#and I just wanna see him in pink 😭😭😭
spicchili · 3 days
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Happy Birthday!
summary: what they do and how they spend your birthday with you <3
warnings: none
a/n: thought of this since today is my birthday!
Kuroo Tetsurou, Kotarou Bokuto, Shouyou Hinata, & Kenma Kozume
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Kuroo Tetsurou
✿ Kuroo wants to make sure you have the best birthday ever
✿ he’ll throw you a surprise party and everything. He just wants you to have a good time
✿ first Kuroo will take you out to go get breakfast and you guys talk about what you have to do for that day
✿ meanwhile your friends and his friends from nekoma and karasuno are at your house decorating and getting everything set up
✿ once you and Kuroo get done with breakfast he takes you shopping so you can get some things that you want he’s paying ofc
✿ if you try to tell him that you don’t want anything or that you’ll pay for yourself he will not stand for it. He will literally force his card into the employee’s hands
✿ he’ll go with you to get your hair and nails done for your birthday so you can look all nice and pretty pls let him pick out a nail color he just wants to be helpful 😭
✿ when you’re done yaku texts him that everything is ready and to bring you home. When you get there your friends all jump out and scream happy birthday
✿ everyone plays games and eats some food and cake
✿ after the party when everyone has left Kuroo gives you your gift from him after much teasing on his part
✿ it’s a photo book full of pictures from when you two started dating and some that are pretty recent. If you look at him you can obviously see a light pink tint on his cheeks indicating that he was nervous.
✿ if you tease him about this he’ll either get defensive and playfully tell you off or admit that the reason he’s blushing is because he was nervous. No in between
Bokuto Kotarou
✿ now Bokuto is special. He will force you to stay over at his house the night before your birthday and sing you happy birthday knowing it’s not 12 yet
✿ he just loves you so much he wants to wish you a early happy birthday
✿ once it’s finally 12 bokuto will hug and kiss you so much you feel like your face and body might go numb
✿ he’s so energetic you have to tell him to save his energy for earlier in the day and to go to sleep with you
✿ when you guys wake up and do your routine bokuto is glued to you. Anywhere you go he’s going too. Bathroom? Okay, he had to go too. Kitchen? Alright, let’s make breakfast. Going back to sleep? Hmm well fine, he could use the extra few minutes.
✿ kind of like Kuroo, Bokuto will get some of his and your friends to come hang out with you for your birthday
✿ you guys might go out to eat or something and celebrate there
✿ wants everyone to know it’s your birthday and will make sure they know too. He got you one of those award ribbons saying ‘birthday girl’, ‘birthday boy’, or ‘it’s my birthday!’ And yes you have to wear it
✿ when you guys get some alone time Bokuto’s demeanor will change from playful and energetic to serious. The shift is crazy and it will catch you off guard
✿ but anyway he’ll tell you how much he loves and appreciates you and how he really hopes that you had fun for your birthday
✿ he’ll give you a handmade bracelet or necklace and some snacks cuz he’s not very good at gift giving
✿ he hopes that him making the jewelry was okay instead of him buying it. He just wanted to get you something more meaningful
Hinata Shouyou
✿ Hinata is literally bouncing off the walls
✿ he so excited for your birthday dare I say more excited than you
✿ he doesn’t know what to do but he’ll just do whatever you wanna do
✿ if you stayed over at his house then he’s waking you up with soft gentle kisses on your face, but if you didn’t then he’s the first one to tell you happy birthday once it hits 12
✿ you guys are doing everything for your birthday. Maybe even things you haven’t even tried
✿ Hinata will take you out for a little walk while holding hands with you as you talk about what plans you have for today
✿ you’ll go get some ice cream and maybe even share one together if Hinata is feeling a little bold
✿ after ice cream you guys go to get some food and talk. Hinata might even ask force you to play volleyball with him if the conversation steers towards that direction
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends or family then that’s your next stop after he absolutely crushes you in volleyball. He’s like the loudest one singing happy birthday
✿ like bokuto, Hinata is glued to you the whole day and he won’t let you go. He’s like a little puppy following you around everywhere you go
✿ for your gift Hinata made you this little diy box full of cute pictures you took at the photo booth and some cute keychains, charms, and plushies
✿ after he gives you your gifts you guys eat some cake and watch movies
Kenma Kozume
✿ kenma is pretty laidback for your birthday. Although he wants to make sure you have fun he also doesn’t want to overwhelm or overstimulate you with so much stuff
✿ he invites you to stay the night the day before your birthday under the guise of ‘playing video games’ when in reality he just wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday
✿ both of you stay up for hours and when it’s 12 kenma pauses his game, turns to you while having a small smile on his face, and says “happy birthday, [name]” with the softest voice ever. Depending on how brave he’s feeling he just might give you a quick kiss on the lips
✿ if there’s something that you specifically want to do that day kenma is all for it. Even if it’s something physically demanding
✿ when you both wake up he cuddles into you some more while softly talking to you as to not break the peacefulness of the room
✿ kenma will do his best to make breakfast for you but don’t expect it to be top tier cooking because he’s not really the best at it
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends and family then you guys will bake your cake together.
✿ kenma will take you to the beach later on in the day so he can have some more alone time with you. If you want to he’ll even dip his feet into the water with you (doesn’t have to be the beach it can be anywhere just someplace that isn’t very populated/crowded)
✿ when it’s time kenma will sing you happy birthday as another surprise although it would most likely take a great deal of persuasion from Kuroo for him to even consider doing it
✿ he’ll be so nervous while singing it and if you tease him about it kenma will lovingly tell you to shut up and that the only reason he did it was because it was your birthday
✿ when kenma thinks it’s an appropriate time he’ll give you your gift which was a cherry blossom tree lego set and some ramen with a heartfelt message. Like Bokuto he really isn’t good at gift giving
✿ he’s so nervous when gifting them to you. His hands are superglued to his pockets while you examine your gift. If you tell him you like it then he’ll be really happy and you both will spend the rest of the day putting together your cherry blossom tree
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reblogs are appreciated!
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mangostahiti · 11 months
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he's the barbie.
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nulltune · 11 months
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super self indulgent q but i'm curious!!! Pwease tell me who ur muse's fav sanrio character would be.!!!! (this Will affect my thoughts on them as a person btw. /j) u can tell me who ur fav too if u'd like! 🫶
our resident moon lady would say she has no preference </3 as she is with everything </3 but ! as long as it's cute, she'd most likely like em + bonus points if they're (in hakuno's words) fluffy wuffy
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 10 months
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kenntolog · 2 months
𝝑𝝔 an: just cool bf sukuna dying his hair black and asking his loser gf to help him hehe. man i love the way this series turned out, ALSO THANK YOU FOR 600 FOLLOWERS WTF😭😭 everyone is so nice i wanna cry :(( i promise im writing your requests guys, just need a lil more time so be patient with me!! more about cool bf sukuna x loser gf reader here!!
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“do you know how to use box dye?”
“the fuck d’you even know then?” sukuna rolls his eyes at you, throwing his jacket on your stool and falling down on the bed beside you. you ignore his words, opening your arms for him to settle on your chest and he does so without a question.
“we can watch a tutorial on youtube if you want?” you suggest and he grumbles something incoherently before closing his eyes and dozing off on your chest, face buried into your neck and arms tight around your middle.
so you take it upon yourself to watch a couple of tutorials and checking the instructions in the box dye, occasionally looking down at your boyfriend and imagining him with black hair. he’d look pretty in anything, you conclude and place a featherlight kiss on his forehead, right on his tattoo.
when sukuna wakes up, eyes half open and brows pinched in his usual frown, he finds you still awake, looking at your screen with great attention and the nail of your thumb between your teeth. you don’t pay him any mind as he crawls up under your arm to see what you’re so interested in.
“were you watching these the whole time?” he asks, a playful smirk on his lips, when he notices that you’re watching tutorials.
“yeah, wanted to help you.”
he smacks a kiss onto your cheek, “heh, loser, you’ll just do it for me then.”
you don’t mind, just nodding along and giving him a sweet smile in return. sukuna suppresses the dreamy sigh that threatens to come out of him when he sees how obedient you are with him, how patient and sweet you are.
as you add all of the ingredients into a bowl, you give it to sukuna with instructions to mix it all together, but as soon as he starts you regret your decision because he somehow manages to get it all over the sink and marbles and even some on the mirror above the sink. you suspect he did it just so you wouldn’t task him with anything else, which he doesn’t even deny because he is an asshole like that.
his previously pink tufts soon disappear under the black dye and it looks so natural on sukuna that you once again wonder if he was lying about his hair being naturally pink. you continue dying until all of his hair is covered. he groans about you finally being done and pinches you when you mutter under your nose about him just sitting and not doing anything but still complaining.
it’s, of course, a total mess when it’s time to wash out the excess hair dye; sukuna is such a menace about it too. he just shakes his head in every direction he can so that the black droplets of water stick everywhere, dirtying the white marbles of your bathroom shower.
at your request to stop sukuna just sprays you with the water.
eventually, you manage to wash out everything while he just lets out silly chuckles, mocking your whines and complaints about him being a pig. he sits down on your little chair again, now facing you instead of the mirror, his shirt off and knees trapping your thighs between his legs as you dry his hair with a towel gently.
sukuna tugs the towel down impatiently and looks at you, a smirk appearing on his face at the sight of your red face and bitten lips, “how do i look?”
you gulp down roughly as you watch him stand up to check himself out. he ruffles his hair before smoothing it back, biceps flexing in the process, and a very satisfied expression takes over his features. sukuna turns to face you once again, raising a brow at you, still waiting for your answer.
“you look really pretty, ‘kuna,” you nearly whisper, hand coming up to touch his damp hair, gliding down the nape of his neck. “so so pretty.”
his palm meets the top of your head in a gentle pat, fingers threading through your hair and gliding down then to cup your jaw in his favourite demanding manner. he pulls your head up, nails slightly digging into your cheek as he kisses your lips, earning a pleased hum from you.
you grip his shoulders tightly, palms splayed over his tattoos, trying not to lose your balance on your tiptoes, and whine when he pulls away, chasing his lips.
