#and I'm just like .. innocently wanting to see if anyone else shares my opinion that the plot was silly or the character was
bellaxgiornata · 10 hours
OH MY GOD OKAY- so hang on- first off, BELLA, how are you? how's the newborn? how are the kids in general?! i'm happy to hear the birth went well, i hope you're recovering well and that you're not pushing yourself too muchhhhh
ANYWAY. i just found out how my godfather/uncle met his wife and- HOLY SHIT it gives me SUCH Frank or Matt vibes (more frank than matt in my opinion, but 100% either of them) and i had to tell you about it to see if you agreeeeeee (+ it could be a cool oneshot idea if you want it hehe, i'll give it for free)
OKAY SO for the purposes of clarity, my uncle/godfather's name is now Peter, and his wife's name is Molly, because why not?
Peter is invited to his best friend's wedding, and the bride at that wedding warns him "hey, don't you dare talk to Molly" (while pointing Molly out in a crowd) "she just went through a really difficult breakup and though you guys are 100% eachother's types, she is absolutely not ready for another relationship and i don't want you to break her heart if the relationship isn't going to last."
and Peter respects that. except the bride wasn't clear about who she was pointing to. so Peter was avoiding another random girl in the friend group he'd never met and had been talking and flirting all night with Molly without realising it was Molly and he legit spent the whole ceremony and most of the reception sitting right next to her and chatting.
and then during the reception, the bride realises that Peter and Molly are talking and she tells Peter like- "why are you talking to Molly, I told you to stay away from her!" and he's like "that's Molly? well you were right then" and then the bride is like "about what?" and he's like "that we're eachother's types. I gave her my phone number an hour into us meeting and I've already asked her out on a date and she said yes."
and now they've been married for 10 years or so and have two daughters
LIKE IT'S ALL SO CUTE- when i found out i wanted to die because of how adorable it is- like it's genuinely the meet-cute in a rom-com kind of shit- and to me it's SO Frank or Matt-coded (helps that my godfather/uncle is military and is built nearly exactly like Frank- like seriously shave frank's head, make him look slightly less worn out and traumatised and you have my godfather/uncle + they have the exact same sense of humour and stuff).
Hey, friend!! 💖 My response is a bit long so I put it below the cut. But enjoy this Frank gif to break things up (and because I wouldn't be able to resist that man looking at me like that at a wedding...).
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I am doing well! I've had a cold shortly after coming home from the hospital which has been rough on top of everything else, but I feel a little better today and I have been taking time to try to take care of myself. Our little baby is doing well, boy can down milk like no one's business and he's generally a pretty happy little guy all the time. My toddler absolutely adores him already, but he's been an only child for almost 4 years so he's been having a hard time sharing our attention. The birth had some scary ups and downs last week, but things ended up okay and both baby and I are alright! I will say that I've had enough experience with child birth and don't want to do it a third time after that, though 😅
Ahhh!! OMG! I love stories like this! I used to be a wedding photographer for about 11 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I LOVE hearing stories of how couples met (or got engaged) because it's so interesting to hear about! And I can actually see a story for either Matt or Frank so I may keep that in mind for a one shot now, thank you 😆
But yes! I could absolutely see an innocent Frank at a wedding getting the women mixed up and genuinely talking to the "wrong" one and they end up hitting it off in the end and he sticks by her side for most of the night. Sweet Frank would soothe anyone's broken heart. As for Matt, well, I could see him making an innocent mistake, but truly I could see Fog warning him to stay away from a family member or friend and Matt "accidentally" talking to her and pretending he thought it was another woman Fog warned him to stay away from. I mean, it's Matt and he's a little shit sometimes 🤣
But that's so crazy!! Thank you for sharing this story with me!! I always love taking real life moments and then thinking about how the guys might react if it had happened to them! But I do agree that this screams more Frank than Matt (unless it was about intentionally ignoring the friend's warning because that screams Matt).
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the struggle of just coincidentally disliking a piece of media that a lot of conservatives also dislike, but for completely different reasons, so sometimes you'll see youtube recommended videos like "here's why X was so bad" and you're initially like "oh yaayy, yeah I had a lot of criticisms of that too, I'm curious to finally see someone really break down why the plot didn't work! I love media analysis" and then the video is just "it's bad because there's WOMAN in it!!!" ..........ok....
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
Hey Shaz,
sorry if this is phrased weirdly
Sometimes when anons come here bringing up the possibility of a petty jikook breakup or a breakdown of their relationship over certain things, you say "JK would never allow that to happen".
No idea if you've thought this much about it, but it's a heavy line that might say a lot about how much you believe JK regards having Jimin as his partner. Can you share what moments or traits about JK make you think he wouldn't let Jimin easily walk away?
I could definitely see a Jimin version of this too seeing how much those two adore each other lol
Hello my lovely. It always boils down to satellite Jeon for me. It always will
Did you see that?
RM got in the way and it wasn't even on purpose this time. JK just wasn't quick enough. This moment reminds me of the one I always bring up from this post. Him trying and failing. I feel bad when he fails. Especially when Jimin doesn't notice 😔
Okay so, Jimin loves JK, don't get me wrong. He loves him very, very, very much and is proud to have Jeon Jungkook as a boyfriend. That has been made very clear over the years. So me saying what I'm about to say on this post, does not mean that Jimin loves JK less or doesn't love JK as much as JK loves him. No, that's not it at all and I beg you to not think that that's what I'm saying, at all. Jimin is just as dedicated and committed to the rlship. They both are.
But, it is of my personal opinion that if they broke up it would destroy JK. Jimin would be heartbroken and devastated too but it would hit JK harder.
Now, idk if this spectrum thing is true, but we have seen evidence that points to the fact that Jimin is JK's rock. 1300% When I use the words safe space here, I am not using them lightly. I take satellite Jeon very, very seriously. That my dear is a need not a want.
Now forget about Jimin touching on JK's neck for... sexual reasons
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That definitely made JK's dick twitch. For sure. It's the finger placement and how deep he's pressing. It's JK's face. There is nothing innocent about that touch 👆🏽 which explains why it affected JK the way it did. Mans was super confused. Stood up for nothing before sitting back down. But I digress.
If we could all turn to page 13 of our Jikook books we will find this moment here.
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An anon brought this up recently but I can't find that ask. Anyhu, the director wanted JK to relax and of course Jimin knew how to get him there. Which, what?
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The thing about watching Jikook moments over and over and over is that they start to become just sweet or adorable or cute... they become normal. But, my dear anon there is nothing normal about Jimin knowing exactly where to massage in order to relax JK. There is something about Jimin when it comes to JK's neck because he always finds a reason to touch that neck. There is more than enough compilations of this.
Suffice to say, JK's neck is hella sensitive and his man knows this. As he should. But my main point remains that Jimin knew exactly what to do to relax JK. And that's just a scratch of the surface when we think about just how much Jimin knows about JK.
The post i linked above for the satellite Jeon moment is about what happened with JK when Jimin was busy during FACE era. How it was clearly affecting JK. Maybe even physically. Jimin's absence was affecting him.
Y'all just stop for a second and think about that. Jimin's absence was affecting JK. That's... thats big. That's fucking huge.
Anyone else ever wonder if BTS almost disbanding in 2018 had anything at all to do with Jikook? Like I know they have all talked about how they were overworking and it got to be too much. The fame got to be too much. But was there other factors that couldn't be brought up? Y'all ever wonder about that?
I am reminded of this post by a friend of mine and I'm inclined to agree with her. That maybe, just maybe JK was naive enough to think now that he was essentially an adult they could be more open. But instead they were pushed further into the closest. What's that thing he said that he also started singing about? About how he can finally take off his uniform?
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While it sounds like a sexual innuendo, idk. There is something about that whole "FINALLY!"
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Look at his face 😂😂😂 its either JK hated school and was glad to have been done with it or it was about Jikook. Or both. As we all know there is alot of questionable things that take place on this day. But either way I agree with my friend up there that JK thought things were going to change after graduation but instead they didn't. Thus why he started being loud in 2018 onwards.
Back to the disbanding, I've always wondered if BTS thought hiding Jikook wasn't sustainable. Its alot of work keeping such a secret. I mean, look at the amount of slip ups. From all of them. And so I often wonder if this affected the Jikook rlship in any way. If over the years their rlship has ever put their group in a difficult position. A position where they thought about halting the breaks on their rlship. And I can see something like this coming from Jimin. Self sacrificing Jimin who puts other people's happiness before his own. And I wonder if this could have affected JK... badly. I'm not saying it happened. It's just something I can see happen. Aint no way the Jikook rlship hasn't caused trouble for all of them at one point or another.
I digressed. But y'all should be used to it by now 😂😂
In 2019 it was rumoured that it was Jimin's idea for them to spend their holidays separately. I already talked about it here how this affected JK. He went along with it, of course. I mean, its what Jimin wanted so of course JK went along with it. But to me it seems like JK would have been just fine being with Jimin over the holidays even though they were always together at work.
