#and I just want to hear Lou say grandmama
nerdlytreasure · 2 years
Grabalba becoming the cousins’ grandmother was not a thing I knew I needed BUT I DO NOW!
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
I Feel a Little Lost in This World (3/5)
chapter title: Will Takes a Permanent Vacation
word count: 4,410
read on ao3
Will felt like...well, death was the only way he could think to describe it, but wherever he was, it was far too bright to be the Underworld - and he would know, having visited once a few years ago. He was pretty sure he’d been drifting in and out of consciousness for a little while, because he distinctly remembered being spoon-fed something that tasted a lot like his grandmama’s peach cobbler, except that the texture was off. It didn’t have the same crunch to it as it usually did.
Will forced himself awake the next time he had a brush with consciousness, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a pretty girl sitting near a small fire, and it looked like she was cooking something in the pot suspended above the flames. She looked like she could’ve been Will’s age, but something told him that that guess was wrong.
Rather than saying something sensible like, hello, or where am I?, Will sat up with a groan and said, “You’re not my grandmama.”
The girl looked over with a confused frown, and quickly made her way to Will’s side. “You should not be awake so soon. Your injuries--”
“I heal fast,” Will explained simply. “Um. Where am I?”
“You are in my home,” the girl replied, “on the island of Ogygia.”
Will repeated the name a few times in his head, knowing that it sounded familiar, though he couldn’t quite place it, until-- “Oh. You’re Calypso.”
She blushed. “You...have heard of me?”
“Yeah,” Will said, though he didn’t tack on, your Mythomagic card is basically useless. “Um. I’m a demigod. I’ve heard...stories.”
Calypso nodded. “Then you know that you are stranded here, at least until you’ve fully healed. Though I would assume that won’t be long, seeing as you are already awake. I’ve never met a demigod who could heal so quickly.”
Will shrugged awkwardly. “A good healer, that’s me.” He rubbed his suddenly sweaty palms over the thighs of his pants, just for something to do with his hands, but frowned when he realized he wasn’t wearing the jeans he thought he was wearing. “Um. Where are my clothes?”
Calypso gestured to the corner of the cave-like room they were in, where Will saw his jeans and camp shirt with tears and burns all across them, and he winced. “I thought I would have more time to repair them for you, but they are nearly destroyed. I thought you might be more comfortable in clean, more in-tact clothing.”
“Oh. Thanks,” Will said, nodding along in understanding, but when realization hit, he felt his face catch fire. “Wait-- You changed me?”  
Calypso blushed right back. “You were practically naked when you washed up on shore - would you have preferred I left you in those clothes?”
“Well, I--” Will’s arms flailed around, as if that would get his answer across. “Maybe? I don’t know!”
After the initial awkwardness, Will found that he got along with Calypso quite well. She knew a lot about traditional medicine - which plants to use to heal certain things - and Will traded her ancient knowledge for some of his own more modern techniques that he’d learned at camp. She tried to teach him how to cook, and they attempted to mend his damaged clothes before realizing they were beyond repair.
One night, Will found Calypso tending to her garden, which he thought was odd, considering he’d always known gardening as more of a daytime chore - though, he’d learned, the things that he’d considered chores all seemed to be things that Calypso enjoyed doing. Calypso requested some assistance in transplanting the moonlace flowers - which only bloomed in the dark and practically glowed under the light of the moon - and offered her opinions on his quest in return.
(The reminder of the quest had Will’s heart aching, though he knew he couldn’t leave yet. They both knew he wasn’t fully healed, even if he did have even more rapid healing abilities than other demigods. He just hoped that Nico would be able to sense that he was still alive.)
“Is something troubling you?” Calypso asked as she passed Will a clump of dirt containing the roots of another flower.
Will shook his head, and then seemed to disagree with himself. “It’s just...why help me with my quest when I probably won’t even get back in time to finish it? And...it almost seems like you’re trying to push me out, sometimes. Wouldn’t you rather I stay here, to keep you company?”
Calypso smiled sadly. “I know you won’t be staying. Your heart doesn’t belong here. But just like you, Will Solace, I’ve heard stories. I was alive when the Labyrinth was first built, you know. And I sometimes receive visitors who tell me about great quests. Why, just before you awoke, I had a visit from Lord Hephaestus, who told me that you’d been injured when those friends of yours destroyed one of his forges and caused a volcano to erupt.”
Will’s eyes widened. “Nico caused a volcanic eruption?”
“So Lord Hephaestus claims,” Calypso replied with a shrug. “He also told me once, very long ago, that a great inventor created an endless maze that would be impossible for even the gods to navigate.”
“Really?” Will asked. “Not even the gods?”
Calypso smiled knowingly. “Not all of them, at least. Many gods think too much, and end up confusing themselves. They simply need to clear their minds.”
Will frowned. “So, if we just don’t think about it, we’ll get where we need to go?”
“Not you, no,” she told him. “Even demigods, with eyes that can see more than most, are still somewhat clouded by the mist. You’ll need to find someone clever enough to see things as they truly are, and then you’ll have your guide to the maze.”
“A guide…” Will repeated softly, and then grinned. “Man, Annabeth is going to be so mad when she hears that we need a guide.”
“Annabeth,” Calypso whispered, “she is your…?”
“Friend,” Will answered quickly, truthfully. “It’s her quest, technically.”
Calypso nodded, seeming almost relieved. She scooped up another moonlace flower and rose to her feet. “Alright, let’s move these to the other garden.”
She found Will out on the beach the next day, squinting up at the bright sky with a deep frown on his face.
“Is something troubling you?” Calypso asked as she sat down beside Will in the sand.
“I can’t--” Will huffed, frustrated. “I can’t see the sun. Like, I know it’s there, obviously, but… I’ve never looked up at the sky during the day and not known where the sun is, you know? I mean, that’s my dad - and I’ve always sort of felt like he was watching over me, even if there’s no way he can really see me, but now… I can’t see him, so what if he can’t see me?”
Calypso laid a hand over Will’s where it was sitting in the sand. “You’re safe here, have I not helped you to see that?”
Calypso’s hand was warm - Will wished she would let go of his hand. “No, you have, it’s just…” He sighed and slipped his hand out of Calypso’s, crossing his arms over his knees and dropping his gaze to stare out at the endless ocean. “We both know how this is going to end, you know? Your curse…”
He knew the words were probably like a knife to Calypso’s heart, and as much as he didn’t want to hurt her, he knew the reminder was necessary. He kept his eyes on the water.
“I know you could never love me,” Calypso whispered, barely heard over the sound of the gentle tide, “but sometimes I think that an unrequited love would be better, just to have the company. Rather than spending the rest of eternity alone.”
“You can’t really think that,” Will scoffed.
“And why not?” she shot back. “I’ve hosted multiple heroes on this island, and even though it sometimes hurt to have them here - when they longed for their home or a lost love - it always hurt so much more to watch them leave. I’ve been abandoned here time and time again, so I don’t believe you have any right to blame me for wanting you to stay!”
Will flinched when she raised her voice, but he wasn’t going to back down so easily. “I just don’t think you understand--”
“I understand perfectly--”  
“You don’t know how it feels--”
“I know that I don’t want to feel like this--”  
“I know what it’s like when he doesn’t love you back!”
Will had only ever come out to two people - his mama and Lou Ellen. (He would’ve told Cecil, too, except he knew that Cecil couldn’t keep his mouth shut.) Not even Nico knew, despite being Will’s best friend, because Will knew he wouldn’t survive it if Nico wasn’t accepting - and considering his upbringing, Will didn’t have any idea how Nico would react.
Still, even though they knew Will was gay, he never had the courage to tell them anything more. He knew they had their suspicions, but Will had never come so close to admitting that he actually liked someone.
He buried his face in his arms, sure that he’d turned bright red, and afraid to see how Calypso would react. They were both trapped on that island - if things went south, neither of them had anywhere to run.
There were a few beats of silence where Will matched his breaths to the tide to ensure that he wasn’t on the verge of panic. Then, Calypso spoke. “I know you’ve read my story in your history books...but would you like to tell me yours?”
Will hugged his knees to his chest. “He’s my best friend. He’s saved my life more times than I can count, and I like to think that I’ve repaid the favor. We...we’ve been on so many quests together, and we spend so much time together - so much to the point that...I think it hurts more to be away from him than it does to know that he’ll never love me the way I love him.”
“Have you ever told him how you feel?” Calypso asked gently.
Will shook his head. “I don’t think he’d want to hear it.”
“How will you know unless you try?”
Will’s hands balled into fists. “Because it’s not normal! And… And then he’d hate me!”
“Not... normal?” Calypso repeated. “When is love ever normal? And remind me, you did say your father is Apollo, correct?”
He frowned. What did his dad have to do with any of this? “Yeah?”
“Meaning that the love your father shared with Hyacinthus wasn’t normal?”  
“That’s different,” Will argued. “He’s a god - there is no normal for gods.”
“But Hyacinthus wasn’t a god,” Calypso pointed out. “Neither was Commodus, as much as he liked to think he was.”
Will huffed in frustration. “Do you have a point to this?”
“I’m trying to show you how absurd your logic is! Men have loved other men - just as women have loved other women, I might add - for my entire existence! Which, might I remind you, is a very long time. I would argue that the concept of people loving people has always been normal.”
Will didn’t respond. He couldn’t think of another argument without knowing exactly how Calypso would shoot it down, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to accept her words, either. Each time he had come out, he’d hoped that saying the words would make him feel better about himself, but it only seemed to make everything worse - how could he tell Nico how he felt if he couldn’t even be happy about it himself?
“I’m sorry, that was harsh,” Calypso said. “May I try again?”
After a pause, Will nodded.
“Have you heard the story of the creation of humans?” she asked. “How they were originally such powerful beings that even Zeus himself feared their strength? He broke each being apart with his bolt, thus creating two halves of a whole - soulmates, I believe they’ve been called. So, if this boy is--”
“Nico,” Will whispered. “His name is Nico.”
“Nico,” Calypso repeated quietly. “If Nico is your other half, then does it really matter his gender?”
Slowly, Will nodded. “Thank you,” he said, “for talking through that with me. And I’m sorry for being such a brat. I… I wasn’t thinking about your curse, I was more focused on myself, and I’m sorry.” He turned toward her, finally reaching out for one of her hands to give it a comforting squeeze.
“Thank you, Will,” she replied, and drew him in for a hug. Just as he reached out to hug her back, Calypso gasped and pulled away, placing her hands on his shoulders with a look of disappointment. “I...I think that, maybe, what you needed wasn’t any sort of physical healing, but perhaps emotional.”
Will frowned. “Huh?” He followed Calypso’s gaze over his shoulder and watched as a wooden raft drifted to shore, lodging itself on the sand. “Oh.”
“You don’t have to leave,” Calypso reminded him, though he could tell by the tone of her voice that even she knew it wouldn’t change his mind. “You can stay here, hide away from quests and prophecies. You can be yourself here, and I promise you I won’t ever judge you for who you are.”
Will barely managed to tear his eyes away from the raft, as though it would vanish as soon as he looked away. “I’m sorry,” he said again, “I can’t put you through the pain that I’ve been feeling. And now...it’s like the Fates have given me another chance. Maybe… Maybe you’re right. Maybe I can tell Nico how I feel, and it’ll go better than I thought.”
She nodded. “I knew you couldn’t stay. It’s alright - in my heart, I knew I didn’t expect you to.” Calypso leaned in and gave Will a kiss on the cheek. “I wish you the best of luck, Will.”
“Thank you,” he said, “and I--” He stopped himself. What could he wish her luck on - that he curse would be broken? That some hero would finally decide to stay?
He pulled her in for another hug. “I’ll find some way to help you. I don’t know how, but… I’ll think of something. I’ll come back to visit, or--”
“No man ever finds Ogygia twice,” Calypso said, sounding rehearsed, like Will wasn’t the first to offer to return. She pulled back and got to her feet, offering her hand to pull Will up with her. “Come with me; I have one last thing for you.”
She started leading Will in the opposite direction of the raft, and his heart spiked. He tugged on her hand, but before he could speak, she assured him, “The raft won’t leave unless you tell it to. Now come, I’ll be quick.”
Calypso took Will toward the flowerbed where they’d transplanted moonlace flowers the night before. She dropped to her knees and carefully dug out one of the flowers, then held it up for Will. When he didn’t take it, she got back to her feet and tucked the flower into the chest pocket on his shirt, the dirt and roots feeling cool even through the fabric.
“Something to remember me by,” she told him.
Will frowned. “I don’t have anything for you.”