“‘m not some princess, am i?” sukuna shakes your head in his hold, smiling down at you with fondness written over his features. “you could call me hot instead.”
“you look very pretty tho, ‘kuna.” you tilt your head to one side, a little confused.
he rolls his eyes, pushing your face away with his hand, and ignores the whine you let out after.
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vivian-pascal · 1 month
Summer Love
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dbf!joel x f!reader
summary: You were the sweet, little, innocent girl that your father had raised perfectly. You went to church every Sunday and made sure to do all your college work before any free time for yourself. Your dad and you had a great relationship, talked about boys, college, friends. Anything. Sometimes your dad's best friend would come over on a warm, summer eve. You'd all sit outside and listen while he played the guitar, every time you were with him, you had a tingly feeling in your core. One night, he decides to do something very unexpected.
warnings: age gap, flirting, teasing, jealous!joel, pervy!joel?(just gonna put that in there incase) sexual tension, referring to pussy as 'she', description of what reader wears, manhandling, piv (wrap it up) oral f!receiving, fingering, clit slapping, joel's dirty mouth, thigh riding, joel not lasting, reader is on birth control, aftercare
authors note: so, I just wrote this little one shot expecting it to be just a drabble, but it is a bit longer than I expected and I'm kind of in love with these two and might turn it into another series 😭 what do you guys think I should do??
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You laugh uncontrollably as your dad makes jokes about this boy at college that you've supposedly had a 'crush' on. "Dad stop!" You swat him on the shoulder as he walks into the kitchen. "Just sayin' sweetheart." He shrugs his shoulders and you roll your eyes.
"I don't like him dad, I didn't even say anything that would hint to that!" You hear a knock on the door and your dad walks over to it. "Yeah yeah." He opens it and immediately smiles.
"Hey man!" He opens his arms wide to the stranger you're not quite sure who it is yet. When he walks in, you're stomach immediately flips. Joel Miller.
He grins at you as you shyly smile. He walks through the door with his guitar, of course, and Tommy walks in too. "Hey uncle Tom!" You smile and give him a big hug. You've always loved Tommy. He's funny and will make a joke about almost anything. Where as Joel, he's a bit more cold.
"Hey yourself." He squeezes you tightly and spins you around. You giggle when he puts you back on the ground. You all make your way outside and onto the back porch. Joel sits in his usual spot, the rocking chair, and you sit next to him on the lounge couch that holds Tommy as well.
He strums the guitar once to see if its tuned and then he begins to play. The night breeze flows on your face as the music he plays fills your ears. "So how's college goin'? You look at Tommy and look at your dad. He has a big stupid grin on his face and you shake your head as a 'please don't' to your dad so he doesn't mention your so called 'crush.'
"I think it's goin' really good, isn't that right sweetheart?" You roll your eyes and give him a dirty look. "Oh what's this now?" Tommy leans forward as he's more interested in the conversation. Joel stops playing and your face turns a shade of pink.
"Do you wanna tell them hon, or should I?" You cup your face in your hands and run your fingers through your hair. "Oh my god dad, it's not that big of a deal okay? He asked me on a date once! Once!"
Tommy's grin only widens and Joel just looks angry. "Right sweetheart, and what'd you say hm?" You roll your eyes. "I said yes okay?"
Joel can feel his heart pounding in his ears. You? Going on a date? That's a no go.
"Ohhhh!" Tommy throws his arms in the air and sits up straight. "Well? Did you get laid with'em?" "Tommy!" He laughs as you slap his shoulder and sigh loudly.
"Joel, you alright over there? Looked like you'd seen a ghost brother." You turn to see Joel and your eyes widen in surprise. He looks furious and scared at the same time. How is that possible? And what's he mad about?
He clears his throat and rests his guitar against a pillar. "Yeah, m'fine." He stands up and steps over your legs. He stares down at you and that's for sure a sign he's not okay. "M'gonna get a drink, anyone want anythin'?" Tommy shakes his head but your dad asks for a beer. "I'll get my own." You stand up and walk over to him.
His nostrils flare as he sees you pass by him and into the house. You walk into the kitchen and grab the kettle. Filling it with water, you put it back on the stand and flick the switch to start it. You reach up and onto your tip-toes to reach your mug but its just to high. You try jumping but its no use. Just as you're about to turn around and ask Joel for help, he reaches his arm above yours and grabs the mug.
You mumble a quick 'thanks' as you grab your tea bag. "What's his name?" You turn your head to face him. "Who?" He looks at you as he cracks open a can of beer. "The guy you're datin'." You roll your eyes and lean against the counter.
"For the last time, I'm not dating him. We went on a date once and-" "Did you have sex with him?" The question stumbles you. Who the hell asks that? You look at Joel dumbfounded and he just raises his eyebrows. You gulp as you beg the kettle to hurry up so this conversation can end.
"Well" You pause as he stares at you. "Yes but it was only one time-" "Thanks darlin', that's all I wanted to know." He gives you a smile as he leaves you standing in the kitchen all alone. You run your hand through your hair. Grabbing your mug, you pour the boiling hot water and take it outside.
You sit down on the lounge chair and try avoiding his glare. The men talk for a while as you sit and sip your tea, just listening. You do wish Joel would play his guitar again. Something about the way his fingers move and how he strums the shallow instrument makes you tingle.
Something about him, Joel. Makes your heart jump out of your skin. He's always had an impact on you. His voice, his hands, his hair, his strong body. Just everything about him is perfect.
You yawn as the conversation comes to an end. "Think it's time we should head out." Your dad stands up and cracks his back. He grabs Tommy's hand and pulls him in tight for a hug. You stand awkwardly with Joel. All of a sudden, two strong shoulders are spinning you around and you fall head first into a strong chest.
He wraps his arms around your small frame as you try to wrap your arms around his. It's unexpected so you're not exactly sure what to do. He rests his head on yours and you breathe in his scent.
"Don't be gettin into much trouble darlin', don't wanna end up with the wrong people ya'know." He lets go of your body and you look up at him as you nod your head. He gives you a little grin and pats the top of your head. "See ya kiddo." He walks out, grabbing his guitar, and shakes your dads hand.
You stand there for a few moments. Trying to regain composure as you try to wrap your head around what just happened. The fuck does he think he is?
You clear your head and begin to walk inside. Closing the sliding door, you kick your shoes off and head upstairs. You take off your shirt and bra changing into your over-sized shirt and some shorts. You lie in bed and close your eyes. Dreaming of Joel.
When you wake up to the morning sun shining into your room, you think back to the day before and cringe at all the awkwardness. You pull back the sheets and get out of bed. You put some socks on before opening your door and heading downstairs.
Your dad is in the kitchen making breakfast and his coffee already. "Morning dad." He looks up and smiles at you. "Morning sweetie, I gotta head out to work, Joel's gonna be around to fix up the bathroom since the showers not working, see ya later okay? Love you!" And with that, he grabs his work bag and shuts the door.
Shit. You completely forgot the shower wasn't working. Oh well.
You walk into the kitchen and grab a glass, filling it with water and gulping it down before heading back upstairs. You go into your room and change into some booty shorts and a sweater, you put your hair up and into a high ponytail. You smile at yourself and head downstairs.
Its almost noon by the time Joel arrives. He knocks on the door and you immediately jump up to answer it. "Hey!" You smile up at him sweetly and he takes a deep breath. Seeing you in your little cute outfit makes his jeans get a little tighter.
He clears his throat and smiles down at you. "Hey there darlin', your dad in?" You shake your head and leave the door open for him to follow you in. He watches the way your hips shake as you walk back into the living room with those little shorts on, leaving much to the imagination.
"Nope, he left a few hours ago, just me and you Joel." You smile slyly at him and he groans. How is he supposed to contain himself when you're just looking too goddamn good?
He heads upstairs and straight for the bathroom. He sets his bag down and inspects the shower. He opens his bag up and gets straight to work.
Its been about an hour since Joel has been here. You decide to make him a little sandwich and bring him a glass of water since he must be hungry and thirsty because of how hard he is working.
You carry the plate and the glass upstairs and into the bathroom. "Here Joel, I brought you some-" Your face immediately turns red as you see his shirt soaked with sweat and his face shining with it. You can see the muscles in his arms and his back. You gulp when he looks at you and grins.
"Well that's very thoughtful of ya sugar." He backs out of the shower and heads towards you. He takes the plate from your hands and his fingers just glaze yours. You take a deep breath in when you smell his sweat and that rough musky smell of him.
He takes a bite of the sandwich and sips a drink of water. "H-How is it?" You stutter as you stare at his veiny neck. Watching the way his jaw moves as he takes another bite, swallowing down the bread.
"Great! Thanks s'much sweetheart." You nod your head as you stare at his mouth. The way his lips bite into the soft bread and how they form themselves around the rip of the cup just perfectly makes you want to devour him.
Once he's done the sandwich, he leans in close to your face and looks into your eyes. "Ya know, ya shouldn't really be interested in an old man like me sugar." Your eyes widen at his statement.
He knows he shouldn't be flirting with you, let alone do what he's about to do, but how could he resist your sweet little self?
"I, uh, I'm not sure what you mean Joel?" He grins as he grabs onto your waist and pulls you into him. He leans in close to your ear and his soft whispers of air tickle your neck.
"I can practically smell how wet ya are f'me darlin'." He leans back and looks down at your starstruck face. "Joel, that's not true-" He snakes his rough hand down the outside of your shorts and cups your mound.
"Really darlin'? Cause it sure does feel like she's drippin'" You moan as his hand stays where it is. Putting the slightest little pressure on your swollen bud. "Joel, please." He chuckles at your begging state.
"Oh no honey, you were just sayin' ya didn't want me." He teases as he sneaks a finger into your shorts, moving your panties to the side and pressing his bare finger to your clit. Your hands perch onto his strong arms as he rubs your clit. "There she is, there ya go." He praises you as his finger slides through your slit and collects your seeping arousal.
