#and I started today badly and just wanted 2 cry and im falling back into old thoughts again and i dont know why
theood · 2 years
I gotta fill my queue back up. So much in my head
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Spitfire | vi
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Rumours spread around the internet, causing turmoil like never before. In a desperate attempt to forget,y/n takes solace in the bar, making it a mission to forget him completely. Jake is left wondering if he’ll ever get a chance to explain himself. When her roommates try to do damage control, they’re left wondering if the Twitter feed and speculation is really the biggest issue, or her way of covering up her crippling fear of falling in love.
Read part five here
Read part seven here
Pairing: jake kiszka x f!reader
Word count: 7.5k
Warnings: cheating/cheating rumours, Twitter, binge drinking, unhealthy coping mechanisms, lots of angst, crying, like a 2 second mention of throwing up (very short because i hate throwing up with a violent passion), basically this whole chapter is an angsty shitshow because I live for drama, sorry if I missed any!
so obvi i had to throw in some heartbreak to offset all the fluffy happiness, cause that’s just who i am. lots of projection in this one (hey, at least I’m owning up to my flaws) but this is just an angsty mess before we get to a happy ending cause I wanted to showcase how detrimental the internet/social media can be and how bad ldr sucks 😁 as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes 🫶🏻 (also thank you all so much for the love on this series. im having a lot of fun writing it and it overjoys me to see that other people like it, too)
Your feet carried you to the living room, speed faster than you’d ever ran before. When you turned the corner of the hallway, your footing slipped and you had to brace yourself on the wall. Eve was sprawled on the couch. She looked to you, eyes wide with panic, scared that something bad happened. “What has got you all riled up?” She threw her phone beside her, sitting upright.
“I-I, uh, I just…” you were breathless, heart pounding in your chest as you tried to formulate your words. “The… t-the-“
“Just fucking spit it out!” She laughed, clearly understanding that your rapid approach was due to good news rather than bad.
“Okay, sorry.” You ran your hand through your hair, pushing it away from your face. “I think I’m gonna throw up.” You laughed, fanning your face with your hands. Tears were threatening to spill over, and your skin was prickling with excitement. “So I started my internship on Monday, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She said, waiting for an explanation.
“And I met everyone in the ‘office’.” You air-quoted office, knowing you’d only interact with them over zoom meetings for the four month duration. “But I met the head of the department today, the big boss.” She gave an eager nod. “He told me that he read over my research report. He said it was one of the best he’s ever read.”
“No way!” Eve was standing now, bouncing with just as much enthusiasm.
“Yeah, but that’s not it.” You stopped her. “I mean yeah, that’s fantastic, but it’s way better than that.” You felt the tears begin to roll down your cheeks, too caught up in the situation to care. “He wants to continue on with it. He told me he thinks the idea is fantastic and worth the money. I’m not going to be working on, or following up somebody else’s research this summer. They want to work on mine.” Her eyes were wide, her previous demeanour completely frozen. After a few seconds, she exploded into a scream and engulfed you into a hug. You held on to her, wanting to yell just as badly. “Can you punch me? Just to make sure I’m not dreaming?”
She pulled back, shaking her head and wiping your tears away. “Not a dream.” She laughed, pulling you in for another embrace. “Y/n, they picked your topic from an undergraduate, not even a masters or a PhD. Do you know how huge that is?”
“I know! He told me he’s been waiting to work with me since the end of my first year. Apparently I’m the at the top of the program.” You were almost lightheaded, not being able to process what was happening.
“I’m so proud of you.” She said, taking your hands into hers. She gave them a squeeze, bringing you back to reality. “Did you tell anyone else?” You shook your head.
“No, I was going to text the sibling group chat and get it all over at once. I want to call Jake, but I’m just not sure if he’s busy or not.” You explained.
“Call him! If he’s busy, he won’t answer. I think this is way too important to wait to tell him.” She encouraged you.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m gonna… I’ll go call him.” You breathed.
“Okay, but I’m taking you to dinner tonight to celebrate. We’ll go to The Garden, maybe get some drinks afterwards. It is Friday, after all.”
“Yeah, that sounds amazing. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You assured her.
“Good, now go call your loverboy.” She shooed you away. You jogged back to your room, letting the door fall shut behind you.
It had been almost two weeks since Jake left, meaning that your trip to Atlanta was right around the corner. Your brothers left the week prior, leaving your home quieter than you liked it. It was amazing having everyone there, but it was terrible when they all had to leave. You were adjusting, though, and knowing you were going to see Jake in a few days was really helping.
You slipped on the hoodie he’d so graciously left for you, and found the bottle of cologne, giving the front a small spritz. The smell immediately swarmed your senses, making you close your eyes in bliss. When your end of day meetings came to a close, you practically lived in his sweater. Him being gone this time was a little easier now that you had small reminders of him. You pulled your phone out, dialling his number off by heart. Your hands were vibrating as you clicked the speakerphone button. The dial tone rang a few times, but you couldn’t help but hope he’d pick up. You tapped your fingers on the wood of your desk, trying to remember if he told you he had a show or an interview that day.
“Hey, it’s Jake. Leave a message.” Your stomach sank with disappointment, but you didn’t let it last too long.
“Hey, rockstar. Big news, call me as soon as you can. Love you.” You didn’t let the voicemail linger, ending the call as soon as you finished speaking. As you stared at the screen of your phone, you realized you hadn’t heard from Jake since the night before. It was very strange of him not to send a good morning text, but you were so busy with work meetings all day you hadn’t picked up your phone at all.
You debated calling again, but decided against it. Instead, you went to your contact list and clicked on Josh’s name. You were expecting the same empty tone, but you were surprised when he answered after the first ring. “Hey, mama.” His usually happy tone was so comfortably familiar.
“Hey, Josh.” You couldn’t help but smile. Josh had rapidly become another brother to you, just the same as Sam and Danny.
“What could I have possibly done to deserve a call from such an angel?” You rolled your eyes, a laugh making its way out. Josh was a very verbal person, and extremely friendly, too. At first, you were a bit thrown off by his strong compliments, but you’d gotten over it quite quickly once you realized Jake never batted an eye about it. Clearly there was a lot of mutual trust between the two.
“Just missed your sweet voice, is all.” You joked. He let out a small chuckle.
“You’re too kind,” he said “but really, what’s up? Usually I’m the one calling you.”
“Don’t say it like that, that makes me sound like an asshole.” You replied.
“You know what I mean.” You could practically hear his eye roll through the phone.
“I know,” you assured him. “I was just calling to see if you knew where Jake was. I haven’t heard from him all day and I got some pretty big news. I called to tell him and he didn’t answer. I thought maybe you were all doing rockstar stuff, but it seems like you were waiting around for someone to call you.” You teased.
“Maybe I just drop everything to talk to you. Have you thought about that?”
“Whatever you say, Joshua.”
“To answer your question, I have no idea where he is. Today is kind of a day off, I guess. We’ve got a meeting tonight, but that’s more of us just hanging out with the managers.”
“Oh, that’s weird, then.” You said, uneasiness sprouting in your stomach.
“He could be asleep, or in music writing mode. I’ll get to the bottom of it for you.” He promised.
“Thanks, super-sleuth.” You laughed.
“What’s your big news?” Josh asked, changing the subject. You didn’t think the topic change was suspicious, more or less just Josh being nosy.
“I don’t know if Jake would forgive me if I told you first.” You were being honest. Jake wanted to be your biggest supporter, and you didn’t know if you telling Josh first would cause any issues. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt him.
“Ah, come on, mama. He didn’t answer, so it’s his loss. Besides, we’re practically the same person. Same DNA and all, you know?”
“I don’t think that makes you the same person, honey.” You giggled. “I think you just want to know.”
“Duh,” he scoffed “I won’t tell him, I promise. I’m really good with secrets.” Somehow, you weren’t sure if you believed him. But you were so excited about your accomplishment that you were itching to tell anyone who was willing to listen.
“Fine, okay, but promise you won’t say anything.”
“I won’t, I swear!” You could hear the giddiness in his voice.
“Okay, I’ll hold you to it, then.” You told him. “Basically, I started my summer internship with the biotechnology society this week. Today I met the head of the department and he told me he’s been wanting to work with me for a long time. He read my report about non-invasive blood-glucose tests and he wants to take it a step further. He thinks it’s worth the time and money.” You rushed out, feeling the excitement take over again.
“Y/n, that is fantastic!” He said. You could feel his smile in his words. One thing you adored about the four boys is that they all seemed incredibly genuine.
“Thank you, Josh. It’s super cool. Usually they only study graduate topics, but I guess he thinks I have what it takes.” You breathed, barely believing your own words.
“You absolutely have what it takes, mama, and Jake is going to be over the moon when you tell him.” You felt a smile break out on your lips.
“Thank you.” You really meant it. Jake and his brothers were always seemed so proud of you, and it made you feel so important. “I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend.”
“We’re really looking forward to it, too. Jake’s been so uptight when we practice because he wants to impress you at the show. It’s starting to get unbearable.” You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head in disbelief as if he could see you.
“I’m going to be the biggest fan there, even if he forgets how to play every song.”
“I know that, y/n. He just wants to show off for you. I, on the other hand, don’t have to practice. I already know I’ll win you over.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come on, what’s the matter with a little brotherly competition?” He joked.
“It seems more like a pissing contest.” You said. “Well, as nice as it’s been talking to you, I must go call my own brothers and tell them the news. They’ll be really upset if they find out I told you, first.”
“Like I said, my lips are sealed.” He promised. “I’m really happy for you, y/n.” His earlier tone of humour was gone, replaced with sincerity.
“Thank you, and thanks for picking up.” You said.
“As if I’d ignore you. I’ll find out what’s up with Jake and let you know. Talk soon?”
“Of course. Talk to you later, Josh.” You bid your goodbye. He hung up first, leaving you staring at the blank screen. Worry started to consume you, unsure of what Jake could be up to. The radio silence was extremely strange.
Before calling your own siblings, you decided to jump in the shower. You connected to your Bluetooth speaker, playing music softly in the background as you undressed and turned the faucet on. You climbed in, humming softly to the first song that came up on shuffle. You washed your hair and worked at getting all of the knots out. You took your time washing your body, letting the hot water sooth your stiffness from sitting in an office chair all day. You even took the time to exfoliate and shave. When you stepped out, you felt like a new person. You dried off, wrapping your hair in a towel, and throwing on an oversized t-shit and some sweatpants.
You went back to your room and threw your old clothes in your laundry basket. As you sat on the edge of your bed, your phone chimed from beside you. Your eyes fell on the screen, trying to make out who the message was from. Josh’s name was showing in the notification bar, so you picked it up to read what he said.
Twin Rockstar
Hey, checked on Jake. Don’t think he’s in his room. Will let you know when I find him :)
You typed a quick reply before clicking on your brothers contact. You figured you shouldn’t put off telling them the news any longer, and Sam would be the most likely to answer. You told him you needed him to call you ASAP, throwing your phone back on the mattress. You got up, moving to the closet and scouring through your heaps of clothes. Your hands settled on a simple red dress. Enough to look classy, but not enough to catch too much attention. You threw it on, spritzing some perfume and throwing on some deodorant. As you took your hair down to dry, you started on your makeup. You didn’t put on too much, just enough to accentuate your features.
You finished with swiping on the same lipstick you’d worn the night you met Jake. It was your favourite one before that night, but ever since it had caught his attention, it was the only one you liked to wear. Just as you were finishing up, your phone began to ring. You shuffled over, grabbing it off the mattress and accepting the video call. “Hello, Samuel.” You said, looking over his face.
“So you saw it, too?” He asked, forgoing any type of greeting. You raised an eyebrow, confused at what he could be talking about. He watched you carefully, quickly realizing that you did not want to call him for the same reason. “Oh, nothing.” He said, sheepishly. Your eyes hardened, not willing to play the game with him. He’d always done that; start a sentence or a story and try to change topics. Usually it was only when something bad happened. He hated giving bad news.
“What, Sam?” You pried, waiting for him to give in.
“Nothing, y/n. It was probably just a rumour anyway.”
“Just tell me, please.” You sighed. He shifted uncomfortably under your stare, but eventually conceded.
“I saw something. It’s probably nothing, I just thought you saw it, too, and that’s why you wanted me to call. You never send an urgent message.”
“What did you see, Sam?” Your stomach was twisting with anxiety the more the conversation went on. He let out a jumble of words that you had a hard time understanding. When you gave him a look of confusion, he rolled his eyes.
“I was doing my daily routine of stalking everyone on the internet.” He said, seeming to have trouble with how he was going to word his sentences. Leave it to Sam to spend an hour a day to catch up on everyone else’s drama. “And I saw a couple posts, a-and I think it’s just speculation and rumours,” he led into the topic as easy as he could. “But there’s a couple pictures of Jake going around. With another girl. And everybody thinks it’s a possible girlfriend.” He breathed. Your stomach dropped, but you held your expression firm, not letting a hint of emotion through.
“Oh, okay.” Was all you said. You tried to reason with yourself, wanting to believe that it was just a misunderstanding. Then, your brain immediately focused on the fact that you hadn’t heard from him all day, which was extremely unusual. That, and he hadn’t even told his brothers where he was. You were certain if Josh was lying to you, you’d be able to tell. He wasn’t very good at it. “Can you send me them?” You asked, clearing your throat to get rid of the lump that was forming.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, squirt. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” His attempt at deflecting the impact was failing miserably.
“Just send them to me, Sam.” Your tone was becoming more angry by the second. He let out a long sigh, but did so without another word. The incoming message popped up on the top of your phone, immediately drawing your attention. You clicked on it, the aforementioned pictures unpleasantly gracing your screen. You tapped on the screenshot, zooming in a little bit to get a closer look.
There he was, unmistakably Jake, sitting at a restaurant table across from an unknown girl. There was a familiar smile on his face, one that made you sick when you thought about him giving it to another girl. You swiped through the photos, quickly finding that it was a whole Twitter chain. ‘Damn, his fans are always on top of the game’ you thought to yourself. There was pictures of them eating together, one with his hand resting on her arm, one of them walking down the street a little too close for comfort, and the last one of her wearing his jacket. You felt an indescribable feeling wash over you.
You read through the comments of fans talking about seeing it, how pretty she was, how happy he looked, and some not so nice tweets. You couldn’t help but feel a small comfort at the unsupportive statements. Your rationale was completely gone now, filled with anger at the sight. More than anything, you felt like an idiot. You fell for him so hard, but he was a boy, and a rockstar, at that. You had no idea why you believed a insignificant girl in Baltimore could tie him down. He probably had a new girl falling for him in every city he visited. Panic started to seep in, realizing that everything you were afraid seemed to be coming true. The look in his eye when he was smiling at her sent a shiver down your spine. It was so similar to how he looked at you.
There was a small part of you insisting there must be more to the story. A bigger, louder part of you didn’t care. Your trust for men and significant others was already extremely low before you met him. You’d spent a lifetime getting treated like garbage and cheated on, and even if this wasn’t the case, you weren’t sure if you even wanted to know. It was easier for you to shut down, to draw the conclusion that boys would always be boys. Although the photos weren’t a tell-all, they certainly didn’t make you feel good when you looked at them. A tiny voice in your brain was telling you that you were being irrational, and that you were doing what you always did; you were using this as a scapegoat to jump ship before you got seriously hurt. Self-destruction was a very well acquainted friend of yours, but you thought you’d left it behind a long time ago.
You took a long, shaky breath before speaking again. “I gotta go.” You mumbled, not giving Sam any time to answer. You hung up, completely forgetting about the real reason you wanted him to call you. You turned your phone on silent, throwing on an old jean jacket. You slung your purse over your shoulder, making sure you had everything you needed before you walked out of your bedroom.
The door slammed behind you with enough force to rattle the wall beside it.
As you made your way down the hallway, your jaw was clenched hard enough to made your head ache. Another classic move of yours; burying the sadness in anger. You tried to break out of it your whole life, but having four hotheaded brothers that loved to pick on you made the emotion permanent. Eve peeked her head around the corner to see what created the loud noise, but recoiled at the look on your face. You walked past her, not able to even give a glance in her direction, scared if you did you would break down. You were sure Sam would tell her, anyway. You threw a pair of shoes on and disappeared through the front door as fast as you could. You knew where you were going, and nobody was going to stop you.
You made your way down the street, eyes set forward and unwavering. The tunnel vision made it easy to ignore all of the passerby’s. By the time you made it to the front door of your favourite bar, you were positively sick with despair. Your stomach was churning and your chest was aching. You wanted nothing more than to go home and cover yourself in blankets and sleep the pain away, but you were never so willing to let a boy ruin you. You pushed through the front door with such a force that everyone’s head turned to look at you once you stepped inside. You went straight to the bar, too determined to drink to pay any mind to them. You stopped once you got in front of the bar, pulling your card out. Mike approached you, giving you a look of curiosity.
“Awful early for you to be here. Usually you only drink before 8 if something serious happened.”
“Triple whiskey sour.” You muttered, in no mood to make conversation. “And two shots of fireball.” He eyed you with concern, but pulled the bottles out, anyway. He wasn’t worried that you couldn’t handle your liquor; he was worried about why you were itching to drink so badly.
“You okay?” He asked as he slid the shot glasses towards you. You took both back to back, ignoring the burning in your chest. It was nothing compared to the ache in your heart.
“Perfectly okay, Mike.” You promised. “Never been better, actually.” He handed you the solo cup, eyes never leaving your face.
“For some reason, I don’t know if I believe you.” He said, watching you take two long drinks out of the glass.
“Quit it with the concerned act. Business is business.” You scolded, mustering a small smile to lessen the blow of the harsh words. You tapped your debit card against the machine once he pushed it towards you, taking a seat in one of the chairs. Tonight was not a dancing night, you decided. You felt your phone vibrating in your purse. It hadn’t stopped since you left the house. You were sure it was Sam, and you cared so little that you didn’t even bother taking it out to check it.
Your first drink came to an end pretty fast, and Mike, knowing you well enough, kept a steady stream of refills in front of you. By the time 9 o’clock rolled around and the bar began to get busy, you were already hammered. The anger in your body was still raging, but you were drunk enough to bury it deep under the surface. Mike had got a bit more talking out of you as the time passed, only making his concern grow more. You were very elusive as to why you were so desperate to be intoxicated, making him believe that whatever the reason was, was really bad. He’d only seen you drink like that on a few occasions, and rarely ever did you go to the bar alone.
“I think you should answer your phone, darlin’.” Mike said, eyeing your purse on the counter as your phone vibrated. As he sat with you, he took note of all the calls you were ignoring.
“You can.” You giggled, nudging the bag towards him. He sighed, reminding you of your dad when he got upset. “I’m not worried about it.” He reluctantly opened your purse and took your phone out, figuring it was better to let your friends know you were alive. You were good enough friends with Mike for him to feel comfortable enough to answer your phone for you. It definitely wouldn’t have been the first time. He tapped the screen, lighting it up to reveal the extensive list of missed calls and texts.
“Eve sent you a bunch of question marks then asked where you went. She’s called you probably a million times. Sam is very worried about you and says he’s going to fly back here if you don’t answer him. Uh, whoever ‘twin rockstar’ is called and texted a few times. Ally called. And ‘Rockstar’ called you about… fifty times.” He listed off. All you could do was laugh. ‘Fuck Jake’, you thought to yourself.
“That’s nice. Can I get another shot with my next drink?” You asked.
“Y/n, you should at least tell Eve where you are.” You played with the straw in your cup, pretending not to hear him. He gave up, sliding your phone back to where it was before. After a moment, he obliged to your request, placing both drinks in front of you. You threw the shot back, feeling someone slide into the chair next to you as you placed the glass back down. You looked over, not recognizing the boy now in your company. You weren’t sure if you were too drunk to place the face, or if you’d never met him before.
“Hey,” he smiled at you. ‘Pretty smile’ you noted.
“Hi.” You replied, not really feeling up to making conversation. You kept your eyes on your drink, not willing to look up at him again.
“What are you drinking? I’ll buy you one.” You almost laughed out loud.
“No, thanks. I’m okay.” You told him, taking a long sip from your straw to avoid any further trouble.
“Why, you have a boyfriend?” He asked. It wasn’t harsh, more of a genuine inquiry. “He must be a lucky guy.” He spoke again before you could answer. You looked over to him, an unfamiliar feeling settling under your skin. You opened your mouth to respond, but you weren’t sure what to say.
“Uh, no, I don’t.” You decided in a split second. As the words came out of your mouth, it felt like someone had punched you in the stomach. “Not anymore, so I’m just not looking for anything.” You explained, gloom casting over you again.
“Sorry to hear that. He must be real stupid to let someone as pretty as you get away.” All you could do was chuckle at his statement. When silence ensued again, he took it upon himself to fill it. “If you change your mind, come and find me.” He quickly scribbled his number down on a bar napkin and slid it your way. Your eyes fell over it, almost finding it humorous. Once he got up and walked away, you handed it to Mike after ripping it in half.
“So dark and broody broke your heart?” Mike asked, tossing the paper in the garbage.
“Don’t say it like that. Makes him sound more important than he is. You have to love someone for them to break your heart.” You explained. Mike eyed you, a knowing look on his features.
“I think you’re lying to yourself, honey.” He said, handing you another shot. He was hyper-aware of your state, wanting to recognize when he needed to cut you off. “It’s okay to get hurt. Makes us human.”
“No lies and not human.” You told him, a sweet smile on your lips.
“Whatever you say.” He shook his head, moving on to serve the next customer. You lost yourself in the music playing over the speakers, finally seeming to rid yourself of the overwhelming emotions. Your face was hot and your body felt light. Your head was swimming with words, but none of them came together to make a worthwhile statement. The intoxication had reached a point where all of your inhibitions were gone; it was a dangerous situation for someone hurting so badly. Just because you weren’t currently immersed in the hurt, didn’t mean you weren’t trying to suffocate it for good.
You walked over to the pool tables, grabbing a cue and racking the balls. You sipped at your drink, shooting aimlessly and sinking shots intermittently. After a while, a group of people joined you at your table. You had no idea who they were, or what their names were. You were sure they told you, but you were in no state to remember them. There were a few girls and two guys, and they all seemed super friendly. They were a good tool to pass the time with, or perhaps more of a distraction than anything. Either way, they were buying pitchers of drinks and sharing, and they were quite funny.
As the hour neared midnight, Mike had turned the sound system up as he usually did. You retracted your much earlier thought, realizing that dancing was the best sounding activity at the moment. One of the boys from the group took his chance, moving closer to you and dancing alongside you. Instead of recoiling, you allowed it, ready to reap the consequences later. He twirled you around, pulling you closer to him so your chest was pressed to his. You both sang the song to each other, faces dangerously close. His hand was on your hip, eyes never leaving you. You were having a good time, but couldn’t shake how wrong it felt. Sure, it was fun, but it was absolutely meaningless. You never wanted to feel something meaningless again after feeling what you had with Jake. He leaned in, attempting to catch you in a kiss, but you withdrew, suddenly feeling dirty for even letting another guy get that close to you. You were lost in thought, almost furious again knowing that Jake still had your entire heart. As bad as you wanted to rid yourself of him, you were more terrified of feeling like you weren’t his anymore, or him yours. The thought didn’t last long, because someone grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the group.
You looked to the source of the disturbance, only to be met with the fuming faces of your roommates. You took a moment to process it, blinking hard to rid yourself of the double vision. “We’ve been calling you all night.” Eve said, dangerously calm. “We didn’t know if you were dead, or if you got kidnapped, or what, until Mike called us and told us you were here.”
“Why would he-“
“Do not get mad at him for looking out for you.” She snapped. You felt a wave of nausea run through you as your face burned with heat. “I’m taking you home before you do something you’ll regret.” She pulled you towards the door, not willing to listen to any sort of explanation. When you got outside, the cool night air hit you like a million knives on your skin.
“Eve,” you mumbled. She continued walking, not listening to your warning. “M’gonna be sick.” You told her. She stopped, looking back at you. Her tough exterior faltered, now really seeing the state you were in. She pulled you back in an alleyway, gathering your hair in her hands. You braced yourself with your hand on the brick of the building, heaving until there was nothing left in your stomach. When you straightened up, there were tears in your eyes. Some from throwing up, but more from crying.
You took a step back, leaning your whole body against the wall and letting out the sob you’d been holding back all night. Ally was standing guard at the end of the side-street, making sure nobody could witness your crisis. You were consumed with the memories of the pictures you saw earlier that night, feeling a non-alcohol related sickness in your stomach. Eve dug in your purse, finding a small pack of tissues. She pulled one out and cleaned off your face as best she could before discarding it on the ground. Normally, she’d be appalled at the thought of throwing garbage on the ground. At the moment, she was willing to sacrifice her morals rather than hold on to the repulsive piece of paper.
She brushed the hair from your face, for once being completely unsure of how to help you. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d seen you so upset. “Let’s get you home, okay?” She whispered. You managed a nod through your inconsolable state. She led you back to the main road after helping you take your heels off. She kept a supportive hold around your back, making sure you didn’t stumble and fall. Ally took to the other side of you, also offering her support.
The walk was treacherous and much longer than it should have been. By the time the two girls got you through the door, you were nothing short of a mess. Eve whispered something to Ally that you didn’t quite catch. Then, Eve helped you to the couch and Ally disappeared from sight. Eve took a seat next to you, gently wiping away the tears staining your cheeks. You tried to catch your breath, feeling completely out of control. Within a few minutes, Ally had rejoined the group holding a plethora of items in her arms. She put them down on the couch, making fast work at her mission.
First she pulled out a few makeup wipes, handing them to Eve so she could rid you of the mascara running down your face. When she was done, she placed the wipes on the coffee table. Ally handed her a hair tie next. Eve turned you slightly, combing her hands through your hair and quickly braiding it. “Next parts gonna be a bit harder.” She mumbled. “Gotta stand for me, okay?” You gave a nod. She helped you to your feet, steadying you before unzipping the back of your dress and slipping the sleeves off. When it fell to your ankles, she pulled a large t-shirt over your head. “There.” She sighed. You slowly sat back down on the sofa, feeling the world spinning around you.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, squeezing your eyelids shut. Tears were still making their way out with no sign of stopping.
“I know.” She said, thumb brushing them away as fast as they were falling. “I know you’re hurting. We all do stupid stuff when we’re hurting.”
“I told him I loved him. He said he loved me, too.” You cried, feeling the ache settle in your bones again. “He promised.” You blubbered.
“I know, honey. We’re gonna get some sleep and sober you up a bit, and we’ll fix this in the morning, okay?”
“I’m supposed to go to Atlanta next weekend.” In your drunken state, you unintentionally disregarded everything she was saying. “He said he was gonna take me around the world with him. I knew this was going to happen. I never should have opened up. I never should have let this happen.” You let out a shaky breath. “I don’t even know if he did it, or not. All I know is that it hurts. ‘nd m’so scared because I hate when people have this much power over me.” She knew you were really fucked up over this, because it was nothing like you to come out with all of your feelings so willingly. “I love him. I really love him. I’ve never felt like this before, and it just made me realize that he makes me so happy, but he has the power to take it away whenever he wants. And he’s this big rockstar who can have anybody he wants. All he has to do is say the word. He can have girls who looks like that. Why would he settle for me?”
“Hey, that is not true. Anyone who ends up with you will be the luckiest person in the world.” She scolded, not willing to accept that.
“He’s just… he’s Jake. And he’s perfect. And I adore him. A-and I’m so scared of losing him that… that I feel like I have to leave first, to spare myself from the worse hurt, later, you know?” You hiccuped. “I always do this. M’gonna ruin it for myself because m’always so fucking scared! I tried to get rid of the feeling, to get rid of him, but all of the stuff that usually works just made me think about him even more. I don’t want him to have that power over me, don’t want him to be able to flip my world upside down whenever he wants, but it just felt so good being loved by him and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forget it.” You let your head fall back into the cushion of the couch, completely defeated by how you were feeling. She quickly caught on to the fact that this whole situation may have had a lot less to do with the pictures from earlier, and much more to do with your fear of being in love.
“I know, baby.” She practically winced. She didn’t know the full story. She only knew what Sam had told her, then Jake’s incoherent babbling on the phone when he called her earlier. He was so out of his mind with worry she was surprised he didn’t jump on a plane and fly back just to make sure you were alive. Then, when she finally calmed him down enough to tell him she would make sure you were okay, Josh called and voiced his worry and defence of his brother. Eve was completely in the loop from all sides of the battle, but she had no idea what was really going on. “Ally is going to get the air mattress and we’ll all stay out here tonight. We’re not gonna leave you.” She pulled you into her, holding you close. Ally disappeared once again, off to gather more necessities. Eve rubbed your back, soothing you as you worked through your emotions. Her main concern was you, and it would always be that. Once you were asleep, she’d worry about everyone else.
