#and I tried to list all that I could find
pinkhysteria · 2 years
‘damon is a vampire, this is a vampire show, how can you criticize him for anything!? 🙄’ and it’s about people uncomfortable with him having multiple instances of going out of his way to excessively punish women for not returning his feelings like a lame regular human 4chanreddit incel 💀
#anti damon salvatore#what does vampirism have to do with one woman not loving damon so he gets drunk and tries to force himself on her look alike 5 minutes later#LMFAOOOO#i just can’t stand the disingenuousness of it all.#like. i actually DO find it annoying when people include killer in with damon’s list of crimes because... hello.#especially since i don’t find the things that supposedly make his murdering ‘worse’ to be... valid whatsoever.#(because after a certain kill count and level of violence 'feeling bad' is meaningless i'm sorry lmfao.)#but y’all want to defend EVERYTHING under ‘vampire!!’ and it’s nuts.#he could eat literal shit and y’all would say ‘stop calling it gross he’s a VAMPIRE!!’#idk how to tell you u can like/love a chr and still not justify/support every little thing they do.#or at least mind ur business when other ppl just don’t like something they have every right not to.#i love him but i don’t think klaus was ‘right’ to choke out hayley for considering an abortion#(especially not when an episode prior he was yapping about ‘kill the baby’ anyway)#‘vampirism’ is not code for#‘my white male fave has a pass to be violently misogynistic in a way that mirrors real life and if anyone feels a way about it ur a PUSSY!!’#and this isn’t even touching on the ridiculousness of constantly ‘VAMPIRE GENRE’ing a show that very much *is* a teen drama#and regularly hails the chrs as ‘heroes’ and good ppl -#so pretending it exists in the same way as something like dracula or carmilla / other adult gothic tales#and people have to engage with it the same way is fucking ridiculous 😭#tvdu text
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sanchoyo · 3 years
so I was curious if like. There’s a bear plush that’s realistic. And when I say realistic I mean very fat bear plush that doesn’t just look like Standard Teddy Bear but instead is like. Realistic. On four legs with the Bear Shape not just standard plush shape. So while I didn’t find that exact thing (yet) I need to share THIS GUY!!!
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Look at those FEET. I am losing my mind
#the smallest one is like 25 which isn’t bad IMO for a handmade thing#not that I’m actually looking to buy I’m just looking at plushes for free serotonin highly recommend#build a bear is good to lurk on too#omg imagine getting this guy and dressing up in build a bear clothes omg#idk if the size would work tho#I like window shopping but also it ignites the Longing For Things which is unfortunate#I want to buy myself things but I’m being RESPONSIBLE and it sucks#but also making a long list of all stuffed animals I would buy if I could#and clothes my god depop sellers are constantly over charging#I can understand if it’s designer or whatever but…for like a basic shirt…that’s not new…#have they ever been in a thrift store ….#once again. I can’t buy shit like that rn but I can very much complain abt it being overpriced anyway#$30 shirt that’s been worn and isn’t a brand name…hello…#-_- I need a vechicle. a computer. a dentist visit. and then. And tHEN#I can buy myself shit again#the thing is finding a job around here is so hard bc small town#most the jobs that could work with me on times and stuff are just#cashier jobs or fast food and I can’t do that 😭 I’m not mentally strong enough and I’d mess up the math#I’ve TRIED a cashier job it. it didn’t work#also I worry about who will take my grandma to dr appointments if I get a job…no one else does it..#she’s got 2 next week and I think 2 or 3 in dec..1 I know abt in Jan but will prob be more#aaagh#Ik there’s services that she could pay for that’d take her but I don’t want her to have to do that…when I’m like..10 mins away…#help 😔#sanchoyorambles#this started abt a cute bear plush how’d I rant so far off topic down here#hiii if u read this far 😗✌️
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
You know that Good Place that’s like ‘could take between 45 minutes and 11 months*’
*making up times, I forget the exact quote
Well, I am in the US for uh…5 days or 2 weeks 🙃
This is a fun timeline we all live in.
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I’m going to try to avoid being on the internet all the time, because that was seriously messing with my brain this week, but let’s be real I’ll be on tumblr you people are tolerable. Merr Christmas!
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“ oooh, what do we have here? another scrumptious young plaything straight out of life and into my club?.. “
36 tracks • 2h 31m
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 4 years
I am filled with salt
#oni talks#thoughts#oni vents#apparently there was more vet information for my pets#which my mom just didn’t fucking give me earlier#when I asked her to give me all the paperwork she had for them#I am pissed tbh#also She spent a fuck ton of thanksgiving just arguing with me and being a shithead abt stuff#the only reason the paperwork even came up was bc she tried to argue with me abt the paperwork she sent me originally#since i was saying we didn’t have the exact birthdays for 2#for 2 of our pets since the paperwork didn’t have it and she tried to tell me it did#so I had to physically show her the paperwork she sent me to prove her wrong#so she brought up we still had their birthdays bc the other paperwork had it listed which she brought up and showed me#just to show we had their birthdays basically#instead of idk giving me the paperwork originally when I fucking asked for all their fucking paperwork#she also kept trying to adamantly say my sleep data was wrong and it measures wrong and I don’t know my sleep shit#as if she does and she even tried to say some bs abt if ur quiet in bed ur asleep when no??#I am big salty bc ya know maybe give me the paperwork when I asked so I could have given it to our new vet#but nooooo she literally specifically went out of her way not to give me all their information and Idk it’s pissing me off even more#Bc I’ve been handling ALL the pets vet shit recently since we FINALLY got a new vet (I had to find) bc 1 cat is sick#and she’s been actively being shitty and getting in the way of treatment and arguing every little fucking thing#which is maybe not smth I need when i already hve to manage all their stuff bc she isn’t PLUS I don’t need this shit on top of the fucking#the fact that the cat is probably going to fucking die soon since it’s probably fucking cancer#+ since I’ve had to spend more time bc vet shit she’s been draining af in everything ever too#like she tried to argue with me abt treatment shit again and got pissy and was like oh well YOU could have been a vet you know#and she’s done that more than once already!! just ohh if only I did school I could have been a vet as if THEN she’d take me seriously#the day I finally nagged her into taking the cat for medical help was one of the worst mornings I’ve had in years#Bc I haven’t had to deal with their bs in so long I think I forgot how bad it could be and the fight between her and my sister and me#was fucking awful since I think my sis forgot too and I was just trying to stay stable and not cry and it was just shit as hell#and now it’s just me by myself having to put up with her by myself basically
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gnarxta · 5 years
what if i.....turned my alien multimuse.... into.... a like... an all encompassing multimuse.... for all of of my muses... that i have like.. floating around here and there... what if i also bring back a large portion of my OLD muses-- ocs and canons-- and put them on that blog too like..... god i just want all the muses.... all of em..
#LIKE LISTEN.......i have ocs yall havent ever HEARD of before and theyre just sittin there.... waitin to be interacted w... tsks @ myself...#i could have made a big ass google docs thing like everyone is doing and not had to bother#with making an aesthetic lookin half assed multi/muse page#smh tho... gOD... i coulda literally had it all....#LISTEN WHAT IF I BROUGHT BACK....... SOME OF MY OLD MUSES THAT IVE DROPPED AS WELL....#like I'm 100% certiain a LOT of you have seen me on MANNNYYY blogs over the years#a few of yall have DEFO interacted w me in the past on some of my old blogs :0#i made a big ol blog list lettin ppl know who/where im from but idk if anyone rlly looked at it jhdgdfjgfd#so it might come as a surprise! to find old muses you once saw floating around tumblr way back on this multi blog !#ive tried and failed w so many muses like !! wOOF... so MANY..... ive always been very.. whats the word... flighty? and inconsistant w my#blogs/muses in the past.... also in the present but gdhhgfdjg yKNOW...#I WANNA... HAVE ALL THE MUSES....#PUTS MY GREEDY LIL HANDS OUT... GIMME BACK ALL MY OLD OCS... LEMME LOVE EM...#i miss my shapeshifter oc a lot as well.... for some reason i miss him a lot lately#his blog was impermanentspecies !!#gOD THO THERES JUST A LOT#flying around my brain right now so most of these are probably unfinished/broken thoughts that dont make much sense SORRY LMAO#( ooc )#( tbd )#slaps the taBLE.... MY GOD WHAT IF I MASHED TOGETHER MY MULTIMUSE BLOGS.... GODDDD... IMAGINE THE MESS....#but also tho........id have em all......... in one spot.......#but also...... my god the mess... the MESS......