Calypso smiled sadly, shaking her head. “I won’t need anything to remember you by. Perhaps it’s part of my curse, or maybe these visits are always so memorable. Either way, I will be thinking of you, and praying to all of the gods for you to have a long and happy life.”
Will didn’t know what to say, so he hugged her again. Then he jumped back, afraid that he would crush the moonlace, and smiled at Calypso sheepishly.
She walked him back to the beach, to the raft, and waved to him from the shore as he set sail.
Will thought to go home, but he wasn’t sure whether “home” would mean camp or Texas, so instead, he asked to be sent to Nico.
He could only hope that nothing bad had happened to Nico, that he hadn’t gone to the Underworld for any reason. Or, at the very least, he hoped that the magical raft from the magical island would be able to take him to Hades.
He was surprised when the raft washed up at the Long Island Sound, and Will found himself walking onto the beach where he’d watched the Fourth of July fireworks with Nico the summer before. He continued further into camp, though he was confused when the place seemed almost abandoned. It was practically the middle of the day, so where was everybody?
Will wandered toward the cabins, hoping that he could catch Lee on a break from the infirmary. He swung by the Demeter cabin on his way, picking up one of the little, unused terracotta pots they kept outside, and he carefully removed the moonlace from his pocket to plant inside the pot. When he finished, he took the pot with him, about to head across the green to the Apollo cabin when he saw a little girl tending to the central hearth between the cabins.
“Excuse me,” Will said as he knelt down nearby, and the girl looked up with a smile. The fire reflected in her eyes in a way that it usually only did late at night - or maybe the fire was actually burning in her eyes. “Um, where is everybody?”
“Will Solace,” she said, which immediately set off Will’s nerves, “they’re waiting for you in the amphitheatre.”
“Uh.” Will blinked in confusion. “Thanks?”
He got back to his feet and started toward the amphitheatre, and as he walked, Will glanced back over his shoulder to see that the fire had gone out, and the little girl tending to it had disappeared.
Maybe she was a ghost, he thought, or maybe I’m dead.
Then, as he got closer to the amphitheatre, he heard voices. He heard Chiron, definitely, and then maybe Lee - though it was hard to tell when it sounded like he was on the verge of tears - and then, finally, Nico.
Will crested the hill and looked down into the amphitheatre just in time to watch Lee touch a torch to a golden shroud. There was silence as the fabric started to burn, and Will was starting to get a bad feeling in his gut about whatever was going on here - he’d never seen the camp look so... somber - so he walked up to the first person he could see and whispered, “Hey, uh, what’s going on?”
Katie Gardner’s head whipped toward him, and her eyes widened as she let out a scream. Will stumbled back on reflex, clutching at his potted moonlace protectively, until he saw his siblings rushing toward him. Will wouldn’t have been surprised if Michael ended up with a black eye from the force with which his head connected with Will’s shoulder when he hugged him. In seconds, Will was drowning in hugs - he even saw a flash of red hair from his newest little sister, Kayla, who he had only briefly gotten to meet before entering the Labyrinth - and he found himself knocked off his feet when Lee barrelled into him. (The moonlace was safe from harm, but Will’s ribs may have been lightly bruised.)
He couldn’t really hear any individual voices in the cacophony surrounding him, but he thought he heard, “We thought you were dead,” and “Where have you been?” more than a few times each. The only thing that seemed to break up the crowd and the noise was a single person pushing between people and suddenly shoving at Will’s chest.
“What the hell, asshole?” Nico shouted, giving another shove at Will’s chest, hard enough to make him stumble backwards. “Where the hell have you been? Why didn’t you call, or, or--” Another shove. “Why didn’t you leave? You were supposed to leave first, and instead--” One more push, weaker than the others before it, and Nico’s hands lingered at Will’s shoulders. “I couldn’t even tell if you were dead!”
When Will noticed the tears in Nico’s eyes, he stopped feeling the pain of being hugged and squeezed and pushed around, and instead, he pulled Nico into his arms, awkwardly pressing the pot into Nico’s back. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into the top of Nico’s head, “I’m so sorry. I missed you, too.”
Will half expected Chiron to call a counsellor’s meeting upon his return, but instead, he only gathered the questing party into the Big House’s living room so that they could discuss what had happened.
Will shared most of the details about his stay on Calypso’s island - though he didn’t share any of his or Calypso’s private conversations, especially not in present company - and kept drumming his fingers on the sides of the pot in his lap as he spoke. Nico had mostly calmed down after hearing Will’s explanation for why he couldn’t call (and now that Will thought about it, he was going to need a new cell phone, since his was either underneath Mount St. Helens, or in the pocket of his burnt jeans on Ogygia) but he still seemed upset. Will figured they just needed a little bit of alone time to talk, and Nico would feel better after that.
Percy described - in great detail - what had happened to the forge when they destroyed it, and how they had supposedly released some horrifying monster along with it, which didn’t make Will feel great. And Annabeth explained that, while they had made it back to camp by some miracle, they still weren’t able to navigate the maze.
“Oh, yeah!” Will said suddenly. “Calypso and I talked about that a little bit. She said something about how even demigods can’t fully see through the Mist, or something like that. The way she was talking about it reminded me of the way people tell you to look at those Magic Eye posters.”
Nico frowned. “Posters with...magic eyes?”
Will reached over and took his hand - it was cold, and callused from sword fighting, and it brought a smile to Will’s face - and said, “I’ll tell you later.”
“So, we need a clear-sighted mortal?” Percy asked. “Like my mom? She says that she can see through the Mist.”
“I didn’t know there were mortals that could see through the Mist,” Will commented.
Nico turned to Percy and asked, “Do you think that would explain Rachel?”
“Rachel?” Will and Annabeth asked at the same time, and Will hoped that the sound of Annabeth’s voice drowned out the tinge of jealousy in his own. Who was Rachel, and why hadn’t Nico ever told him about her?
Percy’s eyes widened. “Maybe! That would make so much sense. Do you still have her number?”
“I think so,” Nico said, the tips of his ears growing red, which only made Will frown.
“Well,” Chiron said suddenly, almost making Will jump, “it sounds like you all have a good idea of what your next steps are. Why don’t you all stay here again tonight, and you can set off again in the morning?”
“Thank you, Chiron,” Annabeth said, which seemed to be the ending of their little meeting. They all started back out of the house, though at the last second, Nico grabbed Will’s hand and pulled him up the stairs, checking over the railing once or twice to make sure Chiron didn’t catch them.
Nico shoved Will into one of the second-floor bedrooms and he shut the door behind them. Will felt his face heating up, and wondered if he could blame that on the fact that there was no air conditioning in the Big House.
Nico crossed his arms and stared up at Will. He felt his fingers start to tap against the pot again, unconsciously.
“I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me,” Nico said, and Will’s heart began to pound.
“Well, I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me,” Will shot back, a little bit nervously. How could he make it clear to Nico that he and Calypso had only talked about deeply personal things, without having to share what those personal things were?
Nico sighed and crossed the room, slumping onto his bed and sitting on the edge of the mattress. “I’m sorry. I promise, I had totally forgotten about Rachel, and--”
“Nico,” Will said, setting the pot on Nico’s nightstand and sitting down beside him, “it’s okay. I… I don’t care that you didn’t tell me about her, whoever she is. I just...got defensive. I thought… I thought you were going to get mad at me for getting close with Calypso.”
Nico frowned. “What? Why? She saved your life, didn’t she? I should be thanking her.”
Will blinked. Did Nico not know about Calypso’s curse? “I-- You’re not mad?”
“Oh, I’m mad,” Nico said, “but not about Calypso. I’m pissed that you didn’t leave that forge when I told you to. I thought I might die, and then when I couldn’t find you, and… And I couldn’t even feel whether you were dead or alive-- It was like you were just gone, and I--”
Nico choked on his next breath, and Will pulled him into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into Nico’s hair. “It’ll never happen again, I promise.”
Nico dug a knuckle in between Will’s ribs. “Damn right, it won’t.”
“Ow, hey! Haven’t I been through enough today?” Will asked, tugging at a bit of hair on the back of Nico’s neck, admittedly more forcefully than he should have.
“Ow! Haven’t I?” Nico shot back. He pulled away and got to his feet, tugging Will up by the hand to follow. “C’mon, I haven’t eaten in days because I was so worried about you, and now I’m starving. Let’s go see if the Stolls have any good rose from the dead discounts.”
“I wasn’t dead,” Will argued, but he let Nico lead him back out the door with a smile on his face.
He left the moonlace behind on Nico’s nightstand, right next to the window where it started to bloom right as the sun set.
thanks for reading!
buy me a coffee | more solangelo week stuff
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Hold On To Me (LOUREN One-Shot)
OS based on this text post I saw please: ‘Does somebody wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours to try free wedding cake samples’
  “Does somebody wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours to try free wedding cake samples?!”
  “Louis! Stop yelling. I’m trying to finish my essay.”
“That is so not the answer to my question,” sasses the boy with the striped T-shirt and red pants.
  Lauren huffs as she speeds type on her laptop. Sitting pretty much relaxed in her black graphic tee and jeans-covered legs. Her entirety occupying the whole couch. It is another chilling day on a Friday afternoon but of course, there is always someone or one moron rather, who finds it satisfying to disturb her peace.
“Yoo-hoo! Hey! Hey, you down there!” Louis keeps pointing to her even though she blatantly ignores him. “Yes, you! Typing like bat-shit crazy! The one with bed head hair!”
That last comment definitely catches her attention and she ceases punching her fingertips on the keyboard. He grins triumphantly when the brunette eventually lands a hard stare on him.
  Arms across her chest, she raises her eyebrow unimpressed. “Really?”
“What?” Louis feigns clueless.
“There’s no one here to entertain your childish antics, Louis. Seriously. And get off the coffee table!”
“Well, you’re somebody here,” Louis pouts and looks down at his plain socks. “Oh, look at that! I’m not even wearing shoes!”
Smiling to himself as he wiggles his toes through the holes. Lauren sighs, putting away her laptop. “What were you screaming about anyways moron?”
“Aww! Come on, didn’t you hear me?”
  He cups his hands over his mouth and obnoxiously shouts. “Is anyone here smart and lucky enough to be my fake fiancée for like 2 hours tomorrow and try free wedding cake samples?”
Once again, Louis stretches his signature evil smirk at the annoyed Lauren. He could have sworn her eyeballs rolled upwards just like the emoji. If his words could not register, he hasn’t got a clue how to make her listen anymore.
Meanwhile, the poor lass is still covering her ears. Listening to his hysterical voice has never been as irritating as today. She cannot even remember what she just heard.
Now standing with hands on her hips, she frowns at his aloof smile.
  “Louis William Tomlinson! You get down here this instance before I come up and drag you down by your ears!”
Raising his hands in surrender, he jumps down and towers over her.
Moving closer to her, he starts singing, “Nobody can drag me down!” Inching closer and snapping his fingers, he repeats, “Nobody! Nobody!”
As soon as he finishes singing, he makes a cross-eyed face to her and that’s when she loses it.
  Lauren grabs Louis by his left ear and pulls him towards the kitchen. Ignoring his protest with every step they take, she lets him go once they’re there.
With a frown marring his childlike features, he rubs his unfortunate red ear. “Why are we in the kitchen? I’m not hungry.” He comments, confused.
Lauren shrugs. “I’m making sure you wet the towel before wiping the coffee table. Also, I want to remind you not to forget the sanitising spray this time. It serves a purpose called eliminating Tomlinson’s stink off the table.”
Louis flinches. “Pfft! Give me some credit, woman. I so know how to clean a house!”
She is about to argue back when he rests his hands on the wall on either side of her head. His abrupt approach causes her to lean back. The gap between them shortens drastically. Since being playful didn’t make her say yes to him, perhaps she can fall for his method of seduction.
  The British accent drips from his mouth. “My dear Peaches. You didn’t answer my question.”
“What question?” Lauren does not hold back from a scowl. “If that’s what you call a proposal, only a grandmama will go with you.”
Louis instantly wails. “I’ve never been insulted like this before! I’m just gonna hide right here.”
She inevitably bursts into laughter when he hits his head on her shoulder, concealing embarrassment. Still chuckling, she deliberately pecks his temple. “Honestly Lou. Why can’t you go bother someone else asking her instead?”
  Louis gasps loudly and covers his mouth in mock horror. “Honestly, Lolo that is not how you talk to your Prince Charming! And you know I can’t do that.” He moves away from Lauren and opens the fridge, enjoying the cool air on him. “I don’t want to brag but without a doubt, the girls will be all over me!”
She rolls her eyes while he continues blabbering. “So instead of this charming fabuLouis breaking their hearts by asking them, he decides to choose his one and only.”