The two girls banded together to pump up the large air mattress, having to take turns every now and again. Eventually, they had it set up and decorated the top with comforters and pillows. They prompted you to get in, wanting to get you to sleep as fast as possible, hoping if you got enough rest you’d feel better in the morning. They turned on a speaker, playing gentle music in the background so you could focus on something other than your hurt. It didn’t take long for the alcohol in your system to lull you to sleep, soft snores falling from your mouth.
“What the fuck happened?” Ally asked, finally winding down from the eventful night.
“I… couldn’t tell you, really. Sam sent me some suspicious pictures of Jake and another girl. Apparently Twitter thinks they’re together. And you know her, she doesn’t really believe in explanations or second chances. I guess it probably reminded her of last time. And I think she may be using it as a cop out because she’s really in love with him, and that terrifies her.”
“Do you think Jake would do that to her?” Ally asked, genuinely curious.
“He seems to be head over heels for her, but the pictures did seem kind of incriminating. He wasn’t kissing her or anything like that, but he was pretty close with her and she was wearing his jacket. Whoever she was, he looked quite enthralled in her. If i were her, I’d probably be pretty hurt, too. I don’t think she’s wrong to feel upset, especially if she didn’t know about it or who she was before she saw the pictures. I do think she should talk to him about it before running away.” Eve explained. Ally gave a nod. “Jake called me and he was super upset. Could barely understand what he was saying. He was just all over the place. Told him I’d make sure she was okay, but I didn’t ask him about it. I’m on team y/n, always. I’m not going to vouch for him, cause that will only make her mad at me.” She shrugged. “Even if he didn’t cheat on her, she’s still hurting. Maybe a bit more from her internal battles, but she’s still hurting.”
“I get that.”
“Josh called, too, trying to explain on behalf of his brother. It’s just a mess. I hope that Jake does have a good explanation, because I really like them together. But I’m not sure if she’ll listen to him, even if he does. She doesn’t listen to anyone but herself.” Eve chuckled. Ally nodded, knowing that all too well. “She already has the idea in her head, and every one of those feelings are multiplied by a thousand because she’s in love. Like, really in love. I don’t think she’s been this crazy for anyone, ever.” Just as she finished speaking, your phone began to ring in your purse again. Eve pulled it out, inspecting the screen. She sighed, rejecting the call and picking up her own phone. She dialled back the number that called you and waited for him to answer. She didn’t feel the need to completely block Jake out, but she’d be damned if she was going to let you know she was talking to him.
“Hey,” a raspy voice said from the other side of the phone.
“Hello, Jacob.” Eve said.
“Is she okay?” Her eyes looked towards you sleeping soundly on the air mattress.
“That’s a relative term, I think.” She grimaced slightly, recalling the state you had been in. “Alive, yeah, but she’s really fucked up.”
“Okay.” Jake said, clearing his throat a little bit. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“That’s also quite relative. I’d like to say I know, but I can’t.”
“I didn’t cheat on her.” He said firmly. “I’m not cheating on her. I would never do that.”
“Okay.” She replied, mimicking his earlier statement.
“I absolutely know why she’s mad at me. If it was the other way around and I saw those pictures, I’d… yeah.” He trailed off.
“I can’t defend you to her, Jake. She’s been my best friend for years. I barely know you. Even if she’s overreacting, which I am absolutely not saying she is, I’m on her side.” Eve explained. “Unless she did something really fucked up, which she didn’t, and she won’t.” She added quickly, wanting to clarify that she wouldn’t blindly stand up for you in every context. “She’s a spitfire. She goes from 1 to 100 faster than anyone I’ve ever met. Yeah, she’s upset about what happened today, but I think she’s also having a hard time with being in love. She’s scared of it. Always has been. She’s so independent that it’s actually infuriating, and I believe she may be struggling with depending on someone for once. This whole thing might have been the excuse she’s been waiting for, to run away.” Eve explained. “I think maybe if she just saw the pictures, it wouldn’t have been so bad. But all of those Twitter comments were pretty hard to read, and I’m not even dating you.”
“I know. That part of fame sucks. Everyone speculates, and stories spread before we even know that it caught someone’s attention. And I get it. I understand why you and her both feel the way you do. I would feel the same if one of my brothers got hurt.” She did feel quite bad for him. She didn’t think Jake was a bad guy, but perhaps not the best at communication. In this instance, at least. “Can you at least try to get her to come to Atlanta? Just so I can talk to her. I’ll fly her back as soon as I do, if that’s what she wants. I just can’t leave things like this, and I know she’ll never answer my calls.” His words were met with a staggering silence. After a while, Eve spoke again.
“Do you swear on your life you didn’t cheat on her?” She asked, picking at a string that had frayed from the hem of her sweater.
“I promise.” He said, quite firmly.
“Cause if I get her to go Atlanta and I find out you really did fuck her over, I’ll kill you.” She replied as a matter-of-fact.
“I would never do that to her, Eve.” She believed him, for the most part. If he was lying, he was really good at it. “I love her.” He finally admitted. The sincerity in his words took her off guard.
“I’ll try, rockstar. It may not work, and I’m not going to force her, but I’ll try to get her on that plane. Only because I think you guys are cute together, and you made her so happy. She’s never had that before. It took a lot for her to give you a chance, especially after the last guy. If this ends like this, I don’t think she’ll ever recover.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t. And also, this conversation never happened. I’m not defending you, I’m not going behind her back, nothing like that. The only reason I’m doing this is because I think it’s in her best interest. Even if it’s just closure, that’s fine by me.” She warned. “Now think up a real good apology, rockstar.”
“Will do.” He said. There was no room for any more words, because she’d already hung up. Ally gave Eve a look of caution, worried that Eve was going to rock the boat even further. Eve brushed it off, standing and flicking the lights off in the living room. She climbed on the air mattress and wrapped herself up in a blanket. Ally followed suit, both of them falling asleep not long after with the hope that the morning would bring some form of clarity.
TAGLIST: @gvfpal @jakesgrapejuice @hellowgoodbye
127 notes · View notes
2centsofsilver · 4 months
Elmo Session 2/6/24 Tues
Here are some notes for today’s session which I scribbled out last night in journal entry form to myself. I figured you could read them during or follow along as I go through them. 
•Made significant headway with insurance call re surgery
•Ordered and read chapter 1 of Emotionally Immature Parents book; highlighted many points and journaled corresponding bullets. Should I send them to you? Do we have time in sessions to discuss amidst everything else?
•Didn’t finish CV but researched jobs extensively and made spreadsheet to help narrow down where to apply
Somatic Feelings I Can Identify re: PDX & Fear:
•Bad feelings in my stomach like something I’m not supposed to do 
• Feeling of falling & isolation; lone; incapability like need to hold on; fear dissociating while driving bc leaving core/root behind 
• Feelings of being punished for doing something really bad: bad doom; feeling in trouble, or like about to get in trouble 
• Closer I go, the more I feel like something in my mouth/throat stopping me. 
• Feeling of is this right decision? Feeling like what if I’m making big crime like mistake 
Other Notes of Reflection, as prompted by new book (but still have other notes more specific to quotes not shared below):
•Raised w/o self sufficiency 
• Understanding fight response; hate it most bc it’s mean to ppl I love. It’s untameable. It doesn’t make sense when it just starts in. Pushing away and confusing sweet ppl. Make myself more and more hated while desperate for connection; feels like I’m burying hole and choking. So embarrassing. Can’t come back from it. 
• Numb barren zero visible action; they see low Ex Fx so someone unable to ‘do anything.’ Sometimes I worry their words are true. And I get so depressed. Feel far away from self. 
• Feel close to self when out listening to music. 
• Feel scared like how am I ever going to get out of this entrapment. 
• Why can’t I find anyone to help me; why can’t I find anyone to help me scaffold this.
• Scared to submit job apps bc then it’s real and I’m trapped/can’t get out. 
• I want someone to just hold me and tell me im worth it. Missing Tiffany. Want Someone to hold me I can snuggle up against. And I can feel complete and capable of this. But I don’t have it so I have to do it with a super fucked up confused and scarce brain. 
• Why won’t my brother see as real person or me moving as a legitimate event to make happen. It’s senile to me. 
Last few days, reflections on our dynamic & events of last few days:
• Parents betrayal: “we won’t help you with Elmo, Amy, or your masters— you have to use Exxon for that” — makes me feel twisted up in throat can’t breathe. Makes me feel twisted like screaming crying curling up and dying bc confused why I’m being punished for that. They said they’d pay for ED treatment and know I’ve been waiting for Amy’s new program to begin early 2024. 
• Dad called my actions “elder abuse” today (action was me texting him at 7:30am and asking if it was AM or PM and that cat is scratching). He always says text him if cat scratching walls and this is well after the time he normally wakes up. But he came stomping into bedroom while I was sleeping and naked and said this is elder abuse that I’d text a “preposterous question” (I sleep texted it) and that it’s elderly abuse to “imply he must go feed my cat” but really I just wondered whether I’d only slept a few hours having gone to bed 4am or whether I’d slept all day and maybe it was 7:30pm not AM, so I could assess whether I was functioning enough to go downstairs and feed cat or if she was even hungry at all. In recent days dad had no problem calling Lilah away from the walls she scratches and letting me get more sleep but he was so enraged and came stomping in and I screamed that I had no clothes on, to please not come in. He yelled at me so badly, I said “this is abuse,” he said “elderly abuse.”
• They were questioning why I didn’t come down and meet their friends who came over on Saturday but I told myself I wanted to honor my boundaries by sleeping all day bc I didn’t want to show my face in front of people my parents have threatened to have talked shit about me to in the past. 
• They also originally told me just Mike my brother was visiting this past weekend, not with Brie so I didn’t prepare for her. Then she came and I was very caught off guard and not in Self at all. I couldn’t access any parts work at all and was just horrific mood, the kind of mood that encourages negative interactions between me and my parents, like egging it on and being immature and ridiculous. I don’t think that’s autism. I think it’s well within my control but then why do I do it. I know it’s not DID but Just seems like entirely separate personality and most times I don’t even know when I’m in it till I open my big fat mouth. 
• I hate when my parents ask me how I’m going to survive in Portland or fill in the blank with whatever is relevant in the moment. Like if I say mom will you grab me a spoon since you’re standing right there, they say, “how will you get your own spoon in Portland?” It’s becoming more and more frequent. I say they are being ableist and discriminatory and they say I don’t know the words that I use, that the word is “enabling” and that they DO enable me by “waiting on me” and that I’m not self sufficient but rather dependable. I say enabling and ableism are two unrelated things but dad says I’m full of shit. I say I will care for myself how I always have and they act like they’re at a loss for any molecule of that being a qualifying answer. 
•They see my executive dysfunction the last 7 months and constantly bully me about it and I say it’s a product of neurodivergence and they say that’s a cop out and excuse. In response I have tried to actually clarify what ND is and my dad says OK OK YEAH WHATEVER KATIE ANOTHER WORD THAT ISNT REAL. And I’ve just never felt more trapped and alone and erased than I do when I’m with them. 
•So it’s very hard to get myself in a state of mind where I can take big exciting risks like moving out or to Portland or anywhere when all they make me do is wanna blend back into the couch I’m slouched into or the walls that I’m a gnat on. I no longer need to educate or convince them to change— I’m shifting beyond that. But in conversation sometimes my responses to their bullying is simply “I’m neurodivergent” not in an effort to get them to understand, but rather an effort to play an active role in the dialogue and stand up for myself (otherwise not responding just leads to worsening conditions such as my dad later commenting that I don’t listen or hear them and am not aware of my surroundings and have no sense despite the fact that inside my head I am a critical thinker and intellectual and creative who is non stop analyzing everything going on and all my plans for the future). 
•So while I no longer am trying to get them to understand where I’m coming from, I do feel I deserve to offer my response to their accusations or shaming methods or attempts to ask me something. When I set clear boundaries tho of not wanting to talk about Portland or timing of moving etc it’s bc planning it makes it feel real and makes me feel scared and uncertain, unable to give them reliable information when I myself am not even sure I can do this. But they say I’m blocking them out and not including them in the planning process bc I’m inconsiderate and selfish.
These were just scribbled out notes I made last night in bed, not well written so I apologize if they were difficult to follow.
0 notes
extravaguk · 3 years
sex education 2.0
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pairing: college!au, jungkook x reader
summary: "Are you calling me boring?" Jungkook gasps dramatically, looking at you dumbfounded and visibly offended. You roll your eyes, taking a napkin and leaning forward to wipe the crumbs of garlic bread on his lips.
"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full, you pig. Second of all," you stop to take a sip of your coke, aware of Jungkook's expectant eyes on you. "A little, yeah." 
wordcount: 9k
genre: smut - angst(? not rlly - fluff, like tons bc im a slut for fluff
rated: m (duh!2.0)
warnings: alcohol and weed consumption, just jk and tae being bros having bro convos, switch!reader, switch!jk, but mostly dom!jk, dirty talk, glimpses of poorly written bdsm, reader being a jealous and ‘insecure little bitch’ (her words, not mine),slapping (dont worry i tried to make it funny), how i met your mother spoilers (sorry im a gemini i spoil shit), spanking, degradation kink, back at it again with the spit kink, slight anal play, beware!of jungkook being a sweetheart, a lil mean at the end but a sweetheart nontheless.
read sex education here!
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Three months of being in an actual commitment with Jeon Jungkook, your brother's partner in crime since the young age of five and, therefore, a common denominator throughout your childhood and teenage years, has proven to you a few things you never knew you would discover about the boy himself: Jeon Jungkook is definitely not what you thought him to be. 
You thought growing up with him would've been enough telltale about everything that made Jungkook be, well, Jungkook. He wasn't as immature as you had believed prior to the beginning of your relationship, he was funnier than you remembered -although maybe you found him funnier now that Taehyung wasn't in the picture to interfere with infantile inside jokes that you never were able to grasp-, and smarter than he had ever let you known before. Although you're sure the main reason his grades had started to improve was solely you and the way you rewarded him by opening your legs everytime he passed an exam. 
But above all, if there was something that had truly surprised you about Jeon Jungkook was the fact that he was truly an absolutely and undeniably softie.  
You loved it. Loved the random scribbled love notes he sometimes left in your backpack before kissing you goodbye to leave for his own class, loved the Spotify playlists he made exclusively just for you -with genres that varied between sappy and romantic and wanting to tear your 'wet ass pussy' in two-, loved the late night texts filled with emojis telling you how much he missed you when both of you were too busy doing assignments and studying to see each other -even if it hadn't even been 48 hours since you last saw each other-. You loved how careful and sweet and thoughtful he was. You really did. 
"Are you calling me boring?" Jungkook gasps dramatically, looking at you dumbfounded and visibly offended. You roll your eyes, taking a napkin and leaning forward to wipe the crumbs of garlic bread on his lips.
"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full, you pig. Second of all," you stop to take a sip of your coke, aware of Jungkook's expectant eyes on you. "A little, yeah." His mouth falls open and you supress a laugh. You really shouldn't be enjoying this so much, but there's something about Jungkook's reaction to his ego being bruised and that terribly adorable pout on his face that just makes your insides tingle with joy. 
"What do you mean? I've had plenty of girls in bed before you, like a whole lot, and none of them have ever called me boring! They loved this adventurous and fun dick, alright? Why do you think-" you raise a brow, scrutinizingly. It still amazes you how with just a simple expression and no words needed, you can make all color from Jungkook's face banish and how quick he is to reach for your hand across his bed. "But I only love youuuu, and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and my dick like, baby, have I mentioned how head over heels I'm for you?"
"Only like five times today." rolling your eyes again, you pull your hand from his to toy with the peperoni piece on your slice of pizza. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, he was starting to get truly concerned now. You couldn't possibly...?
"Are you not satisfied? I mean, do I not make you feel good or...?" there's clear worry in his voice and that makes you meet his eyes, shaking your head hurriedly. Now it's you who take his hand in yours.  
"No! No, babe. I love sex with you! I love everything you do to me, I love how you treat me, I love how you make me feel. I'm a hundred percent satisfied, I swear, It's just..." you sigh, dropping your gaze to rub slow and reassuring circles to the ink adorning his skin. "All I'm saying is... I may also want to experience what all those girls have experienced with you, y'know... the not so vanilla stuff. But you always seem to be scared to try new things with me, and I don't know if it's because of m-"
"Baby," Jungkooks soft voice calls out to you, removing the pizza box in between the two of you to slide closer to you on the mattress. He craddles your face with his fingers, tilting your chin up to make eye contact with you. "_____, don't say that. I just don't ever want to cross any boundaries. I don't want to hurt you or do anything you might not like or regret later, you know that, right?" placing a small kiss on your lips, you hum in content nodding your head yes.
"I know that." you pull him for another brief kiss, oddly not caring about the faint taste of garlic and spice on them because that's what love will do to you. "But what if I do want you to hurt me? What if I want you to fuck my mouth with no mercy until I cry and slap my face after you've cum all over it while you call me a slut?" you pause, eyes meeting his through your eyelashes. "Or viceversa."
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It's not that Jungkook is afraid. Because Jungkook is afraid of nothing in this world. He will murder any spider in his way, he will throw a punch to anyone who denies mint chocolate ice cream as the superior ice cream flavour -and he knows that means he will have to literally fight like the entire population on planet earth-, and he will Rey Mysterio you if you ever discredit or deny his incredible skills playing Overwatch.
Jeon Jungkook prides himself in being fearless in every aspect of his life. Except when it comes to you. 
So yeah, maybe he was a little afraid. Because hearing you use the words 'choke', 'slap' and 'slut' in the same sentence did things to him that he didn't deem possible considering none of you were newbies anymore to intimicy. You have been together for three months, for God's sake, but you still made his cock twitch like the first day and he's sure in twenty years you'll have the exact same effect on him.
He didn't want his most primal instincts to overpower the respect and love he'd harboured for you since you were kids because at the end of the day, one, you were still his best friend's little sister, two, he appreciated you too much to ever cross any lines, and three, as cliché as it sounded, you were nothing compared to the girls he had been with previously. What he feels towards you cannot be compared to anything he had experienced before. 
And fuck, was he in a predicament. Because you made him weak in his knees for you and you were not even aware of it. You were not aware of how badly he has wanted to explore and take things way further, way out of both his and your comfort zones. But he's terrified. He's terrified because all he wants is to to take care of you and what if he fails at the one thing he's swore to himself? What if he lets the darkest side of him consume him and at the same time consume you? What if he does actually hurt you, not just psichologically but also physically?
He would never be able to forgive himself. And neither could Taehyung.
And that, was also tormenting him.
Taehyung seemed fine with the two of you dating -or at least that blow to Jungkook's face seemed to ease things between them-, but Jungkook is not dumb and has felt his best friend slowly distancing himself. 
Sure, they were still best friends and will ever will. Taehyung is loyal to Jungkook and Jungkook is loyal to Taehyung. Has been that way since they were five and that will not change just because Jungkook's caught feelings for his little sister.
But the phonecalls were not as often and not as long as they used to be; in rare occasions Jungkook could sense a certain type of awkwardness between them that really had never happened in their friendship, and sometimes Taehyung's jokes seemed to hold more truth than lightheartedness. 
And to top it all off, Jungkook's dilemma regarding you was eating him alive and, usually he would turn to Taehyung for girl advice, only to later realize he was also frightened of doing that. 
But a Friday night at 2 a.m, Jungkook decides he can't take it anymore. 
"Sup, man." Taehyung's voice answers Jungkook's phone call on the second ring, like he always does. 
"Hey, bro." Jungkook clears his voice, suddenly feeling self conscious. "Are you busy?"
"I don't know," his friend seems to be chewing on what Jungkook bets is red Skittles -yes, only the red ones- because he just knows him too well. "Are you busy still fucking my little sister?" 
Taehyung chuckles at his own joke, but Jungkook doesn't. He knows there's no malice, but he can't help to think there might be. He settles for a sigh. "Yeah." he can hear some shuffling on the other side and the clicking of a computer mouse. Jungkook would also bet he was playing Among Us and he would lie if he said he wasn’t disappointed he hadn't called him to play with him. "Y'know what, it's not even important, I'll just call y-"
"Come on, man. You haven't even laughed at that and you usually laugh at everything I say even when no one else does." Taehyung swirls in his chair, his attention fully focused on his best friend. "Seriously, what's bothering you." Jungkook takes a deep breath, rubbing the side of his face. 
"It's about _____."
"_____? As in, my little sister? Who you're fucking?"  
"Tae, dude-"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Go on." Taehyung stiffles a laugh and waits patiently for Jungkook to continue.
"She um... Fuck, I hope this isn't weird, dude. I really do. She wants to like... rough it up in the bedroom, I guess? And I just... I don’t know... I'm terrified dude." There's silence filling the gap between Taehyung and Jungkook and Jungkook almost feels like throwing up. 
"You're coming to me for sex advice... about my little sister?"
"I know, dude but... Who else I'm supossed to talk to? Jimin? Hoseok?" Jungkook sits up on his bed, an ugly knot beginning to form in his stomach. "I mean, you're my best friend," Jungkook swallows again, voice cracking. "...right?"
It's Taehyung's turn to sigh after a few seconds before he replies. "Forever and always, bro." His tone settles Jungkook's uneasiness. There's nothing but honesty in it. "Listen, Guk. I really don't know what kind of advice to give you because, literally, ew. But I do know my sister, and if that's what she wants and she's communicated with you about it, it’s because she trusts you. And I trust you more than anyone in my life. So there you go, man."
Relief washes all over Jungkook's body and he lays back on the bed again, heart not beating as hard as it was a few seconds ago. 
"Thanks, dude." Jungkook smiles. "Sorry for calling you so late."
"No problem, bro." Taehyung smiles as well, swirling his chair back to his computer screen. A weight of his own being lifted. "Among Us next time?"
"Yeah, I'll let you know. Good night, bro."  
Taehyung calls Jungkook's name before he can hang up. "Hey, man?"
"Yeah, man?"
There's a pause between them and then Taehyung speaks. "I love you, man."
Jungkook supresses the threat of tears about to spill because he knows Taehyung would try to bruise his other other eyebrow if he ever found out. Or hug him to death. Or both.
"I love you too, bro."
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"This reminds me of the first time you gave me a blowjob." Jungkook chuckles, watching you get down on your knees between his spread thighs, make up free and sporting a similar low messy bun as that time he's mentioning, except this time you're wearing one of his hoodies engulfing your smaller frame. Proof that this time around, you're exclusively his and no one else’s.
"You mean the blowjob of your life." you giggle as you reach out to pull down his sweatpants, deligthed to see he decided on not wearing any underwear. Your spit on the back of your hand and immediately wrap it around the base of his rock hard cock while his own darts out to push the strands falling down your face behind your ear, heart eyes emoji looking down at you looking up at him. 
Your tongue swirls around the tip timidly, swallowing the drop of precum oozing as he sighs heavily and lovingly. "Every blowjob you give me is the blowjob of my life." he unties your hair from the band holding it together because he prefers his fingers to be the hair tie, prefers to be the one to guide the bobbing of your head up and down his dick. 
You hum in appreciation against him, cherry balmed lips wrapping fully around the head of his cock and he hums back. "Love seeing you on your knees for me with your pretty mouth stuffed, fuck." You take him deeper, closing your eyes. 
Your hand moving accordingly to your mouth and your panties already wet, clinging to your folds. It's really not your fault Jungkook is the most delicious eye candy on earth and how fast can the mere sight of him make your pussy lips quiver. You slurp around the head obscenely , a moan of yours mixing with a moan of his. "Hands on your back." 
You obligue, removing your hands and growing excited at the dominating low tone his voice exerts. The grip he has on your hair tightens and controls your motions, pushing you further down his dripping shaft until your nose hits his pubic bone. He holds you there, his own eyes closing shut and his dick twitching insde your mouth. A thrust of his hips make you gag and has one of your hands flying to tap his leg two times, letting him know you were in need for air. 
He releases you, pulling you back until his cock is pulsating in front of you. He looks down at you, both breathless but the difference is you look so messy. Eyes watery, chest moving heavily and saliva leaking from your lips. 
Yeah, there was a reason Jungkook hasn't been like this with you before. The sight of you submitting completely and looking so nasty was too much for him to handle. He might never want to see you any other way than this. 
"Isn't this what you wanted, huh?" the free hand that had been supporting his weight on the matress grasps your face harshly, making you lock eyes with him.
 "I thought you wanted me to choke you with my cock like a little whore?" you nod your head eagerly, unable to form words. Your pussy throbs, prompting you to rub your thighs to get some sort of relief as his thumb smears the spit adorning your lips. You're quick to envelop it in the warmth of your mouth, an involuntary moan leaving your throat. "Such a pretty slut," he lets his cock slap against your cheek, removing his thumb to move his hand back to his previous position. "Open again."
You do, his length entering your mouth again -that you gladly accept- and then he's shoving you down by your hair. "Shit, gonna fuck your mouth so good..." 
And he does, not holding back anymore, his hand thrusting your head along his shaft until your throat tightens around him repeteadly, struggling for breath. But you take it, you take the aggresiveness and the degradation because fuck, you've been waiting for so long to know what this feels like. To have Jungkook be mean and have this type of control and power over you and you're enjoying it a bit too much. 
"F-fuck, I'm gonna cum, leave your mouth open." he releases on your tongue, not able to look away from the image of you with tears falling down your eyes and mouth drenched with him and your spit, some of his cum staining down your chin and the corners of your lips that he gathers with his thumb and pushes back into your mouth. He groans, watching you swallow all of it like a good girl, your tongue grazing around his digit for the remainings, gaze not leaving his. "Let me grab my phone real quick, I need to take a picture of this."
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You were definitely not the jealous type.  
You prided yourself on being able to recognize when your behaviours were due to your own insecurities and removing all sorts of feelings of uncertainty from your mind. You never liked toxic patterns or the glamorization of them and your relationship with Jungkook was proof. You knew relationships were supossed to be based on blind trust and faith in your partner and yours definitely reciprocated in the same way. 
"So can anybody tell me why Eunha is basically all over my boyfriend right now?" you wish you could blame your state on Hoseok's weed, who's sitting on the left side of the couch right next to you at the frat party. You really wish you could have an explanation for the way your heart tugged in such a weird way and your stomach swirled dangerously until almost making you nauseous. You really tried to blame your overthinking on the joint you had just passed to your friend. 
You knew it was bound to happen someday, especially considering Jungkook had always been a ladies' man and the kind of attraction from both men and women he was able to manifest, willing or unwillingly. You just never thought it would happen so soon and in such way that made you clench your fists so tight and your nails dig into the palm of your hands so painfully. 
"I mean, they did have like a long fling a few years ago, didn't they?" Seulgi, sitting on your right, chimes in. 
That was true. Longer than most flings Jungkook ever had before you.  
"Yeah, before she dumped him." Hoseok adds.
Your eye twitches and your jaw contracts. Because that, was also true, and it was mostly what was bothering you so much. 
Had it been Jungkook the one to move away from his situationship with Eunha like with most girls, you wouldn't have such a problem with the way she's shamelessly leaning towards him from across the room. Or the way she's twirling a strand of her hair between one of her fingers while battling her lashes. Or the way she's hysterically laughing at whatever he was saying, because your boyfriend was funny, but he was not that funny. 
You were not the jealous type, and Jungkook definitely wasn't giving you any reason to be, because as coquettish as the blonde was being or as provocatively as she was pushing her tits into his arm, he politely keeps his distance and tries to also engage with Jimin in conversation, leaving her pouting. But that wasn't enough to not make you start seriously questioning your feminist ethics right now. 
"Wait, you're not jealous, are you?" Seulgi turns to you, offering you the joint -how long had you been focusing your attention on Jungkook and Eunha to not realize it was your turn again to smoke?-. You take it, hesitating between answering right away or taking a hit before doing that. You were never a good liar. You look between your two friends who are looking back at you with their eyebrows raised.
"I-" you close your mouth and run your fingers through your hair. "Maybe? I don't know what I'm feeling and I don't like it one bit." 
"Aw, babe." Seulgi squeezes your knee, eyes showing you sympathy. "Jealousy is a natural response to any relationship."
"I know..." you take the joint in your hand, taking a long drag before letting the smoke out. "I just don't want to sound like an insecure little bitch!" you whine. "I don't want to be like 'Oh, why would Jeon Jungkook, a God of the Olympus, dare give his attention to a peasant as unworthy as me!?' Like no, he's just a man. A little less mediocre than most but a man nontheless. I'm not going to doubt myself or other women just because he's more beautiful than most, and hotter, and funnier and has a massive co-" you notice you're getting carried away by the look of disgust in Hoseok's face and Seulgi trying to hold back a laugh. 