"Lets remove these, shall we?" With his free hand, he tugs your shorts and panties down. Leaving you there with just your sweater. His eyes turn a shade of black when he sees your bare cunt.
He licks his lips as he kneels down. You lean your back against the door and brace yourself for what's about to come.
He presses his nose into your pussy and you moan aloud. He breathes in your sweet scent and groans. "So good darlin', s'good."
He grabs onto your thighs and pulls one over his shoulder. He smashes his mouth onto your pussy and you arch your back. He licks a stripe from your clit to your weeping seam and sticks his tongue inside.
"Oh god Joel." He smirks against your core as you moan and try to grab onto something. Your hands make their way into his hair as you tug and pull. He groans against you which only sends vibrations flowing throughout your whole body. Making the sensation even better.
He removes one of his hands from your thighs and reaches up to grab onto your breast. Tweaking and poking at the nipple. You whimper as you feel your orgasm nearing.
He can feel it too. The shake of your thighs, the pulse of your cunt, the way your moans seem to be higher in pitch, oh he knows. He carries his tongue back up to your clit and flicks it back and forth, side to side. "J-Joel!" You moan when your orgasm hits you.
Arching your back as far as it can go. Grabbing onto Joel's hair and pulling it so hard it hurts. He drinks up every bit of arousal from your soaking cunt. "Such a good girl."
He stands up and grabs onto your waist. He looks down at your hazy expression and chuckles. You side eye him and groan. You begin to fix your hair and walk out of the bathroom but Joel's hand grabs onto your arm.
"Where do ya think you're goin'? I ain't finished with ya yet." He picks you up and throws you over his shoulders. You kick your legs and smack his back. "Joel! Put me down right now!" He shrugs his shoulders. "Alrighty darlin'." He throws you on the bed and chuckles.
You lie on your back as you death stare him. He crawls over you and gives you a confused look. "What! You told me to put ya down darlin' so that's what I did." You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck.
"You're pathetic." He chuckles and shakes his head. He slowly leans his head down and combines his lips with yours. You groan as you taste yourself on his lips.
His hand flows down your body, tracing every curve and dip in your small frame. His hand meets your pussy once more and he inserts a finger. You arch your back and moan aloud. "Now, about that 'guy'" Your face freezes in shock. Why is he mentioning him now of all times?
He adds a second finger and you can't help but whimper. "How did he fuck you?" He continues his movements and it just feels to good to answer. He would never compare to Joel. "Darlin', ya gonna answer or?" You shake your head as you bite your lip.
"Right." He removes his hands and sits up on the bed. He moves to the edge and pats his thigh. You sit up and rest your arms behind you. "What?" He pats his thigh again. You get up, confused, and walk over to him.
You stand in front of Joel and stare down at him. "Remove your shirt." You do as you're told and take off your shirt and bra. He pats his thigh again and you hover over it. "Sit."
You lower your pussy onto his strong thigh and sigh when they make contact. His rough hands grab onto your waist and starts to move you back and forth. You grind on his thigh as his hands help maneuver you. You moan at the feeling and wrap your arms around his neck.
"There ya go sugar." He praises you as he removes his hands and undoes his button on his jeans. "Now, how did he fuck you" That goddamn question again. Why?
"Uh." You're not quite sure what to say. It was only one night and those are hard to remember.
"Well?" You shallow your eyebrows as an orgasm starts to near. "We made out first, a-and then-" You arch your back as his fingers start to prod at your clit. "Hm?" He looks down at you with a questioning look.
"H-He just layed me down on my back and fucked me like that. That's it Joel." You try your best to sound stern but the feeling only increases. He smirks and kisses your nose. "Great."
You moan and arch your back as you soak his denim jeans below you. He smiles when you breathe deeply and look up at him. He picks you up once more and lays you down on the bed.
He removes his shirt and jeans and crawls over your body. He removes his cock from his boxers and your mouth instantly waters at the sight. He grins as he sees your face and lines himself up with your entrance.
"Ya ready?" You nod your head in desperation as he pushes in. You moan at the intrusion and bite your lip. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him thoroughly. He groans into your mouth as he feels your tight cunt adjusting to his size.
"So tight darlin.'" His lips hovering over yours as he begins to move his hips. His pelvis crushes your clit and you arch your back at the sensation.
He's not sure if he can last that long. Watching the way your back arches off the bed, your sweet little sounds you let out for him. He knew you didn't sound like this when you were with that other guy. He would never make you feel as good as Joel.
Feeling your tight little pussy pulse and squeeze his cock only made his orgasm unable to control. He tries to hold it but he's been on the edge for so long. Watching you come, making you come, that only turned him on more.
"Darlin'." He moans as you squeeze his cock once more. "I'm not gonna last long." You smirk at his submissive state and tug at his curls. His thrusts become sloppier and more messy as he thrusts in all the way. "Oh fuck baby-" He groans as he spills his hot seed into your weeping pussy.
He rests his head on your breasts as he regains himself. "M'sorry sweetheart." You look into his eyes with admiration as you admire his cute little state. You run your fingers through his hair and shush him.
He begins to get out of bed and head for the bathroom that he was fixing. He returns with a wash towel and some shorts for you. You thank him and give him a kiss on the lips as he begins to get dressed.
You throw the wash cloth in the hamper and put your shorts and sweater back on.
You stand up and scratch the back of your head. "So, maybe you should get going soon. I can just tell my dad you didn't finish it and you can fix it some other time?"
He stands up and puts his shirt on. He smirks as he sees what your trying to say. "Sure darlin', i'll come back and 'fix' your bathroom."
You roll your eyes and walk out of your room. Joel grabs his bag and tools from the bathroom and throws it over his shoulder. You walk him to the door and he walks out.
"I'll be back, don't be too desperate f'me now, I know you'll miss me. Oh and this." He points down to his jeans and your face turns pink. He's somehow hard again and you can't help but drool.
His thumb wipes your saliva from your mouth and gives you a smirk as he heads to his truck.
You close the door and lean against the back of it.
What have I just done?
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part ii here
@guelyury @livingonthehems @ursagittariusgirlfriend @iamsherlocked @heartpascalispunk @pinkcrystal44 @amyispxnk @simplewanderer @tupelomiss @heartramen @kotourasan123 @mermaidgirl30 @brittmb115 @littlevenicebitch69
@sinful-mind-joyful-thoughts @itsokbbygrl @mountainsandmayhem @morallyinept @rav3n-pascal22 @magpiepills @javierpenaispunk
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midwestprincesss · 1 month
never say sorry -sub!art donaldson x fem!reader smut
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notes- this was literally supposed to be super short but i got carried away cause i am a whore (and proud of it)
cw- art is a little insecure:( , mentions of him having sex with tashi before (NO TASHI SLANDER I LOVE MY GIRL BUT IT'S FOR THE PLOT😭) , he cums prematurely (like...really..) art's a whiny little slut, art keeps calling reader love ( i got a thing for that pet name sorry y'all) , reader calls art 'artie' once cus it's cute&idc.
thinking about art constantly apologizing while having sex :( like ur unzipping his pants and he's already bucking his hips up into your hand, and then immediately muttering "sorry":(( my babyyy
so at first you think that okay, whatever, it's just something that slips out
but then he does it SO many times that you're actually starting to be concerned
like, you're giving him head and he moans a little too loudly- he's apologizing again. while kissing, you pull back for air and he still follows you, mouth half-open, wanting more - but then he realizes and he apologizes again.
but one time he really caught you off guard-
it had been a long day for him, spending almost all day training for his upcoming match. he barely had any time to rest, so he comes back to his dorm, taking off his shirt and pants, getting into bed with you only with his baby-blue boxer briefs on.
he kisses you. he's so fucking tired, but he still kisses you. 'cause he needs you, especially after the day he just had. you could feel his hard cock, practically begging you to take his boxers off.
"please love, wanna see you" he says while tugging at your top, watery eyes glistening with tears waiting to be spilled.
you take it off and unclasp your bra, little whimpers leaving his lips at the sight of you over him, with your tits out. you would love to take your time with him, really. to hear him beg and plead for you. but he's so eager, and so polite about it too- you just can't do that to him right now. so when you take off his boxers, his cock immediately jumps up, slapping his lower abdomen, right over his strawberry-blond happy trail.
"aww baby, look at you. you're so pretty aren't you?" you smile down at him, admiring how his legs shake slightly at every word you say. "hmm? aren't you?" you repeat. "mmghn- yeah, i- uhh i am" he says, eyes almost rolling back from the lack of touch. "you're what? say it." he sighs. you do this a lot. 'self love is important' you usually tell him- but not now. not when his dick is out, aching and leaking and begging to be touched. but just for the sake of it- just because he wants to please you, he says it. "i'm pretty"
"good boy," you coo, finally bringing a finger down to his cock, only to circle his pink, wet tip. and with that, he loses it. his mind goes blank, and he can't help it- all the waiting, the anticipating made him lose control of his body. he really didn't want to cum, he wanted to be good for you, but you were just so hot, he couldn't hold back. so immediately after his white, thick and warm liquid lands partially on his stomach and a bit on your hand, he starts babbling out apologies.
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry love, please don't be mad, please- i'll clean up after myself- oh my god i'm so sorry-" he was so obviously tired, he could barely make up the words, yet he still continued apologizing. until you cut him off.
"art, baby- you dont need to apologize to me! what's up with this" you ask, softly. "you know i love making you feel good. and it's even better when i get feedback like this" you giggle. his cheeks turn bright pink as he covers his face.
"but i literally came the second you touched me" he mumbles, shyly.
you kiss his shoulder, smiling. "and it was hot."
"i- I don't know how to explain it to you, love- i just don't want to disappoint you. tashi used to hate it when i did any of this, she hated hearing me, and stuff like that- sometimes it made me feel like i was an object to her or something, y-you know? she'd get mad at me, and uh- it wasn't great."
"oh." you could actually feel your heart breaking for the boy. he was so sweet, he never deserved any of that. "well i'm not tashi, and i definitely won't get mad at you for anything like that. i like hearing you, and believe it or not, this was really fucking hot. you're letting me know i'm making you feel good. what's wrong with that?"