I've mentioned before how fascinating it is that they lived together and yet when they got to work JK was fighting to stand next to Jimin or was cheating so they could be on the same team. Like damn. You left the same house and are gonna take the same car to go and sleep in the same bed how do you still want to spend all your time with Jimin at work too????? No wonder Jimin wanted them to have a break from eo that holiday. It's not healthy. U need space.
You see what I mean, anon?
RM and Jin are two members we've seen complain that JK won't come out with them. (Jin in BV4 and RM in a recent live) I'm sure Suga would too but... I don't think they're that close 😂😂 (y'all know how I feel about Yoonkook. Don't start with me) As for V I'm pretty sure they're hanging out is a recent development. And I'm almost positive it's Jimin's doing. Then there's Jhope. Yes, 3J are close. But Jhope is Jimin's bestfriend. So he's gonna be around. But without Jimin, I feel like JK wouldn't bother.
Like, to me, in my opinion, it seems like when it comes to JK, Jimin is enough. He don't need other people. And I can see Jimin pushing him to make other friends, hang out with other people, etc. Wasn't the 97 liners first public appearance in 2019? Which is when Jimin suggested they do their own thing? I know they knew eo way before that. But JK must not have been spending time with them for Jimin to suggest they do their own thing.
See what I mean?
And let's not forget about JK coming live when Jimin leaves the country. When bae is gone, thats when the man remembers we exist 🤭🤭 but hey, I'm not mad at it.
Like I said my dear, it all comes down to satellite Jeon. I'm not saying JK can't live without Jimin but I think that's what he believes. That's why he's so protective and territorial coz he can't afford to lose Jimin.
I've brought up how all members have been caught thirsting over other men and women including Jimin but there is no footage out there that exists of JK checking out another person. I mean, he has eyes, he sees other attractive guys but Jimin seems to be the only one that does it for him. Not that I blame him, of course.
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@yuelight98 I have said alot of words but I hope I have answered your question; Jikook are interdependent....there's no question about it. But, JK more than Jimin....
I know there are Jikookers who don't like Satellite Jeon. Usually they're the JK biased Jkkrs. And I get it. They think JK needs Jimin too much and wish he was more independent. But I think he is. To some extent. Or at least he's gotten better. And no, I dont think it makes him look weak at all. If anything we should be happy he is attached to the right person. A person who has the kindest soul and would never do anything to hurt him. A person who loves him back and takes great care of him. Maybe you wish JK didn't need Jimin so much. But I believe he's in good hands. Jimin fucking loves that man
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Has adored him since the beginning
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And he would do anything for him.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 1 year
Heaven is a place in hell with you.
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Member: San as Hades x Reader Persephone
Plot: It's not the typical myth although it does share some similarities I've made some changes too to fit what I had in mind.
Genre: Angst, Fluff and eventual smut (not in this chapter)
Endless darkness. That's all his eyes have been seeing for the eternity of time. If only someone could imagine the depth of time combined with the depth of the darkness, they'd lose their sanity. Being a God grants you great power but being the God of the dead might not be seen as attractive as other God's kingdoms. Poseidon, ruling the vast sea or Zeus, ruling the mortal world. But death is the most powerful of all, Hades thinks, for it holds the power to diminish everything else. Whether someone was rich, privileged or one of a kind, after their passing, they are just part of the soul parade, a group of shadows with no purpose, just lurking around till the dawn of time. Maybe even after that. Hades has a bit of a reputation if you will, hated by most, if not all the living. The God's aren't fond of him either. He is too monotonous for their liking, keeps mostly to himself, he is on his own, just like what he rules, a lonely experience by default. His body is as immortal as it can be, a vast contrast between his surroundings. He stood tall and proud, well shaped and proportionate. His face chiseled and enigmatic, his prominent bone structure and intense gaze making him intimidating in a striking way. Appearance wise he looked no older than 25, but his soul felt awfully old. Maybe others were right to despise him. He can't stand himself either at times. A gloomy haze was his life, that seemed to have no end.
"A girl is playing around the lake, Lord" Thanatos, his trusted winged friend mentioned.
"She comes here often. She doesn't look human, but not godly either. More like a mixture of them too, not ordinary enough for a mortal, not divine enough for a goddess".
Hades decided to take a closer look after Thanatos' description. He is someone that likes to keep his thoughts and opinions independent, but he couldn't agree more. Her beauty was like something he'd witness before and something entirely different, all at the same time. She appeared delicate and gentle, her hands brushing through the bush, as the wind blew against her face. She seemed beautiful, but in a very different way than Aphrodite is. He didn't feel an ounce of lust for her, her vibes innocent and pure, almost angelic. The type of person you want to protect with your life, if he even had such a thing.
"Maybe she is a nymph? But she is someone I've never seen before and I keep up with them to say the least" Thanatos laughed, confirming his womanizer nature.
Hades laughed as well. His friend had a charm that drew others to him. Maybe they liked getting a taste of death while still alive, literally.
"That's true, you'd know her by now. I'm sure Artemis despise you, my friend. You are ruining chaste virgins left and right."
"Well what can I say? I'm popular with the ladies. I guess they might have a thing for my wings? I mean there aren't that many of us, even in the immortal world. But speaking of getting down and dirty, you haven't been laid in such a long time, Hades!"
The latter's eyes grew at the realization. He had some needs but they never bothered him to that extent. Keeping busy did the trick so far and he was more of an old fashioned man to say the least. His mistress was the night but he grew sick of her. They were too similar, he thought. He wanted some light to enter his world, a blinding brightness to shake him up and warm his icy heart. Or at least that was his persona, his mask. He knew, better than anyone, how much he felt and loved and longed for it. But he could wait for that, he had time, that's for sure.
"Mind your business boy" he said in a teasing tone but failed at intimidating his friend. Hades looked dark, dangerous even, until he became familiar to you. Once you made a place for yourself in his heart, he couldn't be further from that.
"Okay okay, I was just saying that it's a pity for you to go like that. But whatever makes you happy." He answered and raised both of his arms in a defeating manner. Thanatos knew that he was basically a brother to Hades, but he still wanted to keep their relations good, because he had the tendency to say more than he should.
"It's all good, I'm just teasing you!" Hades smiled his way and showed his dimples, the sweetest sight his kingdom had to offer.
Thanatos smiled back and took a look at the lake again, which they were able to see from the inside, as it was the main portal for the underworld. His smile quickly turned sour, and worry played over his handsome features.
"What is it?" Hades asked.
"The girl...seems to be in danger". Thanatos pointed out and Hades took a closer look. A wolf was some meters away from her, moving eerily elegantly for such a creature. Given the area the lake was, it seemed unlikely for an actual wolf to be there. It's size was extraordinary large too, all this made him believe it was one of Zeus' tricks again. A sudden surge of protective energy took over him and he wanted to save this poor girl from Zeus. She didn't deserve Hera's wrath either. None of them did. Hades took a hold of his scepter and pushed it on the ground. The lake started waving and it turned dark as if it was raining during a perfectly sunny day. The girl gasped at the sight in front of her and took a step back since she was almost right next to the lake by now. The waters were divided and a set of stairs showed up. When Zeus realized that the girl was about to escape, he started running towards her and she felt such an overwhelming fear that made her run without even realizing that this was probably a bad idea. She followed the stairs which turned to water again after each of her steps. As soon as she touched the ground, she broke down in tears and hid her face inside her hands, too scared to open them and face her destiny. But sometimes our destiny isn't as scary as we think it is, because there, in this dark and seemingly unwelcome world, she'd find a man with no soul, but more capacity to love than anyone else with a soul ever could.
Next chapter:
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What's Loki's relationship like with each of the other Guardians? Feel free to rant, I can't get enough of them anyway 😆
oh holy shit they finally added a readmore button on mobile 🙌
okay so. going one at a time:
loki and peter's bromance has gotten the most screentime so i don't need to delve super deep into it here, but like, in my head, peter is basically the guardians' tendency to adopt strays all condensed into one person. he's the entire reason they're like this. i've said this before but i never intended for ohtmb to become a full length story, let alone a series, until peter grabbed loki by the arm, looked me in the eye, and said "this is my friend now. no take backs" and he just??? made him a guardian of the galaxy???? meanwhile loki is completely stunned that anyone other than his brother might genuinely want him around. hell, he barely believes that thor does! and peter keeps proving, over and over again, that he likes loki and he wants him to be a part of the team. (it's worth mentioning that between being a thousand years old and the magic powers, peter just thinks loki is so goddamn cool. loki does not know this.) that initial invite -- "i'm not a part of your team" "yeah, but you could be" -- that was the first time anyone other than thor asked him to stick around, it was the first itsy bitsy crack in loki's armor, and that kind of thing sticks with loki for a while. also, as evidenced by the frost giant reveal, peter is the guardian that loki is most likely to turn to first, mostly because he has the excuse of, like, y'know, he's the captain. of course i'd go to him first no it's not because he's my best friend shut up
for gamora, in my universe loki didn't know she was the daughter of thanos until later - she was already taking every excuse she could find to be away from thanos by the time loki fell into his hands, so ohtmb is genuinely the first time he ever sees her. he was a little miffed that she hid that from him, but like, who is he to judge people for keeping secrets? gamora was the second person to invite him to join the guardians, which was the first time he actually started to believe they might mean it, and she was the first person to offer him genuine advice on how to move forward after thanos. loki deeply, deeply respects her. she's definitely the guardian whose opinion he values the most.
