#and I think that it definitely isn't normal to lay awake at night in silence
archibaldtuttle · 2 years
Anyway hi I'm pretty sure I have OCD
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soullostintime · 1 year
Will stays in Mike room | Sharing a bed | Confessions | Panicking | for the Touch-Starved | 2.3K
When Will is asked to stay at the Wheeler's for the night to actually get some proper rest after excruciating hours in the van, he doesn't question it.
He doesn't question how this suggestion is by none other than Nancy – the caring yet equally terrifying girl whose shooting skills have always fascinated him – and that his brother, sister, even his mom are totally okay with this. He should be asking if it was actually fine. He would be, only if he wasn't as exhausted as he is.
After a painfully coverted confession to Jonathan, a closure with El about her breakup (that apparantly happened two days ago while they were making their way back to Hawkins), and a well-laid talk with his mom and Hopper about their supposed business trip, his ability to make planned decisions with proper outcomes has been hindered greatly. All he wants is one night with no alternate dimension activities. Just one night where he can actually sleep.
And so as the clock strikes past eleven and he lays his heavy, hurting back against the cold floor of Mike's bedroom (again, he should've questioned why Will is sleeping here instead of the basement with plenty of space), all he hears are the sweet sounds of peace – the angels of heaven singing their melodious song of ah, you can rest, just for tonight, you can rest.
And there is another melody, but it isn't the same as the one in his head.
It's not coming from outside, or slipping past his wavering dream of comfort and solace, no- it's from up somewhere and it's quite close and warm, like a cup of tea you enjoy beside the midnight rain. It's up there somewhere, and it lingers and pinches so gently at his heart, hits the nail beautifully and silently to push the stubborn dreams away and make sleep asleep.
And then the voice hushes closer, as the bedsheets rustle and the sides creak silently. "Will, are you awake?"
It's Mike. Of course.
Who else could it be? Will is in Mike's bedroom, sleeping near his bed, so of course it would be Mike here. The exertion has definitely pushed Will off his limits of being a normal, logical person who knows how to use his head.
I'm in Mike's room, he thinks, and then the fleeting moment is rushing away, the moment where he wasn't questioning anything as long as he got to sleep.
Now, Will is aware. He is awake.
I'm in Mike's room, he thinks again, and oh if that doesn't make his insides burst with an energy he is all so familiar with – a warm passion of want and need, a familiar comfort, and yet an uneasy feeling he could never place. He is with Mike and they're alone and the world is ending and El has broken up with Mike and- God, all Will wants is some fucking sleep right now.
"Will, are-" Mike starts again, and Will can't help but notice that he has taken his name three times by now. "Are you okay down there? I- I mean, is it too cold?"
There is more silence. Will doesn't know what to do with it.
"I- I mean, I know you hate the cold, and I'm not a big fan of it either so I know how you feel and, I just-" he stops, breathing deeply enough for Will to hear loud and clear. "I- If you want, this bed is big enough for the both of us."
Now he's all giddy, shaking quietly under the sleeping bag because what? What did Mike just say? That they–?
"I just- I feel like- I mean, I don't know," Mike continues on, somehow knowing by Will's constant movement against the uncomfortable floor that he was awake and listening. "It's easier with you here."
It's easier with you here.
Now Will is talking, or rather, he has muttered that single word out of pure impulse, unable to fully grasp the sentences leaving Mike's mouth.
Mike makes no snarky comment, such as knowing all full well of Will being awake the entire time and calling him out on it. Instead, he giggles quietly, as if recalling the meaning behind his words as a secret to his life, a secret he could hardly keep a lock on.
"Y-Yeah," his smile could be heard in his voice, even from up there, "it's always different with you."
"I- thank you?" Will says, because what else can he really say. "Uh, well, for the record, I- feel the same," he holds the words too dearly, then barely covers them up with a casual, "I guess."
"I see..." Mike is quieter, his voice slightly faded as if grasping on a mental train reaching it's destination. Very soon, he is sitting up, looking down at Will, down to the every bone as if all his secrets were never secrets at all and Mike knew, he just knew all along.
"So you... want to join me? Here, on the bed?" His elbows hold his pose as he bows and seeks the answer just from Will's expression alone.
It's not long before Will's brain is on autopilot again, wondering about the soft cushions, the feel of the quilt over his skin, and a warm, warm bed where he can sleep so peacefully he won't know when it's morning already.
But when he gets up after whispering a "yeah, okay" and sliding into the bed right next to Mike who is now lying down facing the ceiling, it hits him.
Holy shit, I'm sleeping next to Mike.
He's too far gone down the deep ends of sleep pulling at his edges to know about it sooner, and he curses himself for it. How can he be so greedy to get some rest that he forgot who he is going to be resting with?
Now he's panicking, he's shaking and quivering silently, and oh if Mike could know whether he was awake or not while he was sleeping on the floor, he surely knew what Will was feeling now.
"You're definitely cold." Mike is now tilting on the side, getting closer and closer to Will and it's not helping, it's not helping at all. "I should've gotten you up here sooner, I'm such an idiot. Why did Nancy have to give you a sleeping bag in the first place?"
Will stammers to get a response out. "Uh, well, it was her idea to get me to sleep at your house in the first place, and besides I was fine down there–"
"It- It wasn't Nancy idea."
"...It was mine."
Now Will's panic has resided, a warm emotion pushing at his sides as he tilts his head to Mike's side, catching a glimpse of those jet black wonders of eyes, his curly locks, his stary freckles, his soft lips-
"Yeah, it was, I told her to tell the others," Mike is saying, and Will watches closely as his mouth forms gentle, doting words in a voice reserved for Will. Just Will. "I... wanted to be with you."
Will's voice is quiet in return. "We were together the entire day."
"I... wanted to be with you longer."
Before Will could form any more words out of his mind's dictionary, Mike is moving closer, and as Will follows his eyes – his black sky full of magic – and sees it blink. He sees it moving to every part of Will's face, every inch, and every spot he holds makes him burn with that old feeling again. Will realises he might have had this feeling since forever. Since those swings, that first day of kindergarten, that boy who asked to be his friend.
"Will..." Mike says, his black sky falling on the petals of Will's mouth, its skin nervously bit, "I'm so confused."
Now Will is curious, his hand falling in the space between them, inches apart from Mike's. "About what?"
"About me."
"Why are you confused?"
Mike's eyes have grown somber, tears lurking within. "I... thought I knew who I was, what I was. But now, it doesn't make sense. I don't make sense." Now he is reaching in, his pinky finger gently wrapping itself against Will's in their shares space, sending a shiver down. "I want to know why I do the things I do and if they are actually what I want."
Things that Mike wants, Will thinks, because honestly, what could they be? These past few years Will hasn't been able to distinguish between a stranger and Mike, and it had scared him to death – to know you're in love with someone you barely know anymore.
"What..." Will begins, his thumb drawing circles at the back of Mike's hand. "What do you want, Mike?"
It's nearly midnight, and they're both tired. But right now as Will has asked the question of a lifetime, he can't help but notice a million emotions on Mike's face at once. A face that knows, and doesn't know.
It stops. The moment stops for what feels like an eternity but could've barely been a few seconds. Will's eyes are wide, in shock and confusion and yet completely hopeful and genuine, as if all his reality is a dream and his dreams never come true.
