hips he raised them so he could thrust deeper inside you.
You mewled and moaned under him, chanting his name as if it was a prayer, as he slowly rutted into you. He wondered, if it was because of him. Or it wouldn’t really make much of a difference to you of it was some front sectioners cock instead of his.
Your walls were so snug and tight around him. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He tried to think of all the work he had to do, hell even thought of Wilford just to hold off.
But he couldn’t. Not with the way you were squeezing him. He quickly pulled out and stroked himself to completion. Ropes of his cum painted your stomach. He felt strangely possessive at that. As if he marked you as his own.
He sat up on his knees, looking down at you and stroking your thighs, he admire his work.
“What did you do?” You asked as you felt his warm spend on your stomach. It had been feeling so good for you, you were almost at the edge when he pulled out. You knew he was supposed to finish inside you.
He didn’t bother to answer you before his broad shoulders nudged the inside of your thighs to fit him. He lapped up at your cunt again. Determined to bring you off at least once more. He moaned at the tangy taste of your blood, and your juices mixed with his.
It didn’t take long for him to work up your sensitive and overworked folds and cunt. This orgasm was somehow more intense, if that was even possible.
Curtis settled beside you. Wiping his mouth off with his hand he turned off the light. He thought about asking you to go back to your room.
But then you curled up against his arm, wrapping your little hands around it. You settled your head in the crook of his neck. He would get up later to clean you both up later. Right now he just needed to commit this moment to memory. So he’d never forget it.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist lemme know via dm/ask or click the link in the bio.
Yayyy I finally wrote for Curtis! Idk if there will be a part two to this. Snowpiercer is just too dark for a soft girl like me🥺🥺
Please note that my works are not to be reposted on any other website/blog. Reblogs are welcome though!
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leftonraed · 3 years
The Night We Met - Episode 5
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pairing : Taehyung x OC   genre : bodyguard!au, singleparent!au, idol!au   word count :  2.9k summary — You and Taehyung get closer which isn’t to his manager’s liking. Prologue | ep.1 | ep.2 | ep.3 | ep.4 | ep.5 | ep.6 | ep.7 
You walk along the corridor, looking after Taehyung and Hina. You find them in the room assigned to her the duration of the small vacation.
You stop at the doorstep, bringing your arms to your chest as you cross them. They’re both seated around a small coffee table along three of her soft toys gathered to have tea.
“He’e, biscuits. Hey!” Hina chirps handing a plate with plastic cookies to him.
“Sorry, I was busy listening to miss Maggie’s hot tea.”
He offers a happy smile and effortlessly takes all of them in a handful which has her staring at him in a judgemental way. “Not all, siwy!”
You can’t help the smile etching on your face.
“Tuffy wants some too. He’re you go.” She continues putting one biscuits in front of her pale blue elephant.
“My bad Tuffy,” Taehyung is prompt to apologize looking at the soft toy while his niece proceeds to fill their cups for the second time. “I didn’t eat well earlier.”
She seats down and stretches her hand to hand him another cookie.
He shakes his hand, “don’t worry about me. You should eat yours as well Princess Hina.”
“No, mine’s he’e. It’s Snowball’s.”
“Are you sure he won’t mind?” He inquires, looking embarrassed at the tilted turtle next to her, seconds away from falling down his chair.
“Yes,” she assures, sipping from her cup. “He told me.”
He repositions the toy. “That’s very kind of you Snowball. I’ll make sure to remember it next time we have tea together.”
You surely took him for the type to play along children’s games but never would’ve imagined him doing his bit this seriously. When Hina complained about not having her doll’s tea set brought along and he promised to get her a new one, you figured he didn’t do it because he could afford it, getting her one meant opportunities to share even more moments together because he cherished her that much.
The sound of plastic dishes toppling snaps you out of your head. Hina has tripped over dress in her attempt to stand up, bringing half of the table content with her in her fall.
“Do you need help Princess?” Taehyung inquires, stifling a laugh, still clinging to his cup and cookie. He cocks his head to the side when he hears her let out a tiny whimper. “Hina?”
Worryness frowns his face a little and he nimbly gets her back on her feet, holding her to him massaging her leg she complains about.
You feel warmth spreading in your chest the longer you stare them, at him around her. They belong together.