“Wow, who can that be?” She questions with sarcasm.
“If I choose someone else, I’ll be breaking your heart. And we all know you’ll constantly be green with envy. Pun intended.”
“Sure whatever you say, my little heartbreaker,” she pats his cheek before walking away but he blocks her. Leaning against the counter, he crosses his arms against his chest. She mimics his posture.
  “Stop playing coy darling! I know you want to be my fake fiancée.” Louis waggles his eyebrows. “Don’t blame me if you can’t see that we are indeed a great couple! Blame your glasses…or eyes.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my eyes.”
“It’s too green,” he states and as soon as Lauren frowns and opens her mouth to argue, he continues, “and sometimes it’s trying to imitate my brilliant blue ba…orbs.”
“You’re talking absolutely no logic. Maybe just maybe you’re green about my green eyes. Cause it changes colour unlike yours.”
“Now look who’s the immature one. The point is you don’t see that we’re the OTP in college,” he smirks and puffs out his chest.
“Oh Louis, I do see it now.”
  “Wait, what?” Louis asks, puzzled “You do?”
“Yeah. I see how much you hopelessly want me to go with you.”
Lauren closes her eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply for theatrical effect before she speaks slowly. “And I also see your changing smirk when I tell you yes.”
As expected, he starts to smile.
“It’s a yes that I won’t go with you.”
Persistent as always, he tugs her wrist gently to pull her against his warm body.
  “Listen, let’s make a deal, yeah?” Louis offers, seeing how he has no other choice. “If you do this, I’ll plead with Steve to have you in my group for our final assessment.”
Lauren jerks her head at him, face astounded, “Lou, what are you trying to say?”
This is a great deal Lauren is well aware. Louis happens to be one of the few chosen leaders for their Music Major. It’s crucial to have a strong group for their final project. They are each expected to produce an EP after all.
He exhales before fixing his stare on her, “I’m saying that I am willing to have you on my team instead of Perrie.”
“Goat girl?” She tries hard not to snicker when noticing him visibly swallowing his pride like literally. “But that’s huge though! Do you realise the risk you could be taking? Besides, are you trying to start a catfight by separating Jade and…”
“I thought you would like to team up with Jade and Thomas?”
“True but…”
“Don’t tell me you want DJ on board. I don’t want to deal with your Manibear being Mama Bear. I’ll pick Ally for you if she’s…”
“Pez vocals are off the charts! You could have high scores for your team!”
  “But I’m in love with your voice there’s a difference!”
“Yet I wasn’t your first choice. I’m not a rebound Louis!” She folds her arms and glares at him.
Sighing and gaze landing elsewhere but hers, “I know and I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s strategical but selfish of me to put your feelings aside.”
Louis takes her hands in his. “You know I could finalise my team by next week right? Give me a chance Lo. I was insecure about myself and my voice,” he trails off sounding softer with every word.
He looks away but she cups his chin instead, “I love your voice Louis and I know you’ll make it better than fine. I have faith in you. I wish you would too.”
  Silence fills the air. “What if you didn’t stick to your bargain because of your unwise brash decision?”
He scoffs, “Ironic much? You just said you have faith in me.”
“That I do but seeing how you would put your name in jeopardy by not having the best female vocalist in our class, now that intrigues me.”
Noticing that he prefers to stay mute, she eggs on, “Yep you’re really desperate and I wonder why. Won’t you enlighten me Loubear?”
He groans at her glorious smile. She pulls his shirt lightly before leaning in.  Her grin widens when he gulps uneasily.
*Flashback: Earlier, that Friday morning…*
Louis hastened his steps while ferociously typing on his phone. He was running late but was eager to get his usual breakfast. He mentally cursed himself for engaging Lauren whose messages were nothing but lecturing him, as usual.
Yep, nothing new he thought as he typed another message.
What was new then, however, was when someone collided into Louis once he was inside the bakery.
“My apologies, I…Louis?”
His body cringed as he heard a low voice in a British accent that is almost too familiar.
Louis dreaded every second of lifting his gaze to meet the owner of that haunting voice. His blue eyes bore into confused light green ones. He realised the softening countenance of the boy with curls and quickly hardened his expression.
“Watch where you’re going you blundering baboon!” Louis spat in rage.
Frowning, the boy mirrored Louis’s scowl. “Nice knowing you haven’t changed.”
“Woah aren’t you glad we’re not together anymore ey Harry?”
“Very much indeed,” Harry shifted his gaze downwards before staring into the blue orbs again. “And you should watch where you’re stepping on.”
Louis hesitantly looked down and picked up a brochure underneath his sneaker. He scanned through it and scoffed. So it was true then he thought. All week he heard rumours going around college about the wealthy junior being engaged. He always brushed it off not wanting to believe it.
“Wedding Cake Exhibition? Whom are you getting married too? Yourself?” He chuckled at his own sarcasm, eyes shut and arms hugged his midriff.
“Laugh all you want Louis. I’m not letting you step on my happiness. Figuratively or literally.”
Louis was still in fits of laughter.
“You may be holding onto my future in your hands, literally but there’s no stopping me.”
“Really? Are you saying words like literally now? Clearly, she’s rubbing off on you. I won’t even say she’s rubbing off you figuratively or literally. Oh wait, I already did!”
Harry balled his fist on Louis’s tee and glared. “You leave her out of this! She’s not like anyone I’ve dated. She’s not that kind of girl!”
Louis swatted Harry’s hands away and sneered.
“Such a shame that you wouldn’t take me seriously, Louis. I’d probably invite you to our engagement party but your lonely self could ruin the ambience.”
“Excuse me, playboy,” Louis raised a brow. “What makes you think I’m alone when I’m not? I’m very much engaged thanks for assuming without asking.”
Harry snorted. “Seriously? Well, surely, I feel sorry for whoever she is.”
“Rest assured, she’s happy with me,” Louis growls as he paces closer. “Unlike yours whom only feels obliged to be with you!”
“Stop telling fibs Louis, don’t you ever learn?”
“Coming from someone who’s choosing wedding cakes like some excited forty-year-old woman!”
“Look, Louis,” Harry gritted his teeth. “I haven’t got time to play with you.”
The junior was about to turn away when funny enough he realised his body was not ready to leave the senior. What was more surprising was that Louis was not moving either.
Harry could not help but smirk. “My fiancée can’t stop talking about this exhibition.”
“Excuse me, did I ask?” Louis flamboyantly snaps.
“Aren’t your fiancée excited for this kinda stuff?” Harry lengthened his smirk. “Unless… she’s not even real.”
Louis twitched his eyes and fumed. “She’s real, Sherlock! I’m not like you who enjoys telling everyone he bumps into that he has a freaking fiancée! Of course, you don’t hear me walking around the school telling the whole campus I’m already engaged. And no, I don’t need some stupid fancy party to prove that I’m engaged already.”
Harry’s poker face annoyed Louis but before he could comment, Harry remarked. “Are you done, Louis? Are you going to predictably tell me when you have a fiancée?”
“Yeah! My fiancée and I are going strong and long, far longer than yours!”
“You don’t even know when I’ve proposed.”
“No! But it doesn’t matter because I proposed first before you do!”
“I’m not listening to this anymore,” Harry initiated the move to leave the conversation.
Louis, however, was not giving up. “Hey! Don’t you dare walk away from me! I’ll show you how gorgeous my fiancée really is! She’s gonna put your girl to shame! And you’ll be bawling your eyes out at how beautiful we are and you wish you could be us instead!”
The pacing lad eventually stopped his stride and smirked over his shoulder.
“We’ll see you tomorrow at the Wedding Cake Exhibition then, with your make believe fiancée. Don’t chicken out on me,” Harry held back a chuckle before walking away.
Louis managed to shout just as the junior was stepping out, “I’ll be there tomorrow you arse! And she’s real, stupid boy with curls!”
As the clinking bell marked Harry’s exit from the store and out of sight, Louis huffed and folded his arms across his chest once more. It was going to be a long day, he thought to himself.
*End of flashback.*
For how long Lauren has been waving her hands in front of Louis, he does not know. He does know however that his nips will bruise due to her pinching.
“Ow! Lolo!” Louis swats her hands away, scolding her in the process. “That really hurt! What is wrong with you?”
“Like fucking finally! I’ve been trying to get you back to the real world! You should be thanking me for saving you from your dreaded La-la Land!”
“Why bother? You’re pinching me into entering Lolo Land!” He tries to soothe his poor aching chest by doing circular motions on the affected area.
  “Do not sass me Loubear! You’ve been zoned out for Lord knows how long when you’re supposed to be telling me why you insist on going to that exhibition.”
“Right…” Louis slowly drags on purpose. He looks elsewhere while whistling out a tune to his previous song, completely disregarding Lauren whose hands placed firmly on her hips while she taps her feet impatiently.
“Are you telling me or not?” Lauren asks, more fiercely now.
“It’s just for two hours Lo,” Louis tries to evade the question. “Besides, you can sample free wedding cakes! It’s only for engaged couples, though. Here’s the info.”
  Louis hands her the brochure he retrieves from his back pocket. Lauren scrunches her nose.
“Lou you really need to wash your shoes,” she mentions his footprint on the front. While flipping the page, she asks, “Why are you so eager anyways? Did they offer you carrot cake?”
“Is that a trick question? They have Sherbet mind you.”
“Dang Louis, anyone could just pretend to be engaged just to taste wedding cakes.”
“Right? That’s what I was proposing we do!”
  The longer she remains quiet browsing through the brochure, the more nervous he gets. He tries to convince her by attempting to lure her in by mentioning a topic he knows would distract her.
“Think about our group Lauren. It’s a good deal on my part and yours. You help me, I help you. Sounds good? So, what do you say, fiancée?”
“Why do I even put up with you?”
“Because I’m the Lou to your Lo,” he grins adorably.
Rolling her eyes, “And I put the Lo in your Lou. There, I won the argument. You still trying to be all smooth now?”
He raises his hands in surrender, “Not gonna argue with you, my Peaches Baby.”
She fails to hide the rosy colour of her cheeks at his charms. He decides to not tease her about it and let it slide this time, for now.
  “How did I do? Well enough to be your fiancé?”
He lifts her chin so that their gaze meet before he caresses her jawline. Both withholding shy smiles as they admire the emotion behind their irises. “Hold on darling…you are actually beaming, so I’ll take that as a yes!”
“Well, are you sure you aren’t forgetting something?” Lauren wiggles the finger on her left hand.
*The next day, Saturday morning*
  The sweet-scented brunette saunters to the dining area. Surprised is an understatement as her jaw hangs mid-air. The breakfast is their usual meal but the set-up is pleasing. Louis is standing idly by the dining table. His hair is styled in her favourite hairdo. Smartly groomed in a blue tux, with knee length tight pants.
Lauren nearly loses control when she notices heart shaped candles on the dining table. Although it belongs to her, he happily lit it without consent. Hiding away her irkness, she gazes on the approaching lad who gently places her hand on his arm. She instantly blushes by the gesture as he guides her to the chair.
  Once seated, he grins shyly. They look at each other for a moment, admiring each other’s presence while silence fills the air.
“A noteworthy person like you deserves nothing but the best,” Louis resumes his ever-praising speech, intending to scald her cheeks hot red. “I can never describe the way I feel when I’m with you, Amor my love.”
Amused that his cute princess looks so lost and not knowing how to react, Louis comments further. “If you redden anymore I’ll be sure to call you tomato my dear Lolo carrot.”
  Lauren bursts into giggles, the kind that is childlike and totally adorable.
“Ah, that’s the sound I’ve been waiting to hear,” Louis says, wiggling his eyebrows repeatedly.
“Louis!” Lauren ducks her head to conceal the heat that is burning her cheeks. “Stop…” she drags in a baby voice.
“I want to do this properly Lolo. So allow me,” He takes out the black box from the pocket of his navy blazer and kneels on his left knee.
She gasps and covers her mouth with both hands.
Their eyes connect once more, oozing with tender affections.
  “So what do you say peaches? Will you willingly be my lovely, beloved fiancée? And till…sleep, do us part?”
He opens the box to reveal the delightful jewellery, grinning from ear to ear. “What do you say ey…um…tomato?”
Louis senses the swift change of expression and gulps in anticipation.
“Oh, Louis I can assure you that my cheeks are heating up right now and not for the same reason as before,” Lauren answers keeping her calm, oddly enough.
  “Is it the colour? I pick green to match your irises! Do you want blue to match mine instead?”
“Yes Lauren, seriously,” Louis looks and answers innocently.
“RING POP? A FREAKING RING POP?” She yells in his face.