"Anyways, he's lucky to have me. We're both lucky to have each other but sometimes I feel like I might be the luckiest out of the two. And seeing Eunha looking so pretty and throwing herself at him is triggering me because..." you pause to take a deep breath and lounch back on the couch. "What if he realizes one day that I'm luckier than he is and he could be luckier with someone else?"
There's, ironically, a long silence. Ironically because the sound of Travis Scott making the walls tremble is anything but, until Hoseok speaks.
"I think you feel that way because you still haven't seen how that boy looks at you, _____." and then he motions to the spot from across the room you had been observing for too long, the spot where Jungkook is now glancing at you after noticing your detectable distress, with a frown on his features. 
'You okay?' he mouthes, his fist raising in the air in a thumbs up, questioningly.  
Your heart jerks, and not out of bitterness or envy caused by a girl trying to get your boyfriend's attention. Because his attention is always entirely on you, no matter how many feet are separating the two of you. 
'Yes' you mouth back, with a nod of your head and an encouraging smile that has formed itself on your face. He beams as well at you. Mouthes an 'I love you' and puckers his lips in a flying kiss that makes you giggle. You mimic him, your heart tight against your chest. 
Hoseok is right. You have nothing to worry about.
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Jungkook is in love with you. Sometimes, he thinks, he's too in love with you.
"Can't believe I'm letting you do this."
"Can't believe you're such a pussy."
Jungkook huffs in annoyance. He would smack your ass right now if his hands weren't restricted by a scarf of yours he had never seen before to your bedpost. He would also send you a mean look if his eyes weren't covered by the only tie he owned and had so generously lent to you. 
When you mentioned you wanted to try this, he expected you to be in this position. Not the other way around.
He's sprawled on your bed, only his boxers covering him as your legs straddle his waist and you tighten the hold of the scarf around his wrists sternly. He winces and manages an 'Hey!' He knows you're only wearing your panties because he can't feel anything else and he's felt one of your naked tits brushing  his face as you tied him up. He also tried to catch one of your nipples in his mouth as a form of punishment, to no use because you swiftly backed away from his attempt. 
"I've never been a bottom before, this is new for me." he says. He really doesn't mind any of this. He's just not used to it. He knows he'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on a little bit, even if he'd rather be the one to have you completely unmoving and naked beneath him. Especially now that you're skimming your nails up and down his torso.
"Mm, good to know." your lips follow the path your fingers created, from the center of his chest up, moving steadily and tracing soft kisses over his flesh. 
"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." you croon, dragging your tongue from the pulse of his neck to his earlobe, nails scraping lightly over his left nipple. Jungkook shudders, air sucked in through his teeth as his mouth opens on its own. Taking advantage of this, you place a kiss on the corner of his lips before slipping your tongue inside. 
He answers simultaniously, his own tangling with yours, swallowing each other's moans. Your hips set a slow peace, clothed cad core griding over the length poking between your thighs. His hips move unvoluntarily, trying to find some sort of friction to make up for the fact that his hands are unavailable to knead your ass and pull you closer, if that was even possible.
You separate from him, raising on your knees. Jungkook whines in protest, hips buckling up from the mattress to try to meet yours again.
"Jungkook, I'm serious, stay still!" 
"I take it back." his voice shaky and hands straining against the tight hold the scarf you tied around has on them. "I don't like this. Untie me so I can fuck you, babe." he complains. You sit on his tiny waist, your thighs trying to stop his movements. 
You take a moment to assess him. He looks too beautiful for his own good: hair courtaning his forehead, biceps bulging and abs flexing. You can't see his eyes but you know they might be glassy. You bite your lip to supress a whine of delight. You almost consider doing as he says. Almost. 
But you mantain your ground. Your jealousy from the other night had been crawling slowly from within these past few days and since you couldn't take it out on Jungkook any other way because he really wasn't to blame, you figured you'd try something new to punish him and let some of your supressed anger vanish. 
Twisting your body back to pull down his boxers, not all the way, just enough to have his cock springing free from the confines of the fabric and slapping against your asscheeks.
"Has toxic masculinity seriously polluted your brain so much you can't take this seriously?" you fall forward, one of your hands balancing you beside his head as the other wraps around his neck, a tentative hold not yet to constrict his breathing. 
He gulps, his body's tense and his Adam's apple is prominent under your touch. All he can see is black but he'd do anything to watch your pretty tits bouncing in front of his face. "I don't like this conversation either." he pouts.
"Then why are you so hard?" you grin, holding yourself back from laughing as he hesitates for an answer. You lean closer, mouth against his ear as you whisper. "I'm so wet right now, I could take you just like this. No lubrication at all and my pussy would just swallow your dick." Feeling his girth still between your ass flutter, clearly affected by the sultry tone of your voice. You remove your hand from his neck seeing as he has stopped moving obediently. Reaching back, you slide your panties to the side and align your entrance to the head of his leaking cock. 
"Fuck, baby, please~" Jungkook's pleads fills the air, hips desperately back in motion and sliding just a few inches inside your drenched heat. The warmth envoles him instantly, your pussy pulsates around him and neither of you can't help the in synch groans tearing from your throats. 
"Just the tip" you lick your lips, your voice betraying you as you resist the urge to glide the rest of his lenght inside your quivering core.
"Just the tip, my ass." 
Out of sudden, Jungkook is swiftly lifting his hips from the matress, sinking all the way in. You cry as your body jumps forward, face hidden in the juncture of Jungkook's sweaty neck. His thick cock stretches you out as nice and deep and perfectly as he always does. You mewl. This was not supossed to happen at all.  
"See? This is what you really wanted." you can hear the chuckle threatening to spill from his lips, anger starting to boil inside of you again. 
Regaining a little bit of your lost control, you lift yourself on your trembling knees and sit back again, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix. You groan in unision, placing your hands on the hard planes of his chest and steadying yourself to try to reclaim your dominance. Finding it troublesome, because Jungook is set on having it his own way, his thrusts meeting yours in perfect synch.
You really shouldn't feel your climax approaching so soon but somehow battling for control while bickering with Jungkook is about to send you over the edge and that's making you even more annoyed.
"I swear to God, Jungkook. If you don't stop moving and shut the fuck up..." your murmur through gritted teeth, jaw slackened and eyes fluttering shut.  
"What?" he spats, breathing rugged and voice coarse. "If I don't shut up, you'll wha-"
The sound of a sharp smack echoes inside your room and Jungkook's movements freeze on the spot. His head is turned to the side from the impact, and a faint print of your fingers is adorning his  already stinging cheek. None of you mutter anything for a few seconds, until concerned words start to rush out of you.
"Ohmygod, Jungkook, I-"
"Did you just slap me?" Jungkook is unmoving, his mouth agape and you can picture the incredulous expression his eyes might be oozing. "Baby, what the fuck?!" You're mortified. Your hands cover your mouth and your eyes, wide open, stare down at him although he can't stare at you back.
"Babe, I don't know why I did that, you wouldn't stop talking and I know that's not an excuse but it-" 
"It was fucking hot." a breathy laugh in disbelief leaves his chest. Your forehead creases, hands falling down to your chest to try to steady your incessant heartbeat. His tongue darts between his pearly teeth, a smug smirk on his features. An eyebrow of yours raises as you size him up, the realization that his body is completely motionless now hitting you.
Lurging forward, you pinch his jaw between your fingers, your hips carry on their grinding on their own accord. He releases a raspy moan, your walls clenching around him as another hit strikes his cheek, softer this time. 
"You gonna be good to me?" you mutter against his lips. He nods slowly, his mouth salivating as your hips swirl on top of him. He blindly tries to reattach his mouth to yours, but you dodge him, going for the skin of his clavicle instead. "Can I fuck you slow like this until you're filling me with your cum?" He squirms when he feels you sucking a pretty purple bruise on his flesh, your cunt dropping all the way down his cock, leisurly grinding against his pelvic bone, looking yourself to find some relief to your clit. 
"Ah!" his head tilts back, back slighlt arching as you soothe the mark on his neck with your tongue. "That m-might be s-sooner than you think, babe" he admits timorously, swallowing the lump in his throat, the veins on his neck on full display. 
You sigh in content because, thankfully your orgasm is also closer than he thinks it is. "M-me too-" you gasp, your face buried on his shoulder, letting your fingers brush his ebony hair, nails gently scrapping his scalp as you keep the tortuous movements of your hips against his, his girth hitting that spot just right everytime until you feel the knot in your tummy finally snapping. "C-cum, J-Jungkook, I-m-"
Jungkook doesn't need to be told twice because he has been holding back from it for a while now, not really willing to admit he was enjoying this as much as he was. With a thrust of his own fused with the way your pussy is tightening around him it's enough to send him over the edge, an unpredicted cry emanating from his vocal chords harmonizing with your own, his whole body tensing as your walls milk every single drop of his cum. 
For several minutes you stay just like that. Jungkook's hands still tied, blindfold still on, his mouth still agape as his chest rises and falls until his breathing becomes steady again. And you, on top, your fingers tangled in his dark locks, your breath fanning against his neck and his release dripping down your thighs. You stay like that until your body starts shaking with uncontrollable laughter. 
Jungkook tilts his head towards yours, eyebrows furrowing and eyes still covered.
"What was that noise?" you manage through your giggle fit. "'Aaah!'" You've never made a noise like that before, I can't- it was so funn-"
Even while still being strained and blindfolded and with you making fun of him, a loopsided goofy smirk starts making an appearence on Jungkook's features. 
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Fancy dinner parties were never your thing. 
Wearing heels that were too high -specifically to try to match Jungkook's height-, a new expensive dress that you were surely going to return as soon as the event was over because you definitely could not afford it and socializing with Jungkook's clique was definitely not the way you envisioned your Saturday night going. 
At least Jungkook had barely been able to keep his hands for himself at the sight of you wrapped in emerald green silk and lace. But even that couldn't make you feel less uncomfortable and out of place. 
Yugyeom, one of Jungkook's friends, had definitely more money than your boyfriend had previously let you know. Apparently, being a 'lil rich' as Jungkook had mentioned meant booking a luxurious restaurant to hold a dinner party with at least fifty people who looked just as 'lil rich' as Yugyeom's Gucci tuxedo.  
'It'll be alright babe. Yugyeom always insists on celebrating his birthday like it's an Oscar after party. We'll just eat some of that disgusting caviar and then head home to watch Netflix, I swear'. 
And yes, caviar was gross, but so was the fact that Jungkook had failed to mention a certain someone would also be making an appearence. 
After introducing you to a few of his friends and realizing that Mingyu's frendliness and amiability helped you feel more relaxed, he had excused himself to the bathroom, leaving you and his friend to entangle in a heated conversation about How I Met Your Mother's finale season. 
You were thankful for Mingyu's humble nature and easygoing talk for a few minutes until you finally spotted your boyfriend making his way back into the room, stopping in his tracks to acknowledge a group of friends from his class. 
Again, you wouldn't have such a problem with a certain blonde if she would just stop looking at Jungkook with stars in her eyes and pressing her cleavage against him while playing with her hair. It was hard to keep track of your conversation with Mingyu while Eunha was standing right next to your boyfriend and seemingly ogling up at him. It was also hard to not let your mind waver to dangerous territory when you took notice of how disgustingly good they looked together. 
Just two attractive people who would look disgustingly good together. 
Mingyu's voice makes you turn back to him. 
"...I don't know, like, Barney was a womanizer until Robin, you know? He changed for her! They were just perfect for each other, but they had to throw it all away by killing the mother and then making Robin marry Ted? And Barney going back to his old ways?" Mingyu sounds exhasperated and you would laugh and find it cute if your stomach wasn't tugging again in a way that made you regret drinking so much wine so fast. Specially after his last statement.  
"That's what I'm saying." you mumble, turning your attention back to your boyfriend in the crowd.
Jungkook wouldn't go back to his old ways. He loves you. There's nothing to worry about.
But as you watch him start to make his way towards you, you also watch the way Eunha grabs the sleeve of his blazer to pull him back. She leans in, whispers something in his ear to which he just shakes his head, says something that it's impossible to decipher from here you're standing and simply walks in your direction. 
Still, as much as you tried to be neutral and objective and not a 'jealous little bitch', it's almost impossible to hide the sour expression on your face. It's impossible to unclench your jaw throughout the entire evening or lose the too tight grip on your glass of wine. Even when Jungkook whispers in your ear if you're okay, you merely nod yes. You avoid eye contact with him and everytime he tries to slip your hand into his, you dodge him it by wrapping your arms around yourself, claiming how cold it is.
Jungkook is not dumb. 
He know something's up but he's also not stupid enough to cause a scene in public or preassure you into talking. So he settles on wating and being patient. Even as he slips his jacket on your stiff shoulders with pouty lips and his eyebrows drawn together, all he does is press a small kiss to the back of your neck. It takes all power within you to not throw yourself in his arms. 
But as midnight approaches and it's time to leave, you notice a change in Jungkook's behaviour as you say your goodbyes. His hand on your back is not just a soft caress, instead, his fingers pull you closer, dig into your skin as he drags the both of you to where his car is parked. Now it's him who avoids your gaze. His tensed jaw and his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek is a visible indicator that Jungkook is pissed. 
You know his body language as well as he knows yours. And now, as he opens the door of the passanger seat so you can slide in, the guilt and the remorse of acting cold towards him for hours is finally dawning on you. 
"Are you going to tell me now what was that about?" when he closes his own door shut, he doesn't bother to put his seatbelt on. Just grips the steering wheel as he turns to you. 
"I-I don't know what you're t-"
"You don't know what I'm talking about?" he laughs, not a bit of humour in it. "I know scenes like this make you feel uncomfortable but I actually thought everything was going fine. I leave you for five minutes with Mingyu and when I come back, you won't look at me, won't touch me, won't act like I'm your boyfriend. Like I did something wrong. So please, _____, tell me, what's going on?"
You know there's no excuse for the way you acted. You know it's not Jungkook's fault he attracts attention and it most definitely not his fault if an ex of his is still hung up on him. You know it's your own fault and you know you should not try to excuse yourself and fight back. You'd swore to yourself you'd push down any feelings of jealousy deep inside until they disappeared. But something about tonight makes you explode.
"Why was she being all over you?"
Jungkook's face twists in confusion. "What? Who?"
"Eunha! Who the fuck else? She was all over you a few weeks ago at Minghao's party, and she was all over you tonight!" your voice is louder than you would've liked but at this point all you care about is letting it all out.
"This is what all of that was about? Eunha?"
"Yes! I've seen her on campus as well! Always trying to get your attention! I don't care that you have friends in common, but specially tonight, she whispered something to you and she was looking at you like she-"
"Who cares how she looks at me? All you need to care about is how I look at you because the only thing I care about is how you look at me!" Jungkook exclaims, clearly exhausted of this conversation. 
You sink in your seat and look away as the knuckles on his hands turn white from gripping the steering wheel. 
"_____," he calls you gently,  but his voice mantains a stern tone to it. "We don't do jealousy. I thought we were supossed to trust each other blindly. Have I not proved to you how sickenly in love with you I am? Do you not trust me and what I feel?"
"I-... Of course I do. I-just... I don't know. You're right. That was uncalled for." you wrap yourself in the warmth of Junkook's blazer, trying to make his scent wash away any ugly resentment and guilt in your body. 
"Wanna know what she said to me?" a rethorical question, because he was going to tell you anyway. "She asked me if I was going to stay for Yugyeom's after party, way past midnight. Wanna know what I said?" he turns to you. "I said no, I'm spending the night with my girlfriend."
None of you say nothing after that. He just puts his seatbelt on and starts driving. It's not too much of a far drive to his dorm, but the silence and the awkwardness makes it feel so much longer than it should be. You don't remember the last time Jungkook was mad at you. Actually, you don't think Jungkook has ever been mad at you. He loved the banter, loved to tease you, loved being competitive with you. But you had never seen him being avoidant of you. And that feeling tears your heart on the seat of his car.
"Are you mad at me?" you ask, voice barely audible, when the car stops at a red light. His dark eyes meet yours, his face immediately softening as he studies your expression. Then he picks one of your small hands in one of his big ones, brings it to his lips and lightly kisses your knuckles. He communicates with his eyes what he doesn't with words and it's enough to make you feel secure, at least for now.
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When you finally arrive at Jungkook's room, he holds the door ope for you and lets you walk in, but he's still unusually quiet. So much so, you start to worry you might have fucked up big time. 
You stand there, not knowing what to do as you watch him sit down on his bed, slipping his shoes and socks off and loosening the tie around his neck. His hair, that was perfectly styled a few hours ago, is now messy by the amount of times his hand has pushed it back. He looks too yummy, and you hate the fact that tension and a little bit of fighting has managed to make him look as delectable. 
You ignore the heat starting to form in your belly because now it's not the time to be horny. Not when you still need to apologize and make things right. He's rolling  the sleeves of his black shirt down his forearms when you decide to speak. 
"Jungkook, I'm very sorry." you start, as you remove his blazer off you and place it on the chair right in front of his desk. "I don't know why I acted the way I did. I dont get easily jealous and I really don't think I am but..." your throat constricts your words for a moment. "The more I love you, the more frightened I get when I think that one day you'll realize I'm better off as your best friend's little sister. I-I dont know what I'd do with myself if that ever happene-"
"Take off your dress." Jungkook's impassive voice and emotionless face startles you and you freeze on your feet. 
"Did I stutter?"
His elbows rest on his knees and he's holding your stare with his. His doe eyes lack that free spirited and amusing glint they usually have. He looks bored, scrutinizing you. He's not challenging you. He's commanding you because he knows you will obligue. 
That's why you gulp and slowly slide the straps of your dress down your arms until the fabric pools at your feet. His eyes waver along your naked breasts, nipples perking up like the mere intensity of his gaze is ordering them to. He doesn't make a move and doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He doesn't compliment you like he normally would at the sight of you almost naked in front of him.
His lack of words make you feel insecure, regardless of how turned on you are. You're used to Jungkook being reassuring, you're used to his lighthearted jokes and his playful kisses in the bedroom. But you're not used to Jungkook telling you what to do and keeping his distance while doing so. Your arms move on their own to hide yourself.
"Don't. If you hide from me, I swear to God, _____." he watches you as you let your arms fall back to your sides, your chest moving up and down while you struggle to breathe. You can't deny Jungkook's gruff voice and his eyes studying every bit of skin available to him like he hasn't seen you naked before is not making your underwear stick to your lower lips. 
"JK, I just don't think this is the right moment to-"
"On my lap." your heart skips a bit, a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins.
"I said, get on my lap, face down." he says again, this time slower. One of his eyebrows quirk up. "Or would you rather me drag you myself? Or make you crawl?"
Your eyes widen, and your feet are quick to approach him. Your nipples tingle, your core is throbbing and your cheeks are adorned by a beautiful blush that Jungkook doesn't miss. 
He doesn't move until you're in front of him, just to help you lower yourself on his lap, your cheek and your nipples touching the mattress and your ass up. You close your eyes when Jungkook skims his fingertips over your skin, his carressing relaxing your body until he eases your nerves a bit. He sighs when he notices the way that poor excuse of a thong sticks between your folds as his strong hands massage your buttcheeks. 
He's taking his time, his fingers gliding over your soft skin, his breathing too calm for your liking. Until one palm of his hand collides sharply against your right cheek, sending your body forward. You gasp, the stinging making your body want to pull away. But he's quick to catch both your wrists behind your back, keeping you in place. 
Another smack, this time harder, on the same cheek. 
"Did I give you permission to talk?"  
Smack. This time on the left cheek. Your back arches on its own will, presenting more of your ass to him unwittingly. Your eyes squeezed shut and bite the inside of your cheek as you rub your thighs together. You keep quiet as his hand lands another blow on your ass. 
"That's a good girl. Now," his voice is gentler this time as his hand soothe your reddened cheeks. "do you think what you did tonight was okay?" you say nothing, only a mewl slips past your lips. Another smack. "Answer me."
"No." you lick your lips, anticipating more. 
"Do you think it was funny to pull a stunt like that?" 
"No, it wasn't. Spread your legs for me." you do as you're told and he finally pulls down the drenched piece of lace down your thighs. He leans forward, spreads your cheeks with one hand as he lets a glob of spit fall directly into your lips. He makes you gasp when his fingers start sliding up and down your folds slowly. 
"I've had to put up with this kind of behavour since the day you begged me to fuck this tight, virgin pussy like the little slut you are." you whine, face red as humiliation starts to creep in. Jungkook slips one finger in, pumping it slow and easy. Your hips move to take him deeper.
"I tried to be a gentleman, you know?" he says, adding a second finger. "I've tried to treat you nice and sweet and be the best boyfriend I could be to make you happy and keep you satisfied in every sense of the word." his thumb finds your clit, rubbing tortuous circles. 
"Been compeletely whipped since I kissed you for the first time. Haven't looked at other girls because I just can't when I have everything I want to look at right in front of me." murmuring, he starts to get lost your pussy and how it swallows his fingers and how obscene you look and sound, dripping right on his trousers. He watches his fingers moving in and out, almost hypnotized. "Yet, somehow..." he pulls away. You whimper in protest. 
"Somehow, you still seem to doubt me." His hand smacks your cheek again, wet fingers spreading your essence all over your skin.
"P-please, please." you cry. You miss Jungkook's sadistic smile before he releases the grip on your wrists, still keeping you on his lap. Both his hands spread your cheeks now, and another glob of spit falls right into your asshole. His fingers find your cunt again, easily taking you almost over the edge.
"If you could only look at yourself right now... All spread out for me like a needy whore in heat" his thumb teases your unexplored rim, hesitantly, coating it with his spit and your own arousal. He presses in slowly. You gasp, your body tenses and Jungkook stills his movements immediately. There's silence for a few seconds. 
"Too far? Should I stop?" and there's your Jungkook, concern lacing his voice. His free hand caresses your back, your body relaxing, laying back down obediently. His fingers are still inside you and his thumb is still asking for entrance. He leans forward, placing a small but comforting kiss on the bruised skin of your right asscheek. 
"Go on." you whisper, but he doesn't move right away. This time, it's his own body that tenses momentarely before going back to his tranquil demeanor. He breathes through his noise as his fingers pick up where they left off. 
"Yeah?" you swear you hear him swallow a lump in his throat. "Gonna let me finger this tight little ass like a good slut? Mm?" his thumb slides deeper, slightly stretching you out while his fingers work your pussy in a solid rhythm. "Gonna let me stretch you out little by little until I can open you up with my cock one day?" his movements speed up, fingers sliding out of your cunt to play with your clit and his thumb slowly moving in and out. "You don't wanna talk now? You just want to stay silent while I fuck your ass and-"
And then you're cumming, so unexpected it takes both of you by surprise. Your hands grip onto Jungkook's sheets, your thighs clasp around his hand as you scream his name. He doesn't stop though. He rides you through it, encouraging words mixing with filthy insults that prolong your orgasm until you're squirming beneath him. 
"Shit, baby... My hand is soaked." he mumbles, as he slowly removes his fingers and thumb from you. "You okay?"
You faintly nod your head yes, not able to find words through your dry mouth and your pussy still convulsing. 
"Good. Get on the bed. On your hands and knees." 
You somehow manage to slip from his lap and position yourself as he says. Except your arms and legs are shaking. Although the sound of Jungkook undoing his belt and his hands gripping your hips and bringing you towards him until the head of his dick is at your entrance is enough to make you forget about how tired your body is. You surrender to him, not even bothering to hold yourself up on your arms, your fingers crumbling the sheets and your face buried into the pillow. 
When his cock enters you, a pitiful moan leaves your mouth. His thick lenght slides into your heat, filling you perfectly as he always does. It's a wonder how well he fits inside you. 
"Such a perfect slut for me. Always ready for me to do whatever I want with her, since day one. So tight, so ready. So, so perfect. All mine." he talks as measured as he moves, dragging each word out as his hips find a nice tempo. 
Then he doesn't move for a while with his dick buried between your walls, and you know he's holding himself back. You turn your head slightly to look at him. He catches your eyes instantly. Sees your mascara running down your watery eyes, and your smudged lipstick and your messy hair and then he's giving you that look. That look that lets you know that Jungkook is, indeed, whipped for you. Leaning in, he presses his shirt-covered chest to your sweaty, naked back. His cock dives deeper, not an ounce of space between you as he lovingly kisses your cheek until his mouth finds yours. 
He kisses you hard but soft, tongue meeting yours for the first time since you entered the room. Jungkook is not a man of words. He's silly, and a jokester, and finds it difficult to express how he's feeling. But when he kisses you, or looks at you, when he touches you, or when he makes love to you, even if it's as dirty and filthy as right now, he's always able to transmit exactly what he can't vocally.
He's telling you there's no other place he'd rather be than here, with you. 
When he pulls back, a string of saliva still connecting your lips, his hand moves to the back of your head, fisting your hair in a tight hold that makes you arch your back and desperately moan for him.
"A-and you're mine." you sob.
It's like something snaps inside of him. He growls and suddenly his hips lose control. He nails you against the mattress, his grip on your hair pulling your head back, his lips against your ear as your cunt clenches around his cock. 
"Just yours. All yours." his grunts send shivers down your spine and you're close again, even in the painful and uncomfortable position your body is in. Being at Jungkook's mercy and him being at yours is enough to have you seeing starts.
"This is the only pussy I want wrapped around my cock. Your lips are the only ones I want to kiss. You're the only one I want between my arms." It only takes two flickers of Jungkook's free hand against your nub and his next words to tip you over. "You belong to me, and I belong to you."
You squeal as you come, and Jungkook bites your shoulder to keep himself from doing so as well as he follows shortly. He fills you up with his release,  but he doesn't release you from him. He wraps his arms around your frame, both your bodies becoming soft as he rolls over to one side with your back still pressed to his chest, cock still inside you. His lips find their way to the skin of your shoulder and the back of your neck. His breath fanning your flesh makes you smile.
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"That is so not like my sister. I'm telling you, she never gets jealous." Taehyung says over the phone. He's munching on something again and Jungkook would bet all the money in his wallet again he's eating Skittles. Red Skittles. "So, everything cool now?"
"Yeah, man. We just talked it out, you know?" Jungkook's gaze falls on you, laying on your stomach on his bed, laptop iluminating your face, earbuds on and your head moving to whatever music you're listening to. Jungkook would bet all the money in his bank account it's Shape Of My Heart by The Backstreet Boys. Or at least that's what he's been able to guess so far. He was never good at reading lips, specially when trying to guess boybands' lyrics. 
Friday's nights meant late 1990's/early 2000's pop nostalgia for you. It meant shaking his head and spending the following week trying to get Britney and Xtina songs out of his brain for him. Although lately, he hadn't been trying that hard. Jungkook sighs in content, not really trying to cover the fact that he might be looking at you like a starstruck teenager. Which, it was totally fair because that's exactly how he feels about you. "Communication is key, bro."
He keeps watching you until your head perks up and catch him gawking. You smile at him and he smiles back.
"By 'communication is key' you mean you actually fucked my little sister silly right? Bro, I swear, I'll block your numb-"
"Sorry man, gotta go." 
"And now you're gonna fuck her silly again, right? You son of a b-"
Jungkook hangs up just as you take your earbuds off, making his way to you to kiss you silly.
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levantea · 2 years
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ Chiaroscuro pt 1
Pairing: idol!hyunjin x blind!y/n
Genre: fluff, healing, strangers to lovers!au
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s note: so i’ve decided to write a short series of this story as i suddenly have inspo HAHA okay yes i hope you guys will enjoy!
Synopsis: “The place where light and dark begin to touch is where miracles will rise.”
Chiaroscuro navi 🌗
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Your pov
Better to be blind and see with your heart than to have 2 good eyes and see nothing.
It has been really long since you were able to see colours of the surrounding you are in. You were still able to recall some flashes of the images you saw before you went blind, but they were depleting and colours, sounds more and more distant to you.
What is colour?
Colour is a power which directly influences the soul,
Colour is a deep and mysterious language, and the language of dreams,
Colour is the smile of nature,
But the concept of colour is invalid to you.
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“Y/n, there is a volunteer today who will be visiting you, you finally have someone to talk to now! Are you excited to meet him? I heard he is a handsome dude,” the caretaker said. She works in the care centre that you have lived in for years since an accident that took your family and sight away from you. She has been taking care of you since day 1 so both of you are like sisters, except that both of you are not blood related.
“Fiona, he is just a volunteer, people come and go, what’s there to be excited about? I’m more excited about my meal,” you turned your head abit that was facing the window just now towards the voice of the caretaker. Even though you can’t see, but your other senses are very sensitive.