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rucow · 4 years
I read all 1002 entries in one of Ruko’s vip2ch threads and I’m ready to pass out now
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charmymemes · 3 years
feel free to tweak questions + all emojis r listed in text form bc i can't see some of them aAAaaAA! sorry if any of these questions are too similar i tried to avoid that but .. there's a lot lol! categorized by emoji type.
i wanted to make one because i could not find one on tumblr already that had a ton of questions. this was created by combining ones under the #oc ask game tag + my own contributions. hi charmymemes nation i'm back.
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
food & drinks
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
plants & nature
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to?
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
📚 BOOKS - how were they at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject?
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
⚙️ GEAR - what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
🚲 BICYCLE - can they ride a bike? what do they remember from learning to ride a bicycle?
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
okay guys im trying to make one of the most obscure voca playlists u've seen rate how im doing we"ve got
1. satsugai - mata setsunai sekai wo ikiru
2. yotei chouwa quest - ych
3. shounen a to mousou shoujo - sekaikeiP
4. roleplaying yuusha - kasane
5. twilight - nanaki
6. toumei chuudoku - ive
7. go to hell! - namine
8. manipulate - osanzi
9. tiamat - vuvuzela
10. cannibalism - kitazawa kyouhei
11. meringue doll - chirone
12. wolfism - fallstay
13. giraffe no dance - amenosuke
14. cyber kawai kunai girl - yanagamiyuki
15. shuukan shounen suicide - manika
16. gyokuza - imie
17. unplanned apoptosis - hiiragi magnetite
18. apoptosis - dopamine
19. kaiko no kanmuri - dopam!ne
20. mocchokochoi - takagi masu
21. anthropophobia - ryhthmy
22. gisan - haineko
23. ironism - meddmia
24. itami nante iranakatta - sheeno mirin
25. mikansei no bokura - amallya
26. kuuchuu yuuei - narumiya
27. haiiro psychologic - nor
28. konmei no aji - savasti
29. escape painter - shiki doll
30. time slip shoujo - capitarou
31. insanity blue - kashii moimi
32. menhera demon - maikiP
33. kawarenai - asuwado
34. mata ne - nogumi
35. rinne tensei - eye
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tinyspringtrap · 2 years
I spent like 60 bucks on paint pens trying to find some good ones similar to the first ones i bought and i have been nothing but disappointed
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Din Djarin x reader
Din Djarin x fem!reader
Mandalorian x reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: pregnancy, pregnant reader, mentions of periods, hiding a pregnancy, violence, din’s horrible baby name suggestions, reader and din are married, grogu is in the story
a/n I know many people don’t like pregnancy stories, but this is so cute. I love Din Djarin. look how cute pedro looks in that gif 
summary Y/N tries her best to hide her pregnancy from Din. 
join the tag list
read time: 4 mins 2 seconds
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Three months. You think. That was the last time you had gotten your period. You also had been gaining a bit of weight. Not enough to be noticeable, but you were so critical of everything about yourself. Your pants were not as flexible as they used to be, which pissed you off. You needed to be flexible to fight. But you knew in your gut that your fighting days were coming to an end. 
The first thing that alarmed you was Grogu. About three months ago he started sticking to your side. Constantly. He would cry if you went into town without him. He would follow you to the bathroom. He insisted to be at your side always, no matter what. Showering, cooking, going out and helping Din bounty hunt. Grogu always had to be there or he would throw the worst temper tantrums Din said he’s ever seen. You had to even make a makeshift baby sling so he could be as close to you as possible. Ironically, it would make great use to you in a few months. 
You accepted you were pregnant when you weren’t getting the usual symptoms you would usually get for your fourth period. You have denied it for the past three months, but when your tiny bump started to grow bigger, you had to face the truth. 
Din of course had noticed a change in your behavior. You were more tired. He attributed that to the kid’s new obsession with you though. You were eating more. He didn’t mind it, but he would notice it when the food stock ran out earlier than usual. And when he was due to pick up sanitary items for you, you refused them. 
“I have some left over, they were lighter these past few months.” you lied. 
And the clothing. It was always cold on the ship, but wearing two sweatshirts was a bit obsessive. He wasn’t going to comment though, you were allowed to live. He wasn’t going to critique his wife over some small changes. 
You heard rustling around the bedroom. Grogu was snoring at your hip. You then felt the coldness of your husbands spot next to you and went to investigate. 
Taking Grogu with you, you checked the whole ship. The fresher, the pit, everywhere. The last place you were to check was where he kept the bounties. You were banned from entering when there was one un frozen. The guy you two picked up at the last planet seemed pretty docile though. He was only wanted for a taxing issue with an imperial general, and was pretty willing to go. You two made small talk on the way back. Seemed like a nice enough guy. 
What bounty can really be that nice though?
You tapped in the code. When the doors whooshed open, you found your husband with the prisoner. Maskless, Din was trying to get the man off the top of him. He had stolen Din’s knife, and he was struggling to get him off. 
You gasped and rolled Grogu on the floor, jumping into action to save him. As the man twisted his torso to face you, he got a good swipe on your hip. You swore in pain, but your distraction was enough for Din to hit him in the head with his helmet and knock the guy out cold. 
He fell on top of Din, and you struggled to stand and help. “Dont!” he yelled, using all his force to push the heavy man off of himself and tend to you. 
“Where did he get you- where are you hurt?” Din scrambled, searching your body with his hands. This sent you into a panic. 
He can’t know yet. He can’t know yet. I’m not ready.
“I’m fine, please.” you protested, but hissed when Din found the spot on your hip. “Take your sweatshirt off, I’m going to go find some bacta” he demanded, leaving your side for only a moment. 
You had to face the sad reality when you realized you had to tell him. Bacta wasn’t to be used on pregnant people. 
“Din- wait.” you sighed, holding the cut through your shorts. “Y-you cant,” 
“What? You need this,” he questioned, grabbing the container from the cabinet. “Don’t be difficult Y/N, I’m really not in the mood for one of your martyr moments.” “Din, no, it’s unsafe.” you whispered. “You gotta speak up Y/N,” he said, shaking the can to spray in your face. You panicked and slapped the can out of his hand across the room. 
Din looked at you, pissed. “The hell was that for?” 
“You can’t use that on me.” you finally said. 
You took a deep sigh. 
“I think I’m pregnant.”
His eyebrows rose as his face went soft. His mouth opened a bit, looking at you with a haze. A slight smile came to the corner of his lips as he knelt down beside you. 
“Your joking,” 
You pulled off your sweatshirt to reveal your cropped shirt under it. Din saw the small formation of a bump and gasped. “No,” he said in astonishment, reaching out for it. “C-can I touch it?” he asked. You smiled and nodded. His hand touched your stomach and he let out a tiny whimper. “I’m going to be a dad?” he asked, breaking his gaze from your stomach to your eyes. His eyes were glossy with a tear threatening to fall. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, remembering the unconscious man behind the two of you. He began to drag his body to the freezer. “I didn’t know you’d react like this,” you chuckled, rubbing the area around your wound. 
“Grogu!” Din yelled, catching the attention of the small creature. He had found the can of bacta and was playing with the safety seel on it. “Heal your mother,” he asked. Grogu waddled over to you. He let out an excited giggle when he finally saw your stomach out in the open. You had finally revealed the secret he had known for months. He placed one hand on the cut and one on the stomach, healing your wound. You scooped him off the floor and followed Din into the freezer. You heard the satisfying whirr and your husband throwing his body into storage. 
Din then ran up behind you, scooping you up bridal style. “I am over the moons happy Y/N.” he said, looking down at Grogu in your lap. 
He placed you in your bed and tucked you in. 
In the middle of the night silence, Din broke it.
“Should we name it Greef?”
“Over my dead body,”
“What about Grogu 2?”
“Go to bed Din.”