Except now, Mike is interlocking their fingers together, holding their palms to his chest as he breaths deeply. He gazes into Will's eyes like they hold wonders, and gently looks down at their hands again.
He moves their hands from his chest to his mouth, and before Will knows it, Mike's breath is hovering over the back of his hand.
Amidst Will's obvious heart beating out of his chest, his stomach turning before sending a tickling sensation throughout his senses, down to his very knees; Mike is looking, his eyes asking for permission way before his mouth could.
"Is this... okay?"
Will takes a few seconds to breathe, to calm down for a millisecond and be able to formulate a response, an answer, anything at all.
And so he does.
"M-Mike, this–"
"It's you. It's- It's always been you." Mike says, moving in closer so that their noses are a breath away. "I've been so confused, so stupid- you've been driving me crazy and I didn't know why."
Will gulps, the sound echoing between them. "Do you... know why now?"
"...Do you?"
Mike is asking Will if he knows what this is, knows what they are and why they feel what they feel. And Will's answer is simple. It's always been simple when it comes to Mike. So natural that it's as easy as breathing, so simple, and yet something you can live without.
"I... I guess I've known since forever."
"You weren't confused?"
"Not with you."
Mike's eyes widen with joy and surprise, and soon, he is smiling and beaming with an excitement Will didn't know he still had within him. It's not long before he settles down again, his eyes wandering over Will's, searching for the treasure on the surface, close enough for him to grasp and call his.
"So this... us..." Mike says, his voice quiet and soft, "can we–?"
"Yes." Will is saying before he can stop himself.
Mike's mouth is still near Will's hand, their interlocked fingers and resting palms, when Mike takes the yes as a commitment, deciding to seal it forever with a kiss to Will's hand. His eyes shut as he tilts his head slightly downwards, igniting every spark in Will's body.
When he is done, he looks up, releasing their fingers as he decides to put his in Will's hair, right near the back of his head and pull him closer, noses brushing, eyebrows touching, breaths stacked on top of another.
"It's you." Mike says again, whispers so quietly so that no one else can hear it. No one but Will. "I should've known. All this time, I should've–"
"Mike." Will whispers, his hands finding themselves drawing peaceful, calming circles in Mike's back and shoulder. He doesn't say anything else, just stares, and Mike stares back.
Soon they both are pulling in, shutting their eyes and slotting their lips together.
Will holds his ground, keeping up with Mike's eagerness to taste and possibly devour Will's tongue, running deep down and earning a gasp from him. Their hands are restless, and their legs tangled in each other's, and upon releasing the lock to catch some breath, Mike is hardly moving away, still lingering and roaming his tongue over Will's mouth, even biting onto the lower lip and immediately shushing the short-lived pain with a gentle roll of his tongue again.
Will is a little into the stubborn sweet form of his affection, and so when they take a two-second break again, he is taking full advantage of the opportunity to shower Mike with kisses all over. His rosy cheeks, his stary freckles, his nose, his neck and finally, his lips again. He is soft with his moves, purely deeply madly in love in the entire concept of Mike. In everything about Mike.
Mike smiles against the kisses, holding Will closer and immediately planting another long kiss on his lips, this time while subtly smiling through it, as if he has achieved everything he has ever wanted in his life.
But soon their eyelids are getting heavier, and it's then they remember: It's midnight. They just came back from a long drive across the country. They're both tired.
Mike digs his face in Will's chest, his voice grown silent as sleep pushes at his edges. His arm wraps around Will's middle as his eyes shut to sleep, before he murmurs one last sentence of the night:
"I want to be with you longer. Forever."
Will blushes, smiling as he pulls Mike close to his chest, their breaths synching and hearts pounding at the same, fast pace, gently falling into a slower, quieter rhythm.
"Forever," Will says, as he closes his eyes under the moonlight.
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cascadedkiwi · 7 months
Late Night Group Call [Comfortember 2023]
Characters: Mina, Denki, Sero, and Kirishima Manga/Anime: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Genre: Comfort (but more fluff, I think) Summary: Random late night group call with some of the squad when it just so happens that Mina can't fall asleep. It's like they just know. Word Count: 642
Prompt 14: Late Night Phone Calls
Mina lays in her bed in her dark room, staring at the ceiling where a few glow-in-the-dark stickers faintly form some sort of sky. They seem to have dulled somewhat over the past hour. Maybe it’s just her eyes.
Her phone is on the nightstand, vibrating yet again. 
It's 2:37am.
That's the fifth time it's gone off in the past ten minutes. Apparently she's not the only one still awake.
She answers on the sixth call back.
“Mina!” Comes Denki’s voice, whispering but excited. “I told you guys she was still up!”
"Are you sure you didn't wake her up by calling back a million times?” Sero asks.
Mina smiles. Of course it's a group call. "Hey, guys!"
Kirishima’s voice adds to the conversation. “I'm seriously sorry if we woke you up, Mina. Denki was really insistent…”
Sero chuckles, sounding on the verge of sleep himself. “He was only so insistent with you, though. Probably because he knows Bakugo would kill him.”
“I have a cute black dress for the funeral,” Mina quips, and Denki's whine is loud and clear.
“Aw, c’mon guys, that's mean.”
Mina adjusts the phone on her pillow as she turned on her side. “Did you even call him once?”
“Blasty’s phone probably isn't even on.” Denki replies.
Mina furrows her brow. “He can't have it off, what if there's an emergency?”
Sero hums. “As long as he's not on night shift, it's not his issue. You know how protective he is of his beauty sleep.”
“I refuse to believe Bakugo is completely unreachable once he falls asleep,” Mina insists. 
“You try to call him, then,” Kirishima challenges.
“And that's coming from his right hand man,” Sero says with a laugh.
Mina grins. “If something really came up, I definitely would but I like not having to run for my life first thing in the morning.” She purses her lips. “I also value my eardrums in their current state.”
Kirishima hums an agreement. “I'm sure he has it on ‘do not disturb’ at the very least, with, like, special permissions to get through.”
Denki mocks their aggressive friend. “Layers of protection so I know for sure you wanna DIE when I pick up!”
The group bursts into giggles.
“How come Jiro's not on the call?” Mina asks.
Sero pipes up at that. “She went to bed even before Bakugo. Apparently her monthly came a week early and with a vengeance.”
Mina winces. “Oh, that sucks… I wish she had sent me a message.”
Denki makes a sound in his throat. “I checked on her before lights out. She was doing ok. Just lethargic and low energy. And hopped up on her favourite painkillers. I made her a hot water bottle. She was drinking that tea that knocks her out all night.”
Scattered applause sounds over the call.
“Good job, very manly,” comes Kirishima's approving voice.
“He had no choice but to learn after Mina’s demonstration,” Sero says with a grin in his voice.
Denki makes an affronted sound. “You guys can't tell me either of you can look at a girl carrying on like normal and be able to tell her insides are running war-level battle simulations!”
There's a silence that sounds like the two boys are sharing a look. 
“We added you to the tracking calendar for a reason,” Sero says.
“And I very much appreciate that.” 
Kirishima yawns. “I'm apologizing now if I just suddenly stop talking.”
