#and I think that's part of what gives ronan the idea that isn't really his idea
kazbiter · 1 year
kavinsky may have died in the dream thieves but you cannot convince me that his presence and memory didn't shape ronan's "ecoterrorism driven by my own subconscious" plotline in the dreamer trilogy. he would have loved that shit. u never forget ur worst and whatnot
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
Listen, what do you think about how the fandom perceives Ronan? This may be a strange question, but I saw post here about how Thrawn is an ambiguous character, he does both good and bad things, he is not an innocent kitten, etc. And I completely agree with this. But it seems to me that in relation to Ronan, the opposite situation very often manifests itself. If Thrawn is sometimes too idealized by the fandom, although he is a more complex person, then Ronan often appears as some kind of universal evil in posts and fanfiction. And…I don't know, it just doesn't seem right to me. He has a adverse nature, that's true, and his loyalty to Krennic sometimes pushes him to do not the best things, but there are enough moments in the canon that show his good traits too. At least he is really loyal man and not as stupid as he might seem. I just saw your post recently where you talked about him, so I was interested to ask your opinion!
Thank you for your attention and sorry if I disturbed you :c
please don't apologize, I love asks like this!!! If anything I should probably apologize because this is about to become ridiculously long :D I really like Ronan as a character, he's one of my favorites from Treason. He's entertaining, competent, somewhat churlish and has that posh attitude where you really want to ruffle his feathers to see what he'll do.
Those last two are part of the reason why it's fun to make him the butt of the joke and why the fandom does it so often. But having said that... you're absolutely right. I've also noticed that the fandom tends to be excessively antagonistic towards him (as it is with some other similar characters but more on that later).
And you're right to bring up Thrawn because he's the golden child here, him and Eli, and any character that disagrees with or doesn't like him automatically gets blacklisted. Which is odd to me since Thrawn is supposed to be controversial and Zahn does a good job of portraying that by giving us different characters' perspectives and reasons for liking/disliking him.
Sadly for Ronan he's very unfriendly towards Thrawn and Eli and ends up making a decision that goes against Thrawn's goals which now garners him a lot of hate. An interesting development given that Thrawn himself doesn't begrudge him for it in the books and even trusts him enough to send him to the Chiss. Which honestly means so much coming from Thrawn? It's as close to a stamp of approval as you can get from him, be it of Ronan's trustworthiness or simply his skills.
So if people really hold Thrawn in such high esteem, they shouldn't forget that his own assessment of Ronan was ultimately positive. No matter what role he plans for Ronan to play in the Ascendancy (even if that role is for Ronan to come to specific conclusions he can then take back to the Empire, ie feeding him some kind of information) Thrawn trusts him enough to, again, send him to his own people. People with lost of secrets that make them vulnerable.
And it's honestly a shame because as you say, Ronan has so much going for him as a character. The very idea of someone who's loyal to the Empire while being critical of Palpatine is so cool. It's literally something that can get him killed yet he's ready to face that danger if it means adhering to his principles.
Of course loyalty to the wrong party makes him pretty culpable but regardless, there is a good basis for him to grow as a character. As already mentioned he's loyal, he's competent, he disapproves of Palpatine and all the petty political games that dominate the Empire's higher echelons. He feels guilty for tricking Eli despite believing that he's a traitor. He even comes to respect Thrawn's skills by the end and modifies his answer when reporting to Tarkin so as to ensure Thrawn isn't accused of treason.
So very good foundation to build from. There's still his loyalty to Krennic (who is a pretty damn morally corrupt guy from what I've read) but an overzealous attitude like Ronan's understandably makes him liable to blind idolization so we can't really say for sure that he has a nasty motif for admiring Krennic.
From what Zahn tells us, Ronan seems to admire Krennic for his, quote, leadership, competence and brilliance and he does so to an excessive degree. He sounds pretty starry eyed is what I'm trying to say. Enough to cloud his better judgement perhaps.
Moral or immoral though, he's still a pretty cool character. Which is the same thing you can say about Thrawn. Funnily enough they're almost parallels of each other - Thrawn has honorable end goals that he pursues through corrupt means and Ronan (unwittingly or not) works toward a corrupt end goal but is pretty morally upright in the way he does it.