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hunbun03 · 2 years
Hihi:) I hope your requests are open and if I could like..can I get poly ghost stu and billy with someone who squirts for the first time😶
Of course they’re open!! Ahh! y’all dont know how giddy this makes me!! Thank you so much for being my first request, I hope you like it! <3 (honestly i tried so hard to write this up quickly)
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warning: smut, bondage/being held down, overall roughness, degradation mixed with praise, tag-teaming, forced orgasms, AFAB and mentions of more feminine pet names “Babygirl” etc, barely edited rip.
Quick little bullet list for ya-
Stu and Billy absolutely got a kick out of it when they figured out that you could squirt that night.
It gave them a second wind lol
Honestly they find it pretty hot, how easy they could just make you gush
They do get competitive about it some-nights seeing you could make you squirt more
The boys dont like it when at least one of them isn’t soaked by the end of the night
Now onto the smut cuz brain rot:
Stu held you in place keeping your arms pressed against your back and in his lap. “Focus on him babe, don’t take your eyes.” Stu said, border-lining on laughing while he tightened his hold onto you. His fingers dug into your skin, for sure leaving marks that you have to cover up for school tomorrow. 
Billy lifted your legs up and placed them on his shoulders, he paused for a bit as his eyes wandered, trailing upwards from your trembling pussy past your stomach to your tits, Barely covered by Stu’s old sweater then finally he met eyes with you and the biggest grin stretched his lips. They were brimming with need and as his fingers slowly rubbed your needy cunt, They widened. 
“Billy- fuck.. please!” You pleaded, sounding more pathetic than what you were expecting. That tone seemed to brightened Billy’s eyes a bit as he moved two of his fingers to your opening and Stu let one of his hands creep out from under you and grabbed your face. He pressed her your cheeks together, making your little begs unintelligible. Him and billy shared a laugh while her face heated up.
 “C’mon other little whine just like that~” Billy ordered, as he kept just slightly pushing against your opening, barely even the tips were inside you. Your pussy ached, wanting to filled by him. “Another whine doll. That’s all i’m asking for” His voice was rougher this time and it only made Stu grip your face harder, making a long whine rip out of your throat and that made Stu cackle.
“What a fucking whore dude~!” Stu teased but you didn’t care none. Billy shoved his two fingers into you and made you give him a more honest whine. He filled up your needy cunt, his palm grinding against your clit and Stu lifting his sweater up and stuffing it into your mouth while his free hand played with your breasts. 
Your legs were soon pinned to your chest being held down by Billy’s arm while he curled his fingers into your g-spot. All you could see is your two darling boyfriend’s smirking, staring at each other. Billy soon started pumping his fingers into the same time Stu pinched one of your nipples, pulling it. Your back arched, giving more of your pussy to Billy while he fucked you with just his hand. 
Your face was burning hot, drool was soaking Stu’s sweater and all the while the boys didn’t let up. Billy’s fingers kept hitting that little spongey spot dead on and his palm grinding itself onto your clit. Stu let his other hand play and smack your breasts, teasing your nipples. He wasn’t holding you back anymore but you stayed put, you didn’t even think of moving, no you couldn’t think at all with Both boys doing their best to please you. You felt a tightness in your belly. “You’re sucking on my fingers stupid doll.” Billy grunted, somehow pumping them faster, absolutely abusing your poor little g-spot. “fucking tight~”
You tried your best to grind yourself back against his fingers but Billy had you stuck right in Stu’s lap. The tightness in your belly was unbearable now and with every bump to your clit or g-spot you felt like you might burst. Stu was poking you in the back and Billy’s hot breath on your inner thighs, everything was so damn overwhelming.
With one last rough thrust and pull from both boys, your body convulsed and you just felt a gush. You squealed around the now soaked sweater in your mouth. Warm static rushed over your body and as you slowly came off of your high, you realized both of them were giggling like two schoolboys and that Billy was absolutely soaked. 
“That was the hottest thing I've seen babe.” Billy looked your flushed body up and down. Stu was nodding. 
“Billy move over! It’s my turn to make her do that!” 
you had a long night ahead of you
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katsukikitten · 2 years
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Synopsis: Your worst nightmare comes to life after you receive a call well after midnight that isn't from your husband Bakugou but about him. Rushing to the hospital you're thankful to find him alive but when he comes to he asks to see his wife despite you standing there.
Warnings: Angst
Chapter One: The things we forget, 3.6k
A/N & wc: just something quick I whipped up
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This is what you wanted isn't it?
All along you begged the Gods for this.
Asking with hot tears streaming down your face that you wished that you weren't here. Not dead but that you never truly existed at all. That no one could remember you and it would be that much easier to be nothing in the wind.
The Gods have a cruel sense of humor, granting your wish, much to your dismay, at an extremely shitty time in your life.
The call comes in the middle of the night, another fear you've had since you married him. Worry clawing up your stomach as your clammy hands reach for the phone. It's Kirishima, it's just Kirishima. He just wants to chat right?
At 2am he just wants to ask about your day doesn't he?
Deep down in the very marrow of your bones you know that's not true. Not even able to fool yourself for a second as your groggy voice shakes with a weak "H-hello?"
Kirishima comes out and just says it. Explains it all but it's as if he's speaking a different language. You barely make out Bakugou and the name of the hospital before the ringing in your ears is deafening. He goes on for what feels like hours as your mind plays out grotesque, horrifying images of what may be left if your husband.
He never got hurt.
He promised.
He fucking promised he'd be okay. He always does when he kisses you goodbye. When you say stay safe and he affirms with a hum and "I will. For you I will."
But you didn't say stay safe this time did you? No you spat insults at him, hormonal, pms fueled rage over something he couldn't even control.
He was a superhero. He should be able to control everything.
"Sweetheart, I'm fuckin late." Is what he growled and when he leaned in for a kiss. You leaned away.
"That's it. I'm coming to get you." Kirishima hisses about to hang up when you tell him you're fine. That you'll be there and he can go home to his own worrying and extremely pregnant wife.
You use your quirk, illegally, flying at the speed of light to get to the hospital. Rushing out the syllables of your new last name, Bakugou in such a rush the nurse asks you three more times before you spy Kirishima's hands running through his red mane as he steps outside an ICU room.
Pushing past the nurse, biting your tongue as you rush towards Kirishima. Ignoring his warning as he tries to catch you as you slip under his large arms. Through the heavy door and pulling past the curtain.
It's worse than you imagined and yet still not as bad. He's unconscious, an oxygen mask over his face but thankfully no tube snaking down his throat. You launch yourself at his side, the slow beep from the monitor by your head reassures you he was still breathing.
Still alive.
Your palms are clammy again as it all comes rushing into focus. With each beep comes new information piled on top of the other. First is the pungent smell of cleaner. Disinfecting anything and everything until it's bleaching the lining of your lungs. Then comes the cold, thick plastic of the bed handle beneath your hands. Groaning from your grip as your heart rate increases.
The stiff blankets, they're scratchy and all wrong. Bakugou doesn't like this type of "cheap shit". He's more high maintenance than you. He likes tightly woven or soft down comforters.
Red, the bandages on his chest are weeping red. So much fucking color clashing with the white gauze. That can't be right. It'll get on this stupid scratchy blanket. The sharp inhale brings in more sanitation, your breath becomes more shallow. Teeth grinding and competing with the sound ringing in your head.
It's dark, it's so fucking dark in here you can barely see. Where are his eyes? Why won't his eyes open? You're whispering his name so softly like you do when he's worked overnight and you're leaving for work by mid morning. His crimson eyes always open. Always crinkle when he says goodbye. Why can't you see his fucking eyes?
Is he gonna..
"Hey." A solid hand clamps onto your shoulder pulling you out of your spiral. Bringing you to shore with his rough grip, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"
At some point Kirishima has pulled up the reclining chair for you, offering it silently with one of those stupid, shitty scratchy blankets. You feel your skin crawl and not from the low thread count.
Eyes flickering back towards your husband of three years.
Three whole years and he's just going to leave like this? Like a candle snuffed out by…by
By some damn extra?!
Kirishima watches your labored breathing, he is never going to go back on the promise he made his best friend and the one Bakugou made in turn.
"She's stubborn. Look after her if something fuckin happens."
"I'm staying with you. I'll ask the nurse to-"
"No!" It comes out too quick, too loud as you turn on him like a wild animal. For just a moment you can see it. Dully reflected in his eyes in this damned low light, your reflection. What he sees.