“Y/n, get a life man, you have been cooping yourself in this room for almost half a year, you barely communicated with the other peers outside, don’t you feel sick of just hearing birds chirping or the wind blowing or the rain falling sounds that you heard? Y/n, please, i want you to become happier,” the caretaker walked over to you, kneeling down while holding onto your hands gently.
Your eyes started to tear up when you heard her words. It felt like all the bad memories started to emerge again, especially the tragic day that the accident happened. You had post trauma stress disorder, PTSD, for quite a period of time and it was a rocky path for you to walked out of it. Only until this 2 years, you have decided to walk out from the past and wanting to interact more with the outside world, but you didn’t have enough courage to do so.
“Fiona, i really want to become happier as well, but, i don’t know how, i genuinely want to interact with people outside but, im not sure if they will ostracize me as i haven’t been hanging out with them much, there are so many ‘what ifs’ in my head…” you sighed and explained to her on your worries.
“Y/n, don’t worry okay, im sure as long as you have the heart to do so, they will accept you, i will try to talk to them and let them welcome you as well,” the caretaker tapped her hands twice to reassure you on your worries while you just kept quiet and nod.
You knew it was impossible, because you have overheard some pretty nasty comments made by other peers when you were walking pass their rooms few days back.
“Oh you mean the y/n in room 405? She always don’t come out, so princessy.”
“Ya right, what the hell is wrong with her?”
“Not sure too, she always isolates herself in her room, maybe she got mental issues also.”
Ouch. You didn’t expect it to hurt so badly in your heart even though you barely talked to them. You walked back quietly to your room that day and you remembered yourself crying in your sheets silently even though you were adviced not to do so as it will worsen your vision condition.
“It’s okay Fiona, i don’t want to trouble you so much, you have already worked hard enough and im doing fine on my own,” you mastered your last energy to force a smile for the caretaker who is also tearing up when she saw you smiling at her even though you are broken inside. She knows how painful it was to live alone without any family, she knows how painful it is to lose vision when you were still young, she knows how painful it is to struggle with the aftermathc of it, she knows how painful it is to swallow everything on your own.
“Y/n, im praying to god that you can meet someone who will treat you well and love you a lot, you deserve them and you always do, life has been too tough for you and i hope your blissful life will come soon,” Fiona wiped her tears off her face while trying to put a smile on her face even though you can’t see it.
Knock knock.
“Uhm, hello?” A male’s husky voice that you never heard before ringed into your ears. He is probably standing by the door from the volume of the sound you detected since you are back facing him, from what you know of the interior of the room.
You didn’t turn your head immediately but continue to sit on the edge of your bed, receiving some warmth from the sun that is shining into your room. It has become a habit of yours, to sit by the bed and take 15 mins to enjoy the heat radiating from the sun, which depicts a new day for human in this world.
Fiona quickly wiped off the tear stains on her face and put on her welcoming smile while standing up from kneeling infront of you. She walked towards to guy and lead him in.
“Hello! You must be the volunteer right? May i know what is your name?” Fiona asked while trying to not appear obvious that she was staring at him from top to bottom.
This guy’s body proportion is insane. Broad shoulders, thin waist, long legs, silky blonde hair, perfect and godly eyes, is he a god creation? Fiona thought.
Maybe, and finally, luck is on y/n’s side now.
“Hello, my name is Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin,” he replied modestly while taking off his mask, with a tinge of shyness in his words. Fiona noticed that since the start of him walking into the room, his sight has always been fixated on you who still did not turn around to look at him. Curiousity is written all over his attractive face which caused Fiona to laugh.
“Hi Hyunjin, i am Fiona, her (you) caretaker, i hope you guys will get along well,” the caretaker spoke and patted Hyunjin’s shoulders lightly. He nodded and walked towards you.
“Uhm, hi, may i know what’s your name?” He stood beside you carefully and peeking a little over to your side, trying to see how you exactly look like as your long, black and silky hair is covering your face.
You putted on your graceful smile and turned towards the latter’s voice and face him.
“Hi Hyunjin, im y/n, nice to meet you.”
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Hyunjin’s pov
“I’ve decided to do volunteer for this few months, i don’t feel like dancing now, i want to do something else to get a peace of mind,” you announced to your group members and your manager. They were all silent throughout when you called them in, worrying if you are doing fine with all the allegations pointing towards you.
Eventually the rest of the members supported your decision and you have also moved back to your own house with your parents during this hiatus period. You wanted to continue practicing, but the impact has hitted you badly that you decided to give it a break for now and focus on other things that can heal yourself. You found this care centre where they take care of kids or teenagers who are physically disabled and you contacted them. Soon later they contacted you back and linked you with this girl who is 3 years younger than you and she is blind. She has no friends and the care takers have been worrying about her mental wellbeing hence they decided to pair you with her.
The moment when you heard she is blind, you felt empathetic for her. How does it feel like living in darkness?
Living in the darkness doesn’t solely meant for the blinds. There are people who can see but growing up from the dark - no happiness, no light, chaotic days that people who are struggling to survive while sheding enormous amount of tears that nobody knows. When will light come into our life and guide us out of it?
It is your first day visiting the care centre. Before you stepped out of your house, you were looking at your wardrobe, thinking what you should wear. Even though you know she can’t see, you still want to look presentable as a form of showing respect for her. You then swiftly take out a plain white hoodie and a pair of denim jeans, sliding a few rings into your fingers, grabbing a sling bag that contains all your valuables and left the house with a pair of converse hike, without forgetting to put on your mask.
Thankfully people did not recognise you while you were on the way to the venue as you lifted your hoodie over your head, so you looked like just a normal college guy who is on the train going for school, but obviously you are not.
You looked at your watch and you realised you arrived 10mins early. You greeted the principal as she welcomed you into the centre and she offered to bring you around the place before finding your buddy. You suddenly felt grateful for your healthy and strong body that allows you to dance, sing and do whatever you can that the kids there can’t do. More compassion starts to flow in your heart and you silently swear to treat your buddy well and be her useful pair of eyes.
“Hyunjin, her room is 405, meaning level 4 room 5, you can go and visit her now, i think she is awake,” the principal told you warmly before leaving to settle other affairs. You nodded and mouthed a thank you before taking the lift.
As you reached the doorstep of her room, you realise her door wasn’t closed. Instead, you overheard a conversation between 2 females and you peeped inside a bit, seeing a girl with a long, straight, black hair sitting at one corner of the bed with another female who looks more matured. You supposed that is her caretaker.
You decided to wait for abit and let them finish, so you stood outside, leaning against the wall while intaking whatever has been said between them. You didn’t mean to hear it but it was loud enough to travel to your ears.
You felt really bad for the girl who was sitting there and your empathy increases for her. Even though you have not seen her, you already felt a deep and unexplainable connection with her that you never experience it before with any other people. Many different thoughts have been running through your mind for the past few minutes on how you can try to cheer her up or bring some excitement into her life, despite yourself being disheartened for the past few days, you are pretty sure that yours is trivial as compared to hers.
Silence in the room. You take it as your call to enter right now. You gently knocked on the door twice and greeted them.
“Uhm, hello?” You spoke softly and carefully since you never meet them before and you are unsure if they are easygoing or hostile. You felt relieved after you see a wide smile on the caretaker’s face as she walked towards you, guiding you into her room.
You looked around to observe the surroundings and you realised her room is really simple and clean. No photo frames, no pictures, no toys, no colourful or vibrant colour decorations as compared to the other rooms you walked past moments before. Only a bed, some basic necessities by the table top and a beautiful vase of flower that stands obediently at one corner of the room. The room also smell nice with mild scent of chamomile, and you started wondering if she has insomnias since most people drink chamomile tea to help them sleep better.
“Hello! You must be the volunteer right? May i know what is your name?” The caretaker asked. You turned your attention back to her and replied her question.
“Hello, my name is Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin.” You were unsure why nervousness starts to kick in and your heart started racing. You felt anxious and awkward as you looked at the girl sitting infront of you, still having her back facing you.
Is it because she doesn’t like me? Or she doesn’t like having a buddy? Or is it-
So many ‘is it’s running in your brain messily.
“Hi Hyunjin, i am Fiona, her caretaker, i hope you guys will get along well,” the caretaker patted your shoulders lightly before signaling you to walk closer to her. You slowly made your way to the side of the bed and tried to peek at her face.
“Uhm, hi, may i know what’s your name?” you asked carefully as you are afraid if she may overreact or what. You were only able to see her side features and you already noticed that her features are prominent, especially her sharp nose.
She finally slowly turned to face you abit, and you are able to catch her whole face in view. You were actually taken aback by how pretty and pure she look. She had a neat bangs that’s just on eyebrow level, flawless face, sharp nose and peach coloured lip that looks very soft and kissable. Lastly would be her big and alluring eyes. You couldn’t commend how pretty her eyes were but sadly to say, she lost her sight.
“Hi Hyunjin, im y/n, nice to meet you,” she replied you elegantly while putting on a warm smile to welcome you. All your worries have been brushed off and now you are focused on her.
You started to feel your heart racing again as you take a second look of her. Even though you saw many attractive females before but hers just hitted you different, making your curiosity about her grow even more.
“Hyunjin, thank you for visiting me, i’ve actually prepared a small present for you, im not sure if you like it or not but i got Fiona to buy it, you can have a look,” she hand signalled Fiona to get the present in one of the cupboards and give it to him since she can’t see.
You take over the small gift box and open, to see a baby blue knitted scarf laying gracefully on the box. There was a letter beneath the scarf and it contains a few words that are not neatly handwritten, which you supposed it was written by her.
“Hi, thank you for being my first ever friend and i will be your listener, even though i can’t see.”
You gripped onto the box tightly and looked at the girl who is still sitting there smiling. You suddenly felt engulfed with care and love by someone you never meet before and feeling appreciated of the gift you received.
She is not only beautiful on the outside, but her inner soul is also the one radiating her beauty.
And now you are looking forward to visit her every week.
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© levantea — all rights reserved. No plagarising, editing, claiming as own without permission.
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pianorexic000 · 3 years
Sweetspo Saturday
Hi y’all, so today is sweetspo Saturday.......
it speaks for itself. By the way, none of these are mine. I take no credit I have 0 creativity.
I dream of collarbones and thigh gaps, of hips jutting out and ribs just visible, casting shadows on porcelain flesh. I dream of crop tops and denim shorts, of thigh highs and sugar highs. And when I lay in bed at night, counting the calories of the day before my mind can’t help but wander, and I press into my doughy stomach, feel the hips hiding underneath, and remind myself how far I’ve come, and how far I still have to go.
Please listen, I know, I know it’s hard but listen, focus, you, you the most beautiful person on this whole entire planet you are going to make it, I promise you sweetheart, you’re going to make it. Think about it, think about how skinny you’ll be, how happy you will be, how you are going to be able to wear what you want, how you are going to be able to eat what you want and no one is going to make you feel bad for eating, no one. They’re going to be jealous, so fucking jealous, jealous of how you look and how you feel. They’re going to envy you. So stand up, keep your pretty head up and go. Exercise, drink water, eat less, eat healthy, sleep, do yoga, dance around. Get skinny and be finally happy. Please be finally happy.
You’ve been so disappointed in yourself lately. You’ve cursed those girls with a fast metabolism and regretted so much, sweetie. Countless of times you’ve thought, planned and wished to be skinny. I know you want this so badly, honey. But it’s never going to be given to you, sugar. You have to work for it and make yourself proud! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
I know you’re very impatient with your weight-loss. You want to lose it NOW and would do anything to wake up tomorrow at you ugw. But that’s never going to happen, doll. It’ll take time, but you will get there, sweetie. You just have to be persistent and never give up. The road is very long, and there will be days where it’ll feel hopeless, angel. But i promise you that those days where you feel incredibly sexy and comfortable in your own skin are just around the corner. You’ll get there baby, but it’ll take time. So don’t beat yourself up.
You’ll look good in everything; you remember that bikini with the cute print? yes, you’ll look beautiful in it. you won’t look like a fat pig.
people will be jealous; they’ll envy you. you’ll become thinner while others are getting fatter.
you’ll be dainty; you’ll be the lightest in the room. everyone will be able to pick you up effortlessly.
others will compliment you; people will look at you and say “wow, have you lost weight?” “you look great!” “i wish i looked like you.”
you won’t be able to keep more than a cup of food down; you’ve trained your body, you and your body both know its limits.
you’ll have power; you can can control how you look, you’ll have control. self control instead of eating everything in sight. you’ll be proud when you refuse a chocolate bar someone is offering.
are you going to keep saying “i’ll do it tomorrow”
or are you going to start today?
you’ll get there sweetie, make them regret the day they dare call you fat; they’ll start talking GOOD behind your back; “she is losing so much weight omg” “ i wanna look like her.” “im so jealous of her tiny waist.”
make it happen, you cause the gain of weight
and the loss of weight.
It's Okay!
You were really bad this weekend weren’t you? You ate fatty food and cheated on your diet? I know you bash yourself for pushing yourself further from your goal, but it was just Easter and you were enjoying spending time with your family. Unfortunately that included eating. Thin is all you think about cutie, why would you stuff your face uncontrollably like that, sugar? You can’t stop now, i know it’s hard but it’ll be worth it in the end.
Dear You,
You’ve grown up being the “big” girl. You’ve grown up being the “I want seconds” girl. You entered college being the “let’s eat out because it’s easier” girl.
When will you be the “I eat healthy” girl? The “people can pick me up” girl? The “I love my body” girl?
Today? Oh, right, you say tomorrow. Funny, that’s what you said yesterday.
It’s YOUR fault you’re fat. You don’t control your fatty urges to binge and stuff your face. One day, you’ll regret that. And that day is TODAY. If you regret it, then make a change. Skip that meal. Eat less calories. Exercise and burn what you have consumed and stored from your past pathetic eating habits. Get rid of your fatty urges. BECOME SKINNY…Become beautiful. Because if you don’t start today, you’ll only hate yourself tomorrow… again.
Do it. Do it so you can wear cute short shorts without everyone looking at your thighs and being disgusted.
Do it for that bitch who always called you fat at middle school.
Do it for that fuckboy who never looked at you as girlfriend potencial.
Do it so you can be confident.No seriously you’ll never be confident with that big tummy dude.
Do it so you don't ALMOST DIE in fitting rooms.
Do it for the cute clothes.
Do it for the summer.
Do it for the pool parties and how all of your friends will be SHOOK at your perfect body.
Do it for that life little baby. You deserve it. You deserve so much happiness.
Imagine you’re sitting at your desk in your perfectly decorated bedroom. You’re doing school work (all A’s of course), and since the lighting is good, you stop studying for a second and take a selfie.
You notice your collarbones are perfectly peaking out, and your chest bones are slightly visible. You have no makeup on but you still look absolutely gorgeous. Your flawless skin (that you got from not eating junk food all the time) looks great on your camera. Your thin arms look especially toned in this picture, and your smile is unforgettable.
You decide to post it to Instagram, and it instantly gets likes and comments saying how gorgeous you look. You want to keep studying…but the amount of likes and attention is distracting!
You think to yourself “Amazing how my life has changed. 30lbs ago I barely got 30 likes. My grades were bad and I had horrible acne…it’s so great what being thin can do to a person”
One day I won’t have to suck in
One day I’ll sit down and not have belly rolls
One day my thighs won’t touch
One day I’ll be able to see my ribs
One day I’ll step on the scale and smile
One day I’ll be able to smile at my protruding collar bones
One day I’ll wear the clothes I want
One day I’ll be confident
One day I’ll be skinny
do it for the boy who leaves your snapchats at read. imagine how quickly he’ll reply when he sees how good you look in your new body. do it for the girls you envy, the girls who show up in crop tops and short shorts whilst you hide behind a baggy sweater. imagine how proud you’ll feel when you can finally wear what you want and look just as good, if not better than them. do it for the people who bullied you about your weight and the boys who turned you down because of it. watch them gawk and whisper among themselves at how much weight you’ve lost. do it for the mean girls, the ones that walk around school like they own the place, the ones who’s parties you never get invited to, the ones that all the boys want. prove yourself to them. soon they’ll notice you and you’ll be too proud to care. own your new found confidence, throw your own parties, feel wanted. do it for the boy you’ve been crushing on since the first time you met. make him want you just as you wanted him. laugh at yourself as he chases after you. watch him suffer just as you did. do it for the bikini you’ve never had the body to wear. make your old self proud. wear that bikini. finally feel good in it. go to the beach and the pool and show it off. it belongs on you. do it for yourself. do it for your own happiness and do it right now. you deserve this. it might take some time and maybe you’re growing impatient. but it’s okay, everything good takes time. so be safe, stay strong, and don’t give up. this will be worth the wait. trust me.
I literally cannot fucking wait until I’m thin. I can’t wait to not feel like the outsider in my friend group. I can’t wait to not feel like the ugly friend. I can’t wait to be as thin as my best friend and for people to not see me as a charity case. I can’t wait to be able to go shopping and not worry about what will hide my fat. I can’t wait to see my collarbones and feel great in shorts. I can’t wait to be able to post selfies confidently from any angle and get as many likes as all the thin girls from school. I can’t wait to be someone else’s thinspo. I can’t wait to be happy with myself. I can’t wait to be thin.
Okie lovey, I know you might have had a rough couple of days or maybe you’ve been doing everything right and you just need a little pick me up. That’s okay too. I’m here for you, maybe not there physically but I’m still here. Make some tea, and take a bath; while you’re in there light a few candles and take time for yourself. Paint your nails read a book or simply think about bettering yourself. You’re almost there, I’m so excited for you! I’m going to be there when you cross that finish line (UGW). Finished with tea? Are you hungry? No. Exactly, chin up sweetheart, you got this. I love you
10 Reasons I want to be Thin
1. A flat stomach looks so good in anything. 2. No more armpit fat. 3. Finally have a thigh gap (again). 4. Feel beautiful and in control 5. people you already know will ask you how you did it, new people you meet will fall in love with you. 6. Go on adventures and have fun without worrying about your fat jiggling around. 7. Tan outside or at the lake without wanting to die because you’re too fat for a bikini. 8. Going out to parties and making friends because you’re confident and beautiful. 9. Not wanting to cry every time you see your full body in a mirror/ reflection. 10. Not crying in general anymore. Finally being happy.
11 Reasons Why I'm Doing This
1. To be the skinny friend
2. So I can be lifted up and be called light
3. To wear anything and still look cute
4. To have pretty bones to show off
5. To hear those words; ‘Have you lost weight?’
6. To not feel guilty when having a sweet treat (occasionally!)
7. To wear tight jeans and not have a muffin top
8. To not want to cry every time I look in the mirror
9. To not feel embarrassed in a bikini or swimsuit
10. To sit on someone’s lap without fear of crushing them
11. To finally feel happy with myself
They are in the kitchen making dinner. It smells so good, and all you want to do is have some. But would that make you happy? Would that food actually do anything for you? Sure, it would taste good. But as soon as you swallow, it would be gone. You’d take a drink of water, and the taste would wash away. Five minutes of fun, and then you’d be full. Full of food, regret, hate, shame, and disgust. Today would be yet another day wasted. So go ahead, eat the food. Be the fat tub of lard you always have been. Or don’t. Don’t eat the food. Be a day closer to your goal.
The choice is yours.
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Hayloft (p.2)
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Pairing: Arvin Russell x F!Reader
Summary: Your dad brings home his new coworker, Arvin Russell, telling you that he’ll be living with the two of you for a while. While attempting to keep Arvin from seeing the disfunction of your relationship with your father, the two of you grow closer than you thought. (Inspired by “Hayloft” by Mother Mother, though that’ll really only be one chapter later on so I don’t know if it really counts…)
Warnings: Abuse, drunkenness, misogyny, reader’s mother is dead, decapitating a chicken, reader is kind of emotional in this chapter
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: My first slow(er) burn fic! Let me know what you think!
Part 1 
Work had passed fairly quickly as it always did when you had the opening shift. It sure sucked having to arrive at five o’clock in the morning but at least you got off earlier and you knew that that way you could grab groceries before your father got home and could yell at you about an empty kitchen again. By two o’clock in the afternoon, you were home again, hopping out of your truck and grabbing as many bags as you could in one go. 
The loud sound of metal slamming against metal shook you and you flinched, looking between your door and the frame to see Arvin walking out towards you. It hadn’t occurred to you that his car was even in your driveway. After so many years of having busted broken down old cars sitting there that your dad had been swearing he’d fix for almost ten years, cars in the driveway seemed normal. “Let me give you a hand,” he offered as he got closer, lifting the canvas bags from your hands before you could object. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed as you felt the weight suddenly taken off your own arms, “Thank you.” You dove back into the truck to grab the last two bags before slamming it shut with your hips. The two of you began your stroll towards the front door, the dirt driveway kicking up around your feet. “You’re back early.” You noted, looking over at Arvin. 
He shrugged, “Yeah, uh, Wallace had me on the early shift today.” 
You fumbled with the bags as you tried to unlock the door, kicking it open with your toes when it finally gave in. You walked into your home and Arvin followed, closing the door behind him. “Been here long? I didn’t see you in the driveway.” 
“Not too long. I just didn’t want to let myself into your home without nobody there.” Arvin set the bags on the counter next to where you set yours. 
You began to unpack the bags and put the groceries in the respective places. Arvin watched off to the side, unsure of how your kitchen was organized so he was worried he’d do more than good if he stepped in. “My daddy got the late shift?” 
Arvin shook his head, noticing that his beat up old hat was still on his head despite being indoors and took it off immediately, his tousled brown curls parting messily down the middle. “No, we went in at the same time. He ‘n some buddies said they was goin’ to some bar in town.” 
He watched your shoulders fall a little and you sighed, “Figures…. You didn’t go?” 
Again, Arvin shook his head, “No. No offense to your daddy but I don’t like to drink the way I get the feelin’ he does.” 
You snorted, turning to him with a knowing chuckle, “Let’s just say that I’m sorry in advance for whatever he says or does when he gets home, if he gets home. Sheriff Pike might end up callin’ in the mornin’ tellin’ us to pick him up.” Though it was stated as a joke, Arvin could hear the tragic reality behind your words. 
Arvin then noticed the pack of beer bottles that you were pulling out of the bag. As if you could feel his eyes looking at you with worried curiosity, you glanced over at him, noticing the way his eyes flicked between you and the beer in your hands. You offered a sad shrug, “I know what you’re thinkin’ but trust me. Sometimes it’s better to have him drunk and possibly content than sober and angry there’s nothing to drink. Besides, the beer is better than the hard stuff with ‘im.” 
“‘M sorry. I didn’t mean to be makin’ faces. Your business is your business,” Arvin backpedalled, giving you an apologetic nod. 
You shook your head, “Don’t worry. I know how it looks. I’m sorry you gotta see all of it. I been tryin’ to keep to keep him calm but if you end up stayin’ a while, I’m sure you’ll get to see him at his worse times.” 
Arvin chewed his lip as he contemplated whether or not to bring up what had been going through his mind but he had to make sure you were alright. “I-I heard you ‘n your dad talkin’ last night… right after you left my room.” 
Your face fell as you realized what he was talking about, “You weren’t s’posed to hear that. I’m sorry.” Shit, this was what you were hoping to avoid. 
“Are you alright?” 
Gentle. Caring. His tone was something that had been long lost to you in this house and it took the words out of your mouth for a moment. It was embarrassing, the way your heart welled up with… well love wasn’t quite the right word but the warmth of being cared about. Not since after your mother had passed had you heard somebody actually care about how you felt. 
You just nodded and gave a forced smile that you could tell was easy to see through but it was the best you could muster. For someone who was able to take so much shit from their father and was able to look the man who would throw things at you and grab you by the hair dead in the eye with nothing but contempt, it was compassion that made you crumble. It had been so unexpected, especially from Arvin, the stranger living in your house. 
“Shit, ‘m sorry! I didn’t mean to - I didn’t mean to overstep. I only…” He stammered over his words and at first you were confused until you felt the single hot tear tracing its way down your cheek. 
You were quick to wipe it away, shocked at your own uncharacteristic show of vulnerability. You hadn’t realized until now that you had zoned out on the ground while Arvin’s words repeated in your head but now a flash of embarrassment ran through you. “No, no, no. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You sniffled once before giving a small laugh of disbelief. “It’s just… It’s been a long time since anybody asked that.” 
You straightened up and ran your hands through your hair, eyes closed as you thought of what else you needed to do. Thankfully, if your dad was at the bar, you had at least another four hours to just you and Arvin, all night if you were lucky, though you seldom were. That was when the feeling of dread set in. Your dad had requested chicken roast for dinner tonight and whether he came home early and only a few beers in or you had to drive him home hungover in the morning, the man would be furious if there weren’t at least reheated leftovers for him. You had to kill Patty and prep her for dinner. 
“You okay?” Arvin asked again, though this time it was in reference to the way a heavy look fell over your features. It wasn’t a profound deep question like it was earlier. 
Your head wavered from side to side and your lips twisted, “My daddy asked for chicken roast tonight. I gotta go out and fix Patty up.” You tried to put it lightly though it felt anything but. “I’ll be out in the coop. You’re more than welcome to clean up in the shower or do whatever you’d like ‘round the house. The radio is in the livin’ room if you wanna tune into somethin’.” 
You pushed yourself off the counter and walked to the door in your kitchen that led out to the backyard but Arvin made a few steps to follow, “Is it alright if I keep you company? It don’t feel right bein’ in your house without you or your daddy here.” 
You smiled at the thought of him staying with you and you nodded, continuing out the door, “Sure, c’mon.” 
The hen house wasn’t very far from the back door. From there, you could see the several acres of land that your father was wasting. Your grandparents had bought this land in the late 1910’s and had started up a little farm of their own to sell locally, though your father had abandoned the farming portion after they died. It was where your daddy had grown up and then where you had as well. God, how you missed your grandparents. Your grandmother’s soft words of love and kindness but sternness and willingness to swat your butt with a wooden spoon if you got an attitude (though she would yell at your father if he ever tried to discipline you - “Now you leave that poor baby alone!”). Your grandfather had looked like a rough and angry old man from years of hard work but he had the softest heart of anyone you’d ever met. How the two of them had raised your father was beyond you. 
When you approached the wired fence and jiggled the lock open, the chickens inside stood surprisingly still. They trusted you. You could see it in their little brown eyes. You were safe and warm and didn’t want to harm them. You came in for the unfertilized eggs they laid and left, oftentimes with some seed and a soft pat or two on the head. Patty, a fat white hen with black specks, walked comfortably around your feet, nuzzling her head against your leg. She was the nicest hen you’d ever had. She trusted you. 
God, you were about to cry again. You bent down to pick her up and you held her against your chest, trying to look her in the eye, though it was difficult when she kept jerking it in different directions. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am,” you murmured low. Usually it was your father that would slaughter the hens if he really wanted the meat that badly. You had never done it yourself but he’d made you watch every time so that you knew how if the time ever came. Each time it made you sick to your stomach. 
Already, you felt green. The unassuming hen that you had been friendly enough to for her not flip out when you held her was none the wiser that her life was about to end by your hand. You glanced over to the large wood round just ahead and the axe that was leaned up against it. 
Your face contorted as you realized how much you disliked the placement. The way your father would slaughter chickens right in front of their friends made your heart break. It was barbaric. 
You walked over to Arvin and held Patty out towards him, “Would you mind holdin’ onto her for a second?” 
Though visibly confused, he took the chicken from your hands, drawing back when her wings fluttered out at the contact with the new strange man. Arvin watched as you walked towards the large round and tried to push it with all your might. “What’re you doin’?” 
“I’m-” you grunted, feeling it slide slowly, inch by inch, “trying to move it where the other chickens can’t see.” You took another moment to use all your force against it before standing up straight and breathing heavily, “I know it sounds dumb cause they’re only chickens but it feels cruel to make ‘em watch, y’know?” You went back to pushing the round and Arvin approached behind you. 
From here he could see the blood stains in the wood. It looked as if the blood had been washed off but the wood had been stained crimson regardless. There was also a divot where an axe had clearly been driven down many times over the years, chipping away at the wood. 
Arvin’s heart actually warmed a little at your attempt to show mercy and your willingness to go out of your way to spare some chickens’ feelings. It wasn’t something he was sure he’d do himself but when he heard you say it, he realized you had a point. It was cruel to imprison a bunch of animals and then lead them out one by one to be slaughtered in front of everyone, each animal waiting their turn. “Here, take ‘er back. Let me.” Arvin stepped in, handing Patty back over to you and bending down to lift the round onto its side with much effort. The wood had to weigh at least a hundred pounds and had long since settled into the ground where it had been placed when you were a child.