And come on you can't tell me he doesn't have one of the coolest descriptions (like Savit noting his eyes look older than he does) or some of the coolest inner monologue (like the "half a victory is still half a defeat" line). I also love how he hates politics yet ironically those political mental gymnastics are exactly what he's good at.
But I digress. My point is that you hit the nail on the head when you said the fandom idolizes Thrawn to the point of having a skewed perception.
Another character that I personally like a lot and whose standing in the fandom is very similar is Thurfian. Thurfian doesn't do anything overtly evil in the books and yet he's very often demonized as some kind of villain. Which I bet you is because he's in opposition to Thrawn and other fan favorites like Thalias (something that annoys me because people tend to victimize Thalias so much in their dynamic when she's actually a very brave and resourceful character. Who once held Thurfian at gunpoint might I add).
The thing is, people need to stop the whole pigeonholing characters into 'good' and 'bad' categories. Because especially with Zahn, things are rarely so black and white. Our prejudices as readers can be influenced by both limited and omniscient povs.
In Ronan's case, seeing him from the pov of beloved characters who he opposes is what paints him in an overly negative light. In Thurfian's we forget that these characters don't have the same insight into Thrawn's motives and logic as we do and that Thurfian is perfectly justified in thinking that Thrawn will one day overthink and overplan to the detriment of many. And if those words sound familiar it's because that's what Ar'alani herself says to Thrawn at the end of the book.
But to cut a long story short, I don't think Ronan deserves the hate he's getting. He's a very interesting guy - he's got a good foundation of principles, a quick mind and an amusing personality. Sure, he's prone to extreme bias, both positive (Krennic) and negative (Thrawn, Eli) that can cloud his judgement but barring that he's displayed an impressive amount of competence. Impressive enough to catch Thrawn's eye and we know Thrawn has a good sense for these things.
So basically love Ronan y'all, he's really neat. Even if he's not some paragon for moral goodness which honestly few of Zahn's characters really are.
(Thank you for this ask, I had a lot of fun answering it! If I get my act together, I'll hopefully finish my fic about Ronan where I plan to explore more of his motivations and how he could potentially find a place for himself in the Ascendancy. So fingers crossed for that!)
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spacefinch · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes: Wild Field Trips edition, part 2:
Ralphie: I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom.
Dr. Tennelli: Get out of me car!
Ralphie: Awww.
Martin: You have entered RADICAL SATURDAY
Aviva: Today's Friday, though.
Zach: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich.
Gourmand: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Alternatives to “Ladies and gentlemen”:
D.A.: Ladies, gentlemen, and others
Carlos: Ladies and germs
Koki: Beloved friends and tolerated acquaintances
Wanda: Allies, enemies, and those I’m still deciding about
Zach: Fellow scoundrels
Tim: Entities of interest
Jenny: Guys, gals, and non-binary pals
Evan: All y’all
Tim: Folks
Dr. Tennelli: Distinguished guests
Ralphie: Comrades
Martin: My dudes
Chris: A warm welcome to everyone who managed to sneak past the Zachbots
Mikey: Eating chips with chopsticks is unironically galaxy brain. Your fingers don’t get greasy and it lasts for longer.
Ronan: Fork
Mikey: Oh, yeah, I’m going to stab my crunchy foods and make them fall apart like an absolute absentminded dunce, fool, clown, jester, like a monstrous moron, an idiot of Shakespearean proportions, a cretin.
Jimmy: Um, you seem to forget that ‘chips’ can also mean fries. And that’s probably what he was talking about, haha
Mikey: I did not forget anything. I purposely ignore the idea of using British vocabulary to do my part in helping it die out.
Keesha: Really? EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting? I find that hard to believe. Stop feeding me these lies.
Chris: Well it was really hard to see if it was everyone, you see they were as fast as lightning.
Carlos: And to be honest, it was a little bit frightening.
Ralphie: KNOWLEDGE is knowing that a tomato is technically a fruit.
Phoebe: WISDOM is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Ralphie: PHILOSOPHY is wondering if a tomato is a fruit, does that make ketchup a smoothie?
Dr. Tennelli, about to kick them both out of the kitchen: COMMON SENSE is knowing that ketchup isn't a smoothie.
Martin: I put my Creaturepod down and now I can't find it.
Chris: Want me to call it?
Martin: It's on silent.
Chris: I'll call it anyway.
