#and I'm working on a crochet project that I really really wanna finish but it's taking me a lot of time and money
guys don't you ever have your brain running 4k mph and at the same time can't do anything? bc I do
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asexualbookbird · 29 days
Top 5 craft projects you made?
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We have Beeby, the Minecraft Bee! It was announced and I KNEW I had to make one haha I made each minecraft pixel one centimeter I think? And used that as a guide. There's a felted heart inside too :)
THE MOMOFUKU MILK BAR BIRTHDAY CAKE, for my sisters birthday in 2020. So no I didn't even get to taste it. It took me like three days. It was fun and very impressive and it looks VERY COOL!
HOT OFF THE PRESSES WE HAVE TINY BOUND BOOK EARRINGS (LOCKED TOMB STYLE) This was a gift and the reason this ask has been sitting in my inbox. The recipient has opened them , gift has been GIVEN! lots of fun! I couldn't find hi res images of the entire cover spread so I scanned them myself! Got my math wrong and had to trim the book parts after they were bound! Used silver plated earring because nickel allergies are no joke. Would do again!
Someone on instagram is making these giant piped flower pieces and it looked so fun I tried it myself. This was my first (and so far only lol) attempt and I think it came out cool! It was a lot of fun and I DO want to do it again, but I've never so much as piped a flower in frosting so it's a new skill I have to learn. I'm still looking for one of those. Stick things. That cake artists use to make frosting flowers. The only place I've found one is Hobby Lobby and well :/ I'd really like to make a larger piece of lilies for my mom!
AND FINALLY! MY FIRST BIG CROCHET PROJECT! THE RADIANCE BLANKET! This was in a mart maxim magazine that was sent to our house and I said WOW I WANNA DO THAT so my mom bought me the pattern and about ten rows in I was struggling and noticed. Oh. This is an Intermediate pattern. I'd only ever made amigurumi at the time, so all I knew was single crochet and slip stitches LOL it was an ambitious first project but I learned a lot! This is on my moms large queen sized bed so its BIG! Took me about a year to finish, with a long break over the summer because it was too hot to work on it.
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stargatebarbie · 4 days
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious ���
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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WIP Wednesday day. Lots of fucking around and also black/grey this week.
I didn't knit the border repeat of my evenstar (Shawl 14) for a couple days there due to family gatherings so I just banged through a couple repeats last night and called it good enough. Which puts me at 12 repeats out of 56. I was right that it's already a little boring but each repeat takes me less than an hour so it's pretty easy to just. Knit one and move on.
I also finally got through the first half? of shawl 15's repeat. I'm entirely off pattern so I'm just kinda fucking around until I get low on yarn but I'm not entirely sure where the paper is I wrote down all my yarn weights on before so I can't really continue until I track that down. When I was actively working on it all the time I wasn't super happy with it but picking it up again, I really like it. I'm sure I'll hate it again within the hour but that's what happens every time I do any sort of colourwork.
Speaking of hating my colourwork, the weird super bulky knit skirt is. I can't tell still if I love it or hate it. I've had fun making it either way but man does it confuse my brain. I'm almost done with the actual knitting portion, I decided to add a lace edging around the bottom which was a mistaakeeee. I still think it looks ok? so i'm not going to remove it but every row takes Forever to knit. The edging pattern I started with is beautiful but 18 rows and I literally will never finish this if I do all of them (also I managed to totally fuck up the row i'm currently knitting and have no idea how or why but it's black yarn on super big needles I'm not gonna be able to fix it).
This skirt still absolutely 100% needs steam blocked tho and I don't have a place for that set up right now. Also other finishing work (sewing in the waist elastic that was thankfully on sale, I kinda wanna add some of my patches to it, I wanna embroider some on it). I think? I don't like it right now not because it's ugly. But because it takes up so much space on my desk. So the minor hatred will not go away for as long as I work on it.