Your eyes widened as you watched his biceps bulge, straining the material of his blue t-shirt. You’d never seen a man with muscles like that before and you found your eyes trailing along his arms, following every popping vein from the tops of his hands, up his forearms, and onto his biceps until they disappeared beneath his shirt. It was something you hadn’t expected to see in him. Arvin looked like a quiet, polite, hardworking young man but you never would have imagined the immaculate muscles he possessed. You found your mind wandering to what other surprises laid in store beneath all those layers he wo- 
You needed to calm yourself down. If only he could hear your thoughts, he surely would be furious and disgusted with you. You hadn’t had such impure thoughts since that one time you had been messing around with Jimmy Bates in the backseat of his old car back in your senior year of high school. The two of you didn’t even go all the way but you went far enough and the guilt ate you alive since the two of you were never officially together anyways. He was just the cute boy from high school that you had pined over years that had finally given you the chance right before he shipped off to join the war. 
“This alright?” Arvin asked, shaking you from your fantasy, and you snapped back into reality to realize he had rolled the wood round around the side of the coop behind the wooden wall, outside of the other chickens’ views. 
You nodded and walked over to him, “That’s perfect. Thank you so much for doin’ that. I know it’s sorta stupid.” 
Arvin shook his head, putting his hands on his hips, “If it means somethin’ to you, it ain’t stupid at all. Besides, now that you pointed it out, it was a little barbaric.” 
You smiled up at him, one which he returned. How was this boy so damn nice? Was this some cosmic way of the universe finally giving you something good in your life? You’d become so calloused to your father’s harsh words and barked commands that you had forgotten how nice it was to feel cared about and validated. And you barely knew him. 
“‘M glad you think so.” You looked down at Patty in your arms and any good feelings you’d had melted to sadness and fear. “You been a good girl, Patty. I know you struggled with layin’ eggs for a while but you were always a good girl. Never bit me once unlike some of them other hens.” You weren’t often very soft and vulnerable but you were about to take something’s life for the first time and you couldn’t help but feel the weight of that on your heart. If this were a life or death situation, you would feel better about it, but it wasn’t. The only reason Patty had to die was because your father would throw a fit if she didn’t. 
You carried her to the log and gave her a little kiss on the top of the head, “Please don’t hate me but I understand if you do. Say hi to my momma for me, will you? Tell her I love and miss her.” You set her down and got her in the position you always saw your dad put the other chickens in before he chopped their heads off. Arvin handed you the axe with uncertainty but watched on as you struggled to bring yourself to finish the deed. 
You held her down and you could tell by the way she was flailing that she was panicking now. Patty was well aware of what was happening. “I’m sorry!” You choked, tears welling up in your eyes as her panic began to turn into your own panic. How did people do this? Why was this so freaking difficult? 
Tossing the axe slightly in your hand, you readjusted the handle and just as you went to swing, Arvin piped up, “I can do it.” 
You looked over at him, the afternoon sun reflecting the tears in your eyes and making the color of your irises stand out in tragic beauty. “I-I- Would you really not mind?” You breathed out in relief. 
Arvin stepped forward and you handed the axe out to him, “I don’t mind.” You held onto Patty until Arvin could position her just right as well. He had no idea what he was doing - he’d never had to slaughter a chicken before. He had heard that all you had to do was cut their head off though and then he’d heard the rumors of them running around like crazy even after their head hit the ground. How hard could it be? 
Once he had the hen pinned down where he wanted her, he looked up to see you chewing on your thumb, brows knitted in discomfort. It wasn’t the first chicken you’d watched get slaughtered but it was far from something you enjoyed observing. Arvin signaled to you with a nod before raising the axe above his head and you shut your eyes tight, flinching at the sound of the old metal head thudding into the old wood. 
You had the carcass sitting in the sink while you pulled off the blood soaked feathers, depositing them into the trash bin by the handful. This part was easier for you, something you’d done many times in the past. “Thank you for doin’ that. I’m sorry I’m such a baby.” 
Arvin sat at the kitchen table behind you, “You ain’t a baby just cause you don’t like to kill things. I’d say it’s probably rather normal.” 
The time was inching closer to four o’clock now and the sun was beginning to hang ever so slightly lower in the sky, the precursor to sunset. It was warm outside and a cool spring breeze blew in through the open window above the sink. You snickered as you pulled another handful of feathers out, “Yeah? That mean you ain’t normal?” You looked over at him with a playful glint in your eye but your smile fell when you saw an uncomfortable look cross his face, almost like he’d seen a ghost. 
“I ain’t never said I liked killin’ either.” Arvin attempted to match your joking tone but it was pretty evident there was a weight behind his words. 
“Hey, I‘m sorry. I was only jokin’.” A pang of guilt washed over you but it was only that. A joke. You hadn’t imagined teasing him over something like killing a chicken would set him off, especially since he volunteered to do it for you, but apparently you were wrong. 
Arvin sniffed and scratched his nose, “I know.” After a moment of awkward silence, he stood, “Let me give you a hand. What do you need done?” 
You scanned his face once more to make sure he was really okay but you decided to drop it when you saw his insistent look. You shook your head, “I got it. It ain’t much after I get this all gutted and cleaned.” You picked up the mostly featherless carcass by the wings and plopped it back down into the sink. 
“Well ‘m sure there’s vegetables or somethin’ else that goes with it, right? Let me start cuttin’ those up.” His persistence was adorable, making your heart flutter in the most wonderful way. The idea of a man actually being helpful was unknown to you before Arvin. Your life had been filled with your dad’s drunken bossings since you were twelve years old. You couldn’t remember the last time a genuinely kind voice offered you anything more than a smile on the street, not that you took that for granted. Arvin was just different though. Noble and helpful and kind. 
“You really don’t have to-” 
“Yeah, you keep sayin’ that but I really do want to help. So what can I do to make things easier on you?” He took a few steps closer to you until you felt the beginning of what could have been sparks if he stepped any nearer, like when you hold two magnets a few inches apart and you can feel the energy between them, that hint of attraction, but it’s not quite close enough to pull them together. 
The blush in your cheeks at his simple gesture made you break the eye contact with a nervous laugh of retreat, “Okay, fine. If you’re gonna be so insistent,” you drew out with a teasing drawl, “you can cut up veggies. There’s potatoes over there and carrots and zucchini in the fridge.” 
Arvin’s lips turned up in a small smile when you finally resigned your stubborn ways and he went off to find the vegetables where you had directed him. 
Needless to say, when your father came home from the bar to find you and Arvin talking over a song by the Platters playing on the radio with Arvin cleaning up the dishes while you tossed together the vegetables and the seasoning, he was less than pleased. 
“What the hell is going on here?” His slurred speech made your eyes widen in fear. He was supposed to get home later like he always did. But then you found yourself chiding your irresponsibility. Why the hell would you take that chance? You knew better than to let Arvin help out and now you were gonna pay. 
Arvin sensed the way you tensed up beside him and watched as you spun around to face your father with haste, “Just finishin’ up dinner now. Should be ready by six so you got more than enough time to take a sho-” 
“Why the fuck is he doin’ the dishes?” You father was leaning against the wall, clearly relying on the structure for support. This wasn’t the time to test him, not with Arvin here. It was times like this when he’d start throwing stuff at you. 
Before you could say anything, Arvin piped up firmly but respectfully, “I offered, sir. It’s no problem at all.” 
Your dad pointed at Arvin, “A man ain’t got no place with his hands in a sink of dishes. You leave that shit to her and she’ll just grab you a beer.” He stumbled over his own feet before catching himself ungracefully. 
Arvin’s jaw set tightly and you gripped the countertop with white knuckles behind you. Times like this, you weren’t even sure what to say anymore. No amount of standing up for yourself got you anywhere with him. You never made any headway with your dad’s sexist views on gender roles. It was pointless. The only thing to do was try and work your way to supporting yourself so you could get the hell out of dodge and never look back. 
Arvin’s voice surprised you, “A man’s place is helpin’ out the women in his life when they need, not leavin’ ‘em to do all the housework themselves.” You nearly choked on your own tongue at his words. It was a bold statement for a man to make, especially to the head of the house that was being so gracious as to host him free of charge, but he didn’t back down. It appeared like the jab was lost on your drunken father but Arvin continued with a slightly less accusatory comment to diffuse the situation regardless, “I grew up helpin’ my grandma with all the house chores so I really don’t mind at all.” 
You watched the way your dad eyed Arvin and then you before scoffing and grumbling incoherently as he shuffled his way into the living room. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “I don’t want you gettin’ kicked out ‘cause of me. You didn’t have to say nothin’.” 
Arvin glared at where your father had disappeared and nodded, “Yeah, I did. You don’t deserve all the shit he gives you.” 
You suddenly found yourself avoiding his eyes and twisting your lips. He was right and you were well aware of that fact. The abuse your dad put you through was uncalled for at best. The fact that Arvin had actually taken the time to not only notice the same fact but acknowledge it and stand up for you was something you never thought you’d hear someone do. It made you uncomfortable. You’d been fighting this battle by yourself for so long that letting somebody even know it was being waged was enough to make you want to sink away. Even so, a part of you wanted to let Arvin keep standing up for you. It made you feel weak after having to stand up for yourself for so long but also validated. 
Your eyes flicked up to meet his for only a moment before turning back towards dinner that sat in a roasting pan on the stove, “Thank you.” 
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sicjimin · 3 years
🍰 Morning, Craving 🍰
A.N : a preg!jungkook story for jungkook day xx i dont actually know where is this story going ........ im sorry TT well , yeah i hope u like it ! ((sorry for the lame ending as well))
TW : emeto, mpreg
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Jungkook was tired. When he first know that he's pregnant, he didn't know that it will be this hard. That it would require him running to the bathroom at ass o'clock, like right now. This is not the first time he's awake with nausea engulfing his body, but it's not making it easier every time. Sometimes he's lucky enough that it's just a fluke, but sometimes it would make him run to the bathroom and say goodbye to his dinner.
Today might be the latter. He had shifted his position, turning and tossing, searching for a position that maybe could lessen the sloshing in his stomach. But laying down only make him more nauseous, he could feel bile rapidly shooting upwards. So he trying sitting up, leaning his back on the headboard. Taking deep breaths, holding his mouth closed with two fingers to prevent himself from retching.
He looked at the clock; 2:45 am. The last thing he wants to do is wake up Taehyung since his boyfriend come back from the studio late last night. Jungkook tried to distract his nausea by looking at his sleeping boyfriend. His hand running through the freshly permed hair, lips curled into a content smile.
God, how much he loves this man.
It seems work for a good minute, until the baby decided to kick inside there and making nausea shooting upwards. His loving thought got cut off as his body pitches forward with the silent gag.
He let out a loud moan, and take a deep breath. Trying to calm his breathing.
Trying to control his nausea.
"Fuck." Jungkook groaned under his breath when another wave of sickness hit him.
He moves his pregnant body slowly to the edge of the bed. The wooden floor was cold against his feet. His stomach clenching painfully again. He can feel his face flush red when the urge came again.
A low whimper escaped his lips. He clamped his mouth and waddles to the bathroom. Locking the door, flicking the lamp, and let his body hunched over the bowl. A string of thick saliva immediately falls from his lips, making him more nauseated than he already is. He brushes his purple hair back, holding it back with one of his hand—remind him that growing his hair long during pregnancy is a bad idea—as his body rocking with an empty heave. He let himself kneel, his other hand holding the porcelain tightly as he waits for the inevitable.
After what felt like an eternity, he could feel vomit rising up the front of his throat, making his shoulder rolls. He was a quiet puker, but the sound of the puke crackling against the water was so loud in his ear, that it made him sick more.
"Uurrrkk-", he retches again, this time bringing up his dinner in one big stream. His head hanging low, he could hear the blood rushing through his ears making him unable to hear the door creak open nor did he hear the soft padding footsteps towards his body. A strong arm wraps around his shoulders, rubbing his back, soothing him as much as possible.
His body trembles violently when he feels another round of sickness hitting. He coughs and wipes his mouth. Looking up, he sees the worried expression plastered on the handsome face. "Hyung?" he croaks, voices hoarse and weak.
"Yes baby, I'm here", Taehyung coo as he stifles a yawn, rubbing circles on his back. " Why don't you wake me up?"
Jungkook shakes his head, wiping his mouth with his hand. "You were sleeping peacefully, and- uurkkk", Another bout of nausea hits him. He grips the toilet, holding himself up. The smell of vomit he upchucked earlier hit his nostrils, sending him into another fit of puking once again. His head hung lower as he continued to heave into the bowl.
Taehyung watches Jungkook vomiting, rubbing his back softly. Giving him space as he lets Jungkook expel whatever is inside him.
" Hyunggiieee ...", Jungkook whines, "Please, I'm so fucking tired", he mumbles.
Taehyung pulls Jungkook's forehead to rest on his shoulder. He rests his head on top of Jungkook's. Kisses Jungkook's sweaty neck tenderly, stroking his hair softly.
"I know baby, i know" he whispers softly, kissing Jungkook's temple.
Jungkook takes deep breaths, calming himself. His body slowly relaxing. "Do you want to go back to bed?"
Jungkook nods, resting on top of his hyung. "Can we get some milk? Please?"
"But we don't have milk ..", Taehyung frowns, trying to think of any option that could make Jungkook happy.
Jungkook frowns and hugs his hyung tighter. "I just wanna drink milk, please", he repeats, voice full of desperation. He knows he'll regret asking this in the morning if Taehyung says yes, but it's all he can do to not burst out crying.
"Okay babe, alright. Let me get some milk", Taehyung says as he rubs Jungkook's back gently.
He helps his boyfriend stand up. Holding both of his hands while leading him back to the bedroom.
They walk quietly towards the bed. Taehyung let his boyfriend tucked comfortably, before he walks to the closet and grabs his coat, "I will go to buy you milk" he says before walking away.
"Huh? You will go?"
Taehyung frowned, "Of course? I told you we don't have milk and you want it now?" he said, confused.
Jungkook pouts, "But i don't want to be alone ..", he whispered.
The older sighs, "What do you want then?"
"Both ..", Jungkook trailed off.
" Jungkookie ..", Taehyung sighs. "How about we have cuddles instead?"
Jungkook blinks, "But.. i want milk.."
Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose. He doesn't want to be mad, but this convo in the early morning is not ideal, especially with his sleep-deprived mind. "Kook, just tell me do you want me to buy you milk right now or we both go to sleep?" he asked, tone serious.
Jungkook's eyes went wide, he gulped, thinking about which option he wants. " okay .. sleep then hyungie" he answered. He really didn't want the older ones to leave.
Taehyung smiles lightly. "Okay", he shrugs his coat off, " I will get you one in the morning"
🍰 🍰 🍰
Another thing that pissed Jungkook off with pregnancy is how it decrease his appetite.
"Kook! here's your milk, and cake from that bakery that you want!", Taehyung yells from downstairs, brushing his hand to get rid of the coldness from outside and start placing the things he bought on the counter. Smiling when he sees his boyfriend walk downstairs, beaming happily and start digging on his craving.
It was going so well, Jungkook was so happy as his craving got pleased perfectly. But it only could last few minutes.
Jungkook sighs sadly, chewing the cake he had been craving slowly as he pushes the plate away and takes a sip of the milk. He huffs when the sweetness from milk and cake starts mixing badly in his stomach.
" You're not finishing that?", Taehyung asks concerned.
Jungkook shakes his head, "I cant"
Taehyung sighs, "But you said you want this?"
"I know..," Jungkook murmurs.
Taehyung frowns in confusion. He gulps the bite of the cake he just put in his mouth and scoots closer to his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Jungkook leans against him, letting out a long sigh, "I want to eat that cake hyung, but it's too sweet .. and—", he stops mid-sentence, taking a deep breath. " I don't have an appetite anymore" he murmured.
Taehyung frowns, stroking Jungkook's back comfortingly. "Nauseous?", he asked, knowing the answer.
" Yes", Jungkook mumbled, leaning against his hyung's chest, "So much"
"Okay, i will keep it in the fridge, you can eat this again if you're up to it", Taehyung tells him, massaging Jungkook's shoulder softly.
Jungkook nodded, " Okay... 'm sorry hyungie", he pouts, voice cracking in the end as tears start pooling on his orbs, "You've gone out of your way to buy that but i—" he couldn't hold it anymore and started crying.
Taehyung pulls the younger closer, laughing as he is amused at how fast Jungkook's mood changed. "Why are you crying?", he coos.
Jungkook sniffled, looking up. " The cake ..." he hiccups, "I just...", his words cut off when sickness suddenly hits him. He starts gagging, trying to cover his mouth.
Taehyung looks down worriedly, rubbing Jungkook's back to help him. "Are you feeling okay baby?", he asks calmly.
Jungkook's breathing is still rough, "No.... I need to puke", he chokes out before running to the bathroom.
Taehyung sighs, this time not following the younger. He walks to the kitchen instead, taking mint tea that Jimin gave them, saying that it would help lessen the morning sickness. He winced when he heard Jungkook throwing up.
After two minutes the sound of vomiting stopped, changing to the sound of the toilet getting flushed and sink running. Not long after, his boyfriend comes out. Looking exhausted with flushed cheeks, his hand holding his bump protectively, "I hate being pregnant", he grumbles, wiping at his lips. He sits down on their couch with a thump.
"You look awful", Taehyung comments. He hands the glass over to Jungkook. " Tea, the one that Jimin said it would help morning sickness"
Jungkook took the glass, drinking the tea slowly. "Thank you hyungie", he mutters, "I feel better now", he adds, setting the cup aside.
Jungkook lays down on the couch, pulling Taehyung into his side. He nuzzles his head against Taehyungs neck. He snuggles into Taehyungs arms. Feeling a little tired from throwing up but satisfied from the warmth.
"Let me greet the baby", Taehyung says quietly, pressing a kiss on the crown of Jungkook's head.
" Which baby? Me?", Jungkook asks, smiling as he tugs his hoodie up, showing his stomach that has become round.
Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully, "The baby that asks me to get milk at 3 AM and not eating the cake that they asked for" he teases.
"Oh shut up", Jungkook laughs, rolling his eyes, "I was sick today", he mumbles. He nuzzles his head further into Taehyungs neck, closing his eyes.
" You were sick, huh?", Taehyung teases, playing with Jungkooks fringe. "Let me scold the baby", he says, placing his palm to Jungkook's bump . He pokes gently, making Jungkook smile.
"Mhm, stop poking my tummy", the younger giggles.
"That's what they get for making me running around getting your craving and make you throw it up a few hours later" he smirks before poking harder.
"Stop it!", the younger giggles and whining in between.
Taehyung chuckles, stopping and caressing Jungkook's bump, "It feels nice", he sighs dreamily.
Jungkook smiles, "That means you want to get my craving again tomorrow?"
Taehyung scoffs, "You know i will"
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
the other side     part 2   [request]
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Pairing: Negan x Reader Pronouns: She/Her Warnings: Language, Death Summary: A new life seemed far too good to be true when Rick promised it to you and despite your doubts that’s exactly what you got or atleast you thought.  A/N: Requested by @jinxeee​ - I HOPE YOU LOVE IT! Im working on the last part right now and it should be out TOMORROW <3  Tags: @aubageddon91​  Part One Here. | Next Chapter
 It felt like you were in that box room for years. The only human interaction you would ever get was when someone passed one of those rancid sandwiches through. You never saw Negan though and at some point, you gave up hope and came to terms with the fact he just didn’t care or loved you the way you thought he did. You lost track of the days and nights a long time ago, the blood had peeled from your skin now but it seemed to stain, or it was shadows…. or your mind just playing tricks on you.
 It had been a while since the door opened, no dog food sandwiches, no water. Nothing. You thought perhaps they were just going to let you die in there in the worst way possible. Your mind was left to fight the dehydration and hallucinations that came with it, the women you murdered seemed to jump out at you from each corner of the room when you’d least expect it… you were living your very own horror movie. Today you laid in the foetus position, trying to stop the ghosts from getting to you when you heard the door crack open, you wanted to look so badly but you were scared it was your brain playing some evil trick on you.  You finally gained the courage to turn towards the light, wincing at the headache that attacked you almost immediately but it was a sign that this was real.  Standing in the doorway was a tall slender man, a gun pointed in your direction, you held your hands up as you attempted to sit up straight. You watched as he lowered his gun and shouted for someone to help him. As you backed yourself into the corner, you watched as a much stockier man came running to his side, the skinner man made his way towards you but with caution.
“We’re gonna get you out of here” he spoke softly, holding out a hand for you to hold. “I'm Rick, Rick Grimes” a small gasp escaped your lips at the revelation of who was in front of you now. You had heard about him from the other saviours, you knew he was the leader for another community that was causing trouble for Negan but with your primary job at the sanctuary being to look after the sanctuary while the rest of the saviours were gone, you had never had to come face to face with the infamous Rick Grimes.
 You took his hand as he led you out of the room, watching to see if you were hurt anywhere. When you passed the door frame, you couldn’t help but let your tears stream, finally being free from that hell. Your hand squeezing Rick’s a little as you try to compose yourself. You turned to him not daring to make any eye contact, biting down on your bottom lip. “Thank you” you whispered, not having enough energy to say it any louder. You felt someone hit your side softly, your eyes now panning to the object, the other man holding out a canteen for you which you hungrily took from him and downed the entire thing. You allowed a small moan to pass your lips as the dust in your throat regained its moisture. You heard the unnamed man telling you to take it easy but how could you, you had been without water for days, you passed him the empty canteen and wiped your bottom lip. “Thank you –“ finally now your voice was able to hit a higher octave.
The men took you back to where they called home, Alexandria and it was beautiful, it was nothing like the sanctuary, it took you a few days to fully settle in – even longer to convince people that you weren’t a threat. Rick though, Rick didn’t need convincing, he’d keep you around him most of the time, teaching you new things like how to garden – that was your favourite job, He introduced you to his Daughter, Judith who seemed to take to you very well, constantly asking you to play with her whenever she saw you. He told you stories about his son Carl and the vision he had for Alexandria and you couldn’t help but tear up every time he mentioned he thought Carl would have loved you… like Judith does. The more you proved yourself the more people started to warm up to you, Michonne was the first to warm up to you, she couldn’t ignore how good you were with her daughter, nor could she ignore her daughter boasting about you at dinner every night. Daryl was a little harder to break, he recognised you as one of the saviours still but slowly he started to let his guard down around you – it was little things like bring you back your very own rabbit after a hunt or letting you watch him as he worked on his bike, it wasn’t much but you appreciated it.
 You’d stay in Alexandria for the most part, taking care of the children while the rest went off to work on the fallen bridge. You avoid the cell where Negan was kept like it was the plague, never offering to take food in despite some of the residents begging you too. You were happy again, finally. Rick had shown you what it was like to be a part of a family and now you did everything you could to show your utmost respect for the Sheriff, he was like a brother you never had and you wouldn’t let Negan ruin that for you.
 Today was a little different, you were asked to stay at Alexandria to watch Judith once again as the rest attempted to lure a horde of walkers away from the communities. You put Judith to bed but you couldn’t settle, you paced the living room floor awaiting Michonne or Rick to come through the door with good news but they never did. Instead you saw one of the residents knocking on the door, when you opened the door you couldn’t ignore the expression on his face, it was bad news. You looked past him to see a few familiar faces all seemingly upset, some had been crying. “What happened?” there was a crack in your voice, not really wanting an answer to your question and you didn’t get one. Instead you spotted Daryl just a little away from the crowd, deep in thought. You ran to him, hoping he could provide you with the answer. When you finally reached him, his eyes met with yours and instantly started to water, your chest started to heave thinking that the worst might have happened. Your eyes panned around the crowd taking in everyone that was there. You turned back to Daryl and swallowed the lump in your throat. “Where’s Rick?” your eyes started to tear up when he didn’t respond but you shook your head growing more impatient. “Where’s Rick!” you now screamed at the man, his tears now falling down his face as he shook his head, you had never seen Daryl like this before and that alone was enough to break you, you could feel your hands shaking uncontrollably as you attempted to make sense of the situation. “No- No…. No this is- No!” you cried, your legs finally buckling from under you, only to be caught by Daryl as you fell.
Since that day, you and Daryl became pretty much inseparable, constantly out checking new places to see if there was any sign of the man but after a couple of years had gone by you had run out of places to check. You set your sights on helping Michonne with RJ and Judith, hunting for them and watching them whenever she needed you too and much to your surprise, Daryl was right there with you. You had been sure that he would have continued to look for Rick without your help and well, he did but he was never gone for more than half a day. He swore it had nothing to do with you or the kids but you knew different, you could read him like a book now. He was your best friend, and you were his.
You walked around the gardens with Daryl checking in on everyone for the day before sending him on his way. He’d make a few jokes about how life seemed far too domesticated for his liking and you’d tease him a little, claiming he would make the perfect stay at home dad one day which would only make him push you ever so slightly. You spent most of your time there giggling away with Daryl pretty much ignoring everyone around you, you couldn’t help but feel lucky to be able to see such a soft side of the archer and you soaked up every opportunity you could. The laughter died down as Daryl spotted Negan being escorted out to the fields, trying to distract you a little so you didn’t notice. He had completely forgotten to warn you that Gabriel had decided to put Negan to work, you shot him a confused look as he stepped closer to you, blocking your view with his broad shoulders. “What are you doing?” you laughed slightly, slapping his shoulder but when he didn’t move your tone took a more serious turn. “Daryl?” The southerner sighed while rubbing the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes.
“They’re lettin’ that bastard work on the garden” he finally admitted, moving ever so slightly so you could see the scene unfold. You saw Negan bent down near the strawberries, pulling at weeds, you couldn’t bare the sight of him any longer and your eyes flickered away swallowing the lump in your throat you sent Daryl a faux smile, nodding your head.
“Good.” You whispered before linking your arm with his and continued to walk away. Your heart was racing after seeing him, you didn’t dare visit him while he was stuck in the cell, you were too scared. You almost forgot what he looked like after all these years but your heart couldn’t forget how easily he broke you.
As he picked away at weeds with his bare hands, Negan’s eyes started to wander around the garden, his heart seemed to stop when he laid eyes on you the way you wrapped yourself around Daryl’s arm laughing. He always imagined that the first time he’d see you after he locked you in that room, you’d be on your knee’s begging to be loved by him. He could feel the jealousy rise in his body, his face turning a slight red colour as he pulled a little too hard on one of the weeds. That night in his cell, all he could think about was you and how happy you looked with Daryl, his mind wandering to what you’d get up to with the archer when people weren’t watching which only angered him more. Despite all the anger, he was left more confused than anything as he sat on the edge of his bed, why did he only see you in this light now? Why did he care so much? Instead of dwelling, Negan tried to shut his eyes to fall asleep, hoping that the next day would treat him a little better.
It didn’t of course as he tended to the garden he was once again met with your laughter, his eyes narrowed at the sight of you touching Daryl’s arms before you both chased RJ around the garden. He had never seen you so happy before, so radiant it made him smile just for a moment until he saw Daryl touch you back, his hand rested tenderly on the small of your back. He couldn’t look away despite wanting to.
“If you’re not gonna work you can go back to your cell” Brandon spoke, pulling Negan's attention away from you.
“I wanna talk to Eugene” he grunted as he stood up from the flower bed.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be making those requests” the man teased, Negan only shooting him a look before the boy nodded. “I’ll see what I can do”
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sumiko000 · 3 years
I’ll be your star
.hello hello everyone this is a small tanjiro x reader angst. sorry for the first post being so depressing 
!!! SPOILER WARNING kinda???
this takes place after the battle with muzan
(tw/ blood and death)
       For years, going out into a field and gazing at the beautiful night sky felt impossible. Enjoying it would be difficult with demons spilling out from every direction as a tear does from an eye full of sorrow. 
  “y/n, are you awake?” a timid and cautious voice said, removing the painful silence from around you. “ I am, do you need something Zenitsu?” Zenitsu smiled seeing that you were awake and feeling well enough to talk. “Nezukos’ making tea and was wondering if you’d want any?” “Of course she always makes the best tea!” you said with a hint of excitement in your drained voice. 
You waited a bit for your tea and finally after what felt like an eternity Nezukos bright face came walking in with a steaming cup. “ you’re looking much better today, y/n.” Nezuko said in delight. “I definitely feel alot better now that i have your amazing tea in my hands.” Nezuko giggled, she always looked so peaceful and it calmed you. “ Tanjiro will be back in a few nights, he said the doctor will be with him too.”  You sighed, it hurt you so much to see how hard everyone was trying. But you knew this sickness had no cure, you watched your mother fall victim to it and even after everything…. She couldn't fight any longer and left this world, and you knew soon you would too. 