A scared little girl who's about to lose her shit.
You clear your throat, straightening your back before you breathe out deeply.
"Your wife is going to pop any minute. You need to be available for her." You say sternly, pretending this was something so much more mundane. Like you've missed the bus or the taxi Bakugou sent for you.
A small inconvenience, yea that's all this was. You were just going to be late, late to see Bakugou and-
"You're sure?" Thunderous voice threatens to crack, looking over his friend, making it harder on you.
"Yes. You're injured, yourself. Besides your paternity leave starts the second she goes into labor and as office manager I do have a say on that. In fact it starts now." There it is, there's that stern voice he's used to. The light scolding you've always given him and Bakugou for the last five years.
Kirishima seems to give it some thought, a lot of thought.
"Eiji, please I'll be okay." You smile up at him, lips twitching at how difficult it is to turn them upward when all you want to do is scream. Scream until the burn of bleach is replaced from the raw emotion that's bubbling up your throat.
The large man shifts his weight, debating giving you a hug and when he sees your body closed off, hands white knuckled on the bed frame he thinks better of it.
"You better call me if you need anything. At least give me that okay?"
"Okay." You appease him, still forcing the smile and hoping he'll get the fuck out.
Finally he does, staring you down with a soft goodbye and a stern I mean it that you wave off. Until finally he shuts the big, scary door.
Leaving you alone with that sound that is both reassuring and yet nauseating.
And this time you can't hold back the tears.
Crying enough tears to fill up two weeks. Almost drowning in the amount shed as the doctor reassures you he'll wake soon. He has healthy brain wave activity and he's breathing on his own.
"All good signs. Try more of his favorite music."
It's all they can say. All they can give you to cling onto as you replay your last words to him.
Hateful, cruel things.
Over the stupidest fucking fight.
"It's because you're still in love with her!"
Throwing insecurities in his face and for what?
Suddenly his heart rate monitor beeps loudly, quickly chirping the increase in speed as you watch his eyes move beneath his long lashes.
Before they flutter open, looking over at you with… with
With disgust.
Your heart hammers in your chest. Was he? Was he still mad at you?
"H-hey Suki." You go to reach for the hairs that cling to his damp forehead only to be caught in his deadly hot and tight grip, "Katsuki, you're hurting me."
His free hand rips the mask from his face as he looks over at you with harsh set eyes. The intensity weakened only by his groggy state.
"Don't use my given name." A threat that has your eyes watering, "I don't even fuckin know you."
He tosses your hand back into your lap as if you were trash, eyes narrowing to slits.
"Where's my wife?"
"I am your -" But he cuts you off.
"Where the fuck is Momo?!"
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Momo, Bakugou's first wife, comes quicker than you'd like. Wrapping her arms around you, sickeningly sweet perfume chokes you out, almost drowning out the harsh chemicals of the room. She came straight from the movie set, long lavish dress fit for the Mafia Princess character she was playing in some new film.
The same very ex wife who you claimed Bakugou wasn't over. Gritting your teeth as she fusses over you, as if you were a delicate thing that could break any minute and not Bakugou who lies under that itchy blanket.
"Momo, darlin." He croaks and she visibly flushes. Rushing to him, spying the blanket as well before she's using her quirk to make something more to his liking.
"Baby why weren't you here?" You can hear the strain in his voice, the emotion he's biting back as she looks down at him confused, "Are you still filming that dumb super hero movie?"
"Katsuki." He corrects sharply, even moving his mask that the doctors fought to put back on to make sure she heard it. Momo looks over her shoulder cautiously to gauge your reaction.
"Katsuki…" It feels odd to form the syllables on her tongue, "I finished that movie seven years ago…"
"I'm also…Ba-" His glare causes Momo to correct herself, "Katsuki, doll, we aren't married anymore. We divorced. You're married to her now."
Momo pulls you into view and Bakugou stares at his ex and "current" wife.
A long, heavy moment of silence passes before the heart monitor beeps furiously. The smell of caramel permeating the room much too quickly before the doctor rushes in.
Just as Bakugou takes in a breath to start yelling, pulling at the mask and almost ripping out his IV his body goes slack. The doctor was barely faster than him, injecting him with something to lull him back to sleep.
Especially since explosives and oxygen did not mix well.
The doctor blinks rapidly having just caught the tail end of the conversation. Memory loss was normal, expected, but possibly six years or more…
Well that wasn't, even with his long history of concussions.
With the quick assessment he turns to the two women in the room. Debating on just how to go about this as bedside manner wasn't always his strong suit.
"What I'm about to say may be difficult for you two however keep in mind this is what is going to be best for the patient and his recovery. Since he is experiencing amnesia we will have to go along with what he thinks is true right now. Just like one would when someone has dementia. There will be less stress on his body if we indulge in his perceived reality."
"For how long?" Momo asks tentatively. Doctor Yashido takes a sharp inhale.
"Until his memories return."
"And how long will that take?" Two different tones ask in unison. One a frustrated bark the other laced with deep concern.
"Could be weeks. Could be months." He swallows thickly, Yashido never was good at delivering bad news and this was almost as bad as it gets, "If they ever return at all."
The hospital floor falls away from beneath your feet. Causing you to plummet into the deep dark depths. Questions buzzing in your head battling alongside the screaming. The sound echoes in your mind whipping up the thoughts of Bakugou having never loved you. Of Bakugou thinking so little of you, of finding you so fucking annoying, like the gnat you were he went and forced himself to forget the last three years of your marriage and taking it a step further by going back far enough to forget you existed at all.
Isn't this what you wanted? What you wished for that night? That you'd wake up and you hadn't existed at all?
This wasn't about you. Fuck this was about him. Would he be happier with Momo? He never really did say why they broke up. He always said it was "just mutual" and left it at that.
At least he was alive right? You could watch him from afar again. Watch the star rise as your feet stayed firmly planted on the ground.
You could forget he ever brought you up in the night sky to dance along with him. It would be easy right?
"Love." Momo calls for the third time, manicured hands on your shoulders, "Why don't you go home for some rest. And a shower."
You stare up at her blankly, at the doctor who gives a curious look before you slowly nod.
"Yea….yea that's a good idea."
Returning the next day proves painful as you see Momo has changed, stunning even in leggings and a cropped shirt. Even took the initiative to alter the decor of his ICU room. Soft yellow string lights, a humidifier, soft fluffy blankets and silky sheets that Bakugou might bleed on anyway if he didn't stop moving around so much.
It's awkward to stand in the corner and watch them interact. To watch everyone else interact with the man you so desperately wanted to see.
And wanted him to see you in return.
But he can't now, he doesn't even know your name. And everytime you come close to the bed he stares at you with such discontent, with suspicion as if you were the dirty liar in the room.
Kirishima falls back, bumping his shoulder into yours gently. You look up at him with deep bags under your eyes.
"Mina is worried about you, ya know. She says you can stay at our place if your apartment is too…much." He offers with a strained smile, you place another lip twitching half assed smile on your own mouth.
"I'll be fine."
Yet the late hours of the night, all alone in your too big apartment, curled into his pillow that is slowly losing the smell of him haunt you the most.
A few more weeks pass and even with Bakugou's restlessness the doctors argue with him about downgrading his stay to general admission. They instead move him from the ICU to the neurology floor, making this the longest Bakugou had ever been in the hospital to date. Meeting even more doctors that now talk to both you, for legal reasons and Momo, for Bakugou's fantasy, about his brain damage.
How there is hardly any and that there were many things about the brain that we as humans had yet to understand.
But that was his whole fucking job wasn't it? To study the brain and unlock its god damn mysteries. Not tell you you were shit out of luck and non-existent to your very real husband who was in such a twisted reality.
It's baffling to see his scans, to hear nothing is wrong. Painful to see the love in his eyes that shine for Momo and not a spark for you.
How odd it is to share your husband with his ex wife.
Sometimes you're brave enough to sit closer to him like you are today. Steeling your nerves against his harsh interrogation as if you were the nasty villain that put him here in the first place. Sitting second to Momo who holds his hand or smooths down his blanket. Watching the days bleed together as her once, almost forced and polite smile turns into something else.
Turns real, genuine.