“What? I thought you love Ring Pops.”
  The blue-eyed lad has the nerves to take a good three seconds peering inside the black box. Looking back at Lauren, Louis chuckles.
He leans forward for a kiss. “Eager aren’t you?”
Jabbing a finger on his chest, “Louis William Tomlinson! You have the cheek to eat the damn candy! How dare you! How freaking dare you eat a candy from a girl! I could really cry right now!”
She hides behind her hands. He quickly gets up in panic upon seeing her so upset. Footsteps are heard as she peeks through her fingers. He retrieves a larger box from a nearby drawer. Kneeling in front of her again, he gladly unveils the contents that almost takes her breath away.  Rows of multi-coloured packets of Ring Pops candies occupy the yellow box.
  “Oh-oh, waterworks are coming,” Louis smirks.
“It’s not…I’m not…” She huffs, avoiding eye contact. “It’s just dust. SMH.”
“Yes and I’m currently peeling onions. SMH.”
Lauren giggles wiping the tears resting in her eyes.
Louis ends up sitting cross-legged on the floor, one hand holding the box while the other hooks under his chin. “Peaches, you’re touched aren’t ya? I make you cry and smile at the same time. Now that’s what you call pure talent. Don’t doubt me anymore, love.”
She shoves his shoulder lightly. “Heartbreaker.”
Her one-word response tickles him. He cackles, “Only breaking others hearts to be with you.”
That rendered her speechless. She beams with an obvious blush colouring her pale tone.
  “Why didn’t you present me with a proper Ring Pop in the first place, Loubear?” Lauren manages to pout. “Did you even wash the ring you presented? I don’t want to be touching anything with your saliva attached.”
“I’ve cleaned it, Peaches, rest assured. Besides, I so know you,” he smirks cheekily. “If I present you with a Ring Pop with the candy, you’re going to suck on it repeatedly. And I don’t need such obscene visuals early in the morning.”
“LOUIS!” She slaps his arm hard. “You and your filthy mind!”
He doesn’t bother arguing that pretty hard hit as he is busy laughing his arse off. “I’m pretty sure that’s you darling, not me. Oh well, there goes my one month supply of candy. What I wouldn’t do for you ey Lolo. No, but seriously it’s a yes, right?”
“Louis. I love you. Really, I do. But if we’re heading where I think it is, I’m gonna have to kill you.”
“You can kill me later love. Now let’s go.”
Parking right smack in the middle of the carpark, Lauren gulps. The venue of the cake exhibition is none other than their own college.
She folds her arms instinctively.
“Nope, I’m not going. I bail,” Lauren reconsiders aloud. “I’ll find another musical group to join, maybe with one of my girls.”
  “Aww, Lolo! Don’t do this. Don’t think too much. I know you’re way smarter than me but this time, give it a rest and play along.”
“No! No way!”
“I’ve already mentioned that I’m engaged! You can’t bail on me now!”
She turns her head towards him at lightning speed that he is sure she’ll sprain her neck. “Who did you tell? Why didn’t you mentioned it to me before?”
  “It might have slipped my mind,” Louis drags his sentence slowly, a tell-tale sign that he’s lying.
“Lie to me again and I’ll make sure you sleep outside of our apartment door.”
Huffing, his legs bounce nervously as he looks elsewhere. He brings his fingers near his mouth to bite his nails.
Reading his actions, Lauren knows not to question him further as upset is written all over. She clasps her hand over his.
  “I just need you to have faith in me, just this once. I swear I don’t mean to drag you into this or take advantage of you. If anyone asks you for how long we’ve been engaged, let me handle it.”
“I don’t want to be kept in the dark with your suspicious motives. Don’t you at least owe me an explanation?”
Thinking of a good explanation exhausts his brain as he drops his forehead on Lauren’s shoulder. “Can I tell you after the event?”
“Are we going inside or should I drive you home?”
Cake tasting exhibition welcomes a large crowd of diverse couples, from career-oriented adults to college students as young as them. The booths display a wide range of choices, enticing their customers with vivid striking colours, decorations and aroma. It is amazing to see the college graduates offering their cake tasting for free. Such an opportunity cannot be missed by those dreaming of such delicacy at its finest on their special day.
Basked in the melodious tune from the speakers around, Louis and Lauren merrily exchange opinions on the cakes they tasted and viewed. At times, their tastes complement each other and at times they do not.
  It isn’t long till a familiar voice hollers. Subconsciously, Louis gently pulls Lauren closer, his hand never leaving her waist.
“Oh my god! Is that really you Lo?” A cheery voice greets Lauren before squashing each other in a tight embrace. “Hug attack!”
The raven haired beauty slowly turns to face her friend before dragging her words, “Hey, Ally, funny I didn’t see you…”
  “Oh Lauren honey, don’t go blaming on my height now. I’m actually tall, you’re just taller, that’s all,” beams Ally.
“Oh no, I wasn’t implementing that. I guess I’m just surprised.”
Ally chuckles, “You should be fully aware that I’m stationed here silly! I’ve only talked about this exhibition like a hundred times!”
‘Damn’ Lauren thinks internally, how could she have forgotten? She sure wishes her face doesn’t betray her right now.
“Lo?” Normani appears behind Ally, followed by Dinah who towers over them.
  “Time for Hug Attack!” The smallest one cue in for a bone crushing hug.
“Squeeze!” The tall young one squeezes them into slight suffocation.
The first rule of their sisterhood, embrace at first sight, always. The quartet has been best friends for years and waited for the youngest one to graduate before enrolling in the same course and college.
Recently, they were nicknamed 4H, since they’ve known each other since High School. But mainly, the name is based on their surnames, Allyson Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei Hamilton and Dinah Jane Hanson. And as for Lauren Michelle Jauregui, well, her last name is pronounced as H so yeah it fits.
Dinah casually slings her arm around Normani’s shoulder, eyeing the couple. “Aye, who do we have here?”
  “Hey, ladies, what are you doing here?” Louis hopes he doesn’t sound too nervous.
Normani narrows her eyes, “We could ask you the same thing.”
“We’re here to taste cakes, like duh!”
“Uh-uh, in a Wedding Cake Exhibition?” Normani comments on Lauren’s reply.
Lauren is quick to point at Louis, “It was his idea!”
Dinah snorts, “Yeah sure.”
“Highly unlikely Lo guys are not exactly into cake tasting.”
Ally nods, “I agree with Mani. The evidence is evident today.”
“The next thing you’ll be saying is that you’re engaged,” Dinah laughs with Ally and Normani joining her.
  Lauren and Louis look at each other awkwardly. Yet their arms are all over each other.
Realising how the couple did not join in their laughter, Dinah speaks up again, “Wait, are you really trying to say you’re engaged? Like, you’re not pulling our legs are you?”
The group of friends immediately covers their ears when Normani squeals, “I wanna hear all about it! Girl, show me your ring!”
“Um, it’s not ready yet so I’ve decided to use my gran’s pearl ring. You know, when they asked to look at the engagement ring during registration. Apparently, my dear Louis here got my ring size wrong, isn’t that right?” Lauren arches her thick eyebrow at him who shrugs nervously.
  “Boo!” Dinah lightly shoves his shoulder.
“Dinah Jane!” Ally scolds lightly before a smile appears. “Oh well, since you’re here I must insist that you both try the cakes from my booth. Norminah here offers to be a great help to me. Although, they think I didn’t see them subtly eating my cakes.”
“Can’t blame us, Short Stack.” Dinah grabs Lauren’s wrist, “Come on boo, she’s got Mango cakes.”
Ally pants a little catching up with them, “Yeah and I’ve experimented on this fruity flavour from the candies we bought earlier. From that green thorny fruit with yellow flesh. We got those from Singapore, remember those sweets?”
Lauren furrows her brows trying to recall their holiday trip on the first week of April. Ally speeds off to her booth excitedly before Normani tugs on Lauren’s other wrist.
Leaving Ally’s booth, Lauren continues licking the mango cream covered spoon contently while Louis has his eyes wandering elsewhere.
There is not a sight of the one he is looking for. The one who forces this exhibition on him. He starts to feel fooled by the curly haired prick.
  Lauren tosses the empty spoon at a nearby bin and turns to Louis’ scrunching face. “Oh-oh.”
“What?” Louis promptly responds.
“You got that ‘I’m about to break wind face.” She says trying to shove him towards the gents.
“Pfft don’t make me the scapegoat when you’re the one who wants to do it!”
His tummy rumbles violently and she simply raises her eyebrows.
“Okay, okay fine, I’ll go. Just stay here. Don’t go wandering off,” he protests as he heads towards the particular location.
  The brunette smiles, still waving at her pretend fiancé who keeps looking back at her as though she will disappear from him. Lauren spots a bench nearby and decides to have a seat after what feels like an hour of walking and tasting. For a brief moment, she instinctively glances at her side and something catches her eyes.
Two caramel orbs stare right deep into her soul. She does not even realise she is staring back longer than necessary. Those eyes are too familiar to ignore. Her legs react accordingly as she gets up, eventually tearing her gaze away from those eyes. She rushes her steps.
A voice creeps at the back of her neck, striking her nerves numb. A hand clasps on her arm.
“Get off me!” Lauren jerks away, turning towards the face she never plans to see at this joyous place.
“Lauren please…” pleads Camila, not lifting her gaze off her favourite emerald eyes, not even for a second. Ignoring the death glare that’s killing her, she continues, “Just hear me out, Laur.”
For a moment, they turn deaf and blind to the world around them. Irises fixed on one another while their hearts beats a language only those two understand. ‘Laur’ is the affectionate term Camila uses for Lauren. Not gonna lie, Lauren still feels her heart flutter. There is only one tone in which the name is being said all the time. And just the sound of it conveys all the feels: love.
  “You fucking left me! After five long years, you have decided our fate for us!” Lauren closes her eyes against her will and looks away. “So now I’m walking away from you.”
Camila yells when Lauren shows her back on her. “Don’t act as if I’ve never reached out to you!” Lauren shifts her attention back to Camila.
“Leaving was my last option! You know that, Lauren.”
Closing in she snarls, “You’re saying I made you leave is that it?”
The slender brunette hangs her head in defeat and mumbles softly, “I didn’t say that Lauren.”
“It’s so like you to just hide away and run Camila,” she scoffs.
  “It wasn’t easy leaving you Lauren please believe me…”
“You’re here at this very exhibition. What does that tell me?”
“I could say the same about you but I don’t want to fight with you Lauren.”
Inching and sparing barely a space between them, “Seems as if you’re accusing me of starting any fight between us.” For a moment Lauren swears she sees glossiness in the younger one’s eyes. Staring at each other and staying mute, the world stops countless times for them.
Camila has no idea if Lauren counted but her name keeps rolling off her tongue like the norm. ‘Lauren’ is the name she calls whenever she wants the green eyed goddess to take note of serious conversations. It’s both formal and familiar. The cleft chin beauty hopes the older girl can sense the sincerity she tries to convey.
“You know that is not true Lauren. I have genuine feelings about us! Reciprocating your love is all I’ve ever done but I told you it will be difficult on my part. I have restrictions of that you’re aware. After all, it’s not like you’re the one who needs to enter a lavender…”
  “Any problem here ladies?”
Lauren breathes relief as the witty cheeky voice breaks in between them. Her saviour curls his arm on her hip, pulling her nearer. The petite brunette looks at the contact before shifting her gaze.
It isn’t long till they are greeted by someone, imitating Louis’s gesture on Camila. That simple act blows a fuse of patience in Louis as he heaves a glare on the green eyes happily smirking back.
Louis brushes his hand along Lauren’s hair tenderly before she rests her head against his collarbone. He loves holding her near, a little overprotective over his girl and his pride.
When Lauren meets the rival green, she begins to understand Louis’s feelings. Her hand makes its way to his back, rubbing gently to soothe him.
  “Well, well, well,” the curly haired bloke drawls behind a sneer. “Fancy seeing you around here, Louis.”
“Not fancy seeing you though,” Louis grunts back.
Harry ignores it as he gives Lauren the once-over. “With her nonetheless. I’m truly surprised.”
“Get your shit together then,” Louis scoffs before smiling proudly. “She’s real and gorgeous and way hotter than your Minnie Mouse. Now you finally believe how engaged I am with her.”
“Minnie Mouse happen to grow on me while you’re taking my fiancée’s old flame, the vampire. Real classy,” Harry pecks a kiss on Camila’s head. “Come on Mils, let’s leave.”
“Yeah, go ahead and find some corner to weep! You’re the one who took my fiancée’s old flame first!” Louis gives a hard cold laugh. “We have the best thing you’ll never have, it’s called pure love!”