“No worries, man,” Denki assures him. “That was the point of the call.”
Mina lights up at that, somewhere in the back of her own increasingly drowsy mind. “So I don't have to hang up tonight? Hoo. Ray.”
Sero lets out an amused breath. “We got you, Pinkie.”
Mina smiles at that, snuggling deeper into her pillow and bunching up her blanket to cuddle like a body pillow.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Could I request Gundham, Maki, Chihiro & Fuyuhiko with a s/o who has insomnia pls ? ( Ps- And yeah always separately ) - 🐺
Gundham Tanaka, Maki Harukwa, Chihiro Fujisaki, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu with a S/O who has insomnia
i was temporarily diagnosed with insomnia by my primary doc so i'm so cool and knowledgable enough to write this (sarcastic?)
anyway i wrote a 2k thing for my other blog and then on another tab i did something that made chrome freeze and i lost all my progress so hhhhhhhhhh if this is underwhelming that's why. still recovering.
-Mod Souda
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Gundham Tanaka
❤ I can see him being weirdly responsible with his body and sleeping like 8 hours a day. That being said, he would have a hard time comforting you because he would be sleeping, and he wouldn't feel comfortable enough to hold you.
❤ You could read him to sleep, though, or tell stories to him. While he's sleeping, you like to run your hands through his hair while it's down. It's long, and it gets in his face.
❤ When he gets up early, you are there with him, ready to help him with the animals.
❤ The animals, the same ones that keep you up at night when you do try to go to sleep. They're loud. You wonder if Gundham can even hear it anymore.
❤ The three-hours you get of sleep a day is enough to impress him, as he will be doing spells and praying to gods for you to get your sleep, so any minimal amount is going to make him feel good.
Maki Harukawa
❤ You've half made your mind by the time she gets home every night. She's not too much of a joy after she gets home from work. There's a battle in your head - whether to try to get to sleep or to stay up for her, knowing you won't sleep anyway.
❤ She will be dressed in her dark attire, carrying her sword, which is the weapon she always brings into the house (not trusting you around guns). You get to watch her undress while she walks around the room, ignoring you if you are awake. Once she is finished calming herself down to her normal low, mellow state, she is ready to address you.
❤ "Why aren't you sleeping?"
❤ Every night.
❤ "I do not sleep."
❤ "You should try."
❤ Kaito says she is apathetic, but the fact is that she hardly knows what to do about it. She can make you tea, give you store-bought pharmaceuticals, but she isn't fully convinced that any of it will even work. You are surprised she has even tried to help you sleep. It seems beyond her.
Chihiro Fujisaki
❤ Maybe he could be more helpful. He's always up in bed, typing away at his computer, not even trying to get sleep.
❤ So, you have a little companion. Both of you are up during terrible hours (on your screens) sitting in silence next to each other.
❤ Or maybe, the two of you are laying side by side, trying to sleep together before giving up and opening your phones once again.
❤ You still do this every night, whether or not he is laying beside you. You hope he doesn't realize this, and when he is off sleeping in hotel rooms with his dad, he thinks you are getting a good night's sleep.
❤ Except, he is definitely not thinking this, because the two of you are texting each other (more actively then in the daylight) during the night.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
❤ You hope to go to sleep before he gets home. You really hope he will be convinced by your fake sleeping.
❤ You went through a stay-awake-and-wait-for-him phase, which resulted in him just being angry with you, getting pissy and being mad that you won't even try to sleep.
❤ "Just close your eyes, how fucking hard can it be?"
❤ Extremely.
❤ Peko stays in the room sometimes, by his orders, to watch over you and make sure you get sleep. You tried to bribe her to just lie to him - but that never works.
❤ When he does come to his senses (nightly) about you not sleeping, he will hold you in his arms and kiss your forehead, "go to fucking sleep."
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outlawsworld · 3 years
Trusting Strangers - Chapter 14
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: Reader confronts John and Arthur brings up more of his past.
Warnings:None really, just fluff, bad language!
Notes: So this isn't as action packed as the rest of the chapters but I think it definitely leads to other things. Please stick with it and let me know what you think 🤠
Chapter 1
John turned to look over his shoulder as you approached him. He held a cigarette between his lips and shook his head when you came to perch on the rock beside him.
''I ain't in the mood just now (Y/N)'' he scowled. You didn't move from your spot next to him. Instead you watched him as he smoked the last of his cigarette and threw it away. ''You're gonna pester me all night ain't ya?'' he side eyed you as you sat in silence.
''If that's what it takes'' you say with a weak smile. He finally turns to look you in the eye before sighing.
''Fine'' his features softened slightly as he admitted defeat. John's eyes flicked between yours and the ground. His hands were fidgeting with the fabric on his coat and he seemed to struggle to find the words. If you didn't know any better you would have thought he was nervous.
''John?'' you placed your hand cautiously on his shoulder to try and reassure him. He flinched away from your touch, like you had burnt him. You quickly retracted your hand and placed it in your lap.
''I'm sorry'' he shook his head before meeting your gaze. ''I didn't mean to take anythin' out on you (Y/N). Just been a shit couple of days''.
''Tell me about it, maybe I can help'' you spoke softly. John took a deep breath in before relaxing his shoulders.
''It ain't nothin'. It's just Abigail. She's been gettin' at me more then usual the last couple of days'' he shifted uncomfortably. You wanted to believe that was all John was angry about but something didn't seem true about his words. He would normally just tell you or ask for advice when it came to Abigail. In the past when they have fought he would be so happy to leave camp but today he had been so cold.
''Why didn't you just tell me? We've always talked to each other'' John's brow furrowed at your comment.
''Yeah, is that so?'' he scoffed. John stood up from the rock and took a couple steps towards the water. He grabbed a stone from the waters edge and thew it as far as he could. It landed in the lake with a loud splash. You stood up from the rock, following John along the sand.
''Well I thought so'' you stood in front of him to stop him from walking away from you.
''You thought wrong'' he gently pushed past you and began to march down the water line. You felt hurt by his comment, you always thought that he could talk to you. For a split second you let him walk away. You began to feel irritated by John's mood. All day you had been thinking and you couldn't understand what you had done to deserve this. Your own anger got the better of you and you ran after him.
''What's that supposed to mean?'' you caught up to him. Your small strides, working quickly to keep up with him.
''Leave it (Y/N)'' John snapped at you.
''No'' you shouted at him. ''God damn it John. Just tell me'' you felt hot, every inch of your body was tense and you were starting to lose your patience.
''I told you everything'' he immediately stopped in his tracks his voice was raised and his anger was aimed directly at you. ''Whenever Abigail was gettin' to me or when I felt like I was doin' a shit job of bein' a father. I told you. You said we've always talked to each other but it was always one sided. You never told me anythin' about you. You definitely never said anything about you and Arthur'' he gestured towards camp. Your mouth dropped as you took a step back away from John.
''That's what this is about?'' the shock in your voice was apparent. ''It's about me and Arthur?'' the subject made your blood boil. How could he be mad about it, you thought he would be happy for you.
''We had spent so much time together and not once did it come up. I had to find out from god damn Micah'' John bellowed.
''It's not like we intended it to be announced like that'' you defended yourself. ''I didn't realise me not tellin' you would annoy you. Do you really care that much?''.