"just don't wanna upset you." art shrugs.
"i promise you artie, you could never upset me." you peck his lips and he smiles. "now let's clean you up"
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 1k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, dom/sub dynamic, daddy kink, daily c*nt inspections 😭, fingering, mentions of p in v sex, edging, i think rafe calls reader kiddo once, reader is described briefly as small chested, mentions of past punishments/spankings/tit slapping
“come on, baby.” rafe taps your thigh. “it's time.”
“im so tired, just let me sleep for five more minutes.” you whine, snuggling your head deeper into the pillow.
“are you being bratty?” rafes words have your eyes snapping open.
“no, daddy, of course not.” you giggle. you both know you were just being a bit naughty by refusing to wake up, but you don't want to face any punishment, sitting up to give rafe a good morning kiss.
“mhm, that's what i thought.” he sighs. “i have to go into work today.”
“what?” you whine. “you can't work from home?”
“nope, got in person meetings today. sorry baby girl.” rafe hates leaving you as much as you hate him having to go anywhere without you.
“okay, gonna miss you so much.” you give rafe another kiss, now noticing that he's already ready and dressed.
“ive got enough time for inspections. open up.” rafe taps your thigh again.
“mkay.” you nod, laying your head back on the pillow, spreading your legs open.
“no wet spot on your panties, wow.” rafe nods, hands moving to rub over your inner thighs.
you smile, proud of yourself for keeping your panties clean overnight, always struggling with rafe pressed up against you.
rafe hooks his finger under the center of your underwear, pulling it to the side to reveal your cunt.
“gosh, so pretty.” rafe smiles down. “my favorite pussy in the world.”
“thank you daddy.” you blush, feeling your cheeks heat up pink.
“makes me not wanna leave you, kiddo.” rafe sighs, knowing he certainly doesn't have time to fuck you, not in the way he wants to.
“will you be home for lunch?” you ask, eyes fluttering closed as rafe swipes his fingers through your folds absentmindedly.
“yeah.” rafe nods. “will bring you home some candy.” he can't help himself but bring his fingertips to his mouth, tasting your wetness with a low moan.
“thank you daddy.” you manage to speak out, voice already wobbly from his touches.
“gonna stick a finger inside, okay? make sure you're still nice and tight for me.” the inspections became mandatory after rafe found out you were touching yourself overnight, not even always consciously, rutting against his thigh while you both slept, wet dreams of your daddy running through your head.
“mkay.” you nod, letting out a breath to relax your body as rafe uses one hand to separate your folds, holding your cunt open as your hole flutters in anticipation.
rafe circles his finger around your entrance before plunging it inside your hole. you always try your best to stay quiet during inspections as rafe likes, but you can't help but squeal out.
rafe just laughs at how pathetic your noises are, beginning to thrust his finger in and out slowly, feeling the way you constrict around him.
“nice and tight, so good baby.” rafe smiles down at you. “you've been such a good girl lately, i can't even remember the last time i had to punish you!”
“two weeks ago.” you pout, remembering it well. “ten spankings because i flashed you while you were in a meeting.”
“that's right.” rafe shakes his head. “you got some tit slaps too, didn't you baby?” rafe looks up your body. there's not much tits there to slap, and rafe always prefers to bend you over his knee and punish your ass instead.
“mhm, but i liked it so you stopped.” you giggle, remembering how you moaned when rafes palm hit your nipples.
“my dirty girl.” rafe shakes his head, moving his thumb to your clit, keeping your cunt pulled apart with his other hand so he can see all of you. sure, it's part of his daily morning inspections to check your cunt, but he usually just pushes a finger in and claims it's good.
“daddy?” you whimper out, a rush of wetness flooding your pussy.
“what is it baby? don't you want me to touch your little clit since im gonna be gone for work for hours.”
“yeah.” you whine, nodding your head as his finger thrusting inside of you moves faster, resisting the urge to add a second, loving how it's just his cock that stretches you open. 
“good girl. you deserve a kiss.” rafe says, and you pucker your lips, waiting for him to bend over your body, but rafe drops down lower, pressing a kiss directly over your clit.
“daddy!” you squeal, back arching off the bed. despite always touching your pussy, rafe rarely gives you head, preferring to get right to fucking you.
rafe moves his thumb to help keep you spread open, stretching the skin around your cunt as his tongue flicks out, rubbing over your clit, now tasting your wetness as well as hearing it with every push of his finger inside of you, a sick squelching sound filling the room.
“can i-can i touch your hair daddy?” you manage to ask, fingers twitching.
“no.” rafe smirks, his voice vibrating your clit as he barely pulls away to speak.
“o-okay.” you grip the bed sheets instead, wishing you could push rafes head further into your pussy, but you know better than to disobey an order.
“can feel you clenching ‘round my finger.” rafe laughs against your cunt.
“feels so good.” you mumble, used to waking up in the morning to rafe inspecting your pussy, but it's never this much as you moan, thighs twitching with the urge to close.
“too bad you're not gonna cum.” rafe sighs, pulling his mouth and finger suddenly out, sitting up.
“no!” you scream out. “no, daddy, please, ive been so good, let me cum, please!”
rafe sighs, leaning over your body to press a kiss to your lips. “sorry, princess, gotta go to work.”
rafe glances at the clock. truth is, he has plenty of time to make you cum, knowing you're only seconds away, but he likes the idea of keeping you wet and horny for him, ready to thrust his cock into the moment he gets back from work.
“and remember princess.” he taps your nose, making your eyes flutter before focusing on rafe. “if you touch yourself while im gone, there will be punishments.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @sil @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh @mysticallystilinski @https-luvvia @aerangi @folklorsweet
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imwetforyourmom · 1 month
can u do a matt x reader fic where the reader is going to the triplets house and meeting them for the first time alongside tara, jake & johhnie, Sam and Colby and Larry. Like the whole group has already met them but it’s the reader’s first time and during the whole hangout she can’t help but feel attracted to Matt and gets all blushy and kind of shy whenever he talks to her and he notices it and like takes it to his advantage kinda, and subtly flirts and teases her and likes seeing her all flustered. shitty explanation but I hope u get the memo😭🙏🏼 thank you baby🤍
why so shy?
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warnings: hella swearing, teasing/flirting, dirty jokes
a/n: yall I love your requests, you’re all so smart fr
a/n 2: guys I had two different endings to this and was torn between them
if you dont like how its written do not hesitate to ask me to re-write it!!
not proofread
“atta girl”
“oh my god, hi!!” tara squeals as she wraps her arms around y/n.
tara’s been waiting to meet y/n, she and y/n had been messaging on instagram and eventually exchanged numbers, where their friendship grew even more, despite the fact they hadn’t even met met.
so, this is where they found themselves, hugging in the triplets house where they planned to meet, they invited everyone and orginally planned to meet at a resturuant, but matt refused and so nick decided it’d be better at the triplets house.
“hi!” a small grin fought its way onto y/ns face. she wrapped her arms around the small figure hugging her.
tara pulled away and backed up, gesturing her arms out to the several boys sitting on the couch, she introduced each and every one of them to y/n, a huge grin on taras face.
after tara finished introducing everyone and etc, it went to a quick silence, but matt broke it with “what’d you guys wanna do?”
his eyes were on y/ns, mostly asking her as she was the guest.
y/n felt her cheeks burning up, her hands folded together and she quickly looked away from his eyes. her grin turning into a nervous smile and voice slightly shaky. “I- uh, I dont mind what we do. is- is anyone um, I dont know.” she mumbled, she couldnt think of anything and she decided it’d be best if she didnt embarass herself any further.
she awkwardly took a seat on the couch, the only avaible spot being close to matt, literally sitting beside him with some space, thankfully.
she slowly sunk into the couch, letting everyone else begin conversation around her, she could hear voices trying to decide what they should do.
she kept her eyes on her hands in her lap, trying to think of anything other than how nervous matt just made her.
she looked up, her eyes immediately going to matts figure, her eyes trailing up and down. scanning the boys figure, looking at his side profile, the way his shirt hugged his skin, the prominent veins in his arms and hands and his tattoos. she’d be lying if she said she didnt get nervous just by the sight of him. hes gorgeous.
the rings on his fingers and the veins in his hands kept her eyes captive—who is she kidding? his entire body was keeping her captive, under the hold of attraction.
matt glanced over at her, letting his eyes linger a moment longer over her. seeing that she was staring at him, more specfically his body.
just to tease her, he curled his hand into a fist and flexed his arm slightly, making his veins and muscles more apparent. he watched her eyes widen, cheeks turn a bright pink and her throat audibly swallow.
a smirk grew on his face, he shifted his body more towards her. he stood infront of her, orginally with larray but larray had seen y/n staring at him, chuckled and walked to sam and colby, leaving matt with y/n.
he walked closer to y/n, leaning down slightly to her level he looked down at her, “what’re you looking at, pretty girl?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper so no one heard him.
y/ns eyes stared up into his eyes, her stomach fluttering and her cheeks burning an even darker red.
she swallowed, attempting to recover her calm demeanor and answering with her best try at a mono-tone voice “n- nothing.”
matt hummed, a pleased smirk formed on his face. he nodded once at her, then walked away to his triplet brothers, trying to shove down how nervous she looked and how big his ego felt now.
chris had been whining for ages now about how hungry and thirsty he was, nothing but complaints about how ‘im dying of thirst’ and ‘im starvinggg’ leaving his mouth, as if the boy couldnt walk to his own kitchen and get food and a drink himself. but the poor boy claimed his stomach ached too much to get himself food, in other words, he was too lazy.
“im so thirsty.” chris mumbled, crossing his arms and staring at the floor like a kid pouting. his throat dry.
jake looked over at him, stopping abruptly in his conversation with nick about loud cars and their shared hatred.
“how thirsty?” jake said, a small giggle being heard at the end of his sentence.
“sooo thir-“ nick cut off chris, though he’d rather watch it all play out, he did not want to hear his brother finish his sentence. “shut up chris! he’s setting you up! you fucking doofus.” nick rolled his eyes.