It makes your stomach churn.
"The fuck are ya still doing here extra?" He hisses at you when he wakes from a nap, Momo shushing him. Scolding him about being rude and he counters.
"What's rude is that she fuckin exists! Why is she fuckin here, Sweetheart?" Your heart falls into your stomach. Throat closing up as your body rejects this.
Rejects everything, especially the sound of his nickname for you aimed at someone else. At someone you're stupidly jealous of. At someone whose fault this could never be and who has only ever shown you kindness.
Sent your flowers on your birthday.
Avoided hero galas the two of you went to.
"Katsuki!" No correction on his name now, Momo having settled into his given name once again and quickly at that.
"No, it's okay. I'll- I'll get us some coffee, Momo." You say abruptly getting up. Wanting comfort from no one but the man that just cut you with his sharp tongue.
He's just groggy. It's cause he's hurting. It's the meds that are saying that.
The same excuses echo through your head as you walk through the halls, air thick with intangible weight as you trudge towards the sludge machine painted in coffee labels.
You wondered what exactly the air was thick with. Grief most likely, of lives forever altered resting on the shoulders of sobbing loved ones who could barely hold themselves up but were now expected to carry the weight of the world.
Or maybe it was resentment, festering anger. Angry that this happened. Angry at God or the Gods or at no one in particular that let this happen to their loved one.
All you knew was that the air was thick with it. Smothering you with every futile breath you took.
Somehow you make it back to the room, muscle memory must have guided you back here. Toeing open the door that you left slightly ajar quietly.
Only to find a sleeping Bakugou, breathing even and heart rate lazy, slow. Momo sighs softly as she pushes his ash blonde hair away from his forehead murmuring ever so softly.
"Why'd I leave again?"
The paper cups in your hands crush easily. The scalding liquid burning in your hands as Momo startles from the sound. But nothing burns as badly as the angry tears you're holding back.
Maybe you should leave. Give these two their happily ever after.
Maybe everyone was right. Bakugou was a lot to handle. Mitsuki had said so herself. Saying you'd never be good enough for her son as long as you stayed weak willed.
Weak hearted.
"You won't last four years with my son. Mark my words. You'll give up on him because he's too good for you, Momo was the better fit."
She muttered them to you as she pulled the veil over your blurring vision before you walked down the aisle to her son.
You never did tell him. And now you never would.
Mind made up as you storm from the hospital room. Biting your lip until you tasted blood as you held yourself back. A war raging inside your head.
He's just lost his memories, that's all this is. No you fucking idiot his love for Momo was stronger.
Soon you're marching up the stairs to your shared apartment, almost snapping the key off in the lock from the sharp turn of your wrist. Rushing inside without bothering to remove your shoes as tears cloud your eyes. Threatening to fall in fat drops as you rummage through the closet for your suitcase. Stacking it haphazardly with random items in the room. A small painting, your charger, random clothes and jewelry. All the while murmuring to yourself before you bully your way into the en suite.
Gathering things here and there before you see it. The box catching your eye that has you instantly nausted.
It's quiet for a moment. The buzzing in your throat and head silenced by your intense concentration.
Before erupting with a raw scream shoving everything off of the granite in one foul swoop.
Shattering his expensive cologne and your pricy perfume onto the wood grain tile. The scents meld together reminding you of hot dinner dates the two of you never made it to. Too busy fucking on the vanity counter, staring at one another in the mirror. Now all that stares back at you is a ghost. Hollow eyes and a heavier heart.
Biting your lip you stare at the black box on the floor, torturing yourself by picking it up. The rectangular shape feels different in your hands, the rounded edges feel sharp as you gently unwrap the gift as if you didn't know what sat inside.
Two white tests. Neatly capped and set in tissue paper. Two solid pink lines on one test and the other written clear as day in digital text Pregnant
With finality you slam the box into the trash with such force the can falls over. The other several tests toppled out indicating the same thing. Confirming what your blood tests results in your voicemail echoed back to you from your OBGYN
The sound of her voice rings in your head. Was it a "congratulations", was it really?
This is what you wanted right? A baby?
To not exist? To fall off the face of the earth?
Fate is a twisted and cruel thing, giving but always taking its hefty price as tears burn your eyes, bags packed leaving the once shared apartment.
The universe only gave you what you wanted right?
So congratulations, you got exactly what you wanted.
You were finally forgotten.
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bonky-n-steeb · 2 years
his angel
— soft dark! andy barber x jacob’s teacher! reader
summary || Andy finally gets what he’s wanted for so long, you.
warnings || unprotected sex. cheating. corruption kink. size kink. manhandling. manipulative andy. possessive andy. filthy andy. fingering. oral sex. felching. dirty talk. hair pulling. petnames (angel). lots of sexual tension. horny thots. PWP — MINORS DNI 🔞 if any of this makes you uncomfortable then please do not read!
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
— thank you so much for 7k followers you horny hoes! I love all of you!
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You placed all the clean dishes on the rack to dry them and wiped your hands on a towel. Your otherwise silent house was filled by the light buzz of the TV acting like the background sound to your life.
You mindlessly made your way towards the sofa and sank down in it. You began scrolling through random channels in the hope of finding something interesting to see.
Usually, your evenings were busy with either checking the papers or planning the next day’s lectures. But during the vacations, you had nothing more to do than relax.
You were almost about to doze off sitting in front of the TV when you heard someone ring your doorbell. You checked the watch hanging on the wall and gulped nervously.
It was too late for anyone to visit you. Who would it be? Walking on your tips toes, trying to make as minimum sound as possible, you reached the door and peeked through the peephole.
You were shocked when you saw who it was. Andy Barber, assistant DA and father of your student. You couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing at your door at this hour in the night.
Your heart ached for the Barbers, it really did. Jacob was your student and though the kid was a little odd, he didn’t look like a murderer. The family had to go through too much, especially Andy.
Even after everything was settled and Laurie and Jacob were now back from the hospital, you could see it in their eyes that they weren’t the same people anymore.
The family was the talk of the town and it wasn’t really a secret that the couple was having issues in their marriage. The long buried secrets were now out in the open and the truth was harsh and cold.
You had visited Jacob while he was still admitted in the hospital after the accident. And then you had seen Andy, sitting outside his child’s room like the helpless father he was.
You had seen how broken he was. His usual lustre and confidence was drained out and what was left behind was a hollow shell devoid of its previous glory.
After that, you had seen him on many occasions, jogging in the park, dropping Jacob to school, bumping in the grocery store and the list went on.
All these times, he smiled and tried to talk joyfully but yet there was something behind his eyes that you couldn’t quite tap. There was this deep darkness that you tried not to think of.
You closed your eyes and thought for a minute before putting up your best smile and opening the door. “Hello Mr. Barber!” You tried to sound cheerful.
“Hi! I know this is a terrible time. But… I just…” Andy closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that you were looking on with concerned eyes as he pretended to be regretful.
“I’m sorry. This is so inappropriate of me. I should probably go.” He said as if realising his mistake. He knew you’d stop him. And that’s exactly what happened. Oh, you were so sweet. He couldn’t wait to taste you.
“Oh no. Please wait. What happened?” Your worry was eminent in your voice as you stopped him. He looked so tired, his eyes were sunken and you didn’t have it in yourself to turn him away.
“Can I… can I talk to you?” His voice was breaking and you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. He once oozed confidence and assurance, but now he looked so hesitant.
“Sure! Please come in.” Andy gave you a small smile and entered the house. But in his heart, he was grinning like the wolf who had just been invited to the lamb’s house for dinner, not knowing she was dinner herself.
He had his eyes on you right from before the shitstorm hit his life. But you were so busy in your own little world, you never noticed the way his eyes leered at you.
There was just something about you that was so comforting, he found it irresistible. He was tired of his cold hard life, he wanted something warm to bask in.
“I just… I just wanted someone to talk to. And this is the first place I thought of. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.” He better get his reward for this Oscar winning acting.
“No no. It’s completely fine. I mean I did tell you I’m here if you ever wanted to talk. And people say I’m a good listener.” The couch wasn’t big enough and so you sat right next to Andy.
It was too late in the night, but if you could do something to help Andy, you most definitely would. You switched off the TV to give your complete attention to Andy.