Lastly is a different fuck around project. Knitting a large gauge sweater out of the world's stinkiest crochet cotton with intentionally distressed lace work. I finished the sleeve I was knitting and now started with the front body, which I've strangely had a lot more issues with (dropping stitches, tension issues, the crochet cotton hurting my hands when purling). I don't have much to say about this one tbh, I'm not looking forward to the short rows to shape the front neckline (the pattern I'm working off of has zero neckline shaping so I'm going to make it up) but it's mostly purling that has me down. I'm almost tempted to do part of the body in garter stitch or switch to norwegian purling but neither of those are attractive options for different reasons so I'll just suffer (and wait for my hands to heal all the way before picking it up again).
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solarpunkani · 6 months
Ani's Crochet Projects Right Now
It's Day 3 (well by the time this gets posted it'll probably be Day 4 in my timezone) of Solarpunk Aesthetic Week so I wanted to talk about the crochet projects I'm working on!
I started learning how to crochet literally a week ago, I'm by no means an expert, I literally have very little idea of what I'm doing. But I'm doing it!
My first project is a tote bag, inspired by the bag that Fennopunk is working on. This is quite literally the project that got me to make the leap into crocheting! It's not really together in any solid form, but I have many pieces.
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Here's the granny squares I have so far! I used a video tutorial on how to make solid granny squares (and some written instructions kindly typed up by a friend) to make these! I still have to attach them together, but I wanted to wait until I had all the pieces ready to do that! Teeechnically, I made all the granny squares before Solarpunk Aesthetic Week started, but the project's not finished so I'm sharing them anyhow.
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This is the strap! I made it yesterday (Tuesday) while watching Netflix with a homie. I wanted it to be wide so it didn't dig into my shoulder (though my mom thinks I made it too wide and not long enough) when I wore it, and I'm following a video tutorial to try and make it as not-stretchy as possible. I still have some other stuff to do to it (additional stitches, adding a cloth back, etc.) before it's 'done' but I'm kind of tired of looking at it so I moved on to something else and will be back later. (or so I claim).
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This is my latest project, which I started earlier today (Wednesday) actually! It's currently a strip of double crochets, but with time and some 'what the fuck is going on here'-ing, it'll be a cool hooded scarf! Here's the written pattern, and here's a video on it! I am currently stuck on row 2--I'm supposed to be making the hood, and the first row was on both sides of the initial chain, but now I'm confused on how I'm supposed to do that... again??? I'll figure it out. I have to. I want a cool hooded scarf (and I also wanna someday make a cool cloak with this pattern) so I'm legally required to figure it out. Cross your fingers for me!
But yeah! This is probably the most tangible stuff I've been doing for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week so far! Until I figure out how to print a sewing pattern, at least. Excited to see what everyone else is up to!
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iamthecomet · 9 months
Daily update on into the eyes of fire, on yesterday and on today
You‘re so right. Being a perfectionist for me often means that I will not do something at all. Having that mixed with executive dysfunction just doesn’t work out great most of the time.
I‘m happy to talk to you about it, thank you for the offer! I‘m so excited to finish the first chapter, because then I’ll be able to tell so much more
I‘m also very glad that the day was better for you, and that your keyboard works again. For me it was a lot better as well. I had two friends coming over (that also stayed with me for the night) and it was really nice. We managed to finish watching season two of the Witcher, complained about overpowered characters and bad writing together
Then my ADHD kicked in as the others got really tired (they have a nighttime routine that took soooo long, goodness. I‘m glad if I’m able to brush my teeth for 3 minutes). It was pretty funny tho (I put this TikTok sound with „more passion, more passion, more energy, more energy, more footwork…“ on, held the speaker in my hands and danced around (it was a lot of fun tbh. I missed having these random bursts of energy, often caused by having a lot of sugar). It also made me tired so I got to sleep after that
Yeah! Casual nudity ghouls are awesome (they also made me more comfy with nudity, to the point of me running around shirtless at home from time to time. Yesterday even when my friends were over (it was so fucking hot). Like, I was always pretty comfy with nudity, but not to that point)
I did indeed get some drawing done! I finished the third panel of four on the third page (I just need the backgrounds for those first three as well, but I wanna do them all at once)
Today I had a lot of work to do and technically still do, but I am beyond tired and just gave up. Tomorrow will be two checkups and I’m absolutely not ready for one, but I fucking can’t anymore. I‘ll just try with luck because honestly, there is no way in hell I’m able to function enough to do work right now (I’m already glad that I managed to eat something now because my bloodsugar is probably way too low and I think it’s the reason for why I feel so terrible (physically) right now, so I think I’ll look for a sugary drink as well)
I have a headache but I’m really hoping that I‘ll be able to draw for at least an hour now, and that I’ll possibly even finish the third page
I Hope your day was good/is good, and that you got some stuff done that you wanted to do!