“Nezuko… you know tha-” you were cut off by an abrupt pull of your hand. “Y/N PLEASE…. Please don’t…. Don’t speak like that, who knows? Maybe a cure has been discovered or maybe you’ll be strong enough to overcome it!?” you could hear the pain in her voice. It made you want to cry.   “I’m trying Nezuko, I really am.” You pulled nezuko into a hug, you felt the wetness on your shoulder grow and soon enough you were crying too. “Um Nezuko, Y/n- ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT!??” you both turned your attention to the yellow boy standing in the doorway with a worried look painted on his face. “We’re okay, sorry to worry you.” you said as you dried your eyes with your sleeve. “Oh alright, but uh Inosuke just brought some firewood in. I'd like to get to the matches before he does because he may set the house on fire.`` Nezuko giggled, “ Let me show you where I keep them.” you smiled watching how giddy Zenitsu got when Nezuko grabbed his hand to lead him to the matches. 
3:00 am
You jerked up bursting into a coughing fit. Your lungs felt like they were on fire and your throat felt like it was being ripped to shreds. Desperately you crawled out of your bed in search of water but before you got anywhere close you felt something coming out of your mouth and the overwhelming taste of blood flooded your taste buds. You felt your eyelids grow heavy and all the strength you had left leave your body. There was nothing you could do but lay there as tears swelled up and became too much for your eyes to hold in. 
“Y/N!! Y/N! WAKE UP!” you could faintly hear the desperate calls of your friends, the next thing you knew you were being lifted up and brought back to your bed. Mustering up all your strength you pushed out a small “im sorry” before letting yourself fall into a quiet slumber. 
“D-don’t worry she's still breathing..” Nezuko said solemnly. “She said this was going to happen nezuko.. She said this happens near the end.” Zenitsu couldn’t help but to burst into tears at the thought of one of his best friends leaving them behind. It wasn’t soon after that Nezuko was crying right along next to him. “Why is everyone crying?” Inosukes rough and tired voice broke Nezuko and Zenitsu out of the crying trance. “ is Y/n okay?” “She's just resting right now. Sorry for waking you Inosuke.” nezuko said as she helped Zenitsu up from the floor. 
A few days later 
“GUYS!! TANJIRO AND THE DOCTORS HERE!!” Zenitsu yelled, running out the front door to greet them. 
“ so where is this y/n?” the doctor said as tanjiro helped him step up into the house. “She's right this way let me show you.” Tanjiro led the doctor to the room you stayed in. Carefully opening the sliding door, Tanjiro stepped to the side to let the doctor get to your lying body. “Give us a moment please.” the doctor said with a wave of his hand. Tanjiro walked out the room, closing the door behind him. “Nezuko, how has she been doing?” Tanjiro asked with tears in his eyes. “... it's been worse the past couple of days'' she said, looking towards the ground trying to hide her tears from her brother. Immediately Tanjiro pulled nezuko into a hug hoping to make her feel better 
“ Hey doc, I'm sorry that you were brought here for no reason.” you said with a soft smile before going into a coughing fit. The doctor handed you the cup of water that was laying beside you. “What do you mean?” the doctor asked, utterly confused. “I know i'm not making it out of this alive.. My mother passed away from this exact disease.. And i'm already so far along that…” at this point you already started crying. You didn't want to die, you didn't want to leave the friends you loved so dearly behind, you didn't want to leave tanjiro… 
A few minutes later the doctor walked out of the room with a long frown plastered on his face. “ I'm sorry.. She doesn't have much longer.” “wh..what? Are you sure- there has to be something you can do, she can't leave yet.” you heard tanjiros' pleas and hurt you so badly. You gripped the end of your kimono sleeve, your hand clawing at it with anger and sadness. Why now? Why couldn't this happen once you lived out the small peaceful life you always wanted? You kept asking yourself why over and over again but it wasn't doing you any good.
“Hey Y/n.” you heard the raspy voice of tanjiro and looked over with a sad yet welcoming look on your face. You patted a spot next to you signaling for tanjiro to come sit. “Take me out to see the stars tonight Tanjiro.” you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “But its cold and-” “and? Its not like i’ll get anymore sick, and if i do what will it matter.” tanjiro frowned, feeling tears start to prick the corners of his eyes again. “y/n.. Please don't say things like.” You immediately felt regret, you didn’t mean to be so blunt but the anger of a sickness getting the better of you took over and you could help but let out your thoughts. “ I'm sorry Tanjiro i.. I just don't want to die.” you were pulled into a hug, the warmth rushing over your body. You missed this, you missed being in tanjiros arms more than you knew. “ Tonight we’ll go look at the stars okay?” “Thank you.”
You were all bundled up and ready to go outside. “Ready y/n?” you nodded and lifted up your arms so that tanjiro could pick you up. As soon as the 2 of you walked out the front door the crisp air bit the tip of your nose. To most this might be an unpleasant feeling but you loved it. 
You looked up into the sky, with most of the trees being bare it made it easier for you to see all the stars. You and Tanjiro stared at the stars, talking with each other about little things that happened in your life. Then silence fell and you took the opportunity. “Tanjiro, i'm sorry to lay this on you so late. But I need to say this.” Tanjiro looked at you directly in your eyes, but this made your heart hurt worse. “I.. I love you, I always have. I wanted to marry you, and have children but it looks like my plans have been cut short.” a fake an airy laugh escaped your lips before a few violent coughs made their way out of your mouth. Blooded tinted your lips and your breaths became heavy. “Y/N! Let's get you inside.” Tanjiro said, trying to quickly get to the house. “No.. stop, let's stay out here. If i'm going to die tonight I'd rather it be out here with the love of my life next to me, with a background of stars painted behind him.`` Tanjiro started crying as he pulled you closer to him. 
You felt the pace of your breaths slow down and your sight was getting blurry. “Tanjiro, i'm going to-” Tanjiro put a finger on your lips. “ Let me kiss you?” you nodded, with a small smile growing on your face. The warmth of his lips against your cold ones made you cry but with tears of joy this time. As soon as he started to pull away you felt empty again. “ i love you y/n, please.. Please don't leave me.” “don’t worry tanjiro, i'll always be with you. I’ll be your star, and i'll watch over you always.”  
With that, you closed your eyes and smiled, letting tanjiros warmth take over as you slipped away into paradise where you’d always be able to watch over tanjiro.
       - sumiko
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13lov · 5 years
lucy (m)
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pairing: pornstar!taehyung, tattooed!taehyung x pornstar!reader
genre: pornstar au, humor, smut, light f2l, angst if you squint.
word count: 8,305
summary: after reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
warning(s): smut (masturbation, sex toys, unprotected sex, fingering, creampies ; mention of: face fucking, squirting, gxg), !ENDGAME SPOILERS!.
a/n: inspired by that video of taehyung with the fake tattoos…good lord… sorry i posted this later than i said i would, some stuff came up :( not proofread so i apologize for mistakes.
With one final thrust into the petite girl beneath him, Taehyung was fast to pull his dick completely out of her with the sigh of relief. Sure, he sighed because it was in the script, but he would’ve done it even if it weren’t apart of the porno.
He flopped on the bed, right next to the girl who was playing the role of his horny step-sister. He visualized the script in his head, and waited a few seconds before turning to his co-star and saying, “I gave you what you wanted, now, can I have my skateboard back?”
“AND CUT!” the director yells, standing up from his chair across the room. Taehyung’s manager, Seokjin, enters the set with a bathrobe in one hand and water bottle in the other and hands Tae both. “Everyone did a great job today! Remember to report back here tomorrow at two for the promo shoot, got it?!” the director asks, and everyone confirms they’ll be there.
Taehyung stands up from the messy bed to put on his bathrobe while his former co-star, Rosie, covers herself in the sheets. ‘If you��re so fucking shy, why are you doing porn?’Taehyung thinks to himself, annoyed.
“You did really good, I enjoyed it. And, you’re an amazing actor. Not many stars are good at acting, but you are.” Rosie compliments sweetly and Taehyung feels bad for what he originally thought of her.
“Thanks,” is all he can say to her because (1) he can’t compliment her back because it would be a lie and there’s no need for that, (2) he’s not interested in talking to her, and (3) he’s ready to head back to his trailer and take a shower. “See you tomorrow,” he adds, because he doesn’t want to seem like one of those stuck-up pornstars he hates so badly.
He then leaves the rented airbnb home and takes the quick walk to his trailer with Jin right by his side. “What’d you think?” Taehyung asks.
Seokjin makes a face as he thinks of an answer. “It was…decent. Not your best.”
Tae scoffed, offended, “It wasn’t my porn, I’m only here to get her some clout. You think I enjoy wasting my time with newbies when I could be with a professional? Hell no!” his rant goes on as he approaches his white trailer, opening the door and holding it so Jin can walk in first (because he’s polite like that).
“Then why film with newbies when you hate it so much? Oh wait, because their team is willing to pay big money for the number one pornstar on ‘nexxxtdoor.com’. That’s why.” Seokjin stated once he entered the trailer and sat on the white couch, Taehyung following shortly behind.
Jin was right, Tae was the number one star on the number one porn site in the country. Maybe people were drawn to his blonde mullet that was usually accompanied by one of his many headbands, or maybe it was the floral tattoos decorated nicely across his neck that drove people crazy. But it was probably just the plain old fact that Taehyung was hot, had a pretty dick, and knew how to use it.
“You’re damn right about that,” Tae says, stripping himself of his bathrobe and little clothing. He doesn’t bother to lock to door of the trailer or even cover himself up in front of Seokjin; everyone had already seen him naked, all boundaries have burned down.
“God, I’m so hot,” Jin says suddenly, and Taehyung looks over to see his manager has moved to stand directly in front of the mirror above the couch, looking directly at his reflection. “Maybe I should start doing porn just to give you a run for your money.”
“Ha!” Taehyung laughs, walking to the standing shower and turning on the hot water. “As gorgeous as you are, I’m a pretty tough guy to beat. Aren’t those two guys still fighting for second place? What are their names?” Taehyung snaps his fingers as tried to remember the names of the two porn stars fighting for second place like a bunch of losers.
“Suga, and uh, that Jimin guy. But they actually dropped a few places…” Seokjin’s tone changed, he seemed nervous.
“Oh, yeah?” Tae asked, stepping into the hot shower, “Have people finally gotten bored of them?” He grabs the white bar of soap from its appropriate holder and begins to cleanse himself, starting off with his neck and shoulders.
“Not exactly, people still like them, there’s just this…uh…”
“Spit it out, Jin.” Taehyung demands, moving the bar of soap down to his chest and belly. Small, white bubbles form at the surface but are quickly washed away with the water pouring down from the shower head.
“There’s this new girl who’s going viral really quick; she’s number two.” Jin admits with a nervous cough.
“A girl,” Taehyung repeats, “I like girls. She must be pretty good if she’s growing so quickly.” It’s true; (Taehyung does indeed like girls) it took Tae two years to become number one on nexxxtdoor, so whoever was able to pass stars as good as Jimin and Suga in such a short amount of time had to be fucking amazing.
“She sure is…something. Her name is ‘Lucy Fer’; look her up when you get home. But, yeah, I’m off to go pick up your next script; see you later.” Jin leaved without another word, and Taehyung is still in the shower.
“Lucy Fer…” he repeats in a whisper, “Lucy Fer…”
Taehyung does as he’s told later that night and types in the name of his possible nemesis on nexxtdoor.com. He clicks the little arrow and the search results pop up in a matter of seconds; your channel popping up in full display.
LUCY FER  ✓ @lucy_fer im basically a youtuber that taker her clothes off hehe </3 4.7M Subscribers | 192 Videos | Joined 1 Year Ago
Taehyung is confused by your biography, but decides he’ll find out what you mean after looking at some of your videos. And, just by the titles alone, he can see why so many people enjoy watching you:
ex bf fucks my face while frank ocean plays in my airpod$!!# (ft. namjoooooon) 2,372,084 views
After reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, Taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
It’s weird for him to feel desperate for the girl literally coming for his career, especially when he hadn’t even seen you in action yet. And for that reason, he doesn’t like you. Does he think you’re hot? Yes. Does he want to fuck you? Of course. Does he dislike you? Actually, yes, but only becaus you’re
He sighed, straightening up in his desk chair as he kept his eyes on the illuminated screen in front of him. Curiosity got the best of him and soon enough, he was scrolling past all of your videos until he gets to your very first one:
He notices that in every thumbnail, you’re wearing a pair of red devil horns and when you’re very rarely accompanied by someone else, they’re also wearing their own set of horns, identical to yours. Even in your display picture, it’s an up-close photo of you, your hair is down and it’s dripping wet, the devil horns are on full display, and your tongue is stuck out with a lit lighter dangerously close to it.
You’re the devil. Satan. Lucifer. Lucy Fer and oh, he finally understands your stage name.
He smiles lightly and shakes his head in realization. Taehyung’s about to close the laptop and call it a night - he has a long day tomorrow - but, he decides just watching oneof videos wouldn’t hurt. I mean, you are his competition, right? He has to see why you’re so popular.
Taehyung scrolls for a few seconds before clicking on a video titled “masturbating and crying about how broke i am (ft. namjoon aka my ex bf lol)“.
The video buffers quickly, taking Taehyung by surprise. For some reason he pauses it, grabs his laptop whole, and makes his way over to his king-sized bed. He tells himself it’s because he’s going to fall asleep afterwards, but he knows that he’s retreated to the bed for other reasons.
Once he’s in a comfortable position with the Macbook in front of him, Tae finally hits the triangle-shaped button and the video plays.
Your bed and pillows are the only thing in the frame at first, then you step in and sit on the edge of the bed. You’re wearing a red skater skirt that’s a tad bit short, a lacy, black bralette, and your signature devil horns.
You stare at the camera in silence for awhile and Taehyung wonders when you’re finally gonna get down to business. That’s when the camera suddenly zooms in on your face, on the single tear that comes from your left eye and makes its way down your cheek.
"Oh,” Tae says, shocked. He wasn’t actually expecting you to cry, though the title said you would.
The camera zooms from out of your face and goes back to the full body shot of you on the bed. “Why the fuck am I so broke?” you ask, there’s a smile on your face, but another tear slips from your eyes. Taehyung then decides for himself that you are a fucking maniac.
With the way the video is edited, Tae feels like he’s watching one of those popular YouTubers; like Emma Chamberlin or Antonia Garza. Your bio had described you perfectly: you truly were just a YouTuber who took her clothes off, and everyone (including Taehyung) loved it. It was a great idea on your part, since literally no one else made homemade porn the way you did.
With you, it felt so natural and relatable and not at all like the washed-up pornstars that came before you. Your viewers loved you, and they were so attached to you. Though you considered yourself to be just another lost, twenty-three year old, your viewers thought you were perfect because of how honest you are. Being so close to them, you didn’t even mind when they called you Y/N, your real name.
Even at times when you weren’t uploading videos or going live on nexxxtdoor, you held a PG-13 rated Instagram live that allowed you to speak to your supporters on a less intense platform.
You were thankful for them, and they were thankful for you.
In the screen in front of him, Taehyung watches and listens as you talk about your card getting declined at Starbucks as you unclasp your bra. You pull the black straps down slowly until they completely fall off your arms, your boobs spilling out nicely. Your nipples are hard because of how cold it is in your apartment, but you let the people watching think it’s because you’re horny.
Though only the top half of your body is bare, Taehyung still admires you. Many of the girls had had worked with had fake boobs or a fake ass for the most part, not that it was a bad thing, it was just nice to see something he wasn’t used to.
You’re complaining again, this time about how you received a parking ticket that morning and you have no clue how you’re gonna pay for it with the amount of student debt you’re in. With a sigh, you wipe away another pathetic tear before turning on all fours with your ass in view of the camera; the black thong underneath your skirt hardly hiding anything.  
Your hand reaches under your pillow and pulls out a white vibrator. It looks dull and worn out, but no one really expecting you to have a top of the line one that costs $100.
“The police officer that gave me the ticket was pretty hot, though,” you say whilst getting into your original position on the bed. Taehyung then pauses the video, not because you’ve done anything wrong, but because he’s now realizing his hand had slipped past his pajama pants and he had began to palm himself through his boxers.
He can’t jerk off to the enemy, it’d only give you more power. But, he can follow the enemy on Instagram.
So he does exactly that.
lucy_fer is live…come watch!
The little banner pops up on Taehyung’s screen, staying for a few seconds before disappearing in his notifications tab. He considers the tempting invitation as he stares at the YouTube video that had been playing before being interrupted.
Sure, it was just an Instagram live and it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he watched. But, what if you thought otherwise? What if you thought he was only watching just so he could scope out his competition?
“Screw it,” Tae mumbled before pulling down his notifications bar and clicking on the Instagram banner. It loaded within a few seconds and soon enough, Taehyung’s presence had been announced in the stream.
k.taehyung has joined.
But your face was turned elsewhere, talking to someone who was out of view of the camera. Secretly, Tae was hoping you’d turn back in time to acknowledge that fact that he was watching. And, much to his luck, you turned back towards the camera just as his was going away.
“Three hundred already?” you asked, watching the view count go up. “You guys must be bored.”
nam_joonie yep. why dont u take that shirt off and put on a show.
You read your ex-boyfriend’s comment with a sigh, leaning back on your couch as more comments from new viewers filled the screen. “You all know Namjoon,” you said to the viewers, grabbing the cup filled with water that stood on the coffee table next to your propped up phone. “I apologize that my ex is such a perv.” You took a sip of your drink as you roommate, Jennie, leaned into the frame to read a comment that caught her interest.
pinkszn.lisa girl fuck your ex, kim taehyung is here
Once Jennie read the comment out loud the water in your mouth was done for with the way you had begun to cough it up in shock.
You had heard of Taehyung, of course, and it was a surprise enough when he followed you on Instagram a few hours ago. He was intimating, to say the least, with his tattoos and blonde mullet and headbands and…wow. In fact, he was so intimidating, you hadn’t even watched any of his pornos. You knew he was good at his craft and didn’t need to watch any of his stuff to prove it.
When you were able to finally catch your breath, you turned to Jennie, shaking your head in shock. “Stop lying,” you choked out.
Seeing this as a second opportunity from hod himself to make his presence known, Taehyung typed out a comment.
k.taehyung hi hahaha
Rainbow hearts continued to fill up the screen as you read Tae’s comment whith wide eyes. He was actually here, watching you awkwardly get choked up over him.
“Taehyung!” you said suddenly, probably a little too excited. You cleared your throat as a way to calm down, “I…we…” nervously, you looked towards Jennie with a desperate facial expression that yelled ‘help me’.
“Why don’t you…guest him?” Jennie suggested.
“Oh, yes! Can I guest you, Taehyung?” You asked hopefully, though you already had requested for him to join before he could process what was going on. Sitting up on his couch, he looked down at the floor where his housemates Jungkook and Hoseok were sat in front of the television watching whatever sports game was on.
Of course Taehyung could afford to live alone, but these truly were his best friends.
“I’m about to go live. Try not to talk too much.” he said.
“That was a terrible pass,” Jeongguk said to Hoseok, clearly ignoring Taehyung’s request as he kept his eye on the basketball game. “I could pass better than that.”
Hoseok shakes his head, grabbing a few pieces of buttery popcorn that sat in the bowl on his lap. “You can’t even play basketball that good.”
“My point exactly! I could pass better than Williamson and I’m not even good at basketball; that’s tragic.”
With an eyeroll, Taehyung accepts the request to appear in your stream and gets himself in position with his phone camera, taking off his thick, clear glasses only momentarily to properly capture his face in the frame. Seconds later, the stream connect and he appears on the bottom half of the screen with you on top.
You open your mouth in shock once Taehyung is on screen then bring an arm to cover your eyes. “Woah, Taehyung! No shirt?!”
“Woah, Y/N, no bra?” he fired back, pointing out the obvious fact that your nipples were clearly hard under the thin, white shirt you wore. To anyone watching, they could easily mistake the two of you for lifelong friends with the way you were comfortable enough to joke around like this.
Or maybe it was just cheesy pornstar humor.
Slowly, you brought your forearm down from your eyes and got a good luck at Taehyung. He was indeed topless, flower tattoos on full display along with the gold chain that hung loosely around neck. He was a gorgeous sight, to say the least, and it’s no wonder why so many people enjoyed seeing him preform such filthy acts on his partners; never the same person twice, but always getting them to cum more than once.
You then realize this is your first time getting at good look at Tae’s face, other than the few Instagram photos you skimmed through when he followed you the day before. You also then realize you’d been staring at him in awkward silence since you brought your arm away.
You clear your throat, “touché. It’s nice to, like, see you for the first time.”
Taehyung raises a brow, had you never watched any of his stuff? He wants to ask, but also doesn’t want to seem cocky; it’s not like you were obligated to watch his pornos.
He decides to ask, the curiosity is killing him.
“I’m guessing that means you haven’t seen my stuff…” he says.
Now you’re embarrassed and wish you could go back in time and never make that comment about seeing him for thee first time. But you can’t, all you can do is shake your head and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t watch porn.”
“You’re the second most watched pornstar in the country and you don’t even watch porn?” he asks, confused.
You realize how stupid you sound and become embarrassed again. “Wait, no! Not like that, I mean. I watch my own stuff and I have some friends who do porn and I watch them…but that’s for support. I don’t get off to them or anything. Not because I can’t! I just…don’t want to…masturbate to my friends.”
It’s silent as Taehyung tries to take in what you said.
nam_joonie suddenly im not bored anymore
Although you and Namjoon have been broken up for quite some time now, he still knew when you were nervous about something, and that’s exactly what you were now.
You pretend you hadn’t seen Namjoon’s comment the same way to choose to ignore Jennie’s silent laughter fit. “I know who you are, though, Kim Taehyung,“ you nod as if you’re trying to reassure him while Jennie tries her best not to pass out from second-hand embarrassment.
Tae tilts his head up when he chuckles and you’re given an even better view of his neck and the tattoos that accompany it. If given the opportunity, any person would love to leave little purple bruises up and down his throat. But not you (you weren’t like other girls (and boys for that matter)), too afraid to mess with the beautiful artwork that Taehyung truly was.
And on top of that, everything about him was cute and sexy at the same and it nearly made your head explode. For example: the fact that he had neck tattoos was sexy, and the fact that they were flowers and butterflies made it cute. His blonde mullet was sexy, and the baby pink headband he usually wore underneath it was cute.
Then there was his smile. The smirk was sexy, but his boxy smile is what made your heart flutter. You were beyond nervous.
“I love your tattoos,” you compliment, “do you have anymore?”
“Mmhm!” he hums excitedly and it seems like the butterflies on his neck have made their way down to your belly. He holds his left hand up, showing off yet another butterfly tattoo – a blue one. “And I have one one each thigh of a bird.”
nam_joonie omg taehyung ur tattoos are so hot ugh the sexual tension between u two is killing me just fuck one of her holes already!!!
Namjoon isn’t the only one commenting, but it’s the only comment your eyes let you see. Taehyung sees it to and wonders if your ex boyfriend’s bitter jealousy would be a problem in whatever relationship he’s trying to form with you.
“Maybe I will,” Taehyung says with a smirk and no context at all, but everyone had seen Namjoon’s comment – made it hard to miss with it being so long. If you had water in your mouth, you’d be choking on it. And Jennie, who was off to your side, had her jaw slacked open at Tae’s straightforward and risky reply.
user1 we-
user2 TEA !
user3 and i oop-
…And more twitter slang flood the chat. You and Taehyung stay on live for another half hour, Namjoon doesn’t comment again so you assume he left after what Taehyung said. The rest of the broadcast goes well, consisting of you and Tae joking and talking and flirting with Jennie occasionally making fun of you or one of his roommates yelling about the basketball game.
It’s nice talking to Taehyung, it’s like he’s managed to become your friend in the short amount of time you’ve talked to him. When he listens to you speak, he pays attention and doesn’t interrupt you. And when you interrupt him when he’s speaking, he doesn’t mind because he likes seeing you get so excited. He’s literally the perfect boy.
So perfect that you want to keep talking to him forever, even when your eyelids get heavy and demand sleep. Jennie has already taken a shower and would be heading to bed soon, and any other day you’d be following her footsteps by getting ready to sleep.
“You’re tired,” Taehyung says when you yawn for the third time in a row.
You bring you index finger and thumb together, creating little space between them. “Just a tad bit.”
“Then sleep, don’t you have class in the morning?”
You nod, “I’m probably gonna drop out anyway, but yeah I do.”
"Then sleep,” he repeats so kindly it makes you want to close your eyes right there just to please him. He’s taken his glasses off now (making a show of it when he did so) and you’re able to look into his eyes better.
“I’ll go to bed if you do,” you challenge.
Taehyung isn’t sleepy, but he should be going to bed anyway so he’s not tired for tomorrow’s early shooting. “Yeah, I’m filming tomorrow, I need to go to bed.”
There’s something about Tae saying he has to film tomorrow that makes your heart drop. It’s like, in the short amount of time you’ve known him, you forgot he was the most watched pornstar and mistook him for an everyday boy who had a normal job and a normal life that could sustain a normal relationship. But you should know by now, nothing in your life is normal, and you and Taehyung had the same career in completely different aspects.
“Okay,” you sigh, “goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” he says before leaving the broadcast. He would’ve stayed on longer if his job wasn’t so demanding.
He waits a minute, and you’re finally done with your livestream. Then he waits, and waits, and waits until…
lucy_fer sent you a direct message.
It’s your phone number, along with a message.
lucy_fer / 1 min ago send nudes pls
Taehyung knows you’re joking, but considers sending a dick pic just to make you squirm. But he doesn’t, instead, he saves your number and sends a text of his own.
imessage today at 11:37 pm
no u
Withing the next few weeks, a friendship blossoms between you and Taehyung. You text everday now, and neither of you could be
You’ve uploaded more videos (to which Tae has jerked himself off to), and Taehyung has kept his title as number one and has starred in more films of his own (in which you was only to support because, again, you don’t watch porn).
It’s when he’s in his trailer with Seokjin getting ready to film another boring horny stepbrother when he get’s a text from you.
imessage today at 12:22 pm
i want to see u
in real life tho
like…i wanna meet u in real life
The last thing he texted you was a Jeongguk being stupid a few hours ago, so your lack of being able to respond quickly in this situation gave away the fact that this was something you had been thinking about a lot. He’s not too sure what to say in this sense. Yes, he’s your friend and wants to meet up with you, but what if something happens and changing the dynamic of your friendship? He cares for you the way a friend should (and probably a little more), and feels like you’re one of the few people who actually understand him. He definitely doesn’t want to lose you like Namjoon has.
He responds:
hmm, what prompted ur sudden interest in wanting to see me?
You’re quick to reply:
rmr a little while ago we talked about filming something together? u can come up here for a weekend, we could hang out and film something
so u only want me for my body?? i see how it is…
oh quit it
so, what do u say? u can stay at my place
He tells you he’s going to think about it, but already knows he’s going to say yes. It’s all he can think about twenty minutes later when he’s fucking some redhead deep into the mattress. The sound of your girlish moans and gasps play so vividly in his mind, if he tries hard enough, he can pretend your sounds are coming from the girl’s mouth and you’rethe one he’s balls deep in.
And if he tries hard enough, he can pretend the little tuffs of the girl’s red hair that form against the pillow are your red devil horns.
And when he does try hard enough, he has to stop himself from cumming right then and there by distracting himself with other thoughts. He can’t think of you, of course – you’re the one who got him into this predicament in the first place.
Taehyung opens his eyes, trying his best to momentarily erase you from his mind. He looks down at the girl beneath him and is met with closed eyes and parted lips; her tongue was only slightly visible and was bit down on to stifle load moans.
The expression on her face is awkward, amateur almost, and Taehyung can’t stand it. He thrusts deeper, earning a high pitched moan from the girl and follows suit with a low groan.
He’s bored. Extremely bored. Then his mind drifts back to you, and he smiles because he’ll be seeing you in a few days. And for once, in a very long time, he’s excited for something. So excited that his boxy smile pays a visit and he has to bury his face in his co-star’s shoulder to cover it up.
Friday comes around rather quickly, and Taehyung finds himself halfway out of the front door with a duffel bag in his hand, saying goodbye to his roommates.
“No people, no parties, no dancing, no loud music, and Yeontan is the only animal allowed in this house. If I get a complaint from the neighbors, I swear–” Taehyung’s infamous exit speech is cut off by Jeongguk clasping a hand on his shoulder.
“Relax, hyung,” he says a little too calmly for Taehyung’s comfort, “nothing bad is gonna happen, don’t worry.”
The sound of tiny nails scraping against the wooden floor has made Tae forget what he was saying, only being able to focus on the beautiful dog running up to him.
He drops the bag, bending down to pet the fur and say goodbye to his faithful companion. “Please remember to take care of Yeontan; he’s very needy.”
“We will, I promise.” Hoseok says and Taehyung stands upright once again.
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” he adjusts the bag on his shoulder, “Gguk is the one that concerns me.”