''I couldn't care less about you two'' John's words cut through you like a knife. Silence fell between you both as you stared at him in shock. Tears began to well up in your eyes at your best friend's words. You held them back as you took a steady breath. He doesn't care about you. It didn't make sense, why would he be so annoyed about you wanting to keep it private for a while. You thought out of everyone he would understand. Having his relationship with Abigail so out in the open, he hates everyone knowing thier business.
''Thanks for makin' that clear'' you spoke in a hushed voice trying to not let your emotions get the better of you. ''So if you don't care about me then why are you so pissed off?'' you met John's brown eyes. They began to soften as he came back to reality and realised what he had said.
''(Y/N), I didn't mean it like that. Of course I care about ya'' he paused to take a heavy breath and pinch the bridge of his nose. ''Look a lot of things have been on my mind recently. I guess finding out about you two was a shock and I didn't know how to respond. I had no idea about you two. Just thought you would 'av told me. Just wish I hadn't been so stupid..'' he trailed off looking back out over the water.
''Stupid?'' you questioned.
''Ahh nothin'. Ignore me, I'm just thinkin' out loud'' he turned back to face you before giving you a weak smile. ''I'm sorry 'bout shoutin' at ya. That weren't my intention'' he held his hands up in defence which made you smile.
''It's alright'' you sighed. "Guess you'll just have to be extra nice to me to make up for it" you teased him.
"Deal" he smirked. The two of you walked back to camp slowly while John told you about his and Abigail's latest argument. Your relationship with Arthur wasn't mentioned again and you didn't dare bring it up. Even though John was telling you about his problems, you couldn't help but think he was witholding something. You decided it was best not to pry in case it made him angry again. If he wanted you to know he would tell you in his own time. The sun was beginning to set by the time you got back into the camp. You and John grabbed a bowl of Pearson's stew before sitting around the fire with Tilly, Hosea and Keiran.
''How are you doing my girl?'' Hosea asked as you sat on the log next to him.
''I'm alright Hosea, and you?'' you asked between mouthfuls of stew.
''I'm getting old'' he chuckled. ''Arthur and yourself seem like you have worked everything out'' you look around the fire quickly, to see that everyone was engaged in their own conversations. Hosea laughed at your reaction at the mention of your relationship before patting your leg.
''Sorry, old habits'' you giggled. ''Yes, I have to thank you Hosea. If it weren't for you I think we would still be ignoring each other''.
''My dear, you don't have to thank me. It's been a long time since I've seen Arthur happy and that's all thanks to you'' your heart warms at Hosea's comment and your cheeks begin to blush.
''I'm guessing he didn't get recognised going back to the Braithwaites earlier?'' you questioned. Your mind had still not settled since Arthur left camp earlier and you needed to know he was safe.
''No, he was fine. But I heard the commotion you all made earlier with those horses'' he shook his head as he glanced over at Dutch who was standing outside his tent. ''We need to lay low with both families after tonight. Trelawny was right, people talk, even when there is a feud goin' on'' Hosea looked concerned but you agreed. You had always thought it was a stupid idea to rob both the families.
The name Trelawny had been passed around camp since you had joined but you had never had the pleasure of meeting the man yet. Clearly the man had sense in informing the gang to go careful but Dutch had other ideas.
The night drew in quickly as stories were passed back and forth across the campfire. Javier joined you and began to play his guitar. The other girls and Charles all joined as well and began singing along to a songs Javier was playing. It was beginning to get later and Arthur and Sean still hadn't returned. Hosea's words had definitely put your mind at ease though so you excused yourself and went to your tent.
It didn't take you long before you were laying in your cot with Javier's soft melody lulling you into slumber.
''(Y/N)'' you were woken by a deep voice. Your eyes fluttered open to see it was still dark outside. You must have only been asleep for a couple hours. ''(Y/N), you awake?'' the voice was just above a whisper outside your tent. You rubbed both of your eyes to check you weren't dreaming before sitting up in your cot.
''Come in'' you half whispered back. You were only in your nightwear but your blanket covered you from head to toe. The broad silhouette gently crept inside your tent and came to crouch beside you. ''What are you doin' cowboy?''.
''Sorry if I woke ya'' Arthur took your small hand in his. ''Didn't much feel like sleepin' without ya tonight'' he placed a kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn't help but smile. Not only because he was back in one piece but because your heart lit up whenever you saw him.
''Ya think we can both fit onto my cot?'' you moved over to make space for the big broad man that crouched before you. He stood up before taking his coat, boots and gun belts off and putting them on the ground.
''Might be a tight squeeze but I'm sure we can manage'' he smirked before climbing under your blanket and laying down beside you. The both of you shuffled around until you were laying wrapped in Arthur's arms with your head on his chest. Arthur was right, it was a tight squeeze but you didn't care. Having Arthur being there, feeling his arms holding you close, hearing his heart beating and smelling the cigarettes and whiskey with every breath you took made you unbelievably happy. You smiled into his shirt as he kissed the top of your head. ''G'night darlin'.'' he whispered in your ear. His soft, low voice sent shivers through you.
''Night Arthur'' you shuffled into him as close as you could possibly get before drifting back into a deep sleep.
As you woke up the next morning you were still wrapped in Arthur's embrace. Your legs were intertwined with one another's and Arthur's arms were the only think keeping you from falling out of the cot. You wiggled your arm free from underneath Arthur's torso and tried to regain some feeling back into it. Arthur woke up as you clenched your fist open and closed. Trying to ignore the painful sensation caused by the blood restriction.
''Mornin' (Y/N)'' Arthur mumbled as he pulled you closer to his body. His voice was much deeper when he had just woken up. It sent shivers down your spine. ''What ya doin'?''.
''Ya crushed my arm'' you chuckled. ''Trying to get feelin' back into it''. You turned to hover above him leaning on your elbow. He hummed in response with a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. His hair was messy and his eyes were barely open.  Seeing him this way, first thing in the morning did something different to you. You felt the heat between your legs rise as you looked over him. He reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek as he did so. You leant down and kissed him deeply. Completely forgetting where you were as you opened your mouth to allow his tongue access to yours. Arthur went from a sleepy daze to wide awake in seconds. His hands began to wander down your body as you fought to undo the buttons on his shirt.
The sound of Pearson humming and walking past the entrance of your tent stopped you both suddenly in your tracks. You broke the kiss and bit your bottom lip as you pressed your forehead against Arthur's. The both of you had gotten so lost in the kiss that you forgot how little privacy you have in camp. You both laughed quietly as you layed back down beside him releasing the button you were about to undo on his shirt.
"I could kill that man" Arthur chuckled. You giggled and placed another much softer kiss on Arthur's lips. ''Want some coffee?'' Arthur sat up and pulled on his boots.
''Please'' you sat up beside him. ''I'll be out in a minute''. Arthur nodded as he pulled himself back together and walked out of your tent. You stretched out your limbs before getting dressed and following behind him. As you walked out of your tent the light stung your eyes and you winced before they adjusted.  The morning air was thick and warm, it was going to be another hot day. You threw your thin coat you were going to wear back into your tent before making your way over to the campfire where Arthur was waiting for you with your coffee.