~ @owlishanon
Yay progress!! You've done so much work on it this week! I've gotten almost nothing actually finished this week, but it's ok. Sometimes things are just like that. I have a crochet project I'm hoping to finish today. And someday I'll get back into a consistent writing schedule, but probably not today. And your night with your friends sounds so fun!! All of my close friends live at least an hour and a half away from me at this point. So I don't get to have those nights as often as I used to. I hope everything went/goes well today. That sounds stressful, but I'm sure you'll make it through. You've got this!!
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favourite colour(s): blues & purples
favourite flavour(s): probably cookies and cream? but i'm also a bitch for peach. and caramel.
favourite genre(s): romance, sci-fi, supernatural/fantasy but more like. the mummy or folklore types. but also i'm not very particular w genre tbh
favourite music:  uhhhhhhhh probably folk/bluegrass/country/indie?
favourite movie(s):  national treasure, the mummy/the mummy returns, gotg 1/2, cheesy hallmark movies, scream 1-3, peter pan (2003), jurassic park/world movies, there's. a bunch and i feel like i'm forgetting some.
favourite series: agents of shield, leverage, community, from dusk til dawn, the punisher
last song: all star (owl city version) - smash mouth (don't @ me it slaps ok)
last series: tlou
last movie: avatar i think?
currently reading:  i don't. think anything really, unless you wanna count the couple of crochet books i'm working through. i've got a bunch of harlequin and other romance books i need to read tho
currently watching: nothing atm i just finished watching tlou and might put on the new avatar. unless you mean in general in which case i'm working on bones, fringe, another community rewatch, national treasure, so many things.
currently working on: idk man. living? multiple crochet projects. trying to write. trying to simply Be my dudes.
tagged by: @bprdmyers
tagging: @woodpiled, @mvnces, @tangerinesour, @f1llgraves, idk man if you want to do it pls do 
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February 2024 Goal Update
2024 Goals
Home: Paint craft room closet doors-not until spring New tank for the Lizard of Oz-current tank is good for now, just looking at different options to maximise his space- spring task , might build something custom and just can’t do that in our space rn!
Personal: Grow out my hair, no dying or cutting it- I cut that shit off to my chin. It's honestly been refreshing to have little hair but also I miss being able to style my hair so I am excited to grow it out. Study 30 minutes a day about spirituality- this has been hard but I've been taking my time everyday to dive into my spirituality in one way or another, no specific times set aside but I have been! Go to two workshops- not yet Go to the observatory- Maybe summer! This month has been janky for weather.
Fitness: 30 minutes to one hour of exercise per day, 5-6 times a week- exercise bike has been great! I've gotta get more consistent though. Aim for 10k steps a day- I've been better! Learn to rollerskate- not yet- warmer seasons Explore two new hiking trails-not yet -warmer seasons
Hobbies: Sewing- on hold, sewing machine is out of commission. Sew one spring/summer dress, bell sleeve 60s swing style dress-not yet Use up fabric stash with various projects or one big patchwork project-not yet One embroidery project-DONE, Mom's Embroidery #2
Reading: Read 12 books in total-not yet Read 3 Classic Novels-not yet Read one old forgotten favourite-not yet
Movies and TV: Re-watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy- 1/3 Watch the Hobbit movie series-0/3 Watch the new season of Rising of the Shield Hero-not yet Watch the new season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- not yet Spice and Wolf- not yet Re-watch The Big Bang Theory- not yet Watch the new season of Young Sheldon- not yet Re-watch Toradora!- not yet Re-watch Bones-season one! Re-watch SD Gundam series- This goal turned into a start watching Gundam series, almost done Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)! I'm really loving it so far! It's really cool to see what inspired a genre! I grew up loving sci-fi and space operas so I wish I dived in sooner!! I’ll update where I am in the series as I pluck my way through the series.