Jeongguk scoffs, fake offended, “Me?! Why me?!”
“That time you went two days without food and didn’t even realize it.”
“That–I–it was for a gaming tournament! Plus, I drank Red Bull and that gave me all the energy i needed.” he tries to redeem himself, but it doesn’t work.
“Please just take care of my fucking dog,” is the last thing Taehyung says along with ‘goodbye’ before leaving his house.
The drive to your apartment is nearly two hours away, and Taehyung can hardly believe he’s going out of his way to hang out with a friend then have sex with her. It’s ridiculous yet so exciting. So…new.
You’re outside your apartment building when Taehyung arrives, heart beating out of both of your chest. He doesn’t leave the car, since the two of you agreed you’d go out in the city before coming back to your place, but you can already see he’s a lot taller in person. And a lot hotter, if that was possible.
You jog up to his Range Rover, the best looking car in the parking lot, and slide into his passenger seat. Before Taehyung is able to get a word in, you’ve already engulfed him into a tight hug. He’s thrown off his game by your sudden forwardness, but he doesn’t let it phase him. Instead, his arms find comfort around your waist, embarrassing you so tight and completely as if you’d melt away if he let go.
Then, you’re pushing him off of you, as if nothing happened.
“I can’t believe I’m here, with you, in your car. I bet so many of your fans would die to be in this position,” you run your fingers through your hair as a method to calm your nerves.
“And many other positions…” he jokes with a small smirk, handing you his phone so you can put in the address to the place you’re having lunch at.
“Touché,” you reply, and minutes later you’re on your way to a whole-in-the-wall cute, little restaurant. It’s mostly empty, so neither of you are recognized.
Taehyung picks a little table in the far corner by the window; just enough room for the both of you. He pulls out your chair, because he’s polite like that, before setting down your tray of food on the table and sitting down on his own seat.
“It’s raining,” you whisper, chin in the palm of your hand as you stare out the window.
Taehyung had started to place your food in front of you, but stops when he hears you speak. He looks up at you, and the only word he can use to describe you in this exact moment is ‘pretty’. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
He gulps, glancing out the window to see it had indeed began to rain. “Yeah,” is all he can say, because there’s not much you can say when you’re being taunted.
The sky is teasing him, as though it was saying, “ha ha, I can cry and you can’t”, because Tae is so at peace being here with you, he could actually cry. He’s happy for once, and wishes he didn’t have to hide it.
“It’ll be dark by the time the movie’s over,” Taehyung says while handing you your sandwich, “are we going straight to your place afterwards?”
“We can, I mean, it’s Friday and you don’t leave until Monday morning; we have the whole weekend to explore.”
Tae nods out of excitement but doesn’t show it. He’s been looking forward to filming with you and is happy you’re ready to do so as soon as possible. Now, he’ll just have to find a way to stop thinking or talking about it.
“So about the video we’re making today,” he takes a sip out of his lemonade.
“Oh yeah, I was gonna have my manager email yours to sort out some details, then I remembered I don’t have a manager–”
“Wait,” Tae raises a hand to silence you, “you don’t have a manager? Why not?”
Embarrassed, you slump back in your seat and shrug. “I dunno, I felt like I didn’t need one until now, honestly. All of my videos are filmed and edited by me and on the rare occasion I have someone to film with, they’re people I know personally; not big time…pornstars.” you whisper the last part because although the restaurant is mostly empty, you’re still in public.
“I’m literally just a YouTuber that takes her clothes off,” you continue.
“Even YouTuber’s have managers, don’t they?” he points out.
Before you can respond, your phone starts to vibrate on the table. “It’s Jennie,” you say, “do you mind if I…?” you hold your phone up with pleading eyes, claiming the call could be important. Taehyung says it’s fine and takes a bite out of his own sandwich while you accept the call.
“Yeah?…Oh, okay!…Can you tidy up before you go?…I know, but still…Great, have fun…Oh, shut up…Thank you, I love you…Alright bye,” Is all Taehyung hears from your forty-second conversation before setting your phone back down.
“That was my roommate, she just left for the weekend, so me and you have the apartment to ourselves.”
“You have a roommate?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, Jennie.”
“Does she know you do porn?”
“Mmhm, she was in my video before. I think I titled it: Pussy Is God.”
“Knowing you, you probably replaced the S’s with dollar signs.”
You smile, “You know me pretty well, don’t you?”
And he does know you pretty well. Just like he knows when the two of you are exiting the restaurant, you make sweater paws with your hands because you’re cold. So he holds your hand and let’s your fingers intertwine the entire walk to his car and tells himself it’s just platonic hand holding.
And when you’re in the theater watching Endgame, he feels your body tremble as you watch Iron Man take his final breath. You don’t cry, but Taehyung let’s the tear he was holding in fall from his eye. He doesn’t think you saw it, but you do, and later on he let’s you assume it’s the movie that made him cry. But really, it was you.
You had brought Kim Taehyung to tears.
Because when he’s with you, he isn’t thinking about his job or stress, or anything. Your presence had captured him and tricked him into thinking he, being the person he is, could handle being in a relationship; a serious one at that.
And that’s exactly what he was afraid of.
“Just admit it, you big baby. We basically went on a date.” You say hours later as you lead Taehyung into your apartment.
“Oh, you think so?” Taehyung asks as you flick on the light switch.
“Well, we had lunch, held hands, saw a movie, and we’re about to have sex so…yeah, I think it’s safe to say we went on a date.”
Upon entering your apartment, Taehyung notes it’s as small as you said it would be, but didn’t expect for there to be so many new, expensive appliances. Seriously, your fridge, flat screen television, and microwave all look so out of place in your crappy apartment. He assumes your porn money as started rolling in, but doesn’t ask.
“You wanna film now?” Taehyung asks, slipping off his shoes when you notices you doing the same.
“Why wait?” You ask with a devilish smirk, “I’m gonna change, but please, make yourself at home.”
You’re in your room getting dressed in your usual skirt, bra, and devil horns (and even a little bit of makeup because…fuck it) while Taehyung takes time to prepare himself with a mini prep talk while he waits.
“I’m ready if you are,” you call from your doorframe. Taehyung’s dick already feels like it’s stirring in his pants, so he tries his best not to look at you when he enters your room and sits on the edge of your bed, directly in front of your only camera.
“Are you ready?” you ask, a finger on the ‘record’ button.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he replies.
You press record and sit down next to him.
“It’d be so funny if I just put in, like, clips of our first livestream together when you said you would fuck one of my holes,” you laugh, and Taehyung is amazed at how comfortable you became in a matter of seconds. You truly were a natural at this, and it put him at ease.
“Please don’t do that,” he replies, shaking his head.
“Im gonna do it, but, anyway…! I’m here with Kim Taehyung! And I have a gift for him!” You lean over to your bedside drawer to retrieve your gift for him, Tae lets out a desperate sigh when he gets a clear view of your ass.
“Usually, I have my co-star for the evening wear complimentary devil horns, right? But, for you, I went out and got you your own pair. They don’t look much different than mine or any other pair, but these are special…because they’re yours.” you pull the headband from behind your back and gently place it in his hands and watch as he stares at them for a moment.
Although they’re the same style of the ones of the ones usually featured in your videos, they’re different in some way. Newer. Cleaner. His to keep.
He stares at them in silence, making you nervous by the second, and you make a mental note to edit awkward Wii music in at this part. “..so do you like it, or…?”
Instead of responding, he moves his tattooed-hand up to his hair and removes his baby blue headband in a swift motion; replacing it with his new gifts. Out of his duffel bag, he pulls out a light pink supreme headband (similar to his infamous one) and gives it to you, claiming he also brought you a gift.
And for the sake of the porno (and because you like him so much without realization), you take off your devil horns and replace them with the headband he’s given you.
When Taehyung stares at you, he feels like his looking at his heart in human form. He can’t look away and sure as hell doesn’t want to. But, he’s not in love. He’s in lust and in like and all the things that come with having a crush because Jesus Christ he has the biggest, fattest crush on you, Y/N.
“Do I look like you?” you ask.
“Nope, you look way better,” he compliments.
You wave your hand in a motion that says, ‘as if’. He isn’t used to working without a script, but is too shy to ask how you plan on getting things started. And, like you read his mind, you instruct him to lay back on the bed, and he does so.
"What, are you gonna top me?” Taehyung asks with a cocky smile and a raised brow, elbows holding himself up as he watches you crawl over him until your faces are centimeters apart.
“You’d make such a cute, little bottom,” your lips brush against his with every word you speak, and yet, you’re still not kissing. “But no, just relax.” You might as well had been speaking a foreign language Taehyung had no knowledge of because he had no clue what you were saying; too distract by the fact that your lips were literally on his and you weren’t even kissing, though you both so badly want to.
“Kiss me, pussy,” is what you want to say to him, but you don’t. Your lips place delicate kisses down his neck, so soft and subtly and almost nonexistent, not wanting to cover up his tattoos with hickeys.
Your hands make their way down to his jeans until you’re undoing his belt and sliding it off with ease. With his elbows hosting himself up again, Taehyung watches you pull his jeans down all the way to his ankles until they’ve met the same fate as his Gucci belt. When you hook a finger on the waistband of his boxers, he stops you with a question.
“What’re you doing?” he slurs, and regrets asking such a dumb question because he already knows damn well what you’re gonna do.
“Gonna suck you off; is that okay?”
It’s more than okay, honestly. It’s just, Taehyung is a giver. His fans pay to watch him give and give and give until they’re watching his cum drip out of someone’s swollen cunt; he definitely wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of sex and couldn’t even remember the last time he’d gotten a proper blowjob.
He doesn’t respond verbally, only giving a light nod and running his tongue across his top lip.
Getting the answer you were hoping for, you tug off Taehyung’s boxers with a single finger, his cock springing free and laying flat against his abdomen. Precum leaks from his reddening tip and you can’t help but gasp at the euphoric sight. Taehyung smiles in delight when the soft noise leaves your mouth, and suddenly, he’d confident again.
Your hand makes it’s way to grab a hold of Tae’s cock, using the pad of your thumb to smear the seeping precum along his tip. He let’s out a moan of pleasure, already obsessed with the feeling of your small hand wrapped around his ever-hardening member.
Starting off with slow strokes, you lower your head until you’re inches away from his dick. You’re not even doing much, yet Taehyung feels like he could cum right now just by the way you’re looking at him; so dark and lustful and sinful, like the she-devil you truly were.
Without warning, your tongue presses itself alongside Tae’s tip, peppering the sides with small kitten licks. “Shit,” he mutters, eyes tightly shut. If he thought your hands were good, your tongue nearly sent him into overdrive.
The little kitten lick only last for a few seconds longer, and then your mouth is completely around him. He’s big around you, and it’ll take a bit of work if you plan on getting him to the back of your throat.
You pull your mouth away from with a pop, your free hand stroking off parts of him your mouth couldn’t reach quite yet. He’s still propped up on his elbows, watching as you get him off.
Your mouth is wrapped around him once again, and soon enough, his eyes are back to being shut as he takes in the warm feeling of your mouth. Taehyung fights the urge to buck his hips once you’re finally able to allow him deeper in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you fight off your gag reflex.
He even fights thee urge once you’ve gotten used to the feeling and began to slowly bob your head. He grabs a fistful of your hair tightly, earning a pleasing groan from you that vibrates around his dick. Pulling only a slight bit harder on your hair gets another reaction out of you, this time causing your left hand to work your way down into your panties.
The sight alone makes Taehyung want to replace your fingers with his own; watching his tattooed-hand disappearing into your underwear until his fingers are circling around your clit, slipping his fingers between your slick folds until they’re completely covered. He’d bring his fingers up to your mouth and whisper “taste yourself, baby, taste how wet you are for me,” then his fingers would be in your mouth, licking your juices clean. And he’d bring his hand back down to your cunt, calling you his good girl while we thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
But that can’t happen, at least not tonight while you were recording and, oh fuck…he was so caught up, Taehyung forgot this whole thing was being filmed.
“Shit, fuck, stop it,” he instructs, knowing he’d release right then and there if you kept this up.
“Something wrong?” you ask, your big doe eyes peering up at him with your mouth glistening with his precum. You looked so innocent yet so sinful and it drove Taehyung so crazy.
He’s taking his shit off, leaving him completely naked and you follow suit. “I shouldn’t be selfish,” he says when you’re leaning over him, hardening nipples brushing against his own chest. “You need to get off too, right?”
You grin with a nod before finally kissing him. It’s not a cute, first kiss you’d imagined it being, but it was something. Sloppy, messy, and horny.
When he tries to lift you up to lay you on your back, you stop him by pulling away from his lips and harshly grabbing his shoulder blade. “I’m going to top.”
Taehyung chuckles because he thinks your joking, and when he realizes you’re being serious, he shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” his dominant side had slowly began to show.
“That’s what you think,” you say, and reach down to grab his cock. He decides there’s no point in fighting you on this since your mind is made up and admits defeat by replacing your hand with his and rubbing his tip against your folds.
Your grip onto his shoulders to steady yourself, eyes closed while you let him tease your entrance. His tip lazily brushes circles on your cunt, and you can’t help but a let out a high-pitched whine when he’s finally inside of you.
His thrusts are slow at first, giving you time to stretch out around him. “Okay,” you sigh, once you’re finally ready for harder, deeper thrusts.
“You wanted to top so badly,” he says, “you do all the work.”
You let out a laugh but deiced it’s fair, so you rock your hips against his, grabbing his thighs to hold onto in the process. You’ve just started, but the feeling of Taehyung finally inside of you after all these weeks already has the both of you moaning, thankful your roommate was out of town.
Your head is thrown back now as you keep the steady pace, hair sticking to the sweat on your back while Tae keeps a firm grip on your waist. His eyes are still closed in fear of releasing right then and there if he opened his eyes to see the sight of you on top of him.
“Taehyung…I–I–” you’re barely able to talk, so close to your climax you can hardly get a word out.
“You wanna come?” he asks, fingers moving down to massage your clit, adding all the more reason for you to orgasm.
“Please,” you whine, although it’s not like Taehyung has told you to ask for permission to come, this is just you in your natural state. And he loves it.
“Then come,” he says, and your orgasm rips through you, the type that has your eyes rolling back and body shaking. Tae can’t help but do the same moments later, the feeling of your cum dripping around him a little too much to handle. The inside of your walls are splattered white, but you don’t mind much; at least you’re on the pill.
The two of you pant as you come down from your highs, both exhausted at this point. And you, being yourself, reach down to give Taehyung a high-five, to which he accepts with a laugh.
“That was fun,” you say, just now rising off of him and trying your best not to groan at the feeling of emptiness.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “you’re good at your job.”
You accept and return the compliment before turning off the camera and excusing yourself in the bathroom.
Alone with his thoughts, Taehyung flops backwards on your bed and recall what has just happened. He’s scared, he feels like you’ve trapped him in your heart, like a caged animal. He knows he shouldn’t have feelings for him, but he can’t help himself; you were absolutely perfect in his eyes.
When you enter the room again and lay down next to him, he thinks about how little he cares about anything other than you. He doesn’t care if his career doesn’t allow it, what his friends will say, or what his fans will say. He only wants you.
“Y/N?” he calls softly, turning his head to look at you.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
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dog-girl-zezora · 4 years
Im a little drunk so im gonna talk about my best friend i no longer have in the read more and maybe ill feel better, if you read it thank you for indulging my rambling... im just................ im sad bud
soooo august 27th 2019 was the day me and my friend had a falling out...
because i forgot his birthday... his birthday is actually...  uhh i think itd august 17th but im not sure! cause i dont know when anybodies brithday is to be frank im like... really really bad at knowing that kind of stuff and ... idk...
but it wasnt just his birthday... his grandma died 2 weeks before it and i remember him calling me about it... i was in the middle of my summer vacation and i told him that if he needed me to call me and just let me know cause i was just not in town to be around him... i felt so bad...
but then the weeks went by and suddenly its time to move into school and im like, hey zak when im done with moving do you wanna hang out? and at the tme i was really really busy with orientation and getting used to starting my major and upper level classes of exercise science... the pre req to uhhh physical therapy,,, so you know busy
and he was like “no i have plans you need to give me a better heads up im gonna be busy from now on.” and in my head i was like... wow that was kind of oddly aggressive but im not gonna mind it so i just said “okay ill let you know what my schedules like its been p busy” and he never responded and i forgot to send him my schedule... 
2 weeks later he messages me like “do you remember what 2 weeks ago was?” and im like “no?” and hes like “it was my birthday and you forgot” and that basically just started the whole fucking shit show of shit... 
i asked him to hang out that weekend and he said he was busy when it was actually his birthday... and he didnt tell me... he ... sigh.... he let me fail... and i get it...
i get it i do i get it but ive never once in my life felt like a birthday was more important than 7 years of my life... i dont care for my bday... ... every year my friends remind me of their bday... my other highschool best girl friend always reminds me when we can hang out... its.. i just... i can never forgive him for that!!!
COME ON!!!! ATLEAST TELL ME IVE FORGOTTEN!!! AgAIN!!! YOUVE KNOWN ME FOR 7 YEARS AND NOT ONCE HAVE I REMEMBERED.... not once.... and maybe i couldve done better like put it in my phone... why doesnt anyone suggest things like that instead of waiting for someone else to fail...
and its like... fuck dude!!! he went off and was like “youre always telling me to brush my teeth and use deoderant and shower clean my room and to keep an eye on my spending” and im like DUDE!!!
and i KNOW HE HAS ADHD!!! MY DUDE HAD BIG PROBLEMS WITH THIS STUFF AND WHEN I WAS AROUND I HELPED HIM REMEMBER.... and it wasnt fair why didnt he tell me like come on...
and like i know i know i know it was probably because his grandma died he exploded on me... but he never tried to make amends. 
i asked him i asked him my LAST MESSAGE TO HIM... was about how can i fix this problem and can i make it better... what can i do to help.
and nothing... no response. no messsage not even... and attempt to make it up with me....
it wasnt fair it wasnt. fair to me. he was my best friend for 7 years!! i told him everything i ever could my secrets my life... i cared so much about him!! and he wouldnt even GIVE ME THE BENEFIT OF TRYING TO MAKE AMMENDs....
i itried... i tried.......  i wanted to keep trying but he didnt even want to try!!!!
..... and im so fucking sad about it man... 
i couldnt even get the chance to tell him that i was dropping out of school, that i was going to restart everything about my life that week. i spent those first two weeks in school crying my fucking eyes out because i wanted to kill myself so badly. i couldnt even tell him. why i forgot his birthday. why i couldnt make a better effort to try to talk to him. and i just... he didnt even consider what i was going through at the time and it fucking kills me man. i didnt even BOTHER telling him because if he was going to blow up over me forgetting this... he wouldnt care what i was going through. it didnt matter............. and it fucking eats me alive.
i think about him alot. ... many things remind me of him every single day.
the fact that i work as a valet driver is one of them. 
zak loved cars. he absolutely LOVED cars and new how to take one apart and put them back together. he was always working on something with his car, whether it was upgrades or fixing it... he was so smart. and now i work with cars. every day. every single day i work with cars and i dirve cars that i know he would love to see or hear about. this is a job he would LOVE. and its a job i have that reminds me of him every single day. 
i wish i still had him, i could learn to drive a stick, i dont know how to drive a stick and never thought i would need to, zak knows how to and he wouldve helped me learn if we were still friends. but were not.
he drove a purple dodge challenger. every FUCKING TIME i see one like it. i think of him. every time. i think of him. in fact im afraid it is him...
he knows where i live and he has a gate key to get into our gated community. i do fear for my life the day he might just fucking show up and ill just... idk actually i think thats just me wishfully thinking he’ll put me in a situation where i can talk to him... but chances are i wont be there because ill be at work... also he wouldnt. he wouldnt show up.... its been a year already. 
he said happy birthday to me... on my birthday, January 8th... he had the audacity to say happy birthday to me, but not to... try to fix our relationship... and i want you to know that i wasnt going to fix it either like that. i said thank you and that was all and had a VERY good night... but why did he do that. just to. stick it to me. he didnt even say anything else...
and now... its... today............... and nothing no sign of him still and ... i knew it would happen... its over its over its over...
this is the defining end... i dont care if he says happy birthday to me .... its over...
... i am so sad
i messed up in way i could never fix and i wasnt even allowed to try to fix it.... it hurts so much to think about.
Imiss him and i will always miss him.
and thats the burden ill have to live with for the rest of my life.
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hangjie · 5 years
stand by me. [ five hargreeves ]
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summary: the apocalypse is coming and five is doing everything he needs to do, even if one of which is confessing his feelings to reader
warnings: swearing (obv it’s five sis) and mentions of death
word count: 1,191
author’s note: okay so i finished tua and sIS ITS SO GOOD AND IM SO IN LOVE WITH FIVE (cough aidan) SHUSH IM 16 UGH I NEED S2 NOW (plus the soundtrack is so good HFJSKSKDJS). let’s say that five is around 18 physically and mentally here and that he didn’t get stuck in the future and managed to get back to the present instantly and reader also has powers (not part of the 43 tho) where she can see the past of people and can manipulate what ppl see. sucks af bc i haven’t written in so long hsndkskdk
(y/e/c) - your eye color
─── • ° *。✧ ───
the world ends in 8 days.
the world ends in 6 days.
the world ends in 2 days.
i didn’t believe five at first when he told me about the apocalypse. i mean, who would? they said that the world was supposed to end in 2012, but here we are.
“what?” i laughed. “you can’t be serious, five. the world is not ending in two weeks.”
the boy in front of me glares at me before rolling his eyes. “i’m serious, (y/n)! i saw it with my own eyes.”
“then you must be blind because i’m not buying it.” i cross my arms around my chest before five takes my hand and places it in his. i fight off the urge to blush and i, fortunately, manage to.
five starts to pout and his green eyes lock with my (y/e/c) ones, pleading for me to use my powers to look into his past. i sigh loudly and mutter ‘fine’ quietly, the small corners of five’s lips curving up into a small smile.
i place my palm on top of his hand and close my eyes. i can feel his pulsing energy combining with mine. i can hear his ragged breathing and his heartbeat inside my chest.
everything starts to blur until i can see several crumbled buildings, ashes, and fire. i look around and my eyes widen when i notice that the ruins in front of me was where the umbrella academy once stood.
i approach to inspect what happened, but i notice a crying figure in front of what once was the umbrella academy. i walk closer and gasp again when i notice that it was five, kneeling in front of the dead body of his brother, luther.
in shock, i walk some steps backward before i trip on the ruin of a building. i groan and when i was about to stand up, i turn to my side and see the body of klaus.
i scream out loud and i turn to the other side to see allison and diego’s bodies. i frantically stand up and i run away from the scene, before going back to reality.
i gasp and open my eyes, letting go of five’s hand. i look at him in surprise and he smiles sadly. “now you believe me?”
i nod, speechless and five pulls me in for a comforting hug. i close my eyes, wrapping my arms tightly around his body.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry that i didn’t believe you at first,” i say, face buried in his neck. he rubs my back in comfort. “it’s okay. you didn’t know and it did sound fucking crazy at first.”
we stay in silence and in each other’s arms until five speaks up. “i’ll do everything i can to stop the apocalypse.” he pulls my closer to him if that even was possible and says, “i can’t lose you and my family.”
i smile as i feel my cheeks heat up. “i’m sure you will.”
it has been a week and a half since five first warned me and we haven’t seen each other since that day.
i can’t complain though because five’s busy trying to stop the apocalypse. i, on the other hand, have been doing all the things that i’ve wanted to do.
i sigh, looking around my bedroom. i pick up the picture frame on my bedside table and smile at the picture of five and i.
“smile for the camera, five!” i say, hooking my arm around five’s neck and holding up the camera in front of our faces.
before i can click the shutter button, he takes the camera from my hands. “(y/n), how many times do i have to tell you that i don���t like pictures? plus, why do you want to take a picture so badly?” he glares at me with a frown on his lips as i roll my eyes. “oh, stop being an asshole and just enjoy life for a moment!” i snatch it from his hands. “i wanted to capture this moment, okay? we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.”
“plus, you look cute today,” i mumble to myself mostly, but five catches it. he rolls his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips and a red tint spreading across his cheeks.
“i knew you couldn’t resist me.”
“shut your egotistical ass up!” i hit his shoulder with my free hand and pout. he chuckles and raises his hands in surrender. “okay, okay! jeez, so are we going to take this picture or what?”
i position the camera in front of us and i put my head on his shoulder. five tenses up at my action, but he relaxes and wraps his arm around my shoulder. i try to ignore my blush and stop my hands from shaking as i hold the camera up.
“1 . . . 2 . . . 3, smile!” i click the shutter button and the bright light from the camera captures our red cheeks and wide grins.
i feel my cheeks heat up from the thought, making me flop on my bed and groan out loud.
goddamn it. you’re hopeless, (y/n)!
i bury my face in my pillows and try to forget about fige for a while until i hear footsteps and a soft ‘shit!’ behind me. i thought it was nothing and that i was hearing things until i look up and see no one other than the skinny brunette boy that i know and love.
i jump in fright, falling off my bed in the process. i groan and mumble a ‘ow’ as i try to stand up despite the ache.
“(y/n)! are you okay?” five grabs my hands and helps me stand as i rub my head.
“holy fuck. what the hell, five?! what did i tell you about space jumping into my room? i—“
before i could finish what i was saying, five presses his lips against mine, shutting me up. i freeze in my tracks and my eyes widen.
it takes me a moment to realize what was happening and before i can kiss back, five pulls away. he looks at me with a panicked and an embarrassed expression.
“shit! i shouldn’t have done that. i–i . . . fuck. i hate feelings,” he apologizes, cursing under his breath. “i’m so sorry, (y/n). i just . . . i’ve liked you for so long and with the world ending, i just took this opportunity because what if i don’t have enough time or i—“ i cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and placing my lips on his, shutting him up like what he did with me.
five hesitates, but i pull him closer to me, making him smile against my lips. we pull away from each other with smiles on our faces and red cheeks.
“well, that’s one thing off my ‘to do’ list,” five says, making me chuckle.
“just shut up and kiss me again, you loser.”
“you don’t have to tell me twice.” five smirks before pulling me into another kiss, appreciating each other’s presence for the mean time.
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Love Of My Life - Part 3
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(hi babes, this is prob really long im sorry lol i had so much i needed to add to the story and didn’t wanna make it 2 seperate parts. i hope you like it <3 sorry sorry sorry sorry also deacy in this gif gives me major wedding vibes and idk why maybe its the white blazer but they're so cute ugh)
Word Count: 2,078
Who would’ve known that the two kids who met on a rainy Sunday afternoon would have fallen in love in one night. Who would’ve known that the shy boy would ask the shy girl to be his girlfriend. Who would’ve known that he would eventually plan a huge engagement surprise and ask her to be his wife. Who would’ve known that she would say yes. Who would’ve known that today would be their wedding. Who would’ve known that he would be your soulmate?
You did.
You’re stood in the church’s back room, admiring yourself in a long mirror on the wall. You were in your beautiful dream wedding dress and you were about to marry the love of your life. You fix your veil and add more lip gloss as the door to your room opens up. In walks your mother and grandma. You turn around as they both smile to you. Tears well up in your mother’s eyes as she walks up to you.
“My baby…” she whispers as she engulfs you in a big hug.
You smile and hug her back. You look over to your grandma and she looks so proud. You walk over to her and hug her as well.
“You look like something straight out of a fairy tale.” she says, looking at your dress.
“I feel like I’m in a fairy tale.” you say back.
She grabs your hand and squeezes.
“That’s because you finally found your prince.” she whispers.
You feel tears sting in your eyes as you think about John. Thinking about him standing in the front if the church in a tux while waiting for you. Thinking about you walking down the aisle and him seeing you for the first time. Thinking about your vows and the two little words that mean so much. Your stomach begins to turn as you get lost in thought. Your heart races as a slight panic sets in. You begin thinking everything at once and it’s almost too much. Your face turns white as your grandma asks if you’re alright. You lay your hand over your stomach and feel nauseous. The room feels like it’s closing in on you. You nod fast and walk towards the room.
“I’ll be right back.” you say as you walk out, ignoring their voices that are telling you no.
You walk past a room, not realizing Roger was inside. He watches you rush by with a worried look on your face. He fixes his tie and peeks his head out of the room and watches you enter another one. You step inside and close your eyes as you take in a deep breath. You jump back startled when there’s a slight knock on the door. You turn around fast and watch as Roger looks at you worried.
“Hey,” he says quietly. “You okay?”
You attempt to smile, but fail. All you can do is shake your head no. Roger walks towards you worried.
“What’s wrong? Are you getting cold feet?” he asks nervously.
You shake your head fast.