You’re not aware of it but you must have made a sound because they’re both looking at you. It’s your face that is now heating.
You straighten your back. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I’ve come to inform you the car is ready my lady.”
You make eye contact with Taehyung and feel your body giving up on you and you’re positive he’s noticing your blush. He smiles.
“You should buy it if you like it.” You hear Taehyung say to you a few feet away from where you.
“Huh?” You jerk your body in surprise, not expecting him to see you browsing clothes. You watch him walk closer and take the dress you’re holding from you to give it a closer look.
“So this is how you’d dress...” He observes to himself.
You find yourself staring longer than needed at his mouth when he slowly drags his bottom lip between his teeth and you feel yourself rising in temperature. “I- I- I don’t-, I’m not-”
He looks down at you, smiling softly at your sudden stuttering. Why is she suddenly acting cute, he thinks. “Take it. Let me buy it as a gift.”
You breath, getting a grip on yourself and refusing to meet his eyes. “No.”
“It’s okay.”
“This is... not appropriate…” You trail in a small voice.
“Pff, what are you mumbling? Come on, I really want to. You’d look pretty in it.”
You gaze up at the compliment but he doesn’t seem embarrassed. Taehyung can’t help to find amusing the quick change in roles. He knows you’d look more than pretty but you seem flustered enough.
“I really don’t want it.”
“You’re lying…” He smiles. “I’ll take it off your pay if that’s what you want.”
“Hmm,” you pout, eyes drawn back to the dress as he takes it off the rod. “I’ll make sure you do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he sings walking away.
“Where is Hina anyway? I thought you were looking after her.” You scold, following and face still flaming.
Taehyung has just finished cleaning up Hina’s mess from her eating dinner and turned on the stove to cook the one he’s made for you two when his phone is heard ringing. He takes it to identify the caller.
“I’ll shower her.” You quickly say before he gets to say anything, allowing him to get some respite.
“You sure?” He looks back and sees you already walking away with Hina in your arms smiling and waving at him.
He smiles to himself and sits down on the couch, only now realizing how much he’s needing it. He lets out a sigh and answers the call.
“Hey, mom.” —
“No, not this one,” Hina slurs, knuckling one eye as you pick out several pajamas.
You fold back the cloth after her rejection. “What about this one?”
You look down at her. She’s barely holding herself up as she squeezes her eyes and eventually nods her head. You chuckle to yourself and quickly dress her up before she catches a cold.
Hina lifts her arms out of habit and you straighten yourself up, gently swaying her as you softly hum your favorite lullaby to her.
You walk in the living-room at the same time Taehyung’s getting the fuming dish out. Plates, glasses and cutlery are already ready so you directly go take a seat in front of his while he places the meal between you.
You look up at him and immediately grasp something bothering him. You take in a big breath.
“This looks actually really good. I kinda expected not to eat anything tonight.” You trail in a sarcastic tone.
You manage to pull a half-hearted lopsided smile.
“Did everything go well with Hina?”
You hum an approval taking a first bite of the home-cooked meal. “Think I broke my record. Three minutes and I could've sworn hearing snore.” You’re sure it’s not entirely coming from your empty stomach and can’t help the short pleasant moan you let out as you start chewing.
You catch Taehyung giving you a relieved and thankful look.
“Not eating?”
He nods and moves his hand to hold his fork but you feel he may have lost his appetite.
You try not to stare too much and every time he’s not looking back. You’ve never seen him looking this down as far as you can recollect. He’s had his collected and isolated moments but you know this right now is not one of them. He’s changed mood so abruptly.
You’re so lost in your thoughts, his sudden speaking has you almost jumping in your seat. “I might actually believe you. This isn’t too bad.”
Taehyung finds it curious the way you're gazing back silently. He smiles shyly and looks back down at his plate. He hates it how he’s not able to enjoy this quiet and intimate moment with you.
You put down your fork to reach for your glass of water. “You’re not giving yourself enough credit.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle. “You seem to be the only one thinking that.”
“Not true.” You peak his interest. “I know a little snoring cutiekins that can vouch for it.”
His fork makes a sudden noise when it slips his grasp. He frowns a little.
“What happened Tae? Who called you?”
“My parents.” He pauses. “They’re still thinking I’m not fit to raise her.”