“I don’t have anyone to just chat with. My friends and family pity me, and I don’t want their pity. Even Laurie doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.” It was a lie, Laurie did want to ‘improve their relationship’, he was the one who didn’t want that.
“Oh Andy…” you placed your hand on Andy’s and gently started rubbing his skin with your thumb. It wasn’t a thought out action, just an instinct you blindly followed.
Your eyes fixated on your hand and you couldn’t help but think how small it was in Andy’s comparison. The sudden realisation of how big he was made your cunt throb. That was probably bad.
Andy was undeniably a gorgeous man and it was only natural that you felt attracted towards him. His electric blue eyes and the slightly crooked nose only added to his charm.
You had seen him half naked once, while swimming in the public pool, and you still hadn’t forgotten his magnificent body. His hard abs and sculpted back made him look like some Greek god come to life.
But everytime you thought about Andy in a certain way, you felt immense guilt settle in the pit of your stomach. He was a married man and the father of your student, you couldn’t afford to let anyone know of your thoughts.
“Will you be my friend?” Andy asked in a gruff voice. He was hyper focused on the way you were gently rubbing your thumb on his hand and he knew it was supposed to be a gesture to soothe him, but he couldn’t help but get hard.
Control yourself Andy. You’ve waited for so long, just some time more. He wanted so bad to just hold your hand and kiss you hard, but he couldn’t do that. Not yet.
“Of course I’ll be your friend Andy!” You said in a chipper tone. You needed to have some personal space because having Andy this close wasn’t helping you any. “I’ll get you some chamomile tea, it’s the best for relaxing and we can talk over it.”
That was not the kind of relaxation he was looking for. As you got up from besides him, Andy’s hand shot out and held your wrist. “There’s no need for that, just.. just sit besides me? Please.”
Andy had to make acting his strong suit for working in the court. He knew he could sway the juries and the judge with fake sympathy whenever he wanted to. And he did the same to you.
All he had to do was shed some tears and you were right by his side. He didn’t let go of your hand this time and instead leaned his face against your shoulder.
You sat straight as the gesture felt too intimate. You could feel his wet tears fall on your skin and you shivered with the sensation.
On the other hand, Andy couldn’t control himself anymore. He started laying little kisses on the bare column of your neck and inhaled in your scent.
At first you thought Andy’s lips were wobbling near your skin. But then you realised that he was in fact gently kissing your skin. You gasped at the realisation, “Andy…”
“Hmmm…” he hummed against your skin and the closeness was making you more breathless. His lips travelled up your neck until he kissed your special spot and you sucked in a breath.
Andy, after realising you were sensitive there, sucked on the spot before laving it with his tongue. You closed your eyes and arched your neck as he now started nibbling.
“You’re so responsive.” Andy’s hot breath fell on the shell of your ear as he spoke. You preened at the praise and let out a little moan and Andy smiled.
“You’re married and I… I can’t do this.” You said this yet didn’t move from your place. “Divorced. Just the paperwork is left.” Andy replied back.
You both knew it was equivalent of saying that you’ve studied for the exam, just not the chapters in the syllabus. But you still excepted it. Because you wanted this just as bad as him.
You turned your head until you were face to face with him. His eyes were sparkling in the dim lights of the house. You cupped his cheek with your hand and placed a hesitant kiss on the corner of his lips.
This was better than he had expected. Andy smiled before firmly pressing his lips to yours. Andy relished in the little moans you were giving and he was determined in making you writhed under him.
Andy’s lips were softer than you had expected as you kissed him. He nudged your lips with his tongue and you willingly opened your mouth. His tongue tangled with yours and you pushed yourself closer to him.
Andy placed his hands on your hips and pulled you up until you were straddling his lap. “You’re so soft and gentle. Just like an Angel. My Angel.”
You could feel how hard he was in his pants and you didn’t want to stop yourself anymore. Putting aside your inhibitions, you settled over his lap and grinded down on him.
“Fuck..” Andy grunted as he felt your heat through the clothes. His hands slipped under your shirt and rubbed his calloused hands on your smooth skin.
He pulled up your shirt and his eyes took in the way your tits were encased in your bra. He snapped open your bra and started kneading your breasts.
You chanted his name as his hot mouth sucked on your pebbled nipples. You entwined your fingers in his fluffy hair like you were dying to do since you’d first seen him.
The fact that he was still married and what you were doing was a taboo was only adding to the thrill of the whole act. Seeing his wet lips around your tits was making you gush between your legs.
When Andy unlatched himself, the cold prickled your skin which was wet with saliva. “Andy, please..!” You needed him badly and you needed him now.
“Yes my Angel. I can’t wait either.” You both quickly began undressing. You openly gasped at Andy’s physique once he was naked.
His body looked like it was carved out from marble by some great artist. You wondered why Laurie would ever leave this specimen.
You gulped when your eyes landed on his big cock. The head was thick and leaking precum. You could trace the prominent veins with your eyes and you moaned with just thinking about how it would feel inside you.
Andy’s eyes were equally devouring your body. The fire that burnt behind his eyes made you feel more wanted than you ever had.
Andy took a seat on the couch and started stroking his hard cock while keeping eye contact with you. You were about to straddle him again when his hands found your hips and made you turn around and then sit on his lap.
This way, your back was pressed against his chest and you could feel his hard length against your ass. He pulled you back, closer to himself, and spread your legs until they were dangling from his thighs and your cunt was spread open.
You both were sitting in front of the blank TV and you could see your blurry reflection in it and it was making the situation even more erotic.
Andy’s hand travelled ahead and dipped in your wet folds. Your pussy was throbbing with need as Andy rubbed your petals and collected your slick before putting those fingers in your open mouth.
“Such for me Angel.” For a moment, you were dumbstruck with the action but you quickly collected your gears and did as he said. You could taste your own slick and the filthy action made you even more aroused.
“Good girl!” Andy praised when you got his fingers slobbering wet with your saliva. His fingers once again paid attention to your clit before pushing them into your clenching hole.
Your back arched and you settled yourself in Andy’s arms as he kept pumping his fingers in you. The room was filled with the wet squelch of his fingers and you wanted to hide your face in shame.
His long fingers were reaching spots you didn’t know existed previously. His two fingers were making you feel so full, you just knew you were going to be choking on air when he fucked you with his cock.
His palm was rubbing your swollen clit as his fingers curled inside you. Andy’s other arm was holding you in place as you couldn’t help but squirm on his fingers.
“Look at you, my Angel. You are glowing.” Andy said as he licked off the sweat from your neck. “You’re so tight that you’re barely taking my fingers. I’m gonna stretch your little pussy so good on my cock.”
Listening to Andy, assistant DA and a very reputable lawyer, dirty talk in your ear was a complete power trip. His fingers had now increased the speed and your legs were trembling.
Your orgasm hit you like a train, sudden and enormous. Your legs clamped shut around his hand as you shook from the intensity of it.
Andy once again pushed your legs open and when you were still going through the aftershocks, he rubbed the head of his cock over your fluttering hole making your sensitivity shoot up.
“It’sss too big!” Your words were slurring as the reality of how big he was in your comparison sank in. “Shhh, I know you can take it. Trust me.” The last two words left no space for argument.
Andy groaned when he just pushed his head into your tight heat. He had planned to go slow, but he lost all patience and entered you in a single hard stroke.
You whimpered when Andy filled you up and clutched his bicep for support. It felt like his thick cock was splitting you in two, and it probably was.
When Andy pulled back only to push in again, his cock rubbed all the sensitive spots on your delicate walls. True to his words, his cock indeed was stretching you so well that you were drooling.
You let Andy do all the work as he thrusted his hips up into you and you laid back on Andy’s broad chest. You twisted your head around and kissed Andy as good as you could.
His fingers weaved in your hair and held you in place as his lips attached to yours. Your mouth just fell open as Andy lazily licked into it as he began fucking you harder.
Andy’s fingers snaked below and started playing with your clit and you closed your eyes with relief. Your toes curled as Andy pressed tight circles on your nub.
Andy groaned as he felt you clenched around him. He was finally getting what he wanted for so long and this was so much better than he had expected.
He had thought that he’d have one taste of you and it would be enough to satisfy him. But he was so wrong. Now, he wanted you even more the before.