i've said this before, but i love to think of nebula and loki's relationship as basically ron swanson's "i once worked with a man for three years and never learned his name. one of the best friends i ever had." they do not talk about their feelings they do not talk about their traumas they barely even TALK except to ocassionally ask if the other one wants to spar, and yet. and yet. they get each other so well. loki's almost on a level with gamora in terms of understanding nebula, and in some ways he even relates to her *more* than gamora does. he will never ever ever say this out loud because he likes keeping his insides on the inside. either way, nebula is the easiest one for him to quietly share space with. they're both bringing that "i can just be in the same room and that counts as hanging out" antisocial cat energy to the table
now, mantis! loki is, like every single other guardian, extremely protective over mantis. she has that sort of childlike innocence that none of the others (except for groot, the actual child) have, despite her having a whole heaping pile of traumas to rival everyone else's. and all of them, loki included, knew her for just a few days before they were like "i guess i have a baby sister now" and they never questioned it. the empathy throws another curveball in there: loki is so unbelievably guarded all the time, and being anywhere near mantis is deeply unsettling at first. no one is allowed to know what he's really feeling! and obviously he learns to trust her eventually, enough that touching her is done with barely a thought anymore, but a part of him also recognizes that it's.... kind of a relief? he's spent so long hiding and lying and keeping his feelings under wraps that it's become a very difficult habit to break, even when he wants to. mantis helps him get around that without actually having to do anything. (she can sense that and is very pleased by it. she likes helping her friends, and it's always a relief for her when her abilities can be used for something good.)
drax is a fantastic exercise in loki shedding some of that high-and-mighty attitude because he's been forced to recognize that someone lacking intelligence (or at least the kind of intelligence he's used to) can still hold a lot of value anyway. drax gently getting information out of that little kid while loki's in the background like ????? was so important to me. he's smart in a way that loki could very easily dismiss, and not too long ago he probably would have, but he doesn't. also, drax was loki's first encounter with genuinely wanting to help someone when it had no benefit for himself, just wanting to save them, and then not being able to. he still feels some kinda way about drax losing his leg. anyway, he and drax get along shockingly easily on a day-to-day basis, mostly because even when loki does bring out the barbs and say something nasty, 99% of the time it goes over drax's head and loki doesn't even have to bother feeling bad about it.
oh, groot. groot groot groot. loki absolutely loves being the fun uncle who's constantly helping this kid break rules. if someone tells groot he's eating too much candy and he's gonna make himself sick, loki will magic some into his room because come on, fuck the system, and besides, if he gets sick, he gets sick! then he'll eat less candy anyway. (he firmly believes he is the only one who does things like this for groot. he is incorrect.) there is also a part of him, a part that he doesn't let himself dwell on, that recognizes that groot is the only one among them all with a lifespan even approaching loki's. again, he doesn't let himself think about that very much, but the thought's... there. he'll address it eventually, maybe.
okay so you know that trope of, like, constantly bickering friends who you swear must hate each other but then the minute shit goes down and they need to work together it's like OH. oh i see. they're exactly the same brand of insane, that's why they're friends. that's loki and rocket. they're always either furious with each other and at each other's throats, or they're in cahoots and everyone else needs to start running. (side note: if loki was around for the gotg3 plot he would have gone the classic survivalist route a la hela, being like "no we CAN'T fight the high evolutionary he's too powerful and we will all die, we'll find some other way to help rocket" right up until he sees what the high evolutionary actually did and then he's just like. hm. okay. i am going to turn all of his internal organs into snakes or die trying. how fast can we get there)
last but certainly not least: loki didn't know what to make of kraglin at first, since they barely interacted outside of loki knocking him out that one time, but he knows that for some reason he's sort of unexpectedly... comfortable? around kraglin? like it's just easy to be around the guy. he doesn't know why, they've barely even spoken to each other. but then one day they got very, very, very drunk together by accident on a foreign planet when they were between missions, and kraglin awkwardly held his hair up while he puked into a trashcan and then he started filling the silence with some dumb stories from when peter was a little kid, and loki had this drunken moment of clarity like "ohhh. he's a big brother. that's why it's easy to be around him" and he absolutely 100% never revisits that thought while sober.
anyway, that's everyone! i love this dumb giant space family! thanks for the ask, this was a fun one to answer, and as you can see i took the "feel free to rant" very literally ;D
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taralen · 10 months
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘!
I am a fantasy artist and writer based in the USA. This blog is mostly for my art and for sharing others' art. Sometimes, I'll post writings, musings, or theories about a work of fiction that I think warrants some in-depth analysis. I don't have any separate blogs, as I don't see the point in making them. I struggle with a lot of mental health conditions, so I'm really unstable but congenial. Hope you don't mind! Trust me, I am no threat to the public at large! I love making others laugh and smile, so why not just laugh at me, with me? The subject of this blog is primarily art and writing. I do not repost memes if they have nothing to do with either of these two categories.
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DNI IF YOU: Nothing offends me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) JK I am a very curious and open-minded person. If you have views that don't align with mine, we might not have the best conversation, but it can certainly be an enlightening or interesting one! What are my views? Well, we learn these things from each other through polite conversation. Exposing myself to different lifestyles and opinions is enriching. Who knows? Even a hateful individual might change their mind when speaking to someone with kindness and understanding. I'm open to being followed, messaged, etc., by just about anyone, even people who I vehemently disagree with, UNLESS: ❎ You've committed or condoned acts of animal, child, elderly, or disabled person abuse/assault. We don't need slimes like that anywhere. Anyone that harms real innocents is a piece of human scum, regardless of whether or not they fit the categories I listed. ❎ You're just trying to sell some sex service to me. Sorry, but I am not interested. ❎ Condone or committed acts of necrophilia on deceased humans or animals. Seriously, what the $%^& is wrong with you? ❎ You are a stalker. Kind of obvious, but I had one in the past, so don't act like I forgot. 8^)
If you have similar interests, feel free to message me or ask me questions. I am lonely, so it's nice to talk to new people now and then. If you think my ideas, "headcanons," or interpretations are stupid, then that's fine. I don't expect everyone to like them. It is what it is.
Any and all reblogs are appreciated. If you repost my stuff like, say, on Reddit, please give credit and link back to the source, whether it be here or somewhere else. I always like seeing my work shared.
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deanismysavior · 2 years
Mileven has a beautiful story and ruining them in season 5 would be a shame. Byler is so toxic,mike and will fight all the time and Mike makes Will suffer all the time. That’s why i think it’s better for will to find another crush.
Listen, I'm not here to start ship wars, really. I'm just calling it like I see it, given what we have visually been shown throughout the season and the context clues we can pick up on.
If you want to continue to ship Mileven, great, cool, fine, but on my own blog, I'm going to share my own opinion, so here it is:
It seems, at least to me, pretty undeniable at this point that the writing is on the wall for Mileven. All we've gotten from them this season is lies, miscommunication, and a lack of understanding what the other needs. There was no real reconciling after the love confession, no real resolution to all of that strain. In fact, it was confirmed to us that El still wasn't really talking to Mike. To try to put them back together at this point with the fact that Mike has definitely not changed how he views El or gained any insight into how to actually love her the way she needs and deserves, it would feel forced, and I honestly want better for them both than to continue in a relationship where they're not feeling seen by one another.
Mileven, as a relationship, used to be a cute dynamic. It was sweet and innocent, but as they've grown up, they haven't grown together pretty much at all. Their relationship is not built on honest communication, but instead just physical affection, which isn't healthy or balanced. I'm sorry to say it, but I really don't think the writers would be ruining anything that's not already broken here.
Mike and Will might fight a few times over the course of the show, but to me, none of that displays toxic behavior. They are actively expressing their feelings around one another in moments where they come to a head. Mike's really unhealthy behavior shows up whether he's fighting or not: he deflects blame, but what's different about his relationship with Will is that he almost always takes full accountability afterwards and apologizes right away. We don't really see him display this behavior with anyone else. He has consistently always had to be goaded into apologizing to others, and it either shows up half-assed (like his apology to Lucas in s1) or performative (like his attempted apology to El post-breakup). He only really ever gives a genuine and authentic apology without prompting to Will.
Mike and Will's relationship is built on mutual trust; Mike and El's is not, as we see El spying on Mike (s3) or lying to Mike (s4), and Mike gaslighting her on multiple occasions. If you want to call anything toxic, I'd say that's pretty damn close right there.
The only reason Will is suffering is because he thinks his feelings are unrequited, but Mike doesn't "make him suffer," Mike makes him feel seen.