''Thank ya'' you took the coffee from Arthur and sat down beside him. Pearson was at his cart beginning his day by clearing his table and the rest of camp was starting to stir. ''You on any jobs today?'' you ask Arthur. It seems to have been a long time since he had a day around the camp. He was always on a job or out doing something. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him as he was always Dutch's go to guy for everything, meaning he never got a day's rest.
''No, I'm stickin' around here today'' he smiled before taking a sip from his coffee. You were silently relieved letting out a relaxed hum.
''Miss (Y/L/N), Mr Morgan'' you heard a loud shout across camp. You both looked up to see Mrs Grimshaw marching over to you. She looked irritated and her face had gone red. You swallowed a large lump in your throat as you dreaded what had caused her to become so infuriated so early in the day. ''You both sticking around today?'' although it was a question it came out more like a demand.
''Yes, Mrs Grimshaw'' Arthur smirked which only made her more aggravated.
''Well good, we are falling behind on chores around here. Some people have begun to slack so we need all the hands we can get'' she snapped. ''(Y/N), I have a pile of things that need stitching back together, get to it'' she didn't let you speak before pointing her finger in the direction of the pile and sending you on your way.
She was not wrong, the pile of clothes and sheets that had been torn had grown large. You sighed loudly as you realised it would take you hours to stitch everything. As the hours went by the pile slowly got smaller. Your hands were cramping up and your stitches were beginning to become sloppy. Mary-Beth had come to help you take on some of the work and you appreciated the company. She was telling you about a book she was reading about a budding romance. You finished with one of Lenny's shirts and added it to the 'done' pile before glancing round camp.
The camp was busy with people doing different chores. You would occasionally hear Mrs Grimshaw shouting at someone to get on with something. As you took a moment to glance around camp you found Arthur chopping wood on the outskirts of camp. His strong arms made the job look effortless. You watched as he swung the axe down breaking the wood, clean in half. He wiped his sweat covered brow with the back of his hand and grabbed the next piece. Each time he raised the axe above his head his shirt would become tight around his strong muscles over his back and shoulders. He would grunt as he brought the axe down to strike the wood. The top buttons on his shirt were undone allowing for some of his chest to be exposed. You could see the begining of his chest hair glistening with sweat.
''You are gonna start drooling soon'' Mary-Beth giggled catching your attention. You quickly turn back to her realising you had been staring a bit too long. The colour of your cheeks turned a bright shade of red as embarrassment flooded through you. After that, you made sure to concentrated on your own work. Mary-Beth would tease you every so often making you blush each time. You couldn't help it, Arthur was the most attractive man you had laid eyes on. The opportunity to admire him was very few and far between with the amount of work outside of camp he does. By the time you had both finished with the stitching it was the afternoon.
You went for a walk along the water to stretch your legs after being sat for so long. It was always peaceful by the lake compared to the rush of being in camp. You noticed Dutch was standing on the end of the dock which reminded you of a job.
''Hey Dutch'' you walked up to him catching his attention.
''Miss (Y/N). What do I owe the pleasure?'' he asked as he turned to look at you.
''Ya know the two men I pick pocketed the other day in Rhodes?'' Dutch hummed at you with an inquisitive smile. ''Well, they are supposed to be outta town. Thought it might be a good steal if we check out the house while there gone. Said they had deeds of some kind'' you had never approached Dutch with a job before and for some reason it made you nervous even suggesting it.
''Hmm, sounds promising'' he thought about it for a moment. ''and you are sure they aren't in town?''.
''Alright, take who you need and go tonight'' he patted you on the shoulder. You nodded your head before heading back into camp. In all honestly, you hadn't thought too much about it but the job was now in your hands. You wanted to impress Dutch so nothing could go wrong. It should be an easy take and only requires two people to do. For the rest of the afternoon you tended to the horses with Kieran, thinking about who you should take on the job. You wanted to take Arthur but it was the first day in a long time he didn't have a job to do and you didn't want to ruin that. Maybe you should take John or Charles instead.
As the sun set for the day you decided to pack your things for the job. You had come up with a plan much like your first house robbery with Arthur. Even though you were sure that the two men were out of town you grabbed some extra ammunition putting it away in your satchel.
''What are you doin'?'' Arthur walked up behind you as you packed your saddle bags.
''Gettin' ready for a job'' you attached your rifle to your saddle before turning to him.
''What job is that?'' he leant against the hitching post with his arms crossed over his chest.
''A house robbery'' you told Arthur. You went on the explain how you came about the job whilst in town with Dutch and what your plan was.
''Okay, when are we goin'?'' you looked up to meet his eyes.
''Arthur, you need to rest. I can ask someone else to go with me'' he looked almost offended by your comment.
''I'm fine. I've rested all day'' he brushed you off. ''We goin' now?'' he asked, not taking no for an answer and making his way over to Siego.
''You ain't been resting but I guess we are'' you smirked. You knew, no matter how much you would try to convince him to stay he would still come on the job anyway. As you both mounted up you looked back towards camp. You caught a glimpse of John watching you and Arthur leave together. He looked upset about something as he leant against a tree smoking on a cigarette. You gave him a smile and a small wave as you turned Dallas towards the road. He didn't wave back but you saw a sad smile across his face. You spurred Dallas on down the woodland trail and out of camp. Arthur followed closely behind.
''So you never told me about your job last night'' you shouted back to Arthur. Once you reached the road he came to ride beside you. He told you about how him and Sean both burnt down the Grey's tobacco fields. Luckily the both of them got away with only having to shoot a couple of the guards. ''Shit, all the fields?'' you asked stunned.
''Yeah, all of em. The barn too'' he shook his head. ''If they don't catch on that it's us, it'll be a miracle. So much for layin' low'' Arthur shrugged his shoulders.
You rode by the Grey's plantation on your way to the house and you saw the destroyed fields. The dry tobacco was now turned to ash and the smell of burning crops filled the air still. Arthur stayed quiet as you inspected the mess as you rode by.
The house wasn't much further, it was hidden within a group of trees which gave you plenty of cover. You dismounted the horses and grabbed your rifle before getting too close. The house was only small, with a barn to the side and a porch that ran around the whole building. From what you could see, it was empty. There were no lights from inside but you knew it was best to be prepared.
''I'll go round the back'' you informed Arthur as he made his way to the front door. He nodded in response as you went around the side of the house. You peered in through each window and didn't see any sign of people inside. The lock on the back door was easy to pick, you opened the door slowly and quietly making sure it was empty before stepping inside. You tiptoed to the front door opening it for Arthur to enter.
''Alright, let's do this quickly and quietly'' he stepped inside, looking around. ''You wanna take upstairs?''.
''Sure'' you made your way up the creaky stairs, leaving Arthur to explore the ground floor. There were two bedrooms and a study which you made your way through. You searched each draw carefully, collecting valuables as you went along. The study was full of paperwork scattered across a messy desk. You flicked your way through the papers and took the ones you deemed to look important. There were a couple of deeds stashed in a draw along with a lockbox which you grabbed. You made your way downstairs to meet Arthur who managed to fill his satchel full with provisions and jewels.
''Found anythin'?'' he asked while inspecting a bottle of whiskey he grabbed from a cabinet.