*Everyone stands around listening for a faint buzzing sound*
Carlos: I'm going to give raccoons the gift of fire and then teach them ceramics and they will make little bowls with their little hands.
Aviva: You cannot give raccoons that kind of power!
Wanda: The opposite of "the elephant in the room" is "the centipede in the room." Something that's not actually an issue, but everyone's freaking out about.
Chris: As someone who has worked with venomous animals, I can assure you that a centipede in the room is in fact a very big issue.
Gavin: If you have knees, you are valid.
Phoebe: Homophobes have knees, too.
Gavin: Not for long.
Carlos: Who is teaching my dad Zoomer slang?
Mr. Ramon (via text message): What do you think? I totally stan it
Carlos: Stop
Keesha: Stop excluding the B from LGBT. I'm sick of it. British people should be proud of who they are. Screw you.
Zach: What means “I hate you” in dinosaur?
Carlos: No. Dinosaur is the language of love.
Katie: I almost dropped my Creaturepod on my soft carpeted floor but thank god I have lightning fast reflexes and was able to slap it into the wall instead.
Wanda: I heard my brother [Henry] say he was going to Dairy Queen, so I snuck in his car and he has no idea I’m here.
Wanda: He asked his friend what he wanted and I popped up from the floor and said “I was thinking about a milkshake." I have never heard two teenage boys scream louder.
Carlos: Do not stand near the open fire when you have a tube of cocoa butter in your thigh pocket.
Jenny: This is so oddly specific. What happened?
Carlos: I am confident in your ability to figure it out from the clues provided.
Aidan: You’ve heard of mom friends. Now get ready for: Anti-mom friend. They suggest every single impulsive thought that runs through their head like, "Hey, what if you jumped in that pond in the middle of the night?" to the group while the mom friend begs them to stop.
Phoebe: Eldest sibling friend.
(Both of them look at Carlos)
Keesha: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Martin: Microwave for 40 minutes
Keesha: Why were you microwaving a lemon??
Martin: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges), but we don't have a big enough pot on the Tortuga.
Keesha: Did you burn an orange too? How??
Martin: Microwave for 40 minutes
Carlos: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Phoebe: Are you okay?
Carlos: My cat stole my freakign garlic bread.
Carlos: A theif
DA: Thief?
Carlos: Theif
DA: I before e, except after c
Carlos: Thceif
DA: No
Dr. Skeledon: Children, this is dirt.
Arnold, Carlos, and Phoebe: dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt?
Wanda: My mom is asleep, quick reblog this post with skeletons saying bad words.
Phoebe: 💀Tax evasion
Keesha: 💀Gerrymandering
Carlos: 💀Music piracy
Gavin: 💀Rug burn
Mikey: 💀Frick
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Okay so here's a badly explained explanation of the gay meta rvd ending
so Louisa may Alcott wrote little women and she didn't want to make Jo end up with a man but her editors were like girl you have to so last chapter is a added piece of heteroseuxal propaganda purposes
Anyway in Dawson's creek last two eps are Dawson the author of Dawsons creek own tv show based of his own life that is also bizarre and weird and plot has a lot of little women girls endings happening like Polly's meg ending
Last ep we got the song tell me at the end of ep which was sung by sarosie Ronan aka jo march of the Greta gerwig little women and let's look at this
So here's gerwigs Jo march speech
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And here's Alice and Betty in the ep before this
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It's the same sentiment
Ok so in rvd series finale we are watching jug and Betty the authors of rvd(joey potter is also author in Dawson's creek) like visit the gang in like a Christmas carol esc dreamscape
so what's happening is we are Jug's novel version of the life of the Riverdale kids but this time it's slaps isn't bad or lazy like jugs first novel about the serpents
Betty and jug both have magazines something I presume is true in some way in the irl universe but jug makes Betty the main character because she's the only who like has her bad memories and she's a author and his platonic soulmate bla bla bla
So I think that irl bughead gay siblings probably said a lot of what is in the this ep but also Archie's poem is full of things that happened irl in rvd that are bad memories so clearly jughead or Betty had to write it
Betty who I've said like thirty times is also a rvd author saids a different version of jugs Riverdale's goodbye speech that is reminiscent of Archie's earlier poem
The polycule is something jug wouldn't directly be involved in a sexual manor(at least with Archie) irl he's got issues with his homosexuality but remember hes sees beronica as a part of himself so adding in beronica gay sex while still making it hetero sensationalized idea of sexuality via the polycule thing is a great solution also here's Jen from Dawson's creek words on their core four
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She's calls it incestous so I highly doubt the polycule is like a good thing
Also the reason jarchie isn't really declared is because jarchie is Dawson and pacey and they already got they're gay ending in Dawson's Creek the white boys already got their ending (like in gay coded media history legacy etc)
The show is centered around obviously our authors but also Veronica our latina party girl from new York so the idea that beronica is confirmed but not jarchie because bless their hearts but Archie doesn't make poetry that's groundbreaking and just lacks emotional delveopment and jughead is pathetic but often times correct but primarily out of the necessity of childhood survival stragies and jug is obsessed with his man so naturally arch is portrayed as the bees knees
Sidenote:if you wanted to you could breakdown every detail that's close to what happened irl or is something jug is extrapolating on in his novel for example we know Cheryl is painter and so Jughead gives her a career as painter
Anyway tldr it's Louisa may Alcott core gay
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
if you'd want to share your expansion of the declinsky fic idea I'd eat it up!!!