They've already addressed that they are not bringing new characters into the show next season, and it would honestly feel cheap at this point to have built up Will being in love with Mike and building more trust with him all of season 4 to then just have Will pursue a different romantic partner. If they wanted Will with someone else, they should have introduced someone else for him, but they didn't. They explicitly made him in love with Mike.
At the end of the day, we all just want our characters to be happy, but I don't think that that happiness is going to come from Mileven staying together. El needs to feel empowered and understood. Mike needs to feel like he's not inferior to his partner. Will deserves to be loved the way that he gives love to others. Byler endgame is just the way that I see all of them getting satisfying and happy endings for themselves.
But seriously, do whatever you want. Think whatever you want. Ship whatever you want. But don't come into my ask box and expect to prove me wrong about something I've thought very carefully about.
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"Society goes forward."
I don't agree.
I'd personally say that just because technology goes forward doesn't mean that people do as well. In fact, some people go backward and I believe that today's literature more than enough proves it. I may not be an expert, but every time I read something old, I take a moment to stop and think: "What happened to the art of writing?". It seems like every book I see people read is about the level of "spice" (aka how much perverted things it includes). Don't get me wrong, there were many problematic and perverted things even back in the day, but I feel like it wasn't as popular as it is now. I find it very sad how when I go to school, most of my classmates read a lot of things that include disgusting topics (I don't mean only perverted things since I can understand that people have their own tastes, but also uncomfortable and illegal things). What happened to thinking about life? What happened to the meaningful writing? What happened to the kind of writing that made us question the world around us? Most writers I see are only focused on the perverted side of human desires. What about the other side? What about the desires that want to know more about our society? What about the desires that want us to know more about the world we live in? Some old books are boring, yes. I won't argue with that. But it may be because you were forced to read it by your teacher or someone else. What if you grabbed an old book that YOU are interested in? You would probably see what I mean. I know a poet who wrote beautiful poems about his dead daughter. His name was Jan Kochanowski (yes, a Polish poet). Our teacher told us to learn one of his poems. Was it annoying to try and remember all of it? Yes, but other than that the poems were beautiful. I know a writer who wrote a beautiful masterpiece of a book. His name was Antoine De Saint-Exupéry. He wrote a beautiful book called "The Little Prince". As someone who doesn't cry often, this made me tear up. It's a beautiful story about adults' flaws, children's innocence, love, friendship, maturing and letting your inner child out. My favorite book. I highly recommend it! I wish people still made books like this. Or maybe they do? Maybe they do, but are not as popular as the "spicy" ones, so not many people know about them? But the problem might also be in the lack of words. We stopped being poetic because it started being "cringe". We adore it when it's said by an attractive fictional character, but we hate it when it happens in real life. For me, it doesn't matter if the poem is "professional". What matters is that someone at least tried because they were seeing the same beauty in poetry that I was. Even if something went wrong. I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone. No, God forbid!!! I can admit that there are many people who are more funny, kind, smart and mature than I am. It's impossible to be the best after all, isn't it? In fact, I can also admit that most people find me boring (due to my interests which include philosophy). I just hope that our literature won't lose all the beauty it once had. But at the end of the day, I'm just a random person on Tumblr who shares their opinion! And to any begginer writers who I may have offended by this: Don't worry! Remember to practice when something doesn't seem right to you! You don't have to be born a pro! Never give up and you will reach your dreams sooner or later :)
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stellaeviventem · 10 months
looking forward to the document. i looked up to 🍉 since the pastel asriel days and im negl the truth is fucked up 💀😭 i literally feel bad for the ppl that she has affected :( i feel bad for believing she was completely innocent too uh 😭…
idk if this is a bad idea, but if i may share smth as witness, i remember in one of her recent streams, abt a month ago i think, there was this older man who started chatting in the chat section and showing interest in her, as well as putting his discord tag in the chat for other ppl to add him and stuff, and i know damn well a handful of her fanbase is minors
and the creep offered mel discord nitro or smth (idk i don’t use disc too much but im assuming it’s nitro) and yk what she did? she accepted his offer and actually expected to get it from him. the entire thing felt off, bc mel, who is almost an adult, should instead be rushing to protect the minors in her fanbase instead of just fuckin around. 💀‼️ the fact that she chose nitro over protecting minors says smth in my personal opinion but idk. like you can get nitro somewhere else girlie be so fr, remove the guy from your stream and ignore what he has to say… protect the damn minors dude. 😰
THANKFULLY it supposedly ended up being a troll, but even still, the entire thing just felt off, risky, and immature. i get that her streams are like a hang out thing where she chills with her fans n stuff so in her eyes it was prob just shits n giggles while trying to get discord nitro from a supposed older creep, but yeaa it’s a no for me. like i was on her side at that time thinking she was innocent and that STILL felt wrong 😭 thing is, there were like 2 other ppl there who thought it was wrong too, making me feel like “yea i’m not tripping this is kinda weird, the majority of ppl watching are prob teens or even younger (?) and you’re just gonna allow a creep to be here for a bit bc you want nitro???”
SO YEA, idk if this is exaggerated or if i am overreacting BUT i felt that every single thing might count. like, it’s good that the supposed creep was supposedly just a troll, but, like, still, no…
but one last small thing before i leave this for u, i admire that you and other people are speaking up about this. it’s wonderful that you’re standing up for other ppl who are being harassed by mel’s fans too (from what i’ve seen i think) so yea i think it’s very strong and courageous of you and the others. i wish you the best of luck /gen bc um yea, i think we all know by now how her and her fanbase can be… 💀😓
i appreciate you telling your story, anon <3 that's super creepy and i'm sorry that you had to witness that
your praise means the world to me :) i've heard that she's been shittalking me in her streams which is extremely funny to me. they've been off to me for a while now but since i was a fan for so long (like you), i didn't say anything because i didn't want anything bad to happen like me getting doxxed or something. her raging 100k+ fanbase of 12 year olds is highly amusing to me personally, but that doesn't mean that what they say can't hurt (pekoepeach.)
also, the fact that these 12 year olds STILL haven't come into my askbox tells me so much. they know i'm right, atp, they're just too scared to admit it.
to anyone who's struggled with feeling like you're going to get attacked by mel's fanbase, i see you. i know how it feels to be scared like that, and you don't deserve that. if you'd like to reach out anonymously, please, feel free! i am an open book and you are safe here unlike w mel <3
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cryingyetcourageous · 9 months
What is your favorite thing about each of the Sealands?
@fort-no-more, (Peter that I write; default for when he references Peter unless someone requests a specific Peter for their lore! I default to being multiverse with each character, but I'm happy to change that upon request): He has so much care for others. He's always so excited to meet new people and help however he can, and despite how badly he was let down from so early on, he still finds it in himself to trust and care and hope. He started off as a fort, so childish innocence was never really an option... but he tries anyways, and he keeps an open mind an open heart. Don't let the snarky sense of humor fool you! There's strength in kindness, and despite how young he is, he's one of the strongest people I know
@sea-enjoyer (partially based on Discord RPs, so this might not be reflected in things seen on this account): No one can make me laugh like him. When I'm around him, it's like all my worries disappear. Well, erm, aside from my worries about him, because I might coddle a bit... Still, I feel comfortable with him in a way that I don't around anyone else, maybe even more than I feel with the other Baltics. I was so worried about how our relationship would change once he stopped being a child, but now he gets to be my little brother and closest peer at the same time. I feel like I can tell him almost anything... so, um, letting my guard down. That's the favorite thing. Laughing, comfort, trust: general things associated with letting guard down.
@paralianprince: I'm only now starting to get to know him, but he's so passionate! When he cares about something, he puts so much energy towards it that it's contagious. Whether it's about his fellow micronations, kaijus, or concerns about a perceived slight towards me, he expresses his feelings and sweeps you up in them, too. Again, I've only recently met him, but I feel like I could listen to him explain his interests and opinions and ways of thinking for hours, and it makes me want to share more of myself, too. It's kind of scary how quickly we connected, but I think that's part of the same thing. He feels and expresses things quite intensely, and when I'm with him, I feel that, too, so it makes sense that the friendly feelings would also come so sudden and intense, if that makes sense.
@bates--boy: He's so motivated! Hobbies, careers, self-improvement, creativity, now family: He has so much going on! I should have known since he was little, you know? He was always such a bright kid, but to see him grow into someone with the means, skill, and dedication to figure out what he wants and to go for it is truly humbling. Especially when life has been so unkind, it can be easy to learn passiveness and self-pity, but he never really let that take hold of him, at least not for long. Even when he stumbles, he pushes himself back on his feet and keeps running. I just hope he knows that it's okay to stop and breathe sometimes, and to ask for help. I think he must know that if he's gotten so far, but it's my nature to worry. And I hope he knows that I'm proud of him - truly, deeply proud of what a great person he's grown to be. My Not-So-Little Brother
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lovelybackstage · 1 month
✧⋆ ʀᴜʟᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴏɢ. [ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇᴍ. ]
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By the decree of propriety, I hereby declare that NSFW content shall be strictly prohibited. However, I do permit the subtlest of suggestive undertones, provided they are employed with discretion and restraint.