“Why?” You’re frowning too. “They didn’t seem convinced enough last time we visited. Your father was really supportive. I don’t understand.”
“I think the thing they’re reassessing is… not me but my job.”
You sit up and look away, “so I’m the one who didn’t convince them?”
He gazes up at you with confused eyes. “No, I don’t think you’re the problem. No, it’s- It’s just… I mean, you’re planning to look after us your whole life. I mean work for me.”
“Of course not.” You trail softly looking back. “But you’re going to better yourself. You’ve barely got acquainted with each other.”
“They say Hina starting preschool this year is bad timing.”
“I… I don’t mean to be rude but how would they know?”
“Well, they’ve already had an idea about how hectic my schedule can get.”
You cross your arms on your chest. “But you’re planning to adapt it, right?”
“Of course, I just... “
“Need to adopt her officially and make it public.” You continue for him. “How do you feel about you looking after her?”
“I feel good about it. I mean it feels right and I don’t want it another way.”
“So get yourself heard.” Taehyung looks down in surprise at your hand grabbing his. “You’re not a child taking care of one. You know what you want. Stop letting others think and speak for you. If you don’t fight for Hina you’ll come to regret it.”
You go silent and become aware of your gesture when he doesn’t say anything back. You slowly remove your hand and freeze when he suddenly grabs it hurriedly. You only then notice the tears in his thankful eyes.
It’s been a couple of months since Hina started her first preschool year and you and Taehyung have fondly been watching her blooming weeks after weeks in her new environment. There hasn’t been a day, she hasn’t had plenty of anecdotes to tell.
As much as you’re taking pleasure in witnessing her go through her learning, you feel as much contentment from seeing Taehyung discover that new side of rearing.
“Hello!” Hina bursts her way inside the penthouse as usual, excited to find Taehyung after a long day spent apart.
“Hey sugarplum,” he grins just as delighted.
You close the door behind you bringing Hina’s tiny backpack along with the couple of errands you ran for him. You don’t have to look at Taehyung to notice just how exhausted he must be. It’s been a week since his latest comeback and getting back to a busy schedule, which still has had some changes to it, isn’t as easy as he’d expected it.
You haven’t talked about the issue his parents raised ever since that night and didn’t want to seem intrusive but you just hoped he’d grin and bear it the time needed.
“_______ will also be there.”
You perk at the sound of your name looking at them from the kitchen where you’re storing things away.
You see Hina’s eyes brighten at the news you’re unaware of. “Weally?”
She joggs towards you and looks up with hopeful eyes as her tiny fists clutch your pants.
“Promise what?” You frown confused as you look between Taehyung and her.
“Come see her end of year show,” he explains stretching an arm on the couch. “She’ll be singing songs.”
“Say yes.” She hops still clinging around your knees.
You feel your chest get overwhelmed with a familiar surge of warmth, binding you tightly from within and it makes your face all tingly. “If you invite, I’ll c-”
“Yes, yes, yes. I invite you.” She bounces happily.
You reach to pat her head, smiling at her shyly. “Yes, I’ll come.”
Taehyung grins effortlessly at the two of you and thinks that moments like this are worth all the effort in the world.
Hina joins him again and you hear them making sure she doesn’t reveal to you the song she’ll be performing and how she has to train seriously because he might assess her singing. You’re convinced he doesn’t need you or your words, he’ll be doing just fine.
Taehyung involuntarily puts an end to your happy mood when he reveals he’s had you do the groceries because Hwiin is expected later tonight to share dinner. You don’t ask him but he tells you to stay in case you’d be thinking of leaving. The thought makes you smile but it doesn’t last when you think about the time you’ll have to go through in her company.
The doorbell rings unpleasantly and you let Taehyung welcome her while you remain in the kitchen finishing preparing everything you’ll be needing.
You shortly greet her when she comes in, waving at her with a knife in your hand and noticing the surprise on her face she sees you.
“We’re just getting started with dinner so you can wait here with Hina,” Taehyung explains as he helps her with her coat and bag.
“Alright.” She speaks in a high-pitched tone as she gets closer to Hina sitting on the carpet and playing with her toys. “Hello Hina.”
The little girl replies quietly.