You were like a drug. One taste and he only craved you more. But he smiled when he realised he had the same effect on you. You were so completely gone for him just like he was gone for you.
“My Angel, you look divine!” He mumbled in your ear as he saw the way your eyes were heavy lidded and your mouth was partially open and the way your hair was gracing your head made it look like an halo.
But if you were an Angel, he was the devil. He was getting off on ruining you for anyone else except him. He wanted to be the only one seeing you like this, all beautiful and serene for him.
Sitting on the couch was limiting his movement and he wanted to go harder with the possessive streak. He manhandled you until you were leaning on the table in front of the couch and he was holding your hips as he fucked you from behind while standing up.
Your hands were shaking and you were barely holding yourself up to stop from falling face first onto the wooden table. Andy was reaching you even deeper from this position and you couldn’t stop your moans.
“Good girl. Scream for me Angel.” One of his hand was holding your hips up while the other was clutching your tresses to keep you from falling.
“Andy…!” You screamed his name as you came again. Colours exploded behind your eyelids and you felt yourself fall crashing down from a cliff into the waves of pleasure.
Unable to hold yourself anymore, you were nearly about to crash before Andy held you by your shoulders instead of your hair and pulled you back.
Andy couldn’t stave himself any longer as your walls pulsed around him. With a loud grunt, he came inside you. “Take this Angel. Take it nice and deep. Let me fill you up until you’re leaking with me.”
Andy gently lowered you on the couch before sinking down besides you. You were panting and twitching as you took your time coming down from the high.
Andy got up from besides you and you instantly missed his warmth so you pulled him back. “Don’t worry Angel. I ain’t going anywhere, let me take care of you.”
You smiled hazily as you thought Andy would actually look after you but you gasped when he settled himself in between your legs which were still spread apart as you didn’t have the energy to sit straight.
Andy smirked up at you before peeking his tongue out and licking a long stripe of your pussy. Andy’s cum mixed with your slick was leaking out of your hole and seeing him lick it all up was the filthiest thing you’d ever seen.
You were already much too sensitive and you nearly screamed when Andy flicked your clit before sucking on it. Your held Andy by his hair and you didn’t know whether to push him away or let him continue.
His blue eyes were intensely staring at your face while he laved your pussy like a starved man. Andy continued his ministrations until you were wet with your slick and his saliva and the proof of your previous act was no more.
You sighed when he stood up and though you didn’t cum again, you were happy. But that was until you saw Andy was hard again too. His cock was standing hard and proud right in front of you as he jerked it a few times with his hand.
“Can’t keep you empty, can I?” He asked as he pushed your legs over his shoulders before entering you. You were nearly bent in half and he was deeper than anyone had ever been.
Your eyes rolled back as he started fucking you with renewed vigour. Your hands were too tired to hold him so you just lazily clutched the fabric of your couch as he pounded into you.
His hips snapping into yours was making the couch shake with force. Your open mouth was making soft moans as your brain has turned to mush to comprehend words.
This angle was making Andy hit your spot perfectly and it didn’t take much for you to cum again. Your body gave weak tremors as you experienced one of the best orgasms you ever had.
In your orgasmic haze, you felt Andy fill you up again as he spewed filth which you loved but were too tired to notice. Andy kissed your calf as he came deep inside you.
You felt his cum gushing out of you again when he pulled out. He laid your legs back down with care before plopping down on the carpet below. You looked on as his chest heaved with pants.
You locked eyes with each other and a smile spread on both of your lips at your disheveled states. You put your hand down from the couch where you were laying and lazily stroked Andy’s now messy hair.
Andy couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he didn’t care about what happened tomorrow, because tonight he had the one person he wanted above all else, his Angel.
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parkersbliss · 2 years
may i request five hargreeves x reader who acts like harley quinn 🥺🫶
i hope you like this! i tried to nail her personality but thank you for the request!! <3
Massacre | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x female reader
wc; 1.3k
warnings: violence, cursing
synopsis: partners in crime or partners for life? take downs with five are always fun… for you at least
requests: CLOSED
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list
You look around you, twirling your hair around your finger with a frown. “I can’t believe they picked here out of all places. We could’ve gone to like Los Angelos, Dubai somewhere fun!”
Five sighs. “We’re not here for fun, (Y/N). We’re here on business.”
You pout a little more, sticking out your bottom lip. “Oh c’mon, you can’t tell me some part of you is not itching for the thrill of killing the board.”
“I’m doing this for my family.” There’s a short pause before he adds. “And you.”
You smile, “Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest!”
Five rolls his eyes, strolling into the building and smiling at the lady. You, on the other hand, find yourself engulfed in the scenery. Particularly the cat and rabbit statue. You had a feeling it was coming home with you as a souvenir.
“Excuse me?” Five asked.
“Uff da! You snuck up on me there,” The woman gasps, eyeing the two children in front of her. “If you’re looking for the cookies, we don’t put ‘em out til three.”
“Cookies?” You ask excitedly. “Oooh, what type?”
“She can hardly wait,” Five said, a little strain in his voice. “Uh, do you happen to know where the midwest soybean society is meeting?
“Sure do! Muskellunge banquet room. You looking for your mom? She in the convention?”
You look around absentmindedly, boredom settling in, and you decide to walk around. Or well, you tried before Five grabbed your hand and pulled you right back next to him. You sigh in defeat, crossing your arms.
“Hey, could I get some change?” Five asked, eyeing something just over the lady's shoulder.
“Oh sure, I’ll just look in my purse,” she chirps, unzipping it and digging around. “Only a nickel and a couple of dimes… oh, you are in luck, mister!”
She grabs the change and drops it in Five’s hand as you begin tapping your foot against the floor in annoyance. You were dying to get in that room and create a bloody massacre. It felt like it had been forever since you got an assignment. Which it kind of has been since you and Five left the commission.
“You know, some say the best luck is to die at the right time,” Five remarked, walking away.
You grin at the lady. “So let’s hope today’s not your lucky day.”
She blinks at you, a frown marring her features, and you just shrug, skipping up to Five.
He slips in the change, pressing a few buttons and waiting.
“So you weren’t gonna ask me if I wanted anything?”
“Sorry, did you want kiss my ass or fuck you?”
You gasp, slapping a hand against your chest. “Well, now that’s not very nice of you.”
“I’m not exactly in a nice mood, my dear.”
He huffs when his fudge nutter fails to fall towards the slot. His hands ball into fists, and he begins punching and kicking the machine, uttering curses the whole time. You just let him do his thing. The angrier he is, the more fun the massacre.
The vending machine shatter and Five angrily stomps off. You push yourself off the wall, grabbing a fudge nutter and tucking it in your pocket to give to him later. You follow after him, watching as he swipes a finger across the cake. He likes the icing off his finger, grabbing an ax by a table and waiting for you.
You grab a fistful of cake, licking the rest of it off your fingertips and cocking your head at Five. “Sorry, did you want any?”
You giggle, grabbing the other ax and twirling it in your hands. “C’mon, baby boy, let’s have some fun!”
Five kicks the door open, holding his ax in hand while you smile.
“You!” AJ exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table. “Call security!”
Before the lady can, you swing your ax through an arc in the air and watch as it cuts clean through, and she slumps to the ground. You let out a loud cheer. “Let’s get this party started!”
“What are you doing?” AJ yells as Five teleports to the other side of the room, and the massacre begins.
You throw your ax at the person closest to you, watching as their head falls to the ground. You brush off the blood on your shoulder before grabbing the ax and resuming pace. You stand back to back with Five, laughing the whole time, as you send your ax into various heads, blood splattering everywhere. One tries to grab you, and you gasp. You shove the ax straight through their chest. “That’s no way to treat a lady!”
You survey the room, blood drenching the table and your clothes. You stand next to a group slumped in their chairs, one missing his head, the other’s throat slit open, and your ax stuck in the back of the other’s head. “Photo op!” You squeal.
“She sent you, didn’t she?” AJ asked as Five appeared in front of him. You yank your ax from the back of the man’s head, using your finger to wipe off the brain matter before standing by Five, leaning on the said ax.
“Does it really matter now?” You said with a fake pout. "Poor little AJ. A stupid, little goldfish I could eat for dinner."
“What ever she offered you, I will double it, triple it!” AJ begs.