continuation of this idea which was already quite long on its own lmao (tw again for abuse aldfkjg)
so we left off with Ronan having stormed the underground boxing ring to find out what the fuck is going on with his brother and Kavinsky, Declan having a whole-ass meltdown, and Ronan coming to the conclusion that his brother is being victimized and needs help.
which would be all well and good, if Declan had actually come to that conclusion and wanted help. alas, this is Declan Lynch we're talking about. he's still clinging to the idea that he has some amount of power in this situation. and he is not big on that whole "admitting weakness or showing vulnerability where other people can see it" thing. nothing more humiliating. he needs to regain some of his fucking dignity.
thusly, in the morning, Ronan finds that Declan's changed his tune. he downplays it all. he had a bad night. but, obviously, he's fine. it's not that bad.
convincing someone to leave an abusive relationship isn't always a linear process, and it's certainly not an easy one. he's acknowledged that it's toxic as fuck, and he's not walking that back, but it's certainly not anything he needs his little brother to rescue him from. he can handle his own relationship.
Ronan gets whiplash 😂 feels like he's going crazy. after all that shit last night? the crying and panicking?? everything he said???
"oh, now you take my word as gospel? what happened to Declan Is A Liar"?
"what, you're saying you lied about Kavinsky abusing you?"
"i never said he was"
Declan has gone way past his quota for sharing his emotions in the last 12 hours, he is DONE with letting people in or being honest with them (or himself). walls have gone up. and he's real good at being a condescending shitbag when he wants to be. he laughs at the idea of Ronan being qualified to give him relationship advice, as if Ronan's ever gotten anyone to like him enough to get any experience in that area.
and on some level, Ronan knows what he's doing and that he's doing it on purpose. lord knows he does the same thing when he's feeling defensive. but that doesn't make him any less reactive to the button-pushing.
he yells back that if Declan really wants to let K slap him around, then fine, don't come crying to him about it again.
Declan does go back to Kavinsky. he's got a match. and when he does, K is.....not nice. he could never pull off nice, and Declan would never expect it of him. but he's better. he lets Declan snap at him and doesn't snap back. he kisses Declan more gently than he usually does. he even talks bad about Ronan for once. (last he saw, Ronan was attacking and blaming Declan, which is exactly what he was hoping for. to sow chaos, drive a wedge between them, make things fun and interesting.)
his version of lovebombing is basically just not being a shithead, and it works because the bar is set so so low 🙃 it's not like Declan thinks they're in love or anything. he knows that's not what this is or will ever be. he knows he should be walking away, mutual toxicity or abuse, but it's easy to let himself be talked into forgetting that when Kavinsky says and does all the right things to make him feel like what he'd said to Ronan was true:
it's really not that bad. he doesn't know what he was freaking out over.
Ronan, for his part, is fucking pissed at Declan. but he also can't forget everything. no matter what Declan claims, he was fucking scared last night. Ronan can't forget what he said about being lonely and desperate and putting up with shit treatment because he didn't have anyone else. even if Declan is an asshole, that shit's fucked up and not okay.
the only reason Ronan wasn't going straight out to beat Kavinsky's ass into the ground was because Declan asked him not to, but now he's mad at Declan, so fuck it!!!
he's all riled up and pissed off and needs to do something, and kicking the shit out of Kavinsky is a pretty appealing option. problem is, K runs with a crew and is rarely alone. so Ronan alone doesn't pose all that much of a threat, no matter how good a fighter he is, and all Kavinsky does is laugh through a mouthful of blood and taunt him about how much Declan is gagging for his dick.