Crafting: Nature walk journaling (foraging, birdwatching, stargazing, etc.)- have the journal, have not started lmao Fire starter perlers- not yet Crochet blanket- This has turned into a loom knit blanket! Just wanna use up my bernat baby blanket yarn. Complete one model kit or 3d puzzle- ordered THREE!! I can’t wait to get to building them!
Video Games: Persona 3 Reloaded February 2, 2024, wait for a sale, not playing on launch Persona 5 Tactica- dropped Metaphor: Re Fantazio Fall 2024 Visions of Mana 2024 EC: Hundred Heroes April 23, 2024 Finish FF7R:Intergrade SMT:3
We bought my husband his new PC!! He also ordered more ram for it. We worked on adding another 1TB HDD to my PC too which is nice! It was so cool to open up my pc and learn more about it especially while getting to spend time with my boy.
Valentine's day was chill but a lovely one! My hubby surprised me with a Mabel amiibo and it's quite lovely! We had a simple takeout date and spent the night at home.
I tried Lion’s Mane mushroom with my hubby for the first time and it was delicious! I love the texture but I need to improve on how they are prepped.
I started watching Only Murders in The Building with my boy and it's been great! We’re on season three.
I finished my Barbataurus Gunpla!! So happy with how it turned out! I just adore his design.
My hubby ordered me three new Gunpla kits that I'm excited to dive into!! He got me an orange Haro. I love his burgundy and pink details. 🥺 I also have Beargguy III #05 and Chinagguy on the way too!! I'm so excited to dive into more model kits. I just love building and making things and I wish I discovered this hobby sooner! I already have such a long wishlist! I also fixed up my SD Gundams and put them all together on display!
We didn’t play many video games together this month but our next RPG together is going to be SMT III: Nocturne!
I started learning how to do granny squares, my goal is to be able to make the Roseanne afghan next year if I get it figured out!
I got a pair of endless hoop earrings in gold tone surgical steel which are so comfy for lounging! I am so bad at keeping my earrings in esp since I lost one of my nice earrings.
I ordered an Isabelle fall amiibo, HYPED!!! I don’t have any of her Amibos uwu
I added a blue velvet backing to my brass unicorn frame and it is so freaking cute.
I reorganised some of the kitchen and living room wall decor.
I unfollowed EVERYONE on my cosplay/hobby insta, which is nice. I just use my personal insta for looking at media socials or artists!
I started a tag for my hubby I can use consistently to fill with things I wanna show him since he doesn’t use Tumblr often hehehe
I started talking to an old friend and coworker and it’s been lovely! I need to get better at going out and visiting but it's nice to connect with a friend that I haven’t spoken with in a long while!! I’ve discovered that I work best in friendships with little requirement of daily chit chat but also that it’s nice to have those days where you have a buddy you can chat with while you get things done during the day. I’m also def a phone call lady and I can’t wait until the warmer weather so I can just charge up my phone and go on walks and call my fam and friends and explore with them over the phone.
We watched Elimination Chamber and it was a good ppv! Woke up at 4am to watch it so I hope so LOL
I bought my first short skirts for daily wear in YEARS, they are skorts so I don’t have to wear bloomers every time. I am nervous but it’s gonna be my leg summer some days!! We got the hubby some new summer shorts too uwu
Okay okay, I think this is the end of my highlights LOL There is still stuff I am forgetting but lots of things I’ve had fun diving into! I am so excited for March and all that comes with it! Here’s to the end of February!🧸💞
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mouseycakes · 7 months
Nine People You Want to Get to Know Better
A rare tag encounter appeared!!! This one's inchresting for sure, so thanks @blind-the-winds for the tag!! :3
To get the tags out first, anyone seeing this can jump in if they wanna!