  Spinning round, Harry has his shoulders perked up. “Hold on a second. What did I just hear? Never have pure love, you say?”
Camila flinches, knowing something awful is bound to happen. “Harry, don’t.”
Her words left unheard as Harry is already consumed in anger. “Do you really think that just because you came here as promised, jumping along with your fiancée will actually make me regret breaking up with you?! You think I want to take you back and leave Camila behind! Wow, you love to see me suffer! Seriously, Louis, how selfish can you get, huh?!”
“Said enough? Now you tell me who really wants who back? Shouting like some five-year-old. Think you can get married with the limited patience you have?”
  Lauren instantly holds Louis as though at any moment, he can just shatter to pieces. With his hand against hers, she can tell that he tries convincing her that he is alright.
Camila watches Harry being cold and silent, knowing how horrible he feels right now. She rubs her hand on her chest to calm him. The ballroom lights and ray shine on her diamond ring making it sparkle, catching the attention of Lauren and Louis. Lauren lowers her head when she feels the pang in her chest she has grown so accustomed to when it comes to the other girl.
“Ah yes, the diamond cost me an arm and a leg but it’s all worth it for my beautiful fiancée. Unlike you Louis, I actually got an exquisite ring for my wife-to-be. You don’t.”
“I send it for washing! No one had an issue with it except you! Well, Miss Cabello, good luck living the rest of your life with his arrogant arse!” Louis playfully winks at Camila, pulling Lauren away from the spot. “I’m sure it’s worth his curls!”
  “Hey!” Camila barks back defensively.
Harry pulls her to face him instead.
“Sorry, I…” Harry attempts to apologise.
Camila smiles and tousles his curls. “Not your fault. Louis is the usual jerk he always is.”
Listening to the girl chuckle, Harry cannot stop himself from pulling her into a bone breaking hug. Camila accepts it and soothes him while her eyes remain on the brunette who is getting further away from them.
  “I hope you know how much I appreciate you being here with me Mils. It’s at the expense of your relationship but I sincerely hope I can make you feel at least half of what she’s able to give you.”
“We’ll figure it out Haz. Surely I would want her to understand and someday I wish she would give me a chance. I just don’t want her to be out of my life completely. It’s hurting me more than I’m ever able to tell her.”
“You still love her?”
“I’m trying to move on Harry,” Camila sighs and runs her hand through her hair, a habit she picks up from Lauren. “Even if we’re not together, she’ll always stay in my heart forever.”
“Hey, there’s another mango cake booth! You love them, don’t ya, Lolo?! Come on, hurry before they finish…” Louis halts in his excitement as her hand is pulled away from his grip. “Lolo? What’s wrong?”
“Are you fine with the way it is?” Lauren creases her brows. “Stop acting tough around me.”
He laughs with his hands on his hips. “What are you talking about? Why so serious?”
“You want him back, don’t cha? Still yearning for that curly ex of yours, using me to make him jelly. I mean, of course, he should be envious. There is no way anyone can replace me in your heart,” she deduces from what she experienced earlier.
  “I won’t say I want him back, Peaches,” Louis sighs, raising a finger and shaking it. “No way. No way-eh-eh-eh.”
“I’m serious, Loubear!” Lauren pouts. “If you want, we can go back and talk things out. I’m here for you, Lou.”
“If you insist on talking about this, then tell me why did you try to run away from her, huh?” He arches a brow at her. “Say it. Go on.”
She turns away, irked. “So not fair.”
“What is? Love is a wicked game,” Louis chortles, clinging his arm over her neck. “You know I know. You know I’ll remember you and I know you know I know that you’ll remember me- Y’ouch! Lolo, that hurts.”
  Lauren watches the lad rubbing his ear, grumbling under his breath but she knows something is up when he starts singing. He probably tries hard not to be saddened by what Harry said earlier.
Briefly, Lauren touches his cheek before planting a kiss near his lips. “There, there.”
Surprised, Louis stares at Lauren with red surfacing his cheeks. Little does he realise, she only did so because Camila still has her eyes on them and the kiss makes the latter stunned with her jaw hanging in shock.
After laughing aloud to each other’s silliness, Louis and Lauren cackle their way out of the exhibition and towards the carpark.
“Just great. Of all the people I came across you two.”
Enters another familiar voice disrupting their happy time together. Louis pulls Lauren to stand behind him and glares at the lad with the slope quiff before him.
“Oh wow, it’s you!” Louis purposely ends his words with a high pitch note and peeks at his girl behind him. “Say, Lolo. What’s with today? Is it National Meet-Your-Ex slash Asshole Day?”
  “Stop with your bitchy sass, Lou,” Zayn grunts, side-hugging a blonde. “I know it was you when I heard the loud obnoxious laugh I was so familiar with.”
Zayn looks between the two and shakes his head.
“So he’s the new boy on your list? Thinking he can even be compared to me?” Zayn scoffs.
Louis mars his face with the ultimate annoying look. “What are you talking about? A list? Your name is probably the last one on it because duh, Z!”
  An electric stare is induced between the two lads, Zayn is beyond pissed with Louis’ crappy mouth. Lauren is simply enjoying the grumpy look from the tanned boy, giggling behind Louis’ back to muffle herself.
“Mind waiting in the car babe?” Zayn addresses the blonde who simply looks at Lauren and Louis momentarily before dismissing them.
Moving closer, “So I’m guessing you decide to get engaged years after I do huh?” Zayn says eyeing Lauren who also dawns a black leather jacket. Anyone can see that Lauren and Zayn are in similar outfits rocking it out in a black ensemble. The people could also have mistaken that they are a couple.
  “If you’re so happy you wouldn’t be pissed about Lauren and…”
“Believe me when I say I wouldn’t wish you the best for playing games behind my back. Did you even tell him you made out with a brunette girl a couple of times?”
Louis is about to reply when Lauren covers his lips with her index finger.
“What the hell are you talking about Zayn? I had never cheated on you with Louis! Not even once in the three years that we’ve been together! Yeah it’s true I was in a relationship with a girl after you but not anymore. I’m a loyal person and you of all people should know that.”
She sighs before adding, “We were best of friends Zayn, the three of us. The troubled trio as they called it. I would never be unfaithful to you and going off behind your back with our best friend! I thought you would trust me enough, Zayn.”
  Lauren’s voice cracks towards the end. Zayn directs his vision straight ahead, avoiding the crumbling façade he sees in Lauren’s green irises. He blinks and shifts away from her, pocketing his hands before addressing Louis.
“I just witness the two of you being all lovey-dovey here at a place for engaged couples! All I know is that what happened between us wasn’t my fault. I saw how affectionate you two were. It’s not farfetched knowing you tryna steal my girl.”
Louis takes a step forward, head to head with the admittedly fetching erstwhile friend. His temper rising at the wild accusations tossed towards the girl who did nothing wrong in their past relationship.
“How many fucking time must she convinced you that she is telling the truth. Don’t blame her! Put your anger on me instead! Pick someone your own size Zayn! She has done nothing wrong but to love you recklessly and maybe that is the flaw! I won’t stand quiet when you’re talking trash about my girl!”
“If I ever see your mom, I’ll tell her you’re to blame, Louis,” Zayn states firmly, meaning to sound cold. “She’ll be so disappointed in you.”
  As the Bradford bad boy makes way to his car, Louis hangs his head low and clenches his fists. Any mentioning of his mom always strikes a chord in his heart. It’s a touchy subject that he tries to avoid at all cost. Memories becoming more painful seeing how he would love to have many more years with her.
Lauren faces a stiffened Louis. Her hand finds his, her fingers gently forcing his fist open, intertwining their fingers together. She squeezes his hands to reassure him that things will get better. Through stinging tears, she tries her hardest to focus on him and offers kind words.
“I’m here Louis. Just hold on.”
Their car ride home is filled with silence. The only interaction between them is their joining hands. Lauren doesn’t question why Louis pulls over at the grocery store and makes her wait in the car. True to his words that he won’t take too long, she spots him emerging with two bags. Seat belt tucked safely, all he says is that he needs to get fucking wasted.
Louis sighs before turning his head towards the passenger seat. Lauren is focusing on twiddling her thumbs with a sombre expression. He set aside his sorrow and decides to cheer her up. Smirking, struck by a brilliant idea, he starts the engine towards the intended location.
She follows him absentmindedly not bothering to question him as they are queuing up. Minutes later, when they are seated in the cinema, she looks at him before raising her left brow. He grins, knowing what the gesture translates to.
As the movie starts playing, his smile broadens upon seeing her beaming. Even though it’s the fourth time this time, she is still laughing hysterically watching The Boss Baby.
  Mentally patting himself on the back for a great job, he drives to her favourite sushi place for dinner. Her spirits lift up visibly as the night lights up the sky with brilliant stars shimmering brightly.
So here they are, hours later waiting for midnight. On the black couch in the apartment, drunk as planned. Their giggles fill the surrounding with hands barely caressing each other’s clothed bodies. He suddenly lifts her bridal style and making their way towards the bedroom.
  “If you’re a cake and I’m a cake, do you know what that means Lolo?”
“Double twin cake that’s what we are.”
Chortling, Louis comments, “No, no I meant if we’re like together, together kind of cake.”
Lauren has the widest grin with her lids shut in bliss. “I don’t know Lou, I’m supposed to rest my mind today. Tell me, Lou.”
“You’re a cake, I’m a cake and when we get together we’re a wedding cake!”
  Lauren burst out laughing at his ridiculousness. Her laughter is so contagious even Louis is unsuccessful in holding back. He joins laughing with her for quite some time.
“Laugh all you want Lolo you know it’s true. You can’t get rid of me and you don’t want to!”
Tugging him further into her, she scoffs before answering with pride. “Say whatever you want Louis for at the end of the day you always,” her lip inching closer to his, breathing heavily, “always come back to me.”
  * End of Louren One-Shot*
Heyya lovelies! This is our first fanfic written together! We are so excited to share it with all of you. It is Louren centric but with Larry and Camren. Hope you enjoy this as much as we spent writing this piece. Thank you so much for giving our fanfiction a chance! Happy Days!
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/107562475
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10755168/chapters/23848398
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dirmony15-blog · 7 years
Hold On To Me (LOUREN One-Shot)
OS based on this text post I saw please: ‘Does somebody wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours to try free wedding cake samples’
  “Does somebody wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours to try free wedding cake samples?!”
  “Louis! Stop yelling. I’m trying to finish my essay.”
 “That is so not the answer to my question,” sasses the boy with the striped T-shirt and red pants.
  Lauren huffs as she speeds type on her laptop. Sitting pretty much relaxed in her black graphic tee and jeans-covered legs. Her entirety occupying the whole couch. It is another chilling day on a Friday afternoon but of course, there is always someone or one moron rather, who finds it satisfying to disturb her peace.
 “Yoo-hoo! Hey! Hey, you down there!” Louis keeps pointing to her even though she blatantly ignores him. “Yes, you! Typing like bat-shit crazy! The one with bed head hair!”
 That last comment definitely catches her attention and she ceases punching her fingertips on the keyboard. He grins triumphantly when the brunette eventually lands a hard stare on him.
  Arms across her chest, she raises her eyebrow unimpressed. “Really?”
 “What?” Louis feigns clueless.
 “There’s no one here to entertain your childish antics, Louis. Seriously. And get off the coffee table!”
 “Well, you’re somebody here,” Louis pouts and looks down at his plain socks. “Oh, look at that! I’m not even wearing shoes!”
 Smiling to himself as he wiggles his toes through the holes. Lauren sighs, putting away her laptop. “What were you screaming about anyways moron?”
 “Aww! Come on, didn’t you hear me?”
  He cups his hands over his mouth and obnoxiously shouts. “Is anyone here smart and lucky enough to be my fake fiancée for like 2 hours tomorrow and try free wedding cake samples?”
 Once again, Louis stretches his signature evil smirk at the annoyed Lauren. He could have sworn her eyeballs rolled upwards just like the emoji. If his words could not register, he hasn’t got a clue how to make her listen anymore.
 Meanwhile, the poor lass is still covering her ears. Listening to his hysterical voice has never been as irritating as today. She cannot even remember what she just heard.
 Now standing with hands on her hips, she frowns at his aloof smile.
  “Louis William Tomlinson! You get down here this instance before I come up and drag you down by your ears!”
 Raising his hands in surrender, he jumps down and towers over her.
 Moving closer to her, he starts singing, “Nobody can drag me down!” Inching closer and snapping his fingers, he repeats, “Nobody! Nobody!”
 As soon as he finishes singing, he makes a cross-eyed face to her and that’s when she loses it.