As a minor, I must insist that any allusions to mature themes be handled with the utmost care and sensitivity, lest they compromise my innocence. I entrust you, dear collaborator, to exercise your creative genius with a watchful eye towards decorum and a keen sense of propriety.
The enigmatic Love, a 21-year-old demipansexual with a heart that beats to its own rhythm. Her unique identity is a testament to the complexities of human connection, and I'm delighted to explore the realm of possibilities with her.
As we embark on this creative journey, I'd like to acknowledge your openness to shipping Love with anyone, and I appreciate the clarification on her demipansexual nature. It's essential to respect her boundaries and preferences, ensuring that any romantic endeavors are built on a foundation of genuine connection and mutual understanding.
I'm thrilled to hear that some roleplayers are open to collaboration and would like to plan future interactions or receive starter ideas. I'll make sure to reach out to you through DMs or the ask-box to discuss potential pairings and storylines. Please feel free to share your thoughts, and I'll do my best to craft a narrative that does justice to Love's captivating character.
As we begin this adventure, I'd like to propose a toast to Love's unique spirit and the boundless possibilities that await her. May our creative endeavors be filled with whimsy, wonder, and a deepening understanding of the human experience.
While we embark on this creative journey together, I want to assure you that I'm committed to maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment. No godmodding, no forceshipping, and no hate speech will be tolerated. We're in this to have fun and explore the complexities of human connection, not to harm or disrespect each other.
As friends, we should strive to uplift and support one another, rather than tearing each other down. If anyone fails to meet these expectations, I'll make sure to address the issue and maintain a safe and welcoming space for all.
Now, let's get back to the fun part! I'm excited to start exploring the possibilities with Love and see where our creative journey takes us. If you have any ideas or prompts, feel free to share them, and I'll do my best to craft an engaging and respectful narrative.
Let us not confuse the Muses, dear friend, for they are two distinct entities, each with their own realm of influence. The Muse, that divine spark of inspiration, does not equate with the mortal notion of mun, or mortal opinion.
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No nsfw! Suggestive material is a-okay, but please; keep it to a minimum!
Love is in her early twenties (21), and I do not mind shipping her with anyone. But please be aware, she's demipansexual (demisexual + pansexual), which means she won't date people she hasn't grown that much of a bond with her. I also encourage you to reach out to me through DMs or the ask-box to ship her with your muse!
I do NOT do pre-established relationships. You are welcome to slide into my DMs (or through reblogs if you cannot DM people just like me on every account I own lol) or the ask-box to plan (i'm not the best at planning!) the relationship and future interactions;; or you can send me a starter!
No godmodding, no forceshipping, no homophobic, no hate.
We're friends, not foes people. Treat people with respect or else the ask-box is closed.
Remember! Muse does NOT equal mun. Whatever she thinks of someone (depending on what they did in the past) does not reflect of my thinking.
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2-wuv · 1 year
1, 12 & 13 for the ask game
- @mansplainmanipulatemalewife
ohhhhhh this got Ranty w the first question BAHAHAHAHA uhhhhh under the cut lol
the character everyone gets wrong
ELECTROCHEMISTRY. OKAY . OK!!!!!!!!! listne to me LISTEN TO ME. i am speaking into your ear right now. Electrochemistry has done nothing wrong. All E-chem wants is Joy. It wants Harry 2 find things that Spark Joy . ok ???????!! AND IT'S NOT E-CHEM'S FAULT THAT THE THING THAT SPARKS JOY FOR HARRY IS DRUGS. OK. it's not E-Chem's fault that Harry went "ok drugs and alcohol make me Happy Currently" and that E-Chem was like "Okey 😃👍❗ Understood!" Donot blame E-chem for that THANK YOUvery much. ok.
It is not some fuvkign Demon okay!!!!!!!!! Wrong? Yes! Absolutely!! But it doesn't intentionally! Fuckign!!! DO THAT! On purpose! To make Harry's life worse!!!!!! What we understand is it just tOok the information learned/given ["X Thing makes happy chemical happen. This is good! Happy chemical Good and Needed."] and rolled with it aND CAN YOU BLAME IT FOR THAT. no <3.
Like. We don't know much abt addiction [except that it Does run in our family. And we probably are Very Prone To It given that fact.] but I assume to help an addict you don't fucking yell at em for it. You try to. Help them. Help em find something else Not Harmful to make the Happy Chemicals happen right?? yelling doesn't do shit for anyone </3 and . If Given A New Outlet For the to find Dopamine in a nonharmful way Then both Harry cna get better & E-chem can learn that drugs arent Good ANYWAYS MY POINT IS!!!!!!!!!!
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worst blorboficiation
Girl.,.,.,,.,.,.,. Hmmb. Would whatever's going on w fanon Jean count ,,,............... have we all forgotten hhow much of a jackass he is actually. like He's a well written character butalso That man is not good . <3 he is so not niceys or normal or niceys . I wiuld kill him without hesitationFJDJJSJDCJCJCJ
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
OK LIKE,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,. so we haven't even come Near finishing the gmae so our opinions on characters and who we're even Aware of are v v . Not A Lot but. anywyas.
outside od the fan favourite skills nobody rllt cares abt like. All the others wethink?? sure they have their fans too but that's liek few n far btwn feom what we've noticed. and leik. Anyways. *hholds Encyclopedia in my hands* Do you seehim. Doyiu See Him
. Pleas elooke at Encyclopedia pls. He is so <3! he is so (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧. He makes my heart so ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.
reasons u should like him:
he shares so many fun facts with u. Thatsliterally his job. he's the funf acts guy.
he looks sO NEAT!!!!
. tbh that's it . we looked thru his dialog on fayde and honestly it truly Is just 99% fun facts abt random shit innit HFHSJSKAAKDJCJ
BUT STILL. he is. MY BLORBO fucke youe if you dont like encyclopedia all my homies love encyclopedia fucka off if u disagree. i love learning useless trivia and i lov ehearing people infodump when i jave mental energy for it. i would kill for him .
ALSO HE'S RELATABLE we too just share random knowledge we have when we remember it. <3.
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I saw this post on YouTube and shared my thoughts on it. Let's discuss it, shall we?
I would mostly agree with this statement. There isn't a doubt in my mind that the Darkhold corrupted Wanda in the first place. As another commenter here said, Wanda and the Scarlet Witch are two separate beings. Strange himself makes this comment early on in the movie, when he says, "Wanda's gone." I could see the Darkhold essentially putting the blinders on Wanda in the sense where it made her hyper-focused on the grief of losing her sons. We could take a look at this from a "mother bear" mentality. A mother would already do anything for her children, Wanda clearly being no exception. When a mother's child is threatened or a child goes missing, the maternal instincts kick in and a parent will stop at nothing to protect or save the child. You add this mindset to the corruption of the Darkhold and you're just asking for trouble. 
Now, I haven't read the comics, but from my understanding based off of this film alone, the Darkhold appeared to amplify the emotion which would allow the magic wielder to exact the most destruction and chaos (namely, chaos magic) -- in this case grief and maternal instincts.
When she noticed Billy and Tommy at the end of the film, that broke the hold the Darkhold had for just a fraction of a second -- allowing the REAL Wanda personality- which we had at the end of WV- to reappear. In my personal opinion, the scene with Xavier and 838 Wanda in the rubble is a great symbolic nod to the current situation with 616 Wanda. Since her use of the Darkhold, Wanda (our real Wanda) is trapped in her own mind and held hostage by the Scarlet Witch. In all honesty, when we saw the tv with the WV show next to the rubble, I thought that X was trying to communicate with our Wanda. It now makes me wonder if the WV storyline took place in 838 as well or if there's something else there.
All of this being said, I think majority of viewers feel like MoM was a pretty bad attempt to "retcon" the ending of WandaVision in order to turn Wanda into an antagonist or anti-hero. The end of the D+ show depicted Wanda finally getting over or accepting the loss of Vision after Infinity War and Endgame. It was a beautiful ending and I thought it was well done. Fast forward to the credits, we see Wanda at the cabin in the mountain (completely different location from where she was in MoM, if I remember right). My personal theory is Wanda potentially wanted to learn more about her abilities, unaware that the Darkhold corrupts, because if you remember she never thought she used magic or knew much about magic (aside for her quick pick-up of using runes). Thinking of how "curiosity killed the cat," her initially innocent perusal through this magic text caused her to become trapped and overtaken by the Scarlet Witch persona. 
Personally speaking, I'm undecided on my position of Wanda's portrayal in this film. I mean, don't get me wrong here, I liked MoM as a standalone. It had some great opportunities for different scenes. It just...didn't really fit with the main MCU canon (aside from Stephen's relationship to Christine). I would have liked to see more Stephen within a movie titled "Doctor Strange," but I can't complain too much because it is new content and I won't bite the Marvel exec hands that feed me new fiction/edit material.