Now, to the answers:
Current Book I'm Reading: Off to a solid start, I actually admit I haven't picked up a long novel in a while between being caught up in life stuff and work. Hooowever, I've been finally eyeing to read Dead Man in a Ditch by Luke Arnold- basically a mixture of noir mystery and urban fantasy to make for a fun twist about murders- and magic? But also magic's still gone so, no magic. Perhaps. And also finally starting in on The Dark Crystal series as a whole, a goal I made since finishing both the movie for the fifth time alongside a second or third run through of the Netflix series.
Last Song I Listened To: "Square Hammer" by Ghost, based on more like, "last song I binged multiple times in a day recently." I'd be lying if the reason was anything but getting crazy animations in my head for ocs again, this time Lucius flavored! :> Also in general, Ghost's songs have just the right vibes for Forbidden Fruits content in general with the religious/demon themes, plus the ascension vibes on top of that with the echoes.
Currently Watching: If we're talkin' on YouTube, I've reached a ton of rabbit hole content ranging from essays on Tumblr, to essays about way old fibercrafting internet drama, to lost media games. I think I'm starting to realize I really love just popping on video essays of one thing or another and gaining knowledge on something in the middle of drawing and/or crocheting. Course I end up more wrapped up in the essays that I forget the project I'm working on......... On top of that, the last thing I remember watching on streaming services either has to be Arcane, or Across the Spiderverse, both of which I totally recommend watching if you haven't already as a character dynamic enjoyer.
Current Fic I'm Reading: Oof, okay I can vouch on this I actually have been slow to start reading more fics as of recent-recently, but if we count the last thing I read it'd probably be somewhere around chapter 4 of TIS (gotta give kudos where kudos is due, Jax!!! I'm hooked!!). Besides that... does. Does Homestuck count? Dare I say? Either way, it's a Thing I've been on and off reading since Freshman year college so. Better late than never!
Next On My Watch List: I've been meaning to finally finish up Adventure Time AND Tuca and Bertie if that counts!! Outside of that, I know there's a bunch of stuff I have on the bucketlist that I promised to finally watch for both my best friends and my partner alike (in fact I'm supposed to be having a duo watch sesh of the first few seasons of Game of Thrones with one of said besties sometime soon). Otherwise, my watchlist usually consists of random discovery and bouts of "Oh hey, remember that show you were curious about? Yeah, let's see that one!"
Current Obsession: No matter what media I get into next, I always find myself right back with my ocs and building them- the two primary stories for them being Forbidden Fruits and Embroidered Tercet. I can't help it either, the silly little gays lived rent free in my noodle noggin for abouttt... almost 10 years now??? Moreso the FF crew, ET came much, much later. Besides the little guys, I've been bouncing around with various analog horror and general horror game essays, as well as D&D stuff!! Craft/hobby wise, I've been bouncing between crochet, cooking/baking, aaand polymer clay sculpting, with weaving and decoupage as potential pursuits when time and money allows hfhfhf. There's other little things too, but there's a lot to list!
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tephra · 1 year
Brain, get your shit together.
I have so may WIPs and all I want to do is start new projects. The pair of socks sitting on the corner of my desk is nearly to the fun part, just a dozen or so more increase rounds for the gussets and I can turn the heels (2 at a time, toe up).
The doll sweater needs ripped back so I can add some contrast color blocking because I finally admitted I will definitely lose at yarn chicken.
I should probably knit more than just the toe of one slipper.
That second Pincha has been on the needles for years but is way too far along to just frog now.
The sweater only needs sleeve cuffs for fucks sake.
That "learn some embroidery" project has been ignored for months because I don't really wanna do backstitch around curves for some reason.
Oh, and that crochet shawl is one motif out of many because the yarn is in twisted hanks and I hate caking that up by hand. Except I got a swift and ball winder for Christmas, so why haven't I used them yet?!
We will not discuss the sweater than has been in the sin bin for a decade.
Do I want to work on any of these things? NO. I want to drape some pattern blocks on a few different dolls. I want to sew for those dolls but I know I don't have the fabrics for what I want to make for them. Yet the brain wants to do the draping/block making.
Several dolls need new wigs, most of which I have the materials for, but of course the one I want to make most isn't one of them.