"you wanna hear about how he begs for me to fuck him? he's real fucking pretty when he begs. i bet i can get him to call me daddy soon."
so that confrontation goes. badly.
Ronan has to cut his losses when Kavinsky's buddies jump in to fight too, and it didn't actually accomplish anything besides giving Ronan some very distressing mental images. he falls back to lick his wounds, but not before declaring that he's not gonna race with Kavinsky anymore. with what K is doing to his brother, he's fucking done.
he's made that claim before and it's never come to anything, but this is different. this time he means it. he doesn't fuck around when it comes to family. he's not coming back.
Kavinsky is not happy about that. and who is he gonna take his frustrations out on? Declan just haaaad to go run his fucking mouth, didn't he.
it's one of those encounters that makes it reeeaaally hard for Declan to rationalize how this is not outright abuse. like most unpleasant escalations in their relationship, it's probably at least sex-adjacent. Declan's a trained and experienced fighter, he really could kick Kavinsky's ass in an outright fight, but dub-con edging into non-con is a very different thing to handle. Kavinsky putting his mouth to better use, one might say 🙃 not that much rougher, necessarily, than what they usually do, but with far more anger behind it. it feels very, very different.
but it's not abuse. and, therefore, if Kavinsky is not abusing him, then he must have done something to earn this. only he didn't do it this time.
Declan told him not to step up to K. Ronan did it anyway, and look what happens.
when Ronan comes around to his place because he won't answer his fucking phone, Declan's got fingerprint bruises on his neck and a spectacular black eye and he tells Ronan in no uncertain terms that this is his fault. that if he had just left well enough alone, like Declan fucking told him to, everything would've been FINE.
slams the door in his face.
locks it.
doesn't show up to mass that week.
Ronan's at a complete loss. how are you supposed to help someone who doesn't want to be helped? and how, when going after the person hurting him only makes things worse? what is he supposed to do??
Matthew is getting worried by now too. Declan's bruises aren't the kind that can be hidden or explained anyway by walking into door jambs anymore, and he's been acting weird enough for even Matthew to pick up on the fact that he's being lied to. Matthew calls Ronan, like "is Declan......okay? 😥"
which, obviously, he is not. but Ronan isn't sure he wants to tell Matthew that. doesn't wanna lie to him, doesn't wanna burden him. but in the end, they're all brothers, and Matthew has as much right to know that Declan isn't okay as he does.
and, he thinks, maybe Matthew can get through to Declan where he's failed to! weaponize those big sad concerned puppy dog eyes! problem is, Declan knows immediately that Ronan put him up to it, and now he's lashing out at Matthew too, which he's never done before.
Kavinsky's operation is getting more attention. that means more and better competitors. higher odds, higher profits.
Declan has never lost a match.
but he's been fighting so much for so long, he's exhausted and he never has a chance to recover from any of his injuries. not to mention, ya know, Kavinsky, who never feels the need to retreat once he's pushed (or crossed) a boundary. plus the general emotional strain of trying to convince himself that he's okay and handling this.
exhausted, always in pain, pissed at Ronan, guilty for having yelled at Matthew, teachers getting concerned because his grades are slipping.
Declan doesn't lose a match.
but he gets close.
Kavinsky is.............displeased. and suddenly Declan's position as his favorite prize fighter is in jeopardy, and Kavinsky makes it very clear that he will drop Declan the second he disappoints him.
this is, unfortunately, when Ronan shows up at the ring again.
every other attempt to contact Declan has failed. he won't answer his fucking phone, he's stopped coming to mass, he's evaded all of Ronan's attempts to find him at school, he'll barely even talk to Matthew, and he hasn't been home when Ronan's gone looking there, so this is the only thing he's got left to try.
at this point, he just wants to see Declan. is it too much to ask to fucking see him and make sure he's fucking ALIVE and in one piece?? he can't get the image of Declan with fingerprint bruises on his throat out of his mind. he knows better than anyone how fucking volatile Kavinsky can be. if the only way to check on Declan is to go back into the metaphorical belly of the beast, then so be it.
only Declan won't look at him, and K won't let him get close to try and talk. "big brother's got his game face on, can't have any distractions." clearly relishing Ronan's concern and frustration. that he's got something to hold over Ronan's head. "all that power," he croons, "and i get to take him. all because you didn't wanna play."
it's impulsive, Ronan saying that maybe he wants to play now. but it catches Kavinsky off guard which is not easy to do.