Quick side note; as I'm writing this, I took a quick look back at the end-credit scene in WV. I can't tell if the Scarlet Witch we see in the back room is an astral projection. I initially assumed so, but given the fact that we haven't seen anyone move in their physical form which being astral projected (aside from Spiderman, which Strange himself already claimed was impossible)...is it possible that whole cabin scene was just Wanda practicing with a Hex? Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
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silentstep · 2 years
chengqing for the ask game?
Ship It, ship it, shiiiiiip iiiiiiiit, my otp
What made you ship it?
a nebulous sort of question! Who know what alchemy makes these things happen? But: Jiang Cheng is very very much my character type, and in a lot of ways Wen Qing is too, although we spend less narrative space with her; they're both incredibly lonely people in their positions and circumstances, who want to have partners on whom they can rely and trust, and they would like to be that person for their own partner, and they very much want each other, and they would be so good as partners, and they both! have! nobody, basically! who can really fill that position in their lives, or who would be so well suited, AND YET THEY ARE SO TRAGICALLY DENIED—
What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're both loud, strong-willed, stubborn people, who live beneath seventeen layers of hard bitter self-protective shell, and yet beneath them they are just. actually sweet. and they're so devoted, so devoted, they'll walk themselves to their deaths in contentment for the people they love and never even say a word about it, they're so fucking dutiful. I'm so so so weak to dutiful characters. CHARACTERS TORN BETWEEN LOVE AND DUTY, is there anything better, THERE IS NOT.
but my actual favorite thing is just how good a match they are for each other! they are 110% on the same page about pretty much everything, in that they agree with each other about what the right decision is in every situation. are My People in danger? Move heaven and earth to save them, up to and including sacrificing innocent outsiders. They don't want to do that— they both have perfectly functional moral compasses, they don't want to hurt innocents— but they'll do it for Their People's sake, when push comes to shove. If only they could yoke together, imagine how well they'd sort!
and you know what else? I like that they both know it. There are so many relationships where the central tragedy is that neither ever really knew how much they meant to the other until it was too late, like Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen have a touch of that, too, and so do Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. But Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing actually don't have any of that. Jiang Cheng, when he first meets her, has no idea of the extent of the malice and destruction that Wen Ruohan means to bring to bear on the cultivation world and his clan in particular, and she at that point already knows that it's going to be her people or his, and that she's choosing hers, and that she is consciously already betraying every good faith effort he's making to reach out— when he sees her in their cabin and goes "Wen-guniang!! Why are you here? :) :) :D" and she can't even respond because the real answer is "to help my uncle bring fire and death to this sanctuary of peace and learning, for the sake of the lives of my family and clan" and it breaks my heart— but like. that's the last time they don't understand each others' situations. They know that they want each other, and they know that it doesn't matter, because they can't have each other. </3
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hahahahahahahha!! yes. it's: she's not domming him. He's not ~submissive and breedable~ and she doesn't peg him about it. So sorry, you're just going to have to get over the fact that it's ew icky het without any femdom to make it better. They're actually completely equal partners! or, if anything— no, listen, this mostly isn't even out of spite, but like— I mean, I look at Wen Qing, who has been gritting her teeth under all her burdens that she's refused to let anyone share for so long, and like…
WQ:  what if I 😳 let go of control for a hot minute 😳 and it resulted in nice things happening to me and not things like, say, my entire family dying
Canon:  no  :)
& I'm just so so so annoyed by all the jokes and memes that are just "lol Jiang Cheng wants Wen Qing but she doesn't want him back I mean can you imagine haha! imagine a female character wanting a male character; imagine a female character having vulnerabilities instead of being Strong™… she must always stay in perfect control at all times and none of the feelings can be on her side or else she's not Strong" and no!!  her strength and tragedy are that she DOES want him and she knows she can't have him and she holds herself back because of it!  it's that she doesn't ever get to focus on just the things she wants for herself because she always has to be in full-on survival mode!  it's horribly sad!  it's not a good thing!  it's a sad thing!  give Wen Qing someone she can trust to handle things sometimes!!  she's so alone in shouldering everything all the time; it hurts my heart.  During their time in the Burial Mounds she & WWX are absolutely bros & it's great, but in a lot of ways he's also someone she's got to manage.  Jiang Cheng's number 1 good characteristic is that he shows up and pulls his weight every single day no matter how boring and unglamorous.  and I just want that for her, let her be attracted to his strength, come on, come on
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also on his side, my g-d, let Jiang Cheng get to feel actually valued for his strengths for once in his life???? let his reliability and dedication and work ethic be valued by an important person in his life! His entire family made him and his mother feel like the bad guys for not being ~fun~ when there was important work to be done, and for him I want someone who'll consider that a good thing instead. And she would.
and I do think, honestly, that they would both find a relationship in which neither of them has to always be the Caretaker or the Nag to be a huge relief and a safe harbor.
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adult-kinda · 3 years
💜𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖💜
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It all started at the cafeteria. You were a new student and happened to be Jake's cousin. Distant, but related.
"Come join us! It's just us seven and we don't bite. Well Sunghoon looks like he does, and Sunoo might try-"
"Ignore him! I'm Jungwon, the one who keeps us together. Your cousin is a bit much as you know but I promise there's someone normal here."
You nodded and sat timidly with the boys. They were popular, that was a no-brainer. But it wasn't a bad thing, they were popular for all the right reasons. The seven boys were involved in clubs, sports, many activities. They were nice and decent students, just loud.
"So Y/N, tell us about yourself!" Jay inquired.
You shrugged. "I'm a second year, I like music, my favorite color is periwinkle? I'm not really sure what to say."
Sunoo nodded. "It's okay! Do you like mint choco?"
Everyone groaned at the question and you let out a small laugh.
"I actually don't but I don't hate on those that do."
The boy cheered as the rest of them ignored his glee.
Niki was starstruck. Anyone would've thought the boy had just met an angel. His eyes were alight and never left you.
Heeseung noticed this and nudged Jay. They looked at Niki before sharing a knowing look.
"You said you were a second year? You're in the same level as Niki! I wonder if you have any classes together?"
You glanced at your schedule.
"He hasn't been in my classes so far."
Heeseung grabbed Niki's schedule from him and compared. "You both have on campus free period together. Basically that's a study hall time."
You looked at your schedule and that confirmed it. It was your final class of the day. You looked at Niki who smiled at you. You were taken aback by how attractive he was. You didn't know him well enough to form an opinion on anything else but his looks were of a model and his smile was a killer.
And that was the beginning of his decent. Niki paid attention to all the little things when it came to you. Yes you always carried a ton of pencils, but they were all black Ticonderoga brand. Yes you liked soda, but your favorite was ginger ale. There was the big picture, but Niki knew all the smaller things about you.
"Hyungs, I think I like someone?"
Jake nodded and looked at Jay. "Draw two."
Jay sighed and looked through his cards intently.
"Niki, we know. It's Y/N. Draw four."
Niki shook his head in confusion. "How'd you guys know? Is it that obvious?"
Jake snickered. "Is it that obvious? Niki-san, everyone knows you like her. Draw eight!"
Niki huffed. "Well what should I do? I want her to like me! I've never liked someone as much as her! She's so perfect when she literally just exists!"
Jay smirked. "Niki, you need to hang out with her separately. Everytime we get together as a group you're always eyeing her. She doesn't have an opinion of you because you don't hang out with her, she barely knows you. Now swallow your pride and draw twelve!"
Niki nodded and left his hyungs to finish their game of uno.
Nishimura Riki was never interested in giving girls the time of day. Most of them were fangirls who needed a reality check, actual clothes, and a breath mint. So why you?
Why did you have to be different? Why did you have you be so innocent and pure? Why did you make Niki so comfortable and safe yet make him want to protect you? Why were you so perfect to him?
"Y/N!" He shouted.
You turned around to see the varsity boy himself jogging towards you.
"Hi Niki!"
"I was going to the cafe on campus, care to join me? I'll pay."
You smiled at the chance to spend time with the Nishimura Riki.
"I'd like that a lot actually! Lead the way."
Niki walked beside you in the direction of the cafe. The first couple of minutes were somewhat quiet. Niki was a bit lost. He had finally asked you, great! Now what?
"Are you enjoying the school?"
Damn it Nishimura, that was a stupid question!
You nodded. "It's nice. I haven't really made too many friends outside of Yeji and you guys. The teachers have been nice enough too."
Niki nodded. "That's good to hear. If you ever run into any problems feel free to let me know."
You laughed lightly. "There's only one person that's been bothering me."
Niki stopped walking and turned to you. "Who is it?"
You shrugged. "He hasn't told me his name but he always comes up to me and you he's my hair. He gets really close and tells me how pretty I am, it's kind of weird."
Niki nodded and sighed. "I don't want anyone to bother you or make you uncomfortable. Once you learn his name I'll set him straight, okay? Until then let's grab boba."
You nodded enthusiastically and kept it moving with Niki.
"What are your hobbies?" Niki asked.