  Lauren grabs Louis by his left ear and pulls him towards the kitchen. Ignoring his protest with every step they take, she lets him go once they’re there.
 With a frown marring his childlike features, he rubs his unfortunate red ear. “Why are we in the kitchen? I’m not hungry.” He comments, confused.
 Lauren shrugs. “I’m making sure you wet the towel before wiping the coffee table. Also, I want to remind you not to forget the sanitising spray this time. It serves a purpose called eliminating Tomlinson’s stink off the table.”
 Louis flinches. “Pfft! Give me some credit, woman. I so know how to clean a house!”
 She is about to argue back when he rests his hands on the wall on either side of her head. His abrupt approach causes her to lean back. The gap between them shortens drastically. Since being playful didn’t make her say yes to him, perhaps she can fall for his method of seduction.
  The British accent drips from his mouth. “My dear Peaches. You didn’t answer my question.”
 “What question?” Lauren does not hold back from a scowl. “If that’s what you call a proposal, only a grandmama will go with you.”
 Louis instantly wails. “I’ve never been insulted like this before! I’m just gonna hide right here.”
 She inevitably bursts into laughter when he hits his head on her shoulder, concealing embarrassment. Still chuckling, she deliberately pecks his temple. “Honestly Lou. Why can’t you go bother someone else asking her instead?”
  Louis gasps loudly and covers his mouth in mock horror. “Honestly, Lolo that is not how you talk to your Prince Charming! And you know I can’t do that.” He moves away from Lauren and opens the fridge, enjoying the cool air on him. “I don’t want to brag but without a doubt, the girls will be all over me!”
 She rolls her eyes while he continues blabbering. “So instead of this charming fabuLouis breaking their hearts by asking them, he decides to choose his one and only.”
 “Wow, who can that be?” She questions with sarcasm.
 “If I choose someone else, I’ll be breaking your heart. And we all know you’ll constantly be green with envy. Pun intended.”
 “Sure whatever you say, my little heartbreaker,” she pats his cheek before walking away but he blocks her. Leaning against the counter, he crosses his arms against his chest. She mimics his posture.
  “Stop playing coy darling! I know you want to be my fake fiancée.” Louis waggles his eyebrows. “Don’t blame me if you can’t see that we are indeed a great couple! Blame your glasses…or eyes.”
 “There’s nothing wrong with my eyes.”
 “It’s too green,” he states and as soon as Lauren frowns and opens her mouth to argue, he continues, “and sometimes it’s trying to imitate my brilliant blue ba…orbs.”
 “You’re talking absolutely no logic. Maybe just maybe you’re green about my green eyes. Cause it changes colour unlike yours.”
 “Now look who’s the immature one. The point is you don’t see that we’re the OTP in college,” he smirks and puffs out his chest.
 “Oh Louis, I do see it now.”
  “Wait, what?” Louis asks, puzzled “You do?”
 “Yeah. I see how much you hopelessly want me to go with you.”
 Lauren closes her eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply for theatrical effect before she speaks slowly. “And I also see your changing smirk when I tell you yes.”
 As expected, he starts to smile.
 “It’s a yes that I won’t go with you.”
 Persistent as always, he tugs her wrist gently to pull her against his warm body.
  “Listen, let’s make a deal, yeah?” Louis offers, seeing how he has no other choice. “If you do this, I’ll plead with Steve to have you in my group for our final assessment.”
 Lauren jerks her head at him, face astounded, “Lou, what are you trying to say?”
 This is a great deal Lauren is well aware. Louis happens to be one of the few chosen leaders for their Music Major. It’s crucial to have a strong group for their final project. They are each expected to produce an EP after all.
 He exhales before fixing his stare on her, “I’m saying that I am willing to have you on my team instead of Perrie.”
 “Goat girl?” She tries hard not to snicker when noticing him visibly swallowing his pride like literally. “But that’s huge though! Do you realise the risk you could be taking? Besides, are you trying to start a catfight by separating Jade and...”
 “I thought you would like to team up with Jade and Thomas?”
 “True but...”
 “Don’t tell me you want DJ on board. I don’t want to deal with your Manibear being Mama Bear. I’ll pick Ally for you if she’s...”
 “Pez vocals are off the charts! You could have high scores for your team!”
  “But I’m in love with your voice there’s a difference!”
 “Yet I wasn’t your first choice. I’m not a rebound Louis!” She folds her arms and glares at him.
 Sighing and gaze landing elsewhere but hers, “I know and I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s strategical but selfish of me to put your feelings aside.”
 Louis takes her hands in his. “You know I could finalise my team by next week right? Give me a chance Lo. I was insecure about myself and my voice,” he trails off sounding softer with every word.
 He looks away but she cups his chin instead, “I love your voice Louis and I know you’ll make it better than fine. I have faith in you. I wish you would too.”
  Silence fills the air. “What if you didn’t stick to your bargain because of your unwise brash decision?”
 He scoffs, “Ironic much? You just said you have faith in me.”
 “That I do but seeing how you would put your name in jeopardy by not having the best female vocalist in our class, now that intrigues me.”
 Noticing that he prefers to stay mute, she eggs on, “Yep you’re really desperate and I wonder why. Won’t you enlighten me Loubear?”
 He groans at her glorious smile. She pulls his shirt lightly before leaning in.  Her grin widens when he gulps uneasily.
 *Flashback: Earlier, that Friday morning…*
  Louis hastened his steps while ferociously typing on his phone. He was running late but was eager to get his usual breakfast. He mentally cursed himself for engaging Lauren whose messages were nothing but lecturing him, as usual.
 Yep, nothing new he thought as he typed another message.
 What was new then, however, was when someone collided into Louis once he was inside the bakery.
 “My apologies, I…Louis?”
 His body cringed as he heard a low voice in a British accent that is almost too familiar.
 Louis dreaded every second of lifting his gaze to meet the owner of that haunting voice. His blue eyes bore into confused light green ones. He realised the softening countenance of the boy with curls and quickly hardened his expression.
  “Watch where you’re going you blundering baboon!” Louis spat in rage.
 Frowning, the boy mirrored Louis’s scowl. “Nice knowing you haven’t changed.”
 “Woah aren’t you glad we’re not together anymore ey Harry?”
 “Very much indeed,” Harry shifted his gaze downwards before staring into the blue orbs again. “And you should watch where you’re stepping on.”
 Louis hesitantly looked down and picked up a brochure underneath his sneaker. He scanned through it and scoffed. So it was true then he thought. All week he heard rumours going around college about the wealthy junior being engaged. He always brushed it off not wanting to believe it.
  “Wedding Cake Exhibition? Whom are you getting married too? Yourself?” He chuckled at his own sarcasm, eyes shut and arms hugged his midriff.
 “Laugh all you want Louis. I’m not letting you step on my happiness. Figuratively or literally.”
 Louis was still in fits of laughter.
 “You may be holding onto my future in your hands, literally but there’s no stopping me.”
 “Really? Are you saying words like literally now? Clearly, she’s rubbing off on you. I won’t even say she’s rubbing off you figuratively or literally. Oh wait, I already did!”
  Harry balled his fist on Louis’s tee and glared. “You leave her out of this! She’s not like anyone I’ve dated. She’s not that kind of girl!”
 Louis swatted Harry’s hands away and sneered.
 “Such a shame that you wouldn’t take me seriously, Louis. I’d probably invite you to our engagement party but your lonely self could ruin the ambience.”
 “Excuse me, playboy,” Louis raised a brow. “What makes you think I’m alone when I’m not? I’m very much engaged thanks for assuming without asking.”
 Harry snorted. “Seriously? Well, surely, I feel sorry for whoever she is.”
 “Rest assured, she’s happy with me,” Louis growls as he paces closer. “Unlike yours whom only feels obliged to be with you!”
  “Stop telling fibs Louis, don’t you ever learn?”
 “Coming from someone who’s choosing wedding cakes like some excited forty-year-old woman!”
 “Look, Louis,” Harry gritted his teeth. “I haven’t got time to play with you.”
 The junior was about to turn away when funny enough he realised his body was not ready to leave the senior. What was more surprising was that Louis was not moving either.
 Harry could not help but smirk. “My fiancée can’t stop talking about this exhibition.”
 “Excuse me, did I ask?” Louis flamboyantly snaps.
  “Aren’t your fiancée excited for this kinda stuff?” Harry lengthened his smirk. “Unless… she’s not even real.”
 Louis twitched his eyes and fumed. “She’s real, Sherlock! I’m not like you who enjoys telling everyone he bumps into that he has a freaking fiancée! Of course, you don’t hear me walking around the school telling the whole campus I’m already engaged. And no, I don’t need some stupid fancy party to prove that I’m engaged already.”
 Harry’s poker face annoyed Louis but before he could comment, Harry remarked. “Are you done, Louis? Are you going to predictably tell me when you have a fiancée?”
 “Yeah! My fiancée and I are going strong and long, far longer than yours!”
 “You don’t even know when I’ve proposed.”
 “No! But it doesn’t matter because I proposed first before you do!”
 “I’m not listening to this anymore,” Harry initiated the move to leave the conversation.
  Louis, however, was not giving up. “Hey! Don’t you dare walk away from me! I’ll show you how gorgeous my fiancée really is! She’s gonna put your girl to shame! And you’ll be bawling your eyes out at how beautiful we are and you wish you could be us instead!”
 The pacing lad eventually stopped his stride and smirked over his shoulder.
 “We’ll see you tomorrow at the Wedding Cake Exhibition then, with your make believe fiancée. Don’t chicken out on me,” Harry held back a chuckle before walking away.
 Louis managed to shout just as the junior was stepping out, “I’ll be there tomorrow you arse! And she’s real, stupid boy with curls!”
 As the clinking bell marked Harry’s exit from the store and out of sight, Louis huffed and folded his arms across his chest once more. It was going to be a long day, he thought to himself.
  *End of flashback.*
 For how long Lauren has been waving her hands in front of Louis, he does not know. He does know however that his nips will bruise due to her pinching.
 “Ow! Lolo!” Louis swats her hands away, scolding her in the process. “That really hurt! What is wrong with you?”
 “Like fucking finally! I’ve been trying to get you back to the real world! You should be thanking me for saving you from your dreaded La-la Land!”
 “Why bother? You’re pinching me into entering Lolo Land!” He tries to soothe his poor aching chest by doing circular motions on the affected area.
  “Do not sass me Loubear! You’ve been zoned out for Lord knows how long when you’re supposed to be telling me why you insist on going to that exhibition.”
 “Right…” Louis slowly drags on purpose. He looks elsewhere while whistling out a tune to his previous song, completely disregarding Lauren whose hands placed firmly on her hips while she taps her feet impatiently.
 “Are you telling me or not?” Lauren asks, more fiercely now.
 “It’s just for two hours Lo,” Louis tries to evade the question. “Besides, you can sample free wedding cakes! It’s only for engaged couples, though. Here’s the info.”
  Louis hands her the brochure he retrieves from his back pocket. Lauren scrunches her nose.
 “Lou you really need to wash your shoes,” she mentions his footprint on the front. While flipping the page, she asks, “Why are you so eager anyways? Did they offer you carrot cake?”
 “Is that a trick question? They have Sherbet mind you.”
 “Dang Louis, anyone could just pretend to be engaged just to taste wedding cakes.”
 “Right? That’s what I was proposing we do!”
  The longer she remains quiet browsing through the brochure, the more nervous he gets. He tries to convince her by attempting to lure her in by mentioning a topic he knows would distract her.
 “Think about our group Lauren. It’s a good deal on my part and yours. You help me, I help you. Sounds good? So, what do you say, fiancée?”
 “Why do I even put up with you?”
 “Because I’m the Lou to your Lo,” he grins adorably.
 Rolling her eyes, “And I put the Lo in your Lou. There, I won the argument. You still trying to be all smooth now?”
 He raises his hands in surrender, “Not gonna argue with you, my Peaches Baby.”
 She fails to hide the rosy colour of her cheeks at his charms. He decides to not tease her about it and let it slide this time, for now.
  “How did I do? Well enough to be your fiancé?”
 He lifts her chin so that their gaze meet before he caresses her jawline. Both withholding shy smiles as they admire the emotion behind their irises. “Hold on darling...you are actually beaming, so I’ll take that as a yes!”
 “Well, are you sure you aren’t forgetting something?” Lauren wiggles the finger on her left hand.
 *The next day, Saturday morning*
  The sweet-scented brunette saunters to the dining area. Surprised is an understatement as her jaw hangs mid-air. The breakfast is their usual meal but the set-up is pleasing. Louis is standing idly by the dining table. His hair is styled in her favourite hairdo. Smartly groomed in a blue tux, with knee length tight pants.