Hwiin still struggles to find the right words or gestures when it comes to her but she comforts herself as she can acknowledging the fact she’s not making her cry anymore.
She tries not to be too invasive and settles for switching between her phone and watching T.V.
She’s surprised by Taehyung’s sudden appearance when he brings Hina some grapes.
“You want some too?” He smiles politely.
“No I’m good, thank you.” If you looked at her, you'd find her racking her brain to quickly find a way to start a conversation with him but he’s back giving you instruction on the use of ingredients.
She resigns herself a moment until something worth saying eventually comes to her mind but when she looks his way, she finds him bent down, your arms framing his neck and your faces close, very close.
Are they- Right in front of me? She tenses.
She freezes at the sight and doesn’t immediately see that you’re actually tying the front part of his hair to keep from falling in his eyes.
She promptly looks away as if it physically hurt her and stared in space. She hears his laugh and it tugs at his heart. She can’t overlook the bonds you’ve forged, they exist and helped make his house home-like.
Her eyes are dragged yet again where you are and she watches quietly as you manoeuvre Hina on your hip to give her a peek at what you’re cooking. She feels in the way and it hurts.
You’re in charge of feeding Hina while Taehyung focuses on finding conversation topics, sparing you the small talk. Although the little has all your attention, you notice Hwiin strange silence.
She’d usually take the opportunity to be all over him, monopolizing him to herself claiming her behavior was justified by professional reasons.
“Let me take care of it,” he interjects when she stands up to help clear up the table.
“Thank you,” she smiles half-heartedly. “I have to make a quick phone call, I’ll be right back.”
She grabs her phone from the couch where she’s left it and looks back as she heads for the bathroom down the corridor. She sees Hina grabbing onto you to lead you to the ice cream she’s struggling to open on her own.
She finally opts for Hina’s bedroom and leaves the door barely ajar after checking one more time the coast is clear.
She thumbs a number and waits for an answer.
“Hello? Mrs Hiroshi? I’m Hwiin, do you remember me?” She asks in a hushed voice. “I’m doing good thank you. Listen, I don’t have plenty of time.”
She turns away from the door and walks away a little.
“I called to tell you I’ve been thinking about the suggestion we’ve come up with a couple of weeks ago. Yes, the social worker one.” She nods to herself. “I think it could work out.”
Hwiin looks over her shoulder when she thinks she’s heard a noise. “Let me take care of it. I’ll contact them myself. Yes, don’t worry. I’ll keep you in touch.”
She can see a shadow right on the other side of the door and hurries to finish her call. “I have to hang up. We’ll talk again later.”
She walks to the door warily, directing a frowning gaze where the shadow remains still and stretches her arm. She yanks the door open violently and sees nothing behind it.
She holds back a scream when Hina runs in at full speed.
“Hina, you scared me.” She laughs uneasily watching her plop on her bed.
She looks up at her, her big eyes hidden behind her long fringe. “What you doing in my woom?”
“Me? Nothing,” Hwiin dismisses with her hands on her knees. This doesn’t feel natural at all, she thinks. “I just wanted to see it. You have such a beautiful room.”
Hina stares up at the smile Hwiin gives her. She decides to walk out first, followed closely by. Her heart is still thumping hard and loudly in her ears as she joins you and Taehyung in the living-room where you’re sitting nearby each other.
She grins at him, sitting on his other side just as closely and makes sure to avoid your eyes.
Feedback is much appreciated Reblog if you wish to read more
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May I please request buddie promt where Buck's parents ambush him at work? the team want to know more about Buck and ask questions and the Buckley parents bad mouth him, Buck goes to the lockers or bunkers and Eddie goes after his boyfriend?
Buck’s parents are in town. 
That was a sentence that Buck didn’t think that he was going to ever say, anytime soon, but they are. They’re here for Maddie, mostly. She’s pregnant, so of course, they want to be in town for the birth of their grandchild. Maddie is hardly even 6 months pregnant, though, which means that they’ll probably be here for a couple of weeks, and then they’ll be back in a few months when the baby is born. 
He has dinner with them the first night that they’re in town. They’re a little overbearing, but he deals with it, mostly because he hasn’t seen them in years. Really, it’s probably been more like 5 years since he saw them in person. 