"I enjoy art of any kind. I write, sing, paint, write and produce music, I'm open to trying anything."
Niki smiled. "You're an all-rounder! What about dance?"
You laughed at the mention of your downfall. "That is something I can not do. I'm too bad at dancing!"
Niki shook his head. "I'm sure you're not that bad!"
"Nope! I look like a fish out of water trying to dance!"
Niki chuckled and nudged you. "One day I'll teach you."
Your eyebrows raised. "You dance?"
Niki nodded. "Yeah! All the boys do, I just happen to have a passion for it. I'll teach you to dance if you teach me to paint. Deal?"
You nodded as you walked into the cafe. "Deal!"
You both went up to the counter where the lunch ladies were gossiping about you two.
"Hello Nishimura! Just you two? Hopefully no Jake."
"No ma'am, no Jake to try and steal or beg for a discount. I'd like a regular size honey brown sugar boba, what would you like?"
Your eyes roamed the menu as Niki admired you. His eyes looked down at your curious frame. He thought everything about you was cute.
"Could I have a small butterfly pea tea please? With purple jelly."
Niki interjected. "You can get a regular size if you'd like!"
"I don't want to increase the price!" You argued.
Niki shook his head and turned to the cashier.
"Make that a regular size and toss in a caramel lunchbox cake. I have a school credit to be applied."
The cashier smiled at you two and took Niki's card.
"You can grab a table, I'll bring the drinks." He said to you.
You left him to finish the exchange and found a table by the window. You looked out at the clouds and sighed, it was going to rain.
"So a girl?" The cashier teased.
Niki flushed red and nodded. "Her name is Y/N and she's very nice. I'm trying to pursue her but I don't know if it's working."
Choi Chaeyong chuckled at the boy. "You need to spend quality time with her! That seems to be your love language anyway so keep that up. I want to see you guys here more often, understood? Bring her around!"
Niki nodded and took the tray of food and drinks. "I will! And I'll get the boys to be a bit less rowdy too!"
Niki made his way to the table with a smile.
"Do you know tho staff personally?" You asked.
He shrugged. "Not necessarily, but when you're popular and star varsity for rugby a lot of people happen to know you."
You nodded and took your drink.
"Here, I got a small cake for us to share. I hope you like caramel? I saw you eyeing it in the display case."
You smiled at his thoughtfulness. Niki managed to turn your decent day into a fantastic one.
"Sure! Thank you so much, how much was it?"
Niki snatched the receipt from the tray and shoved it into his pocket.
"Nah-ah. You don't get to pay me back."
You huffed. "Niki please? I feel bad!"
"Don't! I told you it was my treat so there."
"I insist."
Two very stubborn people arguing, not one willing to compromise. But Niki couldn't keep up with your soft expression. It wasn't an aegyo or puppy eyes thing, you just softened and looked adorable!
"Fine. You wanna pay me back? Come with me to a small get together after the game tomorrow." He reasoned.
You frowned in confusion. How was your presence supposed to pay off a jelly tea and cake?
"But that doesn't even make sense!"
Niki raised an eyebrow and pointed his fork at you.
"It's the only payback I'll take. You don't have to go if you don't want to! It's just gonna be the rugby team and a couple of their mutual friends. You won't be the only girl either. It'll be at an arcade with pizza and soda." He explained.
You nodded and sipped your tea. "Okay, I'll be there."
Niki nodded and took some time to enjoy his drink. While doing so he stole glances at you when you weren't looking. You did the same to him, all while the staff watched from the counter.
You two were painfully obvious. It was so sad to watch you both so young and in love without even acknowledging it! How? How could the pair of top students be so blind?
"Well well well! Look who's here with the dancing rugby star!" A deep voice said.
You looked up nervously and found the guy who annoyed you. The one who harassed you constantly; Kim Dowon.
"Hi Dowon. I'm sure you know Niki?" You introduced as calmly as you could manage.
He nodded. "Yeah I'm familiar. How's it going Nishimura? Family holding up?"
Niki was obviously tense. If looks could kill Dowon would definitely be six feet under by now. You observed him silently and noticed that there may have been some history between the two.
"What do you want?" He asked coldly.
Dowon shrugged and looked at you. "I just wanted to know what the little lady was doing! She's gorgeous isn't she? I can just imagine what she would look like-"
"I'm not even going to give you the chance to finish that sentence." Niki interrupted.
Slowly the boy stood up, his six foot figure seeming to tower over Dowon's.
"Do-ah listen up. I don't care if you speak with me. I couldn't give a damn about your opinion of me and my history. But what you will not do is disrespect her. Understood? You will not talk about her like that and so help you if you even dare to lay a finger on her. Do I make myself clear?"
You watched the scene with shock. It'd been about a month or two knowing Niki mutually but you had never seen him angry. You had never seen him so serious and mature. He didn't scare you directly, but now knowing what he was capable of doing to Dowon definitely ignited a miniscule amount of fear.
"Whatever, Nishimura." Dowon muttered as he stormed off.
You looked up at Niki who was taking his seat. It got quiet momentarily. The only sound came from you two consuming your drinks and cake.
"Thank you." You said lightly.
Niki looked up at you and nodded timidly.
"No problem, I don't like bullies."
You shook your head. "Neither do I. But I've never been protected before so it's new. And thank you for treating me too!"
Niki smiled a bit and nodded. "Of course. We've been hanging out with the group for about two months, I thought it was time we got together alone."
You set your cup down after hearing your phone ring.
"Hello? I'm at the cafe. Oh did the bell ring already? Sorry I lost track of time. Yeah I'll be there. Okay. Yes. Oh but can you grab my package on the front door please? Thank you! Love you too, bye!"
You hung up your call and looked at Niki sadly.
"My mom wants me home."
Niki nodded. "I'll walk you. Do you need anything from your locker before we go?"
You shook your head. "I think I have everything."
Friday came around and the rugby game was kicking off. You were in the bleachers wearing your best outfit (which happened to be styled by Yeji), and Niki was on the field looking for something, or rather someone.
"Hyung she said she'd be here!" He complained.
Jake sighed at his younger friend. "Look, she's up there next to Yeji! See her with the red blouse?"
Niki searched through and smiled when his eyes caught yours.
"I see her! Hyung I see her!"
Jake chuckled and nodded. "Great your girlfriend is here! Now can you focus so we can play?"
The game eventually reached its finally with your school winning. You ran down to the field but tried not to appear too eager.
"Y/N!" Niki called.
You turned and smiled so brightly. Niki almost lost it right there, your smile made him feel accomplished and way too many emotions.
"Niki you played absolutely amazing! I made sure to watch you all night!" You said happily.
Niki smiled. "Thank you! But I couldn't have done it without my good luck charm!"
Before you could say anything Yeji and the boys came over to you guys.
"Hey lovebirds, you ready to go?" Jay teased.
Yeji gave you a knowing look. You shook your head at her as she pulled you with her.
"You boys shower, we'll be at the car." She says.
Niki gives you one last smile before leaving.
"So you and Niki?" She squealed.
You chuckled and shook your head. "He's just a friend! He's nice, but I don't think he likes me."
Yeji stopped walking and gave you a deadpan expression. "If Niki doesn't like you then I'm married to Song Joongki. Girl he's always staring at you, treated you to food yesterday, walked you home and met your mom! He's down bad for you!"
You shrugged and continued walking ahead of the girl. "All nice gestures!"
By the end of the night you were hungry and spent. The group had played games for what seemed like hours before eating. Niki noticed you and suggested getting the pizza. So the night resulted in you walking around in the street as the group all headed home somewhat together. Everyone lived in the same suburb so it made the commute easier.
𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕀’𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙
"So you've never been to Japan?" Niki asked in disbelief.
You nodded. "Yup! It's my dream location but I've never been. Do you like it there?"
Niki nodded. "I love it! One day I promise I will take you to Japan."
You smiled and nodded. "It's a deal!"
"Well I'm just curious to see if you'll let her have the first name privilege!" Yeji commented.
Niki looked at her and raised a brow. "First name privilege for who?"
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "Obviously Y/N!"
Niki looked at you and nodded. "She can if she wants."
Heeseung turned around in absolute shock. Sunoo smiled and clapped excitedly.
"It's happening! Oh my word it's happening hyungs!"
Niki rolled his eyes and you were still a bit confused.
"First name basis?"
"My real name is Riki but I'm not used to most people calling me that. But you can if you'd like." He explained.
You nodded. "Which do you prefer?"
Niki smiled slightly at your care. A name was a name, but to him he was over the moon thinking about you saying his name.
"Riki is fine." He said somewhat quietly.
You nodded. "You can give me a nickname if you'd like!"
Niki's eyes lit up. He had so many ideas he just had to think!
"Um okay. What do you have in mind?" He asked.
You shrugged. "I don't really have any ideas."
Niki thought for a moment and laughed at the one he could think of.
"What...what do you think about worm?" He asked in between laughs.