"you've been trying to get me to fight for you for ages. what, you don't want me anymore?"
"oh, i want you. baby, i always want you."
leering in a way that would've squicked Ronan out even before, now that Ronan knows what Kavinsky has done to his brother?? makes his fucking skin crawl. but needs must.
Declan, on the other hand, is furious. everything else aside, this, the fights, the ring -- it's his. this is where he has value, where he's the best. he's carved out a place for himself where it feels like he matters for once. he is not ABOUT to let Ronan show him up, here of all places, absolutely the fuck not. especially not with the warning from Kavinsky so fresh.
how much of his life has he spent playing second fiddle to Ronan? how quickly will Kavinsky drop him if he stops being the best? (what will happen to him when Kavinsky gets tired of him?)
if Ronan wants to fight, and Kavinsky wants to let him, then fuck it. Declan's gonna win this fight if it kills him.
by the time they get in the ring, Ronan is very much doubting his life choices here, but he's in too deep to back out and maybe he can get some words in edgewise during the match. it's not like he's never boxed with Declan before. they grew up doing this! this should be old hat.
but it's not like any of those matches. this is Declan pacing like a caged tiger, covered in a patchwork of fresh and half-healed bruises, looking like he's ready to rip Ronan's throat out. he doesn't fucking hesitate when the bell sounds. he definitely doesn't like Ronan get a word in. his technique is sloppy (the exhaustion is really catching up to him, and he's letting his anger drive him more than is wise), but he's out for blood. and there's a reason that Declan is undefeated.
Ronan, fresh and uninjured, is pretty sure he could win this match if he really wanted to.........but that's not the point. he didn't come here to win, he came for his brother's sake, and with the way Kavinsky is watching them, the way Declan is fighting like his life depends on it, the way he looks for Kavinsky's approval in every break......
Ronan throws the fight.
it doesn't take much, they're pretty evenly matched on a good day, all he has to do is pull back a tiny bit and Declan lays him out flat.
the crowd goes wild, everyone is cheering, Declan's got a gloved hand raised in triumph. K goes to him, like he always does at the end of a match, taking him by the shoulders, crowing.
usually, that's it. Kavinsky isn't much about propriety, tbh, but he's been pretty okay with keeping their fooling around to themselves, as is certainly Declan's preference. there are other algionby students in the crowd. there are potential future business associates. people Declan doesn't necessarily want to come out to and definitely doesn't want to wave his dirty laundry under the nose of.
but Ronan is watching.
so Kavinsky kisses Declan, right there in the ring, in front of the roaring crowd. because what Declan wants doesn't really matter when stacked up against the opportunity to stake his claim with Ronan there to witness it.
Ronan finds Declan in the warehouse's makeshift locker room after and tries talking to him again. tries to explain that he didn't actually come here to fight. he still wants to help him get out of this.
"don't come crying to me" definitely gets brought up, but Declan is also still insistent (maybe even more so now, sunk cost fallacy and whatnot) that he doesn't need help anyway, and where does Ronan get off pulling a stunt like this anyway?? fuck him.
"that kiss, then, in front of everyone. you're saying you wanted that? that wasn't a problem?"
"i'm saying it's none of your fucking business who i kiss, when, or where."
Kavinsky finds them. riled up from the fight, the victory, the successful shit-stirring and the goddamn DRAMA of it all. his hands on Declan's hips, kissing his neck. making eye contact with Ronan over his shoulder the whole time. "you staying for the rest of the show?"
Declan tries to push him off, to get him to stop, but resisting never does him much good when K's in this mood anyway, and he's not gonna make a fucking scene about it in front of Ronan. he's not gonna risk pissing K off and making it worse.
every instinct Ronan has is screaming at him to attack, but he remembers the bruises on Declan's throat, the door closing in his face, "this is your fault".
he looks away and keeps his mouth shut.