He stacked up his shifts, though, so that he wouldn’t have to see them that much. He knew that it would be better for their relationship if he only saw them a couple of times while they were here. Too much time would mean that Buck would be annoyed and probably say something that he didn’t mean. 
(Chances are, he probably would mean them. He knows that his words strike to kill sometimes, but he doesn’t want to completely ruin his relationship with his parents.)
Then, his parents show up at the station. 
No, they didn’t just show up. They ambushed him. They cornered him in a way that they knew would piss him off. Buck’s always been a hard worker, he puts his all into what he decides to do, and being a firefighter is no exception to this. 
“Evan,” his mother smiles as she comes up the stairs and into the loft of the station. “You’re father and I brought some food for you and your colleagues.” 
“Oh,” Buck says, looking over at Bobby who had been slaving over their dinner since they got back from their last call. “Um, thanks.”
“Of course,” she says with a smile. He knows it’s meant to be genuine, he does, but there is something about the look on her face that isn’t. He knows his mom too well. He knows that there is more intention behind them showing up at the station. 
His gut reaction is to just take the food and set it on the counter. If he moves them a little further into the kitchen, then they’ll see that Bobby is cooking. 
His dad immediately goes to shake Chimney’s hand, and Buck suddenly regrets not vetting any of his team that his parents might be in town. Chimney knew, of course, but everyone else was left in the dark. 
He sets down the food that his parents brought in and introduces his mother to Bobby, who wipes his hands on a towel and shakes her hand. He turns off the stove, insisting that the food he made can wait for the next shift.
“Buck has told us a lot about you,” his mom says with a smile, and Buck’s stomach turns. She was going to find some reason, any reason to make Bobby look like a bad guy. He just knew it. 
“Good things, I hope,” Bobby says with a smile. 
Buck leaves them to their conversation and shoots a glance at Eddie, who’s watching everything unfold from a distance. He doesn’t know what he wants to say or do, but he knows the second that he goes over to his boyfriend, his parents are going to want to follow. They’ll tear Eddie apart like vultures. 
Buck looks at Hen, who is busy talking with his father, and he decides to go over and make sure that everything over there is going just as it should. If his father makes any sort of mention about Hen, her name, her being a firefighter, or anything, Buck is ready to put up a fight. 
Conversations between his mother and Bobby and his father and Hen seem to be going okay, though. Nobody has their claws out, and it all seems to be fairly docile. That’s something that Buck can deal with. 
He sighs softly, then goes to set the table so that everyone can sit down and eat. They might as well eat everything while the food is hot. There’s no use for it to go to waste, especially because knowing his parents it was likely from a gourmet restaurant in the area. 
Buck smiles softly as Eddie comes to help him set the table. They don’t say anything, they just work together silently. When everything is set up the way that his Captain usually likes it, Bobby notices and calls everyone to the table... including his parents. His parents sit near him, and Eddie sits across. 
His father immediately takes interest in Eddie. 
“I don’t think I’ve met you yet,” he says with amusement. 
“No, we haven’t,” Eddie, ever the charmer says and holds out his hand. “Eddie Diaz.”
“Eddie... Is that short for Eduardo?” His father asks. 
Eddie shoots Buck an amused look and shakes his head. “No, actually, it’s short for Edmundo.”
“Interesting,” his father states, taking a bite of his food. “How long have you been a firefighter?”
“About two years, now,” he tells him, keeping things short and sweet. 
“Are you a citizen?” his father asks. 
“Dad,” Buck shoots him a look and his dad simply shrugs. 
“It’s just a question.” 
“Yeah, a wildly inappropriate question.”
“It’s not inappropriate, Evan, you’re being dramatic,” his mother chimes in, and Buck wants to roll his eyes. 
“Yes,” Eddie says, nudging Buck’s foot under the table. “I am a citizen. I moved here from Texas.”
“Texas, that’s a lovely state,” his mom adds. 
Conversation falls uncomfortably quiet and it’s all Buck can do not to wolf down all of his dinner. 
“Evan, you need to slow down. You’re going to choke.” his mom chides. 
“It’s a good thing I have three medics to save me, then,” he says, trying to turn the conversation light. 
“I don’t understand why you have to be so rude to your mother. We brought you dinner,” his dad says. 
“I’m not being rude,” Buck says with a shrug.