You ended up joining him in the laugh, mutually agreeing with the nickname.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕒𝕚𝕝 𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣
Niki was focused on your details. He noticed your nails were manicured differently. The glitter that adorned your nails was cute.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝
As you laughed Niki noticed the way your hair fell and bounced as you walked so lively in the middle of the street. You were so carefree and happy. You were the embodiment of peace.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕨
He admired the way you continued to bit the straw of the soda you got to-go. You had no intention of finishing the Sprite that lacked carbonation. But something was so mundane, so endearing about your little habit.
대체 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕가 뭘까 저 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟 ℍ&𝕄? 𝕊𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕃𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥? 뭐 아무튼
Niki admired you respectfully. He loved your sense of style, simple yet eye-catching. Your skinny jeans paired nicely with the red blouse. And even though the generation would say your jeans were out of style, Niki found your stubbornness cute.
"Ask her." Jungwon said suddenly.
Niki snapped out of his daydream and looked at the guy.
"Me? Ask her out? There's no way in hell she'd ever say yes!"
Jungwon rolled his eyes. "Niki have you seen the way she looks at you? She would totally say yes! Plus you'll never know if you don't try!"
Heeseung nodded standing next to the youngest boy.
"He's right. Even when we're at lunch she always looks at you. Now if you want to do this the right way take her out on a second date. That way you'll know if she likes you." He advised.
Niki thought about their words and decided to just let things happen. That would be the best move to make.
After about six months of knowing each other Niki still wasn't 100% sure of his feelings. Yes he liked you, but part of him was certain it was more.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖
He watched as you got your pedicure. The Esquire magazine wasn't entertaining to him whatsoever, but you made it the most interesting thing in the world.
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝
Niki had tagged along with Jake as he ran errands, this included dropping you off at your mani-pedi appointment. Niki decided to stay as he thought being with you would be much more fun than running around with his hyung.
근데 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠가 그렇게 맛있나?
He slipped his boba and watched as you enjoyed your Americano. How the hell did you enjoy an Americano? They are somewhat bitter without a ton of syrup, but you made it the sweetest thing in the world. How? How was it possible? You could make the most dull things in the world look interesting, fun, and full of life. Why did you do that to Niki?
On the way home Jake dropped you off.
"I'll see you Monday! Tell your mom hi for me, yeah?" He requested.
You nodded. "Thanks again Jakey for running me to my appointment. I'll put in a good word for you with Auntie Linda!"
Jake laughed and nodded. "Please do!"
Niki opened his door from the back seat. "I'll walk you to the door."
You smiled and Jake smirked at his actions.
Niki came around to you and helped you out the car. As he did he noticed your nails and smiled.
"Periwinkle? I like it! It's your favorite color." He complimented.
You blushed a bit and walked to the door. "You remember that?"
Niki nodded. "I remember a lot of things about you! Have an amazing rest of your day little worm!"
You chuckled and unlocked your door. "Thank you Riki!"
Your mom heard you and shouted from the kitchen. "Hi Niki!"
"Hello Mrs. Sim!" He responded before leaving back to the car.
He got in shotgun and watched as your door closed.
Jake chuckled and switched gears.
"You like her man!"
Niki shook his head. "I don't think it's that though."
Jake glanced at him and sighed. "I know she's my cousin so it can be weird, but tell me how you feel about her."
Niki rose his eyebrows in shock. He wasn't one to expand on his feelings and Jake knew this. But now he was telling him to do just that.
"Like honestly?" He asked unsure.
Jake nodded. "Honestly."
"Right now?"
"Right now."
Niki slumped in his seat and inhaled deeply.
"She's nice?"
Jake scoffed. "Yeah we all know that."
"And pretty too. Everything about her is amazing. There's the obvious things that are cute like her smile and voice. But there's also the small things. I like the way she always makes sure everyone is included. She has a habit of biting on straws when she's not drinking. I gave her the nickname worm for fun and she smiles every time I call her that. She always has her nails painted so she doesn't bite them. I hate Americano, bit she makes it look appetizing! I don't usually like it when people hum but her voice is addicting when she does! When she looks at me I get butterflies. She hasn't had anyone willing to protect her no matter the consequences, but I will. She makes me feel safe and I want to do the same for her. It's like a movie. She makes life feel ethereal, too good to be true."
Jake nodded and expertly made a right turn. "You're in love." He stated.
Niki laughed and shook his head. "That's funny hyung!"
Jake shook his head in denial. "I wasn't trying to be. You're head over heels for this girl. An absolute goner."
Niki rolled his eyes at Jake's observation. "And how would you know?"
Jake gave him a deadpan expression. "As someone in a very long and happy relationship with Ruby, I'm pretty sure I would know what love is."
Niki took a moment to think as Jake turned into the convenience store parking lot.
"How did you know you loved her?"
Jake smiled and glanced at your scrunchie on his gear shift. "It was the first time I had seen her cry. Her grandmother had passed away and I was there to console her. In that moment I knew I wanted to protect her. My world fell apart the moment I saw her tears. It's hard to describe, but you'll know."
Niki sighed in his seat. "But I don't think it's that!"
Jake took off his seatbelt and huffed. "You seem like you're falling in love as opposed to actually being in it already. Now you want something in here or not? My treat."
When Monday came around Niki decided he would confess to you somehow. He got loads of advice from his hyungs and he was excited. Even if you declined his confession he would still be happy. All he wanted was to be honest with you.
This newfound confidence led him to walking with Heeseung and Sunghoon.
"So what will you say again?" Sunghoon asked.
Niki sighed. "Hello Y/N, I really like you and would like you to accept my confession."
Heeseung face palmed and Sunghoon sighed.
"Not quite?" Niki asked.
Heeseung shook his head no. "Nope. Not at all. You'll say 'Hi Y/N! I've had feelings for you for a long time and I'd like to know if you felt the same!' just like that."
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "Or you can be cool about it like this. 'Hey Y/N. I like you and I think you do too. If you do let's date, shall we?'"
Niki was about to make a comment before he heard your crying. They were roaming the library (he knew that you'd be there after school) and found you in a corner. You we're crying but attempting to be as quiet as possible.
"Y/N?" Heeseung questioned.
You sighed and wiped your tears. "Hi boys! Oh hey Riki!"
Niki took a step towards you and moved your hands from your face. "Worm, you've been crying." He said softly.
You chuckled bitterly. "I'm ugly like this, huh? Let me get my makeup and-"
"Who hurt you?" He interrupted.
While Niki thought you were gorgeous regardless this was not the time. His eyes examined you closely and he noticed a bruise on your wrist. That sparked anger in him when he looked at you once more.
"I'm not asking again. Who hurt you?" He repeated.
You looked down as a few stray tears fell. "Dowon." You practically whispered.
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winepresswrath · 3 years
What do you think NMJ would of who NHS has become and what he did? (Killing JGY big thumbs up but like.... the how of it all)
The more I think about it the less sure I feel of my answer! Mingjue hates scheming and sneaking around, but I think he would actually appreciate that Huaisang's biggest weapon is the truth, right up until that one very significant lie at the end. Most of what Huaisang does is arrange for Jin Guangyao's assorted crimes to be dramatically revealed in ways that encourage people to pay attention to them; he's not framing him for (almost) anything. If there was a little consorting with a demonic cultivator and failing to appropriately dissuade him from feeding his soul to the void that's bad, but part of Mingjue's inflexibility is that he very much sees people as directly responsible for their own choices. Huaisang putting people in positions where they're likely to make bad choices is not necessarily going to strike him as unjust if they still get to choose. The thing I think Huaisang is the most immediately responsible for is the child endangerment interlude with Xue Yang. While luring children to a serial killer's lair doesn't meet my personal "responsible community member" standards I'm not entirely certain I think setting a group of juniors lose with a demonic cultivator to play is considered an inappropriate field trip in Qinghe.
Mingjue's line in the sand with Jin Guangyao is, I think, believing he treats other people as though they're disposable for his own benefit. The moment he's angry enough to cross the son of a whore line and kick Jin Guangyao down the stairs is the moment that he asserts he's different, and Mingjue takes that to mean entitled to do what he has to to survive and thrive no matter who else has to suffer and die for it. I think that's his line more generally, so then you have to ask both "is Huaisang treating people as though they are disposable," and also "does pursuing vengeance and incidentally justice for his fallen brother and sect leader count as his own benefit in Mingjue's mind?" and I'm not sure it would. I don't think outright killing innocent bystanders in pursuit of vengeance is acceptable to Mingjue, but you endanger people any time you start a fight (are you saying every man you killed deserved to die? How do you decide who deserves death?) and Huaisang is very much honour bound to start this fight, as anyone else would be in his position. It's not "I'm different and so is my vengeance," it's "I have a duty to pursue this vengeance but just to be clear that's not super relevant and I'd do it anyway." Does Mingjue care about the last bit, so long as the first part is true?
This was a lot of words to say I don't know! I really don't know. I do think Huaisang probably believes he'd hate him, and also that anyone who wanted Mingjue's opinion to count should have made sure he stayed alive so he could share it.
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