''I think so'' you held the lockbox up to show him. ''Let's get outta here'' you gestured towards the door. Arthur followed you out the house and back to the horses. ''Well... that went a lot smoother then last time'' you giggled as you mounted Dallas.
''I wouldn't speak too soon if I were you'' Arthur smirked back. You both rode back down the path at a steady trot to not draw any attention to yourselves. ''Wonder what we will find stashed in that lockbox o' yours''.
''Could be anythin' or nothin'. Hopin' it's somethin' good'' you tapped the box that was now strapped to your saddle.
''So, if you weren't thinkin' of askin' me to come with ya. Who were you gonna take?'' Arthur raised his left brow and looked at you curiously.
''Well, you were my first option but probably John'' Arthur scoffed at your suggestion and shook his head. ''What's wrong with John?''.
''Ahh nothin'.'' he brushed you off.
''It ain't nothin'. You seem to have some sortta issue with him'' you steadied Dallas to a walk to give Arthur time to explain himself before you got back to camp. ''Feel like explainin' what it is?'' Arthur pulled Siego to a walk and breathed a deep sigh.
''Fine. I've known John for fifteen years. He was like family, like a younger, annoying brother'' Arthur paused for a moment. ''Then when Jack was born he just took off. He left us for a whole year and then just walks back in like nothin' happened. I guess I just ain't forgiven him for it'' Arthur hid his face with his hat so you couldn't see his expression. You could tell by his voice he was still annoyed about John leaving.
''He told me what happened and he feels real bad about it'' you tried to reason with Arthur. ''John knows what he did was wrong and he's tryin' to make up for it. Don't you wanna give him another chance?'' you kept your voice low and steady. The last thing you wanted was to offend him.
''No one else would have gotten away with what he did (Y/N)" Arthur's brow was furrowed and he squeezed tightly onto his reins. "He abandoned his family. He abandoned Jack. Even now he won't spend any time with his own son. What I'd give to..." He trailed off. Arthur stared in the direction away from you. Something struck a nerve with him as he talked about Jack. You stayed silent allowing him time to think and calm down. The both of you stayed at a steady walk down the dirt track towards Rhodes.
"I'm sorry for pryin'." you finally broke the silence. He turned to face you but his eyes were still covered by his hat.
"It ain't you. He just doesn't realise how lucky he is" Arthur's voice was soft. Not in his usual, kind way but as though he was upset.
"How'd you mean?" Arthur raised his head until your eyes met. He cocked his head in a gesture for you to follow him off the path. You followed him through the trees to the small open field you had spent that night under the stars in. The both of you dismounted and you followed him into the open space. Arthur was stood in front of you with his back towards you.
"I need to tell you somethin'." he scratched the back of his neck nervously before turning to face you. Your heart began to race as many thoughts floated through your head. Was he going to end things? Did he decide that you weren't good enough for him? Or was it Mary?
"Alright" you asked trying to mask the crack in your voice.
"A long time ago when I was a young fool I met a waitress. Her name was Eliza, she was only 19 at the time and I was in my younger twenties" he cleared his throat and your heart began to sink. Of course there was another girl. You looked at him as he rested his hands on his gun belt, the brim of his hat still covering his eyes as he spoke. "We had a son together. His name was Isaac"
You tried to hold back the gasp from the shock of what he was telling you. Arthur had a child.
"I would visit them from time to time. Making sure they had money, food things like that. I didn't want them involved in the gang. It wasn't a life I wanted for 'em. One day I went to visit..." he paused to take a deep breath. "There were two crosses outside" he looked up to meet your eyes. You remained still, mouth open as your heart began to break for him.
"Some men robbed an' killed them for $10" he swollowed hard. For the first time you saw Arthur's full emotions surface. His eyes were red and watery and his smile had faded away. "I guess that's why I can't forgive John....he doesn't even realise what he has" there wasn't anger in his voice. Instead he sounded broken.
"Arthur, I'm so sorry" your voice cracked. You couldn't find the words to help fix what had been done. The pain he must have gone through with loosing a child. He had been through so much hearbrake in his life already. With Mary then Eliza and Issac. No wonder he was scared to start another relationship with you. He was so much more then the tough exterior that you first saw. You reached forward and pulled him into your embrace. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tightly. You stayed in each others arms as you processed the information Arthur had just given to you. It must be so hard for him to talk about. You wanted to say something that will take some of his pain away but you knew there was nothing you could do but to hold him.
"(Y/N)?" you heard Arthur whisper your name into your neck. You loosened your grip on him until you could see his face.
"Arthur" you found his eyes.
"Thank ya" he smiled lightly at you.
"Why you thankin' me?" you couldn't understand what you had done to deserve his thanks.
"For everythin'. For listening. I ain't the best a talkin' about this sorta thing" he admitted shyly.
"I'm always gonna be here for ya Arthur" you caressed his cheek to make sure he looked directly in your eyes. "I promise you, I ain't goin' anywhere".
Chapter 15
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rainycl0udss · 4 years
Chapter 3;
The morning after party
//When can I say "I love you"?//
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Written Chapter!
Word count; 1780
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Moons POV
I lay peacefully in my bed, sleeping.
That was untill I heard one of the most annoying sounds of all time.
My alarm.
Don't get me wrong, I love the song Euphoria but I wish I didn't have to wake up right now.
I turn my head to the noice and pick up my phone so I can turn of the sound of my alarm playing.
I check my phone on social media and I check my mails aswell.
I look at the time, it's 8:35 am.
Way to early for my liking but I don't really have a choice. I've got plenty of things to do today. I'll probably have to go grocery shopping too. I don't think Mimi is going to be in the right state of mind to do it today.
With a sigh I get out of my bed and walk to the kitchen.
Just like I  had suspected, nobody else is awake yet. They're probably going to be sleeping till noon.
I walk to the fridge and take out some banana milk, cheese and eggs. I'll probably make an omelette with some cheese, drink some banana milk and call it breakfast.
After preparing my meal and eating it it's already 09:48 am.
That's not as late as I thought it would be.
I have to be in the studio around noon, so I've got plenty of time to get ready.
I clean my dishes and decide I'll take a shower to clean myself. Something that is definitely needed because my hair smells like liquor.
I walk back to my bedroom and grab a black jeans and a grey hoodie. I also take some fresh underwear and head to the bathroom.
There is one positive about waking up before everyone else and that is,
The bathroom is not occupied.
I undress, step in the shower and start washing my hair.
I'm not really a morning person, I like to sleep in and I probably would never leave my bed if that was an option. Sadly it's not. I'm also normally not a person who showers in the morning. Normally I shower before I go to sleep. I like it better that way. That way my hair can dry naturally at night and I'll feel fresh in the morning. Obviously I had no time for a shower yesterday night. I was way to tired to do anything else but sleep.
I'm curious if the others remember anything about last night. I have a feeling Mimi probably doesn't. She never does.
Jae, that's debatable. She normally remembers everything, but she normally isn't that drunk so I guess we shall see.
For some reason Yun will probably remember everything, even tho that girl can get so drunk she almost dies, she'll always remember everything. It's kinda scary really.
Jae and Mimi, mostly Mimi, complain that she doesn't remember anything and that Yun should be happy she could remember.