“dont know how you didnt see it comin’” matt laughed at his brothers cluelessness.
“what the fuck ever” chris grumbled, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms on his chest, a clear sign of him “not having this” or annoyance.
with a new idea, he turned to y/n with puppy dog eyes.
“can you get me a drink please?” he asked, pouting his pretty pink lips in a convincing manner. looking up at her with glossed over eyes and licking his lips to try and convince her even more.
matt scoffed, jealousy bubbling in his stomach he walked over to the pair and slung an arm around y/ns shoulder. sending a glare towards chris, his mouth shut but his eyes speaking loudly.
“shes not gonna get you a drink, go and get your own shit.” matt rolled his eyes, tightening his grip around y/n ever so slightly. for his own benefit, matt used his hand to shoo his brother off. watching as chris stomped his foot while walking to the kitchen, grumbling things under his breath, his insults and curses clearly directed towards matt.
“finally, someone needed to shut that kid up” larray teased, his eyes boring into the back of chris’ head, “shut up larray, why don’t you go make me food?” chris shot back, walking back to larray to continue their play fight.
matt and yn tuned out their bickering, focusing on the still close proximity between them. y/ns body tensed at matts arm around her shoulder, “gotta show my girl some respect, yeah?” matt whispered, his face facing forward but his mouth close to y/ns ear. his words were targeted, he knew what he was doing. feeling y/ns body stiffen under his touch and her breathing shallow with his words was only egging him on.
y/n gulped, nodding her head. trying to push past the butterflies in her stomach. blood rushing to her cheeks while she replayed his words in her head like a vintage cd player.
“yes- yeah.” she mumbled, her body still tense and stiff.
matt hummed in content, removing his arm off her and walking over to larray, where he stood and watched y/n.
y/n took in a breath, trying to calm herself before walking over to chris, pushing herself onto the counter where chris was getting his food.
“how- hows your food comin along?” she asked, swallowing her nerves.
“eh, it woulda been better if you made it.” he scoffed, looking over his shoulder to flip off matt, whom chuckled in response and turned to larray to engage conversation with him, in which, larray immediately making fun of matt.
“y/nnn” tara groaned, grabbing y/ns arm and dragging her with her.
“I wanna show you something” tara said excitedly, a big, toothy grin on her face while she spoke. she continued to bring y/n with her, across the kitchen and into matts room.
“okay, but why are we going into matts room?” y/n asked, looking at tara for an explanation, but nonetheless she stood in his room, standing awkwardly and examining his room.
“its was the first place I thought of.” tara shrugged, “oh shit! I forgot to grab the thing, ill be right back. dont move, k?” tara said, her smile dropping. leaving the room quickly with a sly smirk on her face, a knowing smirk.
y/n nodded hesitantly, unsure if she was entirely believing tara.
she swung her arms around herself boredly, looking around but staying in place and making a soft clicking noise with her mouth whilst waiting.
it wasnt until a few moments later she heard a ‘click’ noise from the door, not her mouth, the door.
her eyes moved to the door, expecting to see tara with whatever she went to grab, only to see matt walk in with his eyes glued to his phone.
never once losing eye contact with his phone he shut the door, and walked closer to his bed, finally looking up from his phone he saw y/n with an awkward smile on her face.
“hi.” she mumbled, taking a step back. her voice was breathy and shaky, signaling she was already nervous even with only being in the same room as matt for 30 seconds.
“hi, pretty girl. what’re you doing in here?” he asked, still not letting the pet name go, already feeling the satisfaction of her reaction using in his veins.
“I- um-“ she attempted to speak, though her own voice betrayed her. if she sounded pathetic earlier, she sounded even more pathetic now.
“why so shy? cmon baby, use your words. I know you can.” he drawled, taking a step closer to her, tossing his phone onto the bed and giving her his full attention.
“tara- she, she took me in here and left.” y/n calmed her composure, taking another step back, feeling her back press against the wall she let out a defeated sigh. she was screwed now. pressed against a wall infront of her newfound crush? god was she so fucking screwed.
“atta girl.” matt praised, taking another step towards her. he placed his hands on either side of her hips, his head tilted downwards a little to ensure his dominance over the situtation.
“I knew you could do it” he leaned his head into her neck, pressing soft kisses on the warm and smooth skin, sending shivers down y/ns spine.
y/ns lips parted, a small whimper escaping her lips, she tilted her head back, giving matt better access to her neck.
matt trailed his gentle kisses from the side of her neck, to her ear. he pressed a quick kiss to the shell of her ear before whispering in her ear
“you’re my pretty girl, arent you?”
“only I can make you this nervous, hm?”
“I see the way you look at me”
once he finished, he suckled on a spot underneath her ear, her sweet spot, earning a small moan from her.
he moved his lips to hers, pressing a slow and deep kiss onto her lips, y/n immediately kissing back with the same energy. melting into the kiss almost instantly.
theres no way tara didnt plan this. y/n saw the smirk playing on tara’s lips when she left the room, maybe she should’ve thought about it more.
1694 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @jnkvivi @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @maryx2xx
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deadghosy · 4 months
Hear me out
What about a moth! reader
Like the moth from sky! Children of the light that likes to fly around the hotel and honk at people sense they can't speak
And them giving candles as a way to ask"do you wanna be friends??"
(this is my first time ever requesting something so sorry if it doesn't make sense, feel free to ignore this く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡)
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prompt: a cute moth character enters the ring of hell due to a malfunction of the realms
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STORY MODE: you were celebrating days of love as your ikemen softly puts a flower crown on your head as you honk happily. You hugged the Ikemen as he hugs you back, lifting you for a hug spin as he chuckles lowly.
He lifted you on his back as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. He pointed towards the valley realm as they wanted to celebrate your one year anniversary together. You started to spam honk excitedly as the Ikemen nods and runs into the realm. But something went wrong.
END OF STORY MODE: You just stand there as you smell blood and fire in the air. You were confused as you didn’t see your beloved Ikemen anywhere which made you honk out loud…you didn’t see their name either. You inhaled all the air you could and let out a big HONK! That got you the attention of a fellow moth man who smirked behind you. You jolted with a quick honk as Valentino poked your mask. “My my my~ what a cute little thing you are.” Valentino says picking you up like a child.
You didn’t want to die so immediately you pulled out your candle. That made Valentino drawn to the candle as he squeaks happily at the candle and take it. Before Valentino could talk to you, an arm grabbed you and sped away.
Who was the culprit who took you, it was Angel dust in his pink scooter. (A/n: don’t question the scooter) Angel heard that big ass honk and a light as he was curious and went to go look for it only to see you shaking in Valentino’s hold. He didn’t want to save you, but your small frame was shaking and he couldn’t stand it so he had to save you.
And now you are part of the hotel’s crew as they greet you with open arms.
Angel loves you dearly, you immediately warmed up to him giving him a bright white candle as his eyes shined at the light of the candle shaping like a heart. So when Angel took it and it dissolved in his hands. You were so happy you kept spam hugging him.
You literally follow all the members like a first time moth, holding out a candle as you want more friends!
Fat nuggets just oinks and follows you. You pet the cute demon pig who licks your hand back
CHARLIE LOVESSS YOUU😭💗 she picked you up and you honk hugging her back.
Vaggie admires you as well. You seem like a reliable person to bring hopes up.
Lucifer adores you..I mean you are just so affectionate. He immediately accepted the candle and he lifted you up. Kissing your head and gushing over you with tears yelling “I WANNA ADOPT THEM!”
I headcannon Charlie and Lucifer debating which color scheme suits you better as they try to take off your brown moth cape as you honk at them.
I always headcannon skykid moths to be at least like 4’9 and every time they gain winged light they get taller. 🦆✨but since you aren’t in the Sky cotl universe, you are so small so literally they treat you like a kid.
You know like your light decreases when a dark creature hits it or like basically darkness. (Especially during that damn fire trial😐) I can imagine moth! Reader having a night light that Lucifer made you with a duck light shining on the ceiling so you feel safe.
Husk doesn’t even understand what the fuck you are doing by honking at him and following him around constantly with a bright ass white candle.
Husk eventually accepted the candle which made you hug him alot..and oddly husk liked it. Now you gained a drunk uncle.
As you kept getting adopted by random people, your ikemen was going around every season area asking other skykids have they seen you as he has a missing poster of you….poor Ikemen looks down seeing the flower bracelet you made him.
Back to you as you are making the whole crew paper bracelets thanks to Charlie’s trust exercises and activities.
I can see sir Pentious and you getting along to the point sir Pentious is like a caretaker when you don’t have anyone to be with. Even his egg boiz love to hang with you. Even if they don’t understand you.
You one time big honked and every light flickered since a ring of light was around you. So now the cast is little bit cautious at how “powerful” you are
Alastor would think you eat human/sinner meat as he would bring it to you, noting you don’t eat anything. 😭 DO YOU GUYS KNOW THAT GAGGING CAT?! THATS YOU WHEN YOU SMELT THE MEAT-
Alastor was so offended but he should’ve guessed that you weren’t a cannibal.
Niffty was teaching you how to clean and you accidentally drank bleach making niffty literally chase you around worried as you run.
You actually one time lost your light as you were crouched on the floor. Immediately Lucifer grabbed you up scared that you were dying as your body got out of the state and into your regular appearance.
Tbh Lucifer thought you was a scary demon crawling for your life, until you honked is when he realized it was his moth friend.
You fly around honking as you help razzle and dazzle with putting up banners. Razzle and dazzle pick you up if you don’t have enough energy to fly. You guys are flying buddies is what I headcannon.
I imagine husk is sleeping and you glide down from the stairs as you honk softly in his ear to wake him up. He grumbles at first so you decided to do a big honk. You inhaled as a ring of light surrounds the place as the honk rings out in the hotel.
“GAH!” Husk yells falling off the couch grabbing you as he thought you were trouble to only find out there wasn’t no problems. He grumbles angrily at you.
You once flew down like Batman and Angel recorded it founding it adorable.
Charlie had noticed you like to collect candles so she bought a stack of candles which made your eye light up and immediately run to your room with them.