Your eyes light up. “What are we talking? I could really go for—”
Suddenly a body tackles you to the floor, and you scream. “Get off me, you pig!”
“You’re gonna for that vending machine, little miss,” The lady shouts as you thrash in her grip. You roll your eyes, it wasn't even you!
“We don’t want to hurt you,” Five said, appearing behind her.
“I do. In fact, I’ll enjoy carving the eyes out of your head and feeding them to my cats," You snarl.
“Hurt me? Oh, I ain’t afraid of you, you little pus ball,” she sneers.
“All right, that’s it. Hands off her.” Five lands a hard kick across the lady’s face, and she lands next to you unconscious.
He offers you a hand, pulling you to your feet. “My dear.”
“Where did AJ go?” You asked, ignoring Five’s lingering gaze on you.
“Shit!” He groans.
“He’s a fish, Five. He didn’t get far.”
You grab your ax off the ground while Five runs out of the room. As expected AJ isn’t even halfway down the hall. Five teleports right in front of him with a shit-eating grin.
“This isn’t your style Five,” AJ begins. “Doing the Handler’s dirty work?”
Five shrugs. “No, you’re right. It’s hers.”
You step up, ax hanging off your shoulder. “Hiya there, AJ!”
“Surely, we can come to some sort of agreement that benefits both parties. Quid pro quo? What do you say?” He asked, stumbling back.
“Why not?” Five said, grabbing a piece of wood.
“Here’s your quid,” He shouts, slamming AJ’s stomach, “here’s your pro!”
“No, please, please, no!”
“And here’s your quo!” You laugh, driving the ax into his glass bowl and watching as the fish flops on the ground.
You let him suffer just for a few minutes before Five grabs a bag full of water and slips him in.
“Well, that was fun,” You said cheekily. “It’s just like the old days. Honestly, this might be my new favorite mission.”
“Is that so?” Five said bitterly.
You poke Five’s cheek. “Don’t be so glum. I know you enjoyed that.”
“I did what I had to do.”
“What you were trained to do.”
Five clicks his tongue but says nothing more.
“I just think the blood-drenched outfit suits you. That’s all, baby.”
Five sighs and stops in his tracks, facing you and your bright eyes. He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and wipes some blood from your face.
“We’re going home now, (Y/N).”
You just smile. “Home is wherever you are.”
If there wasn’t blood covering Five’s face, you might’ve said he was blushing. You reach into your pocket and hand him the fudge nutter. He chuckles but takes it.
“You know you drive me insane, right?” He asked.
“Only in the best kind of way.”
Five just hums his agreement.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
can you rank the genshin yanderes from the horniest to least horny?
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Note: indeed i can . Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, dubcon, not SFW themes under the cut.
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This isn’t to say he’s not physically interested in you — it’s more that his control over himself is the best of anyone on this list. Not that the competition in that regard is very steep... anyway, he’d far prefer that you came to him with propositions rather than the other way around. Zhongli feels satiated just being in your presence. That satisfaction he’d get from you initiating anything, whether it be from loneliness or any other affliction, far outweighs coming on to you himself. He finds it important to be in complete control of his body and urges. It would be unseemly to cave in to every little impulse, hence why he prefers to look at things in the long term. 
Albedo is kinda able to keep it on the back burner. At any given second, there are hundreds of different things demanding his attention. From work obligations to pursuing his personal goals and maintaining a “relationship” with you. That being said, he does like the potential for bonding being physically intimate naturally creates. He’ll include some foods in your diet that are known for increasing sexual desire. For the rest of the night, expect him to be looking in your general direction, clipboard in hand. In the times he’s really down bad, he’ll look at his secret stash of sketches he’s drawn of you for a little thrill. There are depictions of you in all sorts of compromising positions with lascivious expressions. 
Kazuha’s the type where if someone asked him what his favorite part about you was, expecting a physical trait to be listed, he’d say your soul. He genuinely gets the same thrill from holding your hand than say, seeing you naked or something. The element he fixates on the most is just how intimate your bodies becoming one would be. He’ll give little pushes to encourage you in that direction, such as claiming he forgot to bring a second sleeping bag, forcing you both to sleep next to each other for warmth. Kazuha does think about it a fair share though. It’s easy for his mind to wander when you’re always in such close physical proximity. He lets his imagination do its thing.
Diluc is a strange case because he vacillates between being at the bottom of this list and shooting all the way to the top depending. To his credit, he knows he’ll all but crumble at your feet the second you give him a crumb of intimacy. That’s why he takes precautions to resist temptation. It could be a heatwave and you’ll be dressed modestly. No visible clavicles. Or neck. Nothing that hugs your body tight, because if he sees that, oh, how can he hold himself back? It’s unfortunate all around. You’re unhappy, he’s unhappy, everyone’s unhappy. If he happens upon you at night when you’re wearing a less modest ensemble, he will freeze. Stare at you in the hallway. Blood instantly rushing from his head downward. Tries to gulp but can’t get the saliva down. Immediately excuses himself to relieve the problem his tightening pants are starting to present. 
Similar to Diluc, Xiao is teetering on the line between following his very intense impulses and worrying what the impact on you might be. Especially taking his karmic debt into consideration... he has enough reservations about being in your presence as is. The most difficult force he has to keep you safe from is himself. It builds and builds and builds until one day, he’s pinned you beneath him, his chest heaving and pupils dilated. You smell so good. Your lips look nice and soft. Xiao wants to ravish you, but depending on if you reciprocate or express fear, he’ll shake himself out of it. He berates himself for losing control and potentially putting you at risk, delicate creature that you are. He’ll wait until nightfall to loom over your slumbering figure, touching himself at the sight, reverent whisper of your name filling the room.
Kaeya gets a kick out of teasing you verbally. Forget food, water, and shelter, that’s all this man needs to survive. The slow and erratic buildup is what he enjoys the most. Whispering filthy promises into your ear only to walk away and continue going about his business, brushing his hand over your thigh at dinner while maintaining normal conversation. He’s hot and cold. Anything to throw you off balance, keeping you guessing just when you think you’re starting to understand his games. Kaeya thinks you’re precious. He’ll happily entertain receiving sexual favors in return for you earning certain privileges. Somehow, he maintains a balance between not delivering entirely on what you want while not skimping out enough for you to call him out on it. He’s got to keep you coming back for more, after all. 
If he could have it his way, you’d wear nothing but your undergarments in his presence. Perhaps that’s a punishment up is sleeve if you ever become too unruly. You’re his perfect stress ball, whenever his duties weigh down on him heavily, he seeks you out. Ayato prefers to add in some psychological elements to make it more exciting. A threat there, some ominous-sounding remark here... anything to get you riled up or compliant depending on his mood. He knows how to puppeteer you best for each outcome he desires. He plants seeds in your mind that you’re the one who wants him, not the other way around. It’s unsettling how unsure of yourself he makes you with some soft words and gentle expressions. The inner conflict you express makes him want to devour you all the more. 
The unrivaled king of suppression. He’s got so much sexual frustration build-up that it’s honestly amazing he’s exercised any self-control in regards to you. He’s gone centuries without indulging in carnality, thinking the act below him, but now that he has you... well. That philosophy has changed. Scaramouche is sadistic to a fault, he knows how to manipulate things in his favor. Oh, you don’t want him to take you here, where others might stumble upon you? He supposes he can wait until you return to the bedroom if you promise to sweeten the deal for him. He’s addicted to the power rush that comes with dominating you. Since he’s not human either, there’s not much in the ways of a refractory period. He views sex as a perfect way to release tension, which he has no shortage of. Pray for your legs when his work is giving him a rough time. 
Is anyone surprised ?? Those hormones are absolutely raging. When it comes to you, he sometimes thinks more with his dick than his brain. He’s absolutely feral for you and your body. You could be trying to lure him into a trap while hiding a knife somewhere on your person, he genuinely would not care, just catches your wrist when you decide to stab him and keeps at it. Unhinged behavior. The most open out of everyone here when it comes to exchanging sexual favors. He’d conquer an entire nation and crown you the ruler if it meant getting to have his way with you. Childe could care less if you’re being manipulative, that just adds more of a thrill! Do your worst. It only adds fuel to the fire of his raging obsession. 
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