Yun always responds with "It's more of a curse then a blessing, sometimes I wish I didn't remember."
I think I understand what she means, in that perspective I'm the same as Yun.
I can drink as much as I want, I'll remember everything. But I don't drink much so it's never a problem.
Ones I'm done showering I change in my clothes and head back to my room.
My hair is still wet so I decide to wear a beanie.
I look at the clock and see it's 10:27 am.
There is still no sign that my friends are waking up anytime soon.
I put on my boots and take my jacket. I take my keys and my bag and leave for the car.
I guess it's time for me to go grocery shopping.
Ones in the grocery I buy whatever I think we'll be needing. I'm normally not the one to do it, but it needs to be done.
Ones I'm back home I see that Jae is awake.
"Good morning." I say while unpacking the groceries.
"Hey Moon. Do you know where the painkillers are?" Jae asks me in a quiet voice.
She's definitely hungover.
"I think in the cabinet next to instant noodles." I exclam while still unpacking.
I hear her open the cabinet and take a painkiller.
"I found them, thanks." She says after taking a painkiller.
"You seem pretty hungover Jae." I state to her.
"I AM pretty hungover. This fucking sucks." She huffes.
"You shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you wouldn't be in this position." I claim.
"Shut up will you. I know I shouldn't have but you know how it goes..." She argues back.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so it's never really been a problem for me.
"Whatever floats your boat Jae." I chuckle.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked me while she goes to sit down.
I look at the clock and see it's 11:36 am.
"About three hours now. I'm guessing you just woke up." I reply.
"Why the fuck would you wake up that early?" Jae exclames
"Because unlike some people I actually have things to do today and wanted to get it done." I articulate.
Jae just rolls with her eyes.
"I made y'all some breakfast btw, it's more like brunch right now but whatever. It's in the fridge." I announce to Jae.
I get up from the table to walk to my room but I get interrupted by Jae.
"You made us breakfast? That's a first." She interjects.
"It's not a first you bitch, I always make y'all breakfast when you're hungover." I remark.
Without waiting for her to respond I walk to my room.
I grab my bag and put all my work in it.
I walk back to the kitchen to see Jae eat the food I made for her.
She's watching her kdrama while eating.
I go to the cabinet and grab a pot of instant noodles and a banana milk out the fridge. I put them both in my bag and walk to the front door of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jae ask me before I could leave.
"To the studio." I answer without looking up.
"It's not even school today." She nags.
"That doesn't mean I can't work for school. Besides, now I'm behind on schedule because of yesterday." I persist.
"Are you leaving already?" I hear a different voice say.
I turn around and look at both Yun and Jae.
"I have to get my work done guys." I sigh.
It's not like it's fun for me to leave them alone all the time. They're my friends and I care about them. But I also care about my future.
"Can't you go to the studio around 1 pm?"
Yun begs me.
I take a deep breath.
I guess I can do that.
I sigh but place my bag on the floor and walk back to the table and sit down.
"I'll stay till 12:30 pm alright." I confirm.
Yun smiles at me.
"Good to hear." She smiles.
"So how are you?" I ask after a short silence.
"I'm oke. I guess." She mumbles while stuffing her face with bacon.
"I honestly don't remember much." Jae confesses.
I'm not surprised about that.
"I fucking wish I didn't remember anything. It was so embarrassing." Yun grumbles.
"I only remember that Mimi started puking and that you were grinding against some guy." Jae laughs.
"Euw, Don't remind me of Mimi puking. You know I hate puke." She recalls disgusted.
"Who was the guy?" I hint in a joking matter.
"Just some guy I made out with, he wasn't my soulmate." She whines.
I just shake my head an laugh a little.
This is typical behavior for her. Same goes for Mimi. Always going around and have one night stands with random guys from clubs. The only rule we have is to not go to his home. Luckily that didn't happen yesterday.
"I really hoped I would have found my soulmate." Jae whimpers.
"Same here, I'll probably just die alone." Yun dramatically states.
"I actually enjoyed myself for and hour are so." I suddenly confess to them.
The both turn their heads to me at the same time and just stare at me.
"Can you both stop staring at me please, it's unsettling." I accuse.
"You enjoyed yourself? At a party? Do I even know you?" Yun jokes while she punches my arm.
"Then what did you do? Because I didn't see you dance even ones." Jae questions.
"I talked to a someone. Her name was Areum. She was very nice. She also helped me find Soo-Yun." I inform them.
"I'm glad you actually enjoyed yourself. Maybe you'll come with us again." Yun smiles at me.
She trying to hint me to go with them again. Oh hell nah.
"I don't think so, but good try." I laugh and pet her on the shoulder.
"But I'm leaving now." I inform them.
I get up and walk to the front door.
"Don't come home to late!" Jae yells.
I pick my bag from the ground and open the door.
"I won't, tell Mi-Hi that her food is in the fridge!" I yell before I close the door.
I decided that I'll go on foot. The studio isn't so far from our apartment it's only a 20 minute walk. I plug in my headphones and start blasting Dimple from BTS.
God I love that song.
Ones I get to the studio I start looking for my ID to show them I have promision to use the studio.
When I look in my wallet for my ID I found an familiar looking card.
It's the card that Ari unnie gave me.
I put it in my pocket and walk in the building.
I show them my ID and walk to my studio.
I poof myself in my seat and pull the card out of my pocket.
Coffee shop Blooming.
It look aesthetically pleasing.
I'll definitely go there this week. I would really like to talk to Ari unnie again. She was very nice.
I put it back in the pocket of my jeans and start to work on my final project of this semester.
I have alot to catching up to do. Definitely now that I'm leaving in a few weeks to Busan for Hanas birthday.
I can't afford to waist time.
I sigh one last time before I take of my headphones and plug them in my computer. I'm in work mode ones again.
This is going to be a long day.
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
Normal life? Nice try trickster
Dean x reader
A/n: This is for @supernatural-jackles #Weekly Writing Challenge. The line is "you cant ignore me forever" it'll be in bold.
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"yea well I wish I never had this life and I wish I never met you."
You were sitting in a chair at a desk??? You narrow your eyes what the heck?? Where were you. You heard phones ringing. You looked around and right behind your desk you saw Someone familiar. "Sam?"
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"Hey y/n what's up?"
" whats up? Or more like what are we doing here."
"working?" He laughs. "how much did you have to drink last night?"
"drink? I didn't drink last night. Actually I can't remember anything about last night after we got back from a hunt"
"a hunt? You shot an animal? And who's we"
"no what ? Me, you and Dean."
"Dean, the boss?
"boss? What ?"
"Sam you guys are going to get in trouble for talking"
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"who are you?"
"y/n it's Ian, are you high? Wouldn't be the first time" He laughs.
"no I don't do drugs."
He huffs a laugh "yes you do, we smoked last week at that party."
"what? No I didn't even know you last week."
"everything okay over here?"
"Dean?" "your hair's different" you whispered but they all still heard.
"I don't think shes feeling very well today." Sam says.
"since when do we work here? " You asked.
"...................did you hit your head or something?"
"actually -."
"why don't you take a sick day. I'll see if Brad can come get you. Let's go to my office."