Your mask definitely falls off your face, so imagine the whole hotel’s cast reaction to your face just being completely black with eyelashes (bruh skykid’s eyelashes are so damn pretty and long 😭)
When you went with Charlie to meet with the angels, Adam raised a brow at you because he never seen a “demon” like you. But he didn’t feel any angelic or demonic energy off you.
“What’s up lil dude…where’s your mama?” Adam says teasing you as he pats your head while Charlie watching nervously. You just honk at him and pull out a big white candle. Lute and Adam glanced at each other as Adam took it. The candle dissolved into a circle as Adam felt warm. You honk happily and hugged him.
“So can I keep this little shit?” Adam says to Charlie. “WHAT NO?!-”
I headcannon you once did the backflip emote and they all applaud you like “oh wow!”
Alastor and Lucifer are the smart ones to try to get you to call them dad…but you just honk and hug them like a little child happy to see them.
Of course Valentino is blowing Angel’s phone asking him if he seen a moth like demon….
Lucifer made you a duck cape. Like the cape was heaven sky blue with duck patterns in it. He found it so cuteee! 🦆💗
You honked madly at fat nuggets as the pig had eaten up your brown cape making angel dust make you a pink cape. It was bedazzled and it didn’t look like the sakura or valley cape you see other skykids wore once
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her-favorite · 2 months
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warnings: the “fic” is a little suggestive but no actual smut!
a/n: random but why can’t some of you just let people write 😭 you don’t like “y/n,” no one’s forcing you to read it!! you don’t like smut or some shit, you are not being held at gun point. grow up
wc: 940 - something short (and terrible) until i get some requests (guys i’m begging)/better ideas!
SYNOPSIS: You caught Matt reading something on his phone, not expecting it to be about you..
The moment you stepped foot inside your boyfriend’s room, your eyes watched the way he slammed his phone down on his bed.
With a confused look on your face, you close the door behind you and begin walking over to the side of his mattress. “What’re you looking at?” You can’t help but tease as you sit next to him.
“Nothin’.” Matt replies shortly, turning over to face you. Bringing you down next to him, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in to his chest.
“Should I be worried?” You say playfully, your lips brushing against his bare chest as he squeezes you. With a groan from your boyfriend, you look up at him from your position as much as you could. A light pink hue forms on his pale cheeks as he tries to fight a smile.
“Mm, ‘s’nothin’, sweetheart.” He slurs, a fight of sleep still lingering in his voice. You figured he accidentally fell asleep while you were getting ready to leave earlier, given he was still in bed and has yet to put a shirt on (not that you were complaining).
You hum in response, seemingly letting it go as you cuddled in to his warm skin. A light conversation was held between you two for a couple minutes, discussing when Matt and his brothers were going to film a car video later and what to have for dinner tonight. With a soothing hand on your back, Matt quickly helps you relax, washing the anxious feelings you had grown to have earlier away.
A little while passes by as you and Matt lay with each other, enjoying the others company. As time goes, the night gets closer and closer, signaling for Matt to get ready to film a video with his brothers.
With a text from Nick, Matt groans when he sees his phone light up. “What’s it say?” He mumbles, his eyes still closed as he subconsciously squeezes you closer to his warm body.
Unlocking his phone, you laugh softly as you read out, “You better be ready in under 5 minutes before I beat your ass.” Matt scoffs lightly at the mindless threat from his brother, moving his head to look at the time: 12:03 am. “You should get ready, Matt.” You suggest, looking up at him. With an immediate groan of disapproval from the man underneath you, a chuckle leaves your lips.
“Just wanna lay here with you.” He mutters, suddenly flipping you both over so he can rest on your chest. A surprised sound slips past your lips, a smile taking over. With a soft laugh, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press a kiss to his head.
“Two more minutes before Nick gets here,” you whisper teasingly, resulting in another irritated moan from the man on top of you. With a huff, Matt moves up to his forearms to hover above you. “Hi,” you smile.
“Hey, baby.” He cracks a smile as well, quickly leaning down to kiss you. Sucking gently on your bottom lip, he pulls away with a smug look on his face, knowing how something so little could get you going for him. Getting up swiftly, he giggles at the smack you left against his back, dashing for his bathroom.
As your boyfriend changes, you look back down at his bed, noticing a light protruding from something. Throwing his comforter around, his phone reveals itself, the screen on and lighting up the dark space. Reaching over to turn it off, your eyes can’t help but scan over the words that took up his screen.
“The fabric fell off of her body softly, dropping down to the floor with a light thud. As she kept eye contact, the last article of clothing was pushed down her body, a small curl to her lips catching my attention.
She knew what she was doing, I knew that… but I couldn’t help but be entranced by her. Her pretty curves, and her pretty hair, everything about her made me ache. I needed her.”
“What are you doing?” Matt’s voice made you jump, your eyes searching up for him. The smile that took over your lips was involuntary as you noticed the visibly embarrassed look on his face, even though he tried to cover it up.
“What are you reading, Matthew?” You tease, holding up his phone. With wide eyes, your boyfriend lunges forward and tries to take it from you. Standing up on his bed, you try and get away from him, laughs uncontrollably leaving your lips.
“Give it to me!” Matt exclaims, trapping your waist and bringing you down on to the bed with him. Letting him take the phone, he turns it off and stashes it in his empty pocket.
With chuckles still leaving your mouth, you begin to ask, “Were you reading fanf—“
“No.” Matt interrupts you, getting up from the bed.
“I think you were—“
“No, I wasn’t.” He denies, looking away from you. One last laugh leaves you as you get up from his bed, walking over to him.
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart!” You smile, still finding the situation amusing. He glances over at you, not even thinking twice about how he melts into your touch. As you press one of your palms to his cheek, you reassure him.
“I was just curious, I swear.”
“I was!”
With a nod in response from you, Matt groans dramatically. The smile has yet to leave your face throughout the entire conversation, knowing that this was something you would never forget.
Before you even realized, you dashed out of his room. “Nick! Chris!”
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thisismeracing · 3 months
Brand new style | CL16
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader ― Warnings: mentions of food; typos. ― Summary: The one where Charles' has been dressing better and better each week. Fans can't help but tie that drastic change to a girlfriend, especially when he shows up wearing clothes from a small but very stylish brand, what they don't expect is that the girlfriend in question is the owner of the brand.
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liked by yourbestie, istagramuser1, and others
yourusername finishing the last few touches for this season's collection ⭐️✨
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sunshinewest can’t wait to get it!! 😍
user2 I am so readyyy
switfiedirectioner I wanna be her when I grow up
⤷ 1distraction but u already grown, bestie 😭 lmao
⤷ swiftiedirectioner shut up let me dream 🤚
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liked by pierregasly, sebastianvettel, and others
charles_leclerc race week's about to start 😎
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charleslerain things that aren’t my business but I wish were: how charles takes his coffee
sainzinho the lil pink mug 🥹🤏
fastandf1s where’s that lil sweater from????
⤷ bonohammertime Its from @ yourusername s brand?
⤷ userforty it def is! Most likely from last collection if I recall perfecly, I have a similar one
trackfour Im gonna prepare myself mentally to watch ferrari shit show 😭
iguser_ the pullover collors omggg and the fabric looks so soft
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liked by gigihadid, charles_leclerc, and others
yourusername I would bet on red for this season 😜❤️
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yourbestie 😍😍 I would bet on YOU this season
user01 omg yesss! I love red!
randomuser this looks fantastic, can’t wait to see the other options
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liked by arthur_leclerc, lewishamilton, and others
charles leclerc 😉😉
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tifosinha I refuse to believe this was Ferrari's doing, he's been on this team for years now and they NEVER got him this stylish. there's a woman's hand on this, istg
ferrarista01 the veins 🫣🤤
leclowncircus y’all worried about charles’ style and rumored relationship meanwhile I’m just no thoughts head empty appreciating those yummy pics he’s been posting
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc Solid climbing session today.
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sainzfan who’s that person wearing black?
⤷ lemonegasque million dollars question
lewforty LOL he’s so bad at other sports
arthur_leclerc as a climber you’re a great driver 👍
schumiwoff I love the fact that apprently him and the girl -both- fell hahah partnes in being horrible at Snow Sports
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liked by iguser_, yourbestie, and others
yourusername nobody needs to know I fell a hundred times while climbing
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user47 it’s fine bestie, I’m terrible at anything snow related as well lol
user90 where’s that sunglass from?
⤷ yourusername its from yyy.com :)
popyn she’s soft launching, I lost her 😭
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liked by yourbestie, francisca.cgomes, and others
yourusername had an amazing dinner tonight 🥰
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randomuser33 that “private but not a secret” type of relationship I WANT IT
user9 she’s so pretty 😍😍
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and others
charles_leclerc ma cherrie ❤️ I wouldnt have the patient to soft launch anyways
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scuderiaferrari thank goodness he's not that clumsy with car info 😅😂
yourusername you're lucky I love you 💞
pierregasly it was about time!!!!
fan44 I KNEW IT
formulaonewag welcome to the club, Yn! 🥳
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi! I hope you guys liked this piece! This is part of that convo about posting my drafts hihi so yeah, here goes another one :D let me know your thoughts!
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
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ambrozjas · 4 months
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the gang x reader who loves makeup ꨄ︎
the outsiders x reader (separate)
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
guys i swear i’m working on your requests i just wanted to use this as a filler to feed you guys while you wait, but trust me, i’m workin on it 💕 thank you for all the likes and reqs !! love you all xoxo
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
some curse words, makeup, reader is compared to “a girl in a magazine” in johnnys part, kissing?? i dunno 😭
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
DARRY’s thumb rubs along your thigh. he lay on his bed while you were sat at the desk besides him. you placed your vanity mirror on the wooden surface and had been working on your makeup for about half an hour.
darry had seen his mother put on makeup whenever she’d go out with his father, so he had a better idea of makeup than someone like steve or two bit. he liked whenever you asked him questions like ‘this or that’.