I suddenly got the urge to macrame some doll clothing. Macrame isn't even a craft I do. (Yet. Any craft I haven't done has a "yet" implied.)
Fuck it. I'm going to hate knit on those socks some, and not cast on for a different pair using a new technique I want to try until I finish something.
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capriciouswriter207 · 2 years
gonna be not doing this anonymously because I wanna get the notification bwihidhoqjojfoqhoxh
Uh, heya, it's been quite awhile, hasn't it? I haven't had like any time she says as she started reading a new manga as well lots of fanfics on A03 only a few days ago. Well not enough time to actually go and catch up on this, I've decided to try and do that in my summer holidays, which take over a month to come still too, 5 weeks to be precise. 1 week of that is work experience, one day meeting someone that will tell us about how he was in the DDR prison and then getting bought out by the BRD, then also 1 day going to an art museum with my class and I think that should be all, plus period that will make me unable to attend probably like 6 days again, sighs.
Well anyways, how have you been? And all the fabulous anons? How has writing gone? Are your projects going well?
Personally I've for June done an art challenge thing, 1 drawing per week. Had to postpone the next two drawings each by 3 days though because I need to study.
But hey! I at least improved in history! I got one of the better grades in my class, it feels like everyone is failing history tho tbh. I do not want my latin exam back tho. Write physics last Monday, this will decide if I fail this school year or not I'm pretty sure. Tomorrow I'll have an English exam but that's gonna be easy ngl, just gotta finish the last 3 sides of the book we have to read. math exam is next Tuesday, the topic is kinda easy, I think. And a lot more. We also will have to do presentations now in geography, in hopes that will save my geography grade too.
I have fallen in love with the manga "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!" in hopes I wrote that correctly lol. It's really nice. Can only recommend. Did you like Lizzie's musical? Are you excited for season 2 this Saturday?
Hope you've a nice day/night/wherever you are! Before I leave here I'll show my drawings up to now for FairyTaleJune, first one was Light second one was Darkness!
-I wish you an awesome summer, Star the anonymous (well not so much rn) witch <3
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Hi! It's been a while indeed, good to see you again!
It's been a bit quiet over here, but that's mostly on me. I should've probably realized that, with the raye I wqs trying to pump out stories, it wouldn’t last. And it didn't, I got a bit of a writing burn-out that I'm still slowly trying to crawl out of. My biggest problem is that I either write 4000 words per day for three months straight or I don't write anything at all, so trying to find a balance in there has been hard. Took a bit of a writing break, during which I binged all of Critical Role campaign three and I'm now fully caught up. Been doing some crocheting as well, nothing too big, taking it easy. No good news on the job hunting front, though - but hey, what can you do when people turn you down because "you'd be perfect for the job if your verbal communicative skills were better" (bad paraphrase)? I’m just gonna keep trying to find something. 
As for the projects, I've decided that announcing what I'm gonna be working on stuff for accountability meant putting maybe a bit too much pressure on myself that resulted in stress as I progressively couldn't keep up, so I'm not doing that anymore. Wither AU is kept mostly alive by asks and I haven't updated Fear the Wither in months, and probably won't be in the near future because of empires season 2. Tabula rasa and the Caesar House are still actively being worked on, though I may not be doing tumblr posts for Caesar House anymore (should probably make that into a separate post...). I've shelved any other story ideas I've mentioned because I know me - I want to write all the stories and I simply don't have the time and I hate not being able to show you these stories, but I can't force myself to work on them. It wouldn't be fair to you to deliver a product my heart's not in anymore.
I have seen Lizzie’s musical, it was amazing, love it! Don't really have a favorite song yet, letting that simmer in the back of my mind a bit. And I'm very excited for empires season 2, I’m sure it’ll make me hyperfixate and resurrect this blog with random snippets. Can't wait to see where people will settle, with what theme they'll go and who the new twelfth member is. It's gonna be so much fun!
It’s been good talking to you, Star. good day/afternoon/night to you, too! Those drawings look great!