 Lauren nearly loses control when she notices heart shaped candles on the dining table. Although it belongs to her, he happily lit it without consent. Hiding away her irkness, she gazes on the approaching lad who gently places her hand on his arm. She instantly blushes by the gesture as he guides her to the chair.
  Once seated, he grins shyly. They look at each other for a moment, admiring each other’s presence while silence fills the air.
 “A noteworthy person like you deserves nothing but the best,” Louis resumes his ever-praising speech, intending to scald her cheeks hot red. “I can never describe the way I feel when I’m with you, Amor my love.”
 Amused that his cute princess looks so lost and not knowing how to react, Louis comments further. “If you redden anymore I’ll be sure to call you tomato my dear Lolo carrot.”
  Lauren bursts into giggles, the kind that is childlike and totally adorable.
 “Ah, that’s the sound I’ve been waiting to hear,” Louis says, wiggling his eyebrows repeatedly.
 “Louis!” Lauren ducks her head to conceal the heat that is burning her cheeks. “Stop…” she drags in a baby voice.
 “I want to do this properly Lolo. So allow me,” He takes out the black box from the pocket of his navy blazer and kneels on his left knee.
 She gasps and covers her mouth with both hands.
 Their eyes connect once more, oozing with tender affections.
  “So what do you say peaches? Will you willingly be my lovely, beloved fiancée? And till…sleep, do us part?”
 He opens the box to reveal the delightful jewellery, grinning from ear to ear. “What do you say ey…um…tomato?”
 Louis senses the swift change of expression and gulps in anticipation.
 “Oh, Louis I can assure you that my cheeks are heating up right now and not for the same reason as before,” Lauren answers keeping her calm, oddly enough.
  “Is it the colour? I pick green to match your irises! Do you want blue to match mine instead?”
 “Yes Lauren, seriously,” Louis looks and answers innocently.
 “RING POP? A FREAKING RING POP?” She yells in his face.
 “What? I thought you love Ring Pops.”
  The blue-eyed lad has the nerves to take a good three seconds peering inside the black box. Looking back at Lauren, Louis chuckles.
 He leans forward for a kiss. “Eager aren’t you?”
 Jabbing a finger on his chest, “Louis William Tomlinson! You have the cheek to eat the damn candy! How dare you! How freaking dare you eat a candy from a girl! I could really cry right now!”
 She hides behind her hands. He quickly gets up in panic upon seeing her so upset. Footsteps are heard as she peeks through her fingers. He retrieves a larger box from a nearby drawer. Kneeling in front of her again, he gladly unveils the contents that almost takes her breath away.  Rows of multi-coloured packets of Ring Pops candies occupy the yellow box.
  “Oh-oh, waterworks are coming,” Louis smirks.
 “It’s not…I’m not…” She huffs, avoiding eye contact. “It’s just dust. SMH.”
 “Yes and I’m currently peeling onions. SMH.”
 Lauren giggles wiping the tears resting in her eyes.
 Louis ends up sitting cross-legged on the floor, one hand holding the box while the other hooks under his chin. “Peaches, you’re touched aren’t ya? I make you cry and smile at the same time. Now that’s what you call pure talent. Don’t doubt me anymore, love.”
 She shoves his shoulder lightly. “Heartbreaker.”
 Her one-word response tickles him. He cackles, “Only breaking others hearts to be with you.”
That rendered her speechless. She beams with an obvious blush colouring her pale tone.
  “Why didn’t you present me with a proper Ring Pop in the first place, Loubear?” Lauren manages to pout. “Did you even wash the ring you presented? I don’t want to be touching anything with your saliva attached.”
 “I’ve cleaned it, Peaches, rest assured. Besides, I so know you,” he smirks cheekily. “If I present you with a Ring Pop with the candy, you’re going to suck on it repeatedly. And I don’t need such obscene visuals early in the morning.”
 “LOUIS!” She slaps his arm hard. “You and your filthy mind!”
 He doesn’t bother arguing that pretty hard hit as he is busy laughing his arse off. “I’m pretty sure that’s you darling, not me. Oh well, there goes my one month supply of candy. What I wouldn’t do for you ey Lolo. No, but seriously it’s a yes, right?”
 “Louis. I love you. Really, I do. But if we’re heading where I think it is, I’m gonna have to kill you.”
 “You can kill me later love. Now let’s go.”
 Parking right smack in the middle of the carpark, Lauren gulps. The venue of the cake exhibition is none other than their own college.
 She folds her arms instinctively.
 “Nope, I’m not going. I bail,” Lauren reconsiders aloud. “I’ll find another musical group to join, maybe with one of my girls.”
  “Aww, Lolo! Don’t do this. Don’t think too much. I know you’re way smarter than me but this time, give it a rest and play along.”
 “No! No way!”
 “I’ve already mentioned that I’m engaged! You can’t bail on me now!”
 She turns her head towards him at lightning speed that he is sure she’ll sprain her neck. “Who did you tell? Why didn’t you mentioned it to me before?”
  “It might have slipped my mind,” Louis drags his sentence slowly, a tell-tale sign that he’s lying.
 “Lie to me again and I’ll make sure you sleep outside of our apartment door.”
 Huffing, his legs bounce nervously as he looks elsewhere. He brings his fingers near his mouth to bite his nails.
 Reading his actions, Lauren knows not to question him further as upset is written all over. She clasps her hand over his.
  “I just need you to have faith in me, just this once. I swear I don’t mean to drag you into this or take advantage of you. If anyone asks you for how long we’ve been engaged, let me handle it.”
 “I don’t want to be kept in the dark with your suspicious motives. Don’t you at least owe me an explanation?”
 Thinking of a good explanation exhausts his brain as he drops his forehead on Lauren’s shoulder. “Can I tell you after the event?”
 “Are we going inside or should I drive you home?”
 Cake tasting exhibition welcomes a large crowd of diverse couples, from career-oriented adults to college students as young as them. The booths display a wide range of choices, enticing their customers with vivid striking colours, decorations and aroma. It is amazing to see the college graduates offering their cake tasting for free. Such an opportunity cannot be missed by those dreaming of such delicacy at its finest on their special day.
 Basked in the melodious tune from the speakers around, Louis and Lauren merrily exchange opinions on the cakes they tasted and viewed. At times, their tastes complement each other and at times they do not.
  It isn’t long till a familiar voice hollers. Subconsciously, Louis gently pulls Lauren closer, his hand never leaving her waist.
 “Oh my god! Is that really you Lo?” A cheery voice greets Lauren before squashing each other in a tight embrace. “Hug attack!”
 The raven haired beauty slowly turns to face her friend before dragging her words, “Hey, Ally, funny I didn’t see you...”
  “Oh Lauren honey, don’t go blaming on my height now. I’m actually tall, you’re just taller, that’s all,” beams Ally.
 “Oh no, I wasn’t implementing that. I guess I’m just surprised.”
 Ally chuckles, “You should be fully aware that I’m stationed here silly! I’ve only talked about this exhibition like a hundred times!”
 ‘Damn’ Lauren thinks internally, how could she have forgotten? She sure wishes her face doesn’t betray her right now.
 “Lo?” Normani appears behind Ally, followed by Dinah who towers over them.
  “Time for Hug Attack!” The smallest one cue in for a bone crushing hug.
 “Squeeze!” The tall young one squeezes them into slight suffocation.
 The first rule of their sisterhood, embrace at first sight, always. The quartet has been best friends for years and waited for the youngest one to graduate before enrolling in the same course and college.
 Recently, they were nicknamed 4H, since they’ve known each other since High School. But mainly, the name is based on their surnames, Allyson Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei Hamilton and Dinah Jane Hanson. And as for Lauren Michelle Jauregui, well, her last name is pronounced as H so yeah it fits.
 Dinah casually slings her arm around Normani’s shoulder, eyeing the couple. “Aye, who do we have here?”
  “Hey, ladies, what are you doing here?” Louis hopes he doesn’t sound too nervous.
 Normani narrows her eyes, “We could ask you the same thing.”
 “We’re here to taste cakes, like duh!”
 “Uh-uh, in a Wedding Cake Exhibition?” Normani comments on Lauren’s reply.
 Lauren is quick to point at Louis, “It was his idea!”
 Dinah snorts, “Yeah sure.”
 “Highly unlikely Lo guys are not exactly into cake tasting.”
 Ally nods, “I agree with Mani. The evidence is evident today.”
 “The next thing you’ll be saying is that you’re engaged,” Dinah laughs with Ally and Normani joining her.
  Lauren and Louis look at each other awkwardly. Yet their arms are all over each other.
 Realising how the couple did not join in their laughter, Dinah speaks up again, “Wait, are you really trying to say you’re engaged? Like, you’re not pulling our legs are you?”
 The group of friends immediately covers their ears when Normani squeals, “I wanna hear all about it! Girl, show me your ring!”
 “Um, it’s not ready yet so I’ve decided to use my gran’s pearl ring. You know, when they asked to look at the engagement ring during registration. Apparently, my dear Louis here got my ring size wrong, isn’t that right?” Lauren arches her thick eyebrow at him who shrugs nervously.
  “Boo!” Dinah lightly shoves his shoulder.
 “Dinah Jane!” Ally scolds lightly before a smile appears. “Oh well, since you’re here I must insist that you both try the cakes from my booth. Norminah here offers to be a great help to me. Although, they think I didn’t see them subtly eating my cakes.”
 “Can’t blame us, Short Stack.” Dinah grabs Lauren’s wrist, “Come on boo, she’s got Mango cakes.”
 Ally pants a little catching up with them, “Yeah and I’ve experimented on this fruity flavour from the candies we bought earlier. From that green thorny fruit with yellow flesh. We got those from Singapore, remember those sweets?”
 Lauren furrows her brows trying to recall their holiday trip on the first week of April. Ally speeds off to her booth excitedly before Normani tugs on Lauren’s other wrist.
 Leaving Ally’s booth, Lauren continues licking the mango cream covered spoon contently while Louis has his eyes wandering elsewhere.
 There is not a sight of the one he is looking for. The one who forces this exhibition on him. He starts to feel fooled by the curly haired prick.
  Lauren tosses the empty spoon at a nearby bin and turns to Louis’ scrunching face. “Oh-oh.”
 “What?” Louis promptly responds.
 “You got that ‘I’m about to break wind face.” She says trying to shove him towards the gents.
 “Pfft don’t make me the scapegoat when you’re the one who wants to do it!”
 His tummy rumbles violently and she simply raises her eyebrows.
 “Okay, okay fine, I’ll go. Just stay here. Don’t go wandering off,” he protests as he heads towards the particular location.
  The brunette smiles, still waving at her pretend fiancé who keeps looking back at her as though she will disappear from him. Lauren spots a bench nearby and decides to have a seat after what feels like an hour of walking and tasting. For a brief moment, she instinctively glances at her side and something catches her eyes.
 Two caramel orbs stare right deep into her soul. She does not even realise she is staring back longer than necessary. Those eyes are too familiar to ignore. Her legs react accordingly as she gets up, eventually tearing her gaze away from those eyes. She rushes her steps.
 A voice creeps at the back of her neck, striking her nerves numb. A hand clasps on her arm.
 “Get off me!” Lauren jerks away, turning towards the face she never plans to see at this joyous place.
 “Lauren please…” pleads Camila, not lifting her gaze off her favourite emerald eyes, not even for a second. Ignoring the death glare that’s killing her, she continues, “Just hear me out, Laur.”
 For a moment, they turn deaf and blind to the world around them. Irises fixed on one another while their hearts beats a language only those two understand. ‘Laur’ is the affectionate term Camila uses for Lauren. Not gonna lie, Lauren still feels her heart flutter. There is only one tone in which the name is being said all the time. And just the sound of it conveys all the feels: love.
  “You fucking left me! After five long years, you have decided our fate for us!” Lauren closes her eyes against her will and looks away. “So now I’m walking away from you.”
 Camila yells when Lauren shows her back on her. “Don’t act as if I’ve never reached out to you!” Lauren shifts her attention back to Camila.
 “Leaving was my last option! You know that, Lauren.”
 Closing in she snarls, “You’re saying I made you leave is that it?”
 The slender brunette hangs her head in defeat and mumbles softly, “I didn’t say that Lauren.”
 “It’s so like you to just hide away and run Camila,” she scoffs.
  “It wasn’t easy leaving you Lauren please believe me…”
 “You’re here at this very exhibition. What does that tell me?”
 “I could say the same about you but I don’t want to fight with you Lauren.”