“which one? peach or mint?” you asked as you held up two lip glosses, the peach gloss in a soft pink tube and the mint in a sage green one.
darry seemed to think for a moment, humming in thought. “th’peach one.” he finally said, nodding his head in the direction of where you were holding the peach tube.
“thanks, dare.” you mumbled, your lips forming an ‘o’ shape, ready for application.
“why do you always put on makeup?” he asks, eyes fixated on you. a satisfying pop of your lips before you look over to him and shrug.
“dunno, makes me feel pretty.”
“you’re always pretty, darlin’.” darry continues, moving his hand from your thigh to your hand, interlocking both your fingers and squeezing.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“how d’ya get that thing so close to your eye?” SODAPOP asks. you’ve been doing your makeup for about ten minutes, soda watching you like a hawk.
“i just raise my eyelid and put the curler to my lashes, piece’a cake.” you shrug, mouth open as you apply some mascara. “really?” he asked, taking a glance at your drawer full of makeup products, an assortment of pretty colored tubes, he would guess were either for your lips or eyes.
“yeah, why? you want some?” you laughed, expecting a ‘no’ in return but got only silence. you looked back at him. soda had just shrugged exaggeratedly.
one thing let to another and you ended up perched on sodapop’s lap, his eyes closed as you decorated his lids with blue eyeshadow.
“soda—! don’t crinkle your eyes!” you exclaimed, your boyfriend simply chuckled and gently grasped your wrist. “‘s not my fault it tickles, babe.”
soda opens his eyes to look at you, pulling your palm to his lips for a soft kiss.
“you know, you just ruined the eyeshadow, right? your eyes are hooded so the shadow will get—“
“shh, i’m tryna be romantic ‘ere.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“oh, PONYBOY!” you squealed, dragging out the ‘y’ in his name and running down the hallway already carrying your makeup bag.
you poke your head in through the doorway to find pony laying on his bed, nose buried in another one of his books. he glanced at you, already suspicious of the fact that the rest of your body isn’t visible.
“huh?” he questioned, his eyes flickering between the words of the book. “you wanna be the best boyfriend ever and do me a favor, pony?” you grinned as you dragged out the syllables in his name.
“what’re you doin’?” he inquired. you started to step slowly into view, your bag held behind your back. “i just need’a see somethin’ real quick.” he sat up a bit as you got closer to him and placed the book on the desk next to his bed, careful to mark the page he was on with a bookmark.
you finally bring your hands around to your front, unveiling the small makeup bag filled to the brim with products.
“oh, no.”
“oh, yes.”
“no! you ain’t touchin’ my face!”
and before he knows it, ponyboy has a face full of makeup on and you’re finishing it off with some sparkly highlighter on his nose.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
you had a date with JOHNNY at the drive-in, planning to see one of elvis’ new movies.
you had done your makeup, using the multitude of products you had in your room, and you looked snatched. your hair was cute, whether greased up or not, it never failed to look effortlessly gorgeous, johnny always thought so.
he was already waiting at the drive-in, accompanied by dallas who unfortunately was “chaperoning” him for the night, probably just trying to keep a lookout for drunk broads.
when you had arrived though, boy, was johnny astonished. his eyes widened at just the sight of you, it was like you were a princess walking up to him in slow motion.
once you had caught up to him and dally, johnny couldn’t help but mutter, “y’look like one of those ladies from the magazines..”, he gawked at just the utter sight of you.
“thank you?” you giggled and gave a quick peck to his lips. “i’ll get us a coke!” you jogged over to the concessions area with a bunched up wad of money in your hand. johnny watched you walk away, mouth still parted a bit in shock.
dallas, being the shithead he is, rudely tapped johnny’s cheek, making him close his mouth. “you’ll catch flies, johnny.” he said, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette.
once you two had actually sat down, dally chatting up some girl a few feet away, johnny turns to you. “s’that a new lipgloss?”
“yeah, you like it?” you asked, blowing him an exaggerated air kiss after.
“tastes sweet.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“c’mon, doll, it’s been like twenty minutes.”
“hold on, DALLY, i have to finish this wing!” you affirmed, your words altered with the way you opened your mouth so your skin would stretch, giving you the perfect opportunity with eyeliner and mascara. one struggle almost everybody goes through, is getting the other eyeliner wing to match the other.
“you’ve been at this for a while, just draw a line ‘n call it a night.” dallas insisted, he didn’t much like waiting, and he never understood why people took so much time just to do their makeup.
“no, you don’t understand. it has to be perfect.” you said, enunciating the ‘p’. you look at dallas in the reflection of the mirror and see him sigh in defeat and hollow his cheeks with another inhale of a cancer stick.
“you better not be smokin’ that thing in here, stinkin’ up my whole room.” you wrinkled your nose, the smell of cigarettes never leaves your room as long as dallas comes over.
“you do it too.”
“i smoke outside, not where it’ll penetrate a whole room full of cute things.” you rebutted.
“whatever you say, doll.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“do i look like a pretty princess?” TWO-BIT asked as you applied blush on his cheeks. you and his kid sister giggled at the sight. two’s eyes covered with all sorts of bright pinks and yellows and blues, colors that his little sister suggested.
“yes keith, you look like a pretty princess.” you said, watching two’s nose scrunch at the brush tickling his cheeks.
“what next?” you asked to his sister, turning to her as she held a finger to her chin in thought. then, it was like a light bulb went off inside her head. she grinned at you, a catlike smile that you returned, one that made two-bit worried about what would come next.
“lipstick.” was all she said, and immediately she handed you a bright red lipstick. you let out a soft laugh as you looked at two-bit’s expression, cocking an eyebrow as usual.
“you ain’t doin’ what i think you’re doin’, right?” he asks, then you wiggle the tube of lipstick at him, getting it closer as he shifts away. he placed his hands up in defense, “baby—! c’mon, you wouldn’t do that to your wonderful lovely boyfriend, would you?”
as he tries to scurry off, you hook your leg around his waist and keep him in place while his little sister laughs hysterically in the background. you grip his cheeks so his lips could purse, giving you the perfect access to apply his lipstick.
he ends up looking like a scrapped lisa frank design and that lipstick ends up in kiss marks littering your face, accompanied by ‘eww’s’ in the back provided by two’s sister.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“shit! it burns!” STEVE yells, his lips a cherry red with irritation.
“why’d you put it on your lips?” you threw your arms up, representing a ‘what the hell?’.
“thought it was your lipstick thingies!”
“why would you put it on your lips in the first place, steve?” you laughed and rushed over to get a paper towel and a few ice cube. “i thought it’d taste good.” he muttered, his lips a comical plump as he glared at the tube, feeling silly how he didn’t read the white letters on it saying ‘duck plump’.
when you came back, you sat down next to steve, gently wiping off the gloss before he snatched the napkin and wiped it off aggressively himself, desperate to get it off.
you both looked at each other before he looked down at the ice cube. “wha’s ‘at supposed to do?” he asked. you stammered, “i don’t know you were in hysterics! ‘pleasee! oh please get it off! it burns—!’” you cut yourself off with a laugh, laying back on the bed.
“yeah, yeah. whatever..” he grumbles, throwing another glare at the lip plumping gloss that lay abandoned on your desk.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ thank you all so much for all the love n requests, i swear i’m writing them just give me some time 🫶
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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luvjunie · 1 year
Hey sweetie, I’ve been a real big fan. Can you write some HCS or a fic about the both Miles being twins?
a/n: ABSOLUTELY 10000% YES. i had way too much fun with this oml. and omg thank you you’re so sweet! 😭 btw, let’s just pretend that in this au they don’t have the same name since they’re ‘twins’ lmao
— headcanons. miles and miles as twins
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Twins? Yes. Polar opposites? Definitely.
They both have a completely different sense of style, but one thing they have in common is that they both love Jordan’s. However I feel like miles!42 is a full blown sneakerhead. Has the better collection and often finds miles!1610 wearing his shoes, because somehow 42 always manages to win the snkrs raffles.
“Are those my brand new fuckin’ 4s?” “Uh… no?” “Take my shit off before I tweak out.”
42 keeps his side of the room squeaky clean, gets upset if there’s even a sock that does not belong to him on his side
Absolutely hates the song Sunflower. Cannot stand it, makes him wanna rip his hair out. The minute it came out 1610 played it into the dirt and 42 swears he can still hear it in his dreams till this day
1610 is the more affectionate one (outwardly) while 42 likes to pretend he’s completely devoid of that as if he doesn’t love his brother with everything in him.
“You got exactly three seconds to get off me.” “Just hug me back, damn!”
They’re the kind of brothers to open soundcloud, turn on a random trap beat and see who can go the longest freestyling. They do that thing where guys bring their fist to their mouths and squeal and shove each other out of excitement when they get a good flow going back and forth
42 is definitely the athletic type, plays football and soccer. 1610 is more in tune with his artistic side. Will play sports for fun but doesn’t care for them like that
42 is introverted as hell, doesn’t really like talking to people. 1610 is more of a social butterfly
They’ve never once liked the same girl. Ever. Their taste is drastically different
“Bro, you like a white girl?” “…Yes? What does her race have to do with anything?” “See me personally—“. “Literally nobody fucking asked.”
Used to help each other break out of their cribs when they were babies. Either that or Jeff and Rio would wake up to find that 42 had climbed into 1610’s crib after they’d been put down and slept with him instead. it was impossible to keep them apart from each other, so eventually they just broke down the second crib and let them use the one.
You can tell who is who in their baby pictures. You guessed it, 42 was the oddly solemn one who always wanted to play by himself. They worried about him for a bit. They also had to tickle him as an attempt to get him to smile in pictures, and just their luck, he’s never been ticklish
When they were eight years old, 1610 accidentally broke the wolverine action figure 42 never went anywhere without, and 42 cried about it for three days straight
They definitely ask for each other’s opinions on their outfits
“Do you think this shirt goes with these pants?” “The entire outfit is black… how would it not go together?”