Kavinsky doesn't push it too far, just far enough to make his point, to feel like he's got both Lynches under his control. he leaves them alone again, promises Declan he'll be back in a few minutes so leave the motor running.
all Ronan says is "you deserve better than this."
Declan feels like punching him again. the night has been one humiliation after another. winning felt good, for a minute, like it always does, but it's ever-diminishing returns. Ronan's concern, his pity, reminds Declan of just how much it's not enough. he's tired, and angry, and ashamed. Kavinsky just pushed another one of his boundaries (a big one), and he's gonna come back wanting sex, which Declan is not in the mood for, and basically everything is fucking terrible.
he tells Kavinsky no.
he lets Ronan leave without comment, and he tries to make himself give Kavinsky what he wants, but he's so worked up and angry that all of it comes out in K's direction. all his suppressed anxiety and the conflicted feelings Ronan brought up in him vented into an argument about that public kiss.
Kavinsky was in such a good mood, but not anymore. he's really real tired of Declan's fucking attitude, thinking he can run his mouth off like this when K has been gracious enough to provide him with all this money and acclaim. where's his goddamn gratitude?
clearly, he needs to be reminded of his place. Kavinsky is not gentle about making his point, even if it'll knock Declan out of the ring for a while. and when he's finished, Declan, for the first time in a long time, calls Ronan.
he says the magic words.
"i need help."
Ronan may be pissed, but he picks up, and he turns the car around. Declan's right where he left him, only significantly bloodier.
Declan bitter and ashamed, letting Ronan half-carry him to the car: "finally got what you wanted, huh?"
Ronan, really wishing they were not back in this position, right where they were weeks ago, only worse: "Deklo, this is not what i wanted."
but it may be the breaking point that's needed for Declan to really and truly accept the position he's in. denial can hold up to a lot, especially for someone as proud and stubborn as a Lynch, but everyone has a limit. Ronan, at least, sure fucking hopes this is that limit.
.......aaaand that's installment 2 😂😂😂 i continue to muse on it and let it play out in my brain like a very self-indulgent movie. how to get Declan out from under Kavinsky's thumb when Kavinsky has no real conscience and is a dreamer to whom the law is really more of a gentle suggestion than a real threat?? idk, i'll figure it out sometime lmao, i'm just here for the hurt/comfort
hope you enjoy it lmao
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
Anybody else have that dilemma where you're the only one who's not lactose intolerant in your group after having cheese samplers night?
WS anon, do you have Lily/Timmy/Austin tea? Can you confirm what the other anon said about Lily and Timmy? Also do you know who the a-list singer deuxmoi is saying?
I don't know if they're full pr, but I have friends who claimed they were never as serious at least or exclusive. Because friends who work in the industry told me Timmy goes around a lot even during the time him and Lily were dating. I am in no way claiming every celeb relationship is pr btw, it's more of people underestimate just how much pr is actually in the industry may it be friendship or romantic. I may have an idea whom deuxmoi is talking about. But a part of me thinks deuxmoi really doesn't have anything and that pretty popular up and coming actress hooking up with an a-list singer is a pretty safe blind to give.
Just a question for WS anon. If you change your mind regarding this relationship will you tell us? What do you think will make you change your mind?
Yeah I will. I don't know, if it starts looking real to me? Cause if my friends in pr can predict what's going to happen next, even worse that people who doesn't even work in pr but have an idea how it works can predict the next movements, then it's pretty hard to convince me. Like I said I don't think this is pure pr. But I don't buy the narrative they're selling to me which is why I think it's more casual if anything. I know there's dissertations on why Harry is different from every other celeb and he would never do pr but I just disagree. I stay away from his fandom and fan blogs and am not here to force my opinion on anyone so I hope we can be respectful or keep it civil. I know from my one harrie friend here that some blogs have already called me a tinhat or something of the like.
I think I saw something here about a holivia pap pic being photoshopped?
I had to ask a friend and they said the dailymail photo they photoshopped it. But there were photos of holivia on that day from backgrid so nope.
I think there was Grey's anatomy tea?
I don't know what I know that isn't out of the open yet. Shonda Rhimes doesn't play if you're not cooperative and are disruptive on set. My friend had a good experience with Patrick Dempsey when she was working with him on Bridget Jones's Baby at least. A lot of my friends say Ellen was a problem.