“You kind of are,” his dad says, taking a sip of his water. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking away. 
They soon get on to the topic of why everyone at the station wants to be a firefighter. His dad is the one who brings it up, and Buck knows that it’s a setup. His dad has never approved of him being a firefighter and has made that blatantly clear. It’s just going to take someone saying just the right thing for his parents to go off, and Buck is stiff thinking about it. 
He wonders if other members of the 118 feel this way when their parents come into town. He knows that Eddie doesn’t have the best relationship with his parents, but he also seems to enjoy having them visit from time to time. 
At the end of the day, Buck’s parents are still his parents. They still raised him. They still provided a nice life for him. They may not be the best parents in the world, but they aren’t bad people. Maybe he shouldn’t be so upset about them coming to see him at the station. Maybe they were just trying to be ni--. 
“What you all do is so dangerous,” his mother says with the shake of her head. “I never quite understood why our Evan would want to get into a profession like this.”
“With all due respect, Misses Buckley, Buck is one of the best firefighters I know,” Bobby says, looking across the table at them. 
“Well, yes, he has always strived to be the best at whatever he does. That doesn’t mean that he has to be the best firefighter, though,” his mom says, and Buck can feel his eyes roll back. 
It was going to be a long night. 
Could he call dispatch to have them send the 118 out on a call? Was that an option? He really needed that to be an option right now. 
“It takes a lot to do what we do, and your son--” 
“My son,” his mother interrupts. “He has been crushed by a firetruck, and almost died multiple times while working for you.”
“I--” Buck flounders. “Who--?”
“Maddie told us,” his dad raises an eyebrow. 
“I don’t understand why we had to find out from her that you got hurt on the job,” his mom adds in. 
So this is what this was about. They were here to talk him out of his job. To tell him that his job was too dangerous. 
“A job that you don’t even have to be doing,” his dad scoffs. 
“I love being a firefighter,” Buck swallows. 
“And I love being a financial advisor, but that doesn’t have me nearly getting killed every day, does it?” His father asks. “Come on, Evan, you know that your mother and I will pay for you to finish out your degree--” 
“I don’t want to finish my degree. I’m happy.” Buck says, letting out a heavy sigh. 
“I don’t see how you could possibly be happy working in a job where you’ve spent more time injured than you have on duty.”
“I have not,” Buck says, and by now he knows full well that he’s raising his voice. “I love this job. I love the friends I have because of this job. I love everything about it, and you need to stop trying to control my life.”
“Evan,” his mom says, putting a hand on his forearm. 
“No, mom, you guys need to listen. Coming into my workplace and trying to tell me how to live my life? That’s fucked up--”
“Watch your language,” his father snaps.
“That’s screwed up,” Buck says instead. 
“What’s screwed up is that we have to find out from your sister when anything important or big happens in your life.”
“Because you guys always pass judgment on what happens in my life! You’re never happy for me, you’re never proud of me, and god forbid that I ever tell you about any of the relationships in my life because you always rip people to shreds,” he says, and he knows that everyone at the table is staring at him. He can feel his cheeks turn red, and his eyes sting. God, he just knows he probably looks like an idiot right now. 
He sighs, shaking his head as he tries to let it go. “Nothing I ever did was good enough for you,” he says, quieter this time. He pushes himself up from where he’s sitting and excuses himself from the table. 
He goes down to the locker room, sitting down on one of the benches. He huffs quietly and drops his head in his hands, trying to gather himself enough to remember that he is at work and he can’t be feeling all of this when he needs to stay focused in order to save lives. 
He feels to hands land on his shoulder and Buck snaps his head up, ready to fight whoever it is. 
“It’s just me,” Eddie says, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Buck’s forehead. “It’s just me.”
Buck sighs in relief, immediately sagging under Eddie’s grip. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Buck.”
“I-I do, though,” he presses the heel of his hand to his eye, and Eddie sits down next to him. 
“Then don’t apologize to me,” he says softly. “But I don’t think you need to apologize to your parents either.”
“It wasn’t right of me to--”
“It wasn’t right of them to talk to you like that, especially not here, Buck,” He says and pulls him into a hug. “Give yourself a break sometimes, Querido. You’re enough for us.”
“I love you,” Buck says quietly, hugging him back. 
“I love you too, Buck.” 
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