“No, no! It’s just… What if it doesn’t work out?” you ask him. “What if we don’t work out. What if one day he wakes up and he decides he doesn't want me anymore. I’ve seen that happen to too many people I love and I can’t do that-” you mumble on and on.
“Hey!” he says, making you pause.
Roger walks up and grabs your hand. You relax against his touch. He half smiles and looks in your eyes. He’s amazed by how beautiful you look in this moment, all dressed up.
“You two are going to be fine. That’s not John. Do you have any idea how much this man loves you?” he asks, making you smile. “I’ve never seen him love something so much before. He’s not gonna do that. You make him so happy and I know he does you too.”
You look down and smile, feeling your worries begin to wash away. Roger watches you and can’t help but run his thumb over your hand.
“He’s so lucky to have you, y/n.” he says. “Anyone would be.”
You look up to Roger and he has a serious look on his face. Your heart melts at his words and you smile to him. You giggle at yourself and wipe away a fallen tear.
“Thanks, Rog.” you say. “I was being silly.”
He shakes his head and smiles back.
“You’re getting married! You have every right to be nervous!” he says. “You feel better, yeah?” he asks.
You nod and half laugh.
“Alright,” he says grinning. “Let’s go get you married.”
He takes your hand again and leads you back to the room. You and your bridesmaids are all ready as you walk to the double doors that lead to John. You suddenly realize you have nobody to walk you down the aisle and your heart breaks. You had asked your father if he could, but he turned it down. He was too busy with his new family. Roger watches as you stare at the empty space next to you. You quickly look up to him and smile.
“Rog?” you ask.
He walks up quickly to you.
“Do you think… Do you think you could walk me down the aisle?” you ask.
Roger had never been so happy in his life.
“It would be an honor.” he says as you slide your arm under his.
The double doors swing open and the music begins playing. There at the end of the aisle is your soon-to-be husband. He watches as you slowly walk towards him. Tears run down his face as he quietly sobs at the sight of you, causing you to cry as well. You were so madly in love with this man. Roger was wrong. You were the lucky one.
You get to John and he’s beaming like a mad man. He’s so excited to marry you. You look to Roger, waiting for him to give you away. He looks at you and smiles, although his eyes are sad. He leans forward and kisses your cheek. He looks to John and nods his head to him. He looks back at you once more before making his way behind John to stand. You had no idea, but that was Roger officially letting you go.
You were now officially Mrs. John Deacon. Your wedding was the most beautiful thing you had ever witnessed. You married your best friend and things couldn’t have gone any better. You and John had decided to buy your own house and it was another dream come true. He had made sure to give you anything and everything your heart desired. 
Your first year of marriage was amazing. You had never been happier. You got to fall asleep and wake up to the love of your life every day. Every morning you had a routine where John would make the coffee and you would cook breakfast. Music would play in the background as the two of you would laugh and joke.
Your nighttime routine was just as fun. That consisted of showering together, laughing, getting dressed, getting in bed, getting undressed and making love. Life was worth living having John apart of it. You never thought it could get better, until one day.
“We should have a baby.”
You were in the middle of making dinner as John spoke. You freeze in front of the stove and slowly turn around to face him. He’s watching you closely. You shake your head and half laugh.
“What?” you ask, not sure if you heard him correctly.
He walks towards you and smiles.
“I think we should try for a baby. I think we’re ready. You would be such an amazing mother and could you imagine a little us running around?” he asks, grabbing your hands.
You couldn’t believe he was the one saying this. You thought for sure it would be you trying to convince him for one. You smile widely and nod your head fast.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Yes! Let’s have a baby!”
John smiled widely and hugs you. He spins you around and you laugh. He places you down and kisses you deeply while cupping your face. He leans his forehead against yours and smirks.
“Should we try right now?” he asks.
You kiss him quickly and begin walking to the bedroom. You slip your shirt off and toss it to the floor. You reach your bedroom door and turn to look at him with a smirk as you enter inside. John watches you in shock and smiles to himself.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
You’re sat in the bathroom with a pregnancy test lying on the sink. John is sat next to you on the floor as you both wait for the results. You prayed and prayed that it would be positive. You look at your watch and realize you can check it. You look over to John and sadly smile at him. He squeezes your thigh trying to comfort you. You stand up quickly and walk over. You close your eyes and take a deep breath before turning it over. You freeze. You slowly turn to face John and he looks nervous. You shake your head no. His heart breaks once more. He stands up fast and walks to you.
“It’s okay,” he says. “We’ll just keep trying.”
You exhale and toss the test in the trash.
“John, we’ve been trying for two years.” you sadly say.
He watches as tears form in your eyes. He wipes them away and leans forward to kiss your forehead.
“I know, baby.” he whispers. “Let's go to our doctor and get checked out, yeah? There’s probably something they can do to help us move this along. People do it all the time.”
You think about it for a moment and agree. You wanted to know what was going on. You wanted so badly to start a family with John.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Deacon,” says the doctor. “You can’t have children.”
Your hearts broke at the doctor’s words. John stares at the man and his face has gone white. You look over to him as the image of holding John’s baby fades from your mind. You reach over and grab his hand, causing him to look at you. You smile to him, telling him that it’s okay, but he can’t return one. He feels guilty. He feels like he’s just destroyed your dreams. Like he’s just ruined your life.
The two of you make it back to your home and it’s eerily quiet. You place your coat on the back of the couch and turn to face John.
“I’m sorry.” he whispers.
You stare at him and shake your head fast.
“No, don’t-”
“I’m sorry that I can’t give you kids. I’m sorry for ruining that dream of yours. If you don’t want to be with me anymore, I’ll understand.”
You rush up to him and cup his face in your hands. You couldn’t believe he was saying this.
“I’m in love with you. I was in love with you before finding this out, and I’ll be in love with you until the day I die. I’m not going anywhere and you can try to get rid of me, Mr. Deacon, but good luck.”
He smiles and nuzzles his head against your hand. This suffocating weight had been almost lifted from his shoulders. He just wanted to make you happy. That’s all he ever wanted.
“Happy four year anniversary, Mr. Deacon.” you say cheerfully as you kiss him.
He smiles against you and kisses you back.
“Happy anniversary, Mrs. Deacon.” he says.
“What should we do today?” you ask, running your hand through his hair.
He’s standing up with you in his arms as he thinks for a moment. You watch him and realize his face was beginning to go white. John spaces out as you say his name to get his attention.
“John?” you ask, your arms still around him.
He says nothing. Suddenly, his legs go out as he falls. You try to hold him up, but it’s no use. He’s too heavy as you fall down with him.
“Baby!?” you scream. “John!?”
You sob loudly as you try to wake him up, but it’s no use. You shake profusely as you rush to find your phone. For some reason, the first person you thought of to call was Roger.
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @queen-bunnyears @queengavemeasheerheartattack @dianamarie-has-a-blog @fatbottomedboi
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coridallasmultipass · 5 years
Tmi / talk about menstruation and iud / venting / but i just wanna get this out, and maybe someone else is in the same boat as me because ive never been able to find any accounts of similar experiences ... I wanna preface this by saying im 26 and have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia/chronic pain, which is probably related but i dont know how. I normally have super heavy periods and debilitating cramps, along with discomfort during penetration (or similar activities) on some occasions. Ive tried a couple different birth control options over the years and each one has given me constant cramping. Its weird because the cramping on the pill (2 or 3 different kinds of BC pills in different times of my life) and depoprovera shot were the same in that i would get terrible cramps whenever i did any kind of activity but especially when i stand up from a sitting position. I remember being in college and standing up and having to immediately sit back down hunched over until it passed. I got the depo shot a few months ago and it was the worst thing ever. I had severe cramping with all kinds of movement (and havent been able to even touch myself without setting off the cramps) and after a month of it i started bleeding for a month straight until a doctor gave me estrogen pills on top of it to stop the bleeding. The pills stopped the bleeding but not the cramps, so the plan was for me to wait it out and try an iud next since the medicine would be administered locally instead of by pill or shot through my whole body.... three months during the depo shot i could not exercise or do any physical activity, which of course is making my fibromyalgia and mood worse. I feel like ive lost a whole year to the depo shot, on top of other health problems that have been acting up before the depo. It sucked and im not trying it again. I had about 2 weeks until the mirena iud insertion where i was taking the estrogen pills and still cramping (along with getting a full heavy and bad cramping period during the vitamin-pill week while i waited for the prescription to come in. The cramping was so bad i almost wanted to go to the emergency room, but it lessened by the next day even if i was still going through so many pads.) Before the iud insertion i took a pill the night before which the doctor said could help loosen up my organ to allow for easier insertion since ive never had a kid. I knew i could expect a lot of pain given how sensitive i know i am, but the few people ive heard get them said it was only really painful during and they were fine after, so i figure i could be strong and deal with it if its going to help stop my monthly cramping and bleeding. Turns out the insertion was the worst pain ive ever felt in my life. Normally having a speculum put in already puts me in considerable pain (a speculum feels like a shard of glass shoved in me) but it pales in comparison to getting the iud. I was crying out and struggling to stay still during the proceedure but once it was over i hoped it would start to feel better. It burned with pain and still does days later. I didnt realise i would get severe cramping immediately after the insertion, but i could barely stand up. The doctors had to let me stay in the room for like a half hour before i could limp back to the car. Im lucky i had my mom to drive me home because i could still barely breathe it hurt so badly. I took tylenol about a half hour before the proceedure but i dont think it did anything. I couldnt take advil because of other medicines im taking. So the only other thing i could do is lay there screaming in pain with the heating pad pressed on me. A few hours later my mom had to call an on-call doctor from the same hospital and he said to go to the er so we went. The rest of the night is kind of blurry i was in so much pain and could barely think. The er gave me a painkiller and later a muscle relaxant before telling me i have to stop my other meds so i can take advil. I was there for like 6 hours i think, feeling waves of terrible cramps that feel like a knife is slicing the inside of me - the same feeling as the iud insertion. I feel bad for everyone who had to hear me screaming every 10 minutes and my mom who had to stay with me. The doctors kicked me out immediately after giving me advil and i went home barely able to even walk or move. It took me another 2 hours to manage to fall asleep even though i was so exhausted and had the worst chest and body pain from being so tense at experiencing the worst pain of my life. Nornally, if unmedicated, ill get periods so bad im screaming in pain, but it will only last 1-2 hours until the advil or tylenol kicks in and dulls it down to a bearable ache, so this iud was supposed to be my fall back on options to eliminate cramps. (I really wish the doctor would just let me get a hysterectomy i dont ever want kids and this whole situation is giving me severe gender dysphoria) Yesterday i spent the whole day sleeping off my traumatic er experience and today im still getting really horrible waves of cramping and nausea. Thankfully im not bleeding (...yet?) But it still feels like having a tampon being yanked out of me that wont come out. The knife feeling isnt there so im not screaming, but the cramps are still so bad and i dont know if i need to take it out. The er doctor said to take it out if the advil doesnt help, and that this is most likely anxiety making the pain get out of control. The er nurse said this is normal. Like??? How the fuck to people deal with this im scared about taking it out because thats probably going to hurt even more. I forgot to ask my prescribing doctor if theres a risk for toxic shock or something but like i dont have a fever its just so painful feeling it there. The placement is "right" according to the ultrasounds but it hurts so much and is still giving me cramps I really dont know how anyone could deal with this the whole thing is so upsetting i want it out but i dont want to deal with the proceedure to get it out and that same severe cramping i dont think theyll allow it to be a surgical removal but i wont be able to sit there and deal with it again!!!! Just thinking about all of it is giving me more anxiety too, i have such dysphoria about my internal organs and such a terrible phobia about even having them!!! This amount of cramping should not fucking be "normal" i hate being invalidated at the er like that God i just dont know what to do the cramping is so bad and im still scared of getting an ulcer from the advil. Thats another thing. A year ago i got an ulcer from taking advil because of period cramps, so ive been suffering taking tylenol! Thats why i want a BC that works to get rid of cramps and bleeding!! Now here i am with the worst cramps and bloating of my life!! How am i expected to function like this!!! I dont remember half of the past few days because ive been in so much pain!!! I can only hope this gets better because it feels worse today than it did yesterday, even if its not as bad as the day before when i had the insertion done. The doctor said if im still having the same kind of cramps ive been getting with the other types of birth control after a month i can look into other options (hopefully hysterectomy!!) But thats so far away and i havent been able to practise driving or apply to any jobs because i cant fucking do more than sit or lie down because of the god damn cramps Ive lost like all my personality and enjoyment of life and lost any one i could call a friend because this is consuming me and i cant fucking do anything i hate it i just want something to go right for once i want to be able to exercise again i love exercising and i havent been able to go for a walk without getting winded and severe cramping I cant even find other people that get cramping on birth control when standing up or doing activities so i dont know why this is happening to me ive looked everywhere i can and all i get is dysphoria because """"mensutruation is a womens health problem"""" and my phobia of pregnancy makes it impossible to browse forums I dont know what my point to all this is i just really need to vent because i feel so alone with this specific problem Life sucks and then you die i guess lmao
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Never -part 4 - Home
Fandom: Little Nightmares Characters: Roger, Dee, Dom, The lady, the ferryman Relationship: Roger/reader Request: Part 1: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/182536245099/never Part 2: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/183993478784/never-part-2 Part 3: https://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/184349594529/never-part-3 Your time with the Ferryman was a welcomed break. His days were mostly spent navigating the sea and occasionally docking to place posters of the Maws next location. It was due to rise again in about 4 months, so people were starting to look out for the next place. It felt nice if somewhat sickly. You were used to the Maws movement in the sea, but the boat was a little more prominent. You felt sick the first few days, but you weren’t entirely sure that was just from the boat. You worried. The whole trip you worried about what was happening back at the Maw. You wished you had some means to communicate with the twins and make sure everything was okay. The first night, you dreamt that Roger and the Lady had fought badly and were wounded. You woke up in a sweat, Rogers voice whispering in your ear about pain. You were thankful that the boat had two compartments below deck with beds, so you didn’t have to share a room with him. Especially when you woke up in tears. But you did enjoy your time away. The sea air was nice, and the time of year meant the sun was out a lot. The moment you stepped on land, you wanted to be back on the boat. You helped the ferryman hang posters and then get some items that the twins had asked for but then you were back on the ship. You started feeling badly homesick, like the maw was crying out for you to come home. The ferry man noticed your change and must have felt it too. The Ferryman had mentioned a few days before that today that he was heading back to the Maw. You were nervous. You had had nightmares that the second you stepped into the Maw again, the lady was angry with you. you thought of the Maw being angry with you and refusing to allow you to stay. Worse was Roger. The dreams where he told you he wished you never came back were the worse. But you were sure they were bad because he had told you to leave. Today was the day, and the ferryman was getting annoyed with your constant pacing and staring into the horizon. “Sit down before you fall overboard.” He snapped at you for the hundredth time, but you shook your head and continued with your pacing. It wasn’t till the sun was nearly setting that you saw the all too familiar island which hid the entrance to the Maw. Your mind wondered to the massive machine beneath the waves. If it didn’t want you back, it could easily stop the boat from even touching the Maw. But it didn’t. The ferryman docked as normal, having to jump off himself and quickly tie to the boat up since you weren’t on land ot catch it. Picking up the bundle meant for the chiefs and your bag, you jumped off the boat onto island, your knees nearly giving in but thankfully didn’t. you stood up, a feeling of relief washing over you as you finally returned home. “You need a hand down?” Ferryman asked you, glancing at the door which lead down into the Maw. “No, you’ve done more than enough. Thank you.” You smile, hugging the bundle against your chest. “Don’t mention it. The company was nice. if you ever need some time-“ He nods to the boat and you laugh. “I’ll call on you.” you finish his sentence with a chuckle as he climbed back onto the boat. You undid the knot used to secure the ship before throwing it back to the ferryman. you stood on the shore as the boat disappeared into the now night-time. And you stayed there a little long until it was pitch black and now cold out. You were worried about what awaited you down in the Maw. But something soothed your worries and fears, like a friend wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Whatever you had to face, you would need to face it soon. There was no point sitting there dreaming up horror stories. You walked to the door, reaching out and pausing. “I know I left. But you called me back and I came. I will always return to my home.” You spoke in a soft voice to the Maw, hoping it would be able to see you hadn’t been malicious or selfish in your desires. it took you a moment to open the door, gripping the handle so hard that your knuckles turned white. But when you did, there was a soft groan that echoed through the Maw, like it was relieved. Stepping in, you descended the stairs with caution. You saw a few Nomes look up from their perches on the table. Had they really waited for you to return? When they saw you, they quickly jumped down and ran to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for you like little balls of energy ready to explode. once you stepped off the last step, they jumped and ran at your feet, hugging your ankles in comical way which made you laugh. Tears filled your eyes as you finally reunited with the innocent little creatures that never had malicious intend and only wanted a crust of bread. “I’ll make sure you get as much food as you can carry.” You leaned down, whispering to them as you patted a few of their heads. “So, who should I go see first?” You ask them, and one tilted its head in thought. It then held its arms out either side of its body and started to waddle slowly. Instantly, you burst into laughter as you realised it was mimicking the chiefs. “Okay, the twins it is.” They parted so you could walk through the empty guest area. It was a good idea to see the twins first, since if the lady’s get angry and kills you, someone will know you returned other than the mute Nomes. calling on the lift with the press of the button, it immediately opened, and you stepped inside. you were about to press the button to head down the kitchen when you remembered your bag. Probably best to leave it here in case you needed to make a quick getaway. Stepping out, you placed the bag at the side of the doors and retreated back in. the Nomes didn’t follow you, but you smiled and waved at them as the door shut and the lift descended into the Maw. When the doors opened, you were not surprised to hear the bickering of the twins from the dishwashing room. They were arguing so loud that they didn’t even hear the lift. “I know, we both miss her. But its no excuse for not doing your job.” Dee snapped at Dom who you could hear was just as frustrated. “Well, whens she coming back?” Dom asked, sounding like a child that was waiting on its toy being returned. You noticed a forgot pile of dishes at the side, and picked them up, balancing the bundle under your arm. “I already told you. I. don’t. know!” Dee half roared across the room as you walked in, a smirk playing on your face. “Besides, its not like she even said she’d be back.” You sauntered in, placing the dishes in the sink and bundle on the side as the two men froze and stared at you. Dom was the first to break, rushing forward and engulfing you in a hug. You smiled, closing your eyes and trying your best to return the hug. You felt a hand patting your head and looked up to see Dee smiling down at you. “Gave us a right fright.” He tells you, and you were sure he wasn’t just speaking about right now. “I know. Im sorry. Wont happen again.” You mumble, fresh tears running down your cheeks as Dom stepped back with the largest grin on his face. “ill put the kettle on.” Dee rolls his eyes a little, and the two of you head to the kitchen. ---------time skip ------------- “you know you have to go see him?” Dee askes you, sitting back in his chair as the cups sat empty on the table. “I know.” You nod, your eyes glancing to the hallway which would lead further down into the Maw. “They both miss you.” Dom suddenly says, making both you look at him. “The lady doesn’t come out much. Neither does Roger. Doesn’t come up to see us anymore.” The moments that followed were ones of silence that no one seemed to know how to break. Eventually, you took a deep breath. “Who should I see first?” you ask Dee. “Last time you saw Roger first didn’t go so well. So maybe this time…” He trails off, looking to the ceiling as if she might be listening. “You’re right. She probably knows im here.” You nod, standing from the table. Dee and Dom didn’t stand, instead staring after you as you left. They were nervous, as were you. you called the lift and it whisked you upstairs in less time than you would have liked, opening with a ding into the lady’s quarters. immediately, your eyes widened. The halls were dark and dusty. The place looked a mess, unkept and neglected for a while now. It was haunting because not even her soft voice was floating through the place. She always sung, always humming some kind of tune. It made the halls of her quarters feel like a parent’s home with a familiar sound like a radio being on or a record player. You liked it. But now it looked and felt neglected and empty. Stepping out of the lift, you looked up and saw no lights on. In fact, you doubted she was even here. “Hello?” You called out, walking to the bottom of the stairs and looking up. Silence followed as you climbed the stairs. Looking back to the lift, you wondered if maybe she wasn’t here until something drew your attention to the top of the stairs. When you looked, you froze. There, stood the Lady. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, strands framing the mask which looked slightly dirty. Her robes hung off her, almost like they didn’t fit her properly anymore. “[y/n]?” Her voice cracked as she stared down at you. You didn’t know what to expect. You couldn’t see her eyes so you couldn’t read her and her body stayed stiff and ridged. She looked like a statue. There was a whoosh and she moved quickly down the stairs. So quick, you didn’t have a chance to flinch or react. But instantly you thought she was angry with you. until her long, slender arms wrapped around you, pulling you against her chest and cradling you like a mother would her child. “You came home.” She breathed, her voice soft and a whisper. You looked up and saw tears running from under her mask. Her hands shook as one stroked your hair affectionately. You wrapped your arms around her waist as she held you. “The maws missed you. Ive missed you.” The lady pulled back, regaining her composure as she pushes a strand of hair out of your eyes. “Ive missed you all.” You nod, closing your eyes under her touch that reminded you of family. “Perhaps.” She takes a deep breath, as if she was fighting some inner demon. “You should let our janitor know of your return.” you stare up at her with your mouth open, processing how the 10-word sentence actually meant so much more. You quickly shut your mouth and smile at her, nodding. The lady retreats back up the stairs, ringing her hands a little and looking away from you. When she faces you again, you smile with tears brimming your eyes. She take a moment before standing straight, her movement becoming much more elegant and graceful again as she returns to her room. You start to descend the stairs and then something stops you. A voice. Soft and beautiful singing a lullaby. You look up to her room. The lady was singing again. You took a moment to listen to the song, enjoying her voice before you remembered your next task, your next mission. Walking to the elevator, you smiled as the door closed and you were taken to the bottom of the Maw, where the final resident you wanted to see was. But when the elevator arrived, it made no joyful ‘ding’. It didn’t make a noise. The only reason you knew you were here was by the indicator of which floor you were on. the doors opened and you stepped out, your attention searching for Roger. The light from the doll room drew your attention and you carefully made your way towards it. You knew the area well, and had memorised the floor boards that squeaked when you would try sneak up on Roger playfully. Opening the door, you saw the doll he had been making of you was sitting on his work bench, fully complete. But no Roger. Stepping inside, you walked over and picked up the doll. He had made a small version of your favourite dress, matched the colour of your eyes perfectly and let your hair fall naturally. The little doll was the spiting image of you. you looked up, seeing some of the Nomes sitting atop the shelf. They liked the little toys Roger made, even if they only got to play with them when he wasn’t around. taking the toy, you held it up to the Nomes. Two of them grabbed the doll by the arms and hauled it up, dancing around joyfully before disappearing with it into a hole in the wall. You smiled, but were quickly alerted when a floor board squeaked from outside. Stepping to the right side of the door, you were quick enough as Roger came into the room. He moved past you, not even noticing another’s presence in the room as he moved to his work bench. you were surprised he would have been here at this time. normally, he would work on the Maws inner structure now. But judging by the way the Maw had been groaning, the Lady and Chiefs weren’t the only ones neglecting their duties in your absence. His hand felt around the desk for the doll, but he let out a soft growl when he couldn’t find it. Roger instantly reached up to the shelf the Nomes had been on, seeming to know that they would have taken the doll. “Damn Nomes.” He groaned softly, his hand retreating back to his body. He reached into his inner pocket of his jacket, pulling out a piece of paper. You leaned to the side, almost letting out a gasp when you saw it was the portrait of you. He had been carrying it around with him? This whole time? Roger held the photo below his face, using his free hand to push the drooped flesh back for a just a moment to look at the photo before he let out a painful groan and stopped. He returned the photo to his jacket pocket. “why’d they take it?” He asked himself in a low voice, his fingers drumming on the floor as he returned to his natural position. “I thought you might prefer the real thing.” You spoke up from your corner, your voice soft and barley more than a whisper. Tears cascaded down your cheek as you tried to hid the fact you were crying. Roger seemed to stop breathing, his finger not drumming on the floor anymore as his head snapped in your direction. “You, you came back?” He let out a small breath, as if he were scared of the answer. “No.” You shake your head, walking up to him, stopping once you were right in front of him and between his arms. “I came home.” A shaking hand reached up, cupping your cheek as if to make sure you were real. His long fingers caressed your cheek as his thumb swiped across and removed the tears. “Im sorry.” Roger voice broke as he bent his head forward, as if bowing to you. “For before. I didn’t… I didn’t want you to…” He struggled to articulate as he shook his head, taking small gasps for air. “I only wanted you to be safe. Happy.” He glanced his face up to you then dropped it back down out of either embarrassment or hurt. “I was both of those things when I was with you.” You answer him in a soft voice, reaching your hand up to cup his own hand which stayed against your cheek. “But the lady. She-“ He cut himself off, a shiver running down his spin as the thought of the last time he had seen the lady. That night when she had thrown you against the wall and demanded the servants leave you. “She wont hurt me. Not now.” You assure him. In truth, you weren’t 100% sure of this. But from the way the Maw had reacted, how she had reacted, upon your return, you were sure she wouldn’t risk losing you again. Not permanently at least. “please.” He breathed, his voice a whisper with fear. “Don’t be afraid of me.” He begged you. every movement he made was one of submission as his whole body ached. His head bowed, his face turned down and lower than your own, his shoulder hunched and his hand only keeping it place on your cheek under your own fingers. “Never.” You breathe, stepping closer and closing the gap between you. Ducking your head under his own, you pressed your lips to his and bought his head up as your free hand cupped his own cheek. A soft, fragile kiss but with a much deeper meaning. You let go of his hand on your cheek so you would wrap your arms around his shoulder. His hand slips away from your cheek in favour of wrapping both his arms right around your smaller form as he moves his lips against your own. In a moment, the kiss turns from soft and light to needy and desperate. He pulled you tight against his body which tensed under your soft touch. You returned his passion tenfold until you needed to breath. Pulling back, you gasped for air. You buried your face against his neck, wanting him to remain close. Roger placed a soft kiss to the top of your head then nuzzled his cheek against your hair, inhaling the sweet scent he had long missed. He was only bought out of the moment by your soft sobs, realising you were crying on his shoulder. Roger gently rubbed your back, unsure of how to comfort you. after all this time, after all he had done and all you had been through, he was unsure of what you would need from him. “[y/n]?” He asks, unsure of himself but you shake your head a little. “Please, just give me this moment.” You ask him, your grip on him tightening for just a moment. He felt your tears wet his jacket and top he wore. The wetness was like fire as it touched his skin. “Will you stay with me? After everything that happened. What I did. Would you want to stay?” Roger asks, rambling a little as he tried to figure out what he was trying to say. You pulled back from him, unhooking one arm from around his neck so you could wipe your tears on your sleeve. “Would you want me to stay?” You return the question, hiccupping a little. “More than anything.” He breaths with a single nod. Despite your tears, you smiled. “Then I’ll stay. As long as you want me, im here.” You tell him. A soft smile dawns his face as he nods. one of your hands cups his cheek as you nuzzle against him for a moment. “You’re cold.” Roger suddenly says, his hand coming up to cup your own and pull it away from his cheek to inspect your hand. “It’s a little colder here.” You shrug, not thinking too much of it. You were used to the warm sun so it might take sometimes to get used to the Maw again. “That wont do.” He mumbles, more to himself as he shakes his head. His arm unwraps from around you and he leads you out of the room with your hand still in his own. It took you a moment to realise where he was taking you. back to his quarters. Roger opened the door and you stepped inside. the living room was a lot warmer than he normally kept it. But perhaps it had something to do with the last time he had been with you here. You didn’t want to let go of him, so he guided you to the couch and you sat down. Only then did you let go of his hand so he could search for the blanket on the single chair. Once he found it, he started to bring it back to you. In a strange moment of almost deja vu, he reached out and turned on the TV. He bought the blanket to you. you took him by the hand, guiding him to sit beside you as you moved the blanket over both sets of legs. His arms instinctively wrapped around you as he leaned back. You cuddled against his side, resting your head on his chest as you focused on his heart beat. The events of the day had certainly taken its toll on you. this mixed with the lack of sleep you had been getting made it very hard to stay awake and you eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Roger, on the other hand, was still awake. He focused every sense he had on you. The feeling of your body pressed against his own, the warmth of your skin, your sweet smell, the sound of your breathing and the taste of your lip which were still fresh on his own. Roger brought one of his hands up to his face, pushing the skin up so he could look down at you. Curled up against his side, your face a picture of beauty that no portrait could ever fully capture. A single tear ran down Rogers cheek as he allowed the skin to take his vision again. Only this time, it wasn’t plunging him into darkness. It allowed him to focus on you more. You would always guide him through the darkness. especially now you were home.
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