 Inching and sparing barely a space between them, “Seems as if you’re accusing me of starting any fight between us.” For a moment Lauren swears she sees glossiness in the younger one’s eyes. Staring at each other and staying mute, the world stops countless times for them.
 Camila has no idea if Lauren counted but her name keeps rolling off her tongue like the norm. ‘Lauren’ is the name she calls whenever she wants the green eyed goddess to take note of serious conversations. It’s both formal and familiar. The cleft chin beauty hopes the older girl can sense the sincerity she tries to convey.
 “You know that is not true Lauren. I have genuine feelings about us! Reciprocating your love is all I’ve ever done but I told you it will be difficult on my part. I have restrictions of that you’re aware. After all, it’s not like you’re the one who needs to enter a lavender…”
  “Any problem here ladies?”
 Lauren breathes relief as the witty cheeky voice breaks in between them. Her saviour curls his arm on her hip, pulling her nearer. The petite brunette looks at the contact before shifting her gaze.
 It isn’t long till they are greeted by someone, imitating Louis’s gesture on Camila. That simple act blows a fuse of patience in Louis as he heaves a glare on the green eyes happily smirking back.
 Louis brushes his hand along Lauren’s hair tenderly before she rests her head against his collarbone. He loves holding her near, a little overprotective over his girl and his pride.
 When Lauren meets the rival green, she begins to understand Louis’s feelings. Her hand makes its way to his back, rubbing gently to soothe him.
  “Well, well, well,” the curly haired bloke drawls behind a sneer. “Fancy seeing you around here, Louis.”
 “Not fancy seeing you though,” Louis grunts back.
 Harry ignores it as he gives Lauren the once-over. “With her nonetheless. I’m truly surprised.”
 “Get your shit together then,” Louis scoffs before smiling proudly. “She’s real and gorgeous and way hotter than your Minnie Mouse. Now you finally believe how engaged I am with her.”
 “Minnie Mouse happen to grow on me while you’re taking my fiancée’s old flame, the vampire. Real classy,” Harry pecks a kiss on Camila’s head. “Come on Mils, let’s leave.”
 “Yeah, go ahead and find some corner to weep! You’re the one who took my fiancée’s old flame first!” Louis gives a hard cold laugh. “We have the best thing you’ll never have, it’s called pure love!”
  Spinning round, Harry has his shoulders perked up. “Hold on a second. What did I just hear? Never have pure love, you say?”
 Camila flinches, knowing something awful is bound to happen. “Harry, don’t.”
 Her words left unheard as Harry is already consumed in anger. “Do you really think that just because you came here as promised, jumping along with your fiancée will actually make me regret breaking up with you?! You think I want to take you back and leave Camila behind! Wow, you love to see me suffer! Seriously, Louis, how selfish can you get, huh?!”
 “Said enough? Now you tell me who really wants who back? Shouting like some five-year-old. Think you can get married with the limited patience you have?”
  Lauren instantly holds Louis as though at any moment, he can just shatter to pieces. With his hand against hers, she can tell that he tries convincing her that he is alright.
 Camila watches Harry being cold and silent, knowing how horrible he feels right now. She rubs her hand on her chest to calm him. The ballroom lights and ray shine on her diamond ring making it sparkle, catching the attention of Lauren and Louis. Lauren lowers her head when she feels the pang in her chest she has grown so accustomed to when it comes to the other girl.
 “Ah yes, the diamond cost me an arm and a leg but it’s all worth it for my beautiful fiancée. Unlike you Louis, I actually got an exquisite ring for my wife-to-be. You don’t.”
 “I send it for washing! No one had an issue with it except you! Well, Miss Cabello, good luck living the rest of your life with his arrogant arse!” Louis playfully winks at Camila, pulling Lauren away from the spot. “I’m sure it’s worth his curls!”
  “Hey!” Camila barks back defensively.
 Harry pulls her to face him instead.
 “Sorry, I...” Harry attempts to apologise.
 Camila smiles and tousles his curls. “Not your fault. Louis is the usual jerk he always is.”
 Listening to the girl chuckle, Harry cannot stop himself from pulling her into a bone breaking hug. Camila accepts it and soothes him while her eyes remain on the brunette who is getting further away from them.
  “I hope you know how much I appreciate you being here with me Mils. It’s at the expense of your relationship but I sincerely hope I can make you feel at least half of what she’s able to give you.”
 “We’ll figure it out Haz. Surely I would want her to understand and someday I wish she would give me a chance. I just don’t want her to be out of my life completely. It’s hurting me more than I’m ever able to tell her.”
 “You still love her?”
 “I’m trying to move on Harry,” Camila sighs and runs her hand through her hair, a habit she picks up from Lauren. “Even if we’re not together, she’ll always stay in my heart forever.”
 “Hey, there’s another mango cake booth! You love them, don’t ya, Lolo?! Come on, hurry before they finish…” Louis halts in his excitement as her hand is pulled away from his grip. “Lolo? What’s wrong?”
 “Are you fine with the way it is?” Lauren creases her brows. “Stop acting tough around me.”
 He laughs with his hands on his hips. “What are you talking about? Why so serious?”
 “You want him back, don’t cha? Still yearning for that curly ex of yours, using me to make him jelly. I mean, of course, he should be envious. There is no way anyone can replace me in your heart,” she deduces from what she experienced earlier.
  “I won’t say I want him back, Peaches,” Louis sighs, raising a finger and shaking it. “No way. No way-eh-eh-eh.”
 “I’m serious, Loubear!” Lauren pouts. “If you want, we can go back and talk things out. I’m here for you, Lou.”
 “If you insist on talking about this, then tell me why did you try to run away from her, huh?” He arches a brow at her. “Say it. Go on.”
 She turns away, irked. “So not fair.”
 “What is? Love is a wicked game,” Louis chortles, clinging his arm over her neck. “You know I know. You know I’ll remember you and I know you know I know that you’ll remember me- Y’ouch! Lolo, that hurts.”
  Lauren watches the lad rubbing his ear, grumbling under his breath but she knows something is up when he starts singing. He probably tries hard not to be saddened by what Harry said earlier.
 Briefly, Lauren touches his cheek before planting a kiss near his lips. “There, there.”
 Surprised, Louis stares at Lauren with red surfacing his cheeks. Little does he realise, she only did so because Camila still has her eyes on them and the kiss makes the latter stunned with her jaw hanging in shock.
 After laughing aloud to each other’s silliness, Louis and Lauren cackle their way out of the exhibition and towards the carpark.
 “Just great. Of all the people I came across you two.”
 Enters another familiar voice disrupting their happy time together. Louis pulls Lauren to stand behind him and glares at the lad with the slope quiff before him.
 “Oh wow, it’s you!” Louis purposely ends his words with a high pitch note and peeks at his girl behind him. “Say, Lolo. What’s with today? Is it National Meet-Your-Ex slash Asshole Day?”
  “Stop with your bitchy sass, Lou,” Zayn grunts, side-hugging a blonde. “I know it was you when I heard the loud obnoxious laugh I was so familiar with.”
 Zayn looks between the two and shakes his head.
 “So he’s the new boy on your list? Thinking he can even be compared to me?” Zayn scoffs.
 Louis mars his face with the ultimate annoying look. “What are you talking about? A list? Your name is probably the last one on it because duh, Z!”
  An electric stare is induced between the two lads, Zayn is beyond pissed with Louis’ crappy mouth. Lauren is simply enjoying the grumpy look from the tanned boy, giggling behind Louis’ back to muffle herself.
 “Mind waiting in the car babe?” Zayn addresses the blonde who simply looks at Lauren and Louis momentarily before dismissing them.
 Moving closer, “So I’m guessing you decide to get engaged years after I do huh?” Zayn says eyeing Lauren who also dawns a black leather jacket. Anyone can see that Lauren and Zayn are in similar outfits rocking it out in a black ensemble. The people could also have mistaken that they are a couple.
  “If you’re so happy you wouldn’t be pissed about Lauren and...”
 “Believe me when I say I wouldn’t wish you the best for playing games behind my back. Did you even tell him you made out with a brunette girl a couple of times?”
 Louis is about to reply when Lauren covers his lips with her index finger.
 “What the hell are you talking about Zayn? I had never cheated on you with Louis! Not even once in the three years that we’ve been together! Yeah it’s true I was in a relationship with a girl after you but not anymore. I’m a loyal person and you of all people should know that.”
 She sighs before adding, “We were best of friends Zayn, the three of us. The troubled trio as they called it. I would never be unfaithful to you and going off behind your back with our best friend! I thought you would trust me enough, Zayn.”
  Lauren’s voice cracks towards the end. Zayn directs his vision straight ahead, avoiding the crumbling façade he sees in Lauren’s green irises. He blinks and shifts away from her, pocketing his hands before addressing Louis.
 “I just witness the two of you being all lovey-dovey here at a place for engaged couples! All I know is that what happened between us wasn’t my fault. I saw how affectionate you two were. It’s not farfetched knowing you tryna steal my girl.”
 Louis takes a step forward, head to head with the admittedly fetching erstwhile friend. His temper rising at the wild accusations tossed towards the girl who did nothing wrong in their past relationship.
 “How many fucking time must she convinced you that she is telling the truth. Don’t blame her! Put your anger on me instead! Pick someone your own size Zayn! She has done nothing wrong but to love you recklessly and maybe that is the flaw! I won’t stand quiet when you’re talking trash about my girl!”
 “If I ever see your mom, I’ll tell her you’re to blame, Louis,” Zayn states firmly, meaning to sound cold. “She’ll be so disappointed in you.”
  As the Bradford bad boy makes way to his car, Louis hangs his head low and clenches his fists. Any mentioning of his mom always strikes a chord in his heart. It’s a touchy subject that he tries to avoid at all cost. Memories becoming more painful seeing how he would love to have many more years with her.
 Lauren faces a stiffened Louis. Her hand finds his, her fingers gently forcing his fist open, intertwining their fingers together. She squeezes his hands to reassure him that things will get better. Through stinging tears, she tries her hardest to focus on him and offers kind words.
 “I’m here Louis. Just hold on.”
 Their car ride home is filled with silence. The only interaction between them is their joining hands. Lauren doesn’t question why Louis pulls over at the grocery store and makes her wait in the car. True to his words that he won’t take too long, she spots him emerging with two bags. Seat belt tucked safely, all he says is that he needs to get fucking wasted.
 Louis sighs before turning his head towards the passenger seat. Lauren is focusing on twiddling her thumbs with a sombre expression. He set aside his sorrow and decides to cheer her up. Smirking, struck by a brilliant idea, he starts the engine towards the intended location.
 She follows him absentmindedly not bothering to question him as they are queuing up. Minutes later, when they are seated in the cinema, she looks at him before raising her left brow. He grins, knowing what the gesture translates to.
 As the movie starts playing, his smile broadens upon seeing her beaming. Even though it’s the fourth time this time, she is still laughing hysterically watching The Boss Baby.
  Mentally patting himself on the back for a great job, he drives to her favourite sushi place for dinner. Her spirits lift up visibly as the night lights up the sky with brilliant stars shimmering brightly.
 So here they are, hours later waiting for midnight. On the black couch in the apartment, drunk as planned. Their giggles fill the surrounding with hands barely caressing each other’s clothed bodies. He suddenly lifts her bridal style and making their way towards the bedroom.
  “If you’re a cake and I’m a cake, do you know what that means Lolo?”
 “Double twin cake that’s what we are.”
 Chortling, Louis comments, “No, no I meant if we’re like together, together kind of cake.”
 Lauren has the widest grin with her lids shut in bliss. “I don’t know Lou, I’m supposed to rest my mind today. Tell me, Lou.”
 “You’re a cake, I’m a cake and when we get together we’re a wedding cake!”
  Lauren burst out laughing at his ridiculousness. Her laughter is so contagious even Louis is unsuccessful in holding back. He joins laughing with her for quite some time.
 “Laugh all you want Lolo you know it’s true. You can’t get rid of me and you don’t want to!”
 Tugging him further into her, she scoffs before answering with pride. “Say whatever you want Louis for at the end of the day you always,” her lip inching closer to his, breathing heavily, “always come back to me.”
  * End of Louren One-Shot*
 Heyya lovelies! This is our first fanfic written together! We are so excited to share it with all of you. It is Louren centric but with Larry and Camren. Hope you enjoy this as much as we spent writing this piece. Thank you so much for giving our fanfiction a chance! Happy Days!
 Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/107562475
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10755168/chapters/23848398
#Lauren #Louis #Camarry #Camila #Harry #Zauren #Zouren #Zayn #4H #Ally #Dinah #Normani #AU #Alren #Laurmani #Laurinah
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