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megacarapa · 2 years
tagged by @headphonemouse in their "show off your toolkit" game i don't feel like explaining it just read leon's explanation ANYWAY here is my crafting bag =)
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which contains......... a lot of stuff and i love blabbing so cut for length😂
tagging anyone who sees this and feels like they wanna do it since it really is a cute idea
there is so much stuff that i will have to separate it into a few pictures, first one:
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top from left to right:
- my collection of embroidery floss (which i use more for making bracelets/tapestries than actual embroidery), i keep them in an ice cream box😂 theres a lot of them but i do use them pretty regularly
- a box with leftover thread, which i also have a lot of, i use them here and there for random stuff but i've been trying to figure out a better method to use up more of them jfkf
- a glasses case which i use to store the specific thread i'm using on whatever project i'm working on in the moment (right now it's the thread for the needlepoint i'm working on), if i'm doing two projects at once then i just find a second glasses case, everyone in my family wears glasses so they're lying around everywhere😂
bottom left is two different types of white thread, i could get into it but tldr white thread is a necessity a lot of the time so it's helpful to have a lot of it, the first one i bought recently and the second mom gave to me
bottom right is wool mom gave me one time i tried crochet for a few hours, as you can see i haven't done much but i wanna try it more in the future so i've been keeping it together with my other stuff, theres more wool in the storage room
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the cardboard stuff on the left work as looms for when i'm making bracelets, they're not a necessity but it's easy for me to get confused with a bunch of thread so they help with that
on the right is one big embroidery hoop that mom gave me and 3 smaller ones i bought randomly one time, censored out is a Secret Project TM that i started and did a bunch of work for in 2020 and then haven't touched since, i tend to do that, like, sometimes my projects will have unbelievably long hiatuses, but i WILL get to it, its something i want to finish
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top left to right:
- a fuck ton of glue😂😂 i use this stuff a lot for various things
- origami paper☺️ which i wanna try more often but i haven't in a while
- another glasses case for keeping pins so i don't accidentally stab myself
bottom left to right:
- my ruler!! it has both centimeters and inches, really handy, maybe my favourite thing in this whole bag
- another cardboard loom but in circle shape, theres a bracelet technique that requires a loom like this
- pink box cutter (i think its called that in english??) that i've had since elementary school, i should probably get a better one but i'm emotionally attached nfnfkf
- crochet hook given to me by mom along with the wool
- that thing for punching holes into stuff, i mostly use it for paper, i forgot what its called
- candle i used to make waxed thread a few times
- needle cushion that mom made for me =) she also did the embroidery on it, it's so😭💕💕💕
along with that i have a little case dad gave me that i use for keeping smaller stuff
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from left to right
- the case itself
- small toothpick that i use for correcting mistakes on bracelets/tapestries
- bigger wooden stick for tying tapestries onto
- pencil, eraser, sticky tape (which i should get more of hghjf)
- keychains for when i wanna make....... keychains (which i don't do too often bc they're a pain to make jfjfkfl)
- binder clips
and well, i AM a guy, so of course i will have some.......
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soccer scissors🙄!!! 🤣🤣 i stole these from maja
that's it for the crafts bag, but speaking of things i stole from maja, look at the bag i use to store paper😆
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and this is unrelated to everything but since we're on a "things i stole from maja" kick look at this violetta lunchbox that i stole from maja
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its tiny as shit and can barely hold anything and sucks but its my favourite thing ever, i always bring it when going on hikes
thank you for reading😂
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shespeaksinsongs · 2 years
im pretty good apart from the fact my grades are kinda flopping rn. i also finished a crochet project for my dad and i applied for a job at trader joe’s!!!
how are you bae? what have you been up to?
my spring break isn’t until easter :/
i want to be an elementary school teacher!!!
my mom has been pretty okay but i don’t see her for too long during the day bc she works
the dance was good. there was a guy there who makes my friends and i uncomfortable but we managed and had a lot of fun.
im good. nos pusimos a chismear earlier today which is our favorite hobby. im excited for you bae.