They both obviously love their mother but 42 is the biggest mama’s boy. Always in the kitchen helping her cook, will watch her telenovelas with her and actually keep up with the plot. He’ll willingly follow her to the grocery store or accompany her on her ridiculously long Ross/Tjmaxx sprees because he likes hanging out with her
They terrorize the fuck outta their dad and have been doing so since they entered this world because they think it’s funny. Stupid shit like dying his boxers pink, or looking up a cracked tv screen video on youtube just to watch him nearly have a heart attack thinking they broke it. They used to twin-swap when they were younger to get out of certain things, but it’s 100% impossible to pull off now. They’re way too different, physically and mentally
Uncle Aaron took 42 to get his ears pierced when he was thirteen, something 1610 would never do. Rio basically had an aneurysm when he came home with them in and Jeff was not pleased but Aaron took the blame for it, said it was his idea. 42 made up some bullshit lie about how if he takes them out before they heal completely they’ll get infected. Still has them in till this day
42 is exactly fourteen minutes older and refuses to let 1610 hear the end of it, but 1610 is taller by an inch and weighs a little more.
“I don’t know why you’re talking shit like I’m not older than you. Pipe down lil’ bro.” “Sorry, is someone talking to me right now? Cause I sure as hell can’t see ‘em.” “Nigga it’s ONE INCH”
They’re definitely scrapping over that, and both get smacked upside their heads by Mama Rio for fighting with each other
42 needs the tv and the fan on, SIMULTANEOUSLY when he sleeps or he’ll be up the entire night. 1610 can’t stand it
1610 will try and turn the fan off after his brother’s been asleep for probably two hours, thinking he’s in the clear until he hears—
“Do you value your life? Turn my damn fan back on.”
Deep down 42 is a big ass softie and loves spending time with 1610, he has no idea what he’d do without him. He’s just not the best at expressing it. 1610 teases him about it simply because he enjoys aggravating his other half
“You still got plans with Ganke tonight?” “Nah, his mom’s dragging him to some baby shower.” “Oh, cool, cool… So what movie are we watching?” “Huh?” “Huh—Headass. What movie are we watching tonight?” “Sorry, I’m not understanding. Are you—asking to spend time… with me?” “Damn, I need to say it in Spanish? Matter fact, you probably won’t understand that either. No sabo ass.”
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alanaaii · 8 months
Bae-cation w connie. ☆
nsfw 1st smut , choking
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You and connie decided to start getting ready for your flight the night before so you could make sure you had all of your stuff. you stuffed your juicy couture suitcase with all of your essentials and non essentials. as you struggled to close the bag, connie just sat there and chuckled. “you packed too much mama“ “no i packed what i needed“
you continue to try different positions to zip it closed. “you NEED to take some of that unnecessary shit out“ you paused. was this nigga getting sassy?
“i’ll slap the tattoos off of you connie, don’t play wimme” he shook his head as he came over and helped you close the suitcase. connie was right. you did pack a lot of unnecessary things, but you was going somewhere you’ve never been before so it made sense. after getting it closed, you and connie made eye contact. “and who tattoos are you gonna slap off?”
something about his intense gaze made you feel tingly inside and out. you wanted to say fuck this mean acting y/n and kiss him on his pink pretty lips—but you had too much pride. “yours.” with a swift motion connie gripped onto your neck (dw u can still breathe.) and stared you down. you basically melted into his hand. you couldn’t keep eye contact anymore, you looked everywhere but his eyes. “what’s wrong ma? can’t keep your eyes on me?“ you knew he was right. you couldn’t. he was toooo damn fine. both of your lips slowly touched as connie softened his grip. a what was suppose to be a quick kiss turned into a long messy ‘n wet kiss. as he released his hand from your neck completely, you pulled away from the kiss. “you can’t kiss me like that mama..i want more” you smirked and grabbed his hand, making him follow you to your shared bedroom. you could barely make it into the room before connie picked you up and plopped you onto the bed. Your lips connecting once again for part 2. you pulled away for a split second to remove your shirt. he massaged over your breast, using his thumb and finger to pinch the bud causing you to moan inside of connie’s mouth as you feel your panties dampen. connie loved your moans, they turn him on so much he cant control himself. he takes his hands and slides your laced panties down—throwing them to godknowswhere. “mmhm you so pretty y/n.” connie felt how wet you were, slowly sliding one finger in. you gasp as he slides his finger in and out of you. you feel your orgasm building up before you were suddenly left empty. “connn” you whined. all of that emptiness turned to fullness once he slid his long tanned dick inside of you. you couldn’t believe how full connie made you. “t-too much conniee” “cmon ma, you know you can take it.” connie let you get adjusted before beginning to thrust into you. at first his strokes were slow ‘n sweet—at first—letting out your pretty and soft moans before he became rough. his thrusts got faster and hitting wayy deeper. you could feel his dick hitting all of your sweet spots. “talk to me, tell me how much you love this dick” connie felt your pussy sucking him in as he rubbed circles around your clit with his thumb. you couldn’t say a word. connie just felt too damn good. “since youn wanna talk, ima make her talk to me” connie sped up his thrust as you began to see stars, you knew you were coming to your end. you felt your blood rushing before you squirted on connie. wetting the bed and his shirt. you repeated connie’s name as if you were summoning him. it felt so fuckin good. after a few moments of silence, connie breaks it. “all good?” you shook your head yes, your eyes droopy and clearly ready to rest. “well better get cleaned up, we got a flight to catch tomorrow.”
i lowkey don’t like this that much..pls let me know if you do because i will either delete this or never make another smut 😭
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svuguru · 1 month
stepdad toji who caught his stepdaughter playing with herself after he came from work
Tags: stepcest! Antis and minors DNI I’m not responsible for the content you do or do not consume. Eee I’ll probably post a part 2 to this it’s just rlly late rn 😭
“Ughh, Daddy—“ you gasp, knuckle deep in your cunt as tears form in your eyes and you throw your head back. All day, you couldn’t get your stepdad off of your mind, thinking over and over about him ever since this morning.
You don’t know what happened or what he did, but he just… he’s been invading your mind. While your mother and Toji we’re away at work, you laid yourself down on your bed and began rubbing your clit, which eventually led to you sinking in your own digits, and you just went on from there…
Legs twitching, hips bucking, cries falling from your lips. You must have been to caught up in the feeling because your ears miss the sound of the front door to your home opening, they miss the sounds of footsteps downstairs and walking up and down the hall.
A cry escapes your lips, sinking your teeth into your glossy, lower lips. And while the noises fall upon deaf ears, yours are loud and clear on Toji’s, your stepfather.
“Daddy…!” You whimper unexpectedly loudly, and your fingers just aren’t doing the job, they aren’t enough. Toji’s hand wraps around your doorknob and opens the door, and his suspicions are confirmed—his sweet stepdaughter is getting herself off… what an unexpected, yet adorable, not-so-surprise.
“Something wrong, baby?” Toji asks, that mockingly sweet smile playing on his lips as he watches you stop in your movements, your wrist pausing and your jaw dropping.
Immediately, you remove your fingers from your sopping pussy, sitting straight up and covering your thighs with your skirt.
“Um…” you mumble in embarrassment of the situation. Toji laughs and walks towards you after closing your bedroom door.
“You shy?” He grins, “don’t be, princess, ‘s not embarrassing.” Toji sits on the edge of your bed, his hand creeping towards yours. “You just missed daddy, huh?”
Looking down, you pout and nod. “Uh-huh…”
“Aww, my poor baby…” Toji pouts in mock sympathy. “Why didn’t you just call me? Tell me, “daddy, I miss you! Need your cock in me.”” He says in an over exaggerated tone that’s meant to mock yours.
“Stop being mean!” You whine, reaching for his forearm.
“‘M just teasing, sweet girl,” Toji says. He thinks for a moment as his hand absentmindedly strokes the back of your hand. “You want daddy?” Shyly, you nod in response. “Aw, okay, okay, come to daddy.”
It must be the sound of his voice or his comforting words that makes you immediately crawl to him, or he cast a spell upon you.
“Need you in me, daddy!” You huff. Toji, being the caring stepdad he is, reaches up to caress your cheek before his hand falls back down to his lap.
“I know, I know,” he hums, “lay back.” So you do, eager to please and eager for your stepdad to fuck you stupid.
Toji places his hands on your hips and drags your body towards him at the edge of your pink ridden bed.
“Spread open.” And again, you do as he says, lifting up your skirt and spreading your legs. “Sweet baby needs all kinds of prep… you’re way too tiny f’me.”
“Uh-uh, promise ‘m not! I can take it, swear it!” You plead desperately, just ready for your stepdad to stuff you full of his dick and take you raw.
“Mm… no, you’re not, princess,” Toji chuckles. And when you whine yet again, he sighs. “You sure?” You nod. “Baby…. If ‘s too much for you, just tell daddy, ‘Kay? Don’t wanna hurt my pretty baby…”
“Mkay, promise!” And that’s when you see Toji undo the belt of his jeans, followed by his buttons and zipper, along with his briefs. You’re dripping wet, waiting to feel Toji rub his tip against your heat and fill you up with his cock.
It’s only a few strokes before Toji shoves his fat dick inside of your tight cunt, taking you by surprise and eliciting a loud gasp from you.
“Shh, shh, you can take it…” Toji groans, “mama’s gonna be home in a while, so we gotta make this quick, okay? And don’t be too loud, don’t want your mom getting mad at me.” And of course you don’t want your wonderful stepdad getting trouble, so you hum and nod I understanding and agreement.
There’s only a few moments of Toji staying still before he starts gently rocking his hips, a grunt falling from his scarred lips.
“Shit, you’re so—fucking tight…” You’re already clenching around Toji’s cock, his veins sliding against your warm walls from inside. He’s slowly sinking in his length, inch by inch to get you used to his overwhelming size.
“Too big, too big!” You cry. “‘S too much, daddy…!” Toji finds it humorous how just moments ago you were swearing that you could take it, that he wouldn’t be too big, and now you’re whimpering about how it’s too much and too big.
“Hush, baby, I know… You swore you could take it though, no? So just lay back and let daddy do his thing…. Promise you’ll feel super good.” Toji raises his hand and holds up his pinky as a way to pinky promise you. “Just stay still, princess.”
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