Some more reports on celeb hygiene:
- I don't know if you're familiar with him, but my friend worked with the Try Guys a few years ago and said Eugene Yang smelled superb
- Vanessa and Austin smells like weed according to a friend
- Zac Efron smells but apparently is super nice
- I'm personally connected with her so I can guarantee Sami Miro smells great
- Saoirse Ronan doesn't smell like anything
- Jared Leto's smell depends on what he's working on. But they said when he's about to do Gucci promo and shoot he smells amazing.
- Chris Hemsworth smells amazing
- Liam not so much
- Kaia Gerber smells like Marc Jacobs Daisy
- Joe Jonas smells lush
- Hugh Jackman smells fresh and according to my friend the nicest celeb she's ever worked with
- James Corden doesn't smell bad but my friend said let's just pretend he does
Worcestershire Sauce Anon
You should feel blessed that you’re the only one who’s not lactose intolerant!
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
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After the fun with See How They Run, I figured I'd give another Saoirse Ronan movie a shot. ... Okay, that's not entirely true. Apparently this one had been on my 'to watch' list for a while without me knowing - honestly, it was probably something I added to an online 'to see' list back when I was last moving and thought that I might not have Peacock anymore through Xfinity, so I was just browsing through what movies where on the service that seemed interesting so I could try to watch them before I lost access, and this one apparently made that list; I never got around to it, but upon moving, I re-upped with Xfinity and got Peacock again, and the movie is still on it. Coincidence, mostly.
And despite the guns in the image(s) of the movie, the movie isn't really that - I mean, don't get me wrong, they do kill people and we do see/hear plenty of gunshots and and blood and dead bodies, including a gruesomely entertaining/funny scene where they're jumping around on people after a shoot-out, but this movie is less about our two teenage assassins being assassins and more about them being teenagers (or maybe a bit older than that for Bledel, I don't know if they ever tell us her actual age).
They throw in a bit of cursing early on that just seems outta place and oddly done, but the story sorta takes off once they
But it's my second go-around with Ronan, and I think my third with Alexis Bledel (Remember Sunday, Sin City). And this movie is, in some ways, very very different from all of the aforementioned movies. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect going in - I don't think I'd heard of this movie before I added it to the said 'to see' list, and I don't think I'd heard of it since until I randomly happened across it this past weekend.
And despite the guns in the image(s) of the movie, the movie isn't really that - I mean, don't get me wrong, they do kill people and we do see/hear plenty of gunshots and and blood and dead bodies, including a gruesomely entertaining/funny scene where they're jumping around on people after a shoot-out, but this movie is less about our two teenage assassins being assassins and more about them being teenagers (or maybe a bit older than that for Bledel, I don't know if they ever tell us her actual age).
They throw in a bit of cursing early on that just seems outta place and oddly done, but the story sorta takes off once they meet James Gandolfini's character ... well, 'takes off' might be a bit overstating it, since it more just slowly simmers along right up until it is over. It's a different type of teenage angst - less about love, as things usually are, and more about family and their desire for some dress of some sort and their relationship with each other. More talky than glitz, I guess I'm trying to say.
Which is fine - it's still pretty fun. Their characters are widely different from each other, and yet they're both brilliantly played and handled. And the ending, when it seems like they might be going their separate ways after the events that we witnessed - it's almost a bit sad. But then, that was bound to happen with the realization that the job might not really be for one of them - and that lack of trust might be really hard to build back-up, which is problematic in that sort of situation.
The story, itself, seems a bit unrealistic in the sense that, well, if he was looking forward to this, it doesn't make sense that he would keep delaying it or try to keep them talking. I mean, it might make sense if he was having second thoughts, but even that never seemed to happen - he was set right from the start, but instead it dragged on for hours instead of being simple. I mean, sure, it benefited him and he was able to get a letter to his daughter (Tatiana Maslany guest appearance!), but like, that was not part of his initial intentions. Sure, maybe coming home to seeing them asleep delayed things a bit, and the running out of bullets too, but a lot of this was also brought on by himself. Which seems a fine way to extend a movie to more than 30 seconds, but maybe not the most realistic piece of storytelling there.
It was, all in all, a pretty entertaining story that focused on our characters as people - which was, while not necessarily what I was expecting (or even, to some extent, what I was hoping for out of a movie tonight), a nicely-paced, pretty well told story with some good acting from our 3 main leads.
I hope their lives get better, whichever routes they end up taking from here.
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