You pick up your jacket and phone. "Brad? Who's Brad?" Following Dean to his office. He shuts the door.
"is something going on I should know about."
"no but something doesn't feel right about this place."
"you mean work?"
"yeah we don't even work here. I mean what even is this place?"
He stared at you with a confused face "Look I don't know if you're doing drugs or something but it isn't appropriate do to them before or at work okay? I texted Brad and he said he'll be here in 10."
You got sad. Why was he being so mean. You just whispered a quiet "okay".
Some guy came in asking if you were okay. He was about 6'1, skinny and looked like a normal guy. No plaid.
"um, I'm fine."
"okay let's get you home then." He started walking towards the door and you stared at Dean, you didn't want to leave him. You didn't know why but it hurt to leave a little something still felt off.
In the car it was quiet for awhile until you spoke up "so how do I know you?"
He rose an eyebrow and looked at you "are you that high?"
"I'm not high at all, clearly."
"sure and you Know me because we're dating."
"mmm-hhhm for how long ?".
"i don't know if I should be offended or not."
"I just feel like something's wrong or different i dont know."
"maybe you need to get a good night's sleep. More than 5 hours."
"yeah that sounds good."
You went in and laid on the couch since you didn't want to share the bed. "Why are you laying there Lets go to bed." He said.
"no! I mean no it's okay I wanna try here."
He frowned. "Okay then good night." He kissed your lips quickly and it felt so wrong.
Morning time -
You woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. You totally forgot where you were previously so you called out deans name. "Dean?"
"y/n? Are you awake?" You walked into the kitchen still groggy. You got a little startled when you seen Brad and not Dean.
"ready for breakfast?" Brad asked giving you a big kiss on the cheek.
"ha ha you know what I'm not feeling that hungry I'm just gonna head out." You were about to head out when you seen you were still in your clothes from yesterday. You quickly found your room and changed, seeing a paper with the name of your work and the address you took it and walked out. After about 26 minutes of walking you got to work. "y/n your running late." The girl at the front desk says.
"only about 5 mins."
"okay thank you." You got to the 8th floor clocked in and went to your desk. Apparently you had a meeting 5 minutes ago probably about 10 now. You ran in and Dean spoke up
"nice of you to join us y/n." All eyes were on you now. Dick move.
"uh, yeah I'm sorry I walked to work today." He nodded but still looked a little angry. "That's okay, you can just do this week's article then right?"
Article?? "Um, but I just do sales."
"yeah but Josh can help you. Also, I need it by Thursday afternoon." You looked at the time and date on your; Tuesday 9:45 am. Great so only about two day.
"okay yeah." You say. Why does he hate you so much. Your lunch break was at 12:20 and apparently you had another meeting at 1 p.m. You were running a little late since you had to walk to go get breakfast, quickly jogging into the building, you bumped into someones shoulder knocking there drink over them and the floor. "I am so so sorry." You looked and saw that it was Dean. Great he already hated you. You pick up the cup and say "I'll buy you a new I didn't mean-"
"it's fine." You can see the anger in his eyes. "Oh.... alright. Well here's some napkins." You were holding napkins still from your lunch so you used those and started dabbing his shirt. "I got it alright." He said with a little venom in his voice.
"ooo-kaay." You say on the verge of tears. The next day you went to his office to give him a coffee and his response was " I don't like that kind. Back to work." Wow that was cold. The next three days were hard after that, you tried to avoid Dean at all cost.
Your three day streaks ended this morning when you walked into the elevator with Dean and some girl following. It looked like he was going to say anything but then glared at you so you looked away. He was kissing her the whole way up to the 8th floor. "See you later baby."
And now about 3 hours later hes calling you into his office....
You didn't say anything walking into his office and you didn't really look in his eyes or at his face much.
"please sit down." You did as told.
"So we've been on a small budget at the moment and sadly... You're one of the people that are getting laid off."
Seriously??? "Is this because of the coffee? I didn't mean it."
"it's not because of that."
"your last name is Friday and I would still like the article by Thursday afternoon." You wanted to cry.
"why do you hate me so much?" You whispered.
"it's not about hate it's about having a small budget." He gives you one of those fake smile with a shrugs.
"yes you do I see it in your eyes when you look at me."
"it's not hate it's just you're like a kid to me, always messing up, always having to clean up your messes. You haven't grown up yet." You were surprised to say the least.
It was like a wave energy just hit you
"you still act like a kid, you havent grown up yet. always messing up, and I'm always having to clean up your messes."
You remember Dean saying that to you before. The whole arguments came to you in pieces.
"you said that to me before."
"I knew this wasn't right. you have to remember so we can get out of here"
"look if this is your way of trying to get your job back-"
"no, you know you remember. I said I didn't want to have that life anymore and then bam I wake up here. Trickster." The surrounding changed and you were in a completely empty diner sitting across from Dean and the trickster.
"I really thought you would be the first one to get it but not this time." He said to you.
"deano over here got it this morning."
"what? And you didn't tell me?"
"I just wasn't sure if you remembered it yet."
"no you did know.... You kissed that girl right in front of me."
"yeah that was just a bonus" the trickster laughed.
"okay, okay I was still mad." You shake your head "so what you thought it would make me jealous?" He shrugged.
"okay." Your about to get up when the trickster speaks up "alright the point of that you bozos was that no matter how Angry you guys were you still Remembered and you definitely didn't want that life y/n."
"yes I do, you just did it wrong it would have been way better if I didn't have to see Him"
"oh please." Dean says.
"Would you two idiots just put that stuff behind you and move on. You still care about each other." You snickered. He snapped his fingers and you started choking, you flung your hands to your throat.
"stop your hurting her." Dean yells causing him to snap again, causing you to breath again. "Tell me that's not caring." He says and disappears.
"Ughhh" you walk over to leave but the doors were locked. "Oh come on!" You sat all the way across the room from Dean. It was quiet for a minute when Dean spoke up "you can't ignore me forever."
Silence. You didn't answer. After another minute you finally spoke up: "was she good in bed?" He squinted his eyes at you.
"I didn't sleep with her."
"that's surprising."
"you know you went home with someone too."
"yeah but I at least know how to control myself." He got mad but didn't say anything.
"I slept on the couch."
" wh-"
"I slept there because he wasn't you, it felt wrong."
"yeah it did for me too." You looked over towards him. You were caught off guard when he asked "do you really hate me?"
You slowly made your way towards him "hmm idk that depends.... Do you? Or do you think I always mess things up?"
"look, I was mad and I just said somethings"
"you didn't answer the question." He started slowly making his way to you now.
"we all have messes even me and Sam, you know that. but we all help to clean it up." He reaches you. "I missed you " he says.
"I'm sorry y/n for the what I said. I love you with all my heart, i didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me." He grabbed a flower from one of the tables and put it in your hand holding your other hand. You smiled that stuff girly smile and your heart melted at his actions.
"I apologize too it wasn't just you I said some things too. And I forgive you Dean."
"Good because I forgive you too." He said grabbing your face and kissing you. It was rushed but it was the type of kiss where you poured all of your feelings into it. You missed his lips and his hands on your face. You both heard "took you guys long enough." You pull away to laugh but Dean pulls you back to his mouth.
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lady-fiona-rossi · 7 years
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