OMG CAN YOU PLEASE SHOW ME THE CROCHET THING YOU MADE!!! i love crochet. my feed on pinterest is full of it. i briefly knew how to for a few months over the summer before i gave up, and now i want to learn again. your grades will get back to how they were, dw. grades fluctuate like that all the time, but i'm positive everything will work out. trader joe's!! i briefly thought about getting a job there last year, but i was 15, and couldn't. :(
i'm great! trying to finish all my celebration asks. found a new breakfast, finally. cinnamon toast with butter, and it's so good i swear. i almost wanna eat more, but i have to be responsible if i want to have breakfast every day this coming week. my godparents are home, so they've been keeping my parents occupied, which gives me plenty alone time, which i love.
easter?? that sucks, dude. how long is yours? mine is a week, but it gives me enough time to regain my energy. just hoping my mom doesn't make random plans i have to attend to, like she does at every break. i just wanna stay home and chill.
half my family are elementary school teachers hehe. not really, but i can name over five people i'm related to, including my aunt, cousin, and mom, who work at my old elementary school! since i wanna be a writer, i've been thinking about becoming a teacher to sustain me until i can get on my own feet with my earnings through my books. i love kids too. which grade would you teach, and which subject?
ugh i hate men?? cause wtf? but anyways, i'm so glad you had fun. i bet you were beautiful. <33
family gossip is the best. nothing beats it, seriously. i'm very happy you're reunited with your grandma again. they are the best. oh, and i also found out my mom's old neighbor from venezuela (basically kept my mom alive after my grandma died), is coming next friday, and i'm so excited. i only met her once a few years ago, but she was the sweetest woman in the world. a saint.
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I've finished row 6 out of 11 for my big blanket. I'm so excited to finish him (and throw him in the laundry, he's pretty dusty at this point). I gotta do some research/talk to my crochet friend about putting an edging on him or if the granny stitch edge would be enough.
I also finished my first ball out of three for hannukah present scarf with a solid 36 inches long. So now I gotta figure out a hat to go with it unless I wanna give my cousin a 9 foot long scarf.
I have been working off and on with my other projects but most of them aren't really visually different. I got about 6 rows done on my Evenstar shawl and it still pretty much looks the exact same, so I didn't bother photographing it. I am happy to go back to working on it tho, both because I wanna finish it in time for the county fair this year, and also so I can justify starting more large lace projects.
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kenni-woodard · 3 years
*tiny person meltdown*
I'm frustrated because I tried really hard to get the crochet project to work but it's too hard. I feel like I can never finish what I start because I'm too worried about it being perfect. So I never get the reward that comes when you keep trying at things.
*crying, holding stuffie*
I just wanted to be productive during my break and I can't even seem to do that. Furthermore, the break is almost halfway over and I'm scared about how to handle going back. They expect people to go into the office and I'm not ready for that at all. I can't even sit at my desk at home.
And I'm frustrated at myself for being too scared to exercise or look for other work or any of the things that would probably improve my mood overall. I'm just so tired of things going the way they are and I'm sad because I feel like I don't have any choice. Sometimes I don't wanna be here :'( but I don't get to choose that either. It's so weird to feel like everything is my fault but powerless at the same time. It just makes me want to scream.
*clings to stuffie, squeezes eyes shut and cries harder*
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somecunttookmyurl · 3 years
I've been crocheting for over a year but I haven't moved past scarves and blankets (not to mention my inability to finish projects) but I'm pretty good at keeping the tension tight and all the jazz. What are some good next level projects to one up my crochet game?
idk about “next level” bc i’m some kind of yarn freak who learned how to crochet in 2 hours and the fact other people have, like, “stages” continues to blow my mind so idk what’s advanced and what isn’t but uh i suppose it depends whether you wanna keep working with flat crochet forever or if you want to expand into 3D but here’s some cool shit:
learn C2C (corner-to-corner) stitch, it’s really easy I promise it just looks Cool As Fuck, and make a graphgan or use the technique for something smaller like a cushion cover.
grapple with stitch charts by making a lacy shawl
pick up crocodile stitch and make cool handwarmers
use magic rings to make sakura-shaped face scrubbies get started with 3D crochet with among us amugurumi beans
grab some cotton yarn and work in the round to make a reusable shopping bag
be seasonally appropriate and learn popcorn stitch to make decorative trees
hope that helps and you find something neat to make!
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